The Superintendent`s Script - Lisbon Exempted Village Schools


The Superintendent`s Script - Lisbon Exempted Village Schools
Lisbon Exempted Village School District
JAN. 2016
The Superintendent’s Script
Mr. Siefke, Superintendent
A warm winter welcome to all as we begin another issue
of the District Newsletter. Hard to believe we are near the
halfway point of the school year already and Mother Nature has not brought us a two-hour delay or cancellation
of school. As always, you will receive calls from our automated system on days in which we have adjusted or with
messages from the schools. If you have not been receiving or have had problems please contact the school offices for assistance. As we begin a new calendar year we
would like to recognize our Board of Education members
and thank them for all they do in the District. January is
designated as School Board Recognition month in Ohio.
The Lisbon Exempted Village School District is joining
with other districts throughout the state to recognize the
important contributions school board members make to
their communities.
Ohioans benefit every day from the dedicated
energies and countless hours devoted by a group of
more than 3,400 men and women across the state.
These public servants are elected to serve by local citizens and receive little compensation for their tireless effects. These men and women are the local school board
members of Ohio.
These people unselfishly contribute their time
and talents toward the advancement of public education.
They represent a continuing commitment to local citizen
control and decision-making in education. Even though
we are making a special effort during January to show
appreciation to our school board members, we recognize
their contributions reflect a year-round commitment on
their part. They are dedicated individuals who are committed to the continuing success of our schools and students.
If you should happen to see any of these folks please take
an opportunity to say thanks for all they do for the children
of the district. Too often we forget about the important role
that school board members play in assuring local control
of our schools. Too often we are quick to criticize school
board members without really knowing all the details that
went into a given decision. Too often the efforts of school
board members to improve our schools go unrecognized.
So this month join me in thanking our school board for all
they do to keep Lisbon Schools the “heart of the community.”
Lastly, our goal at Lisbon Exempted Village Schools is not
only provide the highest quality educational foundation for
our students, but to make Lisbon Schools a positive experience. The most important ingredient to achieving this
outcome is to ensure that lines of communication are developed to all for easy resolution of questions before they
become conflicts. We encourage you to express your concerns directly with our staff members by scheduling a conference or phone call to avoid any misunderstandings.
Our teachers and administration have always promoted an
environment conducive to open lines of communication.
Lisbon has always had high standards, and will continue to
appreciate the input from our stakeholders.
Joe Siefke
Superintendent Lisbon Schools
The men and woman serving the Lisbon School District
and their years of service are:
Gene Gallo, Board President - 18
Gary Peruchetti, BOE VP - 20
Jim Smith,
- 16
Marti Grimm
- 05
T.K. Hiscox
- 02
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McKinley Elementary School
Principal, Mr. Kemats
A Message from the Principal
2016 is here and we hope everyone’s New Year if off to
a great start. The third nine week grading period is
already underway. As we approach the second half of
the school year, many exciting things are continuing to
happen in McKinley Elementary and the Lisbon
School District. I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the community organizations and Lisbon
families who helped to contribute to those in need
over the holiday season. We have a great community
that cares for one another and we are reminded of that
regularly. Thank you.
McKinley will be holding our annual Spelling Bees
this winter. The 4th & 5th grade bee takes place on Friday, Jan 22nd. Students will compete in classroom
spelling bees that will qualify them for a grade level
bee in the cafeteria. The top 5th grade spellers will
move on to compete in the District Spelling Bee at
David Anderson Jr/Sr High School on Friday, Feb 5th
at 1:00PM.
We will be holding our second round of Parent /
Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 11th. As
Progress Reports will be coming home with students
on February 5th, please call the school to schedule your
appointment early. Also, the PTO will also be hosting
Valentine’s Day Room Parties on this date, and a
school wide Book Fair will be held in the school library during this time as well.
The student Music and Art Programs will commence
this winter and spring with the 1st grade program taking place on Tuesday, March 1st and 2nd grade on Tuesday, April 19th. Kindergarten and third grade programs
will take place in May.
