back cover front cover - Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club


back cover front cover - Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club
Cover Stars!
Your Committee
Hello there!
First off, I owe an apology to Cindy
and Paul Carlton. In the National
2004 issue I jokingly referred to
CIndy’s Series II, 899 KYD, as “Bill
Barwell’s car”, when in fact she
bought it three years ago and is the
third owner since Bill. In that time
they have spent much money and
time on the car which of course won
its class last year. They both feel they
deserve more recognition for they work they have done on the car, and were
understandably disappointed when I, along with many other people, persisted
in calling it “Bill’s car”.
The feature written by Jonathan Williams in the last Horn caught the eye of
the chaps at Practical Classics, so keep an eye out for him in a future edition.
Remember, you read it here first!
This issue has been quite hard to compile due to the lack of contributions from
you, the members. Remember this is your magazine, so if there’s something
you’d like to see in the Horn then write in. I personally would like to see more
technical content; it’s always nice to have something to refer to when you’re
tackling a job on the car for the first time.
When does a spark plug cost £75? Nina was going to take Sid to work the other
day because we’d run out of proper cars again, but when I started the engine
it was only running on three cylinders. I only had time for a quick fiddle about,
which didn’t fix it, so I ended up having to give her a lift in the van I’d borrowed
to move some furniture. This made me late for my band practice and when I got
there I forgot the passenger door was unlocked. When I got back to the van,
someone had helped themselves to the stereo, for which I now owe my mate
£75. I gave Sid’s engine the onceover a few days later and found the problem
was a duff spark plug, which I replaced with a spare. He’s now running sweetly.
Hindsight’s a wonderful thing.
The next issue deadline is May 20th, please write in with your technical tips,
restoration stories, whatever. If not it’ll be kitten pics again.
April 2005
Cover Stars
Bulletin Corner
Registrar & Webmaster Reports
Spares Report
Buff & Polish
Voice from the Chair
Spares Day
Area Meetings
Around the Areas
Seen on Ebay
Mid Life Crisis
Contacting the SAOC
“Shenstone”, Walters Ash, High Wycombe
Bucks. HP14 4UZ.
Tel. 01494 562235
Hollyhock Cottage, Hockham Road, Compton,
Newbury, Berkshire RG20 6QN
Tel: 01635 871124
245 Dover Road, Folkestone
Kent CT19 6NH
Tel. 01303 244917
28 Cockburn Crescent, Balerno
Midlothian EH14 7EW
01314 515052
19 Cottage Lane, Macclesfield,
Cheshire SK10 1QH
41 Great Notley Avenue,
Great Notley Garden Village,
Braintree, Essex CM7 7UX
Tel. 01376 342025
4 Mulberry Walk, Shirley,
Southampton SO15 5GA
02380 773336
64 Cuckoo Way, Great Notley, Braintree,
Essex CM7 8YG
07793 421387
Woodleigh, The Valley, Coxheath
Kent, ME17 4EW
Tel. 01622 746394
24, Bratton Road, West Ashton, Trowbridge
Wiltshire BA14 6AZ
Tel. 01225 754100
Tel. 01494 562235
Tel. 01303 244917
31 Rothes Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1LG
Tel. 01306 888842
April 2005
Some magazines, a Ford Model T, more
thoughts on Concours.
NEXT ISSUE All material should be sent to the Editor by no
later than 20th May 2005.
The car’s the star.
National 2005
Cover Stars!
Looking back through piles of old magazines unearthed a few high profile covers
showing off our favourite car. Here are some samples.
This cover scan from the 60’s was kindly sent to me along with the “Motor” cover.
From the looks of things, he’s trying out a new immobiliser in the form of a chain
that you can wrap round a lamp post. Are those twin tailpipes an aftermarket
mod? If you do know, please don’t write in...
An excellent article with lots of history and advice for first time Alpine buyers.
Even Harringtons and the Horn (it was “good” back then...) get a mention. On the
minus side, they claim that James Bond drove a black Series III in “From Russia
with Love”, when it was a blue Series 2 in “Dr. No”. Shocking.
April 2005
April 2005
A good feature with both cars side by side. Comparisons are drawn with contemporary rivals of the time (MG for the Alpine, AC Cobra for the Tiger) rather
than with each other. A fair amount of background history to the two models.
April 2005
Fascinating article on the Harrington and the Triumph TR4 Dove conversion
(also done by Harrington). Opinions may differ on which car looks the best; I
prefer the Harrington, but the writer disagrees.
April 2005
Another scan of a magazine cover from the 60’s. This road test was referred to
in the Classic Cars feature. The people at Motor seemed to like the Tiger, from
what I could make out. If anyone’s got this road test lying about, I’d be interested
in reading it.
April 2005
The story of Andrew Shaw’s restoration of his Series V GT, an inspiration to us all.
Has he still got that moustache?
April 2005
Another buying guide for the Alpine, this time from the good people at Practical
Classics and featuring Mark Dixon’s lovely Series 2.
Baldwin City, KS
Hi all
Never was any good on technical stuff. Can anyone help Bill?
David Bradley
Webmaster <>
This email is sent with the sole
purpose of seeking your assistance to help a fellow Alpine
Please reply direct with any
suggestions (if there is a separate email address) you may
If you do not wish to be included on the Help List, please
email remove@sunbeamalpine.
info <> and your email
address will be deleted.
Are the valves set the same
as the Series 5 in my 1592cc
Series IV?
Bill Davis Jr.
April 2005
April 2005
April 2005
April 2005
DATE: June l, 1960
This may be caused by a defective hub oil seal or by a damaged `O’ ring
seal (Part No. 9107088) on the conical seat of wire wheel type hubs.
