TC-035 CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent
TC-035 CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent
CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load TC-035-1688-000 TC-035-1688-100 MAN-TC-035 (R00) 12001 Cr 1000 Godley, Texas, 76044, USA Phone: +1 (817) 551-0540 Fax: +1 (817) 551-1674 Warning: use of owen equipment contrary to manufacturer’s specifications or operating instructions may result in property damage, serious injury or fatality. If you are not trained in the handling and use of explosive devices, do not attempt to use or assemble any owen perforating systems or owen firing devices. This technology is regulated by and, if exported, was exported from the united states in accordance with the export administration regulations (EAR). Diversion contrary to U.S. Law is prohibited. Export and/or re-export of this technology may require issuance of a license by the bureau of industry and security (BIS), U.S. Department of Commerce. Consult the BIS, the EAR, and/or Owen Compliance Services, Inc. To determine licensing requirements for export or re-export of this technology. This document contains confidential information of Owen Oil Tools LP (Owen) and is furnished to the customer for information purposes only. This document must not be reproduced in any way whatsoever, in part or in whole, or distributed outside the customer organization, without first obtaining the express written authorization of owen. This document is the property of owen and returnable upon request of Owen. ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools MAN-TC-035.indd 1 All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load DESCRIPTION The Coiled Tubing Pressure Activated Firing Head with Auto Vent was developed for use where pressure firing is required such as in horizontal wells that will not maintain pressure, in horizontal wells and for well stimulation. The Auto Vent provides a method for venting the tubing at the time the firing head is activated. It also provides the ability to see a pressure drop upon tool activation. This firing head utilizes our precision shear pin technology with an accuracy of ± 5%. This system can be set to activate at a predetermined pressure ranging from 2,000 to 12,000 psi in adjustable increments by using two sizes of precision shear pins. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Can be used with the Owen Time Delay Fuses. • Can be placed on top of all Owen Small Scalloped Gun Systems (1-11/16”, 2-1/8”, 2-1/2”) • Well suited for highly deviated wells • Minimum operating pressure 2,000 psi (13.8 MPa) • Maximum operating pressure **12,000 psi (82.7 MPa) • Requires pinning to 5,000 psi (55 MPa) to pass API RP-67 drop testing • No metal to metal contact between Firing Head and Percussion Initiator • The top thread connection is specified when ordering ** It is not recommended this tool be run above 12,000 psi (82.7 MPa) as damage may occur. SPECIFICATIONS TC-035-1688-000 O.D. 1.69” 42.9 cm Maximum Temperature* 250°F 121.1 °C Minimum Hydrostatic, Operating 2,000 psi 13.8 Mpa Minimum Hydrostatic, RP-67 5,000 psi 34.5 Mpa Maximum Hydrostatic** 12,000 psi 82.7 Mpa Tensile Strength (@72°F, 22.2°C) 33,000 lbf. 14,680 daN Maximum Torque Top Connection 150 ft-lbf 203 Nm 20 ft-lbf 27 Nm Maximum Torque Retainer Nut Top Connection Bottom Connection Specific to order Top Gun Sub 1-11/16” *The maximum temperature can be increased to 400°F (200°C) by substituting the 90 durometer Nitrile O-Rings with 90 durometer Viton O-Rings. Refer to the Time vs Temperature chart for Explosives to confirm any explosive requirements. Note: A retainer cap, for special applications, 2 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 2 is available with a 1” or 1-1/2” AMT Box Thread. ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load BOM & Schematic TC-035-1688-000/100 ITEM PART NUMBER QTY DESCRIPTION -- TC-035-1688-000 -- CT. Pressure Activated Firing System w/ Auto Vent, Initiator Bottom Load, Nitrile -- TC-035-1688-100 -- CT. Pressure Activated Firing System w/ Auto Vent, Initiator Bottom Load, Viton 1 TC-031-0008-000 1 Retainer Cap, Special Application 2 TC-032-0011-000 1 Venting Piston 3 TC-033-0001-000 1 Detonator Body, Bottom Load Style 4 TC-033-0002-000 1 CP Retainer Nut, Bottom Load Style Piston Housing 5 TC-033-0003-000 1 6* TC-033-0004-000 1 Firing Pin, CP Det. 7 TC-033-0007-000 1 Piston / Shear Set (matched set) -- TC-020-0004-000 -- Shear Piston -- TC-033-0005-000 -- Outer Shear Ring 8 TC-035-0001-000 -- Venting Sub, Bottom Load Style 8 Shear Pin, Small Dia. 9* SF-010-0100-038 10* SF-010-0130-045 11* PF-001-025F-025 2 Set Screw, 1/4” 28 x 1/4” Long 12* PUR-0010-015 1 CP-Rubber Washer, Nitrile 13* PUR-0010-016 1 Top Sub Rubber Washer, Nitrile 14* OOO-N569-113 1 O-Ring 113, Nitrile 15* OOO-N569-116 4 O-Ring 116, Nitrile 16* OOO-N569-118 2 O-Ring 118, Nitrile 17* OOO-N569-122 1 O-Ring 122, Nitrile 18* OOO-N569-124 2 O-Ring 124, Nitrile 19* OOO-N569-213 2 O-Ring 213, Nitrile 20* O-Ring 214, Nitrile 16 Shear Pin, Large Dia. OOO-N569-214 1 A Reference 1 CP Percussion Detonator -- TC-035-1688-099P -- Redress Kit, Nitrile -- TC-035-1688-199P -- Redress Kit, HT, Viton -- MAN-TC-035 -- Procedure Manual * Denotes parts in redress kit. Note: Retainer cap, for special applications with 1” or 1-1/2” AMT box Thread is sold separately. TC-031-0008-004 - 1” AMT Box Thread TC-031-0008-006 - 1-1/2” AMT Box Thread To install and tighten Retainer Nut you can use the Hex Socket (TC-033-0010-000 sold separately). The tool is built so the tip of the wrench allen will not contact the case of the detonator. Uses 3/8” drive. ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 3 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 3 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load Description 4 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 4 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load The Coiled Tubing Pressure Activated Firing Head was developed for use where pressure firing is required such as in horizontal wells, well stimulation, or as a backup firing system. This firing head utilizes our precision shear pin technology with an accuracy of ± 5%. This system can be set to activate a predetermined pressure ranging from 2,000 to 18,000 psi in adjustable increments by using two sizes of precision shear pins. Features and Benefits • Can be used with the Owen Time Delay Fuses. • Can be placed on top or bottom of all Owen Small Scalloped Gun Systems (1-11/16”, 2-1/8”, 2-1/2”) • Well suited for highly deviated wells • Minimum operating pressure 2,000 psi (14 MPa) • Maximum operating pressure **18,000 psi (124 MPa) • Requires pinning to 8,000 psi (55 MPa) to pass API RP-67 drop testing • No metal to metal contact between Firing Head and Percussion Initiator • The top thread connection is specified when ordering **Damage may occur when running the tool at these higher pressures Specifications TC-033-1688-000 O.D. 1.69” Maximum Temperature Minimum Hydrostatic, Operating Minimum Hydrostatic, RP-67 42.9 cm 250°F 121.1 °C 2,000 psi 13.8 Mpa 5,000 psi 34.5 Mpa Maximum Hydrostatic 18,000 psi 124.1 Mpa Tensile Strength (@72°F, 22.2°C) 33,000 lbf. 14,680 daN Maximum Torque Top Connection 150 ft-lbf 203 Nm 20 ft-lbf 27 Nm Maximum Torque Retainer Nut Top Connection Specific to order Bottom Connection Top Gun Sub 1-11/16” *The maximum temperature can be increased to 400°F (200°C) by substituting the 90 durometer Nitrile O-Rings with 90 durometer Viton O-Rings. Refer to the Time vs Temperature chart for Explosives to confirm any explosive requirements. Note: A retainer cap, for special applications, is available with a 1” or 1-1/2” AMT Box Thread. BOM & Schematic TC-033-1688-000/100 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 