Ad Sales Package - Niceville High School
Ad Sales Package - Niceville High School
NICEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 800 EAST JOHN SIMS PARKWAY NICEVILLE, FLORIDA 32578 'RoDNEY NOBLES] To: 2013 Football Program Advertisers Date: April 11, 2013 PRINCIPAL The 2013 football program ad sales campaign is a Niceville High School sponsored activity and has been approved by Okaloosa County Superintendent, Ms. Mary Beth Jackson. Our objective is to publish a quality 2013 football program and to raise funds to enhance education at Niceville High School. The ad sales revenue will be used to print the 2013 football program and to fund numerous school-wide, academic, club and athletic projects. Please consider buying a 2013 football program ad. As always, Niceville High School administration, faculty and staff, and all students greatly appreciate your continued support. Rodney Nobles Principal RN:mw VE STAR 850.833.4114· 850.833.4267 fax" ~ UNIVERSITYo{CAMBRIDGE ~ International Examinations UOliegeBOard Advanced Placement Program 2013 FOOTBALL SCHEDULI; ,f-" AUG. 23 Kickoff Classic -Washington HOME . 7:00 AUG. 30 RUTHERFORD HOME 7:00 SEPT. 6 PACE AWAY 7:30 SEPT. 13 PINE FOREST AWAY 7:30 SEPT. 20 CHOCTAW HOME 7:00 SEPT. 27 GREENE COUNTY, MS (HC) HOME 7:00. OCT. 4 TATE* A'fIAY 7:30 OCT .. 11 NAVARRE AWAY 7:30 OCT. 18 FORT WALTON BEACH AWAY 7:00 NOV. 1 CRESTVIEW* HOME 7:fJO NOV. 8 JACKSONVILLE HOMlt~ 7:00. OCT. 25 BOIl 'ES I .. SENiOR NIGHT *Indicates District Game· Rodney Nobles-Principal John Hicks -AD/Head Coach Ai;:h,GAMES - 7:00, CST ·.(unless otherwise noted above) -. Niceville High School All School Booster Club 800 east Jo.lw Sims Pa.l'kway Mc~vUl~JElo:tida 32578 FROM: Niceville High School All School Booster Club DATE: APRIL 15,2013 SUBJECT: 2013 Football Program Advertisements Niceville High School is an outstanding school. Superb community support plays a key role in achieving our goals. We are now soliciting your support in continuing this tradition of excellence in 2013. Purchasing an ad in the 2013 NHS football program directly supports NHS schoolwide, academic, club and athletic programs. During the 2012-2013 school year more than $25,000 went to NHS programs. Ad preparation, program layout and printing are monumental tasks. Therefore, Booster Club volunteers must begin the ad campaign now and complete it in the near future. This permits us to have a quality football program ready as early as possible. We would like to ask you to give us your ad now and pay for it as soon as possible (no later than Jul. 31, 2013). WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY ADS AFTERJUL. 31,2013. Please submit your order (ad - hard copy, CD, and contract) in the envelope provided. Ad may also be Please make your check payable to the Niceville High School Booster Club. For additional information, contact me (or my wife, Cathy) at 897- 4678 ( Once again, we appreciate your outstanding support and cooperation. GO EAGLES!!! Sincerely, ~~ Jim Evans President, NHS All School Booster Club 2013 Niceville Eagles Football Program TECHNICAL INFORMATION AD DIMENSIONS: Size FULL PAGE Length x Height 7 %" x10" 1/2 PAGE 7 %" x5" 1/4 PAGE or 1/8 PAGE 3%"x5" 7 %" x 2 %" 3%" x2 %" COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS: PC Format only CD or e-mail (NHSFootbaliProgrammustbeinsubjectheader; Acceptable files: High resolution (300 DPI) for a/l graphics Live files in Adobe InDesign-fonts & linked graphics must be included Adobe Photoshop files must include fonts Adobe Illustrator files must have fonts also unless converted to outlines Adobe Acrobat PDF files- only if no changes are required Pictures and Graphics in TIFF or JPEG High Resolution Contact: Missy Padgett Cell # 850-428-1618 e-mail: NHS All School Booster Club 2013 Niceville Eagles Football Program AD CONTRACT STEP ONE: Advertiser Information WE CAN NOT ACCEPT ADS AFTER JUL 31,2013. Main Contact Person: Company Name: _ _ Company Address: _ City, State, Zip: Work Phone: ---------------------------Home Phone: FAX: _ e-mail: _ STEP TWO: Ad Sizes and Colors - please check mark selected size and color Size Black & White* FULL PAGE 1/2 PAGE 1/4 PAGE or 1/8 PAGE 7 7 3 7 3 %" x10" W x %" x %" x %" x __ __ __ $300 $200 $125 Color* __ __ __ $375 5" $275 5" $200 2 W' - please circle size choice for % page ad 2 W' __ $75 __ $150 __ $500 - Cover __ $500- Roster * Previous year adverlisers have priority on cover pages and roster spread; cost estimate will be provided if substantial changes or graphic design work is required. No extra charge if no change from previous year ad. 1st and 2nd proof no charge; additional proofs$25 each STEP THREE: Ad Materials - please check ALL that apply __ __ __ Repeat 2012 ad with no changes Repeat 2012 ad with the indicated changes - please mark up previous ad with changes Customer will furnish Print Ready Ad (CD or e-mail) - see computer specifications for acceptable format and media __ __ Build a new ad, customer will supply layout idea, graphics, photos, logos, etc. Special instructions: _ STEP FOUR: Payment Amount Due _ Ads MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY Jul. 31, 2013 - Make Checks Payable to: NHS Booster Club STEP FIVE: Program Prizes __ Check here if you are interested in providing program prizes to be announced at home games Authorized Signature: Date: For additional information, contact Jim or Cathy Evans at 897-4678 (evanscb@cox,net). PLEASE REMIT ALL THREE ITEMS 1. Signed and completed contract 2. Payment 3. All necessary ad materials to: Niceville High School All School Booster Club 800 E. John Sims Parkway Niceville, Florida 32578 THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT OF NICEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL/! NHS Booster Club _