From Chassis No. B9006126 onwards a double lip oil seal has been
fitted. The Part No. of the seal is 1206002 and it must be very carefully
pressed into position as shown in the adjoining illustration. Before
replacing the front hub ensure the distance piece on which the seal rotates
is free from burrs. An end float of .000”/.004” (0/.11mm) must exist after
replacing the front hub.
Care must be taken to ensure that when removing or fitting wire type
road wheels that the `O’ ring is not damaged. The slightest damage to the
‘O’ ring requires it to be renewed.
Kindly bring the above to the attention of all concerned.
F.J. McGettrick
Wholesale Parts & Service Depts
April 2005
April 2005
Registrar’s Report.
A cute little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp; “Excuthe
me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbiths?” As the shopkeepers heart melts, he
gets down on his knees, so that he is on her level, and asks; “Do you want a
widdle white wabbit or a thoft and fuwwy bwack wabbit or maybe one like that
cute widdle bwown wabbit over there ? “ She, in turn blushes, rocks on her heels,
puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says in a quiet voice.“Actheley,
I don’t fink my pet pyfon weally givth a toth”.
“OLD” IS WHEN.....
The database continues to grow and there are now 1300
Alpines known to be in use. It’s taken six years of record
keeping to obtain this figure.
A recent registration from Napoli in Italy is a CKD Model
Chassis number 9250151 in Silver built by Carrozzeria
Touring for Rootes. I’m not sure if all the details are
correct so how about an all expenses paid trip to Napoli
to check!!
Your sweetie says, “Let’s go upstairs and make love” and you answer, “Pick one,
I can’t do both!”
A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door.
You don’t care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don’t have to go
You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police.
Getting a little action” means there’s no need to take any fibre today.
“Getting lucky” means you find your car in the parking lot.
(From CCTi newsletter, courtesy of Mike Kirk)
I would just like to remind members, especially the new
members, to please register your Alpine with the club.
If you have not done so in the last six years then your
Alpine is registered as ‘Status Unknown’. The usual
register form that used to be in the October Horn has
been replaced by the Standing Order Form to pay subscriptions. So either ring
me and I will forward a paper copy or if you have Internet access then use the
club’s web site.
David Bradley
Valve Repair
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the engine of a Triumph Herald
when he spotted a well – known heart surgeon in the garage workshop. The
surgeon was there waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at
his classic 4 litre Sunbeam Talbot when the mechanic shouted across the garage,
“Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?” The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over
to where the mechanic was working on the Triumph. The mechanic straightened
up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “So, Doc, look at this engine. I open it’s
heart, take the valves out, repair ‘em, put ‘em back in and when I finish it works
just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get mega bucks,
when you and I are doing basically the same work?”
The surgeon paused, smiled, leaned over and whispered to the mechanic “Try
doing it with the engine running”.
Webmaster’s Report.
This continues to grow in size and requires updating nearly every day. The
Alpines for sale page is particularly busy this time of year.
It has been suggested that we include a Forum connection from the site for use,
just for the club members, as well as the connection to the American SAOC. I
would welcome your comments on this suggestion bearing in mind I would have
to monitor the pages to cater for the idiots.
I have, just to liven up the site, added some Macromedia Flash content to the
opening page, the Regalia and Spares pages. They do carry the advert for the
owners of the Flash but it was free. (Until they catch up with me!)
Included now are the details of the 2005 National with access to the Booking
Form, Concours Entry Form and Concours Rules with added links for Hotels and
Bed and Breakfast.
(from “Stardust”, Oct. 2004 and “Sunbeam Torque”, March 2005.)
David Bradley
April 2005
April 2005
Spares Report 157.
I do not intend to rite an update in every magazine but because of the replies
that I have received from members regarding my requests for information and/or
queries I thought that I should make the effort.
Series II bonnet badges and IV, V grille badges have been purchased and these
are original not remanufactured, although the grille badges are made from the
bonnet badges by simply reducing the size and shape accordingly. This also
threw up a significant quantity of other new spares and good quality second
hand items on which I have first refusal and intend to discuss at committee level.
With time things are always changing and there seem to be one or two members
who due to retirement are downgrading their stock and indeed their number of
cars. This seems to me to be a good way forward for the purchase of cheap
spares and I fully intend to pursue this route.
Please don’t all rush, I do have a limited budget and will be choosy. Also I have
no intention whatsoever of spending it to the degree whereby the annual spares
day would be threatened.
Fog and Spot light brackets are well on the way (four pairs) and at present I am
waiting to try some period lamps on a pair that I have just fitted to my Series III,
just to make sure there are no problems with fitment. I have tried all the brackets
on my bar and also on a Series V. Incidentally, the difference between the back
edge of the bumper bar and the valance on my car is a lot less than on the Series
V that I tried. I suspected that there might be variations at this point and therefore
have made provision for adjustment wherever possible. They also come with a
fitting kit. Brackets will be going for chrome plating next week.
Someone has kindly offered to loan me a boot rack, but also I have received a
reply from an Australian member who has one for sale. I am currently looking
into the latter option because even with the purchase and shipment it is still cost
effective when compared with making one for a pattern. Also this would remain in
the Club as a pattern and when no longer required would be polished, rechromed
and sold on.
I have made a jig for the fog and spotlight brackets that will eventually become
Club property.
Regards, Pete.
The up to date spares list follows and don’t forget all information and photographs
are available on the club website:
Petrol filler neck grommet S3
Bonnet badge S3
Grille centre badge S4,5
Specification plate S3,4
Chassis plate S3,4,5
Stainless Steel hose clips set (Engine)
Tank cover screw set S3,4,5 (includes cup washers)
Door stops screw set S3,4,5
CD-ROM spares list (Alpine & Tiger)
Top / bottom radiator hose set S2 (per pair)
Accessory bar (all series).Original spec as part no. 1201417.
