Oberhasli Results Book
Oberhasli Results Book
2016 ADGA National Show Harrisburg, Pennsylvania July 2-9 OBERHASLI CHAMPIONS American Dairy Goat Associa on PO Box 865, 161 West Main Street, Spindale, NC 28160 (828)286-3801 ♦ Fax (828)287-0476 ♦ adga@adga.org ♦ www.ADGA.org O B E R H A S L I Judge Sam Whiteside Junior Does 89 GRAND CHAMPION: Exhibitor: Breeder: Reserve Grand Champion: Exhibitor: Breeder: Junior Champion: Exhibitor: Breeder: Reserve Junior Champion: Exhibitor: Breeder: Best Udder: Exhibitor: Breeder: Reserve Best Udder: Exhibitor: Breeder: Best Three Junior Does: Junior Get of Sire: Dairy Herd: Best Three Senior Does: Senior Get of Sire: Produce of Dam: Dam & Daughter: Highest 305 Milk: Highest 305 Butterfat: High Lifetime Milk: High Lifetime Butterfat: Premier Exhibitor: Premier Breeder: Reserve Premier Breeder: Premier Sire: Total Performer: Consultant Joan Dean Rowe, DVM Senior Does Total Judged 86 175 NEW DREAMS CB MOCHAS RAJAH DEIDRAGO RUSSELL PAULSEN SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble Vanjust Brandi Giachino Haycreeks LED Z Feel of Spring Tammy Tullar Morgan Allen Ober-Ridge Gretchen Ober-Ridge Paige Holdridge SGCH Buttin’ Heads Loren Again Buttin’ Heads Tom, Sue & Eric Rucker New Dreams CB Mochas Rajah Deidrago Russell Paulsen Haycreeks Haycreeks X Solution ~ Haycreeks Deidrago Vanjust Ober-Boerd Batle Dagger ~ Ober-Boerd White-Haven Mocha ~ Deidrago SGCH Buttin’ Heads Sofia ~ Buttin’ Heads Luvruc Diamond In the Rough ~ Vanjust SGCH New Dreams CB Mochas Esmeralda ~ Blissberry SGCH Devonshire Acclaim to Fame ~ Devonshire SGCH Devonshire Acclaim to Fame ~ Devonshire Buttin’Heads Tom, Sue & Eric Rucker ~ Buttin'Heads Kirt Schnipke ~ Ober-Boerd Ober-Boerd Battle Dagger ~ Ober-Boerd Luvruc Diamond in the Rough ~ Vanjust 2016 ADGA NATIONAL SHOW OBERHASLI CHAMPIONS GRAND CHAMPION NEW DREAMS CB MOCHAS RAJAH RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION SGCH VANJUST TA BRAMBLE JUNIOR CHAMPION HAYCREEKS LED Z FEEL OF SPRING RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION OBER-RIIDGE GRETCHEN RUSSELL PAULSEN TAMMY TULLAR Official 2016 National Show Photographer STEVE POPE Des Moines, Iowa 515-770-1869 www.StevePope.com BRANDI GIACHINO PAIGE HOLDRIDGE AMERICAN DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION 2016 NATIONAL SHOW SHOW SCHEDULE July 1, Friday 12:00 PM 7 PM July 2, Saturday July 3, Sunday July 4, Monday July 5, Tuesday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Committee Arrival & Set Up - All committee members with animals must be on site by 6:00 p.m. for vet check National Show Committee Meeting Earliest Exhibitors May Arrive - No Earlier Arrival or Unloading Registration Papers Check-In Youth Participant Check-In All Youth Participants & their Dairy Goats must be on site and checked in Youth Orientation Meeting - Mandatory for all youth exhibitors Youth Judging and Management Contest Youth Mixer ALL ANIMALS MUST BE ON SITE NOON 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Registration Papers Check-In Junior Showmanship (Ages 10 Years and Under) Intermediate Showmanship I (Ages 11-13 Years) Intermediate Showmanship II (Ages 14-16 Years) Senior Showmanship (Ages 17-20 Years) Youth Fitting Team Contest Saanen Milkout Alpine Milkout Saanen Junior Show SNYDER/CARTER Alpine Junior Show BADEN/LANEY 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Saanen Senior Show Alpine Senior Show Nigerian Dwarf Milkout Recorded Grade Milkout Nigerian Dwarf Junior Show Recorded Grade Junior Show SNYDER/CARTER BADEN/LANEY 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Nigerian Dwarf Senior Show Recorded Grade Senior Show LaMancha Milkout Toggenburg Milkout LaMancha Junior Show Toggenburg Junior Show WHITESIDE/LANEY CARTER/SNYDER WHITESIDE/LANEY CARTER/SNYDER LANEY/CARTER BADEN/ROWE Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center 2300 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-787-5373 Phone www.NationalShow.org pafarmshowcomplex.pa.gov JUDGES Peter Snyder Mark V. Baden Daniel L. Laney Aaron J. Carter Sam Whiteside Joan Dean Rowe, DVM National Show Chair George R. Altheide 319-524-1217 pgalthei@lisco.com Youth Events Chair July 6, Wednesday 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM LaMancha Senior Show Toggenburg Senior Show Nubian Milkout Sable Milkout Nubian Junior Show Sable Junior Show LANEY/CARTER BADEN/ROWE Paul Plummer 515-433-0252 natenn@aol.com ROWE/WHITESIDE SNYDER/BADEN Colorama Sale July 7, Thursday Nubian Senior Show Sable Senior Show Oberhasli Milkout Oberhasli Junior Show ROWE/WHITESIDE SNYDER/BADEN 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM WHITESIDE/ROWE July 8, Friday 8:00 AM Oberhasli Senior Show WHITESIDE/ROWE The following events will take place 1 hour after or at scheduled start time whichever is later. 3:00 PM Wine & Cheese Event 5:00 PM Awards Ceremony Colorama Sale July 9, Saturday TBA 12:00 PM RELEASE time All animals must be off the grounds Schedule is subject to change. Ed Jodlowski, Chair 503-873-8512 edjod1@frontier.com Fund Raising Sally Hitchner 856-935-2770 For places to visit in Pennsylvania www.nationalshow.org/visit.htm 2016 ADGA NATIONAL SHOW ♦ HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA ♦ July 2 – 9 George R. Altheide National Show Committee Chair 3750 Whispering Lane Keokuk, IA 52632 Phone/Fax (319) 524-1217 pgalthei@lisco.com Dear ADGA Members and Guests, Welcome to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the 2016 National Dairy Goat Show. We are grateful to the local group for their countless hours of work to make this show a success. A huge debt of gratitude goes to the many, many VOLUNTEERS behind the scenes, without which this show could not exist, both from the local group and the National Show Committee, as well as those of you who just step in to help out. This show could also not exist without you, the exhibitors. A special thank you goes out to our sponsors, not only the trophy sponsors, but especially our Premier sponsors: Maryland Dairy Goat Association, Sydell, Inc., Hamby Dairy Supply, Caprine Supply, Tractor Supply Company, Bio-Genics, Ltd., Harrogate Hospital for Animals, Heavenly Hooves Alpines & New Swamp Acres Alpines, Konza Kids Dairy Goats, Milkmaid Creations, National Livestock Producers Association (NLPA) Sheep & Goat Fund and Southern Maine Dairy Goat Association. The generous contributions of these sponsors are greatly appreciated by all. Please take the time to thank these special sponsors for their support. This year, nine beautiful doe kids are being donated for raffle, including for the first time, an Experimental kid. This event has proven to be invaluable in helping to offset National Show expenses. We certainly appreciate the generosity of this year’s donors listed in the following pages of this Show Book. Our ADGA Youth Representative, Maddie Bennett, of Kuna, Idaho, along with the assistance of our alternate Youth Representative, Henia Mackenroth, of Newcastle, California, will be passing out the ribbons and trophies this week. We appreciate their being here and all their hard work and tireless hours in the ring. As you attend this showcase of some of the world’s most beautiful dairy goats, take the time to visit with those with similar interests, rekindle old friendships and enjoy new ones! We hope you have a wonderful and memorable time at the show! Sincerely, George R. Altheide While every care has been exercised in compiling and publishing the data contained in these pages, ADGA acknowledges that errors or omissions could occur in the assembling of this material. We reserve the right to update or modify the information in this publication if errors are identified. PREMIER SPONSOR of the 2016 ADGA National Show SYDELL continues to expand new products to the goat and sheep industry. Our team and work ethic, commitment to customers’ needs and support of youth groups, have made Sydell a common name to producers. Our products are proudly manufactured in the USA. When you invest in equipment manufactured by Sydell, you invest in America. We have a proud history of supporting American workers since 1980. Before you purchase from our competitors, ask them if their products are manufactured by American workers. As we all work to revitalize our economy, we hope that you will continue to invest in America. Toll Free (800) 842-1369 Phone (605) 624-4538 Fax (605) 624-3233 Sydell, Inc. 46935 SD Hwy. 50 Burbank, SD 57010 SYDELL.COM Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Farm Supplies and Equipment For your Dairy Goats 2402 SW Water Street, Maysville MO 64469-9102 Call toll free 1-800-306-8937 or visit HambyDairySupply.com Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show CaprineSupply.com THE LEADER in Quality Goat Equipment Supplies and Service Goat Supplies and experience. We offer sensible, quality equipment and the Outstanding Service you deserve. 