The May 2015 Rivah - Visitor`s Guide
The May 2015 Rivah - Visitor`s Guide
May 2015 • FREE Places to go and things to do in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Inside: • Riverwalk: The place to be in Yorktown • 10 things to do in Reedville • Visit Morattico Waterfront Museum • Rivah Fare: Dining at the Fat Finch Maryland Gateway ★ Potomac Visitor Center Rivah Country 301 James Monroe Birthplace ★ Colonial Beach ★Colonial Beach Museum Sites of Interest in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula 3 George Washington Birthplace ★ ★Westmoreland State Park ★ Stratford Hall WESTMORELAND COUNTY Coles Point ★ Montross Westmoreland County Museum and Visitor’s Center Rap. Riv. Wild Refuge 17 ESSEX COUNTY ★ Kinsale Museum 202 3 ★ Po Hague tom a ★ Naylors Beach 360 Callao Warsaw ★ ★ Smith Island NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY ★Virmar Public Beach 360 Richmond County Museum Tappahannock cR i ve r Essex County Museum Cruise to Smith Island 360 644 3 p Ra RICHMOND COUNTY pa 360 ni King William Courthouse KING WILLIAM COUNTY Riv er KING & QUEEN COUNTY ★ 17 Dragon Run 30 ★ 683 ★Pamunkey Indian Reservation Middlesex County Museum ★Hughlett Point Natural Area Preserve 607 Steamboat Era Museum ★ 354 Saluda ★ ★Dameron March Washington Museum 200 Irvington Urbanna Visitor’s Center ★ ★ Mattaponi Indian Reservation 626 Cruise to Tangier Island 605 ★Mary Ball Urbanna 633 Museum Merry Point Free Ferry MIDDLESEX COUNTY Tangier Island Reedville ★Reedville Fisherman’s 200 Lancaster 201 r ive ★ po ★ R tta Canoe House Public Beach Smith Point Light Sunnybank Ferry Neck ★Northern Farm Museum 652 Bushmill Stream Natural Area Preserve LANCASTER Lively COUNTY 354 Belle Isle State Park k Ma ★ Morattico ★Waterfront Museum ha nn oc Heathsville Burgess ★ Rice’s Hotel Hughletts Tavern Kilmarnock ★ Lancaster Visitors Center 3 ★Historic Christ Church White Stone Windmill Point Light Windmill Point ★Public Beach 3 33 30 West Point Deltaville 33 33 Deltaville Maritime Museum 33 64 17 3 GLOUCESTER COUNTY ★ Gwynn’s Island Museum Gwynn’s Island 3 14 Historic Gloucester Courthouse Square & Beaverdam Park k Yor MATHEWS COUNTY ★ Tompkins Cottage ★ ★ ★ Williams Wharf Rowing Center 14 ★ Bethel Beach Natural Area Preserve Mobjack Bay 17 Rosewell Ruins Chesapeake Bay Wolf Trap Lighthouse Visitor’s Center v er Ri 64 Stingray Point Light Stingray Point ★Holly Point Nature Park/ ★ New Point Comfort Lighthouse New Point Comfort Observation Walkway Gloucester Point Williamsburg ★ New Point Comfort Island VIMS Aquarium/ Gloucester Point Beach Park Yorktown 17 This map shows approximate locations and is not intended to be used for navigation. Newport News © 2014 Rivah Visitor’s Guide Ebb&Flow M ay is a month for celebrating, as the flowers start to bloom, the Chesapeake Bay blue crabs start moving and the long, cold winter is finally over. A glance at our extensive events calendar also indicates May is a month for openings of local farmer’s markets, campgrounds, concert series and many museums, including the Morattico Waterfront Museum in Lancaster County, which holds its grand opening for the season May 2. The celebration includes museum tours, walking and golf cart tours of the village and a community yard sale. May also brings Yorktown’s hidden gem, Riverwalk Landing under the Coleman Bridge, to life. Sand and sea lovers flock to its beachfront or cruise the York River aboard the schooners Alliance or Serenity. For history buffs, Riverwalk Landing links Yorktown Victory Center and Yorktown Battlefield. The Landing offers monthly outdoor activities including a summer concert series, markets and artisan events. We’ve also continued our “10 things to do” series and this month we travel to Reedville, where visitors can visit the fishermen’s museum or take a day cruise to Smith and Tangier islands. Seems May is also a busy month. Our first issue is jam-packed with articles about upcoming events from golf tournaments and art exhibits to home tours and shopping trails. Remember to take pictures of people and pets having fun at the rivah and submit them for our Rivah Life photo pages. And please support the businesses that make this publication possible. According to the calendar, summer officially arrives in June. Unofficially, the first issue of the Rivah Visitors Guide signals the start of the season. So, welcome summer! • FREE May 2015 things Rivah (‘riv-â), n. [der. river]: 1. the lands and waters of the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula of Virginia, USA, particularly favored by urban dwellers for spring, summer and fall escapes. 2. a region in these peninsulas bound by the Chesapeake Bay and the Rappahannock, Potomac and York rivers, inclusive. adj.– rivah: reflecting an attitude indicative of the abundantly pleasant lifestyle in this area. Inside the Riverwalk Landing A gem under the bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Reedville 10 things to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 On the Cover A sunset cruise is one in Reedville things to do ch ktown • 10 the Fat Fin to be in Yor e: Dining at • Rivah Far : The place • Riverwalk nt Museum fro ter Wa tico • Visit Morat Inside: of many activities at Riverwalk Landing in Yorktown. Photo courtesy of York County Parks, Recreation & Tourism The Rivah Visitor’s Guide is published six times a year jointly by the Rappahannock Record, P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482, (804) 435-1701, and the Southside Sentinel, P.O. Box 549, Urbanna, Va. 23175, (804) 758-2328. Email: News Tom Hardin and Robert D. Mason Jr., editors; Larry S. Chowning, Tom Chillemi, Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi, Audrey Thomasson, Renss Greene issue Morattico Waterfront Museum The history of a village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 We’d love to hear from you. Write us at and Places to go Northern Neck to do in the Peninsula and Middle May 2015 Camping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 It Happened Here . . . . . 50 Concerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Counties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Marinas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Diversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Parks & Recreation . . . . . 61 Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Rivah Fare . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Advertising Sara Amiss and Wendy Payne, managers; K.C. Troise, Marilyn Bryant, Troy Robertson and Libby Allen Production Joseph Gaskins, Chris Fowlkes, Wayne Smith, Susan Simmons, K.C. Troise and Sarah Bowis September E 2014 • FRE s go and thing Neck ern Places to the North to do in e Peninsula and Middl Editorial Director Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi General Managers Fred and Bettie Lee Gaskins 2014 • FREE Did you know? The Rivah Visitor’s Guide is also online and free. Find interactive directories with live links to lodging, marinas, restaurants and more at Publications Coordinator Susan Simmons Account Managers Geanie Longest and Lindsay Bishoff Fall/Holiday Places to go to do in the and things and Middle Northern Neck Peninsula Inside: its watermen Trail • village and Heritage Inside: OysterNeck rate the Virginiahern s: Follow ee: Celeb Nort the Kayak ing the Drago k adventuretrail to taste the Bay’s follow• the Guinea Jubil n, a nature best ding a kaya • The 35th g: Grab a bike and ews,• Ten incluthings lover’s paradi to do in Warsa se • Scenic cyclin See and Do in Math w s to • 10 Thing and May 2015 • Rivah • 1 BZZii]Zhjg\Zdc YdXidghigjhiid Ydi]Z^gdlc YZciVa^beaVcih# Excellence in Dental Implants. 1IGLERMGWZMPPI3JJMGI ;IWX)RH3JJMGI ,I·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ÊfÓäxÊÛ>Õi® Kanyon R. Keeney, D.D.S. "À>Ê>`Ê>Ýv>V>Ê-ÕÀ}iÊÉÊiÌ>Ê«>ÌÊ-ÕÀ}iÀÞ (VW2MEQXY%PI\ERHIV/IIRI],EVVMW1IX^KIV (]QSR %WWSGMEXIW4' [[[SVEPJEGMEPWYVKIV]GSQ Rivah Events o avoid disappointment, call the numbers where indicated to verify dates and times of events. All area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. T Ongoing events Wednesdays Cape Dory Typhoon Racing, 6 p.m. warning signal. Rappahannock River Yacht Club, 100 Rappahannock Road, Irvington. Courses off Carters Creek on the Rappahannock River, Towles Point to the Robert O. Norris Jr. Memorial Bridge. Spring season continues through June 3. Contact tom@tmwatkins. com. Sundays Ladies Typhoon Sailing Series, 3:15 p.m. Rappahannock River Yacht Club, 100 Rappahannock Road, Irvington. Courses off Carters Creek on the Rappahannock River, Towles Point to the Robert O. Norris Jr. Memorial Bridge. Spring season continues through May 31. Men welcome. Contact chaufournier@ Friday, May 1 Gloucester Arts on Main First Friday, 6-9 p.m., 6580-B Main Street near Gloucester Court House. Music by Tom Euler Blues Trio, digital art presentation, food, cash bar. 824-9464. Spaghetti Dinner, 5-7 p.m. Emmanuel UMC, 36 Church Lane, Morattico. By donation. Jewelry Bingo Fundraiser, 6:30 p.m. Haydon Building, Dream Fields, 1385 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock. Sponsor: Alpha Delta Kappa. $15. Dinner and snacks available for purchase. First Friday Art Reception, 5-7 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Featuring “A One Woman Show” by Marge Alderson. Light refreshments. Exhibit continues 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, through May 30, “The Fantasticks,” 6:30 p.m. gala, 8 p.m. curtain. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $30 adults, $15 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. The Urbanna Cup boat races will be held from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., May 16 at the Urbanna Town Marina on Urbanna Creek. Cocktail Class wooden boats with 6 and 8 hp engines will race in several divisions in the creek in front of the marina. Bring chairs and blankets. Food, beverages and music by Fillmore at the marina follow the event until 9 p.m. Admission is free. Visit for more details. Saturday, May 2 Art Speaks on the Bay opening reception, 4-7 p.m., Art Speaks Gallery at the Bay School Community Arts Center, 279 Main Street, Mathews. Exhibit continues through May 30. 725-1278. Hotrods for God car and motorcycle show, 9 a.m.2 p.m., Angel Visit Baptist Church, 29566 Tidewater Trail, Dunnsville, Essex County. Free. 512-9748. Celebrate Healthy Living, noon-3 p.m,. Woodville Park, 3904 Woodville Park Rd., Hayes. Fun and healthy activities such as a run-walk-for-your-life and pet costume contest. Sponsored by the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board Prevention Services Division. 642-5402. Opening Day, noon-4 p.m. Morattico Waterfront Museum, 6584 Morattico Road, Morattico. Theme: Commerce and Community: Morattico General Store Day. Community yard sales (8 a.m.-4 p.m.). Tours, checkers, corn-hole, arts, crafts, book signings, storytellers and food. Saving Money While Saving Lives yard Sale, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Kilmarnock UMC, 89 East Church Street, Kilmarnock. Pro- ceeds support missions. Irvington Farmers Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Irvington Commons. Nature Walk, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Friends of the Rappahannock Headquarters, 3219 Fall Hill Avenue, Fredericksburg. Guides: Joella and Michael Killian of the University of Mary Washington’s department of biological sciences. $5 per individual, $10 families, or $4 and $8 for members. Register at 540-373-3448. Car Show, 10-a.m.-2 p.m. Upper Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department in Lively, 5170 Mary Ball Road, Lively. To benefit Lancaster/Northumberland Relay For Life. Entry fee $10 advance, $15 on show day. Music, food, kid’s activities. Register at 397-9922. Golf Clinic, 2 p.m. Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club, 362 Club drive, Kilmarnock. 5-week session, $99. Sign up at Pro Shop, or 435-3130. Run For The Roses Kentucky Derby Party, 3-7 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Race on a big screen TV, food, mint juleps, open bar, bluegrass, best hat contest, best hat and boots contest, auction, silent auction. $35 per person, $65 per couple in advance; $40/$70 at the gate. Tickets: 580-3377. Nautical Night, 6 p.m. Chesapeake Academy, 107 Steamboat Road, Irvington. Gala, auctions, raffles, Reservations, 438-5575. “The Fantasticks,” 8 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Lacrosse Clinic, 1-3 p.m., Christchurch School, Route 33, Middlesex County. For boys in grades 6-9. $25. Call 7582306 to register. Stock Car Racing, 6:30-10:30 p.m., Virginia Motor Speedway, Route 17, Jamaica, 8 miles north of Saluda. Five divisions of races on Truckin’ Thunder Scout Night—Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in uniform are admitted free and invited to participate in a Pinewood Derby that evening. or 758-1VMS. Mathews High School Regatta, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Williams Wharf Landing, Route 614, Mathews. Open to the public. $8 parking fee. Food available. 725-9685. Rain Barrel Making Workshop, 10-11:30 a.m., Court House Green, Mathews Court House. Presented by MathewsMiddlesex Master Gardeners. $35. Reservations required. 725-7196. Kentucky Derby Day, 5-9 p.m., White Dog Bistro, Mathews. Sponsored by the Mathews Rotary Club. Six-course dinner, cash bar and Kentucky Derby on a big screen TV. Music by Michael Wend throughout the evening. $75. 725-7680. Grace Episcopal Yard Sale, 8 a.m.-noon. YMCA/APYC Camp Kekoka, 1083 Boys Camp Road, Kilmarnock. Breakfast, lunch, food items to take home, crystal, silver, house wares, electronics, computers, books, records, furniture, clothing, art, jewelry, plants and gardening items. Auction (10 a.m.) items include seven boats, a van, rototillers, heavy duty table saw. May 2-3 Deltaville Dealer Days, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, new boats on display along with open houses at Norton Yacht Sales, S&J Yachts, Chesapeake Yacht Sales, and Annapolis Yacht Sales South in Deltaville. Sunday, May 3 “The Fantasticks,” 3 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 4f May 2015 • Rivah • 3 Events f3 Kilmarnock. 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Blessing Of The Fleet, 3:30 p.m. boat parade, 4 p.m. ceremony. Old Morris-Fisher Factory Tall Stack site, Omega Protein, 610 Menhaden Road, Reedville. World Famous Breakfast, 8-11 a.m., American Legion Post 83, Route 198, Hudgins. $8. 725-9133. Tuesday, May 5 Monday, May 4 Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Jewelry Making for Beginners and Intermediate Students. Fees, registration, 436-9309. Continues May 5. Fried Chicken Dinner, 5-6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 117, 39 American Legion Way, Reedville. Speaker: Charlene Talcott. Topic: Raptors of the Rappahannock. Winter/Spring Lecture Series, 7 p.m. Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. Program: Spy Catcher. Speaker: John Wolfinger. Sponsor: Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. $5 donation. Light refreshments. 453-6529. Northern Neck Audubon, 7 p.m. Grace Episcopal Church, 303 South Main Street, Heritage Arts Class, noon-5 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Beginner Stained Glass. $35 members, $40 others., $35 materials fee. Register at, or call 580-3377. May 5-6 Virginia Safe Boating Class, 6:30-10 p.m. each night, USCG Auxiliary Training Center, 83 Ball Park Road, Deltaville. Free. Call 301-741-3513 to register. Wednesday, May 6 Piccolo’s Trunk, 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 p.m. Chesapeake Academy Gym, 107 Steamboat Road, Irvington. Performing Arts and Lecture Series program for ages 3 through grade 3 (first showing) and grades 4 through 8. Mime: Mark Jaster. Reserve a spot at 438-5575, or hscott@ Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Drawing Landscapes. Fees, registration, 436-9309. Continues May 7. Thursday, May 7 “The Fantasticks,” 8 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Friday, May 8 Father John Boddie Memorial Golf Classic, 12:30 p.m., Piankatank River Golf Club in Hartfield. Four-man captain’s choice. Prizes and dinner. $80 per player. 776-0949. Mahjong/Bridge Tournament, 11 a.m. lunch, noon competition. Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. $100 per table of four. Reservations by May 8, lancasterlibrary. org, or 435-1729. Shoreline Plants For Beach And Bank, 2 p.m. Lancaster Community Library, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock. Sponsored by Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Northern Neck Native Plant Society. Second Friday Art Walk, 6-8 p.m. Colonial Beach. “The Fantasticks,” 8 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Museum & Historical Society Inc. 758-3663 or 776-6983. Stock Car Racing, 6:30-10:30 p.m., Virginia Motor Speedway, Route 17, Jamaica, 8 miles north of Saluda. Five divisions of racing. or 758-1VMS. Classic and Antique Automobile Cruise-In, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., in the lot next to the Urbanna Post Office, Virginia Street. Oyster Fair, 9:30-11 a.m., Gwynn’s Island Civic Center, 1996 Old Ferry Rd., Hudgins. Sponsored by Tidewater Oyster Growers Association (TOGA). Learn how to get started in oyster gardening. Vendors on site. Free. 642-6764. Free Boating Safety Class, Northumberland County Rescue Squad, 412 Reed Avenue, Reedville. Sponsor: U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 33. Enroll at 703-635-4100. Gardening At Sulgrave Manor, 2 p.m. George Washington Birthplace Visitor Center Auditorium, 1732 Popes Creek Road, Colonial Beach. Speaker: Sue McNally, chief gardener of Sulgrave Manor in Northhamptonshire, England. Free Play Fun & Games, 6-7:30 p.m. Picnic Area Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Free play time for children outdoors. Tug-of-war, games, equipment. $4 parking fee. 462-5030. “The Fantasticks,” 8 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Sunday, May 10 “The Fantasticks,” 3 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Tuesday, May 12 Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Interesting Techniques with Yupo. Fees, registration, 436-9309. Continues May 13 and 14. Saturday, May 9 Public Tours of Wilton Plantation, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 1425 Twiggs Ferry Road, Hartfield. $20 on the day of the tour. Proceeds benefit Middlesex County Essex s Tappahannock Farmers’ Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. in the center of historic downtown Tappahannock, the third Saturday of the month. 445-2067 Gloucester s Summer Nights Market in Gloucester 4:30–7:30 p.m. every Wednesday beginning in June. 695-0700 Lancaster s Irvington Farmers’ Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at Irvington Commons, the first Saturday of the month. 480-0697 Mathews s Mathews Farmers’ Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. on the Court Green, every Saturday. 725-3318 Middlesex s Holly Point Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at Deltaville Maritime Museum and Holly Point Nature Park, the fourth Saturday of the month. 776-7200 s Urbanna Farmers’ Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at Taber Park, the second Saturday of the month. 758-2613 Northumberland s Heathsville Farmers’ Market 9 a.m.–1p.m. at Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, the third Saturday of the month. 580-3377 Westmoreland The Heathsville Farmers Market is Saturday, May 16, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located at Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, Heathsville. Enjoy 50 vendors, Antique and Classic Car Round-up, Rose Society Festival, Tavern artisans and crafters. 4 • Rivah • May 2015 s Montross Market Days 8 a.m.–1 p.m. at the old Courthouse, the first Saturday of the month. (703) 598-2112 Events Thursday, May 14 Heritage Arts Class, 1-5 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. American Flag Stained Glass. $25 members, $30 others., $50 materials fee. Register at, or call 580-3377. Friday, May 15 Jacob’s Ladder Golf Classic, noon, Golden Eagle Golf Course in Irvington. Lunch, dinner, prizes. Register at Randy Brown Memorial Golf tournament, 1 p.m., Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club in Kilmarnock. Captain’s choice format. $100 per golfer. Proceeds benefit Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School (CBGS) Education Foundation. 758-6788. “The Fantasticks,” 8 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. May 15-17 Kekoka Yoga Retreat, YMCA Camp Kekoka, Boys Camp Road, Kilmarnock. $125 includes lodging, four meals, all levels yoga, meditation, lectures, arts, crafts, music and water activities. Proceeds benefit scholarships for campers. Reservations, 435-3616. Saturday, May 16 Urbanna Cup Boat Races, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Urbanna Town Marina, Urbanna Creek. Cocktail Class wooden boats with 6 and 8 hp engines will race in several divisions in the creek in front of the marina. Food, beverages and music by Fillmore at the marina follow the event until 9 p.m. Free. Bring chairs and blankets. Heathsville Farmers Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/ Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Some 50 vendors, Antique and Classic Car Round-up, Rose Society Festival, Tavern artisans and crafters. 