Dragon Centrifugal Pump
Dragon Centrifugal Pump
Inside Front Cover Proper Pump Selecton Careful selection and installation of the correct Dragon Centrifugal Pump will result in a unit that will provide longlasting and dependable service. Selecting a pump with excessive pressure capability means extra horsepower expense. Centrifugal pumps have much different horsepower input characteristics than positive displacement pumps. However, if the pressure requirements on the discharge side are indefinite, or if for some other reason the discharge pressure is much lower than expected, the pump will handle considerably more fluid and require more horsepower thanoriginally selected to drive the pump. A valve or flow restriction will then be required to increase the discharge pressure and reduce the horsepower needed to drive the pump. To assure proper pump selection, the following information is required: 1. Suction conditions: A. Size of suction piping B. Length of suction line C. Flooded suction (positive) D. Suction lift (negative) 2. Total discharge head required. 3. Rate of flow desired. 4. Type of driver desired and RPM (electric motor or engine) 5. Specific gravity or weight of fluid to be pumped. 6. Temperature of fluid. 7. Any information available as to the corrosiveness or abrasiveness of the fluid to be handled. Once this information is obtained it is used to calculate: GPM = Rate of flow desired HD. FT. = Total dynamic head SP. GR. = Specific gravity of fluid PUMP SIZE AND HORSEPOWER SELECTION FROM PERFORMANCE CURVES Using the desired GPM and head feet, find the pump size and speed by looking at the performance curves. Mark the desired operating point on the performance curve. This operating point may appear on more than one curve because of different speeds and impeller sizes available. Use the variable speed curves for gasoline or diesel engines. If an electric motor is to be used, remember the lower the RPM, the longer the service-life of the pump. Now, decide on the curve that best suits the application of desired GPM, head feet, and RPM. This curve will designate the proper pump size. Refer to the desired operating point and take an impeller size reading. 1. Select the impeller size: A. For speeds of 1750 RPM and below read to the nearest i/i inch above the operating point. B. For speeds above 1750 RPM, read to the nearest i/g inch above the operating point. 2. Calculate the required horsepower: A. Read horsepower from curve at operating point on impeller (selected as accurately as possible) then: Brake Horsepower Required=Curve HPxSp.Gr. of Fluid B. Alternate Method: Read Efficiency at the operating point. Brake Horsepower = (GPM) (Hd. Ft.) (Sp. Gc) (3960) (Efficiency) 3. Calculate your systems NPSH available in feet: NPSH available = P^ - Friction loss + Elevation - Vapor Pressure P^ = Absolute pressure above liquid in feet of fluid Absolute Pressure = Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure Elevation = Distance from Surf ace of liquid on suction side to center line of pump in feet (above +: Below -). Vapor Pressure = Vapor Pressure fluid at pumping temperature in feet of fluid. 