July - Parish of St. Helier
July - Parish of St. Helier
THE ST HELIER TOWN CRIER THE OFFICIAL PARISH OF ST HELIER MAGAZINE JULY 2015 Designed and produced each month by MailMate Publishing Jersey in partnership with the Parish of St Helier Parish matters 4 News from the Parish Nurseries 11 La Bantchette opens in Conway Street 5 Branchage 11 2015 Rates Assembly 7 St Helier’s Summer of Festivals 12 Constable’s Comment 9 A Day in the Life of: Marc Adams 14 Town Centre News 17 Asbestos: Not just a problem of the past 10 Fancy superfast 4G home broadband? Yes! Imagine the fun and games you can have with our new home broadband. Instant streaming with no wires, no need for a landline and no connection charges. Register your interest at airtel-vodafone.com/homebroadband Airtel | Vodafone Power to you SAVE £££s No landline HO No connection charges ME HERO No wires PARISH CONTACTS Welcome to the July edition of the Town Crier Connétable: Simon Crowcroft Tel: 811821 Fax: 619146 Email: constable@posh.gov.je Town Hall: PO Box 50, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA Town Hall Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Parish Meetings: Notices of Parish meeting are published on our website: www.sthelier.je, in The St Helier Town Crier and the Jersey Evening Post. PROCUREURS AND PARISH MANAGEMENT BOARD Procureurs du Bien Public: Clive Barton MBE and Peter Pearce Clive Barton MBE Tel: 880088 Email: clivebarton93@outlook.com Peter Pearce Tel: 639533 Email: pearcejewellersltd@gmail.com Director, Finance: Andrew Pemberton Tel: 811829 Email: andrew.pemberton@posh.gov.je Director, Parks, Gardens & Open Spaces: Anthony Andrews Tel: 811700 Email: anthony.andrews@posh.gov.je Director, Human Resources: Martin Roberts Tel: 811824 Email: martin.roberts@posh.gov.je Director, Municipal Services: Debra D'Orleans Tel: 811703 Email: debra.dorleans@posh.gov.je Director, Technical & Environment Services: John Stievenard Tel: 811845 Email: john.stievenard@posh.gov.je ST HELIER DEPUTIES NO 1 DISTRICT Deputy Judy Martin Tel: 780641 Email: ju.martin@gov.je Deputy Russell Labey Tel: 481083 Email:rlabey@btinternet.com Deputy Scott Wickenden Tel: 07797 717766 Email: swickenden@live.com NO 2 DISTRICT Deputy Rod Bryans Tel: 737236 Email: r.bryans@gov.je Deputy Geoff Southern Tel: 728231 Email: g.southern@gov.je Deputy Sam Mézec Tel: 07797 811130 Email: s.mezec@gov.je which, as we explained last month, is no longer being distributed by post, but is instead being made available for collection around St Helier as well as on our website. We are still offering to put parishioners on the mailing lists, however, so please let us know (annie.bienvenu@posh.gov.je or telephone 811821) if you would like next month's copy sent to you by post or email. July is the busiest month in the Parish calendar and this month's Town Crier gives an idea of what's to come: the annual Parish Rates Assembly (7pm on Wednesday 15th July) allows ratepayers to consider how their money was spent in the last financial year and to influence the budget of the next one, while there are a whole lot of events taking place on and around St Helier Day, 16th July, including the Fête de St Hélier. Our Battle of Flowers Committee and helpers will be working flat out this month to get the Parish's SS Vega-themed float ready for what we hope will be a trophy-winning parade in August, and the Community in Bloom group will be doing their best to complement NO 3 DISTRICT Deputy Jackie Hilton Tel: 07797 713293 Email: j.hilton@gov.je Deputy Mike Higgins Tel: 873956 Email: mr.higgins@gov.je Deputy Richard Rondel Tel: 07797 711537 Email: richard.rondel@gov.je Deputy Andrew Lewis Tel: 862663 Email: lewis1963@gmail.com the work done by our Parks, Cleansing and Refuse OTHER PARISH CONTACTS Jersey. Yes, last month local judges decided that Constable’s PA: Annie Bienvenu Tel: 811821 Email: annie.bienvenu@posh.gov.je Customer Services Manager: Daryn Cleworth Tel: 811870 Email: daryn.cleworth@posh.gov.je Community Support Helpline: Tel: 811866 RPZ Helpline Tel: 811811 Email: rpz@posh.gov.je Municipal Services Depot: Tel: 811708 Duty Centenier: Tel: 07797 722227 Registrar: Tel: 811088 Town Centre Manager: Daphne East Tel: 07797 824843 Email: daphne.east@posh.gov.je La Route des Petits Camps, one of our Green Lanes at Teams as St Helier seeks to impress the judges in this year's Britain in Bloom competition. Our Parish has already scooped one award, for the best scenic lane in the top of Trinity Hill, is simply the most beautiful rural lane in the Island! PARISH NURSERIES AND HOMES Avranches and Westmount Nurseries: Nurseries Co-ordinator: Linda Le Marquand Tel: 811719 Tel: (Avranches) Carole Luce 811719 Tel: (Westmount) Jane Snodgrass 811718 St Helier House: Jacqueline Jolley Tel: 811715 Email: jacqueline.jolley@posh.gov.je St Ewold’s: Ann Mclean Tel: 811716 Email: ann.mclean@posh.gov.je ST HELIER ROADS COMMITTEE Nigel Blake Tel: 875339 Email: g.n.blake14@gmail.com Geraint Jennings Tel: 280778 Email: geraint@newtelsurf.com The Very Rev. Bob Key Tel: 720001 Email: robert_f_key@yahoo.com Bob Le Brocq Tel: 743606 Email: rlebrocq@outlook.com Peter Wade Tel: 875663 Email: bema9@hotmail.com Bernie Manning Tel: 07700 356438 Email: bernie.manning@hotmail.co.uk 3 PARISH MATTERS A round-up of the latest news and events from the Town Hall, Parish of St Helier Parishioners join Residents’ Parking Working Group Following a recent public meeting at which some residents voiced concerns over the cost and operation of the Parish’s Residents’ Parking Scheme, the Constable has formed a group to try to find solutions to the various problems encountered with the Scheme. Several residents have taken part in the working group which has also been opened to the Parish Deputies. Last month the particular problems for residents caused by school traffic in the St Thomas’ RPZ was examined with a site visit to streets where the collection of school children by car leads to blocked pavements and a lack of parking spaces for residents and their visitors. If any other residents would like to register comments or concerns, please contact Annie Bienvenu on 811821 or email constable@posh.gov.je. Message from Deputy Rondel Due to sudden illness, I am unable to carry out my duties as usual and apologise most sincerely to the residents of St Helier 3 & 4 Districts, and indeed the wider St Helier community. I am fighting hard in order to be back to full effect as soon as possible. Please bear with me. Thank you, Richard. No WiFi? No problem. Superfast, mobile internet with the Sure 4G network from just £5 per month for 1GB data using SIM, MiFi or 4G router. Ask in store for details or visit www.sure.com FROM Prices are SIM only 1 month rolling contracts, MiFi and home routers also available. Full terms and conditions apply and are available at www.sure.com. £5 per month. La Bantchette New public toilets in Conway St Parishioners may recall that Parish Assembly approved the redevelopment of the Conway Street public toilets alongside an ugly, unsafe café next door. The project, designed by local architects Barnes, Collie, and Fischer, and constructed by Larsen, was completed last month and it has enabled the Parish to provide all the public toilets on the ground floor rather than the unacceptable and unsafe arrangements with toilets split on two floors with access via a narrow staircase, as well as tidying up the appearance of the street, an important gateway into St Helier. The first and second floors provide modern office suites which have already been let to a local company, the rental income of which will help to defray the costs of running the toilets on the ground floor. A kiosk selling refreshments, papers, confectionery