5 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 5 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load ITEM -- PART NUMBER TC-033-1688-000 QTY -- DESCRIPTION CT. Pressure Activated Firing System, Initiator Bottom Load, Nitrile -- TC-033-1688-100 -- CT. Pressure Activated Firing System, Initiator Bottom Load, Viton 1 TC-033-0007-000 1 Shear Set (matched set) -- TC-020-0004-000 -- Shear Piston -- TC-033-0005-000 -- Outer Shear Ring 2* SF-010-0100-038 8 Shear Pin, Small Dia. 3* SF-010-0130-045 16 Shear Pin, Large Dia. 4 TC-033-0003-000 1 Piston Housing 5 TC-031-0008-000 1 Retainer Cap, Special Application 6* OOO-N569-113 1 O-Ring 113, Nitrile 7* OOO-N569-118 2 O-Ring 118, Nitrile 8* OOO-N569-122 1 O-Ring 122, Nitrile 9* OOO-N569-124 1 O-Ring 124, Nitrile 10* OOO-N569-213 2 O-Ring 213, Nitrile 11* OOO-N569-214 1 O-Ring 214, Nitrile 12* TC-033-0004-000 1 Firing Pin, CP Det. 13 TC-033-0001-000 1 Detonator Body 14 TC-033-0002-000 1 CP Retainer Nut 15* PF-001-025F-025 2 Set Screw, 1/4” 28 x 1/4” Long 16* PUR-0010-015 1 CP-Rubber Washer, Nitrile 17* PUR-0010-016 1 Top Sub Rubber Washer, Nitrile A Reference 1 CP Percussion Detonator -- TC-033-1688-099P -- Redress Kit, Nitrile -- TC-033-1688-199P -- Redress Kit, HT, Viton -- MAN-TC-033 -- Procedure Manual * Denotes parts in redress kit. Note: Retainer cap, for special applications with 1” or 1-1/2” AMT box Thread is sold separately. TC-031-0008-004 - 1” AMT Box Thread TC-031-0008-006 - 1-1/2” AMT Box Thread To install and tighten Retainer Nut you can use the Hex Socket (TC-033-0010-000 sold separately). The tool is built so the tip of the wrench allen will not contact the case of the detonator. Uses 3/8” drive. Exploded View: TC-035-1688-000/100 Warning: The assembly of this tool requires the handling of an 6 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 6 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load Explosive Device and all safety precautions must be adhered to and observed! Only personnel trained in explosive handling procedures should be allowed to arm this assembly Caution: The shear pin values shown on the package accompanying this tool are valid ONLY for the tools listed in this manual Caution: Correct shear pin values will vary between lot dates, always reference the data accompanying the pins! Note: Check all items against the parts list to be sure of having the correct parts and quantities. Note: Check for any damage to the parts which would prevent the part from being assembled correctly, easily and safely. Do attempt to assemble the firing heading if any of the components require excessive force to install. It is recommended to fit test the assembly of the firing head without O-Rings to insure binding of moving parts does not occur. Replace components if binding prevents parts from moving. 1.0 Assembly 1.1 Install the O-Ring (item 18 and 19) onto the Piston Housing (item 5). Set aside 1.2 Install the O-Rings (item 16) on the Shear Piston (part of item 7). Apply one drop of Loctite® ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 7 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 7 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load (use appropriate temperature rating) on the threads of the Firing Pin (item 6). Thread the firing pin into the shear piston and tighten. 1.3 Slide the Outer Shear Ring (part of item #7) over the shear piston, matching the alignment mark and numbers on the ring and piston. This will align the holes that were match drilled. 