April 18 2013
April 18 2013
Arlington Elementary School ~ A California Distinguished School ~ www.tusd.org 17800 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90504 phone (310)533-4510 fax (310) 972-6387 VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 4/18/13 Principal: Dr. Vicki Hath Calendar Every Wednesday students in grades 1-5 get out at 2:27 pm 4/19 Kindergarten Round Up Session One 2:15 p.m. 4/20 Saturday: District Bike Rodeo @ Victor Elementary School 4/22 4/22 4/22 Reading Incentive Week Earth Day Kindergarten Round Up Session Two, 2:15 p.m. Early Dismissal Wednesday 2:27 p.m. Grades 1 – 5 Family Reading Night 6 – 7:15 p.m. PTA Association Meeting – 6 p.m. : café Spring Pictures, 5th Grade Panoramic Reading Incentive Ends Teacher Appreciation Week 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/29 4/29 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/7 5/7 www.arlingtonpta.com Early Dismissal 2:27 p.m. PTA Board 4 p.m. Progress Reports home 9:00 ELMAC Kindergarten Round Up – Session 3 State Testing Schedule The month of May marks the beginning of state-wide testing. The CSTs California State Tests – are administered to all 2nd – 5th grade students. Please look over the schedule on page 2 of this newsletter to see when your child will be participating in State tests. Be sure to mark your calendars as students cannot be removed from classrooms once testing begins. I have had parents beg to have their student removed for that dentist appointment which was made 6 months ago, but we cannot comply. So, please look at your calendars, and then put a big X on their testing dates. Thank you for your support and understanding. Please try to get your child to school on time, well rested, and fed with a nutritious breakfast. A well balanced meal will help your child stay alert and focused throughout the tests. Testing will begin at 9:00 a.m. and continue through until 11:00 a.m. Classrooms cannot be interrupted during the timelines (9-11) which is why it is VITAL all students get to school on time. Jog-a-Thon a HUGE Success – over $20,000 raised for PTA! Our Arlington Super Stars participated in our annual Jog-a-thon Fundraiser. What fun! Thank you to all the families for their time, energy, cheering, and volunteering to make this event such a success! The best thing about this fundraiser is 100% of the proceeds will stay at Arlington for the PTA! POPCORN!!! $3 –Friday Arlington School $10K News – Please help us keep our intervention program and have class sizes reduced for a portion of the day! Arlington still needs to raise just $1,100 to reach our $10,000 goal. We are so close!!! Please make checks payable to Arlington Elementary School. Thank you for your continued support!! $10,000 0 $8,900 0 Arlington Elementary School ~ A California Distinguished School ~ 17800 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90504 phone (310)533-4510 fax (310) 972-6387 www.tusd.org VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 Spread the News…An added Date for Arlington If you or a family you know has an incoming kindergartener spread the news and call Arlington to schedule your child’s Kindergarten Round Up appointment. Round Up is from 2:10 – 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 19th, Monday, April 22nd and Tuesday, May 7th. 4/18/13 www.arlingtonpta.com Principal: Dr. Vicki Hath 5th Graders! Bi-literacy Awards Summer School Torrance Education Foundation Elementary South Bay Enrichment Academy (Summer School) will be held at Lincoln this summer! This is an enrichment academy for students interested in extending their learning over the summer months. You may now start looking at the class schedules and prices at http://www.tefsbea.org. Deadline fast approaching While there is a great significance in the state of California to recognize and honor students who are bilingual, TUSD is proud to be in our second year of implementation of Biliteracy awards for graduating 5th, 8th, and 12th grade students. Applications and information can be found at http://el.tusd.org. Applications are due no later than April 30, 2013. Arlington 2012-13 State Testing Schedule Monday Tuesday May 7 "Test times 9 - 11 2nd ELA test 3rd ELA test 5th ELA test CMA ELA CAPA" May 14 "Test times 9 11:30 2nd Math test 1 3rd Math test 1 5th Math test 1 CMA Math CAPA" May 20th "Test times 9 10:30 Make Ups" May 21st "Test times 9 10:30 Make Ups" Wednesday May 8 "Test times 9 11:30 2nd ELA Test 2 3rd ELA test 2 4th ELA test 1 5th ELA test 2 CMA ELA CAPA" May 15 "Test times 9 11:30 2nd Math test 2 3rd Math test 2 4th Math test 1 5th Math test 2 CMA Math CAPA" Thursday Friday May 9th Test times 9 11:30 2nd ELA test 3 3rd ELA test 3 4th ELA test 2 CMA ELA CAPA May 10th May 16 "Test times 9 11:30 2nd Math test 3 3rd Math test 3 4th Math test 2 5th Science Test CMA Math CAPA" May 17 "Test times 9 - 11 5th Science Test 2" Make Ups CMA CAPA" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! -RLQXVIRUDIXQGUDLVLQJQLJKWDW! 