Mounts on bumper bolts behind bumper support bar no. 1201420
and / or fog & spotlight brackets.
Badge bar (all series). Original spec no. 1201420, mounts on 1201417.
Fog & spotlight brackets (Accessory bar mounted) per pair
Fog & spotlight brackets (Bumper bolt mounted) incl. fitting kit, per pair
Clutch centre plate 7½”, 10 splines Laycock, S4A, 5. Only 5 left.
Boot rack (all series), Original spec as part no. 2201303.
Fits recessed holes in bootlid strengtheners, available soon. Price TBC
All prices include UK postage, Europe add 10%, rest of the world add 25%
Please remember to add your membership no. and phone number with your
Orders and enquiries can be addressed to:
Buff & Polish, c/o Peter Pescud,
31 Rothes Road, Dorking,
Surrey RH4 1LG.
Tel. 01306 888842
Please make cheques payable to SAOC.
Buff & Polish
April 2005
April 2005
Many of you might have been lightly bemused by the inclusion of the kitten
pictures in the last edition of the Horn, perhaps I can provide an explanation.
John had been chasing me for some time to provide Chairmans Chat material for
edition 156 and, to put it short, I let him down. I’m not making excuses but there
were lots of things going on at the time and I just lost track of time until it was too
late. So sorry for this and I will try harder to meet future copy dates.
Not that I had much in the way of material to discuss anyway. January was dull,
dreary and lacking in Alpine related activity. Since then we have had all that
snow in Kent and so, although the days are getting longer, the weather is turning
much more favourable and my thoughts are turning towards prising the Series
IV out of its winter hideaway, there is still too much salt around on the roads to
temp me drive in anything but perfectly dry conditions. So I fear that the car will
largely stay in hibernation till the April showers wash the nasty white stuff away
from the tarmac.
Thumbing through the last edition of the Horn, it was nice to see such variety
in the style of articles that have been included. It’s interesting to note that
Concours is a passion which still seems to strike deep into the heart of many
of our members. I am not really the competitive type, and so prefer prepare my
Alpine for the job it was designed to do – travelling from A to B, preferably along
interesting and uncrowded roads such as those that you find over the water.
insert alpine westmidlands advert
Returning to the last Horn, although John is complaining that he has little copy
to choose from, there was still enough material to suit different tastes, and it was
well put together by our very capable Editor. We should all make more effort to
support him. It was nice to see the update on this years National, the advert,
venue and location have really whetted our appetite for this event and Sue and
I will be making a mini-holiday out of this event – we are planning to get there a
week early so that we can do a bit of sightseeing/relaxing before the main action
starts. No doubt many other members will take the opportunity to do similar. I still
haven’t solved the problem of how to get the Alpine to the event yet as we will be
bringing our caravan and I do not fancy the challenge of towing it with the Alpine
the 400 or so miles to the end of Cornwall, The car is in standard tune and not
really powerful (or stable) enough to tow a heavy 14ft caravan this distance, and I
will be a nervous wreck by the end of the journey if I were to attempt it. So maybe
this year I will just have to accept defeat and not bring the Alpine, or perhaps I
will be lucky enough to find someone else who I can trust to drive it there for me.
April 2005
April 2005
S.A.O.C. Area Meetings
Please inform the Editor of any changes in venues, or if you would like to set up
a venue, so that it can be published in The Horn.
Surrey & South London
2nd Sunday
No Fixed Venue
Please contact Brian Simpson
Brian Simpson 020 8647 8218
Midlands (West)
3rd Wednesday
“The Malt Shovel”, Toby Carvery, Stonebridge
A45/A425 junction next to flyover
Jo Winters. 0121 779 2981
1st Monday
“The Gribble Inn”, Oving, Approx 1 mile east of
Chichester between A27 and A259
Keith Roberts 01243 862 854
Variable venues
North West
3rd Monday
“The Millers”, Booth’s Hall Way, off A572 Leigh
Road, Boothstown.
Bryn Griffiths 01942 604 682
insert spares day advert
Middlesex, Oxon, Bucks & Berks
Variable venue
Herts & Beds
Variable venue
2nd Friday
Dave Holcolme 01823 490 022
2nd Tuesday
“The White Hart”, Littleton-upon-Severn,
Thornbury, Nr Bristol
Ian Merryweather 01275 858 341
East Sussex
Variable venues
Martin Kingshott 0208 868 1742
3rd Monday
2nd Thursday
1st Sunday
Peter Mockford 01323 646 527
Fax 01323 646 206
Roger Stagnell 01323 722 945
Jerome Senn 0208 458 5401
Midlands (Leics.)
2nd Wednesday
“Rose and Crown”, Thurnby, Leicestershire
Mike Ball 0116 243 1205
3rd Tuesday
Vaious venues - see Horn/Website for details
Trevor Rogers 01959 576 176
1st Tuesday
Alternative venues held either side of the Humber
Essex (South)
1st Monday
“Barge Public House”, Battlesbridge (Nr A130)
Graham Mullender 01268 569196
Gary White 01268 570 240
Simon Edwards 01376 342 025
West Country
Variable venues, please phone for details.
Andrew or Ken Bright 01326 564 967
Merseyside & Cheshire
1st Monday
“The Netherton Hall”, Frodsham, Cheshire (On
A56 ½ mile from Frodsham centre toward Helsby)
John Roseby 01928 732 951
No fixed venue
Last Monday
1st Tuesday
Bridge Inn at Ratho after 8pm
Ahmad Goodarzi 0131 451 5052
Mobile: 07904455585
2nd Monday
“The Fishes”, North Hinksey nr. Oxford, 8.30pm.