Ms. Mercer will be coordinating McKinley’s involvement in the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Math*A*Thon in March. Information will be coming
home in late February with the activities culminating
around the first week of March. Students will help to
raise money for St. Jude’s while completing Math tasks
and participating in school wide events.
McKinley is beginning to schedule some Academic
Intervention and Tutoring sessions both during and
after the school day to help prepare students with
basic skills and for the upcoming state tests. Ms. Riley Blockinger has joined the McKinley staff and will
be working with students in grades 1-3. Please read
Photo Above: McKinley Students in the Math and Reading Club are making Ginger Bread Houses in December..
the grade level newsletters or staff websites to look
for more information on this, as well as many other
opportunities that arise during the coming months.
Testing Update
We are anticipating scores for students who took the
Third Grade ELA Test in December. The next
round of state testing will be in April, and Following
Spring Break, students will begin testing on April 5th
All of the state testing for this school year (Grades 35) will be computer based, and as we receive student
scores from the state, we’ll send them home to you.
As always, help your students do their best by getting
plenty or rest, and a good breakfast.
As always parents, we welcome your help and support as volunteers in the classroom, getting your students to school on time and sending them prepared,
drop off and pick up procedures, and working with
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your children on skills and behaviors necessary to be
successful. Educating children is a collaborative effort,
and because we communicate and work together, our
students and school continue to be successful.
Dan Kemats, Principal
Fever (greater than 100.4 degrees by mouth & your
child may return to school only after his or her temperature has been consistently below 100.4 degrees, by
mouth, for a minimum of 24 hours without Tylenol or
other fever reducer)
Vomiting (even once)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort,
weakness or muscle aches
 Frequent congested (wet) cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
To help prevent the flu and other colds, teach your
children good hygiene habits:
 Wash hands frequently.
 Do not touch eyes, nose, or mouth.
 Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing,
use a paper tissue, throw it away, and then wash hands.
 Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Recess During Winter Months
School Nurse – Mrs. Haren
Cold and Flu Season
The peak of the cold and flu season is upon us. To
prevent widespread flu in the school, we
recommend that your child stay home from school if
experiencing flu or cold symptoms. To
decide whether or not to send your child to school,
please consider the following guidelines.
Consider keeping your child at home if he/she has
any of the following symptoms:
 Very stuffy or runny nose and/or a cough
 Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to
 Mild Headache
Mild stomachache
Definitely keep your child at home if he/she has any
of these symptoms & if symptoms worsen
or persist, see doctor for evaluation:
Photo Above: Students that participated in the Fall Fundraiser, got a chance to have their try at the money wheel.
We will continue to get students outside for recess as
often as possible during winter months. Please be sure
students are dressed appropriately (winter coat, hat,
gloves, boots, etc…) for when we do go out. When the
weather is too cold or too wet and keeps us in, we will
have indoor recess.
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McKinley Elementary Clubs &
Student Senate - The McKinley Student Senate conducted a
food drive in the month of November. Eight hundred thirtyeight (838) pounds of canned goods and non perishables were
donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank. The Student Senate also participated in the Lisbon Christmas Parade taking
second place for a marching unit.
Reading & Math Club – The McKinley Reading & Math
Clubs held an event in December making Gingerbread
Houses. The students read a book, used math skills to construct houses, and received a book. Their next upcoming
event is based around a Chinese New Year theme. Look for
more events to come in the Spring.
Science Club – The McKinley Science Club also held a December event using our 3D Printing technology to make
Christmas Ornaments. Students used software to design and
create, and then used the 3D print to “print” their ornaments
to take home. The Science Club is continuing to plan more
events soon using our Laser Cutter and Engraver as we are
eagerly expanding our STEM program.
Hour of Code – Last Fall, Mrs. vanLeeuwen held Coding
classes after school. Students worked on computer coding
over the course of eight sessions to gain a better understanding of the scientific, mathematical and technological skills
involved in Coding. She will be scheduling more events soon.
Look for newsletters, notes home or the Lisbon Schools webpage for more information.
