The Agility Association of Canada and the
The Agility Association of Canada and the
2013 AAC National Dog Agility Championships Le Championnat national d’agilité de chien August 1-4, 2013 (Warm-up July 31, 2013) William F. Lede Sports Fields Leduc, Alberta Outdoors, on Grass, Rain or Shine 2013 Nationals website: TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the AAC Nationals/Bienvenue au championnat national ...................................................... Page 3 Your Committee Members/Les Membres du comité ................................................................................ Page 4 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Bernadette van Klaveren ............................................................... Page 5 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Carolyn Dockrill .............................................................................. Page 6 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Case Laan ...................................................................................... Page 7 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Claude Dionne ............................................................................... Page 8 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Rick Whiting ................................................................................... Page 9 Meet Your Judges/Voici vos juges – Roger-Pierre Côté ........................................................................ Page 10 Site Plan/Plan du site.............................................................................................................................. Page 11 Nearby Amenities/Services à proximité .................................................................................................. Page 12 Emergency Services/Services d’ urgence .............................................................................................. Page 14 Vendors/Les Vendeurs ........................................................................................................................... Page 16 Food Vendors/Les Vendeurs de nourriture ............................................................................................ Page 17 Prizes and Awards/Prix et Récompenses .............................................................................................. Page 19 Hospitality ............................................................................................................................................... Page 22 Warm Up Round & Skills Competition/Warm Up tour & Compétences ................................................. Page 24 National Junior Agility Championships/Championnats national d’agilité junior ...................................... Page 25 Purica $10,000 Steeplechase ................................................................................................................. Page 26 Schedule & Events/Calendrier et événements ...................................................................................... Page 28 Competitors/Concurrants ........................................................................................................................ Page 34 National Tri Team Championship ........................................................................................................... Page 44 Personal Record Sheets ......................................................................................................................... Page 45 Personal Running Order ......................................................................................................................... Page 48 Notes ...................................................................................................................................................... Page 50 Page 1 Page 2 BIENVENUE AU CHAMPIONNAT NATIONAL DE L’AAC WELCOME TO THE AAC NATIONALS Page 3 LES MEMBRES DU COMITÉ YOUR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Présidente Seanna O’Neill Trial Chair Trésorière Annie Dugan Treasurer Secrétaire Lesley Howard-Stafford Secretary Secrétaire de l’événement Équipement du championnat Championnats juniors RV Parking Teri O’Neill/ Steve Eisenreich Annika Chell Paul Chell Accueil des juges Caraley Scott/Robbi Bitner Commanditaires Robbi Bitner Trial Secretary Equipment Junior Championships RV Parking Judges’ Hospitality Sponsorship Vendeurs Teri O’Neill Vendors Banquet Maureen BuchananChell Banquet Les cérémonies d’ouverture et de clôture Annie Dugan Opening & Closing Ceremonies Marchandise Kirstin O’Neill Merchandise Coordinatrice des bénévoles Accueil des compétiteurs Lori Rossi Caraley Scott Volunteers Competitor Hospitality Coordonnatrice de l’événement Rubans & trophées Seanna O’Neill Event Coordinator Kirstin O’Neill Ribbons & Trophies Webmestre John Chandler Website Relations avec les médias et relations publiques Catalogue & publicité Coordinatrice de la tombola Sécurité Live Streaming Vidéo Lesley Howard-Stafford Robbi Bitner Lori Rossi Premier Security Inc. Steve Eisenreich/ John Chandler Media Coordinator Catalogue & Advertising Volunteer Raffle Coordinator Security Live Streaming Video Photographie Kirstin O’Neill Photography Logo et bannière Annika Chell Logo & Banner Design Clôture Derrick Fencing Tentes Main Event Tent Rentals Programme de notation Page 4 Teri O’Neill John Chandler Ruediger Birenheide Fencing Tents Scoring Software MEET YOUR JUDGES Bernadette van Klaveren It is an honor and a great pleasure to be invited again to judge the AAC National Agility Championships. Since 2013 is a milestone in the AAC history, we have been asked to write about our involvement with AAC over the years. My agility addiction was created by one of my dogs. My old English sheep dog Pandemonium and I watched an agility demonstration 22 years ago at an SPCA event in Nanaimo BC. After the event was over, we were invited to let our dogs try some of the equipment. Panda showed such great enthusiasm that we immediately enrolled in classes. Since the classes were very loosely organized and I wanted more knowledge about the sport, the only information available was through an AAC judges clinic. I took the clinic, did the exam, and the rest is history. Over the years I have traveled extensively in Canada and abroad to judge local, Regional and National events and truly enjoyed meeting so many people that share our passion for the sport of agility and AAC in particular. I’ve had the pleasure of organizing two AAC Regionals and an AAC National Championship event, we have organized local AAC trails for the past 20 years through DAWG and I had the pleasure of competing with five Bernese Mountain dogs and one OESD. Above all the biggest thrill for me is assisting and coaching others in achieving their goal in becoming AAC judges or training their dogs to the highest competitive level achievable. Knowing first hand what great dedication and preparation it takes to compete successfully, I want to congratulate all that attend the AAC nationals competitions, I hope to be able to make new friends and meet up with old ones, sharing in the love of the sport of agility, and dogs in general. Looking forward to seeing you all on course C'est un honneur et un grand plaisir d'être invité à nouveau pour juger les Championnats AAC Agilité nationale. Depuis 2013 est un jalon dans l'histoire AAC, nous avons été invités à écrire au sujet de notre engagement avec AAC au fil des ans. Mon addiction agilité a été créé par un de mes chiens. Mon vieux chien de berger anglais Pandemonium et j'ai regardé une démonstration d'agilité 22 années auparavant lors d'un événement à Nanaimo BC SPCA. Après l'événement était plus, nous avons été invités à laisser nos chiens essayer quelques-uns des équipements. Panda a montré beaucoup d'enthousiasme que tels, nous avons immédiatement inscrits dans des classes. Depuis les classes étaient très mal organisés et je voulais plus de connaissances sur le sport, la seule information disponible est à travers une clinique juges AAC. J'ai pris la clinique, fait l'examen, et le reste est de l'histoire. Au fil des années, j'ai beaucoup voyagé au Canada et à l'étranger pour juger locale, Événements régionaux et nationaux et de réunion vraiment apprécié tant de gens qui partagent notre passion pour le sport de l'agilité et AAC en particulier. J'ai eu le plaisir d'organiser deux Regionals AAC et AAC un Championnat National événement, nous avons organisé des sentiers locaux AAC pour le passé 20 DAWG creux ans et j'ai eu le plaisir de la compétition avec cinq chiens bouvier bernois et un OeSD. Par-dessus tout la plus grande joie pour moi est d'aider et coacher les autres à atteindre leur objectif de devenir juges AAC ou la formation de leurs chiens au plus haut niveau de compétition possible. Sachant de première main ce grand dévouement et la préparation qu'il faut pour rivaliser avec succès, Je tiens à féliciter tout ce qui assistent les ressortissants AAC compétitions, J'espère être en mesure de faire de nouveaux amis et rencontrer des anciens, partage de l'amour du sport de l'agilité, et les chiens en général. Au plaisir de vous voir tous sur la bonne voie! © Page 5 VOICI VOS JUGES Carolyn Dockrill Retour dans la journée ...... Au début,, AAC était en fait ADAC - Association Chien d'agilité du Canada - mes deux premiers chiens avaient 3 numéros d'identification chiffres…..maintenant mes concurrents actuels ont 5 nombres à un chiffre. J'ai vu beaucoup de changements au cours du dernier 25 ans, pour le mieux. À l'époque, mes chiens ont dû sauter 30,” l'échelle d'un 6'3″ A-Frame, le crossover est une pièce d'équipement requis et le slalom pourrait être aussi proche que 18,”. Les gestionnaires ont dû suivre leurs chiens’ Q, maintenant, grâce à Barb et Jon, tout est fait pour nous. Retour dans la journée, il n'y avait pas ressortissants, maintenant AAC a consacré équipements ressortissants. Retour dans la journée, il n'y avait pas de manipulation “systèmes”….aujourd'hui, nous avons le luxe de décider d'acheter dans un système ou à Dieu ne plaise ...., prendre ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour nos propres chiens provenant de multiples systèmes. L'éducation Tant que la manipulation est disponible ne ressemble pas à quelque chose comme ce fut 25 ans. Ce qui est resté constant, c'est l'amour du jeu et l'esprit de camaraderie. Je suis très heureux d'être sur les juges’ Équipe pour 2013′Les ressortissants s et vous souhaite bonne chance…et bon amusement! Back in the day…In the beginning, AAC was actually ADAC – Agility Dog Association of Canada – my first two dogs had 3 digit ID numbers… my current competitors have 5 digit numbers. