Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
encuentro Ciclo escolar 2013 - 2014, No.3 nuestra voz Digital Citizenship Directory ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTORY ETON SCHOOL FOUNDER Margarita Arzac HEAD OF SCHOOL Liz Panchuk EARLY CHILDHOOD & ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Yvonne Kogan TODDLER CENTER PRINCIPAL. GRADES NURSERY & PRE-KINDER Carmen A. Castillo PRESCHOOL PRINCIPAL. GRADES KINDER & PRE-FIRST Leticia Valero EARLY ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Sylvia Karam UPPER ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Pepa Pin MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Rosamaría Díaz-Vélez EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Cecilia Moreno ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR Claudia Camacho OPERATIONS AND SERVICES DIRECTOR Ma. Elena Ruschke EDITORIAL STAFF Communication and Image Department Coordinator: Alejandra Torres Graphic Designers: Gina Paillés and Carlos A. Ramírez Editor: Ma. Elena Pelly Translator: Gabriel Castro Editor: Vanessa Farrant COLLABORATORS Alan Abruch, Monserrat Barrera, Alejandro Caravantes, Rosamaría Díaz-Vélez, Nicole Dieter, Florence Gontrán, Ángel González, Leticia Incháustegui, Sylvia Karam, Yvonne Kogan, Eduardo Kreimerman, Mariana Lahud, Ramón López, Álvaro Martínez, Kath McKeown, Jorge Morfín, Pepa Pin, Diamari Quilarque, Erika Sedas, Micheal Swank, Virginia Torres, Leticia Valero and Karen Zarkin. PHOTOGRAPHY Ángel González, Gina Paillés, Carlos A. Ramírez, Micheal Swank, Alejandra Torres and Ma. Elena Kirk. ETON LOMAS Early Childhood Alpes 605 & Alpes 1140 Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000, México D.F. Tels. 5520-0410/4225/1142. Fax: 5520/3491 SEP Acdo. # 09050637, 23-08-05 ETON SANTA FE Elementary / Middle School & High School Santa Lucía 220, D. García Ramos s/n Prados de la Montaña, C.P. 05619, México, D.F. Tel. 5261-5800, Fax: 5292-1950 Primaria SEP Acdo. #988595, 19-01-98 Secundaria SEP Acdo. #988804, 17-04-98 IBO-MYP-5397 Preparatoria UNAM Acdo. #65, 12-08-80 IBO-DIP 000855 Greetings Digital Parenting Liz Panchuk Head of School We exist in a world where we have more tools for communication available than any other generation in history, but how do we use them wisely? These tools can help children create, connect, explore, and express themselves. But what is your role as a parent? You have to help children learn how to protect themselves and become responsible digital citizens. It is in the nature of children to over share and they do not have the foresight to comprehend that their digital fingerprint will last forever and is available to a vast, invisible audience. There is a new mentality that we “need” to be connected at all times. But you can help your child understand that it really is an option to not answer a call or a message, or suggest going out together without these devices. Encourage them to be actively present. You can also establish some basic guidelines for use such as, the cell phone is switched off at night, is not allowed at the dinner table, and never used in class. To lead by example however, we also need to follow these guidelines. Many parents text their children during school, or use them during dinner. As hard as it is, we need to change our behavior as well. Ultimately, our job as parents is to empower our children with knowledge through guidance and example. Yes, there are challenges of living in this new age and it can be tricky to know how to navigate through digital waters, but never forget, parents will always be parents and kids will always need your wisdom, they cannot find that online. 24 going on 25! By Yvonne Kogan Remembering our past, consolidating the present, and looking forward to new beginnings Eton School will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this coming school term. Our story during these 24 years has been one of profound love, conviction, and commitment for what we do every day. There are many protagonists involved in our story, mainly our students and their parents, and our current and former teachers and principals who have been valuable contributors in helping us become the Institution we are today. We gratefully remember Ms. Margarita Arzac founder of Eton, who still accompanies us in every action, and who is present in every corner of our School. Ms. Constance Balawender another of our founding members, whose passion for education permeated the lives of our students, and Ms. Tayde Licéaga who headed our elementary department for nearly a decade. This year, we bid farewell to Ms. Lety Valero, we thank her for her warmth and dedication, and for considering Eton her home for 22 years. We wish Ms. Lety much luck and success in her new endeavors and want her to know that we will always hold her in our heart. We have many dreams yet to fulfill and many plans to make Eton School better, stronger and readily able to meet the challenges our students face in today’s constantly changing world. We thank you for your support in building our learning community and for entrusting us with the vision our Institution holds in welcoming its new beginnings. 1 INDEX Vision Eton School is a progressive and nurturing learning community that embraces diversity, enhances collaboration and provides opportunities for individuals to develop their unique potential. 