Matt Ollman 01869 331552
Steve Longhurst 01692 580 339
Midlands (East)
1st Thursday
“Sandiacre Conservative Club”, (Half mile Junction
25, M1)
Chris Harrison 07768 458002
April 2005
April 2005
Cars For Sale
1964 Sunbeam Alpine Series IV GT (BDV
399B) Carnival Red.
Hardtop and soft top. New tonneau
cover, never been used. Holbay
Engine. Manual gearbox. Over £8000
spent on renovation. Will be sold with
12 months MoT.
Sunbeam Alpine Series V
(LOP 10F). Oxford Blue.
2 owners, ours since 1986. 80k miles,
MoT Nov. 2005. Mechanically faultless
and structurally sound. Bare metal
respray & new hood in 1992. Price to
include recon. Holbay short engine
(Omega std. flat-top pistons, high
pressure oil pump, pair of recon. Weber
40 DCOE 31’s on new “Holbay racing”
alloy inlet manifold & unused “Holbay
Racing” stainless 4 branch exhaust,
plus various other goodies. All bills
available). FSH from new including
original bill of sale (Lisle’s garage of
Harborne, Birmingham - £854.2.11!!)
Contact Steve 01884 254500 Mobile
07762 411302 (Tiverton Devon Area)
1964 Sunbeam Alpine Series IV Sports
Auto (PRX 330B) 
Cardinal Red Total rebuild about 15
years ago. Mechanically sound. 96000
miles. A few minor blemishes on
bodywork. Mot and ready for summer.
Contact Richard (01525) 270356
(Milton Keynes Area)
Contact Ian Niblett 01444 452971
mobile 07771 774017
(West Sussex)
Sunbeam Alpine Series IVA GT
(SRE 177C)
Completely repanelled, new wings,
door skin repairs etc. 80% carried out
Body is in primer, just needs fine
fettling and painting. Inside the
boot, cockpit and engine bay has
been painted in Midnight Blue two
pack paint. Suspension is stripped
April 2005
re-painted front and back, new leaf
spring, shocks, bushes etc. Engine
has been rebuilt including unleaded
head and is fitted in the car with a
brand new recondition engine. O/D
box by John Roseby. I have all new
chrome apart from the bumpers that
need chroming, Brand new s/steel
exhaust, soft top frame, light blue
interior in good condition, it’s all there
apart from a few minor bits.
This car stands me £7500 and lots of
headaches, this is a perfect opportunity
to cash in on my loss and get a spot on
solid car for the right money.
This car could be on the road for
the summer. I’ve had it 10 years and
completely lost interest. The wife
keeps nagging so it’s got to go! 
Now willing to sell in job lots 5/3/2005
Contact Gary  01704 228605 or
0151 530 2079 (Southport Area)
1965 Sunbeam Alpine Series IV GT (DLO
827C). Blue.
Has for the last few years been kept in
a garage in Devon with a dehumidifier
and used as a summer car. It is a good
usable car in reasonable condition.
MOT to 5th October and mechanically
in good condition with recently
replaced brake pads, plugs, points,
distributor cap etc and refurbished
Solex carb. 
The tickover is too high following
the carb refurbishment. Welding to
chassis in past but nothing recently.
Bodywork needs some minor attention
to small dent and small areas of rust.
Spares comprise hard top, windows,
seals, new badges, brake shoes,
April 2005
manual etc.
Contact Martin  020 7379 1000
London Area 
1966 Sunbeam Alpine Series V
(JLM 44D) Forest Green.
Holbay engine. Immaculate condition,
fully restored in 1996, tax exempt, MoT
August 2005.
Contact Roy  01227 751695
(Kent Area) 
1963 Sunbeam Harrington Le Mans
(1519 AP). Wedgewood Blue.
Ex Justin Harrington. Minilite wheels.
Weathershields Sunroof. Stainless
Steel Exhaust. Original Style Accessory
Bar with Badge Bar, with Spotlights.
Long MOT & Taxed. The car is in very
presentable, but not concourse. All
the original badging and striping is
present, but unfortunately the original
steering wheel has been replaced (the
boss with the Harrington centre is still
fitted). Mechanically sound, but can
jump out of 3rd on overrun. This is a
very reluctant sale, but I have too many
cars and the Harrington isn’t being
used, so therefore has to be the one
to go!
in a lifetime chance for someone who
wants a master class Alpine.  
Contact John 01299 270974
1965 Sunbeam Tiger. Moonstone White.
Taxed and tested, S/S exhaust, 114k
miles, new tyres, carb and manifold. In
good useable condition.
£7,000 ono.
Will consider P/Ex Alpine & cash.
Contact Andrew Bright
I am now in a position to offer a very
good home to ideally a Sports but
would consider a very well converted
GT. I’m not in a position to undertake
a project therefore I am looking for
a sound, solid and reliable car for
weekend dry use.
Contact Andrew
Southampton Area
Tel:01489 789722
Mobile 07767 795930
Parts For Sale
SII / SIII OD Gearboxes (a le concours)
Fully reconditioned and guaranteed for
6 months
Contact John 01928 732951 Work
Contact Tony on 01455 274018
(Leicestershire area)
1967 Sunbeam Alpine Series V Sports.
(KOP 93F)
Mediterranean Blue.
This car has been owned by my
family since registration. It has been
restored to a master class condition.
Bare metal respray to an exceptionally
high standard. Suspension, steering
etc powder coated to the same high
standard by a specialist firm. Engine/
gearbox/overdrive all reconditioned by
specialists (bills to prove this).  
