a ray of Light in a Land of Turmoil
a ray of Light in a Land of Turmoil
LEADING THE CANADIAN automotive PM 40014105 landscape C a n a d a ’ s P r e m i e r D e a l e r M a g a z i n e April 2012 – $3.95 t SPECIAL FILE remarketing 2013 Mazda CX-5 Certified Pre-Owned 6 Seeing Beyond a CPO Sale t WALKAROUND 8 21 SALES STATISTICS South America, a Fast Growing Automobile World Geneva Auto Show A Ray of Light in a Land of Turmoil Among the more than 700 brands seen at the show, including some of the most prestigious in the world, there were some quite interesting new vehicles unveiled, albeit few of them bound for the North American market. More details on this story page 12 AutoJournal Visits... Downtown Porsche Training Investing in Your Employees Whether it’s called professional development, continuing education or lifelong learning, today’s businesses need to invest in some form of ongoing training for their employees. Page 14 Providing top-notch service to a demanding clientele is all in a day’s work for this dealership. More details and pictures page 22 DISTRIBUTORS TO THE TRADE WEST EAST 6200 Tomken Road 140 McLevin Ave., Unit 6-7 Mississauga, ON Scarborough, ON L5T 1X7 M1B 3V1 Tel. 905 670-9791 Tel. 416 292-8202 sales@atlastire.com tiredistribution.com PUBLISHER’S WORD ISABELLE COURTEAU Vol. 1 No 3 – April 2012 Personal Attention I have the utmost respect for those of you on the front lines - the men and women who sell vehicles today. Whether you’re selling to individual customers, or to f leets, you have a truly tough job. T here used to be a t i me when t he d i f ference b e t we e n “n ic e” ve h ic le s , a nd t he “s t ay-aw ayf rom” c rowd wa s c le a r. C on su mer s k ne w t hat if you wa nted a reliable vehicle t hey had to buy “Brand A.” If they wanted a work truck, the only choice was “Brand B or C.” If they couldn’t afford either, then “Brand C or D” was the only choice for them... but they knew to expect major repair bills down the road. Today, t he play i ng f ield ha s leveled out d ramatically. Quality has shot up, safety is a concern for a l l ma nu fac t u rers, de sig n a nd st yl i ng have improved dra matica l ly, and a lmost ever y manufacturer is selling either power, fuel-economy, or a combination of both. While this is good news for consumers, it leaves those of you on the front lines with a tough job - to differentiate yourself from the pack and give your prospects a good reason to buy from you. If t hat weren’t enoug h, as a f ra nchised dea ler you also have to worr y about differentiating yourself from other dealers who carr y the same brand. As I said, I truly have the utmost respect for you. SUMMARY Dealership World Modern Consumers Dealers of Distinction AutoJournal recently spoke with a dealer principal I believe has what it takes to set her dealership apart from the pack. I don’t want to give away too much because we will be profiling her shortly in an upcoming issue of AutoJournal, but suffice it to say that she understands what the modern consumer is thinking, as well as how today’s car shoppers make buying decisions. While much can be said about her approach, it all boils down to quality service and personal attention. Consumers today know a great deal about the options out there, and they often know what they want long before they step into your showroom. All that information is on the Internet. But what they can’t get from the Internet is quality service and personal attention. So whether you’re trying to win over a customer to your brand, or to your dealership, you’re likely to go far if you show your prospects that you truly care about them and that you are really there to offer a service - as opposed to sell them a new car. Intrigued? Stay tuned for details in the next issue of AutoJournal. Headlines @ Don’t hesitate to send me your comments and suggestions! isabelle.courteau@autosphere.ca 4 5 EV 2012 VÉ Alberni Toyota Receives Women’s Choice Award Walkaround 6 2013 Mazda CX-5 is a ‘No Compromise’ CUV A Compact Crossover for Drivers Remarketing SPECIAL FILE 8 Certified Pre-Owned Seeing Beyond a CPO Sale Remarketing News 10 The Used Vehicle Market A Second Chance for the Second-Hand in Canada Event 12 Geneva Auto Show A Ray of Light in a Land of Turmoil Training AROUND THE GLOBE Professional Development The Ford EcoSport, a 1.0 litre SUV! No Call Out W hen t hin k ing spor t-ut i lit y vehicles, we usually picture a cumbersome, emission-spewing behemot h. Think again. The Ford EcoSpor t newest version is powered by a 1.0 litre engine ! Bu i lt i n Br a z i l s i nc e 2 0 03, t h e d i m i nut i ve E c o Sp or t i s a hu ge suc c e s s i n S out h A mer ic a . It i s of fered i n eit her a 1.0 l it re 3 c y l i nder, or one of t wo 1.6 l it re s or 2 .0 l it re 4 c yl i nder ga s powered versions, or a 1.4 litre diesel. Most Ford EcoSpor t product ion is of t he f ront-wheel drive variet y, a lthough a lu xur y a ll-wheel drive version is available. Ford introduced t he nex t-generation EcoSpor t at t he 2012 New Del hi Auto Show i n Ja nua r y. It w il l be built at t he Ford plant in Chennai, India and will be powered by a 1.0 litre, 123 horsepower 3 c y l i nder E coBoost eng i ne. A 177 horsepower engine is a lso in t he works… Frédéric Laporte ROUSSEAU AUTOMOTIVE COMMUNICATION 455 Notre-Dame East, Suite 311 Montreal, Quebec H2Y 1C9 Tel. : 514 289-0888 or 1 877 989-0888 Fax : 514 289-5151 The new EcoSport was introduced at the New Delhi Auto Show by none other than Joe Hinrichs, former Ford of Canada President. People & Places Women in Dealerships Management An Exciting Merger of Two Dynamic Forces F&I News 19 How Are Your Digital Skills ? Contracts Going Paperless Dealer Services Corp. Purchased by Manheim Desjardin’s Ready-to-Drive Steve Carey 905 497-7590 steve.carey@autosphere.ca DIRECTION President : Jean-Luc Rousseau Columns AutoJournal is published 10 times per year and 7 200 copies are distributed per subscriber for all automobile merchants new and used of Quebec and Canada. Vox Pop Material in AutoJounal may not be reproduced in any form without written consent from Rousseau Automotive Communication. CONTRIBUTORS AND COLLABORATORS: Shirley Brown, Ernie Bugalli, Éric Descarries, Jack Kazmierski, Joe Knycha, Krystyna Lagoski, Françis Lalonde, Frédéric Laporte, Jil McIntosh, Tim Pawsey Réjean A. Rousseau 450 649-9007 rejean.rousseau@autosphere.ca Subscription : Price with taxes included is $39,50 for 1-year (10 numbers), the price per copy is $3,95. Administration Françoise Poynee 514 289-0888, x 28 administration@autosphere.ca Change of address : Send us your new and old address, your phone number or the subscriber number which appears on the address sticker on the front of magazine. Please give us four to five weeks for the change to be made. PM 40014105 ISSN no. 1927-7083 CIRCULATION MANAGER Nancy Belleville 514 289-0888, x 25 distribution@autosphere.ca 18 The Trillium Automobile Dealers Association ACCOUNTING Esther Twells 514 289-0888, x 26 finance@autosphere.ca Alain P. Gariépy 514 984-2269 alain.p.gariepy@autosphere.ca 17 Human Resources SALES Jean Boutzis 416 473-2915 jean.boutzis@autosphere.ca Luc Champagne 514 945-1299 luc.champagne@autosphere.ca 16 A Sign of Evolution Business Talks Stéphanie Massé 514 476-1171 stephanie.masse@autosphere.ca SALES ASSISTANT Marie-Hélène Côté 514 289-0888, x 23 sales@autosphere.ca Investing in your Employees Personnel Expenses… I think not! PUBLISHER Isabelle Courteau GRAPHIC DESIGN TEAM Kevin Foster and Virginie Gilbert-Hébert 14 4 Health and Safety at Work: How Important is It? A Word from Dennis20 Social Media: The Link Between Young Drivers Automobile Statistics21 South America, A Fast Growing Automobile World AutoJournal Visits ...22 Downtown Porsche April 2012 • AutoJournal 3 DEALERSHIP WORLD JACK KAZMIERSKI Mazda Dealers of Distinction M azda Canada recently a n nou nc e d it s “D e a le r of Distinction” awards for 2012. This award recognizes dealerships that have excelled in all areas, including sales, parts, service, administration, facilities and customer satisfaction. The winners will be recognized through advertisements in national publications, as well as unique representation on Mazda.ca and on social networking sites. They will also receive a commemorative plaque for display in t heir dealerships. For 2012, the Dealer of Distinction awards go to: Pacific Region: - Freeway Mazda, Surrey, BC - Metrotown Mazda, Burnaby, BC - V.I.P. Mazda, Abbotsford, BC - Wolfe’s Langley Mazda, Surrey, BC Prairie Region: - Kramer Mazda, Calgary, AB - Mainway Mazda, Saskatoon, SK - Milestone Mazda, Lethbridge, AB - Regina Mazda, Regina, SK Central Region: - Ajax Mazda, Ajax, ON - Bank Street Mazda, Ottawa, ON - Dave Wood Mazda, Newmarket, ON - Forbes Waterloo Mazda, Waterloo, ON - Hawkesbury Mazda, Hawkesbury, ON - K ieswetter Motors, Kitchener, ON - Mazda of Brampton, Brampton, ON - Moffatt’s Northwood Mazda, Barrie, ON - Performance Mazda, Orleans, ON - Probart Mazda, London, ON Quebec Region: - Albi Mazda, Mascouche, QC - Beauchesne Mazda, Rivière-du-Loup, QC - Beauport Mazda, Beauport, QC - Formule Mazda, Rimouski, QC - L’Ami Junior, Chicoutimi, QC - Mazda de Laval, Laval, QC - Mazda du Boulevard, St-Hyacinthe, QC - Mazda Président, Anjou, QC - Metro Mazda, Montreal, QC - Planete Mazda, Mirabel, QC - Sept-Îles Mazda, Sept-Îles, QC Atlantic Region: - Atlantic Mazda, Dieppe, NB - Bayside Mazda, Beresford, NB - Western Mazda, Corner Brook, NL VOX POP Health and Safety at Work: Just How Important Is It? G iven the complexity of automotive retailing, not only in terms of business but also the physical aspect, such as facilities, people and equipment, it’s fair to say that maintaining a rigorous Health and Safety program is critical to ensure staff operate in clean, pleasant and relatively safe conditions. However, with the average dealership incorporating many different operational aspects, ranging from service and parts, to sales, maintenance and administration, there are many variables for owners and general managers to consider when it comes to adopting and utilizing effective Health and Safety practices. In this month’s Vox Pop, we ask several dealers about their view on the subject and why it’s so important. Fredericton – “We’ve seen tremendous progress in Health and Safety, compared to when I started working in this industry. With the advent of standards like WHMIS (Canada’s national Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), improvements in technology and equipment, dealerships have arguably never been safer environments to work in than they are today. That said; there’s always room for improvement. As dealers we have a responsibility to ensure our staff receive the best training possible. At Wood Motors, we encourage out-of-the-box thinking in 4 all aspects of operations and having first aid experience or taking an active roll in health and safety in the work place which benefits all of us.” Bill Johnson, Wood Motors Ford, Fredericton, NB Markham – “There’s no question this is a people business. Our core mission is about providing the best products and services we can to our customers as well as giving our associates the tools they need to do the best job they can. That includes having an effective Health and Safety program. In our location, because we deal with people from many different backgrounds, we tend to hire associates that can connect with others in their loca l communit ies. Now whi le that might seem to present challenges, when it comes to having a safe work environment, there is only one single standard. Taking precautionary steps to minimize the risk of on-the-job accidents is something we’ve always strived to achieve, not only by providing clean, functional and safe facilities, but ensuring our employees are in a position to handle potential dangers. At the end of the day there is no substitute for good health and safety training.” Cynthia Cochrane, Town+Country BMW, Markham, ON Port Hawkesbury “Although we’re a sma l l de a lersh ip, serving a (relatively) small community, on the job safety is just as important, even if we have fewer staff members than a big city store might. At Canso Ford, all of us, including myself, wear many