Perfil de paciente para estratégia switch de hormonioterapia
Perfil de paciente para estratégia switch de hormonioterapia
30/05/2016 Perfil de paciente para estratégia switch de hormonioterapia Daniele Assad Oncologista Clínica - Centro de Oncologia do Hospital Sírio Libanês Tratamento endócrino do câncer de mama Declaração de conflito de interesses Resolução CFM no 1595/2000, 18/05/2000 RDC ANVISA no 102, 30/11/2000 Speaker Roche Speaker Pfizer Benefício de tamoxifen por 5 anos • Em até 75% dos casos de câncer de mama, a sinalização de ER é um dos principais causadores da proliferação tumoral • O tratamento endócrino adjuvante melhora significativamente os resultados do câncer de mama precoce com ER+ Cleator SJ et al. Clin Breast Cancer. 2009;9(Suppl 1):S6–S17. EBCTCG 2005 Lancet 2005 1 30/05/2016 Opções de terapia hormonal Mecanismo Exemplos de modalidades terapêuticas Bloqueio do ER Moduladores seletivos dos receptores de estrogênio (SERMs) Down-regulators seletivos dos receptores de estrogênio (SERDs) Supressão da síntese de estrogênio (mulheres na pósmenopausa) Inibidor / inativador da aromatase (AI) Ablação hormonal (mulheres na prémenopausa) Análogos de LHRH, radiação, cirurgia Outros Andrógenos, progesterona Mecanismos de ação Hayes DF et al. In: Robertson et al., eds. Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer. 2002:3–10. Robertson JF. Clin Ther. 2002;24(suppl A):A17–A30. Metanálise de IA x TAM Estudos com IA 1. Aromatase inhibitors as initial therapy a. postmenopausal • ATAC: Arms: tamoxifen vs anastrozole vs combination • BIG 1:-98: Arms: tamoxifen vs letrozole • MA.27: Arms: anastrozole vs exemestane • FACE: Arms: anastrozole vs letrozole b. Premenopausal • ABCSG 12: Arms (all with goserelin, ± zoledronic acid): tamoxifen vs OFS + exemestane • SOFT: Arms: tamoxifen vs ovarian function suppression (OFS) + tamoxifen vs OFS + exemestane • TEXT: Arms: OFS + tamoxifen vs OFS + exemestane 2. Sequential use of aromatase inhibitors after < 5 years (usually 2-3 years) of tamoxifen vs tamoxifen for a total of 5 years of therapy • • • • IES: Arms (after 2-3 years of tamoxifen (5 years) vs tamoxifen (2 years) then anastrozole (3 years) ITA: Arms (after 2-3 years of tamoxifen): tamoxifen vs anastrozole ARNO 95: Arms (after 2 years of tamoxifen): tamoxifen vs anastroxole NSAS BC-03: Arms (after 1-4 years tamoxifen): tamoxifen vs exemestane Stephen R.D. Johnston; Nature Reviews. Cancer (Nov 2003) 3. Sequencing of aromatase inhibitors and tamoxifen vs aromatase inhibitor monotherapy for a total of 5 years of therapy • BIG 1-98: Arms: tamoxifen to letrozole and letrozole to tamoxifen, both compared with letrozole monotherapy • TEAM: Arms: tamoxifen (2.5 to 3 years) then exemestane vs exemestane monotherapy ATAC BIG 1-98/IBCSG 18-98 Coorte 1: 9856 pacientes TAM 5 anos x IA 5 anos Recaída F/U 5.8 years SG 4. Aromatase inhibitors after about 5 years of tamoxifen • MA. 17: Arms: letrozole vs placebo (both for 5 years) • NSABP B33: Arms: exemestane vs placebo (both for 5 years) • ABCSG 6ª: Arms: anastrozole (3 years) vs observation • Later: Arms: letrozole vs placebo (both for 5 years) 5. Duration of aromatase inhibitor therapy (after some period of aromatase inhibitor) • NSABP B42: Arms: exemestane vs placebo (both for 5 years) • MA. 17R: Arms: letrozole vs placebo (both for 5 years) • ABCSG 16: Arms: anastrozole for 3 years vs anastrozole for 5 years 6. Intermittent aromatase inhibitor therapy • Sole: Arms: continuous letrozole vs intermittent letrozole Dowsett JCO 2010 2 30/05/2016 ARNO, IES/BIG 02-97, ITA, ABCSG VIII Metanálise de IA x TAM Visão geral dos estudos de swtich: benefício de sobrevida global Coorte 2: 9015 pacientes TAM 5 anos x TAM 2-3 anos switch IA Recaída SG Benefício em SG Redução de 29% IES (Exemestano) 1-3 Teste HR 0.79 (SE 0.07) reduction 2P = .004 n Desenho QT 4.724 979 Duplo-cego Aberto Sim (32%) Não Nodo + 48% 26% 91 meses 30 meses HR – DFS 0,82 (0,73 – 0,92) p = 0,0009 0,66 (0,44 – 1,00) p = 0,049 Benefício de sobrevidal global 0,86 (0,75 – 0,99) p = 0,04 0,53 (0,28 – 0,99) p = 0,045 F/U Dowsett JCO 2010 ARNO 95 (Anastrozol)4 1. Coombes RC et al. Lancet. 2007;369: 559-570; 2. Coombes RC et al. N Engl J Med. 2004; 350: 1081-1092; 3. Bliss JM et al. J Clin Oncol. 