580-3377. “The Fantasticks,” 3 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Spring On The Plantation, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. George Washington Birthplace National Monument, 1732 Popes Creek Road, Washington’s Birthplace. 18th-century for children outdoors. Tug-of-war, games, equipment. $4 parking fee. 462-5030. Tour de Chesapeake, all day cycling event throughout Mathews County. Food and music. Tour de Chesapeake Party, Williams Wharf, Landing, Route 614, Mathews. Open to the public. Free admission, food, and cash bar. 725-9685. Big Croaker Fishing Tournament, Garrett’s Marina, sponsored by the Tappahannock Rotary Club. Entry fee, $150 per boat. Cash prizes. Visit for rules and times. Stock Car Racing, 6:30-10:30 p.m., Virginia Motor Speedway, Route 17, Jamaica, 8 miles north of Saluda. 37th annual TireX of Richmond USA 100 featuring Ultimate Late Models. or 758-1VMS. Samaritan Group Golf Tournament, 9 a.m., Piankatank River The Deltaville Seafood Festival will be held Saturday, May 23, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Enjoy a variety of activities in Golf Club, Hartfield. 776-6516. Deltaville village and at the Deltaville Maritime Museum. Over 30 food and craft vendors, free swimming in Glow For Good 5K, 6:30-11 Deltaville Pool, model train displays, Paddlefest activities and free boat cruises on Mill Creek, concerts in p.m., Peasley Middle and Bethel the village and at the museum, waterfront exhibits, an antique boat show, oyster shucking champions, and Elementary schools. Food, muDeltaville Deltas Semipro Baseball at 2 p.m. Photo by Stephen Blue. 6f activities and demonstrations, sheep shearing, tobacco planting, blacksmithing, and open hearth cooking at Popes Creek Plantation. 224-1732. National Kids To Park Day, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Picnic Area, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Pack a lunch. 11 a.m., Explorer’s Hike. 1 p.m., Shake & Make Ice Cream, $2. 2 p.m., Geocaching 101, equipment provided, $6. National Kids To Park Day, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Westmoreland State Park, 1650 State Park Road, Montross. 11 a.m. Become a naturalist, Discovery Center, $3 per person. 1:30 p.m. Fossil Hike, Discovery Center, $3 per person, or $8 per family. 4 p.m. Shark Tooth Necklace Making, Visitor Center. $5 buy a tooth, or $3 bring a tooth. 6 p.m., Campfire, Discovery Center. 493-8821. Sip & Stroke, 1-4 p.m. Jacey Vineyards, 619 Train Lane, Heathsville. Wine tasting while learning to paint “Sail Away!” $45. Pay in advance, 580-4053. Free Play Fun & Games, 6-7:30 p.m. Picnic Area, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Free play time Heirloom quality homes built to suit your site, your vision, your budget, and the way you like to live. Setting the standard of excellence for fine homebuilding, renovations and additions in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula since 1987. Joseph P. Oliva (o) 804-438-5092 (c) 804-436-4828 Post Office Box 208 Irvington, Virginia 22480 May 2015 • Rivah • 5 Events f5 sic, games, and glow-in-the-dark swag. Race begins at 9 p.m. Sponsored by the Giving Garden Foundation. 757-876-8737. May 16-17 Urbanna Small Boat Meet, two days of informal sailing races on Piankatank River, Freeport, Route 198, Gloucester County. Pot-luck supper and barbecue on Saturday. Free. Sunday, May 17 “Go Wild!” event, 11 a.m.4 p.m., Hutchinson Wildlife Refuge Tract, Route 17 near Tappahannock. Sponsored by the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge and the Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends. Fun-filled day packed with activities for all ages. Free. 333-1470. Park Adventures, 2-4 p.m., Beaverdam Park, Gloucester. Family fun kayaking, canoeing, and fishing from Jon boats. $20 per family; $15 per person. 693-2355. “The Fantasticks,” 3 p.m. Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. $25 adults, $12 for students. By reservation, 529-9345. Monday, May 18 Art Talk, 1 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Theme: Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens. Tuesday, May 19 Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rappahannock Art League Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Beginning Sketching and Painting—Coloring Inside and Outside the Lines. Fees, registration, 436-9309. Continues May 20. Wednesday, May 20 Abingdon Ruritan Club Seafood Festival, 3-8 p.m., Abingdon Ruritan Club fairgrounds in Bena, Gloucester County. Advance tickets only, $50, May 9 deadline. Buy tickets at All the seafood and beverages you can consume. Music by Slapnation. Charity Golf Tournament, 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon lunch, 1 p.m. shotgun start. Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club, 362 Club Drive, Kilmarnock. Four 6 • Rivah • May 2015 events, parade Headquarters, 435-6092, or info@lancasterva. com. Continues on May 30, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 30 Kids Croaker Classic, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Boat Launch Area, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Fishing from the shore, the pier or by boat. Age categories: 3-9 & 10-15. Adult supervision required. First-, second- and third-place awards. Rules & registration forms at Camp Store, Contact Station, and in the Park Office. $10 per participant entry fee. 462-5030. Shining Diamonds Golf Tournament, 9 a.m. Hobbs Hole Golf Course, Tappahannock. To benefit East Coast Diamonds travel softball program. Registration for a four-person team is $250. Checks are payable to 4 Our Children Inc. Mail to 4 Our Children, Inc., P.O. Box 212, The Rappahannock River Yacht Club, 100 Rappahannock Road, Irvington hosts Cape Dory Typhoon races Warsaw VA 22572. starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays through June 3, as well as a Typhoon Ladies Sailing Series at 3:15 p.m. Stewardship Virginia Project, on Sundays. Both events are open to anyone with a Typhoon. The racing grounds are on the Rappahannock 10 a.m.-noon. Visitor Center, River off Carters Creek in proximity to the Robert O. Norris Jr. Memorial Bridge and Towle’s Point. Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Park enhancement. Certificate signed players, captain’s choice. $55 Rappahannock Art League by the governor. $4 parking fee. remodeling or repair. Pre-sale members, $75 others. Register Studio Gallery, 19 North Main 462-5030. will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 at 296-0172. Street, Kilmarnock. Paint and Heritage Arts Class, 10:30 p.m. May 7-9, 14-16 and 21-22 Paste Fees, registration, 436a.m.-1:30 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/ for delivery of donated items or Saturday, May 23 Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monubrowsing and buying. 435-3461. 9309. Continues May 27 and Deltaville Seafood Festival, 9 Low Country Shrimp Boil, 28. ment Place, Heathsville. Quilted a.m.-9 p.m., variety of activities Striped Table Runner. $25 mem5-7:30 p.m. Morattico Waterfront in Deltaville village and at the bers, $30 others. $9 materials Museum, 6584 Morattico Road, Friday, May 29 Parade Of Homes by the Bay, fee. Register at RHHTFoundaDeltaville Maritime Museum. Morattico. $45. 462-0532. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Parade HeadOver 30 food and craft vendors,, or call 580-3377. quarters, Lancaster by the Bay free swimming in Deltaville Pool, Sunday, May 24 Suddenly in Command safe Get Somers Started, 3-5 p.m. Chamber of Commerce, 129 model train displays, Paddlefest boating course, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Reedville Fishermen’s Museum, South Main Street, Kilmarnock. activities and free boat cruises Deltaville Maritime Museum, 504 Main Street, Reedville. 11 properties in various on Mill Creek, concerts in the 287 Jackson Creek Rd., Food and spirit tasting to benefit categories including stick built, village and at the museum, Deltaville. Course will teach modular, remodels, additions, waterfront exhibits, antique boat the Skipjack Claud W. Somers. spouses and children what to do Music by Calico Jenny. Tours and interior/exterior designs. show, oyster shucking champiin the case of an emergency on of the Claud W. Somers. $45 Advance tickets, $20. Purchase ons, Deltaville Deltas Semipro the water. Free. Call 301-741members, $50 others, $75 tickets at Baseball at 2 p.m. 776-7200 or 3513 to register. VIP Captain’s Table. Purchase tickets at 453-6529. Revolutionary War EncampMemorial Day Remembrance, ment, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., His2 p.m., American Legion Post toric Court Circle, Main Street, 83, Routes 198 and 616, Gloucester Court House. Free. Furniture, Home Decor Mathews. Refreshments served. 693-2355. Benefit Cruise-In, 10 a.m.and More! Monday, May 25 1 p.m., on the Commons, Memorial Day Service, 11 Irvington. Sponsored by the Memory Lane Car Club. Registra- a.m., music, 11:30 a.m., serOwner vice. Christ Church, 420 Christ tion fee of vehicles will be a bag 153 Northumberland Highway Church Road, Weems. Sponsors: or cans of pet food to benefit Retired Military Officers AssociaAnimal Welfare League. Callao, Virginia 22435 tion of America and American Yard Sale, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lancaster/Northumberland Habi- Legion Post 82. 4IPQt$FMM tat for Humanity, 460 North Main Tuesday, May 26 Street, Kilmarnock. Featuring Art Workshop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. items for use in home building, Mosaic Consignments & Gifts, LLC Jane Pruitt Woodle For fair weather, safe fishing, and a good catch . . . Stock Car Racing, 6:30-10:30 p.m., Virginia Motor Speedway, Route 17, Jamaica, 8 miles north of Saluda. Five divisions of racing. or 758-1VMS. VIMS Marine Science Day, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Gloucester Point. VIMS annual open house, exhibits, tours, children’s activities, seafood cooking, seining on York River, mini-lectures. Free. 684-7061. May 30-31 Arts in the Middle, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, Historic Hewick Plantation, Old Virginia Street, Urbanna. This new fine art and craft festival will feature more than 100 juried artists from 11 states, five musical groups, food and beverages. Free. or email event@ Sunday, May 31 Fossils & Fun Kayaking Trip, 9-11 a.m., 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Westmoreland State Park, 1650 State Park Road, Montross. Ages 6-12 must be accompanied by adults. Reservations required. Fees apply, 493-8821. Have an event to be listed in the June 2015 Rivah? For Middle Peninsula events, email For Northern Neck events email editor@rapprecord. com. REEDVILLE—The community is invited to the 45th annual Blessing of the Fleet at 4 p.m. Sunday May 3, at 610 Menhaden Road, Reedville. The Blessing of the Fleet is a time-honored tradition meant to recognize the Northern Neck’s sea-going heritage. Sponsored by St. Mary’s Church-Fleeton, Omega Protein Inc. and the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum, the blessing marks the opening of the fishing season on the Chesapeake Bay. Local clergy ask for God’s blessing on the fishermen, their boats, and for a fruitful season, reported Marguerite Slaughter, a St. Mary’s vestry member. The honorary harbormaster will be Capt. Fred Biddlecomb, represented by his sons Joseph and Charlie Biddlecomb. A memorial wreath will be cast on the water by his sons and an honor guard from the American Legion Post 117. A parade of boats will start at 3:30 p.m. and proceed up Cockrell’s Creek to the ceremony site at the old Morris-Fisher factory tall stack. Capt. Linwood Bowis will lead the parade aboard the Chesapeake Breeze, followed by the Elva C, a Virginia Marine Resources Commission patrol boat and Smith Point Sea Rescue 1. Omega Protein will be represented by the Fleeton, captained by Jeff Haydon. All commercial and pleasure boats are invited to join the parade and to anchor off the site to view the ceremony. Captains The fishing vessel Fleeton (above) will represent the Omega Protein fleet at the 45th annual Blessing of the Fleet on Saturday, May 3. are reminded to assemble at the mouth of Cockrell’s Creek and the Great Wicomico River before 3:30 pm. Music will be provided by the combined choirs of St. Mary’s, Bethany United Methodist Church and the Reedville Festival Hall Chorale. Soloist Thomasyne Acree will begin the ceremony with the national anthem. Bret D. Scholtes of Houston, Texas, will speak. He has served as president and chief executive officer for Omega Protein since January 1, 2012, and as a director since February 28, 2013. He previously served as executive vice president and chief financial officer and senior vice presidentcorporate development. Scholtes also was a vice president at GE Energy Financial Services. He and wife, Anna, and two daughters, Madelyn and Libby, spent last summer in Fleeton. Committee co-leads Bud Bolger and Janet Lewis acknowledge the generous contributions of the sponsors, clergy, veterans, watermen, community leaders and volunteers who make this event possible, said Slaughter. TOGA Oyster Fair set for May 9 on Gwynn’s Island MATHEWS—Anyone interested in oyster gardening and Chesapeake Bay ecology is invited to attend the Tidewater Oyster Growers Association (TOGA) Middle Peninsula Oyster Fair on Saturday, May 9, at the Gwynn’s Island Civic Center, 1996 Old Ferry Rd., Hudgins. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Vendors of oyster gardening equipment and supplies are invited to display their wares for sale. Oyster seed will be available. The educational program begins at 9:30 a.m. From 9:40-10:20 a.m., Karen Hudson, Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Specialist at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), will address the topic of “Commercial Oyster Culture Growth/ Trends and Hatchery Production.” From 10:20-11 a.m., Vic Spain will discuss “How to Get Started Oyster Gardening.” For more information, call Spain at 804-642-6764. Nautical Gifts For over 20 years, your source for the unusual. Gearing up for the Holiday Season New Books • Jewelry • Fun Stuff! Puller Highway • Deltaville • (804) 776-9811 May 2015 • Rivah • 7 Rivah Concerts o avoid disappointment, call the numbers where indicated to verify dates and times of events. All area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. T 12 and under; $12 for senior citizens over 65. 725-7760. Bluegrass Jam, 7-10 p.m., Middlesex Volunteer Fire Depar tment, Virginia Street, Urbanna. Free. Fillmore featuring Morgan Stewart and Phil Walker, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Urbanna Farmers’ Market, Taber Park, Urbanna. Free. Ongoing Events Wednesdays Karaoke, 7 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. 435-7665. Sunday, May 10 Kyle Marshall, 4 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Thursdays Shaggin’, 6 p.m. free lessons, 7 p.m. dancing. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Shag, line dancing. 435-7665. On The Rise Performers, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. 435-0000. Bluegrass Jam, 6-9 p.m. Colonial Beach Lions Club, Colonial Beach. Wicked Jezabel, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Fillmore featuring Morgan Stewart and Phil Walker, 7-9 p.m., following Urbanna Cup boat races, Urbanna Town Marina, Urbanna Creek. First in Urbanna Music Under the Stars concer t series. Sunday, May 17 Friday, May 15 Tara Mills Band, 7-10 p.m. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. Original Mountain Americana. 435-0000. Stickey Wicket, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Stuck on a Name and 33 East, 7 p.m., Savannah Joe’s, 55 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock. $8. To benefit Northern Neck Court Appointed Special Advocate. Sundays Pat Moore, 5-8 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball DuPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. 435-7665. The Fabulous Hubcaps, 6:30-10 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Ticket event, bring a lawn chair. $2 advance, $25 at the door. Wednesday, May 20 Slapnation, Abingdon Ruritan Club Seafood Festival, 3-8 p.m., Abingdon Ruritan Club fairgrounds in Bena, Gloucester County. Advance tickets only, $50, May 9 deadline. Buy tickets at Saturday, May 16 Friday, May 1 Tom Euler Blues Trio, 6-9 p.m., First Friday event at Gloucester Ar ts on Main, 6580-B Main Street near Gloucester Cour t House. 824-9464. Damion Wolfe, 7–10 p.m. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. Acoustic 435-0000. Bob Noble Band, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Evick, 8 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castelwood Drive, Colonial Beach. Saturday, May 2 Salty Dawgs & Faith, 8 p.m.-midnight. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. $5. 435-7665. Whitehouse Effect, 9 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Full Steam, 8 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Michael Wend, 5-9 p.m., 8 • Rivah • May 2015 Middlesex resident Tom Euler is one of the most popular blues musicians in Rivah country. See the Tom Euler Trio perform from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, May 1, at Gloucester Arts on Main. 824-9464. White Dog Bistro, Mathews, during Rotar y Club’s Kentucky Derby Day. 725-7680. Friday, May 8 Tom Euler Blues Trio, 6:308:30 p.m., Stingray Point Marina, Deltaville. Gypsy Roots Trio, 7–10 p.m. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. Jazz. 435-0000. Renegade Thunder, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Saturday, May 9 Josh Grigsby & County Line, 6 p.m. Music by the River, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. $4 parking fee. Bluegrass and Gospel 462-5030. Stuck on a Name, 8:30 p.m.midnight, Sunset Grill, Deltaville. Mateo Monk, 7-10 p.m. Windows on the Water, Yankee Point Marina, 1303 Oak Hill Road, Lancaster. $3. Northern Neck Orchestra and Chesapeake Chorale, 7:30 p.m. Lancaster Middle School Theater, 191 Church Street, Kilmarnock. Concer t: America the Beautiful, including world premier of “Virginia 1861,” by composer Rober t Wendel. $20, students free. Purchase tickets at nor, or the door. Swamp da Wamp, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Blues Society, 8 p.m.midnight. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. $5. 435-7665. Klepto Radio, 9 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. $10. The Original Rhondels, 8 p.m., Donk’s Theater, Mathews, Tickets are $15 for adults; $5 for children age Bill, Pam & Macon Gurley, 6 p.m. Music by the River, Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. $4 parking fee. Folk, Bluegrass, Blues, Rock, Countr y, Gospel. 462-5030. Honkytonk Heroes, 6-10 p.m. Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. $20. To benfit Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. Ages 21 and older. Food, snacks, beer available for purchase. No coolers. Reser vations, 453-6529. Friday, May 22 Sweet Justice, 7 p.m., Savannah Joe’s, 55 Ir vington Road, Kilmarnock. Haze & Dacy, 7–10 p.m. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. Folk, Alternative Countr y. 435-0000. Old School, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Lickity Splitz, 9 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. The Northern Neck Orchestra and Chesapeake Chorale will be in concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 9, at Lancaster Middle School Theater, 191 Church Street, Kilmarnock. Above is the lower string section of the orchestra. Concerts Bluegrass music in Urbanna each month starting in May URBANNA—The public is invited to enjoy an evening of bluegrass and country music on Saturday, May 9, from 7-10 p.m. at the Middlesex Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) on Virginia Street in Urbanna. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted by the MVFD and its auxiliary. The bluegrass jams at the MVFD will continue on the second Saturday each month through September. The Original Rhondels will play at 8 p.m. on Saturday, May 9, at Donk’s Theater in Mathews. 725-7760. Saturday, May 23 33 EAST, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Deltaville Community Association grounds, Deltaville Seafood Festival, Deltaville. Free. Bobby Messano, Ray Pittman and David Moran, 5-9 p.m., Deltaville Seafood Festival, Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Creek Road on Mill Creek, Deltaville. $10 in advance; $15 at gate. 776-7200. Steve Motley, 8 p.m., Donk’s Theater, Mathews, Tickets are $15 for adults; $5 for children age 12 and under; $12 for senior citizens over 65. 725-7760. Muir String Quartet, 6 to 9 p.m. Stratford Hall, 483 Great House Road, Stratford. $200, includes concer t in the Great Hall, followed by cocktails and buf fet super in the Council House. Purchase tickets by May 15. Call Fredericksburg Festival for the Per forming Ar ts, 540-374-5040. Kashmir, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Salty Dawgs & Faith, 8-11 p.m. Windows on the Water, Yankee Point Marina, 1303 Oak Hill Road, Lancaster. $5. Kasey Rae Meeks Band, 8 p.m.-midnight. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. $10. 