2014 May - American Truck Historical Society NW Chapter


2014 May - American Truck Historical Society NW Chapter
NORTHWEST CHAPTER-Chartered June 1, 1983
9121 9th Ave Ct E
Tacoma, WA. 98445
(253) 988-4359
May/June 2014 Volume 100
e-mail: ntfuel@msn.com
Chapter Board Minutes
Meeting date: _March 9, 2014_
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, NWC-ATHS, was held at Kiparts
Korner, Olympia the site of the 2014 Northwest Chapter Truck Show. The meeting convened at
2:15 P.M., Vice President Judy Watkins presiding.
Members of the Board in attendance were Roy Friis, Rick Hendrix, Jim Hanna, Mick Scott, Doug
Nichols, Pat Neuroth, Art Watkins, and Al Downs. Members not in attendance were Jack Davis.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the February 15, 2014 meeting of the NWC-ATHS Board of
Directors were distributed to the members of the board. Minutes were read and approved.
Officers Reports: President: No report.
Treasurer; Doug Nichols, reported that he was working with the bank to transfer assignment of
authorization into his name so he can fully function as treasurer. There is an account balance as
March 8th was $5,621.74. This amount reflected recent income from dues, name badges, and the
sale of buttons.
Other reports :
Newsletter: It was suggested that the next newsletter reflect the change in the Treasurer position.
Also the dues form needed to be updated. Al indicated he would do so. Concerning recipients of
the newsletter previously listed as comp who would have been removed from the mailing list, Al
discussed there were certain individuals/companies that should be considered as honoree members
instead of comp. After discussion, Al made a motion to change American Truck Historical Society, Kimo Bublitz, Lemay Family Collection Found, Walrath Trucking, Inc., Washington Trucking Assoc., from comp to Hon status. Pat Neuroth seconded the motion, motion passed.
Old Business:
Membership: In order to have better communication between the Board and ATHS, Jack is going
to request ATHS National send the monthly new members and dropped member reports to the
Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Pres, and membership roster record keeper. No report as to status.
Truck Show Buttons: Buttons are available for sale for $1.00. Roy has kept 100 and indicated he
could have them all sold by the day of the show. Ed note: not sure if that was a challenge or not.
John Nichols award: Roy discussed status of the award and with some input from the Board is
going ahead with having it put into a presentation plaque.
New Business:
2014 NW Chapter Truck Show: Roy indicated there could be a problem getting our show banners updated due to a problem with the firm which has the computer program with our sign on it.
Roy has volunteered to work with them to get the signs updated.
Chapter Board Minutes continued
Wheel chocks, we are almost out of the ones we have at the show for those who do not have any.
We need folks to help refill the can. We also need fire extinguishers to have on hand in case someone comes and doesn’t have one. Judy is going to research prices and report to the next meeting.
Extinguishers will be rented to those who forgot to bring one. Return the extinguisher at the end of
the event, get your money back.
Announcements/Good of the Order: After review of the current published event calendar, a
number of dates were corrected. They will show correct on the web version of the newsletter. A
conflict was found between the Aug22-23 show at Brooks and a tentative chapter meeting on Aug.
23rd. Roy made a motion to delete the proposed chapter meeting so all would be free to attend the
show in Brooks Oregon. Motion seconded and passed.
Adjournment: The next board meeting will be held on April 26th, 2014 at 2:00 PM, LeMay
Family Marymount, Spanaway. Meeting adjourned at 3:15PM.
Vice President:
Past President:
Regional VP:
Jack Davis
Judy Watkins
Al Downs
Doug Nichols
Roy E. Friis
Kevin Black
Art Watkins
Pat Neuroth
Jim Hanna
Lee Kessler
Rick Hendrix
Mike Scott
Board Meeting date: _April 26, 2014_
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, NWC-ATHS, was held at LeMays
Family Collection at Marymount in Spanaway. The meeting convened at 11:00 A.M., Vice President Judy Watkins presiding.
