The Australasian Native Orchid Society The Warringah Group Inc


The Australasian Native Orchid Society The Warringah Group Inc
The Australasian Native Orchid Society
The Warringah Group Inc.
Patrons: Murray Corrigan
Mick Korzenowski
ABN: 84 245 695 380
PRESIDENT: Trish Peterson 8920 8690
SECRETARY: Bryan Spurrs 9943 0474
TREASURER: Robert Murch 9906 2658
Bill Dobson
9981 2525
COMMITTEE: Judith Barry (Librarian), Lorraine Dobson, Ralph Lumby, Cary Polis, Garry & Harleen Williams,
Mick Korzenowski
Web Administrator: James Litten
CORRESPONDENCE: PO Box 421, Forestville NSW 2087
Monthly Meetings: 3rd Tuesday at 8:00 pm - Senior Citizens Hall, Starkey Street, Forestville
November 2015
Sarco. Rusty R. Schneidereit
Next meeting:
Sarco. Fitzhart ‘Rusty Bucket Freddie’ R. Schneidereit
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Sarco. Kulnura ‘Dazzle’ x Sweetheart D. Hemmings
Tuesday 17th November 2015
Guest Speaker
Bill Dobson
ANOS Warringah Group Inc.
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting - Senior Citizens
Centre, Starkey St., Forestville 20th October 2015
Meeting opened at 8:20 pm by Trish Peterson
Event: Members Sarcochilus Show
Visitors: Sarah
Apologies: B. Collins, W. Jap, C. Dalrymple,
G. Kazarian, R. Rudkin, R. & J. Lumby, I. Tanner,
B. Westwood.
The minutes of the previous meeting as published in
the Bulletin: Moved as a true record by B. Spurrs and
seconded by G. Williams.
Matters Arising: Nil
• O.S.N.S.W. - Orchid News
• State library’s request for missing Bulletins
• Cheque for $500, refund of deposit for Hall for spring Show from Warringah Council.
• Commonwealth Bank statement for Show Account.
B. Spurrs moved it be accepted seconded by
M. Corrigan.
General Business:
1. A.N.O.S. McArther Sarc Show at Narellen Shopping
Centre this coming Saturday.
2. M.W.O.S. Auction on Sunday 8th November at Cromer
Community Centre starts at 9:30 am
3. S.P.E.C.I.E.S. Show and Auction at Thornleigh on
Saturday 31st October at 10:15 am.
Mick Korzenowski presented his “In my Bushhouse”
section and described three varieties of Phaius
tankervilleae, Phaius australis, Phaius venesii an
albanistic form of Phaius australis. Differences for the
three varieties were described by Mick.
After supper break the judges mentioned the class
winners of the non-Sarc orchids. They displayed the
winners of each of the eleven Sarcochilus
classes and members voted on them. David Hemmings
was announced the winner Sarco. Kulnura ‘Dazzle’
x Sweetheart
Lucky Door prizes were Ron Howlett and Bill Dobson
Raffle Prizes were won by D. Hemmings (2), R. Howlett
(2), J. McAuley, G. Duggin (2), J. Litten, J. Hemmings,
T. Shaw, J. Barry, R. Church.
In closing the meeting, Truish thanked everyone for their
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participation and wished all a safe journey home.
Meeting closed: at 9:50 pm
In my bush-house
I’m not sure if the weather knows what its doing but I
am well into the repotting this year. Since I have retired
this year is very different from the preceding 5 years as
I struggled to repot in between weekends interlaced with
shows and domestic duties. Now I have 5 days of the
week to repot. Why not 7? Well we mind our 3 year old
grandson 2 days of the week and he won’t sit still long
enough for any repotting and trying to keep scissors
and other lethal weapons out of his reach while actually
getting some ‘work’ done is demanding. Last week
while he was ‘helping’ me he spied the little tomahawk I
sometimes use to knock plants out for the pots and he
was on it like a flash. Eyes beaming as he picked it up
declaring as he started to give it a swing “Fireman use this
to break down the door Grandpa”. I had a vision of a hole
through our new front and back doors as I removed the
offending piece from his hands and then had to divert his
attention on to something more useful. So that was the
end of potting for that day.
I also ran out of bark so potting was delayed until a new
batch came in as well as pots. Now both are dwindling as
the potting gets into swing. I have also found that now I am
not able to pot from dawn to dusk as I used to so do it now
in 4 hour shifts. Getting old is the pits.