1-800-646-7736 Proud Sponsor of the Pee Wee Costume Class and Gold Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Everything except tractors. At TSC, customers find everything they need to maintain their farms, ranches, homes and animals. As the inventors of the “do it yourself” trend, our customers handle practically every chore themselves, from repairing wells to building fences, welding gates together, constructing feed bins, taking care of livestock and pets, repairing tractors and trucks and building trailers for hauling. In each Tractor Supply store, you’ll find a staff of experts, better known as your friends and neighbors. They’re proud of where they live and even more proud to bring you the products, services and seasoned advice you need out here. 7150 Allentown Blvd (717) 657-3945 Dillsburg Shopping Center 880 N U.S. 15 (717) 432-9271 TractorSupply.com Gold Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Beautiful Doe Kids Donated for Raffle by these Herds Purchase your $1 tickets at the ADGA booth. SUNRISE FARM Seigfried Forster North Carolina ALPINE KORI-BROOK DAIRY GOATS Josh Cox & Lennie Rae VanGorder Pennsylvania NUBIAN CORNERSTONE COTTAGE CREAMERY James & Carolyn Menzies Kansas SABLE DALTON'S WAY Brian & Patti Dalton New Jersey LAMANCHA SUGAR TREE FARM Caramee & Stuart Crabill Indiana OBERHASLI CAN-TER VINE DAIRY GOATS Casey & Adam Prochniak Minnesota TOGGENBURG TERRA BELLA RANCH Kristin Terra Virginia NIGERIAN DWARF PLEASANT-GROVE DAIRY GOATS Craig & Kara Koopmann Iowa SAANEN 4JB DAIRY GOATS Jeremy Bethel Georgia RECORDED GRADE milkmaidcreations.weebly.com Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show harrogatevet.com Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Heavenly Hooves Alpines & New Swampy Acres Alpines Trudy Lombard & John Pfeiler Skaneateles, NY & Bloomfield, NY biogenicsltd.com Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Find us on Facebook. Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Konza Kids Dairy Goats Dr. Deb Mangelsdorf, DVM Manhattan, KS konza-kids.com Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Colorado Springs, CO sheepandgoatfund.com Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Go by to visit with Sally at the ADGA booth. Find us on Facebook Bronze Sponsor of the 2016 ADGA National Show Pick up your ADGA Supplies and Doe Kid Raffle tickets! 2016 ADGA NATIONAL SHOW JUDGES PETER SNYDER New York Pete Snyder resides in the small farming community of Cowlesville, New York, located in the beautiful rolling hill country of western New York, very close to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the border with Ontario, Canada. Peter first qualified for his judging license at the Little Rock, Arkansas convention in 1989 and has held a continuous license ever since. He is a senior judge and has judged shows in at least 31 states, four Canadian provinces and one Mexican state. He has judged several National Shows in the USA, Canada and Mexico. The Snyder family began raising dairy goats in the early 70's and most of the major breeds were raised on the farm in those early years, but for the last 15-20 years they have concentrated on a relatively small hobby/show herd breeding Alpines, LaManchas and Nubians under the "Brookwood" and "Bittersweet" herd names. Peter is a Director from District II, is President of the New York State Dairy Goat Breeders' Association, and was local host chairman of the 2009 ADGA Annual Meeting that was held in Buffalo, NY. He has traveled to Mexico and worked with the Mexican farmers, ranchers and dairymen of the Asociacion Nacionale de Criadores de Ganado Caprino de Registro, A.C. in Celaya, Guanuato and helped them to establish their own unique judging program for their registry whereby they recognize the traits and qualities that are important to them. He finds the Mexicans very excited, quick to learn, and very eager to improve their own dairy goats. Most recently he has been involved in assisting the Australians to import new genetics into Australia from the stock we have here in America. It’s been very exciting, especially, to help locate and process the very first LaMancha genetics into the Australian continent. He was able to witness first hand these very first Aussie LaManchas when he traveled to Australia and New Zealand in early 2016. He also was honored to judge the branch shows in the states of New South Wales and Queensland while he was there......the first American to judge in Australia in recent memory. Peter looks forward to officiating at the 2016 National Show and seeing and evaluating many beautiful does from all across the country. MARK V. BADEN Washington In 1982, Mark became a member of ADGA with his first dairy goat, a 50% Alpine/Nubian experimental kid, one of his 4-H projects. Through the use of ADGA programs, he upgraded his herd into a nationally competitive breeding program under the Olentangy herd name. Thirty-five years later, every doe in his current herd traces their lineage back to that first 4-H doeling. He earned his first ADGA judges license in 1992 and since then, Mark has judged numerous shows across the United States and Canada. He achieved his judging tenure in 2009 as an ADGA advanced judge. Mark has served as an ADGA Board of Director, representing District VII and is currently a member of the Judges Training and Genetics Advancement committees and an ADGA Linear Appraiser. The Olentangy herd is enrolled in ADGA Plus; participating annually in linear appraisal, DHIR, and DNA typing. His Alpine herd exhibits at many shows and fairs throughout the west each show season. Mark is an alumnus of The Ohio State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Aviation and Criminology & Criminal Justice. He is also a commercial pilot and since 1999, he has been employed as an air traffic controller at the Seattle EnRoute Air Traffic Control Facility just outside Seattle, Washington where he is currently a Traffic Management Coordinator. This is Mark's third National Show assignment. “It’s a great honor to have been voted by the national membership to judge at the ADGA National Show. I know how much sacrifice, work and effort is required of exhibitors to make the trip and I share with them this great passion for dairy goats. It's an exciting milestone for me to judge in Harrisburg, the site where I attended my first, ever National Show; there's no other like it! I’m looking forward to a memorable week with you all!” Aaron has had the distinct privilege to judge several National ADGA Showmanship competitions. He truly believes that the youth is at the heart of our organization. Aaron’s professional career has been in education-from being an elementary teacher for the majority of his career. He is currently the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Technology and Assessment at the Mendocino County Office of Education in CA. Aaron wishes everyone safe travels and looks forward to seeing you in the showring at the 2016 Nationals! DANIEL L. LANEY California SAM WHITESIDE California This will be the sixth time Dan has judged at a National Show. “I am honored to have the opportunity to once again judge the National Show. It is truly hard to describe the adrenaline rush that wells up when surrounded by the best quality of dairy animals in the country. All I can say is that I love it and I am thankful for having the pleasure in 2013!” he said. An ADGA Life Member, Dan has been involved with goats in one way or another for 44 years, and has been judging for 28. Besides being a popular judge, he served a term as President of the Association, was Association Manager, and has also served on numerous ADGA committees. Dan got started judging in college and competed on the judging team for three years. When he started showing dairy goats, it was a natural adventure to pursue a judging license – an experience he says he’s enjoyed immensely. Dan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology with a Minor in Animal Husbandry from the University of California, Chico, and a Masters in Education. He recently retired as Principal/Teacher from the Sandhill Child Development Center in Los Lunas, NM and relocated to Chico, CA in April to be nearer to his family which, includes his three children