The Light - Miami Shores Presbyterian Church


The Light - Miami Shores Presbyterian Church
A place of grace. A place of hope. A place for everyone.
The Light
"MSPC is a diverse and welcoming community of grace,
nourished by the love
of God, rooted in the Bible,
and guided by the Holy Spirit
in the desire to
become more Christ-like in
all we do. We seek to be a
teaching, missional church
without walls, big enough to
love all, small
enough to know each."
Adopted by Session, May,2013
Upcoming Events .............. 2
Senior Pastor Page ............ 3
Sixty Plus & Minus ............ 3
Summer Preaching Plan ..... 3
June Calendar .................. 4
In Memoriam.................... 4
Church Family Happenings. 5
New Director Welcome. ..... 5
Graduates ........................ 6
MSPC School News ............ 6
Share the Dream .............. 7
Pastoral Care. .................. 8
Summer Bible Camp. ........ 8
June 2 Party- A Great Way to Kick Off Summer!
Our Presbyterian Women's Annual Birthday Party!
Featuring a hot dog lunch and homemade cake and
pie judging contest. Start baking now! Immediately
after the service. Join us!
JUNE 23-The Sanctuary Choir is busy working on
"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"
by Andrew Lloyd Webber. This is part of a Choir Fundraiser Spaghetti Lunch/Show right after church in the Fellowship Hall, Sunday,
June 23. The food will be great and the show is short and
sweet. Look for a Choir Member for Tickets.
ROSE’S RAMBLINGS . . . “Little White Lies?”
Concerning little white lies: there is no such thing. In September of 2009 I was on
a flight from Atlanta, GA to Ft. Myers, FL for a speaking engagement. Every seat
was occupied. I drew the unfortunate assignment of the middle seat. Burly man to
my left, wearing shorts and a sleeveless Harley Davidson t-shirt. A fifty-something
lanky woman on my right in a fancy jogging outfit. The man made it clear he
wasn’t interested in chatting. Fine with me. I had Fred Buechner’s newest book
on my lap and couldn’t wait to delve into it. My other seat companion, however,
thought it would be lovely to introduce herself. “I live in Ft. Myers. Do you?” “No.”
“What brings you to our area?” “Work.” “What kind of work do you do?” “I’m with
the FBI and not permitted to discuss what I do!” Yes, I felt guilty . . . but also a bit proud of my spontaneous creativity! Surely she would leave me alone now. No such luck. “Get out!” she said. “My 30
-year-old son just finished his training with the F.B.I. and is on his first assignment in Cleveland!” For
the entire one and a half hour flight I was stuck with making up all kinds of stuff. It was exhausting,
unholy. Please don’t send me your emails telling me how she might have been a
non-believer, and how I perhaps thwarted the Holy Spirit who wanted to use me to bring her to
Christ. I’m sorry. I won’t ever do it again. Promise!
Keep eyes and ears alert for the sly, stalking devil (see I Peter 5:8). Once the little white lie is uttered, it is too late.
In Christ’s Love and Service, M. Dudley Rose
Summer Worship
The Lord's Day, Ten A.M. Sanctuary
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
is celebrated on the first Sunday
monthly as we pass the Communion elements in the
pews. On the third Sunday monthly the Sacrament
is celebrated as we come forward to receive by intinction.
June 2nd: Dudley's message is titled, "God's Lantern Lighters”, God's people "shining in the world as
lights in dark places." (Philippians 2:14-15)
June 9th: Pastor Rose’s sermon theme is, "Fox Tail
or Sharp Thorn?" God's different spiritual strokes for
different spiritual needs. (Hosea 11:1-4, II Kings 17)
June 16th: Father's Day observed and our Interim
Head of Staff preaches on, “I Love You." Dad, do
your children know you love them? Have you told
them lately? Sacrament of Baptism celebrated for
Kai Borja, infant son of Cesar and Kendra.