etc will also contribute to the Parish coffers as well as adding to the animation of Conway Street. It is of course unfair that St Helier ratepayers should bear the cost of toilet provision which is used by the public of the Island and visitors. The Constable and Deputies have argued in the States Assembly that a contribution to this service should be made by the States out of general taxation. Modern technology has been an important factor in the scheme with attention to detail of the fixing and fixtures to the public toilets and the use of sustainable power with the use of solar panels in order to reduce running costs. The amount of power being generated by the solar panels will be displayed on an information panel that will also provide the Parish with a modern method to display upcoming events and news. All light fittings within La Bantchette are LED, which requires a fraction of the energy to operate when compared to traditional lighting. La Bantchette is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and includes male and female toilets as well as a generously sized disabled facility. Left: How the site used to look Above: How it looks today CONTINUED OVERLEAF Tashi Lhunpo Monks Acappella Brass A 20th Anniversary Concert A Channel Islands Music Council Tour Friday 3 July 7pm Tuesday 7 July 8pm Polish Film Festival Wednesday 8 – Saturday 11 July 8pm Box Office: 700444 www.artscentre.je PARISH MATTERS CONTINUED St Helier hosts Normandy Veterans The annual D-Day commemoration service took place at the Cenotaph last month, followed by a reception in the Town Hall and lunch in the Committee Room for veterans and members of the Normandy Veterans Association. The Parish’s annual visit to Normandy takes place at the beginning of the month, with two minibuses taking veterans and their supporters to visit the landing beaches, museums and cemeteries in the vicinity of Bayeux. left to right, veteran, Billy Reynolds, Alan Nicolle (NVA secretary) and Clive Kemp (veteran and NVA President) Clear investment. Pure Pure ene energy. errgy. ELEPHANT IN THE GARDEN? TIME TO SWITCH TO ELECTRIC HEATING For a free quotation, call 505460. www.jec.co.uk PARISH MATTERS 2015 RATES ASSEMBLY T CONTINUED Planning Future St Helier Two important conferences about the future of the Parish have taken place recently. The first was organised by the Royal Town Planning Institute entitled ‘Planning for Growth in Sensitive Locations’, and was attended by 30 planning officers from the UK as well as delegates from Jersey and Guernsey. The Constable of St Helier joined the Minister of Planning, Deputy Steve Luce, in welcoming delegates in the Le Hocq Room at the Radisson Hotel. Then, at the end of May, a seminar was organised by Jersey’s Planning Department under the banner of ‘Future St Helier’ to give local businesses and stakeholders the opportunity to comment on how they wish to see the town develop in the coming years. Parishioners can still contribute to the work in progress by contacting the States Planning Department (Kevin Pilley) on tel. 448441, or give online feedback at http://consult.gov.je/public/fsh/fshw Top: Stakeholder groups working on the Saturday Below: The public drop in session on the Sunday morning his year’s annual Rates Assembly will be held on Wednesday 15th July at 7pm at the Town Hall. This important annual meeting is always well attended by parishioners, the main purpose being to set the Parish Rate for the year. Ratepayers will have already received notices of their Rates Assessment but the actual rates bill cannot be worked out until parishioners have decided on the level of the Parish Rate. For the last two years the increase in the Parish Rate has been set at cost of living, while for the three previous years there was no increase in the Rate at all. Factors affecting the rate include any pay awards agreed by the States Employment Board, staffing levels and the amount ratepayers wish to see spent on various services provided by the Parish. Before setting the Parish Rate, parishioners will be asked to approve the audited accounts for the twelve months to 30th April 2015. These are now presented in GAAP format and show the current value of the assets of the Parish to be over £47 million. The accounts have also been scrutinised at regular meetings of the Accounts Committee whose members are elected at a Parish Assembly each year. The Estimates (budget) for the year to 30th April 2016 will be presented by the Finance Director, Andy Pemberton, and the Constable will ask the ratepayers present to propose a level of Parish Rate that will meet the estimated expenditure for the year ahead. The Rates Assembly is also the meeting at which the Parish’s Property Plan is updated and explained to ratepayers. St Helier has a major building project in hand with the redevelopment of Maison de Ville residential home into extra-care apartments and a new day nursery, while other capital projects include the provision of a pedestrian and cycle route from the Millennium Town Park to Belmont Road, proposed improvements to the security and facilities for the disabled in the Customer Services Department, and the creation of a memorial in Parade Gardens to the fallen soldiers of the First World War. Parishioners will also be able to raise issues of general concern to them about the way the Parish is run, in what is always a lively and interesting evening of discussion and debate. Paperwork for the Rates Assembly will be available on Friday 10th July from the Town Hall, or via the website, www.sthelier.je. For more information please contact Andy Pemberton on 811829 or email andrew.pemberton@posh.gov.je. School for Scandal Ray Burley ArtsCentreTheatre The Robert Tilling Series Wednesday 15 – Saturday 18 July 7.30pm Venue: Old Magistrate's Court Saturday 25 July 8pm Fantasia Monday Matinée Monday 27 July 2pm Box Office: 700444 www.artscentre.je Caring, Caring, ing i P er ersonal & Personal Professional P rrof of ofe feesssional A JJerseyy company p y s i g our IIsland l d serving f overr 100 years for y s PITCHER ITCHER & LE QU UESNE UES NE F UNERAL U N E R A L D IIRECTORS R E C TO R S Orchid Care Services Ltd We pride ourselves on, the caring, personal and professional professional approach o king closely our experienced team provide. Work with you to ensure everything is taken care of in a sensitive and thoughtful manner,, giving you peace of mind when you need it most. &"$"$%$"'"$ &$" "("%$&"$ $$"%&&"""$"% & %$#"! $ " & $#"$$ $"" $$ Funeral F uner u ral Dir Directors: rector e rs: & $ !!! ! Gareth John, Paul Battrickk MBE, Andy Errington-R Rennell S PECIALISTS IN W ORLDWIDE REP SPECIALISTS WORLDWIDE REPATRIATION PAT TRIA AT TION REARRANGED FUNERAL P LANS AND P PREARRANGED PLANS & !!!"