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the last 25 years, all for the better. Back then my dogs had to jump 30,” scale a 6’3″ AFrame, the crossover was a required piece of equipment and weave poles could be as close as 18,”. Handlers had to track their dogs’ Q’s, now, thanks to Barb and Jon, it’s all done for us. Back in the day, there were no Nationals, now AAC has dedicated Nationals equipment. Back in the day, there were no handling “systems”….today we have the luxury of deciding to buy into a system….or heaven forbid, take what works best for our own dogs from multiple systems. So much education is available that handling doesn’t resemble anything like it was 25 years ago. What has remained constant is the love of the game and the spirit of camaraderie. I’m thrilled to be on the Judges’ Team for 2013′s Nationals and wish you good luck…and good FUN! Page 6 MEET YOUR JUDGES Case Laan J’ai été heureusement impliqué dans le sport de l’agilité depuis l’an 1991. J’ai commencé la formation d’agilité avec mon chien en prélude au travail de recherche et de secours et nous avons tellement jouit de notre expérience que je n’ai jamais pu quitter! En 1996, j’ai continué de participer en tant que juge afin de rencontrer plus de chiens et de gestionnaires d’équipe ainsi que par but d’apprendre davantage au sujet de l’agilité. J’assume un rôle de juge à tous les niveaux de l’AAC et de l’agilité du CCC, une position qui m’a permit de voyager tout à travers du Canada et de rencontrer plusieurs participants merveilleux. Parmi mes moments les plus mémorables se trouve la première compétition nationale AAC en 2001 à Spruce Meadow, Alberta dans laquelle j’ai été placé deuxième avec mon Tervuren, Neeka. Un autre moment inoubliable s’est réalisé en 2003 et en 2004 lorsque ma Sheltie, Storm et moi avons participé aux Championnat Mondiale FCI avec les premières deux équipes à représenter le Canada. Lors de la conception des cours, je souhaite promouvoir premièrement une belle tendance et continuité chez l’équipe. Par la suite, les défis découlent de la vitesse à laquelle l’équipe peut acquérir sur le terrain. Mon plaisir ultime en tant que juge c’est de témoigner une équipe rapide qui, à la fois, maintien une communication qui les unis. Profitez des ces moments avec votre partenaire K9 et créez de nombreux moments mémorables ensemble. Meilleurs vœux à vous tous, Case Laan I have been happily involved in the sport of agility since 1991. I began agility training with my dog as a prelude to search and rescue work, and enjoyed it so much I never left! I began judging in 1996 as an opportunity to learn more about agility and to meet more dog/handler teams. I judge at all levels of both AAC and CKC agility and have been able to travel all across Canada, meeting many wonderful people in this sport. My most memorable moments in agility include competing and placing second with my Tervuren, Neeka, at the first AAC Nationals held in 2001 at Spruce Meadows, Alberta, as well as running with my Sheltie, Storm, with the first and second teams to represent Canada at the FCI World Championships in 2003 & 2004. When designing courses, I like to develop a course that offers a nice flow, and then the challenges arise from the speed that the team can acquire on the course. The ultimate pleasure when I judge is to be able to watch a team run a fast course with communication and unison. Enjoy these moments with your K9 partner and create many memorable moments together. Best wishes to you all, Case Laan Page 7 MEET YOUR JUDGES Claude Dionne Bonjour,Merci encore au comité organisateur de m'avoir invité une fois de plus cette année ... Je suis un drogué d'agilité pour 18 ans déjà … En fait, il était en 1995 à laquelle j'ai assisté pour la première fois dans une compétition … Et je suis devenu un juge 2001 … Bien sûr, J'étais là lors de la première nationale à Calgary en 2001. Depuis lors, Je n'ai raté qu'un seul nationale comme un concurrent ou d'un juge. Un juge doit juger! Oui, mais encore? Bien, un juge doit concevoir des cours, essayez de varier les défis de chaque cours, ont approuvé les cours, et de les intégrer précisément à l'essai. Mais qu'en est-il de juger? Il est facile pour le premier 20 chiens ... OK, dire, 50 premiers chiens ... mais quand il est le cinquantième deux cents? Est le juge de juger ou encore qu'il se situe hors de la léthargie ou de sommeil? (Bien, pas de mauvaises blagues ici, J'ai de bonnes oreilles!). Le défi majeur pour juger un régional ou un national est de juger tous les chiens avec soin et rigueur, à partir de la première à la centième trois! Pas facile. Dû le faire savoir ... Puis, Je vais essayer non seulement d'avoir du plaisir à regarder tous vos merveilleux chiens évoluer devant moi, mais aussi à la justice les tout en restant concentré que possible. Pour ce faire,, vous me verrez se déplacer constamment pour rester éveillé, bien sûr, mais surtout pour les zones de contact, l'angle d'approche de votre chien pour les écarts, le double saut et le pneu (facile de manquer quelque chose si nous ne sommes pas là!) et également d'apprécier la zone de bulles de refus devant chaque obstacle. C'est une partie du procès. L'autre est sur les bénévoles. Sans eux,, rien n'est possible. Si, durant tout le week-end, sourire à eux et leur chars à plusieurs reprises. Bien, nous allons jouer et s'amuser. N'oubliez pas de serrer votre chien pour moi. Cordialement, Claude Dionne Bonjour, Thanks again to the Organizing Committee for inviting me once again this year… I am an agility addict for 18 years already … In fact, it was in 1995 that I attended for the first time in a competition … And I became a judge in 2001 … Of course, I was there at the first National in Calgary in 2001. Since then, I have missed only one National as a competitor or as a judge. A judge has to judge! Yes, but still? Well, a judge must design courses, try to vary the challenges of each course, have the courses approved, and build them precisely at the trial. But what about judging? It’s easy for the first 20 dogs… OK, say, fifty first dogs… but when it is the two hundred fiftieth? Is the judge still judging or he falls out of lethargy or asleep? (OK, no bad jokes here, I have good ears!). The major challenge in judging a Regional or a National is to judge all dogs with care and thoroughness, from the first to the three hundredth! Not easy. Must have done it to know… Then, I will attempt not only to have fun watching all your wonderful dogs evolve before me, but also do them justice while remaining focused as possible. To do this, you will see me move constantly in order to stay awake, of course, but especially to see the contact zones, the angle of approach of your dog for the spreads, the double jump and the tire (easy to lack something if we are not there!) and also to appreciate the refusal bubble zone in front of each obstacle. That’s one part of the trial. The other one is about volunteers. Without them, nothing is possible. So, during all the week-end, smile to them and thanks them many times. Ok, let’s play and have fun. Don’t forget to hug your dog for me. Best regards, Claude Dionne Page 8 VOICI VOS JUGES Rick Whiting I am very honoured to have been asked to judge the AAC nationals on the 25th anniversary and hope everyone has a great time with their canine partners. The 25th anniversary is a great achievement for the AAC. I live in Dartmouth Nova Scotia with my wife (Heddy) of 39 years. I have 2 daughters, Michelle (Eric) who lives in Vancouver with our 3 grandchildren, and Leanne who is now back in in Halifax after spending 5 years in Hong Kong. I started agility in 2002 and got hooked on it with my first Toller Lexy. I currently compete with my 2 Nova Scotia Duck Tollers, Beamer who is 12 1/2 years young and Jag who is 4. Both have different and great personalities and they keep me humble. I have been the president of our club, CAANS for the past 7 years. Currently I am the NS director on the AAC board and the liaison for the judge’s advisory committee. I have enjoyed judging across the country and meeting new people as I go. Best of Luck to all…….and have fun! Rick and the Tollers Je suis très honoré d’avoir été invité comme juge à l’occasion du ième 25 anniversaire de la compétition nationale AAC et je souhaite que tout le monde profite de leur temps avec leurs partenaires ième canins. Le 25 anniversaire marque une grande réussite pour l’AAC. J’habite à Dartmouth en Nouvelle-Écosse avec ma femme (Heddy) de 39 ans. J’ai deux filles, Michelle (Eric) qui vit à Vancouver avec nos trois petits enfants et Leanne qui est présentement sauvegarde à Halifax après avoir passé 5 ans à Hong Kong. J’ai commencé l’agilité en 2002 et j’en ai développé une passion avec mon premier Toller, Lexy. Je participe présentement aux compétitions avec mes deux Nova Scotia Duck Toller, Beamer, âgé de douze ans et demi, et Jag qui a quatre ans. Ayant chacun une bonne et unique personnalité, ils m’aident à demeurer humble. Je suis le président de notre club CAANS depuis sept ans et je suis présentement le directeur NS sur le comité AAC ainsi que l’agent de liaison pour le comité consultatif des juges. J’ai apprécié juger à travers le pays et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Bonne chance à tous et amusez-vous……..! Rick et les Tollers Page 9 VOICI VOS JUGES Roger-Pierre Côté Je me suis impliqué de façon sérieuse avec la formation canine en 1990 avec un débit allemand du nom de Flow. En faisant de l’obéissance, on en vint rapidement au point où le chien était capable de faire la routine seule et nous étions alors à la recherche d’un plus grand défi. Suite à de la recherche et après avoir vu un rapport sur l’agilité de l’Angleterre, je me suis intéressé à ce nouveau sport pour chiens. C’est à ce moment, en 1992, que je me suis impliqué dans l’agilité canine. À cette époque, nous avions trouvé qu’un seul livre qui parlait d’agilité. Sans aucunes autres ressources ni Internet, nous avions commencé la formation et la construction d’équipement à partir de ce livre. En 1993, nous avons rencontré des amis de l’ouest et des maritimes qui étaient conscients de l’AAC alors qu’au Québec il n’y avait qu’un club d’agilité. J’ai participé à la création de deux nouveaux clubs dans la région de Montréal pour ensuite aider à d’autres à démarrer des clubs à travers la province. Nous avons présentement au-delà de quinze clubs actifs à chaque semaine. J’ai assumé le rôle de juge en 1998, un rôle que je continue d’exercer d’Halifax à Vancouver. