fairy ring


fairy ring
The Problem
Fairy ring on cool-season turfgrass is a difficult disease to control. It is caused by any of 60 or more soil-borne basidiomycete
fungi. Fairy ring fungi do not directly attack plants but instead cause problems by stimulating turf and/or causing
hydrophobic soils that lead to localized dry spot (LDS). Fairy ring fungi use lignin in thatch and organic matter as a food
source. All turfgrass species and golf course locations can be affected by fairy ring. Greens are particularly vulnerable to fairy
ring given their low mowing height and sand-based rootzone.
What To Look For
Fairy ring on cool-season turfgrass occurs in rings, arcs or
patches that can vary greatly in size. The size often ranges
from several inches to several feet in diameter, with large
rings reaching 10 feet or more. Three types of fairy ring
are used to help describe symptoms and associated turf
damage; type 1 = brown rings of dead turf, type 2 = green
rings of stimulated turf growth, and type 3 = the presence of
mushrooms or puffballs.
Aboveground mushrooms or puffballs may not always be
seen with fairy ring. Instead, a layer of white mycelia or a
band of dry, brown-orange or yellowish material will be
present in the thatch, mat or soil layers. Depth of fairy
ring activity is important information to know for fungicide
Wetting agents are useful to address LDS associated with
fairy ring activity. Apply wetting agents regularly, but space
them two weeks apart from DMI fungicide applications.
Wetting agents can be mixed with non-DMI fungicides, but
tank-mixing is not recommended with DMIs because it risks
turf injury.
Preventive fairy ring control is much more effective than
curative control. Apply preventive fungicides when the 5-day
average soil temperature (2-inch depth) reaches 55-60°F.
Solutions for fairy ring include Tartan® Stressgard®, Bayleton®
FLO (triadimefon), Mirage® Stressgard and Prostar®. These
can be applied alone or as part of a multi-application program
with proven effectiveness.
Bayer Preventive Fairy Ring Programs
(rates per 1,000 sq. ft.)1
First Application - (soil Temp 55-60°F)
Aggressive turf management with minimal water and
nitrogen, and low mowing heights can increase fairy ring
symptom severity. During mid-summer heat stress, fairy ring
can quickly progress from type 2 green rings to type 1
dead rings.
1.0 - 1.5 fl oz Bayleton FLO
2.0 fl oz Tartan Stressgard
Second Application - 28 days later
1.0 - 1.5 fl oz Bayleton FLO
2.0 fl oz Tartan Stressgard
Third Application - 60 days later2
The Solution
2.2 oz Prostar
Core aerification, vertical mowing and frequent sand
topdressing reduce thatch and organic matter, minimizing
fairy ring severity. Aerification by needle tining or spiking
also improves overall drainage and gas exchange.
Water management, fertility and mowing height can influence
symptoms of fairy ring. Fairy ring symptoms are enhanced on
thin, slow-growing and nitrogen-starved turf. Nitrogen levels
(tissue testing) should be evaluated to help maintain optimal
turf health.
See product labels for complete information and additional use instructions.
Adjust application timing to a shorter interval under high disease pressure.
Applications should be made at 2-4 gallons spray volume
with flat fan nozzles and watered-in to the depth of the fairy
ring as needed within 10 hours of application.
Bayleton FLO and Tartan Stressgard are the essential parts
of the fairy ring program and provide early season dollar
spot control when applied in the spring. Mirage Stressgard
provides a foundation program for fairy ring control
including fairway and rough areas, and can be used to
complement the Bayer fairy ring program. Prostar has both
excellent preventive and curative activity against fairy ring
and other basidiomycete diseases, and has more flexibility
for use in the summer with its non-DMI chemistry.
RATE (per 1,000 sq ft)
Bayleton FLO2
1.0 - 1.9 fl oz
Two preventative applications in the spring
Tartan Stressgard 3
2.0 fl oz
2 applications at 28 days
Mirage Stressgard 4
1.0 - 2.0 fl oz
28 days
2.2 oz (preventive)
4.5 oz (curative)
21 - 28 days
30 days
See fungicide labels for complete details. Always read and carefully follow label instructions. 2Use at least a 14-day interval between applications and when
applying to Poa annua at the 1.9 fl. oz. rate, use a minimum 21-day interval. Do not exceed 3.8 oz./1,000 sq. ft./year. For residential lawns, do not exceed
1.4 fl. oz./1,000 sq. ft. per application. 3Do not exceed 345 fl. oz. of Tartan Stressgard/acre/year. Do not apply more than 3 sequential applications. 4Do not
exceed 6.5 fl. oz./1,000 sq. ft./year, except in New York state where the maximum of three 1.0 fl. oz. applications/year can be used. 5Two 4.5 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
applications may be made curatively for areas of less than 10,000 sq. ft./acre; otherwise, do not exceed more than 4.5 oz./1,000 sq. ft./year.
Type 1 fairy ring on a bentgrass/annual bluegrass fairway during peak
summer heat.
Photo: Derek Settle, Bayer CropScience.
White mycelium associated with type 1 fairy ring on a bentgrass/annual
bluegrass fairway during peak summer heat.
Photo: Derek Settle, Bayer CropScience.
Large type 1 and type 2 fairy rings associated with a creeping bentgrass
Photo: Derek Settle, Bayer CropScience.
Examination soil profiles of fairy ring-affected areas for fungal mycelia or dry
hydrophobic layers can help in determining where to target fungicides and/
or wetting agents.
Photo: Frank Wong, Bayer CropScience.
Available on
: BackedByBayer
Bayer CropScience LP, Environmental Science Division. 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. 1-800-331-2867. www.BackedByBayer.com.
Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Bayleton, Mirage, Prostar, Stressgard and Tartan are registered trademarks of Bayer. Please verify state registration of these products in
your state before selling, using or distributing. ©2015 Bayer CropScience LP. 14BPG-052-CSS31