435-7665. The Fuzz, 9 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Sunday, May 24 Rockin Roger, 4 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Friday, May 29 Blue Line Highway, 7–10 p.m., Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, 327 Old Ferr y Road, White Stone. Acoustic Rock. 435-0000. Hank Williams Jr. Tribute, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Saturday, May 30 Eileen Edmonds, 5-6 p.m., Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Creek Road and on Mill Creek, Deltaville. $10. Groovin in the Park concer t series. Bring lawn chairs and coolers. 776-7200. Cat Daddy, 6-8 p.m., Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Creek Road and on Mill Creek, Deltaville. $10. Groovin in the Park concer t series. Bring lawn chairs and coolers. 776-7200. Tailgate Down, 8 p.m.midnight. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. $10. 435-7665. Hank Williams Jr. Tribute, 8 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Sam Grow Band with Rave Parade, 9 p.m. Tiki Bar at Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Sweet Justice, 7 p.m., Pelicans at the Point, Windmill Point, 40 Windjammer Lane, White Stone. HonkyTonk Heroes will perform from 6-10 p.m. on Saturday, May 16, at Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. Concert to benefit museum is May 16 REEDVILLE—HonkyTonk Heroes will perform from 6 to 10 p.m. May 16 at Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. The concert will benefit the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. “HonkyTonk Heroes are well-known throughout Virginia and beyond, opening for a number of big country stars,” said executive director May 30-31 Shawn Hall. “Now the Northern Neck gets a chance to enjoy the incredJumbo Lump Daddy and ible talents of this band for this special performance.” the Backfin Boys, Planet Tickets are $20. To reserve tickets, call the museum office at 453Full of Blues, Herbie D and 6529. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. the Dangermen, Something Beer, wine, hotdogs and popcorn will be available. Coolers are not Different, and Northern allowed. Folks must be at least age 21 to attend the concert. Neck Chantey Singers, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, Ar ts in the Middle, historic Hewick, Old Virginia Street, Urbanna. Free. Sunday, May 31 Rockin Roger, 4 p.m. Dockside, 1787 Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach. Sweet Suzi & Sugafix, 7 p.m. High Tides on the Potomac, 205 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach. Bobby Messano will be the featured performer at the Deltaville Seafood Festival concert at the Deltaville Maritime Museum from 5-9 p.m. on Saturday, May 23. 776-7200. Have a concert to be listed in the June 2015 Rivah? For Middle Peninsula events, email For Northern Neck events email The Cat Daddy Band will perform from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, in the Groovin’ in the Park concert series at the Deltaville Maritime Museum. 776-7200. May 2015 • Rivah • 9 Heathsville Market to feature antique, classic cars H E AT H S V I L L E — T h e Heathsville Farmer’s Market theme for May will be “Antique and Classic Car Round-up.” Members of the Antique Automobile Club of America and the Northern Neck Corvette Club will cruise in with their vehicles. The market is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 16 at Rice’s Hotel/ Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Meanwhile, the Northern Neck Rose Society will hold a Rose Festival inside the Transportation Museum Building. There will be special exhibits, roses for sale, and a presentation by Charlotte Hundley, an expert on growing roses in the Northern Neck. Costumed volunteers lead walking tours of Heathsville’s Town Square. The tour departs from in front of the Transportation Museum Building at 10:15 a.m. Participants will learn about Heathsville’s interesting past as they visit the Tavern, the old Jail and the old Courthouse. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern is the last surviving 1700s structure of its kind in the Northern Neck. The Heritage Arts Center there is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. Visit, or call 580-3377. Ladies Apparel Casual, Cruise & Special Occasion Jewelry & Accessories TOGA’s Middle Peninsula Oyster Fair Mon.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm 12 South Main Street, Kilmarnock, Va. 804-435-2200 Hometown Lighting Presents PRIME VENDOR SALE CONTRACTOR WHOLESALE LIGHTING FIXTURES & CEILING FANS 40 – 70% off MSRP or call 776-7580 10 • Rivah • May 2015 Growing oysters for a cleaner Bay If you are interested in oyster gardening and Bay ecology please join us May 9th 2015 Gwynn’s Island Civic Center, 1996 Old Ferry Rd, Hudgins, VA 23076. Registration begins at 8:30 AM Vendors of oyster gardening equipment and supplies are invited to display their wares for sale. Oyster seed will be available. Educational program begins at 9:30 AM 9:40 to 10:20 -- Educational program begins2HYLU/\KZVU*VTTLYJPHS:OLSSÄZO(X\HJ\Sture Extension Specialist at VIMS, will address Commercial Oyster Culture Growth/Trends and Hatchery Production. 10:20 to 11:00 -- For new oyster gardeners, Vic Spain will discuss How to Get Started Oyster Gardening. Wed. through Sat. 10:30 - 5:30 Sunday 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. Northumberland County launches shopping trail HEATHSVILLE—Seventeen Northumberland County antiques, consignment and thrift shops are taking part in the new “Trolling for Treasures at the Bay,” a local shopping trail initiated and organized by the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission (NCEDC). The “Trolling for Treasures at the Bay” shopping trail is aimed at expanding existing businesses by promoting tourism and the concept of “buying local,” said NCEDC executive director Theresa N. Lambert. “We hope to reach tourists from surrounding areas, weekenders, new residents not familiar with shopping opportunities here, and local citizens interested in ‘green’ shopping and supporting our county’s businesses,” said chairman John A. Hendrickson. Participating shops’ addresses along with their descriptions, hours of operation, and geographical locations indicated on a map are included in a full-color brochure to be distributed throughout the Northern Neck. The map also includes locations of local businesses supporting the shopping trail with brochure display advertisements to direct shoppers to restaurants and accommodations. The NCEDC also is in the process of developing a webpage for inclusion on the county government website. Commission members are appointed by the Northumberland board of supervisors. The NCEDC also is partnering with the Northern Neck Tourism Commission and other organizations to create a web-based marketing strategy targeting all Northern Neck counties and the Richmond, Fredericksburg, Tidewater, Northern Virginia and District of Columbia areas. Participating shops and advertisers will receive brochures for marketing purposes with regular and new customers. Brochures also will be distributed at farmers markets and interested local businesses. The 17 shops inaugurating the “Trolling for Treasures at the Bay” shopping trail by locality are: • Burgess—Plum Summer, 15170 Northumberland Highway; Burgess House, 80 Jessie Dupont Memorial Highway; and the General Store, 684 Jessie Dupont Memorial Highway. • Callao—Callao Community Trading Post, 129 Northumberland Highway; Fine Things, 25 Sandy Street; Mosaic Consignments and Gifts, 153 Northumberland Highway; and Bay & River Furniture Home Decor &Gifts Nina’s New & Nearly New, 410 Northumberland Highway. • Heathsville—St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church’s Trifles & Treasures Thrift Shop, 6853 Northumberland Highway; Kathy’s Korner, 7072 Northumberland Highway; Ye Olde Book Shoppe, 7072 Northumberland Highway; Second Hand Rose, 1428 Hull Neck Road; and Jean’s Bargain Center, 13039 Northumberland Highway. • Lottsburg—Indoor Yard Sale at the Northumberland County Animal Shelter, 2172 Northumberland Highway; and Light of Christ Anglican Thrift Store, 2516 Northumberland Highway. • Reedville—St. Mary’s Thrift Shop, 108 Fairport, Road. • Wicomico Church—Discoveries at Wicomico House, Wicomico Parish Church, 5125 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway; and Kids Closet, 5458 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway. Businesses placing display advertisements in the brochure are Newsome’s Restaurant & Catering, T&J’s Dairy Barn, Wildest Dreams Boutique, Nino’s Pizza, Bay Motel, Ma Margaret’s House Bed and Breakfast, Historic Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern and The Hideaway Restaurant and Lounge. SANDRA HUDSON TERRY ELBOURN We support USA-made products. 1257+0$,1675((7.,/0$512&.9$ 021'$<)5,'$<6$785'$< Visit us on Facebook May 2015 • Rivah • 11 It’s all happening across the York River by Tom Chillemi The answer is: Yorktown. The correct question: Where did the British surrender in the Revolutionary War? Just about any Jeopardy game show contestant would get that one right. But far fewer would respond correctly to the Jeopardy answer “Riverwalk Landing.” ;OLJVYYLJ[JVU[LZ[HU[YLZWVUZL^V\SKNVZVTL[OPUNSPRL[OPZ¸>OLYLJHU`V\ÄUK^H[LYMYVU[ dining, beaches, shops, galleries, museums, tall ships, year-around events, rent a Segway, and it’s all UL_[[V[OL@VYR[V^U)H[[SLÄLSK&¹ And there’s more, so much more that visitors can spend days at this unusual waterfront destination. W hen you zip across the York River on the Coleman Bridge, consider stopping at that little settlement on the east side—it holds a world of entertainment, charm and good times. Riverwalk Landing links Yorktown Victory Center and Yorktown Battlefield in a one-mile pedestrian walkway on the York River. Park for free or dock your boat at the pier. Specialty shops, designed in the spirit of Colonial architecture, offer patriotic 12 • Rivah • May 2015 items, home decor, jewelry, clothing, gifts, quilts and more. Dine at unique restaurants, many with a water view. Enjoy the river with a sail on the schooner Alliance, or make your own fun on the beach. Up the hill in the village are even more shops, galleries and museums. Special events year around feature musical performances, artists, fresh local food, living history and fireworks. At the Watermen’s Museum learn about the men and women who make their living on the York River. Enjoy the river at the scenic beach. Take time to browse antique shops, art galleries, and specialty shops at Riverwalk Landing and up the hill in the village. Enjoy dining with a view of the York River. Stay overnight at a hotel, bed and breakfast, inn, or guest cottage overlooking the water or up the hill in the village. A free trolley provides transportation throughout the village of Historic Yorktown from the Yorktown Battlefield to the Yorktown Victory Center, as well as several stops in between, including River- walk Landing. Its daily route repeats every 20-25 minutes with extended hours of 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from May 23 to September 7. Call 757-890-3500 for details. Come back for special events including beach music, swing music and other performances at Riverwalk Landing, Market Days, July 4th festivities, Yorktown Day on October 19, and a wide variety of special holiday events. Yorktown is a year-around destination for history, shopping, outdoor recreation, fine dining and special events. Come for a day, a weekend or longer. A free trolley provides transportation throughout the village of Historic Yorktown from the Yorktown Battlefield to the Yorktown Victory Center, as well as several stops in between, including Riverwalk Landing. Its daily route takes about 20-25 minutes with extended hours of 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. from May 23 to September 7. 757-890-3500. A guided tour on Segways, as well as bicycle, paddle board and kayak rentals are available at Riverwalk Landing. Things to do at Riverwalk Landing • Shop—sample specialty waterfront shops designed in the spirit of Colonial HYJ[LJ[\YL[OH[VăLYJSV[OPUNQL^LSY`X\PS[ZHY[WH[YPV[PJP[LTZOVTLKLJVYHUK more. • Dine—savor dining at one-of-a-kind restaurants, many with a water view, or grab HUPJLJYLHTJVULHUKLUQV`P[HZ`V\Z[YVSSI`[OLYP]LYVYZP[VU[OLILHJO • Cruise—sail on the tall ships schooners Alliance and Serenity. • Pedal or paddle·7H[YPV[;V\YZ7YV]PZPVUZVăLYZN\PKLK:LN^H`[V\YZHZ well as bicycle, paddle board and kayak rentals. Schooners Alliance and Serenity offer cruises on the York River. May 2015 • Rivah • 13 A public beach stretches the length of Riverwalk Landing. Calendar Riverwalk Landing features year-around events. Below are a few. For more, visit or call 757-890-3500. Saturday, May 2—Blues, Brews, and BBQ Festival, noon to 6 p.m. ,UQV`KV^UOVTLIS\LZPUJYLKPISLTPJYVIYL^ZHUKHTHaPUN))8 Water Street. $25 in advance and $30 at the door. 757-877-2933 or Sunday, May 3·(Y[H[[OL9P]LY1\YPLK(Y[:OV^HTWT (Y[^VYRI`V]LY[HSLU[LKHY[PZ[ZH[[OLZLJVUKHUU\HSQ\YPLKHY[ZOV^VU [OL^H[LYMYVU[7HPU[LYZZJ\SW[VYZWV[[LYZQL^LSLYZHUKTHU`V[OLYPUUV vative and creative artists. Come and select your “People’s Choice” artist. 3P]LLU[LY[HPUTLU[^PSSPUJS\KL[OLQHaaIHUK5L^:V\UK(SSPHUJLMYVT HTWT-VVKHUKIL]LYHNLZ^PSSILH]HPSHISL-YLL Live music is performed throughout the season. Saturday, May 9·@VYR[V^U4HYRL[+H`ZRPJRZVă^P[OH/LHS[O -P[ULZZ4HYRL[ HTWT^P[OTVYL[OHUSVJHSMHYTLYZWYVK\JLYZ HY[PZ[ZHUK]LUKVYZVăLYPUNH]HYPL[`VMSVJHSMH]VYP[LZ(J[P]P[PLZPUJS\KL U\TLYV\Z]LUKVYZÄ[ULZZJSHZZLZOLHS[O`JVVRPUNKLTVUZ[YH[PVUZMYLL health screenings, and information. 757-890-3500. Saturdays, May 16-September 26 (excluding June 6 and July 4)— @VYR[V^U4HYRL[+H`Z HTWT-YLZOWYVK\JLTLH[HUKZLHMVVK IHRLKNVVKZZWLJPHS[`J\[ÅV^LYZJVăLLX\HSP[`HY[LU[LY[HPUTLU[JOLM demos and much more await at the Saturday morning markets. Free. 757890-3500. Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-24—Civil War Weekend, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tactical demonstrations, encampments, and a Confederate ÄLSKOVZWP[HSPU[LYWYL[[OLYVSL@VYR[V^UWSH`LKK\YPUN[OL7LUPUZ\SH Campaign. On Sunday, special memorial ceremonies will take place at the @VYR[V^U5H[PVUHS*LTL[LY`HUK*VUMLKLYH[L*LTL[LY`H[[OL@VYR [V^U)H[[SLÄLSK Friday-Sunday, June 5-7·[V\Y3HMH`L[[L»Z[HSSZOPW/LYTPVUL HT p.m. Free. 757-890-3500. Saturday, July 4—Yorktown Independence Day Celebration with a parade at 9 a.m. Evening activities feature a bell-ringing ceremony at 7 p.m., live music by a U.S. Army Dixieland band at 8 p.m. at Riverwalk 3HUKPUNHUKZWLJ[HJ\SHYÄYL^VYRZVU[OL@VYR9P]LYH[ !WT-YLL 757-890-3500. 14 • Rivah • May 2015 The French ship Hermione will visit Yorktown June 5-7. The ship is a replica of 18th-century ship used by Marquis de Lafayette of France to bring his nation’s support to George Washington and the Continental Army who were fighting for American independence. Dog obedience classes offered SAVE the DATES Sat. May 30 Sun. May 31 Juried Fine Arts Festival • Over 100 artists from 11 states • Five music groups • Free admission and parking Set on the beautiful grounds of 17th Century Hewick Plantation, Old Virginia Rd., next to historic waterside Urbanna, Middlesex. GLOUCESTER—Gloucester Kennel Club of Virginia at 10360 Woods Cross Roads (Route 610) in Gloucester will offer dog obedience classes every Wednesday night beginning May 6. These classes are six-week courses. The Puppy Class will start at 5:30 p.m.; the STAR Puppy Class at 6 p.m.; Basic Obedience Class at 6:30 p.m.; and handling classes at 7:30 p.m. Register online at gloucesterkennelclubofva. Walk-in registrations are also welcomed. Bring shot records. Wear proper shoes and no flip flops. All pure and mixed breeds are welcomed. “Your dog will learn how to heel properly, sit stay, down stay, and the ‘come command,’ which is very important,” said class teacher Diana Wilkie. For more information, contact Wilkie at or 804-815-0602. y’s Cath Un Find Your Oyster Here! ique Pursuits Stylish Fashions & Accessories 44 Irvington Rd. Kilmarnock Va. 22482 See for details A non-profit event supported by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, Middlesex County, Art on the Half Shell Foundation, Urbanna Business Association, and others, and presented by Gloucester Arts on Main. Logo by Ken Rygh. *Gift Certificates Available* One-of-a-kind Exclusive Handmade Bags & Purses Hand-dyed Linen & Silk Sarongs, Wraps & Scarves 804-435-1388 Mon. - Fri. - 10 to 6 Sat. - 10 to 5:30 Your one-stop shop for all of your favorite brands! Blues, Brews & BBQ Saturday, May 2, 12 pm-6 pm Art at the River: Juried Art Show Sunday - May 3, 10 am- 5 pm Yorktown Market Days Fitness Market Saturday - May 9, 9 am 1 pm Yorktown Market Days Weekly May 9 - September 26 Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm (excluding June 6 and July 4) WWW.VISITYORKTOWN.ORG Offering the Latest Trends at Affordable Prices for Your Home & Wardrobe 5NIQUE!NTIQUE&URNITUREsOpen 7 Days a Week 5757 Richmond Rd., Warsaw 804-333-0581 May 2015 • Rivah • 15 good help for a lifetime Life is full of great moments. And when they’re over they become our most cherished memories, like spending lazy weekends in the hammock with dad. At Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital we’re proud to deliver the good help that makes more moments like these possible. Sure the name may have changed, but our dedication to the community hasn’t. It’s our duty to make sure that every patient gets the kind of compassionate, personalized care they deserve. And it’s one we’re proud of every single day. Together we’ll build a healthier community, so that you and your family can enjoy a lifetime of good health. To learn more about Bon Secours, visit BON SECOURS RAPPAHANNOCK GENERAL HOSPITAL Rivah Diversions here can you go in Rivah Country for a family friendly excursion or day of fun? Below are listings of places that may be of interest. All area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. W Gloucester County Parks and Recreation 6467 Main St. Gloucester 693-2355 Mathews County YMCA 10746 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-1488 Air Excursion Bay Aviation Hummel Field Topping Middlesex Family YMCA 11487 Gen. Puller Hwy. Hartfield 776-8846 Sailing camps, soccer camps, summer day camps. 436-2977 Animal Farm River Birch Animal Farm 5952 Gen. Puller Hwy. Locust Hill 758-3522 Open daily, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission. Missoula Children’s Theatre Camps (406)728-1911 Week-long residency “starring” local students in a full-scale musical. Boat Cruises Bay Water Excursions 308 Railway Rd. Port Haywood 725-2876 Boat tours on the Chesapeake Bay with USCG cer tified captain. Captain Billy’s Charters/ River Cruises 545 Harvey’s Neck Rd. Heathsville 580-7292 Custom cruises ever y Sat. evening. Private cruises available. “Faded Glory” – The Hope and Glory Inn’s 25 Passenger Vessel 65 Tavern Rd. Irvington 438-6053 Luncheon and cocktail cruises aboard a restored Chesapeake Bay oyster boat. Reser vations required. Jackson Creek Outfitters 274 Bucks View Ln. Deltaville 776-9812 Kayak rentals, paddleboat rentals, small sailboat rentals, eco tours, and fishing guide ser vices. Located at Deltaville Marina. The tasting room at Vault Field Vineyards near Hague offers a sampling of wines. “Serenity” Yorktown (757) 710-1233 A 65’ schooner offers twohour cruises. Weekends only. Private char ters, group reservations and “locals” specials. Smith Island Cruise 382 Campground Rd. Reedville 453-3430 Depar ts from Chesapeake Bay Camp-Resor t. Reser vations required. Tangier Island Cruise 468 Buzzard Point Rd. Reedville 453-2628 Depar ts from Buzzard’s Point Marina. Urbanna Cruises Urbanna 366-1778 Cruise local creeks and rivers aboard a comfy, char tered pontoon boat. Now ser ving The Tides Inn in addition to Urbanna marinas. Let’s Go Sailing! Urbanna 824-4006 Day cruises, boat rides and Boat Rentals lessons on “Free Spirit”. By Belle Isle State Park 1632 Belle Isle Rd. appointment. Lancaster (800)933-Park Rappahannock River Cruise Kayak, canoe and small boat Tappahannock 453-2628 rentals. “Captain Thomas” travels to Boatyard at Christchurch Ingleside Vineyards. 