Members of the Board in attendance were Roy Friis, Rick Hendrix, Jim Hanna, Lee Kessler, Mike
Scott, Doug Nichols, Pat Neuroth, Art Watkins, and Al Downs. Members not in attendance were
Jack Davis.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the March 9th, 2014 meeting of the NWC-ATHS Board of Directors were distributed to the members of the board. Minutes were read Roy made a motion to
approve. Motion passed
Officers Reports: President: Judy relayed a request from Jack that a nomination committee be
formed to identify members who would like to run for Chapter officers next year.
Treasurer; Doug Nichols, reported that he has successfully transferred the bank accounts and has
all the necessary assignment of authorizations into his name so he can fully function as treasurer.
There is an account balance as March 8th was $5,721.74, from dues, name badges, hats and the sale
of buttons.
This is a reminder that our Northwest Chapter has a web site at: http://www.athsnw.us/ . The site has recently been updated and will be continually maintained. Aaron would like to get feedback from you about
the site - what do you like about it, don’t like and what kind of content would you like to see added to the
site. He can be reached at nwchapter.athswebmaster@gmail.com with your comments.
April 26, 2014 Chapter Board Minutes continued
Officers Reports:
Secretary: Al reported that all Chapter events now are covered by insurance. Roy reported that
both the Rochester and Oakville parades are also covered.
Truck Show report: Mark Vukish will handle the supply of traffic cones per Lee Kessler. Because there is an operating business that customers need access to, we will need additional signage
and help to separate customers from attendees. Mike Scott will help with signs. Judy will explain
to members how this show is different from our previous shows in that we will be responsible for
more activities an will need volunteers more than ever before. Judy has volunteer sign up sheets
with activities listed for the members to look at and hopefully start to sign on.
Old Business:
John Nichols award: Roy brought the award for the board to preview prior to it being awarded to
John at the general meeting. Doug indicated his father John will be in attendance. The award will
be presented after the formal portion of the general meeting.
New Business:
LeMay Family Foundation Donation. Al brought up that in previous years we as a chapter donated to the support of the Collection and last year we did not, then stated he believed we
should again do so. Discussion followed .
Motion: Moved by Roy Friis and seconded that that we donate $500 to the Foundation to
represent our support for 2013-2014 and $250 per year there-after. Motion carried.
Al brought up a concern that we needed board members to become liaisons to some of the
various locations we have for our meetings and shows so that all needed communications and connections are made. Doug Nichols will take care of the Feb 2015 meeting to be held at the Puyallup
Eagles. Art Watkins will make sure all is correct for our meetings at Walrath’s. Still needed is
someone to be the liaison for the meeting and show this fall at the fairgrounds in Chehalis.
Announcements: Roy mentioned the Pierce County Touch a Truck program and asked if anyone
was interested in being involved.
Adjournment: Due to a number of conflicts with board member schedules, the date of the next
board meeting was changed from May 10th to May 17th still at 10AM Mike Scott’s shop. The
meeting was adjourned at 12:02 PM.
