Robit DTH Hammers Catalogue
Robit DTH Hammers Catalogue
DTH HAMMERS Vikkiniityntie 9, 33880 Lempäälä . Puh: (03) 3140 3400 . E-mail: . Web: HAMMER 10” DTH HAMMER 10” N120 The Robit® X N120 hammer is designed to operate over a wide range of operating air pressures. A 6⅝” API reg. pin backhead is supplied as standard. The Robit® X N120 is fitted with a positive seating water check valve and is supplied as standard fitted with a solid choke. The Robit® X N120 is designed to accept button bits with a shank identical to the Sandvik Mission SD10. However, the Robit® X N120 can be supplied to accept the Numa 100 type of button bit. Robit® X N120 Valveless Hammer 10” for 254 mm (10”) - 305 mm (12”) diameter holes Component parts RefDescription Part Number 1 1 Backhead 6⅝” reg. Pin HSH1013880M 2 2 Check Valve HSH10108 3 Check Valve Spring HSH10110 4 Diverter HSH10120 5 Compression Buffer HSH10128 6 Control Tube Holder HSH10131 7 Control Tube Buffers (2) HSH10129 8 Control Tube HSH10130 9 Piston HSH10103046 10 Wearsleeve HSH10100 11 Piston Retaining Ring HSH10132 12 Bit Retainer Rings HSH0137046 13 Bit Retainer ‘O’ Ring HSH10137A046 14 Chuck HSH10135046 15 Breakout Washer (2) HSH10126 Complete Hammer 15 3 4 5 7 6 8 BR101H01 9 Hammer specifications English Metric Weight (less bit) 745 Ibs 338 kgs Length (less bit) 62” 1575 mm Outside dia. 8.860” 225 mm Bore dia. 6.840” 175 mm Piston weight 150 Ibs 68 kg Stroke 5” 127 mm Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 7 365 10.3 150 10.3 671 19.0 200 13.8 1034 29.3 250 17.2 1445 40.9 10 11 12 15 13 14 HAMMER 12” DTH HAMMER 12” N120 The Robit® XII N120 hammer is designed to operate over a wide range of operating air pressures. A 6⅝” API reg. pin backhead is supplied as standard. The Robit® XII N120 is fitted with a positive seating water check valve and is supplied as standard fitted with a solid choke. In addition to the standard N120 button bit, the hammer can easily be modified to accept button bits with Mission SD12 and Ingersoll Rand DHD112 shank design. Robit® XII N120 Valveless Hammer 12” for 302 mm (11⅞”) - 445 mm (17½”) diameter holes Component parts Ref Description Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Backhead 6⅝” reg. Pin Backhead / Chuck ‘O’ Ring Check Valve Check Valve Spring Diverter Compression Buffer Control Tube Holder Control Tube Buffers (2) Control Tube ‘O’ Ring Control Tube Piston Wearsleeve Piston Retaining Rings (2) Bit Bearing Bit Retainer (pair) Bit Retainer ‘O’ Ring Chuck Chuck Bearing Breakout Washer backhead Breakout Washer chuck Complete Hammer HSH1213880M HSH12114 HSH12108 HSH12110 HSH12120 HSH12128 HSH12131 HSH12129 HSH12130A HSH12130 HSH12103050 HSH12100 HSH12132 HSH12187 HSH12137050 HSH12137AST HSH12135050 HSH12135050BE HSH12126 HSH12125 BR121H01 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 Hammer specifications English Metric Weight (less bit) 1487 Ibs 675 kgs Length (less bit) 74.39” 1889 mm Outside dia. 10.7” 272 mm Bore dia. 8.5” 216 mm Piston weight 275 Ibs 125 kg Stroke 5” 127 mm 12 14 15 Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 7 592 16.8 150 10.3 1087 30.8 200 13.8 1674 47.4 250 17.2 2338 66.2 17 13 16 20 18 HAMMER 12” DTH HAMMER 12” SD12 The Robit® XII SD12 hammer is designed to operate over a wide range of operating air pressures. A 6⅝” API reg. pin backhead is supplied as standard. The Robit® XII SD12 is fitted with a positive seating water check valve and is supplied as standard fitted with a solid choke. In addition to using Mission SD12 button bits, the hammer can easily be modified to accept button bits of N120 and IR DHD112 shank design. Robit® XII SD12 Valveless Hammer 12” for 302 mm (11⅞”) - 445 mm (17½”) diameter