June 23rd: Dudley delivers a sermon titled, "The
Lion Tamer's Trick." Speaking in simple terms about
our faith (I John 4:7-12)
June 30th: Hallie preaching.
MINUS By George and Sue Fox
During the Presentation of Remembrances at Miami Shores
Memorial Day Commemoration
on May 27th, Sixty Plus and Minus presented the book A Century of Service, The Biscayne Bay Pilots Association (authored by Captain Andrew D. Melick and Historian Paul S. George) to Brockway Library. We selected
this book for presentation in appreciation of Stuart
Lilly's program on the Biscayne Pilots Association at our
January meeting. Alice Burch was the emcee for the
Memorial Day event.
Sixty Plus and Minus is taking a break for the summer,
but we'll be back on Monday, September 16, with one
of the Wells' delicious dinners, a good program and
excellent Christian fun and fellowship. Watch The Light
and your September Sunday bulletins for further details. Meanwhile, we wish to thank Lois and Dudley
Wells, their kitchen crew, those who pitched in with
the last-minute details of serving, and those of you
who put together the outstanding programs we've enjoyed this year, for making this past season of Sixty
Plus and Minus the best ever.
June 2013
Happy Birthday to
all our June and
in the Sanctuary
in FH
the Sanctuary
Youth Mission Trip
Youth Mission Trip
Youth Mission Trip
Youth Mission Trip
Mission Miami
Mission Miami
Mission Miami
Mission Miami
in the Sanctuary,
10 ONE
in the
in the Sanctuary
Enjoy your summer
Kick Off Sunday and BBQ!
Alice Williams
Sheldon Smith
We welcome into our Presbyterian Family-at-Large 4-month-old Rebecca Grace Loffredo, who was baptized on May
26th at First Presbyterian Church of Americus, Georgia. Rebecca's parents Heather and Danny Loffredo, her 3 l/2
year old brother Joshua and she reside in Americus, where Danny is minister at First Presbyterian Church. Greatgrandfather Gus Larson and grandparents Stephen and Diane Loffredo were present at the baptism.
MSPC member Martha Crossman's son, Tom Godfrey, recently completed his ninth MS 150 Ride, a 2-day bicycling
event sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The route followed 150 miles through Sedona Valley, Arizona, at a 6,000-foot sub-elevation, and Tom completed 106 miles the first day and 50 miles the second, which is a lot
of uphill pedaling and downhill coasting. Through various individual and corporate sponsors, Tom raised $12,000 in
donations for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Congratulations to Lucy and Neal Walker who will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary in June. The Walkers
were married in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1953 and became MSPC members when they moved to Miami in
1956. Their 2 children Hampty and Phil grew up in our church. The Walkers' granddaughter, Emily, is 12.
Congratulations to Justin Moore, son of Grace and Milton Moore, who graduates Friday from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. He will receive his Masters in clinical psychology and mental health counseling.
Our choir was welcomed at Bay Oaks Retirement Center on Sunday May 26, and did a program of patriotic songs.
Accompanied by Jim Gensel at the piano, they performed patriotic songs including an animated solo of "Yankee Doodle", led a patriotic sing-a-long, and presented the audience with handmade red-white-and-blue garlands.
Keep in your prayers our Youth who will be performing service in Miami for their yearly mission trip, June 9-14th.
Also congratulate our students who will attend the National Presbyterian Triennium July 16-20. Our MSPC
"delegation" to Triennium is Melissa Benedek and Sophia Sandoval.
Elder Renel Noel will be heading to heading to complete the sanitation project at Baraca Medical Center in June. He
will also travel there in July with members of the Central Presbyterian Church. Pray for successful mission trips!
Serving as officers of various community organizations for the 2013-2014 term, Virginia Taylor was elected President
of Miami Shores Friendly Villagers (It's her 8th term serving as President). Jane Hinterkopf was elected President of
Spade and Trowel Garden Club. Carolyne Cadwallader and Helen Mendel were elected as co-First Directors and
Mary Ann McKay as Second Director of Miami Shores Woman's Club.Alice Burch is serving as Chair of the Miami
Shores Community Alliance.