! "$ AEA•280888 AVAILABLE A 24 HOURS & " ! & $#" (''&%$#"! ""&$#"!!!" &#"&'%&%$$&%$ % CONSTABLE’S Comment WHAT DOES 16TH JULY MEAN TO YOU? n the 16th July each year a couple of dozen O The annual pilgrimage to the people gather at West Park at 7am to be driven or Hermitage takes place on Sunday 19th July and is timed to ferried – depending on the state of the tide – enable the hundreds of people to take part to walk there across the causeway to Elizabeth Castle. A short service of and back without getting their feet wet, with many families Holy Communion is held on the grass beneath the making an outing of it and enjoying the afternoon tea and Hermitage on the far side of the Castle, a cannon is fired entertainment laid on by Parish volunteers. If you haven’t and the St Helier flag is raised on the ramparts closest to taken part before and can’t fit an early morning outing into the town, before we are delivered back to the slipway in St Helier Day itself, do consider joining the St Helier th time to start work. For 16 July is St Helier Day when we Pilgrimage this year. It’s a very enjoyable walk which offers a remember the Island’s patron saint, who devoted his life to fresh perspective of St Helier, not only of the town in which helping the poor and needy before being murdered by many of us live and work, but of the caring and courageous pirates in AD 555. (Our Parish crest, a pair of crossed axes, man who gave our Parish its name. Constable Simon Crowcroft is a reminder of his fate.) Cantabile A Channel Islands Music Council Tour Saturday 15 August 8pm Cantabile has been delighting audiences since 1982 with their diverse range of programmes. From acappella favourites to the sacred music of the last millennium, they are outstanding in both comedy and the classics. Having performed in musicals in London’s West End, Galas aboard the QE2 and classical parodies to over 40,000 people at the BBC Proms — the Cantabile experience draws gasps of admiration wherever it goes. Tickets: £17 (£11 students) Members: £14.45 (£9.35 students) Box Office: 700444 www.artscentre.je Asbestos - not just a problem of the past Corrine Holmes, senior legal assistant in V Viberts iberts ment Law T e eam, Employment Team, highlights the legal situation in Jersey rregarding egarding asbestos exposure. exposur e. Although the use of all types of asbestos was banned in the 1990s, it remains the single biggest cause of work related deaths in the UK today. This situation looks unlikely to change for some years, as the number of people dying as a result of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres is not expected to peak until 2016. Unfortunately, asbestos disease cannot yet be described as a problem of the past. It has been widely recognised since the late 1950s and 1960s that exposure to asbestos dust and fibres could be dangerous. Despite this, many industries continued to use asbestos until the late 1970s, and even later in some cases. Unfortunately, despite the obvious dangers, some employers failed to provide adequate protection or take measures to prevent exposure. Even in the last decade, there have been several Royal Court prosecutions for breaches of the asbestos laws in Jersey. Diagnoses of asbestos related diseases are currently most common amongst those who worked in heavy industry and shipbuilding during the 1960s and 1970s. However, carpenters, joiners, mechanics, plumbers, roofers, construction and demolition workers, electricians and engineers, to name a few, are also well known to have been exposed to asbestos. Types y of Asbestos Disease Dis There are several difffferent diseases caused by exposure to asbestos dust and fibres. The nonmalignant conditions include pleural plaques, 10 a contained area of scarring on the lung which is usually asymptomatic, pleural thickening, where the lining of the lung thickens as a reaction to asbestos fibres, and asbestosis, which is permanent scarring of the lung causing severe breathing difficulties. Asbestosis tends to develop approximately 20 years after first contact with asbestos dust. A fairly significant amount of dust has to be breathed in over several months or years in order to develop asbestosis, so the presence of the disease signifies substantial exposure. The malignant diseases caused by asbestos exposure are lung cancer and mesothelioma. Lung cancer has numerous causes but those who have asbestosis and who smoke, are at a much higher risk of developing the disease. Without the presence of asbestosis, it can be difficult to prove that lung cancer has been caused by asbestos dust. However, if it can be proven that a large number of asbestos fibres have been inhaled due to heavy exposure, the majority of medical professionals believe this can lead directly to lung cancer without causing asbestosis first. Mesothelioma, a particularly aggressive cancer of the lung lining, is probably the most wellknown asbestos disease. It is almost always fatal. Mesotheliomas are caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure and, like asbestosis, there is usually a long period between exposure and development of the disease. However, unlike asbestosis, mesotheliomas can be caused by very short periods of exposure. Sadly, this means that even those who have very limited, or secondary, exposure to asbestos can develop mesothelioma. Often, such cases involve women or children who inhaled asbestos dust brought home on the clothing of a husband or father who had direct daily contact with asbestos. The Law in Jersey Asbestos could be present in any building in Jersey that was built or refurbished before the year 2000. Accordingly, the current law requires employers to prevent the exposure of their employees to asbestos. If this is not reasonably practicable, any exposure should be controlled to the lowest possible level. Before any work with asbestos is carried out, the law requires employers to make an assessment of the likely exposure of employees to asbestos dust. The assessment should include a description of the precautions which must be taken to control the release of asbestos dust. Jersey’s Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 combine three previous items of legislation relating to asbestos. A claim can be brought against a previous employer for breach of the regulations in the event of asbestos disease. However, if the exposure to asbestos occurred before the implementation of the Regulations, it would still be possible to claim for some types of asbestos disease under the common law. An employer is under a common law duty to take reasonable care of its employees’ health and safety in the course of their employment. A breach of this duty can give rise to liability quite apart from any need to show a breach of the Regulations. If asbestos dust was breathed in during the course of employment where there was no proper protection provided, and the employee later develops an asbestos disease as a result of this exposure, it is probable that an employer will be found in breach of the law. This will be the case even if the exposure occurred many years ago. The law does not require asbestos disease victims to identify every employer who exposed them to asbestos. It is highly likely that any job which made a significant contribution to the total amount of asbestos dust inhaled could have led to the development of a disease. Consequently, identifying just one employer who has broken its common law or statutory duties will probably suffice to meet the standard of proof required to sustain a right to compensation. The gravity of many asbestos related conditions can make it a difficult issue to discuss. If you believe you or en affffected a family member has been by the issues considered above you may find it helpful to contact one of our specialised lawyers at Viberts for an initial discussion. Preliminary advice of this sort is given on a strictly confidential basis, without obligation and without charge: 01534 888666 employment@viberts.com www.viberts.com Please note: This is intended to be a general guide only. It is not to be taken as legal advice and no responsibility can be accepted for any steps taken in reliance upon it. BRANCHAGE Director of T&E Services, John Stievenard, measures footpath overhang T he Connétable is required under Law at all times of the year to ensure that footpaths and roads in St Helier are clear of overhanging branches, plants, shrubs, foliage etc to a height of 8 feet above a footpath and 12 feet above a roadway. Occupiers of land bordering on the public roads of the Parish must trim hedges and branches and cut all overhanging trees so as to give a