The restoration is at a ‘rolling body shell’
stage. All other parts are restored,
boxed and labelled ready for assembly. 
This is a very reluctant sale. The
exceptional quality of this car can only
be appreciated on viewing. It is a once
by a recommended local company (no
longer trading) was poor. It looks great
from 2m away, but there is some muck
in the top coat. Reason for sale? Too
many interesting cars, and no time
to enjoy them. Real value for a club
member at £12,750, firm. E-mail Neil for
a complete set of pix just taken. Car is
garaged near Cheltenham, and will be
driven to Coventry spares day, subject
to prior sale.
Contact Neil Varney, Cheltenham area
Tel. 01326 564967 0r 07813 684659
(Cornwall area)
1966 Tiger 260 Mk 1 Forest Green.
Original UK car with correct numbers,
green log book shows registration on
25.3.1966. Mine for the past 20 years
during which time countless hours and
£20,000+ has been spent on restoration
(bills & pix available). Everything
except gearbox and back axle has
been reconditioned or renewed.
Rebuilt & sensibly uprated original
engine: Holley carb, Edelbrock cam &
manifold, alloy sump & rocker covers,
uprated cooling, stainless exhaust etc.
Carmona (Minilite style) alloys. Most
original parts & some spares included.
Paintwork suffered damage in storage
a few years ago, and a 2001 respray
April 2005
Tel 01949 836622 (office)
07973 504988 (mobile
Cars Wanted.
ALPINE WANTED: Restoration Project,
without major repairs.
Contact Russell York Area
Harrington Alpine Series ‘C’ or ‘D’
Contact Johannes +41 22 736 1392
Alpine Wanted
Having had to sell my previous Series
IV GT in a moment of total madness,
April 2005
Do you own S3 chassis no B9200621? 
If so I have the original engine block.
If you would like it, it is free upon
collection. The block is stripped, but
most parts are available with it, and
it will need reconditioning. (probably
+60 bores). If anyone else is interested,
assuming the car’s owner does not
want it or fails to get in touch, then it
will be available.
Contact Tony 01455 274018
(Leicestershire Area)
Black Hard Top for Series III, IV, V.
Outstanding original condition. Hardly
ever used. No work needed.
Contact Clifton. Tel 01270 841787
Mob: 07767 237110 (Cheshire Area)
Series I Alpine engine B9009220 HRO
O/D. Complete but requires overhaul.
Contact Jim. Tel. 01892 655756
(East Sussex)
Series V. New inner and outer sills.
(Cost £167) £120
Rear light units £30 pair.
Tonneau Cover £30
Brake Pads £10
Over centre Hood Clips £10 pair
Haynes Series 1 - 4 Autobooks
Series V
£5 each + postage.
Contact Mr. Haig 01900 810667
(Maryport Cumbria area)
Series II rear half body inc axle,
engine, 4 speed box (number indicates
Series IV  prob. 1600) & various front
end parts. All from a write off that
had a cockpit fire. The car had a
good restoration at some point. The
boot & back wings are in  very good
condition. The doors have new skins
but need blasting, pictures available.
Also various bits for a Series IV and V.
Contact Andrew 01234 768838 or
07949515828 (Bedfordshire)
I have a genuine factory workshop
manual in virtually mint condition for
the Sunbeam Rapier series ll-lV &
Alpine series l-lV.
Ideally I’d like £30 for it, plus p&p Royal
Mail parcel post, but I could haggle [ a
little :-) ].
If you or anyone in your club is
interested it is available.
Contact Mike Evans
1 Pair front splined hubs, S4 or 5. £40
7½” brake servo rebuilt in 2001 £28
Contact P. Orchard
01672 563573 Wilts area
Parts Wanted
I am trying to help a friend with a Series
1 Alpine locate a map light. 
Contact Andrew 01507 354904
(Louth Lincs. Area)
Parts Wanted
I’m looking for a wooden gear knob - anyone got one for sale?! 
Cheers, Dom.
Contact Dominic Sussex Area.
Propshaft wanted to fit Series I gearbox with overdrive.
Contact Dave 02392528087
(Gosport Area)
Hardtop for Series II Alpine wanted. Must be in first class condition with clear
perspex and all chrome / fixings etc. Good price paid for quality example.
Contact James 0161 439 7315 (home) Stockport Area
Wanted: Set of non-chrome wire wheels.
Contact Peter 01698 309 075
Mobile 07715 05 25 49
Lanarkshire Area
Set of Twin 40 Webers wanted. With or
without manifold for Series V Alpine.
Contact  Clifton. Tel: 01270 841787 or
MOB: 07767 237110 (Cheshire Area)
Wanted: Chrome front bumper for 1965
Series V Alpine.
Contact Jane
April 2005
“Wanted urgently: windscreen and bumpers for Series III. I can collect”...
April 2005
~EVENTS – 2005~
7th-10th Techno Classica Essen, Messe Essen, Germany.
Bovingdon Autojumble, Bovingdon Airfield, Nr Hemel Hempstead,
Tel 0208 252 6831,
30th-2nd May Fylde Coast Oldtime Transport Show, Central Car park, The
Esplanade, Fleetwood, Lancashire. Tel 01253 343635.
The 4th Berkshire Classic Car & Bike Show & Jumble, Newbury
Racecourse, Newbury, Berks. Tel 01484 452002
Classic Motor Show & Spring Expo. NEC Birmingham.
Centrex Tel 0121 767 3463.
Catton Hall Classic Car & Transport Show, Alrewas, Nr Lichfield,
Staffs. Tel 01922 643385
The 19th Nottinghamshire Classic Car Show, Thoresby Park, nr,
Ollerton, Notts. A.Greenwood, Tel 01484 452002.