different hats, which also means we’re performing many different tasks during the course of any one day or week. That means we can be working in sales, dealing with administrative issues or working with our service managers and technicians, therefore dealing with a number of potential hazards. Although when it comes to Health and Safety at the dealership level, most people tend to focus on perhaps the more obvious, namely service bays, vehicle components and fluids, but dangers are also present in less obvious areas too, such as slippery steps or walkways or parking lots during the winter months. For those dealing with hazardous conditions, WHMIS, which came into effect in 1988, was a big step in helping to improve health and safety at work since it established a standard across the country for safety, reducing inefficiency and duplication. Still, there’s no substitute for good H&S training or personal accountability, which is why it should be a key part of any dealership’s operations.” Wayne McKay, Canso Ford, Port Hawkesbury, NS Va nc ou v er - “ Tr a i n i ng i s a n essentia l par t of any successf ul business… whether it relates to tech n ic a l sk i l l s, t he abi l it y to foster new ideas, tea mwork, or hea lt h a nd safet y. At t he Open Road Group, we’ve made g reat s t r ide s to b e c ome one of t he m o s t pr o g r e s s i v e au t om o t i v e retail groups in Canada and are proud to have been recog nized as one of t he top 10 employers on Aon Hew it t ’s l ist for 2012 . From a Health and Safety stand point, we ta ke t he ut most ca re to ensu re ou r employees work in the cleanest, safest and most comfor table env i ron ment possible and with each new store we open, an integral part of the plan is taking that concept a stage further. Ensuring each building not only meets but exceeds regulation Fire and Safety codes is essential, while employing features such as in-ground service hoists and keeping the f loor clear of air lines (v ia roof mou nted reel s) have gone a long way to reduce t he risk of on-the-job accidents. That said, any thing can happen; anytime, any where, so we encourage staff to take first aid courses. At the end of the day, this is a people business and we can only be successf u l by ensu r i ng t he hea lt h and happiness of our associates.” Sharon Rupal, Open Road Group, Vancouver, BC April 2012 • AutoJournal HEADLINES EV 2012 VÉ The Business of Going EV ‘T he Bu si ne s s of G oi ng EV ’ i s the theme of EV2012VÉ , Electric M o b i l i t y C a n a d a ’s f o u r t h a n nu a l c on f e r e n c e a n d t r a d e show taking place in Montreal ’s Palais des Congrès from October 23 to 26, 2012. Over 500 delegates a re ex pec ted f rom across Canada and elsewhere represent i ng i ndu st r y, f lee t ma na gers , government agencies, researchers and others. Special emphasis on at tenda nce by f leet s a nd automobi le dea lers ha s been added t his yea r. The Conference a nd Trade Show committees are busy turning this t heme i nto prac t ica l busi ness sessions a nd ot her opp or t u n it ie s of u npa r a l le le d va lue i n C a nad a for ma nu fact u rers a nd ret a i lers of veh icles w it h a l l for ms of elec t r ic t ract ion for on-road a nd of f-road applications. E le c t r ic Mobi l it y C a nad a i s a n at ion a l me m b e r s h ip -b a s e d not-for-prof it or g a n i z at ion ded ic ated to t he promot ion of elec t r ic mobi l it y a s a solut ion to t he e c onom ic a nd env i ronmental issues in Canada’s transpor tation sector. Alberni Toyota Receives Women’s Choice Award A Spa for You and Your Car on Vancouver Island Central Vancouver Island dealer Alberni Toyota has been honoured with a “Women’s Choice Award” for “Excellence in Customer Experience.” Alberni Auto Group general manager, Jim Pelk says the company was approached by womencertified.com last December for a series of interviews based on customer responses. “Apparently, we qualified,” says Pelk, who notes that, with a number of automotive related businesses, the group is well known in the community. “We always been very strong on ethics,” notes the general manager, who also suggests that Alberni Toyota’s brand new dealership likely played a role in the recognition. In addition to a deli-café, the ultra-modern facility also boasts an on-premise hair salon. The only Toyota dealership in Canada that has one, the salon is located between the customer lounge and the service department and boasts a full time hair stylist. “We also have an auto spa on site, so as the word gets out we’re finding that customers are finding it quite convenient to schedule combined appointments,” adds Pelk. “People like it: they can book their car into the spa and themselves into the salon.” –T.P. ADVERTORIAL North Toronto Auction Remarketer Optimistic for 2012 At North Toronto Auction, they’re seeing indications that the economy is starting to improve, and that automotive purchases will be on the rise. Already, dealer-only auctions have increased attendance. A lthough retail activity has been slow since last year, Stu Ralph, owner/partner of North Toronto Auction remarketers in Toronto, says the worst may be finally over. North Toronto holds dealer-only wholesale auctions every other Friday from their location in Innisfil, just north of Toronto, as well as public auctions. They specialize in auctioning vehicles, equipment, and recreational assets from all levels of government, manufacturers, financial institutions and registered dealers. “With the spring market on our doorstep, I think activity is going to increase and remain active for the balance of the year,” says Ralph. He notes that dealers can expect to see an exceptional selection of vehicles available at North Toronto Auction, since they are working with new accounts that are bringing in newer, lower-kilometre vehicles for the independent used car dealers as well as the franchises. April 2012 • AutoJournal Always changing Vehicle remarketing is a constantly evolving industry, and Ralph says their organization is no exception. “We’re in perpetual motion, always changing,” he notes. North Toronto was incorporated in 2003, and opened its doors to great success. In a few short years, they expanded their location to 24 acres with 15 additional acres to accommodate expansion. An online presence Now, North Toronto has established online partnerships with Open Lane, OVE and Smart Auction to enhance their own internet solution, AutoGavel. As the first truly hybrid remarketing facility, (Incorporating Public Auctions, Dealer Auctions and Web Based Remarketing)North Toronto has vehicles for sale every day. “We’re embracing the social media aspect of marketing, as well as being aggressive in developing new clients, our focus is to build consignment to ensure there are good, saleable cars, that are priced appropriately,” says Ralph. “With all of these positive factors on our side, we’re looking forward to 2012.” For more information, visit : www.northtorontoauction.com Krystyna Lagowski "Our new clients and the strength of our consignment have improved our attendance." Stu Ralph, owner/ partner, North Toronto 5 WALKAROUND 2013 Mazda CX-5 is a ‘no compromise’ CUV A Compact Crossover for Drivers PHOTO: MAZDA CANADA As a stand-alone vehicle in the company lineup, it doesn’t share its chassis with any other model, making the CX-5 a costly undertaking for Japan’s fourth-largest automaker, from which future Mazdas – all of which will get the full Skyactive treatment – will surely borrow. With its longish nose, steeply raked windshield, “tight” roofline and long rear spoiler, CX-5 designers strived to attain a “dynamic, lunging quality” to the vehicle’s looks. M ONTEREY, California – Why build a compact crossoverutility vehicle that handles better than many so-called sports cars, yet offers up to five riders the comfort, convenience and versatility of a sport-utility or a wagon? In the case of the 2013 Mazda CX-5, the correct answer is: “Not everyone with kids who play soccer hates driving.” Feedback informs drivers And because, says Mazda Canada execut ive v ice-president Kor y Koreeda, vehicles that provide good feedback to the driver – which the CX-5 does commendably – “are safer cars to drive.” First with full Skyactiv As the first-ever Mazda to employ the company’s full array of energy saving Skyactiv technologies, the CX-5 needed to be special. The crossover segment is large and dynamic, Koreeda said; growing 27 percent over the past two years, it now represents 17 percent of the industry in Canada and accounts for 31 percent of all light-duty truck sales. Crowded segment He projects that the segment will reach 300,000 units in Canada by 2015. The CX-5 needed to stand apart from a growing gaggle of crossover competitors, he said. And it needed to 6 reflect and build upon Mazda’s longnurtured “Zoom-Zoom” slogan. Skyactiv for all models A s a sta nd-a lone vehicle in t he company lineup, it doesn’t share its chassis with any other model, making the CX-5 a costly undertaking for Japan’s fourth-largest automa ker, f rom wh ich f ut u re Ma zda s – a l l of wh ich w i l l get t he f u l l Sk yac t ive t reat ment – will surely borrow. Sk yact iv components a re desig ned f rom t he outset to be env ironmenta lly k inder by saving materials and weight, and by using clean-burn methods while increasing performa nce a nd functionality. T he 2 .0 -l it re i n l i ne fou rcylinder engine driving the front or a l l wheels ma kes 155 horsepower at 6,000 rpm and 150 lb-ft of torque at 4,000 rpm on regular ga sol i ne, del iver i ng combi ned highway/cit y f uel mileage up to 7.0 L/100 km. No compromises necessary T he c ompac t SU V s e g ment i s of ten categor i zed by what it is not, sa id Koreeda : not a s spacious, not as sport y, not as f uel ef f icient, not as innovative and overa l l “not a n a lter nat ive” to la rge SU Vs. It h istor ic a l ly ha s been “a category of compromise.” A Mazda from all angles Easy in and out Approach the CX-5 from any angle and it’s quickly identifiable as a Mazda. From the signature five-point grille on the nose, on back, Mazda’s own Kodo (Soul of Motion) design language speaks to proportion. Koreeda described the CX-5 design as having a “dynamic, lunging quality ... that doesn’t look ‘tippy’ from any angle.” The rear seat gets a ski pass-through and is split 40/20/40, adding versatility. The three-place seatbacks fold flat to increase cargo space to 1,852 litres, from 966 with the seatbacks upright (bettering the Kia Sportage and Chevy Equinox, but not the Honda CR-V). Doors open wide for easy entry and exit and the rear door swings up high enough that even tall people won’t bump into it. An obsessive attention to detail in cutting unnecessary weight from every component of the vehicle brings the CX-5 in at an almost featherweight 1459 kilograms for the 2WD six-speed manual, and 1555 kg for the AWD sixspeed automatic; notably less than its competitors, and 37 kg less than the previous lightweight leader, the base Ford Escape. Design aids handline Its “cab rearward” style features a longish nose and pushed back A-pillar that improves visibility. Moving the C-pillar forward added “tension” to the roofline, and “moves the load (area) to between the front and rear wheels, enhancing both handling and ride.” Higher seating position Inside, it has the higher seating position favoured by many Canadians, with all instruments and controls keyed towards t he driver. The front bucket seats feature standard manual adjustment, though powered seats are available. Moderate bolsters keep the driver and front seat passenger firmly in place when the roads get twisty. The cabin is quiet inside, even over badly granulated and broken roads. Fit and finish throughout the cabin was consistently uniform with a minimum of bright work judiciously applied to accent the instrument panel. Competitively priced In showrooms now, the CX-5 is available in three trim levels: base GX with FWD starting at $22,995, GS with standard AWD starting at $27,895 and GT starting at $32,495. The GS, said Koreeda, is so well equipped that its only option is AWD, “and it still comes in under $25,000.” Canadian Black Book’s future value outlook