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes équipé avec des centaines de livres et des ressources illimitées sur Internet. Encore impliqué dans l’entraînement et participant encore en tant que juge, l’agilité est devenu presqu’une religion chez nous. En effet, ma femme Lucie Dessureault s’est impliqué dans tous sports canins en 1994 et je dirait même qu’elle me dépasse en habileté d’entraînement. En dépit de ma limite idéale de trois chiens, nous en avons cinq. Maintenant en 2013, tous nos plans s’articulent autour de notre Tervuren belge (C-4), nos deux Shelties (Nitro et Scud), et nos deux Borders (Suka et Ima). Notre vie maintenant, c’est l’agilité et tout autres sports à chiens tel que l’obéissance, le ski joering, le traîneau, rally-o, saut à l’eau, etc. I have started seriously with dog training in 1990 with a German Shepherd named Flow, doing obedience we quickly came to the point where the dog was able to do the routine alone, we were looking for more activity to do with the dog, after some research and seeing a report on Agility from England, i got interested in that new sport to do with dogs. That is where I got involved in Agility in 1992. In those years, we found only one book (from France) talking on Agility, there was no internet and books on Agility were almost non-existent. So we started with that book, building equipment and starting training, those were the years that doing Agility was only running with your dog on the left. In 1993 we meet some friends coming from west and from the Maritime that were aware of the AAC, the new Canadian thing on Agility, in Québec there was only one club doing Agility. I got involved in creating a couple of new clubs in the Montréal region, and a bit later got involved to help others in starting new clubs across the province, now we have over 15 clubs across Québec and have trial almost every week end, and even smaller trial on week night. I got involved in Judging in 1998, since then I have been Judging across Canada from Halifax to Vancouver. Now Agility is available with hundreds of books and you can find almost everything on the internet…. Still involved in training and Judging Agility became almost a religion in our house, my wife Lucie Dessureault got hooked with all dogs sports in 1994, and i might say, she is doing a lot better than me in training and handling dogs. Now in 2013, the house, the cars, vacation, spare time and everything in our life is in relation with dogs sports, we have at home 5 dogs, 1 Belgian Tervuren (C-4) and 2 Shelties ( Nitro and Scud ), and 2 Border (Suka and Ima ) i was trying to limit Lucie to 3 dogs, Now we have 5 !!!! Our life now is Agility and any dogs sport, Obedience, Skijoring, Sledding, Rally-O, Water Jumping, anything that involves our dogs. Page 10 PLAN DU SITE/SITE PLAN Page 11 NEARBY AMENITIES SERVICES À PROXIMITÉ William F. Lede Park is located in the heart of the City of Leduc, adjacent to many kilometers of walking trails, an off leash park and the Leduc Recreation Centre, a multi-use recreation complex including aquatic centre, fitness centre, curling rink, indoor playground and food and beverage services. Leduc is a thriving community of approximately 26,000 residents, and boasts a variety of shops and services to meet any need. th 50 Avenue, 50 Street and Blackgold Drive are major streets populated with businesses, including banks, gas stations and convenience stores, grocery stores including Sobey’s and Safeway, and various local and chain restaurants, as well as Global Pet Foods, which is the closest pet store to the venue. Leduc Common, a major powercentre including Walmart, Canadian Tire, Rona, Pet Value, Original Joe’s, th Swiss Chalet, Tim Horton’s and Dairy Queen, is located on 50 Avenue west of Highway 2. William F. Lede Park est situé au cœur de la ville de Leduc, adjacent à de nombreux kilomètres de sentiers de randonnée, un parc sans laisse et le Centre de loisirs de Leduc, un complexe de loisirs multi-usage, y compris centre aquatique, centre de remise en forme, curling, aire de jeux intérieure et des services alimentaires et des boissons. Leduc est une communauté prospère d'environ 26,000 résidents, et offre une variété de boutiques et de services pour répondre à tous les besoins. e 50 Rue, 50 Street et Blackgold Drive sont grandes rues peuplées avec les entreprises, y compris les banques, les stations d'essence et les dépanneurs, les épiceries Sobeys, y compris et Safeway, et divers restaurants locaux et de la chaîne, ainsi que Global Pet Foods, qui est l'animalerie la plus proche du lieu. Leduc commune, une grande powercentre, inclut: Walmart, Canadian Tire, Rona, Valeur Pet, L'original de e Joe, Chalet suisse, Tim Horton et Dairy Queen, est située sur 50 Avenue ouest de la route 2. Page 12 Visit Global Pet Foods at #103, 5101 – 50 Avenue, Leduc (780)980-8711 Store Hours : Monday : 9:30am - 8:00pm Tuesday : 9:30am - 8:00pm Wednesday : 9:30am - 8:00pm Thursday : 9:30am - 8:00pm Friday : 9:30am - 8:00pm Saturday : 9:30am - 6:00pm Sunday :11:00am - 5:00pm Page 13 EMERGENCY SERVICES SERVICES D’URGENCE Fire, Police, Ambulance – Call 911 Leduc Community Hospital (for humans) – located at 4210 – 48 Street, Leduc and offers 24 hour emergency care. Leduc Veterinary Hospital – Phone (780) 9863269 Located at 5710 – 47 Street, Leduc. Open 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Guardian Veterinary Centre – Phone (780)4365880 Located at 5620 – 99 Street in Edmonton and open 24 hours. Directions to Guardian from 50th Avenue, Leduc: Follow 50th Avenue West and exit right on to Highway 2 North towards Edmonton. This turns into Gateway Boulevard in Edmonton. Remain driving north on Gateway. Turn right at Whitemud Drive. Turn left at 99 Street. Follow 99 Street north to 56 Avenue. Guardian Veterinary Centre will be on your left. Fire, Police, Ambulance - Appel 911 Hôpital communautaire de Leduc (pour l'homme) Située au- 4210 - 48 Rue, Leduc et offres 24 soins d'urgence heure. Leduc Veterinary Hospital - Téléphone (780) 986-3269 Situé à 5710 - 47 Rue, Leduc. Ouvert 8 am to 5 du lundi au vendredi, fermé le samedi, Dimanche et jours fériés. Guardian Veterinary Centre - Téléphone (780)436-5880 Situé à 5620 - 99 Rue à Edmonton et ouvert 24 heures. Directions to Guardian from 50e Rue, Leduc: Suivre 50e Avenue Ouest et la sortie à droite sur l'autoroute 2 Nord vers Edmonton. Cela se transforme en boulevard Gateway à Edmonton. Rester vers le nord sur la passerelle. Tourner à droite sur la promenade Whitemud. Tourner à gauche au 99 Rue. Suivre 99 Rue au nord de 56 Rue. Guardian Veterinary Centre sera sur votre gauche. Page 14 Page 15 VENDORS Don’t forget to check out our amazing vendors, located on the north side of the event rings. We have a great selection of canine and human merchandise and services. Bring your shopping bag! B & E Crafts and Sewlutions Dr. Dan Martin, Chiropractor Garage Rock Apparel Email: Phone: 780-914-9527 Phone: 780-217-9639 Email: Gus & Molly Hairy Barkers Email:!/pages/Hairy-BarkersInc/475832370516 Hunter’s Heart Email: Phone: 403-207-4441 Dr. Jennifer Webster, Chiropractor K9 Choice Foods Pawsitive Touch Canine Massage Pet Connection Pet-Tek Page 16 Email: Phone: 780-993-7045 Phone: 780-922-6642 Fax: 780-922-0479 Email: Email: Email: Phone: 604-220-5346 Phone: 780-217-9966 Fax: 866-935-6051 Email: LES VENDEURS Ne pas oublier de vérifier nos fournisseurs étonnants, situé sur le côté nord des anneaux d'événements. Nous avons une grande sélection de marchandises et de services canine et humaine. Apportez votre sac! PG Embroidery Email: Phone: 306-774-3325 Silver Soul Creations Silver soul creations Something’s Stirring Email: Phone: 780-918-7847!/SomethingsStirring Spot On K9 Treadmills U-Pet Wellness Winter Eclipse Pet Products Healing Hands for Animals Email: Phone: 780-459-5435 Email: Email: Phone: 780-826-1587 Email: Phone: 519-717-7221 FOOD VENDORS Don’t miss your chance to taste some of Alberta’s finest! Yellowbird Café Truck will be on site Wednesday and Thursday from 11 am to 1 pm and Friday through Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm. Offerings include amazing burgers, Teriyaki Loco Moco rice bowl, Basil Chicken Avocado Sandwich or vegetarian Tofu Avocado Salad, each $8, plus desserts and cold beverages. R.D. Hawgs Pulled Pork Delux serves homemade BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, poutine, smokies and corn dogs as well as cold beverages. They will be on site Wednesday through Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm. Fat Franks offers hot dogs, smokies, veggie dogs, chips and pop. They will be on site Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm and Thursday through Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm. Mini Donut King will be on site Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm offering mini donuts, nachos, popcorn and sno cones. Tim Horton’s Community Cruiser will be on site Wednesday through Sunday at approximately 7:30 am offering coffee and Timbits. They will stay about 3 hours, or until the Cruiser Van is empty (so… maybe 8 am?) Page 17 Page 18 PRIZES AND AWARDS st th Rosettes for 1 through 10 place in each class and jump height will be awarded for each of the six individual National Championship rounds; and to the aggregate winners in each class and jump height. st National Championship 1 place trophies will be awarded to aggregate winners in each class and jump height. The Top Junior Handler, Top Veteran Dog, and Fastest YPS Mini / Midi / Maxi will also receive a trophy. Lifetime Achievement Awards will be awarded at the Friday evening banquet. ADDITIONAL PRIZES FOR THE 2013 NATIONAL DOG AGILITY CHAMPIONSHIPS Thank you to the following businesses, organizations and individuals who have contributed special prizes: Sherwood Barks is pleased to sponsor ALL the prizes and Rosettes for the Junior National Championships. Check out the Junior Nationals page for details. Beagle Paws Rescue is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Beagle with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. The Alberta Doberman Pinscher Club is pleased to sponsor two special prizes; one for the highest pointed Doberman overall, and the other for the fastest YPS by a Doberman in Jumpers or Standard. The Irish Setter Club of Canada is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Irish Setter with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. The Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club is please to sponsor a special prize for the Cardigan Welsh Corgi with highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. The English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the English Springer Spaniel with the fastest YPS in Standard or Jumpers. The Canadian Sheepdog Association is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Shetland Sheepdog with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. The Canadian Miniature Pinscher Club of Canada is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Miniature Pinscher with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Gail Thompson is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the fastest YPS by a Mixed Breed Dog in a Standard round. (must specify Mixed Breed designation (eg All Canadian) on the entry form). Page 19 PRIX ET RÉCOMPENSES The Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Cattle Dog with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. The Working Australian Kelpies Club of Canada pleased to sponsor two special prizes for Kelpies; one for the top pointed Kelpie over 6 rounds, and the other for the fastest YPS by a Kelpie. The National Whippet Club of Canada is pleased