1228 Crafton Quarter Rd. Saluda 758-4067 Near Christchurch School in Middlesex. Millers Tavern 443-3214 Day camps June, July, Aug. Jackson Creek Outfitters 274 Bucks View Ln. Deltaville 776-9812 Kayak rentals, paddleboat rentals, small sailboat rentals, eco tours, and fishing guide ser vices. Located at Deltaville Marina. Belle Isle State Park 1632 Belle Isle Rd. Lancaster 462-5030 Tucker’s Recreation Park and Marine 244 Barn Rd. Shacklefords 785-4464 16’ and 17’ open bow fiberglass boats with outboard motors. Fishing license included in rental. Bowling Boys and Girls Club of the Northern Neck 517 Main St. Kilmarnock 435-2422 Summer camps in 2-week sessions. Activities, field trips, swimming, ar ts and crafts, more. Bridlewise Summer Horse Camps 12612 Gen. Puller Hwy. Hartfield 776-0606 Camp offered by Bridlewise Riding Academy Day and Boarding Camp from beginner to advanced riders. Evans Bowling Center 34 Cralle Ct. Kilmarnock 435-3950 Camp Piankatank 1586 Stampers Bay Rd. Village Lanes Hartfield 776-9552 7307 John Clayton Mem. Hwy. Day and residential camps for Gloucester 693-3720 ages 7–17. Activities include sailing, rock wall, archer y, swimming and Bible study. Camps for Kids 4–H Camps Contact local offices. Chesapeake Academy extension 107 Steamboat Rd. Irvington 438-5575 Camp Ir vington, Camp ChesaAylett Country Day School peake and Camp Osprey. Ages Powcan Rd. 4-14. Northern Neck Family YMCA 39 William B. Graham Ct. Kilmarnock 435-0223 Weekly summer sessions. Northumberland Family YMCA 6348 Northumberland Hwy. Heathsville 580-8901 Weekly summer camp in conjunction with the public schools. Rappahannock Art League Camps 19 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 436-9309 Weekly ar t camps for ages 6–17. Held in Kilmarnock. Reedville Fisherman’s Museum 504 Main St. Reedville 453-6529 Family boat building June 27– 29, Model making Aug. 4–8. Richmond County YMCA 45 George Brown Ln. Warsaw 333-4117 Weekly summer sessions. Stratford Hall Camps 483 Great House Rd. Montross 493-8038 Grandparent/grandchild camp June 24–26, July 8–10, Aug. 5–7. Summer Camps on the River 49 Seahorse Ln. 18 f May 2015 • Rivah • 17 Diversions f 17 Christchurch 758-2306 (ext. 177) Residential and day co-ed summer camp, Christchurch School in Middlesex. VIMS Summer Camps 1375 Greate Rd. Gloucester Point 684-7878 Westmoreland Family YMCA 18849 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-8163 Licensed summer day camp program. Westmoreland County Camps 18849 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-8163 Day camp. Canoe/Kayak Rentals Belle Isle State Park 1632 Belle Isle Rd. Lancaster 462-5030 Chesapeake Bay Camp-Resort 382 Campground Rd. Reedville 453-3430 Ingram Bay Marina 545 Harvey’s Neck Rd. Heathsville 580-7292 Rent or bring your own and explore miles of shoreline or join a group tour to remote locations around the rivers and bay. Heathsville Farmers’ Market 73 Monument Place Heathsville 580-3377 Jackson Creek Outfitters Third Sat. of the month Apr.– 274 Bucks View Ln. Oct., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Behind Deltaville 776-9812 Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Kayak rentals, paddleboat Tavern. rentals, small sailboat rentals, eco tours, and fishing guide Irvington Farmers Market ser vices. Located at Deltaville Irvington Commons Marina. Irvington 480-0697 First Sat. of the month from Lazy Days Adventures May–Nov., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Hardyville 776-9853 Rentals and eco-tours of local Mathews Farmers’ Market waters. Will deliver. 10494 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-7196 Westmoreland State Park Ever y Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at 1650 State Park Rd. Mathews historic cour thouse Montross 493-8821 green. Group kayak trips, paddle boats and paddle boards. Montross Market Days 15803 Kings Hwy. Montross 703-598-2112 Farmers’ Markets First Sat. of the month Deltaville Farmers’ Market May–Sept. 287 Jackson Creek Rd. Deltaville 776-6950 Tappahannock Farmers’ Four th Sat. of the month May– Market Nov., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Holly Point Prince St. and Cross St. Nature Park at the Deltaville Tappahannock 445-2076 Maritime Museum. Third week each month Apr.– Nov. except for June which is Gloucester Market RivahFest. 6523 Main St. Gloucester 695-0700 Urbanna Farmers’ Market Monthly, Wed. evenings 4–7 351 Bonner St. p.m. Located at the histor y Urbanna 761-4840 museum. The second Sat. of each month May–Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. in Taber Park. Fun Parks Swamp Fun Park 2735 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 642-8778 Paint ball. Learn to Sail Norton’s Sailing School 97 Marina Rd. Deltaville 776-9211 Premier Sailing 744 St. Andrews Ln. Weems 438-9300 Stingray Point Sailing School 18355 Gen. Puller Hwy. Deltaville 909-2655 Movies Essex 5 Cinemas 1653 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 445-1166 Hillside Cinema 7321 John Clayton Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 693-2770 York River Crossing Cinema 2226 York Crossing Dr. Hayes 642-5999 Pick Your Own Bentwaters Farm 1083 Circle Dr. Mathews 725-5839 Spray-free blueberries, homegrown yarns from sheep raised on the farm, lambs and Kids, Cashmere and Nigerian goats. Open by appointment. Eastfields Farms 85 Preston Point Rd. Mathews 725-3948 Spray-free blueberries in Aug. Open Fri.–Sun. Lew Bristow’s Blackberry Farm 9607 Gen. Puller Hwy. Hartfield 776-7785 8 a.m.–4 p.m., Mon.–Sat. in season. See what flying is really meant to be in our impeccably restored 1943 Fairchild PT-19 Good Luck Cellars An Estate Winery Gift Certificates Available Reasonable Rates Call us for an appointment. at Hummel Field, Topping 436-2977 18 • Rivah • May 2015 4HURSDAYAMPMs&RIDAYAMPM 3ATURDAYAMPMs3UNDAY.OONPM -ONDAY.OONPM 1025 Good Luck Road +ILMARNOCK6! &ACILITIESAVAILABLETORENTFOR weddings, reunions, parties, etc. Diversions Tater Neck Blueberry Farm Potato Neck Rd. Port Haywood 725-2623 Open mid-July through Labor Day, during daylight. No chemicals used, six different varieties available. Colonial Beach 224-7455 Gloucester 693-0014 1/8th mile asphalt drag track. A self-guided driving tour of selected African American hisDragon Motor Sports toric sites. Visit or contact the 1790 Howerton Rd. Gloucester Tourism office or Dunnsville 443-1903 the Gloucester Visitor’s Center Truck and tractor pulls. for information and a map. Westmoreland Berry Farm Rivah Trails 1235 Berry Farm Ln. Oak Grove 224-9171 Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Putt Putt (410) 260-2470 Bethpage Miniature Golf Experience and learn about the and Ice Creamery Chesapeake Bay through the 4817 Old Virginia St. routes and places associated Urbanna 758-GOLF (4653) with Smith’s explorations. Putt-putt golf. Rt. 602 just out- There are many points of interside of Urbanna, Middlesex est found in the Nor thern Neck County. and Middle Peninsula. Country Store and Rural Post Office Trail 6487 Main St. Gloucester 693-0014 Travel back in time on this selfguided driving tour of Gloucester’s countr y stores and rural post offices. Visit or contact the Gloucester Tourism office or the Gloucester Visitor’s Center for information and a map. Gloucester Blueways Trail Gloucester 693-0014 A system of five separate water trails spanning Gloucester County. The 40 miles of trails are par ticularly suited for small hand-powered craft such as canoes and kayaks. Chesapeake Bay Wine Trail Visit 9 wineries in the Nor thBill Sawyer’s ern Neck. Sample itineraries Virginia Motor Speedway and a map are available. Con4426 Tidewater Tr. tact any of the wineries listed Jamaica 758-1867 under Wine Tastings for more Dir t track racing select Sat. information. nights through October. African-American Heritage Mathews Blueways Water Colonial Beach Dragway Trail Trail 2035 James Monroe Hwy. 6487 Main St. Mathews 725-4BAY Racing Play 18 holes in the wildly fun world of COWTOPIA! (QMR\+HUVKH\·VKDQGGLSSHG ice cream too! XXXXX 6SULQJ+RXUV )ULGD\VSP 6DWXUGD\V6XQGD\VDP²SP 2OG9LUJLQLD6W8UEDQQD *2/) /LNHXVDW)DFHERRNFRP %HWKSDJH*ROI XXXXX &HOHEUDWH\Rur next event RUELUWKGD\ZLWKXV An interconnected system of five separate water trails spanning the waters of Mathews County and totaling over ninety miles of cruising. Northern Neck Heritage Trail Bicycling Route 18 North Irving Ave. Colonial Beach 333-1919 Four relatively easy bicycle trails throughout the Nor thern Neck. Trolling for Treasures Shopping Trail Includes 17 antique, consignment and thrift shops in Nor thumberland County. Skating Stan’s Skateland 17408 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-9890 Fri.–Sat., 7:30–10 p.m. Theaters Court House Players Mathews 725-0474 Community theater ser ving Gloucester, Mathews and Middlesex counties. Dinner theater. The Pearl Trolley Urbanna 758-2613 The Pearl runs in and around Urbanna in Middlesex County, from May 24–Sept. 3. 25¢. Sponsors needed. Wine Tastings Athena Vineyards and Winery, Inc. 3138 Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. Burgess 580-4944 Belle Mount Vineyards 2570 Newland Rd. Warsaw 333-4700 The Dog and Oyster Vineyard 170 White Fences Dr. 438-9463 Irvington Wine tastings, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. daily. General’s Ridge Vineyard 1618 Weldons Dr. Hague (703) 313-9742 Tasting room, appetizers. Fri. noon–7 p.m.; Sat. noon–6 p.m.; Sun. noon–5 p.m. 703313-9742 Mon.–Thurs.; 4723172 Fri.–Sun. Donk’s Theater 223 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-7760 Virginia’s Lil’ Ole Opr y. Live countr y music in a family atmosphere. Good Luck Cellars 1025 Good Luck Rd. Kilmarnock 435-1416 Open Mon. noon to 5 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Fri. 11 a.m.–8 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. and Sun. noon–5 p.m. Lancaster Players 361 Chesapeake Dr. White Stone 435-3776 Hague Winery 8268 Cople Hwy. Hague Westmoreland Players 16217 Richmond Rd. Callao 529-9345 Ingleside Vineyards and Winery 5872 Leedstown Rd. Oak Grove 224-8687 Trolley Rides Colonial Beach Trolley Colonial Beach 224-0175 Makes 20 stops around the town of Colonial Beach. Ever y Sat. and Sun. May–Sept. On holiday weekends it runs Mon. as well. Triangle Trolley 435-1552 Between Kilmarnock, Ir vington and White Stone. Ever y Fri. and Sat. May 1– Oct 3 and Sun. May 24 and Sept.6. 50¢. 472-5283 Oak Crest Vineyard and Winery 8215 Oak Crest Dr. King George (540) 663-2813 Specials Wine Seller 52 S. Main St. Kilmarnock 436-9463 Free wine tastings each Fri. at 5 p.m. Vault Field Vineyards 2953 Kings Mill Rd. Kinsale 472-4430 May 2015 • Rivah • 19 ‘Arts in the Middle’ to feature 100 juried artists URBANNA—A new fine art and craft festival, “Arts in the Middle,” will debut in Middlesex County on May 30-31 with more than 100 juried artists presenting their original work. Show visitors also will be entertained by five musical groups— Jumbo Lump Daddy and the Backfin Boys, Planet Full of Blues, Herbie D and the Dangermen, something Different, and Northern Neck Shanty Singers—playing music ranging from blues to shanty. The gathering of art by painters, sculptors, photographers and fine crafters will be on the grounds of the bucolic 17th-century Hewick Plantation on Old Virginia St., just west of Urbanna. Hours will be 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, May 31. Individual artists’ tents will line the oakshaded gravel path of majestic Hewick, and group tents will show additional local adult and school-age artists along with food and beverage vendors. “Buy and sell” commercial art and craft will not be accepted in the show. Free parking is onsite and shuttles will be available to the shops and restaurants in Urbanna just a half-mile away. A Rivah-area artist who has shown at dozens of juried art shows calls Hewick “a great draw for artists and the public with its beautiful grounds, shading oaks, and one-site parking.” Celane Roden, Arts in the Middle (AIM) team coordinator, said, “We want Rivaharea residents to have an enjoyable weekend, give exposure to artists, and introduce visitors to our beautiful area.” All those working on the project are unpaid local volunteers. AIM was selected by the national Art Fair Insiders organization as a prime upcoming show based on its thorough planning and outreach. “It’s great to receive such encouragement,” said volunteer Ginny Sawkins. The Virginia Commission for the Arts provided $10,000 in challenge grant funding for the event with local organizations and individuals raising equal amounts. The contributors are Middlesex County, Art on the Half Shell, Urbanna Business Association and individual sponsors and donors. Walt Hurley, the owner of Bethpage CampResort and Hewick, is providing Hewick as the site of the event. Gloucester Arts on Main is the sponsoring non-profit. For more information, visit, or email May 30-31 in Urbanna LAWYERS TITLE / MIDDLE PENINSULA NORTHERN NECK AGENCY AND TIDELAND TITLE AGENCY, L.C. Residential Real Estate Closings • Purchases • Real Estate Loans Serving the Middle Peninsula and surrounding area since 1979 Edward P. Harrow, Jr., President Toll Free (800) 801-5359 • (804) 758-2368 Fax (804) 758-5688 • HWH Office Centre 868 Gloucester Road, P.O. Box 120 Saluda, Virginia 23149 20 • Rivah • May 2015 Nearly 100 artist booths will line the entrance lane to historic Hewick near Urbanna for the first “Arts in the Middle” festival on May 30-31. Waterfront Home for Sale Abingdon Ruritan Club Seafood Festival to feature food and music BENA—Tickets for the Abingdon Ruritan Club’s spring Seafood Festival on Wednesday, May 20, are going fast and the May 9 deadline for purchasing tickets is quickly approaching. Tickets will not be sold after that date or sold at the gate. The price of the ticket includes all-you-can eat seafood, beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic), music by “Slapnation,” and free convenient parking. Tickets are $50 each. The location of this fund-raising festival is the Abingdon Ruritan Club fairgrounds in Bena, which is in Gloucester County. The event is from 3-8 p.m. Tickets may be purchased using the club’s website at, or by mail by sending a check payable to Abingdon Ruritan Club with a stamped self-addressed legalsized envelope to P.O. Box 22, Bena, VA 23018. Tickets may also be purchased at Tillage Automotive, 1925 George Washington Memorial Highway, Gloucester Point, 642-1814; W. Kent Early Accounting, 3847 George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes, 642-3000; or Hogge Real Estate, 6800 Main Street, Gloucester, 693-2161. For more information about the festival, including the full menu, please visit abingdonruritanclub. com. Carter Creek/Lancaster County: the perfect waterfront home! Custom built and custom decorated 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Pier with 10,000 lb. boatlift and 4.5’ MLW water depth. Realtors Welcome. $795,000 804-436-4408. Photos and more information at: 195 TAPPAHANNOCK by the RIVER E 7DSSDKDQQRFN Quality You Insist On, Service You Can Depend On! SQUIRE TWISTER’Z Premium Frozen Yogurt s e r v i c e s "* Ê££Ê>ÊÊ£äÊ«ÊÊUÊÊ"«iÊ>Ìi Visit us on facebook Professional Cleaning Services $BSQFUt6QIPMTUFSZ Oriental Rugs 0EPS&MJNJOBUJPO6SJOF5SFBUNFOU 5JMF(SPVU$MFBOJOH 8BUFS%BNBHFt3FTUPSBUJPO P.O. Box 1413 Tappahannock, Va $PNNFSDJBM3FTJEFOUJBM Ph: 804.443.4751 800.321.4751 1252 Tappahannock Blvd., Tappahannock Next to Roma’s nä{{{ÎxÓ{äÊUÊÜÜÜ°À>Ì>««°V May 2015 • Rivah • 21 Rivah Fare If You Go The Fat Finch Cafe 324 Prince Street Tappahannock 333-3188 Open 5 p.m. - until Tuesday- Saturday On the Menu Appetizers—seafood, chicken wings, black bean cakes, chips and salsa ($5-$14). Chef-inspired specials ($20-$30) and appetizer specials ($12-$14). Entrees—grilled ribeye steak, seafood and pasta dishes ($15 to $31). Tuesday is Prime Rib Night. Sandwiches, burgers, fries, salads, homemade desserts, a full bar, and kids menu ($7-$8). Did you know? The name “The Fat Finch” originated from a conversation restaurant owner Kay Campbell had with her mother. Kay had just purchased bird feed for her mother one day, and it was all gone by the next day. “My goodness, they certainly are hungry little things,” Kay thought. Kay’s mother told her, “I don’t need regular bird seed, I need Ài¼wV v`°½º >Þ>Ãi`]º½ÌÌ iwV ià eat the same bird food as the other birds?” Her mother responded, “Oh ]wV iÃ>ÀiÛiÀÞ Õ}ÀÞ LÀ`ÃLÕÌÜÞi>ÌwV food.” That’s when idea came to Kay, “Hmm, that’s the kind of customer I want! Hungry people who are selective about what they want to eat.” The Fat Finch Cafe was born. Revie w The Fat Finch: High-end dining in a cozy, laid-back atmosphere by Tom Hardin O ne thing I will never forget about The Fat Finch Cafe in Tappahannock is the first thing I ate there. After being seated, our server, Derek, brought out a plate of six cornbread squares. Of course the first thing I asked was, “Where’s the butter?” I soon realized that even I, a butter lover, needed no butter with these rich, moist delights. They were more like cornbread brownies with a sweet, buttery taste. After her first bite, my wife, Bev, quickly remarked, “Oh my gosh!” Before Derek could even take our drink order, we had consumed four pieces and wanted more. But wait, we still had an appetizer and a whole meal to eat. Also dining with us was Bev’s sister, Carolyn, a regular at The Fat Finch. The cozy dining area, which seats about 50, is decorated with large black-and-white nautical photos and antique signs on the walls, and there are ceiling fans overhead. It only has tables, no booths. Toward the back is an attractive bar where patrons can drink, eat and enjoy a large-screen TV. “We have our regular customers who dine at the bar, and we consider them the ‘ambassadors of the Finch,’ ” said owner and chef Kay Campbell. “We purposely built the bar top wider so people felt comfortable to order a full meal or several starters at the bar, and also have plenty of room to spread out. Our ‘ambassadors’ come in and never look at the menu. They only order from the specials on the chalk board, and then talk to all the ‘newbies’ at the bar, giving them information on what to order.” Now, back to the food. We enjoyed a fried calamari appetizer that included several pieces with tentacles, which are my favorites. Our house salads were a mix of several fresh ingredients that nicely complemented our second plate of sweet cornbread. That night The Fat Finch had several appetizer specials, and two dinner specials—pan roasted red snapper over potato corn bacon hash with roasted red pepper and celery puree, and a blackened steak and linguini in garlic sauce—but I opted to order a hand-cut grilled ribeye cooked medium rare. Bev and Carolyn both ordered fried shrimp . Our entrees were accompanied by a twice-baked potato and fresh, tender asparagus. When later asked about some of her favorite dishes, Kay said she loves “creating the nightly specials. Some that have returned due to popular demand are rack of lamb served over rosemary parmesan risotto and drizzled with a cherry balsamic reduction; blackened jumbo scallops served over confetti rice topped with crispy noodles and roasted red pepper and curry aioli; and our tuna stack, which is seared ahi tuna layered between fried organic wontons and Asian slaw, served with watermelon mint salsa.” Wow! And I ordered a steak? But it wasn’t just any ordinary steak. Kay described it as a “Fred Flintstone Steak.” She was right. I took half of it home to enjoy later, but Bev beat me to it. In addition to the steak, Kay said some of her most popular menu entrees are the jumbo stuffed shrimp with crab; shrimp and grits in a garlic wine sauce; and seared ahi tuna over sautéed garlic spinach served with Thai chili and wasabi soy. For dessert, Kay personally served us two of her most popular homemade choices—cheesecake with strawberries and whipped cream, and coconut cream cake. Both were outstanding. Kay opened The Fat Finch in Warsaw in April 2011 and moved the restaurant to Tappahannock in 2014. “I love gourmet high-end food, but always thought it didn’t have to be served in a pretentious atmosphere,” she said. “I wanted to open a small laid-back cafe where locals and vacationers, travelers, and foodies of all ages could come and enjoy the experience of a cozy atmosphere, great eats, great wines, good libations and attentive service without the fuss.” Kay has been in the restaurant business in some shape or form since she was about 9. “My family owned restaurants, so I was brought up in the business. I worked in every aspect, from busser, server, manager, and cook to bartender. I have always excelled in the kitchen, and find my best work as a chef,” she said. I agree. Kay should stay in the kitchen . . . cooking and creating. “I am fortunate to have a fantastic staff that always makes sure the customer is completely at ease and happy with their experience,” she said. “We make sure to use the freshest of ingredients. We also make sure to use local produce, seafood and meats when available. We have extremely high standards and realize that our customers are very discerning and expect the best.” And the best is what we got. The Fat Finch Cafe was a rewarding dining experience and we plan to return soon. Next time, I’ll even skip the menu and order one of Kay’s famous specials. Rivah Dining estaurants are listed by county and all are in the (804) area code unless noted. Call for hours. B=breakfast, L=lunch, D=dinner. $ indicates average price range of entrees: $ = under $10; $$ = $10 to $16; $$$ = over $16. R Gloucester 693-1764 Applebee’s 6086 Walton Ln. Gloucester 694-3160 American cuisine, steaks, ribs, stir-fried specialties and more. Take out available. L/D/$$. Bangkok Noi 6724 Main St. Gloucester 695-1177 Taditional Thai cuisine. Full sushi bar. Happy hours Mon.–Fri. L/D/$-$$. Essex Almost There Family Dining 6501 Richmond-Tapp. Hwy. Tappahannock 443-2622 American cuisine. Steaks, burgers, barbecue, sandwiches, seafood and daily specials. B/L/D/$. Courthouse Restaurant 6714 Main St. Gloucester 210-1506 Serving breakfast all day. Daily specials and homemade pies. B/L/D/$. Applebee’s 1650 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-0361 American cuisine, steaks, ribs, stir-fried specialties and more. L/D/$$. Lauren Medley and her grandson Asa Ferguson enjoy a chocolate ice cream at Short Lane Ice Cream Company in Gloucester. Asia Café 1619 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 445-9991 Chinese restaurant serving Szechwan, Hunan and Canton- Full line of fresh seafood. Speese cuisine. Take out. L/D/$. cial requests and orders. Open Fri.