1 24 going on 25! 3Editorial 4 Early Childhood 5 Encounters with Light 6 Listen to your Body 7 The Art of Being a Mom 8 Elementary 9 Technology Workshops 10 Deporte Eton 12 Middle & High School 13 Digital Learning Environments 14 Fábrica de sueños 15 Art & Technology 16 Personal Project 17MUN 18 Technology & You: Who is in Control? 22 Actividades Artísticas del ASP 23 Talent Show 24Distinctions 26 Parent Association 27 Earth Day 28 2nd Walk / Race 31 In Appreciation / Welcome 32 e-corner 33 Things to do, Places to Go 34Alumni 35 Teacher’s Day 36 Wishing you well 37 Class of 2014 Mission Eton School provides a challenging academic program within an engaging learning environment. We offer meaningful educational experiences which support understanding, creativity, problemsolving, ownership of learning and self-discipline. Eton students will then be capable of pursuing their life choices with commitment and joy, contributing to their community, their country and the world. 2 Editorial A three year old child approaches her parents’ desk and picks up a tablet. She turns it on and navigates through its applications. Almost instinctively, she is able to command the gadget as she plays with it. Her parents stare at her in awe of her actions and way of thinking in this digital era. As we celebrate the inclusion of technology in our academic life, we understand the challenges of navigating through this new digital era. We invite all parents to join us in our commitment to helping your children through this era, starting with the final issue of Encuentro magazine for this school term, which focuses on this very topic. 3 Early Childhood “ Awe & wonder, 4 ” all around Encounters with Light Karen Zarkin Toddler Center Teacher A face glows as someone leans across the light table inquisitively: Is this a small onion? Another face radiates as it observes closely and discerns it is a purple grape. One more face illuminates at the thought of grabbing the grape that is asking to be explored with yet another sense…. The collectively established prediction was corroborated! The light encounters fruits and reveals unknown secrets hidden inside them… It shows the delicate details of a sliced orange, the array of colors of watermelon and the shadows the fruit seeds can make. It is not unusual to find children having an immediate sensory and emotional attraction when allowed to explore an object that can dialogue with light. Light tables generate a space rich with possibilities for observing, imagining, creating and discovering. The power of light invites small hands to engage in open-ended explorations, and to inquire about the world that surrounds them in an engaging and meaningful way. 5 Listen to your Body Lety Valero Preschool Principal For nine weeks, the children of Pre-first 4 and their teacher, Ms. Florence, worked on a project entitled, “Listen to your Body”. During this time, the children explored the human body to see how and why it communicates to us when something is not right or we feel sick. Doctor Gómezperalta played a key role in this project as he answered all the children’s questions and shared important information about this topic. The children visited the new tower at the Hospital Angeles, where they had the opportunity to analyze and observe closely the most important components of a hospital. Using the information they gathered, the children made amazing representations of their bodies. They also dissected a cow’s heart and explored its texture and anatomy. Students learned that our bodies have different ways of communicating with us, and that we are all unique. 6 The Art of Being a Mom It was a huge pleasure to share a bit of our daily work with our moms. 7 Elementary “ Learning, 8 ” bonding, growing Technology Workshops Ángel González Elementary Teacher The “Technology Integration” and “Video and Photography” workshops were created to provide our students with a space in which they could experiment with the different uses of an iPad. We wanted them not just to view it as a device for information or entertainment purposes, but to consider its potential for communicating ideas. In these workshops, students learn about the basic skills, components and organization of an iPad, and its capacity to improve audiovisual components. They also utilize information and multimedia searches, discover storage capacities, and learn about the setting and fast access options of the device. Most importantly, every semester, we select a series of activities that include the use of specific applications to acquire technical learning and find new ways to organize ideas. For example, in order to improve writing and narrative skills, we have used apps such as “Book Creator” to help students create their own e-books, and “Comic Life”, where students created comics based on academic subjects. We have also used apps such as “StopMotion”, “Educreations”, and “Toontastic” to make videos, and “GamePress” to improve our students’ logical thinking through game programming. 