to offer a special prize for the fastest YPS by a Whippet in Standard or Jumpers. A cash award to the highest pointed rescue dog, and the organization/shelter they were adopted from. Sponsored by Claire Duder, Lesley Howard-Stafford and Robbi Bitner on behalf of all of the lucky rescue dogs who have found loving, forever agility homes. Must specify “rescue dog”, and the organization that placed the dog with you, on the entry form. The Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada is pleased to offer two prizes for PWDs; one for the highest number of points over 6 rounds, and the other for the fastest YPS by a PWD. The English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the English Cocker Spaniel with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Page 20 PRIZES AND AWARDS The Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association is pleased to sponsor a Special Prize for the Australian Shepherd with the fastest YPS in a Standard or Jumpers round. The American Cocker Spaniel Club – Alberta Chapter is pleased to sponsor a prize for the American Cocker Spaniel with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Coco Napoleon is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the top scoring non Veteran dog, in the 4 Standard and Jumpers rounds combined, in both Mini and Maxi category. Performance Agility Club of Canada (PACE) is pleased to offer a special prize for the oldest dog competing in Nationals. The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Canada is pleased to offer a special prize for the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever with the fastest YPS in Standard or Jumpers. The Shetland Sheepdog Fanciers Club of Edmonton is pleased to offer two prizes for Shetland Sheepdogs; one for the highest number of points, and the other for the fastest YPS by a Shetland Sheepdog in a Jumpers round. Kennels is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Boxer with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Diamond Exotic Cars is pleased to sponsor a trophy for the Bulldog or Bully Breed with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals Ashemburg Rottweilers is pleased to offer a special prize for the fastest YPS by a Rottweiler. The Bad Jack Club is pleased to offer a special prize for Jack or Parson Russell Terrier with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Amanda Shigehiro is pleased to sponsor a special prize for the Pug with the highest number of points over the 6 rounds of Nationals. Page 21 HOSPITALITY K9 CHOICE HOSPITALITY TENT/ K9 CHOIX CHAPITEAU D'ACCUEIL The Hospitality Tent, sponsored by K9 Choice Foods, is located near the individual and communal crating areas and will be accessible during Nationals to all competitors, sponsors, vendors and volunteers. From approximately 8 am to 5 pm, a variety of snacks and beverages provided by Leduc Sobey’s will be available, offering a chance to recharge between events. Don’t forget to take time to check out the photos and other information from years past, as well as other displays which will be set up in the Hospitality Tent. La tente d’accueil, parrainé par K9 Choice Foods, est située près des ‘crating areas’ individuels et communautaires et sera accessible à tous compétiteurs, commanditaires, vendeurs et bénévoles. Des collations et des boissons, fournis par Sobey’s de Leduc, seront disponibles d’environ 8h à 17h afin d’offrir aux participants la chance de regagner leurs forces entre les évènements. N’oubliez pas de prendre un moment pour vérifier les photos et les autres informations des années précédentes ainsi que les écrans situés dans la tente d’acceuil. BEER TENT/ TENTE À BIÈRE Adjacent to the Hospitality Tent, the beer tent will be open from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm, August 1 to August 4 and will serve Moosehead Beer, Twisted Tea, and a selection of coolers. Please drink responsibly, and don’t drink and drive. Taxi service is available in Leduc, and our beer tent staff would be happy to help you arrange a safe ride to wherever you are staying. Adjacente à la tente d’acceuil, vous trouverez er la tente de bière qui sera ouverte du 1 au 4 août de midi à 16h. Ils serviront une variété de boissons, y comprit la bière Moosehead, Thé Twisted ainsi qu’un assortiment de boissons raffrîchissantes. Nous vous prions de boire de façon responsable et surtout de ne pas conduire suite à la consommation d’alcool. Un service de taxi vous sera disponible à Leduc et notre personnel de la tente de bière serait heureux de vous assister à organiser une conduite sécuritaire à l’endroit où vous vous trouvez. Page 22 HOSPITALITY BANQUET The Alberta Bar-B-Que Banquet is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Friday night, after the agility rounds, in the Hospitality Tent right on site! Tickets for the event were pre-sold and the menu, catered by Edmonton’s Bar-B-Q Acres Caterers, includes choice of an 8 oz. New York Steak, or 8oz Chicken Breast, or Veggie Burger; plus Caesar Salad, Baked Potato and all the trimmings, Italian Pasta Salad, BBQ Baked Beans, Corn on the Cob, Creamy Coleslaw, Dill Pickles, Garlic th Bread, Fresh Fruit Tray, Assorted Squares, Pop and Coffee. And don’t miss the one-of-a-kind custom made AAC 25 Anniversary cake, created by Judy Miller of Something’s Stirring, one of our amazing vendors! L'Alberta Bar-B-Que Banquet est prévue pour 6:00 p.m. Vendredi soir, après les tours d'agilité, dans la tente d'accueil à droite sur le site! Les billets pour l'événement ont été pré-vendus et le menu, préparé par le traiteur Bar-B-Q Acres les Traiteurs d'Edmonton, comprend le choix d'un 8 oz. New York Steak, ou poitrine de poulet 8 oz, ou Veggie Burger; plus Caesar Salad, Pommes de terre au four et tous les accompagnements, Salade de pâtes italienne, Barbecue Fèves au lard, Épi de maïs, Salade de chou crémeuse, Cornichons à l'aneth, Pain à l'ail, Plateau de fruits frais, Assortiment de carrés, Pop et café. Et ne manquez e pas la coutume unique faite AAC 25 gâteau d'anniversaire, créée par Judy Miller et Something’s Stirring, un de nos fournisseurs étonnants! We have a great night of entertainment planned, with two very special guests: Nous avons une grande soirée de divertissement prévue, avec deux invités très spéciaux: LOTS OF “HOOP”LA by Annie, circus arts performer and one of the world's most versatile hulahoop performers! BEAUCOUP DE "HOOP" LA par Annie, cirque arts et l'un des artistes les plus polyvalents hulahoop dans le monde! Annie is the co-founder and Artistic Director of Firefly Theatre and Circus, an Edmonton-based company dedicated to merging the spectacle of circus arts with an accessible theatrical narrative. Since graduating from the Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre, Annie has performed her work at festivals, circuses and events in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Asia. Annie is the recipient of the 2007 Mayor’s Award for Innovative Artistic Direction & nominee for the 2013 Ambassador of the Arts Award. Annie is also one of the organizers of the Nationals! Annie est le co-fondateur et directeur artistique du Théâtre et cirque Firefly, une société basée à Edmonton dédié à la fusion du spectacle des arts du cirque avec un récit théâtral accessible. Diplômé de l'Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Physique Dell'Arte, Annie a fait son travail dans les festivals, cirques et événements au Canada, États-Unis, l'U.K. et en Asie. Annie est la récipiendaire de la 2007 Maire Award pour la direction artistique innovante & candidat à l' 2013 Ambassadeur du Prix Arts. Annie est également l'un des organisateurs des ressortissants! ****** AND/ET ******* Be tantalized, mesmerized and hypnotized at the "Ultimate" hypnosis show. Master hypnotist DAMIEN (aka Martin Brown* - a well-known local agility handler) will thrill and entertain with his unique and exciting hypnotic routine. Laissez-vous tenter, fasciné et hypnotisé à l' “Ultime” hypnose spectacle. Maître hypnotiseur DAMIEN (aka Martin Brown* – un gestionnaire bien connu agilité locale) fera vibrer et de divertir avec sa routine hypnotique unique et passionnant. This production is upbeat and high energy, with total audience involvement integrated throughout the performance. The show is filled with original and classic hilarious skits, routines, music, comical props and a special finale!” Cette production est optimiste et haute énergie, avec la participation de l'auditoire total intégrés tout au long de la performance. Le spectacle est rempli de sketches hilarants originaux et classiques, routines, musique, accessoires comiques et une finale spéciale! *Martin Brown aka DAMIEN is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing in the Edmonton area for over 10 years. He is certified by the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta & accredited by the American Council of Hypnotists Examiners, the largest and most respected national organization of professional hypnotherapists in the USA. Martin Brown alias DAMIEN est un hypnothérapeute clinique certifié qui a pratiqué dans la région d'Edmonton depuis plus de 10 ans. Il est certifié par la formation hypnotisme Institut de l'Alberta & accrédité par le Conseil américain des hypnotiseurs examinateurs, l'organisation nationale la plus grande et la plus respectée de thérapeutes professionnels aux Etats-Unis Page 23 WARM UP ROUND & SKILLS COMPETITION WARM UP TOUR & COMPÉTENCES Warm Up Round Warm up rounds will be held on Wednesday, July 31, from 9:00 am – 6:00 p.m. and on Thursday, August 1, from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm for late arrivals. Dogs may only be entered in ONE warm up round No refunds will be given for non-completion of warm up rounds. Dog/Handler teams will have a limited amount of time on the equipment in the warm-up ring. This will not be less than 1 minute, and may be increased depending on number of dog/handler teams in the warm-up round. Warm Up Tour Warm Up rondes auront lieu le mercredi, Juillet 31, à partir de 9:00 sur - 6:00 p.m. et le jeudi, Août 1, à partir de 9:00 sur - 8:00 h pour les arrivées tardives. Les chiens ne peuvent être inscrits dans une tour d'échauffement Aucun remboursement ne sera accordé pour non-réalisation de tours d'échauffement. Les équipes de chien / maitre auront une durée limitée sur le matériel dans l'anneau d'échauffement. Ce ne sera pas moins de 1 minute, et peut être augmenté en fonction du nombre d'équipes de chien / gestionnaire dans le tour d'échauffement. Première Toujours Les ressortissants concours d'habiletés Vous pensez que votre chien a un A-FRAME rapide! Est-ce que votre chien wow la foule avec leur performance de pôle er tisser? Découvrez comment évalueriez-vous contre le reste du Canada dans le 1 Les ressortissants jamais concours d'habiletés! Entrez votre chien dans un ou plusieurs obstacles, ou saisissez-les tous! Le COMPÉTENCES mesurera Cadre, Vaciller, Dogwalk, et 12 Weave