–Sun. Bella’s Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria El Indio Azteca Mexican 1673 Tappahannock Blvd. Restaurant Tappahannock 443-4912 330 Prince St. Pizza, subs, spaghetti, and wraps. Tappahannock 925-6149 Lunch specials. L/D/$-$$. Serving authentic mexican cuisine. L/D/$-$$. Better Than a Great Day 1388-C Tappahannock Blvd. Java Jacks Tappahannock 443-4064 504 Church Lane Ice cream, fudge, candy. $. Tappahannock 443-5225 Open 7 days a week, serving Captain’s Grill and Patio breakfast all day, fresh local veg528 Church Ln. ie of the day, homemade quiche, Tappahannock 443-2800 pies & cakes, vegetarian menu. Appetizers, burgers, seafood, Smoothies, coffee bar, expressandwiches, and a late night so. Catering. L/D/$. menu. L/D/$$. Los Portales China King Buffet 1425 Tappahannock Blvd. 1392 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-0132 Tappahannock 443-2999 Authentic Mexican cuisine. FeaChinese Szechwan, Cantonese turing quesadillas, fajitas, burand Peking cuisines plus Ameri- ritos, enchiladas and more. can foods. Lunch specials, family L/D/$-$$. dinners. L/D/$$. Lowery’s Seafood Fat Finch in Tappahannock 528 North Church Ln. 324 Prince Street Tappahannock 443-2800 Tappahannock 333-3188 Family dining, specializing in crab Steaks and seafood. L/D/$–$$. cakes, oysters, shrimp, fish, beef and all-American chicken. House Ferguson Oyster Company salad dressings. Meeting faciliSeafood Market ties. L/D/$$. 36423 Tidewater Trail Laneview 758-8800 Parr’s Drive Inn 715 N. Church Ln. Tappahannock 443-2000 Burgers, sandwiches, ice cream and more. B/L/D/$. Pizza Hut 1685 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-2915 Different styles of pizza along with side dishes including salad, pasta, buffalo wings, breadsticks, and garlic bread. L/D/$$. Rivahside Cafe 221 Prince St. Tappahannock 443-2333 Signature items include burgers, homemade chicken salad and soups. B/L/$. Roma’s Italian Restaurant 1250 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-5240 Complete Italian menu. Lunch and dinner specials. L/D/$-$$. Now with Twister’s premium yogurt. Offering 10 flavors $. TBonz and Tuna 429 Dock St. Tappahannock 445-8862 A specialty meat and seafood shop. Boar’s Head deli meats and cheeses, specialty items and ready-to-cook meals, beers and wines. Fresh bait and ice for your river fishing needs. Carry out only. L/$$. To Do Cafe & Restaurant 1008 Church Ln. Tappahannock 443-2002 Traditional American food: Barbeque, burgers, hot dogs, seafood and steaks. L/D/$. Gloucester Anna’s Pizza 6545 Market Dr. Gloucester 693-4171 Pizza, subs, salads, Italian dinners. L/D/$$. Damon’s 7104 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 693-7218 Seafood, prime rib, sandwiches, subs. B/L/D/$$. Distinction 4888 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hayes 824-9600 A variety of entrees and specials. Dinner Fri. and Sat.. Buffet, open mic. Weddings, catering. D/$$. Egghead’s Diner 1759 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 684-1222 Fresh, local seafood, desserts, full menu including breakfast available all day. B/L/D $-$$. Good Fortune Chinese Restaurant 6904 Main St. Gloucester 694-0111 Cantonese and Szechwan. Beer, wine, cocktails. L/D/$$. Goodfellas 5036 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 693-5950 Seafood, steaks, Blue Crab margaritas. Open 7 days a week. L/D/$$–$$$. The Sandbar 1267 Hobbs Hole Dr. Tappahannock 443-1800 Open 6 days a week. L/D/$–$$. Anna’s Pizza 14911 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Glenns 758-1112 Pasta dishes, subs, pizza. Take out only. L/D/$-$$. Shoney’s 1607 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-5306 Breakfast, lunch & dinner buffets. Serving fresh local seafood every weekend. B/L/D/$. Ann’s Diner 14761 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hana Sushi Glenns 815-5269 2274 York Crossing Dr. Hayes 642-3055 Ann’s Family Dining Sushi bar and Japanese Hibachi 22 f 545 Market Dr. Great Wall 6585 Market Dr. Gloucester 695-0500 Hunan and Szechwan Chinese cuisine. L/D/$. May 2015 • Rivah • 23 Dining f 23 cooking. Watch the chefs perform tricks with knives as they cook to order. D/$$. Hong Kong 2328 York Crossing Dr. Hayes 642-5555 Chinese takeout. Small eat-in area. L/D/$$. Jay Sushi 1759 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester Point 642-4422 Dock & Dine Looking for a place where you can pull up in your boat and enjoy a meal by the water? The following restaurants offer moorings for customers. See full restaurant listings for more information. Potomac River Area s The Mooring Restaurant – Yeocomico River s Dockside Restaurant and The Blue Heron Pub – Monroe Creek s AC’s Cafe & Sports Grill – Lower Machodoc Creek s The Landing Restaurant and Waterfront Bar s Kinsale Harbour Restaurant –Yeocomico River s Riverboat on the Potomac Great Wicomico River Area s The Crazy Crab – Cockrell’s Creek s Deli at Cockrell’s Creek Seafood – Cockrell’s Creek s Leadbelly’s – Cockrell’s Creek s Horn Harbor House Restaurant – Great Wicomico River s Tommy’s – Cockrell’s Creek Rappahannock River Area s The Barnacle – LaGrange Creek s The Railway – Broad Creek s Merroir Tasting Room – Locklies Creek s The Tides Inn – Carters Creek Piankatank River Area s Seabreeze Restaurant – Milford Haven s Sandpiper Reef York River Area s York River Oyster Company Sarah’s Creek 24 • Rivah • May 2015 Sushi, Sashimi, Terriyaki, noo- Patriots Grille dles, soups, salads. L/D/$$. 7313 Main St. Gloucester 824-9703 Jessica’s On Main Open 7 days a week. L/D/$$. 6553 Main St. Gloucester 693-2020 Pizza Hut Fine, casual dining on Main St. 1725 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Pasta, seafood, sandwiches, Gloucester Point 642-4620 weekend specials include fish Different styles of pizza along fry and prime rib. Wed. German with side dishes including salad, night, full bar. Desserts, coffee, pasta, buffalo wings, breadsalads, baked goods and more! sticks, and garlic bread. L/D/$$. Closed Sun. B/L/D $-$$. Ruby Tuesday Juan’s Mexican Cafe 6749 Fox Center Pkwy. and Cantina Gloucester 694-4955 2310 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Burgers, extensive salad bar. Hayes 642-5401 American style cooking. L/D/$$. Mexican menu. L/D/$$. Sal’s Pizza Kelsick Specialty Market 2520 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. 6632 Main St. Hayes 642-6470 Gloucester 693-6500 Subs, pizza, pastas. L/D/$$. Carry-out catering, box lunches, gourmet baskets. Wine and beer Salsa’s Mexican Grill selection and tastings. $-$$. 4329 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hayes 684-5545 Las Tunas Mexican Mexican atmosphere. Fajitas, 6870 Main St. tacos, chimichangas, enchiladas Gloucester 693-2153 and vegetarian entrees. Karaoke. Authentic Mexican fare. L/D/$. L/D/$. Little Italy 6685 Fox Centre Pkwy. Gloucester 993-2646 Wide selection of delicious and affordable Italian cuisine. L/D/$-$$. Short Lane Ice Cream Company 6721 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester 695-2999 Over 20 flavors of homemade ice cream. Banana splits, fancy sundaes, cones and dishes. $. LuLu Birds 6553 Main St Sunrise Donuts Gloucester 210-1417 4744 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Eclectic American menu. Closed Hayes 210-1215 Mondays. L/D/$$. Nick’s Spaghetti and Steak House 1440 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester Point 642-2330 Traditional Greek cuisine, Italian dishes, steaks and seafood. L/D/$$. Number One 7481 Hargett Blvd. Gloucester 693-3851 Chinese cuisine. L/D/$$. Open 7 days a week. Bakery, coffee, donuts, cheesecakes, baked goods. $. Gloucester 694-0111 Fine Chinese and Asian cuisine. L/D/$$. Sweet Frog of Gloucester 6826 Walton Ln. Gloucester 693-4065 Family friendly frozen yogurt shop featuring a wide variety of flavors and 60 toppings. $. Wild Rabbit Café 6558 Main St. Gloucester 694-5100 Coffee bar with latte, cappuccino, espresso, brewed coffees, iced or hot, and smoothies. Soups, salads, deli sandwiches, paninis. L/$. The Office Bar and Grille 4115 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hayes 993-7266 Southern food, casual atmosphere. L/D/$-$$. Tony and Milena’s Pizzeria 2364 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hayes 684-0708 Authentic Italian food. $$. York River Oyster Company 8109 Yacht Haven Rd. Gloucester Point 993-7174 Provides seasonal entrees using fresh, local seafood and produce. Views of Sarah Creek on the York River. Outdoor dining available. Weekend brunch. L/D/$$-$$$. Wild Ginger 6904 Main St. Now Open Overlooking Cockrell’s Creek Friday - 5 pm to 9 pm Saturday - Noon to 9 pm Sunday - Noon to 8 pm ™ RESTAURANT ON HISTORIC MAIN STREET REEDVILLE, VIRGINIA REEDVILLE MARINA We live on the Chesapeake and so does our food. Olivia’s in the Village 6597 Main St. Gloucester 694-0057 Steaks, seafood and pasta, B/L/D/$$. Papa John’s 4766 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Hayes 693-4433 Take out and delivery only. L/D/$-$$. 4357 irvington road irvington, VA 22480 804-438-6363 incorporated Dining and salads. L/$. Serving since 1939. B/L/D/$. Albero Pizzeria 6564 Gen. Puller Hwy. Mattaponi 785-2720 Pizza, pasta, subs, salads and more. Italian food, friendly atmosphere. L/D/$-$$. Golden Eagle Grill 364 Clubhouse Dr. Irvington 438-6740 Closed Tues. Local seafood, salads and sandwiches. Available for private parties. L/$-$$. Nick’s Spaghetti and Steak House 3483 Gen. Puller Hwy. Shacklefords 785-6300 Specializing in Italian food and steaks. L/D/$$. Great Fortune Chinese Restaurant 443 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-6333 Specializing in authentic Mandarin, Szechwan, Hunan, Peking and Cantonese cuisine. L/D/$. The Local 4337 Irvington Rd. Irvington 438-9356 Coffee, espresso, bagels, and muffins for breakfast and soups, salads and sandwiches for lunch. Outdoor patio. On/Off ABC. B/L/$. King & Queen Lancaster Alley Cafe Sports Lounge 608 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 436-1100 Daily specials. B/L/D/$. Anna’s 150 Old Fairgrounds Way Kilmarnock 435-8960 Pasta, pizza, subs, seafood and steaks. L/D/$-$$. Bluewater Seafood and Deli 459 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-3530 Fresh Seafood and homemade deli items. Wide selection of wines. Lunch on weekends. $$. Carwash Cafe and Catering 481 North Main St. Kilmarnock 435-0405 Take out available. B/L/$. Carried Away Cuisine 10 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-9191 Specialty coffees, sandwiches, fresh salads, homemade soups and desserts. Gourmet entrees to go. B/L/$-$$. Corner Bar and Grill 5360 Mary Ball Rd. Lively 462-0110 Home of the ½ lb. black angus burger, no filler crab cake. Thurs. night is shrimp night. L/D/$. Country Cottage Ice Cream Shop and Fudge Factory 795 Rappahannock Dr. White Stone 435-3812 Hand-packed ice cream cones, sundaes, splits and milkshakes. Homemade fudge and gourmet chocolate. $. Dixie Deli 55 Irvington Rd. Kilmarnock 435-6745 Soups, hot and cold sandwiches Historic Lancaster Tavern 8373 Mary Ball Rd. Lancaster 462-0080 Providing homestyle cooking and fine dining for over 200 years. Breakfast Sat. and Sun. B/L/D/$-$$. Hong Kong 410 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-7979 Chinese, Szechwan, Hunan and Cantonese. L/D/$. The Dining Hall of the Hope and Glory Inn 65 Tavern Rd. Irvington 438-6053 Fine dining, three/four courses, prix fixe. Reservations required. D/$$$. KC’s Crabs and Cues 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. Kilmarnock 435-7665 Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. ‘till late night. Family dining and entertainment. Cheseapeake Bay blue crabs. L/D/$-$$. Kilmarnock Inn 34 E. Church St. Kilmarnock 435-0034 Serving breakfast and lunch everyday. Dinner Mon.–Sat. Available for private events. B/L/D/$$. King Carter Golf Club Cafe 480 Old Saint Johns Rd. Irvington 435-7843 Located in the clubhouse at King Carter Golf Club. Sandwiches and salads with fresh local seafood. L/$. Lee’s Restaurant 30 S. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-1255 Hometown cooking and atmosphere. Full menu, local seafood in season, homemade desserts. Los Patrones Mexican Restaurant 652 N. Main St Kilmarnock 435-3176 L/D/$$. Nate’s Trick Dog Cafe 4357 Irvington Rd. Irvington 438-6363 A restaurant full of music, laughter, and food. Reservations suggested. D/$$$. Northern Neck Burger Company 62 Irvington Rd. Kilmarnock 577-4400 Serving steakhouse quality burgers, cooked on a real wood grill. $-$$. The Oaks 5434 Mary Ball Rd. Lively 462-7050 Casual family dining. Fresh meats and seafood specials weekly. Daily specials. L/D/$$. Pelicans 40 Windjammer Ln. White Stone 435-8915 Crab cakes, fish tacos, fried oysters, steamed shrimp, barbecue. L/D/$. Pizza Hut 589 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-3551 Different styles of pizza along with side dishes including salad, pasta, buffalo wings, breadsticks, and garlic bread. L/D/$$. Rappahannock Grill 37 N. Main St Kilmarnock 435-5152 Open 7 days a week. Appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches and entrees. Nightly seafood specials. L/D/$$-$$$. River Market 1 Rappahannock Dr. White Stone 435-1725 Gourmet shop featuring lunches and dinners to go. Homemade bread and salads, large wine selection. L/D/$-$$. Rocket Billy’s 851 Rappahannock Dr. White Stone 435-7040 Breakfast, sandwiches, burgers, crab cakes, Rappahannock oysters and more. Outdoor pick-up window. B/L/$. Sal’s Pizza 456 North Main St. Kilmarnock 435-6770 Hot and cold subs, Italian dishes and pizza. L/D/$$. Sandpiper 850 Rappahannock Dr. White Stone 435-6176 Established in 1982. Specializing in fresh seafood and hand cut meats. D/$$$. 55 Irvington Rd. Kilmarnock 435-6000 Real hickory pit, slow smoked barbecued pork, ribs, chicken. L/D/$. Stevie’s Ice Cream 469 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 435-2252 Cones, milkshakes, sundaes, specialty sundaes, Bay Blast, lattes, smoothies and snow cones. Outside seating only. $. Terrie’s Place 90 North Main St. Kilmarnock 435-0400 Grilled mac and cheese, grilled apple bacon and cheddar, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, tuna and chicken salad. L/$. Savannah Joe’s Barbecue 26 f Rivah Fast Food Arby’s s 7065 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Gloucester, 695-2745. Burger King s 6678 John Hudgins Dr. Gloucester, 693-6053. s 1810 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 443-3151. Chick-fil-a s 6780 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Gloucester 6934585. Domino’s Pizza s 6101 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Gloucester 693-6800. Hardee’s s 7007 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Gloucester, 693-0363. s 2148 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Hayes, 642-3950. s 323 14th St. West Point, 843-4274. s 27 Main St., Mathews, 725-7468. s 199 Gen. Puller Hwy., Saluda, 758-4931. Kentucky Fried Chicken Geo. Wash. s 6975 Mem. Hwy., Gloucester. 693-9482. s 1658 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 443-3912. McDonald’s s 7099 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Gloucester, 694-4810. s 2413 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Hayes, 642-5117. s 432 14th St., 843-4139. s 1617 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 435-9900. s 388 Main St., Kilmarnock, 435-2331. Sonic Drive-in Geo. Wash. s 7060 Mem. Hwy., Gloucester, 694-4447. Starbuck’s s 6705 Fox Mill Center Pkwy., Gloucester 694-3146. Subway s 416 14th St., West Point, 843-2782. s 4915 Richmond-Tapp. Hwy., Aylett 769-7889. s 6547 Market Dr., Gloucester, 693-4617. s 2226 York Crossing Dr. Hayes, 642-3420. s 10968-B Buckley Hall Rd., Mathews, 725-3181. s 1820 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 443-6787. s 364 N. Main St., Kilmarnock, 435-0198. s 200 Old Fair Grounds Way, Kilmarnock 435-1240. Taco Bell s 2226 York Crossing Dr. Hayes, 642-6622. s 1658 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 443-3912. Tropical Smoothie Cafe s 6828 Walton Ln. Gloucester, 693-6900. Wendy’s s 3022 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Hayes, 642-7475. s 7149 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Gloucester, 694-4825. s 1433 Tapp. Blvd., Tappahannock, 443-5262. May 2015 • Rivah • 25 Dining f 25 Thai Pot 36 N. Main St. Kilmarnock 436-THAI Thai and American food. Outdoor dining available. L/D/$$. Tides Inn – Dining Room 480 King Carter Dr. Irvington 438-5000 Regional favorites and gourmet fare with bar, award winning wine list, draft craft beers, wine flights, views of Carter’s Creek. Dock and dine. D/$-$$$. Tommy’s in Reedville on Cockrell’s Creek offers docking and dining. Willaby’s 327 Old Ferry Rd. White Stone 435-0000 Serving lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch with a view of the Rappahannock River. L/D/$-$$. Windows on the Water 1303 Oak Hill Rd Lancaster 462-7635 Steaks, crab cakes, seafood dishes, chicken dishes and more. Sun. brunch. D/$$. Yolicious 20 Old Fairgrounds Way Kilmarnock 436-8889 Serving frozen yogurt. $. Mathews Classic Cafe 10532 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-3352 Family restaurant, pizza and hot dogs. Closed Wed. and Sun. L/D/$. Cobbs Creek Diner 12 Linden Ave Cobbs Creek 725-9300 Barbecue, ribs and brisket. Ice cream and shakes. Weekend specials. Free Wifi. L/D/$-$$. El Indio Azteca Mexican Restaurant and Cantina 286 Main St. Mathews 725-7272 Authentic Mexican cuisine. Take out available. Open 7 days. L/D/$-$$. Linda’s Diner 56 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-7070 Hamburgers, BBQ, sandwiches, breakfast specials. Dinner specials Friday. B/L/$. Lynne’s Family Restaurant 9303 Buckley Hall Rd. Mathews 725-9996 26 • Rivah • May 2015 Fresh seafood platter, prime rib and fresh cut steaks. B/L/D/$$. Richardson’s Café 12 Church St. Mathews 725-7772 Old-fashioned soda fountain and ice cream bar. Daily specials and old time favorites. Lunch sandwiches, paninis, wraps and burgers. Dinner steaks, pastas and fresh, local seafood. Breakfast Sat.–Sun. L/D/$-$$. available. Entertainment Fri. and Sat. nights. $$-$$$. Middlesex Antonio’s Pizza 16273 Gen Puller Hwy Deltaville 776-0010 Pizza, subs, Italian fare. $$ The Barnacle 485 Burch Rd. Remlik 363-4600 Concession stand at Remlik Marina on LaGrange Creek. Floating Sandpiper Reef pontoon boat open Sat. and Sun. 342 Misti Cove Rd. Hallieford 725-3331 Call ahead boxed breakfasts and A view of the Piankatank River. lunches available. B/L/$. Fresh seafood and prime beef, Bethpage Miniature Golf and original desserts. D/$$. Ice Creamery 4817 Old Virginia St. Seabreeze Urbanna 758-GOLF 384 Old Ferry Rd. Gwynn’s Island 725-4000 Twenty flavors of Hershey’s hand Local seafood on the waterfront. dipped ice cream and soft serve. Banana splits, sundaes, homeB/L/D/$$. made waffle cones, milkshakes, smoothies and more. $. Shun Xing Chinese Restaurant Blue Dog Restaurant 183 Main St. Mathews 725-4682 15170 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. 758-2070 Szechwan, Canton and Hunan Saluda L/D/$. cuisine. L/D/$. Southwind Pizza 44 Church St. Mathews 725-2766 Homemade pizzas, sandwiches on homemade bread, fresh local seafood, handcrafted beer on tap, live music on the first, third and fifth Sat. of the month. Brunch Sun. L/D/$$. Cafe By the Bay 17435 Gen. Puller Hwy. Deltaville 776-0303 Sandwiches, paninis, salads and coffee. B/L/$. China Spring 126 Gen. Puller Hwy. Saluda 758-2266 Szechuan, Hunan and Cantonese cuisine. L/D/$. White Dog Bistro 68 Church St. Mathews 725-7680 Colonial Pizza Fine dining and catering. Open 50 Watling St. Thurs.–Sun. Wine Down Bar open Urbanna Thurs.–Sat. Late night menu 758-4079 Greek-Italian and American food. L/D/$$. specialty L/D/$$. Cross Street Coffee & Cafe 51 Cross St. Urbanna 758-1002 Gourmet and organic coffee. Sandwiches, paninis, pastries and smoothies. B/L/$. Mi Jalisco Urbanna Mexican. L/D/$-$$. beers. Open daily. 758-2011 The Railway 1134 Timberneck Rd. Deltaville 776-8822 Dano’s Pizza Offering fresh seafood, steaks, 10880 Gen. Puller Hwy. burgers and sandwiches as well Hartfield 776-8031 as a full bar. L/D/$$-$$$. Pizza and subs. Free delivery. L/D/$$. Pilot House Inn 2737 Greys Point Rd. Debbie’s Family Restaurant Topping 758-2262 6209 Gen. Puller Hwy. Serving food “just like Granny Locust Hill 758-9595 made.” Buffets and menu. Steak, salmon, pastas, salads, B/L/D/$$. sandwiches, seafood, Build your own burgers. B/L/D/$$. Rudy’s Pizza 2324 Greys Point Rd. Eckhard’s Topping 758-0605 2700 Greys Pt. Rd. Pizza, subs, ribs, BBQ. Carry-out Topping 758-4060 only. L/D/$. German, Italian, fresh seafood, Black Angus steaks. Chef’s daily Something Different specials. Featuring Black Angus 213 Virginia St. prime rib Fri. and Sat. Reserva- Urbanna 758-8000 tions suggested. D/$$$. Homemade foods. BBQ, smoked meats, local seafood, soups, G’s Country Store & Deli sandwiches, homemade sides, Route 33, coffee, freshly roasted peanuts, Saluda 758-5412. fine wines, cheeses and desDeli, sandwich shop, conve- serts, including premium natural nience store. B/L/$ ice creams. Closed Mon.–Tues. B/L/$. Keepers 15447 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Steamboat Restaurant Saluda 758-5720 6198 Stormont Rd. Hot grill. B/L/$. Hartfield 776-6589 Dining overlooking the green. Merroir Tasting Room L/D/$$-$$$. 