Cam Lobe Master Catalog
Cam Lobe Master Catalog
COMPCAMS.COM | 1.800.999.0853 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS How To Order Solid Flat Tappet cont. Selecting A Core ....................................................................................................................................2 Selecting Lobes ......................................................................................................................................2 Choosing Lobe Separation Angle ...................................................................................................2 Determining Part #/Grind # And Ordering..............................................................................3 Roller Cam Lobe Suffix Codes..........................................................................................................3 Core Listings Non-Standard Journal Size ..................................................................................3 Special Services .....................................................................................................................................4 Core Listing ..............................................................................................................................................5 GRI ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 MEM ........................................................................................................................................................ 43 MHF ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 FL & SQ .................................................................................................................................................. 44 High RPM Dash 12 .......................................................................................................................... 45 Dash 13 ................................................................................................................................................. 45 F3 Exhaust ............................................................................................................................................ 46 D3C .......................................................................................................................................................... 46 XX.............................................................................................................................................................. 46 High Rocker Ratio ............................................................................................................................. 47 High Rocker Ratio II .......................................................................................................................... 47 N ................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Oval + ...................................................................................................................................................... 48 FE .875" ................................................................................................................................................. 49 TDLC ........................................................................................................................................................ 49 T1N - Very High RPM .875" Flat ................................................................................................ 49 TCT - High Ratio .875" Flat ........................................................................................................... 50 NRX .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Dir 2.3 Ratio Conversions - .875" Flat .................................................................................... 50 BB GG .875" Plate ............................................................................................................................ 51 TDP Flat Plate ..................................................................................................................................... 51 TDP 2 Flat Plate ................................................................................................................................. 51 TDP Flat Plate - Lower Lobe Lift ................................................................................................. 51 HY Flat Plate ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Chrysler Special.................................................................................................................................. 52 MP ............................................................................................................................................................ 52 MM ........................................................................................................................................................... 53 Hydraulic Flat Tappet High Energy™ ............................................................................................................................................9 Magnum ....................................................................................................................................................9 Dual Energy™ ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Thumpr™ ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Nostalgia Plus™ ................................................................................................................................... 11 Race......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Xtreme Energy™ ................................................................................................................................. 12 Xtreme Energy XFI™.......................................................................................................................... 13 Purple Plus ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Xtreme Mopar .................................................................................................................................... 14 Hydraulic Roller High Energy™ & Magnum - Low & High Lift ........................................................................... 15 Tri Power Xtreme™ ........................................................................................................................... 16 Thumpr™ ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Xtreme Energy™ ................................................................................................................................. 17 Xtreme 4x4 .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Xtreme Energy XFI™.......................................................................................................................... 18 QXI ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 QXX .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 QNI............................................................................................................................................................ 21 QNX.......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Xtreme Marine™................................................................................................................................. 22 Xtreme Marine™ - High Lift............................................................................................................ 23 HUC .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Xtreme RPM for LS1....................................................................................................................... 24 Xtreme RPR ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Xtreme Energy™ XE-R for LS1 ..................................................................................................... 25 Xtreme Energy™ LSL for LS1 ....................................................................................................... 26 Xtreme Energy™ LXL for LS1 ....................................................................................................... 26 Xtreme Energy™ LSK for LS1....................................................................................................... 27 Xtreme Energy™ VVI ......................................................................................................................... 27 LSN & LSD for DOD ......................................................................................................................... 28 EHI EHX .................................................................................................................................................. 28 DHI DHX ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Cheater HR Lift Rule Competition ............................................................................................. 30 Mustang R Lift Rule Competition ............................................................................................... 31 ESI ESX Stocker .................................................................................................................................. 31 DSI Stocker........................................................................................................................................... 32 CE Stocker ............................................................................................................................................ 32 CZK........................................................................................................................................................... 32 FSHR Stocker ...................................................................................................................................... 32 Xtreme Energy™ Harley................................................................................................................... 33 Solid Flat Tappet High Energy™ & Magnum............................................................................................................... 33 Nostalgia Plus™ ................................................................................................................................... 34 Xtreme Energy™ ................................................................................................................................. 34 High Torque.......................................................................................................................................... 35 High RPM .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Hi-Tech™ ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Tight Lash.............................................................................................................................................. 36 High RPM II........................................................................................................................................... 36 XTQ........................................................................................................................................................... 36 XTX ........................................................................................................................................................... 37 JF .330" Lift ......................................................................................................................................... 38 HF & JF Lift Rule ................................................................................................................................ 38 Max Area (MA) ................................................................................................................................... 39 Max Area (MA) Lift Rule ................................................................................................................. 40 USI USX UPI UPX Stocker Flat .................................................................................................... 42 MH ............................................................................................................................................................ 42 Solid Roller High Energy™ Street ......................................................................................................................... 53 Xtreme Energy™ Street ................................................................................................................... 54 Xtreme Energy™ Duramax Street .............................................................................................. 54 Base Design ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Hi-Tech™ ................................................................................................................................................. 56 High Torque .406" ............................................................................................................................ 56 Hi-Tech™ .420" Exhaust .................................................................................................................. 56 Hi-Tech™ .420" .................................................................................................................................... 57 RT .............................................................................................................................................................. 57 NC ............................................................................................................................................................. 58 NSC .......................................................................................................................................................... 58 RZ ............................................................................................................................................................. 59 RZ Low Lift ............................................................................................................................................ 59 AS Endurance...................................................................................................................................... 60 TC .............................................................................................................................................................. 60 RX ............................................................................................................................................................. 61 CR ............................................................................................................................................................. 61 CR Lift Rule ........................................................................................................................................... 62 ZT .............................................................................................................................................................. 62 ZS .............................................................................................................................................................. 63 TD, TJ & TJS ........................................................................................................................................ 63 TS .............................................................................................................................................................. 64 High Ratio Restricted ...................................................................................................................... 64 RP ............................................................................................................................................................. 65 SP.............................................................................................................................................................. 65 RC ............................................................................................................................................................. 66 TK .............................................................................................................................................................. 66 SP-TK High Lift .................................................................................................................................... 67 TK Lift Rule ........................................................................................................................................... 68 SPL ........................................................................................................................................................... 68 VK Lift Rule ........................................................................................................................................... 68 DSZ .......................................................................................................................................................... 69 CSZ ........................................................................................................................................................... 69 Hi-Tech™ .440" Intake ...................................................................................................................... 70 High Torque .440" ............................................................................................................................ 70 High Torque .460" ............................................................................................................................ 70 High Torque .420" Exhaust........................................................................................................... 71 High Ratio - High RPM Super Stock ......................................................................................... 71 HXL........................................................................................................................................................... 71 HXX .......................................................................................................................................................... 72 HXX HL ................................................................................................................................................... 72 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Solid Roller cont. SXZ Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 98 HDZ Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 99 PSB Pro Mod Drag............................................................................................................................ 99 XMZ Pro Mod Drag........................................................................................................................... 99 DJP............................................................................................................................................................ 99 PSA Pro Stock Drag....................................................................................................................... 100 PVI Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 100 DXP Pro Stock Drag...................................................................................................................... 100 XCH Pro Stock Drag...................................................................................................................... 100 DKL Pro Stock Drag....................................................................................................................... 101 TDS Pro Stock Drag....................................................................................................................... 101 TXJ Pro Stock Drag....................................................................................................................... 101 JI Pro Stock Drag............................................................................................................................ 101 PNI Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................ 101 PNX Pro Stock Drag...................................................................................................................... 102 Pro Mod Exhaust............................................................................................................................. 102 DRP DJP XNP Pro Stock Drag................................................................................................. 102 XCM Pro Stock Drag..................................................................................................................... 103 DRX Drag Race Exhaust.............................................................................................................. 103 XMZ XJZ Pro Mod Exhaust Drag............................................................................................ 103 UDR Fuel & ALC Intake................................................................................................................. 104 FDR Fuel & ALC Intake.................................................................................................................. 104 FCX Fuel & ALC Exhaust.............................................................................................................. 104 EF Fuel & ALC Intake...................................................................................................................... 105 FLI Fuel Intake.................................................................................................................................... 105 FLX Fuel Exhaust.............................................................................................................................. 105 NFV Top Fuel Pro Drag (2012/2013)................................................................................ 105 Chrysler Special Race................................................................................................................... 106 Overhead Cam (Pivoting Follower) Ford Modular Xtreme Energy™ 4.6 & 5.4L - SOHC or DOHC..................................... 106 Modular Stocker.............................................................................................................................. 107 MHS Modular Stocker.................................................................................................................. 108 MH 2V & 4V Modular Race....................................................................................................... 109 Ford Modular Xtreme Energy™ 4.6 & 5.4L - 3V............................................................... 109 Ford Modular RSS Race - 3V..................................................................................................... 110 Ford Coyote NSRI & NSRX Street - 4V................................................................................. 111 Ford Coyote CRI & CRX Street - 4V........................................................................................ 111 Ford 2000-2300 OHC Street................................................................................................... 112 Ford 2000-2300 OHC Race..................................................................................................... 112 Ford 2000-2300 OHC Race Roller Follower..................................................................... 112 Ford 2300 - FP Roller................................................................................................................... 113 GM Ecotech - Xtreme Energy™ Hydraulic Roller OHC.................................................... 113 Mitsubishi 4G63 - Xtreme Energy™ Hydraulic Roller OHC........................................... 114 Nissan L16, 18, 20B..................................................................................................................... 114 Toyota 20R-22RE............................................................................................................................ 115 SOH OHC Rollers for Ford 427 SOHC.................................................................................. 115 VM OHC Rollers for Ford 427 SOHC..................................................................................... 116 Overhead Cams (Direct Acting) VW or Direct 1" Tappet............................................................................................................... 116 OHC - Multipurpose Bucket........................................................................................................ 116 Quad 4 - Bucket .............................................................................................................................. 117 OHZ - Street/Strip Bucket ........................................................................................................ 117 OHRX - High RPM Bucket .......................................................................................................... 117 OHRVX - High Lift ............................................................................................................................ 118 XCOH Exhaust High Lift ............................................................................................................... 118 OHRXA - Street Intake ................................................................................................................. 118 OHRXA - Street Exhaust .............................................................................................................. 118 PCI Intake - Limited RPM OHC 33mm Bucket................................................................... 119 PCX Exhaust - Limited RPM OHC 33mm Bucket............................................................. 119 PDI Intake - Limited RPM OHC 33mm Bucket.................................................................. 119 PDX Exjaust - Limited RPM OHC 31.5mm Bucket.......................................................... 119 OHV Intake 38-40mm Bucket................................................................................................... 120 XCO Exhaust 35-40mm Bucket............................................................................................... 120 OVH Intake 38-40mm Bucket................................................................................................... 120 Thumpr™ Flathead Ford - Direct Solid 1" Tappet (CCW Rotation)........................... 120 FC Solids.............................................................................................................................................. 121 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Solid Roller cont. HPX........................................................................................................................................................... 72 HXX LL..................................................................................................................................................... 73 IXL.............................................................................................................................................................. 73 IXLL............................................................................................................................................................ 74 UB.............................................................................................................................................................. 74 UBL............................................................................................................................................................ 75 UBA........................................................................................................................................................... 75 UBLL......................................................................................................................................................... 75 DIX............................................................................................................................................................. 76 GCI & GCX.............................................................................................................................................. 76 ULG UVX High Ratio.......................................................................................................................... 76 DSP........................................................................................................................................................... 77 DSS........................................................................................................................................................... 77 DSL............................................................................................................................................................ 78 DPC & DPD........................................................................................................................................... 78 HOI & HOX............................................................................................................................................. 78 UL............................................................................................................................................................... 79 High RPM Intake................................................................................................................................. 79 CE Drag Intake..................................................................................................................................... 80 Dash 31.................................................................................................................................................. 80 Mountain Motor.................................................................................................................................. 80 High RPM Exhaust............................................................................................................................. 81 JX Drag Exhaust................................................................................................................................. 81 XCX Drag Exhaust.............................................................................................................................. 82 XJX Drag Exhaust.............................................................................................................................. 83 Rev Drag Intake................................................................................................................................... 83 RX Drag Intake.................................................................................................................................... 83 RX Pro Drag Intake............................................................................................................................ 84 DR Pro Drag Intake........................................................................................................................... 84 TS Pro...................................................................................................................................................... 85 TSP TSX Pro......................................................................................................................................... 85 DLB............................................................................................................................................................ 86 DNW........................................................................................................................................................ 86 DRZ Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 86 DQS Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 87 DRS Drag............................................................................................................................................... 87 RS Drag Intake..................................................................................................................................... 87 DRD Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 88 DRM Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................ 88 DRI Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................... 88 DRP Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 89 DRX Drag Exhaust............................................................................................................................. 89 XK Pro Stock Drag............................................................................................................................. 89 XKL Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 90 XK .635" Pro Stock Drag Exhaust............................................................................................. 90 XKH Exhaust......................................................................................................................................... 90 XM Pro Exhaust.................................................................................................................................. 91 ZLX Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 91 NX Pro Stock Drag Exhaust.......................................................................................................... 91 NXX........................................................................................................................................................... 92 PRI PLI Pro Stock Drag.................................................................................................................... 92 PRX PLX Pro Stock Drag................................................................................................................ 93 PRZ Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 93 PVX Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 94 PZI Pro Stock Drag............................................................................................................................ 94 SPH & SPI Pro Stock Drag............................................................................................................ 94 SPX Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 95 XCM Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................ 95 FPJ Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................... 95 XNR........................................................................................................................................................... 96 XRX Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 96 PVS Pro Stock Drag Exhaust........................................................................................................ 96 ZZX Pro Stock Drag Exhaust........................................................................................................ 96 PIC Pro Stock Drag........................................................................................................................... 97 PXC Pro Stock Drag.......................................................................................................................... 97 PZN PZJ PYJ Pro Stock Drag...................................................................................................... 97 DKN Pro Stock Drag......................................................................................................................... 98 FPI Pro Stock Drag............................................................................................................................ 98 HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER COMP Cams® leads the industry in camshaft lobe offerings. With thousands of active lobes in the COMP® library, the combinations are infinite for any given engine. This means that you can have a cam ground to your specific needs, and you have the broadest selection of lobes available. Choosing a cam for your application is a four-step process: 1. Select a core. 2. Select the lobes. 3. Select a lobe separation angle. 4. Determine the part number and grind number, and order the cam. 1. Selecting a Core Within the parameter of core applications, we have sixteen cores that cover many engine applications. They are designated as follows: -0 -5 -5RR -7 -8 -9 -9L -9R -9W -10 -11 -12 -14 -16 -44 -47 Steel Billet Round Lobe Flat Tappet (Hydraulic or Solid Lifter) Reverse Rotation Flat Tappet Special Flat Tappet Street Roller (Hydraulic or Solid Roller) Special Material – Bronze Distributor Gear Not Required on Most Applications Steel Billet Roller OHC Roller Left OHC Roller Right Welded Steel Billet Flat Tappet Steel Billet Roller Steel Billet Roller Steel Billet Roller 4/7 Swap Steel Billet Roller Steel Flat Tappet Steel Billet Roller – Press-On Distributor Gear 4/7 Swap Cast Flat Tappet Special Note: The -0 core is a round lobe core that is not heat-treated. These cores must be roughed and then heat-treated before finished lobe grinding takes place. The complete core list follows on pages 6-8. The list is separated into the different cam core types. The part number in front of each core is used in ordering a custom ground cam for a particular engine type. It consists of a two-digit prefix designating the engine type, followed by a dash (-) and three consecutive zeros. The zeros indicate a custom ground cam. Next are a dash and number from the core designations previously listed. Example: Engine Prefix 12 Part # 000 Core Type -9 The number 12- indicates Small Block Chevy (found on the core listing pages 6-8). The 000 indicates a custom grind. The -9 indicates steel billet roller core. 2 2. Selecting Lobes The lobes are listed on pages 9-121 and represent the most current library of lobes offered by COMP Cams®. They are arranged in groups, each of which is unique in its application. Along with each group is a description of each type, which is intended to help clarify each family of lobes so that you may accurately select lobes for your application. Some lobes specifically designated to be intake or exhaust lobes do not necessarily have to be run on the valve for which they were designed. If an exhaust lobe has the desired spec for intake (or vise versa) they may be used in that manner. Keep in mind while viewing the listings that certain flat tappet lobes are designed to be used only with correct diameter lifters. 3. Choosing Lobe Separation Angle Lobe separation angles (the angle in cam degrees between the intake and exhaust lobe are also referred to as "lobe centers") are very engine combination dependent. In general, a tighter separation (ex. 104°-106°) results in a "peakier" torque curve better suited to stick-shift cars with multiple gear ratios to change between. Wider lobe separation (ex. 110°-112°) results in a broader, flatter torque curve that is more suited to automatic transmission cars with fewer gears from which to choose. Therefore, engines have to be more powerful over a broader RPM range. Also, as lobes get larger at .050" duration (275° and up), it is necessary to begin widening separation angles to lessen the amount of overlap that accumulates from the larger lobes. One final note about lobe separation angles — the cam cores that are available for each application are designed for nominal, standard lobe separation angles. Straying from this nominal angle too far in one direction or another can result in the heat-treated surface of the core being ground through to the soft material underneath. Soft lobes will fail in an engine if allowed to run for very long. Whether or not the heat-treated surface is ground through also is obviously dependent on the lobe being ground on the core. The bottom line is that not all grinds can go on every core that is available. More popular engines, like the Small Block Chevy, have a variety of cores available with varying lobe separation angles that can accommodate almost any grind. Less popular applications, like the Flathead Ford V8, only have one core available. Therefore, they are somewhat limited in terms of what grind will fit on the single existing core. Technical Assistance is available through a variety of sources: Toll Free CAM HELP®: 1.800.999.0853 Website: COMPCAMS.COM Email: 24 Hour Fax: 901.366.1807 Twitter: @CPGTech Technical and Sales Personnel are available from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. COMP Cams® is closed on Sunday and legal holidays. 