fois, et les temps de chaque pièce d'équipement seront enregistrées. Les meilleurs moments de Mini (6 et 10 "), Midi (16") et Maxi (22"Et 26") sera décerné un prix spécial lors du banquet du vendredi, et la moitié du pot de trésorerie pour leur classe de hauteur! LES INSCRIPTIONS SERONT FERMÉES À 4:30 PM.. POUR QUE LES PARTICIPANTS ONT UN TOUR AVANT L’ANNEAU FERME. First Ever Nationals Skills Competition Think your dog has a fast A-FRAME! Does your dog wow the crowd with their weave pole performance? Find out how you rate against the rest of Canada in st the 1 ever Nationals Skills Competition! Enter your dog in one or more obstacles, or enter them all! The SKILLS COMPETITION will measure Frame, Teeter, Dogwalk, and 12 Weave times, and times on each piece of equipment will be recorded. The top times in Mini (6 and 10”), Midi (16”) and Maxi (22” and 26”) will be awarded a Special Prize at the Banquet on Friday, and half the cash pot for their height class! ENTRIES WILL BE CLOSED AT 4:30 P.M. TO ENSURE THAT ENTRANTS HAVE A TURN BEFORE THE RING CLOSES. Page 24 NATIONAL JUNIOR AGILITY CHAMPIONSHIPS CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAL D’AGILITÉ JUNIOR Thanks to Sherwood Barks Dog Training for sponsoring all costs and prizes for the first EVER National Junior Agility Championships! This will be a 2 round event consisting of (1 Standard round and 1 Jumpers round, with a combined score of faults then weighted time bonus. Open to all Juniors Handlers 18 and under, competing in two divisions: Junior (handler 12 and under) – Judged under Junior Advanced rules Open (handler over 12 and under 19) – Judged under Junior Masters rules Date of birth is established by age on Dec 31, 2013. Each handler and each dog may only be entered once. Handlers and Dogs do not need to be entered in the AAC National Championships to enter, and they do not need to have qualified at a Regional Championship to enter. Handlers do not need to be registered with the AAC, but must have earned the equivalent of an Advanced leg (in any agility organization) (does not need to be with the dog they are competing with). Dogs do not need to be registered with the AAC, but must have earned the equivalent of at least one Advanced leg. The dog does not need to be owned by the Junior or the Junior’s family. Regulation equipment will include single non wing jumps; single wing jumps; flexible tunnel; collapsible tunnel; dogwalk; teeter; frame (set at 5 feet); weaves (set of 6 or 12); tire. There will be no broad / long / double jump or table. Dogs can jump their regulation height, or 1 height lower All Junior Competitors will receive a T-Shirt in honour of the event. Winners in each Division, in both Mini and Maxi height categories will receive a Special Rosette and Prize, and other prizes may be available. Merci à Sherwood Barks Dog Training pour le parrainage de l'ensemble des coûts et des prix pour les premiers championnats national JAMAIS d'agilité junior! Ce sera une 2 événement ronde composée de (1 Tour standard et 1 Jumpers tour, avec un score combiné de fautes alors bonus pondérée dans le temps. Ouvert à tous les gestionnaires Juniors 18 et dans, compétition dans deux divisions: Junior (maître 12 et dans) - Jugé en vertu des règles avancées junior Ouvert (gestionnaire sur 12 et dans 19) - Jugé en vertu des règles Junior Masters Date de naissance est établi dès l'âge le déc 31, 2013. Chaque gestionnaire et chaque chien ne peuvent être saisies qu'une seule fois. Les gestionnaires et les chiens n'ont pas besoin d'être entré dans le Championnat National AAC pour entrer, et ils n'ont pas besoin d'avoir qualifié à un championnat régional d'entrer. Gestionnaires n'ont pas besoin d'être enregistré auprès de l'AAC, mais il doit avoir obtenu l'équivalent d'une jambe avancée (dans toute organisation agilité) (n'a pas besoin d'être avec le chien, ils sont en concurrence avec). Les chiens n'ont pas besoin d'être enregistré auprès de l'AAC, mais il doit avoir obtenu l'équivalent d'au moins une jambe avancée. Le chien n'a pas besoin d'être possédé par le junior ou la famille de la junior. Équipement de règlement comprendra simples sauts aile non; sauts aile unique; tunnel souple; tunnel rétractable; Dogwalk; vaciller; cadre (fixé à 5 pieds); tissages (ensemble de 6 ou 12); pneu. Il n'y aura pas large / long / double saut ou une table. Les chiens peuvent sauter leur hauteur réglementaire, ou 1 hauteur inférieure Tous les compétiteurs juniors recevront un t-shirt en l'honneur de l'événement. Les gagnants de chaque division, dans les deux catégories Mini et Maxi hauteur recevra une rosette spéciale et le prix, et d'autres prix peuvent être disponibles. Page 25 PURICA $10,000 STEEPLECHASE The Purica $10,000 Canadian National Steeplechase Championship pits top competitors in various classes and categories in a race against the clock, for prize money totaling $10,000! The course for the final will consist of hurdles, tunnels, AFrame (1), and Weave Poles (1 set of 12), and will be designed for speed. There will be no refusals scored in the final round. La Purica $10,000 Championnat National Canadien Steeplechase concurrents fosses meilleurs diverses classes et catégories dans une course contre la montre, pour prix en argent totalisant $10,000! Le cours de la finale sera composée d'obstacles, tunnels, A-Frame (1), et les Polonais Weave (1 ensemble de 12), et sera conçu pour la vitesse. Il n'y aura pas de refus marqués dans le dernier tour. Entry into the final is determined by results from two qualifying rounds. Top dogs from those rounds will move onto the final and compete for the money. The competition is divided into five height categories, and 23 divisions (divisions may be combined depending on entries), and is scored on a time plus faults basis. Faults on course are added to the performance time, with the fastest competitors awarded top prizes. L'entrée dans la finale est déterminée résultats de deux tours de qualification par. Top Dogs de ces tours se déplacer sur la finale et concourir pour l'argent. Le concours est divisé en cinq catégories de hauteur, et 2-3 divisions (divisions peuvent être combinés en fonction des entrées), et il est marqué sur un temps majoré défauts. Défauts sur le parcours sont ajoutées au temps de la performance, avec les plus rapides reçoit des premiers prix. st The first two rounds will be held on Thursday, August 1 , while the final round will be Sunday afternoon. Prize payouts are as follows: Les deux premiers tours se dérouleront le jeudi, tandis que la finale sera dimanche après-midi. Versement des prix sont les suivants: Page 26 Page 27 SCHEDULE & EVENTS Page 28 CALENDRIER ET ÉVÉNEMENTS Page 29 CALENDRIER ET ÉVÉNEMENTS Page 30 SCHEDULE & EVENTS © Page 31 SCHEDULE & EVENTS /CALENDRIER ET ÉVÉNEMENTS Page 32 Page 33 COMPETITORS Alphabetic by first name of handler Anita Blatz (Panjwani) 1 J1-1 J1-1 J1-5 J1-2 J1-2 J1-1 J1-3 J1-6 J1-2 J1-2 J1-4 J1-5 J1-3 J1-6 J1-2 J1-3 J1-4 J1-1 Group 2 G1-7 G1-7 G1-3 G1-6 G1-9 G1-12 G1-11 G1-8 G1-6 G1-6 G1-9 G1-3 G1-2 G1-4 G1-5 G1-11 G1-10 G1-7 3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-6 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-6 Border Collie Anita Blatz (Panjwani) J1-5 G1-7 Sat-6 8590 Shetland Sheepdog Anja Neumann 8710 Shetland Sheepdog Anja Neumann Alfie 12825 Shetland Sheepdog Anja Neumann Ketcher 15379 Retriever (Golden) Anji McKelvie 10" Elle 15576 Papillon Ann Carrington Regular 16" Jazz 17299 Shetland Sheepdog Ann Carrington Veteran 10" Hope 11390 Shetland Sheepdog Anna Krzyzelewski Regular 16" Maia 16843 Shetland Sheepdog Anna Krzyzelewski Regular 16" Sam-WOW! 15590 All Canadian Anna Lupacchino Regular 10" Slice 13672 Papillon Anneli Hilton Regular 10" Pint 16504 Papillon Anneli Hilton Regular 22" Marley 14141 Annette Spitters G1-6 G1-6 G1-12 G1-3 G1-4 G1-8 G1-5 G1-8 G1-8 G1-4 G1-4 G1-11 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-4 Veteran 16" Kezzy 10638 Annie Ross J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Regular 16" Mec 15596 Border Collie Australian Shepherd (Standard) Shetland Sheepdog J1-2 J1-2 J1-1 J1-5 J1-6 J1-6 J1-2 J1-6 J1-6 J1-6 J1-6 J1-3 Annie Vézina Vet DD 16" Zora 16286 Black Russian Terrier Antonina Zamotina Regular 16" Ottavia 19129 Border Terrier Antonina Zamotina Veteran 6" Kylie 13536 Scottish Terrier Arlene Dutchak Regular 16" Hapi 15269 Schnauzer (Miniature) Arlene Lehmann Regular 26" Dory 16832 Schnauzer (Giant) Arlene Lehmann Special 16" Nikki 16981 Border Collie Ashley Quinton Veteran 22" Beaven 15216 Portuguese Water Dog Astrid Homet Vet DD 16" Seldom 14003 Briard Avis Pool Regular 10" Vegas 17265 Coton de Tulear Barb Flowers Veteran 6" Sasha 8661 Schnauzer (Miniature) Barbara Bell Special 16" BC-Phinn 12196 Border Collie Barry Beckner Regular 22" Rain 17620 All Canadian G1-8 G1-5 G1-8 G1-10 G1-8 G1-3 G1-12 G1-1 G1-1 G1-4 G1-10 G1-12 G1-7 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-4 Special 22" Seth 17478 Boxer J1-5 G1-4 Sat-5 Vet DD 6" Meeko 9127 Jack Russell Terrier Becky Evans Becky HelwigDonaldson Beth Wheaton J1-6 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-6 J1-5 J1-1 J1-4 J1-4 J1-6 J1-4 J1-1 J1-1 Regular 26" Kahlua 17073 Retriever (Labrador) Betsy Slopek J1-2 J1-5 G1-6 G1-3 Sat-2 Sat-6 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Regular 22" Fizz 11555 Border Collie Adrian Rooyakkers Regular 22" Fee 18135 Border Collie Adrian Rooyakkers Regular 26" Vybe 16301 Border Collie Ainsley Sykes Vet DD 6" Rudy 8798 Shetland Sheepdog Alice Gaucher Veteran 10" Emma 11488 Shetland Sheepdog Alice Gaucher Special 16" Dot 11489 Border Collie Alice Gaucher Regular 22" Jazz 17700 All Canadian Allan Kaufman Regular 16" Ranger 17900 Border Terrier Amanda Gaydos Vet DD 6" Izzie 18094 Pug Amanda Shigehiro Vet DD 10" Ousa 11618 Retriever (Golden) Amie Barnes Veteran 10" Darby 11233 All Canadian Amy Dickinson Regular 26" Crash 18212 Border Collie Andre Landry Special 6" Baxter 17992 All Canadian Andrea Norris Regular 10" Spencer 19463 All Canadian Andrea Norris Veteran 16" Max 11894 Portuguese Water Dog Andy Gamache Regular 22" Jake 16608 All Canadian Angela Koop Veteran 6" Bella 9629 Havanese Angela Maharajh Regular 22" 15889 Border Collie Regular 26" 17014 Vet DD 10" Teira Sleek N Chic (Xica) Baron Vet DD 10" Maxwell Special 16" Regular 26" Regular Page 34 CONCURRANTS by alphabétique par prénom du gestionnaire Caroline Laycock 1 J1-2 J1-1 J1-5 J1-2 J1-2 J1-4 J1-6 J1-1 J1-5 J1-2 J1-4 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-1 J1-2 J1-6 J1-1 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-3 Group 2 G1-9 G1-7 G1-3 G1-10 G1-6 G1-1 G1-4 G1-7 G1-7 G1-5 G1-9 G1-6 G1-8 G1-1 G1-12 G1-5 G1-8 G1-12 G1-10 G1-10 G1-3 G1-5 G1-8 G1-10 G1-2 3 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-6 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-3 Silky Terrier Carolyn Kool J1-3 G1-2 Sat-3 16404 Border Collie Carrie Kaufman 15862 Cathie Barrett J1-3 J1-6 G1-11 G1-8 Sat-4 Sat-5 Cathy Kudryk