784 Locklies Creek Rd. Topping 758-2871 Sunset Bar and Grill Waterfront dining by the owners 16197 Gen. Puller Hwy. of Rappahannock River Oysters, Deltaville 776-8803 showcasing their nationally re- Seafood and steaks. Karaoke nowned shellfish along with ar- and live music. B/L/D/$-$$. tisanal small plates, wines, FAUNCE SEAFOOD K:;Lv)RLM>KLv-AKBFI K:;F>:Mv BLAv-<:EEHIL K:;<:D>L:G='N<A'HK> 2 LOCATIONS to serve you BETTER! CALL AHEAD TO PLACE YOUR ORDER 804-333-3935 804-493-8690 2811 Cople Hwy., Montross 123 Maple St. Unit 3, Warsaw Dining Taylor’s 17321 General Puller Hwy. Deltaville 776-9611 Fresh seafood, steaks and pasta. L/D/$$. Crazy Crab 902 Main St. Reedville 453-6789 Views of Cockrell’s Creek from both the dining room and deck. The Works Bar and Grille Daily chef’s specials feature seaUrbanna 758-5555 food, steaks and chicken dishes. Come enjoy our dining room, Tues.–Sun. L/D/$$. patio, bar or gameroom. Open Wed.–Sat. for dinner, Sat. and Deli at Sun. for brunch. L/D/$-$$$. Cockrell’s Creek Seafood 567 Seaboard Rd. Urbanna Seafood Market Reedville 453-6326 453 Johnson Dr. Crab cakes and seafood salads. Urbanna 758-8588 Full sandwich menu, luncheon Restaurant with raw bar. Fresh plates, entrees. Overlooking seafood, sandwiches, dinners. Cockrell’s Creek. ABC on/off. Carry out. Wed–Sun. L/D. L/$. Virginia Street Cafe 201 Virginia St. Urbanna 758-3798 Fresh seafood, grilled steaks, local clam chowder, Belgian waffles, reuben sandwiches. B/L/D/$. Northumberland Callao Dairy Freeze 362 Northumberland Hwy. Callao 529-6881 Burgers, fries, bbq, subs, fried chicken, soft serve ice cream, milkshakes, sundaes & more. L/D/$. Chitterchats 846 Main St. Reedville 453-3335 Ice cream, desserts, gifts and coffee. $. The Country Store 227 Sunnybank Rd. Reedville Deli. B/L/D/$–$$. 453-3110 The Health Nut! Health Food Store Organic Groceries USDA ORGANIC PRODUCE GLUTEN-FREE FOODS INFUSED OLIVE OILS ESSENTIAL OILS REAL FRUIT SMOOTHIES 30 Northumberland Hwy., Callao, Va 22435 804-529-5888 El Indio Azteca Mexican Restaurant 17390 Richmond Rd. Callao 529-6060 Serving authentic mexican cuisine. L/D/$-$$. The Health Nut 30 Northumberland Hwy. Callao 529-5888 Organic grocery store serving real fruit smoothies. L/$. Horn Harbor House Restaurant 836 Horn Harbor Rd. Burgess 453-3351 Come by land or sea. Fresh seafood, hand-cut steaks. D/$$-$$$. Jacey Vineyards – The Vineyard Restaurant 619 Train Lane Wicomico Church 580-4053 Enjoy unique dining experiences in the center of our vineyard. Serving lunch Thursday through Saturday. Tapas menu. Monthly wine-pairing dinners. L$-$$. Leadbelly’s 252 Polly Cove Rd. Reedville 453-5002 Casual waterfront dining. L/D/$-$$. Lottsburg Cafe 2919 Walmsley Rd. Callao B/L/D/$-$$. Featuring New York and Sicilian pizzas, subs and Italian dinners. L/D/$. T&J’s Dairy Barn 718 Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. Burgess 453-4455 Ice cream, pizza. L/D/$. Tommy’s 729 Main St. Reedville 453-4666 Prime beef, seafood. Wine and bar. Dock and dine. D/$$. The Hideaway Restaurant 8200 Northumberland Hwy. Heathsville 580-2220 Fine upscale dining. Local seafood and shellfish, steaks and traditional cuisine and comfort food. Open Mon.–Sat., Sun. brunch. L/D/$-$$$. Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Call For Reservation 804-435-0034 Richmond Anna’s Italian Restaurant and Pizza 53 Gordon Ln. Warsaw 333-9222 Pasta, pizza, subs, seafood and steaks. L/D/$$. China Inn 5059 Richmond Rd. Warsaw 333-9333 L/D/$$. The Daily 130 Court Circle Warsaw 333-3455 Coffee shop with breakfast sandwiches, paninis, deli sandwiches and salads. B/L/$. Hunan Village Chinese Restaurant 453 Main St. Warsaw 333-1688 Specializing in Hunan and Szechwan Cuisine. L/D/$. Relish 115 Main St. Warsaw 333-3012 Contemporary Southern style cuisine. Open Thurs.–Sun. D/$$$. 529-5300 Newsome’s Restaurant 235 Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. Burgess 453-9071 Closed Sun. L/D/$. Nino’s Pizza and Subs 58 Northumberland Hwy. Callao 529-7548 Roma’s Italian Restaurant 5061 Richmond Rd. Warsaw 333-1932 Complete Italian menu. L/D/$-$$. Westmoreland Angelo’s 15835 Kings Hwy. 28 f May 2015 • Rivah • 27 Dining f 27 Montross 493-8694 Italian dishes including pasta, sandwiches, subs, gyros, steaks and more. L/D/$-$$. The Art of Coffee 15722 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-9651 Serving full breakfast, lunches and gourmet coffees, lattes, pastries, frappes and smoothies. B/L/$. Backdraft 7415 Oldhams Rd. Kinsale 472-4200 Breakfast on Sundays. L/D/$$. Coles Point Tavern Restaurant and Bar 850 Salisburg Park Rd. Hague 472-3856 Sun. breakfast, closed Mon. L/D/$. Dockside Restaurant and the Blue Heron Pub 1787 Castlewood Dr. Colonial Beach 224-8726 Seafood, steak, veal, pasta and chicken. L/D/$$. 28 • Rivah • May 2015 Erica Mall 3128 Erica Rd. Montross 472-7017 Sandwiches, hot dogs, BBQ, breakfast sandwiches. New York Cheddar cheese wheel by the pound, souse. $. Kelsea’s Kitchen 119 Hawthorne St. Colonial Beach 224-7075 Sandwiches, burgers, seafood. B/L/D. Colonial Beach 224-1212 Soft serve ice cream cones, milkshakes, sundaes, flurries, floats, malts, brownie a la modes, banana splits, snowballs. $. Tattle Tale Cafe 215 Washington Ave. Colonial Beach 224-0045 Coffee, gourmet entrees, paninis, burgers, soups. B/L/$. Kinsale Harbour Restaurant 285 Kinsale Rd. Espresso Station Kinsale 472-2514 215 Washington Ave. Come by boat or by car. Colonial Beach 224-0045 B/L/D/$-$$. Gourmet coffee shop. $. Ledo Pizza Good Eats Cafe 700 McKinney Blvd. 12720 Cople Hwy. Colonial Beach 224-5336 Kinsale 472-4385 Pasta, pizza, subs. L/D/$-$$. Chef-owned since 1997. Your best chance for a great meal with The Landing Restaurant & local wines, children’s menu and Waterfront Bar full bar. Open Thurs.–Sun. D/$$. 307 Plantation Dr. Coles Point 472-5599 High Tides on the Potomac A family restaurant with a vibrant 205 Taylor St. waterfront bar. At Coles Point MaColonial Beach 224-8433 rina. Open Wed.–Sun. L/D/$-$$. Steak and seafood restaurant and tiki bar. L/D/$-$$. Montross Dairy Freeze 17456 Kings Hwy. The Inn at Montross Montross 493-9550 21 Polk St. Burgers, fries, sundaes, milkMontross 493-8624 shakes and more. L/D/$ Dining Thurs.–Sat., Sun. Brunch, locally sourced. D/$$. Nancy’s Ice Cream Shoppe 301 Washington Ave. Riverboat on the Potomac 301 Beach Terrace Colonial Beach 224-7055 Potomac River views. B/L/D/$$-$$$. Wilkerson’s Seafood Restaurant 3900 Mckinney Blvd. Colonial Beach 224-7117 Seafood, buffet and sandwiches. L/D/$-$$. Seaside French and Thai 201 Wilder Ave. Colonial Beach 224-2410 L/D/$$. Stratford Hall Dining Room 483 Great House Rd. Stratford 493-1965 Soups, sandwiches, seafood and more. L/$. Yesterday’s 15220 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-0718 Prime rib, seafood, steaks, chops, pasta and Mexican. L/D/$$. To make updates to this directory, please email: Send your photos of people having fun at the rivah to Food, music, water activities featured at May 23 Deltaville Seafood Festival DELTAVILLE—Deltaville’s promises to be a celebration of “life Memorial Day Seafood Festival from on the waterfront.” 9 a.m.-9 p.m. on Saturday, May 23, Visitors will experience a wide variety of outstanding fresh local seafood from participating “mini-restaurants.” Shop and browse artisans and THE KITCHEN ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE. NEITHER ARE WE. fine crafters vendors. There will be a raw bar featuring National Oyster Shucking Champion Deborah Pratt and her sister, Virginia Oyster Shucking Champion Clementine Macon Boyd, sponsored by Deltaville Oyster Company and The Rappahannock Railroaders will have their locomotive and train display on Ballpark Road. The Deltas Semipro Baseball Game starts at 2 p.m. in historic Deltaville Ball Park, also on Ballpark Road. The kids will find an entertaining scavenger hunt to explore, and everyone is invited to swim free all day at the Deltaville Pool and enjoy snow cones for sale from the Deltaville Sharks Swim Team. There will an Antique Boat Show, and a free Child ID Program at the Donovan Masonic Lodge. Waterfront activities will be at the Deltaville Maritime Museum and Holly Point Nature Park on Jackson Creek Road on Mill Creek. “Paddlefest 2015” will feature fun races for all skill levels of paddle boarders and kayakers. Some “loaner” boards and kayaks will be available. Free rides and cruises will be offered aboard Explorer, the museum’s replica of the 1608 Captain John Smith shallop, and on the museum’s restored deadrise, Cooper Hill. At the museum Pierwalk, tour the beautifully-restored F.D. Crockett Nationally Registered buyboat from the Chesapeake Bay’s glory days, and enjoy other nautical exhibits from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. That evening, performing in the Waterfront Park at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, will be 18-time Grammy Award nominated Bobby Messano. Gates open at 4 p.m. David Moran opens the concert at 5 p.m.; Ray Pittman takes the stage at 6 p.m., and Bobby Messano at 7 p.m. Billz Bistro and a beer and wine garden will be open and all proceeds will go to the Deltaville Community Association (DCA), which maintains the recreational area and the Deltaville Community Center. For more information, visit You have inspired us to reimagine the kitchen. With innovations like the first Hands-free Autofill water dispenser, the first dishwasher with 102 cleaning jets and a clean modern appearance, the GE kitchen is more intelligent, intuitive and beautiful than ever. reimagining home :HOFRPHWR%DQJNRN1RL$SUHPLHUÀQHGLQLQJUHVWDXUDQWRQ 0DLQ6WUHHW*ORXFHVWHU9LUJLQLQD:HIHDWXUHWUDGLWLRQDO7KDL &XLVLQHZLWKRQO\WKHIUHVKHVWRISURGXFHVSLFHVVHDIRRG DQGPHDWV2XUIRRGKDVVXFKDG\QDPLFYLEUDQWÁDYRUWKDW \RX·OOLQVWDQO\EHWUDQVSRUWHGEDFNWRROG%DQJNRN 6724 Main Street • Gloucester, VA 23061 (804) 695-1177 Keep Warm - Be Cool N BLETT, INC. 17 South Main Street Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 s Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Lunch: Mon–Sun 11am - 3:30pm Dinner: Mon–Thurs 4:30pm - 9:00pm Fri–Sat 4:30pm - 10:00pm Sun 4:30pm - 9:00pm May 2015 • Rivah • 29 Billy Pipkin The Fishing Line Fishing Heats Up as memories of an icy winter fade F or the second winter in a row, below average temperatures swept our region. Expectations of an early spring faded as the cold weather worsened through February and lingered deep into March. Several river and bay locations froze during the brutal February. So what effect did this have on our fishing? A year ago, during a cold yet milder winter, we experienced a huge speckle trout kill in the rivers. These fish had become accustomed to wintering in the bay and its tributaries due to several years of above average temperatures. The sudden drop in winter temperatures caught up to them as they literally froze and died in local tributaries. In 2011, we experienced a huge population of red drum in the bay due to one of the warmest winters in decades. Although the drum didn’t die, they too were dissuaded from taking early residence in the bay. This all brings focus to water temperature and the effect it has on fishing and spring migration patterns. STRIPED BASS The most sought after fish during late fall and winter are the jumbo trophy-size striped bass. These fish presented themselves sparingly in the bay and inshore ocean waters last year. The cold winter was a major factor in keeping the huge striped bass and their favorite food source(menhaden) well off-shore. Yet, despite the frigid water temperatures, the instinctive desire to spawn brought them up the bay in a consistently timely manner during the second and third week of March. aryland opened its spring trophy season on April 19th which continues through May 15th. Anglers throughout the bay found very few fish on opening day. With water temperatures being substantially lower than in years past, there was 30 • Rivah • May 2015 a delayed spawn this year. Striped bass prefer a water temperature of 58-60 degrees for spawning. They do, however, begin to stage near the spawning locations when the water reaches 52 degrees. Water temperature below 54 degrees is considered lethal to eggs and larvae. Hence, there were large numbers of fish staging outside of the spawning areas waiting for the water temperature to become suitable for fertilization and survival. The rivers, where cold water run-off from the mountains was a factor, such as the Potomac and Susquehanna flats, had later runs. The smaller western rivers and those on the eastern shore found conditions favorable up to seven days earlier. The overall spawning peak in the northern reaches occurred on or near the 18th of April this year. Salinity also plays an important part in the annual spawning of striped bass in the bay. The fish seek a salinity level between 1.0 - 2.5 part per thousand (ppt) for the spawn. This is the range for optimal survival of the larvae. The lower the salinity, the better the chances of survival because the growth rate is enhanced by fresh water. Generally, with salinity levels in the lower range, the larvae begin to actually feed within 5 days. By that time many of the female fish have left the area to migrate out of the bay. Considering later spawn this year, the largest concentration of fish remain deep in Maryland waters as well as in many upper river locations. We are currently catching fish up to 40 pounds and should continue through mid month. During the trophy season anglers are each allowed one fish per day measuring 28 inches or greater (except in the 36-40”slot), then after May 16th through the end of the year, Maryland allows two fish per person each day between 20” and 28” in length. One of the two fish may exceed 28 inches. The Virginia trophy rockfish season commences on May 1 and runs through June 15. During that time, anglers are allowed to keep one fish over 36 inches in length per day. Beginning May 16, anglers are allowed to keep two fish 20-28 inches in length with an option of only keeping one in that size range and adding one of over 36 inches to the total of two fish daily creel limit. After June 15, Virginia striped bass season is closed until October. During early May, the preferred method of catching the large striped bass is trolling. Trolling in and around the upper channel edges will produce the best results. Look for schools of menhaden and you will likely find the large fish nearby. The most widely used lures are parachutes donned with a double hooked 9 inch sassy shad. The colors that are most productive remain white and chartreuse. I prefer a mix of color, sometimes matching a white headed parachute with chartreuse hair with a white shad. Mixing colors can attract fish to an otherwise mundane lure. During May, one striped bass tournament that I like is the multiday tournament that the Northern Neck Anglers Club holds for its members. For more information about joining the club go to: northernneckanglersclub.wordpress. com. SPECKLED TROUT which are normally abundant in May should show up mid month and will provide good skinny water action. CROAKER fishing is very popular during May. The rivers usually fill Morrgan Brannan shows off a nice 35 inch rockfish caught aboard “Liquid Assets II” with Capt. Billy Pipkin. up with the good fighting bottom feeders. The Rappahannock River provides ample opportunities for anglers to get their first taste of croaker. Other rivers in the region like the Piankatank, Great Wicomico and Potomac, will also hold croaker. Many of the local creeks and feeder rivers will hold them first and then as the month progresses the rivers and bay waters will swell with larger numbers. Bloodworms, shrimp and squid are all good baits to add to a standard bottom rig. If you don’t like the cold, extended winters that we’ve been having, either shoot “Phil” the forecasting groundhog or be patient, deal with a cooling trend that seems to be upon us and be happy to finally Go Fishin’. If you have your own boat and want to know more about the local fishing, you may want to check out our weekly fishing reports in the Rappahannock Record. Good luck fishing this month and until next time, Fair winds. Capt. Billy Pipkin owns and operates Capt. Billy’s Charters and Ingram Bay Marina in Wicomico Church —580-7292. For the latest fishing information and tips, read his column “The Fishing Line” weekly in the Rappahannock Record. 3,)03!6!),!",%&)234-/.4(&2%% Closest Marina to the Bay! Deep Ramp Land Storage boats and trailers Boathouse Slips Up to 50 feet Open Slips Up to 60 feet Cabin Rentals Ingram Bay Marina s%NDOF2T7ICOMICO#HURCH /N4OWLES#REEK7ESTOF'REAT7ICOMICO,IGHTs#APT"ILLYS#HARTERSCOM 2015 Sizes and Limits Recreational Fishing Regulations in Virginia’s Marine Waters Black Drum Minimum Size Limit: 16" Total Length Limit: 1 Black Drum per person per day Blue Catfish Minimum Size Limit: None Limit: Only one over 32" per day Bluefish Minimum Size Limit: None Limit: 10 Bluefish per person per day Spadefish Minimum Size Limit: None Limit: 4 Spadefish per person per day Spanish Mackerel Minimum Size Limit: 14" Total Length Limit: 15 Spanish Mackerel per person per day Speckled Trout (Spotted Sea Trout) Minimum Size Limit: 14" Total Length Limit: 5 Speckled Trout per person per day, only one may be 24" or greater Cobia Minimum Size Limit: 37" Total Length Limit: 1 Cobia per person per day Striped Bass (Striper, Rockfish) Grey Trout (Weakfish) Minimum Size Limit: 12" Total Length Limit: 1 Grey Trout per day per person Virginia Trophy Season in Chesapeake Bay, May 1 through June 15 Minimum Size Limit: 36" Possession Limit: 1 Rockfish per person per day Spring Season, May 16–June 15 Minimum Size Limit: 20" | Maximum Size Limit **: 28" Limit: 2 Rockfish per person per day ** One fish of the two fish limit may be larger than 36" in length or larger Fall Season, October 4–December 31 2 per person per day. 1 Rockfish 28" or longer can be kept Minimum Size Limit: 20" | Maximum Size Limit: 28" Red Drum (Channel Bass) Minimum Size Limit: 18" Total Length Maximum Size Limit: 26" Total Length Limit: 3 Red Drum per person per day Summer Flounder (Fluke) Sheepshead Minimum Size Limit: none Limit: 4 Sheepshead per person per day Minimum Size Limit: 16" Limit: 4 Flounder per person per day Tautog Minimum Size Limit: 16" Limit: 3 Tautog per person per day Closed Season: May 1–September 19 For information on the most current regulations, contact Virginia Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Ave., P.O. Box 756, Newport News, Va. 23607: (757) 247-2200. VMRC “Hotline” number to report violations: (800) 541-4646. VMRC monitors VHF Channel 17. The VMRC website is Fish illustrations, courtesy Duane Raver, may not be reproduced without permission (919) 553-0280. Anglers club posts its 2015 meeting and tournament schedules KILMARNOCK—The Northern Neck Anglers Club (NNAC) recently announced the dates of its upcoming meetings and 2015 fishing tournaments. The NNAC is dedicated to educating anglers about saltwater fishing techniques and sharing information about tackle, bait selection, fishing techniques and locations, reported secretary Mark Roy. At club meetings, anglers can gain special insights from guest speakers, said Roy. All fishermen in the Northern Neck region are urged to join the club and participate in NNAC meetings and tournaments. Meetings are slated at 7 p.m. June 13 and October 3 at Lancaster Community Library, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock. The 2015 tournament schedule includes (by tournament, species and date): • Trophy Rockfish, rockfish, May 2-3. • Target Ship Shootout, croaker and flounder, June 20-21. • Flounder Bash, croaker and flounder, July 18-19. • Spanish Lessons, bluefish, Spanish mackerel and spot, August 15-16. • Grab Bag, Spanish mackerel, speckled trout and spot, September 12-13. • Octoberfest, bluefish and speckled trout, October 10-11. • Bonus Rockfish, rockfish, November 28-29. Annual dues are $30 and all tournaments are free to members, said Roy. An “Angler of The Year” contest is conducted with points awarded based on tournament participation. Tournament weigh-in stations include Lewisetta Marina, Lottsburg; Smith Point Marina, Reedville; Ingram Bay Marina, Remo; B.E.S.T. Marine, Saluda; Norview Marina, Deltaville; Chesapeake Boat Basin, Kilmarnock; Morningstar Marina, Hudgins; R.W.’s Sport Shop, Callao; J&W Seafood, Deltaville; Buzzard’s Point Marina, Reedville; and Northern Neck Ace Hardware, Kilmarnock. Club sponsors include J&W Croaker Classic tourney slated for youth anglers SOMERS—Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster, will host the Kids Croaker Classic from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 30. The tournament will award first-, second- and third-place prizes in two age categories and two divisions, from shore, or from boat. A complete list of all the rules is included on the registration form. Registrations, along with $10 per participant entry fee, must be received at the Belle Isle State Park Office by 3 p.m. May 8 to receive a T-shirt. Registration forms may be picked up at Belle Isle State Park camp store, contact station and park office,; or 462-5030. :KR·V8QGHU<RXU%RDW" 'LYLQJ6HUYLFHV+XOO&OHDQLQJ3URS6HUYLFH =LQF5HSODFHPHQW6DOYDJH&XWWLQJ 'ULOOLQJDQG0RUH /LFHQVHG,QVXUHGDQG3URIHVVLRQDO ZZZXQGHUERDWVFRP Seafood, Jett’s Hardware, Marine Electronics, R.W.’s Sport Shop, Southeastern marine and Surfside Bait & Tackle. Membership information and tournament rules can be found at northernneckanglersclub.wordpress. com. The best things come in small packages. $QG WKDW·V HVSHFLDOO\ WUXH ZLWK +RQGD·V %) RQH RI WKH ZRUOG·VOLJKWHVWIRXUVWURNHRXWERDUGV7KH%)LVVROLJKW LW ULYDOV PDQ\ WZRVWURNH +3 HQJLQHV DQG HOHFWULF PRWRUV ZLWKRXWWKHEDWWHU\ 7KHQHZ%)IHDWXUHV15% more powerRYHULWV%)SUH GHFHVVRU DQG D 12% larger internal gas tank ZKLFK SUR YLGHVDSSUR[KURIRSHUDWLRQDWZLGHRSHQWKURWWOH Twist Grip Throttle • Centrifugal Clutch 360º Swivel Steering • 15/20” Shaft Models Air Cooled - No water pump service required All ing remain k in stoc E L ON SA ! NOW Legendary innovation, reliablility, power and performance WKDW·V+RQGD0DULQH7KH3RZHURI%RDWLQJ 804-776-6365 )RURSWLPXPSHUIRUPDQFHDQGVDIHW\UHDGWKHRZQHU·V PDQXDOEHIRUHRSHUDWLQJ\RXU+RQGD0DULQHSURGXFW $OZD\VZHDUDSHUVRQDOÁRWDWLRQGHYLFHZKLOHERDWLQJ 1990 Catalina 30’ 2004 Hunter 42’ 1995 Nordhavn 46’ 2004 Mainship 34’ 1997 Bayliner 28’ -DFN·V3ODFH Deltaville • Virginia • 23043 $49,995 $159,950 $399,500 $123,900 $16,000 Jewelry, Clothing, Hats & more… New Items Daily See Complete Listings: 32 • Rivah • May 2015 Rivah Marinas ll area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. A Gas and oil, fuel dock depth, 4’. Engine repairs, bottom painting, ship’s store, ice, bait and fishing supplies. Sewage pumpout, dry storage only. Picnic area, bathhouse, rental apartment. Essex QRappahannock River Garrett’s Marina 339 Catch Penny Ln. Bowler’s Wharf 443-2573 At Buoy 19 on Rappahannock River. Gas, ship’s store, engine repair, boat sales, launching ramp, restrooms, showers and boat storage. QNorth River Mobjack Bay Marina 454 Marina Rd. North 725-7245 On Blackwater Creek near marker #2. Gas, diesel, fuel dock, low tide depth—4’. Primarily a sailboat marina. Repairs to hulls, electrical systems, minor engine repairs, bottom painting. 