predicts that a base GS with FWD will still be worth $10,200 in five years time ; with AWD, $11,000. Joe Knycha April 2012 • AutoJournal Special finance solutions are our specialty. At Scotia Dealer Advantage, we’ll use our expertise and work closely with you, doing our best to structure a deal that meets your customer’s special finance needs. Making it possible for more new customers to sign on the dotted line. To find out how you can close more deals with Scotiabank Dealer Advantage contact your Regional Sales Manager: Atlantic & Quebec Alain Légaré 514-233-7858 Ontario Jim Dyas 647-283-7009 Western Canada Darren Kiley 604-505-8387 scotiabank.com/scotiadealeradvantage ® Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. Scotia Dealer Advantage Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under license. REMARKETING Certified Pre-Owned Seeing Beyond a CPO Sale If you’re not excited about selling CPO vehicles, then you’re not seeing the whole picture. W hen you sel l a c er t i f ied pre-owned (CPO) vehicle, you’re doi ng more t ha n simply offering peace-of-mind to the customer. A CPO sale translates into business for your parts and service departments, as well as a possible sa le of a new ca r dow n the road. There’s more to CPO than meets the eye. During the Remarketing Forum, which took place late last year in Niagara Fa l ls, Ontario, a p a n e l o f i n du s t r y i n s i d e r s ex pla i ned t he adva ntages of CPO, the reasons their companies started their CPO programs, a s wel l a s t he tech n ique s a nd training necessary to successfully market CPO vehicles, as well as to translate those sales into additional dollars down the road for the dealership. Luc Grenier, Senior Consultant & C e r t i f i e d U s e d Ve h i c l e Spec ia l i st, CPO sa le s t ra i n i ng Toyot a C a nad a I nc . ex pla i ned how Toyota Canada’s CPO program was launched in 1996, being highly modeled at the time on the A mer ic a n prog ra m, which wa s started at the same time. Toyota doesn’t use t he CPO moniker. Instead, they call their c e r t i f ie d pre - ow ne d pro g r a m TCU V (Toyot a C er t i f ied Used Veh ic le s) . “A lt hou g h it ’s t r ue that our program was originally modeled on the one in the States,” Grenier said, “it has since taken on its own identity. We now have our own version, our own inspect ion sheet s, a nd ever y t h i ng i s purely Canadian.” To y o t a ’s T C U V p r o g r a m w a s rel au nche d i n 2010 w hen t he compa ny introduced a new a nd i mproved pla n, wh ich ha s resulted in higher sales numbers. Bruce Lindsay, Manager, Fleet and Corporate Sales, Volkswagen Canada said V W Canada launched their CPO program in 19 98, “w hen V W C a nad a a nd V W USA were bolted toget her. Our program ran in parallel until 2010 when we rebranded our program and relaunched it.” A lex Joh nston, Rema rket i ng Ma nager for Hy u nda i Auto Canada, admitted that Hyundai’s 8 CPO program is rather new - only about seven years old. Program details Hy undai may have been one of t he last ma nufacturers to of fer CPO, but Johnston said this was an advantage since it allowed the compa ny to ta ke a closer look at what’s out t here, “a nd t hen improve on it.” To encou rage consu mers to buy CPO, Hyundai offers incent ive s l i ke a n e xcha nge pr iv i lege, a nd a f ree oi l cha nge, but Joh n ston s a id t hat what t r u ly ma kes t he program work is t he consumer confidence. “People buy CPO because they wa nt peace-of-m i nd,” he sa id. “W hat t hey ’re look i ng for is a complete inspec t ion, cer t if ication of the vehicle, a factory warranty, and they want to know the DNA of the vehicle. That’s why we provide a CarProof report. These are the key ingredients and the things that make a customer want to buy a CPO vehicle.” Bruce Lindsay said Volkswagen accept s veh icles t hat a re up to five-years-old with up to 120,000 km into their CPO program. “We of fer a 2-year 40,000 k m manufac t u rer-bac ked wa r r a nt y,” he adde d . “It ’s not a t h i rd-pa r t y warranty, although you can purcha se ot her wa r ra nt ie s on top of ours. Our CPO vehicles a lso c ome w it h a C a rP roof re por t, and a complete inspection.” Li nd say ex pla i ned how on ly vehicles that were reconditioned w it h origina l V W par ts qua lif y for CPO s t at u s . Veh ic le s w it h a f ter ma rket pa r t s a re not permitted into V W’s CPO program - a sta nda rd t hat’s not u ncommon today. Hy undai Canada w ill cer tif y vehicles that are up to six model years old, with up to 140,000 km on t he odome ter. A t horoug h inspection is par for the course, “and the tires and brakes must be a minimum of 50 % ,” added Luc Grenier. “Anything less, and they have to be replaced. Vehicles have to be completely inspected and recond it ioned pr ior to h it t i ng the lot. We offer a 1-year 20,000 “When you can get someone into the brand and into a CPO vehicle as an entrylevel point, there’s a high probability, if you do things right, to convert them into a new car purchaser down the road.” – Bruce Lindsay km powertrain warranty, 1-year roadside assistance, and we also have an in-house extended warranty which can be up-sold.” Benefits of CPO Customers are attracted to CPO vehicles because t hey wa nt t he peace-of-mind that comes from buying a vehicle that’s been thoroughly inspected, comes with a warranty, and has the manufacturer’s backing. Dealers should be attracted to CPO because it builds customer loyalty while drumming up business for both the parts and service departments. “T hroug h ou r t ra i ni ng programs,” said VW’s Bruce Lindsay, “we’re creating awareness in our dea lers about t he prof it abi l it y t hat CPO veh icles of fer. We’re also raising awareness about the loyalty generated through a CPO vehicle - it’s equal to the loyalty factor you have w it h a new car c u s tome r. W he n you c a n ge t someone into the brand and into a CPO vehicle as an entr y-level point, there’s a high probability, if you do things right, to convert t hem into a new ca r purchaser down the road.” CPO a lso generates busi ness for ot he r de pa r t me nt s w it h i n a dea lership. “The dea lers who are committed to the program,” a d d e d To y o t a’s L u c G r e n i e r, “ have seen t he benef its and t he advantage in the service and the parts departments.” ning. A ll t he manufacturers on the CPO panel at the Remarketing Forum placed a strong emphasis on training. “Wit h ou r i n it ia l t ra i n i ng,” sa id Hy u nda i ’s A lex Joh nston, “we we nt c o a s t-to - c o a s t w it h training seminars for the dealer principa l. We showed t hem t he potent ia l t hey had to i ncrea se t hei r prof it s, not on ly i n used cars but in parts and service, and Training To see the benef its, you have to do the job right, and the only way to get it right is with proper traiApril 2012 • AutoJournal SPECIAL FILE in new car sales as well.” Volkswagen had all their dealers come up with a game plan. “The training was very serious,” admitted Bruce Lindsay. “Every dealer was required to establish an action plan which identified the areas of opportunity, areas of weakness, and timelines.” Each V W dea lership was monitored very closely with indea lersh ip fol low-up appoi ntments. “Ever yone that attended our training sessions spent two days developing a plan that they then took back with them to their d e a le r s h ip s ,” L i nd s a y a d d e d . “Then, we went into each dealersh ip for a f u l l d ay, a nd went through an assessment of what actions were taken, what areas of weakness still existed, and how things could still improve.” Toyota also takes training very seriously. “We have a department ca l led Toyota Universit y,” Luc Grenier explained. “ We have done two-day training programs with sales managers, general managers, and the dealer principal.” Toyota ha s a lso i nvested i n online training courses, including a serious of podcasts. These are sent out regularly to dealerships, and they cover every thing from product demonstrations to delivery - everything to do with the sales process and the CPO program. “It’s been very successful,” Grenier said. Advertising Advertising is key, and doing it right is critical. You may have CPO vehicles on your lot, but if nobody knows about them, then nobody will come to you for their peaceof-mind used vehicle needs. “One of the things that’s different about a new car customer vs. a used car customer is that when a used car customer comes in they have a lready used t he Internet to source out the vehicle they’re look i ng for,” ex pla i ned Br uc e Lindsay. “They know exactly what car they want. They’re not at your dea lerships to look at any used V W - they’re there to look at a specific vehicle.” Since CPO buyers are already u si ng t he I nter net to look for vehicles, it only makes sense for dealerships to use the Internet to promote CPO vehicles. “Socia l media is something we are trying to get our dealers on board with,” Lindsay added. “But it takes a different way of thinking to succeed on t he I nter ne t . For ex a mple, people want a response or a quote within an hour. If they’re searching for a vehicle, you can’t wait till the next business day. People want a ver y quick response, and if you don’t offer it then they will move on.” Toyota is doing very well online. “We found t hat adver tising on radio or in papers didn’t work so we moved everything onto the web and the results are phenomenal,” Grenier said. “We deal strictly with the web now. We decided to do that in 2006, and we have not regretted it. Our certified Toyota website is dedicated to TCUV, we have cars on Kijiji, and we have dealers using all sorts of third parties to advertise their vehicles.” Gren ier k nows t hat Inter net c u s tomer s a ren’t a s pat ient a s t he “c onve nt ion a l ” c on s u m e r w ho w a l k s i nt o a d e a l e r s h ip. “W he n a c u s tome r s e nd s i n a r e q u e s t f or i n f or m a t i on , t w o hou rs doe sn’t c ut it,” he s a id . “Actua l ly, one hour doesn’t cut it. It needs to be fast and precise a nd a n s were d e x ac t ly t he w ay t he customer ex pects.” Facing challenges CPO is such a good idea that ever yone seems to be jumping on the CPO wagon - whether they sell a f ranchised brand or not. Consumers need to understand the difference. “Everyone is adver- tising CPO today,” Lindsay said. “So our first step is to help them recognize that [ours is] a manufacturer-backed CPO program.” One of the challenges Lindsay spoke about is making sure that only V W dea lers sel l V W used vehicles. “Somet i mes we a l low our vehicles to slip between our f i nger t ips a nd out of ou r network,” he admitted. How does that happen ? “We have two stages of vehicle sales where we sel l to [V W] dea lers exclusively before the third step where the sale is open to all dealers,” Li nd say ex pla i ned. “T he fourth step is auction, and they get gobbled up quickly at the auction.” While controlling the f low of used vehicles in the marketplace may be next to impossible, making the most of CPO sales within your dea lership cer tainly isn’t. With the right training, marketing, and effort, certif ied pre-owned vehicles could earn you top dollar on the sales f loor, while increasing sales in other departments within your dealership. And if you do it right, you may be able to turn that CPO sale into a new car sale in the future. Clearly, there’s more to CPO than meets the eye! Jack Kazmierski (L-R) Luc Grenier (Toyota), Bruce Lindsay (VW), and Alex Johnston (Hyundai) talk about their CPO programs. April 2012 • AutoJournal 9 REMARKETING NEWS The Used Vehicle Market A Second Chance for the Second-Hand in Canada The economic crisis of 2008-09 had an enormous impact on the manufacturing sector. In North America, the auto industry, namely Chrysler, Ford and General Motors had to make serious adjustments in order to prevent falling off the proverbial cliff. O ne of these main modifications occurred at General Motors, which discontinued its lease programs through GMAC in July 2008, causing a major disruption in the supply of low mileage used automobiles via auctions. Four years later… T he a f ter- ef fec t s of t h i s dec ision are increasing ly being