In May, at Bonita Springs, Peggy Rose was installed as Treasurer of the Florida State Chapter of P.E.O., a philanthropic educational organization founded in 1869. The Florida State Chapter is composed of over 7,000 members
belonging to 226 various local Chapters throughout the State of Florida.
Nora and Bill Tenney returned from a ten day trip to Italy. They visited Venice, Florence, Rome, and Sorrento.
Presbyterian Women's Moderator Pat Rose wishes to thank everyone who made their annual Spring Clothing Drive
the success it was. Over 15 cartons of clothing (not to mention those on hangers) were donated, sorted and distributed to 3 local charities.
WELCOME to our new Director of Children’s Ministries- Catherine Woods
Catherine is a mother to four sons, a graduate of Florida Atlantic University (B.A., Elementary Education) and a
teacher at Sunshine Elementary, Miramar, Florida (completing her 10th year, being named 2011-2012 Teacher
of the Year.) Catherine brings us both Christian commitment and wonderful gifts as an educator.
Your Church Family is very proud of you!
Recent high school graduates from our church are off to bright futures!
Philip Benedek, son of Laurie and Jim Benedek and brother to Melissa graduated from Miami
Country Day School and will attend the University of North Florida, in Jacksonville, this June.
Jenna Lilly, daughter of Stuart and Janet Lilly and sister to Beth, graduated
from Miami Country Day School and will be attending Colgate University, in
upstate New York, this fall.
Zachary Sardinia, son of Leslie and Bruce Sardinia and brother to Samantha, graduated from Miami Country Day School will attend the University of
North Florida, in Jacksonville, in June.
Philip, Jenna and Zachary were all in our Church’s Parents Morning Out
Program and Preschool together. They were also in the very first kindergarten class of Miami Shores Presbyterian Church School!
Nile Washington Harris, son of Sandra Harris, graduated from New World
School of the Arts June 4th, 2013.He is the recipient of the 2013 William R.
Kenan Excellence (4) year Scholarship to the University of North Carolina
School of the Arts - Theater Major.
Avery Watson, daughter of Patti and Jeff Watson, and sister to Quinton and
Keeler will attend Florida State University, in Tallahassee, in June.
Miami Shores Presbyterian Church School News by Karen Boyd, Interim Director
School is over! The students who attend Miami Shores Presbyterian Church School have completed another successful year. This
summer they will be relaxing and doing some reading as well as each teacher has prepared a summer reading list.
The fifth grade students and their parents had a most enjoyable trip to Boston. Everything went like clockwork. The historic sites that
were part of the tour made the 5th grade social studies curriculum come to life. This trip will be one to remember for many years to
A beautiful graduation ceremony was held on Thursday, May 23rd for the fifth grade students. The students shared their favorite
memories of the past 6 years in elementary school. Each student received a special recognition for an outstanding effort in an academic area. A delicious lunch was served for students, parents, and special guests.
The Preschool completed their year as well with festivities which included the parents. The highlight for the Pre-Kindergarten children was a special “graduation ceremony” in Fellowship Hall. We look forward to many of our children attending the summer program. For those children who will be attending another school next year our best wishes are extended to them and their families.
We are looking forward to working with our new Director Mr. Otis Wirth (pictured right) who will begin on
July 1. Mr. Wirth brings 25 years of experience to elementary education, most recently as Principal of a
school in Monterrey, Mexico. Mr. Wirth’s guiding principle for leading the school is the same as it was as a
classroom teacher-what is best for the individual child.
With experience as a math coach, teacher and coordinator of gifted programs for students, Mr. Wirth brings
experience as well as a fresh perspective to the school. We look forward to welcoming him and his wife
Christy to our church and school family.
All members of Miami Shores Presbyterian Church are encouraged to follow the
triumphant journey of our own Andrew Smith as he journeys to the Artic Circle
and back performing good deeds and sharing his dream with our Church.