9 Deporte Eton Jorge Morfín Coordinador de Educación Física y After-School Program El gusto de la familia Eton por realizar actividades recreativas y deportivas ha sido la pauta para fortalecer el camino al éxito que lleva nuestra vida deportiva dentro del Colegio. Tenemos la fortuna de contar con familias enteras que disfrutan de la actividad física como una forma de vivir con retos y satisfacciones, y esto es un pilar importante en el desarrollo del ser humano. Los recreos son un momento de esparcimiento guiado, en el que nuestros alumnos de todas las secciones voluntariamente pueden disfrutar grandes emociones en eventos recreativos y deportivos que se realizan con mucha frecuencia, para brindar las alternativas de desarrollo de sus habilidades físicas y sociales en un ambiente divertido. Este año realizamos eventos como torneos de jalón de cuerda, pelas de básquetbol, juego de la vida, tochito bandera, cachibol, friendly softball, entre otros tantos juegos y deportes que gozan los niños, y finalizamos con el MundialEton Dolphins de futbol, en el que equipos mixtos de todos los grupos de Primaria y Bachillerato pudieron representar a un país participante de la Copa del Mundo en Brasil. El After–School Program también ha tenido diferentes facetas a lo largo de los años. Hoy en día estamos muy orgullosos de que cada vez va mejorando más el nivel competitivo de nuestros equipos deportivos, por lo que nuestro Colegio se ha consolidado en todas las Ligas donde ha participado como protagonista indiscutible para disputar los encuentros finales, llevando el nombre de Eton Dolphins a recibir el reconocimiento por los mejores resultados. 10 “El deporte tiene el poder de transformar el mundo. Tiene el poder de inspirar, de unir a la gente como pocas otras cosas...Tiene más capacidad que los gobiernos de derribar las barreras sociales.” Nelson Mandela 11 Middle & High School “ Emotionally 12 engaged ” Digital Learning Environments Rosamaría Díaz-Vélez Middle & High School Principal This year, Middle and High School students at Eton were immersed in a stimulating digital learning environment with highly interactive teaching practices. Our students developed new ways to learn and understand a wide variety of concepts and skills in a dynamic digital environment that supports the achievement of their academic potential. Through the use of audiovisual tools and online group discussions, students developed understandings and the critical thinking skills that are required in the 21st century. Our digital environment project to enhance the education of our students has been successfully implemented, and it continues its consolidation through innovative teaching practices for students and strong development workshops for teachers. Our students are demonstrating their creative and critical thinking by developing innovative products using technology and digital media to communicate and work collaboratively. We will continue offering our students these digital environments for learning, guiding and reinforcing digital citizenship and helping them understand cultural and societal issues related to technological ethical behavior. 13 Fábrica de sueños Ramón López, maestro coordinador de PANDA Eduardo Kreimerman, de 10.° A, alumno coordinador Nicole Dieter, alumna de 8.° A Álvaro Martínez, alumno de 9.° A Y los sueños inician… con soñadores. En el inicio fuimos un grupo de Preparatoria con un proyecto único que desarrollamos con calidad, honestidad y amor a nuestro Colegio (en realidad más honestidad y amor). Fuimos creciendo en lectores, pero decreciendo en integrantes; los compañeros se graduaron hasta quedar sólo uno al iniciar el tercer año. Fue cuando se integró Secundaria… En ese momento, aumentamos a 26 integrantes, un número inimaginable en los inicios del proyecto. Las revistas se triplicaron, teniendo 17 números sólo en el tercer año (iniciamos con la edición núm 13, hoy; estamos en el número 29). Cada uno de los integrantes realiza una función particular, que nos hace crear más revistas en menos tiempo. Con colaboradores de entrevistas, horóscopos, tecnología, salud y belleza, gente, teatro y musicales, libros y películas, “sabías qué…”, visión oriental, entre otras. Todas estas secciones ayudan a que la revista sea cada vez más completa. De esos integrantes salió una idea, que estaba destinada a no ser más que eso. Sin embargo, digitalizar Panda en una página de internet se convirtió en algo mucho más que una propuesta; se hizo una realidad. La página original se creó como un boceto que se mantuvo estancado por algún tiempo. 14 Conéctate Te invitamos a visitarnos en: Hoy podemos considerar que la página oficial de Panda es una idea hecha realidad… una página que salió de una propuesta simple y en una computadora. Ahora, con esta nueva página, podemos revolucionar por completo la forma en la que se hace y se lee Panda; tenemos la capacidad de agregar buenos gráficos a color, videos y hasta audio. La experiencia de leer Panda en tu teléfono, tablet o computadora es muy distinta y más completa que el Panda en papel. Así también se logra facilitar la manera en la que se puede tener acceso a nuestra revista desde donde sea. Art & Technology Micheal Swank Middle and High School Art Teacher This year’s art exhibition was an opportunity to celebrate the results of Eton students’ research, risk taking, and reflections on the creative art making process. Our diverse display of drawings, paintings, sculptures, digital iPad