Anyway a few observations have helped such as keeping dates on your plant tag so you know how long the
plant has been in the pot. For me maximum of 3 years
and preferably no more than 2 years. So I sort through
all the plants and settle with the plants that just have
to be potted on as they take the least amount of time
and get those done first which will leave the divisions
to last as some of these may take 1 hour or more each
depending on the plant and if I don’t want to lose many
All the plants get new mix and pots and a top dressing of Osmocote® controlled release fertiliser Pro Low P
16 - 13.9 - 9.1 + 1.8Mg + TE 8-9 month.
For the first time plants that grow too slowly are being
discarded if it’s still in a 200 mm pot after 8 years they are
going in the bin, no room no time. After growing a veggie
garden this year I finally see the reason to selectively
thin the garden bed out so the other plants have room
and energy to grow successfully. I have to admit that I
have often persevered with a plant long after I should
have. If a speciosum has not reached a 200 mm pot in
5 years, apart from pedunculatum, then you should look
at your growing methods and seriously decide whether
to continue with that plant. If all other plants are tearing
past it then it can’t be your conditions or you so it’s the
plant. Next decision is which red bin it should go in.
The sarcs will be potted last and should now be done in
March, April or May next year, as the weather will start
to ease off and the roots will start to grow again and they
can get into a new potting mix before the next flowering
Australasian Native Orchid Society Inc
8th Native Orchid Conference and Show
in association with the
Kempsey Speciosum Spectacular
Hosted by
ANOS Mid North Coast Group Inc
Ted & Winsome Walmsley
Kempsey Dirt Bike Track,
Alverton St, Greenhill, via Kempsey
Thursday 1st September to Sunday 4th September 2016
ANOS Warringah Group Inc.
ANOS Warringah Group – 2015 Spring Show – Results
Grand Champion ‑ Grand Champion Ribbon
(Doc. Faye Moore x fuliginosa) x Grumpy
Henk van den Berg
Champion Aust. Native Epiphytic Species Orchid
Den. speciosum var. curvicaule ‘Daylight Moon’
Henk van den Berg
Champion Aust. Native Terrestrial Species Orchid
Chiloglottis trapeziformis
David Hemmings
Champion Aust. Native Hybrid Orchid
Den. Jayden ‘Goodie’
Henk van den Berg
Champion Australasian Species or Hybrid (Doc. Faye Moore x fuliginosa) x Grumpy
Henk van den Berg
Champion Specimen Native Species Orchid
Den. speciosum var. curvicaule ‘Daylight Moon’
Henk van den Berg
Champion Specimen Native Hybrid Orchid
(Doc. Faye Moore x fuliginosa) x Grumpy
Henk van den Berg
1. Best Athecebium subgenus Rhizobium Section
1st: Dockrillia nugentii
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dockrillia striolata
Reiner Schneidereit
2. Best Athecebium subgenus – Dendrocoryne
1st: Dendrobium gracilicaule
Reiner Schneidereit
2nd: Dendrobium tetragonum
Henk van den Berg
3. Best Dendrobium kingianum - pink/white
1st: Dendrobium kingianum ‘Fluro Lipstick’ Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium kingianum ‘Speckles’
Robert Murch
4. Best Dendrobium kingianum - red
1st: Dendrobium kingianum
David Hemmings
2nd: Dendrobium kingianum ‘Corrigan’s Red’
Gary & Harleen Williams
5. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum ‘Thomas’
Mick Korzenowski
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum ‘Lorraine’
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
6. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. hillii
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. hillii ‘Barbara’ Mick Korzenowski
7. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. grandiflorum
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. grandiflorum ‘Rita’
Mick Korzenowski
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. grandiflorum ‘Katrina’
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
8. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. capricornicum
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. capricornicum ‘Morrie’
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
9. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. curvicaule