clearance of 12 feet over main roads and by-roads, and 8 feet over footpaths and must remove any other encroachments, including all cuttings and trimmings, on the public highway. The Parish will be in touch with owners and occupiers where there are infractions and ask that they are dealt with within a certain time period. If this is not acted upon, a fine of up to fifty pounds will be levied. Should you have any questions on Branchage you can contact your local Vingtenier or the Parish Streets Inspector on 811847 for more information. Chef de Police, Danny Scaife; Director of Technical & Environmental Services, John Stievenard, and Vingtenier John Keane NEWS FROM THE PARISH NURSERIES Space at our Nuseries: Both our Nurseries currently have a few spaces available – in the Sunshine Room at Westmount Day Nursery for children aged 2–3 years, and there are a limited number of spaces available in the 2–3 years age group available at Avranches Day Nursery, plus spaces available for children aged 1–2 years in the Daisy Room from August. As you’ll know, these spaces don't hang around long, so if interested please contact Jane on 811718 for Westmount or Carole at Avranches on 811719. Alternately visit our website – all information and downloads are available here: http://www.sthelier.je/childcare/. Our Nurseries have a rich cultural and ethnical representation of families from around the world, as well as local families – all with a variety of individual social care needs. Our minibus is particularly important to us as it allows all children to have access to the beautiful, natural landscapes around the Island which otherwise might not be accessible. Our practitioners aim to offer experiences which complement a child’s home life and foster a ‘can do’ attitude, both within the Nursery environments and beyond. Outings promote a child’s overall development, including his or her The children at Avranches Day Nursery have been enjoying their new water wall recently, in preparation for a hot sunny summer. physical health and wellbeing and their emotional and mental wellbeing, giving them a hands-on knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Social skills are also promoted for the children on outings, where they are exposed to rules and boundaries important for life, such as keeping themselves safe. Weekly minibus adventures so far have included forest school trips to woods, beach school trips to bays and beaches, trips to reservoirs, sand dunes, garden centres, parks, farms and Durrell, and to various Jersey Heritage sites. The children have also enjoyed hands-on experiences such as posting letters at the Post Office, daffodil picking at St Ouen, and potato picking with the Jersey Potato Company. We are an award winning, established, international law firm renowned for our outstanding client service and outcome focused strategic thinking. Find out how Viberts can help you with your legal requirements. COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT FAMILY LITIGATION PERSONAL PROPERTY Contact us: Viberts House, Don Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8ZQ +44 (0) 1534 888666 info@viberts.com www.viberts.com Follow us: @vibertslawyers google.com/+VibertsLaw linkedin.com/company/viberts youtube.com/c/VibertsLaw As well as the Battle of Flowers on Thursday 13th and the evening of Friday 14th August, there are more events than ever being arranged in our Parish this summer. They combine the pleasures of outdoor eating, drinking and socialising with some of the best live music. These Festivals are designed to showcase all that St Helier has to offer in the way of retail variety and value, as well as the excellent range and quality of our restaurants, bars and cafés, and the multi-cultural nature of our community. ST HELIER’S SUMMEROF FESTIVALS Fête de St Hélier Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July 10am— 8pm Broad Street to Parade Gardens For a third year the town centre will host a weekend of stalls and entertainment over a full weekend as part of a week of events around St Helier Day. This year’s event will be bigger and brighter with the help and support of local traders. The Band of the Island of Jersey will open the event and there will be local craft and food stalls including Genuine Jersey members. Live music will be supplied by La Motte Street Youth Arts, The Hilltop Raiders, Alfie Butel, Gorst, Heading Eastward and many more. St Helier Morris, Run for Cover, Monty Taft, Jersey Entertainments and Canon O’Rafferty School of Irish Dance will also take part in the weekend. Dodgems, bouncy castles, face painting and candy floss will add to the festival feel. Romeril’s Car Park will have an urban theme with hip hop dancing from Total Mayhem, graffiti art from the Inkramental Crew and music from DJ Stefunk. This expanded arena will also feature a demonstration of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, with a tournament being held on the Sunday with competing teams from Europe. On the Saturday evening there will be a fancy dress parade from West’s Centre to the Town Hall, accompanied by the Ashiki drum band, the theme being ‘Saints and Sinners’. 12 St Helier Polish Festival Friday 10th – Sunday 12th July the Weighbridge The Polish Festival gets our Summer of Festivals off to a tasty and colourful start. There will be traditional Polish food to enjoy, and the variety of live music will include a folk band ‘Kapela Zbojincy z Podhala’ from Poland who will play live sets from 4pm every day in traditional Polish dress. There will be face painters, a bouncy castle and traditional Polish ‘selfie boards’ to keep the whole family entertained. Stalls will include painted ceramic pottery, sheepskin clothes and glassware in conjunction with Genuine Jersey craft stalls. Money raised will be donated to the Women’s Refuge, Jersey. Chordz at the Cows Saturday 8th August, 12 noon—11pm West’s Centre This is a new festival of live music featuring bands and an acoustic stage with a spot of ukulele playing. The following bands are taking part: Roodmood, The Reasons, Kilig & Fernweh, The Engine, Kevin Pallot, The Blind Drivers, Optimistic Voices, Koha and many more. The event will be in aid of Jersey Hospice. St Helier Seaside Festival Sunday 9th August, 10am – 8pm Havre des Pas Battle of Flowers Town Parade Tuesday 11th August, 4pm Starting from West’s Centre New for 2015, the Parish of St Helier is working with the Battle of Flowers organisers to create a parade through the town centre two days before the Grand Day Parade to help get everyone in the mood for Battle. Halkett Place Hoedown Sunday 30 th August, 1pm—10pm Halkett Place Now in its second year, this street party with a flavour of the American West will feature excellent live music, dining, dancing and much more family-friendly fun! This is a free event, although donations upon entry are kindly received, with all funds raised going to Headway Jersey. A day of traditional seaside fun at Havre des Pas for all the family. The seafront and outdoor swimming pool will be jam-packed with beach games, live entertainment, music, local art and crafts and al fresco dining. Portuguese Food Festival Thursday 27th—Monday 31st August, People’s Park The annual celebration of Portuguese food, music and culture returns to People’s Park this year with the usual range of food and entertainment. Mass will be celebrated at noon on Sunday 30th while the Festival will close with a firework display on the evening of Bank Holiday Monday. 