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HOW TO ORDER With the part number determined in the core selection process, the grind number is the final step prior to ordering the cam. This process is simple and is accomplished by picking up the "lobe number" that appears in the left column of the lobe selection chart. The intake lobe will be first and the exhaust lobe will be second, followed by the lobe separation angle. For example, if lobe 5201 is selected as the intake and 5203 is selected as the exhaust, with a 106° lobe separation angle and this configuration is to be ground on a Small Block Chevy core, the full number for ordering that cam would be: Part #: 12-000-5 Grind #: CS 5201/5203-H106 Roller Cam Lobe Suffix Codes When it comes to ordering a roller cam, there are two things that need to be considered: journal diameter and roller lifter wheel diameter. Journal size and wheel diameter are very important in making sure the lobe is performing to the specifications you require. For example, if you were selecting lobes for a custom grind Big Block Chevrolet cam then you would need to make sure the lobes were designed for a Big Block Chevrolet journal diameter (1.948"). If Small Block Chevrolet lobes were used instead, the specifications of the cam would be inaccurate. The journal diameter of a Small Block Chevrolet is 1.868". The lobes on the big block cam would "grow" approximately 2° if ground using small block lobe designs. The same principle applies to various roller lifter wheel diameters. COMP Cams® has done the math for you, so all you need to do is make sure you order the lobes with the correct suffixes to signify the proper journal diameter and roller lifter wheel diameter. Master Suffix Codes for Various Roller Cam Journal Diameters: T – 1.750" (Very Small-V6 Buick, etc.) N – 0.900" Base Circle Diameter (Any Journal Size) S – 1.868" (Small Block Chevrolet) B – 1.948" or 1.968" (Big Block Chevrolet or 50mm) F – 2.036", 2.051" or 2.081" (Small Block Ford & Cleveland) R – 2.1653" or 2.1234" (55mm, LS1 or Big Block Ford) M – 2.3622" (60mm) Master Suffix Codes for Various Roller Lifter Wheel Diameters: E – 0.812" (from 0.792" to 0.832") G – 0.850" (from 0.830" to 0.870") H – 0.950" (from 0.930" to 0.970") U – 2.000" (1.000" Radius Sliding Tappet) No Suffix – Standard (from 0.750" to 0.790") Examples: If you wanted to order a cam using lobe #4314 on the intake and lobe #4074 on the exhaust for a Big Block Chevy cam with standard journals, standard .750" lifter wheel diameter and a 110° lobe separation, your grind number would be: CB 4314B/4074B R110 However, if you wanted to order a cam with the same specs for a Big Block Chevy but with 55mm journals and a .812" lifter wheel diameter, your grind number would be: CB 4314RE/4074RE R110 Core Listings Non-Standard Journal Size Chevrolet Small Block 1.868" 1.875" 1.948" 1.968" or 50mm 2.165" or 55mm Stock Chevy Bearing Size Stock Block with Roller Bearings Stock Size Rocket Block or Big Block Rocket Block with Roller Bearing Large Roller Bearing Chevrolet Big Block 1.948" 1.968" 2.124" 2.165" or 55mm 2.362" or 60mm Stock Chevy Bearing Size Stock Block with Roller Bearings Pro Stock Roller Bearing (Same Size as Big Block Ford) Large Roller Bearing "Jesel Core" Large Roller Bearing Ford Small Block, 351 Windsor & SVO Block Journal #1 – 2.080" Journal #2 – 2.065" Journal #3 – 2.050" Journal #4 – 2.035" Journal #5 – 2.020" Journal #1, 2, 3 & 4 – 2.165" Journal #5 – 1.968" All Journals – 2.051" All Journals – 2.081" Stock Ford Bearing Size Stock Ford Bearing Size Stock Ford Bearing Size Stock Ford Bearing Size Stock Ford Bearing Size Roller Bearing – "Large Roller" or "Roush Roller Bearing" Roller Bearing – "Large Roller" or "Roush Roller Bearing" Roller Bearing – "Ford Motorsports" or "SVO Design Roller Bearing" Roller Bearing – New Design Ford SVO Chrysler Small Block Journal #1 – 1.998" Journal #2 – 1.982" Journal #3 – 1.967" Journal #4 – 1.951" Journal #5 – 1.561" Journal #1, 2, 3, & 4 – 1.969" Journal #5 – 1.575" All Journals – 1.968" 2.362" or 60mm Stock Chrysler Bearing Size Stock Chrysler Bearing Size Stock Chrysler Bearing Size Stock Chrysler Bearing Size Stock Chrysler Bearing Size Joey Arrington Style Roller Bearing Joey Arrington Style Roller Bearing Mopar Performance Roller Bearing Roller Bearing W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 3 HOW TO ORDER 4. Determining a Part Number/ Grind Number and Ordering SPECIAL SERVICES SPECIAL SERVICES COMP Cams® Special Services A partial listing of the most common high end treatments and special processes you can order for your COMP Cams® camshaft. Additional services are available; contact us for any special needs. Camshaft Surface Preparations Nitriding − Part #1-111-1 This is the most effective process for extending the life of a high performance flat tappet camshaft. Nitriding increases the hardness of the camshaft surface metal by physically injecting nitrogen "needles" into the surface of the lobes and journals to increase their resistance to wear. Camshaft Micropolishing − Part #1-114-1 This procedure removes microscopic imperfections in the surface of the metal. Micropolishing can further increase the durability of the camshaft and can be performed to only the camshaft lobes or all wear surfaces. Xtreme Surface Finish Enhancement − Part #1-137-1 Our highest-quality finishing process involving considerably more polishing than any other procedure. This is most commonly used in steel-on-steel contact valve train situations, such as high end circle track flat tappet camshafts where billet materials have repeated contact in extremely high RPM environments. Drilling and Tapping Camshaft Nose − Part #1-136-1 A process performed on Viper camshafts, the nose of the camshaft is drilled and then tapped to convert from a single timing gear bolt-up to a three-bolt aftermarket timing chain set. This allows for a wider selection of timing sets. Machining a Rear Camshaft Journal Groove − Part #1-119-1 A process commonly performed on 1965-66 Big Block 396c.i. Chevrolet engines, which features oiling systems that require a groove be cut into the rear journal of the camshaft. This was a two-year only condition, not required in all 1967 and newer Big Block Chevrolet engines. Machining of the Rear Pump Drive − Part #1-116-1 Allows sprint car-style engines to run the fuel pump from the rear of the camshaft rather than traditional placements. Side Cutting of Camshaft Lobes − Part #1-127-1 A process often requested that helps to keep the lifters from making contact with adjacent lobes when the engine’s lifter bores have been enlarged. Sleeving of the Camshaft Journal − Part #1-132-1 Most popular with Ford Windsor engine roller bearing camshaft applications, a sleeve is placed around the standard rear journal to increase the size of the journal, making it compatible with rear roller bearing usage. Fuel Pump Lobe Regrinding − Part #9-999-1 A refinishing process used to clean up a fuel pump lobe which may have been damaged or is showing excessive wear. Precision Camshaft Measurement Basic Camshaft Profiling − Part #1-126-1 Performed on two lobes of any camshaft, the component is measured to determine its lift, duration and lobe centerline specifications. Adcole Camshaft Profiling − Part #1-125-1 Our highest precision camshaft measuring device, the Adcole, checks all 16 camshaft lobes to determine that the cam meets all specifications requested by the customer. The Adcole measures camshaft specifications to 0.00001 of an inch. Special Operations Replacement of the Camshaft Dowel Pin − Part #1-120-1 This is a process which repairs camshafts when the current dowel pin has either been sheared off or damaged in some manner. The old dowel pin (or remaining part) is removed by machining and a new dowel pin is inserted. Installation of Dual Dowel Pins − Part #1-121-1 For certain applications, dual dowel pins can be installed to further ensure that the camshaft and timing gear connection are secure. This is most commonly done with early model Ford V8s and classic Chrysler Hemi engines. The timing gear can also be machined to adapt to this new configuration. 4 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 CAM CORES Core Description CAM CORES Core # FLAT TAPPET CAM CORES (HYDRAULIC OR SOLID) 10-000-5 AMC 68-000-5 AMC 114-000-5 AMC 63-000-5 BUICK 69-000-5 BUICK 90-000-5 BUICK 91-000-5 BUICK 92-000-5 BUICK 96-000-5 BUICK 94-000-5 CADILLAC 11-000-5 CHEVROLET 11-000-5RR CHEVROLET 12-000-5A CHEVROLET 12-000-5RR CHEVROLET 13-000-5 CHEVROLET 15-000-5 CHEVROLET 16-000-5 CHEVROLET 18-000-5 CHEVROLET 48-000-5 CHEVROLET 60-000-5 CHEVROLET 61-000-5 CHEVROLET 62-000-5 CHEVROLET 77-000-5 CHEVROLET 89-000-5 CHEVROLET 20-000-5A CHRYSLER 21-000-5 CHRYSLER 22-000-5 CHRYSLER 23-000-5 CHRYSLER 24-000-5 CHRYSLER 26-000-5 CHRYSLER 64-000-5 CHRYSLER 31-000-5 FORD 32-000-5 FORD 33-000-5 FORD 34-000-5 FORD 35-000-5 FORD 35-000-5RR FORD 36-000-5 FORD 37-000-5 FORD 38-000-5 FORD 41-000-7 FORD 44-000-5 FORD 65-000-5 FORD 66-000-5 FORD 70-000-0 FORD 71-000-5 FORD 72-000-5 FORD 104-000-5 FORD Engine 290-401 V8 (1966-91) 199-258 L6 (1964-95) 2.5L 198-225 V6 Odd Fire (1962-67) 3.0L-4.1L V6 (1978-87) 215 Aluminum V8 364-401-425 V8 350 V8 (1968-80) 400-430-455 V8 (1967-76) 368-425-472-500 V8 396-454 V8 (1967-96) 396-454 V8 Reverse Rotation (Marine Applications) 262-400 V8 (1957-98) 262-400 V8 Reverse Rotation (Marine Applications) Corvair (1964-69) 200-229 V6 (1978-84) 2.8L, 3.1L and 3.4L (1980-95) 4.3L V6 (1983-97) 348-409 V8 (1958-65) 235 L6 Blue Flame (1952-62) 195-250 L6 (1962-85) 292 L6 (1963-90) Chevette 1400cc (1976-77)/1600cc (1976-87) Vega L4 140c.i. (1971-77) 273-360 V8 (1968-99) 383-440 V8 Single-Bolt (1958-78) 2.2L, 2.5L L4 OHC (1981-93) 383-440 V8 Three-Bolt (1958-78) 426 Hemi V8 (1966-71) 392 Hemi V8 225 L6 (1960-85) 289-302 V8 (1962-99) 351C, 351M-400M V8 (1970-82) 352-428 V8 FE (1963-95) 429-460 V8 (1968-99) 302 HO (1985-95), 351W V8 (1969-95) 351W Reverse Rotation (Marine Applications) 2600, 2800 V6 272-292-312V8 Y-Block (1955-62 2800 V6 (1983-85) Flathead V8 (1949-53) 3.8L (1984-87) Only 144-250 (1960-83) 240-300 L6 (1965-95) 2000, 2300 OHC L4 (1983-87) 1600 L4 OHC (1965-85) 2000 L4 OHC (1970-77) 3-Bearing Journal V8 "FE" (1958-62) A. Different journal sizes available W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 5 CAM CORES CAM CORES Core # Core Description Engine 10800E 10800I 81-000-5 82-000-5 83-000-5 95-000-5 79-000-5 80-000-5 84-000-5 88-000-5 42-000-5 103-000-5 53-000-5I 53-000-5E 103-000-5 14-000-5 51-000-5 52-000-5 74-000-5 87-000-5 73-000-5 85-000-5 FORD FORD HOLDEN HOLDEN INTERNATIONAL MITSUBISHI NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC PONTIAC PONTIAC TOYOTA TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN 2.0L Zetec Exhaust 2.0L Zetec Intake 6 Cyl. Flat Tappet 186" 252-308 V8 (1970-88) 304-392 V8 (1970-78) 2000, 2600 L4 RWD & FWD (1979-87) 1600, 1800 L4 (1969-84) 6 Cyl. SOHC 2200-2800 (1970-84) Gun Drilled NAP Z L4 (1981-89) 260-455 V8 (1967-84) V8 45° Bank Angle (1964-68) 2.3 Quad 4 Intake 2.3 Quad 4 Exhaust V8 45° Bank Angle (1964-68) 151 L4 (1977-78) 265-455 V8 (1955-81) 151 L4 Iron Duke (1978-89) 2TC-3TC L4 OHV 1588-1700cc (1970-82) 20R, 22R L4 (1975-89) 1200, 1600 4 Cyl. 1457, 1788 SOHC 4 Cyl. (1974-89) SPECIAL FLAT TAPPET CAM CORES CHEVROLET 12-000-7A 04-000-16A CHEVROLET 20-000-7A CHRYSLER 21-000-7 CHRYSLER 55-000-16 CHRYSLER 32-000-7 FORD 35-000-7A FORD 35-000-16 FORD 39-000-7 FORD 41-000-7 FORD 262-400 V8 Special Pro Core SB2 Block/Heads - Steel "R" Block w/ 48° Lifter Bore 383-440 V8 Single-Bolt (1958-78) R5 Block/P7 Head - Steel 351C, 351M-400M V8 (1970-82) SVO V8 SVO V8 - Steel SVO V6 Odd Fire Flathead V8 STREET ROLLER CAM CORES (HYDRAULIC OR SOLID ROLLER) (Special Material − Works w/ Most Standard Distributor Gears) 01-000-8 07-000-8 08-000-8 08-000-44 09-000-8 11-000-8 11-000-44 12-000-8 12-000-44 18-000-8 56-000-8 97-000-10 98-000-10 111-000-10 CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER 454-502 Generation VI Big Block LT1 Engine 262-400 V8 w/ Roller Cam (1987-98) 262-400 V8 w/ Roller Cam (1955-98) 4.3L V6 w/ Roller Cam (1987-98) 396-454 V8 (1967-96) 396-454 V8 (1967-96) 262-400 V8 (1957-98) 262-400 V8 (1957-98) 4.3L V6 (1985-99) 4.3L V6 (1992-99) w/ Balance Shaft V10 Viper V10 Truck 2003 & Up Viper Three-Bolt A. Different journal sizes available 6 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 CAM CORES Core Description Engine CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER DODGE FORD FORD FORD FORD GM GM MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI 5.7 & 6.1L Hemi V8 Neon "Y" Engine Code Exhaust Neon "Y" Engine Code Intake Neon SOHC 2.0L (1995-01) 289-302 V8 (1962-99) 351C, 351M-400M V8 (1970-82) 302 HO (1985-95), 351W V8 (1969-99) 302 HO (1985-95), 351W V8 (1969-99) 6.5L Diesel Duramax 6.6L Diesel 4G63 Evolution VIII Exhaust (2003 & Up) 4G63 Evolution VII Intake (2003 & Up) RACE ROLLER CAM CORES − STEEL BILLET 10-000-9 AMC 93-000-9 BUICK 02-000-9 CHEVROLET 08-000-9 CHEVROLET 07-000-9 CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 11-000-9A 01-000-9 CHEVROLET 12-000-9A CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 03-000-9A 04-000-10A CHEVROLET 14-000-9 CHEVROLET 15-000-9 CHEVROLET 17-000-9 CHEVROLET 19-000-9 CHEVROLET 28-000-9 CHEVROLET 29-000-9 CHEVROLET 48-000-9 CHEVROLET 76-000-9 GM 54-000-11 GM 46-000-9 GM CHRYSLER 20-000-9A 23-000-9 24-000-9A 26-000-9 115-000-10 31-000-9 32-000-9 33-000-9 34-000-9 35-000-9A 39-000-9 40-000-9 49-000-8 102-000-9R 102-000-9L 106-000-9LE CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER CHRYSLER FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD CAM CORES Core # 112-000-11 135-000-8E 135-000-8I 107-000-8 31-000-8 32-000-8 35-000-8 35-000-44 117-000-9 132-000-12 119-000-8E 119-000-8I 390-401 V8 (1966-79) Stage II Even Fire 200-229 V6 Odd Fire w/ Splayed Valve Head 262-400 V8 (1987-98) LT1 Engine (1992-98) 396-454 V8 (1967-96) 454-502 Generation VI Big Block 262-400 V8 (1957-98) Standard Chevrolet Block w/ SB2 Heads SB2 Block w/ SB2 Heads 153 L4 (1962-1972) 220-229 V6 Even Fire V6 Odd Fire Race 262-400 V8 W/ Splayed Valve or Buick Head Gaerte L4 Gaerte L4 w/ Splayed Valve Head 348-409 V8 (1958-65) 3800/3.8L V6 (1996-Present) LS1 Engine (1997-Present) 8.1L V8 273-360 V8 (1968-99) 383-440 V8 Three-Bolt (1958-78) 426 Hemi V8 (1966-71) 392 Hemi V8 9 Bearing Hemi Pro Stock 289-302 V8 (1962-95) 351C, 351M-400M V8 (1970-82) 352-428 V8 FE (1963-76) 429-460 V8 (1968-99) 302 HO (1985-95), 351W V8 (1969-99) SVO V6 Odd Fire SVO V6 Even Fire 4.0L V6 (1990-97) 4.6L SOHC Right Side Cam Set 4.6L SOHC Left Side Cam Set 4.6L & 5.4L DOHC Left Exhaust A. Different journal sizes available W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 7 CAM CORES CAM CORES Core # Core Description Engine 106-000-9LI 106-000-9RE 106-000-9RI 127-000-9L 127-000-9R 109-000-10 113-000-9I 113-000-9E 116-000-12 82-000-9 42-000-9 51-000-9 52-000-9 101-000-8E 101-000-8I 120-000-12 FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD GM GM GM GM HOLDEN OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC PONTIAC MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI STERLING 4.6L & 5.4L DOHC Left Intake 4.6L & 5.4L DOHC Right Exhaust 4.6L & 5.4L DOHC Right Intake 4.6L 3 Valve Left 4.6L 3 Valve Right R99/R03 Ecotech 2.2L DOHC Intake Ecotech 2.2L DOHC Exhaust DRCE3 Pro Stock 252-308 V8 (1970-88) 260-455 V8 (1965-90) 265-455 V8 (1955-81) 151 L4 Iron Duke Intake Cam Set for 4G63 Exhaust Cam Set for 4G63 Sterling V12 RACE ROLLER CAM CORES − STEEL BILLET (ROUND) 10-000-0 AMC 122-000-0 BMW 67-000-0 BUICK 92-000-0 BUICK 96-000-0 BUICK 61-000-0 CHEVROLET 03-000-0 CHEVROLET 07-000-0 CHEVROLET 11-000-0 CHEVROLET 12-000-0 CHEVROLET 54-000-0 CHEVROLET 14-000-0 CHEVROLET 15-000-0 CHEVROLET 129-000-0 CHEVROLET 20-000-0 CHRYSLER 21-000-0 CHRYSLER 24-000-0 CHRYSLER 26-000-0 CHRYSLER 134-000-0 CHRYSLER 72-000-0 FORD 66-000-0 FORD 31-000-0 FORD 05-000-0 FORD 32-000-0 FORD 34-000-0 FORD 30-000-0 HARLEY DAVIDSON 42-000-0 OLDSMOBILE 51-000-0 PONTIAC 52-000-0 PONTIAC 8 390-401 V8 (1966-79) Mini Cooper 231 V6 Odd Fire (1975-77) 350 V8 400-430-455 V8 (1967-76) 194-230-250-292-L6 (1962-84) Standard Chevrolet Block w/ SB2 Heads LT1 Engine (1992-98) 396-454 V8 (1967-96) 262-400 V8 (1957-98) LS1 Engine (1997-99) 153 L4 (1962-72) 200-229 V6 Even Fire 3.4L V6 (2001 & Up) 273-360 V8 (1968-99) 383-440 V8 Single-Bolt (1958-78) 426 Hemi V8 (1966-71) Chrysler Donovan Block 70MM Hemi Pro Stock 2000 L4 OHC (1970-77) 240-300 L6 (1965-Present) 289-302 V8 (1962-95) and SVO V8 SVO V8 w/ Mirror Image Heads 351C, 351M-400M V8 (1970-82) 429-460 Vi (1968-99) 80" Evolution 260-455 V8 (1965-90) 265-455 Vi (1955-81) 151 L4 Iron Duke 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET These lobes are to be used in applications where torque, mileage and vacuum are primary considerations. High Energy™ Hydraulics can be used as intake or exhaust lobes. They are simple street performance stock improvement lobes. This group must use a minimum tappet diameter of .842" (Chevrolet) or larger. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Energy™ Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5224 5225 5223 5226 5206 5200 5211 5205 5207 5212 5232 5222 5215 240-4 244-1 244-2 248-2 252-5 252-4 260-7 260-8 260-9 268-4 268-5 268-6 268-9 Duration in Degrees @ .050 192 196 196 200 206 206 212 212 212 222 218 218 218 @ .200 96 97 101 102 109 113 119 117 122 130 124 128 128 Lobe Lift .2600 .2567 .2666 .2600 .2706 .2835 .2933 .2795 .2960 .3090 .2853 .3026 .2960 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .024 .028 .028 .034 .041 .041 .049 .049 .050 .064 .059 .060 .059 110° .017 .020 .020 .025 .031 .031 .038 .038 .039 .052 .047 .048 .047 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .390 .385 .400 .390 .406 .425 .440 .419 .444 .464 .428 .454 .444 1.6 .416 .411 .427 .416 .433 .454 .469 .447 .474 .494 .456 .484 .474 1.7 .442 .436 .453 .442 .460 .482 .499 .475 .503 .525 .485 .514 .503 MAGNUM HYDRAULICS Magnum Hydraulics are to be used in high performance applications with a minimum tappet diameter of .842" (Chevrolet) or larger. These lobes are more aggressive in their design characteristics and can be used as intake or exhaust lobes. They are a big brother to the High Energy™ family and are frequently used by the budget minded Saturday Night racer. They also provide a very "throaty" sound. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 5201 270-4 224 135 .3130 .069 .057 5202 270-5 224 132 .3000 .068 .056 5239 276-3 228 140 .3160 .077 .064 5213 276-4 226 136 .3090 .072 .060 5216 280-3 230 137 .3063 .077 .064 Magnum 5203 280-4 230 140 .3200 .079 .066 Rated Duration @ 5240 280-9 232 142 .3220 .080 .067 .006" Tappet Lift 5241 284-3 236 146 .3160 .091 .078 .842" Min. Dia. 5208 286-3 236 148 .3270 .089 .075 5229 288-9 237 148 .3220 .090 .076 5214 292-2 244 153 .3340 .101 .087 5204 292-3 244 151 .3235 .101 .087 5209 296-3 246 158 .3400 .106 .092 5210 305-3 253 163 .3500 .118 .104 5217 305-4 253 162 .3380 .118 .104 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .470 .450 .474 .464 .459 .480 .483 .474 .491 .483 .501 .485 .510 .525 .507 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .501 .480 .506 .494 .490 .512 .515 .506 .523 .515 .534 .518 .544 .560 .541 1.7 .532 .510 .537 .525 .521 .544 .547 .537 .556 .547 .568 .550 .578 .595 .575 9 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET HIGH ENERGY™ HYDRAULICS HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET DUAL ENERGY™ HYDRAULICS Designed for the Dual Energy Cam™ Series, these lobes are good for every day driving where a broad torque curve is necessary. Very easy on related components. Designed as intake and exhaust lobes but could be used either way. Minimum tappet diameter of .842" is necessary. These lobes produce good power for a daily driver or a weekend toy used as an occasional bracket race car. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 5110A 255 203 110 .281 .036 .028 .422 .450 5146 255 203 110 .281 .036 .028 .422 .450 5310 254 204 109 .271 .037 .027 .407 .434 5128 265 211 117 .295 .049 .039 .443 .472 5312 265 211 112 .280 .049 .039 .420 .448 5128 273 211 117 .295 .049 .039 .443 .472 5166 265 211 117 .295 .049 .039 .443 .472 5120A 261 212 121 .301 .049 .039 .452 .482 5311 261 213 120 .286 .046 .039 .429 .458 Dual Energy™ 5000 263 216 123 .292 .052 .042 .438 .467 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 5126A 275 219 125 .308 .057 .047 .462 .493 .842"Min. Dia. 5326 275 219 123 .298 .057 .048 .447 .477 5163 275 219 125 .308 .057 .047 .462 .493 5130 275 219 125 .308 .057 .047 .462 .493 5127 269 221 129 .310 .062 .051 .465 .496 5315 272 221 124 .298 .062 .051 .447 .477 5006 275 223 128 .304 .057 .050 .456 .486 5129 276 227 134 .308 .074 .062 .462 .493 5136A 277 229 137 .321 .074 .062 .482 .514 5327 283 229 136 .313 .074 .062 .470 .501 5002 283 233 146 .320 .074 .070 .480 .512 5135 284 235 139 .321 .082 .070 .482 .514 1.7 .478 .478 .461 .502 .476 .502 .502 .512 .486 .496 .524 .507 .524 .524 .527 .507 .517 .524 .546 .532 .544 .546 THUMPR™ HYDRAULICS The Thumpr™ lobe profiles are designed to optimize the character and sound, while providing excellent stability and a very wide power range in hydraulic flat tappet applications. Specific profiles are developed uniquely for the intake and exhaust. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Thumpr™ Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. Thumpr™ Int. CB Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 5040 5042 279 287 @ .050 227 235 @ .200 138 146 .319 .326 106° .074 .088 110° .061 .074 1.5 .479 .489 1.6 .510 .522 1.7 .542 .554 5044 295 243 154 .333 .101 .088 .500 .533 .566 5020 5022 279 287 227 235 132 141 .293 .300 .073 .086 .060 .073 .440 .450 .469 .480 .498 .510 5024 295 243 149 .307 .100 .086 .461 .491 .522 continued on page 11 10 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Thumpr™ Int. FW Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 5520 5522 279 287 227 235 137 145 .306 .313 .073 .087 .060 .073 .459 .470 .490 .501 .520 .532 5524 295 243 153 .320 .101 .087 .480 .512 .544 Thumpr™ Int. CRS Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia 5820 5822 279 287 227 235 142 150 .324 .331 .075 .089 .062 .075 .486 .497 .518 .530 .551 .563 5824 295 243 158 .338 .103 .089 .507 .541 .575 Thumpr™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5055 5057 297 305 241 249 148 156 .310 .317 .094 .107 .082 .094 .465 .476 .496 .507 .527 .539 5059 313 257 164 .324 .120 .107 .486 .518 .551 Thumpr™ Exh. CB Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5031 5033 297 305 241 249 140 148 .284 .291 .093 .107 .080 .093 .426 .437 .454 .466 .483 .495 5035 313 257 157 .298 .120 .107 .447 .477 .507 Thumpr™ Exh. FW Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5531 5533 297 305 241 249 143 152 .297 .304 .093 .107 .080 .094 .446 .456 .475 .486 .505 .517 5535 313 257 160 .311 .121 .107 .467 .498 .529 Thumpr™ Exh.CRS Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5831 5833 297 305 241 249 149 157 .315 .322 .094 .109 .081 .094 .473 .483 .504 .515 .536 .547 5835 313 257 165 .329 .123 .108 .494 .526 .559 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET THUMPR™ HYDRAULICS cont. NOSTALGIA PLUS™ HYDRAULICS Designed to mimic the sound of the great engines of the past while improving performance by applying today’s design techniques, these profiles are used in our Nostalgia Plus™ Series to capture the essence of the factory muscle cars of the 60s and 70s. These profiles are slightly slower off the seat than the Xtreme Energy™ profiles but have excellent area under the curve for outstanding power. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 5066 258 211 120 .284 .048 .036 Nostalgia Plus 265 218 124 .280 .057 .045 Rated Duration @ 5067 .006" Tappet Lift 5068 276 229 140 .312 .078 .064 .842" Min. Dia. 5069 283 236 147 .308 .088 .074 5070 286 239 151 .322 .095 .081 5071 293 246 157 .318 .105 .091 ™ Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .426 .420 .468 .462 .483 .477 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .454 .448 .499 .493 .515 .509 1.7 .483 .476 .530 .524 .547 .541 11 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET RACE HYDRAULICS These are the largest hydraulic designs COMP Cams® offers. With a minimum tappet diameter of .842" or larger needed, these designs are intended for all out racing only. The larger lobes (268°, 270°, 276° @ .050" duration) were designed with large cubic inch motors in mind in a high RPM environment. These lobes have smooth ramps making it easier for the spring to control the valve. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Race Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5195 5221 5196 5197 5198 5199 312-5 312-6 320-5 320-9 320-10 328-8 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 260 268 268 270 276 @ .200 169 171 178 175 180 185 Lobe Lift .3600 .3530 .3600 .3530 .3675 .3675 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .128 .131 .143 .141 .147 .156 110° .114 .117 .129 .128 .133 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .540 .530 .540 .530 .551 .551 1.6 .576 .565 .576 .565 .588 .588 1.7 .612 .600 .612 .600 .625 .625 XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULICS Designed to maximize torque, acceleration and throttle response while providing excellent high RPM horsepower. A faster intake valve opening increases engine vacuum and enhances throttle response. Special intake closing ramps close the valve sooner, providing more cylinder pressure and torque without resulting in excessive valve train noise. Faster ramps achieve maximum velocity sooner, increasing the area under the lift curve and providing maximum horsepower. Smoother exhaust designs allow for a more effective purge of spent gasses from the combustion chamber to further increase horsepower. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 12 5437 5440 5430 5441 5431 5442 5432 5443 5433 5444 5414 5445 5435 5446 5447 5418 5448 5438 5449 5439 5419 240 250 250 256 256 262 262 268 268 270 270 274 274 278 284 288 290 294 294 298 298 Duration in Degrees @ .050 196 206 206 212 212 218 218 224 224 226 226 230 230 234 240 244 246 250 250 254 254 @ .200 106 117 114 124 120 130 128 137 134 139 136 143 140 147 153 157 159 163 163 167 166 Lobe Lift .275 .288 .277 .298 .283 .308 .297 .318 .303 .321 .303 .325 .303 .332 .338 .335 .344 .360 .346 .360 .338 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .026 .041 .041 .050 .050 .060 .060 .070 .070 .073 .073 .080 .080 .087 .097 .104 .108 .115 .115 .122 .122 110° .018 .030 .030 .038 .038 .047 .047 .056 .056 .060 .060 .066 .066 .073 .084 .091 .094 .101 .101 .108 .108 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .413 .432 .416 .447 .425 .462 .446 .477 .455 .482 .455 .488 .455 .498 .507 .503 .516 .540 .519 .540 .507 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .440 .468 .461 .490 .443 .471 .477 .507 .453 .481 .493 .524 .475 .505 .509 .541 .485 .515 .514 .546 .485 .515 .520 .553 .485 .515 .531 .564 .541 .575 .536 .570 .550 .585 .576 .612 .554 .588 .576 .612 .541 .575 continued on page 13 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5207 5205 5230 5232 5212 5201 5202 5203 5216 5208 5238 5214 5209 5210 5231 5234 5233 260 260 268 268 268 270 270 280 280 286 286 292 296 305 308 316 316 Duration in Degrees @ .050 212 212 218 218 222 224 224 230 230 236 236 244 246 253 256 264 264 @ .200 121 117 128 124 130 133 132 140 138 144 143 154 154 160 165 170 173 Lobe Lift .296 .280 .303 .285 .309 .313 .300 .320 .306 .327 .306 .334 .340 .350 .350 .285 .353 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .050 .050 .059 .059 .064 .067 .068 .078 .078 .085 .086 .100 .101 .111 .120 .132 .133 110° .040 .040 .048 .047 .052 .056 .056 .065 .066 .072 .073 .087 .088 .098 .106 .118 .120 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .444 .420 .455 .428 .464 .470 .450 .480 .459 .491 .459 .501 .510 .525 .525 .428 .530 1.6 .474 .448 .485 .456 .494 .501 .480 .512 .490 .523 .490 .534 .544 .560 .560 .456 .565 1.7 .503 .476 .515 .485 .525 .532 .510 .544 .520 .556 .520 .568 .578 .595 .595 .485 .600 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULICS cont. XTREME ENERGY XFI™ HYDRAULICS The Xtreme Energy XFI™ Series is designed for use with modern induction systems, heads, springs and rockers. The XFI™ intake lobes have more lift than the base Xtreme series, and the XFI™ exhaust lobes have more area under the curve, for better exhaust flow, than the base exhaust series. These are the first hydraulic flat tappet profiles designed for use with COMP Cams® Beehive™ Valve Springs, such as the #26915, #26918 and #26120. The combination of these profiles, the Beehive™ Springs, and our Ultra Pro Magnum™ Rocker Arms in higher ratios, makes for the most revolutionary improvement in hydraulic flat tappet design to date by bringing the latest race winning technology to the street. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees 1.6 .477 .488 .499 .504 .520 .538 .552 .568 .584 1.7 .507 .519 .530 .536 .553 .571 .587 .604 .621 5101 266 217 127 .295 .059 .047 5103 272 223 134 .308 .068 .056 5105 280 231 143 .322 .082 .068 5107 290 241 154 .342 .099 .085 5109 302 253 166 .362 .120 .106 .443 .462 .483 .513 .543 .472 .493 .515 .547 .579 .502 .524 .547 .581 .615 Xtreme XFI™ Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. Xtreme XFI™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .298 .305 .312 .315 .325 .336 .345 .355 .365 106° .044 .050 .056 .060 .070 .081 .091 .102 .112 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .447 .458 .468 .473 .488 .504 .518 .533 .548 252 256 260 262 268 274 280 286 292 @ .200 121 125 129 131 138 143 150 156 162 Tappet Lift @ TDC 110° .032 .038 .044 .047 .057 .067 .077 .088 .098 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 @ .050 208 212 216 218 224 230 236 242 248 Lobe Lift W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 13 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PURPLE PLUS HYDRAULICS (.904" MIN. TAPPET) These use the same ramps as the Nostalgia Plus™ lobes but have more velocity for use with Chrysler/Mopar .904" minimum tappet diameters. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Purple Plus Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 280 287 284 291 292 299 Duration in Degrees @ .050 233 240 239 246 247 254 @ .200 148 153 154 159 163 169 Lobe Lift .316 .316 .323 .323 .339 .339 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .086 .096 .097 .107 .111 .123 110° .071 .082 .082 .092 .097 .108 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .474 .474 .485 .485 .509 .509 1.6 .506 .506 .517 .517 .542 .542 1.7 .537 .537 .549 .549 .576 .576 XTREME MOPAR HYDRAULICS (.904" MIN. TAPPET) Xtreme Mopar Hydraulics are optimized for use with .904" minimum tappet diameters. The additional velocity allowed with the Chrysler/Mopar .904" tappet results in more area and more lift than any of our other comparable hydraulic designs. These are the best large tappet hydraulics ever. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Xtreme Mopar Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5964 5962 5965 5960 5961 5966 275 279 285 289 295 295 @ .050 231 235 241 245 251 251 @ .200 149 153 159 163 169 169 .350 .356 .363 .356 .356 .376 106° .083 .089 .101 .109 .120 .120 110° .069 .075 .087 .094 .105 .105 1.5 .525 .534 .545 .534 .534 .564 1.6 .560 .570 .581 .570 .570 .602 1.7 .595 .605 .617 .605 .605 .639 Xtreme Mopar Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5984 5985 5980 5981 5986 287 297 301 307 307 237 247 251 257 257 151 161 166 171 171 .350 .363 .360 .360 .376 .090 .107 .115 .126 .126 .076 .093 .101 .111 .111 .525 .545 .540 .540 .564 .560 .581 .576 .576 .602 .595 .617 .612 .612 .639 ENGINE BREAK-IN LUBRICANTS Utilizing a special blend of extreme pressure additives (including the proper levels of Zinc) not found in conventional engine oils, COMP Cams® Engine Break-In Oil and Additive promote proper break-in and protect against premature camshaft, lifter and valve train failure. Scan the QR code to learn more about the entire line of COMP Cams® lubricants. 14 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER HIGH ENERGY™ & MAGNUM HYDRAULIC ROLLERS − LOW & HIGH LIFT The low lift profiles were designed for street and marine use. The low lift adds dependability and reliability for extended use applications. The high lift versions of the hydraulic rollers are designed for all out applications where high lift is desired because of cylinder head or engine modifications. They function well for street/strip. These lobes run well in big cubic inch marine engines. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Hydraulic Roller Low Lift Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Hydraulic Roller High Lift Rated Duration @ 006" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3160 3050 3168 3161 3051 3162 3052 3163 3053 3164 230 240 242 246 254 256 262 266 264 273 276 274 292 284 302 296 312 @ .050 178 188 191 192 199 200 206 210 210 215 220 220 230 230 240 240 250 @ .200 93 103 97 110 116 118 116 116 127 119 123 134 128 142 135 148 142 .2700 .2850 .2600 .3000 .3000 .3100 .3000 .2853 .3200 .2853 .2853 .3200 .2853 .3200 .2853 .3200 .2853 106° .014 .022 .024 .024 .032 .035 .041 .047 .047 .052 .060 .061 .075 .077 .090 .091 .104 110° .009 .015 .017 .017 .024 .026 .032 .037 .037 .041 .049 .050 .064 .064 .078 .078 .092 1.5 .405 .428 .390 .450 .450 .465 .450 .428 .480 .428 .428 .480 .428 .480 .428 .480 .428 1.6 .432 .456 .416 .480 .480 .496 .480 .456 .512 .456 .456 .512 .456 .512 .456 .512 .456 1.7 .459 .485 .442 .510 .510 .527 .510 .485 .544 .485 .485 .544 .485 .544 .485 .544 .485 3118 3107 3108 3114 3109 3110 3119 3112 3111 3122 3113 3150 3120 3115 3170 3151 3116 3171 3152 3117 260 266 270 281 276 284 280 290 286 290 304 307 304 304 315 318 314 325 329 324 206 210 215 220 220 224 224 230 230 236 242 244 244 244 248 252 252 258 262 262 126 130 133 134 138 136 144 143 152 160 158 158 161 164 161 164 169 169 172 177 .3330 .3330 .3330 .3200 .3400 .3330 .3500 .3400 .3735 .3800 .3670 .3600 .3830 .4000 .3600 .3600 .4000 .3600 .3600 .4200 .041 .047 .055 .060 .060 .066 .066 .075 .078 .091 .101 .100 .101 .104 .105 .111 .115 .122 .127 .130 .032 .037 .044 .048 .049 .054 .054 .063 .065 .076 .087 .087 .087 .090 .091 .097 .100 .108 .113 .115 .500 .500 .500 .480 .510 .500 .525 .510 .560 .570 .551 .540 .575 .600 .540 .540 .600 .540 .540 .630 .533 .533 .533 .512 .544 .533 .560 .544 .598 .608 .587 .576 .613 .640 .576 .576 .640 .576 .576 .672 .566 .566 .566 .544 .578 .566 .595 .578 .635 .646 .624 .612 .651 .680 .612 .612 .680 .612 .612 .714 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 15 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER TRI-POWER XTREME™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The Tri-Power Xtreme™ lobes are designed to deliver the best combination of torque, horsepower and fuel effeciency. These designs have quick seat timing and excellent area under the curve but allow reduced spring force for less frictional losses compared to other members of the Xtreme family. These are sized especially for the required timing of the Tri-Power series to provide optimum valve timing to reduce the parisitic losses of pumping the intake charge in past the throttle blades and pushing out spent exhaust. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Tri-Power Xtreme™ Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 3590 3591 3592 3595 3596 3597 3604 3605 3606 3608 3609 3611 246 254 262 258 264 270 246 254 262 258 264 270 Duration in Degrees @ .050 194 202 210 206 212 218 194 202 210 206 212 218 @ .200 111 118 125 118 124 130 115 123 130 124 130 136 Lobe Lift .294 .298 .302 .290 .294 .298 .312 .318 .324 .309 .314 .320 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .028 .036 .047 .043 .051 .060 .028 .036 .047 .043 .052 .060 110° .020 .028 .036 .034 .041 .049 .020 .028 .037 .034 .041 .049 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .441 .447 .453 .435 .441 .447 .468 .477 .486 .464 .471 .480 1.6 .470 .477 .483 .464 .470 .477 .499 .509 .518 .494 .502 .512 1.7 .500 .507 .513 .493 .500 .507 .530 .541 .551 .525 .534 .544 THUMPR™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The Thumpr™ lobe profiles are designed to optimize the character and sound, while providing excellent stability and a very wide power range in hydraulic roller applications. Specific profiles are developed uniquely for intake and exhaust. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Thumpr™ Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Thumpr™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 16 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3028 3022 3024 3026 3056 3058 3528 3532 3534 3536 3538 3552 3554 3556 275 283 291 299 307 315 275 283 291 299 307 283 291 299 @ .050 219 227 235 243 251 259 219 227 235 243 251 227 235 243 @ .200 134 142 150 157 165 173 133 140 148 156 164 139 146 154 .335 .341 .347 .354 .361 .368 .325 .331 .337 .344 .350 .321 .327 .334 106° .058 .070 .082 .096 .110 .125 .058 .070 .082 .096 .111 .070 .082 .096 110° .047 .058 .070 .082 .096 .110 .047 .058 .070 .082 .096 .058 .070 .082 1.5 .503 .512 .521 .531 .542 .552 .488 .497 .506 .516 .525 .482 .491 .501 3031 3043 3045 3047 3541 3543 295 303 311 319 295 303 233 241 249 257 233 241 142 149 157 165 139 147 .325 .331 .338 .345 .315 .321 .082 .094 .107 .120 .082 .094 .070 .082 .094 .107 .070 .082 .488 .497 .507 .518 .473 .482 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .536 .546 .555 .566 .578 .589 .520 .530 .539 .550 .561 .514 .523 .534 1.7 .570 .580 .590 .602 .614 .626 .553 .563 .573 .585 .596 .546 .556 .568 .520 .553 .530 .563 .541 .575 .552 .587 .504 .536 .514 .546 continued on page 17 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift @ .050 @ .200 3545 311 249 155 .328 3547 319 257 164 .335 3563 303 241 145 .311 3565 311 249 153 .318 3567 319 257 161 .325 Thumpr™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .107 .120 .094 .106 .119 110° .094 .107 .082 .093 .106 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .492 .503 .467 .477 .488 1.6 .525 .536 .498 .509 .520 1.7 .558 .570 .529 .541 .553 XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS These designs share all of the characteristics of the flat tappet lobes but we have added the new technology of CRC (Constant Radius of Curvature) inverted radius of curvature ramp designs. COMP Cams® has enhanced this technique to ensure durability with these most aggressive hydraulic roller designs. The high lift versions that have lobe numbers in the 3100s are more aggressive over the nose and will require more spring or less RPM. These lobes run well in street/strip and marine applications. With more agressive and faster ramps they also provide good vacuum. HYDRAULIC ROLLER THUMPR™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Small Block Journal Big Block Journal Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3322 3323 3304 3310 3305 3302 3311 3188 3300 3312 3301 3190 3313 3314 3192 3315 3194 3316 3196 3317 3318 3319 244 249 252 252 256 258 258 258 262 264 266 266 270 276 276 282 282 288 288 294 300 306 @ .050 192 198 200 200 204 206 206 206 210 212 214 214 218 224 224 230 230 236 236 242 248 254 @ .200 89 104 113 122 116 124 128 132 126 133 129 141 139 145 152 151 157 157 162 164 171 178 .245 .265 .285 .315 .285 .305 .320 .336 .305 .325 .305 .353 .330 .335 .378 .340 .389 .347 .390 .360 .375 .387 106° .026 .032 .034 .034 .039 .041 .041 .042 .046 .049 .052 .053 .058 .068 .069 .078 .078 .089 .090 .101 .114 .127 110° .018 .024 .026 .026 .030 .032 .032 .032 .036 .039 .041 .042 .046 .055 .056 .064 .064 .075 .075 .086 .097 .110 1.5 .368 .398 .428 .473 .428 .458 .480 .504 .458 .488 .458 .530 .495 .503 .567 .510 .584 .521 .585 .540 .563 .581 1.6 .392 .424 .456 .504 .456 .488 .512 .538 .488 .520 .488 .565 .528 .536 .605 .544 .622 .555 .624 .576 .600 .619 1.7 .417 .451 .485 .536 .485 .519 .544 .571 .519 .553 .519 .600 .561 .570 .643 .578 .661 .590 .663 .612 .638 .658 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 252 258 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 200 206 212 218 224 230 236 242 248 118 123 127 131 136 141 147 155 162 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .306 .318 .329 .034 .042 .050 .058 .068 .078 .089 .100 .111 .026 .032 .039 .047 .055 .065 .075 .085 .096 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .459 .477 .494 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .490 .509 .526 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .520 .541 .559 continued on page 18 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 17 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME ENERGY HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Big Block Journal 3349 3414 3415 306 310 312 @ .050 254 258 260 @ .200 170 173 174 .341 .341 .341 106° .123 .130 .133 110° .108 .115 .118 1.5 .512 .512 .512 1.6 .546 .546 .546 1.7 .580 .580 .580 Ford Journal 3628 3610 3630 3611 3612 3632 3633 3613 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 256 264 266 270 276 274 278 288 282 286 290 294 298 208 212 216 218 224 224 228 230 232 236 240 244 248 133 131 140 136 140 148 152 144 155 159 162 166 169 .333 .320 .340 .320 .320 .347 .352 .320 .353 .356 .359 .362 .365 .044 .050 .056 .058 .068 .069 .076 .078 .084 .092 .099 .107 .115 .033 .039 .044 .047 .055 .056 .062 .065 .069 .076 .084 .091 .099 .500 .480 .510 .480 .480 .521 .528 .480 .530 .534 .539 .543 .548 .533 .512 .544 .512 .512 .555 .563 .512 .565 .570 .574 .579 .584 .566 .544 .578 .544 .544 .590 .598 .544 .600 .605 .610 .615 .621 XTREME 4x4™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Due to the allowances of lower engine speed, these designs are slightly faster than the original Xtreme Energy™ Hydraulic Rollers. Great low and mid-range torque. They are our most aggressive hydraulic roller lobes and run well in street, off-road and four-wheeling. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 3324 259 210 131 .316 .047 .036 3326 263 214 134 .316 .052 .041 3303 265 216 136 .316 .056 .044 3306 269 220 138 .316 .062 .049 3307 273 224 141 .316 .069 .056 3308 279 230 145 .316 .079 .065 3309 283 234 148 .316 .087 .072 Xtreme 4x4™ Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Small Block Journal 1.5 .474 .474 .474 .474 .474 .474 .474 1.6 .506 .506 .506 .506 .506 .506 .506 1.7 .537 .537 .537 .537 .537 .537 .537 XTREME ENERGY XFI™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The Xtreme Energy XFI™ Series is designed for use with modern induction systems, heads, springs and rockers. The XFI™ intake lobes have more lift than the base Xtreme series, and the XFI™ exhaust lobes have more area under the curve, for better exhaust flow, than the base exhaust series. These are the first hydraulic flat tappet profiles designed for use with COMP Cams® Beehive™ Valve Springs such as the #26915, #26918 & #26120. The combination of these profiles, the springs and our very stiff Pro Magnum™ Rocker Arms in higher ratios, makes for the most revolutionary improvement in hydraulic roller design to date by bringing the latest race winning technology to the street. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme XFI Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift ™ 3004 3010 3005 3011 250 252 254 256 Duration in Degrees @ .050 200 202 204 206 @ .200 126 128 130 132 Lobe Lift .342 .344 .345 .347 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .034 .036 .039 .041 110° .025 .027 .029 .032 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .513 .516 .518 .521 1.6 .547 .550 .552 .555 1.7 .581 .585 .587 .590 continued on page 19 18 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3002 3012 3003 3013 3006 3014 3007 3008 3015 3009 13080 3016 13081 13082 3017 13083 13084 3018 13085 13086 3019 13087 13088 3020 13089 13090 3021 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 @ .050 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 @ .200 134 136 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 150 152 154 156 157 159 161 163 165 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 .348 .350 .352 .353 .354 .356 .357 .357 .358 .359 .360 .360 .361 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .366 .367 .368 .369 .370 .371 .372 .373 106° .044 .047 .049 .052 .055 .058 .062 .065 .068 .072 .075 .079 .083 .087 .090 .094 .098 .102 .106 .110 .115 .119 .123 .127 .131 .136 .140 110° .034 .036 .039 .041 .044 .047 .049 .052 .055 .058 .062 .065 .068 .072 .075 .079 .083 .087 .090 .094 .098 .102 .106 .111 .115 .119 .123 1.5 .522 .525 .528 .530 .531 .534 .536 .536 .537 .539 .540 .540 .542 .542 .543 .545 .546 .548 .549 .549 .551 .552 .554 .555 .557 .558 .560 3030 13130 13131 13132 3033 13133 13134 3034 13135 13136 Xtreme XFI™ Exh. Rated Duration @ 3035 .006" Tappet Lift 13137 13138 3036 13139 13140 3037 13141 13142 3038 13143 13144 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 128 130 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 148 151 152 154 156 158 160 162 163 165 167 .333 .335 .337 .339 .341 .343 .345 .347 .349 .351 .353 .353 .354 .355 .356 .356 .357 .358 .359 .360 .361 .361 .040 .043 .045 .048 .050 .053 .056 .059 .063 .066 .069 .072 .076 .080 .083 .087 .091 .094 .098 .102 .106 .110 .031 .033 .035 .038 .040 .043 .045 .048 .051 .053 .056 .059 .063 .066 .069 .072 .076 .079 .083 .087 .091 .094 .500 .503 .506 .509 .512 .515 .518 .521 .524 .527 .530 .530 .531 .533 .534 .534 .536 .537 .539 .540 .542 .542 Xtreme XFI™ Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .557 .560 .563 .565 .566 .570 .571 .571 .573 .574 .576 .576 .578 .578 .579 .581 .582 .584 .586 .586 .587 .589 .590 .592 .594 .595 .597 1.7 .592 .595 .598 .600 .602 .605 .607 .607 .609 .610 .612 .612 .614 .614 .615 .617 .619 .621 .622 .622 .624 .626 .627 .629 .631 .632 .634 HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME ENERGY XFI™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. .533 .566 .536 .570 .539 .573 .542 .576 .546 .580 .549 .583 .552 .587 .555 .590 .558 .593 .562 .597 .565 .600 .565 .600 .566 .602 .568 .604 .570 .605 .570 .605 .571 .607 .573 .609 .574 .610 .576 .612 .578 .614 .578 .614 continued on page 20 19 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME ENERGY XFI™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme XFI™ Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 3039 13145 13146 3040 13147 13148 3041 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 Duration in Degrees @ .050 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 @ .200 169 171 172 174 176 178 180 Lobe Lift .362 .363 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 .134 .138 110° .098 .102 .106 .110 .114 .118 .122 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .543 .545 .545 .546 .548 .549 .551 1.6 .579 .581 .581 .582 .584 .586 .587 1.7 .615 .617 .617 .619 .621 .622 .624 QXI HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The QXI Series lobe profiles are designed to provide the highest available valve lift for modern cylinder head ports along with excellent stability and the broadest possible power range in hydraulic roller applications. Designed for both street and racing use, these lobes were developed in two degree intervals to allow small tuning variations between the long and short runners of single 4bbl type manifolds. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration QXI Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Small Block Journal or Larger 13440 13441 13442 13443 13444 13445 13446 13447 13448 13449 13450 13451 13452 13453 13454 13455 13456 13457 13458 13459 13460 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 Duration in Degrees @ .050 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 @ .200 137 139 141 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 Lobe Lift .373 .375 .377 .379 .381 .383 .385 .387 .389 .391 .393 .395 .397 .398 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .054 .057 .060 .063 .067 .070 .073 .077 .080 .084 .087 .091 .095 .099 .103 .106 .110 .114 .118 .122 .126 110° .043 .046 .049 .051 .054 .057 .060 .064 .067 .070 .073 .077 .080 .084 .087 .091 .095 .099 .103 .106 .110 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .560 .563 .566 .569 .572 .575 .578 .581 .584 .587 .590 .593 .596 .597 .599 .599 .599 .599 .599 .599 .599 1.6 .597 .600 .603 .606 .610 .613 .616 .619 .622 .626 .629 .632 .635 .637 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 1.7 .634 .638 .641 .644 .648 .651 .655 .658 .661 .665 .668 .672 .675 .677 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 QXX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The QXX Series lobe profiles are based off of the QXI series but are even more stable, have slightly less lobe lift and are softer off the seat for either exhaust lobe use or as intakes in even higher engine speed applications. Designed for both street and racing use, these lobes were developed in two degree intervals to allow small tuning variations between the long and short runners of single 4bbl type manifolds. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration QXX Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Small Block Journal or Larger 13470 13471 13472 277 279 281 Duration in Degrees @ .050 223 225 227 @ .200 142 144 146 Lobe Lift .363 .365 .367 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .066 .070 .073 110° .054 .057 .060 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .545 .548 .551 1.6 .581 .584 .587 1.7 .617 .621 .624 continued on page 21 20 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 13473 13474 13475 13476 13477 13478 13479 QXX 13480 Rated Duration @ 13481 .006" Tappet Lift Small Block Jour- 13482 13483 nal or Larger 13484 13485 13486 13487 13488 13489 13490 13491 13492 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 317 319 321 Duration in Degrees @ .050 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 257 259 261 263 265 267 @ .200 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 175 177 179 181 183 185 Lobe Lift .369 .371 .373 .375 .377 .379 .381 .383 .385 .387 .388 .389 .389 .389 .389 .389 .389 .389 .389 .389 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .076 .080 .083 .087 .090 .094 .098 .101 .105 .109 .113 .117 .121 .125 .128 .132 .136 .140 .144 .148 110° .063 .066 .070 .073 .076 .080 .083 .087 .090 .094 .098 .101 .105 .109 .113 .117 .120 .124 .128 .132 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .554 .557 .560 .563 .566 .569 .572 .575 .578 .581 .582 .584 .584 .584 .584 .584 .584 .584 .584 .584 1.6 .590 .594 .597 .600 .603 .606 .610 .613 .616 .619 .621 .622 .622 .622 .622 .622 .622 .622 .622 .622 1.7 .627 .631 .634 .638 .641 .644 .648 .651 .655 .658 .660 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 HYDRAULIC ROLLER QXX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. QNI HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The QNI Series lobe profiles are based off of the QXI series but are softened just enough to grind accurately even with lobe base circle sizes as small as .900" diameter, as is sometimes required in long stroke Small Block Chevy applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 13540 279 226 147 .384 .071 .059 .576 .614 .653 13541 281 228 149 .386 .075 .062 .579 .618 .656 13542 283 230 151 .388 .078 .065 .582 .621 .660 13543 285 232 153 .390 .082 .068 .585 .624 .663 13544 287 234 155 .392 .085 .072 .588 .627 .666 13545 289 236 157 .394 .089 .075 .591 .630 .670 13546 291 238 159 .396 .092 .078 .594 .634 .673 QNI 293 240 161 .397 .096 .082 .596 .635 .675 Rated Duration @ 13547 295 242 163 .398 .100 .085 .597 .637 .677 .006" Tappet Lift 13548 .900" or .950" 13549 297 244 165 .398 .104 .089 .597 .637 .677 BCD 13550 299 246 167 .398 .108 .092 .597 .637 .677 13551 301 248 169 .398 .112 .096 .597 .637 .677 13552 303 250 170 .398 .115 .100 .597 .637 .677 13553 305 252 172 .398 .119 .104 .597 .637 .677 13554 307 254 174 .398 .123 .108 .597 .637 .677 13555 309 256 176 .398 .127 .111 .597 .637 .677 13556 311 258 178 .398 .131 .115 .597 .637 .677 13557 313 260 180 .398 .135 .119 .597 .637 .677 13558 315 262 182 .398 .139 .123 .597 .637 .677 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 21 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER QNX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The QNX Series lobe profiles are based off of the new QXX series but are softened just enough to grind accurately even with lobe base circle sizes as small as .900" diameter as is sometimes required in long stroke Small Block Chevy applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 13570 13571 13572 13573 QNX 13574 Rated Duration @ 13575 .006" Tappet Lift 13576 .900" or .950" 13577 BCD 13578 13579 13580 13581 13582 13583 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 @ .050 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 @ .200 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 172 174 176 178 .374 .376 .378 .380 .382 .384 .386 .387 .388 .388 .388 .388 .388 .388 106° .084 .087 .091 .094 .098 .101 .105 .109 .113 .116 .120 .124 .128 .132 110° .070 .074 .077 .080 .084 .087 .091 .094 .098 .101 .105 .109 .113 .116 1.5 .561 .564 .567 .570 .573 .576 .579 .581 .582 .582 .582 .582 .582 .582 1.6 .598 .602 .605 .608 .611 .614 .618 .619 .621 .621 .621 .621 .621 .621 1.7 .636 .639 .643 .646 .649 .653 .656 .658 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 13584 13585 13586 13587 13588 317 319 321 323 325 262 264 266 268 270 180 182 183 185 187 .388 .388 .388 .388 .388 .136 .140 .143 .147 .151 .120 .124 .128 .132 .135 .582 .582 .582 .582 .582 .621 .621 .621 .621 .621 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 QNX Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift .900" or .950" BCD XTREME MARINE™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS These profiles use the same design techniques of the base Xtreme Energy™ Hydraulic Rollers but have been optimized to increase power and durability when run at steady RPM for extended periods of time. Specifically designed for Big Blocks with heavier valve train components. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Marine™ Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Big Block Journal 22 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3362 3363 3364 286 292 298 304 310 316 322 328 334 Duration in Degrees @ .050 230 236 242 248 254 260 266 272 278 @ .200 142 146 153 159 163 169 174 179 185 Lobe Lift .322 .322 .333 .333 .338 .338 .342 .347 .353 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .074 .085 .095 .106 .116 .126 .136 .146 .155 110° .062 .071 .081 .092 .101 .112 .122 .132 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .483 .483 .500 .500 .507 .507 .513 .521 .530 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .515 .515 .533 .533 .541 .541 .547 .555 .565 1.7 .547 .547 .566 .566 .575 .575 .581 .590 .600 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME MARINE™ HYDRAULIC ROLLERS − HIGH LIFT These have the same ramp designs as the lower lift Xtreme Marine™ designs but have higher lift to enhance power output with cylinder head and engine modifications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Xtreme Marine™ @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 High Lift 322 266 182 .380 .142 .126 .570 .608 Rated Duration @ 3374 .006" Tappet Lift 3375 326 270 186 .380 .149 .134 .570 .608 Big Block Journal 3447 330 274 190 .380 .157 .141 .570 .608 1.8 .646 .646 .646 Xtreme Marine™ High Lift Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Big Block Journal .360 .360 .350 .360 .360 .350 .380 .380 .360 .380 .380 .380 106° .081 .085 .088 .088 .092 .099 .100 .107 .111 .119 .126 .134 110° .068 .071 .075 .075 .078 .085 .085 .092 .096 .103 .111 .118 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .612 .612 .595 .612 .612 .595 .646 .646 .612 .646 .646 .646 290 292 294 294 296 300 300 304 306 308 314 318 @ .200 152 154 154 156 157 159 163 167 166 171 175 179 Tappet Lift @ TDC 1.6 .576 .576 .560 .576 .576 .560 .608 .608 .576 .608 .608 .608 3473 3474 3410 3475 3376 3411 3479 3370 3377 3371 3372 3373 @ .050 234 236 238 238 240 244 244 248 250 254 258 262 Lobe Lift 1.5 .540 .540 .525 .540 .540 .525 .570 .570 .540 .570 .570 .570 HUC HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The HUC Series Hydraulic Rollers are very smooth designs intended for high RPM use with heavy valves. These are very similar to the Xtreme Marine™ High Lift Series but may be slightly more stable. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 13045 13047 13048 HUC 13050 Rated Duration @ 13051 .006" Tappet Lift 13052 13053 13054 13056 13057 286 290 292 294 298 302 306 310 318 322 @ .050 231 235 237 239 243 247 251 255 263 267 @ .200 149 154 156 158 162 166 169 173 181 184 .352 .359 .359 .365 .369 .372 .372 .372 .372 .372 106° .079 .086 .089 .093 .100 .108 .115 .123 .139 .139 110° .066 .072 .075 .079 .086 .093 .100 .108 .123 .123 1.6 .563 .574 .574 .584 .590 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 1.7 .598 .610 .610 .621 .627 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 1.8 .634 .646 .646 .657 .664 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 13064 13065 13066 13067 13068 13069 13074 13075 310 314 318 322 326 330 334 338 255 259 263 267 271 275 279 283 175 179 183 187 190 194 198 202 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .124 .132 .140 .148 .156 .164 .172 .180 .108 .116 .124 .132 .140 .148 .156 .164 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 HUC High Lift Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 23 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME RPM FOR LS1 Designed with Xtreme Energy™ technology to provide excellent power with the LS1’s enhanced cylinder head design and high RPM performance. These provide outstanding low RPM torque with increased stability when coupled with the LS1’s larger base circle and 1.7:1+ rocker ratios. High lift versions are excellent for use with improved heads, manifolds and COMP #26915 and #26918 valve springs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme RPM for LS1 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift LS1 55mm Journal Xtreme RPM for LS1 High Lift Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift LS1 55mm Journal 24 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3750 3751 3766 3752 3767 3753 3754 3755 3735 3756 3757 3659 260 266 270 272 274 278 280 282 284 286 290 309 @ .050 206 212 216 218 220 224 226 228 230 232 236 256 @ .200 121 126 130 132 134 137 139 141 142 144 147 166 .302 .306 .308 .310 .312 .314 .315 .316 .317 .318 .320 .325 106° .043 .051 .056 .059 .062 .069 .072 .075 .078 .082 .088 .123 110° .034 .040 .045 .048 .051 .056 .059 .062 .065 .069 .075 .109 1.5 .453 .459 .462 .465 .468 .471 .473 .474 .476 .477 .480 .488 1.6 .483 .490 .493 .496 .499 .502 .504 .506 .507 .509 .512 .520 1.7 .513 .520 .524 .527 .530 .534 .536 .537 .539 .541 .544 .553 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3706 3705 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3660 3661 3662 3663 3666 3667 3668 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 315 319 323 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 262 266 270 128 129 131 133 135 136 138 140 142 143 145 147 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 169 170 172 174 177 180 .326 .327 .328 .329 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .338 .339 .340 .344 .346 .348 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 .045 .048 .051 .054 .056 .059 .062 .066 .069 .072 .075 .079 .082 .086 .089 .093 .096 .100 .103 .107 .111 .114 .118 .122 .125 .129 .135 .141 .147 .036 .039 .041 .043 .045 .048 .051 .054 .056 .059 .062 .066 .069 .072 .075 .079 .082 .085 .089 .092 .097 .100 .103 .107 .110 .114 .120 .127 .133 .489 .491 .492 .494 .495 .497 .498 .500 .501 .503 .504 .506 .507 .509 .510 .516 .519 .522 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 .522 .523 .525 .526 .528 .530 .531 .533 .534 .536 .538 .539 .541 .542 .544 .550 .554 .557 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 .554 .556 .558 .559 .561 .563 .564 .566 .568 .570 .571 .573 .575 .576 .578 .585 .588 .592 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER These profiles use the Xtreme RPM opening with the faster XE-R style closing. These should be stable to higher RPM than the XE-R and the controlled opening rates may work well in some applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme RPR Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 Duration in Degrees @ .050 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 @ .200 137 139 140 142 144 145 147 149 Lobe Lift .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .338 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .059 .062 .066 .069 .072 .075 .079 .082 110° .048 .051 .054 .056 .059 .062 .066 .069 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .497 .498 .500 .501 .503 .504 .506 .507 1.6 .530 .531 .533 .534 .536 .538 .539 .541 1.7 .563 .564 .566 .568 .570 .571 .573 .575 HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME RPR HYDRAULIC ROLLERS XTREME ENERGY™ XE-R FOR LS1 The XE-R designs are the most aggressive COMP Cams® hydraulic roller ramps to date. They are quicker off and on the seat than the original Xtreme Energy™ Series, yet they are still stable with rigid valve train and optimized spring selection. These profiles provide even more area than the comparable Small Block Chevrolet designs that are often used by other companies to "grow" a more aggressive lobe for LS1 applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XE-R for LS1 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift LS1 55mm Journal 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 Duration in Degrees @ .050 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 @ .200 143 144 146 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 Lobe Lift .342 .342 .342 .344 .346 .348 .350 .352 .354 .356 .358 .359 .360 .361 .362 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .062 .065 .069 .073 .076 .080 .083 .087 .091 .095 .099 .102 .106 .110 .114 110° .049 .052 .055 .059 .062 .065 .069 .072 .076 .079 .083 .087 .091 .095 .098 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .513 .513 .513 .516 .519 .522 .525 .528 .531 .534 .537 .539 .540 .542 .543 1.6 .547 .547 .547 .550 .554 .557 .560 .563 .566 .570 .573 .574 .576 .578 .579 1.7 .581 .581 .581 .585 .588 .592 .595 .598 .602 .605 .609 .610 .612 .614 .615 GO CUSTOM Look no further than COMP Cams® for the perfect camshaft for your application. We offer thousands of ready-to ship cams that are sure to meet your needs. But what if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for in our part numbered catalog selection? No problem. COMP Cams® can custom grind a cam that is optimized to your exact specifications and have you up and running in less than 48 hours. With over three decades of valve train engineering expertise, COMP® can give you exactly what you want when you want it. We’re just waiting for you to call. 1.800.999.0853 • W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 25 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME ENERGY™ LSL HYDRAULIC ROLLERS FOR LS1 The LSL Series has been designed with enhanced characteristics from our latest professional drag racing profiles. These have excellent ramp quickness but are designed in a way to improve stability over other designs with such short seat timing. The increased lift works well with the latest Gen III and LS cylinder head port designs by providing excellent area above 1/2" valve lift. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 13013 13093 13014 13094 13015 13095 13016 13096 13017 LSL for LS1 13097 Rated Duration @ 13018 .006" Tappet Lift 13041 LS1 55mm 13019 Journal 13099 13020 13021 13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 293 297 301 305 309 313 317 321 325 Duration in Degrees @ .050 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 239 243 247 251 255 259 263 267 271 275 @ .200 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 152 154 156 158 160 162 166 169 173 176 180 183 187 190 193 Lobe Lift .353 .354 .355 .356 .357 .358 .359 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .048 .051 .054 .057 .060 .064 .067 .071 .074 .078 .081 .085 .089 .093 .096 .105 .113 .121 .129 .137 .145 .153 .160 .167 110° .037 .040 .042 .045 .048 .051 .054 .057 .060 .064 .067 .071 .074 .078 .081 .089 .097 .105 .113 .121 .129 .137 .144 .151 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .565 .566 .568 .570 .571 .573 .574 .576 .578 .579 .581 .582 .584 .586 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 1.7 .600 .602 .604 .605 .607 .609 .610 .612 .614 .615 .617 .619 .621 .622 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 1.8 .635 .637 .639 .641 .643 .644 .646 .648 .650 .652 .653 .655 .657 .659 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 XTREME ENERGY™ LXL HYDRAULIC ROLLERS FOR LS1 The LXL Series is based off the popular LSL profiles but are optimized with lower acceleration and a softer closing ramp for less valve train noise and better stability with higher (1.8:1+) ratio rocker arms. These profiles are an excellent choice on the exhaust when used with an LSL intake and perform well for both the intake and exhaust when used in either LS7 or other high ratio applications. These also are a great choice for road race type engines that require extended use at high engine speeds. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 13155 13156 LXL for LS1 Rated Duration @ 13157 .006" Tappet Lift 13158 LS1 55mm 13159 Journal 13160 13161 13162 13163 266 270 274 278 282 286 290 294 298 Duration in Degrees @ .050 214 218 222 226 230 234 238 242 246 @ .200 136 139 143 147 151 155 159 162 166 Lobe Lift .350 .352 .354 .356 .358 .360 .362 .362 .362 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .053 .059 .065 .072 .079 .086 .094 .101 .109 110° .042 .047 .053 .059 .065 .072 .079 .086 .093 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .560 .563 .566 .570 .573 .576 .579 .579 .579 1.7 .595 .598 .602 .605 .609 .612 .615 .615 .615 1.8 .630 .634 .637 .641 .644 .648 .652 .652 .652 continued on page 27 26 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 13164 LXL for LS1 13165 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 13166 LS1 55mm 13167 Journal 13168 13169 13170 302 306 310 314 318 322 326 Duration in Degrees @ .050 250 254 258 262 266 270 274 @ .200 170 173 176 179 182 186 189 Lobe Lift .362 .362 .362 .362 .362 .362 .362 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .117 .124 .132 .139 .146 .153 .160 110° .101 .109 .116 .124 .131 .138 .145 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .579 .579 .579 .579 .579 .579 .579 1.7 .615 .615 .615 .615 .615 .615 .615 1.8 .652 .652 .652 .652 .652 .652 .652 XTREME ENERGY™ LSK HYDRAULIC ROLLERS FOR LS1 HYDRAULIC ROLLER XTREME ENERGY™ LXL HYDRAULIC ROLLERS FOR LS1 cont. The LSK Series has been designed with enhanced characteristics from our latest professional drag racing profiles. These have excellent ramp quickness. They are VERY hard on parts and not generally recommended in street applications! Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration LSK for LS1 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift LS1 55mm Journal 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 265 269 273 277 281 285 289 293 297 301 305 309 313 Duration in Degrees @ .050 215 219 223 227 231 235 239 243 247 251 255 259 263 @ .200 142 145 149 153 156 160 164 168 171 175 179 183 186 Lobe Lift .370 .372 .374 .376 .378 .380 .382 .384 .386 .388 .390 .390 .390 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .054 .060 .066 .074 .081 .089 .096 .104 .113 .121 .130 .138 .146 110° .042 .048 .054 .060 .067 .074 .081 .089 .096 .104 .113 .121 .129 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .592 .595 .598 .602 .605 .608 .611 .614 .618 .621 .624 .624 .624 1.7 .629 .632 .636 .639 .643 .646 .649 .653 .656 .660 .663 .663 .663 1.8 .666 .670 .673 .677 .680 .684 .688 .691 .695 .698 .702 .702 .702 XTREME ENERGY™ VVI HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The VVI Series is based off the popular LSL profiles but are optimized for increase piston to valve clearance and more allowable advance in variable valve timing applications (GM LS and Dodge Hemi). These are intended as intake lobes and result in approximately .008" more tappet clearance at TDC compared to a 1° larger LSL profile or about the same clearance as a 5° smaller LSL design. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 1.8 13180 258 210 133 .356 .041 .030 .570 .605 .641 Xtreme Energy VVI 13181 262 214 137 .358 .046 .035 .573 .609 .644 Rated Duration @ 13182 266 218 141 .360 .052 .040 .576 .612 .648 .006" Tappet Lift 13183 270 222 145 .362 .058 .046 .579 .615 .652 55mm+ Journal 13184 274 226 149 .364 .065 .052 .582 .619 .655 ™ W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 27 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER LSN & LSD HYDRAULIC ROLLERS FOR DOD These two series are designed for GM LS applications with Displacement on Demand. Because of extra travel of the deactivation lifter seat before it locks in lock mode, these profiles must be designed differently than the non-cylinder deactivation lobes. The result is that the LSD "Deac" profiles look more like solid lifter profiles as that motion is akin to about .005" lash at the tappet. The LSN "non-Deac" profiles are more like standard hydraulic roller designs at the seat but matched to the LSN profiles over the nose. NOTE: Cylinders 1-4-6-7 are the "Deac" or Deactivation cylinders and 2-3-5-6 are the "NonDeac" or Non-Deactivation" or cylinders. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 13299 13300 13301 13302 13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 258 262 266 270 274 278 282 286 290 @ .050 206 210 214 218 222 226 230 234 238 @ .200 119 123 126 130 133 137 140 144 147 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 106° .042 .047 .053 .059 .065 .072 .079 .086 .092 110° .031 .037 .042 .048 .053 .059 .065 .072 .079 1.6 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 1.7 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 1.8 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 13310 LSD (Deac Cyls) 13311 Rated Duration @ 13312 .006" Tappet Lift 55mm Journal 13313 13314 .7756" BCR 13315 274 278 282 286 290 294 212 216 220 224 228 232 123 127 130 133 137 140 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .294 .047 .053 .059 .065 .072 .079 .037 .042 .048 .053 .059 .065 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 .529 LSD (Deac Cyls) 13316 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 13317 55mm Journal 13318 .7756" BCR 298 236 144 .294 .086 .072 .470 .500 .529 302 240 147 .294 .092 .079 .470 .500 .529 306 244 151 .294 .099 .085 .470 .500 .529 LSN (Non-Deac Cyls) Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 55mm Journal .7756" BCR EHI EHX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The EHI (intake) and EHX (exhaust) Series are higher ratio versions of the DHI and DHX hybrid hydraulic/solid roller designs. These are intended for race applications that may see some street use or for other special applications with their primary emphasis on performance without compromise for noise concerns. 27 MAI intake and 30 MAI exhaust. 2.036" Journal MINIMUM. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12854 12856 12858 EHI 12668 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 12670 12672 12674 12676 12678 12680 28 270 274 278 282 286 290 294 298 302 306 Duration in Degrees @ .050 219 223 227 231 235 239 243 247 251 255 @ .200 143 147 151 154 158 162 165 169 173 176 Lobe Lift .371 .373 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .060 .067 .073 .081 .088 .096 .104 .112 .120 .128 110° .048 .054 .060 .067 .073 .081 .088 .096 .104 .112 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .631 .634 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.7 1.8 .668 .705 .671 .709 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 .675 .713 continued on page 29 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 12682 EHI Rated Duration @ 12684 .006" Tappet Lift 12686 12846 12848 310 314 318 322 326 @ .050 259 263 267 271 275 @ .200 180 183 187 190 194 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 106° .136 .144 .152 .159 .166 110° .120 .128 .136 .143 .151 1.6 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 1.7 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 1.8 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 12864 12866 12868 12690 12692 12694 EHX 12696 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 12698 12700 12702 12704 12874 12876 12878 292 296 300 304 308 312 316 320 324 328 332 336 340 344 233 237 241 245 249 253 257 261 265 269 273 277 281 285 153 157 161 164 168 172 176 179 183 186 190 193 197 200 .373 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .082 .090 .096 .105 .112 .120 .128 .136 .144 .151 .159 .166 .173 .180 .069 .076 .082 .090 .097 .105 .112 .120 .128 .135 .143 .150 .158 .165 .634 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .638 .671 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .709 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 HYDRAULIC ROLLER EHI EHX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. DHI DHX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The DHI (intake) and DHX (exhaust) Series are a hybrid hydraulic or tight lash solid roller design, based primarily on performance without compromise for noise concerns. These are intended for race applications that may see some street use or for other special applications. 26 MAI intake and 29 MAI exhaust. 55mm Journal MINIMUM. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 12600 12602 12608 12610 12612 DHI Rated Duration @ 12614 .006" Tappet Lift 12616 12618 12104 12106 12108 12110 12112 275 279 283 287 291 295 299 303 307 311 315 319 323 @ .050 225 229 233 237 241 245 249 253 257 261 265 269 273 @ .200 152 156 160 164 167 171 175 178 182 186 189 193 197 .385 .389 .393 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 106° .071 .078 .085 .093 .102 .110 .118 .127 .136 .144 .152 .160 .168 110° .057 .064 .071 .078 .085 .093 .102 .110 .118 .127 .135 .143 .152 1.6 .616 .622 .629 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 12642 12644 DHX 12646 Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 12630 12632 12634 293 297 301 305 309 313 235 239 243 247 251 255 158 162 166 170 174 178 .385 .389 .393 .397 .397 .397 .087 .095 .102 .110 .118 .126 .073 .080 .087 .094 .102 .110 .616 .622 .629 .635 .635 .635 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 .655 .661 .668 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 1.8 .693 .700 .707 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .655 .693 .661 .700 .668 .707 .675 .715 .675 .715 .675 .715 continued on page 30 29 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER DHI DHX HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12636 12638 DHX Rated Duration @ 12134 .006" Tappet Lift 12136 12138 12140 12142 317 321 325 329 333 337 341 Duration in Degrees @ .050 259 263 267 271 275 279 283 @ .200 182 185 189 193 196 200 204 Lobe Lift .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .135 .144 .152 .160 .168 .176 .184 110° .119 .127 .135 .143 .152 .160 .168 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 1.7 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 1.8 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 CHEATER HR LIFT RULE COMPETITION HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The Cheater HR Lift Rule profiles can be run with either hydraulic roller lifters or with solid roller lifters and tight (.010" to .016") lash settings. These are very popular in Mustang lift rule class racing. These lobes are very aggressive and are "race only" designed lobes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Cheater HR Lift Rule Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift RACE ONLY! 30 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3335 3496 3497 3498 3336 3338 3337 3339 3284 3282 3285 3283 3299 3297 3298 3295 3296 3404 3400 3398 3384 3399 3385 3386 3387 3388 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 321 325 327 329 307 311 319 329 307 311 319 323 289 297 305 297 301 285 289 293 297 301 305 309 313 317 Duration in Degrees @ .050 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 268 272 274 276 254 258 266 270 254 258 266 270 236 244 252 244 248 232 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 264 @ .200 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 180 184 186 188 166 170 178 182 167 171 179 183 150 158 166 159 163 147 151 155 159 163 167 171 175 179 Lobe Lift .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .316 .316 .316 .316 .323 .323 .323 .323 .329 .329 .329 .334 .334 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .085 .088 .091 .095 .098 .102 .105 .109 .142 .149 .153 .157 .116 .123 .138 .146 .116 .124 .139 .146 .085 .098 .113 .099 .106 .078 .085 .091 .098 .106 .113 .120 .128 .136 110° .072 .075 .078 .081 .085 .088 .091 .095 .127 .134 .138 .142 .102 .109 .123 .139 .102 .109 .124 .131 .072 .085 .098 .085 .092 .065 .072 .078 .085 .091 .098 .106 .113 .120 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio 1.5 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .474 .474 .474 .474 .485 .485 .485 .485 .494 .494 .494 .501 .501 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .499 .530 .506 .537 .506 .537 .506 .537 .506 .537 .517 .549 .517 .549 .517 .549 .517 .549 .526 .559 .526 .559 .526 .559 .534 .568 .534 .568 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 .546 .580 continued on page 31 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Cheater HR Lift Rule Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift RACE ONLY! 3389 3405 3288 3286 3289 3287 321 325 307 311 319 323 Duration in Degrees @ .050 268 272 254 258 266 270 @ .200 183 187 171 175 183 187 Lobe Lift .341 .341 .365 .365 .365 .365 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .143 .151 .118 .125 .141 .149 110° .128 .136 .103 .110 .125 .133 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio 1.5 .512 .512 .548 .548 .548 .548 1.6 .546 .546 .584 .584 .584 .584 1.7 .580 .580 .621 .621 .621 .621 MUSTANG R LIFT RULE COMPETITION HYDRAULIC ROLLERS These are very similar to the Cheater HR series but more aggressive off the seat and provide more area. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Mustang R Lift Rule Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift RACE ONLY! 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3734 273 279 285 291 297 303 297 Duration in Degrees @ .050 224 230 236 242 248 254 248 @ .200 140 145 149 153 158 162 168 Lobe Lift .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .312 .362 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .069 .079 .090 .101 .111 .121 .114 110° .056 .065 .076 .086 .097 .107 .098 HYDRAULIC ROLLER CHEATER HR LIFT RULE COMPETITION HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .468 .543 1.6 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .579 1.7 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .615 ESI ESX STOCKER HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 13600 12688 12689 12655 12656 12657 12658 12706 12708 12710 12712 12916 12718 12917 12918 12919 270 298 300 302 306 310 314 298 282 302 310 318 318 322 324 326 @ .050 219 247 249 251 255 259 263 247 231 251 259 267 267 271 273 275 @ .200 142 161 163 164 168 172 175 161 148 172 181 188 188 191 193 195 .342 .306 .306 .306 .306 .306 .306 .314 .323 .363 .378 .354 .367 .354 .354 .354 106° .060 .110 .114 .177 .125 .132 .139 .110 .801 .120 .137 .153 .153 .158 .164 .168 110° .048 .095 .099 .102 .110 .117 .124 .095 .664 .104 .120 .137 .137 .142 .148 .152 1.6 .547 .490 .490 .490 .490 .490 .490 .502 .517 .581 .605 .566 .587 .566 .566 .566 1.7 .581 .520 .520 .520 .520 .520 .520 .534 .549 .617 .643 .602 .624 .602 .602 .602 1.8 .616 .551 .551 .551 .551 .551 .551 .565 .581 .653 .680 .637 .661 .637 .637 .637 12711 ESX Rated Duration @ 12719 .006" Tappet Lift 12713 312 328 324 253 269 265 169 185 183 .343 .345 .370 .119 .150 .143 .104 .135 .127 .549 .552 .592 .583 .587 .629 .617 .621 .666 ESI Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 31 HYDRAULIC ROLLER HYDRAULIC ROLLER DSI STOCKER HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DSI Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 12662 12914 12915 12922 279 315 319 319 Duration in Degrees @ .050 229 265 269 269 @ .200 149 187 191 191 Lobe Lift .323 .372 .372 .367 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .078 .150 .158 .158 110° .063 .134 .142 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .485 .595 .595 .587 1.6 .517 .632 .632 .624 1.7 .549 .670 .670 .661 CE STOCKER HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 CEI Rated Duration @ 271 219 141 .342 .060 .048 .547 .006" Tappet Lift 13602 1.7 1.8 .581 .616 CZK HYDRAULIC ROLLERS The CZK is a stocker version of the CSZ. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration CZK Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 13070 13071 13072 12537 262 264 266 280 Duration in Degrees @ .050 213 215 217 228 @ .200 134 136 138 147 Lobe Lift .316 .316 .316 .323 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .051 .054 .057 .075 110° .040 .042 .045 .061 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .474 .474 .474 .485 1.6 .506 .506 .506 .517 1.7 .537 .537 .537 .549 FSHR STOCKER HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Very quick hydraulic roller stocker. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FSH Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift FSX Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3576 3578 3579 3580 301 305 307 309 @ .050 256 260 262 264 @ .200 170 174 176 178 .292 .292 .292 .292 106° .129 .137 .140 .144 110° .114 .122 .126 .129 1.5 .438 .438 .438 .438 1.6 .467 .467 .467 .467 1.7 .496 .496 .496 .496 3561 298 252 166 .292 .123 .108 .438 .467 .496 continued on page 33 32 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 3582 279 235 164 .378 .095 .079 .567 .605 .643 3584 283 239 168 .378 .105 .087 .567 .605 .643 3585 285 241 170 .378 .109 .092 .567 .605 .643 3586 287 243 172 .378 .113 .096 .567 .605 .643 3588 291 247 176 .378 .122 .104 .567 .605 .643 FHL Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Q Size XTREME ENERGY™ HARLEY HYDRAULIC ROLLERS Designed to maximize torque, acceleration and throttle response for V-twins while providing excellent high RPM horsepower. A faster valve opening increases engine vacuum and enhances throttle response, providing improved roll on power. Special closing ramps close the valve sooner, providing more cylinder pressure and torque without resulting in excessive valve train noise. The faster Xtreme Energy™ ramps achieve maximum velocity sooner, increasing the area under the lift curve and providing maximum airflow and horsepower. Camshaft Type Lobe # Xtreme Energy™ Harley Rated Duration @ .053" Tappet Lift 3822 3809 3810 3823 3832 3824 3833 3825 3834 3826 3816 3835 3827 3817 3818 3819 Duration in Degrees @ .053 228 230 236 236 244 244 252 252 260 260 264 268 268 268 272 276 @ .200 148 147 153 155 160 162 167 169 174 176 180 181 183 183 187 191 .360 .346 .350 .360 .350 .360 .350 .360 .350 .360 .370 .350 .360 .370 .370 .370 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift 98° .103 .106 .117 .118 .134 .134 .149 .149 .161 .163 .170 .174 .176 .177 .184 .191 102° .089 .091 .102 .103 .118 .118 .132 .132 .146 .147 .156 .160 .162 .162 .170 .176 HYDRAULIC ROLLER FSHR STOCKER HYDRAULIC ROLLERS cont. 106° .076 .079 .088 .089 .103 .103 .118 .118 .131 .133 .140 .146 .147 .147 .155 .162 1.625 .585 .562 .569 .585 .569 .585 .569 .585 .569 .585 .601 .569 .585 .601 .601 .601 1.65 .594 .571 .578 .594 .578 .594 .578 .594 .578 .594 .611 .578 .594 .611 .611 .611 SOLID FLAT TAPPET HIGH ENERGY™ & MAGNUM SOLIDS The High Energy™ Solid is the mechanical version of the High Energy™ Hydraulic. Because these designs incorporate a mechanical (solid) lifter, the valve actuation is quicker than the High Energy™ Hydraulics, thus producing slightly more power than its hydraulic counterpart. The Magnum Solid Lifter Series is designed to allow the valve lash to be varied from .015" to .030". This tuning tool can be used to fine tune any high performance application to a razor sharp edge. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Energy™ Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 5190 6114 6038 240-3 244-3 264-1 Duration in Degrees @ .050 190 200 220 @ .200 104 108 130 Lobe Lift .2660 .2660 .2933 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .031 .031 .062 110° .023 .023 .050 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .399 .399 .440 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 1.7 .426 .452 .426 .452 .469 .499 continued on page 34 33 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET HIGH ENERGY™ & MAGNUM SOLIDS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Magnum Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 6017 6002 6007 6003 270-3 282-2 294-3 306-5 Duration in Degrees @ .050 224 236 248 260 @ .200 135 145 154 164 Lobe Lift .3120 .3300 .3500 .3700 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .064 .082 .096 .119 110° .054 .069 .084 .100 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .468 .495 .525 .555 1.6 .499 .528 .560 .592 1.7 .530 .561 .595 .629 NOSTALGIA PLUS™ SOLIDS Like the Nostalgia Plus™ Hydraulics, these lobes are designed to mimic the sound of the great engines of the past while improving performance by applying today’s design techniques. The solid lifter design allows more precise valve control and allows further tuning through lash adjustment. When lashed at .015" these designs provide that distinct metallic, mechanical sound made famous by the most powerful of the great factory muscle cars. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Nostalgia Plus™ Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 6068 6069 6070 6071 276 283 284 291 Duration in Degrees @ .050 239 246 247 254 @ .200 149 155 158 164 Lobe Lift .320 .317 .336 .332 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .094 .104 .108 .118 110° .080 .090 .094 .104 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .480 .476 .504 .498 1.6 .512 .507 .538 .531 1.7 .544 .539 .571 .564 XTREME ENERGY™ SOLIDS The Xtreme Energy™ Solids are designed with similar characteristics to the Xtreme Energy™ Hydraulics to maximize torque, acceleration and throttle response while providing even more high RPM horsepower by taking advantage of the increased stability of a solid design. The Xtreme Energy™ Solids have ramps that provide shorter seat timing than all but the most aggressive race solids but feature a special closing section to eliminate excessive noise. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 34 6052 6083 6053 6084 6054 6055 6056 6057 6089 6059 6091 6061 256 262 262 268 268 274 280 282 290 290 298 298 Duration in Degrees @ .050 218 224 224 230 230 236 242 244 252 252 260 260 @ .200 129 135 135 140 141 147 153 156 164 164 171 172 Lobe Lift .311 .313 .319 .313 .326 .335 .341 .347 .352 .361 .352 .373 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .057 .067 .067 .077 .077 .087 .097 .101 .115 .115 .129 .129 110° .046 .054 .054 .064 .064 .073 .083 .087 .101 .101 .155 .155 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .467 .470 .479 .470 .489 .503 .512 .521 .528 .542 .528 .560 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .498 .501 .510 .501 .522 .536 .546 .555 .563 .578 .563 .597 1.7 .529 .532 .542 .532 .554 .570 .580 .590 .598 .614 .598 .634 SOLID FLAT TAPPET The High Torque Solid is designed to be used on .842" or larger tappet diameters.Tappet acceleration rates are high to produce maximum torque vs. horsepower in an all out racing engine. Works well as exhaust when coupled with TL or XTQ intake designs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Torque Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6015 6001 6014 6016 6009 6018 6000 6010 6004 6011 6005 270-1 280-1 285-1 290-1 295-1 300-1 305-1 310-1 310-2 320-1 320-2 Duration in Degrees @ .050 235 242 250 255 260 265 270 275 270 283 280 @ .200 144 152 156 160 164 169 175 177 175 184 182 Lobe Lift .330 .338 .355 .360 .370 .375 .385 .390 .375 .392 .375 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .082 .094 .104 .111 .119 .126 .136 .142 .143 .163 .156 110° .068 .080 .092 .098 .100 .113 .123 .129 .129 .149 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .495 .507 .533 .540 .555 .563 .578 .585 .563 .588 .563 1.6 .528 .541 .568 .576 .592 .600 .616 .624 .600 .627 .600 1.7 .561 .575 .604 .612 .629 .638 .655 .663 .638 .666 .638 SOLID FLAT TAPPET HIGH TORQUE SOLIDS HIGH RPM SOLIDS These designs are to be used primarily on motors with 1.7 or greater rocker ratios. Design rates have been carefully chosen to allow these designs to run higher engine speeds than their high torque counterparts. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High RPM Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6019 6012 6013 6006 6027 6028 6029 284-1 294-1 304-1 314-1 324-1 328-3 334-2 Duration in Degrees @ .050 246 256 266 276 286 290 296 @ .200 152 162 172 182 191 184 200 Lobe Lift .326 .341 .356 .371 .386 .400 .400 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .097 .114 .131 .148 .165 .168 .182 110° .083 .100 .117 .134 .151 .154 .168 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .489 .512 .534 .557 .579 .600 .600 1.6 .522 .546 .570 .594 .618 .640 .640 1.7 .554 .580 .605 .631 .656 .680 .680 HI-TECH™ SOLIDS These designs represent an excellent mix of horsepower, torque, RPM and durability. They work with .842" or larger diameter tappets, producing very good results. These have been used successfully in everything from Sprint Cup and endurance applications to drag racing and hobby stocks. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Hi-Tech™ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 300-4 304-4 308-4 312-4 316-4 320-4 324-4 Duration in Degrees @ .050 262 266 270 274 278 282 286 @ .200 166 170 174 177 181 186 192 Lobe Lift .365 .370 .375 .380 .385 .390 .400 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .121 .128 .134 .140 .147 .154 .163 110° .108 .114 .120 .127 .133 .140 .149 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .548 .555 .563 .570 .578 .585 .600 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .584 .592 .600 .608 .616 .624 .640 1.7 .621 .629 .638 .646 .655 .663 .680 35 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET TIGHT LASH SOLIDS The designs for the Tight Lash Solid .842" Diameter Lifters feature shorter seat timing and more area than other similar designs. Good in restricted or open rules circle track racing. The larger designs perform very well in drag racing. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Tight Lash Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6312 6313 6314 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6310 TL264 TL268 TL272 TL276 TL280 TL284 TL288 TL292 TL296 TL300 TL304 TL312 Duration in Degrees @ .050 234 238 242 246 250 254 259 262 266 270 274 282 @ .200 143 147 151 154 158 162 166 169 173 177 181 191 Lobe Lift .3300 .3350 .3400 .3476 .3534 .3600 .3667 .3734 .3800 .3867 .3934 .4067 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .083 .089 .096 .102 .109 .114 .121 .127 .133 .139 .143 .162 110° .070 .077 .083 .089 .095 .101 .108 .113 .119 .125 .130 .148 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .495 .503 .510 .521 .530 .540 .550 .560 .570 .580 .590 .610 1.6 .528 .536 .544 .556 .565 .576 .587 .597 .608 .619 .629 .651 1.7 .561 .570 .578 .591 .601 .612 .623 .635 .646 .657 .669 .691 HIGH RPM II SOLIDS High RPM Series II Solids are more aggressive than the original High RPM and Hi-Tech™ Solid profiles. They are designed for use in applications that need the area of an XTQ style lobe, but are required to operate at higher engine speeds than that fast of a ramp will allow. HTL Lifters are highly recommended with these profiles. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High RPM II Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 287 291 295 299 303 307 311 Duration in Degrees @ .050 256 260 264 268 272 276 280 @ .200 167 171 175 179 183 187 191 Lobe Lift .367 .371 .376 .380 .384 .389 .393 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .121 .128 .135 .142 .149 .156 .163 110° .107 .114 .121 .128 .135 .142 .149 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .551 .557 .564 .570 .576 .584 .590 1.6 .587 .594 .602 .608 .614 .622 .629 1.7 .624 .631 .639 .646 .653 .661 .668 XTQ SOLIDS The XTQ Solid design sets the new standard for aggressive .842" lifter designs. With seat timing as low as our original tight lash series and more area than our famous "XX" .875" series, these designs give their racers a clear edge over the competition. Smaller designs are intended for restricted applications; larger designs can be used in open applications with an optimized valve spring selection and lighter valve Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XTQ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 36 6275 6276 6277 248XTQ 254XTQ 260XTQ Duration in Degrees @ .050 218 224 230 @ .200 129 135 141 Lobe Lift .310 .318 .325 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .057 .067 .077 110° .046 .054 .064 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .465 .477 .488 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .496 .527 .509 .541 .520 .553 continued on page 37 SOLID FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XTQ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6258 16258 6259 16259 6260 16260 6261 16261 6262 16262 6263 16263 6264 16264 6265 16265 6266 16266 6267 16267 6268 16268 6269 6270 266XTQ 268XTQ 270XTQ 272XTQ 274XTQ 276XTQ 278XTQ 280XTQ 282XTQ 284XTQ 286XTQ 288XTQ 290XTQ 292XTQ 294XTQ 296XTQ 298XTQ 300XTQ 302XTQ 304XTQ 306XTQ 308XTQ 310XTQ 314XTQ Duration in Degrees @ .050 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 284 @ .200 147 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 196 Lobe Lift .334 .337 .340 .343 .346 .350 .354 .357 .360 .363 .366 .369 .372 .375 .378 .382 .386 .389 .392 .395 .398 .401 .404 .410 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .087 .090 .094 .097 .101 .104 .108 .111 .115 .118 .122 .125 .129 .132 .136 .139 .143 .146 .150 .153 .157 .160 .164 .171 110° .073 .077 .080 .083 .087 .090 .094 .097 .101 .104 .108 .111 .115 .118 .122 .125 .129 .132 .136 .139 .143 .146 .150 .157 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .501 .506 .510 .515 .519 .525 .531 .536 .540 .545 .549 .554 .558 .563 .567 .573 .579 .584 .588 .593 .597 .602 .606 .615 1.6 .534 .539 .544 .549 .554 .560 .566 .571 .576 .581 .586 .590 .595 .600 .605 .611 .618 .622 .627 .632 .637 .642 .646 .656 1.7 .568 .573 .578 .583 .588 .595 .602 .607 .612 .617 .622 .627 .632 .638 .643 .649 .656 .661 .666 .672 .677 .682 .687 .697 SOLID FLAT TAPPET XTQ SOLIDS cont. XTX SOLIDS The XTX Solids are an excellent choice for exhaust profiles to be coupled with either the XTQ or MH profiles or can be use for both intake and exhaust in high RPM applications. The closing side is similar to the High Torque profiles, but this design incorporates a faster opening side to increase torque and provide more area. The lifts are slightly less than the High Torque profiles to increase the nose radius and reduce wear. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XTX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6400 6402 6404 6406 6408 6410 6412 6414 6416 6418 6420 272 276 280 284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312 Duration in Degrees @ .050 238 242 246 250 254 258 262 266 270 274 278 @ .200 145 149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177 181 185 Lobe Lift .335 .341 .347 .351 .355 .359 .363 .367 .371 .375 .379 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .086 .092 .099 .105 .112 .118 .125 .132 .139 .146 .153 110° .074 .080 .086 .092 .098 .105 .111 .118 .125 .132 .139 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .503 .512 .521 .527 .533 .539 .545 .551 .557 .563 .569 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .536 .546 .555 .562 .568 .574 .581 .587 .594 .600 .606 1.7 .570 .580 .590 .597 .604 .610 .617 .624 .631 .638 .644 37 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET JF .330" LIFT SOLIDS The JF .330" Lift Solids are designed for use in lift rule classes that require higher RPM or lighter springs than needed with the Max Area Lift Rule Series. The JF designs are also good for use with very high rockers in more open applications. Can also be run in hydraulic lifter applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration JF .330" Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 6158 6159 6160 6170 6161 6162 6172 6163 6173 6164 6157 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 269 271 273 275 277 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 Duration in Degrees @ .050 240 242 244 246 248 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 @ .200 149 151 153 155 157 161 163 164 166 167 168 170 172 174 176 178 Lobe Lift .327 .329 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .100 .100 .100 .100 .107 .114 .118 .121 .123 .126 .129 .132 .136 .139 .143 .146 110° .087 .087 .087 .087 .094 .100 .104 .107 .110 .113 .116 .119 .122 .126 .129 .133 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .491 .494 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 1.6 .523 .526 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 1.7 .556 .559 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 HF & JF LIFT RULE SOLIDS Based on the JF series except expressly for Lift Rule classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration HF .285" Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. Duration in Degrees @ .050 @ .200 Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 16230 282 252 148 .285 .110 .097 .428 .456 .485 16231 286 256 151 .285 .116 .103 .428 .456 .485 16234 JF .308" Lift 16235 Rated Duration @ 16236 .020" Tappet Lift 16226 .842" Min. Dia. 16237 279 281 283 285 287 250 252 254 256 258 155 157 158 160 162 .308 .308 .308 .308 .308 .110 .113 .116 .119 .123 .095 .100 .103 .106 .109 .462 .462 .462 .462 .462 .493 .493 .493 .493 .493 .524 .524 .524 .524 .524 JF .301" Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 16246 295 266 167 .301 .135 .122 .452 .482 .512 16248 299 270 171 .301 .141 .128 .452 .482 .512 38 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID FLAT TAPPET The Max Area Series is designed for 2bbl and stock intake applications which are airflow limited. This series of lobes utilizes low seat timing with maximum area under the curve. These lobes perform best with a 1.7 or 1.8 rocker ratio and can be used with an .842" lifter. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 6208 MA251-1 225 135 .319 .064 .053 .479 6209 MA255-1 229 139 .326 .072 .059 .489 6210 MA259-1 232 143 .330 .076 .064 .495 6211 MA263-1 236 147 .331 .090 .077 .497 Max Area 6212 MA267-1 240 151 .333 .097 .083 .500 Rated Duration @ 6213 MA271-1 244 155 .340 .104 .091 .510 .020" Tappet Lift 6214 MA275-1 248 159 .340 .109 .096 .510 .842" Min. Dia. 6215 MA279-1 252 161 .340 .116 .103 .510 6216 MA283-1 256 164 .340 .123 .109 .510 6217 MA287-1 260 168 .340 .129 .116 .510 6218 MA291-1 264 171 .340 .136 .123 .510 6219 MA295-1 268 176 .345 .143 .129 .518 6222 MA299-1 272 179 .345 .149 .136 .518 1.6 .510 .522 .528 .530 .533 .544 .544 .544 .544 .544 .544 .552 .552 1.7 .542 .554 .561 .563 .566 .578 .578 .578 .578 .578 .578 .587 .587 SOLID FLAT TAPPET MAX AREA (MA) SOLIDS STAY CONNECTED Take your pick – Facebook, Twitter, our e-newsletter or one of our forums. You'll have insider information on new products, specials and free giveaways via our social media platforms, as well as access to our highly trained technical staff and our ever expanding library of how-to videos. TECH SUPPORT OPTIONS Phone 1.800.999.0853 Forums Email & Chat Twitter @CPGTech W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 39 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET MAX AREA (MA) LIFT RULE SOLIDS The Max Area Lift Rule lobes can be run with solid lifters or Pro Magnum™-style hydraulic lifters. They are more aggressive off the seat than the parent Max Area Series for tighter lash and less rocker. They work well in lift rule oval track, road race and high RPM NHRA Stock Eliminator classes. Will check 21° larger at .006" than .020". Specifically designed to optimize dynamic valve motion and produce maximum power, these lobes use the experience gained from racing the MA profile and the techniques we learn from our Spintron testing to provide the best performance in all lift rule applications. Grouped in lobe lift increments for convenient selection. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Max Area Low Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. .010"-.020" Lash 40 5695 5696 5704 5718 5720 5719 5708 5645 5744 5746 5550 5553 5643 5644 5649 5646 5650 5651 5652 5653 5647 5654 5655 5657 5692 5694 5697 5698 5667 5668 5669 5670 5656 5658 5659 5666 5663 5664 273 277 283 275 279 283 293 257 261 265 267 274 281 265 273 275 277 281 285 289 291 293 297 301 283 291 303 297 257 265 269 273 276 283 286 290 295 301 Duration in Degrees @ .050 246 250 256 248 252 256 266 230 234 238 240 248 254 238 246 248 250 254 258 262 264 266 270 274 256 264 276 270 230 238 242 246 250 256 260 264 268 274 @ .200 124 127 142 140 144 148 159 124 129 133 134 142 148 134 143 145 146 150 154 159 161 163 167 170 156 165 176 171 135 142 145 148 152 156 161 165 171 172 Lobe Lift .237 .237 .242 .252 .252 .252 .255 .260 .260 .260 .260 .260 .260 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 .273 .273 .275 .278 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 .283 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .100 .106 .117 .103 .109 .115 .131 .076 .083 .089 .093 .107 .115 .089 .103 .106 .109 .115 .122 .129 .132 .135 .141 .147 .121 .134 .152 .144 .078 .091 .098 .104 .110 .121 .127 .136 .144 .149 110° .088 .094 .105 .090 .096 .103 .119 .063 .070 .076 .080 .093 .102 .076 .090 .093 .096 .102 .110 .116 .120 .123 .129 .135 .108 .121 .140 .131 .064 .077 .084 .090 .097 .107 .113 .123 .131 .136 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio 1.5 .356 .356 .363 .378 .378 .378 .383 .390 .390 .390 .390 .390 .390 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 .410 .410 .413 .417 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .379 .403 .379 .403 .387 .411 .403 .428 .403 .428 .403 .428 .408 .434 .416 .442 .416 .442 .416 .442 .416 .442 .416 .442 .416 .442 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .426 .452 .437 .464 .437 .464 .440 .468 .445 .473 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 .453 .481 continued on page 41 SOLID FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 5665 303 276 174 .283 .151 .139 .425 5661 287 260 166 .288 .130 .116 .432 5662 291 264 169 .288 .136 .122 .432 5678 279 252 152 .290 .113 .100 .435 5680 286 259 158 .294 .121 .108 .441 5679 294 267 167 .296 .134 .121 .444 5676 263 236 143 .300 .088 .074 .450 5677 267 240 147 .300 .095 .081 .450 5681 271 244 151 .300 .102 .088 .450 5682 275 248 155 .300 .109 .095 .450 5683 279 252 158 .300 .116 .102 .450 5684 283 256 162 .300 .123 .109 .450 5685 287 260 166 .300 .130 .116 .450 5686 291 264 170 .300 .136 .123 .450 6174 274 248 158 .304 .109 .095 .456 5713 280 254 158 .306 .116 .103 .459 5714 282 256 160 .306 .119 .106 .459 5715 284 258 162 .306 .123 .109 .459 6192 266 240 150 .312 .095 .081 .468 6193 270 244 154 .312 .102 .088 .468 274 248 158 .312 .109 .095 .468 Max Area Low Lift 6194 6195 278 252 162 .312 .116 .102 .468 Rated Duration @ 282 256 166 .312 .123 .109 .468 .020" Tappet Lift 6196 .842" Min. Dia. 6197 286 260 170 .312 .130 .116 .468 .010"-.020" Lash 6198 290 264 174 .312 .137 .123 .468 6199 294 268 178 .312 .144 .130 .468 6200 298 272 182 .312 .151 .137 .468 6231 262 236 148 .322 .088 .075 .483 6232 266 240 152 .322 .095 .081 .483 6234 274 248 160 .322 .109 .095 .483 6235 278 252 164 .322 .116 .102 .483 6237 286 260 172 .322 .131 .116 .483 6238 290 264 176 .322 .138 .124 .483 6239 294 268 180 .324 .145 .131 .486 6246 296 270 182 .320 .148 .134 .480 6240 300 274 186 .324 .155 .141 .486 6249 304 278 190 .324 .162 .148 .486 6241 262 236 149 .330 .088 .075 .495 6242 266 240 152 .330 .095 .081 .495 6243 270 244 156 .330 .102 .088 .495 6244 274 248 160 .330 .109 .095 .495 6245 278 252 164 .330 .116 .102 .495 6247 282 256 167 .330 .124 .109 .495 6229 286 260 170 .330 .132 .116 .495 6224 294 268 180 .330 .145 .131 .495 6226 298 272 184 .330 .152 .138 .495 6225 302 276 188 .330 .159 .145 .495 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .453 .461 .461 .464 .470 .474 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .480 .486 .490 .490 .490 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .499 .515 .515 .515 .515 .515 .515 .518 .512 .518 .518 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 1.7 .481 .490 .490 .493 .500 .503 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .517 .520 .520 .520 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .530 .547 .547 .547 .547 .547 .547 .551 .544 .551 .551 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 SOLID FLAT TAPPET MAX AREA LIFT RULE SOLIDS cont. 41 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET USI USX UPI UPX STOCKER FLAT SOLIDS These are designs for high RPM stocker applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration USI Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift USX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 5854 5840 5538 5540 294 298 294 298 @ .050 263 266 262 266 @ .200 157 157 166 170 .267 .267 .345 .345 106° .124 .125 .123 .130 110° .111 .113 .110 .116 1.6 .401 .401 .552 .552 1.7 .427 .427 .587 .587 1.8 .454 .454 .621 .621 5862 5846 5544 5546 300 305 301 305 269 272 268 272 164 166 174 178 .277 .277 .365 .365 .135 .136 .134 .141 .122 .124 .121 .128 .416 .416 .584 .584 .443 .443 .621 .621 .471 .471 .657 .657 MH SOLIDS MH Solids are the most aggressive .842" solid lifter profiles available. These are best in restricted applications where maximum torque and power are required and valve train rules are open except for requiring .842" flat tappets. The COMP Cams® #26094 valve spring, 3/8" minimum pushrod diameters, Hi-Tech™ late oiling tappets and shaft mounted rockers are all highly recommended. Please consult with a COMP Cams® CAM HELP® technician or one of our Engine Builder Sales personnel before using these profiles to reduce the risk from improper component selection. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 6252 262 236 149 .345 .088 .075 6286 264 238 151 .348 .092 .078 6253 266 240 153 .350 .095 .081 6289 268 242 155 .354 .099 .085 6282 270 244 157 .357 .102 .088 MH 272 246 159 .360 .106 .092 Rated Duration @ 6251 6281 274 248 161 .362 .109 .095 .020" Tappet Lift .842" Min. Dia. 6250 276 250 163 .365 .113 .099 .018" Lash 6280 278 252 165 .367 .116 .102 6254 280 254 167 .368 .120 .106 6283 282 256 169 .370 .124 .109 6284 284 258 171 .372 .127 .113 6255 286 260 173 .375 .131 .116 6285 288 262 175 .377 .134 .120 6256 290 264 177 .380 .138 .124 42 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .518 .522 .525 .531 .536 .540 .543 .548 .551 .552 .555 .558 .563 .566 .570 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .552 .557 .560 .566 .571 .576 .579 .584 .587 .589 .592 .595 .600 .603 .608 1.7 .587 .592 .595 .602 .607 .612 .615 .621 .624 .626 .629 .632 .638 .641 .646 SOLID FLAT TAPPET The GRI Series .842" solid lifter profiles are designed using the latest techniques to fill in the gap between the XTQ and MH families while providing better dynamics than with either other design. These should be used only on nitrided camshafts. Also, the mating lifters should be inspected and sorted by the chamfer with only small chamfer lifters used on these designs. Please consult with a COMP Cams® CAM HELP® technician or one of our Engine Builder Sales personnel before using these profiles to reduce the risk from improper component selection. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 16200 16202 16203 16204 16206 GRI 16208 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 16210 16212 16214 16216 16218 16220 16222 16188 265 269 271 273 277 281 285 289 293 297 301 305 309 281 Duration in Degrees @ .050 238 242 244 246 250 254 258 262 266 270 274 278 282 254 @ .200 150 154 156 158 162 166 170 174 178 182 186 190 194 166 Lobe Lift .346 .353 .357 .360 .367 .373 .379 .385 .391 .397 .403 .409 .415 .360 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .091 .098 .102 .105 .112 .119 .126 .133 .140 .147 .154 .161 .168 .119 110° .078 .084 .088 .091 .098 .105 .112 .119 .126 .133 .140 .147 .154 .105 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .519 .530 .535 .540 .551 .560 .569 .578 .587 .596 .605 .614 .623 .540 1.6 .554 .565 .570 .576 .587 .597 .606 .616 .626 .635 .645 .654 .664 .576 1.7 .588 .600 .606 .612 .624 .634 .644 .655 .665 .675 .685 .695 .706 .612 SOLID FLAT TAPPET GRI SOLIDS MEM SOLIDS The MEM Series .842" solid lifter profiles were designed for the first Engine Masters competition. May work on minimum chamfer .842" lifters for a short period of time but would be much safer on .875" tappets. 1.948" minimum journal diameter. Nitriding and increased oiling are highly recommended. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration MEM Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 6780 6782 6784 6786 6788 262 266 270 274 278 Duration in Degrees @ .050 237 241 245 249 253 PRO PLASMA™ NITRIDING @ .200 152 156 160 164 168 Lobe Lift .363 .369 .375 .381 .387 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .092 .099 .106 .113 .120 110° .078 .085 .092 .099 .106 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .545 .554 .563 .572 .581 1.6 .581 .590 .600 .610 .619 1.7 .617 .627 .638 .648 .658 Available for any COMP Cams® flat tappet camshaft, Pro Plasma™ Nitriding is a patented process that infuses nitrogen ions into steel to deliver unmatched wear resistance. COMP® offers some popular part numbered applications already nitrided and ready to ship. However, if we don’t offer a nitrided part number for your application, we can nitride any flat tappet cam that we offer, including custom grinds. 1.800.999.0853 • W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 43 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET MHF SOLIDS MHF Solids are similar to the MH Series but have even more velocity and more area to take complete advantage of the larger .875" Ford lifter. Please consult with a COMP Cams® CAM HELP® technician or one of our Engine Builder Sales personnel before using these profiles to reduce the risk from improper component selection. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration MHF Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 7393 7394 7395 7404 7405 7406 7408 7409 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 260 262 264 266 268 270 274 278 282 286 290 294 296 298 Duration in Degrees @ .050 234 236 238 240 242 244 248 252 256 260 264 268 270 272 Lobe Lift @ .200 150 152 154 156 158 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 186 188 .355 .357 .359 .361 .362 .364 .369 .373 .380 .385 .390 .395 .397 .400 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .085 .089 .093 .096 .100 .104 .111 .118 .126 .133 .141 .148 .152 .156 110° .071 .075 .078 .082 .085 .089 .096 .104 .111 .118 .126 .133 .137 .141 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .533 .536 .539 .542 .543 .546 .554 .560 .570 .578 .585 .593 .596 .600 1.6 .568 .571 .574 .578 .579 .582 .590 .597 .608 .616 .624 .632 .635 .640 1.7 .604 .607 .610 .614 .615 .619 .627 .634 .646 .655 .663 .672 .675 .680 FL & SQ SOLIDS The FL Series is designed to provide excellent area under the curve with an .875" tappet. These work well in place of TLs where .875" lifters can be used. Excellent in restricted applications with 1.65:1 to 1.75:1 rocker arms. Increased valve spring loads are recommended for higher RPM. The SQ designs are the larger cousins of the FL series and can be used in higher RPM applications with increased spring loads. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees 1.6 .570 .578 .586 .594 .610 1.7 .605 .614 .622 .631 .648 7250 289 260 175 .385 .132 .117 7262 291 262 177 .385 .135 .120 7260 293 264 179 .390 .138 .123 SQ .875" 295 266 181 .390 .142 .127 Rated Duration @ 7263 .020" Tappet Lift 7261 297 268 183 .400 .146 .131 .875" Min. Dia. 7265 300 270 185 .400 .150 .135 7266 302 272 187 .400 .154 .139 7267 304 274 189 .400 .158 .143 .578 .578 .585 .585 .600 .600 .600 .600 .616 .616 .624 .624 .640 .640 .640 .640 .655 .655 .663 .663 .680 .680 .680 .680 FL .875" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 44 .356 .361 .366 .371 .381 106° .091 .098 .106 .113 .120 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .534 .542 .549 .557 .572 FL268 FL272 FL276 FL280 FL284 @ .200 153 157 161 165 169 Tappet Lift @ TDC 110° .078 .084 .091 .098 .106 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 @ .050 239 243 247 251 254 Lobe Lift 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID FLAT TAPPET Designed to turn high engine speed while maintaining control of the valve. Must use .875" diameter lifter. For use with 1.65 to 1.7+ rocker arms. Easy on valve train components. Intake designs have faster opening ramps and can be used on intake or exhaust. Exhaust designs have symmetric ramps and are smoother. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High RPM Dash 12 Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7168 7158 7159 292-12 296-12 300-12 302-12 304-12 306-12 308-12 312-12 314-12 318-12 Duration in Degrees @ .050 258 262 266 268 270 272 274 278 280 284 @ .200 168 171 176 179 180 182 183 188 190 194 7169 312-11 276 184 High RPM Dash 7170 316-12 280 188 12 Exh. 318-11 282 190 Rated Duration @ 7174 .020" Tappet Lift 7171 320-12 284 192 .875" Min. Dia. 7172 322-12 286 194 Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio .375 .380 .390 .395 .395 .400 .400 .408 .410 .410 106° .120 .128 .130 .134 .138 .142 .145 .153 .156 .164 110° .106 .113 .116 .119 .123 .127 .130 .138 .142 .149 1.5 .563 .570 .585 .593 .593 .600 .600 .612 .615 .615 1.6 .600 .608 .624 .632 .632 .640 .640 .653 .656 .656 1.7 .638 .646 .663 .672 .672 .680 .680 .694 .697 .697 .400 .408 .410 .410 .410 .148 .155 .159 .163 .167 .134 .141 .145 .148 .152 .600 .612 .615 .615 .615 .640 .653 .656 .656 .656 .680 .694 .697 .697 .657 SOLID FLAT TAPPET HIGH RPM DASH 12 SOLIDS DASH 13 SOLIDS Dash 13 Solids are very similar to both the Dash 12 and XX open designs. These provide a more modern, in-between series that can handle more rocker ratio than either of the two earlier families. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Dash 13 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7185 9185 7186 9186 7187 9187 7188 9188 7189 9189 7190 9190 7191 9191 7192 9192 7193 9193 7194 9194 7015 9195 7016 310-13 310 312-13 312 314-13 314 316-13 316 318-13 318 320-13 320 322-13 322 324-13 324 326-13 326 328-13 328 330-13 330 332-13 Duration in Degrees @ .050 276 276 278 278 280 280 282 282 284 284 286 286 288 288 290 290 292 292 294 294 296 296 298 @ .200 186 186 188 188 190 190 192 192 194 194 196 196 198 198 200 200 202 202 204 204 206 206 208 Lobe Lift .392 .402 .394 .404 .396 .406 .398 .408 .400 .410 .402 .412 .403 .414 .404 .416 .405 .418 .406 .420 .407 .422 .408 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .151 .151 .155 .155 .159 .159 .163 .163 .166 .166 .170 .170 .174 .174 .178 .178 .182 .182 .186 .186 .189 .189 .193 110° .136 .136 .140 .140 .144 .144 .148 .148 .151 .151 .155 .155 .159 .159 .163 .163 .167 .167 .171 .171 .174 .174 .178 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .627 .643 .630 .646 .634 .650 .637 .653 .640 .656 .643 .659 .645 .662 .646 .666 .648 .669 .650 .672 .651 .675 .653 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 .666 .683 .670 .687 .673 .690 .677 .694 .680 .697 .683 .700 .685 .704 .687 .707 .689 .711 .690 .714 .692 .717 .694 1.8 .706 .724 .709 .727 .713 .731 .716 .734 .720 .738 .724 .742 .725 .745 .727 .749 .729 .752 .731 .756 .733 .760 .734 45 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET F3 EXHAUST SOLIDS The F3 Exhaust Solids are like the Dash 13 high lift lobes, but they have a faster opening ramp design to help increase torque while increasing opening area to reduce pumping losses. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 1.8 9158 314 283 194 .410 .166 .151 .656 .697 .738 9159 316 285 196 .412 .170 .155 .659 .700 .742 9160 318 287 198 .414 .174 .159 .662 .704 .745 9161 320 289 200 .416 .178 .163 .666 .707 .749 9162 322 291 202 .418 .182 .167 .669 .711 .752 F3 Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. D3C SOLIDS D3C Solids are like the Dash 13 designs but with slightly less velocity for coated tappets. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 1.8 9384 312 278 187 .390 .154 .140 .624 .663 .702 D3C 314 280 189 .392 .158 .144 .627 .666 .706 Rated Duration @ 9385 .020" Tappet Lift 9386 316 282 191 .394 .162 .147 .630 .670 .709 .875" Min. Dia. 9387 318 284 193 .396 .166 .151 .634 .673 .713 9388 320 286 195 .398 .169 .155 .637 .677 .716 9389 322 288 197 .400 .173 .158 .640 .680 .720 XX SOLIDS The smaller Restricted Designs are very aggressive. The larger Open Designs are for continuous high RPM, providing stability over 8500 with good related components. Both require proper spring selection and regular maintenance. Very good horsepower curves. Proper break-in is very critical with these lobe designs. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. Open Designs Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 46 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 7110 7113 7114 7115 7136 7116 7118 7117 278XX 280XX 282XX 284XX 286XX 288XX 294XX 298XX @ .050 246 248 250 254 256 258 262 266 @ .200 159 160 162 166 168 170 175 180 .365 .365 .370 .366 .378 .380 .390 .400 106° .102 .103 .106 .114 .118 .120 .129 .137 110° .088 .090 .092 .100 .104 .107 .115 .122 1.5 .548 .548 .555 .549 .567 .570 .585 .600 7068 7069 7071 7072 7073 292XX 296XX 300XX 302XX 304XX 260 264 268 270 272 170 174 178 180 182 .390 .395 .400 .403 .406 .124 .133 .139 .141 .145 .110 .119 .122 .124 .126 .585 .593 .600 .605 .609 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .584 .584 .592 .586 .605 .608 .624 .640 1.7 .621 .621 .629 .622 .643 .646 .663 .680 .624 .663 .632 .672 .640 .680 .645 .685 .650 .690 continued on page 47 SOLID FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 7074 306XX 274 184 .408 .148 .131 .612 Open Designs 7075 308XX 276 186 .410 .153 .133 .615 Rated Duration @ 7125 310XX 278 190 .415 .158 .139 .623 .020" Tappet Lift 7077 312XX 280 191 .415 .161 .143 .623 .875" Min. Dia. 7078 314XX 282 193 .418 .165 .150 .627 7127 316XX 284 196 .420 .169 .146 .630 7135 320XX 288 200 .420 .177 .154 .630 1.6 .653 .656 .664 .664 .669 .672 .672 1.7 .694 .697 .706 .706 .711 .714 .714 HIGH ROCKER RATIO SOLIDS Specially designed for NASCAR Sprint Cup restrictor plate engines. Use with 2.0:1 intake rocker and 1.9:1 exhaust along with a COMP Cams® #927 valve spring. Very smooth for 2.0:1 design and very easy on other valve train parts. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. SOLID FLAT TAPPET XX SOLIDS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 7380 261 230 141 .325 .075 .063 7381 265 234 144 .325 .081 .069 7382 270 238 146 .325 .087 .075 272 240 149 .335 .090 .078 High Rocker Ratio 7388 274 242 152 .335 .094 .081 Rated Duration @ 7383 .020" Tappet Lift 7386 276 244 153 .335 .097 .084 .875" Min. Dia. 7384 278 246 154 .335 .100 .087 7387 280 248 157 .340 .104 .090 7385 282 250 158 .340 .107 .094 7389 286 254 163 .350 .114 .100 7396 292 260 169 .355 .125 .111 7399 298 266 175 .360 .136 .121 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.9 .618 .618 .618 .637 .637 .637 .637 .646 .646 .665 .675 .684 2.0 .650 .650 .650 .670 .670 .670 .670 .680 .680 .700 .710 .720 2.1 .683 .683 .683 .704 .704 .704 .704 .714 .714 .735 .746 .756 HIGH ROCKER RATIO II SOLIDS Specially designed for NASCAR Sprint Cup restrictor plate engines. Use with 2.0:1 intake rocker and 1.9:1 exhaust along with a COMP Cams® #927 valve spring. More aggressive than earlier 2.0:1 design but still very easy on valve train parts. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Rocker Ratio II Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7362 7363 7364 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 Duration in Degrees @ .050 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 @ .200 148 150 152 154 157 158 160 162 164 166 Lobe Lift .332 .335 .338 .342 .345 .345 .345 .345 .345 .345 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .087 .090 .093 .097 .101 .104 .108 .111 .115 .119 110° .063 .076 .080 .083 .087 .090 .093 .097 .100 .104 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.9 .631 .637 .642 .650 .656 .656 .656 .656 .656 .656 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 2.0 2.1 .664 .697 .670 .704 .676 .710 .684 .718 .690 .725 .690 .725 .690 .725 .690 .725 .690 .725 .690 .725 continued on page 48 47 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET HIGH ROCKER RATIO II SOLIDS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Rocker Ratio II Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7365 7366 7367 7368 Duration in Degrees @ .050 256 258 260 262 286 288 290 292 Lobe Lift @ .200 167 169 170 172 .345 .345 .345 .345 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .122 .126 .129 .133 110° .108 .111 .115 .118 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.9 .656 .656 .656 .656 2.0 .690 .690 .690 .690 2.1 .725 .725 .725 .725 N SOLIDS Our most popular NASCAR Sprint Cup designs, these provide excellent power and reliability. Very stable at high RPM (8600+) with COMP Cams® #927 valve springs proper valve train selection. Excellent high end power with slightly less low-end torque than XX series. Use extreme caution during break-in. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration N Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7020 7021 7022 7028 7023 7084 7085 7086 7087 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 294N-1 298N-2 300N-1 302N-1 304N-1 306N-1 308N-1 310N-1 312N-1 304N-3E 308N-1E 310N-1E 314N-1E 318N-1E Duration in Degrees @ .050 262 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 266 270 271 276 280 Lobe Lift @ .200 174 176 173 181 183 186 187 189 191 174 179 178 183 186 .401 .410 .406 .410 .412 .411 .411 .411 .411 .390 .400 .390 .400 .405 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .129 .134 .132 .143 .147 .151 .155 .158 .161 .128 .133 .137 .145 .149 110° .115 .120 .121 .128 .132 .136 .141 .143 .147 .114 .119 .123 .131 .135 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .602 .615 .609 .615 .618 .617 .617 .617 .617 .585 .600 .585 .600 .608 1.6 .642 .656 .650 .656 .659 .658 .658 .658 .658 .624 .640 .624 .640 .648 1.7 .682 .697 .690 .697 .700 .699 .699 .699 .699 .663 .680 .663 .680 .689 OVAL+ SOLIDS These profiles have their design based on the ever popular N-1 series but have been optimized for the higher rocker ratios, tighter lash settings and lower compression used in today’s NASCAR Sprint Cup engines. For use with 1.7 to 1.8:1 rockers (or more in qualifying). Requires the same care as the N-1 for break-in. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 7037 299 266 177 .399 .136 .122 7038 301 268 179 .401 .140 .125 Oval+ 7039 303 270 181 .403 .143 .128 Rated Duration @ 7040 305 272 183 .405 .147 .132 .020" Tappet Lift 7041 307 274 185 .407 .151 .136 .875" Min. Dia. 7042 309 276 187 .409 .154 .140 7043 311 278 189 .411 .158 .143 7044 313 280 191 .413 .162 .147 7049 315 282 193 .415 .165 .151 48 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .678 .682 .685 .689 .692 .695 .699 .702 .706 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.75 .698 .702 .705 .709 .712 .716 .719 .723 .726 1.8 .718 .722 .725 .729 .733 .736 .740 .743 .747 SOLID FLAT TAPPET These designs are for use in NASCAR Sprint Cup with high rocker ratios. Typically used with 1.75 to 1.80:1 ratios for race and 1.9 to 2.0:1 ratios for qualifying. These are very comparable to the Oval Solids but should be a little better below peak torque and above peak power if the valve train is optimized. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FE .875" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 Duration in Degrees @ .050 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 @ .200 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 Lobe Lift .398 .400 .402 .405 .408 .411 .413 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .138 .141 .145 .149 .153 .156 .159 110° .123 .127 .130 .134 .137 .141 .145 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .677 .680 .683 .689 .694 .699 .702 1.75 .697 .700 .704 .709 .714 .719 .723 1.8 .716 .720 .724 .729 .734 .740 .743 SOLID FLAT TAPPET FE .875" SOLIDS TDLC SOLIDS The TDLC Solids are a cross between the Oval+ and FE designs but with lower velocity for use with coated tappets. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TDLC Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 9374 9375 9376 9377 297 299 301 303 Duration in Degrees @ .050 266 268 270 272 @ .200 176 178 180 182 Lobe Lift .384 .386 .388 .390 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .134 .138 .142 .145 110° .120 .124 .127 .131 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.9 .730 .733 .737 .741 2.0 .768 .772 .776 .780 2.1 .806 .811 .815 .819 T1N − VERY HIGH RPM .875" FLAT The T1N series is the next step in the evolution of the N-1, Oval+ and FE series. These are optimized for use on tool steel cams and work very well with the popular DLC tappet coatings. T1N profiles have been used very successfully on both the intake and exhaust side. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 9360 303 270 181 .394 .142 .128 9361 305 272 183 .396 .146 .131 9362 307 274 185 .398 .150 .135 T1N High RPM 9363 309 276 187 .400 .153 .139 .875" Flat Rated Duration @ 9364 311 278 189 .402 .157 .142 .020" Tappet Lift 9365 313 280 191 .404 .161 .146 .875" Min. Dia. 9366 315 282 193 .406 .164 .150 9367 317 284 195 .408 .168 .153 9368 319 286 197 .410 .172 .157 9369 321 288 199 .412 .176 .161 9370 323 290 201 .414 .179 .164 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 .709 .713 .716 .720 .724 .727 .731 .734 .738 .742 .745 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.9 .749 .752 .756 .760 .764 .768 .771 .775 .779 .783 .787 2.0 .788 .792 .796 .800 .804 .808 .812 .816 .820 .824 .828 49 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET TCT − HIGH RATIO .875" FLAT Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TCT High Ratio .875" Flat Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 9771 9772 9773 298 300 302 Duration in Degrees @ .050 265 267 269 @ .200 173 175 177 Lobe Lift .372 .374 .376 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .130 .133 .137 110° .116 .119 .123 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .744 .748 .752 2.1 .781 .785 .790 2.2 .818 .823 .827 NRX SOLIDS The NRX Solids are designed for use in NASCAR Spring Cup engines with 55mm or larger journals. They are designed with higher lobe lifts than the standard journal families to allow either less ratio or higher lift. Use in applications with less than 55mm journals will result in a small nose radius and premature wear. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration NRX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 9709 9710 9711 9712 9713 9714 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 317 319 321 Duration in Degrees @ .050 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 @ .200 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 Lobe Lift .414 .416 .418 .420 .422 .424 .426 .428 .430 .432 .434 .436 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .158 .162 .166 .170 .174 .177 .181 110° .124 .128 .132 .136 .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .158 .162 .166 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .704 .707 .711 .714 .717 .721 .724 .728 .731 .734 .738 .741 1.75 .725 .728 .732 .735 .739 .742 .746 .749 .753 .756 .760 .763 1.8 .745 .749 .752 .756 .760 .763 .767 .770 .774 .778 .781 .785 DIR 2.3 RATIO CONVERSIONS − .875" FLAT Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 17574 290 256 166 .378 .115 .101 17600 294 259 167 .379 .119 .105 17382 294 260 169 .376 .121 .108 17525 292 260 172 .375 .126 .112 DIR High Lift 294 260 169 .380 .122 .108 Rated Duration @ 17576 .020" Tappet Lift 17549 314 279 186 .380 .154 .140 17537 312 280 189 .382 .158 .144 17570 316 281 185 .374 .153 .139 17538 314 282 191 .384 .162 .147 17605 318 282 187 .379 .156 .142 17572 320 285 189 .376 .159 .146 50 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.20 .832 .834 .827 .825 .836 .836 .840 .823 .845 .834 .827 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 2.30 .869 .872 .865 .863 .874 .874 .879 .860 .883 .872 .865 2.40 .907 .910 .902 .900 .912 .912 .917 .898 .922 .910 .902 SOLID FLAT TAPPET Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2.2 2.3 17238 280 247 158 .369 .102 .088 .812 .849 17239 282 249 160 .370 .105 .092 .814 .851 17240 284 251 162 .371 .109 .095 .816 .853 BB & GG COT 286 253 163 .372 .112 .098 .818 .856 Rated Duration @ 17241 .875" Min. Dia. 17242 288 255 165 .373 .116 .102 .821 .858 17244 290 256 165 .376 .115 .101 .827 .865 17245 292 258 167 .377 .118 .104 .829 .867 17246 294 260 169 .378 .121 .108 .832 .869 17248 298 264 173 .380 .128 .114 .836 .874 2.4 .886 .888 .890 .893 .895 .902 .905 .907 .912 SOLID FLAT TAPPET BB GG .875" PLATE TDP FLAT PLATE Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TDP Flat Plate Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 9635 9636 9637 9638 9639 270 272 274 276 278 Duration in Degrees @ .050 241 243 245 247 249 @ .200 154 156 158 160 162 Lobe Lift .354 .356 .358 .360 .362 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .094 .098 .102 .105 .109 110° .081 .084 .088 .091 .095 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .708 .712 .716 .720 .724 2.1 .743 .748 .752 .756 .760 2.2 .779 .783 .788 .792 .796 TDP 2 FLAT PLATE Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TDP 2 Flat Plate Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 9631 9632 9633 270 272 274 Duration in Degrees @ .050 241 243 245 @ .200 154 156 158 Lobe Lift .344 .346 .348 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .094 .098 .102 110° .081 .084 .088 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .688 .692 .696 2.1 .722 .727 .731 2.2 .757 .761 .766 TDP FLAT PLATE − LOWER LOBE LIFT Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TDP - LLL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 9602 9603 9604 9605 9606 9608 270 272 274 276 278 280 Duration in Degrees @ .050 241 243 245 247 249 251 @ .200 153 155 157 159 161 163 Lobe Lift .334 .336 .338 .340 .342 .344 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .094 .098 .102 .105 .109 .112 110° .081 .084 .088 .091 .095 .098 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .668 .672 .676 .680 .684 .688 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 2.1 .701 .706 .710 .714 .718 .722 2.2 .735 .739 .744 .748 .752 .757 51 SOLID FLAT TAPPET SOLID FLAT TAPPET HY FLAT PLATE Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration HY Flat Plate Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .875" Min. Dia. 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9837 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 289 Duration in Degrees @ .050 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 260 @ .200 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 175 Lobe Lift .348 .350 .352 .354 .356 .358 .360 .364 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .103 .107 .110 .114 .118 .121 .125 .133 110° .089 .092 .096 .099 .103 .107 .110 .118 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .696 .700 .704 .708 .712 .716 .720 .728 2.1 .731 .735 .739 .743 .748 .752 .756 .764 2.2 .766 .770 .774 .779 .783 .788 .792 .801 CHRYSLER SPECIAL SOLIDS These lobes are for use only in Chrysler Corporation engines with .904" tappet diameter. They are to be used in 426c.i. or larger engines. Developed for the Top Fuel drag racing program, these designs offer excellent torque and horsepower. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Chrysler Special Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .904" Min. Dia. 6129 6130 6132 6133 6131 6134 324-7 328-10 330-1 330-2 334-1 335-1 Duration in Degrees @ .050 290 296 290 292 296 300 @ .200 200 208 200 200 203 207 Lobe Lift .433 .425 .410 .395 .413 .438 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .176 .193 .170 .175 .186 .193 110° .161 .178 .154 .160 .171 .177 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .650 .638 .615 .592 .620 .657 1.6 .693 .680 .656 .632 .660 .700 1.7 .736 .723 .697 .671 .702 .745 MP SOLIDS The MP Series uses a design similar to the TL Series except these have more area due to being designed with more velocity for a .904" minimum tappet diameter. They are very good in Late Model Stock applications where rules allow the larger tappet diameter. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with a COMP® Cams technical representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration MP Solids Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .904" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 52 6610 6611 6612 274 284 288 Duration in Degrees @ .050 247 251 256 @ .200 162 166 171 Lobe Lift .345 .355 .365 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .108 .115 .123 110° .093 .100 .108 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .518 .533 .548 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .552 .568 .584 1.7 .587 .604 .621 SOLID FLAT TAPPET MM solids are similar to the MH and MHF Series but have even more velocity and more area to take complete advantage of the larger .904" Chrysler/Mopar lifter. Please consult with a COMP Cams® CAM HELP® technician or one of our Engine Builder Sales personnel before using these profiles to reduce the risk from improper component selection. NOTE: Cams using these lobes should have provisions for increased oiling. Please consult with our tech representative. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration MM Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .904" Min. Dia. .018" Lash 6580 6581 6582 6579 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 261 265 269 271 273 277 281 285 289 293 297 301 305 Duration in Degrees @ .050 235 239 243 245 247 251 255 259 263 267 271 275 279 Lobe Lift @ .200 153 157 161 163 165 169 173 177 181 185 189 193 197 .350 .358 .366 .370 .373 .380 .388 .396 .404 .411 .418 .426 .433 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .089 .096 .104 .108 .111 .119 .126 .134 .142 .149 .157 .164 .172 110° .075 .082 .089 .093 .096 .104 .111 .119 .126 .134 .142 .149 .157 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .525 .537 .549 .554 .560 .570 .582 .594 .606 .617 .627 .639 .650 1.6 .560 .573 .586 .591 .597 .608 .621 .634 .646 .658 .669 .682 .693 1.7 .595 .609 .622 .628 .634 .646 .660 .673 .687 .699 .711 .724 .736 SOLID FLAT TAPPET MM SOLIDS SOLID ROLLER HIGH ENERGY™ STREET ROLLERS Designed specifically for street use, these Street Rollers offer unique approach ramps allowing the use of lower seat pressure to ensure long life. These lobes are very "soundy" or "throaty" because of the opening and closing ramp designs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Energy™ Street Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift Valve Lash .020" 1496 4002 1498 1474 1476 4220 4221 268HER-2 272HER-2 276HER-2 280HER-2 288HER-4 300HER-2 308HER-4 Duration in Degrees @ .050 224 228 232 236 244 255 262 @ .200 141 144 148 152 158 170 176 Lobe Lift .3500 .3500 .3500 .3666 .3666 .3833 .3833 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .068 .073 .078 .085 .098 .119 .130 110° .056 .061 .066 .072 .084 .104 .115 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .525 .525 .525 .550 .550 .575 .575 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .560 .560 .560 .586 .586 .613 .613 1.7 .595 .595 .595 .623 .623 .651 .651 53 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER XTREME ENERGY™ STREET ROLLERS This newest addition to the Xtreme family of lobes delivers the responsiveness, torque and reliability only available with COMP Cams® Xtreme designs coupled with the high RPM power of modern race roller designs. Our development test included Spintron dynamics evaluations, engine dyno testing, chassis dyno testing and three Hot Rod Power Tours. Coupled with the COMP Cams® Endure-X™ Roller Lifters, these profiles bring street roller technology into the new millennium. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Street Standard Ratio Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift Valve Lash .014"-.018" Xtreme Energy™ Street High Ratio Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift Valve Lash .014"-.018" Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 256XSR 262XSR 268XSR 274XSR 280XSR 286XSR 292XSR 298XSR 304XSR 310XSR @ .050 218 224 230 236 242 248 254 260 266 272 @ .200 141 147 153 159 164 170 176 181 187 193 .360 .360 .368 .376 .380 .384 .388 .392 .398 .404 106° .056 .066 .076 .087 .098 .110 .122 .135 .137 .159 110° .045 .053 .062 .072 .083 .094 .106 .118 .130 .143 1.5 .540 .540 .552 .564 .570 .576 .582 .588 .597 .606 1.6 .576 .576 .589 .602 .608 .614 .621 .627 .637 .646 1.7 .612 .612 .626 .639 .646 .653 .660 .666 .677 .687 4850 4851 4855 4854 4852 4853 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 259 265 267 270 274 280 284 288 292 296 300 308 219 225 227 230 234 240 244 248 252 256 260 268 131 136 138 140 144 149 152 155 161 164 167 173 .330 .330 .330 .330 .330 .335 .335 .335 .346 .346 .346 .346 .055 .064 .067 .070 .076 .086 .092 .099 .106 .112 .119 .132 .045 .053 .055 .058 .064 .053 .079 .085 .092 .099 .105 .118 .495 .495 .495 .495 .495 .503 .503 .503 .519 .519 .519 .519 .528 .528 .528 .528 .528 .536 .536 .536 .554 .554 .554 .554 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .570 .570 .570 .588 .588 .588 .588 XTREME ENERGY™ DURAMAX STREET ROLLERS These lobes are similar to the Xtreme Energy™ Street Rollers and are optimized for the GM Duramax applications. Intake profiles are designed around a 1.37:1 ratio and exhaust profiles for a 1.69:1 ratio. The exhaust lobes are slightly less aggressive for the Duramax valve train system. These profiles are designed for .006" to .010" cold lash. The exhaust lobes go up in 14° increments compared to 12° for the intakes in order to reduce exhaust pumping losses in higher RPM applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Xtreme Energy™ Duramax Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift Xtreme Energy™ Duramax Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 54 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4884 4886 4888 246 258 270 @ .050 185 197 209 @ .200 106 119 132 .306 .329 .350 106° .019 .030 .044 110° .014 .022 .034 1.37 .420 .450 .480 1.37 .420 .450 .480 1.37 .420 .450 .480 4894 4896 254 268 @ .050 188 202 @ .200 84 101 .249 .266 106° .028 .041 110° .022 .033 1.69 .420 .450 1.69 .420 .450 1.69 .420 .450 4898 282 216 117 .284 .057 .047 .480 .480 .480 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER A twenty year culmination of design and research, these lobes range from extra gentle to very aggressive. Included in this group are the High Torque Roller and High Torque Oval Roller Series used in the early 80s. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Base Design Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Base Design Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1460 1462 1464 1465 4034 1473 1466 1677 4000 1609 4035 4059 4242 1611 1612 1613 1479 4066 4244 1617 1628 1658 1620 1486 285-2 286-1 295-2 295-3 295-5 296-1 296-2 302-1 305-2 305-3 305-4 306-1 306-2 308-2 309-2 310-2 312-2 316-1 316-2 316-3 324-4 320-1 320-2 321-4 @ .050 252 250 262 262 260 260 265 265 272 270 272 270 273 275 276 280 279 276 284 282 287 281 288 284 @ .200 164 162 174 176 170 173 180 177 186 186 184 186 190 191 196 195 197 186 200 200 201 196 201 196 .375 .392 .366 .390 .394 .393 .400 .395 .366 .418 .394 .400 .416 .452 .420 .545 .425 .413 .433 .454 .423 .450 .434 .440 106° .110 .112 .128 .128 .116 .124 .137 .132 .146 .146 .151 .145 .153 .156 .163 .165 .167 .150 .176 .173 .174 .164 .179 .170 110° .096 .096 .114 .113 .102 .108 .121 .116 .132 .130 .135 .130 .137 .139 .146 .147 .150 .134 .159 .156 .159 .148 .163 .154 1.5 .563 .588 .549 .585 .591 .590 .600 .593 .549 .627 .591 .600 .624 .678 .630 .818 .638 .620 .650 .681 .635 .675 .651 .660 1.6 .600 .627 .586 .624 .630 .629 .640 .632 .586 .669 .630 .640 .666 .723 .672 .872 .680 .661 .693 .726 .677 .720 .694 .704 1.7 .638 .666 .622 .663 .670 .668 .680 .672 .622 .711 .670 .680 .707 .768 .714 .927 .723 .702 .736 .772 .719 .765 .738 .748 4025 1469 4062 4087 1630 1394 1659 1639 1619 1392 322-1 322-2 323-5 324-2 325-4 327-5 328-1 329-5 319-2 319-3 282 288 287 286 288 290 286 292 285 285 193 204 202 197 198 204 192 200 202 200 .427 .458 .460 .454 .440 .460 .413 .440 .456 .460 .163 .185 .180 .171 .176 .179 .163 .177 .179 .173 .147 .165 .164 .155 .160 .163 .145 .161 .161 .156 .641 .687 .690 .681 .660 .690 .620 .660 .684 .690 .683 .733 .736 .726 .704 .736 .661 .704 .730 .736 .726 .779 .782 .772 .748 .782 .702 .748 .775 .782 SOLID ROLLER BASE DESIGN ROLLERS URGENT! In a hurry? COMP Cams® can usually deliver in 48 hours. We work hard to provide results for your unique application in a matter of days. 1.800.999.0853 • W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 55 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER HI-TECH™ ROLLERS These designs are typically used with high rocker ratios (1.65-1.75) and efficient cylinder heads. The Hi-Tech™ .400" is great for Big Block Chevy, Big Block Fords and Clevelands. Due to their lower acceleration rates, these lobe designs are also very well suited for small block, high endurance applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 1461 288-7 251 167 .400 .116 .102 .600 .640 .680 4210 296-7 259 175 .400 .129 .114 .600 .640 .680 4211 306-7 269 182 .400 .146 .131 .600 .640 .680 4058 316-7 279 190 .400 .161 .146 .600 .640 .680 Hi-Tech™ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift HIGH TORQUE .406" ROLLERS The High Torque .406", when coupled with higher rocker ratios (1.7 and up), result in very aggressive valve motion. These provide excellent torque curves and great responsiveness. The smaller lobes are great for restricted applications and the larger lobes provide stronger alternatives to the High Torque .440" profiles when coupled with higher rocker ratios to achieve equivalent valve lift. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 4600 280-6 248 169 .406 .106 .091 4601 284-6 252 172 .406 .114 .098 High Torque 1477 288-6 256 176 .406 .122 .106 .406" 4209 292-6 260 180 .406 .131 .114 Rated Duration @ 296-4 264 184 .406 .139 .122 .020" Tappet Lift 4206 4207 300-7 268 188 .406 .148 .131 4208 304-7 272 192 .406 .156 .136 4205 308-7 276 195 .406 .164 .147 1481 312-14 280 199 .406 .173 .156 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 1.6 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 1.7 .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 HI-TECH™ .420" EXHAUST ROLLERS These designs are used primarily on the exhaust side of the motor. The Hi-Tech™ .420 " Exhaust Rollers offer controlled valve opening which promotes torque over broad ranges. These lobes are great for oval track cams. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Hi-Tech™ .420" Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 56 4005 4007 4003 4027 4029 4023 4046 4045 4047 4019 4049 294-6 296-6 298-6 300-6 302-6 304-6 306-6 308-6 310-6 312-6 316-6 Duration in Degrees @ .050 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 278 @ .200 171 173 175 177 179 180 182 183 185 187 189 Lobe Lift .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .117 .123 .125 .130 .133 .137 .141 .144 .148 .151 .158 110° .103 .108 .111 .115 .117 .122 .126 .129 .133 .136 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 1.7 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 SOLID ROLLER The Hi-Tech™ .420" Rollers are primarily used in oval track racing with good cylinder heads. The ramp designs are easy on valve springs yet produce good power. They are great for long rod motors. They are also popular in bracket and marine applications where power with durability are a must. Also available in Small Block Ford and Big Block Chevy or 50mm sizes to prevent "cam growth" in the grinding process, allowing the engine builder to have more control over the tuning process. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 4001 284-5 248 165 .420 .108 .094 .630 .672 4004 286-5 250 167 .420 .112 .098 .630 .672 4006 288-5 252 169 .420 .116 .101 .630 .672 4009 290-5 254 171 .420 .119 .105 .630 .672 4008 292-5 256 173 .420 .123 .108 .630 .672 4013 294-5 258 175 .420 .127 .112 .630 .672 4017 296-5 260 177 .420 .131 .116 .630 .672 ™ Hi-Tech 4015 298-5 262 179 .420 .136 .120 .630 .672 Rated Duration @ 4022 300-5 264 181 .420 .140 .124 .630 .672 .020" Tappet Lift 4020 302-5 266 183 .420 .143 .127 .630 .672 4024 304-5 268 184 .420 .146 .130 .630 .672 4018 306-5 270 186 .420 .150 .134 .630 .672 4026 308-5 272 188 .420 .154 .138 .630 .672 4016 310-5 274 189 .420 .157 .141 .630 .672 4028 312-5 276 190 .420 .160 .144 .630 .672 4030 314-5 278 192 .420 .163 .148 .630 .672 4031 316-5 280 193 .420 .166 .151 .630 .672 4032 318-5 282 195 .420 .170 .154 .630 .672 1.7 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 SOLID ROLLER HI-TECH™ .420" ROLLERS RT ROLLERS The RT Series provides shorter seat timing and more area than our Hi-Tech™ .420" Series. This results in great torque and power potential. Available in Small Block Ford and Big Block Chevy or 50mm sizes to prevent "cam growth" in the grinding process, allowing the engine builder to have more control over the tuning process of the cam. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RT Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4121 4123 4124 4126 4127 4130 4128 4129 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4139 4138 RT274-1 RT276-2 RT278-3 RT280-1 RT282-1 RT284-1 RT286-1 RT288-1 RT290-1 RT292-1 RT294-1 RT296-1 RT298-1 RT300-1 RT302-1 RT304-1 RT308-1 Duration in Degrees @ .050 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 278 @ .200 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 186 189 190 191 193 195 197 Lobe Lift .410 .412 .414 .416 .418 .421 .423 .426 .430 .430 .430 .430 .435 .435 .435 .435 .435 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .101 .105 .107 .113 .117 .120 .125 .131 .134 .140 .142 .148 .150 .154 .158 .162 .168 110° .086 .089 .092 .097 .101 .104 .109 .114 .117 .123 .125 .130 .132 .137 .141 .144 .151 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .615 .618 .621 .624 .627 .632 .635 .639 .645 .645 .645 .645 .653 .653 .653 .653 .653 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .656 .659 .662 .666 .669 .674 .677 .682 .688 .688 .688 .688 .696 .696 .696 .696 .696 1.7 .697 .700 .704 .707 .711 .716 .719 .724 .731 .731 .731 .731 .740 .740 .740 .740 .740 continued on page 58 57 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER NC ROLLERS Designed with aggressive opening side of the RT Series lobes and the easier closing rate of the ever popular Hi-Tech™ -5 series, the NC series allows good engine speed, stability and durability. This fast open, slower closing design works very well on the exhaust side of many applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration NC Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4151 4152 4150 4153 4149 4145 4147 4144 4146 4143 4148 284 286 288 290 292 295 296 298 300 302 304 Duration in Degrees @ .050 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 @ .200 172 173 177 178 181 183 183 185 187 190 192 Lobe Lift .405 .405 .415 .415 .421 .421 .421 .425 .430 .430 .430 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .115 .117 .123 .125 .131 .138 .140 .143 .146 .153 .158 110° .099 .101 .107 .109 .114 .122 .123 .127 .130 .136 .141 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .608 .608 .623 .623 .632 .632 .632 .638 .645 .645 .645 1.6 .648 .648 .664 .664 .674 .674 .674 .680 .688 .688 .688 1.7 .689 .689 .706 .706 .716 .716 .716 .723 .731 .731 .731 NSC ROLLERS The NSC series is very similar to the original NC series but uses a smoother -6 style closing ramp. This fast open, slower closing design works very well on the exhaust side of many applications, especially those that are larger displacement or higher engine speeds than where the original NC designs would be used. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 4163 309 276 195 .440 .167 .150 .660 .704 .748 4167 311 278 196 .440 .170 .154 .660 .704 .748 NSC 4168 313 280 198 .440 .174 .158 .660 .704 .748 Rated Duration @ 4162 315 282 200 .440 .178 .162 .660 .704 .748 .020" Tappet Lift 4160 317 284 201 .440 .181 .165 .660 .704 .748 4164 319 286 203 .440 .185 .169 .660 .704 .748 4165 321 288 205 .440 .189 .173 .660 .704 .748 4166 323 290 207 .440 .193 .177 .660 .704 .748 58 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER The RZ Rollers are designed for high RPM circle track, drag race and endurance applications that benefit from higher lift while requiring stability and reliability. Designed for 1.6:1 to 1.8:1 rockers, these profiles incorporate the latest developments in high RPM and high rocker ratio developments. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RZ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4260 4261 4262 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4276 4277 RZ293 RZ295 RZ297 RZ301 RZ303 RZ305 RZ307 RZ309 RZ311 RZ313 RZ315 RZ317 RZ319 RZ321 RZ325 RZ329 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 262 264 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 292 296 @ .200 174 176 178 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 197 199 201 205 208 Lobe Lift .428 .430 .430 .432 .433 .434 .435 .436 .437 .438 .439 .440 .441 .442 .444 .446 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .122 .126 .129 .137 .141 .145 .149 .153 .157 .161 .164 .168 .172 .176 .183 .191 110° .107 .111 .114 .122 .125 .129 .133 .137 .141 .145 .148 .152 .156 .160 .167 .175 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .643 .645 .645 .648 .650 .651 .653 .654 .656 .657 .659 .660 .662 .663 .666 .669 1.6 .685 .688 .688 .691 .693 .694 .696 .698 .699 .701 .702 .704 .706 .707 .710 .714 1.7 .728 .731 .731 .734 .736 .738 .740 .741 .743 .745 .746 .748 .750 .751 .755 .758 SOLID ROLLER RZ ROLLERS RZ LOW LIFT ROLLERS These lower lift versions of the RZ family work very well in high endurance applications where maximum valve lift needs to be limited to ensure maximum valve spring life. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2314 283 250 161 .370 .103 .089 2315 287 254 164 .370 .110 .096 4294 289 256 167 .390 .113 .099 2318 291 258 168 .370 .117 .103 4293 291 258 171 .400 .118 .103 4295 293 260 171 .390 .121 .106 RZ Low Lift 4283 295 262 171 .370 .124 .110 Rated Duration @ 4286 295 262 175 .400 .125 .110 .020" Tappet Lift 4284 297 264 174 .375 .128 .113 4278 299 266 178 .400 .133 .118 4285 301 268 178 .380 .135 .121 4287 301 268 180 .400 .136 .121 4296 303 270 181 .385 .139 .125 4279 305 272 182 .380 .143 .128 2735 315 282 194 .420 .164 .148 2298 317 284 193 .380 .163 .149 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .555 .555 .585 .555 .600 .585 .555 .600 .563 .600 .570 .600 .578 .570 .630 .570 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .592 .592 .624 .592 .640 .624 .592 .640 .600 .640 .608 .640 .616 .608 .672 .608 1.7 .629 .629 .663 .629 .680 .663 .629 .680 .638 .680 .646 .680 .655 .646 .714 .646 59 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER AS ENDURANCE ROLLERS The AS Endurance Roller lobe family is for use in 24-hour or longer endurance roller cam applications or where a slow camshaft is desired to reduce power or shape the torque curve. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 20519 20520 @ .020 289 293 @ .050 256 260 @ .200 167 171 .380 .380 106° .115 .122 110° .101 .108 1.6 .608 .608 1.7 .646 .646 1.8 .684 .684 20525 300 266 175 .380 .132 .118 .608 .646 .684 20515 ALI Rated Duration @ 20521 .006" Tappet Lift 20522 284 288 292 252 256 260 166 170 173 .400 .400 .400 .111 .117 .125 .097 .103 .110 .640 .640 .640 .680 .680 .680 .720 .720 .720 ALX Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 20527 300 266 177 .400 .134 .119 .640 .680 .720 SLW Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 20535 296 260 166 .360 .120 .107 .576 .612 .648 ASI Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift ASX Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift TC ROLLERS The TC lobes are specially designed to be stable in small base circle applications or where short duration and high lift are required. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 11460 267 236 156 .420 .085 .072 .630 11462 271 240 160 .424 .092 .079 .636 11464 275 244 164 .428 .099 .085 .642 TC 279 248 168 .432 .106 .092 .648 Rated Duration @ 11466 .020" Tappet Lift 11468 283 252 172 .436 .114 .099 .654 11470 287 256 176 .440 .122 .106 .660 11472 291 260 180 .444 .130 .114 .666 11474 295 264 184 .448 .138 .122 .672 11476 299 268 188 .452 .146 .130 .678 60 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .672 .678 .685 .691 .698 .704 .710 .717 .723 1.7 .714 .721 .728 .734 .741 .748 .755 .762 .768 SOLID ROLLER These are similar to the RT Series but are designed for a higher RPM operating range. These were developed to allow the performance of RT designs in applications that operate well over 8400 RPM, such as the NASCAR Nationwide, Camping World Truck Series and ARCA engines. RX profiles were developed using dynamic testing to ensure stability over 9000 RPM, even when coupled with a 1.7:1 rocker arm. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4340 4341 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 Duration in Degrees @ .050 253 255 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 Lobe Lift @ .200 172 174 176 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 .427 .428 .429 .430 .431 .432 .433 .434 .435 .436 .437 .438 .439 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 .134 .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .160 .164 .168 .172 .176 .180 .185 .189 110° .099 .103 .107 .110 .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 .134 .138 .143 .147 .151 .155 .159 .163 .167 .172 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .641 .642 .644 .645 .647 .648 .650 .651 .653 .654 .656 .657 .659 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 1.6 .683 .685 .686 .688 .690 .691 .693 .694 .696 .698 .699 .701 .702 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 1.7 .726 .728 .729 .731 .733 .734 .736 .738 .740 .741 .743 .745 .746 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 SOLID ROLLER RX ROLLERS CR ROLLERS The CR Series profiles are excellent for high RPM, high rocker ratio applications where good valve train components can be used. The smaller profiles work well in restricted applications where extended life is required and the larger profiles are excellent in high RPM open applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration CR Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 2486 4387 4388 2488 4389 CR281 CR283 CR285 CR287 CR289 CR291 CR293 CR295 CR297 CR299 299 CR301 CR303 303 CR305 Duration in Degrees @ .050 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 268 270 272 272 274 @ .200 168 170 172 174 176 178 179 181 183 185 186 186 188 190 190 Lobe Lift .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .395 .420 .395 .395 .420 .395 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .111 .115 .119 .123 .127 .131 .135 .139 .143 .147 .147 .150 .154 .156 .158 110° .096 .100 .104 .107 .111 .115 .119 .123 .127 .131 .131 .134 .138 .139 .142 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .714 .672 .672 .714 .672 1.75 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .691 .735 .691 .691 .735 .691 1.8 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .711 .756 .711 .711 .756 .711 continued on page 62 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 61 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER CR ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2489 305 274 192 .420 .160 .143 4390 CR307 276 192 .395 .161 .146 2490 307 276 194 .420 .164 .147 4391 CR309 278 193 .395 .165 .149 CR 4682 CR311 280 195 .395 .169 .153 Rated Duration @ 2492 311 280 198 .420 .172 .155 .020" Tappet Lift 4683 CR313 282 197 .395 .172 .157 4684 CR315 284 199 .395 .176 .161 2494 315 284 201 .420 .180 .163 4685 CR317 286 200 .395 .180 .165 4686 CR319 288 202 .395 .183 .168 4687 CR321 290 204 .395 .187 .172 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .714 .672 .714 .672 .672 .714 .672 .672 .714 .672 .672 .672 1.75 .735 .691 .735 .691 .691 .735 .691 .691 .735 .691 .691 .691 1.8 .756 .711 .756 .711 .711 .756 .711 .711 .756 .711 .711 .711 CR LIFT RULE ROLLERS These low lift designs are based on the CR Rollers and are specifically designed for lift rule application such as Rev-Oil Pro Cup. Typically they will be used with either 1.65:1 or 1.7:1 rocker ratios, but would be stable with up to 1.8:1 ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration CR Lift Rule .367" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift CR Lift Rule .378" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4436 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4438 275 279 283 287 291 295 299 303 307 @ .050 244 248 252 256 260 264 268 272 276 @ .200 161 165 168 172 175 179 182 186 189 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 .367 106° .100 .107 .115 .123 .130 .138 .146 .153 .159 110° .085 .092 .100 .107 .115 .122 .130 .137 .145 1.6 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 .587 1.65 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 1.7 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 4445 4447 4449 4451 283 287 291 295 252 256 260 264 168 172 175 179 .378 .378 .378 .378 .115 .123 .131 .138 .100 .107 .115 .123 .605 .605 .605 .605 .624 .624 .624 .624 .643 .643 .643 .643 ZT ROLLERS The ZT Rollers are a high rocker ratio, high RPM series designed to take advantage of valve spring developments that allow valve lifts up to and above .750" in endurance applications. These are designed for NASCAR Nationwide, Camping World Truck, ARCA and other endurance applications that have similar RPM and lift requirements. Recommended for use with either COMP Cams® #26099 or #26091 springs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration ZT Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 62 4814 4815 4816 4817 290 292 294 296 Duration in Degrees @ .050 258 260 262 264 @ .200 175 177 179 181 Lobe Lift .406 .407 .408 .409 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .124 .128 .133 .137 110° .110 .114 .117 .121 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .690 .692 .694 .695 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.75 1.8 .711 .731 .712 .733 .714 .734 .716 .736 continued on page 63 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 4818 298 266 182 .410 .141 .125 4819 300 268 184 .411 .145 .129 4820 302 270 186 .412 .149 .133 ZT 304 272 188 .413 .153 .137 Rated Duration @ 4821 .020" Tappet Lift 4822 306 274 190 .412 .157 .141 4823 308 276 192 .416 .161 .144 4824 310 278 194 .418 .165 .149 4826 312 280 196 .418 .169 .152 4827 314 282 198 .420 .173 .157 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .697 .699 .700 .702 .700 .707 .711 .711 .714 1.75 .718 .719 .721 .723 .721 .728 .732 .732 .735 1.8 .738 .740 .742 .743 .742 .749 .752 .752 .756 SOLID ROLLER ZT ROLLERS cont. ZS ROLLERS The ZS Rollers are a high ratio roller series for restricted applications limited to below 8400 RPM. These are very good for applications that benefit from higher lift than the HRR series. These profiles work well with the new generation valve springs such as COMP Cams® #26099 and #26091. The ZS Series II are the same as the .413" lobe lift versions except these have increasing lobe lift as the duration increases. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration ZS .413" Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift ZS II Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4402 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4416 4418 284 288 290 292 294 296 298 302 306 @ .050 254 258 260 262 264 266 268 272 276 @ .200 175 179 181 183 184 186 188 192 195 .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 106° .122 .130 .134 .139 .143 .147 .151 .159 .167 110° .106 .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 .134 .142 .150 1.7 .702 .702 .702 .702 .702 .702 .702 .702 .702 1.75 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 1.8 .743 .743 .743 .743 .743 .743 .743 .743 .743 2950 2952 2953 2954 2958 280 284 286 288 296 250 254 256 258 266 175 179 181 183 184 .420 .424 .426 .428 .434 .114 .122 .126 .131 .147 .098 .106 .110 .114 .130 .714 .721 .724 .728 .738 .735 .742 .746 .749 .760 .756 .763 .767 .770 .781 TD, TJ & TJS ROLLERS These TD designs are excellent for high ratio, four gauge 390 carb rules such as NASCAR Nationwide and Camping World Truck Series applications. The TJs have slightly more lift but are a little smoother while the TJS rollers are very similar to the TJs except for a slightly softer closing ramp. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TD Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 288 290 292 294 296 Duration in Degrees @ .050 258 260 262 264 266 @ .200 176 178 180 182 184 Lobe Lift .411 .412 .413 .414 .415 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .127 .131 .135 .139 .143 110° .112 .116 .119 .123 .127 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .699 .700 .702 .704 .706 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.75 1.8 .719 .740 .721 .742 .723 .743 .725 .745 .726 .747 continued on page 64 63 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER TD, TJ & TJS ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TD Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift TJ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4321 2983 2984 2985 4327 4328 4329 2989 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 @ .050 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 @ .200 186 188 190 192 193 195 197 199 .416 .418 .420 .421 .424 .426 .428 .430 106° .147 .151 .156 .159 .163 .167 .171 .175 110° .131 .135 .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .159 1.7 .707 .711 .714 .716 .721 .724 .728 .731 1.75 .728 .732 .735 .737 .742 .746 .749 .753 1.8 .749 .752 .756 .758 .763 .767 .770 .774 2962 2963 2964 2965 296 298 300 302 266 268 270 272 184 185 187 189 .420 .422 .424 .426 .143 .147 .151 .156 .127 .131 .135 .139 .714 .717 .721 .724 .735 .739 .742 .746 .756 .760 .763 .767 @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.7 1.75 1.8 2881 297 266 183 .419 .412 .126 .712 .733 .754 2882 299 268 185 .421 .146 .130 .716 .737 .758 2885 305 274 191 .427 .158 .142 .726 .747 .769 TJS Series Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift TS ROLLERS These are an additional series of high rocker ratio profiles that are similar to both the ZT and ZS series, but these are designed for slightly less rocker ratio. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.7 1.75 1.8 4837 295 264 183 .422 .141 .125 .717 .739 .760 TS 4838 297 266 185 .423 .145 .129 .719 .740 .761 Rated Duration @ 4839 299 268 187 .425 .149 .133 .723 .744 .765 .020" Tappet Lift 4840 301 270 189 .426 .153 .137 .724 .746 .767 4841 303 272 191 .427 .157 .141 .726 .747 .769 4842 305 274 192 .428 .161 .145 .728 .749 .770 HIGH RATIO RESTRICTED ROLLERS The HRR designs, when coupled with high rocker ratios, result in extremely quick valve action. 8100 RPM maximum with light valve train. Very good in restricted applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Ratio Restricted Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4358 4359 4361 4362 4363 4364 4198 HRR260 HRR262 HRR264 HRR266 HRR268 HRR270 272 Duration in Degrees @ .050 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 @ .200 152 154 156 158 160 162 163 Lobe Lift .374 .377 .380 .383 .386 .389 .380 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .078 .082 .085 .089 .093 .097 .101 110° .065 .068 .071 .075 .078 .082 .085 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .636 .641 .646 .651 .656 .661 .646 1.75 .655 .660 .665 .670 .676 .681 .665 1.8 .673 .679 .684 .689 .695 .700 .684 continued on page 65 64 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER HIGH RATIO RESTRICTED ROLLERS cont. Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 4365 HRR272 242 164 .392 .101 .085 4366 HRR274 244 166 .396 .105 .089 4199 276 246 167 .380 .109 .093 4367 HRR276 246 168 .396 .109 .093 4196 278 248 169 .380 .113 .097 High Ratio 4368 HRR278 248 170 .396 .113 .097 Restricted 4370 HRR282 252 173 .396 .121 .104 Rated Duration @ 4371 HRR284 254 175 .396 .125 .108 .020" Tappet Lift 4372 HRR286 256 177 .396 .129 .112 4373 HRR288 258 179 .396 .133 .116 4374 HRR290 260 180 .396 .137 .120 4375 HRR292 262 182 .396 .141 .124 4376 HRR294 264 184 .396 .145 .128 4377 HRR296 266 186 .396 .149 .133 4378 HRR298 268 188 .396 .153 .137 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .666 .673 .646 .673 .646 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 .673 1.75 .686 .693 .665 .693 .665 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 1.8 .706 .713 .684 .713 .684 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 .713 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RP ROLLERS The RP Rollers are a high ratio roller series for restricted applications limited to below 8400 RPM. These are based off of the latest flat tappet restrictor plate designs but have increased area as allowed with roller tappets. For use with 1.8 to 1.95:1 rocker ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.85 1.9 2507 270 240 159 .381 .093 .080 .686 .705 .724 2508 272 242 161 .381 .097 .083 .686 .705 .724 2509 274 244 163 .381 .101 .086 .686 .705 .724 2510 276 246 165 .381 .104 .090 .686 .705 .724 2511 278 248 166 .381 .108 .093 .686 .705 .724 RP 2512 280 250 168 .381 .112 .097 .686 .705 .724 Rated Duration @ 2513 282 252 170 .381 .115 .101 .686 .705 .724 .020" Tappet Lift 2514 284 254 172 .381 .119 .104 .686 .705 .724 2515 286 256 173 .381 .123 .108 .686 .705 .724 2516 288 258 175 .381 .127 .112 .686 .705 .724 2517 290 260 177 .381 .131 .115 .686 .705 .724 2518 292 262 179 .381 .135 .119 .686 .705 .724 2519 294 264 180 .381 .138 .123 .686 .705 .724 2520 296 266 182 .381 .142 .127 .686 .705 .724 SP ROLLERS The SP Rollers are a high ratio roller series for restricted applications limited to below 8200 RPM. These lobes are more aggressive than the RP series and can be used successfully with lower rocker ratios. For use with 1.7 to 1.9:1 rocker ratios. Also used in some hydraulic roller applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration SP Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1514 1515 4793 264 268 273 Duration in Degrees @ .050 236 240 245 @ .200 158 161 166 Lobe Lift .374 .374 .378 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .089 .096 .108 110° .074 .081 .092 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .636 .636 .643 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.8 1.9 .673 .711 .673 .711 .680 .718 continued on page 66 65 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER SP ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration SP Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4784 4785 4788 4789 4830 4831 275 277 279 281 283 285 Duration in Degrees @ .050 247 249 251 253 255 257 @ .200 168 170 172 174 176 178 Lobe Lift .380 .382 .384 .386 .388 .390 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .112 .116 .120 .124 .128 .133 110° .096 .100 .104 .108 .112 .116 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .646 .649 .653 .656 .660 .663 1.8 .684 .688 .691 .695 .698 .702 1.9 .722 .726 .730 .733 .737 .741 RC ROLLERS The RC rollers are designed to be faster off the seat than the RT profiles with more area than the High Torque .440" profiles. These are slightly less aggressive than the TK profiles. Very good for Sprint Car and Late Model applications. Also used in some hydraulic roller applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RC Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4176 4178 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 280 284 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 Duration in Degrees @ .050 250 254 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 @ .200 175 178 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 Lobe Lift .425 .425 .430 .430 .430 .430 .435 .435 .435 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .118 .127 .136 .140 .144 .149 .153 .158 .162 110° .101 .110 .118 .122 .127 .131 .135 .140 .144 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .638 .638 .645 .645 .645 .645 .653 .653 .653 1.6 .680 .680 .688 .688 .688 .688 .696 .696 .696 1.7 .723 .723 .731 .731 .731 .731 .740 .740 .740 TK ROLLERS The TK Series is our most aggressive standard rocker ratio series to date. These designs get from .020" to .050" tappet lift and back from .050" to .020" tappet lift in only 28°. That quickness makes this series the most intense roller profiles COMP® has ever released, providing more duration at .200" and more area than comparable profiles. Excellent for all out Sprint Car and Late Model applications. Please consult with a COMP Cam® CAM HELP® technician or one of our Engine Builder salesmen for proper component selection. Camshaft Type Lobe # TK Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 Rated Duration TK258 TK262 TK266 TK270 TK274 TK277 TK279 TK281 TK283 TK285 Duration in Degrees @ .050 230 234 238 242 246 249 251 253 255 257 @ .200 156 160 164 168 172 175 177 179 180 182 Lobe Lift .405 .410 .415 .420 .425 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .078 .085 .093 .101 .109 .118 .122 .127 .131 .135 110° .064 .071 .078 .085 .093 .101 .105 .109 .114 .118 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .608 .615 .623 .630 .638 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 1.6 .648 .656 .664 .672 .680 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 1.7 .689 .697 .706 .714 .723 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 continued on page 67 66 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER Camshaft Type Lobe # TK Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift TK Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 4614 4572 4615 4573 4616 4574 4617 4575 4618 TK287 TK289-420 TK289 TK291-420 TK291 TK293-420 TK293 TK295-420 TK295 @ .050 259 261 261 263 263 265 265 267 267 @ .200 184 184 186 186 188 188 190 190 191 .430 .420 .430 .420 .430 .420 .430 .420 .430 106° .140 .147 .144 .149 .149 .151 .153 .155 .157 110° .122 .129 .126 .131 .131 .134 .135 .138 .140 1.5 .645 .630 .645 .630 .645 .630 .645 .630 .645 1.6 .688 .672 .688 .672 .688 .672 .688 .672 .688 1.7 .731 .714 .731 .714 .731 .714 .731 .714 .731 4576 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4627 4628 TK297-420 TK297 TK299 TK301 TK303 TK305 TK307 TK309 TK311 TK313 @ .050 269 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 @ .200 191 193 195 197 199 201 202 204 206 208 .420 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 106° .159 .162 .166 .170 .174 .178 .183 .187 .191 .195 110° .142 .144 .148 .154 .157 .161 .165 .169 .173 .178 1.7 .630 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 1.8 .672 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 1.9 .714 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 .731 SOLID ROLLER TK ROLLERS cont. 1528 273 245 172 .455 .109 .093 .683 .728 .774 1530 277 249 176 .455 .118 .101 .683 .728 .774 TK - .455" 1532 281 253 179 .455 .127 .109 .683 .728 .774 Rated Duration @ 1534 285 257 183 .455 .135 .118 .683 .728 .774 .020" Tappet Lift 289 261 187 .455 .144 .126 .683 .728 .774 1.948" or Larger 1536 1538 293 265 190 .455 .153 .135 .683 .728 .774 Journals Only 1540 297 269 194 .455 .162 .144 .683 .728 .774 1542 301 273 198 .455 .170 .154 .683 .728 .774 SP-TK HIGH LIFT ROLLERS These higher lift designs are based on the TK .455" Series Rollers but have faster opening side velocities and more lobe lift. For use with 1.948" or larger journals only. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration SP-TK High Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1.948" or Larger Journals Only 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 276 280 284 288 292 296 Duration in Degrees @ .050 248 252 256 260 264 268 @ .200 175 179 183 187 190 194 Lobe Lift .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .123 .131 .140 .149 .158 110° .097 .105 .113 .122 .131 .140 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .705 .705 .705 .705 .705 .705 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .752 .752 .752 .752 .752 .752 1.7 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 67 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER TK LIFT RULE ROLLERS These low lift designs are based on the TK series rollers and are specifically designed for lift rule applications such as RevOil Pro Cup. Typically they will be used with 1.8:1 ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TK Lift Rule .347" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1416 1417 1418 1419 4421 4422 4423 4424 1427 1429 263 267 271 275 279 283 287 291 295 299 Duration in Degrees @ .050 235 239 243 247 251 255 259 263 267 271 @ .200 154 158 161 165 168 171 174 177 180 184 Lobe Lift .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 .347 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .089 .096 .104 .111 .119 .126 .134 .141 .147 .154 110° .074 .081 .089 .096 .104 .111 .118 .126 .133 .140 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.75 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 .607 1.8 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 1.85 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 SPL ROLLERS The SPL Rollers are very similar to the TK family but have special ramps designed to be used with looser lash values. These lobes are designed for hot lash settings in the .022" to .028" range. Otherwise, they should perform as well as the TK family in high torque applications that respond well to aggressive lobe profiles. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration SPL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2906 2907 2908 2909 291 295 299 303 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 264 268 272 @ .200 184 188 192 195 Lobe Lift .435 .435 .435 .435 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .137 .146 .154 .163 110° .120 .128 .137 .145 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .696 .696 .696 .696 1.7 .740 .740 .740 .740 1.8 .783 .783 .783 .783 VK LIFT RULE ROLLERS These low lift designs are similar to the low lift TKs but optimized with quicker ramps for the lower lobe lift. Designed for lift rule solid roller applications including revised NMRA specs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2688 276 249 161 .323 .112 .098 2689 280 253 164 .323 .119 .105 VK Lift Rule .323" 284 257 167 .323 .126 .112 Rated Duration @ 2690 .020" Tappet Lift 2691 288 261 171 .323 .133 .119 2692 292 265 174 .323 .140 .126 2693 296 269 178 .323 .147 .133 2694 300 273 181 .323 .153 .139 68 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.55 .501 .501 .501 .501 .501 .501 .501 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .517 .517 .517 .517 .517 .517 .517 1.65 .533 .533 .533 .533 .533 .533 .533 SOLID ROLLER The DSZ Rollers are tight lash designs based on our high lift DSP and DSS series but optimized with quicker ramps for shorter duration applications. These lobes have shorter seat timing than even the TK series. DSZ Rollers provide great torque and power in limited engine speed or limited ratio applications. DSZ profiles are also very good with limited travel hydraulic roller lifters if noise is not a primary concern. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DSZ Series Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Journal = B, F, R, M 12500 12502 12504 12506 12508 12510 12522 12524 DSZ H Series Rated Duration @ 12526 .020" Tappet Lift 12527 Journal = F, R, M 12528 12530 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratioo @ .020 267 271 275 279 283 287 @ .050 240 244 248 252 256 260 @ .200 166 170 174 177 181 185 .394 .398 .402 .406 .410 .414 106° .098 .106 .115 .123 .132 .141 110° .083 .090 .098 .106 .115 .123 1.5 .591 .597 .603 .609 .615 .621 1.6 .630 .637 .643 .650 .656 .662 1.7 .670 .677 .683 .690 .697 .704 271 275 279 281 283 287 244 248 252 254 256 260 170 174 178 180 182 186 .415 .419 .423 .425 .427 .431 .106 .115 .124 .128 .132 .141 .090 .098 .106 .111 .115 .124 .623 .629 .635 .638 .641 .647 .664 .670 .677 .680 .683 .690 .706 .712 .719 .723 .726 .733 SOLID ROLLER DSZ ROLLERS CSZ ROLLERS The CSZ Rollers are "tweaked" versions of the DSZ profiles for use in standard journal Small Block Chevy applications and higher lift Big Block Chevy or 50mm. These are not quite as quick as the DSZ profiles, and they give up a little area and stability compared to the larger journal versions. However, this as close to a DSZ as you can get with a smaller journal. Also good for hydraulic rollers if noise is not a primary concern. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration @ .200 133 147 165 169 173 177 181 185 Tappet Lift @ TDC 1.6 .520 .557 .630 .637 .643 .650 .656 .662 1.7 .553 .592 .670 .677 .683 .690 .697 .704 12564 256 228 154 .399 .075 .061 12566 260 232 158 .403 .082 .068 12568 264 236 162 .407 .090 .075 CSZ H 12570 268 240 166 .411 .098 .082 Rated Duration @ 12572 272 244 170 .415 .106 .090 .020" Tappet Lift 12574 276 248 174 .419 .114 .098 Journal = S, B 12576 280 252 178 .423 .123 .106 12578 284 256 182 .427 .132 .114 12580 288 260 186 .431 .141 .123 .599 .605 .611 .617 .623 .629 .635 .641 .647 .638 .645 .651 .658 .664 .670 .677 .683 .690 .678 .685 .692 .699 .706 .712 .719 .726 .733 .325 .348 .394 .398 .402 .406 .410 .414 106° .049 .068 .098 .106 .114 .123 .132 .140 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .488 .522 .591 .597 .603 .609 .615 .621 CSZ Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Journal = S @ .050 212 224 240 244 248 252 256 260 Lobe Lift 110° .039 .055 .082 .090 .098 .106 .114 .123 12540 12543 12550 12552 12554 12556 12558 12560 @ .020 240 252 268 272 276 280 284 288 Duration in Degrees W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 69 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER HI-TECH™ .440" INTAKE ROLLERS These lobes are to be used in medium to large cubic inch engines. The Hi-Tech™ .440" are designed with ported cylinder heads in mind and are easy on springs. These designs are very stable at high engine speeds. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Hi-Tech™ .440" Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 3207 4076 4119 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 296-16 301-6 303-6 305-6 309-6 313-6 317-6 321-6 325-6 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 264 266 268 272 276 280 284 287 @ .200 178 181 183 184 187 189 192 195 198 Lobe Lift .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .132 .141 .144 .147 .153 .157 .161 .168 .173 110° .116 .125 .129 .132 .137 .142 .146 .153 .158 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 1.6 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 HIGH TORQUE .440" ROLLERS 1.7 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 These designs are very aggressive and can be used with a variety of rocker ratios. Smaller designs work well in oval track motors and larger designs work in drag racing applications. The High Torque .440" designs are stable to 8200+ RPM. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High Torque .440" Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4217 4216 4240 4241 4243 4245 4252 4253 4213 4214 4254 278-8 280-8 284-8 288-8 292-8 296-8 300-8 304-8 308-8 312-8 316-8 Duration in Degrees @ .050 250 252 256 260 264 268 272 276 280 284 288 @ .200 174 176 178 182 186 190 194 197 201 205 210 Lobe Lift .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .115 .119 .122 .131 .140 .149 .157 .177 .185 .191 .198 110° .099 .102 .105 .114 .123 .131 .139 .160 .167 .174 .180 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 1.6 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 1.7 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 HIGH TORQUE .460" ROLLERS The High Torque .460" are primarily used in drag racing applications with or without ported heads. They are less aggressive than the High Torque .440" designs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° High Torque 1393 319-7 285 200 .460 .180 .163 .460" Rated Duration @ 4075 323-7 287 202 .460 .185 .169 .020" Tappet Lift 1395 327-7 290 205 .460 .192 .176 70 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .690 .690 .690 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 .736 .736 .736 1.7 .782 .782 .782 SOLID ROLLER The High Torque .420" Exhaust is primarily used in drag racing applications with or without ported heads and can be used with a variety of rocker ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 1660 307-4 275 192 .420 .165 .152 .630 .672 .714 High Torque .420" Exh. 1480 311-4 279 194 .420 .173 .156 .630 .672 .714 Rated Duration @ 4070 317-2 283 197 .420 .172 .156 .630 .672 .714 .020" Tappet Lift 4065 323-6 288 200 .420 .177 .161 .630 .672 .714 SOLID ROLLER HIGH TORQUE .420" EXHAUST ROLLERS HIGH RATIO − HIGH RPM SUPER STOCK ROLLERS These profiles are designed to increase high RPM performance in NHRA Super Stock applications when coupled with a 1.8:1 to 2.0:1 rocker arm. Optimized for the higher RPM capability of the latest Super Stock cylinder heads. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 4480 298 266 182 .414 .136 .119 .745 .787 .828 302 270 186 .414 .143 .127 .745 .787 .828 High Ratio - High 4482 RPM Super Stock 4483 304 272 188 .414 .147 .131 .745 .787 .828 Rated Duration @ 4484 306 274 189 .414 .151 .135 .745 .787 .828 .020" Tappet Lift 4485 308 276 191 .416 .155 .139 .749 .790 .832 4486 310 278 193 .418 .160 .143 .752 .794 .836 HXL ROLLERS The HXL Rollers are intended for high lift applications that require maximum torque and extended RPM. These fall somewhere in between the RX and TK Series in terms of aggressiveness but provide more lobe lift. They are closest to the High Torque .440" lobes but have incorporated our latest profile advancements that should allow higher engine speeds and improved dynamics. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration HXL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 Duration in Degrees @ .050 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 @ .200 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 202 204 Lobe Lift .434 .436 .438 .440 .442 .444 .446 .448 .450 .452 .454 .454 .454 .454 .454 .454 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .118 .122 .126 .130 .135 .139 .144 .148 .152 .157 .161 .166 .170 .174 .178 .183 110° .102 .106 .110 .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 .135 .139 .143 .148 .152 .156 .161 .165 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .694 .698 .701 .704 .707 .710 .714 .717 .720 .723 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 1.8 .738 .781 .741 .785 .745 .788 .748 .792 .751 .796 .755 .799 .758 .803 .762 .806 .765 .810 .768 .814 .772 .817 .772 .817 .772 .817 .772 .817 .772 .817 .772 .817 continued on page 72 71 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER HXL ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2208 313 284 206 .454 .187 .169 2209 315 286 208 .454 .191 .173 2210 317 288 210 .454 .195 .177 HXL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .726 .726 .726 1.7 .772 .772 .772 1.8 .817 .817 .817 HXX ROLLERS The HXX Rollers are exhaust optimized versions of our popular HXL Intake lobes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 12404 286 256 179 .445 .126 .110 .668 .712 .757 12406 290 260 183 .445 .135 .118 .668 .712 .757 12198 294 264 187 .445 .143 .126 .668 .712 .757 12199 296 266 189 .445 .147 .130 .668 .712 .757 12200 298 268 191 .445 .152 .134 .668 .712 .757 HXX 300 270 193 .445 .156 .139 .668 .712 .757 Rated Duration @ 12201 .020" Tappet Lift 12202 302 272 194 .445 .161 .143 .668 .712 .757 12203 304 274 196 .445 .165 .147 .668 .712 .757 12204 306 276 198 .445 .169 .152 .668 .712 .757 12205 308 278 200 .445 .174 .156 .668 .712 .757 12206 310 280 202 .445 .178 .161 .668 .712 .757 12207 312 282 204 .445 .183 .165 .668 .712 .757 12208 314 284 206 .445 .187 .169 .668 .712 .757 HXX HL ROLLERS Higher lift versions on the HXX lobes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio HXX HL @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 Rated Duration @ 299 269 193 .469 .155 .137 .704 .750 .797 .020" Tappet Lift 12410 HPX ROLLERS The HPX Rollers are higher lift, more aggressive versions of the HXX lobes for use in larger journal applications. These also work well with less rocker ratio and can be used on the intake or exhaust. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration HPX 12185 Rated Duration @ 12188 .020” Tappet Lift 12190 12192 72 292 296 300 304 Duration in Degrees @ .050 264 268 272 276 @ .200 191 195 199 203 Lobe Lift .475 .479 .483 .487 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .150 .159 .169 .179 110° .131 .140 .150 .159 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .713 .719 .725 .731 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .760 .808 .766 .814 .773 .821 .779 .828 continued on page 73 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 12194 308 280 207 .491 .189 .169 .737 HPX Rated Duration @ 12196 312 284 211 .495 .199 .179 .743 .020” Tappet Lift 12230 316 288 215 .495 .208 .188 .743 12232 320 292 219 .495 .218 .198 .743 12234 324 296 223 .495 .227 .207 .743 1.6 .786 .792 .792 .792 .792 1.7 .835 .842 .842 .842 .842 SOLID ROLLER HPX ROLLERS cont. HXX LL ROLLERS These are softer ramp designs like the HXL designs but with lower lift. Work well for AL block applications with higher ratios or anywhere as an exhaust lobe. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 HXX LL Rated Duration @ 12050 292 262 180 .390 .135 .119 .585 .663 .020" Tappet Lift 12052 296 266 184 .392 .143 .127 .588 .666 12054 300 270 188 .394 .151 .134 .591 .670 1.8 .702 .706 .709 IXL ROLLERS The IXL Series is very similar to the HXL but is optimized for higher rocker ratios. This family also incorporates a design characteristic which should improve stability at very high RPM. These are quicker off the seat than the RX profiles, but the IXL nose shape will provide better stability with high ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12129 275 245 163 .400 .102 .088 12131 279 249 167 .404 .110 .095 12133 283 253 171 .408 .117 .102 2535 287 257 175 .412 .125 .110 2536 289 259 177 .414 .129 .113 IXL 291 261 179 .416 .133 .117 Rated Duration @ 2537 .020" Tappet Lift 2538 293 263 181 .418 .136 .121 2539 295 265 182 .420 .140 .125 2540 297 267 184 .422 .144 .128 2541 299 269 186 .424 .148 .132 2542 301 271 188 .426 .152 .136 2543 303 273 190 .428 .156 .140 2544 305 275 192 .430 .160 .144 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .680 .687 .694 .700 .704 .707 .711 .714 .717 .721 .724 .728 .731 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.8 .720 .727 .734 .742 .745 .749 .752 .756 .760 .763 .767 .770 .774 1.9 .760 .768 .775 .783 .787 .790 .794 .798 .802 .806 .809 .813 .817 73 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER IXLL ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration IXLL 14502 Rated Duration @ 14504 .020" Tappet Lift 14506 14508 282 286 291 295 Duration in Degrees @ .050 252 256 260 264 @ .200 167 171 175 179 Lobe Lift .387 .389 .391 .393 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .122 .129 .137 110° .100 .107 .114 .122 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 .697 .700 .704 .707 1.9 .735 .739 .743 .747 2.0 .774 .778 .782 .786 UB ROLLERS The UB Series Rollers are based on some of our most popular high RPM, NASCAR-style .875" flat tappet designs but are optimized to take advantage of the additional tappet velocity allowed with roller lifters. These are quicker off the seat than the HXL Series but have slightly less high lift area. Performance will be similar to the HXL, but certain port designs and valve train systems will have a clear preference. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees 1.7 .758 .760 .762 .763 .765 .767 .768 .770 .772 .774 .775 .777 .779 .780 1.8 .803 .805 .806 .808 .810 .812 .814 .815 .817 .819 .821 .823 .824 .826 @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2265 285 255 176 .423 .122 .106 2267 287 257 178 .424 .126 .110 2273 289 259 179 .425 .130 .114 2274 291 261 181 .426 .134 .118 2275 293 263 183 .427 .138 .122 UB 295 265 185 .428 .142 .126 Rated Duration @ 2276 .020" Tappet Lift 2277 297 267 187 .430 .146 .130 2278 299 269 189 .432 .150 .134 2279 301 271 191 .434 .155 .138 2280 303 273 193 .436 .159 .142 2281 305 275 195 .438 .163 .146 1.7 .719 .721 .723 .724 .726 .728 .731 .734 .738 .741 .745 1.8 .761 .763 .765 .767 .769 .770 .774 .778 .781 .785 .788 1.9 .804 .806 .808 .809 .811 .813 .817 .821 .825 .828 .832 UB Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 74 .446 .447 .448 .449 .450 .451 .452 .453 .454 .455 .456 .457 .458 .459 106° .126 .130 .135 .139 .143 .147 .152 .156 .160 .164 .168 .172 .177 .181 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .714 .715 .717 .718 .720 .722 .723 .725 .726 .728 .730 .731 .733 .734 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 @ .200 179 181 183 185 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 Tappet Lift @ TDC 110° .110 .114 .118 .122 .128 .130 .135 .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .159 .164 2214 2215 2246 2247 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2380 2381 @ .050 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 Lobe Lift 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER The UBL Rollers are based on the UB Roller designs but are faster off the seat for improved performance in limited engine speed and lower lobe lift applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration UBL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2195 2196 2198 2199 283 287 295 299 Duration in Degrees @ .050 254 258 266 270 @ .200 174 179 185 189 Lobe Lift .410 .410 .410 .410 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .120 .128 .144 .152 110° .105 .113 .128 .136 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .656 .656 .656 .656 1.7 .697 .697 .697 .697 1.8 .738 .738 .738 .738 SOLID ROLLER UBL ROLLERS UBA ROLLERS The UBA Rollers are based on the UB Roller designs but are faster off the seat for improved performance in limited engine speed applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration UBA Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 Duration in Degrees @ .050 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 @ .200 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 Lobe Lift .444 .446 .448 .450 .452 .454 .456 .458 .460 .462 .464 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .126 .131 .135 .139 .144 .148 .153 .157 .161 .166 .170 110° .110 .114 .118 .122 .126 .131 .135 .139 .144 .148 .152 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .710 .714 .717 .720 .723 .726 .730 .733 .736 .739 .742 1.7 .755 .758 .762 .765 .768 .772 .775 .779 .782 .785 .789 1.8 .799 .803 .806 .810 .814 .817 .821 .824 .828 .832 .835 UBLL ROLLERS The UBLL Rollers are based on the UB Roller designs but are faster off the seat for improved performance in limited engine speed and lower lobe lift applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration UBLL Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2201 2202 2203 289 291 293 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 262 264 @ .200 177 179 181 Lobe Lift .389 .390 .391 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .131 .135 .139 110° .116 .119 .123 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.9 .739 .741 .743 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 2.0 .778 .780 .782 2.1 .817 .819 .821 75 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER DIX ROLLERS The DIX Series is similar to the RX but with substantially more area under the curve. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DIX Rated Duration @ 12100 .020" Tappet Lift 12102 12103 304 306 308 Duration in Degrees @ .050 274 276 278 @ .200 196 198 200 Lobe Lift .439 .439 .439 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .165 .169 .173 110° .147 .151 .155 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .702 .702 .702 1.7 .746 .746 .746 1.8 .790 .790 .790 GCI & GCX ROLLERS The GCI and GCX lobes have a bit more ramp than some of the other modern profiles but have excellent area. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees GCX 2571 299 272 195 .461 .163 .145 .692 .738 Rated Duration @ 303 276 199 .465 .172 .154 .698 .744 .020" Tappet Lift 2591 .784 294 296 298 .457 .459 .461 106° .147 .152 .156 110° .130 .134 .139 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .777 .780 .784 2570 2582 2583 @ .200 189 191 193 Tappet Lift @ TDC 1.6 .731 .734 .738 GCI Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift @ .050 265 267 269 Lobe Lift 1.5 .686 .689 .692 .791 ULG UVX HIGH RATIO ROLLERS The ULG and UVX are smoother than the UBLL for even higher rocker ratios, especially for converting older NASCAR Cup engines with very high ratios over to roller cams. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 14004 ULG 14006 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 14008 @ .020 282 286 290 Duration in Degrees @ .050 252 256 260 @ .200 167 171 175 Lobe Lift .388 .388 .388 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .122 .129 110° .100 .107 .114 UVX Rated Duration @ 14013 304 272 183 .388 .145 .131 .020" Tappet Lift 76 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.1 .815 .815 .815 2.2 .854 .854 .854 2.3 .892 .892 .892 .815 .854 .892 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER The DSP Rollers fit nicely between the UBA and DSS families. These profiles work great either in lower ratio, high RPM applications or in lower engine speed applications where you can use a faster lobe. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DSP Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12172 12174 12176 12177 12178 12180 12181 12182 283 287 291 293 295 299 301 303 Duration in Degrees @ .050 254 258 262 264 266 270 272 274 @ .200 179 183 187 189 191 195 197 199 Lobe Lift .465 .467 .469 .470 .471 .473 .474 .475 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .124 .133 .142 .146 .151 .160 .165 .169 110° .107 .115 .124 .128 .133 .142 .146 .151 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .744 .747 .750 .752 .754 .757 .758 .760 1.7 .791 .794 .797 .799 .801 .804 .806 .808 1.8 .837 .841 .844 .846 .848 .851 .853 .855 SOLID ROLLER DSP ROLLERS DSS ROLLERS The DSS Rollers are based off the best aspects of the HXL and DR Series. These work very well in high torque applications that can take advantage of an aggressive high lobe lift design. The DSS series is a very good choice for applications where valve motion similar to that of an aggressive high ratio lobe is desired without going with an extreme rocker ratio. Available for 1.948" and larger journal sizes but cannot be ground on standard journal Small Block Chevy or small base circle cores. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2531 284 256 183 .474 .130 .113 2545 286 258 185 .475 .135 .117 2551 288 260 187 .476 .139 .121 2555 299 262 189 .477 .143 .125 2557 292 264 191 .478 .148 .130 2559 294 266 192 .479 .153 .134 DSS 2560 296 268 194 .480 .157 .139 Rated Duration @ 2521 298 270 196 .481 .162 .143 .020" Tappet Lift 2522 300 272 198 .482 .166 .148 2523 302 274 200 .483 .171 .152 2524 304 276 202 .484 .176 .157 2525 306 278 204 .485 .180 .161 2526 308 280 206 .486 .185 .166 2527 310 282 208 .487 .189 .170 2528 312 284 210 .488 .194 .175 2529 314 286 212 .489 .199 .180 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .711 .713 .714 .716 .717 .719 .720 .722 .723 .725 .726 .728 .729 .731 .732 .734 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .758 .760 .762 .763 .765 .766 .768 .770 .771 .773 .774 .776 .778 .779 .781 .782 1.7 .806 .808 .809 .811 .813 .814 .816 .818 .819 .821 .823 .825 .826 .828 .830 .831 77 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER DSL ROLLERS The DSL Rollers are based off the DSP and DSS Series but with increased lobe lift. The DSL Series is a very good choice for applications where valve motion similar to that of an aggressive high ratio lobe is desired without going with a high ratio. Available for 55mm/2.165" and larger journal sizes but cannot be ground on standard journal Big Block Chevy, Small Block Chevy or small base circle cores. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 1.6 1.7 12374 286 258 185 .502 .135 .117 .753 .803 .853 DSL 12376 290 262 189 .506 .144 .126 .759 .810 .860 Rated Duration @ 12378 294 266 193 .510 .154 .135 .765 .816 .867 .020" Tappet Lift 12380 298 270 197 .514 .163 .144 .771 .822 .874 12382 300 274 201 .518 .173 .154 .777 .829 .881 12384 302 278 205 .522 .183 .163 .783 .835 .887 DPC & DPD ROLLERS The DPD lobes are for 2.125", 55mm or larger journals and are slightly quicker than the aggressive DSS Series. The DPC can be used on smaller journals and give approximately the same valve motion when used with about +0.15 more rocker ratio. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12648 DPC 12649 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12650 12652 12654 278 280 282 286 290 Duration in Degrees @ .050 249 251 253 257 261 @ .200 174 176 177 182 185 Lobe Lift .440 .440 .440 .440 .440 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .114 .118 .122 .131 .140 110° .098 .102 .106 .114 .122 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .748 .748 .748 .748 .748 1.8 .792 .792 .792 .792 .792 1.9 .836 .836 .836 .836 .836 @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.65 1.75 1.85 12748 280 252 181 .4777 .124 .106 .788 .836 .884 12749 282 254 183 .4777 .128 .110 .788 .836 .884 DPD Rated Duration @ 12750 284 256 185 .4777 .133 .115 .788 .836 .884 .020" Tappet Lift 12751 286 258 187 .4777 .137 .119 .788 .836 .884 12752 288 260 188 .4777 .142 .124 .788 .836 .884 12753 290 262 190 .4777 .147 .128 .788 .836 .884 12754 292 264 192 .4777 .152 .133 .788 .836 .884 HOI & HOX ROLLERS The HOI design is like the UBA but faster without the lobe lift of the DSS. The HOX fits in between the HPX and HXX series in terms of lift but is almost as aggressive as the high lift HPX family. These work very well with either lower ratios or with less extreme engine speed. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12907 HOI 12908 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12909 12910 12604 12664 78 286 288 290 292 294 290 Duration in Degrees @ .050 259 261 263 265 267 263 @ .200 186 188 190 192 194 189 Lobe Lift .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .448 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .138 .143 .147 .152 .157 .146 110° .120 .125 .129 .133 .138 .128 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio 1.5 .698 .698 .698 .698 .698 .672 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.6 1.7 .744 .791 .744 .791 .744 .791 .744 .791 .744 .791 .717 .762 continued on page 79 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12322 297 269 194 .452 .159 .140 12324 301 273 198 .452 .168 .149 12303 301 273 199 .465 .169 .150 HOX Rated Duration @ 12304 303 275 201 .465 .173 .155 .020" Tappet Lift 12305 305 277 203 .465 .175 .159 12306 307 279 205 .465 .182 .164 12307 309 281 206 .465 .187 .169 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Ratio 1.5 .678 .678 .698 .698 .698 .698 .698 1.6 .723 .723 .744 .744 .744 .744 .744 1.7 .768 .768 .791 .791 .791 .791 .791 SOLID ROLLER HOI & HOX ROLLERS cont. UL ROLLERS The UL Roller lobes are extremely aggressive roller lobes for 55mm+ journal sizes, .850" roller wheels and lower rocker ratios. Best for use in either applications like Super Stock class racing when component life may be 2-4 passes or limited engine speed applications. These are not for the faint of heart. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 11918 295 269 205 .545 .178 11919 297 271 206 .545 .184 UL 299 273 208 .545 .190 Rated Duration @ 11920 .020" Tappet Lift 11922 303 277 212 .545 .201 11924 307 281 216 .545 .213 11926 311 285 220 .545 .224 11928 315 289 224 .545 .235 110° .156 .161 .167 .178 .190 .201 .212 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 1.6 .872 .872 .872 .872 .872 .872 .872 1.7 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 HIGH RPM INTAKE ROLLERS The High RPM Intake Roller is used on highly modified, high RPM drag race motors. They are used primarily with ported heads that incorporate lightweight valves and high spring loads. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High RPM Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1301 1309 1302 1030 1046 4107 4068 4085 4091 4063 1490 4118 318-6 324-7 324-6 324-30 326-30 328-6 328-5 328-11 330-10 332-7 332-6 336-4 Duration in Degrees @ .050 278 284 284 288 293 288 288 288 287 292 292 296 @ .200 195 198 200 207 211 201 203 203 203 204 206 209 Lobe Lift .465 .456 .471 .510 .510 .456 .476 .483 .480 .456 .476 .476 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .161 .171 .172 .188 .198 .177 .180 .179 .180 .184 .188 .195 110° .144 .154 .155 .171 .180 .161 .163 .162 .163 .167 .171 .178 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .698 .684 .706 .765 .765 .684 .714 .724 .720 .684 .714 .714 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.6 .744 .730 .753 .816 .816 .730 .761 .773 .768 .730 .761 .761 1.7 .791 .775 .800 .867 .867 .775 .810 .821 .816 .775 .810 .810 79 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER CE DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS The CE Drag Intake Rollers are intended for very large port, high flow cylinder head applications. They work well in high RPM ranges where Comp Eliminator and similar high RPM small displacement engines operate. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration CE Drag Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1286 1288 1295 1260 1278 1268 1271 1272 310 314 316 318 318 320 320 322 Duration in Degrees @ .050 274 278 280 282 282 284 284 286 @ .200 189 192 194 194 196 196 198 198 Lobe Lift .484 .484 .484 .474 .484 .476 .484 .478 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .154 .162 .166 .160 .170 .165 .174 .169 110° .138 .146 .150 .144 .153 .148 .157 .152 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .774 .774 .774 .758 .774 .762 .774 .765 1.7 .823 .823 .823 .806 .823 .809 .823 .813 1.8 .871 .871 .871 .853 .871 .857 .871 .860 DASH 31 ROLLERS The Dash 31 Rollers are a more aggressive cousin of the original -30 lobes popular in Pro Stock in the early 90s. These have been used successfully in Pro Stock but are preferred for use in applications operating below 9000 RPM. These profiles result in excellent torque and make very good power up to the limiting speed of the valve train. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Dash 31 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1186 1188 1176 1180 306-31 308-31 310-31 312-31 Duration in Degrees @ .050 275 277 279 281 @ .200 198 200 202 204 Lobe Lift .520 .520 .520 .520 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .166 .171 .176 .181 110° .147 .152 .157 .162 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .832 .832 .832 .832 1.7 .884 .884 .884 .884 1.8 .936 .936 .936 .936 MOUNTAIN MOTOR ROLLERS These are assorted intake profiles that have been developed for large cubic inch, blown and/or nitrous applications that respond favorably to more area and are not required to run over 9000 RPM. These have been used with high rocker ratios to result in over 1.000" valve lift in lower RPM applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1027 322 292 214 .517 .206 .187 1028 326 296 218 .525 .216 .197 1240 324 294 214 .520 .201 .182 Mountain Motor Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 80 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .879 .893 .884 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.8 .931 .945 .936 1.9 .982 .998 .988 SOLID ROLLER These lobes are used on the exhaust side of highly modified, high RPM race engines. The cylinder head efficiency directly determines the design used. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration High RPM Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 4050 4067 4074 1495 4055 1484 1320 1485 4247 1487 1306 1489 4051 4064 1494 4052 4053 1152 4056 4057 319-1 322-3 326-4 328-2 330-1 330-5 332-2 334-3 336-5 338-2 340-3 342-2 342-3 344-3 344-4 344-5 348-1 352-1 356-5 360-5 Duration in Degrees @ .050 280 284 288 291 292 292 292 296 296 300 300 302 302 304 304 304 308 312 316 320 @ .200 185 190 194 222 196 196 203 200 205 204 208 207 210 214 211 214 217 222 227 230 Lobe Lift .400 .420 .420 .427 .420 .420 .440 .420 .440 .420 .440 .420 .460 .470 .440 .460 .460 .477 .480 .480 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .152 .160 .166 .181 .168 .173 .182 .179 .188 .185 .193 .192 .198 .207 .201 .207 .212 .222 .231 .238 110° .137 .145 .151 .165 .152 .158 .166 .165 .172 .171 .177 .177 .182 .190 .185 .190 .195 .205 .214 .221 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .600 .630 .630 .640 .630 .630 .660 .630 .660 .630 .660 .630 .690 .705 .660 .690 .690 .715 .720 .720 1.6 .640 .672 .672 .683 .672 .672 .704 .672 .704 .672 .704 .672 .736 .752 .704 .736 .736 .765 .768 .768 1.7 .680 .714 .714 .725 .714 .714 .748 .714 .748 .714 .748 .714 .782 .799 .748 .782 .782 .810 .816 .816 SOLID ROLLER HIGH RPM EXHAUST ROLLERS JX DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The JX Drag Exhaust Rollers are good complements to either the CE, REV or RX intake designs. They are intended for very large port, high flow cylinder head applications and work well in the high RPM range where Comp Eliminator and similar high RPM small displacement engines operate. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1285 333 292 196 .460 .167 .152 1261 335 294 198 .446 .171 .156 1287 335 294 198 .460 .171 .156 JX Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ 1291 337 296 200 .460 .175 .160 .020" Tappet Lift 1263 339 298 201 .446 .179 .163 1289 339 298 202 .460 .179 .163 1269 341 300 203 .448 .183 .167 1293 341 300 203 .460 .183 .167 1273 343 302 205 .450 .187 .171 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .736 .714 .736 .736 .714 .736 .717 .736 .720 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 .782 .758 .782 .782 .758 .782 .762 .782 .765 1.8 .828 .803 .828 .828 .803 .828 .806 .828 .810 81 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER XCX DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The XCX Series Rollers provide state-of-the-art ramp designs with the ramp characteristics required to decrease pumping losses and allow exhaust gasses from overlap to provide a signal to accelerate the intake charge into the cylinder in large port, drag race applications. These modern designs are very stable and respond well to rocker ratio increases. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1850 1960 1860 1962 1862 1964 1864 1966 1866 1968 1868 320 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 @ .050 282 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 @ .200 194 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 .460 .450 .470 .450 .470 .450 .470 .450 .470 .450 .470 106° .162 .170 .175 .179 .183 .187 .192 .195 .200 .203 .209 110° .146 .154 .158 .162 .166 .170 .175 .178 .183 .186 .191 1.6 .736 .720 .752 .720 .752 .720 .752 .720 .752 .720 .752 1.7 .782 .765 .799 .765 .799 .765 .799 .765 .799 .765 .799 1.8 .828 .810 .846 .810 .846 .810 .846 .810 .846 .810 .846 XCX .484 Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1751 1752 1753 1758 1759 1760 1761 1763 1772 1773 318 322 326 330 334 338 342 344 346 350 280 284 288 292 296 300 304 306 308 312 193 197 201 205 209 212 216 218 220 224 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .484 .159 .167 .175 .184 .192 .201 .210 .214 .218 .226 .142 .150 .158 .167 .175 .184 .192 .196 .200 .209 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .774 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 XCX Pro Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344 346 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 .500 .502 .504 .506 .508 .510 .512 .514 .516 .184 .188 .193 .197 .202 .206 .211 .215 .220 .167 .171 .175 .180 .184 .188 .193 .197 .202 .800 .803 .806 .810 .813 .816 .819 .822 .826 .850 .853 .857 .860 .864 .867 .870 .874 .877 .900 .904 .907 .911 .914 .918 .922 .925 .929 XCX Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift STAY CONNECTED Take your pick – Facebook, Twitter, our e-newsletter or one of our forums. You'll have insider information on new products, specials and free giveaways via our social media platforms, as well as access to our highly trained technical staff and our ever expanding library of how-to videos. 82, 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER XJX DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The XJX Drag Rollers are similar to the XCX but with higher acceleration rates, more lift, and more area under the curve. The asymmetric design with higher opening acceleration helps move more exhaust gas at bottom dead center, reducing losses as the piston comes up, driving the remaining exhaust from the cylinder. These profiles are designed for very stiff valve train systems with 60mm journals and larger, .850" diameter roller lifter wheels. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 1.8 1680 334 296 214 .538 .204 .184 .861 .915 .968 1681 336 298 216 .540 .209 .189 .864 .918 .972 1682 338 300 218 .542 .214 .194 .867 .921 .976 XJX Pro Drag 1683 340 302 220 .544 .219 .199 .870 .925 .979 Rated Duration @ 1684 342 304 222 .546 .224 .204 .874 .928 .983 .020" Tappet Lift 1685 344 306 224 .548 .229 .209 .877 .932 .986 1686 346 308 226 .550 .234 .214 .880 .935 .990 1687 348 310 228 .552 .240 .220 .883 .938 .994 1688 350 312 230 .554 .245 .225 .886 .942 .997 1699 352 314 232 .556 .249 .230 .890 .945 1.001 REV DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS The REV Drag Rollers use some of the latest ramp designs to provide excellent torque, power and high speed stability for high RPM competition drag race applications. When coupled with high rocker ratios, these profiles provide more area than comparable standard ratio designs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1770 301 268 188 .460 .147 .130 1771 303 270 190 .460 .152 .135 REV Drag Int. 1839 305 272 192 .460 .156 .139 Rated Duration @ 1840 307 274 194 .460 .160 .143 .020" Tappet Lift 1842 311 278 198 .460 .169 .151 1844 315 282 201 .460 .177 .160 1846 319 286 205 .460 .186 .168 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 1.7 .782 .782 .782 .782 .782 .782 .782 1.8 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 RX DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS The RX Drag Rollers are similar to the REV designs, except they have more lift and use sections of our popular RX ramp. These designs have proven to provide an outstanding combination of high RPM power and stability without sacrificing torque. Excellent in applications from high end bracket engines to Comp Eliminator and Pro Stock. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RX Drag Int. .470" Lobe Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1806 1808 1810 1812 1814 1816 294 298 302 306 310 314 Duration in Degrees @ .050 261 265 269 273 277 281 @ .200 181 185 189 193 196 200 Lobe Lift .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 .470 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .131 .139 .148 .156 .165 .174 110° .114 .122 .131 .139 .147 .156 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .752 .752 .752 .752 .752 .752 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 1.8 .799 .846 .799 .846 .799 .846 .799 .846 .799 .846 .799 .846 continued on page 84 83 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER RX DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration RX Drag Int. .470" Lobe Lift Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees 1826 310 277 197 .484 .165 .148 .774 .823 1827 312 279 199 .484 .170 .152 .774 .823 RX Drag Int. 1828 314 281 201 .484 .174 .156 .774 .823 .484" Lobe Lift Rated Duration @ 1829 316 283 203 .484 .179 .161 .774 .823 .020" Tappet Lift 1719 318 285 204 .484 .183 .165 .774 .823 1832 322 289 208 .484 .191 .174 .774 .823 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .871 .470 .470 .470 106° .178 .183 .191 110° .160 .165 .173 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 .846 .846 .846 316 318 322 @ .200 202 204 208 Tappet Lift @ TDC 1.7 .799 .799 .799 1817 1718 1820 @ .050 283 285 289 Lobe Lift 1.6 .752 .752 .752 RX PRO DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS These use the same ramps as the RX Drag Race .484" lobes but have more lift for all out applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees 1742 310 277 197 .515 .166 .148 .824 .876 1743 312 279 199 .515 .170 .152 .824 .876 1744 314 281 201 .515 .175 .157 .824 .876 1736 316 283 203 .515 .180 .161 .824 .876 RX Pro Drag Int. 1745 318 285 205 .515 .184 .166 .824 .876 .515" Lobe Lift Rated Duration @ 1737 320 287 207 .515 .189 .170 .824 .876 .020" Tappet Lift 1746 322 289 209 .515 .193 .175 .824 .876 1747 326 293 213 .515 .202 .184 .824 .876 1748 330 297 217 .515 .211 .192 .824 .876 1749 334 301 220 .515 .220 .201 .824 .876 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 RX Pro Drag Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .488 .491 .492 .493 .496 .497 .499 106° .161 .165 .170 .175 .180 .184 .188 110° .143 .148 .152 .156 .160 .165 .170 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 .878 .884 .886 .887 .893 .895 .898 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 @ .200 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 Tappet Lift @ TDC 1.7 .830 .835 .836 .838 .843 .845 .848 1722 1724 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 @ .050 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 Lobe Lift 1.6 .781 .786 .787 .789 .794 .795 .798 DR PRO DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS The DR Pro Drag lobes are more aggressive than the RX Pro Drag lobes. They are used in professional class drag racing or similar applications and are not recommended for use above 10,000 RPM. These use our latest design techniques to provide excellent area and improved dynamics over similar profiles. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DR Pro Drag Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 84 1912 1914 301 305 Duration in Degrees @ .050 270 274 @ .200 193 197 Lobe Lift .507 .509 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .155 .164 110° .137 .146 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .862 .865 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.8 1.9 .913 .963 .916 .967 continued on page 85 SOLID ROLLER DR PRO DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS cont. Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.7 1.8 1.9 1924 307 276 199 .520 .169 .150 .884 .936 .988 1925 309 278 201 .521 .173 .155 .886 .938 .990 1926 311 280 203 .521 .178 .159 .886 .938 .990 313 282 205 .522 .183 .164 .887 .940 .992 DR Pro Drag Int. 1927 Rated Duration @ 1928 315 284 207 .523 .188 .169 .889 .941 .994 .020" Tappet Lift 1929 317 286 209 .524 .193 .173 .891 .943 .996 1930 319 288 211 .525 .198 .178 .893 .945 .998 1931 321 290 213 .526 .202 .183 .894 .947 .999 1932 323 292 215 .527 .207 .188 .896 .949 1.001 1933 325 294 217 .528 .212 .192 .898 .950 1.003 1934 327 296 219 .529 .217 .197 .899 .952 1.005 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration TS PRO ROLLERS The TS Pro Series is our most aggressive Pro Stock series to date with faster ramps than the DR Drag Series. These designs get from .020" to .050" tappet lift and back in only 30°, resulting in the quickest drag race rollers COMP Cams® has released. Excellent for Pro Stock-style drag racing applications. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1372 TS309 278 202 .535 .176 .157 TS Pro 1373 TS311 280 204 .537 .181 .162 Rated Duration @ TS313 282 206 .539 .186 .167 .020" Tappet Lift 1374 1375 TS315 284 208 .541 .191 .172 1376 TS317 286 210 .543 .196 .176 1377 TS319 288 212 .545 .201 .181 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .910 .913 .916 .920 .923 .927 1.8 .963 .967 .970 .974 .977 .981 1.9 1.017 1.020 1.024 1.028 1.032 1.036 TSP TSX PRO ROLLERS The TSP and TSX Rollers are very modern, all purpose drag race lobes based loosely on the High RPM TS Pro Stock Drag lobes but with slightly lower acceleration and lift. These are an excellent choice for 2.165" and smaller journal camshafts where very high lobe lift lobes can compromise the base circle diameter, core strength and stability under high loads. These have shorter seat timing than older Fuel/Blown ALC lobes but should be very good in their place if run with tighter lash. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 11124 TSP Pro Rated Duration @ 11126 .020" Tappet Lift 11128 11130 11132 318 322 326 330 334 @ .050 287 291 295 299 303 @ .200 209 213 217 221 225 .529 .531 .533 .535 .537 106° .191 .201 .211 .221 .231 110° .172 .182 .191 .201 .211 1.7 .899 .903 .906 .910 .913 1.8 .952 .956 .959 .963 .967 1.9 1.005 1.009 1.013 1.017 1.020 11145 11147 TPX Pro Rated Duration @ 11149 .020" Tappet Lift 11151 11153 330 334 338 342 346 297 301 305 309 313 216 220 224 228 232 .525 .527 .529 .531 .533 .209 .218 .228 .237 .246 .190 .199 .209 .218 .227 .893 .896 .899 .903 .906 .945 .949 .952 .956 .959 .998 1.001 1.005 1.009 1.013 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 85 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER DLB ROLLERS The DLB Rollers are very smooth, higher RPM profiles similar to both the TS and DRZ Drag profiles. These are a very good choice for any extremely high RPM drag racing application that require high lift, high RPM and a wide power range. Require high rate valve springs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12476 297 266 188 .519 .144 .127 12478 301 270 192 .525 .153 .135 DLB 12480 305 274 196 .531 .162 .144 Rated Duration @ 12482 309 278 200 .537 .171 .153 .020" Tappet Lift 12483 311 280 202 .540 .176 .158 12484 313 282 204 .543 .181 .162 12485 315 284 206 .546 .185 .167 12486 317 286 208 .549 .190 .171 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .830 .840 .850 .859 .864 .869 .874 .878 1.7 .882 .893 .903 .913 .918 .923 .928 .933 1.8 .934 .945 .956 .967 .972 .977 .983 .988 DNW ROLLERS The DNW Rollers are similar to the DLB Series but work well in longer endurance applications that use lower rate valve springs. Very good for short duration applications that operate under 9500 RPM. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.5 11890 296 265 190 .522 .145 .127 .783 11891 298 267 192 .524 .150 .131 .786 DNW 11892 300 269 194 .526 .154 .136 .789 Rated Duration @ 11902 300 269 194 .555 .155 .136 .833 .020" Tappet Lift 11903 302 271 196 .557 .159 .140 .836 11904 304 273 198 .559 .164 .145 .839 11906 308 277 202 .563 .174 .155 .845 11908 312 281 206 .567 .184 .164 .851 1.7 .887 .891 .894 .944 .947 .950 .957 .964 1.9 .992 .996 .999 1.055 1.058 1.062 1.070 1.077 DRZ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1975 306 275 200 .560 .168 .149 DRZ Pro Stock 1976 308 277 201 .562 .172 .154 Drag Rated Duration @ 1977 310 279 203 .564 .177 .158 .020" Tappet Lift 1978 312 281 205 .566 .182 .163 1979 314 283 206 .568 .186 .167 1980 316 285 208 .570 .191 .172 86 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.008 1.012 1.015 1.019 1.022 1.026 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.9 1.064 1.068 1.072 1.075 1.079 1.083 2.0 1.120 1.124 1.128 1.132 1.136 1.140 SOLID ROLLER These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 DQS Pro Stock 1939 309 279 204 .566 .180 .160 1.019 Drag Rated Duration @ 1943 311 281 206 .568 .185 .166 1.022 .020" Tappet Lift 1945 313 283 208 .570 .190 .170 1.026 1.9 1.075 1.079 1.083 2.0 1.132 1.136 1.140 SOLID ROLLER DQS PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS DRS DRAG ROLLERS The DRS Drag Rollers are the "evil cousin" of the DR drags. These are designed for very stiff valve train systems incorporating 60mm or larger cam journals. The major intensity of these are less than 30°, and these lobes provide more area under the curve than any previous designs. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRS Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1982 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 320 Duration in Degrees @ .050 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 291 @ .200 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 217 Lobe Lift .560 .563 .566 .569 .572 .575 .578 .581 .585 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .168 .173 .178 .183 .188 .193 .198 .203 .213 110° .148 .153 .158 .163 .167 .172 .177 .182 .192 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.008 1.013 1.019 1.024 1.030 1.035 1.040 1.046 1.053 1.9 1.064 1.070 1.075 1.081 1.087 1.093 1.098 1.104 1.112 2.0 1.120 1.126 1.132 1.138 1.144 1.150 1.156 1.162 1.170 RS DRAG INTAKE ROLLERS The RS Drag Intake Rollers are similar to the DR designs, except with slightly quicker opening, more lift and a new controlled velocity design. These will be excellent in high rocker/high lift/high RPM applications, such as Comp Eliminator and Pro Stock classes where cylinder heads require .900" to 1.050" valve lift to perform. For use with 2.125" or larger cam bearings. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1577 306 276 199 .532 .169 .151 1578 308 278 201 .534 .174 .155 RS Drag Int. 310 280 203 .536 .179 .160 Rated Duration @ 1579 .020" Tappet Lift 1580 312 282 205 .538 .183 .165 1581 314 284 207 .540 .188 .169 1582 316 286 209 .542 .193 .174 1585 318 288 211 .544 .198 .179 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .904 .908 .911 .915 .918 .921 .925 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.8 .958 .961 .965 .968 .972 .976 .979 1.9 1.011 1.015 1.018 1.022 1.026 1.030 1.034 87 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER DRD PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRD Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 302 304 306 308 310 Duration in Degrees @ .050 273 275 277 279 281 @ .200 200 202 204 206 208 Lobe Lift .572 .574 .576 .578 .580 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .170 .175 .180 .185 .190 110° .150 .155 .160 .165 .170 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.030 1.033 1.037 1.040 1.044 1.9 1.087 1.091 1.094 1.098 1.102 2.0 1.144 1.148 1.152 1.156 1.160 DRM PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRM Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2387 2390 2391 2399 2392 2393 303 305 307 308 309 311 Duration in Degrees @ .050 274 276 278 279 280 282 @ .200 202 204 206 207 208 210 Lobe Lift .570 .572 .574 .575 .576 .578 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .175 .180 .185 .188 .190 .196 110° .155 .160 .165 .167 .170 .175 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.026 1.030 1.033 1.035 1.037 1.040 1.9 1.083 1.087 1.091 1.093 1.094 1.098 2.0 1.140 1.144 1.148 1.150 1.152 1.156 DRI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS The DRI Pro Stock designs fill the gap between current Pro Stock and Mountain Motor designs. For 60mm+ journals and .850" roller wheels. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRI Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift DRI Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Higher Lift 88 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2037 2039 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 308 309 310 312 314 316 318 @ .050 279 280 281 283 285 287 289 @ .200 208 209 210 212 214 216 218 .575 .576 .577 .579 .581 .583 .585 106° .190 .192 .195 .200 .205 .211 .216 110° .169 .171 .174 .179 .184 .189 .195 1.8 1.035 1.037 1.039 1.042 1.046 1.049 1.053 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2299 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 .582 .584 .586 .588 .590 .592 .594 .596 .598 .185 .190 .195 .201 .206 .212 .217 .223 .229 .164 .169 .174 .179 .184 .190 .195 .201 .206 1.048 1.051 1.055 1.058 1.062 1.066 1.069 1.073 1.076 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.9 1.093 1.094 1.096 1.100 1.104 1.108 1.112 2.0 1.150 1.152 1.154 1.158 1.162 1.166 1.170 1.106 1.164 1.110 1.168 1.113 1.172 1.117 1.176 1.121 1.180 1.125 1.184 1.129 1.188 1.132 1.192 1.136 1.196 continued on page 89 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° DRI Pro Stock 1568 310 281 210 .632 .197 .175 Drag Rated Duration @ 1570 314 285 214 .636 .208 .186 .020" Tappet Lift 1572 318 289 218 .640 .220 .197 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.074 1.081 1.088 1.8 1.138 1.145 1.152 1.9 1.201 1.208 1.216 DRP PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. SOLID ROLLER DRI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.7 1.8 1.9 2385 309 281 210 .593 .195 .174 1.008 1.067 1.127 2586 311 283 212 .595 .201 .180 1.012 1.071 1.131 2587 313 285 214 .597 .206 .185 1.015 1.075 1.134 2588 315 287 216 .599 .212 .190 1.018 1.078 1.138 2589 317 289 218 .601 .217 .196 1.022 1.082 1.142 DRP Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift DRX DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The DRX Drag Exhaust lobes are a faster version of our XCX designs. They have a faster opening to increase torque and have more area under the curve. These work well with DRS intake lobes on 60mm or larger cores. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 1995 335 300 215 .529 .202 .185 .952 1.005 1.058 DRX Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ 1996 337 302 217 .531 .207 .189 .956 1.009 1.062 .020" Tappet Lift 1997 339 304 219 .533 .212 .193 .959 1.013 1.066 1998 341 306 221 .535 .216 .198 .963 1.017 1.070 1999 343 308 223 .537 .221 .202 .967 1.020 1.074 XK PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XK Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1734 1735 1723 1695 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 334 336 337 338 340 342 344 346 348 Duration in Degrees @ .050 297 299 300 301 303 305 307 309 311 @ .200 217 219 220 222 223 225 227 229 231 Lobe Lift .566 .566 .566 .566 .568 .570 .572 .574 .576 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .215 .220 .222 .225 .229 .234 .239 .244 .249 110° .194 .199 .202 .204 .208 .213 .218 .223 .228 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.019 1.019 1.019 1.019 1.022 1.026 1.030 1.033 1.037 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.9 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.075 1.079 1.083 1.087 1.091 1.094 2.0 1.132 1.132 1.132 1.132 1.136 1.140 1.144 1.148 1.152 89 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER XKL PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XKL Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1833 1834 1775 1835 1836 1837 1847 1848 1849 1858 1859 334 336 338 340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 Duration in Degrees @ .050 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 @ .200 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 Lobe Lift .588 .590 .592 .594 .596 .598 .600 .602 .604 .606 .608 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .220 .226 .231 .236 .242 .247 .253 .258 .264 .269 .275 110° .200 .205 .210 .215 .220 .226 .231 .236 .242 .247 .253 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.000 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.013 1.017 1.020 1.023 1.027 1.030 1.034 1.8 1.058 1.062 1.066 1.069 1.073 1.076 1.080 1.084 1.087 1.091 1.094 1.9 1.117 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.132 1.136 1.140 1.144 1.148 1.151 1.155 XK .635" PRO STOCK DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The XK Pro Stock Drag Exhaust lobes are a faster version of our XCX designs. The .635" lift series is optimized for big inch applications and 62.85 or 65mm journals. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XK .635" Pro Stock Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1562 1563 1564 1565 1569 1571 348 352 356 360 362 364 Duration in Degrees @ .050 311 315 319 323 325 327 @ .200 232 236 240 244 246 248 Lobe Lift .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .254 .264 .275 .286 .291 .296 110° .232 .242 .253 .264 .269 .274 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.9 1.143 1.143 1.143 1.143 1.143 1.143 2.0 1.207 1.207 1.207 1.207 1.207 1.207 XKH EXHAUST ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1789 356 322 245 .685 .293 .270 XKH Exh. Rated Duration @ 1792 360 326 249 .689 .304 .281 .020" Tappet Lift 1823 362 328 251 .691 .310 .287 1794 364 330 253 .693 .316 .292 1790 357 323 247 .700 .299 .276 90 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.165 1.171 1.175 1.178 1.190 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.8 1.233 1.240 1.244 1.247 1.260 1.9 1.302 1.309 1.313 1.317 1.330 SOLID ROLLER The XM Pro Exhaust profiles are similar to the XKX but have higher acceleration and more area. SOLID ROLLER XM PRO EXHAUST ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XM Pro Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2078 2079 2055 331 333 335 Duration in Degrees @ .050 296 298 300 @ .200 219 221 222 Lobe Lift .553 .555 .557 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .217 .222 .227 110° .197 .202 .206 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .940 .944 .947 1.8 .995 .999 1.003 1.90 1.051 1.055 1.058 ZLX PRO STOCK DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The ZLX Pro Stock Drag Exhaust Series is based off of the popular XKX Exhaust Series but is quicker off the seat. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration ZLX Pro Stock Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12823 12825 12827 12829 12831 12833 12835 12386 12837 12839 336 340 344 348 352 356 360 362 364 368 Duration in Degrees @ .050 303 307 311 315 319 323 327 329 331 335 @ .200 225 229 233 236 240 244 248 251 253 257 Lobe Lift .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 .570 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .233 .244 .254 .264 .274 .284 .294 .298 .303 .312 110° .213 .223 .234 .244 .254 .264 .274 .278 .283 .293 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.9 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 2.0 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 1.140 NX PRO STOCK DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 2577 332 301 224 .562 .230 .211 2578 334 303 226 .564 .235 .215 2579 336 305 228 .566 .240 .220 2580 338 307 230 .568 .246 .226 2581 340 309 232 .570 .251 .231 NX Pro Stock Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.012 1.015 1.019 1.022 1.026 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.9 1.068 1.072 1.075 1.079 1.083 2.0 1.124 1.128 1.132 1.136 1.140 91 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER NXX ROLLERS The NXX is similar to the XKX Drag Rollers but optimized for lower RPM applications. They work especially well in nitrous applications; the increased area under the curve (compared to most exhaust designs) reduces exhaust pumping losses. These asymmetric designs have lower opening acceleration to provide a wide power band and limit loading when opening against high cylinder pressures. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration NXX Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift NXH Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 11302 11304 11306 11308 11310 11312 11314 323 327 331 335 339 343 347 @ .050 292 296 300 304 308 312 316 @ .200 213 217 221 225 229 233 237 .516 .520 .524 .528 .532 .536 .540 106° .202 .211 .220 .229 .239 .248 .257 110° .183 .192 .183 .211 .220 .229 .239 1.6 .826 .832 .838 .845 .851 .858 .864 1.7 .877 .884 .891 .898 .904 .911 .918 1.8 .929 .936 .943 .950 .958 .965 .972 11340 11342 11344 11346 11348 341 345 349 353 357 310 314 318 322 326 231 235 239 243 247 .550 .554 .558 .562 .566 .247 .257 .266 .276 .285 .228 .237 .247 .257 .266 .880 .886 .893 .899 .906 .935 .942 .949 .955 .962 .990 .997 1.004 1.012 1.019 NXL 12338 355 325 250 .630 .302 .281 1.008 1.071 1.134 Rated Duration @ 357 327 252 .630 .307 .286 1.008 1.071 1.134 .020" Tappet Lift 12339 PRI PLI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS The PRI and PLI are great baseline Pro Stock intake style drag race roller lobes with excellent area under the curve and require less valve relief than lobes with similar ramp quickness and area. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 12416 12417 12418 PRI Pro Stock 12419 Drag 12420 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 @ .050 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 @ .200 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 .563 .565 .567 .569 .571 .573 .575 .577 .579 .581 .583 106° .153 .158 .163 .167 .172 .177 .182 .187 .192 .197 .202 110° .135 .139 .144 .148 .153 .158 .163 .167 .172 .177 .182 1.75 .985 .989 .992 .996 .999 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.013 1.017 1.020 1.85 1.042 1.045 1.049 1.053 1.056 1.060 1.064 1.067 1.071 1.075 1.079 1.95 1.098 1.102 1.106 1.110 1.113 1.117 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.133 1.137 12428 12429 12430 12431 12432 12433 12434 12435 12436 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 .613 .615 .617 .619 .621 .623 .625 .627 .629 .167 .172 .178 .183 .188 .193 .199 .204 .210 .147 .152 .157 .162 .167 .172 .178 .183 .188 .981 .984 .987 .990 .994 .997 1.000 1.003 1.006 1.042 1.046 1.049 1.052 1.056 1.059 1.063 1.066 1.069 1.103 1.107 1.111 1.114 1.118 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.132 PLI Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 92 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER The PRX and PLX are great baseline Pro Stock exhaust style drag race roller lobes with excellent area under the curve and require less valve relief than lobes with similar ramp quickness and area. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PRX Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12731 12733 12735 12736 12437 12439 12441 12443 12444 12445 12446 12447 12448 12449 12450 12451 305 309 313 315 317 321 325 329 331 333 335 337 339 341 343 345 Duration in Degrees @ .050 274 278 282 284 286 290 294 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 @ .200 197 201 205 207 209 213 217 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 Lobe Lift .540 .544 .548 .550 .552 .556 .560 .564 .566 .568 .570 .572 .574 .576 .578 .580 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .164 .174 .183 .188 .193 .203 .213 .223 .228 .234 .239 .244 .249 .254 .259 .264 110° .145 .155 .164 .169 .173 .183 .193 .203 .208 .213 .218 .223 .228 .233 .239 .244 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.75 .945 .952 .959 .963 .966 .973 .980 .987 .991 .994 .998 1.001 1.005 1.008 1.012 1.015 1.85 .999 1.006 1.014 1.018 1.021 1.029 1.036 1.043 1.047 1.051 1.055 1.058 1.062 1.066 1.069 1.073 1.95 1.053 1.061 1.069 1.073 1.076 1.084 1.092 1.100 1.104 1.108 1.112 1.115 1.119 1.123 1.127 1.131 SOLID ROLLER PRX PLX PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.6 1.7 1.8 12455 327 297 223 .608 .231 .209 .973 1.034 1.094 PLX Pro Stock 12456 329 299 225 .610 .237 .215 .976 1.037 1.098 Drag 12457 331 301 227 .612 .253 .231 .979 1.040 1.102 Rated Duration @ 12458 333 303 229 .614 .248 .226 .982 1.044 1.105 .020" Tappet Lift 12459 335 305 231 .616 .253 .231 .986 1.047 1.109 12460 337 307 233 .618 .259 .237 .989 1.051 1.112 12461 339 309 235 .620 .265 .242 .992 1.054 1.116 12462 341 311 237 .622 .270 .248 .995 1.057 1.120 12463 343 313 239 .624 .276 .253 .998 1.061 1.123 PRZ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PRZ Pro Stock 12470 Drag Rated Duration @ 12471 .020" Tappet Lift 12472 334 336 338 Duration in Degrees @ .050 304 306 308 @ .200 230 232 234 Lobe Lift .596 .598 .600 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .249 .255 .260 110° .228 .233 .238 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.013 1.017 1.020 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.8 1.073 1.076 1.080 1.9 1.132 1.136 1.140 93 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER PVX PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Like PLX but with some offset to increase PTV clearance by about .006" at the tappet on the exhaust. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.60 1.70 1.80 PVX Pro Stock 12776 328 299 226 .610 .231 .209 .976 1.037 1.098 Drag Rated Duration @ 12778 332 303 230 .614 .242 .220 .982 1.044 1.105 .020" Tappet Lift PZI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS The PZI series is a tweaked version of the PRI & PLI Series that should perform better in applications running very close to coil bind, but these do require just a bit more valve clearance. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .020 @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12722 302 274 202 .576 .175 .155 12723 304 276 204 .578 .180 .160 12724 306 278 206 .580 .185 .165 12725 308 280 208 .582 .190 .170 PZI Pro Stock 12726 310 282 210 .584 .196 .175 Drag 12727 312 284 212 .586 .201 .180 Rated Duration @ 12728 314 286 214 .588 .206 .185 .020" Tappet Lift 12842 302 274 202 .591 .175 .155 12843 304 276 204 .593 .180 .160 12844 306 278 206 .595 .185 .165 12850 302 274 202 .606 .175 .155 12851 304 276 204 .608 .180 .160 12852 306 278 206 .610 .185 .165 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .979 .983 .986 .989 .993 .996 1.000 1.005 1.008 1.012 1.030 1.034 1.037 1.8 1.037 1.040 1.044 1.048 1.051 1.055 1.058 1.064 1.067 1.071 1.091 1.094 1.098 1.9 1.094 1.098 1.102 1.106 1.110 1.113 1.117 1.123 1.127 1.131 1.151 1.155 1.159 SPH & SPI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS The SPH and SPI Series have similar duration numbers across the board as the PRI series but have high peak positive acceleration. These may make just a bit more power but also take up a bit more room. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 12254 SPH Pro Stock Drag 12255 Rated Duration @ 12256 .020" Tappet Lift 12257 12258 303 305 307 309 311 @ .050 275 277 279 281 283 @ .200 203 205 207 209 211 .569 .571 .573 .575 .577 106° .177 .183 .188 .193 .198 110° .157 .162 .167 .173 .178 1.8 1.024 1.028 1.031 1.035 1.039 12214 SPI Pro Stock 12215 Drag Rated Duration @ 12216 .020" Tappet Lift 12217 303 305 307 309 275 277 279 281 203 205 207 209 .577 .579 .581 .583 .178 .183 .188 .193 .158 .163 .167 .173 1.039 1.042 1.046 1.049 94 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.9 1.081 1.085 1.089 1.093 1.096 2.0 1.138 1.142 1.146 1.150 1.154 1.096 1.154 1.100 1.158 1.104 1.162 1.108 1.166 continued on page 95 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio SPI Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 12218 311 283 211 .585 .198 .178 1.053 12219 313 285 213 .587 .204 .183 1.057 12220 315 287 215 .589 .209 .188 1.060 1.9 1.112 1.115 1.119 2.0 1.170 1.174 1.178 SOLID ROLLER SPH & SPI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS cont. SPX PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 12221 328 292 211 .555 .199 .180 .999 1.055 1.110 12222 330 294 213 .557 .204 .185 1.003 1.058 1.114 SPX Pro Stock 12223 332 296 215 .559 .209 .189 1.006 1.062 1.118 Drag 12224 334 298 217 .561 .214 .194 1.010 1.066 1.122 Rated Duration @ 336 300 219 .563 .219 .199 1.013 1.070 1.126 .020" Tappet Lift 12225 12226 338 302 221 .565 .224 .204 1.017 1.074 1.130 12227 340 304 223 .567 .229 .209 1.021 1.077 1.134 12228 342 306 225 .569 .234 .214 1.024 1.081 1.138 12229 344 308 227 .571 .239 .219 1.028 1.085 1.142 XCM PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° XCM Pro Stock 12398 341 306 228 .601 .242 .221 Drag Rated Duration @ 12402 343 308 230 .603 .248 .226 .020" Tappet Lift 12403 345 310 232 .605 .253 .231 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.082 1.085 1.089 1.9 1.142 1.146 1.150 2.0 1.202 1.206 1.210 FPJ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FPJ Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12488 12489 12490 302 304 306 Duration in Degrees @ .050 275 277 279 @ .200 206 208 210 Lobe Lift .596 .598 .600 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .184 .190 .195 110° .163 .168 .173 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.013 1.017 1.020 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.8 1.073 1.076 1.080 1.9 1.132 1.136 1.140 95 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER XNR ROLLERS New exhaust profile like PRX but with almost no ramp. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12804 XNR Rated Duration @ 12805 .020" Tappet Lift 12806 12807 12808 331 333 335 337 339 Duration in Degrees @ .050 300 302 304 306 308 @ .200 223 225 227 229 231 Lobe Lift .588 .590 .592 .594 .596 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .229 .234 .240 .245 .250 110° .208 .214 .219 .224 .229 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.000 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.013 1.8 1.058 1.062 1.066 1.069 1.073 1.9 1.117 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.132 XRX PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XRX Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2383 2384 2369 331 333 335 Duration in Degrees @ .050 300 302 304 @ .200 224 226 228 Lobe Lift .565 .567 .569 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .231 .237 .242 110° .211 .216 .221 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .961 .964 .967 1.8 1.017 1.021 1.024 1.9 1.074 1.077 1.081 PVS PRO STOCK DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.75 1.85 PVS Pro Stock 12474 334 300 220 .560 .219 .200 .980 1.036 Drag Exh. Rated Duration @ 12475 336 302 222 .562 .224 .204 .984 1.040 .020" Tappet Lift 12467 338 304 224 .564 .229 .209 .987 1.043 1.95 1.092 1.096 1.100 ZZX PRO STOCK DRAG EXHAUST ROLLERS The ZZX Exhaust lobes have a special ramp offset to give slightly more piston to valve clearance while otherwise behaving very much like the fast ramp PZN series. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12951 326 298 226 .576 .234 .212 ZZX Pro Stock 12952 328 300 228 .578 .239 .217 Drag Exh. 330 302 230 .580 .245 .222 Rated Duration @ 12953 12954 332 304 232 .582 .250 .228 .020" Tappet Lift 12955 334 306 234 .584 .255 .234 96 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.75 1.008 1.012 1.015 1.019 1.022 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.85 1.066 1.069 1.073 1.077 1.080 1.95 1.123 1.127 1.131 1.135 1.139 SOLID ROLLER Lower ratio intake design for 70mm, 75mm or 78mm effective journal size cams and low (1.5:1 to 1.7 ratios). Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 11080 312 284 215 .718 .209 .186 11081 314 286 217 .720 .215 .192 11082 316 288 219 .722 .221 .197 11083 318 290 221 .724 .228 .203 11084 320 292 223 .726 .234 .209 PIC Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 1.077 1.080 1.083 1.086 1.089 1.6 1.149 1.152 1.155 1.158 1.162 1.7 1.221 1.224 1.227 1.231 1.234 SOLID ROLLER PIC PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS PXC PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Lower ratio exhaust design for 70mm, 75mm or 78mm effective journal size cams and low (1.5:1 to 1.7) ratios. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 11090 348 314 238 .698 .276 .252 11091 350 316 240 .700 .282 .258 11092 352 318 242 .702 .288 .264 11093 354 320 244 .704 .294 .270 11094 356 322 246 .706 .300 .276 PXC Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 1.047 1.050 1.053 1.056 1.059 1.6 1.117 1.120 1.123 1.126 1.130 1.7 1.187 1.190 1.193 1.197 1.200 PZN PZJ PYJ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 12538 12539 12541 12542 PZN Pro Stock 12544 Drag Rated Duration @ 12545 .020" Tappet Lift 12546 12547 12548 12549 12551 12590 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 336 @ .050 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 307 @ .200 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 234 .561 .563 .565 .567 .569 .571 .573 .575 .577 .579 .581 .595 106° .214 .219 .224 .230 .235 .240 .245 .251 .256 .261 .266 .258 110° .193 .198 .203 .209 .214 .219 .224 .229 .235 .240 .245 .237 1.75 .982 .985 .989 .992 .996 .999 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.013 1.017 1.041 1.85 1.038 1.042 1.045 1.049 1.053 1.056 1.060 1.064 1.067 1.071 1.075 1.101 1.95 1.094 1.098 1.102 1.106 1.110 1.113 1.117 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.133 1.160 12605 12606 PZJ Pro Stock 12607 Drag 12619 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12620 12621 12629 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 .569 .571 .573 .575 .577 .579 .581 .227 .232 .238 .242 .248 .253 .259 .206 .212 .217 .222 .227 .232 .238 .996 .999 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.013 1.017 1.053 1.056 1.060 1.064 1.067 1.071 1.075 1.110 1.113 1.117 1.121 1.125 1.129 1.133 continued on page 98 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 97 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER PZN PZJ PYJ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PYJ Pro Stock 12611 Drag 12623 Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12624 12625 12626 329 331 333 335 337 Duration in Degrees @ .050 299 301 303 305 307 @ .200 223 225 227 229 231 Lobe Lift .569 .571 .573 .575 .577 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .225 .230 .235 .241 .246 110° .205 .210 .215 .220 .225 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.75 .996 .999 1.003 1.006 1.010 1.85 1.053 1.056 1.060 1.064 1.067 1.95 1.110 1.113 1.117 1.121 1.125 DKN PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 11258 11259 DKN Pro Stock 11260 Drag Rated Duration @ 11261 .020" Tappet Lift 11262 11263 11265 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 Duration in Degrees @ .050 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 @ .200 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 Lobe Lift .583 .585 .587 .589 .591 .593 .595 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .171 .176 .181 .187 .192 .198 .203 110° .150 .155 .160 .166 .171 .176 .182 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.049 1.053 1.057 1.060 1.064 1.067 1.071 1.9 1.108 1.112 1.115 1.119 1.123 1.127 1.131 2.0 1.166 1.170 1.174 1.178 1.182 1.186 1.190 FPI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12044 FPI Pro Stock 12045 Drag Rated Duration @ 12046 .020" Tappet Lift 12047 12048 304 306 308 310 312 Duration in Degrees @ .050 276 278 280 282 284 @ .200 206 208 210 212 214 Lobe Lift .612 .614 .616 .618 .620 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .183 .188 .194 .199 .205 110° .162 .167 .172 .178 .183 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.040 1.044 1.047 1.051 1.054 1.8 1.102 1.105 1.109 1.112 1.116 1.9 1.163 1.167 1.170 1.174 1.178 SXZ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° SXZ Pro Stock 12795 333 305 232 .577 .251 .230 Drag Rated Duration @ 12796 335 307 234 .579 .256 .235 .020" Tappet Lift 12797 337 309 236 .581 .261 .241 98 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.039 1.042 1.046 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.9 1.096 1.100 1.104 2.0 1.154 1.158 1.162 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration HDZ Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 11230 11231 11232 11236 303 305 307 303 Duration in Degrees @ .050 275 277 279 275 Lobe Lift @ .200 204 206 208 204 .579 .581 .583 .605 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .179 .184 .189 .180 110° .158 .163 .168 .159 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.042 1.046 1.049 1.089 1.9 1.100 1.104 1.108 1.150 2.0 1.158 1.162 1.166 1.210 SOLID ROLLER HDZ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS PSB PRO MOD DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 12399 12341 PSB Pro Mod 12342 Drag Rated Duration @ 12343 .020" Tappet Lift 12344 11352 11353 11354 314 316 318 320 324 318 320 324 Duration in Degrees @ .050 285 287 289 291 293 289 291 293 Lobe Lift @ .200 213 215 217 219 221 217 219 221 .656 .658 .660 .662 .664 .688 .690 .692 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .204 .209 .215 .221 .227 .216 .222 .227 110° .182 .187 .193 .198 .204 .193 .199 .204 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.181 1.184 1.188 1.192 1.195 1.238 1.242 1.246 1.9 1.246 1.250 1.254 1.258 1.262 1.307 1.311 1.315 2.0 1.312 1.316 1.320 1.324 1.328 1.376 1.380 1.384 XMZ PRO MOD DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° XMZ Pro Mod 12367 357 329 258 .635 .333 Drag Rated Duration @ 12368 359 331 260 .637 .337 .020" Tappet Lift 12369 361 333 263 .639 .343 12387 357 329 259 .660 .335 110° .310 .315 .321 .312 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.143 1.147 1.150 1.188 1.9 1.207 1.210 1.214 1.254 2.0 1.270 1.274 1.278 1.320 DJP ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 11268 296 270 202 .611 .172 .151 DJP Rated Duration @ 11269 298 272 204 .613 .178 .156 .020" Tappet Lift 11270 300 274 206 .615 .183 .161 11271 302 276 208 .617 .188 .167 11272 304 278 210 .619 .194 .172 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .917 .920 .923 .926 .929 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.7 1.039 1.042 1.046 1.049 1.052 1.9 1.161 1.165 1.169 1.172 1.176 99 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER PSA PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12330 313 284 211 .632 .198 .177 PSA Pro Stock Drag 12331 315 286 213 .634 .203 .182 Rated Duration @ 12332 317 288 215 .636 .209 .187 .020" Tappet Lift 12333 319 290 217 .638 .215 .193 12334 321 292 219 .640 .220 .197 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.138 1.141 1.145 1.148 1.152 1.9 1.201 1.205 1.208 1.212 1.216 2.0 1.264 1.268 1.272 1.276 1.280 PVI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .020 @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° PVI Pro 12488 302 275 206 .596 .184 .163 Stock Drag Rated Duration @ 12489 304 277 208 .598 .190 .168 .020" Tappet Lift 12490 306 279 210 .600 .195 .173 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 1.013 1.017 1.020 1.8 1.073 1.076 1.080 1.9 1.132 1.136 1.140 DXP PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 12114 334 304 228 .566 .241 .221 12116 338 308 232 .570 .251 .231 12117 340 310 234 .572 .257 .236 12118 342 312 236 .574 .262 .241 DXP Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7 .962 .969 .972 .976 1.8 1.019 1.026 1.030 1.033 1.9 1.075 1.083 1.087 1.091 XCH PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° XCH Pro 11282 328 300 227 .562 .239 .218 Stock Drag Rated Duration @ 11283 330 302 229 .564 .244 .223 .020" Tappet Lift 11284 332 304 231 .566 .249 .229 100 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.012 1.015 1.019 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.9 1.068 1.072 1.075 2.0 1.124 1.128 1.132 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 DKL Pro 2430 301 272 201 .578 .171 .151 1.040 1.098 1.156 Stock Drag Rated Duration @ 2419 303 274 203 .581 .176 .156 1.046 1.104 1.162 .020" Tappet Lift 2420 305 276 205 .584 .182 .161 1.051 1.110 1.168 TDS PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS SOLID ROLLER DKL PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 TDS Pro 12066 305 276 202 .569 .176 .156 1.024 1.081 1.138 Stock Drag Rated Duration @ 12067 307 278 204 .571 .181 .161 1.028 1.085 1.142 .020" Tappet Lift 12068 309 280 206 .573 .186 .166 1.031 1.089 1.146 TXJ PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 TXJ Pro Stock 12072 330 297 218 .551 .214 .194 .992 1.047 Drag Rated Duration @ 12073 332 299 220 .553 .219 .199 .995 1.051 .020" Tappet Lift 12074 334 301 222 .555 .224 .204 .999 1.055 2.0 1.102 1.106 1.110 JI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 2.0 301 274 205 .574 .180 .159 1.033 1.091 1.148 JI Pro Stock Drag 12390 Rated Duration @ 12391 303 276 207 .576 .186 .164 1.037 1.094 1.152 .020" Tappet Lift 12392 305 278 209 .578 .191 .170 1.040 1.098 1.156 PNI PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PNI Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 315 317 319 321 323 Duration in Degrees @ .050 286 288 290 292 294 @ .200 215 217 219 221 223 Lobe Lift .628 .630 .632 .634 .636 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .208 .214 .220 .225 .231 110° .186 .192 .197 .203 .208 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.130 1.134 1.138 1.141 1.145 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.9 1.193 1.197 1.201 1.205 1.208 2.0 1.256 1.260 1.264 1.268 1.272 101 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER PNX PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PNX Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 355 357 359 361 363 Duration in Degrees @ .050 323 325 327 329 331 @ .200 245 247 249 251 253 Lobe Lift .599 .601 .603 .605 .607 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .286 .291 .296 .301 .306 110° .266 .271 .276 .281 .286 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.078 1.082 1.085 1.089 1.093 1.9 1.138 1.142 1.146 1.150 1.153 2.0 1.198 1.202 1.206 1.210 1.214 PRO MOD EXHAUST ROLLERS The Pro Mod Exhaust Series is very similar to the original High RPM Exhaust Series but with higher lifts and larger durations. These are excellent for either Mountain Motors or Pro Mod applications where more time and more area are required to scavenge the cylinder. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Pro Mod Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1181 1183 1185 1187 1189 352 356 360 364 368 Duration in Degrees @ .050 312 316 320 324 328 @ .200 226 228 232 235 240 Lobe Lift .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .231 .235 .244 .250 .259 110° .212 .217 .226 .233 .242 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.6 .816 .816 .816 .816 .816 1.7 .867 .867 .867 .867 .867 1.8 .918 .918 .918 .918 .918 DRP DJP XNP PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS These profiles are high RPM Pro Stock designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRP Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift DJP Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 102 Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2385 2586 2587 2588 2589 309 311 313 315 317 @ .050 281 283 285 287 289 @ .200 210 212 214 216 218 .593 .595 .597 .599 .601 106° .195 .201 .206 .212 .217 110° .174 .180 .185 .190 .196 1.7 1.008 1.012 1.015 1.018 1.022 11268 11269 11270 11271 11272 11288 296 298 300 302 304 303 @ .050 270 272 274 276 278 277 @ .200 202 204 206 208 210 210 .611 .613 .615 .617 .619 .620 106° .172 .178 .183 .188 .194 .193 110° .151 .156 .161 .167 .172 .171 1.5 .917 .920 .923 .926 .929 .930 1.8 1.067 1.071 1.075 1.078 1.082 1.9 1.127 1.131 1.134 1.138 1.142 1.7 1.9 1.039 1.161 1.042 1.165 1.046 1.169 1.049 1.172 1.052 1.176 1.054 1.178 continued on page 103 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 SOLID ROLLER Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration XNP Pro Stock Drag Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 11277 11278 11279 333 335 337 Duration in Degrees @ .050 304 306 308 @ .200 229 231 233 Lobe Lift .608 .610 .612 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .244 .250 .255 110° .223 .228 .233 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.094 1.098 1.102 1.9 1.155 1.159 1.163 2.0 1.216 1.220 1.224 SOLID ROLLER DRP DJP XNP PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS cont. XCM PRO STOCK DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio @ .050 @ .200 106° 110° 1.8 1.9 XCM Pro Stock 12398 341 306 228 .601 .242 .221 1.082 1.142 Drag Rated Duration @ 12402 343 308 230 .603 .248 .226 1.085 1.146 .020" Tappet Lift 12403 345 310 232 .605 .253 .231 1.089 1.150 2.0 1.202 1.206 1.210 DRX DRAG RACE EXHAUST ROLLERS The DRX Drag Race Exhaust lobes are a faster version of our XCX designs. They have a faster opening to increase torque and have more area under the curve. These work well with DRS intake lobes on 60mm or larger cores. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration DRX Drag Race Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 335 337 339 341 343 Duration in Degrees @ .050 300 302 304 306 308 @ .200 215 217 219 221 223 Lobe Lift .529 .531 .533 .535 .537 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .202 .207 .212 .216 .221 110° .185 .189 .193 .198 .202 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 .952 .956 .959 .963 .967 1.9 1.005 1.009 1.013 1.017 1.020 2.0 1.058 1.062 1.066 1.070 1.074 XMZ XJZ PRO MOD EXHAUST DRAG ROLLERS Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees 1.9 1.207 1.210 1.214 1.254 1.258 1.262 1.269 2.0 1.270 1.274 1.278 1.320 1.324 1.328 1.336 XJZ Pro Mod. 14040 354 324 250 .642 .303 .281 Exh. 14042 358 328 254 .644 .313 .291 Rated Duration @ 362 332 258 .646 .324 .302 .020" Tappet Lift 14044 1.156 1.159 1.220 1.224 1.284 1.288 1.163 1.227 1.292 .635 .637 .639 .660 .662 .664 .668 106° .333 .337 .343 .335 .340 .346 .358 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.8 1.143 1.147 1.150 1.188 1.192 1.195 1.202 357 359 361 357 359 361 365 @ .200 258 260 263 259 261 263 267 Tappet Lift @ TDC 110° .310 .315 .321 .312 .317 .323 .334 12367 12368 XMZ Pro Mod 12369 Exh. Rated Duration @ 12387 .020" Tappet Lift 12388 12389 12401 @ .050 329 331 333 329 331 333 337 Lobe Lift W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 103 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER UDR FUEL & ALC INTAKE ROLLERS The UDR designs take advantage of our latest design techniques for Chrysler Hemi drag racing classes. These will provide higher lift and more area than older designs while improving stability for higher RPM operation with the Hemi-style valve train geometry. For 2.124"+ journals and .800"+ roller wheels. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration UDR Fuel & ALC Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2067 2068 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 306 310 314 318 322 326 330 Duration in Degrees @ .050 273 277 281 285 289 293 297 Lobe Lift @ .200 192 196 199 203 207 211 215 .520 .523 .526 .526 .526 .526 .526 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .154 .162 .171 .180 .189 .199 .208 110° .137 .145 .153 .162 .171 .180 .189 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .874 .879 .884 .884 .884 .884 .884 1.73 .900 .905 .910 .910 .910 .910 .910 1.78 .926 .931 .936 .936 .936 .936 .936 FDR FUEL & ALC INTAKE ROLLERS The FDR designs are similar to the UDR designs but have more lift and faster ramps. These are designed for slightly lower RPM than the UDR series but should be stable in most applications. For 2.124"+ journals and .800"+ roller wheels. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FDR Fuel & ALC Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2094 319 323 327 331 333 335 Duration in Degrees @ .050 287 291 295 299 301 303 Lobe Lift @ .200 207 211 215 219 221 223 .536 .536 .536 .536 .536 .536 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .187 .197 .206 .216 .221 .226 110° .169 .178 .187 .197 .202 .206 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .900 .900 .900 .900 .900 .900 1.73 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 .927 1.78 .954 .954 .954 .954 .954 .954 FCX FUEL & ALC EXHAUST ROLLERS The FCX designs are based on our popular XCX exhaust designs but have limited opening acceleration to accommodate the increased cylinder pressures seen at exhaust opening in these applications. These will work on the intake side but are optimized for the exhaust. For 2.124"+ journals and .800"+ roller wheels. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FCX Fuel & ALC Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 104 2171 2169 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 316 320 324 328 332 336 340 344 Duration in Degrees @ .050 277 281 285 289 293 297 301 305 @ .200 191 195 199 203 207 211 215 219 Lobe Lift .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 .512 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .154 .163 .171 .180 .189 .198 .206 .215 110° .138 .146 .154 .162 .171 .180 .188 .197 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .860 .860 .860 .860 .860 .860 .860 .860 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 1.73 .886 .886 .886 .886 .886 .886 .886 .886 1.78 .911 .911 .911 .911 .911 .911 .911 .911 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER EF FUEL & ALC INTAKE ROLLERS These profiles are Top Fuel designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration EF Fuel & ALC Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2096 2097 2098 2099 329 329 335 335 Duration in Degrees @ .050 295 295 301 301 @ .200 211 212 217 218 Lobe Lift .475 .500 .475 .500 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .198 .200 .210 .213 110° .180 .182 .193 .195 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .798 .840 .798 .840 1.73 .822 .865 .822 .865 1.78 .846 .890 .846 .890 FLI FUEL INTAKE ROLLERS These profiles are Top Fuel designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FLI Fuel Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 2114 2115 2116 329 333 337 Duration in Degrees @ .050 296 300 304 @ .200 214 218 221 Lobe Lift .513 .515 .517 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .203 .212 .221 110° .185 .194 .202 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .862 .865 .869 1.73 .887 .891 .894 1.78 .913 .917 .920 FLX FUEL EXHAUST ROLLERS These profiles are Top Fuel designs for use in modern professional drag race classes. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Tappet Lift @ TDC @ .050 @ .200 106° 2138 333 298 213 .510 .203 FLX Fuel Exh. Rated Duration @ 2139 337 302 217 .512 .212 .020" Tappet Lift 2140 341 306 221 .514 .221 110° .186 .195 .203 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.68 .857 .860 .864 1.73 .882 .886 .889 1.78 .908 .911 .915 NFV TOP FUEL PRO DRAG ROLLERS (2012/2013) Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration NFV Pro Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 14154 14155 14156 14157 14158 332 333 334 335 336 Duration in Degrees @ .050 300 301 302 303 304 @ .200 217 218 219 220 221 Lobe Lift .500 .501 .502 .503 .504 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .213 .216 .218 .220 .222 110° .196 .198 .200 .203 .205 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.70 .850 .852 .853 .855 .857 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 1.75 1.80 .875 .900 .877 .902 .879 .904 .880 .905 .882 .907 continued on page 106 105 SOLID ROLLER SOLID ROLLER NFV TOP FUEL PRO DRAG ROLLERS (2012/2013) cont. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration NFV Pro Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 14164 14165 14166 14167 14168 Duration in Degrees @ .050 300 301 302 303 304 332 333 334 335 336 @ .200 217 218 219 220 221 Lobe Lift .514 .515 .516 .517 .518 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .214 .216 .218 .221 .223 110° .197 .199 .201 .203 .205 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.70 .874 .876 .877 .879 .881 1.75 .900 .901 .903 .905 .907 1.80 .925 .927 .929 .931 .932 CHRYSLER SPECIAL RACE ROLLERS These designs are for Chryslers only. The "Special Roller" offers a variety of lobes used primarily on 383-426W-426 Hemis and 440 motors in Super Street, Super Stock, Pro Stock and Alcohol burning Hemis. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Chrysler Specials Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 1661 1625 1634 4248 4083 1642 1635 1491 1649 1650 1662 314-1 320-8 327-2 324-8 333-1 330-9 327-3 331-3 335-4 336-3 342-4 Duration in Degrees @ .050 274 282 286 286 292 292 290 294 294 298 304 @ .200 190 202 198 204 202 208 206 208 212 214 217 Lobe Lift .480 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .485 .485 .485 .500 .500 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .148 .179 .175 .186 .174 .193 .186 .191 .199 .204 .214 110° .132 .161 .159 .167 .168 .176 .169 .174 .183 .186 .197 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .720 .750 .750 .750 .750 .750 .728 .728 .728 .750 .750 1.6 .768 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .776 .776 .776 .800 .800 1.7 .816 .850 .850 .850 .850 .850 .825 .825 .825 .850 .850 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER)ER) FORD MODULAR XTREME ENERGY™ 4.6 & 5.4L − SOHC or DOHC These profiles are developed for use in Ford Modular engines. The .550" versions are more aggressive off the seat and have more area. The .500" lift versions will work in ‘98 and earlier SOHC engines without cylinder head modifications. They also work very well in DOCH applications that have been modified to accept .500" valve lift. The .425" versions are best suited DOHC applications with ‘99 or later PI cylinder heads and can be used with stock valve train. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve, lifter and rocker arm geometry. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration XE F4.6 Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Valve Lift Given w/ Stock Geometry 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 254 258 262 266 270 106 Duration in Degrees @ .050 218 222 226 230 234 @ .200 164 171 177 179 182 Lobe Lift .236 .236 .236 .236 .236 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 Valve Lift .425 .425 .425 .425 .425 continued on page 107 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) FORD MODULAR XTREME ENERGY™ 4.6 & 5.4L − SOHC or DOHC cont. Camshaft Type XE F4.6 Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Valve Lift Given w/ Stock Geometry Lobe # Rated Duration 9245 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9254 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 274 256 260 264 268 272 276 258 262 266 270 274 278 254 262 268 270 274 278 262 266 270 274 278 282 286 290 Duration in Degrees @ .050 238 220 224 228 232 236 240 222 226 230 234 238 242 216 224 230 232 236 240 226 230 234 238 242 246 250 254 @ .200 186 165 168 172 176 179 183 169 172 176 180 183 186 164 171 177 179 182 186 177 181 185 189 192 196 199 203 Lobe Lift Valve Lift .236 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .263 .263 .263 .263 .263 .263 .274 .274 .274 .274 .274 .274 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .425 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .475 .475 .475 .475 .475 .475 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .550 .550 .550 .550 .550 .550 .550 .550 MODULAR STOCKER Camshaft Type SE Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Lobe # Rated Duration 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 19307 19305 19291 19292 19306 19295 19296 268 276 282 288 294 296 300 273 286 290 294 299 260 268 Duration in Degrees @ .050 235 243 249 255 261 263 267 239 253 257 261 265 227 235 @ .200 178 185 191 198 204 206 210 183 196 200 205 209 170 178 Lobe Lift Valve Lift .217 .217 .217 .217 .217 .217 .217 .225 .225 .225 .225 .225 .230 .230 .387 .387 .387 .387 .387 .387 .387 .402 .402 .402 .402 .402 .412 .412 continued on page 108 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 107 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) MODULAR STOCKER cont. Camshaft Type SE Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Lobe # Rated Duration 19301 19297 19293 19294 9298 9299 19298 19299 19300 9300 9283 9284 9303 9301 9304 9302 9306 9307 9371 9373 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 19314 19315 272 276 290 294 298 308 260 268 276 268 270 272 274 278 284 288 292 294 298 302 286 288 290 292 296 300 296 300 Duration in Degrees @ .050 239 243 257 261 265 275 227 235 243 235 237 239 241 245 251 255 259 261 265 269 253 255 257 259 263 267 263 267 @ .200 182 186 201 205 209 219 172 180 188 182 285 187 189 192 198 202 206 208 212 216 201 203 205 207 211 215 212 215 Lobe Lift Valve Lift .230 .230 .230 .230 .230 .230 .244 .244 .244 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .262 .282 .282 .282 .282 .282 .282 .302 .302 .412 .412 .412 .412 .412 .412 .438 .438 .438 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .472 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .510 .550 .550 MHS MODULAR STOCKER Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift @ .050 @ .200 MHS Rated Duration @ 19235 290 248 195 .276 .006" Valve Lift 19236 294 252 197 .276 .500 .500 Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration TECH SUPPORT OPTIONS Contact us by any of the means listed below to speak with one of our highly trained technical staff members who can help you select the proper camshaft and matching valve train components. Phone 1.800.999.0853 108 Forums Email & Chat 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 Twitter @CPGTech OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) The MH Series designs are for Ford Modular 2V & 4V race type applications. These can be used either with a standard hydraulic lash adjuster or a solid adjuster conversion. In solid applications, the recommended lash is .010" to .016" at the valve tip or .006" to .010" in between the cam and roller follower. These are stable at higher engine speeds than the standard street lobe profiles but do not have long street style closing ramps for idle noise reduction. Cylinder head modifications are highly recommended to take advantage of the additional lift. Camshaft Type XE F4.6 .940" BCR Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Lobe # Gross Valve Lift 19262 19263 19264 19265 19266 19267 19268 19269 19370 19370 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 .585 Duration in Degrees @ .006 278 282 286 290 294 298 302 306 314 314 @ .050 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 264 272 272 Valve Lift @ TDC @ .200 183 187 191 195 199 203 207 211 218 218 106° .105 .117 .129 .142 .155 .168 .182 .195 .221 .221 110° .083 .094 .105 .117 .129 .142 .155 .168 .194 .194 Checking Duration Lobe Lift @ .050/.750 Wheel 218 222 226 230 234 238 242 246 254 254 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 .320 19272 .625 278 236 183 .105 .083 218 19273 .625 282 240 187 .117 .094 222 19274 .625 286 244 191 .129 .105 226 19275 .625 290 248 195 .142 .117 230 XE F4.6 19276 .625 294 252 199 .155 .129 234 .920" BCR Rated Duration @ 19277 .625 298 256 203 .169 .142 238 .006" Valve Lift 19278 .625 302 260 207 .183 .156 242 19279 .625 306 264 211 .197 .169 246 19280 .625 310 268 215 .210 .183 250 19380 .625 314 272 219 .224 .196 254 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 .341 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) MH 2V & 4V MODULAR RACE FORD MODULAR XTREME ENERGY™ 4.6 & 5.4L − 3V These profiles are developed for use in 3V Ford Modular engines. Note that the effective rocker ratio is much higher in this application than in the 2V or 4V. The base circles are also smaller, hence the other profiles are not recommended in 3V applications. Also, these 3V intake profiles are quicker than the exhaust due to the much lighter valves. Duration in Degrees Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration XE 3V Mod Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 9234 9236 9237 9238 9239 253 261 265 269 273 @ .050 214 222 226 230 234 XE 3V Mod Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 9246 9247 9248 9251 9252 270 274 278 282 286 227 231 235 239 243 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Valve Lift Lobe Lift @ .200 161 169 173 177 181 .480 .490 .500 .510 .520 .236 .241 .246 .251 .255 2.0 .472 .482 .492 .502 .510 169 173 177 181 185 .470 .475 .480 .485 .490 .234 .235 .237 .240 .243 .468 .470 .474 .480 .486 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 2.05 .484 .494 .504 .515 .523 2.1 .496 .506 .517 .527 .536 .480 .491 .482 .494 .486 .498 .492 .504 .498 .510 continued on page 110 109 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) FORD MODULAR XTREME ENERGY™ 4.6 & 5.4L − 3V cont. Duration in Degrees Lobe # Rated Duration 19202 19203 19204 19205 19207 19209 253 257 261 265 273 281 @ .050 214 218 222 226 234 242 XE 3V LL Mod Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 19213 19214 19215 19216 270 274 278 282 XE 3V LL THMP-X Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Faster Intake 19221 19223 19225 19194 XE 3V TVK Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift XE 3V TVK Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Camshaft Type XE 3V LL Mod Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Valve Lift Lobe Lift @ .200 160 163 167 171 179 186 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .222 .222 .222 .222 .222 .222 2.0 .444 .444 .444 .444 .444 .444 2.05 .455 .455 .455 .455 .455 .455 2.1 .466 .466 .466 .466 .466 .466 227 231 235 239 169 173 176 180 .450 .450 .450 .450 .223 .223 .223 .223 .446 .446 .446 .446 .457 .457 .457 .457 .468 .468 .468 .468 298 306 314 264 246 254 262 228 186 193 201 176 .450 .450 .450 .500 .223 .223 .223 .246 .446 .446 .446 .492 .457 .457 .457 .504 .468 .468 .468 .517 19240 19242 19244 19246 256 264 272 280 221 229 237 245 171 179 187 195 .523 .535 .547 .559 .256 .262 .267 .273 .512 .524 .534 .546 .525 .537 .547 .560 .538 .550 .561 .573 19251 19253 19254 19255 19256 19258 267 275 279 283 287 295 228 236 240 244 248 256 176 184 188 192 195 203 .538 .550 .555 .560 .560 .560 .265 .271 .273 .275 .275 .275 .530 .542 .546 .550 .550 .550 .543 .556 .560 .564 .564 .564 .557 .569 .573 .578 .578 .578 FORD MODULAR RSS RACE − 3V Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration XE 3V RSS Int. Solid Rated Duration @ .010" Valve Lift 19400 19402 19404 298 306 314 Duration in Degrees @ .050 260 268 276 @ .200 204 212 220 Valve Lift Lobe Lift .650 .650 .650 .316 .316 .316 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 2.0 .632 .632 .632 2.05 .648 .648 .648 2.1 .664 .664 .664 XE 3V RSS Exh. 19409 317 272 213 .700 .340 .680 .697 .714 Solid 19411 325 280 221 .700 .340 .680 .697 .714 Rated Duration @ 19413 333 288 229 .700 .340 .680 .697 .714 .010" Valve Lift 110 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) Duration in Degrees Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration NSRI Int. Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19554 19556 19558 267 275 283 @ .050 220 228 236 NSRX Exh. Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19564 19565 19566 19567 19568 19569 276 280 284 288 292 296 223 227 231 235 239 243 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Valve Lift Lobe Lift @ .200 167 175 183 .492 .492 .492 .244 .244 .244 2.0 .488 .488 .488 2.05 .500 .500 .500 2.1 .512 .512 .512 167 171 175 179 183 186 .453 .453 .453 .453 .453 .453 .225 .225 .225 .225 .225 .225 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .461 .461 .461 .461 .461 .461 .473 .473 .473 .473 .473 .473 Valve Lift Lobe Lift FORD COYOTE CRI & CRX RACE − 4V Duration in Degrees Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration CRI Int. Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19578 19582 19583 19584 290 278 282 286 @ .050 244 232 236 240 @ .200 191 181 185 189 .512 .561 .565 .571 .2532 .2760 .2779 .2806 2.0 .506 .552 .556 .561 2.05 .519 .566 .570 .575 2.1 .532 .580 .584 .589 CRX Exh. Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19592 19593 19594 19595 287 291 295 299 234 238 242 246 179 183 187 191 .502 .507 .512 .512 .2486 .2509 .2532 .2532 .497 .502 .506 .506 .510 .514 .519 .519 .522 .527 .532 .532 CRI Int. Stocker Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19608 290 244 190 .470 .2335 .467 .479 .490 CRX Exh. Stocker Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 19615 299 246 190 .470 .2335 .467 .479 .490 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) FORD COYOTE NSRI & NSRX STREET − 4V GO CUSTOM Look no further than COMP Cams® for the perfect camshaft for your application. We offer thousands of ready-to ship cams that are sure to meet your needs. But what if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for in our part numbered catalog selection? No problem. COMP Cams® can custom grind a cam that is optimized to your exact specifications and have you up and running in less than 48 hours. With over three decades of valve train engineering expertise, COMP® can give you exactly what you want when you want it. We’re just waiting for you to call. 1.800.999.0853 • W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 111 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) FORD 2000-2300 OHC STREET These profiles are designed for use in Ford 2000-2300 OHC (Pinto) applications with factory style sliding followers. Cams must be nitrided after grinding and will require extra time. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve, lifter and rocker geometry. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Street Hydraulic Valve Lift Given w/ Stock Geometry 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 @ .010 240 252 260 268 280 @ .050 200 210 218 226 236 .240 .246 .252 .264 .277 .400 .406 .420 .440 .460 8006 272 242 .282 Street Solid 8007 294 264 .292 .010" Lash 8008 300 278 .350 .445 .463 .580 FORD 2000-2300 OHC RACE These profiles are designed for use in Ford 2000-2300 OHC (Pinto) applications with factory style sliding followers. Cams must be nitrided after grinding and will require extra time. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve, lifter and rocker geometry. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Race Base Solid .010" Lash Valve Lift Given w/ Stock Geometry 8064 8066 8098 8096 8090 270 280 280 288 300 @ .050 238 248 248 256 268 .280 .300 .270 .300 .345 .460 .500 .460 .500 .575 Race .480" Lift Rule Solid .010" Lash 8312 8314 8316 288 292 296 260 264 268 .284 .284 .284 .480 .480 .480 8304 294 272 .297 8306 300 278 .297 8325 314 282 .297 8327 320 288 .297 .516 .516 .516 .516 Race Base Solid .010" Lash FORD 2000-2300 OHC RACE ROLLER FOLLOWER These profiles are designed for use in Ford 2000-2300 OHC (Pinto) applications with roller followers. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Race Hi-Tech™ Roller .010" Lash Int-Ex 8374-8375 8376-8377 8380-8381 8382-8383 279 283 291 295 @ .050 246 250 258 262 .344 .344 .344 .344 .620 .620 .620 .620 continued on page 113 112 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Race Hi-Tech™ Roller .010" Lash Int-Ex 8384-8385 8386-8387 299 303 @ .050 266 270 .344 .344 .620 .620 Int 8360 8362 8364 8366 286 290 294 298 @ .050 258 262 266 270 .355 .360 .363 .363 .645 .655 .660 .660 Race RT Style Roller .010" Las FORD 2300 − FP ROLLER These profiles are designed at the valve for a .500" base circle radius Ford 2300 with roller followers. Use an "I" suffix for intake profiles and an "E" suffix for exhaust profiles. Camshaft Type 2300 FP Roller Race Rated Duration @ .020" Valve Lift Lobe # Rated Duration 8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 313 317 321 325 329 313 317 321 325 329 Duration in Degrees @ .050 284 288 292 296 300 284 288 292 296 300 @ .200 221 225 229 233 237 221 225 229 233 237 Valve Lift Lobe Lift Lobe Check Duration .658 .664 .670 .676 .682 .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 .360 .363 .366 .369 .372 .387 .387 .387 .387 .387 @ .050 261 265 269 273 277 261 265 269 273 277 8552 322 291 226 .745 .405 8553 326 295 230 .745 .405 8554 330 299 234 .745 .405 8555 334 303 238 .745 .405 8556 338 307 242 .745 .405 2300 FPS Roller Race Rated Duration @ .020" Valve Lift OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) FORD 2000-2300 OHC RACE ROLLER FOLLOWER cont. 267 271 275 279 283 GM ECOTECH − XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULIC ROLLER OHC These profiles are designed for use in GM ECOTECH applications. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve, lifter and rocker arm geometry. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Int. Street Hydraulic Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 8754 8756 8758 8760 8762 240 246 252 258 264 Duration in Degrees @ .050 198 204 210 216 222 @ .200 141 146 151 157 164 Lobe Lift Valve Lift .251 .251 .251 .260 .270 .423 .423 .423 .440 .456 continued on page 114 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 113 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) GM ECOTECH − XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULIC ROLLER OHC cont. Duration in Degrees Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Exh. Street Hydraulic Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 8755 8757 8759 8761 8763 244 250 256 262 268 @ .050 200 206 212 218 224 Race Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 8766 8770 8780 292 303 310 Race Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Valve Lift 8767 8771 8781 294 306 314 Lobe Lift Valve Lift @ .200 140 145 150 156 163 .248 .248 .248 .258 .268 .419 .419 .419 .436 .453 247 259 267 186 198 207 .294 .300 .350 .499 .511 .591 249 261 268 187 199 208 .294 .300 .350 .499 .512 .591 MITSUBISHI 4G63 − XTREME ENERGY™ HYDRAULIC ROLLER OHC These profiles are designed for use in Mitsubishi 4G63 applications. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve, lifter and rocker arm geometry. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Int./Exh. Mitsubishi 4G63 Street Hydraulic Rated Duration @ .004" Valve Lift 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8745 8746 251 250 259 258 259 258 266 266 256 257 @ .050 204 204 212 212 212 212 220 220 210 210 .237 .229 .239 .232 .239 .232 .242 .234 .255 .239 .407 .391 .411 .395 .411 .395 .415 .399 .434 .411 Int. Exh. Int. Exh. Int. Exh. Int. Exh. Int. Exh. NISSAN L16, 18, 20B These profiles are designed for use in Nissan L16, 18, 20B applications. Valve durations and lift given for stock valve and rocker arm geometry. Camshaft Type Street 114 Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Int.- Exh. 8250 8255 8251 8252 8253 8254 @ .010 240 252 260 268 280 292 @ .050 194 204 214 222 236 246 .285 .293 .301 .308 .330 .344 .400 .410 .420 .430 .460 .480 continued on page 115 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) Camshaft Type Race Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Int.- Exh. 8260 8261 8262 @ .010 294 300 306 @ .050 258 264 270 .395 .400 .405 .573 .580 .587 TOYOTA 20R-22RE These profiles are designed for use in Toyota 20R-22RE applications. Valve durations and lift given are for stock valve and rocker arm geometry. Camshaft Type Street Race Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Valve Lift Int. - Exh. 8216-8217 8218-8219 8202-8203 8204-8205 8206-8207 @ .010 247 255 263 271 279 @ .050 206 214 222 230 238 .282 .288 .295 .301 .321 .419 .429 .440 .450 .484 8232-8233 8234-8235 8236-8237 8240-8241 8242-8243 317 321 325 321 325 275 279 283 279 283 .308 .305 .305 .328 .328 .460 .457 .457 .505 .505 SOH SERIES OHC ROLLERS for FORD 427 SOHC Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration 427 SOHC Lobes Std. Lift - Street Rated Duration @ .015" Tappet Lift 8430 8432 8434 8436 @ .015 278 286 294 302 Duration in Degrees @ .050 244 252 260 268 @ .200 178 185 193 200 Lobe Lift .464 .470 .476 .482 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .111 .130 .150 .170 110° .092 .111 .130 .150 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) NISSAN L16, 18, 20B cont. Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.25 .580 .588 .595 .603 1.275 .592 .599 .607 .615 1.30 .603 .611 .619 .627 427 SOHC Lobes 8440 310 276 211 .538 .196 .174 .673 .686 .699 High Lift - Race 8442 318 284 218 .542 .216 .194 .678 .691 .705 Rated Duration @ 326 292 226 .546 .234 .213 .683 .696 .710 .015" Tappet Lift 8444 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 115 OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) OH CAM (PIVOTING FOLLOWER) VM OHC ROLLERS for FORD 427 SOHC The VM series Ford 427 SOHC profiles are designed first "at the valve" with optimized motion for the right intake and left exhaust "A" pairs and also the left intake and right exhaust "B" pairs. This valve motion is then converted back to a lobe checking file for manufacturing and inspection. By "reverse engineering" the camshaft backwards from the desired valve motion, more area under the curve along with better stability and improved motion symmetry from intake to exhaust and from bank to bank is achieved. Use an "RI" prefix for the right intake, an "RE" perfect for the right exhaust, an "LI" prefix for the left intake and an "LE" prefix for the left exhaust all before the desire ID number when ordering individual cams. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Valve Lift @ TDC Valve Lift Check w/ Lift Lift Duration Check Fixed Tappet Tappet Ratio Ford 427 SOHC Std. Lift - Street Rated Duration @ .020" Valve Lift 8560 8564 8566 8568 288 288 296 304 @ .050 264 264 272 280 @ .200 207 208 216 224 .543 .592 .598 .604 106° .184 .188 .214 .240 110° .160 .162 .188 .214 @ .050 252 252 260 268 .431 .472 .477 .482 1.27 .547 .599 .606 .612 Ford 427 SOHC High Lift - Race Rated Duration @ .020" Valve Lift 8590 8592 8594 8596 8598 284 292 300 308 316 261 269 277 285 293 206 214 222 230 238 .696 .702 .708 .714 .720 .180 .210 .240 .270 .300 .150 .180 .210 .240 .270 249 257 265 273 281 .559 .564 .569 .574 .579 .710 .716 .723 .729 .735 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING)ER) VW OR DIRECT 1" TAPPET Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR @ .010" @ .050" @ .200" 6800 216 180 95 .260 1.000 .640 6801 226 190 109 .280 1.000 .620 6802 236 200 122 .300 1.000 .600 VW or Direct 1" Tappet 6803 246 210 134 .320 1.000 .580 Direct - Bucket 6804 256 220 145 .340 1.000 .560 6805 266 230 153 .360 1.000 .540 6806 276 240 162 .380 1.000 .520 6807 286 250 169 .400 1.000 .500 6808 296 260 179 .420 1.000 .480 OHC − MULTIPURPOSE BUCKET Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration OHC Direct - Bucket 9048 9042 9045 @ .010" 248 256 274 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 215 222 228 @ .200" 146 150 144 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .365 .360 .320 1.080 1.020 .900 .550 .550 .500 continued on page 117 116 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) OHC − MULTIPURPOSE BUCKET cont. Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. @ .010" @ .050" @ .200" 9044 264 230 158 .360 1.000 9046 273 238 162 .360 .980 OHC Direct - Bucket Minimum BCR .500 .500 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) Camshaft Type QUAD 4 − BUCKET Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Quad 4 Direct - Bucket 9013 9014 9015 @ .010" 260 266 272 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 226 232 238 @ .200" 160 166 172 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .410 .420 .430 1.100 1.100 1.100 .650 .650 .650 OHZ − STREET/STRIP BUCKET Camshaft Type OHZ Direct - Bucket Lobe # Rated Duration 9090 9091 9092 9093 9086 9087 @ .006" 258 262 268 274 280 286 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 214 218 224 230 236 242 @ .200" 149 153 158 163 168 173 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 1.180 1.180 1.180 1.180 1.180 1.180 .680 .660 .640 .620 .600 .600 @ .006" @ .050" @ .200" 9094 264 220 153 .380 1.180 .650 OHZ 9095 272 228 160 .380 1.180 .630 Direct - Bucket 9109 280 235 150 .320 1.025 .500 9096 280 236 166 .380 1.180 .610 9108 284 239 163 .360 1.025 .500 OHRX − HIGH RPM BUCKET Camshaft Type OHRX Int. Direct - Bucket Lobe # Rated Duration 9072 9073 9074 9102 9103 9104 9105 9122 9124 0.010" 294 300 306 279 285 283 289 294 306 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 260 266 272 245 251 249 255 260 272 @ .200" 199 204 210 186 192 192 198 198 210 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .480 .490 .500 .510 .510 .550 .550 .500 .530 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.325 1.325 1.458 1.458 1.200 1.200 .530 .530 .530 .650 .650 .690 .690 .580 .580 OHRX Exh. 9141 336 274 208 .490 1.200 .530 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 117 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) OHRXV − HIGH LIFT Camshaft Type OHRXV Direct - Bucket Lobe # Rated Duration 9116 9117 9118 .010" 306 310 314 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 273 277 281 @ .200" 212 216 220 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .553 .560 .565 1.200 1.200 1.200 .530 .530 .530 XCOH − EXHAUST HIGH LIFT Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration XCOH Direct - Bucket 9132 9133 9134 9135 .010" 317 321 325 329 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 270 274 278 282 @ .200" 205 209 213 217 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .495 .500 .505 .510 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.200 .530 .530 .530 .530 OHRXA − STREET INTAKE Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration OHRXA Int. Direct - Bucket 9126 9127 9128 .010" 285 291 297 Duration in Degrees @ .050" 251 257 263 @ .200" 187 194 200 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR .475 .490 .505 1.180 1.180 1.180 .530 .530 .530 OHRXA − STREET EXHAUST Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. .010" @ .050" @ .200" 9146 295 246 180 .440 1.150 OXRXA Exh. 9147 301 252 186 .452 1.150 Direct - Bucket 9148 307 258 193 .464 1.150 118 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 Minimum BCR .500 .500 .500 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) Fast Intake OHC Lift Rule & RPM Limited — 33mm Bucket, .738" BCR. Can be used with Hydraulic Bucket and zero lash or with Solid Bucket and .005" to .010" lash. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration PCI 33 Int. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 19701 19702 19703 293 297 301 Duration in Degrees @ .010 282 286 290 Duration in Degrees @ .020 267 271 275 @ .050 248 252 256 Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift @ .200 192 196 200 .498 .498 .498 106° .144 .155 .166 110° .122 .133 .144 114° .100 .111 .122 PCX EXHAUST− LIMITED RPM OHC 33mm BUCKET Exhaust OHC Lift Rule & RPM Limited — 33mm Bucket, .738" BCR. Can be used with Hydraulic Bucket and zero lash or with Solid Bucket and .005" to .010" lash. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration Duration in Degrees Duration in Degrees Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift @ .010 @ .020 @ .050 @ .200 19704 290 280 264 242 185 .498 PCX 33 Exh. 19705 294 284 268 246 189 .498 Rated Duration @ 19706 298 288 272 250 193 .498 .006" Tappet Lift 19707 302 292 276 254 197 .498 19708 306 296 280 258 201 .498 106° .126 .137 .148 .159 .170 110° .104 .115 .126 .137 .148 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) PCI INTAKE − LIMITED RPM OHC 33mm BUCKET 114° .083 .093 .104 .115 .126 PDI INTAKE − LIMITED RPM OHC 33mm BUCKET Fast Intake OHC Lift Rule & RPM Limited — 31.5mm Bucket, .748" BCR. Can be used with Hydraulic Bucket and zero lash or with Solid Bucket and .005" to .010" lash. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Duration in Degrees Duration in Degrees Lobe Lift @ .010 @ .020 @ .050 @ .200 19712 284 274 261 243 186 .497 PDI 31.5 Int. Rated Duration @ 19713 288 278 265 247 190 .497 .006" Tappet Lift 19714 292 282 269 251 194 .497 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .129 .140 .150 110° .108 .118 .129 PDX EXHAUST − LIMITED RPM OHC 31.5mm BUCKET Exhaust OHC Lift Rule & RPM Limited — 31.5mm Bucket, .748" BCR. Can be used with Hydraulic Bucket and zero lash or with Solid Bucket and .005" to .010" lash. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration PDX 31.5 Exh. Rated Duration @ .006" Tappet Lift 19717 19718 19719 @ .006 293 297 301 Duration in Degrees @ .010 279 283 287 @ .020 263 267 271 Duration in Degrees @ .050 244 248 252 @ .200 187 191 195 Lobe Lift .496 .496 .496 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .132 .142 .153 110° .110 .121 .132 119 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) OVH INTAKE 38−40mm BUCKET These are based on the OHRX Series and maximized for .500" + BCR and 38mm or larger buckets. Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration OVH 38+ Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 9418 9419 9420 296 300 304 Duration in Degrees @ .050 276 280 284 Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift @ .200 223 227 231 106° .238 .251 .264 0.645 0.660 0.675 110° .212 .225 .238 114° .187 .200 .212 XCO EXHAUST 35−40mm BUCKET These are based on an exhaust series that is similar to the OVH intakes but with softer ramps. Will work with 35mm or larger buckets. Camshaft Type Lobe # Lobe # XCO 35+ Exh. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift 9423 9424 9425 304 308 312 Duration in Degrees @ .050 276 280 284 Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift @ .200 216 220 224 106° .211 .223 .236 0.600 0.610 0.620 110° .188 .200 .212 114° .164 .176 .188 OVH INTAKE 38−40mm BUCKET These lobes are similar to the XCO 35 Series but optimized for 38mm or larger buckets and have more lift. Camshaft Type XCO 38+ Int. Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift Lobe # Rated Duration 9444 9445 9446 310 314 318 Duration in Degrees @ .050 282 286 290 Tappet Lift @ TDC Lobe Lift @ .200 224 228 232 106° .238 .251 .264 .640 .650 .660 110° .212 .225 .238 114° .187 .200 .212 THUMPR™ FLATHEAD FORD − DIRECT SOLID 1" TAPPET (CCW ROTATION) Duration in Degrees Camshaft Type Lobe # Rated Duration Intake 1" Tappet Direct 19520 19522 19524 @ .010" 267 275 283 @ .050" 227 235 243 Exhaust 1" Tappet Direct 19531 19533 19535 299 307 315 241 249 257 Lobe Lift Minimum Tappet O.D. Minimum BCR @ .200" 160 169 177 .354 .368 .382 1.000 1.000 1.000 .540 .526 .512 151 160 168 .350 .364 .378 1.000 1.000 1.000 .544 .530 .516 • Can also be used in VW applications. 120 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) The FC Solid designs can be used in many smaller solid lifter applications including OHV, Flathead direct and OHC direct applications. Requires a minimum .780" tappet face diameter. Rated Camshaft Type Lobe # Duration FC Rated Duration @ .020" Tappet Lift .780" Min. Dia. .012" Lash 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6730 6720 6724 FC244-1 FC248-1 FC252-1 FC258-1 FC262-1 FC266-1 FC270-1 FC274-1 FC278-1 FC282-1 FC286-1 FC290-1 FC294-1 FC298-1 FC302-1 FC306-1 FC314-1 FC314-2 FC324-2 Duration in Degrees @ .050 212 216 220 225 229 232 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 264 268 272 280 280 290 @ .200 102 110 118 122 127 130 135 139 143 146 152 154 160 165 169 173 163 180 188 Lobe Lift .250 .260 .270 .280 .285 .290 .300 .300 .310 .310 .320 .320 .330 .330 .340 .340 .300 .350 .350 Tappet Lift @ TDC 106° .050 .056 .061 .067 .073 .079 .084 .091 .097 .102 .112 .116 .124 .131 .136 .144 .142 .157 .171 110° .040 .045 .050 .056 .062 .067 .073 .079 .085 .090 .099 .103 .112 .118 .123 .131 .131 .144 .159 Theoretical Valve Lift @ "0" Lash Rocker Arm Ratio 1.5 .375 .390 .405 .420 .428 .435 .450 .450 .465 .465 .480 .480 .495 .495 .510 .510 .450 .525 .525 1.6 .400 .416 .432 .448 .456 .464 .480 .480 .496 .496 .512 .512 .528 .528 .544 .544 .480 .560 .560 1.7 .425 .442 .459 .476 .485 .493 .510 .510 .527 .527 .544 .544 .561 .561 .578 .578 .510 .595 .595 OH CAM (DIRECT ACTING) FC SOLIDS STAY CONNECTED Take your pick – Facebook, Twitter, our e-newsletter or one of our forums. You'll have insider information on new products, specials and free giveaways via our social media platforms, as well as access to our highly trained technical staff and our ever expanding library of how-to videos. TECH SUPPORT OPTIONS Phone 1.800.999.0853 Forums Email & Chat Twitter @CPGTech W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M 121 LOBE INDEX LOBE INDEX Lobe # 1027 1028 1030 1046 1152 1176 1180 1181 1183 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1240 1260 1261 1263 1268 1269 1271 1272 1273 1278 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1291 1293 1295 1301 1302 1306 1309 1320 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1392 1393 1394 1395 1416 1417 1418 1419 1427 1429 1460 1461 1462 1464 1465 1466 1469 1473 1474 1476 1477 1479 1480 1481 1484 1485 1486 122 Page # 80 80 79 79 81 80 80 102 102 102 80 102 80 102 80 80 81 81 80 81 80 80 81 80 81 80 81 80 81 81 81 80 79 79 81 79 81 85 85 85 85 85 85 55 70 55 70 68 68 68 68 68 68 55 56 55 55 55 55 55 55 53 53 56 55 71 56 81 81 55 Lobe # 1487 1489 1490 1491 1494 1495 1496 1498 1514 1515 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1528 1530 1532 1534 1536 1538 1540 1542 1562 1563 1564 1565 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1585 1609 1611 1612 1613 1617 1619 1620 1625 1628 1630 1634 1635 1639 1642 1649 1650 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1677 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 Page # 81 81 79 106 81 81 53 53 65 65 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 90 90 90 90 89 90 89 90 89 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 106 55 55 106 106 55 106 106 106 55 55 71 106 106 55 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 Lobe # 1688 1695 1699 1718 1719 1722 1723 1724 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1734 1735 1736 1737 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1751 1752 1753 1758 1759 1760 1761 1763 1770 1771 1772 1773 1775 1789 1790 1792 1794 1806 1808 1810 1812 1814 1816 1817 1820 1823 1826 1827 1828 1829 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1839 1840 1842 1844 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 Page # 83 89 83 84 84 84 89 84 84 84 84 84 84 89 89 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 82 82 90 90 90 90 90 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 90 84 84 84 84 84 90 90 90 90 90 83 83 83 83 83 90 90 90 82 Lobe # 1858 1859 1860 1862 1864 1866 1868 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1912 1914 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1939 1943 1945 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 2037 2039 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2055 Page # 90 90 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 87 87 87 82 82 82 82 82 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 89 103 89 103 89 103 89 103 89 103 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 91 Lobe # 2067 2068 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2094 2096 2097 2098 2099 2114 2115 2116 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2138 2139 2140 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2169 2171 2195 2196 2198 2199 2201 2202 2203 2208 2209 2210 2214 2215 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 Page # 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 91 91 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 105 105 105 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 72 72 72 74 74 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 Lobe # 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2265 2267 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2314 2315 2318 2369 2380 2381 2383 2384 2385 2385 2387 2390 2391 2392 2393 2399 2419 2420 2430 2486 2488 2489 2490 2492 Page # 71 71 71 71 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 59 88 59 59 59 96 74 74 96 96 89 102 88 88 88 88 88 88 101 101 101 61 61 62 62 62 LOBE INDEX Page # 62 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 77 77 77 77 77 77 76 76 91 91 91 91 91 76 76 89 102 89 102 89 102 89 102 76 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 89 89 89 89 Lobe # 2728 2735 2881 2882 2885 2906 2907 2908 2909 2950 2952 2953 2954 2958 2962 2963 2964 2965 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2989 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3024 3026 3028 3030 3031 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3043 3045 3047 3050 3051 3052 3053 3056 Page # 89 59 64 64 64 68 68 68 68 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 19 19 18 18 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 16 16 16 16 19 16 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 16 Lobe # 3058 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3122 3150 3151 3152 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3168 3170 3171 3188 3190 3192 3194 3196 3207 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 Page # 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23 23 23 30 30 30 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 16 16 16 32 17 17 17 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M Lobe # 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3734 3735 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3766 3767 3809 3810 3816 3817 3818 3819 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3832 3833 3834 3835 4000 4001 4002 Page # 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 31 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 55 57 53 LOBE INDEX Lobe # 2494 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2531 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2551 2555 2557 2559 2560 2570 2571 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2586 2586 2587 2587 2588 2588 2589 2589 2591 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2724 2725 2726 2727 123 LOBE INDEX LOBE INDEX Lobe # 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4013 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4034 4035 4045 4046 4047 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4070 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4085 4087 4091 4107 4118 4119 4121 4123 4124 4126 4127 4128 124 Page # 56 57 56 57 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 56 57 57 56 57 55 57 56 57 56 57 57 57 55 55 56 56 56 56 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 56 55 55 79 81 71 55 81 79 71 81 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 106 79 55 79 79 79 70 57 57 57 57 57 57 Lobe # 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4160 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4176 4178 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4196 4198 4199 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4213 4214 4216 4217 4220 4221 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4247 4248 4252 4253 4254 4260 4261 4262 4264 Page # 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 65 64 65 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 70 70 70 70 53 53 70 70 55 70 55 70 81 106 70 70 70 59 59 59 59 Lobe # 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4276 4277 4278 4279 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4293 4294 4295 4296 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4321 4327 4328 4329 4340 4341 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4358 4359 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 Page # 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 64 64 64 64 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Lobe # 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4402 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4416 4418 4421 4422 4423 4424 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4436 4438 4445 4447 4449 4451 4480 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4600 4601 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4614 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4627 4628 4639 4640 Page # 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 68 68 68 68 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 71 71 71 71 71 71 67 67 67 67 67 56 56 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 66 66 Lobe # 4641 4642 4643 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4784 4785 4788 4789 4793 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4826 4827 4830 4831 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4884 4886 4888 4894 4896 4898 5000 5002 5006 5020 5022 5024 5031 Page # 66 66 66 62 62 62 62 62 62 66 66 66 66 65 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 66 66 64 64 64 64 64 64 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3 Lobe # 5033 5035 5040 5042 5044 5055 5057 5059 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5101 5103 5105 5107 5109 5127 5128 5128 5129 5130 5135 5146 5163 5166 5190 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5201 5202 5202 5203 5203 5204 5205 5205 5206 5207 5207 5208 5208 5209 5209 5210 5210 5211 5212 5212 5213 5214 5214 5215 5216 Page # 11 11 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 33 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 9 13 9 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 9 13 9 9 13 9 9 LOBE INDEX Page # 13 9 12 9 9 9 9 9 9 13 13 9 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 11 11 11 42 42 42 42 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Lobe # 5656 5657 5658 5659 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5692 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5704 5708 5713 5714 5715 5718 5719 5720 5744 5746 5820 5822 5824 5831 5833 5835 5840 5846 5854 5862 5960 5961 5962 5964 5965 5966 5980 5981 5984 5985 5986 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 Page # 40 40 40 40 41 41 40 40 41 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 40 11 11 11 11 11 11 42 42 42 42 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 35 35 34 34 35 35 35 34 Lobe # 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6038 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6059 6061 6068 6069 6070 6071 6083 6084 6089 6091 6114 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6172 6173 6174 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 Page # 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 52 52 52 52 52 52 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 Lobe # 6200 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6222 6224 6225 6226 6229 6231 6232 6234 6235 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6275 6276 6277 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6289 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 Page # 41 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 36 36 36 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 36 36 36 36 36 Lobe # 6306 6307 6308 6310 6312 6313 6314 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6400 6402 6404 6406 6408 6410 6412 6414 6416 6418 6420 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6610 6611 6612 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6720 6724 6730 6780 6782 6784 6786 6788 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 Page # 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 52 52 52 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 43 43 43 43 43 116 116 116 116 116 W W W . C O M P C A M S . C O M Lobe # 6805 6806 6807 6808 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 7015 7016 7020 7021 7022 7023 7028 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7049 7068 7069 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7077 7078 7084 7085 7086 7087 7110 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7127 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7168 Page # 116 116 116 116 14 14 14 14 14 14 45 45 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 48 48 48 48 48 47 47 44 44 44 44 44 47 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 LOBE INDEX Lobe # 5216 5217 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5229 5230 5231 5232 5232 5233 5234 5238 5239 5240 5241 5310 5311 5312 5315 5326 5327 5414 5418 5419 5430 5431 5432 5433 5435 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5520 5522 5524 5531 5533 5535 5538 5540 5544 5546 5550 5553 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 125 LOBE INDEX LOBE INDEX Lobe # 7169 7170 7171 7172 7174 7185 7175 7186 7176 7187 7177 7188 7178 7193 7194 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7250 7260 7261 7262 7263 7265 7266 7267 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7393 7394 7395 7396 7399 7404 7405 7406 7408 7409 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 126 Page # 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ALL THE TIME. Want to stay up-to-date on new products, videos, catalogs and more from the COMP Performance Group™ companies that include COMP Cams® , TCI®, FAST™, RHS® and more? Well, search no more. Regardless of whether you’re a professional engine builder, a street machine enthusiast, or a writer looking for your next story, keeping up with the latest from the COMP Performance Group™ has been simplified. CPG Nation™ can provide you with an insider’s look at the newest products, and best of all, it’s available in several formats. Just look below to find which one best suits your needs. contains headlines and other product information from the COMP Performance Group™ brands. CPG NATION TV™ Browse & watch hundreds of technical videos, installs, new product reviews, dyno tests and company tours. CPG NATION™ E-Newsletter Prefer to have the news sent directly to you? Sign up today for the CPG Nation eNewsletter. Scan QR code to visit COMP Cams® is a proud member of the COMP Performance Group™ family. Other CPG companies include: 1.888.776.9824 1.877.334.8355 1.877.776.4323 1.888.817.1008 1.866.450.8089 1.800.872.7223 1.888.258.8241 901.259.2355 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Your Valve Train Technology Partner For over 35 years the world's elite motorsports teams and engine builders have turned to COMP Cams® for advanced cam design technology and product manufacturing. As the aftermarket industry's foremost leader in camshaft and valve train study, COMP Cams® has evolved into a "think tank" that has given birth to countless innovations that have advanced an entire industry. The secret to this unprecedented success is an enduring commitment for pushing beyond current limitations to define the technology of tomorrow. COMP Cams® employs the automotive aftermarket industry's largest and most highly trained engineering staff. When provided with the most sophisticated design resources, test equipment and manufacturing processes available, great things happen, and what was once impossible becomes yesterday's limitations. Part # LC2013 Allow the extraordinary resources of COMP Cams® to solve your next valve train product or technology challenge. With the industry's widest variety of cutting edge cam lobe designs and the ability to create a custom grind for virtually any application, COMP Cams® is standing by and ready to be your valve train technology partner. COMP Cams® 3406 Democrat Rd. • Memphis, TN 38118 Phone: 901.795.2400 • Toll Free: 1.800.999.0853 Fax: 901.366.1807 WWW.COMPCAMS.COM © Copyright 2013 by COMP Performance Group™ 1 • 8 0 0 • 9 9 9 • 0 8 5 3
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