felt, si nce t here cur rent ly is a sca rcit y of used vehicles to be had, most ly in t he case of Domest ic Nor t h A mer ic a n bra nded pro ducts. Dema nd now out weights s uppl y, re s u lt i ng i n a s e l le r’s market. “Norma lly, the price of vehicles goes dow n during w inter a nd up around Ma rch. This year, we did not witness the norma l dec rea se,” notes Stépha ne St-Hi la i re, president a nd COO of Adessa Canada. Ea ster n reg ion at GM Ca nada. He conf irms : “Before 2008, the lease ratio for Canada was about 50% of the vehicles marketed by GM. Now, the figures are around 10% for Canada and 20% for the Quebec market.” Overa ll, those f ig ures ex plain t he shor tfa l l in the used vehicle business. A new portrait Stua r t Hask ins, v ice-president and genera l manager of Dueck Chev rolet-Hummer-Cadillac in Vancouver, also noted that, “These measures have changed the sales portrait at GM. Although we have our own car leasing program, we can feel the effects of that decision taken by the headquarters. There has been far less lease returns, thus creating rarity in the used vehicle market. This rarity will rise towards the end of the summer, since the Detroit’s “big three,” have made numerous structural changes and policies, which have had a major impact in the way all three manufacture and sell their vehicles. As of last year, GM is back with vehicle lease programs. However, this time, the approach is quite different whether for individual vehicles or large scale f leet orders. Pierre Guèvremont, account director, Eastern Canada, Genera l Motors, poi nt s out t hat, si nce GM’s re s t r uc t u r i ng fol low i ng bankruptcy protection, the compa ny h a s c omple te l y c h a nge d i t s w a y of r u n n i n g a s s e m b l y pla nts, ensu r i ng t hat t he ma rket is not f looded by its products as it was before. According to Guèvremont, “The shortfall in the used vehicle f ield is primarily caused by the fact that there are far less lease programs being offered through major manufacturers, since the interest rates and the residual value came back to more realistic values.” Frederick R ac i ne i s d i rec tor, Cl ient serv ic e s a nd A f t e r- s a le s for t he 10 leasing terms were, for the most part, 48 months, which brings us to July 2012.” T he problem of s c a rc e a nd decreasing lease programs doesn’t just exist at GM. David Richter, sa le s ma nager at Cr u ick sha n k Ford, in Toronto, Ontario, a lso rema rked about t he reduc t ion in inventory for auctions, which pushes up used vehicles prices. He note s t h at he mu s t s p e nd far more than ever for his used vehicles i nventor y a nd t hat he c a n not nec e s s a r i ly ra i se t hei r selling price, since it is diff icult to educate the clients to the new marketplace realities. These new factors, added to the economic sluggishness, have affected the number and the type of available vehicles at auction in Canada. St-Hilaire observed that there are effectively less American vehicles offered on their auction sites at present. Other manufacturers are now taking a bigger chunk of business, but without filling the gap created by the 2008 crisis. The Internet changes everything It should be noted, however, that this situation is not only due to the economic turmoil, or by the fact that there are fewer vehicles to sel l, but a lso because t here are more and more buyers on the market. St-Hilaire explains that, “Thanks to the Internet, international buyers are not limited to just their own market, thus raising the demand and, as a result, prices too.” The present situation favours sellers, and the situation may still remain the same for several months. “Sales are resuming slowly in United States, but it will still take at least two years before we’re back to normal in Canada,” according to St-Hilaire. Stuart Haskins also sees the Internet as one of the main factors in transforming the way used vehicle fleets are managed. “Thanks to the Internet, we sell our inventory much more easily. We’re less reluctant to keep ‘other make’ vehicles in our inventory, since we know that people are beginning, for the most part, their shopping process online. That’s why more than 95% of our inventory appears on our own website.” The reason for this change can be explained by the ease with which potential buyers can browse the Web to find exactly what they seek. Thanks to sites like Autotrader.ca, the client can find any make of vehicle, at any retailer. He/she doesn’t have to leave home anymore to make the first steps or limit themselves to their local market. Looking to the future Currently, the situation favours those who want to sell their vehicle, but it will not always be the same in the future. No matter which side prevails in coming years, there’s no doubt that the purchase and sale of used vehicles will be done on the Internet. The Canadian population is aging, but we must not forget that a new generation of buyers will quietly take the place of the babyboomers. In the coming years, it will be essential to stay on top of current trends in the market, and embrace innovative ideas in order to stand out from the crowd and attract a new generation of potential customers. Francis Lalonde April 2012 • AutoJournal The Power of Inventory We have the tires you need DISTRIBUTORS TO THE TRADE: We are a dedicated wholesale tire distributor with no retail stores. We do not compete with you. CAR DEALERS: Purchase via your Car Manufacturer / Tire Manufacturer National Account Programs ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT & RUN- FLAT TIRES: We maintain a large and comprehensive inventory to meet all your requirements. NATIONWIDE SERVICE: Competitive shipping across Canada. Email us for our freight policy and toll free contact numbers. B2B WEBSITE: Visit www.tiredistribution.com and register today! View inventory and place orders 24/7. BRANDS 6200 TOMKEN ROAD MISSISSAUGA, ON L5T 1X7 sales@atlastire.com www.tiredistribution.com 140 McLEVIN AVE., UNIT 6-7 SCARBOROUGH, ON M1B 3V1 EVENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Geneva Auto Show A Ray of Light in a Land of Turmoil The Geneva Auto Show could be considered the second most important international auto show (in chronological order) after the North American International Auto Show held in Detroit this January. But, as Detroit was celebrating the return of a stronger economy, Geneva was almost bracing itself for the opposite. O verproduction, rising prices, alliances between manufacturers (GM and Peugeot, for example) and more, cast a shadow over the 82nd edition of this legendary show held in Switzerland. Nonetheless, among the more than 700 brands seen at the show, including some of the most prestigious in the world, there were some quite interesting new vehicles unveiled, albeit few of them bound for the North American market. According to the Show announcements, some 140 new vehicles were part of a European or global unveiling. From A to…V! Obviously, European brands were the stars of the Geneva Auto Show. But, as in Detroit, there were very few concept vehicles shown for the first time. On the other hand, local manufacturers came out with production-ready introductions of some of the most extraordinary cars ever offered. Cars? There were not only cars in Geneva. Take for example Bentley, an iconic British luxury brand (now owned by Volkswagen) that unveiled a… SUV! Indeed, the EXP9F is a concept vehicle that is closer to a SUV than anything else, but will it ever make it to the production lines? Though some critics disliked the EXP9F, it was designed to fight off other luxury SUVs such as the Porsche Cayenne (even though the EXP9F shares some of its components with the Cayenne since both vehicles are part of the same company!), the upcoming Maserati Kubang and more! Speaking of more... Land Rover, the “official” British SUV maker, unveiled in Geneva, a convertible 12 version of its latest Evoque light truck. Among the other British auto manufacturers there, Morgan had a few new original ideas including an electric version of its world famous sports car, while BMW-owned Mini showed off a prototype of a commercial delivery van version of its Mini Clubman, aptly renamed Clubvan. German manufacturer, Audi exhibited prototy pe versions of the RS4 Avant and the A6 Allroad, the latter not being aimed at the A mer ic a n ma rke t . A l so f rom Germany, BMW unveiled the long awaited M version of the 135i and its equivalent in the Series 6, the M6. Not muc h c a m e f rom t h e A merica n carma ker Genera l Motors, except for a European version of its ATS and a station wagon version of its already very popular Chevrolet Cruze. Unfortunately, GM announced that this body style would not be available in North America… really? By the way, the European version of the Chevrolet Volt, the Opel Ampera, was also voted European Car of the Year (an announcement that ironically came at the same time as the news that GM is shutting down its Volt assembly lines in America in order to clear the inventory of unsold Volts). Legendary Italian automaker, Ferrari astonished the world with its all-new and very spectacular F-12, while announcing improvements to its superb Ca lifornia model. Then, still in the family, Fiat came out with a larger version of its already popular 500 small car - aptly called the 500L. It has to be bound for America! Meanwhile, Ferrari’s long-time competitor Lamborghini pulled the wraps off its Aventador J, a prototype supercar that might very well precede an upcoming Spyder version of that famous exotic. The Ford booth showed off a concept adaptation of the Europeon ly Tourneo passenger minivan and the prototype of its small B-Max CUV - another vehicle that will not make it to North America, at least not for the moment. South Korea’s Hyundai unveiled a new redesigned version of the i30 while its counterpart Kia showed a concept car known as the Cee’d , a vehicle that is also reserved for the European market. Mercedes-Benz showed its new A-Class car, a compact vehicle that might come to America. For us? Fortunately, some of the Geneva unveilings are bound for North America. Take for instance Lexus’ redesigned RX SUV. It has a totally new front end, similar to that of the new GS sedan with more aggressive styling, while the whole interior has been redone. The RX will still be available in the 450h hybrid version plus a new F-Sport version that will match the vehicle’s new look. The same goes for the Mitsubishi Outlander SUV, which is sure to make it to North America. But in this case, it will surely have different local specifications. Japanese manufacturer, Nissan, was proud to introduce its prototype HiCross - a concept vehicle that shows the direction Nissan’s designers are taking their smaller SU Vs and CU Vs. The manufacturer a lso a nnounced t hat t he HiCross demonstrates the use of a hybrid-electric powertrain and a newly redesigned CVT transmis- sion. Its Invitation concept car is strict ly desig ned for Europea n needs, though it does not necessarily mean we will never get a version of it in our country (not in Nissan’s immediate plans). What’s in Porsche’s immediate plans is the all-new Boxster that will soon hit our shores as a base or S model. L ower, longer a nd w ider, t he a l l-new Boxster w i l l still keep its f lat-six engine buried under the car, but with about 15% better fuel economy. While Suzuki’s G70 concept car probably has one of the most aerodynamic shapes ever produced by this small Japanese manufacturer, it is doubtful it will ever make it as a production car. A not her u nusua l concept vehicle shown in Geneva was the Toyota FT-Bh, a small four-passenger car powered by a 1.0-litre twocylinder gas engine. Cha nces a re, t he Vol k swagen Cros s C oup e T DI w i l l m a ke it t o C a n a d a i n t h e f u t u r e . We c a n b e su re , howe ver, t hat t he conver t ible version of t he GT I should be sent to North America where, w it hout a doubt, it w i l l be a h it. Volvo unvei led a tota l ly new V40 in Geneva, but it is unsure whet her it w i l l ever ma ke it to our market. There were ma ny more new products and concept cars shown in Geneva, as well as numerous technical innovations. No doubt, in the coming months, some of these vehicles and technical matters will be introduced to us in one way or the other. We will surely keep you posted! Éric Descarries April 2012 • AutoJournal ///////// GENEVA AUTO SHOW 8 7 9 10 11 1 This Bentley SUV could be reality in a few years. 