McKinley PTO
What a great kick off the PTO has had for the 2015-2016
school year! The Santa’s Workshop held in December was a
success, and the PTO is continuing to schedule more events
this winter and spring.
Thank you to all of the parents and staff that have joined us
and gotten involved this year. Together we can all accomplish
so many things. If you are interested in getting involved, our
next meeting will be February 16th at 6:00 pm in the McKinley
Photo Above: McKinley Students that were on the Honor
or Merit Roll received a reward.
Elementary Library. We would love to see you there.
Great News from the McKinley
Elementary Art Room!
Two McKinley Elementary artists, Katie Hawthorne and
Chloe Dowd, have been chosen as state winners for the Fire
Safety Poster Contest. Katie and Chloe’s poster design will be
a part of the Fire Safety State Fair exhibition. It will be on
display in the lobby of the State Fire Marshal office.
A fire safety educator from the state office will visit McKinley
Elementary on February 18 to present Katie and Chloe with
an artist award.
Congratulations girls for doing your best! Your hard work
has been awarded!
McKinley Elementary Art Gallery at
Lepper Library
The Lepper Library has graciously provided McKinley Elementary artists with a place to display their art! We are very
happy about this community connection as we look for more
ways to engage the community in our school activities. Students enjoy having the opportunity to show their art to the
public. Artwork is displayed in the children’s wing of the
library. An artist reception was held Thursday, January 14
for McKinley Elementary students at the Lepper Library.
ODOT “Paint a Plow
McKinley Elementary students recently painted an ODOT
steel plow which will be seen on Columbiana County roads
this winter. McKinley Elementary students - Preschool
through fifth grade - painted a snow plow blade for the Ohio
Department of Transportation (ODOT) Paint a Plow Project. McKinley’s Visual Art Teacher, Heidi Swift, headed up
the project, incorporating Ohio’s Learning Standards. Linda
Barkley, Intervention Specialist for the Columbiana County
Educational Service Center (CCESC), donated paint for the
Paint a Plow is a community outreach program in which students are invited to paint an ODOT snow plow blade with
original artwork to represent their individual school. In addition to being visible when in full service during the winterweather months, the blades will be used at events within the
school’s community to enhance public awareness, promote
safety, and foster greater appreciation of both ODOT and the
school’s Visual Arts program. McKinley students, including
students from CCESC classrooms which are housed at the
school, worked on this cross-curricular activity.
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David Anderson Jr. Sr. High School
Principal, Mr. Edenfield
A Message from the Principal
Completion of the 2nd nine weeks marks the
middle of the school year and a change to the
2nd semester. Seniors are entering the 8th
and final semester of their high school careers
at DAHS. As we move to the end of the
school year, graduation is one step closer.
The anticipation to graduation day and the activities surrounding graduation grow by the
day. Graduation is set for May 29th, 2016
3:00PM in the George M. Nace Gymnasium.
teachers for making an extra effort in a
positive way here at DAHS. Kara Diludovico and Josiah Brown-6th grade, Kaitlyn
Clark and Jackson Cornwell-7th grade,
Nevaeh Burkholder and Tyler Toot-8th
grade, Chloe Smith and Garrett Cox-9th
grade, Caitlin Parks and Chandler Harris10th grade, Lindsey Chludzinski and David
Toot-11th grade, and Madison Ludlam and
Avery Andric -12th grade.
Parent – Teacher conference night will be
held February 11th from 3:00 PM to 9:00PM.
You may schedule a conference with your
child’s teacher by calling the high school or
junior high secretaries for an appointment.
However, conferences can be held with your
child’s teacher at any time during the school
year. Please do not hesitate to contact your
son’s or daughter’s teacher to arrange for a
conference if you cannot attend during conference night.
