Mutant-type acetyltransferase Mpr1
Mutant-type acetyltransferase Mpr1
US008 l 0 l 390B2 (12) United States Patent Takagi (54) (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: MUTANT-TYPE ACETYLTRANSFERASE MPR1 (75) Inventor: Hiroshi Takagi, Ikoma (JP) (73) Assignee: National University Corporation Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara (JP) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 336 days. (21) Appl. No.: logue, AZetidine-2-Carboxylic Acid,” J. Biochem., vol. 133, pp. charomyces cerevisiae,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, PCT N0.: PCT/JP2007/053667 § 371 (0X1)’ (2), (4) Date: Mar. 24, 2009 (65) Enzymes on L-Proline Accumulation and Freeze Tolerance in Sac vol. 69, No. 11, pp. 6527-6532, 2003. H. Takagi et al., “Kobo ni Hakken shita ‘Acetyl-ka Koso Mprl’ ni yoru Atarashii Ko Sanka,” vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 83-84, Feb. 2006. K. 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Takagi et al., “Saccharomyces cerevisiae E1278b Has Novel Genes of the N-Aceytltransferase Gene Superfamily Required for L-Proline Analogue Resistance,” J. Bacteriol, vol. 182, No. 15, pp. 4249-4256, 2000. at least one amino acid at positions 63 to 65 and 117 of the amino acid sequence is substituted and said mutant-type acetyltransferase Mprl exhibits a higher antioxidant capacity than the Wild-type Mprl. The mutant-type acetyltransferase Mprl of the present invention exhibits a higher resistance to oxidative stress compared to the Wild-type Mprl . The present invention further provides a gene encoding the mutant-type Mprl, a vector comprising the gene and a yeast transformed With the gene. 8 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 1 0f20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure l 9 CH3 Figure 2 P56 Oxida?ve mass : l r’ M éiumma'fe \ N~Aaefyia?on 19567651 é- Mprlp -—-> X PSC/éSA / \ 4 Pmiine \ Mitochondria ; 4 t‘ ‘if? R05 Cyfopiasm US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 3 MP}? PGAL_MPR Error- Prone PCR _ <- and Digestion HindIII at M1111 _. NM restriction sites Ligation mt}? Transformation into E.coli JMIOQ Construction of random mutation library __ JMIOQ + U S Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 20 iguxe 4A A) Stressfree KY8 AD SD+Ura US 8,101,390 B2 U S Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figur@ QB CK Y8 gDUra+A(¢/ml) US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figmre 4C CZ) Heat shock CM @AD4 QAD~MFR 5W1 ._ ‘ US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figuxre #111 D) Hydrogen peroxide CKYQ QADQ 13 MH 1 SD+Um+H,-O (m US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 6A A) Stress-"free CK‘Y’Q pAD4 (water) pz‘i'aD "'MPR pAD~MP EPQ USE pEE‘aDWIWKPRWFEELX L1 NV pAD-P1APR~I léiéM pAUWMPR-MEBZQV S WUm US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 9 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figura 6B EDAZQ: ‘1W8 SD+Um+AZ 0&1 mam) pADé (vecmr) pAD ""MPR pAD "MP R"GMZS WBDMMPR-FSSLXLI NV pAD~MPR-I 184M ) US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 10 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure: 6C C) Heat sh0ck CH. Y8 SWUYE?EOOCQh W134 (vector) pAD "MP R~F163E1 pf-ED *MPRWQ 179 R wwxwpwmsull1W pAD "MPRMI 13 4M ' - US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 11 0120 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 613 D) Hydrogen pemxide CR ‘YE pADé (vector) p?D?VIPR pAD ~00? R-KEB 33R pAD “MP RMCEMSFS pAD WMP R~F65Lf L1 17%’ p311!) "MPEP-I 184M pAD-MPR-E2’2%V $D+Um+HZOZKZ 111M) US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 12 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 7A A) Stressfree CK'YQ Mm pAD“ MFR {11 AU MP Rmii?g R SD+Um US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 13 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure: 7B 5) ABC Cm QAQWMPRM $65M’ L1 WV Maw . US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 14 0120 US 8,101,390 B2 Figuzre "7C C) Heat shock {III/{Y8 SD+#U1‘50@, 1.511 13 Am 13 AD" MP R QAD“MPR“K63 R US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 15 0120 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 7;) 9) Hydrogen peroxide YYJADMMPR CKYB SD+TQ+HO§ pmwmwmww @AUwfvfiPR» $551,111 111/" .... “ 1 ' US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 16 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figuxe ‘7133 E) Ethanol cyqyg mm QADM MFR pADW I‘AFR”K63 R SD+a+ETO(5%> ‘ US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 17 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2 Figure 8 ROS level after the hydrogen peroxide treatment E 0min [330mm E3 60min 21| o5 0o pAD4 Figure 9 Survival rate after the hydrogen peroxide treatment 100 axe3wew82za5m.5u dl 0 "+"pAD4 ” ‘I’ "' pAD-MPR “1m pAD-MPR-Kasn 2 Treatment time 3 (hr) US. Patent Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 18 0120 US 8,101,390 B2 F1 gure 1 O Mutant-type Mprl the?rms-ta:bilit},1 (4513) HID wild-‘typa 33m5i3.1w5?: i 1-. 2° 25 35 25 Treatment time at 45°C (min) Figure 11 Stability in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (0.5M) 1- c- - K63R wW Mm m H 3.3 W w .w WM +i_. F 565 |._L “ "ii-1.1.2!" - . . ml-2‘b m .W _ m _ on0 _ u m w . m _ _ . .__ .Fir H . . n _ u m w ,. _ u 1 vV m 1D 15 20 Treatment time (min) US. Patent iii E2; 21.: m33%;? Jan. 24, 2012 Sheet 19 0f 20 US 8,101,390 B2