2 The Chevrolet Cruze Wagon will not be available in Canada… yet. 3 Ferrari unveiled a very powerful car in Geneva, the F-12. 4 The new RX 350 has an aggressive front end. 5 Will this Hyundai reach our shores? 6 Infiniti is looking at new designs with the Emerg-E. 7 The Class A Mercedes-Benz could be marketed in North America. 8 This bigger Fiat could very well make it to North America. 9 With its i-Oniq, Hyundai is exploring new avenues. 10 This car could very well be the new Aventador Spyder. 11 The Opel Ampera, Chevy Volt’s German cousin, was voted European Car of the Year. 12 The Volkswagen Cross Coupe should make it around the world. 13 Land Rover made a convertible concept out of its Evoque. 14 The Hi Cross indicates where Nissan’s design is heading. 15 Nissan’s Invitation concept car is for the European market only. 16 The Outlander unveiled in Geneva should make it here. 17 The all-new Porsche Boxster will soon be marketed in our part of the world. 18 Volvo’s new V40 is not yet confirmed for North America. 19 Unfortunately, the Cee’d is only for Europe. 20 Mini is looking at a commercial version of its wagon with this Clubvan concept car. 21 The Volkswagen GTI Cabriolet was long awaited. 22 Suzuki’s G70 concept car is just that… a concept car! 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 April 2012 • AutoJournal 20 21 22 13 TRAINING encou rreatgeinng emp tion loyee er m u nisons o c negctat i t e me exp ive t i s pomes g inutco v i r d o appealing to generation ‘y’ prodguoing ct k beyon nowl d edge management training Professional Development Investing in your Employees Whether it’s called professional development, continuing education or lifelong learning, today’s businesses need to invest in some form of ongoing training for their employees. Not only does it show that employers care, but that they require staff who are more experienced and capable in their roles, resulting in employees that are not only more engaged but happier and therefore more productive. I n most jurisdict ions across Canada, it’s mandatory for auto salespeople to complete a certification process that includes an educational component. But for smart employers, there are other professional skills, talents – and benefits – to be developed. Encouraging employee retention At the Automotive Business School of Canada, Georgian College, there are a variety of courses available to auto industry employees. “It’s important to train employees in a way that not only recognizes individual needs, but also ensures everyone is meeting the same standards,” says Heather Ummels, manager of continuing education and workforce development at the Automotive Business School of Canada. Ummels says companies invest in professional development in order to encourage employees to be engaged, since it’s often been show n, t hey ’re more l i kely to remain committed to both their job and the company as a result. “[Professional development] shows you have an interest and investment in a person, and that makes them want to stay,” she says. 14 Currently, the courses at the school can be delivered online, which is very appealing to the auto industry. “We’re marketing courses outside of Ontario, since we can customize training based on need,” Ummels says. “If an auto dealers’ association from out west asked us to package specific courses for them, we can create a custom online portal for that group.” Appealing to Generation ‘Y’ Gerlinde Herrma nn, a huma n resources consultant who specializes in retention consulting, says no matter what the sector is, retention issues tend to be similar. “Professional development is a good way to combat turnover, especially if you’re targeting the younger market,” she asserts. “That’s a group [which] looks for change, new challenges and new excitement.” “Often kids go into dealerships because they don’t know what else to do,” says Herrmann. “If you’re going to hire a bright young person who doesn’t know yet what they really want to do, wouldn’t it be better to help them make a decision to stay there?” she asks. “You want young kids who are interested and ambitious and eager to get better – after all they could be your next generation of managers.” Driving positive outcomes “When sales people become certified through our learning solutions, they have the knowledge and skill to perform more effectively for consumers,” says Paul McCallum, group account director at Maritz C a nad a I nc ., a n orga n i z at ion specializing in consumer loyalty marketing, employee engagement and sales channel performance. “A certified salesperson sells twice as many cars as a non-certified salesperson.” Maritz delivers an annual certification program that involves quarterly milestones and objectives throughout the course of the year, and ultimately, a certification. “We design and develop programs on behalf of the auto manufacturers, and ta ke input f rom them as well as the dealers,” says McC a l lu m. “We l i sten closely to what the dea lers’ needs and requirements are, and work with the manufacturer to align priorities. You can’t do it in isolation.” The crit ica l bui lding block s include product knowledge, the va lue proposition for t he cons u m e r, a n d e f f e c t i v e l y c om municating with them. “We see considerable increase in overall customer satisfaction when [such a process] is delivered by certified salespeople and service advisers,” says McCallum. Going beyond product knowledge Vancouver’s OpenRoad Auto Group dealership was recently named one of the top 10 best employers in Canada by Aon Hewitt – for the third year in a row. OpenRoad has nine locations in Vancouver, selling Audi, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Lexus, Mazda, Mini, Scion and Toyota, which employ over 500 staff. Sharon Rupal, director of human resources at OpenRoad, says the organization is humbled by the recognition. “It means so much to us that over 93 percent of our employees participated in this national survey, that gauges employee engagement,” she says. OpenRoad feels strongly about selfdirected learning, offering educational subsidies, training and development within the organization as well as what Rupal explains, are called “lunch and learns.” “We just launched an overall health and wellness information session with a 21 day challenge,” Rupal says. “It’s about learning and understanding April 2012 • AutoJournal “Training that incorporates product knowledge and customer handling skills drives results in the marketplace.” – Paul McCallum, group account director, Maritz Canada the benefits of eating right and exercising – for 21 days there are certain things you can and can’t eat. It’s fun and really interests people.” Rupal also notes that there is an annual awards banquet where employees are awarded for service and other accomplishments. “This year, we have 55 people who are celebrating a milestone anniversary with us – we’ve had a couple of employees who’s celebrated their 30th anniversary with [the Open Road Auto Group],” she says. Management training At the Montreal chapter of the Corporation des Concessionaires d’automobiles du Quebec (CCAQ), dealers across the province are f locking to a course that’s been developed in partnership with the U.S. National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). The CCAQ is a car dealer organization which offers training programs and continuing education tailored to the Quebec auto industry. “We offer four different programs at the management level which are three days long,” says Tamar Kantarjim, director of communications. “Our organization is the only one that can offer this program in French, which is very important in Quebec.” The courses are for vice presidents, financial controllers and department heads, and have been adapted for the Quebec market. “It’s an intensive three day course, and offers NADA certification,” observes Kantarjim. “We’ve had an excellent response to these courses, and hope to develop more programs at the management level.” Meeting consumer expectations McCallum observes that as cars have become more complex, today’s consumers have developed higher expectations. “These days, a salesperson has to not only explain an increa- singly complex product and a value proposition to a customer, but do it in a way that makes it feel personal to the customer,” he says. “In order to do that, you have to understand your customer, you need to understand how to utilize the vehicle as a tool set and resource into that customer’s life,” he continues. “It’s a fascinating time to be in this industry.” Krystyna Lagowski ADVERTORIAL Automotive Business School of Canada Rebranding Connects to New Generation On February 17, Georgian College launched a new brand – the Automotive Business School of Canada – at the Canadian International Auto Show (CIAS). The new edgy yet classic imagery targets a new student generation. A strong heritage G e org i a n C ol le ge’s C a n ad i a n Automotive Institute (CAI) has a strong 27 year history, which was incorporated into the new brand. “We wanted to keep that nostalg ic connection, so our images have a classic feel,” says Jennifer Sheremeto, marketing specialist at Georgian College. The intention was not to change the name, but after working with ad agency Young and Rubicam and doing focus groups, it became a necessity. “There was some confusion since we are a business school, not a technical school – as some may have thought,” notes Sheremeto. “Our students and alumni are very pleased with the way the re-branding has drawn on our heritage.” Unique students The college is constantly working to connect with the younger generaApril 2012 • AutoJournal tion to attract students . “When we go out to speak to students about careers, it’s important to understand what excites and motivates them,” explains Sheremeto. The program’s typical student is unique in that he or she loves cars and loves business, explains Sheremeto. The rebranding has a cool tag line, ‘For t he driven’ as well as a creed, or a personal philosophy, that is featured in the social media messages, designed to tap into the imagination of a young person. Program grads work in every aspect of the auto industry across Canada, from dealerships to f leet management, marketing and the aftermarket. “The auto industry will benefit from our rebranding, since we’ll be educating more students and they’ll be taking that knowledge with them to their jobs in the industry,” Sheremeto notes. Mix of old and new Many of the photographs were shot on the Georgian campus, using real students. “We used a classic Shelby Cobra as well as an Audi R8, so that the feel would be timeless,” says Sheremeto. “While we wanted to maintain that nostalgic connection, we didn’t want to look dated. It’s a mix of the old and the new.” She adds that the rebranding is unlike anything Georgian has ever done. “We were lucky to work with an agency like Young and Rubicam, who had great ideas and a very collaborative style of working,” Sheremeto says. “It’s resulted in an outstanding campaign.” At the CIAS, she noticed that the event was packed ever y day. “It’s a good sign that this is going to be a good time for our industry – and also a good time for our school.” Krystyna Lagowski “This rebranding will ultimately benefit the Canadian auto industry,” Jennifer Sheremeto, marketing specialist, Georgian College 15 PEOPLE & PLACES Manda Freyman, Sales Consultant, Windsor Infiniti Nathalie Aumont, President, Joliette Toyota Meredith Morris, President/General Manager, Sudbury Hyundai Women In Dealerships A Sign of Evolution These days, it’s not unusual to find women in car dealerships – not only as consumers, but also as salespeople, service advisers, managers and owners. It’s another way the industry is changing and adapting to the times. A lthough Manda Freyman, sales consultant at Windsor Infiniti, comes from an automotive background, she never thought she would have a career in