Summer 2013 - Steel Magnolias
Summer 2013 - Steel Magnolias
teel S We Help Children’s Health Blossom agnolias M Stramski Children’s Developmental Center at Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach Summer 2013 President’s Message 2013 Off to a Great Start! Thank you! We give our heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors, attendees, members, and local volunteers for a very successful Home Tour. It is your help and support that make the work we do on behalf of the Stramski Children's Developmental Center possible. We are an all-volunteer organization, with no paid staff. Our members plan and execute our fund-raisers, newsletter, website, annual campaign – everything we do – with a bit of help from technical specialists. Our overhead costs are kept to a minimum, allowing the largest possible amount of the money we bring in to go to the Center. Our Home Tour was staffed by volunteers from the community and our members. These volunteers work year after year for the rewards of camaraderie and helping in a worthy cause. Many of our sponsors donate every year, as well. Our vendors helped keep costs down and food was donated for the reception. Anthony Gagliardi welcomed everyone into his home. Homeowners graciously opened their doors to our guests and us. It truly was a community effort. Next up, is our Rhythm and Reflection Lounge event on September sixth. It will be a great party, with more opportunities for attending, sponsoring, donating and volunteering to help us help the children of the Stramski Center! Carolyn Bixby President, Steel Magnolias Steel Magnolias Present The Rhythm & Reflections Lounge! t’s a party, not a gala!” This year’s Steel Magnolia’s fund raising event promises to “I have all the excitement and energy of something new and something different. It will be an evening of Rhythm & Reflections in a meld of music, memories and connection with the past. What a combination for a fabulous night of entertainment! This experience will be filled with many delights. Unique parties will be offered for sale; there will be super attractions for the live auction; music; a cigar lounge area designed specifically for the gents; delicious lounge dining; and many fun The Grand Ballroom’s Rhythm & Reflections Lounge. surprises throughout the evening. You will not want to miss this special event hosted in grand style by The Steel Magnolias. Proceeds will benefit The Stramski Children’s Developmental Center at Miller Children's Hospital, Long Beach. Please remember the thousands of children who have been helped by the dedicated staff led by Dr. Gary Feldman. Bring your friends, meet new ones. You will not forget this spectacular night of Rhythm & Reflections. September 6, 2013, Steel Magnolias present “Rhythm and Reflections Lounge” at the Grand located at 4101 east Willow Street, Long Beach, California. Visit for additional details. Rhythm & Reflections! A highlight of this year’s Rhythm & Reflections Lounge will be the Parties! For the first time ever, the Steel Magnolias will be selling a Party Pass that will give you VIP access to three of the hottest parties in town. They will include a Red Carpet Hollywood experience that promises to "bring out your Inner Star." Your imagination will run wild as you enter “Wonderland” to experience a Mad Hatter masquerade party. Finally, prepare to sail the Seven Seas and experience a land where pirates and sea monsters dwell. In addition to the Party Pass you will have the opportunity to purchase one of the Steel Magnolia signature parties offered by members of the Steel Magnolias! Among the parties offered for sale are: delicious dining while listening to the live music of Paul Elia and his great five piece band; travel "with an international flair" on a Duffy Boat; or "Visit Tuscany" elegant dining, hosted in a beautiful Virginia Country Club Mansion. More of these exciting parties will be featured for your family and friends. Check our website ( for more detailed information on these exciting party opportunities! We do the work! You have the fun! Steel Magnolias Scrapbook Above: Stramski Center Medical Director Dr. Gary Feldman, playfully squirts silly string on patients attending Game Day at Blair Field on May 19th. Hosted by CSULB Athletics Department for more than 200 children and their families, pre-game activities with the Dirtbags baseball team included interaction with Chuck Lopez, who autographed baseballs and T-shirts for the children. Hot Dogs, donated by Dogz, and Cookies by Creative Cakery. Above: The elegant aspects of the first and last cruise of the Titanic were recreated for a party sold at last fall's Steel Magnolia Gala. Party hosts (from right to left) Ned and Barbara Gaylord, Judy McNulty Black and Don Black and Joan and John Knight. Larry Fay, who created a seven-course menu garnered from historical books on the Titanic, was a font of information and enthralled the guests with his considerable knowledge. He also shared his collection of memorabilia from the ship. The dinner was served on replicated Titanic china and included 100 glasses for the various wines. Left: The Steel Magnolias were on the move for their June meeting, which was held at Fixtures Living, in Costa Mesa. While in route, the 45 or so members enjoyed bubbly and hors d'oeuvres on the bus. Fixtures Living in-house chef created a delicious dining experience for the group that was served in the elegant showroom/gallery. Front row, from left: Diane Kelleher, Sherry Loos; back row: Dawna DeLong and Sherry Eaton. Why We do What We do M eet Alexa Guzman, a patient at the Stramski Children's Developmental Center at Miller Children's Hospital, Long Beach. During a recent visit with Alexa and her mother, Vanessa, we discussed the challenges they have overcome in her young life. Alexa was born three weeks prematurely, via C-section. Upon delivery, she was not breathing. Fortunately, she pulled through the crisis. But the lack of oxygen and other issues clouded her hope for survival. An organization, Trinity Child Care, visited Alexa in her home dur- Frequently Asked Questions What is the HRIF (High Risk Infant