Ragley Hall Classic Car & Transport Show, Alcester, Warks.
Transtar Tel 01922 643385
The 18th Cheshire Classic Car Show, Capesthorne Hall, nr,
Macclesfield, Cheshire.
A.Greenwood, Tel 01484 452002.
Sussex Borders Motor Club, Classic & American Car Show, Southgate
Playing Fields, Crawley, West Sussex.
Tel 01737 766263
Wonderland Classic & Sports Car Show, Wonderland Pleasure Park,
White Post roundabout on A614 9 miles north of Nottingham.
18th-19th4th Rootes Extravaganza & Spares Day. Saturday - 18th Peugeot
Citroen PSA factory Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry. Sunday 19th Vulcan open day at Wellesbourne, nr Stratford upon Avon.
Contact Andrew McAdam Tel 01553 841252.
The Knebworth Fathers Day Classic & Performance Car Show,
Knebworth Park, Stevenage, Herts.
Scottish Rootes Enthusiasts Rally, Moffat Dumfrieshire Scotland.
Contact Gordon Blisset Tel 01387 710318.
Dutch Singer Owners Club Rally, 30th anniversary of the Dutch Club
& the centenary of Singer Cars.
Paul Barnes, Tel 01379 898879.
The 10th Festival of 1000 Classics, Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.
Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club, Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Prescott
Hillclimb, Gotherington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Nick Smith Tel 01386 831092 or Tim Sutton, Tel 01933 878471.
The 27th Sandwell Historic Vehicle Show, Sandwell Country Park,
West Bromwich, W. Midlands. Transtar Tel 01922 643385
Beaulieu Spring Autojumble.
Beaulieu Events, Tel 01590 614614.
April 2005
Great Eastern Pageant of Motoring, East of England Showground,
Tel 01775 768661.
Darling Buds Classic Car Show.
Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club National Rally, Kennach Sands, Lizard
Peninsular, Cornwall. Contact Ken Bright 01326 290327
Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club, Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Blenheim
Palace, Oxfordshire. Nick Smith Tel 01386 831092.
Events underlined : -SAOC participation.
Information on all ARCC events is available on their website www.arcc.demon.
Steve Wood: Tel: 01622 746 394 or e-mail:
April 2005
your own colours and assemble yourself. All the necessary parts
to make either an open top, hooded or hard-top. Please specify
which Series you require. £25.00
Alpine Regalia
Easter has come and gone. I hope the weather was
good enough for you to put the hood down get the wind
in the hair again. Regalia will be at the Spares day in
May. I hope to see you there.
Regards, Doug Foster
Special Offer ***************************
2 Horn Binders + 2 Years back copies of the Horn £15.00
A binder holding up to 14 copies of Alpine Horn in black or blue
Your choice of 2 years from the back copies of the Horn (subject to availability)
Sweat Shirt Polo Shirt XXL in navy, green, black and grey; XL in black, navy, red & grey;
L in royal blue, sky blue, burgundy, green, grey, black & red; M in
grey, green & French navy. All with Alpine script in white or black
(contrast). £14.50
XXL in white & sky blue XL in yellow, red, navy, burgundy, green,
black & grey, L in yellow, red & navy, M in red, navy, burgundy,
green & grey. All with a small inscription reading SUNBEAM
Alpine. £14.50
Embroidered Polo Shirt Navy blue polo shirt with embroidered club logo, M, L, XL, XXL.
T Shirt Navy, featuring club logo in red, white and yellow. In sizes
XXL,XL,L & M. £8.50. Children’s sizes. 116, 128 & 152 cms £7.00
Baseball Cap Available in black, red, navy or white printed with club logo. All
one size but adjustable. £5.00
Umbrella A large golfing umbrella with alternate panels in gold and navy
with the club logo in silver on four panels. £29.00.
Car Badge (Badge Bar Mounting)
Designed to match the grille motif and steering
wheel motif with an acrylic centre-piece set in a polished metal
surround. Boxed complete with fitting screws. £20.00
Alpine Model Beautifully crafted high detail 1/43rd scale collector’s model of the
Series III. Available in black. £31.00
Scale Model Kit All Series 1/43rd scale die-cast metal parts for you to paint in
April 2005
Lapel Badge
Chrome and enamel featuring club logo. £2.00
Cloth Badge An embroidered badge for sewing to jackets etc. £4.00
Alpine Badge Based on the Alpine wingscript (2 pin fixing) Suitable for use as a
tie pin or lapel badge. £3.00
Mousemat 200 x 240 x 5mm hard top mat showing a montage of photographs
from previous nationals overlaid with pictures of each of the five
different Series and the club badge. £2.00
Alpine Guide Latest edition containing invaluable technical information reprinted
from past issues of the Alpine Horn. An excellent supplement to
your Workshop Manual. £8.00
Horn Binder A binder holding up to 14 copies of Alpine Horn and Members
Handbook. In black or blue £5.00
Alpine Key Ring Club key ring with the Sunbeam logo and script reading
‘Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club’. Three colours of enamel with an
acrylic coating mounted on a leatherette fob. £3.50
Windscreen Sticker Cling plastic - club logo. £1.00
Rear Screen Sticker
600mm cling sticker “I’d rather Drive my Sunbeam Alpine” £2.00
Tax Disc Holder
Cling plastic, features club logo. £1.00
Post-it Pad & Pen
Self-adhesive notelets and Scheaffer ballpoint pen both printed
with ‘Sunbeam Alpine’ script with a small Alpine illustration on the
notelets £3.00
Workshop Manual £37.50
Parts List Covering all series of Alpines these are facsimile editions
reproduced from the original Rootes publications.£37.00
ARCC Badges
A yellow ellipse with blue lettering ‘Association of Rootes Car
Clubs’. Metal £9.00; Plastic £2.00; Lapel £4.50
‘Works Team’ A reprint of the book by Michael Frostick telling the interesting
story of the Rootes Competition Department from 1946 to 1964.