1.4 Install the O-Ring (item 17) on the groove of the Outer Shear Ring. With the tip of the shear pin facing outward, insert the correct size and quantity of pins as per job requirements (refer to the Pinning Procedures and Temp. Correction Chart in the back of the manual). Owen recommends inserting the Shear Pins (items 9 and 10) as symmetrically as possible around the outer shear ring. Starting with the large pins, first fill one (1) row before inserting pins in the next rows. 8 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 8 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load 1.5 After the correct number and size pins are inserted, you can apply a thin film of grease over the pin tops and ring to help retain the pins during further assembly of this tool. Do not place grease in holes of shear piston this makes it difficult removing the sheared off pin stubs from piston. It is recommended installing the pins in a vertical position to prevent them from falling out. 1.6 Apply grease to the O-rings on the shear piston (item 7) and the entry angle of the piston housing (item 5). Insert the shear piston into the housing until the outer ring is flush with the edge of the housing. Again it’s best to do this in a vertical position until the Venting Sub (item 8) can be threaded onto the piston housing. The venting sub is what retains the pins during your operation. Install the O-Ring (item 20) on the top groove of the Outer Shear Ring. 1.7 Install the O-Rings (item 15) onto the Venting Piston (item 2), and thread the venting piston into the top of the shear piston. Apply light grease to the O-Ring’s on the venting piston and venting sub interior edge. The venting piston for the TC-035 tool has two groove marks on the exterior. Install the venting sub over the venting piston and thread it onto the piston housing. ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 9 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 9 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load 1.8 (These steps MUST be accomplished with NO DETONATOR in the detonator body.) Apply light grease to the Retainer Cap (item 1) and O-Ring (item18). Remember, the retainer cap comes blanked out and must be machine threaded to meet the particular thread requirements of the tubular to be used. Apply grease to the threads and O-Rings on the piston housing (item 5) and thread into the Detonator Housing (item 3) until both bodies are flush metal to metal. Tighten with no more than 150 lb-ft (203 Nm) of torque. Install the two Set Screws (item 11) into the upper end of the detonator body and tighten. 10 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 10 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load Caution: The next steps are only used prior to the well operation. Never ship an assembled firing head with an explosive component. 2.0 Detonator Installation 2.1 Remove the CP Detonator (item A) from its shipping package and install O-ring (item 14) into the groove in the bottom of the CP detonator. Place the CP with O-Ring into the Retainer Nut (item 4). Install the CP-Rubber Washer (item 12) on top of the CP detonator and inside the lip of the retainer nut. 2.2 Thread in the retainer nut (item 4) assembly with CP detonator into the detonator body until the lip of the retainer nut makes contact with internal surface of the detonator housing (item 3). Do not force retainer nut, if it is hard to thread, remove and check for cause. The retainer nut uses a 3/8” Allen Wrench or the Hex Socket (TC-033-0010-000) to thread in. To secure, use no more than 20 lb-ft (27 Nm) of torque. A torque wrench is recommended. Note: To secure the retainer nut, use no more than 20 lb-ft (27 Nm) ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 11 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 11 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load of torque. A torque wrench is recommended. Caution: DO NOT use any pointed device to install the Retainer Nut Assembly into the detonator Body as it may cause detonation and serious injury. 