4. Read NPSH required from curve. A. NPSH available must be equal to or greater than NPSH required or the pump will cavitate. B. If NPSH required, is greater than NPSH available, consider: (1) Using larger suction pipe to lower losses (2) Raising the fluid level (3) Oversizing the pump (4) Lowering pump speed and increasing impeller diameter to meet the same operating point. Start-Up and Operation BEARING LUBRICATION: All Dragon pump bearings are prelubricated when assembled. We use Mystic JT-6 HT #2 when assembling and recommend that the same or a compatible NLGI #2 high temp be used. It is recommended that 5-10 shots of grease are injected into both the inboard and outboard bearing lubrication fittings at least monthly. Pumps assembled with the optional oil lubrication should be checked regularly with the dipstick and refilled with a good grade of non-detergent SAE 30 motor oil. STUFFING BOX PACKING: Most Dragon 250 pumps come standard with a mechanical seal and a back-up graphite packing in case of seal failure. The back-up packing should be left loose until needed, after which the packing bland bolts should be tightened slowly until the stuffing box drips 6-10 drips per minute. The packing should be greased daily. PRIMING: Vent air from suction line and pump housing to allow them to fill completely with fluid while priming. For pumps with a flooded suction, slightly open the discharge valve and fully open the suction valve. This will allow the pump and suction line to fill completely. START-UP: Start the pump with the discharge valve about one third open. After the discharge pressure stabilizes, gradually open the discharge valve to the required position. PUMP PERFORMANCE COMPUTATIONS: To compute pump performance of variations from pump curves use the following formulas: (Approximate) CHANGE OF SPEED (RPM) V2= V1 (R2/R1) H2= H1 (R2/R1)2 P2 = P1 (R2/R1)3 CHANGE OF IMPELLER DIAMETER V2= V1 (D2/D1) H2= H1 (D2/D1) 2 P2 = P1 (D2/D1)3 CHANGE OF SPEED AND IMPELLER DIAMETER V2= V1 (R2/R1) (D2/D1) H2= H1 (R2/R1)2 (D2/D1) 2 P2 = P1 (R2/R1)3 (D2/D1)3 Dragon’s Mechanical Seal Our Dragon Mechanical Seal manufactured in the USA. It has a Tungsten Carbide rotating assembly, a 316 stainless steel cage assembly machined from solid stock and a Silicone Carbide stationary for greater wear life. It is completely interchangeable with most or the popular pumps on the market. V1= Old Volume V2= New Volume H1= Old Head Feet H2= New Head Feet P1 = Old Horsepower P2= New Horsepower R1= Old Speed (RPM) R2= New Speed (RPM) D1=Old Impeller Diameter D2=New Impeller Diameter Premium 118 Centrifugal Pump Concentric housing design is available in right hand or left hand operation. It reduces turbulence within the pump to minimize cavitation, shaft deflection, and excessive wear. The semi open impeller is designed to handle water or heavy slurries with equal efficiency. Replaceable wear plates protects the pedestal from wear and corrosion caused by fluids being pump, therefore, extending the life of the pump. The beefed-up frame design is stronger and more rigid in all wear areas.It gives a larger work area to facilitate packing the pump, which cuts repacking time. Heavy duty bearings are well protected by spring type oil seals and water slinger designed to keep fluid and dirt out of the bearing cavity. Eccentric locks are used so the shaft can be easily removed without special tools. The oil bath lubrication system is designed with a larger