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. curvicaule ‘Daylight Moon’
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. curvicaule ‘Long Spike’
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
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10. Best Dendrobium speciosum var. pedunculatum
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. pedunculatumMick Korzenowski
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. pedunculatum
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
11. Best Dendrobium speciosum - other
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. boreale ‘Paluma’Mick Korzenowski
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. blackdownense
Yin & Sau wan Chan
12. Best Dendrobium speciosum - Exhibition Style (inter-varietal)
1st: Dendrobium speciosum ‘Windermere’ x ‘Daylight Moon’
Yin & Sau wan Chan
2nd: Dendrobium ‘Neville’ x ‘Georges River Special’
Henk van den Berg
13. Best Dendrobium spathulata
1st: Dendrobium canaliculatum
Cary Polis
2nd: Dendrobium canaliculatum
Cary Polis
14. Best Sarcochilus
1st: Sarcochilus olivaceous
Reiner Schneidereit
2nd: Sarcochilus falcatus
Reiner Schneidereit
15. Best Sarcanthinae Other Genera
1st: Plectorrhiza tridentata
Lorraine & Bill Dobson
2nd: Plectorrhiza tridentata
Robert Murch
16. Best Bulbophyllum
1st: Bulbophyllum schillerianum
Mick Korzenowski
2nd: Bulbophyllum wadsworthii
Mick Korzenowski
17. Best Other Epiphytic Species
1st: Oberonia titania
Trish Peterson
18. Best Species Seedling First Flowering
1st: Dendrobium speciosum var. curvicaule
Dan Tomich
2nd: Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum ‘National White’
x var. curvicaule ‘Daylight Moon’
Henk van den Berg
19. Best Pterostylis
1st: Pterostylis baptistii
David Hemmings
20. Best Diuris
21. Best Caladenia
22. Best Other Terrestrial
1st: Chiloglottis trapeziformis
David Hemmings
2nd: Microtis
David Hemmings
23. Best Dendrobium Hybrid predominately white
1st: Dendrobium Greta Snow
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium Balnaring No 2
John Hurst
24. Best Dendrobium Hybrid predominately yellow
1st: Dendrobium Jayden ‘Goodie’
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Katrins’ Gold ‘Classy’
Henk van den Berg
25. Best Dendrobium Hybrid bronze / orange
1st: Dendrobium Elegant Heart
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium DUNO Vivspot
Henk van den Berg
26. Best Dendrobium Hybrid pink / purple / red
1st: Dendrobium Class ‘Windsor Downs’
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium Flinders
David Hemmings
27. Best Dendrobium Hybrid any other colour
1st: Dendrobium Class ‘Pauline’
John Hurst
2nd: Dendrobium Australian Artist
Henk van den Berg
28. Best Dendrobium Hybrid with one or more Dockrillia parents
1st: Dockrillia Duffy
Ela Kielich
2nd: Dockrillia striolata ‘Born Free’ x aurea ‘Ninja’ Ralph Lumby
29. Best Classic Hybrid see condition 14
1st: Dendrobium Esme Poulton
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium X Gracillimum
Ian Tanner
30. Best Sarcanthinae Hybrid
1st: Sarcochilus Joy x DUNO Nicky’s Twin Reiner Schneidereit
2nd: Sarcochilus First Light
Reiner Schneidereit
31. Best Hybrid Seedling First Flowering
1st: Dendrobium Eclipse x speciosum
Henk van den Berg
2nd: Dendrobium Opera Glow x speciosum
John Hurst
32. Best Hybrid Terrestrial
1st: Chiloglottis x prescotiana
David Hemmings
2nd: Pterostylis Aussie Spirit
David Hemmings
33. Best Other Hybrid
34. Best Australasian Species
1st: Dockrillia new species No: 3
Clover Bradley
35. Best Australasian Hybrid
36. Best Australasian Hybrid with terete leaved parents
1st: Dockrillia Fay Moore x fuliginosa x Grumpy
Henk van Den Berg
2nd: Dockrillia Fay Moore x fuliginosa x Grumpy Trish Peterson
37. Best Australasian Hybrid Seedling - First Flowering
1st: Dockrillia Australian Ginger
David Hemmings
38. Best Epiphytic Species
1st: Dendrobium tetragonum
Ted Shaw
2nd: Dockrillia striolata
Ted Shaw
39. Best Terrestrial Species
1st: Pterostylis curta
Judith Barry
40. Best Hybrid
1st:Dendrobium Cobber ‘Lavender & Lime’
Jim Hemmings
2nd: Dendrobium Cobber x speciosum ‘Windermere’
Jim Hemmings
ANOS Warringah Group Inc.
