Aug /Sep 2014 - Waukesha Old Car Club


Aug /Sep 2014 - Waukesha Old Car Club
Waukesha Old Car Club
o promote the interest of automobiles for
the mutual enjoyment of the members
Visit our new website at
Waukesha Old Car Club is on Facebook
August– September
Waukesha Old Car Club
PO Box 645
Waukesha, WI 53187
Cover Photo
Ron Wichinski
Vice President
Steve Heinemann
Owned by Jerry and Linda Congemi
Jim Young
Roy Tomasczak
Board Members
Joe Couture
Nic Gengler
Jim Haas
Victor Perugini
Harry Rozanski
Bob Schumann
Wes Sodemann
Mel Stark
Tom Sznaider
Frank Wilke
Editor/Board Member at Large
Bob Merner
Member dues are $25.00 per year and are due
on February 15 of each year. Members receive
a 50% discount on dues by working a minimum of 4 hours for the club throughout the
year. Members who have not paid their dues
by the due date will not receive credit for
hours worked and will have their name removed from the roster.
Club Meetings
The club meets the second
month at 7:30pm at Fox
The board meets the first
month at 7:00pm at Fox
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
Spark and Sputter
The club newsletter is published 6 times a
year on the even numbered months. The
deadline for putting articles and photos in the
newsletter is 2 weeks prior to the newsletter
being published.
It was back in 2008, I has in the process of redoing our „40
Chevy‟s interior and putting A/C in. I was looking for a car so
we could go to shows. Looking on E-Bay and Craigslist it was
getting a little crazy, and I wasn‟t sure what I wanted for a
car…(I like sooo many “different” cars)…But I had a „56 Chevy
in High School so I was leaning that way. Most of the “really
cool ones” were out west, California, Arizona, so looking at
those was iffy. One day I was looking at Craigslist and I saw a
„54 Chevy for sale in Racine, WI. The guy had lots of pictures
and a pretty good description of the car. I gave him a call and
we set up a meeting. I asked Dan Calvano to come with me to
look at the car. When we were traveling down there, I asked
Dan if he knew this guy, he said he thought so. When we got
close to his place Dan said that this was the guy who had
purchased his „41 Willys a few years ago. So we looked at the
car, took it for a ride, really loud pipes! Ended up buying it.
Now a side note on this car, I would look at cars for sale in
magazines and if it looked interesting I would cut out the ad.
So that night I was sitting there and I said to my wife, “I have
a picture of this car”. I found the picture and called the guy
(he was in New York state), I told him I had purchased a „54
Chevy that was very similar to the one he had for sale a few
year prior. I asked him to describe the details of the car and
he matched them up correctly. He also said he had sold it to a
guy in Maryland, which matched up to the title I had. Now for
the bad news, he told me the guy that bought it from him
“raced it” a lot…which turned out to be very true. I have since
installed a new motor….GM Goodwrench 350….a rebuilt 700R4
and a 9” Ford rear end. NOW the car is a great cruiser and
gets 22 MPG on the highway and is a lot more fun to drive
than before.
This car is a great driving and good looking car. People always
look at it and ask, is it a „53 or „54, there‟s a pin stripe on the
side of the car with “Fifty Four” written on the side so they
kind of figure it out that way.
Fun with cars…yah…and
fun with the people we
meet…yah….that is why
we have them…get out
and drive…and have fun
with your car.
Send items to be published to Bob Merner or
email at
August 10, 2014
Car Show
Set up for the show begins at 6:30 AM.
Car Show Central is located in the shirt tent next to the registration tent and is staffed by Mark Oravetz
and his crew. Direct anyone who has questions or needs assistance to Car Show Central.
If you need a work assignment or have finished your work shift, go to Car Show Central to record your
hours worked. This is important as it affects your dues payment in January.
All workers should wear your red club work shirt. The red shirt identifies you as a WOCC member and is
your meal ticket at the food tent. New members, your first red work tee shirt is free. Additional shirts
can be purchased at Car Show Central tent for $9.00.
Club members who work at the car show may purchase a car show tee shirts for $9.00 each.
Members who bring their show car are asked to park on the asphalt.
Club members and band members are asked to park their non-show vehicles in Fracaros Bowl parking
lot or Waukesha Early Learning Center lot on west side of building.
Parking in the playground area of Frame Park is reserved for Handi-Cap parking. We attempt to keep a
few spaces open for the public who wish to use the playground area of Frame Park.