The new chapter truck roster promises to be a way for the chapter members to contact each other
search out information on similar trucks and in general increase communication between our
members. For those who would like to either add or delete from the truck roster all you have to do
is write down the following information per vehicle:
Sample Truck Roster Page
1947 EE
Aaron Johnson
1947 EE
Duane Cameron
1947 EH
Stu Pozzi
1949 LJ
Jim & Linda Hayes
1950 LJ
twin screw logger
Jim & Linda Hayes
1950 LF
*Norm Weatherby
1951 LT SWX
Jim & Linda Hayes
1951 A-40
Lee Kessler
Maple Valley
1951 A-40H
Tony Splane
Sedro Woolley
1952 LJSW
John Brown
1952 LJSW
*Mike Willig
1953 B-61
single axle C/C
Chris Olsen
Vashon Island
*Norm Weatherby
1953 LTL
1954 B-70
3-axle flatbed
Tony Splane
Sedro Woolley
1955 B-42S
tractor tandem
*Rex Ott
1955 B-70
C/C tandem
*Rex Ott
1955 LTL
2 axle tractor
Tim Stangeland
1956 LTH
*Dan & Dave Bolender Hoodsport
1956 H633
Frank Farrar
Port Angeles
1956 LT
Darrell Sorenson
*Norm Weatherby
1956 B
1957 B
log truck
*Richard Bugge
1957 H633LT
*Bob Crabtree
1957 B-613T
2-axle tractor
*Warren Hetterly
1957 B-73S
10 yard dump L cab
B. J. King
1957 B-61
dump single axel
*Rex Ott
1957 B75F
open cab fire engine
Richard Sladen
Whistler, B.C.
1958 B-73
L cab Tractor
Jim & Linda Hayes
1958 B
Fire Engine
Chuck Kahler
1958 B-61
single axel tractor
Maurice McCaig
Calgary AB
Maurice McCaig
Calgary AB
1958 B-61
Kenworth Trucks History
Every truck enthusiast knows that it is not just the sleek design and look of the truck that matters but in fact
the nut and bolt operations and the service that goes with it. When one is talking of the world's best trucks it
is but natural that the simple and elegant red and silver bug logo of the Kenworth truck come to mind. The
name stands for superior quality, for life. It has always been the aim of the company to produce trucks of
quality that provide the best use to the trucker and his company.
The semi truck manufacturer was founded in 1923 and has a long and rich history. The name Kenworth is a
combination of the names of the partners, Fredrick Kent and Edgar Worthington. The company has been a
pioneer in the trucking industry and has always stepped ahead to produce better trucks using the most
modern technology.
In 1933 Kenworth became the first trucking company to switch from gasoline to diesel engines and in 1957
it produced the first cab-over-engine model. In more recent times the Kenworth trucks have used state-ofthe-art aerodynamics to give them an edge over other trucks.
Kenworth is known to take seriously the needs of truckers and does everything to enhance the performance
of the it's trucks. Whether one buys a new or used semi truck, the owner is assured of the superior quality
of the machine as well as the services they will receive.
It's no secret that the initial purchase price of a Kenworth is more expensive than most other semi trucks.
However most educated semi truck owners realize that the upfront cost is only one of three components
that actually determine which truck delivers the best return on their investment. Year over year, Kenworth
used trucks consistently command the highest in resale value amongst class 8 trucks. Add this to the fact
that these trucks also deliver the lowest operating costs of any semi truck in the market. The bottom line is
that the world's best truck is also delivers the greatest investment value of any semi truck in its class.
Peterbilt Trucks History
The red oval logo bearing the name 'Peterbilt' in cursive handwriting might not be of much significance to a
man on the street. But the same logo for a truck lover symbolizes premium quality trucks. We are referring
to Peterbilt Trucks, a renowned name in the world of heavy-duty truck manufacturers.
However, a sneak peek at the history of Peterbilt reveals that it has not been a walk in the clouds for this
legendary truck manufacturer. During the early 1900s, railroads were used for carrying goods crosscountry. Similarly, rivers, canals and horses were other popular means of transportation. In addition, the
lack of motor- ready roads meant that there were few takers for motor trucks.
However, the onset of First World War proved to a blessing in disguise for motor trucks. Railroads were
proving insufficient for the transportation of food, war supplies and other material. This meant that more and
more trucks were pressed into service by the government. The government also took steps to build highways and quality roads. By the time the war, ended, motor trucks had cemented their place as an important
means of transportation.
The Great Depression brought mixed baggage for truck manufacturers. While some brands were registering growth, there were others like Fageol, which became bankrupt. Fageol was soon brought by T.A.