oil reservoir, that provides free circulation of oil and better heat dissipation for longer bearing life. PEDESTAL, HOUSING & INSTALLATION DEMINSIONS PUMP SIZE A 1 x 11/2 R&L 13 17/16 23/8 11/2 x 2 R&L 2 x 3 R&L 3x4R B C 23/8 D F H K 41/4 35/16 261/4 31/8 47/8 13 17/16 13 17/16 23/8 51/2 35/16 13 17/16 65/8 23/8 G 35/16 5 35/16 263/4 27 281/2 31/2 L M N P R 71/2 7 41/4 7/8 1 7/8 11/2 2 45/8 71/16 7 41/4 33/4 51/2 73/4 7 41/4 7/8 7 41/4 7/8 41/4 5 8 3 S T W X 11/2 (4)-11/16 6 12 2 (4)-11/16 6 12 3 (4)-11/16 6 12 4 (4)-11/16 6 123/4 FLANGE SIZES PUMP SIZE PUMP TYPE (shaft dia.) SUCTION PIPE DISCHARGE PIPE SIZE DRILLING SIZE DRILLING 1 x 11/2 11/8 1 4 Holes 5/8 Dia. 31/8 B.C. 11/8 4 Holes 5/8 Dia. 37/8 B.C. 11/2 11/8 11/2 5/8 Dia. B.C. 2 4 Holes 3/4 Dia.. 43/4 B.C. 2x3 11/8 2 4 Holes 3/4 Dia. 43/4 B.C. 3 4 Holes 3/4 Dia. 6 B.C. 3x4 11/8 2 4 Holes 3/4 Dia. 6 B.C. 4 8 Holes 3/4 Dia. 71/2 B.C. x2 4 Holes 37/8 Premium 118 Centrifugal Pump Premium 118 Centrifugal Pump PUMP SIZES PUMP SIZE & ROTATION 1X11⁄2 L 11⁄2 X2 R 2X3 R 3X4 R MAX IMPELLER 81⁄2” 81⁄2” 81⁄2” 81⁄2” CAST IRON MODEL NUMBERS 091-1100 091-1105 091-1110 091-1115 118 Pump Parts List Chart Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 Description Qty Req 118 Pedestal 1 118 Bearing Cap 2 118 Bearing Cap Gasket 2 118 Bearing Assm. 2 118 Oil & Grease Seal 2 1 18 316-SS Shaft 1 118 416-SS Shaft 1 1 18 Ceramic Coated 416-SS Shaft 1 8 118 Graphite Packing 1 118 King Packing 1 118 Teflon Packing 1 9 118 Packing Gland 1 10 118 Gland Adjusting Bolt Assm. 2 11 118 Wear Plate Cast Iron 1 12 118-1X1. 5 LH Cast Iron Impeller 1 118-1.5X2 RH Cast Iron Impeller 1 11 8-2X3 RH Cast Iron Impeller 1 11 8-3X4 RH Cast Iron Impeller 1 13 118 Housing Gasket 1 14 118-1X1.5 LH Housing Assm. C.I. 1 118-1.5X2 RH C.I Housing Assm. 1 118-2X3 RH C.I Housing Assm. 1 1 18-3X4 RH C.I Housing Assm. 1 15 118 Housing Stud 8 15a 118 Housing Stud Nut 8 17 118 Impeller Key 1 18 118 Coupling Key 1 19 118 Shaft Lock Nut Assm. 1 Dragon 820-0120 820-0140 811-8025 820-0100 811-6020 820-0160 820-0180 Mission E3768 3773A 10399-21-1 3944-1 3943-12 3769-4A 3769-21A Halco H3768 H3771A H10399-2-1 H3944-1 H3943-12 H3769-4A H3769-21A Harrisburg 1-118-PED 2-118-BC 3-118-BCG 4-118-BA 5-118-OGS 7C-118-316SS 7-118-416SS 820-0200 811-7520 811-7525 811-7530 820-0240 820-0260 820-0280 811-0220 811-0240 811-0260 811-0280 811-8020 811-2120 811-2140 811-2160 811-2180 400-8001 405-2001 820-0320 820-0360 820-0380 17361-21G-7A 8264-11S-OBA 8474-1 1S-1 A 8264-flS-7A 8204-1 3A A3701A 3762-1 4571 -XX-1 4571-XX-1 4575-XX-1 5710-XX-1 10399-19-1 N/A G4576-1A F4672-1A F5162-1A 11907-82/3932-1 N/A 4372-1-4 4372-2-21 6209-7-4 H17361-21G-7A H8264-11S-OBA H8474-11S-1A H8264-11S-7A H8204-13A H3701A H3762-1 H4571-XX-1 H4571-XX-1 H4575-XX-1 H5710-XX-1 H10399-19-1 N/A H4576-1A H4672-1A H5162-1A H1 1907-82/3932-1 N/A H4372-1-4 H4372-2-21 H6209-7-4 7A-118-416SSC 8A-118-PMSG 8C-118-PMSK 8D-118-PMST 9-118-GPA 10-118-GABA 11-118-WPC 1218142ICRXXX 1218142ICRXXX 121823ICRXXX N/A 13A-118-HGF N/A 14118142CHR 141823CHR N/A 15-118-HSN N/A 17-118-IK 17A-118-CK 18-118-LNA 21 811-9020 C3770A H3770A 22-118-SRW 118 Water Slinger Ring Note: XX or XXX Indicates Impeller Size 1 Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 118 Series Charts Premium 178 Centrifugal Pump The concentric