
St. Charles, IL
PSQG Website:
August 2013
From the President
Happy August to all my Quilting Guild Peeps! August for
me has always been about Back to School shopping. I
love the smell of new pencils, crayons and notebook
paper! It that weird??? But August is also the end of
Summer and means Autumn (my absolute favorite
season) is just around the corner!
For the Guild, August means welcoming the wonderful
Catherine Redford to this month’s meeting. Catherine will
talk to us about “Lessons Learned While Quilting” and
teach two workshops: “African Folklore Embroidery” and
“Applique the Wooly Way.” Our Membership committee
has been hard at work collecting dues and signing up new
members all summer long. If you haven’t renewed your
membership yet, what are you waiting for? In my not so
humble opinion, $35 a year for the wonderful speakers we
have at PSQG is a steal! But, have no fear, we will be
happy to renew your membership at the August meeting
(or before). More information is on the website.
A big thank you to our Activities Chairs for another
outstanding picnic and workshop, too! There were over 20
students at the ABCD workshop before the picnic (and the
Show and Tells from the workshop were incredible) and
then over 100 guild members enjoyed the annual picnic
at a new location. As always, the food was wonderful and
spending time with my quilting friends…priceless!
And finally I want to give a shout out to the PSQG Board
Members. These ladies work so hard to make the PSQG
the best it can be and they have some wonderful plans for
the coming months! At our recent Board meeting I was,
once again, blown away by the dedication of these ladies
(who have busy lives outside of the guild) who continue
to come up with new and innovative ways to give
Included in this issue (if you’re
reading this online, click on a title to
jump right to that page):
From the President
October PSQG Retreat: Registered
The Bookmarks are here!
Upcoming Programs
 August: Catherine Redford
 September: Jean Biddick
 October: Sally Davis
Sewing Machine Pin Cushion
News from the Beehive
From outside the Guild
 Quiltapalooza!
 Lighthouse Legacies Quilt Show
2013-2014 Board
PSQG August 2013
our membership the best speakers, the best
events and the best guild experience EVER!
They are GOOD and they are truly the unsung
heroes of this guild, so the next time you see a
Board member, tell her “Thanks!”
distribution. I will have a log for members to
sign with their name and destination for the
bookmarks. If a shop is already listed on the
log, please do not take additional bookmarks
for that shop.
Sandy Andrews
Have a great August! Happy Quilting!
Bonita Deering
October PSQG Retreat:
Registered Yet?
If not, you still have time to get in on the fun
by signing up at either of the August guild
meetings or sending a check to Mary Stewart
(27W240 Waterford, Winfield, IL, 60190). The
cost for a single room is $195; sharing a room
will save you some $$: the cost for a double is
$125 per person. The price includes lots of
uninterrupted sewing time, some surprise
activities, a room with your own bath, and 7
(seven!) meals, beginning with lunch on
Monday and ending with lunch on Wednesday.
Upcoming Programs
So although I was at quilt camp, a birdie told
me that you all had a blast at the July picnic.
Excellent! And extra kudos to Susan and Mary
for organizing that bonus of a workshop, too.
Hope to see some of those blocks at Show and
Tell this month.
The retreat will be held at the Stronghold
Retreat Center in Oregon, Illinois (about an
hour west of St. Charles on Route 64). We'll be
staying in the Heritage Center (their newest
building), which has 16 rooms, each of which
can sleep 2 people. The number of participants
that we can accommodate depends on how
many want singles (and we've already had a
few sign up for those). So, if you want to be
part of this really fun event, don't wait to
A Reminder…
All Monday class’s begin at 9:00 a.m. and run
through 4:00 p.m. We offer lunch through
Smitty’s at $11 per order. Orders can be
turned in before class begins with our
workshop angel.
August: Catherine Redford
Questions? Contact Susan or Mary.
This month we have Catherine Redford coming.
I only have a few spots left for her classes so if
you haven’t signed up yet, just shoot me an email ( and I will
try and get you in. Remember – Catherine’s
classes are:
Susan Strasser (,
Mary Stewart (
The Bookmarks are here!