Peterman, a logger and plywood manufacturer from Tacoma, Washington. His lumber business was registering a phenomenal growth and hence he was looking for creating custom chain drive logging trucks.
Peterman concentrated on quality rather than quantity. When rivals like Ford were coming out with 100
trucks a day, Peterbilt was rolling just 100 trucks a year. Soon it etched a special place in the hearts of truck
The death of Peterman in 1945 saw the ownership passing into the hands of his widow, Ida. She sold the
assets to the employees of Peterbilt, but not the land. Later in 1958, she announced her plans of building a
shopping center on the plant site. This put the new owners into quandary. To avoid the possibility of large
and long-term debt, the company was put up for sale. It was later acquired by Pacific Car and Foundry,
which owned Kenworth trucks. The author is an independent publisher that covers multiple topics in the heavy duty
truck aftermarket Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Ottman
PACCAR held its annual Open House at the Technical Center on April 12, 2014. WOW! Is all a first time
attendee can say, other than if you haven’t gone, put it on your to-do list as it is well worth the drive to
Mount Vernon. PACCAR’s multimillion-dollar Technical Center opened in July of 1982. Approximately 65
miles north of Seattle, the center allowed us to see how they test the truck components and trucks themselves as part of their commitment to building the best trucks possible. We were treated exceptionally well
by the many PACCAR volunteers who were there to answer questions and help make the tour memorable
Traveling through the tulip and daffodil fields on the
way home was a big plus for my wife Debbi , put a
nice end to the day.
So Who is PACCAR?
In 1905, William Pigott, Sr. founded Seattle Car Mfg. Co. to produce railway and logging equipment at its
plant in West Seattle. The Company later merged with Twohy Brothers of Portland to become Pacific Car
and Foundry Company, a name it retained for the next 55 years.
The Company entered the heavy-duty truck market in 1945 with its first major acquisition, Kenworth Motor
Truck Company of Seattle. Pacific Car and Foundry greatly expanded its heavy-duty truck capability with
the purchase of Peterbilt Motors Company in 1958. That same year, the acquisition of Dart Truck Company
permitted its entry into the entirely new market of mining vehicles.
PACCAR became an international truck manufacturer in 1960 when Kenworth moved into Mexico with 49
percent participation in an affiliate company, Kenworth Mexicana S.A. de C.V., later PACCAR solidified its
place in the Mexican heavy-duty truck market by purchasing the remaining portion of its Mexican Operation.
PACCAR continued to expand into the international market with the establishment of a Kenworth Truck assembly plant near Melbourne Australia.
Believing "Pacific Car and Foundry Company" no longer accurately reflected the Company's products and
activities, directors and shareholders voted to adopt PACCAR Inc (no punctuation) as its new name in
PACCAR became a European truck manufacturer with the acquisition of Foden Trucks Sandbach, U.K.,
and more recently the acquisition of DAF Trucks N.V. in 1996 and Leyland Trucks in 1998 solidified PACCAR's position as one of the major truck manufacturers in the world. DAF Trucks is a Netherlands based
truck company with production facilities in Eindhoven, the Netherlands and Westerlo, Belgium. Leyland
manufactures trucks in the 6-18 ton commercial segment at its plant in Lancashire, England.
There is more to PACCAR than what is written above but this article hopefully gives you a thumbnail sketch
of who they are in relation to the trucking industry.
9. What form of truck was Kenworth looking to design before it decided on the T600's award-winning aerodynamic look?
A. Cabover B. Long-nosed conventional C. Bullet-shaped truck D. Dump truck
Answer page 12
Jim Malchow
Pat Neuroth
Our Truck Show Banner on Tony Splane’s Mack
<— Dave Wester’s Town car
Rick Hendrix’s “ Other Woman” inside
but didn’t need the balloon to draw a
Northwest Chapter
Antique Truck Historical Society
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: ___04-26-2014_____
Call to order: The general meeting of the NW Chapter of the ATHS, was convened at 1:00 pm by Vice
President Judy Watkins presiding.