housing design reduces turbulence within the pump to minimize cavitation, shaft deflection, and excessive wear. The semi open impeller is designed to handle water or heavy slurries with equal efficiency. Replaceable wear plates protects the pedestal from wear and corrosion caused by fluids being pump, therefore, extending the life of the pump. The beefed-up frame design is stronger and more rigid in all wear areas.It gives a larger work area to facilitate packing the pump, which cuts repacking time. Heavy duty bearings are well protected by spring type oil seals and water slinger designed to keep fluid and dirt out of the bearing cavity. Eccentric locks are used so the shaft can be easily removed without special tools. Premium 178 Series Parts Premium 178 Series Parts Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 Description Qty Req 178 Pedestal 1 178 Bearing Cap 2 178 Bearing Cap Gasket 2 1 78 Bearing Assm. 2 178 Oil & Grease Seal 2 178 316-SS Shaft F/ 2x3-5x6 1 178 416-SS Shaft F/ 2x3-5x6 1 178 Ceramic Coated F/ 2x3-5X6 1 78 316-SS Shaft F/ 6X8 178 416-SS Shaft F/ 6X8 178 Ceramic Coated F/ 6X8 8 178 Graphite Packing 178 King Packing 178 Teflon Packing 9 178 Packing Gland 1 10 178 Gland Adjusting Bolt Assm. 2 11 178 Wear Plate Ductile Iron 1 12 178-2X3 Ductile RH Impeller 1 178-3X4 Ductile RH Impeller 178-4X5 Ductile RH Impeller 178-5X6 Ductile RH Impeller 178-6X8 Ductile RH Impeller 13 178 Housing Gasket 2 14/15 178-2X3 Housing Assm. RH Duct 178-3X4 Housing Assm. RH Duct 178-4X5 Housing Assm. RH Duct 178-5X6 Housing Assm. RH Duct 178-6X8 Housing Assm. RH Duct 22 178 Water Slinger Ring Note: XX or XXX Indicates Impeller Size Dragon 825-0125 825-0140 811-8045 825-0100 811-6040 825-0160 825-0180 825-0200 825-0220 825-0240 825-0260 811-7560 811-7565 811-7570 825-0280 830-0200 825-0320 811-0520 811-0540 811-0560 811-0580 811-0620 811-8040 811-2320 811-2340 811-2360 811-2380 811-2400 811-9040 Mission L3785 3790 10399-23-1 3944-3 3943-14 3786-4A 4932-21 A 17238-21G-7A 1492.8-4A 14928-21A 17343-210-1 A 8264-17W-OBA 8474-1 7 W-7A 8264-17W-7A 7406-13A A3701A 3779-30 4610-XX-30 4605-XX-30 4705-XX-30 4710-XX-30 5142-XX-30 10399-20-1 G4676-30A F4644-30A F4732-30A F4742-30A F5144-30A C3787A Halco H3785 H3790 H10399-23-1 H3944-3 H3943-14 H3786-4A H4932-21A H17238-21G-7A H14928-4A HI 4928-21 A H17343-21-1A H8264-17W-OBA H8474-17W-7A H8264-17W-7A H7406-13A H3701A H3779-30 H4610-XX-30 H4605-XX-30 H4705-XX-30 H4710-XX-30 H5142-XX-30 HI 0399-20-1 H4676-30A H4644-30A H4732-30A H4742-30A H5144-30A HC3787A Harrjsburg 1-178-PED 2-178-BC 3-178-BCG 4A-178-BA8 5-178-OGS 7A-178-316SS 7A-178-416SS 7B-178-416SSC 7F-178A-316SS 7C-178A-416SS 7D-178A-416SSC 8A-178-PMSG 8C-178-PMSK 8D-178-PMST 9-178-GPA 10-178-GABA 11B-178-WPD 1 27823 IRXXX 127834IRXXX 127845IRXXX 127856IRXXX 127868IRXXX 13A-178-HGF 147823DHA 147834DHA 147845DHA 147856DHA 147868DHA 20-178-SRW The Dragon Premium 250 Centrifugal Pump uses the latest design with many enhancements: • The concentric housing is 35% thicker for extra strength and extended service life and reduces the radial load of the bearings. • The impeller is designed to reduce turbulence, eliminate recirculation, lower radial and thrust load, and provide a smooth flow of fluids. • The larger diameter shaft gives heavy-duty performance with minimum shaft