The parking crew needs extra help in the morning when the show gates open to direct cars into the
correct areas. Otherwise people will attempt to park anywhere and waste parking spaces.
Food preparation begins approximately at 9:30.
Give someone a break; ask if you can help especially the food tent workers and cooks between the
hours of 1:30 and 4:00.
Pick up your yellow car show signs at the July meeting. Please put the signs out August 5 (the Tuesday
before the show). Pick up the signs after the show no later than August 11 (the Monday after the
After the show when all the work is done the workers are invited to Fox Run for a pizza party.
2014 Car Show Tee Shirts for the general public are priced as follows
Kids $ 12.00 each, Adult M-XL $ 15.00 each, 2XL $ 16.00 each, and 3XL $ 18.00.
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting June 9, 2014
No minutes were taken as meeting was held at Murf‟s. See pictures on page 3.
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting July 14, 2014
The meeting was called to order. Officers and Board members and guests were introduced.
Sunshine Committee– had no report.
Secretary’s Report– Roy Tomasczak said because the June meeting was held at Murf‟s no minutes were taken.
Treasurer’s Report– Jim Young did not present a report.
Vice-President’s Report– Steve Heinemann said that he still has rosters for those who have not picked up theirs.
President’s Report– Ron Wichinski said that our guest speaker this evening is Jerry Couri who will talk to the
members regarding the need for the club to have additional insurance to cover the Officers and Board. After his
talk and a question and answer session it was unanimously accepted that the club was sufficiently insured.
Committee Reports
Iola Swap meet and Show–Tank Ksicinski reported that Iola was good, weather was great, the turnout under
the tent was good and everyone had a good time.
September 14, 2014
Same place as previous years,
Pewaukee-Nettesheim Park, N26
Prospect Ave (Hwy SS)
Starts approximately 9:30 am with the usual, coffee, donuts
and juice. Bring your treasures from your garage, basement,
attic, even your neighbors garbage.
Bring a dish to pass, using your favorite recipe or a surprise.
The club provides the meat, condiments, plates, and the rest
of the essentials. As usual, we eat at about noon, and the
auction will start after everyone has eaten or approximately 1
o‟clock. Of course, the fuel for the party, beer, soda and water
will be there also.
Any questions please call
Tom Garibaldi
Fire truck driver training for those of you who
want the excitement of driving the fire truck,
please call Tom Garibaldi @ 262-547-5212.
A date will be set up. We will be using West
high school parking lot.
"Wreck of Engine #3"
An account from 80 years ago
On a clear and sunny day, May 11th, 1934 at 0830 hrs.
firefighters responding from both Waukesha fire stations
to a small porch fire at 1027 Greenfield Ave. Station 2, on
Hartwell Ave, traveling east on Arcadian Ave to Greenfield
Ave. Responding from Station 1, Engine 3, are Lt. William
Gedakovitz (Driver), Charles Richards (passenger) and on
the tail board, firefighters, Bernard McCaffery and Frank
O‟ Brien. This Fire Engine, with siren blaring, travels east
on Broadway to the five points, then turns onto Main
Street traveling at a fairly high rate of speed.
Meanwhile, backing slowly through the Main Street tracks, from the north, is a SOO line switch engine, with a tender
and thirteen cars. There‟s a flashing signal at the crossing and witnesses see it operating, but it doesn‟t come on
until after the truck is past the Hartwell intersection.
The train‟s bell is ringing but the train‟s whistle isn‟t blowing. Lt. Gedakovitz finally sees the train and slams on the
brakes 114 feet from the tracks, creating distinctive skid marks on the macadam (crushed stone) pavement.
Firefighters O‟Brien and McCaffery cling to the back hand rail as the fire engine shakes violently. According to
witnesses, the heavy Sterling truck seemed to bounce toward the tracks. Still skidding forward, in desperation, Lt.
Gedakovitz pulls the emergency brake at the last second and veers the engine sharply to the left, trying to steer
between a building and the tracks. The train‟s brakes are applied.
The rear of the fire engine hits the tender. O‟Brien and McCaffery are jarred off the tail board. O‟Brien is hurled
under the train wheels and one leg is severed. He's dragged until the train stops 105 feet down the tracks, dying
within minutes. McCaffery was thrown heavily against the truck and then to the ground suffering a punctured lung
(believed to be from a pike pole) and other internal injuries. He dies at Municipal Hospital an hour after the collision.