And they are beautiful. The 2013-2014
bookmarks will be available at the August day
and evening meetings. Members are
encouraged to take a packet of bookmarks for
African Folklore Embroidery:
Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Note: The
start time has been changed from the time
PGSG August 2013
September: Jean Biddick
on the supply lists.) Remember that you can
pick your own kit/motif for this class.
Looking forward to September, we will be
hosting Jean Biddick. As mentioned previously,
her attention to detail is fabulous and she will
show us her techniques in accomplishing such
stunning quilts. You all may not have known it
but you have seen her work many times on the
covers of Quilters Newsletter, many AQS quilt
calendars and throughout many other
magazines and national quilt shows. Her
lecture, “Architectural Influences,” will surely
inspire us all.
There is still time to sign up for her workshops
at this months’ meeting:
Piecing Mosaics:
Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This all day
workshop will have us making beautiful
mosaics inspired quilts.
Applique the Wooly Way:
Tuesday afternoon. The workshop starts after
meeting/lunch through 4:00 p.m.
Newsletter Info
Deadline for the next newsletter:
September 5, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
Becky Hall, Editor
PSQG August 2013
Feathered Star:
This half-day workshop is bringing us back to
the magnificent traditional Feathered Star.
Blue Potpourri:
Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Plaids Squared:
Tuesday afternoon.
Both classes will be giving you the inspiration
and technical skills you can use to create the
next Best of Show winner.
October: Sally Davis
Now let’s leap to October… when we welcome
Ms. Sally Davis. I call Sally the ghost quilter for
Kaffe Fassett. Every year while I attend “quilt
camp” I get a sneak peak at the new, not yet
released, fabric line Kaffe has created. Sally is
always busy designing the next quilt design
with these jewels.
She told me to say “Hi- see you soon!”
Sign up soon for these classes… classes
have been filling fast and you would hate to
miss these two! Sign up soon as we have
noticed that our workshops have been filling
fast. Don’t be one of the disappointed.
Happy Quilting,
Sharron & Jenny
Program VP 2013-2014
PGSG August 2013
Sewing Machine Pin Cushion
5” square of fabric*
4 or 5 elastic hair ties
button ( shank style is best)
stuffing for pin cushion
*Depending on the fabric used and what you’ll
be using for stuffing, you might want to line
the pin cushion.
Yvonne Richter,
Education Chair
News from the Beehive
Fold the 5” square right sides together to make
a tube 2 ½ x 5. Place one elastic hair tie
inside the tube so a little of it sticks out the
2½” end. Be sure you aren’t going to sew over
any metal parts of the hair tie.
Our new Hex-A-Bee has met and is having a
grand time stitching and showing all so many
different types of English paper piecing. I am
still taking names for a second English Paper
Piecing Bee as needed.
We have some new members who want to join
or start in a new evening (or weekend) Bee. If
others are out there please stop by the Bee
table at the August meeting (s) and add your
name. We might find a public place for you to
meet unless you want to meet in homes. If
there is an opening in an evening Bee, please
let me know.
Elastic band
Stitch as shown on the dashed line leaving
space at one end for turning.
Elastic band is
the folded fabric
We still have openings in some daytime Bees:
Appliqué-fourth Thursday at Prairie Shop
Quilts, and third Thursday at Prairie Shop
Quilts. And, we still need some members to
join the names on the daytime
art/embellishment Bee.
Turn right side out and fill.
Stitch the opening closed and attach button.
If there are other changes to any Bee, please
let me know for our records. Reminder, please
do not sign up your friends for Bees but have
them contact me instead.
Loop more hair ties through the one sticking
out. The end one goes around your sewing
machine base and goes over the button to hold
it in place.
It's the friendship found by 'bee'ing a member
of a Bee!
Ginny Wright, Beekeeper
630-513-1418 or 630-715-2266 (cell)
Yvonne Richter, Education Chair
PSQG August 2013
From outside the Guild
Presented by Petunia City Quilters, Dixon, IL.