deflection. • An anti-loosening impeller lock bolt to eliminate pump damage in case of reversed polarity motor hook-up. • Brass labyrinth seals are used on both the inboard and outboard bearings to protect from contamination and for longer seal life. • Heavy-duty SKF outboard bearing assembly consists of a pair of angular contact bearings with high thrust load rating and zero end play. • The heavy-duty SKF inboard bearing is a double row ball-bearing with high radial load rating to compensate for the larger size impeller and heavy-duty applications. • The optional oil bath lubrication system is designed with a larger oil reservoir, which provides free circulation of oil and better heat dissipation for longer bearing life. • The mechanical seal has a tungsten carbide rotating assembly plus a 316 stainless steel cage assembly with a silicone carbide stationary for greater seal life. • All components of the Dragon Premium 250 centrifugal pump are 100% interchangeable with other brands such as Mission, Halco, etc. • Every Dragon pump or pump package is fully tested before shipment. Premium 250 Centrifugal Pump PEDESTAL, HOUSING & INSTALLATION DEMINSIONS SIZE DIMENSION A B 2x3x13 3x4x13 4x5x14 5x6x11 5x6x14 6x8x11 6x8x14 83/4 93/8 103/4 121/16 121/16 131/4 131/4 33/4 41/4 5 53/4 53/4 63/4 63/4 C D E F G 33 335/8 35 363/8 363/8 371/2 371/2 7 63/4 61/8 6 83/8 83/8 101/4 101/4 11 11 11 14 14 177/8 177/8 19 177/8 21 20 23 31/2 31/2 31/2 31/2 31/2 31/2 31/2 157/16 157/16 157/16 157/16 157/16 157/16 157/16 25/16 25/16 25/16 25/16 25/16 25/16 25/16 195/8 195/8 195/8 195/8 195/8 195/8 195/8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 13 13 14 11 14 11 14 H J K M N Max Impellar Dia. Max Impellar Dia. Suction Size Discharge Size Weight- Lbs. FLANGE SIZE 2 3 4 5 6 8 6 6 6 7 8 10 8 10 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 430 440 490 520 550 610 630 I.D. O.D. B.C. HOLES SIZE HOLES THICKNESS 2 3 4 5 6 8 6 71/2 9 10 11 71/2 43/4 6 71/2 81/2 91/2 113/4 4 4 8 8 8 8 3/4 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 15/16 7/8 15/16 7/8 1 7/8 11/8 Premium 250 Centrifugal Pump PUMP SIZES PUMP SIZE 2X3X13 3X4X13 4X5X14 5X6X11 5X6X14 6X8X11 6X8X14 MODEL NUMBERS 091-1180 091-1185 091-1190 091-1195 091-1200 091-1205 091-1210 MATERIAL ROTATION DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH DUCTILE IRON RH MAX IMPELLER 13” 13” 14” 11” 14” 11” 14” 250 Pump Parts List Chart Item 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16a 16b 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 Description 250 Pedestal 250 Shaft 250 Outboard Bearing Housing 250 Packing Gland 250 Inboard Bearing (Double Row) 250 Inboard Bearing Cover 250 Outboard Bearing 250 Outboard Bearing Cover 250 Mechanical Seal {Tungsten-Silicone} 250 Graphite Packing 250 Packing Gland Bolt Assy 250 Shaft Sleeve Stainless Steel 250 Shaft Sleeve Ceramic Coated 250 Mechanical Seal Stuffing Box 250 Packing Stuffing Box 2503X2X13 Impeller 2504X3X13 Impeller 2505X4X14 Impeller 250 6 X 5 X 11 and 8 X 6 X 11 Impeller 2506X5X14 Impeller 2508X6X14 Impeller 2503X2X13 Housing Assy 2504X3X13 Housing Assy 2505X4X14 Housing Assy 2506X5X11 Housing Assy 250 6X5X14 Housing Assy 250 8X6X11 Housing Assy 250 8X6X14 Housing Assy 250 Housing Nut 250 Housing Stud 250 Housing Gasket 250 Impeller 0-Ring 