Hard back. £15.00
Tiger, Alpine, Rapier’
Richard Langworth’s interesting history of the three models
available in hardback. £20.00
Souvenir Horn A specially bound facsimile of the first five club magazines £4.00
Bone china mug with club logo & illustrations of 2 Alpines. £5.00
April 2005
Around The Areas
Sussex, Hants, Wilts &
Dorset Areas
There can be few more agreeable
places to spend an hour or two on a
blustery winter’s evening than a real
ale pub. Keith Roberts was presiding
at ‘The Gribble’ at Oving West Sussex
for the Alpine meet on the first Monday
of the month. He had brought along
two new potential members who were
restoring a Series IV car and who
wanted detailed information on Hood
and tonneau fit.
The open log fire and the excellent
food only enhanced the occasion and
made the seventy mile round trip well
worth while. These monthly meetings
are an excellent source of information
and keep the enthusiasm flowing
until the cars and owners leave their
draughty garages to meet the long
summer months.
This brings me to remind you all that
we shall be meeting from 12 noon
on the first Sunday of each month,
April to September at the White Hart,
Cadnam. For directions, turn off at
Junction 1 of the A27, bear left toward
Cadnam, pass the turning for the Sir
John Barleycorn and take the first left
at the next roundabout. The White
Hart is immediately on your left. Lynda
and I will be emailing or telephoning all
those who came last summer.
Tony Grey
Telephone: 023 8069 3836
Midlands (East) Area
It seems strange to think that it has
been a year since we said goodbye to
our old friend Richard, but it must be as
once again spares day is approaching.
As usual this will be in the memorial
park and in the same place as last
year, please see advert, page 22.
On the area front it has been a quiet
time once again, but with the weather
picking up we hope to see a few more
of the old faces and who knows a few
newer ones as well.
Chris Harrison
good number turning up at the Barge, Battlesbridge, which usually happens from
April/May means that it will be worthwhile organising something. Last year we
had a 70 mile drive through Essex countryside (yes we have got some and there
is even a magazine of the same name) with a couple of pub stops on route. Simon
has suggested a drive out and barbecue for this year’s event, and we need to sort
out a date.
As to shows, there is the Battlesbridge show on 15th May, but this clashes with
spares day, and Enfield Pageant of Motoring on the May Bank holiday weekend
28 to 30th. Please note that the May meeting will be on the 9th as we don’t tend
to meet up on Bank Holidays.
Happy Alpining, and let’s hope we have a good spring/summer.
Essex Area
After talking about things to do before
Christmas, such as beer and curry
evenings (is there anything else?) and
what to do for this year’s Essex drive
out, I have actually done nothing much
at all. I also failed to turn up at the
March meeting due to a cold. All quite
pathetic really and the balance needs
to redressed.
After all the snow and salt, the
quantities of which were heavily in
favour of the latter, I finally got around
to sorting out the exhaust rattle
(partially) and had a quick spin out.
There are still a few things to do on my
SV, but a drive out certainly gets you
interested in all things Alpine again.
So what can we look forward to? This
obviously depends on interest and a
April 2005
April 2005
As seen on Ebay...
Chris Barker sent me this item from good old Ebay: reproduction radio consoles
from a company in Melbourne, Australia. At time of writing, the bidding is up
at about £200. Maybe we should get Peter Pescud to knock some up in his
workshop for Buff & Polish?
“Sunbeam Alpine / Tiger reproduction radio console. A lot of time and expense
has gone into reproducing these superb units to the exacting specifications of the
original factory radio consoles. The only alteration from the original is the lower
housing, produced in powder coated steel and not cardboard which fell to bits.
The aluminium fascia is correctly produced with the machined lines. Includes
correct speaker. 6 of these great units have been sold to very happy Sunbeam
owners, console comes fully assembled, does not include radio.”
April 2005
April 2005
Given that you saw fit to include photos of kittens – or was it road kill? – in the
last Horn, I thought you might find it appropriate to have the following in the next
Mid Life Crisis? I’ve got it off to a ‘T’!
It is one of life’s clichés that men fight the onset of middle age, and it can
have extreme effects. On the one hand it can lead to a fellow leaving home
in the afternoon to collect both his pension and his children from school and
on the other hand, he can discover the hard way that a pearlescent helmet
cannot entirely compensate for inexperience, a damp road, and 150HP being
transmitted through one tyre.
Many of us just want a new toy – maybe the car we remember exciting us when
we were schoolboys. My trouble was that I already had one of those – the Alpine
I bought 32 years ago when I finished university. I always tell people that is not
a ‘mid-life crisis’ car, it is a ‘never grew up’ car.
It’s true that over the years I have seen and vaguely wanted other cars – an E
Type, Rover P5B Coupe, Jowett Javelin – but could never answer the question
‘what would I do with it I can’t do with the Alpine?’ (150mph or carry 5 people
never seemed adequate answers). After all the Alpine SV is still an excellent
drive – practical for a weekend in Scotland and more than fast enough for roads
clogged with MPVs – every one dreadful.
So what? you may think. Is Barker just rambling like Barwell or does he have a
point to make?
Well, about 5 years ago, I took part in one of Mr Haynes runs – one of those
events where you pay him money to drive on public roads in a queue of his
making. They begin in a car park with a bacon butty; you drive to a coffee stop,
then to a lunch stop and you end up somewhere with scenery for afternoon tea.