and five grandchildren. “I appreciate animals that are properly groomed when they enter the ring,” said Dan. “I try and do most of my evaluations while the animal is on the move; therefore, walking slowly and with the head up works best for me. Over-showing (any form of exaggeration while posing or walking) is a distraction, and this includes over-uddering. Showmanship issues aside, the overall merit of the animal is still what determines the final placing. Using the entire score card is key. I always consider the concept and correlation of form and function. A properly structured animal possesses the foundation (form) necessary for production and longevity (function). I prefer those individuals which exhibit strong dairy character and sound mammary systems on mature does accompanied by angularity and animation with the strength to sustain a long productive life.” Sam has been interested in goats since he was a child. He has raised all breeds, but currently is working with Saanens and Alpines. In addition to being a judge, he works for ADGA as a Linear Appraiser during the summer. When he is not dealing with goats, he shows chickens and during the year teaches school, the best job of all. According to Sam, attending the Nationals, whether as a spectator, exhibitor or judge is a big deal. "I'm honored to have been selected to judge the three most important breeds of the show. Whether I'm judging a 4-H show or the Nationals I try to focus on what is right about the animal and make my decisions on those points. I often tell people that goats are like husbands, none of them are perfect, but it is important to deal with the positives. This is a great opportunity to meet goat people and to see some of the finest animals in the country. And what's really great, is I'll have the best seat in the house." AARON CARTER California Aaron Carter is excited to be chosen as one of the 2016 National Show Judges. He has been involved in the Dairy Goat community since his 4-H beginnings in Wyoming. His goal to be a National Show Judge was set in motion in 1991 when he was 1st place Youth Judge at the National Show Youth Event in Gillette, WY. Aaron has been an active ADGA judge since 2004 and has enjoyed his judging and showing experiences. He always says…”If you are at a goat show, you must be having fun…why else would you put in all of this time and energy!” Aaron is a lifetime ADGA member. Aaron started his Dairy Goat career with a Recorded Grade Saanen and throughout the years has raised Saanens, Nubians, LaManchas and Nigerians. It was through the National Dairy Goat Show where he met his wife – Megan Tredway Carter. Megan and Aaron and their two daughters – Bentley and Teagan actively show Nubians (LakeShore), LaManchas (Heart MT), and Nigerians (Lil Miss B Haven) in Northern CA. JOAN DEAN ROWE, DVM California Joan has been judging dairy goats since 1974. This will be her twelfth time judging at an ADGA National Show. She has been active in ADGA committee work for many years and is currently a District VIII director and member of judges training, linear appraisal and production testing committees. She is a veterinarian on the faculty at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine and is immediate past-president of the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners. Joan became involved with dairy goats through 4-H and continues to have a strong interest in youth programs. She and her husband Charlie raise a small herd of Toggenburg dairy goats under the Rowe’s Toggenburgs herd name. Although they show only regionally, they bred and have owned the ADGA National GCH Toggenburg (1999) and Reserve GCH Toggenburg (2009) and were premier Toggenburg breeder/exhibitor at the three ADGA National Shows in which they have competed, most recently in 2015. Their bucks appear regularly as sires of winning does at ADGA National Shows and as Premier Toggenburg sire at three ADGA National Shows, most recently in 2015. They maintain a focus on longevity and productivity, with many of their does appearing on the ADGA Toggenburg Top Ten production lists. Their herd uses ADGA linear appraisal and is on continuous standard DHIR test. Joan looks forward to the National Show returning to Harrisburg. “ADGA National Shows in Harrisburg can be expected to draw large numbers of competitive dairy goats from a wide geographical area. I expect to see strong regional participation to complement the high quality animals traveling to the show from other parts of the country.” Joan is honored to be chosen as a 2016 National Show judge and looks forward to working with the exhibitors and judging highly competitive classes with large number of entries. She welcomes visitors and exhibitors to enjoy the 2016 ADGA National Show. Joan will be judging the Nubian breed and will be the consulting judge for the Toggenburg and Oberhasli breeds. OBERHASLI Trophy Sponsors YOUTH SPONSORS Shere County Ranch – Julie Shere ADGA Junior Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Heritage Song Nubians Randy & Shirley Chapman ADGA Senior Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Alpines International Alpine Premier Youth Exhibitor Award American LaMancha Club Junior Kid Intermediate Kid Senior Kid Junior Yearling Senior Yearling Junior Champion Reserve Junior Champion Junior Get-of-Sire Best 3 Junior Does Milking Yearling Two-Year Old Milker Three-Year Old Milker Four-Year Old Milker Five & Six Year Old Milker Seven Yrs and Over Milker Senior Champion Reserve Senior Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Best Udder Reserve Best Udder Dairy Herd Dairy Herd Individual Produce of Dam Senior Get-of-Sire Best 3 Senior Does Dam and Daughter Premier Breeder of Breed Reserve Premier Breeder of Breed Premier Exhibitor of Breed Premier Sire of Breed Highest Prod. Milk (305) Highest Prod. Fat (305) High Lifetime Prod. Milk High Lifetime Prod. Fat Total Performance Award Kid Patch – Robert Houghtaling/blhoughtaling@gmail.com Dreamy Sunset Farm – Heber Family Dairylicious Oberhasli – Erin Cooper Lone Cedar Farm – Katherine Goodin Starlit Hills Dairy Goats – Barb Knilans Deborah Manglesdorf – Konza Kids & Michaela Sievers Caprikanza Vanjust Oberhasli Oberhasli Goat Club – www.oberhasli.us Vanjust Oberhasli/In Loving Memory of SGCH Tutlelu Annielu 4*M EX92 Sparkling Acres Dairy Goats – Cindy Von Thun & Family Haycreek Farm – Keith & Morgan Allen Sublime – Jason Peckham Penny Whithorn – Ober-House Dairy Goats Dairylicious Oberhasli – Erin Cooper Devonshire Dairy Goats – Elizabeth Kennelley Elise Anderson – Rachelsie Farm, Inc. Elise Anderson – Rachelsie Farm, Inc. Karyl Dronen – Body Shops Dairy Goats/In Honor of GCH Bodyshops 21 Cherry Pie Earthsong Farm – Mia Herrerra Erin Cooper – Dairylicious Obs Ober House Dairy Goats – Penny Whithorn Caprine Supply UGOTABKIDN – Deborah Carroll Vanjust Oberhasli – Brandi Giachino Oberhasli Goat Club Dairylicious Oberhasli – Erin Cooper Oberhasli Goat Club Deborah Mangelsdorf, DVM – Konza Kids Dairy Goats & Michaela Sievers, Caprikanza Dairy Goats Earthsong Farm – Mia Herrerra Oberhasli Breeders of America Sugar Tree Farm – Caramee Crabill Vanjust Oberhasli – Brandi Giachino UGOTABKIDN – Deborah Carroll Oberhasli Goat Club UGOTABKIDN – Deborah Carroll Tricia Smith/Ruggles Hill Creamery – tsmith@alum.mit.edu Dairy Goat Journal Herdsman Award Khimaira Web Hosting Solutions Awards Sponsorship Website Sweet Garden Goats – Anita Beck Judge’s Chair Sir Echo Farm – Sandy Van Echo Judge’s Chair Hidden Hills Nigerians – Jennifer Davis Judge’s Chair Volunteer State Goat Breeders Association Judge’s Chair Grand Design Nubians & Hope Eternal Nubians – Nora & Virginia McCoy Judge’s Chair Cisco Saanens – Nan Wojcik Judge’s Chair The Stover Homestead – K & C Norberg Reserve Premier Breeder Group Class Ribbons Harrogate Hospital for Animals/Dr. Erica Oller Premier Youth Sr. Youth Ribbons Kid-Patch – Robert Houghtaling Jr. Class Ribbon Mountain Range Farms – Bob Bartholomew Best Udder Banner MAC Dairy – Matt AJ, Jacob & Hunter Carpenter Champion Ribbons Nightingale Farm – Shannon Friedberg Premier Breeder Banner Sky Hy – Autumn & Dianna Walters Premier Exhibitor Banner Slice of Almost Heaven – Michelle Liga Premier Sire Banner Sugar Tree Farm – Caramee Crabill Senior Class Ribbons Dairy Gems Goats – Jess & Dale Chestnut Reserve Best Udder LaMancha Premier Youth Exhibitor Award International Nubian Breeders Assn. Nubian Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Oberhasli Breeders of America Oberhasli Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Elizabeth