cars, despite the fact her father builds racecar engines and she’s been around cars all her life. “I have a B.A. in sports psychology,” Freyman says. “When I decided to take a year off school, I was bartending and answered an ad in the paper, thinking it would be just parttime. Little did I know that selling cars is not part-time!” An alternative career path That was twelve years ago, and Freyman believes her experience is typical of women in car sales. “It becomes an alternative career path to something else,” she says. “But the industry is changing, and good female salespeople can be very successful.” Tracy Roulston, sales manager at Whitby’s Marigold Ford, started out selling radio advertising. “I was let go because of ownership changes, and one of the folks I had been calling on for radio advertising was a car dealership,” she recalls. “He had mentioned that he was interested in hiring me, so I thought I’d give it a try – and here I am, 26 years later.” Different sales technique Women generally have a slightly different approach to selling than men, according to Roulston. “We’re kind of nurturing,” she observes. “The buying process is emotional, and I think by nature, women may be more patient and understanding. I’ll really hold the customer’s hand and guide them to help make the right decision.” Freyman takes a softer approach, and says people are more prone to talk to her about cars – especially men 16 who are not “gearheads.” “It may be easier for a guy to talk to a woman who won’t challenge him or make him feel uncomfortable with his knowledge about a vehicle,” she says. More women customers As women have climbed the corporate ladder and have become more financially self-sufficient and independent, they more frequently make car purchases on their own. “Women consumers have evolved and they are very knowledgeable about cars, especially with the Internet,” says Nathalie Aumont, president of Joliette Toyota. “And they see the advantage in having a woman salesperson. They want a quality car that is stylish and reliable – another woman will understand their needs.” Aumont says that while women customers may not seek to do business with a woman car salesperson, they appreciate the opportunity. Freyman agrees, saying, “Women don’t walk in and look for a woman to do business with, but if they bump into one, they may be more prone to do business with you more immediately. There’s less of a chase – it’s easier and quicker doing business woman to woman.” Mered it h Mor r is, president and general manager of Sudbury Hyundai, says that women tend to prefer dealing with a female salesperson because they feel less pressure and a higher trust level. “Some of my female salespeople have more luck selling to certain men because they have a hard time saying no to a woman,” she quips. A hiring trend Aumont believes that this is part of a general trend in typically male-dominated professions. “In my dealership, I have a woman who is a parts clerk and also a female service advisor,” she says. “It’s not just because I wanted to hire women, but because these were the best qualified candidates [for the job].” According to Aumont, product knowledge is not an issue. “For a woman in this field, there is very little margin for error. So one must be very competent and know the characteristics of each vehicle,” she says. Morris agrees, saying that you should know what you’re talking about when you’re selling something. “It’s okay to say you’re not sure and you have to look into it, but you need to be able to answer questions.” She’ll recruit people through unique means. “If I’m out somewhere and I receive excellent service, I’ll give the person my card and tell them if they’re looking for a change in career, to give me a call,” she notes. Currently, her dealership not only has female service advisers and sales people, but also a female lot attendant and apprentice . An exciting and challenging field Roulston loves her job, and says the auto industry is “awesome.” “You have f lexibility and a lot of fun – where else can you meet a different person every day and build a special rapport with them?” she asks. “When I’m doing a deal, by the end of the day, I know where the customer lives, where they work, what sports their k ids are into – and they know the same about me.” She adds that like any sales position, it can be difficult at first, but the key is to be patient and persistent – following the procedures and learning along the way. According to Freyman, the key is to get into the career later in life, after having a family. “It’s hard to Tracy Roulston, Sales Manager, Marigold Ford step away for a few years to raise a family and then rejuvenate your business. Loyalties don’t run deep, you have to physically be there, ot her w ise people forget about you,” she says. Freyman adds, “If you have the drive, you can do it. And that’s what it takes to be incredibly successful in this business, whether you’re a man or a woman.” Krystyna Lagowski April 2012 • AutoJournal MANAGEMENT ERNIE bugelli Human Resources Personnel Expenses… I Think Not! Are your employees an expense or an investment? The answer to this question is more important than you might think. Here are the “Ernie Rules” when it comes to Personnel Investment: Have we figured out why our revenues have declined to the point where we are looking to cut expense ? Could it be that we have never had enough people ? I know that I have been in restaurants and retail outlets that clearly are understaffed and it has made it impossible for me to want to do business with them again. I don’t appreciate a business that puts their bottom line before my customer experience. I’m giving them my money... once. If other people feel the way I do, then it would make sense that the revenues in that business would naturally decline. We are in the service business and unless we staff to serve, we lose revenue. Investing in people and coaching them to serve is an investment you can quantif y. 1 Personnel is just another term for humans. Humans are complicated creatures that experience life-changing events. They get sick, require holidays, get married, have babies, face tragedy and sometimes just plain burn out if pushed too hard for too long. Do we consider all of this when we look at the staffing requirements that are geared to serving the customer? By the way, shouldn’t everything we do be done with the customer in mind since they are our only source of revenue? If we staff our stores for the perfect storm and have just enough people to get the job done, aren’t we just going into it knowing that we can’t consistently provide service to the level our customers expect? And our customers not only demand good service, they demand it consistently. For example, if you have demand and capacity for eight service advisors and employ only the eight required, then we already know, just by virtue of holidays, that you are short a person 20 of the 52 weeks of the year. We haven’t even considered training and all those life events mentioned above which would mean that number is closer to 40 weeks. I don’t even want to get into the whole “let’s employ just seven and make them hustle harder” routine, because that just doesn’t make any sense. What would happen if instead of cutting an expense we make another investment in a ninth advisor? Could the fact that we were understaffed have contributed to our declining revenues in the first place? If so, you have the ability to reverse that trend by putting customer experience first and investing accordingly. Trick yourself and call it “advertising” because these customers will in essence become just that once you exceed their demands for service. 2 T hroughout my career I have often heard the expressions “rightsizing the ship” and “expensing our way to profitability.” There are obviously circumstances whereby this is a necessary evil of operating a business, but are we actually taking the time to analyze this when it comes to personnel expense. First off let’s explore what a personnel expense really is. In my mind when it comes to people costs, an expense is simply an investment that didn’t work the way it was intended to, meaning it did not generate the revenue necessary to produce a return on that investment. People are one component of an expense review and the most vital one of all. You can decide to stop spending money on advertising and know that the companies you’re advertising with will be right where you left them whenever you are ready to reinvest with them. People are much tougher to find and are more costly to reintroduce into the expense structure while they train and ramp up - not to mention the costs associated with attracting the right ones. All too often our businesses are guilty of complaining about the lack of talent available while we resort to staff cuts as a knee jerk first expense cutting measure. I believe the mentality that dictates “our sales are down so we must need less people” is the best way to ensure that your sales stay that way. April 2012 • AutoJournal Involve your tea m in t hese times of trouble. Show t hem t he concer ns you have a nd t he expenses you face. Show them you want to avoid staff cuts at any expense and explain to them what revenue levels need to be achieved in order to keep ever yone employed. It is absolutely amazing how humans will respond if you make them part of the solution as you strive to save and create jobs. Tr y it! People are by far our biggest cost and our most important asset. Don’t make decisions about your personnel too lightly and without great honesty and careful consideration. Some other business might be willing to employ your people, but unlike advertisers, good employees won’t necessarily be there when you’re ready to hire again. 3 Ernie Bugelli is a 20-year veteran of the automotive retail sector. During his career, he earned the confidence and respect of his peers in the areas of employee and customer enthusiasm, and has worked as a consultant. He is currently the Operations Manager for Agincourt Autohaus VW and Audi Midtown Toronto. 17 PHOTOS: JACK KAZMIERSKI BUSINESS TALK Sandy Liguori, acting president, Trillium Automobile Dealers Association; Doug Sullivan, president, Ontario Automobile Dealers Association The Trillium Automobile Dealers Association An Exciting Merger Of Two Dynamic Forces On February 16, 2012, members of the Toronto Automobile Dealers Association (TADA) and the Ontario Automobile Dealers Association (OADA) officially joined forces to form the Trillium Automobile Dealers Association - the largest provincial automobile dealer association in Canada. A fter years of hard work and deliberation, a visionary new provincial organization has been created that will represent one third of new car dealers in Canada – 1,191 – as well as their 47,000 employees. “Our two organizations have always worked side by side, but it always works better when there’s only one,” says Sandy Liguori, acting president, Trillium Automobile Dealers Association. “There’s strength in numbers, and now, there will be only one voice in Ontario representing all the dealers.” In the summer of 2011, Liguori took on the challenge of merging the two organizations with Doug Sullivan, who is president of the Ontario Automobile Dealers Association. Like a marriage “This merger had been in progress for a number of years, but it needed a different approach to cut through the red tape,” says Liguori. He compares the merger to a marriage, in that there had to be some compromise as well as give and take on both sides. “Doug and I work well together,” notes Liguori, “we’re honest with each other and we were both committed to making this work.” He also 18 gives credit to the boards of directors, who offered support, feedback and approval throughout the process. Streamlining operations There was a certain amount of overlap between the two organizations that inevitably crossed some lines and created redundancy. “For example, we both had separate government relations committees,” recalls Sullivan. “That needed to become one committee to operate more efficiently.” Other issues that need to be addressed include rules and regulations, advertising legislation, and environmental