2012; 30: 709-717; 4. Kaufmann M et al. J Clin Oncol. 2007; 25: 2664-2670 A Randomized Trial of Exemestane after Two to Three Years of Tamoxifen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Primary Breast Cancer A Randomized Trial of Exemestane after Two to Three Years of Tamoxifen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Primary Breast Cancer Diagnosis of breast cancer and treatment for primary disease 2362 were randomly assigned to switch to exemestane, and 2380 to continue to receive tamoxifen. 2–3 yr of tamoxifen therapy Yr after randomization 0 2-3 183 First events 8.4% of patients continue toRandomization receive treatment 2–3 Yr of tamoxifen therapy n=2362 2–3 Yr of exemestane therapy n=2380 266 First events 8.6% of patients continue to receive treatment 183 First events 8.4% of patients continue to receive treatment Yr after start of tamoxifen therapy Disease-free Survival Overall Survival 0 absolute benefit in terms of disease-free survival of 4.7 percent 2-3 5 Coombes NEJM 2004 Overall survival was not significantly different Exemestane therapy after two to there years tamoxifen therapy significantly improved disease=free survival compared with the standard five years of tamoxifen treatment. follow-up of 30.6 months Coombes NEJM 2004 3 30/05/2016 A Randomized Trial of Exemestane after Two to Three Years of Tamoxifen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Primary Breast Cancer Disease-Related Outcomes With Long-Term Follow-Up: An Updated Analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study Subgroup Analysis of Disease-free Survival Favo rs Exem estan e Su bgro up (no.) F avo rs Tam oxifen Hazard Ratio Hormone-receptor status Estrogen-receptor–positive (3853) 0.64 (0.52–0.79) Progesterone-recept or–positive (2619) 0.66 (0.51–0.87) Progesterone-receptor–negative (735) 0.58 (0.38–0.90) Progesterone-receptor status unknown (499) 0.67 (0.39–1.16) Estrogen-receptor status negative or unknown (889) 0.85 (0.57–1.29) Nodal status Negative (2422) 0.68 (0.48–0.95) 1–3 Positive nodes (1421) 0.71 (0.51–0.98) ≥4 Positive nodes (651) 0.58 (0.42–0.81) Previous hormone-replacement therapy Yes (1124) 0.63 (0.40–0.99) No (3470) 0.69 (0.56–0.85) Previous chemotherapy Yes (1531) 0.69 (0.51–0.92) No (3171) 0.67 (0.52–0.86) All patients (4742) 0.67 (0.56–0.82) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 median follow-up was 91 months 1.2 Hazard Ratio (log scale) Bliss, JCO 2012 Coombes NEJM 2004 Disease-Related Outcomes With Long-Term Follow-Up: An Updated Analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study Assessment of letrozole and tamoxifen alone and in sequence for postmenopausal women with steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: the BIG 1-98 randomised clinical trial at 81 years median follow-up Events by Treatment Group in the ER-Positive/ER-Unknown Population Trial profile ER-Positive/ER-Unknown Population T wo-arm option (1998–2000) Exemestane (n = 2,294) Tamoxifen (n = 2,305) Total (N = 4,599) Conclusion No. % No. % No. % The protective effect of352switching to exemestane Overall survival 15.3 405 17.6 757 16.5 compared with continuing on tamoxifen on risk of Breast cancer death 245 290 535 relapse or death was maintained for at least 5 Death from unknown cause 25 34 59 years post-treatment and was associated with a Death from other know cause 107 115 222 continuing beneficial impact on overall survival. Other cancer 31 52 83 Vascular Cardiac Other 23 22 31 19 20 24 42 42 55 Bliss, JCO 2012 A T amoxifen n=911 B Letrozole n=917 n=1 82 8 n=4922 Monotherapy analysis F our-ar m opti on (1 99 9–2 00 3 ) A T amoxifen n=1548 B Letrozole n=1546 C T amoxifen Letrozole D Letrozole Tamoxifen 0 1 2 3 n=1548 4 n=8010 n=6182 Sequential treatment analysis n=1540 5 Years Regan, Lancet 2011 4 30/05/2016 Assessment of letrozole and tamoxifen alone and in sequence for postmenopausal women with steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: the BIG 1-98 randomised clinical trial at 81 years median follow-up Assessment of letrozole and tamoxifen alone and in sequence for postmenopausal women with steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: the BIG 1-98 randomised