0F'RQDOG¶VQGDQG&UHQVKDZ! ! ! ! $UOLQJWRQ(OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! &UHQVKDZ%OYG! ! 'DWH! 0RQGD\$SULO! ! 7LPH! 30²30! ! &RPHRXWWRVXSSRUW! $UOLQJWRQ(OHPHQWDU\6FKRRODVWHDFKHUV DQGSDUHQWVZLOOEHZRUNLQJEHKLQG! WKHFRXQWHU! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Translate RSS Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Earn More Points For Your School At South Bay Galleria EARN TRIPLE POINTS Get an early start on your Mother's Day shopping! Every purchase MADE AND LOGGED April 16 - May 15 from these stores will receive fifteen points per dollar spent: Bath & Body Works, Ben Bridge, Fast Fix, Godiva Chocolatier, Hallmark, Happy Nails, Luxury Perfumes, Picture People, Redondo Beach Watch Co., Regis Salons, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Rose Depot, Swarovski, Things Remembered, Tic Time, Victoria’s Secret, White Diamond Jewelers, Zales Jewelers & Ziba Beauty Center EARN 500 POINTS When You Attend Kids Club Each month, on the first Tuesday at 6:30pm, and the last Wednesday at 10:30am, South Bay Galleria hosts a free Kids Club. Sign in during the event to earn 500 points for your school. April 24: Get moving with Yoga May 7: Mother's Day Craft Help Your School Earn $250 to $2,500! Share this email: Questions? Please call (800) 539-3273 or email Visit the Galleria School Rewards website. You are receiving this email because you signed up at www.shoppingpartnership.com to support your school in South Bay Galleria's Galleria School Rewards program. Our mailing address is: Shopping Partnership 10435 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Copyright (C) 2013 Shopping Partnership/Galleria School Rewards All rights reserved. Forward this email to a friend Unsubscribebklishida@socal.rr.com from this list. Update your profile 13456&7""8& ! ! ! ! 9:4;*&<<&²&<=>&<?@A& ! ! !"#$%&' (%)*'+,*'-%.+,'/"#+*0+'1*23#0' (+4$*#+0'5"6*'47'83+,'3$*%0'9".',*:73#2'+"'5"#0*.)*;' .*$45*;'.*40*;'.*5&5:*'%#$'0%)*'"4.'-%.+,<''="'3+'%0'%'5:%00' ".'"#'&"4.'"8#>''?4.#'+,*6'3#'@&'A*$#*0$%&'+"'6%B*'"4.' 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Dear Parents of Bilingual Students, 7KHDQQXDO³7HDFKHU$SSUHFLDWLRQ/XQFKHRQ´ZLOOEHKHOGRQ)ULGD\ May 3rd this year. Every year, the PTA and parents of bilingual students host this luncheon by bringing a variety of food to school and serving them in a potluck-style to all the teachers and school staff at Arlington. It is a great opportunity to show our appreciation to the entire Arlington faculty. /HW¶VVKRZRXUJUDWLWXGHE\EULQJLQJ\RXUIDYRULWHGLVKDQGRUYROXQWHHULQJRQWKLVIHVWLYHRFFDVLRQ We accept all sorts of food that are either homemade or store-bought. Food donations: 8:30 - 11:30 on May 3 (Fri) (PTA will provide drinks.) *All food must stand at a room temperature till luncheon start (around 11:30 am). *Disposable containers better. If, however, you prefer a non-disposable container, please make sure to have your name on it and pick up in a timely manner. Please fill in the information below, detach at the dotted line and return to the PTA box in the school office by the end of APRIL 23st (next Wednesday). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact BILINGUAL@arlingtonpta.com or Naoko Saito (310-365-8602). We are also looking for a few parents/guardians of bilingual students who would like to succeed in coordinating this event for the 2014-2016 term. >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Student(s) Name: 5RRP1R7HDFKHU¶V1DPH Contact: Home/Cell ( ) . . E-mail We need your help! Please check Ƒ any of the followings: Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ To receive food donations (8:30 ± 11:00) To set up the cafeteria (10:00 ± 11:30) To clean up afterward (12:30 ± 13:30) ,¶P interested in coordinating this event next term ******************************* Food donations: we need a brief list of ingredients to prevent any allergic reaction. Dish: Ingredients: Student(s) name: Thank you very much for your cooperation!! room#:!
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