Dates: October 11- 12, 2013
Cindy Krelle
Beth Martin
Edith Hubbard
Ronne Neville
Corrinne Skibicki
Marsha Lucia
Nancy Aho
Gail Hamm
Claire Erickson
Susan Lark
Dorothy Walls
Janice Cox Arismendi
Yvonne Richter
Bonita Gillette
Janet Miller
Dixie Riley
Northside Baptist Church
598 River Ln.
Dixon, IL
Time: Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Aug. 16
Aug. 19
Aug. 21
Aug. 28
Aug. 30
Sept. 3
Sept. 4
Sept. 6
Sept. 7
Sept. 8
Sept. 8
Sept. 9
Sept. 9
Sept. 12
Sept. 12
Sept. 12
Cost: $5.00 admission
The show will feature quilts, vendors, raffle
baskets, bake sale, boutique, a raffle quilt,
quilt appraisals (contact Pat at 815 625 2006
for more information on appraisals), on-site
scissor sharpening, and a silent auction.
Questions? Contact Candy at 815 622 8448.
Lighthouse Legacies Quilt Show
Presented by Lighthouse Quilters Guild, Inc.,
Racine, WI.
Dates: September 28 - 29, 2013
PGSG August 2013
Fountain Banquet Hall
8505 Durand Ave.
Sturtevant, WI 53177
2013-2014 Board
(Easy access from I-94 between Milwaukee
and Chicago.)
Executive Board
Bonita Deering
Time: Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Program VP
Sharron Evans
Evening VP
Beth Hoffman
Cost: $5.00 admission
Daytime VP
Teresa Kasch
The Lighthouse Legacies Quilt Show will
feature over 250 quilts. All quilters are invited
to enter this judged show. Additional features
include works by the honored quilter, Marie
Raymond; small quilt silent auction to benefit a
local charity; quilting and textile arts
demonstrations; antique quilt bed turning;
quilt raffle; boutique of handmade items;
vendor mall; concessions.
Susie Wing
Lynn Murphy
Committee Chairpersons
*indicates co-chairs
Susan Cook*
Joyce Jaksa*
Becky Hall
Details and entry form are available
at or call 262632-1410.
Below is a picture of their raffle quilt:
Public Relations
Sandy Andrews
Barb Stewart
Mary Stewart*
Susan Strasser*
Bee Keeper
Ginny Wright
Liz Fitzgerald
Nancy Aho*
Pat Noonan*
Barb Vlack
Quilt Show Chair
Jan Sharpless
Quilt Show
Yvonne Richter*
Chris Schwarz*
Chris Schwarz*
Leslie Nyckel*
PSQG August 2013
Calendar of Events
1/8 page $10/issue (business card size)
1/4 page $20/issue
1/2 page $40/issue
Check the body of the newsletter for more
details. All events take place at Bethlehem
Lutheran Church in St. Charles unless
otherwise noted.
Above rates apply to a single issue. A purchase
of the same-size ad for a year (11 issues) earns
a 10% discount. Ads accepted only for quilting
or quilt-related subjects and must be prepaid.
Deadline for ads (getting copy or camera-ready
artwork to the Editor) is the first of the month in
which you wish the ad to appear. Call or email
the Editor if you have any questions.
August Meetings
Evening Guild: Mon. August 26, 7:00 p.m.
Morning Guild: Tues. August 27, 9:30 a.m.
September Meetings
Board Meeting: Tues. Sept. 3, 7:00 p.m.
Evening Guild: Mon. Sept. 23, 7:00 p.m.
Prairie Star Press Subscription Only Rate:
Non-members of PSQG wishing a subscription to
the Prairie Star Press may subscribe for
$15/year (11 issues). Make check payable to
PSQG and send to PSQG, P.O. Box 1460, St.
Charles, IL 60174-1460. PSQG trades
complimentary issues of the Prairie Star Press
with other guilds upon request.
Morning Guild: Tues. Sept. 24, 9:30 a.m.
Prairie Star Quilters Guild
P. O. Box 1460
St. Charles, IL 60174-1460
Dated Material