Henning-Springfield Oaks, Robin Saum-Snowflake, Lisa Shepard-Chispa Saanen Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Klisse’s Dairy Goats/Bruce & Klisse Foster & Family Sable Premier Youth Exhibitor Award National Toggenburg Club Toggenburg Premier Youth Exhibitor Award American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Assn. Nigerian Dwarf Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Dairy Goat Journal Recorded Grade Premier Youth Exhibitor Award Heritage Song Nubians – Randy & Shirley Chapman Youth Representative Chair Maryland Dairy Goat Association Alternate Youth Representative Chair Gnomes Hollow Dairy Goats Yvonne Blosser Junior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship I J&E Farms – Artesian Valley Dairy Goats Intermediate Showmanship II Hyonahill Oberhasli – Ruth McCormack Senior Showmanship Bright Veterinary Clinic 4 Fitting Teams Kickapoo Valley Dairy Goats Ed Jodlowski & Family Management/Judging Jr. Management/Judging Sr. Youth Judging Jr. Youth Judging Sr. Deb Mangelsdorf, DVM/Konza Kids Dairy Goats & Caprikonza Kids – Michaela Sievers 8 Youth Events Grande Ronde Nubians – Stephanie Rovey 4 Youth Events Diana Hubbard – JH Farms 2 Youth Events Rob Smith Family – KECMR Nubians 2 Youth Events Claylynne – Marian Clemons 2 Youth Events Tech-Mix – Vicki Tonn 2 Youth Events Redwood Hill Farm Creamery Youth Event Carla Thein – In Loving Memory of my brother Lance Krog of Avian Acres Youth Event Bright Farm – Cindy Bright Youth Event Beth Clappison – Prairie Trail Dairy Goats Youth Event Standing Stone – Paula Butler Youth Event My Kids Farm – Karlene Brouillet Youth Event Hyonahill Oberhasli – Ruth McCormack Youth Event Kings Rock Farm – Danielle Carolei Youth Event Capra Salato Farm – Aurora Omlie Youth Event In Loving Memory of Ken Smoot/ Silvermine Farm French Alpines form the Chippewa Valley DGA Youth Event Walnetto Farm – Terry Grant Youth Event LeChevrier French Alpines – Christina & William Strickland Youth Event Bill, Susan & Sarah Frank – Happy Thought Farm Youth Event O 2016 ADGA NATIONAL SHOW HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA July 2-9 NATIONAL SHOW VENDORS 4*BAR*E FARM Brooke & Brandon Earl 201 Co. Rd. 112 Woodland, AL 36280 770-596-6108 AMERICAN LAMANCHA CLUB lamanchas.com Deb Macke, Secy-Trsr raintreelamanchas.com CAPRINE SUPPLY Greg Freeman PO Box Y 33001 W. 83rd St. DeSoto, KS 66018 913-585-1191 CHAFFHAYE, INC. Kent Davies PO Box 127 Dell City, TX 79837 915-964-2406 FIGHT BAC Geoffrey J. Westfall, DVM PO Box 142 Brooklyn, CT 06234 800-656-6007 fightbac.com FOXTALE EMBROIDERY Edna Nagle 876 Warburton Rd. Elkton, MD 21921 433-350-3118 GOATSHIRTS.COM Karen Krohnert 470 I St. Washougal, WA 98671 626-235-7964 GOATZZ.COM Joe Preston 225 Dutch Hollow Rd. Kittanning, PA 16201 415-810-5637 GORE TRAILER MFG., INC. Daniel J. Gore 305 Gore Trailer Rd. Whiteville, NC 28472 910-642-4298 HAMBY DAIRY SUPPLY 2402 SW Water Street Maysville, MO 64469 800-306-8937 hambydairysupply.com REGISTER’S GOAT SUPPLY Furney Register 3398 Gabe Smith Rd. Wade, NC 28395 888-310-9606 HARSHBARGER SHARPENING 2005 E. 200 N. Center Point, IN 47840 812-835-3171 SOUTHERN MAINE DAIRY GOAT ASSN. Robert Cassette, Treas. 17 Berry Road Saco, ME 04072 207-284-6440 chateaume@aol.com HILAND NATURALS Todd Morrison 205 W. Main Street Sugar Creek, OH 44681 866-809-8290 HONEY SWEETIE ACRES Regina Bauscher 2710 Spring Hill Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 513-313-1110 INTERNATIONAL NUBIAN BREEDERS ASSN. i-n-b-a.org Caroline Lawson, Secy-Trsr secretary@i-n-b-a.org KENT NUTRITION GROUP BLUE SEAL FEEDS Stacie Toppin 2905 Hwy. 61 N. Muscatine, IA 52761 856-464-2224 MARYLAND DAIRY GOAT ASSN. marylanddairygoat.org Audrey Reith, Secy-Trsr audreyreithcce@gmail.com MILKMAID CREATIONS Gwen Zimmermann 715-316-3350 milkmaidcreations.weebly.com milkmaidcreations@yahoo,com NEW COUNTRY ORGANICS James Campbell 801 2nd Street Waynesboro, VA 22980 540-469-0694 PRECISION DIAGNOSTICS, LLC Kenneth Grube 245 White Oak Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 717-278-8856 STEVE POPE PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC stevepopephotography.smugmug.com Des Moines, Iowa 515-770-1869 STOCKYARD STYLE Emily Summey 980 Peters Mountain Rd. Dauphin, PA 17018 717-474-8472 SYDELL, INC. Stephen Thiesen 46935 SD Hwy. 50 Burbank, SD 57010 605-624-4538 TRANS OVA GENETICS Small Ruminant Division Chillicothe, MO smallruminant@transova.com 800-372-3586 WDGA/ALLIANT ENERGY CENTER Tom Considine W10802 Walker Rd. Portage, WI 53901 608-697-5522 WOOD & STREAM CREATIONS Marjorie Kitchen 9721 Mound Prairie Dr. Houston, MN 55943 507-894-4274 O 2016 Youth Winners Number 74 117 57 161 5 164 25 78 162 72 Junior Showmanship Senior Showmanship Judge: Anne Clagett Asst. Judge: Todd Biddle Judge: Kirt Schnipke Asst. Judge: Tecoa Seibert Last S B S H G J M T J K First Name Ashton Ashley Aiden Liam John Ethan Eva Emily Gabriella Lucy Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intermediate I Showmanship Number 28 59 120 100 16 24 83 104 1 170 9 Last K A G H C Y O W L H B First Name Lauren Kalvin Taylor Paige Savannah Ayana Morgan Elizabeth Abigail Thomas Maddie 6 L Emily Judge: Tecoa Seibert Asst. Judge: Kirt Schnipke Number 31 110 26 41 63 32 22 36 62 95 23 Last S B L W H S M C H S M First Name Emma Olivia Shayla Paige Faith Hannah Daniel Mia Hope Ben Jonathan Fitting Teams Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Honorable Mention Placing 1st Teams The Fitting Avengers Jackson N Casey B Madison N Noah J 2nd Western Fitters Maddie B Henia M Garrett O Emily L 3rd The Barbershop Quartet Margaret N Henry N Elijah J Rachel B 4th Johnson Company Kristina J Wyett J Josephione J Marissa M 5th Patriotic Fitters Susan G Kristie A Kalvin A Mike F Intermediate II Showmanship Judge: Todd Biddle Asst. Judge: Anne Clagett Number 112 30 2 27 87 13 69 113 96 163 Last H S C O U S K N S J First Name Blythe Adeline Jordan Garrett Julia Alexandrea Ciera Madison Elizabeth Noah Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Placing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 71: OBERHASLI JUNIOR KID Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 4609 1 AB1775976 DOB HAYCREEKS RESOLUTE TOP-NOTCH PE1716899 HAYCREEKS XCITED RESOLUTE AB1590778 SGCH HAYCREEKS BROWNIE TALENT 3141 2 AB1591892 AB1669387 4241 3 AB1788266 OBER-RIDGE ACCLAIM ALLEN, MORGAN AB1405054 4/4/2016 13 AB1178851 RUTHERFORD, CARRIE ANNA AB1656952 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' KB VAVOOM 4/10/2016 FDF-PLEASANT-FIELDS KANNONBALL AB1615926 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' FROST VITE SEIBERT, TY SKEETER AB1792818 4243 OBER-RIDGE AB1283342 4 12 AB1634726 CREAM-OF-KANSAS 3349 3938 KING FARM 2KIDS FARM ANTE UP CH KORI-BROOK SWEETEN THE DEAL AB1799284 4/1/2016 Ring HAYCREEKS SOLUTION SWEET TEA 4/11/2016 3221 14 AB1788913 GOATING AROUND ARTEMIS GOATING AROUND GERONIMO CH GOATING AROUND LILY AB1799282 HUSSEY, REEGAN CREAM-OF-KANSAS' LICORICE CHIP SGCH FDF-PLEASANT-FIELDS BSC SERANO CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CON CHIPS AB1792827 5/17/2016 GOATING AROUND 4/16/2016 CREAM-OF-KANSAS SEIBERT, TY SKEETER HAYCREEKS SANDMAN SPECTRUM 4/15/2016 AB1729567 HAYCREEKS KANE ENTER SANDMAN PEASTERVALLEY GE1683394 HAYCREEKS SOLUTION SPARK ALLEN, MORGAN 1946 15 AB1786715 SGTR*FARM SASSP HALAH 4/29/2016 AB1579762 HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION HAYCREEKS AB1641200 SPARKLING ACRES SAMS SKY PILOT SUGAR TREE FARM GE1590792 HAYCREEKS BROWNIE SEVEN UP ALLEN, MORGAN AB1563973 OBER-BOERD SEQUEL'S SIGNATURE SUGAR TREE FARM 3860 5 AB1755278 AB1685862 3802 6 AB1796865 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SO DESIRED HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SHI CEENGER CH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW ELLA AB1793311 4/2/2016 34 16 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW AB1670869 THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL AB1407425 TREETOP-ACRES VISIO 4/14/2016 3227 17 AB1798605 SPARKLING ACRES LARGO JADE VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ CH SPARKLING ACRES SAMANTHA JADE AB1798984 4/13/2016 FORK CREEK VON THUN, KELLIE HAYCREEKS RANGER SIERRA 4/9/2016 AB1793308 TREETOP-ACRES FINAL SALUTE TREETOP-ACRES PE1716900 HAYCREEKS XCITED RANGER PEASTERVALLEY AB1597347 TREETOP-ACRES TIVO COVERT, JAMES W AB1690023 HAYCREEKS SKYFALL SKYPE STRUSZ, ANDREA 3851 7 AB1755278 AB1602887 4410 8 AB1782971 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW THE SHULAMITE HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SHI