issues. “With environmental issues, there has been a lot of change, and we’re trying to go green wherever possible, like with body shops,” he says. “We want to stay on top of all government related issues to create the best possible awareness for our members.” Better representation Another benefit for dealers will be a more evened out representation. “We’re going to establish representation in every quarter of Ontario, which had been a little uneven between the two associations,” explains Sullivan. “More unified representation will also contribute to our greater strength and presence, as well as making us more efficient,” he says. Both presidents will continue to serve out their term, and an executive member will be voted in as president in accordance with the current structure, in which there are six executives – the positions are rotated at the end of the term in June 2012. Education and services Lig uor i says he hopes t he new organization will be able to provide dealers with even more services, education about technical issues such as social media, and working with manufacturer-dealer relat ionsh ips. Bot h g roups have a history of promoting educ at ion, c on s u me r prot e c t ion, workplace safety and giving back to the community. “We want to work on improving the dealer image, as we’re respectable members of the community,” he notes. “We’re your next-door neighbours, you see us every day.” Education is a priorit y, part icu la rly i n v iew of t he ag i ng population and projected declines in skilled workers. The organization will be working with the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College, to ensure there are ample knowledgeable and educated human resources available in the various sectors of the auto industry. Benefits for everyone The new, stronger organization w ill deliver benef its across the board, for not only dealers but consumers as well. “A high volume of car dealers doing business with different associations will allow for better pricing,” asserts Sullivan. “When you have a greater volume – in this case, hundreds of dealers - you have a huge advantage. That’s going to apply to dealers and ultimately, consumers.” A new website is in the works, which will offer member dealers more information, and a plethora of consumer resources as well. B ot h Su l l iv a n a nd L ig uor i are excited about the new dealer organization, and look forward to moving ahead with a promising new future for the auto industry in Ontario. Krystyna Lagowski April 2012 • AutoJournal F&I NEWS SHIRLEY BROWN How are your digital skills? Contracts Going Paperless We’ve spoken with quite a few ‘people in the know’ about F&I Trends and what they perceive for this year and into the future. Some of these experts fully believe in the ‘seamless’ trend - others, not so much! T he seamless trend recognizes that paper contracts are going to go away… instead people will be signing contracts on their ‘tablets’. E-contracts will likely soon become the norm and paper contracts will be a thing of the past just like the Model T! As we understand it, the technology for e-contracting has been around for years but, ver y few dealerships make use of it currently in the United States and probably even fewer here in Canada. We’re so used to paper – we still print out material that doesn’t need to be printed. Of those we spoke with about ‘paperless contracts’, only a few were positive about it. With all the apps now being provided for the iPad, the iPhone, etc., surely e-contracts can’t be far away? It only makes sense to some experts at finance companies and banks. E-contracts are faster Time is another thing that is so important today and one of the main reasons e-contracts will cer- tainly happen - they’re faster! Once the client has made the deal with the dealership, the F&I person takes over to finish off the sale. If the contract is done digitally, any corrections necessary are right in front of the customers ready to be made, the rest of the information is taken, the customer signs the tablet and it’s a done deal! All that digital information can be sent via the Internet right to the bank or finance organization. If that’s the case, then the bank could pay the dealership in a few hours or maybe even the same day - sometimes before it’s due! As Kerry Mueller of OneEighty Corp. in Waterloo, Ontario said, “The process has been sped up because everything has been done ‘seamlessly’, the contract has been validated, it’s mistake free, you get faster funding and everything can be put in a digital package!” Many banks have not yet put the process in motion to accept electronic contracts with signatures, so dealerships are hesitating to do the paperless deal yet. But it’s bound to come. There are many younger people purchasing vehicles now that want the vehicle ‘yesterday’, they don’t want to wait five or six days to be able to jump into their new set of wheels and show it off to their friends. Very soon it may be necessary here in Canada for banks and those in the finance business to ‘go digital’ in their business dealings with dealerships, etc. who want to be paid quicker. Young buyers It’s a fact that Generation Y – the kids of the Baby Boomers – are coming of age and forcing marketers to toss their old methods and do something different. They are the ones who will be purchasing vehicles very soon, and these young buyers will most likely be applying for an auto loan via the Internet, not at the dealership. And they will be doing this before they walk onto the showroom floor. This is a very substantial change than in years past and illustrates that business simply isn’t the same any more. These young people could seriously reshape the loan practices in the dealerships – they’ve done their homework ahead of time and don’t want to have to deal with the F&I department - they want a direct loan, something you get from a credit union or a bank - not the dealership. So this is what you may be dealing with in the very near future. This could become the way of business – seamless, faster, not as much faceto-face contact, Internet automobile buying and selling. The question is, are you ready for it? Is your business ready for it? Major change is in the air - again! – S.B. Dealer Services Corp. Purchased by Manheim Desjardins Ready-to-Drive Finance Offer T he pla n ned pu rcha se of Dea ler Ser v ice C or porat ion (DSC) ha s been c omple ted by Ma n hei m. DSC prov ide s i nventor yf i na nc i ng solut ion s to de a lersh ip oper at ion s . “We’re e xc ite d about a l l t he benef it s of t h i s ac qu i sit ion for customers,” sa id Sa ndy Schwa r t z , president of Ma n hei m. “M a n he i m i s a lw ay s lo ok i ng for w ay s to e n h a nc e ou r s e rv i c e of f e r i n g s t o c u s t om e r s , a n d a d d i n g t h e D S C l i n e t o t he e x i st i ng r a nge of Ma n hei m Fi na nc ia l S er v ic e s produc t s a l low s u s to broaden ou r lend i ng s c ope a nd c u stomer ba s e . We c a n now g ive dea lers access to broader of fer i ngs of produc t s a nd add it iona l st a f f to ser v ice t hei r i n-la ne a nd on l i ne ne e d s . We a l s o h ave ac c e s s to s t at e - of-t he -a r t t e c h nolog y a nd d ig it a l tool s t hat w i l l en ha nc e ou r c u s tomers' e x per ience a nd i mprove Ma n hei m's ef f iciencies a nd oppor t u n it ies for lend i ng.” – S .B. Desjardins has come up with a new auto financing offer – Desjardins Ready-to-Drive Loan – that will make life easier for members and customers. This offer will apply to personal use and or recreational vehciles that are new or used. The best part, is that the loan includes all aspects of auto financing, meaning the loan, life and car insurance plus roadside assistance. The buyer will also receive services of life insurance without additional fees ; a complete refund of the balance in case of death; a refund of the payments in case of invalidity; free roadside assistance for the first year and 24/7 towing service (for personal use vehicles only). The Ready-to-Drive loan is available directly through auto dealers and designated retail outlets. Customers can save up to $1 600 with this new offer. For more information about this product, visit: www.desjardins.com – S.B. April 2012 • AutoJournal 19 SALES STATISTICS A Word From Dennis Social Media: The Link Between Young Drivers These new-generation consumers avoid mainstream media, but they may be losing out by not being in touch with the latest and greatest mainstream cultural offerings. T he fol low i ng i s t he f i rst of a series of a r t icles ta ken f rom t he immense body o f d e t a i l e d r e p o r t s p r o du c e d b y D e n n i s D e s R o s i e r s . We ’v e selected a few choice topics t hat w i l l be t he foc u s of a ser ie s of in-dept h feature repor ts. In to d ay ’s fe at u re , we w i l l d e l ve i nto t he topic of s o c i a l me d i a a nd its surge in popu la rit y a m o n g y ou n g c o n s u m e r s a n d Europea n bra nds, as wel l as t he lack of u ndersta nd i ng of its potent ia l a mong ma ny automot ive reta i lers. Dennis DesRosiers has chosen h i s ow n s t a f f to i l lu s t r ate t he ever-w iden i ng gap bet ween c on s u m e r s a n d s o c i a l m e d i a . A lot of t he t went y-somet h i ng sta f f members do not reg u la rly watch T V or re ad ne wspapers . They stay in tune with the world t hrough t he Internet using personal Web pages linked to interactive content. T h i s mod i f ie s t he way c ompa nies t r y to reach consumer s i n order to c onv i nc e t he m to bu y t he i r pro duc t s . "A s a n e x a m p l e , l e t ’s s a y I v i s i t t h e Ford We b pa ge to pr ic e a ne w Fo c u s . P u bl ic it y b a n ne r s w i l l now s how up w he n I re s e a rc h Goog le, besides Globe a nd Ma i l a r t ic le s , a nd w i l l pre c e de a ny Yo uTu b e v i d e o s f o r w e e k s t o come,” ex pla i ns DesRosiers. If t hese new-generat ion consumers continua l ly avoid mainst rea m telev ision ads, t hey w i l l los e out by not bei ng i n touch with mainstream cultural of fe r i ng s . "By avoid i ng m a i nstream media for a new targeted approach, t hese consu mers w i l l eventua l ly be aba ndoned by t he s e s a me c or p or at ion s , w ho depend on t he c reat ion of new t rends,” adds DesRosiers. i f you’ve re ad c om me nt s re l ated to a produc t on A ma zon or Tr ipAdv i sor, you have pa r t ic ipated, in a way, in socia l media. Even if t hese actions are mainly at tributed to Facebook a nd Tw it ter, t he s o c i a l me d i a u n iverse is much la rger t ha n t hese t wo por t a l s. T he popu la r it y of t h e s e t w o g i a nt s i s s u c h t h a t we s hou ld b e p ay i ng a s muc h at tent ion to t hem a s we shou ld have 10 0 yea rs ago at t he onset of rad io,” sug gest s DesRosiers. DesRosiers condemns t he fact t hat many decision-ma kers have delegated t he management of Tw it ter a nd Facebook to t he people responsible for Inter net housing and maintenance. “The primar y and secondar y interests mu s t b e mon itore d ac c ord i ng to brand, and a l l per tinent data must be gathered and analyzed,” i n si s t s D e sRo sie r s . T h i s i s a n i mpor t a nt t a sk t hat shou ld be undertaken by a dedicated team. A not her common mista ke t hat Ca nad ia n auto-ma kers seem to repeat is t hat of associ- at i ng a produc t to one pa r t icula r socia l med ia. If t he i nterest i n such a produc t shou ld wa ne, it t hen becomes qu ite d i f f icu lt t o e n g a g e w i t h t h e c on s u m e r or to ge t t hem to m ig r ate to a d i f ferent pl at for m. "One c ommon tra it a mong successf u l s oc i a l me d i a c a mpa ig n s i s t he com mit ment to Bra nd ident it y above a l l c on sider at ion s ,” u nderl i nes DesRosiers. Some win, some lose DesRosiers admits that the measurements used to qua nt if y t he suc c e s s of t he d i f ferent S oc ia l Me d i a s t r at e g ie s auto -m a k e r s u s e a r e n ot p e r f e c t , t h e d at a needed bei ng con f ident ia l a nd not re ad i ly av a i l a ble . I n s pite of t his, t he DesRosiers tea m has compared 2011 sa les resu lts against the number of Facebook and Tw itter subscribers. Japanese brands sold 492,000 ve h ic le s w h i le h av i ng 19 9, 0 0 0 subscr ibers for a rate of 40.4 % , w h ic h D e sRo sie r s w i l l u s e for c ompa r i s on. For Kore a n auto - m a ke r s , t h i s r at e i s at 55. 