ANOS Warringah Monthly Benching Results - October 2015
1. Dockrillia species
1 Dockrillia linguiformis
D. Hemmings
2nd Dockrillia striolata
D. Hemmings
3rd Dockrillia rigida
B. Spurrs
2. Dendrobium species
1st Dendrobium jonesii var. magnificumL. & B. Dobson
2nd Dendrobium prenticeii
R. Murch
3rd Dendrobium antenatum
E. Lielkajis
3. Sarcanthinae species
2nd Nil
4. Bulbophyllum species
1st Bulbophyllum globuliforme
E. Lielkajis
2nd Bulbophyllum globuliforme
M. Korzenowski
3rd Bulbophyllum lamingtonense
B. Spurrs
5. Miscellaneous species
1st Cymbidium suave
R. Schneidereit
2nd Cymbidium canaliculatum
D. Tomich
3rd Cymbidium suave
R. Schneidereit
6. Dendrobium Hybrids
1st Den. monophyllum x speciosum
R. Schneidereit
2nd Nil
7. Sarcanthinae Hybrids
2nd Nil
8. Miscellaneous Hybrids
1st Dockrillia Goose Bumps
D. Hemmings
9. Australasian species
1st Dendrobium archeochies
I. Chambers
10. Australasian Hybrids
1st Den. Gowan’s Tangello
E. Kielich
2nd Dockrillia Virginia Jupp x racemosa R. Schneidereit
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11. Novice & Junior
1 Cryptostylis erecta
T. & N. Shaw
J. Hemmings
2nd Sarcochilus Cherie ‘Dappled
3rd Sarcochilus hartmannii ‘Yellow Sun’
x ‘Ginger Snow’
J. Barry
12. Pterostylis species
13. Other terrestrials
14. Terrestrial hybrids
15. Best specimen
16. Best First Flowering seedling
1st Dendrobium Starsheen ‘Botanic Fireworks’
R. Schneidereit
Annual Members Sarcanthinae Show
1. Sarcochilus hartmannii
1st Sarco. hartmannii ‘Sylvan Sun’
C. Bradley
2nd Sarco. hartmannii R. Murch
3rd Sarco. hartmannii R. Schneidereit
2. Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii
1st Sarco. fitzgeraldii
G. & H. Williams
2nd Sarco. fitzgeraldii ‘Top Red Centre’ x ‘Alfreo’
D. E. Stiles
3rd Sarco. fitzgeraldii
I. Chalmers
3. Other Sarcanthinae species
1st Sarco. olivaceous
D. Hemmings
2nd Plect. tridentata
M. Korzenowski
D. Hemmings
3rd Plect. tridentata
4. Sarcanthinae seedling first flowering species
1st Sarco. hartmannii ‘Stewart’ x ‘Killen’
C. Bradley
2nd Sarco. hartmannii ‘Yellow Snow’
J. Moore
3rd Sarco. hartmannii ‘BK Red Spot’ x BK
C. Bradley
5. Primary Sarcochilus hybrid with S. hartmannii
and/or S. fitzgeraldii parentage
1st Sarco. Fitzhart ‘Rusty Bucket Freddie’R. Schneidereit
2nd Sarco. Fitzhart ‘Rusty Bucket’
R. Schneidereit
3rd Sarco. Fitzhart ‘Rusty Bucket’
R. Schneidereit
6. Sarcanthinae hybrids predominantly WHITE
1st Sarco. Sweetheart
D. Hemmings
2nd Sarco. Dove ‘Good’ x hartmannii ‘Ginger Snow’
D. Tomich
3rd Sarco. George Colthup ‘#4’ x ‘#5’
D. E. Stiles
7. Sarcanthinae hybrids predominantly PINK/RED
1st Sarco. Kulnura ‘Dazzle’ x Sweetheart D. Hemmings
2nd Sarco. Ice Magic ‘Stars’ x ‘Bars’
x hartmannii ‘Red Snow’
R. Schneidereidt
3rd Sarco. Kurumba x Kulnura Musk
D. Hemmings
8. Sarcanthinae hybrids predominantly
1st Sarco. Madge x Amber
D. Hemmings
2ndSarco. Carnival
R. Schneidereit
3rd Sarco. Rebecca x Fitzhart
D. Hemmings
9. Sarcanthinae hybrids – first flowering
1st Sarco. Rusty
R. Schneidereit
2nd Sarco. Carnival
R. Schneidereit
3rd Sarco. Rio Carnival
R. Schneidereit
1st Sarco. Fitzhart
R. Schneidereit
2nd Sarco. Fitzhart
L. & B. Dobson
11. Novelty hybrid Sarcochilus
1st Sarco. M7 ‘Aussie Dawn’
D. Hemmings
2nd Sarco. Heidi x australis
C. Bradley
3rd Sarco. Richard Jost x hartmannii
B. Spurrs
ANOS Warringah Group Inc.