art, furniture design, iPad application design, animations, films, architectural designs, and mixed media pieces ignited Eton’s imagination. High school students took on the role of curator as part of the IB curriculum. They edited art work and made key decisions on how the work would be displayed. Students wanted the work displayed without names based on a reading from Joshua Rothman’s review of Healing Arts by Alain de Botton in the New Yorker Magazine. Students wanted their peers to see the work first and appreciate it for its artistic qualities and not the name attached. The identities of the artists not being revealed allowed the artists to reveal more of them. It was an opportunity to appreciate each piece for the essential qualities of the artist at the moment of creation. The students took many risks and explored skills and emotions at a depth, which at times was frightening. It was a great reflection on the power of the IB curriculum and the potential of the IB student. By Lorena Villa Aguilar, 12th grade student By Nicole Dieter Caraza, 8th grade student By Susana Argüelles Sánchez de la Barquera, 12th grade student 15 Personal Project Monserrat Barrera Tapia 10 grade Personal Project Teacher th As we are lucky enough to say every year, “Mission Accomplished!” On May 14, the 10th grade Personal Project Presentation was held to conclude the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP). We are thankful to parents for participating and supporting their children so enthusiastically. We would also like to congratulate our students who presented their work throughout the year. They demonstrated an admirable capacity to research and analyze, provide organization and structure, and most importantly, great creativity. Congratulations! “The focus of my personal project was a short story told by Karen (an eight-year-old girl with Leukemia) who describes all the different experiences and emotions she has gone through during her illness. Seeing how Karen copes with Leukemia, and how children live with cancer everyday, made me realize how important a positive attitude is in life. Things aren’t always objectively good, but one can always make them look better.” “Making ‘Math Race’ was a challenge. People have always said to me that I’m great at making anything I can dream up a reality on the computer and that when I grow up, I will end up working in an area related to them. I made ‘Math Race’ thinking that if it was something I liked, then it could be something I could work on in the future.” Fernando González Pérez, 10th grade student Paula Alcántara Sapena, 10 grade student th 16 MUN Kathleen McKeown Middle & High School Academic Coordinator In March of this year, Eton’s Model United Nations club joined 3,500 other delegates for an international MUN conference in New York, which culminated in an unforgettable trip to UN headquarters. For many of our students attending, this was a totally new experience, which involved a lot of personal and academic growth. In the months leading up to New York, we had a lot of work to do, researching current affairs and background information on various countries, preparing official papers outlining our positions on a variety of topics, practising debating and negotiation skills and attending other MUN conferences here in Mexico City. For some of us, the hardest part was putting our knowledge and our ideas into words before audiences of up to 200 other MUN delegates! Public speaking may seem like the easiest part of the process, but it turns out it’s both the most daunting and the most rewarding. Arriving at the Hilton hotel on 6th Avenue, greeted by a lobby crowded with many other nervous and excited students, the anticipation that had been building up over the last few months really began to kick in. Over the course of 4 exhausting days, we learned about good debating style - how to listen to what others say with a critical ear and how to respond in a diplomatic and assertive manner. After all, that’s an important part of personal growth and how wonderful it is to be able to learn these key skills in such an inspirational setting! 17 Technology & You: Who is in Control? “The App Generation” (A commentary on Howard Gardner’s book, “The App Generation”) by Sylvia Karam & Pepa Pin “An “app” or “application” is a software program, often designed to run on a mobile device, that allows the user to carry out one or more operations, and is controlled by the individual or organization that designed it”. Grand or simple, broad or narrow, apps are like shortcuts that take you straight to what you’re looking for: you can access tunes and news, enable games and conversations, introduce and review concepts, go from point A to point B, create new products, answer questions and raise new ones, and many other things. The apps arranged on a person’s mobile device represent a combination of interests, habits, and social connections that identify that person and tell multiple aspects of his identity. Whether you are a digital native (if born before 1996) or a digital immigrant, apps can be seen from an audience perspective if you are limited by the available options, or can constitute a challenge to go beyond and create something new. Some people tend to see their world as a group of apps, and