J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 15732 Boston Terrier Australian Shepherd (Standard) Shetland Sheepdog Cathy Lienert-Tikal 15249 Border Collie Chad Marquis Cori 9680 Border Collie Cheryl Bartlett Java 11089 Pinscher (Miniature) Cheryl Partridge 10" Lily 15206 Cheryl Wilke G1-6 G1-3 G1-6 G1-6 G1-9 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-2 Veteran 16" Avro 13255 Chris Chromy J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Veteran 16" Abbi 9686 Shetland Sheepdog Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Border Collie J1-2 J1-5 J1-2 J1-2 J1-4 Christina Sanders Regular 10" Quasi(modo) 20109 Christina Sanders J1-4 J1-6 G1-1 G1-4 Sat-5 Sat-6 Special 16" Mia 15038 Christina Shalaby J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 Veteran 10" Kenny 16082 Christine Godfrey J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Regular 10" Penny 17397 Christine Howard J1-6 G1-4 Sat-6 Regular 22" Setna 12499 Christine Krol J1-1 G1-7 Sat-4 Regular 22" Duffy 15366 Christine McPhee J1-3 G1-11 Sat-4 Veteran 16" Shilo 17438 Papillon Australian Shepherd (Standard) Bichon Frise Spaniel (American Cocker) Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd (Standard) All Canadian Chuck Arp Veteran 6" Jamie 10940 Border Terrier Claire Duder Veteran 16" Brook 10800 Border Collie Claire Powell Regular 26" Loch 18611 Border Collie Claire Powell J1-2 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 G1-5 G1-10 G1-1 G1-3 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-6 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Veteran 16" Tegahn 8613 Border Collie Betty Donaldson Regular 22" Ty 14008 Border Collie Betty Donaldson Regular 26" Zsimba 15145 Belgian Sheepdog Beverley Mattson Veteran 6" Babe 11718 All Canadian Beverley Merrick Vet DD 6" Bob 11719 Jack Russell Terrier Beverley Merrick Vet DD 16" Tatum 13814 Setter (Gordon) Beverly Holoboff Regular 10" Montana 11731 Border Terrier Birte Klug Regular 22" Blaze 13710 Border Collie Bonnie Sales Regular 26" Keen 17435 Border Collie Bonnie Sales Veteran 16" Kalli 13544 Portuguese Water Dog Brenda Brown Veteran 10" Willy 15642 Cairn Terrier Brenda Engler Vet DD 6" Mitch 10544 Shetland Sheepdog Brenda Juskow Regular 16" Sherlock 16821 Shetland Sheepdog Brenda Juskow Vet DD 16" Bella Kismet 17084 Retriever (Golden) Brenna Litwack Special 16" Emma 13801 Border Collie Brianna Horel Veteran 10" Toby 10689 Shetland Sheepdog Brigitte Hole Regular 16" Zoe 14965 Shetland Sheepdog Brigitte Hole Special 16" Zoe 17263 Border Collie Brigitte Hunter Veteran 6" Tinsel 9454 Papillon Candace Gauthier Veteran 6" Gadget 11560 All Canadian Cari-Ann Ryall Regular 26" Pepper 14484 All Canadian Carla Munro Veteran 10" MangoTango 8696 Shetland Sheepdog Carol Ray Regular 16" Aces Hi 14276 Shetland Sheepdog Carol Ray Veteran 6" Abbey-Girl 13711 All Canadian Carol Tovell Special 6" 10813 Poodle (Toy) Special 6" 17377 Regular 22" Morgan Ch. Seket Mara Troubadour Sketch Regular 16" Logan Special 16" Spyder 11322 Vet DD 10" Echo Regular 26" Apex Vet DD 10" Vet DD 6" Veteran Page 35 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Veteran 16" Raven 13273 Regular 16" Commix 15896 Australian Shepherd (Standard) All Canadian Special 16" X-Stream 16155 Shetland Sheepdog Dan Roufosse Special 22" Ice 19257 Collie (Smooth) Dan Roufosse Special 16" Pepper 17459 Australian Cattle Dog Dan Steel Special 16" Lexi 19867 Australian Cattle Dog Special 22" Steve 15201 Border Collie Regular 22" Smeagal 11293 Border Collie Danielle Merchant Danna UpperShunamon Dante Camacho Regular 26" Best 20059 Border Collie Dante Camacho Veteran 16" Elly Belly 8817 Border Collie Darcy Bennett Vet DD 16" The Dude 15589 All Canadian Darcy Bennett Special 16" Enzo 13983 Portuguese Water Dog Daria Biasotto Regular 22" Holly 16254 Border Collie Daryl Weekes Veteran 10" Pearl 10945 Shetland Sheepdog Dave Connelly Regular 16" Flash 17577 Shetland Sheepdog Dave Connelly Veteran 16" Porsha 11077 Australian Kelpie David Roy Vet DD 10" Blue 10671 All Canadian David Steinman Veteran 22" Bobby 11833 All Canadian David Steinman Veteran 16" Sam O'Shea 16182 Beagle David Whelan Special 16" Sage 12904 Border Collie Dawn Hubick Veteran 16" 13667 Border Collie Special 10" 16455 Veteran 10" Brita (NITRO) Tempest Black Gold Lexie Regular 16" Kallysta Regular 16" Special 16" Vet DD 1 Group 2 3 Cori Hamilton J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Craig Peters J1-6 J1-1 J1-1 J1-1 J1-1 G1-8 G1-12 G1-12 G1-12 G1-12 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-3 J1-5 G1-4 Sat-5 Debbie Denbow J1-1 J1-5 J1-2 J1-2 J1-1 J1-3 J1-2 J1-6 J1-2 J1-4 J1-4 J1-2 J1-1 J1-2 G1-7 G1-7 G1-5 G1-9 G1-12 G1-11 G1-5 G1-8 G1-5 G1-10 G1-1 G1-5 G1-12 G1-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-1 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Debbie PattersonWilliams J1-3 G1-2 Sat-3 9800 All Canadian Debbie Peatch 12871 Poodle (Miniature) Debby DaCosta P2 17474 Poodle (Miniature) Debby DaCosta Belle 15832 Border Collie Deborah Rhodes 6" Mist 11276 Shetland Sheepdog Denise Reid-Clarke Special 16" Marco 16902 Portuguese Water Dog Denyse Martin Regular 16" Lutri 14717 Mudi Deryl Drysdale Veteran 10" Mera 16000 Poodle (Miniature) Diana Dafoe Vet DD 6" Elfie 10984 All Canadian Diane Alton-Kaighin Special 6" Quigley 17616 Bichon Frise Diane Cunningham Special 6" Ellie 17923 Bichon Frise Diane Cunningham Veteran 16" Tink 12427 Australian Cattle Dog Diane Morrison Veteran 10" jack 8563 Jack Russell Terrier Dirk Blok Veteran 22" rex 12098 Border Collie Dirk Blok Regular 22" Joey 17154 Australian Cattle Dog Denyse Martin Vet DD 10" Sassy 14279 Shetland Sheepdog Don Perro Vet DD 10" Spyder 11540 Border Collie Donald Lawrence Regular 26" Valour 15092 Retriever (Labrador) Donna Harrop Veteran 16" Rayn 11790 Border Collie Donna Holmgren Special 10" Jetta 9729 Schnauzer (Miniature) Donna Loftsgard Regular 26" Epic 16747 Belgian Malinois Donna McLaughlin Vet DD 16" Jenna 14445 Retriever (Golden) Dorothy Craig Veteran 6" Jigger 18239 Shih Tzu Dorothy Robinson Veteran 16" Brody 16165 Shetland Sheepdog Doug Sinclair Regular 16" Meg 16166 Doug Sinclair G1-9 G1-8 G1-8 G1-12 G1-6 G1-12 G1-8 G1-9 G1-6 G1-2 G1-2 G1-5 G1-9 G1-1 G1-11 G1-6 G1-6 G1-3 G1-5 G1-2 G1-3 G1-1 G1-10 G1-5 G1-8 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-5 Veteran 22" Riot 10802 Dove Cresswell J1-4 G1-1 Sat-3 Regular 22" Flash 16939 Shetland Sheepdog Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Koolie J1-4 J1-6 J1-6 J1-1 J1-2 J1-1 J1-6 J1-4 J1-2 J1-3 J1-3 J1-2 J1-4 J1-4 J1-3 J1-2 J1-2 J1-5 J1-2 J1-3 J1-5 J1-4 J1-4 J1-2 J1-6 Dove Cresswell Vet DD 6" Bridgit 14267 Shetland Sheepdog Dona Gould J1-3 J1-2 G1-11 G1-6 Sat-4 Sat-2 Page 36 Hannah Eskow 1 J1-2 J1-6 J1-3 J1-2 J1-4 J1-3 J1-4 J1-1 J1-4 J1-3 J1-4 J1-3 J1-3 J1-2 J1-1 J1-3 J1-5 J1-5 J1-3 J1-4 J1-3 J1-6 J1-5 J1-3 J1-5 J1-3 J1-4 J1-3 J1-3 J1-4 J1-1 J1-4 J1-5 J1-6 Group 2 G1-6 G1-8 G1-11 G1-6 G1-10 G1-2 G1-1 G1-12 G1-1 G1-2 G1-4 G1-11 G1-2 G1-6 G1-7 G1-4 G1-3 G1-3 G1-11 G1-10 G1-2 G1-4 G1-3 G1-2 G1-3 G1-11 G1-1 G1-11 G1-11 G1-9 G1-12 G1-1 G1-4 G1-8 3 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-3 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-5 Hannah Eskow J1-5 G1-3 Sat-6 Hayley Warner Helene Berube J1-6 J1-2 J1-3 J1-4 J1-5 G1-4 G1-5 G1-2 G1-1 G1-3 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-1 Sat-6 Iris Shrimpton J1-3 G1-11 Sat-4 Jan Alexander J1-3 G1-11 Sat-4 Jane Beddard Jane Brasher J1-2 J1-3 G1-5 G1-11 Sat-1 Sat-4 Jane Jefferis J1-3 G1-12 Sat-3 Jane Keddy J1-5 J1-2 J1-4 J1-5 J1-1 G1-4 G1-6 G1-2 G1-3 G1-12 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-3 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Vet DD 6" Bailey 9588 Shetland Sheepdog Dusty Edelman Regular 16" Jesse 17732 Shetland Sheepdog Dusty Edelman Regular 22" Fuego 15430 All Canadian Edith Fontaine Vet DD 6" Musti 8184 Schnauzer (Miniature) Eileen Tuulos Veteran 6" jojo 13622 All Canadian Elizabeth Dung Special 6" kiki 13914 All Canadian Elizabeth Dung Vet DD 16" Rookie 12361 Border Collie Elke Starr Special 16" Taffie 14886 Border Collie Ellen Jamieson Vet DD 16" Bailey 15257 All Canadian Ellen Kilpatrick Special 6" Lilly 14733 Poodle (Miniature) Emily Horan Regular 10" Sophie 15736 Poodle (Miniature) Emily Horan Regular 22" Nymble 17882 Border Collie Emily Horan Special 10" Miles 19504 Welsh Terrier Emma Kesler Vet DD 10" Emma 9767 All Canadian Erika Anderson Regular 22" Fae 17569 Border Collie Erika Anderson Special 16" Toffee 12047 Shetland Sheepdog Erin Piercy Regular 26" Mach 3 18041 Border Collie Erin Piercy Regular 26" Brillant 17454 Retriever (Golden) Fiona Esford Regular 22" Sweet 15295 Border Collie Flavie Prevost Veteran 6" Fanta 14058 Coton de Tulear Florence Cheung Special 10" Spyder 11734 Shetland Sheepdog France Beckner Regular 10" ZipR 17562 Papillon France Beckner Regular 26" Tânafon 15059 Border Collie Fred Waters Special 10" Gus 17814 Schipperke Gail Kamitomo Regular 26" Bungee 15105 Border Collie Gail Maidens Regular 22" Pande 15831 Border Collie George Mills Veteran 22" JAKE 15086 All Canadian Gerrett Archambault Regular 22" Jesse 12539 Border Collie Gisela Griesser Regular 22" Hope 18305 Border Collie Gisela Griesser Veteran 10" spice 14911 Shetland Sheepdog Gloria King Special 16" Abby 15311 All Canadian Greg Mylks Veteran 22" Raven 15364 All Canadian Greta Starr Special 22" Bingo 19138 Retriever (Labrador) Greta Starr Regular 16" Eddie 14470 Regular 26" Jagger 19792 Regular 10" Blink 17488 All Canadian Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Papillon Veteran 16" Tequila 14115 Border Collie Helen Flach Special 10" Junneau 16541 Alaskan Klee Kai Helen Laycock Vet DD 16" Dirk 9136 Border Collie Helena Klomp Regular 26" Solea 17666 Regular 22" Ki 13692 Regular 22" Blackjack 18853 Veteran 16" Cody 9531 Belgian Sheepdog Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) All Canadian Regular 22" Annie 14666 Special 16" Scooter Jones 14913 Special 22" Tosh 16639 Border Collie Spaniel (English Springer) Border Collie Vet DD 10" Trixie 12290 Border Collie Janice Archdekin Veteran 6" Jackie 9593 All Canadian Jason Good Regular 26" Liz 15485 Australian Kelpie Jason Good Special 16" Avro 14116 Border Collie Jay Baraniecki Page 37 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Special 16" Flash 15863 Special 10" Frisbee 16620 Australian Shepherd (Miniature) Jack Russell Terrier Regular 22" Six 17701 All Canadian Jen Scheidt Regular 16" Ragamuffin 16908 Veteran 16" JP 12420 Veteran 16" Pax 14109 Regular 26" Cajun 14184 Regular 22" Cayenne 14185 Regular 22" Roode 13004 Regular 26" Finn 17639 Poodle (Miniature) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Border Collie Special 22" Presley 14775 Setter (Irish) Regular 22" Ronin 13701 Regular 16" Razz 20397 Australian Shepherd (Standard) All Canadian Regular 16" Dice 12114 Shetland Sheepdog Jessica Martin Regular 22" Heist 19999 Border Collie Jessica Martin Vet DD 16" Abba 7296 Poodle (Standard) Jill Eckert Veteran 