250 Shaft Sleeve 0-Ring 250 Inboard Brass Labyrinth Seal (Standard) 250 Inboard Bearing Shaft Oil Sea! 250 Inboard Exclusion Seal 250 Outboard Brass Labyrinth Seal (Standard) 250 Outboard Bearing Shaft Oil Seal 250 Outboard Bearing Cover Gasket 250 Outboard Bearing Housing 0-Ring 250 Outboard Bearing Cover 0-Ring 250 Bearing Lock Nut 250 Bearing Lock Washer 250 Impeller Lock Bolt Grease Zert Stuffing Box Bolt 250 Pedestal Breather/Vent 250 4 X 3 X 13 Housing Wear Pad 250 5 X 4 X 14 Housing Wear Pad 250 6 X 5 X 11 Housing Wear Pad 250 6 X 5 X 14 Housing Wear Pad 250 8 X 6 X 11 Housing Wear Pad 250 8 X 6 X 14 Housing Wear Pad 250 Shaft Key (3/8) Quanity 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dragon # 830-0120 830-0140 830-0160 830-0180 830-0100 830-0220 830-0110 830-0240 811-6090 811-7600 830-0200 830-0260 830-0280 830-0320 830-0300 811-0720 811-0760 811-0800 811-0820 811-0840 811-0880 811-2520 811-2540 811-2560 811-2580 811-2600 811-2620 811-2640 405-4001 400-8021 811-8060 811-7020 811-7025 811-6075 811-6065 811-6070 811-6080 811-6060 811-8065 811-7030 811-7035 830-0380 830-0400 830-0402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 400-2003 830-0405 811-2545 811-2565 811-2585 811-2605 811-2625 811-2645 Mission 20618-12-1 20612-02-33 20624-01-01 20622A 20615-1 20626A 20616-1 20617A 22451 3701A 20943-21A 20613-21G-7A 22223-01-30A 20614-01-30 19204-XX-30 19206-XX-30 19224-XX-30 19121-XX-30 19121-XX-30 19116-XX-30 19203-01-30A 19205-01-30A 19222-01-30A 19122-01-30A 19123-01-30A 19763-01-30A 19117-01-30A 3932-61 3862-76 10399-46-1 19110-72 23444-01-72 NOV 644302499 646490557 644308504 641103338 648408102 641103361 648408201S 641103296 648414357 661007005 601102494 641102182 641102181 641116157 643365042 641101753 641101902 641102058 641101456 641101605 641102157 641101308 648402014 648401115 648403012 648405082 648415156 20619-01 20620-01 648408300 648408409 20619-02 20625 7496-253 7496-26 6123-4A 6124-4A 648408359 648408706 648402295 72200017 648402055 648402105 7415648 3861-117 8267-01 648401016 601473689 4372-5-21 601212392 Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Premium 250 Series Charts Pump Skid Packages Electric motor pump packages with electric motors from 1-200hp in direct couple or belt-drive configurations. • • • • • • • • • Series 250 6 x 5 x 11 Electric Unit 10 1/2” Impellar Casing Wear Pad Mechanical Seal Tungsten Carbide SKF Premium Bearings Labyrith Bearing Oil Seals 50HP @ 1750 RPM Motor 230/460-3-60 Explosion Proof Motor Starter 50HP Sprecher SCHUH 3 Phase Motor Control • Woods Couplings Dragon 3X2 Oil Lubed Pump with a Kubota DG972-E2 Natural Gas Engine Murphy Cascade Control Panel and a Heavy Duty Galvanized Skid. Pump Skid And Trailer Packages Diesel Engine pump packages with Deutz, John Deere, and Detroit engines from 50-250hp. • Series 250 8 x 6 x 14 • 11” Impeller • Replaceable Casing Wear Pad • Mechanical Seal Tungsten Carbide • SKF Premium Bearings • Labyrinth Bearing Seals • 173HP Deutz Diesel Engine Model TCD914L6 • Twin Disc PTO • Deutz Instrumentation Panel • Dodge Couplings Diesel Unit shown with optional Manifold Vacuum Prime Assist Pumps with Diesel Engines from 75-300hp. • 6X6 Vacuum prime assist pump • 75 HP Deutz engine • Heavy Duty skid/trailer with removable axle and tongue. • Removable