holes 1 Component parts Ref Description Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Backhead 6⅝” reg. Pin Backhead ‘O’ Ring Check Valve Check Valve Spring Diverter Compression Buffer Tube Holder Tube Buffers (2) Control Tube ‘O’ Ring Control Tube Piston Wearsleeve Piston Retaining Ring Bit Retaining Ring Bit Retainer ‘O’ Ring (2) Chuck Chuck Breakout Washer Backhead Breakout Washer Complete Hammer HSH1213880M HSH12114 HSH12108 HSH12110 HSH12107 HSH12128 HSH12131 HSH12129 HSH12130A HSH12130 HSH12103048 HSH12100 HSH12132 HSH12137048 HSH12137AST HSH12135048 HSH12126 HSH12125 BR121H03 3 4 18 2 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 Hammer specifications English Metric Weight (less bit) 1487 Ibs 675 kgs Length (less bit) 75.17” 1909 mm Outside dia. 10.7” 272 mm Bore dia. 8.5” 216 mm Piston weight 275 Ibs 125 kg Stroke 5” 127 mm Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 7 592 16.8 150 10.3 1087 30.8 200 13.8 1674 47.4 250 17.2 2338 66.2 12 13 14 15 17 16 HAMMER 12” DTH HAMMER 12” QL120 The Robit® XII QL120 hammer is a valveless DTH hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 17.2 bar (100 250 psi). The Robit® XII QL120 is supplied with a 6⅝” API regular pin backhead and is fitted with a positive seating check valve as standard. In addition to the standard Hyper 121 button bits, the the Robit® XII QL120 can be modified to accept bits with Mission SD12 and DHD112 shank design by replacing the Chuck, Piston, Bit retainer, Wearsleeve and backhead. Robit® XII QL120 Valveless Hammer 12” for 311 mm (12¼”) - 445 mm (17½”) diameter holes Component parts 1 16 Ref Description Part Number 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Backhead 6⅝” reg Pin Backhead / Chuck ‘O’ Ring Check Valve Check Valve Spring Diverter Compression Buffer Control Tube Holder Control Tube Buffers Control Tube ‘O’ Ring Control Tube Piston Wearsleeve Bit Retainer (pair) Bit Retaining ‘O’ Ring Chuck Breakout Washer Backhead Complete Hammer HSH1213880M120 HSH12114 HSH12108 HSH12110 HSH12120 HSH12128 HSH12131 HSH12129 HSH12130A HSH12130120 HSH12103120 HSH12100120 HSH12137120 HSH12137AST HSH12135120 HSH12126120 BR121H04 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 Hammer specifications English Metric Weight (less bit) 1681 lbs 763 Kgs Length (less bit) 74.39’’ 1889 mm Outside dia. 111/4’’ 286 mm Bore dia. 8.5” 216 mm Piston weight 275 lbs 125 Kg Stroke 5’’ 127 mm 12 14 Air consumption 13 PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 2 100 7 592 16.8 150 10.3 1087 30.8 15 200 13.8 1674 47.4 250 17.2 2338 66.2 HAMMER 12½/300” DTH HAMMER 12½/300” N125 The Robit® XII 12½/300 N125 hammer is designed to operate over a wide range of operating air pressures. A 6⅝” API Reg. Pin Backhead is supplied as standard. The hammer is fitted with a positive seating water check valve and is supplied as standard, fitted with a solid choke. The Robit® XII 12½/300 N125 is primarily designed to be used with the Numa 125, but other shanks will be considered on request. Robit® XII N125 Valveless Hammer 12½”/300 for 330 mm (13”) - 445 mm (17½”) diameter holes 1 Component parts 20 Ref Description Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Backhead 6⅝” reg Pin Backhead ‘O’ Ring Check Valve Check Valve Spring Diverter Compression Buffer Control Tube Holder Control Tube Buffers (2) Control Tube ‘O’ Ring Control Tube Piston Wearsleeve Guide Bush Retaining Ring Bearing Guide Bush Bit Retainer (pair) Bit Retainer ‘O’ Ring Chuck (N125 c/w drive plate slots) Chuck Bearing Breakout Washer (chuck) Breakout Washer (backhead) Drive Plate N125 Piston Retaining Ring HSH1213880M125 HSH12114 HSH12108 HSH12110 HSH12120 HSH12128 HSH12131 