8 % . A me r ic a n br a nd s , i n C a n a d a , plu nge to a m iserly 13.3 % , but it must be ment ioned t hat most S o c i a l Me d i a ef for t s a re i n it iated i n t he U. S . T he Eu rope a n b r a n d s a r e t h e hu g e w i n n e r s w i t h a n a v e r a g e o f 3 9 9.1 % , w h ic h me a n s t h at t he y ge ne rate way more i nterest t ha n t he 150,0 0 0 veh icles sold la st yea r. D e s R o s i e r s p oi nt s ou t t h a t Europea n bra nds have been enjoy i ng huge success t hese la st fe w ye a rs , add i ng "It i s not u n re a l i s t ic to sug ge s t t hat t he Eu rope a n c a r ma kers have been more successf u l at bu i lding t heir f uture market t ha n h a v e t h e i r c o m p e t i t o r s .” H e concludes, “T hose i n t he bu siness of sel ling vehicles need to u ndersta nd t he preva lent s o c i a l c l i m a t e du r i n g ve h i c l e l au nc h a nd t h e p e rc e p t i on of t h e i r e f f or t s a s s e e n t h r ou g h t he consu mers’ eyes.” T h is fac t is increasing ly impor ta nt as t he nu mber of consu mer seg ment s is on t he r ise. There are many different social media portals on the Internet. Social media 101 Accord i ng to DesRosiers, most s o c i a l m e d i a u s e r s we re b or n a f ter 1965 a nd a re of t he X or Y generat ions. But, " if you’ve responded to a socia l med ia blog, 20 April 2012 • AutoJournal Automobile statistics South America, A Fast Growing Automobile World The automotive industry in South America surprises in many respects, primarily because it doesn’t have the same life cycles we witness here in North America. For example, it hasn’t seen the same drop in demand over the last five last years, due to a different product mix of vehicles. T he average sales of new light vehicles in South America from 1990‑1999 were approximately the same as those in Canada, that is 1.64 million of units annually, according to Scotiabank data. However, during the last decade, annual sales statistics saw demand increase from 3.7 million units in 2008 to 4.74 million last year. Meanwhile, in Canada, vehicle sales hovered between1.46 and 1.64 million units. Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world, is understandably the largest single vehicle market in South America with a population exceeding roughly 200 million people. What is interesting is the young demographic of this population; the median age is roughly 29 years old which for automakers, potentially represents a tremendous opportunity. Another interesting aspect is that Brazilians purchase almost three million new light vehicles a year, despite what we would consider very high (and increasing) finance rates. According to data from Scotiabank, these rates increased from 22.8% in 2010 to more than 30% in April 2011! This high acquisition cost of consumer goods like vehicles is partially offset by the rise in value of raw materials that the country exports, mainly to China, the United States and Argentina. A fast-growing market South America’s inhabitants not only drive vehicles; they also produce their own models for local needs. In Brazil for example, Fiat and Volkswagen will invest $19 billon in local production facilities by 2015, while Chinese manufacturer Chery plans to have it’s first local market models on sale in 2013. General Motors produced its millionth vehicle at the Gravatai complex in 2008 and will have invested some $2.5 billion in local manufacturing by the end of this year. Even luxury manufacturers are getting in on the action; BMW is planning to set up its own South American automobile plant and announced in May 2011, that it was also teaming up with Chrysler to assemble small-cylinder engines for South American vehicles. These investments are usually proportionate to the market share of each manufacturer. For example, Fiat SpA represents about 22% of the market in Brazil, followed by Volkswagen with April 2012 • AutoJournal 21% and General Motors with 19%, according to journalist Ray Clancy. Vehicle plant construction in South America can be explained by many factors, including the Mercosur. According to just-auto. com, the“Mercado Común del Sur”, an international commercial agreement, specifies that since 1991, the manufacturers whose vehicles are not designed and engineered for South American countries are subject to an importation fee of 35 %. With such a high tariff barrier, there is little wonder, that such billion dollar investment projects reap considerable rewards! General Motors’ huge Gravatai production complex is recognized as one of the most efficient in the world. Sugar cane in the reservoir South America also sets itself apart by its widespread use of biofuels. Brazil produces about 500 millions tons of sugar cane based alcohol for automotive use. As a result, more than 20% of vehicles on the road are able to run on it, which has also had a significant impact on powertrain development. Volkswagen, for example, ended production of non Flexfuel engines in 2008. That said, reliance on biofuels does present other issues notably that widespread use accelerates deforestation. Different tastes and trends In order to understand how different the needs of South American motorists are from ours, we only need to look at the commercial success of light car based pickups such as the Subaru Baja or the Chevrolet El Camino. In fact, such is the market for these types of vehicles that other manufacturers have joined the foray. Fiat offers its Strada with both a short and long cab configuration while Peugeot sells the Hoggar with two Flexfuel engine options. Meanwhile, Ford offers its car-based Courier pickup; Chevrolet its Montana (based on the Opel Combo small delivery van) while Volkswagen offers the Gol based Saveiro. These small car based pickups are just one example of how manufacturers have adapted to local Latin American motoring needs and illustrate a strong contrast between South and North American approaches to vehicle development, production and technology. Frédéric Laporte Fiat currently produces 15 models at the Betim plant and more than 3,000 vehicles each day. In June 2009 Fiat reached a significant production milestone, namely manufacturing its 10 millionth vehicle in Brazil. The Peugeot Hoggar is one of the numerous light truck models that are designed on an automobile platform specifically for the South American market. 21 AUTOJOURNAL VISITS ... Downtown Porsche Finest Cars, Finest Service Providing top-notch service to a demanding clientele is all in a day’s work for this dealership. Downtown Porsche turned the roof of their building into a parking lot that serves as extra storage space. I f you were to look for Downtown Porsche on Google Maps you wouldn’t find it. The building that houses the dealership is so new that Google Maps hasn’t caught up with construction yet. But while the building may be new, Downtown Porsche has been in the business of selling fine cars for close to 30 years. The dealership began operations in the heart of Yorkville. Today, it’s located in a state-of-the-art facility on the edge of Toronto’s Historic Distillery District. Only the best Downtown Porsche was built upon a foundation of quality. Their credo is simple yet powerful: Always provide customers with the finest cars and the finest service. Downtown Porsche customers have come to recognize the quality of the dealership, and so has Porsche. The dealership was recently awarded the coveted “Porsche Premier Dealership 2012” designation - an honour that has been bestowed on only two Porsche dealerships in Canada. “We have built the most modern Porsche dealership in Canada, complete with its own car elevator Main reception area 22 and rooftop parking for over 100 cars,” says Helen Ching-Kircher, Dealer Principal, President and CEO of DFC Auto Group. “We also have a fully automatic car wash on site, and a second-floor, pre-owned showroom that features some of the country’s finest examples of previously enjoyed Porsches.” To better serve customers’ needs, Downtown Porsche offers a complimentary valet service. Dealership staff pick-up and deliver vehicles for service appointments. They also offer extended showroom and service hours, and are open on Saturdays, making it as easy as possible for their customers to schedule a sales or service appointment. A beautiful Porsche Design boutique features a “shop-in-shop” approach to selling Porsche-branded accessories, while a lounge offers customers access to refreshments while they wait for their vehicles to be serviced. Stellar staff Every business owner knows that a top-notch staff is a must, especially if you want to cater to the wants and needs of a high-end clientele. Porsche customers certainly fall into this Helen Ching-Kircher, Dealer Principal, President and CEO of DFC Auto Group category, which is why Downtown Porsche has gone to great lengths to attract and train truly exceptional men and women. Their sales team is made up of Porsche Brand Ambassadors. All of these sales professionals are Globally Certified by Porsche. This means that they have all undergone extensive Porsche training, testing, and therefore qualify to work for Porsche anywhere in the world. “Each member of our staff is passionate and knowledgeable about the Porsche brand and about all our products,” Ching-Kircher adds, “and many of our staff are highly experienced Porsche enthusiasts, owning and driving their own Porsche vehicles.” Customer satisfaction is this dealership’s highest priority, and Downtown Porsche regularly achieves top scores on the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). And when Porsche sends out mystery shoppers for quality assurance purposes, Downtown Porsche consistently gets top marks. The commitment to the customer experience goes way beyond sales and service. Downtown Porsche wants their customers to truly enjoy their vehicles to the full, and that’s why they organize special Downtown Porsche events like their popular Track Days. They’ve also pioneered the first Women’s Track Day event, as well as Advanced Driving Schools and Porsche seminars - all designed to enable their customers to get the most out of the Porsche ownership experience. Future plans Today, Downtown Porsche boasts 60 employees, 15 service bays, and 1 elevator (used to bring cars up to the roof of the building for extra storage). Will they take this winning formula “on the road” by expanding their facilities, employing a larger sales force, or tackling new projects? These may be options Downtown Porsche will explore in the future, but for now, the dealership is committed to providing the kind of quality service they have come to be known for. “We will continue to provide our customers with the highest standard of service in concert with Porsche’s global strategy,” Ching-Kircher says, “and continue to bring to Canada new and exciting vehicles such as this year’s totally redesigned 911.” Jack Kazmierski April 2012 • AutoJournal Our service says it all. And now so does our name. Introducing TD Auto Finance. With TD’s acquisition of Chrysler Financial completed, we’re pleased to announce that TD Financing Services is now called TD Auto Finance, now one of the top bank- To learn more, please call 1-888-489-8337 or visit www.tdautofinance.ca owned auto financers in North America. And while our name may have changed, our great service and commitment to helping you grow your auto business never will. 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To learn more about our EcoLiving Auto Loan, contact your regional representative today: Atlantic Dealer Darrell Meery 902-420-3740 darrell.meery@scotiabank.com Quebec Dealer Lori Swift 514-493-8600 x55639 lori.swift@scotiabank.com Ontario Dealer Suzane Rusak 905-515-6326 suzy.rusak@scotiabank.com Scotiabank is a proud supporter of The Nature Conservancy of Canada and a donation will be made with every EcoLiving Auto Loan. scotiabank.com ® Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. Western Dealer Glenn MacLaren 403-299-6053 glenn.maclaren@scotiabank.com