13 13 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MARC ADAMS By Cliff Golding W alking around St Helier on a sunny summer’s day you can’t help but notice the amazing cornucopia of colour in the lovingly cared for flowerbeds in parks and at other locations throughout the Parish. Beautiful hanging baskets also adorn prominent buildings. Lovingly designed and cared for, they are a delight to see. But how do they get there? Who looks after them and where do the flowers and plants grow before planting? Originally cuttings were propagated in a lean-to house on the site now occupied by Westmount Court. Then, in the late 1960s, a purpose-built propagation unit was constructed at Parks and Gardens, La Grand Route de St Jean at Mont á l’Abbé by the then Superintendent of Parks, Mr Ernest le Conte. Those timber glasshouses have long been replaced by state of the art aluminium glasshouses where a concerted, year-round operation ensures that flowers and plants are delivered to locations in pristine condition. Jersey man Marc Adams, along with his manager, Dale Hector, produce the plants and flowers for the Parish of St Helier. We visited the site and asked Marc some leading questions. How many varieties of flowers and plants do you have here? MA That’s difficult to answer! How long is a piece of string? We have a vast array of plants from bedding to floral decorations all intended for different settings and projects. We prepare a lot of floral decorations for events such as weddings, Battle of Flowers, Royal visits and the up-coming Island Games, and we’re also heavily involved with the Parish schools through our Parish Bloom group, of which both Dale and I are both keen members. Are you concerned about plant disease? How can you combat it and treat it? MA Pest control is achieved by using predators and nonhazardous sprays. There are far fewer hazardous materials around these days, which is a good thing. How many sites do you maintain within the Parish? MA We maintain twenty-one main locations plus a multitude of planters, window boxes, hanging baskets and tree sites. We also maintain five large cemeteries. I hear that the Parish also enters competitions away from the Island. What successes you have had? MA We have prepared displays for the Royal Horticultural Society and have amassed many gold medals as well as two ‘Best in Show’ awards. We have also won Britain in Bloom twice. We are always looking for sponsorship for these events and plan to enter lots more competitions in the future to promote the Parish - we're not finished yet! Marc, it is very clear that, for you and Dale, this isn’t work in the real sense. MA This isn't a job as such for Dale and myself, it's a passion, a calling if you like. It’s the greatest ‘job’ I've ever had. I think I was the only person on the Island who cheered when I heard I had to work until 67 instead of 65. Do you have time to maintain your own garden? MA I live in an apartment but I enjoy gardening at my daughter’s house ably assisted by my three year old granddaughter, Erin-Lee. Marc, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Your official title is Assistant Propagator. What exactly does this mean? MA I work alongside the Head Propagator in the greenhouses producing new plants either via cuttings, seed sowing or splitting of plants. We also maintain and feed the plants in preparation for planting out in the Parish. In addition we maintain larger plants for floral decorations as well as making up baskets, boxes and planters. How long have you worked at Parks and Gardens? MA I'm in my 21st year here. I came here through a welfare scheme after being made redundant from a previous job. My manager, Dale, has been here over 35 years. We get on really well and both have the same work ethic. We’re a great team, always working for the future of the Parish. How many greenhouses do you have here and how do you hydrate the cuttings and plants? MA We have five large greenhouses, one poly tunnel and one netting tunnel. Everything is watered by hand due to the vast amount of plants we produce, and every variety of plant requires different moisture levels. 14 Finally, tell us something about you that might surprise people. MA I'm a part-time life model at art classes! Last year I had a double heart bypass. I felt I was given a new lease of life, a second chance. I decided to embrace life and take on anything. I am very happy in my work and life – a great balance. T he flowers and plants you see in the parks, and at other locations in the Parish, are funded by the parishioners and businesses of St Helier. The Parish endeavours to gain sponsorship for hanging baskets and window boxes as well as working closely with the St Helier Community in Bloom group. They help raise funds for events such as the annual Best in St Helier Garden Competition, which encourages a more floral St Helier. Several of the Parish staff are also volunteers in this group, including Marc, and they support a range of initiatives to improve the Parish. To find out more about how Parks and Gardens can help you if you are planning a private or corporate function, or to enquire about sponsorship, call the Parks Superintendent, Peter Goguelin, on 811702 or the department secretary, Steph, on 811708 or email stephanie.parrott@posh.gov.je. Get the most out o your PC PC off your Was W a as £59.99 £59.99 59 99 N OW NOW £19 1 .99 incl. GS GST T Queens Road St. Helier JERSEY JE4 8NY Open 9am to 8pm Mon to Sat Te el: 01534 505460 powerhouse.je /powerhouse.je /powerhouseje br browse, owse, selec select, t, click and ccollect ollect a att powerhouse powerhouse.je .je Powerhouse is a trading division of Jersey Elecctricity plc TOWN CENTRE NEWS summer months. Retailers who have embraced late night shopping report that sales have increased in the last two hours of the day between 5pm and 7pm. The Group discussed the forthcoming Customer Services Week in October and agreed that it would highlight the importance of Customer Service all year round, as well as celebrating good examples of customer service. Colomberie Traders Colomberie By Daphne East, Town Centre Manager TRADER GROUP UPDATES St Helier welcomes the NatWest Island Games There is no doubt that the Island Games which began at the end of last month and finish in the first week of July will prove to have been of great value to the retail, hospitality and service sectors of the business community in St Helier. Apart from all the extra business the Games have generated, they have given our town a great opportunity to showcase itself to thousands of new visitors, a good proportion of whom we can expect to return with their families on holiday in the future. The Parish has worked closely with the Island Games organisers to ensure that the town has been kept at its cleanest and brightest throughout the Games, and I am very grateful for the financial support we have received to cover the cost of several of the initiatives, including the coloured lights in Colomberie and the interactive displays around the town. traders were looking forward to the Island Games last month, with the Athletes’ Village being based at Howard Davis Park. The Parish of St Helier worked closely with the Island Games organisers to add coloured lighting to Colomberie prior to the event which it is hoped will be a legacy for the area. Jersey Business Retail support was noted as providing an opportunity for traders to have ‘mini audits’ completed on three key areas: Customer Experience, Technology and Energy & Waste. West’s Centre and Bath Street Traders This group has also discussed the Loka app and the potential benefits of using technology to promote their businesses. The holding of more events in West’s Centre in order to drive footfall to West’s Centre and Bath Street is a priority for this group, and the holding of a new music festival, ‘Chordz at the Cows,’ on Saturday 8th August has been