KNITA BABYHAT - Daktari Project
KNITA BABYHAT - Daktari Project
KNIT A BABY HAT FOR THE BABIES AT KILEMBE MINES HOSPITAL Baby hats are a simple and effective method to keep babies warm and reduce neonatal mortality in developing countries. Nearly 2 million babies die each year in their first 24 hours of life. Many of these deaths can easily be prevented by cheap interventions, such as knitted baby hats, antitetanus immunizationortheuseofsterileinstrumentsduringdelivery.Thefirstandmostimportantstepatbirthis tokeepthebabywarm.Ababylosesmostofitsbodyheatthroughitshead.Aknittedbabyhatensures thatthebabystayswarmanditpreventshypothermia.So,yourknittedbabyhatcanmakeadifference! This baby hat campaign is a part of the Helping BabiesBreatheprojectofDaktariProject.Oneof ourfieldsofactionistoprovideeducationforthe midwivesatKilembeMinesHospital,especiallyon how to support the newborn babies and resuscitationatbirth. During the next summer we will bring all the knitted baby hats to the Kilembe Mines Hospital, in Uganda. Each newborn will receive a knitted babyhat. Youcansendyourknittedbabyhatstothe followingaddress: D AKTARI P ROJECT VZW DaktariProject TerLinden104 9052Zwijnaarde Belgium S UPPORTINGKILEMBEMINES HOSPITALSINCE 2010 Orsupportusbymakingadonationat: BE48748039995227 Facebook:DaktariProject IBAN:BE48748039995227 KNITTINGPATTERNforan easy-to-makebabyhat HINTS: • Babyhead0-6months: Circumference:ca.33cmto43cm Length:ca.14to15cm • Usebrightcolors • Attachacardtothehatwithamessage forthebaby’sparents __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :_ y Handmadeb otherand m o _____ Messaget __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ baby:__ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ ___ WHATDOYOUNEED: • Materials:alotoffinewool,preferablywith asleastaspossiblesyntheticfabrics. • No extra strings or pompons: this can harm thenewborns • Knittingneedlessize3.5 METHOD: • Step1:Caston76sticheswithknittingneedle • Step 2: Now knit repeatedly one needle knitwise, one needle purlwise (stockinette stitch),untiltheclothis11cmlong.Theedge willautomaticallycurl.Anotherwaytodothis is to knit one stitch knitwise and one stitch purlwise until the patch is three cm long and then knit another eight centimeters following the stockinette stitch as described above. In both cases the patch must be 11 cm long. To make the hat you must now decrease the stitches, until only eight are left. How to do thisisdescribedinstep3-5. • Step 3: You keep on knitting one needle knitwise and one purlwise. However, on the straight needle you should make a double instead of a single loop every five stitches. Repeat this until the end of the needle. Now knit a needle purlwise. On the second needle make a double loop every four stitches and again knit a needle purlwise. On the third needle make a double loop every 3 stitches. Continuethispatternuntilthereareonlyeight stitches left on the knitting needle. Watch out: only decrease on the straight needle. • Step4:Whenthereareonlyeightstitchesleft, cut the thread of the ball of wool. Leave approximately 10 cm to pull through the remainingloops.Pullthethreadtight. • Step 5: Sew the back seam with the embroidery needle and the baby hat is now ready!