HSH12129 HSH12130A HSH12130 HSH12103125SP HSH12100125SP HSH12132125 HSH12187125 HSH12137125 HSH12137AST HSH12135125 HSH12135125BE HSH12126125 HSH12125125 DP125 HSH12132 Complete Hammer BR125H03 Alternative Backhead 6 ” Reg Box HSH121388FHEX125 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke 2 14 English Metric 1973 lbs 74.39” 12” 8.5” 275 lbs 5” 895 kgs 1890 mm 305 mm 216 mm 125 kg 127 mm Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 150 200 250 7 10.3 13.8 17.2 592 1087 1674 2338 16.8 30.8 47.4 66.2 22 13 16 15 21 19 17 18 HAMMER 14” DTH HAMMER 14” N125 The Robit® XIV N125 hammer is a valveless D.T.H Hammer designed to operate over a wide range of operating pressures. The hammer is supplied with a 6⅝” API regular pin backhead as standard. The Robit® XIV N125 is fitted with a positive seating Water Check Valve and is supplied as standard, fitted with a Solid Choke. The hammer is primarily designed to be used with the Numa 125, but other shanks will be considered on request. Robit® XIV N125 Valveless Hammer 14” for 350 mm (13¾”) - 508 mm (20”) diameter holes Component parts 1 2 Ref Description Part Number 1 Backhead 6⅝” reg Pin HSH1413880M 2 Backhead ‘O’ Ring HSH12114 3 Check Valve HSH12108 4 Check Valve Spring HSH12110 5 Diverter HSH14120 6 Compression Buffer HSH14128 7 Control Tube Holder HSH14131 8 Control Tube Buffers (2) HSH14129 9 Control Tube HSH14130 10 Control Tube ‘O’ Ring HSH14130A 11 Piston HSH14103125 12 Wearsleeve HSH14100 13 Bit Retainer (pair) HSH14137125 15 Chuck (N125 C/W drive plate slot) HSH14135125 16 Chuck Bearing HSH14135125BE 17 Breakout Washer (Chuck) HSH14126 18 Breakout Washer (Backhead) HSH14125 19 Drive Plate N125 (10) DP125 Complete Hammer BR141H01 18 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 12 11 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 2420 lbs 76.4’’ 12.6’’ 414 lbs 5.75’’ 1100 Kgs 1941 mm 320 mm 188 Kgs 146 mm 13 19 17 Air consumption 15 PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 150 200 250 7 10.3 13.8 17.2 715 1311 2018 2821 20.2 37.1 57.1 80.0 16 HAMMER 18” DTH HAMMER 18” N180 The Robit® XVIII N180 hammer is a valveless D.T.H Hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 15.5 bar (100-225 psi). The hammer is supplied with a 8⅝” api reg pin backhead as standard but a 8⅝” api reg box backhead can be supplied. In addition to the standard Hyper 181 N180 button bits, the Robit® XVIII N180 can easily be modified to accept bits with Mission SD18 and QL200 shank design by simply replacing the Chuck, Piston, Bit retainer and Bearing. Robit® XVIII N180 Valveless Hammer 18” for 458 mm (18”) - 660 mm (26”) diameter holes 1 Component parts 2 Ref Description Part Number 3 1 Backhead 8⅝” reg Pin HSH1813882M 2 Backhead ‘O’ Ring HSH18114 4 3 Check Valve HSH18108 4 Check Valve Spring HSH18110 5 Valve Chest HSH18107 6 Compression Buffer HSH18128 7 Buffer Cover HSH18173 8 Tube Holder HSH18131 9 Tube Buffers (2) HSH18129 10 Tube ‘O’ Ring HSH18130A 11 Control Tube HSH18130 12 Piston HSH18103180 13 Wearsleeve HSH18100 14 Bit Retaining Ring HSH18137180 15 Chuck HSH18135180 16 Chuck Bearing HSH18135180BE 17 Breakout Washer HSH18126 Complete Hammer BR181H01 5 7 6 17 9 10 8 11 12 13 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 3545 lbs 86’’ 16’’ 12.25” 730 lbs 5.75’’ 1608 Kgs 2185 mm 406 mm 311 mm 330 Kgs 146 mm 14 17 Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 125 150 175 200 225 6.9 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.8 15.5 1088 1520 1999 2518 3077 3672 30.8 43.1 56.6 71.3 87.1 103.4 15 16 HAMMER 18” DTH HAMMER 18” SD18 The Robit® XVIII SD18 hammer is a valveless D.T.H Hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 15.5 bar (100-225 psi). The hammer is supplied with a 8⅝” api reg pin backhead as standard but a 8⅝” api reg box backhead can be supplied. In addition to this Robit® XVIII SD18 model, the hammer can easily be modified to accept bits with Numa 180 and QL200 shank design by simply replacing the Chuck, Piston, Bit retainer and Bearing. Robit® XVIII SD18 Valveless Hammer 18” for 458 mm (18”) - 660 mm (26”) diameter holes 1 Component parts 2 Ref Description Part Number 3 1 Backhead 8⅝” reg Pin HSH1813882M 2 Backhead ‘O’ Ring HSH18114 4 3 Check Valve HSH18108 4 Check Valve Spring HSH18110 5 Valve Chest HSH18107 6 Compression Buffer HSH18128 7 Buffer Cover HSH18173 8 Tube Holder HSH18131 9 Tube Buffers (2) HSH18129 10 Tube ‘O’ Ring HSH18130A 11 Control Tube HSH18130 12 Piston HSH18103096 13 Wearsleeve HSH18100 14 Bit Retaining Ring HSH18137096 15 Chuck HSH18135096 16 Chuck Bearing HSH18135096BE 17 Breakout Washer HSH18126 Complete Hammer BR181H02 5 7 6 17 9 10 8 11 12 13 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 3545 lbs 88¾’’ 16’’ 12.25” 730 lbs 5.75’’ 1608 Kgs 2255 mm 406 mm 311 mm 330 Kgs 146 mm 14 17 Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 125 150 175 200 225 6.9 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.8 15.5 1088 1520 1999 2518 3077 3672 30.8 43.1 56.6 71.3 87.1 103.4 15 16 HAMMER 18” DTH HAMMER 18” QL200 The Robit® XVIII QL200 hammer is a valveless D.T.H Hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 15.5 bar (100-225 psi). The hammer is supplied with a 8⅝” api reg pin backhead as standard but a 8⅝” api reg box backhead can be supplied. In addition to the standard Hyper 181 button bits, the Robit® XVIII QL200 can easily be modified to accept bits with Mission SD18 and N180 shank design by simply replacing the Chuck, Piston, Bit retainer and Bearing. Robit® XVIII QL200 Valveless Hammer 18” for 458 mm (18”) - 660 mm (26”) diameter holes 1 Component parts 2 Ref Description Part Number 3 1 Backhead 8⅝” reg Pin HSH1813882M 2 Backhead ‘O’ Ring HSH18114 4 3 Check Valve HSH18108 4 Check Valve Spring HSH18110 5 Valve Chest HSH18107 6 Compression Buffer HSH18128 7 Buffer Cover HSH18173 8 Tube Holder HSH18131 9 Tube Buffers (2) HSH18129 10 Tube ‘O’ Ring HSH18130A 11 Control Tube HSH18130 12 Piston HSH18103102 13 Wearsleeve HSH18100 14 Bit Retaining Ring HSH18137102 15 Chuck HSH18135102 16 Chuck Bearing HSH18135102BE 17 Breakout Washer HSH18126 Complete Hammer BR181H05 5 7 6 17 9 10 8 11 12 13 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 3545 lbs 84½’’ 16’’ 12.25” 730 lbs 5.75’’ 1608 Kgs 2147mm 406 mm 311 mm 330 Kgs 146 mm 14 17 Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 125 150 175 200 225 6.9 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.8 15.5 1088 1520 1999 2518 3077 3672 30.8 43.1 56.6 71.3 87.1 103.4 15 16 HAMMER 18” DTH HAMMER 18” QL200S The Robit® XVIII QL200S hammer is a valveless D.T.H Hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 15.5 bar (100-225 psi). The hammer is supplied with a 8⅝” api reg pin backhead as standard but a 8⅝” api reg box backhead can be supplied. Robit® XVIII QL200S Valveless Hammer 18” for 724 mm (28½”) - 864 mm (34”) diameter holes 1 Component parts Ref Description Part Number 1 Backhead 8⅝” reg Pin HSH1813882M 2 Backhead ‘O’ Ring HSH18114 3 Check Valve HSH18108 4 Check Valve Spring HSH18110 5 Valve Chest HSH18107 6 Compression Buffer HSH18128 7 Buffer Cover HSH18173 8 Tube Holder HSH18131 9 Tube Buffers (2) HSH18129 10 Tube ‘O’ Ring HSH18130A 11 Control Tube HSH18130 12 Piston HSH18103180 13 Wearsleeve HSH18100 14 Bit Retaining Ring HSH18137101 15 Chuck HSH18135101 16 Chuck Bearing HSH18135101BE 17 Breakout Washer HSH18126 18 Foot valve BBF101 