lifting cage • Hot-dipped Galvanized Starters And Electric Motors Motors- Dragon carries a full inventory of TEFC and Explosion-Proof motors from1-200hp and 1200, 1800, and 3600rpm. Motors are US made by Baldor and Reliance. Starters- Dragon carries a full inventory of TEFC and Explosion-Proof starters from 200HP by Sprecher&Schuh and Siemens. Mud Hoppers- Rigid steel construction, the hoppesr are designed to provide optimum mixing results. They are low profile for easy “sack to hopper” transfer and available in 4” and 6” orifice. Equipped with jet nipple, bushing, tee and a valve that has intermediate settings to regulate the feeding rate. Venturi tubing is included with every unit. Mud Guns- The Dragon Mud Gun is designed for submerged service in pits and is available in a 3” size low-pressure gun. This unit is intended for high volume service, such as mud mixing systems that employ centrifugal pumps. All Dragon Mud Guns are available with 360°rotation handles, which aid the swivel joints. For reducing the amount of solid buildup in tank corners, Dragon Mud Guns are highly effective. They also produce flow currents, which boost fluid movements and aid in the suspension or mixing of particles. In addition, Mud Guns can create an alternate product flow when used in conjunction with agitators. Available in one and two gun configurations. Agitators Dragon Agitators are constructed to handle the harsh oilfield environment. Keyless-No Key Ways or Key Stock needed. All agitators come with: • Nord brand nominal 30:1 gear box, constructed with ultra-tough cast-iron. • Tapered roller bearings on the output shaft to handle the highest thrust loads. • Nema C face input for the electric motor. Our agitators features the new dacromet coated corrosion resistant keyless coupling for easy installation and impeller adjustment. The units come complete with base plate, motor, gearbox, impeller, shaft and couplings. Available in all sizes. Road Crossing Manifolds • Stackable for easy storage and transport • Four heavy duty “D” lifting rings • Angled approach ramps • Constructed from 1/4” steel wall material • 3” x 6” rectangular crosstubing • 150# Flange inlet/outlet • Hot dipped galvanized to prevent corrosion and rust for longer production life Four Sizes to choose from: 8” Flange x 12 feet 8” Flange x 24 feet 12” Flange x 12 feet 12” Flange x 24 feet Dragon Custom Pumps Let one of our Pump Specialist help you to design and build a custom system to suit your production needs. Combined with our Design Engineers, you will get a quality built product backed by experience, parts and a on-site service team. All systems are manufactured in the USA. About Dragon Pumps Our Pump packages are custom fabrication to meet our customers specific needs in the Petrochemical, Shipping, Drilling, Agricultural and Minning industries. All Dragon pumps and packages are assembled and tested at our manufacturing plant in Liberty, Texas. All internal pump parts such as bearings, shafts, and mechanical seals are from the highest quality parts andmaterials made in the USA. We also refurbish and repair pumps and have a full stock of replacement parts for our pumps which are 100% interchangeable with other popular pumps on the market. Inside Back Cover
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