welcomed. The group has been encouraged to make full use of the giant chess set which has been provided by the Parish for public use, especially during the fine summer weather. If the chess pieces are not on the chessboard a member of the public can request a key to the box from the shops around West’s Centre precinct. Open until 7:00pm I n September last year the Retail Development Group agreed to trial an 18 month late night opening every Thursday evening until 7pm. This has seen over thirty retailers involved at the peak Christmas period, and there are currently more shops opening later every week. Currently the shops open on a Thursday evening are: BHS / Bambola / Bean Around the World / Beghins / Boots / Chordz Café / de Gruchy / Ellis Collections / Fortuna / Jersey Pottery Shop / Jersey Telecoms / M&S / New Look (from 2nd July) / Next / Paperchase / Schuh / Sure / Swarovski / Voisin’s / Waitrose, St Helier (till 8pm) Please give them your support! Charing Cross and Parade Traders The Retail Development Group Recently our group of town retailers had a demonstration of a new app for mobile phones called ‘Loka’ which allows participating stores to send messages, promotions etc via Bluetooth beacons to persons walking in the vicinity of their premises. Over thirty St Helier traders now have this technology, with over 2,000 apps downloaded to date. The ‘Love Shopping, Love Thursdays’ campaign is ongoing with more retailers opening late on Thursday evenings during the This group is encouraged by local customer support and looking forward to the Fête St Hélier on the 18th and 19th July. Several of this group are engaging with the mini-audit programme offered by Jersey Business, with many audits already completed and positive benefits noted. Halkett Place Traders has applied to erect a digital sign to enhance the area, promote the businesses and draw attention to the uniqueness of the street. The need for more shopper parking to NEW OPENINGS Sure, King Street (relocation) Pandora, King Street Jersey Pearl, King Street Jeans & Tops, Colomberie Juice 4 Life, Colomberie The Parlour, Colomberie serve the area is still on the agenda with a view to working in conjunction with the Central Market to find solutions. 17 Have you something to share with fellow parishioners? Is there an event or activity coming up that you want to tell St Helier about? Let us know at the Town Crier and we can include on the monthly Parish Notice Board. Call Annie Bienvenu on 811821 or email short news items and associated photos to annie.bienvenu@posh.gov.je. Murder Muck and Mayhem returns to St Helier This really informative walk takes place with tour guide Tom Bunting every Tuesday evening from 12th May to 15th September, leaving the Royal Square at 7.30pm. No need to book. Cost is £10 per adult, with accompanied children free. Also taking place every Tuesday morning from 14th April to 27th October is the ‘Living With the Enemy’ guided walk – delve into life in Jersey when it was occupied in World War II. For more information telephone Tom on 482822 or email tom.bunting@localdial.com. Reception for HMS Iron Duke A ship in the British Navy with close ties to Jersey has been granted the Freedom to March following a decision by the States of Jersey. Officers and crew attended a reception in the Town Hall recently where they met Miss St Helier. Another two guided walks taking place this summer are ‘A Taste of St Helier’, which takes place on a Monday, leaving from Liberation Square at 10.30am, and ‘Everything that you wanted to know about Jersey – but were afraid to ask!’, which also takes place on a Monday, leaving from the George V statue in Howard Davis Park at 2pm. Both walks are guided by Arthur Lamy and places need to be booked – telephone 853525. Marc’s Walk This year will be the fifth annual walk in memory of Marc Nieuwburg who died of cancer in 2006, and will be the best! So far the walk has raised £75,000 for the following charities: Teenage Cancer Trust (Jersey), CLIC Sargent (Jersey), Mont à l'Abbé School and the children's ward at the hospital/Antoine Trust, and the route changes each year! The walk takes place on Sunday 9th August and there’s a choice of three starts: 14 miles: starting at Plémont, 7 miles: starting at the Val de la Mare Reservoir and 3 miles: starting at the Waterfront. Everyone can walk, even if it's only a small part, and well-behaved dogs and other pets are welcomed. Any questions please email otom@newtelsurf.com, telephone 07797 773765 or visit www/facebook.com/marcswalk. 18 Awards presented at the Jersey Eisteddfod AGM At the Jersey Eisteddfod’s Annual General Meeting in the Town Hall last month several awards were presented to individuals in recognition of their dedicated service to the Association. The Seaford Trophy, the Visitors Choice Award from the Spring Festival of Creative Arts, was presented to Cristina Perestrelo; the Paperweight Award, for non-members of the Association, was presented to Annette Le Riche; the Jersey Eisteddfod Special Services Award (JESSA) was presented to Gloria Roscouet; and the top award, The Black Horse, was presented to Lola Garvin. Top right: Lola Garvin receiving her award from Chairman Michael Blackie Right: Cristina Perestrelo with the President of the Eisteddfod, Simon Crowcroft Garden Fête at Glanville Home, St Mark’s Road on Thursday July 30th from 2.15pm. There’ll be a cake stall, produce, a toy stall, bric-a-brac, a raffle and also delicious afternoon teas. Free admission and all are welcome. The Jersey Bowling Club at Westmount is always on the lookout for new bowling members, all ages welcome. Anyone interested please contact Jean Lowery on 07797 776790. Newsflash! Community Savings Ltd. will be moving on Tuesday 14th July to the ground floor of Commercial House in Commercial Street (next to the Jersey Post collection point). PARISH NOTICE BOARD CONTINUED Mont à l’Abbé School’s Art Club is looking for used postage stamps for a project. If anyone can assist, the stamps can be dropped to the School any time between 9am and 3pm during term time. New residential home opens in St Helier Fig Tree House in Parade Road was opened by the Constable of St Helier last month. The new home has been set up by Amanda Etienne and has 27 rooms around a courtyard – with a fig tree growing in the middle! Enquiries can be made to the new home by telephoning 733878 or emailing admin@personalcareltd.com. ST HELIER SCHOOLS d’Auvergne School’s nursery classes have been learning all about growing recently. They planted some vegetable and flower seeds in the garden and talked about all the things that seeds need to grow. Haute Vallée’s Avranches trip 2015 4th June this year saw 32 Year 7 and Year 8 students and four teachers from Haute Vallée School visiting Avranches on their annual exchange trip. The first day was spent exploring Mont St Michel, and on Friday 5th June the Town Hall in Avranches kindly organised transport for the group to get up the hill to the main town of Avranches. The Year 8 students met up with their pen friends, who they have already met twice before, and completed a task on computers together. The students used the opportunity to chat and catch up, as well as exchange presents. In the meantime, the Year 7 students had a tour of the school. After break time, the group attended a variety of different lessons, such as Biology, Music and Geology along with their pen friends, and then the lunch break included some free time in the playground and the park, as well as a three course meal in the school’s canteen. In the afternoon, the Year 7 students went on a scavenger hunt around the town of Avranches with their pen friends and the Year 8s had an opportunity to