16" Jackpot 12211 Poodle (Miniature) Jill Eckert Vet DD 16" Cyclone 8023 Belgian Sheepdog Jo Gauthier Vet DD 10" Shappie 14063 Dutch Sheepdog Joan King Regular 22" Cinder 13541 Special 10" Stanley 16322 Regular 22" Olive 18712 Border Collie Spaniel (English Cocker) Vizsla (Smooth-Haired) Vet DD 6" Grace 8984 All Canadian Joanie-Leigh Elliot Regular 16" Remi LeBeau 18760 Poodle (Klein) Joanie-Leigh Elliot Vet DD 10" Trapper 12615 Spaniel (Boykin) Joanne Maurice Regular 22" Dyna 16429 Border Collie JoAnne Nelson Veteran 16" Rebel 9864 All Canadian Joanne Thielen Regular 16" Meme 16803 Beagle John Chandler Veteran 6" Ali 10718 Jack Russell Terrier Jon Shenton Veteran 22" Chase 11404 Border Collie Joy Miller Special 22" Doully 16190 Setter (Irish) Jude Hudson Regular 22" Boh 18333 Samoyed Judy Ganshorn Veteran 6" Ruby 13448 Jack Russell Terrier Julia Morton Veteran 6" Fonzie 14401 Jack Russell Terrier Julia Morton Regular 26" Whatamess 19716 All Canadian Julie Delarue Regular 22" Mika 14571 Border Collie Julie Labossière Regular 16" Preston 14297 Shetland Sheepdog Justine Davenport Regular 26" Summit 17784 Border Collie Justine Davenport Regular 26" Trix 18766 Border Collie Justine Davenport Regular 26" Kipp 12450 English Shepherd Karen Brickett Veteran 10" CRUZ 15163 Shetland Sheepdog Karen Jackson Regular 16" RYKER 16244 Vet DD 6" Legend 12092 Regular 26" Regular 22" Monty J LittleBear Maya 19898 Shetland Sheepdog Staffordshire Bull Terrier Australian Shepherd (Standard) Portuguese Water Dog Regular 22" Teagan 12591 Border Collie Katelyn Prouse Regular 22" Raven 19651 Border Collie Katelyn Prouse Page 38 19085 1 Group 2 3 Jen Gareau J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 Jen Scheidt Jen Toth J1-5 J1-5 J1-6 G1-2 G1-7 G1-8 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-5 Jennifer Fraser J1-2 G1-5 Sat-5 Jennifer Fraser J1-2 G1-5 Sat-5 Jennifer Fraser J1-5 G1-7 Sat-6 Jennifer Fraser J1-1 G1-7 Sat-6 Jennifer McCaffery J1-1 G1-7 Sat-6 Jennifer McCaffery Jennifer SaundersBlades J1-5 G1-7 Sat-6 J1-5 G1-4 Sat-5 Jeremy Gerhard J1-1 G1-7 Sat-4 Jesse Hamaliuk Joan Krochko J1-6 J1-6 J1-1 J1-2 J1-2 J1-4 J1-2 J1-3 G1-8 G1-8 G1-7 G1-9 G1-5 G1-1 G1-6 G1-11 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-4 Joan Rivett J1-3 G1-2 Sat-3 Joanie Leclair Karen Jackson J1-3 J1-2 J1-6 J1-2 J1-3 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-3 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-1 J1-6 J1-5 J1-5 J1-5 J1-2 J1-6 G1-11 G1-6 G1-8 G1-6 G1-11 G1-5 G1-8 G1-10 G1-1 G1-4 G1-11 G1-10 G1-10 G1-3 G1-7 G1-8 G1-3 G1-3 G1-3 G1-5 G1-8 Sat-4 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-5 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-5 Karin Johnson J1-2 G1-6 Sat-2 Karla Wright J1-5 G1-3 Sat-6 Kate Polkovsky J1-3 J1-3 J1-3 G1-11 G1-11 G1-11 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-4 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Special 22" Oslo 14929 Veteran 10" Austin 12766 Veteran 16" Hope 15147 Veteran 16" Morgan 9198 Australian Shepherd (Standard) Rat Terrier Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Kelpie Regular 22" Jaguar 13849 Australian Kelpie Kathy Smith Regular 26" Stingray 16099 Australian Kelpie Kathy Smith Regular 22" Synchro 19362 All Canadian Katie Calon Regular 22" GRAND SLAM 20400 Border Collie Kayl McCann Regular 16" Fintan 18317 Shetland Sheepdog Kelly Moon Regular 26" Liza 19626 All Canadian Kelsey Starling Regular 22" Bailey 18179 All Canadian Kerri Crozier Special 22" Swift 12945 Retriever (Labrador) Kiersten Lloyd Veteran 10" Strider 13486 Shetland Sheepdog Kim Boyes Regular 16" Spryte 18280 Shetland Sheepdog Kim Boyes Regular 16" Bella 18758 Shetland Sheepdog Kim Reed Special 16" Fia 8848 Border Collie Kimberley Anderson Vet DD 10" Jaymee 8849 Border Collie Kimberley Anderson Vet DD 10" Tayah 14601 Retriever (Golden) Kira M'Lot Regular 26" Zaida 19970 Vizsla (Smooth-Haired) Kira M'Lot Veteran 16" Odin 13159 Portuguese Water Dog Kirsten Locke Regular 26" Brazen 15787 Setter (Irish) Kirsten Locke Regular 16" Beckham 14408 Parson Russell Terrier Kirstin O'Neill Regular 26" Radical Rabbit 18759 Belgian Malinois Kirstin O'Neill Veteran 16" Wick 7520 Border Collie Kristi Oikawa Regular 22" Rex 17443 Special 22" Jersey Girl 16233 Regular 22" Siri 20309 Border Collie Pointer (German Short-Haired) Border Collie Special 10" Jaxx 17272 Special 16" Que 17875 Regular 22" Juice 14234 Schnauzer (Miniature) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Border Collie Regular 22" Crush 16252 Border Collie Laura Campbell Regular 26" d'Lyla 15628 Vet DD 10" Maggie 12491 Regular 26" Chico 15003 Belgian Sheepdog Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Border Collie Veteran 16" Maximus 14397 Border Collie Laurie Morriss Special 16" Bauer 16198 Shetland Sheepdog Laurie Ryan Veteran 22" Chase 10815 All Canadian Leanna Rusanov Vet DD 10" Spree 12463 Border Collie Lee-Ann Carr Regular 26" Arcade 19199 Border Collie Lee-Ann Carr Veteran 16" Jinx 13642 Australian Cattle Dog Vet DD 10" Rusty 15258 Spaniel (Field) Regular 22" Brisk 12628 Bearded Collie Leona Michael Lesley HowardStafford Leslie Dawson-North Regular 22" Dash 12629 Bearded Collie Leslie Dawson-North Regular 10" Pep 17269 Lowchen Leslie Dawson-North Special 16" Zach 13812 Regular 16" Sassy 13788 Veteran 16" Tator 16586 Schnauzer (Standard) Spaniel (English Cocker) Australian Shepherd (Standard) 1 Group 2 3 Kathleen Villiard J1-5 G1-4 Sat-5 Kathleen Wells J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Kathy Kimmel J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Kathy Smith Kristi Oikawa J1-2 J1-5 J1-5 J1-3 J1-1 J1-6 J1-5 J1-3 J1-5 J1-2 J1-6 J1-6 J1-1 J1-2 J1-4 J1-5 J1-2 J1-5 J1-6 J1-5 J1-6 J1-1 G1-5 G1-7 G1-7 G1-11 G1-7 G1-8 G1-3 G1-11 G1-4 G1-5 G1-8 G1-8 G1-12 G1-6 G1-2 G1-3 G1-5 G1-7 G1-8 G1-3 G1-5 G1-7 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-3 Sat-4 Kristine Kubota J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 Kristine Kubota Kristy Thompson J1-3 J1-3 G1-11 G1-2 Sat-4 Sat-3 Lahni Thompson J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 Laura Campbell Laura Radridge J1-1 J1-1 J1-5 G1-7 G1-7 G1-3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-6 Laurel Brunke J1-2 G1-6 Sat-1 Laurie Huston J1-5 J1-2 J1-1 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-2 G1-3 G1-5 G1-12 G1-1 G1-2 G1-3 G1-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 J1-2 G1-6 Sat-1 Linda Carter J1-3 J1-3 J1-4 J1-1 G1-11 G1-11 G1-4 G1-12 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-3 Linda Cummings J1-6 G1-8 Sat-5 Linda Hook J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Page 39 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Special 6" Mika 14657 Veteran 10" Ai 6448 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Poodle (Miniature) Special 10" Yu 10027 Poodle (Miniature) Linda Matsubayashi Regular 16" Mochi 16478 Poodle (Miniature) Linda Matsubayashi Veteran 22" Lexus 12599 Poodle (Standard) Lisa Babcock Veteran 10" Panda Bear 7046 All Canadian Lisa Christensen Special 22" Toby 17033 Retriever (Golden) Lisa Petterson Special 10" Nacho 12515 Pug Lisa Sun Regular 16" Brutus 12516 Pug Lisa Sun Special 10" Biff 12517 Pug Lisa Sun Veteran 10" Tuxedo 12315 Shetland Sheepdog Lora Pronger Veteran 10" Finn 14656 Shetland Sheepdog Lora Pronger Regular 10" Slammer 16050 Papillon Lorenda Skalyn Vet DD 16" Splash 15682 Retriever (Golden) Lori Krug Regular 16" Fysti 17737 Shetland Sheepdog Lori Rossi Special 22" Olive 19180 All Canadian Lori Weltz Regular 22" Ziva 16788 Veteran 16" Murphy 11154 Veteran 16" Mia 17730 Border Collie Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) All Canadian Regular 22" suka 18343 Regular 10" Faolin 16462 Regular 22" Coolhand Luc 15535 Border Collie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Australian Kelpie Regular 16" Favor 12636 Shetland Sheepdog Lynda Orton-Hill Special 22" topaze 13553 Belgian Sheepdog Lyne Michaud Regular 10" ziva 18470 Pinscher (Miniature) Lyne Michaud Special 22" Chance 16402 Border Collie Marci Brown Veteran 6" Teigs 11559 All Canadian Maria James Regular 16" Strutt 15936 All Canadian Maria James Vet DD 16" Jessie 10744 All Canadian Marian McCormack Regular 22" Kali 16712 Border Collie Marian McCormack Veteran 16" Molly 12773 Border Collie Marilyn Sawatzky Regular 26" FYNN 14804 Belgian Malinois Mark Herfert Special 10" Austin 13184 Jack Russell Terrier Marlene Allgrove Regular 16" Jinn 16564 Poodle (Miniature) Marlene Parish Regular 26" TIC TAC 10599 Border Collie Marti McCann Regular 22" HERO 15069 Border Collie Marti McCann Regular 22" Fly 16401 Border Collie Martin Brown Veteran 6" Pepper 14654 All Canadian Mary Brick Regular 16" Jesse James 12014 Shetland Sheepdog Maureen Michaud Vet DD 16" Kalli 11958 Poodle (Standard) Maureen Sanderson Special 22" Jazz 13028 Poodle (Standard) Maureen Sanderson Regular 22" Spicy 13893 Border Collie McKay Rebecca Regular 26" Rush 16227 Border Collie McKay Rebecca Regular 22" Shine 19054 Border Collie McKay Rebecca Regular 22" Wynd 14574 Veteran 10" Sophie 13517 Veteran 6" Penelope 15745 Border Collie Spaniel (American Cocker) French Bulldog Regular 16" Ado Desmond 17440 Jack Russell Terrier Megan Rice Special 10" Jazz 18572 Shetland Sheepdog Meghan Turton Veteran 16" Tripp 12274 Border Collie Melissa Smith Regular 22" Bug 15988 Border Collie Melissa Smith Page 40 1 Group 2 3 Linda Krochak J1-3 G1-2 Sat-3 Linda Matsubayashi Lori-Anne Harker J1-6 J1-5 J1-6 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-5 J1-6 J1-5 J1-4 J1-4 J1-6 J1-4 J1-6 J1-5 J1-3 G1-1 G1-2 G1-8 G1-1 G1-9 G1-4 G1-2 G1-8 G1-2 G1-9 G1-9 G1-4 G1-1 G1-8 G1-4 G1-11 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-4 Lorraine Kildaw J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Lorraine Robertson Lucie Dessureault J1-2 J1-1 G1-5 G1-7 Sat-1 Sat-4 Lynda Barrett J1-6 G1-4 Sat-6 Lynda Caughlin Meaghan O'Neill J1-1 J1-6 J1-5 J1-6 J1-5 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-3 J1-2 J1-5 J1-3 J1-6 J1-5 J1-1 J1-3 J1-4 J1-6 J1-4 J1-5 J1-1 J1-5 J1-1 J1-1 G1-7 G1-8 G1-4 G1-4 G1-4 G1-6 G1-8 G1-1 G1-11 G1-5 G1-3 G1-2 G1-8 G1-7 G1-7 G1-11 G1-10 G1-8 G1-1 G1-4 G1-7 G1-7 G1-7 G1-7 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-3 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-5 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-4 Megan MacLean J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Megan Rice J1-2 J1-6 J1-3 J1-6 J1-1 G1-6 G1-8 G1-2 G1-5 G1-7 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-4 Michelle Dundas 1 J1-4 J1-4 Group 2 G1-10 G1-1 3 Sat-2 Sat-1 Mike Eyres J1-2 G1-10 Sat-1 Mike Eyres J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Mike Mastine Monica Radwanski J1-3 J1-1 J1-3 J1-4 G1-11 G1-12 G1-11 G1-1 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-1 Naomi McFee J1-2 G1-6 Sat-1 Naomi Packer J1-4 G1-2 Sat-6 Naomi Packer J1-6 G1-4 Sat-6 Nelly Benabou J1-3 G1-11 Sat-4 Nicki Gurr Nicole Schultz J1-5 J1-5 J1-5 J1-4 J1-3 G1-8 G1-2 