clinical trial at 81 years median follow-up Sequential treatment analysis Interpretation For postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer, a reduction in breast cancer recurrence and mortality is obtained by letrozole monotherapy when compared with tamoxifen montherapy. Sequential treatments involving tamoxifen and letrozole do not improve outcome compared with letrozole monotherapy, but might be useful strategies when considering an individual patient’s risk of recurrence and treatment tolerability. follow-up of 8.1 years Regan, Lancet 2011 Regan, Lancet 2011 T o x ic id a d e s Josefsson. The Breast 2010; 19: 76-83 5 30/05/2016 Reversal of skeletal effects of endocrine treatments in the Intergroup Exemestane Study Quadril Coluna Lombar Visita (meses desde a randomização) 0 6 12 18 24 EOT Visita (meses desde a randomização) EOT+12 EOT+24 1 0 0 -0,179 -0,622 -0,925 Josefsson. The Breast 2010; 19: 76-83 Transição entre os estados normal, osteopenia e osteoporose 24m após fim do tratamento EOT+12 EOT+24 -2,689 -2,774 -2,637 -3,132 -3,081 -3,147 -3,933 -0,179 -1 -2 -4 12 18 24 EOT -0,180 0 -1 -3 6 1 -0,290 -2 -0,994 -1,531 -1,359 -2,304 -2,976 -3 -2,882 -2,989 -3,110 -3,132 -3,947 -4 -4,166 -5 -5 -6 -6 Exemestano Tamoxifeno 206 patients (Exemestane [E] = 101, Tamoxifen [T] = 105) Coleman RE et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010; 124: 153-161 IES: Eventos ginecológicos Favorece o exemestano Favorece o tamoxifeno E%* v T%**; valor p População Chave Evento Ginecológico grave (incluindo a histerectomia e D&C uterina) Todas 6,8 v 10,4; < 0,001 Durante Após 4,9 vs 7,2; 0,001 Sangramento vaginal Hiperplasia endometrial / pólipos e miomas uterinos 1,5 v 3,9; < 0,001 0,2 0,4 0,8 1,0 1,7 Razão de possibilidade (99% de CI) *N = 2319 **N = 2338 p/ sangramento vaginal; Coleman, Breast Can Res Treat 2010 *N = 2038 **N = 2059 para outros eventos Coombes RC et al. ECCO15/ESMO 34 2009. Resumo 5.010. 6 30/05/2016 Relação entre eventos adversos e a eficácia do exemestano Ondas de calor: HR 0,39, 95% de CI 0,19 – 0,81 p = 0,012 Long-term assessment of quality of life in the Intergroup Exemestane Study: 5 years post-randomisation Ferramentas usadas: • FACT-B trimestralmente por um ano • ES semestralmente por 5 anos • 582 pacientes de oito países • Conformidade de 84,5% com o questionário Músculo-esqueletico: HR 0,68, 95% de CI 0,39 – 1,17 p = 0,16 Meta primária: • O índice de resultado de teste (TOI), que é a soma da subescala referente a preocupações físicas, funcionais e do câncer de mama. QoL – qualidade de vida Fontein DB et al. Ann Oncol. 2012; 23: 3091-3097 Mean change from baseline Long-term assessment of quality of life in the Intergroup Exemestane Study: 5 years post-randomisation 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 Fallowfield LJ et al. Br J cancer. 2012; 106: 1062 - 1067 IAs e Tamoxifeno Riscos e benefícios potenciais Exemestane Tamoxifen Sem diferença QOL ↓ Câncer de mama contra-lateral ↓ Risco de osteoporose ↓ Mialgia ↓ Hiperlipidemia Tamoxifeno ↓ Câncer de mama contra-lateral ↓ Trombose venosa profunda ↓ Câncer endometrial ↓ Ondas de calor Neurocognição Função sexual Doença cardiovascular AI End of treatment 0 3 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 Months from randomisation Mean change from baseline TOI scores within treatment groups. Fallowfield British Journal of Cancer, 2012 ↑ Ondas de calor ↑ Tromboembolias ↑ Câncer endometrial ↑ Efeitos adversos no trato geniturinário ↑ Artralgia / mialgia ↑ Risco de osteoporose ↑ Riscos cardiovasculares ? Burstein HJ et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 3784-3796 Amir E et al. J natl Cancer Inst. 2011; 103: 1299-1309 Phillips KA et al. Breast Cancer Res. 2011; 13: 203 7 30/05/2016 Aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen in early breast cancer: patient-level meta-analysis of the randomised trials Lancet 2015; 386: 1341–52 Aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen in early breast cancer: patient-level meta-analysis of the randomised trials Lancet 2015; 386: 1341–52 HT pós menopausa: Algoritmo da ASCO Considerações finais Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 31, No 11 (April 10), 2013: pp 1391-1397 8