CEENGER GCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MIRANDA AB1790990 4/2/2016 NINI COPPER AFFAIR 4/20/2016 HIDDEN GLEN THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL AB1607533 NINI VALLEY'S QUEENIE BUSH, HANNAH OBER-BOERD CHA CHA SHIMMY 4/5/2016 HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS AB1563976 OBER-BOERD CHA CHA SLIDE SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1797305 AB1792094 MEADOWSONG ADAM RED GRANITE AB1746926 9 18 PB1708854 OBER-BOERD 4571 507 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW AUTUMN-ACRES COPPER PENNY 4/21/2016 3238 19 AB0763840 AB1665198 3933 20 AB1801571 PEASTER VALLEY QUEEN B GCH HIGHWATER W-A ALEXANDER VANJUST LBB ELEANOR AB1788911 5/15/2016 PEASTERVALLEY HARDIN, LANE GOATING AROUND RHEA 5/17/2016 PE1756402 HAYCREEKS BROWNIE RIFLE AUTUMN ACRES AB1634726 GOATING AROUND GERONIMO GOATING AROUND AB1631734 SPOON-RIVER VICTORY TULLAR, TAMMY AB1720187 GOATING AROUND CASSIOPEIA HUSSEY, REEGAN 3937 10 AB1774944 GOATING AROUND ATHENA 4/2/2016 AB1634726 GOATING AROUND GERONIMO GOATING AROUND AB1634723 GOATING AROUND CORA HUSSEY, REEGAN 1940 11 AB1782178 SGTR*FARM STFF HEIDI 4/15/2016 AB1728578 SGTR*FARM OG FIGARO SUGAR TREE FARM AB1705183 SGTR*FARM LD EMMA SUGAR TREE FARM American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 1 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 72: OBERHASLI INTERMEDIATE KID Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 3865 1 AB1727019 AB1559752 4547 2 AB1796858 DOB HEAVEN'S HOLLOW OLIVIA HEAVEN'S HOLLOW XTRAORDINARY SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW TIRAMISU AB1775238 3/24/2016 AB1652341 OBER-BOERD TIDAL WAVE SCHNIPKE, KIRT AUTUMN-ACRES COOPER PENNY 3/8/2016 TULLAR, TAMMY SGTR*FARM OG HONEYCRISP 3/21/2016 AB1483500 OBER-BOERD GOLIATH SUGAR TREE FARM AB1624343 VANJUST OBRC DEVORA SUGAR TREE FARM AB1782198 3/5/2016 THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL HOOSIER HARVEST PKV PAISLEY 4 OBER-BOERD T WAVE'S SPLASH OBER-BOERD AB1692528 1945 AB1790993 TUTLELU ATTENTION HAYCREEKS BROWNIE RIFLE AB1785381 12 AB1507889 PE1756402 3 4412 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW AUTUMN ACRES 1947 Ring SGTR*FARM LD HOLLYHOCK 3/25/2016 3861 13 AB1796860 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW JUICYFRUIT AB1671170 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW RANSOM AB1515286 GCH NEW DREAMS D JUJYFRUIT 472 14 AB1774050 3/26/2016 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL MAC DAIRY CATELYN 3/2/2016 AB1662014 BUTTIN'HEADS HARP IRISH LAGER MAC DAIRY AB1652353 BUTTIN'HEADS CRUSHED VELVET CARPENTER, A J 4242 15 AB1799280 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' DEAL-N-HARTS 3/4/2016 AB1646660 LUVRUC OBRC DAVINCI SUGAR TREE FARM AB1641099 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' REAL DEAL CREAM-OF-KANSAS AB1609803 OBER-BOERD CALLA LILLY SUGAR TREE FARM AB1572938 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' HART-STRINGS SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN 3364 5 AB1579762 AB1590775 565 6 AB1775975 HAYCREEKS SOLUTION TIFFANY HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION SGCH HAYCREEKS BROWNIE TRIBUTE AB1782560 DREAMY SUNSET DYN HYACINTH 567 16 DREAMY SUNSET DM DYNAMITE 3/27/2016 DREAMY SUNSET FARM ALLEN, MORGAN AB1684366 OBER-BOERD T IGNIS HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & L AB1671683 566 17 DREAMY SUNSET DM DYNAMITE 3/13/2016 DREAMY SUNSET FARM AB1631575 GOATING AROUND MOFM MARIGOLD HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & LIAMAB1684366 7 AB1782176 SGTR*FARM OG HAIKU 3/31/2016 AB1483500 OBER-BOERD GOLIATH SUGAR TREE FARM AB1544229 VANJUST 3GS BONITA SUGAR TREE FARM 1442 8 AB1791967 SPARKLING ACRES CAROLINA ACE 3/14/2016 AB1670869 VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ GOATS AHOY AB1593545 SPARKLING ACRES CAROLINA JAZZ VON THUN, TIM 31 9 AB1670869 AB1593531 3171 10 AB1798606 SPARKLING ACRES LEGATO BREEZE VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ CH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER BREEZE AB1795133 3/12/2016 AB1478456 3170 19 OBER-BOERD T IGNIS HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & L AB1790977 OBER-BOERD RHYTHM HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS CH OBER-BOERD RUMBA AB1795132 3/5/2016 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT SPARKLING ACRES JUSTA LIL JAZZ 3/13/2016 AB1670869 VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ SPARKLING ACRES AB1632047 SPARKLING ACRES JUSTA LIL DIVA VON THUN, KELLIE 4409 20 AB1790987 OBER-BOERD LULLABY 3/26/2016 OBER-BOERD VON THUN, KELLIE AB1692551 OBER-BOERD LYRIC SCHNIPKE, KIRT SPARKLING ACRES JOYFUL WISHES 3/16/2016 AB1593557 SPARKLING ACRES JESTA LIL WISH VON THUN, KELLIE OBER-RIDGE HARTLEY 3/3/2016 AB1718195 4PETESAKE BIG HUBBA BUBBA OBER-RIDGE AB1669386 OBER-RIDGE HARLEQUIN HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show AB1746926 3/27/2016 DREAMY SUNSET FARM HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS SPARKLING ACRES AB1779527 18 DREAMY SUNSET DYN ORKAAN DREAMY SUNSET DM DYNAMITE AB1746926 VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ 11 4408 AB1782561 FORK CREEK AB1670869 3140 DREAMY SUNSET DYN JUFENG AB1671683 3/27/2016 AB1671683 1944 AB1782563 HAYCREEKS Page 2 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 73: OBERHASLI SENIOR KID Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 3139 1 AB1779526 DOB OBER-RIDGE GRETCHEN AB1711057 OBER-RIDGE AGAINST THE ODDS AB1510320 GCH OBER-RIDGE AMAZING GRACE 4413 2 AB1746926 AB1652340 4405 3 AB1790995 CH OBER-BOERD TEMPEST AB1790973 2/20/2016 OBER-RIDGE HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE OBER-BOERD COLORS OF THE WIND HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS 2/13/2016 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT OBER-BOERD MANDALA 2/13/2016 AB1620643 OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER OBER-BOERD AB1692549 OBER-BOERD MALAYA TIGER SCHNIPKE, KIRT 4407 4 AB1790975 OBER-BOERD EVITA 2/13/2016 AB1620643 OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER OBER-BOERD AB1670871 VANJUST VDR ENYA SCHNIPKE, KIRT 4406 5 AB1746926 AB1512065 4411 6 AB1746926 AB1365347 564 7 AB1790974 OBER-BOERD TSKYE HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS CH OBER-BOERD TSUNAMI AB1790991 GCH OBER-BOERD BREE AB1780470 2/13/2016 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT OBER-BOERD BACARDI HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS DREAMY SUNSET GRN HALL OF FAME 2/19/2016 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1670689 GOSHEN FARM DLF GRENADE 2/27/2016 DREAMY SUNSET FARM AB1688928 OBER-BOERD ERA HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & LIAM 58 8 AB1767056 MORNIM'S FONTAINE SOLARA 2/16/2016 AB1700479 TEDZ LA FONTAINE WIL-LEA AB1767044 MORNIM'S DIAS DEL SOL DAVIS, LETA JOAN 3222 9 AB1767683 TIVIO FARM CR FLAMBEAX 2/26/2016 AB1685685 COPPERLINE LRD RED ROUGAROU PEASTERVALLEY AB1670746 TIVIO FARM CRT MARDI GRAS WHITE, KAYE American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring Page 3 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 74: OBERHASLI JUNIOR YEARLING Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 532 1 AB1643685 AB1603977 3138 2 PE1637399 AB1589690 723 3 AB1738686 DOB BUTTIN'HEADS TORRENTIAL RAIN HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MAJOR SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS PURPLE RAIN AB1751968 SGCH OBER-RIDGE GLORY ANNA PB1740025 6/13/2015 KING FARM RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC OBER-RIDGE GIOVANNA DEIDRAGO JM MOCHAS BAGHEERA 6/8/2015 OBER-RIDGE HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE RED-DOE SUNRISE 5/8/2015 PB1692599 RED-DOE ANDERSON LEATAMARACK PB1692588 RED-DOE MORNING GLORY PATANE, CANDACE A American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring Page 4 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 75: OBERHASLI SENIOR YEARLING Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 4549 1 AB1730769 DOB HAYCREEKS LED Z FEEL OF SPRING 4/1/2015 Ring 4403 12 AB1684808 CARDINAL*HILL CAL LED ZEPPELIN AUTUMN ACRES AB1670870 AB1642018 HAYCREEKS MASQUERADE SPLENDOR ALLEN, MORGAN AB1512069 4599 2 AB1579762 AB1590775 562 3 AB1679696 AB1623801 3352 4 AB1731817 HAYCREEKS SOLUTION TIARA HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION SGCH HAYCREEKS BROWNIE TRIBUTE AB1721930 DREAMY SUNSET MRT DUCHESSE DREAMY SUNSET M MORTAR CH VANJUST 3GS DAISY MAE AB1729564 3/13/2015 3351 13 KING FARM AB1579762 ALLEN, MORGAN AB1590778 4/12/2015 