G1-3 G1-1 G1-11 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-4 Niki Anderson J1-6 G1-8 Sat-5 Pamela Madalena Pat Stiles J1-6 J1-3 J1-2 G1-8 G1-2 G1-6 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-1 Pat Summerton J1-6 G1-8 Sat-5 Patti Wilson Penny Norem J1-2 J1-3 J1-4 J1-4 J1-3 J1-4 J1-3 G1-6 G1-2 G1-2 G1-9 G1-2 G1-9 G1-2 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-2 Sat-3 Penny Ross J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Penny West Pierre-Luc Cyr J1-4 J1-5 J1-1 J1-4 J1-1 J1-5 G1-1 G1-2 G1-7 G1-1 G1-12 G1-3 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-6 Quentin Skalyn J1-2 G1-10 Sat-3 Quentin Skalyn J1-1 G1-7 Sat-4 Randi Tyler J1-6 G1-8 Sat-5 Renee Sobie J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Richard Rhodes J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Rob Byers J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Robert Foster J1-1 J1-3 J1-6 G1-12 G1-2 G1-8 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-5 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Veteran 6" Abby 12698 Silky Terrier Meredith Reeve Vet DD 16" Cuba 9330 Vet DD 10" Jimmy 7459 Veteran 16" Annie 11393 Regular 22" Jazz 17274 All Canadian Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Border Collie Special 22" Dazzle 10142 Border Collie Mike Shortland Regular 22" Star 16896 Border Collie Mike Shortland Vet DD 16" Airess 13559 Vet DD 10" Abbie 14369 Veteran 6" Tegwen 8547 Regular 10" Dylis 15004 Regular 22" Reese 17894 Special 16" Itz a Breeze 9848 Setter (Irish) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Border Collie Special 10" Ninja 11876 Shetland Sheepdog Nicki Gurr Regular 26" FedX 17008 Border Collie Nicki Gurr Vet DD 16" Kuma 15437 All Canadian Nicole Langdale Regular 22" Spree 13999 Regular 16" Winston 15006 Regular 16" Rex 13502 Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd (Miniature) Shetland Sheepdog Special 10" Jovi 17977 Shetland Sheepdog Pat Burroughs Vet DD 10" Daisy Cakes 14089 Regular 16" Tag 15767 Vet DD 10" Sadie 9131 All Canadian Australian Shepherd (Miniature) All Canadian Special 10" Juno 15755 Shetland Sheepdog Patty Rollheiser Vet DD 6" Kelly 6779 All Canadian Paula Collins Veteran 10" Skyelar 9964 Shetland Sheepdog Paula Collins Special 10" Quick 15135 All Canadian Paula Collins Veteran 10" Dylan 13010 Welsh Terrier Peg McCallum Special 6" Bizzie Bee 13902 Veteran 10" Hailey 11815 Vet DD 16" Kaos 11631 Papillon Spaniel (American Cocker) Retriever (Labrador) Special 10" Splash 14924 All Canadian Penny West Regular 22" Sanka 12570 All Canadian Phil Zacharatos Vet DD 16" Sammie 14621 All Canadian Phylliss Campbell Special 16" Swift 13800 Border Collie Pia Horel Regular 26" Rock-It 11168 Vet DD 10" Roli 13940 Regular 22" Reo 16051 Regular 16" Audi 19073 Veteran 10" Caramel Latte 12440 Veteran 16" Britt 8928 Veteran 16" Ace 13826 Special 16" Chara 16957 Border Collie Australian Shepherd (Standard) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Shetland Sheepdog Spaniel (American Cocker) Border Collie Australian Shepherd (Standard) Siberian Husky Special 10" Dexter 14857 Border Terrier Robert Hammer Regular 16" Peso 18327 All Canadian Robin Brodie Page 41 1 J1-6 Group 2 G1-8 3 Sat-5 J1-5 G1-3 Sat-6 Roxane Pardiac J1-1 J1-1 G1-7 G1-7 Sat-4 Sat-4 Debbie Murchie J1-5 G1-2 Sat-5 Sandi Maday J1-6 G1-8 Sat-5 Sandra Bater J1-3 G1-11 Sat-4 Sandy Limb Sherry Taylor J1-3 J1-3 J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-4 J1-2 J1-1 J1-1 J1-3 J1-5 J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-4 J1-4 J1-6 J1-3 J1-3 J1-3 G1-11 G1-11 G1-6 G1-8 G1-1 G1-10 G1-6 G1-12 G1-12 G1-11 G1-4 G1-9 G1-9 G1-4 G1-1 G1-2 G1-4 G1-11 G1-11 G1-11 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-5 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-5 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-5 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sherry Zeeman J1-2 G1-5 Sat-1 Sietske Rijnen Stephane Lafond J1-3 J1-5 J1-5 J1-5 J1-5 J1-6 J1-5 G1-4 G1-4 G1-4 G1-3 G1-3 G1-8 G1-3 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Stephanie Funk J1-3 G1-2 Sat-3 Steve Eisenreich J1-2 J1-6 J1-4 J1-5 J1-3 J1-1 J1-2 J1-5 J1-5 J1-2 J1-1 J1-4 J1-4 J1-3 G1-5 G1-8 G1-1 G1-3 G1-11 G1-12 G1-5 G1-3 G1-3 G1-5 G1-12 G1-2 G1-9 G1-2 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-3 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-1 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Regular 16" Bandit 16345 Berger des Pyrenees Regular 26" Bristol 18780 Border Collie Regular 22" Torrent 14653 Australian Kelpie Roger Perron Rose Martin Baumgartner Roxane Pardiac Regular 22" Whiplash 18779 Special 10" Remus 12574 Regular 16" Neo 17655 Regular 22" JADE 16021 Regular 22" Daisy 18282 Border Collie Spaniel (American Cocker) Spaniel (American Cocker) Australian Shepherd (Standard) Border Collie Regular 22" Bo 16445 Border Collie Sarah LeBlanc Vet DD 10" Gyp 13077 Border Collie Sarah Novak Regular 16" Pilot 18352 Shetland Sheepdog Savanna Garries Veteran 22" Havoc 11817 Belgian Malinois Seanna O'Neill Veteran 6" Legend 12722 Shetland Sheepdog Shannen Jorgensen Vet DD 10" Piper 18063 All Canadian Shannon Elves Special 16" Grady 15544 Australian Cattle Dog Shannon Rhude Special 16" Mitre 19017 Australian Cattle Dog Shannon Rhude Regular 22" Wager 17339 Border Collie Sharon Weekes Special 22" Zoe 18372 All Canadian Shauna Oliver Veteran 10" Cruise 12380 Shetland Sheepdog Shauney Denis Veteran 10" Hush 12381 Shetland Sheepdog Shauney Denis Special 22" Splash 13748 Doberman Pinscher Shelly Kurtz Vet DD 16" Reggie 16326 Retriever (Golden) Sheri Grantham Veteran 6" QT 9037 Chinese Crested Sherrie Shorman Regular 10" Honeybun 17381 Chinese Crested Sherrie Shorman Regular 22" Simon 18610 Australian Kelpie Sherry Antonishen Regular 22" Surge 13598 Australian Kelpie Sherry Taylor Regular 22" Curry 18149 Veteran 16" Splash 14995 Special 16" Macha 16842 Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd (Miniature) All Canadian Special 22" Trekk 19334 All Canadian Sietske Rijnen Special 22" Sadie 13863 Poodle (Standard) Debbie Taylor Regular 26" Luke 18912 Border Collie Stacy Frigon Regular 26" Bullitt 17246 Border Collie Stephan Henry Regular 16" Wheeler 18686 Shetland Sheepdog Stephan Henry Regular 26" Chronos 15041 Special 10" Mona 14801 Vet DD 16" Rocket 12474 Border Collie Spaniel (American Cocker) Poodle (Standard) Regular 16" Jet 18432 Poodle (Miniature) Steve Eisenreich Veteran 16" Reese 11295 Border Collie Sue Charlton Regular 26" Tackle 18173 Border Collie Sue Charlton Regular 22" Jerry 16912 All Canadian Susan Byers Special 16" Bella 17216 Retriever (Golden) Susan Chutter Veteran 16" Lua 17217 Retriever (Golden) Susan Chutter Regular 26" Feature 14919 Border Collie Susan Garrett Regular 26" Swagger 19511 Border Collie Susan Garrett Veteran 16" Dash 12759 Retriever (Golden) Susan Kindratiuk Special 16" Trooper 12939 Spaniel (Brittany) Susan Leslie Vet DD 6" Flip 10104 Shetland Sheepdog Suzanne Boldt Veteran 10" Zeppelin 11648 Jack Russell Terrier Suzanne Boldt Special 10" Token 17436 Shetland Sheepdog Suzanne Boldt Page 42 Teri Schroeder 1 J1-2 J1-4 J1-5 J1-4 J1-5 J1-2 J1-1 J1-3 J1-1 J1-3 J1-6 J1-6 J1-5 J1-4 Group 2 G1-6 G1-1 G1-3 G1-1 G1-3 G1-5 G1-7 G1-2 G1-12 G1-11 G1-8 G1-1 G1-7 G1-10 3 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-6 Sat-5 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-2 Terry Simons J1-1 G1-7 Sat-4 Thomas Djurfors TOM IKEDA J1-5 J1-1 J1-1 J1-3 J1-3 J1-4 G1-3 G1-7 G1-7 G1-2 G1-11 G1-9 Sat-6 Sat-4 Sat-4 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-2 Tom Will J1-4 G1-1 Sat-1 Tracey Geddes Val Davenport J1-4 J1-4 J1-5 J1-4 J1-3 J1-4 G1-10 G1-9 G1-3 G1-10 G1-2 G1-1 Sat-2 Sat-2 Sat-6 Sat-1 Sat-1 Sat-3 Valerie Bastet J1-1 G1-12 Sat-3 Wayne Ronald Wendy Atkinson J1-4 J1-6 J1-1 J1-3 G1-9 G1-5 G1-7 G1-11 Sat-2 Sat-3 Sat-4 Sat-4 Wilma Plishka J1-2 G1-6 Sat-1 Winnifred Rehill J1-4 G1-9 Sat-2 Yvonne Lynch-Hill J1-4 G1-10 Sat-2 Category Height Dog's Name ID # Breed Handler Vet DD 6" copine 8003 Shetland Sheepdog Suzanne Labrie Veteran 10" Dizzy 11337 Border Terrier Sylvie Fefer Regular 26" Zappa 17693 Border Collie Sylvie Fefer Veteran 22" Teagan 12106 Weimaraner Tahnis Manhard Regular 26" Ladybug 15916 Beauceron Tahnis Manhard Veteran 16" Taylor 16976 All Canadian Tammy Bergen Regular 22" Keeper 15094 Border Collie Tammy Gallacher Special 10" Codi 16008 All Canadian Tanya Wyss Special 16" Swifty 9962 Border Collie Tara LaBelle Regular 22" Viper 18162 Border Collie Tara LaBelle Regular 16" Excel 0 Shetland Sheepdog Teri O'Neill Veteran 10" Cypher 10498 Shetland Sheepdog Teri O'Neill Regular 22" Tylt 16787 Border Collie Teri O'Neill Veteran 6" Mr. Freeway 11057 Regular 22" Ripper 16602 Regular 26" Simon 18017 All Canadian Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Border Collie Regular 22" Rio 7746 Border Collie Tiffany Salmon Regular 22" Chill 16512 Border Collie Tiffany Salmon Special 6" Hazel 17457 Papillon Tina Johnston Regular 22" Tess 19563 Border Collie Tina Johnston Veteran 10" KUMA 15597 Vet DD 16" Isis 8621 Veteran 6" Twist 12398 Schnauzer (Miniature) Pointer (German Short-Haired) Papillon Veteran 10" Abies 7641 Poodle (Miniature) Tracey Mallinson Regular 26" Jeter 17802 Border Collie Tracy Henebury Vet DD 10" Marco 16415 Shetland Sheepdog Val Cooper Special 10" Mindi 19694 Shetland Sheepdog Val Cooper Veteran 22" Pete 14697 Special 16" Rocky 15595 Veteran 10" Cactus 11244 All Canadian Australian Shepherd (Standard) Shetland Sheepdog Veteran 16" Phoenix 11518 Border Collie Wendy Alexander Regular 22" Chili 17888 Border Collie Wendy Alexander Regular 22" Ollie 17789 Vet DD 10" Breeze 13282 Veteran 10" Elbee 8765 Veteran 6" Kiera 12733 Border Collie Australian Shepherd (Standard) Papillon West Highland White Terrier © Page 43 NATIONAL TRI TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP The first EVER National Tri Team Championship will take place over the six rounds of Nationals. The top combined point total from 12 scores will earn the title of “Tri Team National Champions”, bragging rights for the team’s Region, and prizes! In addition to cash, Agilegrip will supply each member of the winning team with an Agilegrip surfacing kit! Check out the scoreboard in the Hospitality Tent to see the ranking and check out the completion! Le premier championnat de l'équipe nationale Tri aura lieu au cours des six tours de ressortissants. Le point le plus haut total combiné de 12 scores vont gagner le titre de "Tri Équipe nationale Champions", les droits de vantardise pour la Région de l'équipe, et des prix! En plus de cash, Agilegrip fournira chaque membre de l'équipe gagnante avec un kit de revêtement de Agilegrip! Consultez le tableau de bord dans la tente d'accueil pour voir le classement et vérifier l'achèvement! Page 44 PERSONAL RECORD SHEET Page 45 PERSONAL RECORD SHEET Page 46 PERSONAL RECORD SHEET Page 47 PERSONAL RUNNING ORDER Page 48 PERSONAL RUNNING ORDER Page 49 NOTES FROM NATIONALS Page 50