Complete Hammer BR181H04 17 2 3 4 5 7 6 9 10 8 11 12 13 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 3846 lbs 90.66’’ 16’’ 12.25” 730 lbs 5.75’’ 1748 Kgs 2303 mm 406 mm 311 mm 330 Kgs 146 mm 18 14 Air consumption 15 PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 150 175 200 225 6.9 10.3 12.0 13.8 15.5 1097 2016 2541 3105 3705 31.1 57.1 71.9 87.9 104.9 16 17 HAMMER 24” DTH HAMMER 24” N240 The Robit® XXIV N240 hammer is a valveless DTH hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 bar to 15 bar (100psi-225psi).The hammer is supplied with an 8⅝” api reg pin Backhead as standard or an 8⅝” api reg box thread can be supplied also. A positive seating check valve is fitted and the Robit® XXIV N240 is supplied to suit N240 shank type button bits as standard. Robit® XXIV N240 Valveless Hammer 24” for 610 mm (24”) - 864 mm (34”) diameter holes 1 2 Component parts Ref Description Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Backhead Adaptor 8⅝” reg. Pin Backhead Adaptor Breakout Washer Backhead Check Valve Check Valve Spring Valve Chest Compression Buffer Backhead “O” Ring Internal Backhead “O” Ring Tube Buffers (2) Control Tube Piston Bit Retaining Ring Bit Retainer “O” Ring (2) Chuck Chuck Bearing Breakout Washer Backhead & Chuck (2) Internal Washer Adaptor Wearsleeve HSH2413682M HSH24127 HSH24138 HSH18108 HSH24110 HSH24104 HSH24128 HSH241114 HSH241114A HSH24129 HSH24130 HSH24103240 HSH24137240 HSH24137A240 HSH24135240 HSH24135240BE HSH24125 HSH24106 HSH24100 Complete Hammer BR241H01 3 18 4 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 5522 lbs 92.7’’ 21’’ 17.02” 1276 lbs 6.00’’ 2510 Kgs 2355 mm 533 mm 433 mm 580 Kgs 152 mm 13 14 15 Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 125 150 175 200 225 6.9 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.8 15.5 2281 3188 4191 5281 6452 7699 64.6 90.3 118.7 149.5 182.7 218 17 16 HAMMER 24/32” DTH HAMMER 24S” XL24/32 The Robit® XXIV XL24/32 hammer is a valveless DTH hammer designed to operate efficiently at pressures ranging from 7 to 12.06 bar (100 - 175 psi). The Hhammer is supplied with a 10” beco pin backhead as standard, but an 8⅝” box backhead can be supplied. A positive seating check valve is fitted. The Robit® XXIV XL24/32 is supplied to suit the XL24/32 shank as standard. Robit® XXIV XL24/32 Valveless Hammer 24S” for 864 mm (34”) - 1220 mm (48”) diameter holes Component parts Ref Description Part Number 1 Backhead adaptor 10” Beco Pin Breakout washer (adaptor) Backhead Check Valve HSH24138AD083M HSH24127 HSH24138 HSH24108 Backhead “O” ring Valve Chest Compression Buffer Backhead sealing “O” ring Control Tube “O” Ring Control Tube Buffers (2) Control Tube Piston Bit Retaining Ring Chuck Breakout Washer (backhead) Wearsleeve Breakout Washer (chuck) HSH24114A HSH24104 HSH24128 HSH241114B HSH2411514 HSH24129 HSH24130 HSH301S03XL24 HSH301S37XL24 HSH301S35XL24 HSH24125 HSH241S00 HSH241S26 Complete Hammer BR241SH01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hammer specifications Weight (less bit) Length (less bit) Outside dia. Bore dia. Piston weight Stroke English Metric 8800 lbs 100’’ 29.3’’ 17.7” 1400 lbs 6’’ 4000 Kgs 2540 mm 745 mm 433 mm 630 Kgs 152 mm Air consumption PSI BAR C.F.M. Cu. Mtr / min. 100 125 150 175 6.9 8.6 10.3 12.0 2188 3059 4020 5066 61.9 86.6 113.8 143.4 Notes: ROBIT ROCKTOOLS LTD Tel: +358 3 3140 3400 Vikkiniityntie 9 Fax: +358 3 367 0540 FI-33880 LEMPÄÄLÄ (TAMPERE) E-mail: FINLAND Your distributor: Robit reserves all rights to any changes in the products and the specifications without prior notice. Printed: October 2014, Copyright © 2014 by Robit Rocktools Ltd.
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