Approval of minutes: Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
Officers' reports:
President: No Report
Vice president: Judy opened the meeting by introducing Stacy from the LeMay Family Collection so she
could give the chapter an update on what was new at the collection and to lets us know they were looking
forward to our participation in the annual show in Aug. Treasurer Doug Nichols then Presented a check for
$500 in support of the Foundations preservation efforts and past support of the ATHS Chapter.
Judy asked that those in attendance indicate who they were and when they “caught” the trucking bug. It was
her observation that most had it by the time they were 10 years old. As the roll call went around the room, it
turned out her observation was spot on. Most of the members could relate a story of when they were young
or how they were born into a trucking family. When did you get the bug?
Treasurer: Current account balance is $5721
Board and committee reports: 2014 Truck Show. Judy started the report by spending time explaining to
the membership that this would be the first time the Chapter has put on a show where many of the previous
amenities like restrooms would not be furnished by the site. Because of the newness, we will need our
members to step up and give a little of their time to make the show the success it can be. We also need help
procuring items such as garbage cans, fire extinguishers, “but” cans, etc. Mike Scott has volunteered to
work on getting wheel chocks; Scott Russell found a porta-potty company in Olympia that would furnish
the needed units for $600 and then also indicated they would differ $150 making the cost $450. Motion
made to accept the cost, seconded, passed. Kerry Hibdon is donating a portable hand washing station for
the shows use. Lee Kessler’s nephew is arranging for our use of traffic cones for the
show. We now have a Barbeque sandwich vender, the ice cream guys will be back. If anyone knows of
someone like a kettle corn person that would like to participate, please let Judy know. We are moving forward with contacting the local Eagle Scouts to help with parking and will make a donation to them for their
help. Craig indicated that since the site was secured at night and gated, trucks could be brought in one or
two days ahead of the show and if arrangements are made with him you can also come early in your RV.
New this year we will have an auction for multiple items. Numbers will be drawn at 2:00pm the day of the
show. If you would like to donate or want more information, contact any of the board members.
General membership Meeting Minutes
Old business: At the February meeting the Chapter voted to recognize John Nichols for his many years
service to the Chapter and to the trucking industry. Roy Friis and John’s son Doug presented a plaque to
John proclaiming him a member emeritus and recognized him for his involvement with the Northwest
Chapter which began in 1985. John indicated that he would hang this plaque next to another plaque he is
also very proud of. That plaque is from ATHS for 50 years service to the trucking industry.
LeMays has invited us to display 3 of our trucks from July 2 – July 30th. We need 3 members to participate.
Those interested please contact Judy.
New business:
A request was made to see if anyone would like to bring their truck by the Canterbury House about 2:30 on
Aug 6th so the residents can have an opportunity to see them and visit with our members. The address will
be posted on line and in the calendar. Dave Wester brought up the contributions that Walrath Trucking has
for years provided our chapter without any indication of cost or compensation for the use of their facilities.
After discussion, Art Watkins made a motion to donate $200 to the Walrath Trucking Employees Appreciation Fund. Motion was seconded Motion carried.
Al Downs has taken the master roster list containing the trucks and equipment members listed when they
joined the Chapter and created a Chapter member roster that will be sold to members only as a way to better
connect our membership. Members wishing to update their information can email Lee Kessler at antiquekess@yahoo.com or mail them to the newsletter address and we will update your information. The goal is to
have the roster books available for the members by the Chapter Truck Show.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at _____2:00pm____
From Train to Truck,
Common on trucks today air brakes, automobiles began using air brakes as early as 1903. The
first car to have them was called a Tincher. The Tincher debuted at the 1903 Chicago Automobile
Show, where its air-braking system was the technical wonder of the event. Not only could the airsystem stop the car, but it could be used to inflate flat tires and power the car's horn.