In this case we ended up at Beaulieu only to encounter a meeting of a one-make
car club. The people seemed friendly (if rather elderly), but it was the vehicles
which caught my fancy. All the same, but very different. Fascinating simple
mechanics. Nothing I couldn’t take apart in an afternoon. What were they? Ford
Model Ts!
A seed was sown.
I did some research and discovered that the UK epicentre of the T world is Neil
Tuckett, who operates from a farm in Buckinghamshire. (It was his Golden Ford
on TV). A year later, I happened to be passing and stopped to look. There were
April 2005
about 20 vehicles for sale – cars, vans, trucks, speedsters, a bus, wrecks (lots of
those) but we had no time to ponder.
I did occasionally look at Neil’s website. I had decided that if I were to have a
T, I wanted a closed version - I can do cold and draughty in the Alpine. Trouble
was that all Ts are tall, and closed ones stay that way. I have a double garage
with an up-and-over door and 78” is all it will take. Then in late 2002 I saw a ‘26
Coupe. This was the last year of production when the T was obsolete, but they
tried to keep it going by lowering it - 2” off the body and 2” off the suspension
height; could this be enough?
I persuaded Dave Holcombe to spend a day going to Bucks. We went and we
measured; 74”! I bought a book and we went to the pub for lunch. The book
told me enough to conclude that the car had all the right bits. We both agreed
it had the nicest body style and when we returned, Neil had got it going. I was
given a driving lesson. More on this later.
I came home. Did I want a Model T? Was this the right car? Would Val agree?
By Monday, the answers were all ‘yes’. I have to point out that the first question
was the hardest, and the last the easiest.
I wanted to drive it home, but it was 76 years old, I had hardly driven a T, and
there are probably not enough daylight hours in November to cover 120 miles so
a trailer was borrowed.
Now, driving a Model T is very simple – as long as you have never driven an
ordinary car. It has a 2.9 litre 4 cylinder side-valve engine which produces 20
HP at 1600 rpm. It has two gears and three pedals. So far, so good. However,
the right pedal is the brake, the center does reverse and the left pedal goes down
for low gear and up for top, with neutral halfway. The accelerator? This is a lever
on the steering column, opposite the ignition advance. The car will do 15mph
in low, and 42mph in top. Cruise is 37 mph. If you can’t get up a hill in top at
about 20mph, it’s 12mph in low. So much for going. For stopping, you rely on
one contracting band inside the transmission linked to the pedal and handbrake
operated rear drums. The wheels have wooden spokes. There are just 2 springs,
and no shock absorbers. Ford devised his own solutions – some were excellent;
others were technological dead ends. But it works. The first 100 miles are fairly
stressful, but now it’s second nature – usually.
The car had been imported from California in about 1990. The previous owner
had made an excellent job of the steel body (very modern – wind-up windows),
but he had no wish to drive it, and his mechanical restoration was mostly a coat
of shiny black paint. So in two and a half years I have rebuilt all the mechanical
parts – but still managed to drive it more than 3000 miles. The longest in a day
was 146 miles. This is enough.
April 2005
I have spent most of the same period trying to sell helicopters to George W Bush
(with surprising success it seems), and have used some of my 25 visits to the
USA to get bits – they are available here, but cost less over there. Everything
is readily available. One Monday, I needed a new rear axle bearing. I rang a
company in Massachusets and the parts arrived Wednesday! A starter ring costs
$39, track rod ends are $20 a pair.
Having a Model T also gives you entry to real history. It really did put America on
wheels and you could, if very sad, spend a month reading T stuff on the internet.
In 1921 half the world’s cars were Ts. Mine was built on November 11th 1926,
along with 5900 others. Production stopped at 15 million in May ‘27. Under its
‘modern’ skin, it is mechanically almost same as the 1909 car except for the
dynamo and starter.
Alpine owners will be used to attention from all sorts of people (‘I had one of those
once…’) but the Model T is in a different league. Youths break off from their
studies of the Astra’s flammability to shout ‘Great car mister’. It also appeals to
women – alas mostly the old ones. And when you go to Tesco, it’s easy to find
in the car park, sticking up above Espaces etc and surrounded by people.
And finally – I do, of course, still have the Alpine.
Chris Barker (179)
Let me give you a glimpse of life in Yeovil. Picture this. We have a B & Q. It has
a car park, but the access road cuts across in front of the store. A car comes
along, but stops to give way to a family crossing in line from the store laden with
packs of kitchen units. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that the car was my
Model T, and the family were circus-sized dwarves. I don’t know what onlookers
must have thought.
April 2005
April 2005
The Alpine Horn:
John Mowforth (Address on Page 3)
or via E-mail:
General Enquiries:
By E-mail:
Official Web Site:
Membership Secretary:
Simon Edwards:
E-mail :
As Horn 144
Other Officers E-mail addresses:
All material for publication in the magazine should be provided to the Editor
by post or email one month before publication. Issues of the magazine will
be released bi-monthly at the end of February, April, June, August, October
and December. Typed material, preferably presented in Word format on CD or
emailed to will greatly facilitate publication. Please
write your name and address on the back of photos so they can be returned.
Any inquiries of a technical nature should be directed to the Information
Horn Back Issues Currently Available,
Contact: Simon Edwards, Membership Secretary Tel: 01708 372 306
April 2005
April 2005
Alpine Regalia
Unfortunately the Committee Post of Regalia Officer was not filled at this year’s
election of Officers.
Therefore, until further notice, the post will remain vacant and no orders can be
However if you feel you could take on this role please contact David Bradley on 01225
754 100 or email with your details and membership
The Regalia Order Form will be available in future Horns as soon as the post has been