Lt. Gedakovitz, the driver, was thrust into the steering wheel and is also taken to the hospital for minor cuts and
loosened teeth. Charles Richards had no injuries.
Firefighters Frank O‟Brien (52) and Bernard McCaffery (31) are Waukesha‟s second and third in the line of duty
deaths. O‟Brien had served 28 years, only Chief Peter Wild had a longer record. Surviving O‟Brien are his wife
Katharine and two daughters, Mary Ellen and Nonie. McCaffery had been on the department six years and is
survived by his wife, Virginia. Many come to the joint funeral. Fire departments from southeastern Wisconsin fill in at
Waukesha‟s stations during the ceremonies.
After an investigation, a verdict in March 1935, finds the firefighters riding in the front seat eighty percent negligent.
Two law suits are filed against the SOO Line Railway by widows, Catherine O‟Brien and Virginia McCaffery. On July
2nd, 1936, the Wisconsin Supreme Court affirms judgments for the widows of firefighters O‟Brien and McCaffery
totaling $23,800. The jury finds that the proximate cause of the accident was failure of Jacob Schmidt, the tower
man operating the flash signals of the crossing, to give the driver of the truck sufficient warning of the approaching
engine. This was the key question in the case. The front seat firefighters were exonerated.
The damaged 1927 Sterling (which was originally a 1915 Sterling that had a new chassis put under it at Pirsch in
1927) was rebuilt and retitled as a 1934 Pirsch. This same fire engine is now owned by the Waukesha Old Car Club.
The practice of riding on tailboards continued until NFPA Standards prohibit it in January, 1986.
The photo was taken shortly after the accident. Note the broken pike pole at the back of the rig and also a well-worn
area of the rear tire.
Javier Fernandez
WFD Archivist
Daniel Carstens <>
wrote: From the actual Fire Run Journal, for your information
If you have an item to sell
contact Bob Merner at
to have it included in the newsletter.
It will be listed it in two consecutive newsletters as
space allows.
Swap Space
For Sale: 1997 Lincoln MKVIII LSC for parts, or whole, except engine,
transmission, differential, and a few other items. Body essentially rust-free
with a few dings, window glass, independent rear suspension, leather seats,
power sun roof, etc. Contact Jerry Oesterreich, 262-352-9349.
For Sale: Complete convertible top, black, for
2004 Jeep Wrangler TJ. Has very little use. $600
or best offer. Contact Jerry Oesterreich @ : 262-691-9595
Wanted: Looking for a WONDERBAR radio for a 1958
Chevrolet Impala, or information regarding who can repair the
radio that I currently have. Any assistance is appreciated
Contact Jim Warwick @ 414-744-9490
For Sale: Power Probe III- PPKIT03 - Ultimate Circuit Tester
Kit Easy to read backlit voltmeter reads voltage in 1/10th volt
Makes locating shorts and open circuits easier Gold series lead
set includes: Power Probe III, ECT2000 & Gold Series Lead
set contains Gold Series 4mm leads and connectors continuity
tester relay and Component tester works on 12-24 volts. Contact Mary Richter @262-544-6536 or
For Sale: 1985 Chevrolet IROC Camaro, 305 TPI,
P/S P/B, P/W, T-Tops, fresh repaint, southern car no
rust ever Asking $5,298.00 Contact Jerry Kawatski
@ (days) 262-547-1771, (evening) 262-547-1621
For Sale:1961 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, original
59,000 mile Canada car, fresh repaint no rust ever
Asking $21,980.00 Contact Jerry Kawatski @ (days)
262-547-1771, (evening) 262-547-1621
Nader Kart Racing
at the Briggs and Stratton raceway
W377 S1851 Gramling La
Dousman, Wi
Racing starts around 10:am
Admission is free
Go to their web site for more information.
There are about 7-10 different classes, from adult to 9 year olds, running a variety of engine sizes, and
straight drive to shifter carts.
THE DATE: October 5th Meet at Fox Run at 10:00am
Of course, no racing in the rain
Advertise your business here
The newsletter is published bi-monthly.
The newsletter is provided to all members.
The newsletter can be also be found
on the club website
The cost for a business card ad is $60.00 per year
Contact the Club for more information
PO Box 645
Waukesha, WI 53187
August 4
Board Meeting
August 10
Waukesha Old Car Club Show @ Frame Park Page 4
August 11
Membership Meeting
September 2
September 8
Membership Meeting
September 14
Picnic and Auction @ Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee
Board Meeting
Page 5