The Westinghouse Air Brake Company – WABCO) started by George Westinghouse was considered the leader in air brakes based on experience gained by his invention of an air brake for railroads. The railway air brake is based on a triple valve which inverted the behavior of the direct air
brake. The valve attached directly to the brake line, then had a connection to a reservoir, and to
the brake cylinder. It was called ‘triple valve’ because of its three modes: charging air into the line;
charged the system and released the brakes, and draining air from the brake line applied the
brakes. This system was a lot more responsive and fail-safe, and thus later became the basis of
the modern truck air brake.
In 1924 the Westinghouse air brake system including Broussouse compressor was applied to International Harvester Coaches in Akron, Oh.
By 1949 WWII accelerated the development and advancement and air braking becomes standard
on all heavy trucks, tractor-trailers, buses, fire trucks and off-highway vehicles. 1960 found automatic slack adjusters, air dryers, dual brake valves and first generation antilock braking systems
under development. Besides Westinghouse, other companies began to develop air brake systems. One of these, Bendix, eventually merged with Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Company in 1930. WABCO, Bendix, Allied Signal are all part of Knorr-Bremsen who has been in the
business of manufacturing braking systems for rail and commercial vehicles for over 100 years. in
1922, when they moved into pneumatic braking systems for commercial road vehicles. KnorrBremsen was the first European company to develop a new pneumatic system that applied the
brakes simultaneously to all four wheels of a truck as well as its trailer. The resultant reduction in
braking distances made a significant contribution to improving road safety.
Our world of trucking has many names and terms whose origins are lost in the history of the industry. The name “Glad Hand” was once a slang term for a (sometimes insincere) handshake or
a "glad hander" usually a politician who does lots of hand shaking without much meaning. The
earliest known use of the term "glad hand" I could find was in 1948. Some have opined that the
term comes from the railroad industry that uses a similar coupler to connect air lines together
from railroad car to car and slightly resembles a pair of hands involved in a hand shake. The design allows the couplers to break away without damaging the equipment if they are pulled. And
this is a good thing, as we know it could happen when a tractor and trailer are separated without
first uncoupling the air lines."Glad-hand" connectors are also known as "palm couplings," in certain parts of the country.
1. What are you doing if you're dead-heading?
A. Hauling equipment for members of the Grateful Dead
B. Hauling a half-loaded trailer
C. Hauling an empty trailer
D. Hauling hanging meat
2. What did Mack Trucks' first vehicle carry when it was unveiled in Manhattan?
A. Sightseers
B. Gravel
C. Ice
D. Bulldogs
(answers on page 12)
For those members who can’t make the meetings and would like to have something listed in either the FOR
SALE or WANTED page of the newsletter, just drop an note in the mail or email to the newsletter address
and it will get inserted into the next newsletter.
1976 Ford L900 Tow Truck. Yellow, 534 engine; PS; 5&2 transmission. Holmes 600 Hoist;
wheel lift; air brakes; dual tanks. 7000 actual miles. 6 brand new 1000-20 Goodyear tires; CB
& AM/FM radios. Very clean and exceptionally well maintained. Call Les at: 360-705-9737
FREE—Old Holland 5th wheel, 20” rims
Misc. Mack Parts “R”
1942 Autocar Cabover. Suicide doors, truck in good condition, thought to be ex navy tanker.
Truck is complete w/title. $1800 or offers listened to.
Contact Paul at : 360-275-2184
Complete 1984 Ford Dana 4:10 rear end $100.