Andrew Smith will embark on a solo, motorcycle ride on an 865cc 2007 Triumph
Bonneville covering 15,000 miles in 120 days. Andrew will depart after Church on
June 30 to begin his motorcycle journey through the United States and Canada
and back and we are included! The tour is to raise funds and awareness for Miami Shores Presbyterian Church and other charities. It is an interactive journey
that you can participate in. You can set Andrew a goal to complete along his way
IF you pledge to donate an amount to an charitable organization of your choice.
The default benefactor for donations will be MSPC. If you can't think of a goal for
Andrew to complete, no problem, there are suggested goals on the web site, or
just simply make a donation to your charity of choice without setting a goal. Just
be sure email the details of your donation
to so we can keep track of the total raised
from the Ride.
Andrew will carry a GPS tracking device so you can follow his progress. His
position will be posted on the Arctic Ride For Dreams web site and Facebook page.
To donate funds directly to MSPC, visit this link:, or write MSPC a check
with "Arctic Ride For Dreams" in the 'For' line. To donate to other charities, visit the 'Pledge/Donate' page
of the Arctic Ride's web site.
For more information, including the route, dates, goals, amount raised and more,
visit, or email Andrew at and feel free to
ask a question. To follow the tour and get updates: (Thank you to MSPC's Joaquin Negron for donating his time and expertise
to designing and programming the web site).
Facebook: /ArcticRideForDreams
Or get email updates from MSPC-Just contact Andrew at and you will
be added to the update list.
Additionally, Andrew and MSPC will be collecting the dreams of people along the way– from the people Andrew meets and from MSPC's congregation. The dreams will be
written on ribbons by the MSPC Youth Group and the ribbons will
tied to Miami Shores Presbyterian Church. We'd like to bring everyone's dreams perhaps one step closer to reality by doing this. To
submit your dream, send an email to with this sentence completed,
"I dream that I will.... "
Please keep Andrew in your prayers this summer and look online
to see “Where in the world is Andrew?”.
A place of grace.
A place of hope.
A place for everyone.
Non Profit Organization
Miami, Florida
The Light
A publication of
Miami Shores Presbyterian Church
602 NE 96th Street
Miami Shores, Florida 33138
Phone: 305-754-9541
Fax: 305-758-9597
Web site:
Permit 618
June/July 2013
MSPC Staff
M. Dudley Rose, Interim Head of Staff
Hallie M. Hottle, Associate Pastor
James S. Gensel, Director of Music Ministries
Catherine Woods, Director of Children’s Ministries
Jane Spinney, Director of Children’s Music
The Light Staff
Janet Lilly, Editor
William Reich, Chairperson
Sue Fox, Contributor
Jean Haisch, Photographer
Stuart Lilly, Photographer
Wally Rodriguez, Photographer, Web Site
Andrew Smith, Contributor
Joaquin Negron, Website
10:00 AM Sunday School
Resumes September 1st
Adult, youth and children’s classes are available for your
spiritual growth and fellowship.
Nursery care available from 8:00-12 noon
Worship Services
10 A.M. Summer Service
in the Sanctuary
Join us!
Pastoral Care Ministry
“Blessed Re-Assurance”
It’s time for Summer Bible Camp! Renew is for all kids between the
ages of 5 and 10 years old. Camp begins on Monday July 8th and
continues through Friday July 12th. Every day begins at 9am and
ends at 12pm, with early drop-off and late pick-up available. Through
art, games, gardening, and service, campers will learn the Parable of
the Sower and how to care for God’s creation. For more information,
call the church office at 305-754-9541. To register, go to the churchwebsite,
The Pastoral Care Ministry is in the process of
compiling a list of our members who may need
or desire a re-assuring
phone call on a daily basis. Please call the
church office, 305 754
9541, if you would like to
be included on this list
or if you know of someone who would benefit
from this service.