practise their French in town and do a bit of shopping. On behalf of all the staff and students at Haute Vallée, I would like to thank the St Helier Twinning Committee for its continued support and funding, without which fewer students would be able to benefit from this valuable opportunity. It was a very successful trip and we were lucky to have excellent weather this year, with many of our students not wanting to return to Jersey because they enjoyed their time with the pen friends so much. Some students are even making their own plans to meet up with the French friends during the summer holidays. As far as the schools are concerned, we are already starting to organise the reciprocal visit in September when the French students will visit Haute Vallée for the day. HENNING WEHN: EINS, ZWEI, DIY SAT 4 JULY | £17.50 THE SIMON & GARFUNKEL STORY FRI 10 & SAT 11 JULY | £20 WHITNEY: QUEEN OF THE NIGHT FRI 17 & SAT 18 JULY | £20 THE ELVIS YEARS FRI 24 & SAT 25 JULY £19.50 Helen Poingdestre 2 i/c MFL department, Avranches Coordinator COURTNEY PINE & ZOE RAHMAN FRI 31 JULY | £20 Box Office (01534) 511 115 www.jerseyoperahouse.co.uk BOOK BREAKFAST, LUNCH & PRE-SHOW SUPPERS TEL: (01534) 511 106 19 ORGANISATIONS IN ST HELIER This section of the Crier is devoted to the many churches, voluntary clubs and groups run throughout St Helier. If you would like to promote your organisation or a planned special event, or just to include contact details, please telephone 811821 or email towncrier@posh.gov.je. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE There are four meetings in St Helier as follows: St Helier Sirens WI Contact Helen Asplet on 483000 / helenasp@me.com La Pouquelaye WI Contact Gill James on 722467 / gilljames527@gmail.com Hel’s Belles WI Contact Sue Bone on 636977 / libertyjersey2014@gmail.com First Tower & Millbrook WI Contact Joan Cadoret on 735534 MOBILE LIBRARY George V Cottage Homes: Mondays, 9.20–9.45am Clos du Paradis: Tuesdays, 9.15–9.45am B&Q, Queen’s Road: Tuesdays, 9.50–10.30am BEAVERS, CUBS AND SCOUTS 14th Jersey (St Helier) Scout Group Contact Mary Roberts, Island Secretary, on 486935 / admin@scouts.org.je RAINBOWS, BROWNIES AND GIRL GUIDES All Saints Church Hall group, The Parade Contact Daphne on 871199 La Pouquelaye group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre Contact Tina de la Cour on 07797 761746 / 877559 South Rainbow group, d’Auvergne School Contact Jean on 509003 / 07797 719003 5th St Mark’s Brownies group, All Saints Church Hall Contact Vee 789571 / 07797 795587 5th St Mark’s Guides group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre Contact Pat on 481418 First Tower group, First Tower School Contact Jayne on 723621 LITTLE MONKEYS GYMNASTICS Fort Regent Contact Mel 07797 731101 / littlemonkeys2009@gmail.com REGENT GYMNASTICS CLUB Fort Regent Visit www.regentgymnastics.co.uk ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 2–4 Great Union Street Tel: 723469 SUN BOWLS Contact Terry Bell on 734721 FIRST TOWER BILLIARDS & SNOOKER CLUB Email: firsttowersnookerclub@gmail.com JERSEY SCRABBLE CLUB Contact Anne on 730409 / apasturel@live.co.uk ST MARK’S SPARKS Contact Ian MacFeeters 720595 THE CAESAREA QUILTERS Contact Sarah Matlock 487883 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF JERSEY Ladies Service Club Contact Jean Dale 888882 / jeand@bullandcompany.com JERSEY CODERS (computer coding club for teenagers) Contact Gwyn Garfield-Bennett 07797 715560 / gwynjs@aol.com JERSEY BUMPS & BABIES GROUP Contact Viki Lucas membership.jersey@nct.org.uk / 07700 362022 JERSEY MS THERAPY CENTRE Telephone 737297 / info@jerseymstc.co.uk / www.jerseymstc.co.uk COMMUNITY SAVINGS LTD. Telephone 737555 or visit www.communitysavings.org.je SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Contact Joy 862205 or Alan 484375 THE JERSEY JUDO CLUB MEETS AT FORT REGENT Call 07797 850370 THE WORDS AND NUMBERS MATTER Call 887208 /admin@wordsandnumbers.org.uk THE JERSEY BRAIN TUMOUR CHARITY Call 510867 JERSEY CITIZENS’ ADVICE BUREAU Call 724942 / 0800 7350249 / advice@cab.org.je Church details ALL SAINTS CHURCH Parade, St Helier Contact Rev. David on 768323 BELMONT ROAD GOSPEL HALL St Helier Tel: 840743 CHRISTIAN PORTUGUESE MISSION Halkett Place Evangelical Church, Halkett Place, St Helier Tel: 522480 IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN CENTRE (Freedom Church) Victoria Street, St Helier Tel: 768957 JERSEY BAPTIST CHURCH Vauxhall Street, St Helier Tel: 879611 ST ANDREW’S CHURCH Le Mont Cochon, St Helier Visit www.standrewschurch.org.je, www.facebook.com/StAndrewsChurch Jersey, telephone 734582 or email enquiries@standrewschurch.org.je ST COLUMBA’S Midvale Road, St Helier Tel: 733220 ST HELIER METHODIST CENTRE Halkett Place, St Helier Contact Sarah Keenan-Fox on 877517 ST MARK’S CHURCH St Mark’s Road, St Helier Visit www.stmarksjersey.org or contact Monika Le Seelleur on 720595 ST MARY’S AND ST PETER’S CHURCH Wellington Road, St Helier Tel: 720235 or visit www.catholicchurch.org.je ST PAUL’S CHURCH New Street, St Helier Contact the Church Office on 887887 or visit www.stpaulsjersey.org. JERSEY BOWLS CLUB Westmount Contact Jean Lowery 07797 776790 ST THOMAS’ CHURCH Val Plaisant, St Helier Tel: 720235 or visit www.catholicchurch.org.je TOP (TRIUMPH OVER PHOBIA) Contact Celia 0800 735 0608 / topjerseyci@gmail.com THE SALVATION ARMY Minden Place, St Helier Tel: 723336 JERSEY ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS Contact Annette Elliott 742402 AGE CONCERN JERSEY Telephone 758922 / Freephone 0800 7350345. Frozen meal delivery – contact Chris 870354 REGENT BOWLS CLUB Fort Regent Contact Harold Noel 617926 GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB Contact Angela Falla gcclub@hotmail.co.uk JERSEY ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Hilgrove Street Telephone 723519 / jerseyalzheimers@hotmail.com 24 hour Answerphone Helpline: 443075 20 TOWN CHURCH Church Street, St Helier Tel: 736734 or visit www.townchurch.org.je www.sthelier.je The Parish website is an important way of keeping parishioners informed and updated. It doesn’t stand alone – we use adverts, circulars, press releases and of course this Town Crier to try and reach everyone. But the website helps those of us who want to interact with organisations online and at a time that suits us. Why not take a look at what www.sthelier.je can offer you? DATES DIARY for your ST JULY WEDNESDAY 1 rations Madeira Day celeb cers inho folk dan including the Bailh all, 7pm onwards St Thomas’ Church H 356438 ning, tel 07700 Info: Bernie Man uk ning@hotmail.co. email bernie.man MONDAY 6TH JULY Visite du Branchage Contact Matthew Wallace 811847 email matthew.wallace@posh.gov.je FRIDAY 10TH to SUNDAY 12TH JULY TH RSDAY 16 5.30pm THU JULY Bloom Community in ds Floral Awar ll , Town Ha Assembly Room 11700 ndrews, tel 8 A y n o T : fo In osh.gov.je y.andrews@p n o th n a il a em 5.30pm FRID AY 17TH JULY St Helier Pétanq ue Competition Info: Tony All church, tel 76 7593 email tony@a llchurch.je St Helier Polish festival Weighbridge Place Info: Magda Chmielewska, tel 07700 811719 email magda.chmielewska@hotmail.co.uk TH DAY 15 JULY S E N D E W m p 7 mbly Parish Rates Asse Hall SATURDAY 18TH and SUNDAY 19TH JULY Fête de St Hélier Info: Daphne East tel 811813/07797 824843 email daphne.east@posh.gov.je wn Assembly Room, To 24 oberts, tel 8118 Info: Martin R .je oberts@posh.gov email martin.r 11am SUNDA Y 26TH JULY 7am THURSDAY 16TH JULY Annual St Helier Day communion service at the Hermitage West Park slipway Info: Jane Skelhorn 811823 jane.skelhorn@posh.gov.je Minden Day Par ade Minden Place Info: Jez Jackli n-Cauvain tel. 607862 email jezman 4176@gmail.co m 21 The St Helier There are