The Lisbon Exempted Village School District
spelling bee will be held at the David Anderson Jr. Sr. High Auditorium on February 5th at
1:15PM. Students from both McKinley Elementary School and David Anderson Jr. High
School will compete. The county wide spelling bee will also be held in the David Anderson Jr. Sr. High School Auditorium on March
Our extra-curricular activities here at DAHS
are in full swing. There are a host of boys and
girls basketball games from the junior high to
the varsity level on a weekly basis conducted
in our gymnasiums. Congratulations to the
Star Students of the Month nominated by their
The way a movie vampire covers his face with his cape is
a good way to stop the spread of germs. It’s called the
Vampire Cough. Next time you cough or sneeze, cough
into the inside bend of your elbow. If you cough into
your hands, the germs from your mouth get spread
around. Think about it - what was the last thing you
touched with the inside of your elbow?
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Jr. High Student Senate
Leadership Summit
The Following Student Senate Members: Madelyn
Liberati, Ben Coleman, Lexie Gentry, Alivia Leyman, Laura Waters, Isabell Perez, Nicolas Mundy,
Tyler Toot attended a Leadership Summit at Kent
State University Salem Branch.
Photo Above: Students that were on the leadership Summit trip working out some problems while they were there.
Lisbon Basketball
Photo Above: Students that were on the leadership Summit trip for the Junior High Student Senate
The students started out filling out a guide to student services in the student lounge. Students then
went to the lecture hall where they listened to a keynote speaker, Drew Caldwell & Charlie Myers (OH
Alliance of YMCAs). They talked about leadership
qualities and how one moment in your life you
could have a strong impact on someone else’s life
without you even knowing it.
The Boys and Girls Basketball teams have kicked off their
season and both Varsity programs are experiencing a lot of
success on the court. Both The boys and girls currently lead
the White Tier of the Inter Tri County League. The Varsity
Girls record is 11-3 and the Varsity Boys record is 11-1.
Make sure you get to the last few home games for the Girls
and Boys Basketball Program. The girls have 3 more home
games with Senior Night being February 11th against
Southern Local and the Boys have 7 home games left with
Senior Night landing on February 12th against Beaver Local. Hope to see you supporting our Blue Devils.
Students then broke into two sessions which were
called Justice Talking and Effective Leadership
Academy. Students worked on various activities in
these sessions.
Finally, the students attended a Volunteer Agency
Fair in the Student Lounge. Students were able to
collect many resources here and contacts that could
help with their community service projects.
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Humane Society / Dog Pound
The 8th Grade Science Club collected a number of items for
the Columbiana County Dog Pound during the holiday season. Thank you for all who supported our efforts. If you are
looking for a new family pet, the dog pound offers a lot of
great dogs who need homes. Volunteers are always welcome
Photo Above: Students that helped with the Dog Pound
The DAHS Just Say No Club was also collecting socks for
those in need. Donations were given to students in the Junior
High as well as down at McKinley.
8th Grade Science Club
In November the 8th
Grade Science Club had
a meeting where Jim
Kerr from the Beaver
Creek Wildlife Center
came in and gave a lesson on snakes in Ohio.
Photo to the Left: Jim
Kerr, from Beaver Creek
Wildlife Center shows the
8th Grade Science Class
a few snakes and presents them with some
interesting information.
Photo Above: This is a flyer with info about the Beaver
Creek Nature Center, their hours May through October
are Sat. & Sun 1-5pm.
Lisbon Basketball Homecoming
Lisbon will hold its basketball homecoming crowning Friday between the JV’s and Varsity games
against Southern Local. The dance will be held
from 7-10 p.m. Saturday in the David Anderson
High School Auxilliary Gym. The Basketball
Homecoming Court includes Sara Haren, Hannah
Hiscox, Haille Metzgar, Leah Emmerling, and
Kayla Dickson.
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Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Lisbon Exempted Village Schools
317 North Market Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Administration Offices
317 North Market Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Phone: 330-424-7714
Fax: 330-424-0135
David Anderson Jr/Sr High
260 W. Pine Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Phone: 330-424-3215
Fax: 330-424-1004
Salem, OH 44460
Postal Customer
Lisbon, OH 44432
McKinley Elementary School
441 E. Chestnut Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Phone: 330-424-9869
Fax: 330-424-9860
The David Anderson High School 2016 Basketball Homecoming Court
Photo Above (L/R): Sara Haren, Hannah Hiscox, Haille Metzgar, Leah Emmerling, Kayla
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