DREAMY SUNSET FARM 561 14 AB1670689 HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & LIAMAB1671684 HAYCREEKS KANE STRADIVARIA 3/7/2015 3932 15 AB1485966 SG CALIFORNIA SPECIAL KANE HAYCREEKS AB1518654 AB1635238 CH HAYCREEKS SOLUTION SHAY ALLEN, MORGAN AB1512114 4548 5 AB1749550 HOOSIER HARVEST GLITTERLIKGOLD 3/14/2015 3847 16 AB1660201 HAYCREEKS FROST SLINGSHOT AUTUMN ACRES AB1690715 AB1562594 HAYCREEKS SUSSEX GLIMMER SHUPE, TYLER AB1559752 2110 6 AB1553043 AB1642303 4447 7 AB1731008 GGG BEAUDALBY FLOREY CH GGG ROMANCE BEAUDESERT GGG EMILY COOM DALBY AB1750692 4/20/2015 4/16/2015 HAYCREEKS DAKOTA SEQUIN 3/11/2015 AB1634932 FIXER-UP DAKOTA AB1641993 HAYCREEKS ARRIO SEQUESTER ALLEN, MORGAN OBER-RIDGE ACCOLADE 3/7/2015 1942 18 AB1670870 AB1512069 1570 19 AB1573021 AB1430441 3014 20 PE1637399 DEIDRAGO JM MOCHAS BAGHEERA OBER-RIDGE AB1497527 AB1669387 OBER-RIDGE ACCLAIM HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE AB1564714 10 AB1727021 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MERRIAM HEAVEN'S HOLLOW RANSOM AB1602887 GCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MIRANDA 1295 11 AB1720868 HAYCREEKS SOLUTION FORRESTANIA AB1579762 HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION GE1513272 GCH HAYCREEKS H FELICITY American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show GOSHEN FARM DLF GRENADE 4/7/2015 DREAMY SUNSET FARM DREAMY SUNSET TB DIXIE HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & L AB1720188 GOATING AROUND NORTH STAR HEAVEN'S HOLLOW STETSON CH GOATING AROUND SUNFLOWER AB1728288 HUSSEY, REEGAN HEAVEN'S HOLLOW LINDOR HEAVEN'S HOLLOW INDISPENSABLE SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW TIRAMISU AB1724920 3/14/2015 GOATING AROUND 4/10/2015 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL SGTR*FARM LD FRAPPUCCINO 4/13/2015 SUGAR TREE FARM PEASTERVALLEY 3839 DREAMY SUNSET GRN DUVETYN OBER-BOERD LYRA MAGIC CREEK DRYAD AB1671170 AB1721927 ALLEN, MORGAN AB1607781 TINNEY, SARAH AB1718656 SGCH HAYCREEKS BROWNIE TALENT 4/15/2015 HAYCREEKS GEORGE, ELIZABETH & JOSEPH LARSON MAGIC CREEK SWEET MEMORY 9 HAYCREEKS SOLUTION TARYN HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION SUGAR TREE FARM AB1703373 3137 AB1746913 SCHNIPKE, KIRT LUVRUC OBRC DAVINCI AM ACRES LUCKY DICE AB1740434 CH OBER-BOERD T VIENTO 3/28/2015 OBER-BOERD AB1646660 AB1661883 8 17 OBER-BOERD VAYU VANJUST VDR DOUBLE EDGE CAV5 MAGIC CREEK 3239 1948 AB1752672 AB1756167 OBER-BOERD T VIRTUE VANJUST VDR DOUBLE EDGE CH OBER-BOERD T VIENTO AB1745003 SCHNIPKE, KIRT DEVONSHIRE BDJ BRIGHIT DEVONSHIRE JJH DANIEL JACKSON GCH DEVONSHIRE JR BRIONA AB1796159 3/28/2015 SUGAR TREE FARM 1/27/2015 DEVONSHIRE KENNELLEY, ELIZABETH D TALL WILLOWS FLASH DANCER OWL-RIDGE TA ANDREA'S ALI CH WELBIAN-FARM'S TANGO 4/15/2015 TALL WILLOWS CLUM, NATHAN MICHAEL 2/21/2015 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW THOMAS WHOMBLE, JILL 3/9/2015 GGG OBERHASLI DAIRY GOATS ALLEN, MORGAN Page 5 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 76: OBERHASLI BEST 3 JUNIOR DOES Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 3366 DOB Ring 1 HAYCREEKS 3872 2 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW 192 3 DREAMY SUNSET FARM 3143 4 OBER-RIDGE 4580 5 AUTUMN ACRES 3941 6 GOATING AROUND 2636 7 SUGAR TREE FARM American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 1 of 3 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 77: OBERHASLI JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 3365 1 AB1474153 DOB HAYCREEKS X SOLUTION AB1439534 BRACKETT'S SUNBURST SINSATION AB1297897 SGCH BRACKETT'S SUNBURST MINUETTE 4431 2 AB1460972 AB1551553 3176 4 AB1591074 AB1591956 193 5 AB1746926 SGCH HAYCREEKS XCITED SONA AB1627635 SGCH VANJUST VBR CARMEN DREAMY SUNSET DM DYNAMITE AB1641202 OBER-BOERD R TIMEBOMB AB1623801 CH VANJUST 3GS DAISY MAE 3945 6 AB1550985 AB1512114 2839 7 AB1634726 4/4/2015 OBER-BOERD ALLEN, MORGAN 2/26/2013 SPARKLING ACRES GIACHINO, BRANDI C 3/15/2014 DREAMY SUNSET FARM HEBER FAMILY, ANTHONY, AMANDA, BLYTHE & LIAM GOATING AROUND GERONIMO GOATING AROUND DILL WEED CH GOATING AROUND SUNFLOWER AB1670689 BRACKETT, KIKI VANJUST VDR ENDLESS JAZZ OBER-D'RAINBOW SLT CASIO AB1671683 2/8/2009 HAYCREEKS HAYCREEKS SALUTE SPARTACUS SPARKLING ACRES 3 GUN SALUTE GOSHEN FARM DLF GRENADE 3/5/2013 GOATING AROUND HUSSEY, REEGAN AB1623809 VANJUST MMC DILF 2/8/2014 DREAMY SUNSET FARM AB1600299 VANJUST TA PINA COLADA DAYAN, CASSIE & ASAF American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring Page 6 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 78: OBERHASLI YEARLING MILKER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder Ring DOB AB1553043 CH GGG ROMANCE BEAUDESERT 2/25/2015 1 GGG OBERHASLI DAIRY GOATS AB1636245 GCH GGG BOBRIS DUBLIN GEORGE, ELIZABETH & JOSEPH LARSON 1296 3801 1 2 AB1731024 AB1731511 GGG BEAUDUBLIN FAIRFIELD 4/17/2015 2 TREETOP-ACRES FINAL ENCORE AB1460972 SPARKLING ACRES 3 GUN SALUTE TREETOP-ACRES AB1554041 TREETOP-ACRES BOOHOO'S FINALE COVERT, JAMES W 4212 3 AB1643685 AB1488502 57 4 AB1741299 BUTTIN'HEADS BILLIE HOLIDAY HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MAJOR GCH BUTTIN'HEADS HARRIET TUBMAN AB1731025 4/7/2015 3 BUTTIN'HEADS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC GGG BEAUDUBLIN FAIR HAVEN 2/25/2015 AB1553043 CH GGG ROMANCE BEAUDESERT WIL-LEA AB1636245 GCH GGG BOBRIS DUBLIN GEORGE, ELIZABETH & JOSEPH LARSON 1245 5 AB1724487 ALL SEASONS SWEET SABRINA 1/6/2015 AB1425659 WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT STUFF RUDD AB1628309 ALL SEASONS LILY'S FERN HUDGINS, VALERIE 987 6 AB1730210 DEIDRAGO SD VENOMS NIGHTWATCH 2/24/2015 AB1643689 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SUGAR DADDY DEIDRAGO AB1597743 NEW DREAMS CB TOXIC VENOM OKESON, MEGAN J 290 7 AB1729360 MUNCHIN'HILL SPELLBOUND 4/10/2015 AB1660017 BLUE-RIDGE ROYAL DANDY MUNCHIN HILL AB1664615 BLUE-RIDGE DEJA VUE ADELS, CHRISTEN S 988 8 AB1734938 DEIDRAGO NC ENVYS WHISKEY 4/9/2015 AB1679337 DEIDRAGO TRST 'NCENDIO DEIDRAGO AB1679325 DEIDRAGO JM DELILAHS ENVY OKESON, MEGAN J 3931 9 AB1518654 AB1405054 AB1720187 GOATING AROUND CASSIOPEIA HEAVEN'S HOLLOW STETSON CH GOATING AROUND LILY American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show 3/5/2015 GOATING AROUND HUSSEY, REEGAN Page 7 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 79: OBERHASLI 2 YEAR OLD MILKER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 560 1 AB1620643 AB1512069 2106 2 AB1684366 DOB OBER-BOERD T IGNIS OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER CH OBER-BOERD T VIENTO AB1704311 3/29/2014 1 DREAMY SUNSET FARM AB1627635 SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1485376 3/27/2014 3 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' SC CHIPPERS AB1661043 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' SIN-CORED CAV5 AB1656952 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CON CHIPS SEIBERT, TY SKEETER 4400 3 AB1692549 2/16/2014 2 OBER-BOERD MALAYA TIGER AB1646655 VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT OBER-BOERD AB1563977 OBER-BOERD TIGER LILLY SCHNIPKE, KIRT 4211 4 AB1643685 AB1488502 3360 5 PE1552695 AB1479639 4401 6 AB1646655 AB1404035 4445 7 AB1692557 BUTTIN'HEADS QUEEN LATIFAH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW MAJOR GCH BUTTIN'HEADS HARRIET TUBMAN AB1683396 SGCH HAYCREEKS ARRIO SATIN AB1692553 CH OBER-BOERD LILLY 3/8/2014 3356 9 AB1660200 AB1590775 985 10 AB1683399 AB1679333 2/15/2014 3/4/2014 MAGIC CREEK AB1578894 MAGIC CREEK SPARKLING MOONBEAM TINNEY, RACHEL 1934 15 1384 16 984 17 SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1483313 3/11/2014 AB1679323 DEIDRAGO TB UV COCONUT NEW DREAMS JR TURTLE BLIZZARD GCH NEW DREAMS W ULTRAVIOLET AB1688928 OBER-BOERD ERA 2/26/2014 SUGAR TREE FARM OKESON, MEGAN J 3/1/2014 1943 18 AB1679325 DEIDRAGO JM DELILAHS ENVY NEW DREAMS BRET JUNIOR MINT SGCH NEW DREAMS JR HEYTHERE DELILAH AB1756169 3/12/2014 DEIDRAGO OKESON, MEGAN J OBER-BOERD T VISCOSITY 2/23/2014 AB1646655 VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT SUGAR TREE FARM AB1609800 OBER-BOERD T VORTEX SCHNIPKE, KIRT 3167 19 AB1681640 SPARKLING ACRES GEORGIA BREEZE 3/24/2014 OBER-RIDGE AB1639662 KORI-BROOK HOPE ON THE ROCKS SPARKLING ACRES HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE AB1593531 CH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER BREEZE VON THUN, KELLIE 4/12/2014 2918 20 HAYCREEKS AB1359149 ALLEN, MORGAN AB1567764 DEIDRAGO JMBUCKWHEAT BOULEVARD AB1691487 OWL-RIDGE M LEES MIDORI OWL-RIDGE TIEMPO'S ABSINTHE CH OWL-RIDGE F WYNDES LIMONCELLO 2/13/2014 OWL-RIDGE GRAYBILL, DAVID 