Follow-up) program of the Stramski Children's Developmental Center? There is a unique population of children that have spent their first few days, weeks or months of their lives in the cribs and Isolettes of the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ) away from their families. The Stramski Center program assists their family with medical case management, education and ongoing support to face the future together. The HRIF program follows these special babies until the age of three years and then they may be referred to the Behavioral Neurodevelopment Program, if needed. "In the case of Alexa, we here at Stramski Center, are working side by side with her dedicated family, coordinating with the regional center and with her specialists to provide Alexa an opportunity to thrive and reach her potential," stated Chris Frontino, R.N. About the Stramski Center: Did You Know That ... ! it is a specialty designed multi- ing the first four weeks of her life. Trinity recommended that Vanessa investigate the Stramski Center's High Risk Infant Program. The Stramski Center immediately impacted Alexa's young life with incredible care. ! Of equal importance to Vanessa, the Center ! also gave her the advice and information required to cope with her infant daughter's treatment. ! Alexa is now a very happy year-old baby in stable condition. Vanessa, her husband, ! Gabriel, and Alexa's five-year-old big brother, Gabriel,are extremely thankful for the continued care from the Stramski Center. When Alexa was born, many held little hope for her survival. With the assistance of ! Alexa Guzman the Stramski Center HRI Program, she is delighted to have proven them wrong. The last- ! ing positive results the Center has had on Alexa and her family, and thousands of other children and families, is why we do what we do: raise funds for the ! Stramski Center. We see the sustained, compassionate attention and care given by the Stramski Center staff to their patients and their families, that is why raising funds for the Stramski Center is our everlasting quest. ! disciplinary team responsible for all care and case management of patients in the program is home to Southern California's only Fragile X Program is one of only a few sleep centers in Southern California to have an accredited pediatrics sleep disorder program the Center has one of the few International Adoption Programs in the United States the Center serves as a transitional care center for infants and toddlers, who have developmental delays after months of hospitalization in the NICU or PICU some patients are cared for from birth to age 21 4,000 patients with behavioral and developmental conditions, with their families, are seen annually Dr. Gary Feldman was the Miller Children's Hospital Physician of the Year in 2010 the employees are a dedicated and committed staff with little or no employee turnover Steel Magnolias PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Long Beach, CA Permit No. 368 Federal ID # 32-0355983 6216 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. #352 Long Beach, CA 90803 · (562) 331-8007 Home Tour Round up Another Outstanding Long Beach Home Tour! Visitors to the ninth annual Steel Magnolia “Style…Long Beach Home Design Tour” were treated to extraordinary architecture, construction, and décor as they visited five distinctive homes on June 9th. The 450 guests toured styles from Spanish Villa and Spanish Revival to MidCentury Modern, Ultra Energy-Efficient Modern to Frank Lloyd Wright inspired homes. Each paid tribute to the architects and builders that envisioned and created these stunning residences. Design details such as dramatic entry gates, walk-in wine cellars, central floating fireplaces, inventive roll-up glass panels, and expansive ocean views thrilled the guests. These special homes were offered for view by their own- Kamal Palace, and the Kelli Klingensmith ers: Carl and Robin LaBarbera, Carl and Heather Dene, Jeff and Roberta Jeannette, Odom family. The event netted nearly $44,000 for the Geraldine Stramski ChilGary and Tamra Gensemer and Michael dren's Developmental Center. and Michelle Sullivan. During the Tour, and at the Tour's end, a gathering of 450 visitors were invited to the Park Estates home of Steel Magnolias' Chairman, Anthony Gagliardi, where they were treated to musical entertainment, along with food and drinks, doHome Tour Co-Chairs Kim Neipling on left and Leigh Latimer on nated through the cour- Above: right congratulate Nancy Gaines as she was presented with the Founder's tesy of Forbidden City, Medallion by Founder Shirley Wild, second from right. Steel Magnolias Members Founder Shirley Wild Chairman Anthony Gagliardi President Carolyn Bixby President Elect Judy McNulty Black Honorary Member Dr. Beverly O’Neill Shelly Barbre* Susan Bell* Linda Bellehumeur Carolyn Bixby Judy McNulty Black Shirlee Bouch Mary Alice Braly Patti Brown Barbara Chang Audrey Choura Stephanie Davis Dawna DeLong Patti Dene Gloria Deukmejian Paul Diego Linda Drummond Aimee DuRee Diana Eastman* Sheri Eaton Carolyn Faber Eline Fudge* Anthony Gagliardi Dominic Gagliardi** Barbara Gaylord* Elaine Goodnoe Gail Gray Jackey Gray* Shell Grossman* Barbara Hall* Jorene Hankla Susan Hill Mari Hooper Judie Johnsen* Jeannie Jones Diane Kelleher Mary Klingensmith Joan Knight* Janis Krantz Joyce Krauss Linda Lassers* Leigh Latimer Kathy Lingle* Sherry Loos Pam Luckey Carolyn Maney Valerie Martin Patty McCarty* Dawn McKenna* Lorie Merrill Betsy Metcalfe Elizabeth Minor* Jo Murray Kim Neipling Shari Nemirow Tammy Newland Kelly Pierce* Marian Pimcombe Ellen Pook Suzanne Powell Renee Pratto Susan Redfield Sofia Riley Jill Rosenberg* Garry Sandlin Loree Scarborough Bonnie Scott* Sandra Sherrard* Lynn Shrum* Candice Stacy* Julie Suares* Marlene Temple Johanna Tramazzo Deborah Veady Karen Wells Myrna Wigod* Shirley Wild Joyce Williams Gary Lee Wolf *Sustaining Members **Honorary Lifetime Member Newsletter Contributors Linda Bellehumeur, Carolyn Bixby, Judy Black, Patti Brown, Diane Kelleher, Betsy Metcalfe, Marian Pincombe, Shirley Wild Design –
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