when we allow apps to restrict or determine what we want to do, or choose where we want to go, we can become “appdependent”. On the other hand, Apps are great if they take care of ordinary stuff and help us to explore new ways, form stronger 18 relationships, and instill curiosity to examine the big questions of life. When open to pursuing possibilities, one becomes “appenabled”. The three aspects of the lives of young people that have been most affected by digital technology are their sense of identity, their ability for intimate relations and their imaginative potential. Apps can limit identity-formation, by pushing you into being someone else, by focusing on limited options (app-dependent), or they can allow you to approach identity formation in a more holistic and thoughtful way (app-enabled). As for intimacy, apps can promote superficial relations with others, discourage face-to-face interactions as people hide behind the screen (app-dependent) or apps can expose you to a much wider world by encouraging you to look for new ways of relating to people, while becoming portals to a more globalized world, actually inviting you to shut devices off and have face-toface conversations (app-enabled). Regarding imagination, apps can make you lazy and limit the development of new skills (app-dependent), or they can open unexplored worlds for imagining, producing, and creating new ways of closeness between people (app-enabled). There is a thin line between being “app-enabled” and becoming “app-dependent”. New media technologies can open up a great number of possibilities for self-expression and learning, but our identity should never be based on technology, for we should always be willing to explore life, create, take on challenges and engage in intimate relationships that are beyond the technology realm. How does this book apply to our everyday life as complex human beings? We may become dependent on apps such as Facebook, or we may choose carefully and not fill the display in our smartphones with so many apps that we consume time and batteries but reach no benefit. Here is a list of apps that might be helpful in different areas of our modern lives, while still leaving us free to enjoy life fully: 19 Productivity Voice Memos- allows you to dictate a reminder or a note in a simple, direct way. Good sound quality, and easy to access. DocScan or Scanner Pro- these apps allow you to take a picture of documents while enhancing reading quality. Printer Pro- connects your iPhone to wireless printers, allowing you to print without a computer. Appsgonefree- this app locates new apps that are free for one day. It provides clear descriptions of the apps, plus rating and quality. Wiselist- a smart to-do list, including color coding and calendar synchronization. Dropbox- allows sharing heavier documents, photographs, and videos. Speaky- this app recognizes text and translates it into speech, thus allowing you to drive or engage in a different activity while listening to Internet articles Digital Safety and Citizenship Commonsensemedia- gives parents sensible trustworthy information on the content of apps, videogames, movies and a wide variety of Internet sites. provides students with information and instruction on online safety, ethical use of digital resources and cyberbullying. Mindfulness and Wellness Insight Timer- a Zen approach to timekeeping, sounds include gongs and Tibetan bowls. Perfect for meditation or study time. Ananda- meditation app that includes nature sounds, a timekeeper, and a variety of brain waves. Zenbrush- this beautiful app promotes relaxation through the movements of a brush on a white canvas. Pocket Yoga- excellent app that guide your yoga practice with a variety of positions and flows. The Mindfulness App- The Mindfulness App helps you to reduce stress and increase wellbeing. Fit in 7 min- Got no time to exercise? This app offers short workouts that can be fitted into even the tightest of schedules. 20 Learning TED- Magnificent talks on a variety of topics. iTunes U- You can promote personal development by participating in various courses from prestigious universities. DailyArt- This app contains daily in-depth explorations of individual pieces of art. Dictionary- A very useful app indeed! It offers definitions, word games, synonyms and antonyms and even word origins and pronunciation. Museum apps (such as Louvre HD)- Most famous museums have an app that displays their collections and gives basic information on each piece. Some apps even have virtual tours of the museum. Music Spotify- For a very modest fee, you can download hundreds of songs from all genres. As it is a social network, you can also connect to people who share your musical taste, and download their playlists. Tunein Radio- Music from all over the world, as well as news and cultural programs are available through the Internet. Shazam- There are several apps that recognize songs and let you know the singer, the title of the song, and even the lyrics. Many even connect you to the iTunes store, so you can buy it on a whim. Social Media Waze- This very popular app helps you find your way around our city’s streets. One of its particular features is that it promotes connection between users, who warn you about accidents, police surveillance points, water