20-ton travel lift. Dockage, boat ramp, dry storage, sewage pumpout, showers, restrooms, ship’s store. June Parker Marina 531 Church Ln. Tappahannock 443-2131 High/dry storage, ship’s store, boat ramp, and slips. Gas and on-demand diesel. Garrett’s Marina in Tappahannock is on the Rappahannock River. Gloucester Q Perrin River Crown Pointe Marina 9737 Cook’s Landing Rd. Hayes 642-6177 On Perrin River off York River. Yamaha dealer, Valvtect gas, diesel, ice, bait, pumpout, ship’s store, 20-ton travel lift, restrooms, showers, ramp, fish cleaning station. Fishing charters, two pools, 235 slips plus transient slips. Q Rowes Creek Holiday Marina 3143 Holiday Marina Rd. Hayes 642-2528 On Rowes Creek off the Severn River. Diesel, non-ethanol gasoline, ice, showers, restrooms, transient slips, marine parts, full service marina, hull repair, 60-ton lift, ramp. Q Sarah’s Creek Jordan Marine 7804 Jordan Rd. Gloucester Point 642-4360 On Sarah’s Creek off the York River. 60-ton travel lift, 100-ton railway, paint and hull repairs, wet and dry storage, showers and restrooms. York River Yacht Haven 8109 Yacht Haven Rd. Gloucester Point 642-2156 At mouth of Sarah’s Creek after green marker #9. Gas, diesel, 10 ft. depth at fuel dock, sewage pumpout, ship’s store, ice, hull and engine repair, full service yard or do-it-yourself. 35- and 60-ton lifts, courtesy car, car rental nearby, showers, restrooms, pool and picnic area, transient slips. Q Severn River Severn River Marina 3398 Stonewall Rd. Hayes 642-6969 On southwest branch of Severn River near marker #4, off Mobjack Bay. Full service repairs with 75-ton travel lift, wet and dry storage, ship’s store, pool, transient facilities and other amenities. Lancaster QCarter’s Creek Carter’s Cove Marina 347 Carter’s Cove Dr. Weems 438-5273 Deep water slips, electric service to all slips, sewage pumpout, laundry facilities, restrooms, modern bath house, wireless internet. Marina at The Tides Inn 480 King Carter Dr. Irvington 438-5000 Gas/diesel, sewage pumpout, mini ship’s store, showers, laundry, dining, lodging, slips, restrooms, access to golf, tennis and swimming pools. Rappahannock Yachts/ Sanders Yacht Yard 70 Rappahannock Rd. Irvington 438-5353 Located on Carter’s Creek. Full service boatyard for power and The Marina on Davis Creek 343 Davis Creek Rd. Bavon 725-3343 Located by the water, northwest of New Point Light just off the Mobjack Bay; Lat.3719.8’ N Long.76-17.9’ W. Deep QIndian Creek water slips for boats to 50’, Chesapeake Boat Basin pumpout station, ramp usage 1686 Waverly Ave. Kilmarnock 435-3110 with dry slip rental, showers Gas/diesel, complete ship’s and restrooms, non-ethanol gas store, inboard/outboard en- and Valvtect marine diesel fuel. gine repairs, Suzuki, Mercury, Nauticstar and Boston Whaler QHorn Harbor dealer, brokerage sales, slips, Horn Harbor Marina restrooms, launching ramp, ice 308 Railway Rd. Port Haywood 725-3223 and swimming pool. Located north of New Point Comfort. Gas, diesel, ice, QMeyer Creek 6’ depth. Pool, showers, Yankee Point restrooms, pumpout; 15-ton Sailboat Marina travel lift, 80-ton railway. Hull 1303 Oak Hill Rd. repairs for fiberglass and wood. Lancaster 462-7635 In Ottoman near the Merry Point Covered and open slips. Ferry. Gas/diesel, pumpout, restaurant, swimming pool, Q East River boat brokerage, rental cottag- Compass Marina es, ship’s store, repairs, slips, 6199 East River Rd. Mobjack 725-7999 restrooms, ramp. From East River at Mobjack Bay, enter at the #5 Daymark. QRappahannock River Floating docks, in-slip pumpout, Windmill Point Marina up to twin 50 amp electrical 40 Windjammer Ln. White Stone 436-1818 service, bathhouse, 17 slips Fuel docks, deep water slips. for boats up to 50’, dredged to Electric service, pumpout, 8’ MLW. restrooms, swimming pools and restaurant with tiki bar and QMilford Haven Morningstar Marina grill. 249 Mill Point Rd. Hudgins 725-9343 Mathews Next to the Milford Haven Coast QDavis Creek Guard Station, Gwynn’s Island. sail. 30-ton travel lift, carpentry and engine shop. Paint shed for Awlgrip/restoration projects. Slips, dry storage, restrooms and showers. QQueen’s Creek Queen’s Creek Marina 321 Walnut Acres Ln. Hudgins 240-8670 Sail and powerboat slips, some covered, electric, fresh water. Clubhouse, restrooms, showers, ice, covered picnic area, play area, fish cleaning station, pumpout station. Land boat/ trailer storage. Middlesex QBroad Creek Chesapeake Cove Marina 170 Greens Cove Rd. Deltaville 776-6855 Gas and diesel fuel, sewage pumpout, ship’s store, hull and engine repair, restrooms, Finatic fishing charters, travel lift and prop service. Powerboat sales. Coastal Marine Inc. 160 Dockside Dr. Deltaville 776-6585 Full service boatyard for power and sail, 50-ton travel-lift, engine and mechanical shop, specializes in repair of Mercury outboards, Crusader engines repair and service. Deltaville Yachting Center 18355 Gen. Puller Hwy. Deltaville 776-9898 Gas, ship’s store, clubhouse, pool, hull refinishing/painting, engine repairs and installation, full rigging service, a/c and heat install and repair, boatel, yard storage, slips, forklift, 34 f May 2015 • Rivah • 33 Marinas f 33 50-ton travel lift. Chesapeake Yacht Sales; dealer for Catalina yachts and Carolina classic powerboats. Mainship and Albin specialist. VA clean marina. Norton Yacht Sales, Inc. 97 Marina Dr. Deltaville 776-9211 Slips, fuel, pumpouts, restrooms, laundry, full service yacht repair yard, Yanmar diesel engine repairs, 35 ton travel lift, dealer for Marlow Hunter, Marlow Mainship and Jeanneau sailboats, brokerage sail and power, ASA sailing school, sail charters. Norview Marina 18691 Gen. Puller Hwy. Deltaville 776-6463 Gas and diesel, sewage pumpout, ship’s store, boatel, hull and engine repair, restrooms, boat ramp, swimming pool, laundromat, convenience market, travel lift, forklift, Delta boat sales and brokerage. Regatta Point Yachting Center 137 Neptune Ln. Deltaville 776-8400 Open and covered slips to 70’, clubhouse, conference room, pool, private bathrooms, laundry, pumpout, 30 transient slips for individuals/groups, wireless internet access, concrete floating docks. Rivertime Marina and Boatyard 141 Hamble Ln. Deltaville 776-7574 Full service boat yard. 30- ton travel lift, boat forklift, haul and launch, quick haul, bottom painting, engine and transmission repair and replacements, winterizations, wooden and fiberglass boat repairs. Stingray Point Lighthouse. No Fishing Bay Harbor Marina commercial or transient activity. 519 Deagles Rd. Deltaville 776-6800 Walden’s Marina Gas and diesel, sewage 1224 Timberneck Rd. pumpout, ship’s store, Deltaville 776-9440 restrooms, swimming pool, 75 covered and open boat laundromat, bicycles, Wi-Fi, slips, ship’s store, gas and die- ValvTect marine fuel, floating sel fuel, restrooms, pumpout and fixed, open and covered facility, full-service boatyard, slips. hull and engine repair, ice, transient space, travel lift. QJackson Creek Deltaville Boat Yard QFishing Bay 274 Bucks View Ln. Chesapeake Boat Works Deltaville 776-8900 548 Deagles Rd. Hull and engine repair, dry storDeltaville 776-8833 age, fiberglass repair, carpentry Ship’s store, hull and engine re- work, travel lift, full rigging serpair, restrooms, travel lift, rail- vices, full service yard. way, dockage and boat storage. Deltaville Marina 274 Bucks View Ln. Deltaville 776-9812 Gas and diesel, sewage pumpout, ship’s store, restrooms, swimming pool, laundromat, yacht repair services. QLaGrange Creek Remlik Marina and Danny’s Marine Services 485 Burch Rd. Urbanna 758-5450 Full-service boatyard, hull and engine repairs, ship’s store, pumpout, 30-ton travel lift, swimming pool, restrooms, onshore winter storage, gas, 99 covered slips. Stingray Point Marina 19167 Gen. Puller Hwy. Deltaville 776-7272 200+ annual slips, open and covered. Swimming pool, ice, laundry, WiFi, pump out, grills, playground, clubhouse, 3 bathhouses, pet-friendly. Home of Norview Marina “Best in the Middle Bay” Programs! t n u o c is D our Fuel Ask about • Best fuel dock in the area • Indoor rack storage for boats to 34’ • 82 ton Marine Travelift* • Pool, bathhouse, picnic area • Excellent quality fresh water • WIFI, cable • Full service brokerage through Delta Boat Sales *Onsite service provided by Zimmerman Marine, Inc. Deltaville, VA • (804) 776-6463 Delta Boat Sales • (804) 776-7447 34 • Rivah • May 2015 Sponsors: %D\)0:,*2$OO$W6HD%D\&DQYDV%%7%URDG&UHHN0DULQD%URZQ·V0DULQH Chesapeake Bay Magazine • Chesapeake Cove Marina • Coastal Marine, Inc. • C2 Canvas • Deltaville Boat\DUG0DULQD%RDW/RDQVIURP(9%7KH&DSWDLQ·V&KRLFH+XUG·V+DUGZDUH-:6HDIRRG7DFNOH Shoppe • The Local Scoop • Neena Rodgers, Waterfront Specialist • Passagemaker • Phase 2 Marine CanYDV//&3OHDVDQW/LYLQJ0DJD]LQH3URS7DON7KH5LYDK7KH6KLS·V7DLORU6SLQVKHHW7UDGLWLRQDO<DFKW 6XUYH\RUV8OOPDQ6DLOV9$-HUU\/DWHOO7KH9LUJLQLD6SRUWVPDQ:DWHUZD\*XLGH:HVW0DULQH6HD7RZ Marinas QLocklies Creek Locklies Marina 784 Locklies Creek Rd. Topping 758-2871 Gas and diesel fuel, ship’s store, dry storage, charter boats moor at the facility, restrooms, two launching ramps, boat rentals, picnic tables. restrooms, outside boat storage facilities, limited transient dockage. Groceries and downtown Urbanna within walking distance. Covered slips to 70’, clubhouse and 40-ton lift. Urbanna Creek Marina at the Bridge 10 Watling St. Regent Point Marina Urbanna (540) 226-5357 and Boatyard Adjacent to Urbanna Creek 317 Regent Point Dr. Bridge. 44 slips, bath and Topping 758-4457 shower facilities, restaurant acTrawlers welcome. Sewage cess, apartment complex for pumpout, restrooms, show- yearly rental. ers, boat ramp for leaseholders, playground, covered picnic Urbanna Town Marina area, storage lockers, and full 210 Oyster Rd. service boatyard including haul- Urbanna 758-5440 ing and ground storage. At foot of Virginia St. 32 slips, 16 transient. Bath and shower QRappahannock River facilities, laundry, bikes and Boatyard at Christchurch golf cart rentals, pumpout sta1228 Crafton Quarter Rd. tion, handicapped accessible. Saluda 758-4067 Boatel, 30-ton travel lift, gas, dry storage, ship’s store, bait, Northumberland bathhouse, launch, ramp, hull QCoan River Coan River Marina and mechanical repair. 3170 Lake Rd. Lottsburg 529-6767 QRobinson Creek Deep water slips with easy acSunset Point Marina cess to bay and river. Gas/die792 Burrell’s Marina Rd. Urbanna 758-5016 sel, sewage pumpout, ship’s 40 slips on Robinson Creek, store, laundry, restrooms, full handmade rockfish, floun- repairs, 25-ton travelift. der and trout tackle on sale, restrooms and bath houses, Lewisetta Marina pumpout facilities, ramp, picnic 369 Church Ln. 529-7299 tables, ice, gas grills and East Lottsburg Coast houseboats sales and Gas/diesel, pumpout, ship’s store, ice, hull and engine remanufacturing. pair, restrooms, ramp. QUrbanna Creek QCockrell’s Creek Dozier’s Port Urbanna Buzzard Point Marina Yachting Center 468 Buzzard Point Rd. 1 Waterfront St. 453-3545 Urbanna 758-0000 Reedville Hull and engine repair, Restrooms, showers, gas/die- sel, ice, pumpout service, 70 house, laundry, ship’s store. in-water slips, dry storage, Wi- Transients welcome. Wi-Fi. One Fi, Tangier Island ferry service, mile to the bay. picnic area. QLodge Creek Fairport Marina Olverson’s Lodge Creek 252 Polly Cove Rd. Marina Inc. Fairport 453-5002 1161 Melrose Rd. Gas/diesel, ship’s store and Lottsburg 529-6868 restaurant, restrooms. Gas/diesel, pumpout, ramp, sand beach, heated pool, launReedville Marina dry, restrooms/showers, boat 902 Main St. with trailer storage, covered Reedville 453-6789 and open slips, transients At Crazy Crab on Cockrell’s welcome. Creek, boat slips, gas/diesel, showers, pumpout, Wi-Fi, gift QTowles Creek shop, restaurant with inside/ Ingram Bay Marina outside dining, 30 and 50 amp 545 Harveys Neck Rd. electric. Heathsville 580-7292 Near Wicomico Church. CovQGreat Wicomico River ered slips up to 48’, outside Great Wicomico River slips up to 60’. Transient Marina slips, rental cabins, banquet 836 Horn Harbor Rd. facilities. Gas/diesel, sewage Burgess 580-0716 pumpout, ship’s store, tackle/ bait shop, deep boat ramp, QLittle Wicomico River restrooms, showers, beach. Chesapeake Bay Fishing charters, cruises (dinCamp-Resort ner, sunset or destination), 382 Campground Rd. boat/canoe rentals. Reedville 453-3430 Covered slips, store, showers, QYeocomico River swimming pool, mini-golf, pavil- Krantz Marine Railway ion, Sun. breakfast. Overnight 3048 Harryhogan Rd. or annual slip rentals. Cabins, Callao 529-6851 lodges, tent, RV sites. Pumpout, ship’s store, hardware and marine supplies Cockrell’s Marine Railway only, hull and engine repair, 309 Railway Dr. restrooms, slip rentals. Heathsville 453-3560 Hull and engine repair, sewage Richmond pumpout, ramp. QMorattico Creek Whelan’s Marina Smith Point Marina 3993 Hales Point Rd. 989 Smith Point Rd. 394-9500 Reedville 453-4077 Farnham Full service, covered and un- Gas, ship’s store, boat recovered slips, ramp, forklift and pairs, launching ramp, ABC 12-ton travel lift, camping, bath- off, restrooms/showers, sales of boat and engines, Yamaha Wave Runners, travel lift. Westmoreland QMattox Creek Stepp’s Harbor View Marina 277 Harbor View Circle Oak Grove 224-9265 Slip rentals, showers, pool, store, snack bar, boat sales and repairs, fuel, sewage pumpout. QMonroe Bay Bayside Marina 11 Monroe Bay Ave. Colonial Beach 224-7570 40-slip marina, close to downtown Colonial Beach. New bathhouse and club room. Lighthouse Restaurant. Transients welcome. Nightingale’s Motel and Marina 101 Monroe Bay Ave. Colonial Beach 224-7956 10 transient slips, restrooms, restaurant next door, motel accommodations. Stanford’s Marina and Railway 829 Robin Grove Ln. Colonial Beach 224-7644 Working boatyard, slip rentals, haul and lift, wooden boat repairs, marine store. Monroe Bay Marina 551 Lafayette St. Colonial Beach 224-7544 95 rental slips, water and electric, bathrooms, on-site security. Winkie Doodle Point Marina 554 Lafayette St. Colonial Beach 224-9560 36f May 2015 • Rivah • 35 A Boat That Works by Grid Michal Many years ago I worked for a major car-rental corporation. One of the ladder-rungs I stepped on on the way up was ordering and selling cars, the sales being both retail and wholesale. One of my regular wholesale buyers bought every Olds Cutlass he could lay his hands on, regardless of mileage or condition. After I left the company and returned to doing what I love, I was watching “60 Minutes” one Sunday night. Mike Wallace was headed across a dusty lot, cameraman in tow, towards a commercial building. Wallace was mumbling something about “blah-blah-carsblah-blah” (we had a cheap TV, and my hearing was already on the wane) and he came to the building where he rapped extremely hard on the door. A familiar face attached to a fireplug body opened the door, and Wallace said, “Mr. ____, I’m Mike Wallace from ‘60 Minutes,’ here to get your side of the federal indictment served you about turning odometers back.” Sometimes you read the words, “He stopped breathing.” It might have applied to a decedent, or someone fearful, but at that moment, my lungs incorporated the two. Every transaction I’d entered into with that guy passed before by memory bank. And then I realized that too many years had passed, and I was in the clear… but I still watched my Caller ID for Area Code 202 phone numbers! Where this brings me is to a question that arises when I read used car or boat ads and the ad mentions “25,500 original miles,” or “450 original hours.” If we accept the fact that speedometers can’t be reversed without effort requiring too much expense, then what we see should be original. If the marine engine has a diagnostic port, it’ll tell you that the hours on it are certainly original. (Caveat: I have a customer who bought a shiny new engine from a dealer who said the engine was a year old, but had never been registered. When the customer called me to repair a problem that certainly shouldn’t have occurred on a new engine, I hooked up the diagnostics and found that this engine was one the dealer had used as a demo on his grandfather’s boat, and had just short of 600 original hours.) So, what are non-original miles or hours? It reminds me of a restaurant in NC where we took an elderly cousin for a delightful seafood dinner, and the young, beautiful server asked, “Can Ah take yallses plates?” Is there an apostrophe in “yallses?” If so, where does it go? Is yallses suddenly accepted diction? If I’m hours short of 70, is my life as I know it, original? Or does existentialism enter the conversation, and this is my second go-round. Some days I feel like the former, others, the latter. I asked The Motor Nurse, “If you were faced with an ad for a boat with 450 hours, and another for the same boat with 450 original hours, which would you buy, assuming I weren’t here to check either out?” Tappahannock Rotary Croaker Fishing Tourney set for May 16 ESSEX—On Saturday, May 16, the Tappahannock Rotary Club will host its 12th annual Big Croaker Fishing Tournament. The entry fee is $150 per boat, but is discounted $25 for boat registrations postmarked by May 1. Those registrations postmarked prior to May 1 will also receive a free t-shirt, and additional shirts may be purchased via the registration form for an additional $15 per shirt. The tournament will be supported by its regular locations: the Dock Street ramp in Tappahannock, June Parker Marina, and Garrett’s Marina. For convenience, anglers may also have prize catches tagged and checked at June Parker Marina or the Dock Street Ramp, and they will transferred by Rotary Club contest officials to the final weigh-in site at Garrett’s Marina. Visit for fishing and boating information. Weigh-in activities this year will include door prize drawings along with complimentary hot dogs and hamburgers. 36 • Rivah • May 2015 “You know I wouldn’t buy a boat.” “I know that, but answer the question.” “Why would I be reading that sort of ad anyway?” “Because it’s an ad that isn’t for ULTA or DSW shoes, and you need some variety in your life! Okay, would you love me if I weren’t original?” “How would I know if you weren’t? If you weren’t original, wouldn’t you know by now that every woman has a special cabinet for spices? Wouldn’t you know by now how to hang your towel properly after showering? Actually, what difference would it make anyway? You’re original. I love you” Bingo. It doesn’t make any difference…as long as you can verify! Grid Michal operates The Motor Doctor, a mobile service and repair business. He has worked on marine engines for over 50 years. For more information, call 436-2610. Marinas f 35 QYeocomico River Kinsale Harbour Yacht Club and Restaurant 285 Kinsale Rd. QPotomac River Kinsale 472-2514 Coles Point Marina Deep water slips, showers, 307 Plantation Dr. swimming pool, tennis court, Coles Point 472-4011 and restaurant. Transients Located on the tidal Potomac welcome. River. Boat slips, full service boatyard, boat ramp, ship’s Port Kinsale Marina store, non-ethanol gas, picnic and Resort area, campground, pool and 347 Allen Point Ln. restaurant. Kinsale 472-2044 106 slips. Store, fuel, elecColonial Beach Yacht Center tric, laundry, bath houses, slip 1787 Castlewood Dr. rentals, boat ramp, sewage Colonial Beach 224-7230 pumpout, pool, lodging. The 200-slip marina with covered Mooring Restaurant. Full-serand floating berths, transients vice marina with mechanical welcome, fuel, ship’s store, services. boat yard with 30-ton marine lift, sewage pumpout, bath- White Point Marina house, beach, playground, pub, 175 Marina Dr. restaurant. Kinsale 472-2977 Slip rentals, fuel, sewage Westmoreland State Park pumpout, showers, haul-out/ 1650 State Park Rd. railway facilities, mechanical Montross 493-8821 services. Public boat ramp, gas, ice, bait To make updates to this directory, and fishing supplies. 