4/2/2014 AB1595438 NEW DREAMS EX BUCKWHEAT OKESON, MEGAN J OBER-BOERD EVASIVE 3/15/2014 AB1646655 VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT SUGAR TREE FARM AB1563978 OBER-BOERD ESCAPE SCHNIPKE, KIRT American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show MAGIC CREEK STARLIGHT OBER-BOERD BRAVERY AB1597051 DEIDRAGO AB1692550 AB1704530 AB1613002 OBER-BOERD NEW DREAMS BRET JUNIOR MINT 11 14 SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1597051 2634 4446 OKESON, MEGAN J OBER-BOERD ESCAPE HAYCREEKS SKYFALL TREASURE SGCH HAYCREEKS BROWNIE TRIBUTE GCH NEW DREAMS TWISTED SISTER AB1563978 SG OBER-RIDGE GEMINI HAYCREEKS FROST SKYFALL AB1443106 2/26/2014 DEIDRAGO ALLEN, MORGAN TINNEY, SARAH SGCH OBER-RIDGE GLORY ANNA DEIDRAGO JR TWISTED CERSEI NEW DREAMS BH JOLLY RANCHER 3/15/2014 DREAMY SUNSET FARM MAGIC CREEK RAYA-SUN AB1589690 AB1689403 GIACHINO, BRANDI C VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT MAGIC CREEK FLURRY DEIDRAGO JM MOCHAS BAGHEERA SG VANJUST VCWC ZAZU 3/8/2014 OBER-BOERD AB1646655 AB1608640 PE1637399 VANJUST VDR ENYA VANJUST OBRC DERSCHEN HAYCREEKS OBER-BOERD BRAVERY AB1669388 AB1670871 AB1467809 AB1522006 AB1613002 8 13 RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC MAGIC CREEK 3136 986 12 PE1528453 OBER-BOERD LOVE IS LOVE VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT AB1703374 3/2/2014 4399 BUTTIN'HEADS HAYCREEKS BROWNIE ARIEL NEW DREAMS L FUDGE BROWNIE Ring Page 8 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 80: OBERHASLI 3 YEAR OLD MILKER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 765 1 AB1637671 DOB 3/29/2013 1 LUVRUC DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH AB1591074 OBER-D'RAINBOW SLT CASIO VANJUST PE1543981 LUVRUC 3GS MISS BLING MILLS, VANESSA C 4397 2 AB1652340 3/27/2013 2 OBER-BOERD TEMPEST AB1620643 OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER OBER-BOERD AB1437764 OBER-BOERD TRADEWIND SCHNIPKE, KIRT 764 3 AB1460972 AB1470281 1293 4 AB1623802 GCH VANJUST 3GS DALLAZ SPARKLING ACRES 3 GUN SALUTE SGCH VANJUST TTRW ZOSO AB1636245 GCH GGG BOBRIS DUBLIN 1/27/2013 Ring 288 12 AB1664606 BLUE-RIDGE DEBORAH AB1311788 BLUE-RIDGE TITUS PE1297882 CH BLUE-RIDGE THEA 2921 13 AB1651241 SPARKLING ACRES BT HOT SHOT AB1484975 CH OWL-RIDGE F BACARDIS MIRACLE 14 AB1675536 ANDERS-MUSSER, KATHLEEN OWL-RIDGE HS MIRACLES RAVEN AB1327863 4444 2/1/2013 MUNCHIN HILL 2/3/2013 OWL-RIDGE GRAYBILL, SHAWN M MAGIC CREEK HUNTER 3/8/2013 VANJUST AB1613002 OBER-BOERD BRAVERY MAGIC CREEK GIACHINO, BRANDI C AB1478692 SPARKLING ACRES TREASURED ROSE TINNEY, RACHEL 2919 15 AB1651243 OWL-RIDGE HS RUNAWAY AMY AB1559754 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW PRNSHI BOWLEN 3/15/2013 GGG OBERHASLI DAIRY GOATS AB1327863 SPARKLING ACRES BT HOT SHOT OWL-RIDGE AB1553039 GGG BEAUEMILY BRISBANE GEORGE, ELIZABETH SEARL AB1598086 OWL-RIDGE F ANDYS SWEET ALICIA GRAYBILL, SHAWN M 983 5 AB1597051 PE1410479 4398 6 AB1637398 GCH WHITE-HAVEN MOCHA AB1652341 3/12/2013 3 DEIDRAGO JM MOCHAS FALINE NEW DREAMS BRET JUNIOR MINT OKESON, MEGAN J AB1553707 SPARKLING ACRES JUSTA SPARKLE VON THUN, KELLIE OBER-BOERD TIDAL WAVE 3/27/2013 OBER-BOERD TRADEWIND SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1469214 558 8 AB1460972 AB1470281 289 9 GOATING AROUND MOFM MARIGOLD GOATING AROUND DILL WEED CH GOATING AROUND MADDIE AB1623801 CH VANJUST 3GS DAISY MAE SPARKLING ACRES 3 GUN SALUTE SGCH VANJUST TTRW ZOSO AB1664615 3/10/2013 DREAMY SUNSET FARM HUSSEY, REEGAN 1/27/2013 DREAMY SUNSET FARM GIACHINO, BRANDI C BLUE-RIDGE DEJA VUE 3/6/2013 AB1425659 WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT STUFF MUNCHIN HILL AB1431329 BLUE-RIDGE XCLUSIVE ANDERS-MUSSER, KATHLEEN 3358 10 AB1474153 GE1513272 2104 11 AB1641990 CH HAYCREEKS XCITED FALEN BRACKETT'S SUNBURST X-CITED GCH HAYCREEKS H FELICITY AB1651110 3/2/2013 HAYCREEKS ALLEN, MORGAN CREAM-OF-KANSAS' JF DASHA 5/25/2013 AB1416174 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' JACK FROST CAV5 AB1651074 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' RUS DEZY SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show 3/15/2013 SPARKLING ACRES AB1437764 AB1550985 SPARKLING ACRES JUSTA LIL DIVA SPARKLING ACRES FOR PETES SAKE OBER-BOERD AB1631575 AB1632047 AB1553708 OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER 7 16 DEIDRAGO AB1620643 559 3172 2/18/2013 Page 9 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 81: OBERHASLI 4 YEAR OLD MILKER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 981 1 AB1597748 DOB 4/25/2012 1 NEW DREAMS CB MOCHAS RAJAH AB1499751 SG SIR ECHO CEEBRE DEIDRAGO PE1410479 GCH WHITE-HAVEN MOCHA OKESON, MEGAN J 2486 2 AB1597906 AB1499751 SGCH NEW DREAMS CB MOCHAS ESMERALDA BLISSBERRY SG SIR ECHO CEEBRE PE1410479 GCH WHITE-HAVEN MOCHA 3359 3 AB1590794 NEW DREAMS JR FRACTAL GE1362917 GCH HAYCREEKS SA SHIMMER 1815 4 AB1606421 OKESON, MEGAN J CH HAYCREEKS FRACTAL FLICKER AB1552681 4/25/2012 2 4/19/2012 Ring 3175 12 AB1553707 SPARKLING ACRES JUSTA SPARKLE VON THUN, KELLIE 3166 13 AB1510192 CH SPARKLING ACRES DANCIN IN DIXI VON THUN, KELLIE 3355 14 ALLEN, MORGAN AB1517013 HAYCREEKS SHOW TIME PARADISE ALLEN, MORGAN 3/23/2012 3165 15 AB1266756 1573 6 AB1519226 1292 7 AB1585667 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW PRNSHI BOWLEN AB1473591 FIXER-UP ZILLAH 8 AB1651348 HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE AB1484975 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CON HEARTACHE SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS PURPLE RAIN AB1585744 BUTTIN'HEADS GOLIANTH AB1458101 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS SOFIA AB1607925 3/13/2012 RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC CH WHITE ROCK FARM ILENE 5/24/2012 RACHELSIE DESPEREAUX WHITE ROCK FARM AB1445750 WHITE ROCK FARM ISABELLE WOLF, KATIE 11 AB1615926 GRAYBILL, SHAWN M BUTTIN'HEADS AB1479957 4239 CH OWL-RIDGE F BACARDIS MIRACLE 2/24/2012 OWL-RIDGE 5/10/2012 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' HART-STRINGS 10 OWL-RIDGE M MIRACLES GRACE-ANN OWL-RIDGE TIEMPO'S ABSINTHE ST LOUIS, HANNAH, ELIZABETH, SARAH, JUBILEE &DEB AB1572938 1735 AB1598087 VON THUN, KELLIE KENNELLEY, ELIZABETH D TREETOP-ACRES AB1603977 SGCH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER ROSE 2/25/2012 SPARKLING ACRES 1/31/2012 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CONAGER 9 CH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER BREEZE DYNAMIC CALIFORNIA CRUISER DEVONSHIRE AB1540659 4210 16 AB1359149 AB1593531 SGCH THE BOWLAH'S JUBILANT CASSIDY 3/11/2012 GGG OBERHASLI DAIRY GOATS AB1559754 3800 2920 OBER-RIDGE SGCH DEVONSHIRE FA BELLA SGCH DEVONSHIRE ACCLAIM TO FAME AB1601925 3/11/2012 3 SGCH OBER-RIDGE GLORY ANNA D'TAVERON ADMIRAL TIFTON 4/17/2012 HAYCREEKS PEARCE, GLEN & DONNA AB1487901 CH HAYCREEKS FRACTAL PENELOPE NEW DREAMS JR FRACTAL CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT GCH OBER-RIDGE AMAZING GRACE AB1590793 AB1552681 AB1382740 AB1510320 3/25/2012 SPARKLING ACRES HAYCREEKS WELBIAN-FARM'S JUST THE RITZ NEW DREAMS JR SPIRAL SPARKLING ACRES CAROLINA JAZZ CH SPARKLING ACRES CHASIN' ACES AB1371870 AB1589690 AB1593545 AB1439544 WELBIAN FARM 5 4/4/2012 SPARKLING ACRES SG SIR ECHO BRICKERS "RITZ" 3135 SPARKLING ACRES JESTA LIL WISH SPARKLING ACRES FOR PETES SAKE AB1405511 AB1564132 AB1593557 AB1553708 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' FROST VITE 4/28/2012 AB1416174 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' JACK FROST CREAM-OF-KANSAS AB1614754 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' RUS VEEDY SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 10 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 82: OBERHASLI 5 AND 6 YEAR OLD MILKERS Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 763 1 AB1507889 AB1470281 3928 2 AB1490247 AB1405054 4208 3 AB1546147 SGCH VANJUST TTRW ZOSO CH GOATING AROUND LILY SGCH DEVONSHIRE ACCLAIM TO FAME 3/19/2010 DEVONSHIRE GIACHINO, BRANDI C AB1414326 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' SER ANTIGONY KENNELLEY, ELIZABETH D 4443 4/12/2010 13 AB1567653 MAGIC CREEK AMAZIN' GRACE 4/13/2011 GOATING AROUND AB1534662 KORI-BROOK ACE'S JOKER MAGIC CREEK HUSSEY, PETER, TAMI, REEGAN & COLE AB1521398 MAGIC CREEK POMEGRANETE TINNEY, SARAH 3/14/2011 1 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS LOREN AGAIN SGCH CREAM-OF-KANSAS' IT'SBOUT TIME AB1458101 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS SOFIA RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC AB1565007 AB1519226 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CHALISACCLAIM