leaks, etc. 21 Actividades artísticas del ASP Diamari Quilarque Este año las actividades artísticas han tenido su espacio en vespertinas con clases de Teatro, Guitarra e instrumentos con el método Suzuki. Se hicieron clases abiertas para Teatro y Guitarra en las que participaron activamente padres, alumnos y profesores; así mismo se realizó una gran presentación el pasado 21 de junio en el Auditorio para mostrar el valioso aprendizaje adquirido durante muchas horas de esfuerzo y trabajo. Nuestros profesores buscan canalizar las inquietudes de sus alumnos, potenciar sus habilidades y permitirles explorar en el arte, con el fin de que ellos mismos descubran y disfruten su talento. Esto se ha traducido en un importante adelanto en el nivel artístico de los alumnos que forman parte del grupo de artistas del Colegio Eton. Para el cierre de este año escolar, los alumnos de Teatro presentaron Las princesas guardianas y el Día de la marmota, ambas obras con un gran éxito y alto nivel en escena. También se llevó a cabo el Festival Artístico Eton 2014, el cual contó con la participación de alumnos del método Suzuki de piano, violín, violonchelo, flauta y guitarra y una exposición de trabajos de las clases regulares de artes plásticas de Primaria y Bachillerato. Para el próximo año escolar nuestra oferta de actividades artísticas se enriquece con el fin de invitar a más alumnos a pertenecer al maravilloso mundo artístico de nuestro Colegio. 22 Distinctions Talent Show 23 Distin On March 29, the Museo del Papalote celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day with an event organized by the Embassy of Ireland in Mexico and the Charity & Coalition Association. Our students participated in the “Green Projects” contest at this event, where they won first place with their projects oriented toward sustainability and community development. Distinguished students: Ángel Casillas, José Juan Flores and Santiago Fernández, 9th grade: “The use of renewable energy: solar panels.” Yoichi Kaneda, Pablo Beitman and Emilio Zúñiga, 12th grade: “Solar heater.” Amanda Paiva, Paula Alcántara, Cristina Mayorca and Luis Enrique Hernández, 10th grade: “Light up, a campaign to save energy in the School.” 24 nctions “Del Suelo al Cielo” is just a small example of the huge talent 7th graders Isabella Sáenz and José Andrés Díaz Ceballos have. Special moments, situations, people, and our environment were all captured by these two talented students and shared with the world in an exposition organized by photographer Virginia Torres, alongside the top seven students from different schools who have excelled in the art of photography. Congratulations Isabella and José Andrés, a promising future awaits you! 25 A year of fantastic support! We are thankful to the Parent Association for a year of wonderful activities. Your effort and commitment are the foundation on which we continue to build a better future for our children. All parents are invited to participate actively in our committees during our 25th anniversary year! 26 Earth Day This year, we celebrated Earth Day at Eton School with talks, conferences and workshops for our students. They had the opportunity to be more aware of what they could do to help keep the Planet clean, healthy and harmonious. 27 2 Walk/Race nd The 2nd annual walk/race at Bosque de Chapultepec was a big success. It was the perfect setting for our community to come together and celebrate unity, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Thank you to all the participants, volunteers and people who came to cheer everyone on! 28 “ For a healthy lifestyle ” 29 30 In Appreciation Eton School is thankful to the following students and families for their donations to our Library: Alonso González Books January, 2014 Ander Somoza Books March, 2014 Figueras Suárez Books January, 2014 Giulia Orsenigo 7.°C Books November, 2013 Fam. Narcia Crespo Books January, 2014 Fam. Ojeda Martínez Encyclopedia May, 2014 Fam. Patrón Uhthoff Books December, 2013 Fam. Torres Kimura Books January, 2014 Fam. Urow Strikovsky Books March, 2014 Iulia Dancu Books May, 2014 Welcome Kai Benavides de la Garza Books January, 2014 Jessica Molina Jefe de Recursos Humanos Luciana León de la Barra Magazines January, 2014 Fam. García de Letona de la Barreda Books February, 2014 Fam. Heredia López Books January, 2014 Fam. Matrajt Frid Books April, 2014 Estudios Egresada de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM, cuenta con una Especialidad en Recursos Humanos y Desarrollo Organizacional del la UDLA. Experiencia laboral Ha trabajado para las empresas Jumex y DHL en el área de Recursos Humanos, y en las Universidades Casa Blanca, Tec Milenio y Universidad de Occidente, en las áreas administrativas como Directora de Postgrados y como catedrática impartiendo materias administrativas y de humanidades. 31 I took a photo of my friend that I want to share... Now what? Yes No ? O T O H P D O O G A IT IS 1. 2. WOULD MY FRIEND AG that you Be proud of the photos show share with others! Only st. be people the best of the REE? Yes No Play nice. You wouldn’t want your friend to broadcast a bad photo of you, would you? 3. COULD IT GET MY FRIEND INTO TROUBLE? Yes No Don’t post any photos that might come back to haunt you or your friends. You never know who will see them. DRAMA? Ye SE U A C O T G IN O G IT IS 4. s No g. Really. Then it’s not worth postin 5. AM I AWARE THAT ANYONE CAN SHARE IT? Yes No So my friend is okay with it, but how might it affect me? Well, it’s true. Anything you post online can be saved, copied, and shared with a large invisible audience. 