Kerry 360-4383418
1967 Ford F350 Service Truck $6500.
Doug Nichols 253-732-4214
1978 Ford F6 Flatbed w/roller tail, very good truck does need some work. $3000 OBO
John Symington 360-478-0905
1944 Seagrave Fire Truck, very good truck needs some work. $3850.
John Symington 360-478-0905
1934 Chevy 1 1/2 ton Flatbed. Ex Walt & Vern's Wrkg. Good condition, stored inside for 25
years. Has good WA title. $3500 obo
Marie White 253-630-9500
Tim Fowler @ 206-324-0408
Good Big Cam 3 400
Bill Blackburn (253)-350-7529, has the following trucks and equipment for sale:
1950 Diamond T 5 ton Military 6x6 Cab & Chassis. Continental gas engine does not turn over.
Truck has less than 8000 miles. Full history available. Asking $1,500obo
Restorable Diamond T Cab & Chassis, tandem axle. All fiberglass Cabover. Reo gas engine
does not turn over. New brake parts go with truck. Has 10.oo-20 Tires but full set of 22.5 rims
go with truck. Asking $1600 obo
1964 International small boom truck w/4-door cab. 304 engine does not turn over due to sitting. Has strong A frame and good 5ton Military winch. Asking$1,000 obo
1953 International pickup cab & chassis. 240 BD engine, 3 speed trans. Engine stuck. Asking
$1,000 obo
1987 Ford F600 Cab & Chassis. 370 4 Quad engine bad. 6-hole budd wheels w/10-22.5 tires.
Asking $900.00 obo
1978 Chev. 1 ton dually Cab & Chassis. Good 454 on propane, runs good, bad brakes.
Asking $1,000
460 Ford engine out of a 1992 1 ton with 56,000 miles. Valves have been ground and heavy
duty valve springs installed. New valve lifters, Raised camshaft, double timing chain and
gears, (all new in boxes) go with engine. Engine mounted on new stand. Asking $650 w/
stand, $550 without. Firm price.
Old Double reduction rear end with Iron Spoke Wheels. Condition unknown. Asking $200obo
1 ton Chev. Rear end extended width Asking $400 obo
Telescoping ram with matching hydraulic pump. Unit equivalent to ram that will lift 14 yard
box. Asking $600 obo
(2) 150 gallon aluminum fuel tanks with brackets. Very good cond. One tank has sleight dent,
no leaks. Will not separate $300 for pair OBO
Nearly new pallet jack excellent condition, will take $200 obo
1926 TT 1-ton
1988 Ford F-600 Front End. Not Tilt!. Fiberglass.
1946-50 International Panel. (KB1-2)
3” J&S Fittings
Looking for flatbed/dump/what have you for my truck. Approx 10’ long, 8’ wide. Contact Tim
Fowler @206-324-0408
John Nichols 253-858-5788
5. What does the air brake application gauge indicate?
A. The amount of air pressure used when you push the brake pedal
B. The amount of air available in your reservoir
C. The amount of air available for a brake application
D. None of the above
6. What is the normal maximum air pressure in your air brake system?
A. 100 psi
B. 110 psi
C. 120 psi
D. 150 psi
7. How many spokes are on a cast spoke wheel?
A. 3 or 4 B. 5 or 6 C. 6 or 7 D. None
8. Navistar International was born in 1831, when Cyrus Hall McCormick built
his first grain reaper.
But when did the company unveil its first truck - the Auto Wagon Express that was designed to carry produce.
A. 1889 B. 1899 C. 1909 D. 1911
answers on page 12
I-5 Chrome Shop will offer a 15% discount to any
Northwest Chapter Member
AUG 22-24
MAY 3-4
Gas Engines, Tractors, Trucks, Cars, .
Mary M. Knight School, Matlock, WA
MAY 10
ATHS NW Chapter Board Mtg. Mike
Scott’s shop– Motorsports Unlimited
Antique Farm Engine & Tractor Assn
Swap Meet Grays Harbor Fairgrounds, AUG 23-24
Elma WA
Antique Powerland, Brooks, OR.