lots of opportunities for parishioners to get involved in the variety of activities organised in St Helier. For anyone interested in becoming involved in these groups, a brief overview and contact details are shown below. ST HELIER IN BLOOM PARISH NOTICES The Community in Bloom Group encourages community planting and environmental initiatives, with artistic flourishes. Contact Tony Andrews: 811700 / anthony.andrews@posh.gov.je www.facebook.com/Poshbloomgroup ST HELIER’S HONORARY POLICE The Honorary Police are an integral part of the Parish, working closely with the States Police to provide a service unique in the British Isles. Contact the Honorary Police Co-ordinator: 811890 / kevin.molloy@posh.gov.je ST HELIER – AVRANCHES JUMELAGE The Jumelage Committee facilitates school group exchanges, and cultural and sporting links with Avranches in Normandy. Contact Annabelle Bishop: 07797 762008 / annabelle.bishop@googlemail.com ST HELIER – BAD WURZACH PARTNERSCHAFT St Helier twinned with Bad Wurzach, where many Islanders were interned during the Second World War, in 2002. The Partnerschaft Committee promotes cultural links between the two towns. Contact Clive Armstrong: 854152 / clive.partnerschaft@outlook.com www.sthelierbadwurzachpartnerschaft.com ST HELIER – FUNCHAL GEMINAÇÃO The Committee supports activities celebrating the Portuguese language, music, food and national days, following the twinning with Funchal in 2012. Contact Simon Crowcroft: 811821 / constable@posh.gov.je. Facebook page: Comité de Geminição St Helier-Funchal ST HELIER POLISH SOCIETY A new group to promote Polish culture locally. Contact Magda Chmielewska: 07700 811719 / magda.chmielewska@hotmail.co.uk PARISH RATES ASSEMBLY This year’s Parish Rates Assembly will be held at the Town Hall on Monday 15th July at 7pm to approve the accounts for the financial year ending 30th April 2015 and the estimates of expenditure (budget) for the financial year ending 30th April 2016. The Parish’s Property Plan will also be presented for approval. Paperwork for the meeting is available from Friday 10th July at the Town Hall or from our website, www.sthelier.je. Parishioners are asked to arrive in good time to check their entitlement to vote, i.e. electors of the Parish, ratepayers and nominated mandataires. A.S. Crowcroft, Connétable VISITE DU BRANCHAGE 2015 In accordance with the requirements of the Loi (1914) sur la Voirie, as amended, the first Visite du Branchage of the year will take place in St Helier on Monday 6th July The Loi requires occupiers of land bordering on the public roads of the Parish to trim hedges and branches and to cut all overhanging trees so as to give a clearance of 12 feet over main roads and by-roads and of 8 feet over footpaths and to remove any other encroachments on the public highway. A fine may be levied for each infraction. The attention of occupiers of land is drawn to the need to ensure that all cuttings and trimmings are removed from the roads and footpaths after the branchage is completed. ST HELIER – YOUTH COMMITTEE The St Helier Youth Committee gives financial support to youth projects throughout the Parish. It is also responsible for allocating grants to groups and individuals who live in the Parish. Application forms available from our website: www.sthelier.je Contact Sarah Richardson: 07797 732901 / sarah2r@hotmail.com ST HELIER – BATTLE OF FLOWERS ASSOCIATION The St Helier Battle of Flowers Association is a welcoming group keen to create a community atmosphere. All Islanders are welcome to join in. Alain Baudains: 07797 832597 / alainch2@hotmail.co.uk Town Hall GENERAL NOTICES SUNDAY 19TH JULY ANNUAL ST HELIER PILGRIMAGE (TOWN CHURCH TO ELIZABETH CASTLE) 2pm Procession starts from Town church 2.30pm Procession arrives at West Park slipway 3pm Service at Elizabeth Castle, followed by wreath laying at the Hermitage ST HELIER PÉTANQUE GROUP 3.30pm Afternoon tea and entertainment The ‘POSH Pétanquers’ meet on Fridays at 2pm in the Millennium Town Park. Newcomers are welcome and coaching is provided. Contact Tony Allchurch: 767593 / tony@allchurch.je For those taking part in the Pilgrimage entrance to Elizabeth Castle and afternoon tea will be free of charge. ST HELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES TEAM When the administration of welfare was moved to Income Support the Parish retained some of its staff skilled in supporting the community, assisted by volunteers. New members are always welcome. Contact Julie Garrod: 811856 / julie.garrod@posh.gov.je ST HELIER SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Parish’s Social Committee makes possible activities like the Liberation Cream Tea and the Christmas Lunches. New members welcome. Contact Jane Skelhorn: 811823 / email jane.skelhorn@posh.gov.je The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier: Town Hall, PO Box 50, York Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA www.sthelier.je Editorial contact: Annie Bienvenu T: (01534) 811821 E: annie.bienvenu@posh.gov.je MailMate: Le Quai Bisson, Le Boulevard, St Aubin, Jersey, JE3 8JT. E: sales@mailmateprint.com If you like the look of our magazine and think it would be the right place for your company to advertise please contact Phil Osborne on 01534 493300 or email phil@mailmateprint.com Copyright notice: 2015©Parish of St Helier. The entire content of this magazine is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval 22 ST HELIER SENIOR CITIZENS’ OUTINGS 2015 Thursday 9th July and Thursday 16th July Once again Constable Simon Crowcroft invites the Parish’s Senior Citizens to enjoy one of the annual afternoon Island coach tours and cream teas at St Peter’s Garden Centre on one of the above dates from 1.30–5pm. The afternoon starts at 1.45pm from Gloucester Street, arriving at the Garden Centre at around 3pm and finishing back in St Helier at 5pm. For further details please contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823. system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise with prior written consent of the copyright owner. Reprint details: Reprints of articles can be obtained by contacting the publishers. Disclaimer: While the Parish of St Helier and their contributors to The St Helier Town Crier have provided the information contained in this magazine in good faith, they accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any action taken by any other party as a result of the information provided. Independent and appropriate advice should always be sought on such matters. The views expressed written in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Parish of St Helier or MailMate. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure accuracy, the Parish of St Helier and MailMate accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that may occur. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE WORLD’S FIRST 4WD PLUG-IN HYBRID SUV OUTLANDER PHEV PRE-OWNED ON THE ROAD FROM ONLY £299 PER MONTH With the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, we haven’t just made a great car we’ve made stopping for petrol a distant memory. • Jersey customers genuinely achieving 100+ mpg* • Under 2000 miles on the clock. • Convenient in town parking for plug-in hybrids** • 3 year’s free servicing. • Pre-owned vehicles less than 12 months old. • 5 year warranty. SEE THE OUTLANDER PHEV IN OUR SHOWROOM OR FOR MORE DETAILS AND TO BOOK A TEST DRIVE, CALL 880606. *Please call for full details. **Currently qualifies for eco-friendly half price parking permit. Mansell Mitsubishi La Route De St. Aubin, JE2 3SD T: 01534 880606 E: team@themansellcollection.co.uk www.mansell-mitsubishi.co.uk
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