2.3 Install the Top Sub Rubber Washer (item 13) inside the detonator body and up against the retainer nut. This washer is used to prevent the retainer nut from backing off and as a debris barrier. Warning: The firing head assembly is now ARMED, and caution must be used when handling and installing it on the main well device! REMEMBER you are handling explosive components so handle safely and do not over tighten any connections. Assembly View: TC-035-1688-000/100 12 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 12 ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load Imperial Pinning Calculations Step 1 (Data) A. Well Temperature (BHT) at perforating depth °F B. True Vertical Depth (TVD) ft C. Max. fluid weight in well when tripping ppg (lb/gal) D. Fluid Weight in tubing when ready to fire ppg (lb/gal) E.Pressure at the surface operations. (psi) May include any additional pressure from field Step 2 (Calculate Pressures) A. Max. Hydrostatic at depth = (0.05195 * 1C * 1B) = psi B. Tubing hydrostatic when ready to fire = (0.05195 * 1B * 1D) = psi C. Greater of 2A or 2B = psi D. Absolute Firing Pressure = (2C + 1E + 2000 psi (minimum safety factor)) = psi Step 3 (Calculate number of pins) A. Reduction Factor (Ref. Temp. Reduction Chart with temp from 1A) = B. Adjusted Large Pin rating (.130 dia.) ( psi * 3A) = psi / pin @ BHT Refer to the pin shipping bag for listed pin value to use. C. Adjusted Small Pin rating (.100 dia.) ( psi * 3A) = psi / pin @ BHT Refer to the pin shipping bag for listed pin value to use. D. Number of Large Pins - (2D / 3B) = E. Number of Small Pins = Take fractional amount of 3D and determine if one small pin is required. (e.g. 11.5 pins 11 large + 1 small) ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 13 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 13 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load Step 4 (Calculate nominal absolute firing pressure) A. 3D x 3B = Large pin psi @ BHT B. 3E x 3C = Small pin psi @ BHT C. 4A + 4B = Total absolute pressure @ BHT Step 5 (Calculate pressure tolerance) A. Tolerance (4c * 0.05) = psi Step 6 (Calculate surface pressure) - Pressure applied on Tubing. A. Nominal pressure (4C - 2B) = psi B. Max. pressure (6A + 5A) = psi C. Max. pressure (6A + 5A) = psiMetric Pinning Calculations Step 1 (Data) A. Well Temperature (BHT) at perforating depth °C B. True Vertical Depth (TVD) m C. Max. fluid weight in well when tripping kg/m3 D. Fluid Weight in tubing when ready to fire kg/m3 E. Pressure at the surface operations. (kPa) May include any additional pressure from field Step 2 (Calculate Pressures) A. Max. Hydrostatic at depth = (0.0098 * 1C * 1B) = kPa B. Tubing hydrostatic when ready to fire = (0.0098 * 1B * 1D) = 14 I MAN-TC-035 (R00) MAN-TC-035.indd 14 kPa ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved 4/29/16 10:53 AM CT Pressure Activated Firing System, with Auto Vent, Percussion Initiator Bottom Load C. Greater of 2A or 2B kPa D. Absolute Firing Pressure = (2C + 13790 kPa (min. safety factor)) = kPa Step 3 (Calculate number of pins) A. Reduction Factor (Ref. Temp. Reduction Chart with temp from 1A) = B. Adjusted Large Pin rating (.130 dia.) ( kPa * 3A) = kPa / pin @ BHT Refer to pin shipping bag for listed pin value to use. C. Adjusted Small Pin rating (.100 dia.) ( kPa * 3A) = kPa / pin @ BHT Refer to pin shipping bag for listed pin value to use. D. Number of Large Pins - (2D / 3B) = E. Number of Small Pins = Take fractional amount of 3D and determine if one small pin is required (e.g. 11.5 pins 11 large + 1 small). Step 4 (Calculate nominal absolute firing pressure) A. 3D x 3B = Large pin kPa @ BHT B. 3E x 3C = Small pin kPa @ BHT C. 4A + 4B = Total absolute pressure @ BHT Step 5 (Calculate pressure tolerance) A. Tolerance (4C * 0.05) = kPa Step 6 (Calculate surface pressure) - Pressure applied on tubing. A. Nominal pressure (4C - 2B) = kPa B. Max. pressure (6A + 5A) = kPa C. Min. pressure (6A - 5A) =kPa ©2015, 2016 Owen Oil Tools All rights reserved MAN-TC-035.indd 15 MAN-TC-035 (R00) I 15 4/29/16 10:53 AM
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