6.WOULD I BE OKAY WIT H MY GRANDMA SEEING IT? Yes No If you think it will make your grandma blush, the n there’s a good chance somebody else will find it inappropriate, too. 7. A YEAR FROM NOW, WILL I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MAKING THIS PUBLIC? Yes No Hold off if you’re having doubts. Your future self will thank you. Congratulations! You clearly self-reflected before you self-revealed online, so... Go ahead! Share & Enjoy! For information and resources about digital citizenship, visit 32 Things to do Places to go Actividades CURSO DE VERANO “ANIMAL KIDS” En el Bosque de Tlalpan Es un concepto innovador que combina actividades deportivas, artísticas y recreativas mientras aprenden la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente y la biodiversidad de México y del mundo. Conoce de una manera práctica y divertida cómo cuidar la naturaleza y a los animales que habitan en ella. Lunes 14 de julio al viernes 15 de agosto del 2014 SEGWAY D.F. Conoce la Ciudad de México en dos ruedas El Segway, es ese vehículo eléctrico de dos ruedas que parece sacado de una película del futuro. Con una velocidad máxima de 20 km/h y con un guía repleto de datos curiosos, historias y rutas por descubrir, puedes recorrer grandes distancias sin mayor esfuerzo. Esta experiencia que te ofrece Segway Tours es ideal para quienes visitan la ciudad por primera vez o para chilangos que buscan nuevos descubrimientos. Edad mínima: 11 años, el peso máximo es de 135 kg y el uso de casco es obligatorio. Rutas en diferentes ubicaciones incluyendo Polanco, Reforma y el Centro Histórico. Talleres MUSEO ANAHUACALLI Taller de yoga El yoga es una práctica originaria de la antigua India, la cual sigue perdurando hasta nuestros días y, que te ayuda a crear un bienestar físico y mental. Prueba esta magnífica disciplina en una primera clase gratuita. Todos los sábados de 9:00 a 10:00 h. Taller de artes plásticas ¿Quieres desarrollar tu creatividad? Los talleres de Artes Plásticas te darán acceso a toda clase de técnicas y materiales para crear verdaderas obras de arte. Todos los jueves de 17:00 a 18:00 h. Taller de canto y solfeo ¿Has tenido la curiosidad de saber qué se siente cantar enfrente de un grupo de personas? Aprende y practica en este curso de canto y solfeo, y disfruta de tu primera clase gratuita. Todos los sábados de 16:00 a 17:30 h. Informes: ó 56174310. No te puedes perder... SUMMER CAMP OVERNIGHT. Berlitz Vive un verano lleno de diversión, aventura y retos. Con amplia experiencia en campamentos, Berlitz Kids & Teens te lleva al Rancho Los Leones en donde podrás practicar el idioma inglés mientras te diviertes al máximo. Para fomentar la interacción y la convivencia sana entre los acampantes, este campamento se divide en dos grupos: Houses y Day Groups. 28 de julio al 2 de agosto Museos CENTRO CULTURAL MUSEO SOUMAYA. Plaza Carso CONFIDENCIAS DE ARTE. Visitas dramatizadas. Recorre las salas del museo de la mano de Carlota, Emperatriz de México, y descubre su cautivadora historia junto a Maximiliano de Habsburgo. Participa en familia de una experiencia diferente. Sábados y domingos 12:00 y 15:00 h. Informes: MUSEO CASA DEL RISCO Centro Cultural Isidro Fabela El Centro Cultural surgió en 1958, cuando Don Isidro Fabela Alfaro, donó al pueblo de México la Casa del Risco, ubicada en el típico barrio de San Ángel. Entre numerosas exposiciones y actividades que este bello museo nos presenta, se encuentra la obra de Rodrigo de la Sierra titulada “Todos somos TIMO”, conformada por una serie de esculturas de una gran profundidad y que nos llevan a serias reflexiones sobre el “ser”. Plaza de San Jacinto 5 y 15, San Ángel. Del. Alvaro Obregón. México D.F. 01000. Teléfono +52 (55) 5616 2711 Conciertos LIFE IN COLOR UNLEASH 2014 FAMILIAR La fiesta más espectacular e impactante de pintura está de regreso presentando su más reciente show, “Unleash”. Una increíble producción y alucinantes presentaciones de acróbatas, bailarines, más pintura y mucho más color. Es un concepto único y original que ha dado la vuelta alrededor del mundo. ¡Sé testigo y revive la experiencia de la fiesta más grande de pintura! Expo Bancomer Av. Santa Fe #270. Colonia Santa Fe, Del. Álvaro Obregón, México, DF 01210 AGOSTO 16, 2014 33 Alan Abruch Fleisher Mariana Lahud Class of 2006 Class of 2009 Even though I only attended my last three years of High School at Eton, those three years played a huge role in shaping me into the person I am today. During my time at Eton, I learnt a lot about History, struggled through IB mathematics and learnt how to write a proper essay. In retrospect however, I can say that the true learning experience at Eton goes far beyond what you learn in the classroom. It is the way you are encouraged to achieve your goals, how they help you understand that your most valuable asset lies in the friend next to you, and that a little bit of empathy and humility can go a long way. I graduated from Eton in 2009, and with