Golden Era Tour & Picnic
More Info: AGW1886@aol.com
Next to Toledo, WA airport
Evergreen Fairgrounds, Monroe
AUG 30
TRUCK SHOW Ozark Empire
Fairgrounds Springfield Missouri
Annual Lemay Car show at
LeMay's Marymount Event
Center. NW-ATHS event
Aug 30-31
Lucky Collector Auction at
Marymount Event Center
Sept 13
Potluck-picnic NW-ATHS
event. Royal Arch Park Maple
Sept. 20
Northwest Chapter Truck show
in conjunction with the Harvest
Swap Meet —Chapter Meeting @
JUNE 7-8
Olympic Peninsula Antique Tractor &
Engine Assoc. Tractor Pull & Engine
Show Port Orchard Airport
June 14 - 15
Deming Log Show
http:// www.demingloggingshow.com/
JUNE 20-22
Buckley Log Show
JULY 12-13
Elma Tractor show, NW-ATHS
Event Grays Harbor Fairgrounds
Southwest Washington
Fairgrounds Chehalis WA
MEETING Walrath Trucking Inc
June 28 - 29
July 19
noon in the Historical Building on
the Fairgrounds
MEET Antique Powerland Brooks, OR
Oct 11-12
Truck Function in Junction Show
Evergreen Fairgrounds, Monroe
Oct. 25
75th All Peterbilt show San
Joaquin Fairgrounds Stockton Calif.
Nov 15
MEETING / Truck Show and
Lunch Walrath Trucking Inc
Trivia Question answers
1c; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6c;7b; 8c;9b
Kiparts Korner Olympia Look to www.athsnw.us for electronic versions of this newsletter.
You must be a member of ATHS National to be a member of a Chapter.
This is a requirement of our Northwest Chapter Bylaws and
National ATHS Bylaws to maintain 501 C-3 requirements
There are two membership structures in ATHS. NATIONAL DUES of $45 ($55 Family) are payable directly to ATHS
National Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri on your anniversary date of joining ATHS. You are billed by them.
I hope you feel you got something worthwhile out of your Chapter membership this past year and I encourage you to
continue your membership for 2014. We now have about 280 members in the Northwest Chapter. A 13 above your name
on the mailing label indicates your membership is paid through 2013. If a 14, 15 or greater appears above your name, you
have paid your membership for those respective years. Comp indicates a complementary copy is being sent to you and
Hon represents Honorary Chapter Membership (no yearly dues).
NORTHWEST CHAPTER DUES are $10 per calendar year and are due prior to March 1 of each year. Go find your
checkbook NOW and write a check for $10 payable to NORTHWEST CHAPTER ATHS and send to:
Northwest Chapter ATHS
9633 65th Lane SE
Olympia 98513
---------—---------------------- Clip here and send with $10 to the above address
NAME ___________________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________
(Business Name) _________________________________________e-mail add.: ________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP, ________________________________________________________________________________
Optional - The Chapter maintains a roster of members trucks and equipment in the Northwest Chapter
Antique Truck Registry. We are in the process of updating and expanding the register. If you would like
to add to the truck roster, please include YEAR, MAKE, MODEL, BODY STYLE i.e., cab & chassis,
COE, tractor, flatbed, dump, van body, boom truck, wrecker, fire truck with make of apparatus or any
other unique features. Antique trailers too.
If you are interested in a Northwest Chapter Name Tag, please fill out this form and give to Jack
Davis or Roy Friies. Cost for the badge is $13.50. Cost for each swinger is $3.50. Purchased name
tags will be available for pick-up at chapter meetings
CITY :_____________________________________________________________________
Swinger 1
YR:_______ MAKE OF TRUCK__________________________MODEL__________________
Or fill in the Blank: ______________________________________________________________
If additional swingers are wanted, please attach additional sheets.
9121 9th Ave Ct E
Tacoma, WA. 98445
It’s that time of the year! Check your mailing label. If a 13 appears above your name on the address label, according to our records, your dues are not current. Inside the back page is a form
and directions for paying your 2014 dues. NOTE : You must be a current member of the ATHS
in order to be a Chapter member. Don’t forget your national dues. THANK YOU