AB1315681 4 12 AB1411201 BUTTIN'HEADS 4209 1572 VANJUST CH GOATING AROUND SUNFLOWER CEDAR*RUN STRIKE SOLOMON AB1564371 3/12/2011 3 SGCH VANJUST TA BRAMBLE TUTLELU ATTENTION AB1512114 Ring DOB SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS BRANDYWINE 3/1/2011 2 4244 14 AB1656952 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CON CHIPS 6/20/2011 AB1540659 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CONAGER CREAM-OF-KANSAS AB1510511 FORREST-PRIDE DEMON'S CHIRA SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN 2099 15 AB1617984 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CON DEANA 4/20/2011 AB1315681 SGCH CREAM-OF-KANSAS' IT'SBOUT TIME BUTTIN'HEADS AB1540659 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CONAGER CAV5 AB1458103 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS FRIED GRN MATERS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC AB1617983 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' LIL'DEE SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN 2923 5 AB1567764 CH OWL-RIDGE F WYNDES LIMONCELLO AB1393283 DEVONSHIRE MF FINITE MOMENT AB1379123 CH OWL-RIDGE KILLIAN'S SEA WYNDE 3929 6 AB1362752 AB1157360 4395 7 AB1517716 SGCH HORSESHOE ACRES SHOSHANNA HEAVEN'S HOLLOW JESSIE JAMES AB1190071 GCH FDF-PLEASANT-FIELDS TORNADO 3013 8 AB1564714 UDDERLY-CRAZY HOLY ROLLER AB1382740 CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT 4396 9 AB1483500 AB1219201 585 10 AB1563976 SGCH RACHELSIE SOUTHERN BREEZE AB1549468 SG BRACKETT'S SUNBURST FLAME CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT 5/22/2010 CH SPARKLING ACRES DANCIN IN DIXI 2/18/2010 SPARKLING ACRES HUSSEY, PETER, TAMI, REEGAN & COLE AB1442586 CH SPARKLING ACRES DIXIE SUNSHINE VON THUN, TIM 2/14/2010 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT 3/25/2011 TALL WILLOWS BINION, MICHAEL K 4/30/2011 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT AB1380212 SGCH BRACKETT'S SUNBURST WALTZ BRACKETT, KIKI CREAM-OF-KANSAS' RUS VEEDY 4/10/2010 AB1540658 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' RUSSIN CREAM-OF-KANSAS AB1614753 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' DEMON VEDOM SEIBERT, TECOA LYNN American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show AB1510192 CH SPARKLING ACRES HIGHLAND REBEL 3/20/2011 DREAMY SUNSET FARM AB1614754 17 BINION, MICHAEL K AB1289351 SGCH CREAM-OF-KANSAS' REM ARRIO 11 3164 3/25/2011 WELBIAN FARM GOATING AROUND AB1317405 4238 CH WELBIAN-FARM'S JITTERBUG AB1382740 OBER-BOERD CHA CHA SLIDE OBER-BOERD GOLIATH AB1564713 GRAYBILL, SHAWN M CH WELBIAN-FARM'S TANGO AB1384030 16 UDDERLY-CRAZY HOLY ROLLER CH OBER-BOERD TSUNAMI AB1481725 1814 AB1384030 CH GOATING AROUND HUEDEENIE UDDER VIEW WINDSOR AB1512065 3/8/2011 OWL-RIDGE Page 11 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 83: OBERHASLI 7 YEARS AND OLDER MILKER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 4207 1 AB1484245 AB1382562 3927 2 AB1488502 4/19/2009 1 GCH BUTTIN'HEADS HARRIET TUBMAN BUTTIN'HEADS HARPO SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS ON THE FAST TRACK AB1385100 BUTTIN'HEADS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC CH MAPLE TWIGS CORIANDER 4/5/2006 AB1345403 HORSESHOE ACRES MERIDIAN DILL GOATING AROUND AB1254360 SWEET-APPLES FAITH PELLERIN, MATTHEW & ROBIN 4237 3 AB1066601 AB1237679 4206 4 AB1416182 CH CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CREME BRULEE ONE*OAK*HILL PECAN ACCORD CH FDF-PLEASANT-FIELDS CHALLICE AB1458101 SG WHITE-HAVEN TUMNUS AB1165871 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS OPRAH 5 AB1404036 2 3/1/2007 CREAM-OF-KANSAS SEIBERT, TONY A 3/16/2008 3 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS SOFIA AB1406461 4394 Ring DOB BUTTIN'HEADS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC CH OBER-BOERD LAILA 3/22/2007 AB1292414 GCH TONKA-TAILS TIPPERARY PRINCE OBER-BOERD AB1219201 SGCH RACHELSIE SOUTHERN BREEZE SCHNIPKE & FAMILY, DONALD & KAREN 1813 6 AB1382740 CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT 4/9/2006 AB1327863 SPARKLING ACRES BT HOT SHOT WELBIAN FARM AB1325334 TUTLELU VENICE BINION, MICHAEL K American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 12 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 84: OBERHASLI DAIRY HERD Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 1000 DOB Ring 1 DEIDRAGO 3368 2 HAYCREEKS 4224 3 BUTTIN'HEADS 4419 4 OBER-BOERD 191 5 DREAMY SUNSET FARM 3940 6 GOATING AROUND 2926 7 OWL-RIDGE 4449 8 MAGIC CREEK American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 2 of 3 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 85: OBERHASLI BEST 3 SENIOR DOES Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 767 DOB Ring 1 VANJUST 1002 2 DEIDRAGO 4226 3 BUTTIN'HEADS 3367 4 HAYCREEKS 4421 5 OBER-BOERD 3942 6 GOATING AROUND 2925 7 OWL-RIDGE 4450 8 MAGIC CREEK 1821 9 WELBIAN FARM American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Page 3 of 3 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 86: OBERHASLI SENIOR GET OF SIRE Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 4417 1 AB1618931 AB1521985 995 2 AB1620643 DOB OBER-BOERD BATTLE DAGGER OBER-BOERD BATTLESCAR CH NEW DREAMS W DECADENT JUBILEE AB1597051 3/31/2012 OBER-BOERD SCHNIPKE, KIRT NEW DREAMS BRET JUNIOR MINT 2/24/2012 AB1460533 GCH SIR ECHO BRETT DEIDRAGO AB1443091 GCH NEW DREAMS JUBILEE OKESON, MEGAN J 4426 3 AB1591074 VANJUST OBRC DARK KNIGHT 3/11/2012 AB1460972 SPARKLING ACRES 3 GUN SALUTE OBER-BOERD AB1467923 ROBLA'S TRU LEXMARK STRONG FAMILY, JAMES R 4448 4 AB1292414 AB1365413 AB1483500 OBER-BOERD BRAVERY GCH TONKA-TAILS TIPPERARY PRINCE OBER-BOERD GABRIELLE American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring 3/21/2009 MAGIC CREEK SCHNIPKE, KIRT Page 13 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 87: OBERHASLI PRODUCE OF DAM Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 766 2 AB1470281 DOB SGCH VANJUST TTRW ZOSO AB1388101 SG TONKA-TAILS REBEL OF WICKLOW AB1444131 VANJUST WC LASTCHANCE YENDA 4222 3 AB1458101 SG WHITE-HAVEN TUMNUS AB1165871 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS OPRAH 4418 4 AB1437764 3/3/2009 VANJUST GIACHINO, BRANDI C SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS SOFIA AB1406461 3/16/2008 BUTTIN'HEADS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC OBER-BOERD TRADEWIND 2/19/2008 AB1292414 GCH TONKA-TAILS TIPPERARY PRINCE OBER-BOERD AB1190071 GCH FDF-PLEASANT-FIELDS TORNADO SCHNIPKE, KIRT 1819 5 AB1382740 CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT 4/9/2006 AB1327863 SPARKLING ACRES BT HOT SHOT WELBIAN FARM AB1325334 TUTLELU VENICE BINION, MICHAEL K 3944 6 AB1362752 AB1157360 AB1405054 CH GOATING AROUND LILY UDDER VIEW WINDSOR SGCH HORSESHOE ACRES SHOSHANNA American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring 3/12/2007 GOATING AROUND HUSSEY, REEGAN Page 14 of 15 2016 ADGA National Show - Placings Book Class 88: OBERHASLI DAM AND DAUGHTER Entry DOB RIng # Entry Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Sire Sire Name Exhibitor Dam Dam Name Breeder Dam Dam Name Breeder 4220 1 AB1458101 DOB SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS SOFIA AB1406461 SG WHITE-HAVEN TUMNUS AB1165871 SGCH BUTTIN'HEADS OPRAH 3142 2 AB1564132 AB1510320 1297 3 AB1589690 GCH OBER-RIDGE AMAZING GRACE AB1636245 3/16/2008 BUTTIN'HEADS RUCKER, TOM, SUE & ERIC SGCH OBER-RIDGE GLORY ANNA NEW DREAMS JR SPIRAL GCH GGG BOBRIS DUBLIN 3/11/2012 OBER-RIDGE HOLDRIDGE, PAIGE AB1559754 HEAVEN'S HOLLOW PRNSHI BOWLEN 3/15/2013 GGG OBERHASLI DAIRY GOATS AB1553039 GGG BEAUEMILY BRISBANE GEORGE, ELIZABETH SEARL 1818 4 AB1382740 CH WELBIAN-FARM'S HOT TO TROT 4/9/2006 AB1327863 SPARKLING ACRES BT HOT SHOT WELBIAN FARM AB1325334 TUTLELU VENICE BINION, MICHAEL K 1571 5 AB1519226 SGCH DEVONSHIRE ACCLAIM TO FAME 3/19/2010 AB1411201 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' CHALISACCLAIM DEVONSHIRE AB1414326 CREAM-OF-KANSAS' SER ANTIGONY KENNELLEY, ELIZABETH D 3177 6 AB1510192 CH SPARKLING ACRES DANCIN IN DIXI 2/18/2010 AB1289351 CH SPARKLING ACRES HIGHLAND REBEL SPARKLING ACRES AB1442586 CH SPARKLING ACRES DIXIE SUNSHINE VON THUN, TIM 3178 7 AB1371870 AB1266756 2924 8 AB1593531 CH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER BREEZE DYNAMIC CALIFORNIA CRUISER SGCH SPARKLING ACRES WINTER ROSE AB1567764 2/25/2012 SPARKLING ACRES VON THUN, KELLIE CH OWL-RIDGE F WYNDES LIMONCELLO AB1393283 DEVONSHIRE MF FINITE MOMENT AB1379123 CH OWL-RIDGE KILLIAN'S SEA WYNDE American Dairy Goat Association 2016 National Show Ring 3/8/2011 OWL-RIDGE GRAYBILL, SHAWN M Page 15 of 15