great enthusiasm moved to Shanghai where I spent ten months learning Mandarin. What a magical place! My name is Alan Abruch, and after graduation I had the opportunity to travel around the world and be exposed to different cultures. Upon my return, I decided to study international business and Economics at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and complement it with a degree in Postural Alignment and Muscle Re-education by the Egoscue Method University in San Diego California. Back in Mexico City I began working at OCESA, the biggest live event company in Mexico, my dream since I was 16. I moved on to Full Sail University in Florida, where I graduated with a Bachelors in Entertainment Business as an Advanced Achiever (most likely to succeed). I then traveled to New York to work at Madison Square Garden, which was the most important experience in the entertainment industry I would have up to that point. Thank you Eton School, for believing in me from the beginning and teaching me the value of commitment, honesty and benevolence. My advice to you? Always ask yourself, “why not?” My passion and my profession is to help people eliminate chronic pain by re-educating their muscles and targeting postural dysfunctions that prevent their body from moving properly. We use software that allows us to identify the muscles that are not doing their jobs properly and create a personalized routine to strengthen those specific muscles. It is a modern approach to understanding where pain comes from, and what we can do to stop it, in order to enjoy a life without pain and without physical limitations. I love my job. 34 Teacher’s Day “ We the celebrate commitment to our ” children 35 Wishing You Well As the end of my 22-year journey as an Eton School teacher, coordinator and preschool principal approaches, I can only look back with a feeling of deep gratitude and appreciation. What I most enjoyed during this time is getting to know and having the chance to work with each and every one of the wonderful children that filled my life with happiness and precious moments. Some are living the preschool adventure they will never forget while others are readily facing the joys Elementary, Middle & High School offer them. Others are in college, graduating and even starting their own families. All of them will always live in my heart and in my dearest memories. Another priceless gift I will forever treasure is having met, loved and befriended the wonderful staff that makes Silvia Quijano Eton School so special; all these men and women whose endless qualities have never ceased to amaze me. They are truly outstanding and dedicated professionals who deserve my sincerest admiration and whom I will miss very much. Leaving Eton School is one of the most difficult choices I have made in my life, a life that I have lovingly and truthfully dedicated to the education and growth of children. I feel thankful for what I have learned, for the people I have met, for the wonderful parents who gave me the gift of trust and for the love I have given and received during all these years. I now leave my beloved school family knowing that my dream of making a difference in children’s lives is a dream that came true. Lety Valero de su profesión con una actitud humana que la llevó a tener un trato especial con los alumnos. Durante su paso por el Colegio Eton admiró a sus compañeros de profesión y reconoció el alto nivel académico que hacen de esta Institución un Colegio de excelencia. “Para ser feliz, debes enfrentar la vida con actitud, formarte con valores, amar tu profesión y ser auténtico”. ¡El Colegio Eton le desea lo mejor en sus proyectos venideros! “44 años se recorren con la certeza de saber que amas lo que haces.” La voz de Silvia Quijano ilustra los matices de una vida dedicada a la educación. Durante este andar reconoce en los jóvenes el valor del agradecimiento y la satisfacción de haber sembrado semillas que con el tiempo florecen. Asegura que ellos siempre fueron su motor y real inspiración para mantenerse en lo más alto 36 We also express our gratitude to the teachers and leaders who will be leaving Eton at the end of this school year. Their invaluable contributions to the School will not be forgotten and we wish them the best of luck for the new paths they have chosen to explore. We choose our staff very carefully and those departing are a fine example of the type of educators we are lucky to have here at Eton. Class of 2014 Many people say that everything we learn in school will become useless once we graduate, and that school does not prepare us for “real life”. It is true that we will probably never use the periodic table of elements again, and we will not have to analyze a poem or name every Mexican president. It is also true that school does not teach us how to keep track of our bank accounts, buy a house, vote or be a parent. However, school does teach us about responsibility, friendship, how to set goals and work hard to accomplish them, to realize our own potential, to do the best we can and never give up. I will miss school, my teachers and the friends I have made, but I will take these valuable lessons with me in the next stage of my life. I wish you all the best of luck. Michelle Door Icochea, 12th grade student A Day at Eton 38