65 rental slips, bathrooms, water and electric. please email: Deltaville, Va. 804-776-6855 Broad Creek & Green’s Cove Rd. New High Speed Gas & Diesel Pump Non-ethanol 93º Gas • 40C Diesel *LY[PÄLK4LJOHUPJZ Engine Repowering • 30-Ton Lift • Fiberglass Repair Blister Repair • Woodwork • Ships Store Spray & Brush Painting • Transmissions Rebuilt Gas & Diesel • Covered Slips AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Rivah Ramps From River Road (Rt. 354) turn on Urbanna Creek At the end of Rt. 606. Turn from Belle Isle State Road (Rt. 683). In Urbanna at the end of Virginia Rt. 3 onto Rt. 608, then to Rt. Fee $3. St. in municipal marina (fee for 606. Essex Tanyard Landing out-of town users). Bowlers Wharf Totuskey Creek Landing At the end of Rt. 617. From Rt. At the end of Rt. 684 in Dunnsville. 17 at Woods Crossroads, take Rt. Mathews Off Rt. 3 south of Warsaw. Northumberland Milford Haven Landing 610 south, then Rt. 617 right. Dock Street Public Landing On Gwynn’s Island. Turn from Rt. Lodge Landing Carter’s Wharf At the end of Dock St. in Warehouse Landing From Northumberland Hwy. (Rt. Off Newland Rd. (Rt. 624) to Cart198. Tappahannock. 360) in Callao, turn right on Harry er’s Wharf Rd. (Rt. 622). At the end of Rt. 621. From Rt. 17, Hogan Rd. (Rt. 712). Go to end. turn near Gloucester Courthouse. Town Point Landing Farnham Creek Layton Ramp At the end of Rt. 615. From Rt. Canoe Landing On Rt. 637 in Tappahannock. 198 south of Mathews Court- Forest Landing King and Queen house, turn right onto Rt. 615. From Northumberland Hwy. (Rt. Rt. 608 on Farnham Creek Rd. Waterfence Landing Prince Street Public Landing 360) north of Heathsville, turn on Off Rt. 360 in downtown At the end of Rt. 611. Turn off Rt. Coan Stage Rd. (Rt. 612). Middlesex Westmoreland 14 at Shanghai. Tappahannock. Westmoreland State Park Mill Stone Landing Rowes Landing At the end of Rt. 608, Water View. From Northumberland Hwy. (Rt. Enter from Rt. 3. Gloucester King William Turn off Rt. 17 onto Rt. 640, then 360) near Heathsville, turn on Deep Point Landing West Point Landing left on Rt. 608. Rowe’s Landing Rd. (Rt. 601) to Bonums Landing At the end of Rt. 606. Turn from Turn off Rt. 33 near west end of At the end of Rt. 763. Turn from the end. Rt. 198 at Harcum. Mattaponi River bridge. Rt. 202 north of Callao. Oakes/Saluda Landing At the end of Rt. 618. Turn at Cooper’s Landing Gloucester Point Landing stoplight in Saluda. From Northumberland Hwy (Rt. Currioman Dock Near north end of York River Lancaster 360) turn south at Horsehead At the end of Rt. 622. Turn from Greenvale Creek Landing bridge, off Rt. 17. Upper Mill Creek Landing onto Cooper’s Landing Rd. (Rt. Rt. 3 in Montross. From River Rd. (Rt. 354) near Mol- At the end of Rt. 626. Near 707) to end. lusk, turn on Rocky Neck Rd. (Rt. Hartfield, take Rt. 627, then left Williams Landing Branson Cove At the end of Rt. 1303, off Rt. 17. 662) to Thomas Landing Rd. At the end of Rt. 612. Turn from on Rt. 626. Shell Landing Turn from Northumberland Hwy. Rt. 202 towards Coles Point. Belle Isle State Park Cappahosic Landing (Rt. 360) in Reedville onto Fleeton Coles Point Plantation Rd. (Rt. 657). Off of Rt. 728, Coles Point. Cranes Creek Turn from Jessie Ball duPont Me- Colonial Beach Landing morial Hwy. (Rt. 200) at Wicomico At the end of Rt. 633. Turn from Church onto Sandy Point Rd. (Rt. Rt. 205 between Oak Grove 666). and Colonial Beach. isted here are directions to public boat ramps. L At the end of Rt. 618. Turn from Rt. 614 near Sassafras. NEW FOR 2015: Garmin GPSMAP 7612XSV *OHY[WSV[[LY-PZOÄUKLY$3,999.99 12” Multi-Touch Chartplotter/ Sonar for Cruising, Sailing or Fishing )\PS[PU(K]HUJLK:VUHY *HWHIPSP[PLZ 7YLSVHKLK)S\L*OHY[NTHWZ .HYTPU4HYPUL5L[^VYRHUK 54,(:\WWVY[ Richmond Simonson Landing To make updates to this directory, please email: To advertise in the Rivah call 435-1701 or 758-2328. ¹¹HUK¹KPZWSH`ZHSZVH]HPSHISL *VUULJ[PVU^P[O9HKHYHUK(0:H]HPSHISL ,UOHUJLK(\[V.\PKHUJL 0UZ[HSSH[PVU(]HPSHISL Mobile Installation & Service Available NL[HNWZ'NTHPSJVT .LULYHS7\SSLY/PNO^H`/HY[ÄLSK .HYTPU*LY[PÄLK0UZ[HSSH[PVU:LY]PJLHUK9LWHPY*LU[LY 32%R[ +DPEOH/DQH Full Service Boat Yard where )XOO6HUYLFH%RDW<DUGZKHUH 'HOWDYLOOH9$ Do-It-Yourselfers are Welcome 'R,W<RXUVHOIHUVDUH:HOFRPH conveniently located on Broad Creek ULYHUWLPHPDULQD#JPDLOFRP FRQYHQLHQWO\ORFDWHGRQ%RDUG&UHHN 7RQ7UDYHO/LIW%RRP7UXFN 'RXJ5HVSUHVV 30 Ton Travel Lift • Boom Truck &RYHUHG%RDW6OLSV 2ZQHU2SHUDWRU Covered Boat Slips May 2015 • Rivah • 37 Stingray Point Marina Chesapeake Bay’s Premier Marina in Deltaville,Virginia 33 acre park-like setting with swimming pool, internet wifi, ice & laundry Protected harbor on Broad Creek with easy Chesapeake Bay access More than 200 slips available annually from $1,800–$4,500/yr Home of the Stingray Point Lighthouse Well-managed and pet friendly Spectators watch from the Urbanna Town Marina docks as the Cocktail Class racers approach the finish line. Third annual Urbanna Cup boat races set for May 16 URBANNA—Urbanna Creek Cocktail Class (UCCC) will host the 3rd Annual Urbanna Cup on Saturday, May 16, at the Urbanna Town Marina on Urbanna Creek. Boat owners are readying their 8-foot Cocktail Class boats with 6 and 8 horsepower engines in preparation for this Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association (CCWBRA) sanctioned event. “The Urbanna Cup is the premier Cocktail Boat racing event on the East Coast, with drivers and their families coming in from all over the country to compete and to enjoy all that Urbanna has to offer,” said UCCC Commodore Chris Riddick. “Our club feels so fortunate to have the perfect race venue right here in Urbanna for drivers and spectators alike. This event is truly a community effort and can only happen through the support from our dedicated volunteers, generous local businesses and sponsors, and citizens of Urbanna and Middlesex County.” Races will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will continue throughout the day with different heats and classes for men, women and youth. An awards ceremony will be held at the Urbanna Town Marina after the last race of the day, at approximately 5:30 p.m. “Urbanna is a great, relaxing town that consistently manages 38 • Rivah • May 2015 to host an absolutely fantastic family-oriented event for racing small boats,” said CCWBRA Commodore Rich Faulkner. Food and drink will be available for purchase throughout the day from vendors such as Carytown Burgers & Fries, and Mosaic Foods. For those 21 and older, beer and wine will be for sale with proper ID. Once the boat racing wraps up, the Urbanna Business Association (UBA) will host “Fillmore” at the marina as its first band of the popular Music Under the Stars concert series. Fillmore features local talent Morgan Stewart and her partner, Phil Walker. Their sound is a soulful blend of tone and rhythm that takes harmony and connection on a musical joyride. Influences include Bonnie Raitt, Susan Tedeschi, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Etta James, and Frank Sinatra. Music starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. All are invited to attend these free, family-friendly events held at the Urbanna waterfront. Coolers are not permitted, but spectators are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets. Parking is available throughout the Town of Urbanna with shuttle service provided to the Urbanna Town Marina. For more information on CCWBRA, visit www.ccwbra. com. For more information on Urbanna Cup, visit For more information on Music Under the Stars, visit 804-776-7272 located on Broad Creek in Deltaville, Virginia 23043 N 37° 33.710 | W 076° 18.450 • 19167 General Puller Hwy (Rt 33) SHORES & SHORES Marine Construction Piers, Boat Lifts, Boat Houses, Bulkheads & Rip Rap Urbanna, VA 804 758-1099 Lance Shores - Larry Shores, Jr. ‘Deltaville Dealer Days’ set for May 2-3 Dealers for DELPHIA Yachts from 24’– 47’ Dealers for ISLAND PACKET Yachts from 36’- 52’ Dealers for SOUTHERLY Yachts Variable Swing Keel Representing Great Harbour from 37’- 74’ FEATURED BROKERAGE BOATS Island Packet 44 1993 $175,000 Southerly 110 (36’) 2005 $199,000 Island Packet 350 1998 $120,000 Albin 33 Trawler 1979 $37,900 9LVLWRXUZHEVLWHZZZ6-<$&+76FRPIRUDOORXUOLVWLQJV 6HHRXURIÀFHLQDELTAVILLE BOATYARD 804-776-0604 2IÀFHV²%URNHUV²2SHQGD\VDZHHN DELTAVILLE, VA • ANNAPOLIS, MD • ROCK HALL, MD D E LTAV I L L E — D e l t av i l l e Dealer Days has become one of the most anticipated boating events each spring on the Middle Peninsula, a tangible reminder of the change of the seasons and an opportunity to actually climb aboard boats rather than exploring them on the internet. Boaters enjoy inspecting the leading new brands at each of the four dealerships in Deltaville, talking with knowledgeable brokers and comparing notes with other boat owners. The event was conceived eight years ago when the four primary boat dealers in Deltaville agreed to hold their spring open house on the same weekend and work together to make it a “Deltaville” event, as well as a spring sales event, by pooling their resources and encouraging local businesses to participate as sponsors. The four new boat dealers are Norton Yacht Sales, dealers for Marlow Hunter, Marlow Mainship and Jeanneau Yachts; S&J Yachts, dealers for Delphia and Island Packet Yachts; Chesapeake Yacht Sales, representing Carolina Classic and Catalina Yachts; and Annapolis Yacht Sales South, dealers for Beneteau Sail and Power, Lagoon, Harbor Daysailers, Greenline Hybrid, Edgewater, Steiger Craft and Vanquish. At each dealership new and used boats are made available, either in the water or on land, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 2-3, for visitors to view and board, and brokers are on hand to answer questions. Further information is available at Build a rowing skiff this summer in Reedville REEDVILLE—The Reedville Fishermen’s Museum will host its annual Family Boat Building Weekend June 26-28. The craft, a 9-foot 6-inch rowing skiff, is built from a kit with hand tools and basic wooden boat building techniques that have been in use for generations on the Chesapeake Bay, reported executive director Shawn Hall. The boat is completed and ready for painting at the end of the 2 ½-day adventure. Experienced and dedicated instructors from the museum’s boat shop have created the kit and will guide teams throughout the weekend, said Hall. “This is a great opportunity to spend time with your family in the quiet rhythms of hand tools and ripples from the nearby creek,” he said. “When you leave on Sunday, you’ll have memories of fun, knowledge of basic skills and a nice little boat as a result of your labors and laughter.” Friday and Saturday the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday is a half day. Space is limited to 10 teams and each team is open to family members ages 9 and older. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided on Saturday. For reservations, call the museum office, 453-6529, or email So you can watch the tide roll away . . . Full Service Marine Contractor Dredging – Commercial – Residential – Boat Lifts – EZ Dock $OCKS/F4HE"AYCOMs Small Boat Meet to return GLOUCESTER—Back on the Piankatank River at Freeport in Gloucester County, the 35th annual Urbanna Small Boat Meet is set for May 16-17. The event is an informal messabout with rowing and sailing races, depending on the wind and whim. Limited primitive camping will be available. If they choose, participants may arrive on Friday, May 15. There will be a pot-luck supper and barbecue on Saturday, May 16. Sunday is onthe-water until mid-afternoon. Directions to Freeport: From the intersection of Routes 33, 17 and 198 at Glenns, take Route 198 East (Glenns Road) 6.2 miles to Freeport, Gloucester. Turn left on Freeport Road and go approximately a mile. May 2015 • Rivah • 39 BAY WATCH OYSTER SEEDS, LLC Keith E. Rodgers Owner/Operator (804) 453-4367 PO Box 535 271 Bay Watch Lane Reedville, VA 22539 IH`^H[JOV`Z[LYZLLKZ'UU^PÄJVT ^^^IH`^H[JOV`Z[LYZLLKZJVT TRIPLOID Oyster Seeds for Commercial Growers and Oyster Gardeners Steve J. Short, D.D.S. Daphne Papaefthimiou, D.D.S. J&M Marina On Broad Creek in Deltaville Open & Covered Slips Full Service Boat Yard Boat Ramp 804-776-8800 e Hous Open ville Delta ays rD Deale & 3 2 y a M Annapolis Yacht Sales has served Chesapeake Bay boaters for over 60 years. With offices in Deltaville, Annapolis, Kent Island & Rock Hall, we cover the Bay. Beneteau Sail • Beneteau Power • Lagoon Edgewater • Greenline Hybrid • Steiger Craft • Vanquish 274 Buck’s View Lane • Deltaville, Virginia In Deltaville Marina on Jackson Creek Phone: 804-776-7575 40 • Rivah • May 2015 You are never too young (or too old) to have a healthy smile! (804) 435-3102 Registration opens for BAYLITES™ BAYLITES™ Turkey Shoot Regatta Professional outside lighting and landscape designs Serving Richmond and the Chesapeake Bay areas Specializing in Underwater LED Green Dock Lighting Lewis R. Edgell - Owner 804-639-2551 Richmond Licensed and Insured IRVINGTON—Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta co-chairmen George Bott and Joel Dugan recently announced registration is now open for the annual event, October 2-4 on Carter’s Creek in Irvington. The regatta is co-sponsored by Rappahannock River Yacht Club and Yankee Point Racing and Cruising Club. On shore activities will take place at Rappahannock Yachts, 70 Rappahannock Road, Irvington. According to webmaster Warren Ryan, captains may register their boats at turkeyshoot. org and following the prompts to Yachtscoring. He noted that there Farm & Home Supply, LLC Hardware & Marine Hardware, Pet Food & Supplies, Large Greenhouse, Echo Power Equipment, Garden Tillers, Riding Mowers & Sundries, Bird Food, Feeders and much more! SOUTHERN STATES 469 N. Main St., PO Box 249 Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 Hours: 7:30 - 5:30 M-F, 7:30 - 5:00 Sat. SOUTHERN STATES is a discount for early registration. The regatta will use Yachtscoring software because it is designed to make registration and scoring easier and more efficient. The entry fee is $75 per boat prior to September 1, or $85. Because the Turkey Shoot is one of the few races specifically for classically designed sailboats, there will be no change in the requirement that to participate, a sailboat’s design should be at least 25 years old. “This doesn’t mean the boat itself has to be that old, only its design,” said Ryan. The regatta supports Hospice Support Services of the Northern Neck and Riverside Hospices. Typhoon races are held twice weekly IRVINGTON—The 2015 Cape Dory Typhoon Wednesday afternoon spring racing season, sponsored by the Rappahannock River Yacht Club, 100 Rappahannock Road, Irvington, continues through June 3 The portion of the Rappahannock River off Carters Creek in proximity to the Robert O. Norris Jr. Memorial Bridge and Towel’s Point offers ideal racing grounds for all size sailboats and long or short racecourses, said Typhoon competitor Ned Crockett. Racing is open to all Typhoons whether sailed by a member of RRYC or not. The first warning signal sounds at 6 p.m. and three individual races will be attempted, as wind and daylight allow. Should the weather not be suitable for safe racing, an email will be sent by fleet commander Tom Watkins, to those on the Typhoon mailing list. An interested Typhoon sailor may be added to the email list at tom@ The Typhoon Ladies Sailing Series sets sail on Sundays at 3:15 p.m. The number of Typhoon lady racing teams is growing and are very competitive in the Typhoon racing fleet, said Crockett. Men are welcome too. Join the Ladies email list at Flotilla 33 posts boating classes KILMARNOCK—U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 33 of Kilmarnock recently announced its free Virginia Boating Safety Class schedule for 2015. By July 1, all personal watercraft operators and boat operators ages 50 and younger must complete an approved boating safety class per Virginia law, reported Flotilla 33 public education officer Win Schwab. By July 1, 2016, all motorboat operators regardless of age must have completed an approved boating safety class, he said. Boating safety classes will be held: • May 9 at the Northumberland County Rescue Squad, 412 Reed Avenue, Reedville. • June 13 at the Lancaster Community Library, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock. • July 11 at the Lancaster Community Library. • August 8 at the Northumberland County Rescue Squad. • September 9 at the Lancaster Community Library. All classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Private boating safety classes are available for organizations, civic groups, businesses, marinas, yacht clubs and homeowners associations, said Schwab. To enroll in a class, contact Schwab at, or 703-635-4100. Junior Sailing Camp planned in Gloucester Call us! We always have Truckload Pricing Andersen® - The most trusted name in windows and doors GLOUCESTER—The Ware River Yacht Club at Ware Neck in Gloucester County will host summer Junior Sailing Camps again this year for children ages 8 and up. The Junior Sailing Program is comprised of three two-week, full-day sessions. Registration is open to the public beginning April 1. For the past 44 years, the club has focused on sailing with an emphasis on safety and sailing the Mobjack Bay and Ware River in a friendly, camp-like environment. Camps are supervised by adults, and all instructors are former camp sailors with certifications in lifesaving, CPR and first aid. All dates, times, costs and applications are online at www. For more information, email Clayton James at May 2015 • Rivah • 41 King’s Cleaning Service Whole House Air Duct and Dryer Vent cleaning combo $75 off (Limited time offer.) 800-828-4398 Call 804-758-2328 or 804-435-1701 to advertise in The Rivah Visitor’s Guide! GUARDIAN AUTOMATIC HOME STANDBY GENERATORS We’re not just designers, we’re cooks. We think kitchens ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊshould be efficient to use, Li>ÕÌvÕ and full of fun! KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, OUTDOOR KITCHENS, LAUNDRY ROOMS & MORE! If the power goes out will you be ready? No more worries of blackouts, brownouts or weather related outages. Just peace of mind that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your home and family are protected against electrical failure. • Fully automatic • Permanently installed • More practical than a portable Home Standby Generators 7KW.................................................... $1779.00 8KW.................................................... $2289.00 10KW.................................................. $2789.00 16KW.................................................. $3389.00 20KW Smart switch .......................... $4489.00 22KW (Aluminum) Smart Switch .... $4589.00 HURD’s, INC. START RIGHT. START HERE. Deltaville, Va. • 776-9241 =" =# Wesley Hatchell, Sr. GENERATOR Installation & Service Includes transfer switch 42 • Rivah • May 2015 804-758-0357 Cell: 804-347-9843 Northern Neck 804-724-0829 :::)**)&9.)&3)(4(42=.3+4)**)&9.)&3)(4(42 Mention Ad, Receive $50 off in home consultation Rivah Lodging nless noted, all rates are per night and all lodgings are with the (804) area code. Call the lodging place for more information. $ indicates average nightly room rates $ = $40 to 80; $$ = $90 to $120; $$$ = $130 to $160; $$$$ over $160. U Bed and Breakfast 232 Flowering Field Rd. White Stone 435-6238 Full breakfast. Golf packages and fishing char ters arranged. King, queen and twin rooms, all with private baths. Weekday and weekend specials. $$. Holiday Inn Express 599 North Main St. Kilmarnock 436-1500 68 rooms with Wi-Fi, extended stay rooms, handicap rooms, meeting room, business center and outdoor pool. Full hot breakfast. $$$. Essex Days Inn Motel 1414 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-9200 60 rooms. Cable TV. Free continental breakfast. Pet friendly. $. The Essex Inn Bed and Breakfast 203 Duke St. Tappahannock 443-9900 An historic Tappahannock Greek Revival inn. Four rooms and four suites all with private baths, Wi-Fi access, cable TV, most with working fireplaces. Full gourmet breakfast. $$$. Holiday Inn Express and Suites 1648 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 445-1200 63 rooms, pool, business center, fitness center, washer and dr yer, free internet and breakfast. $$$. Southside Motel and Marina 910 S. Church Ln. Tappahannock 443-3363 30 rooms, TV, microwave and refrigerator, pool. Free boat slips available. $. Super 8 1800 Tappahannock Blvd. Tappahannock 443-3888 43 rooms with cable TV, high speed internet, microwaves, refrigerators, flat screen TVs. Suites and king-sized rooms available. Free continental breakfast, recently renovated. $. Dollar Inn 823 S. Church Ln. Tappahannock 443-3366 25 rooms with cable TV. $. . Gloucester Airville Plantation 6423 TC Walker Rd. Back Inn Time in Kilmarnock Gloucester 694-0287 A pre-Revolutionar y estate on 400 acres in Zanoni. This bed and breakfast has two guest rooms in the main house (circa 1756) and a cottage with kitchenette. Pool table, TV room, pool and full breakfast. Water access to Mobjack Bay. $$-$$$. living room, kitchen fireplace, washer/dr yer. Located on Ware River. Non-smoking. No pets. $$ - $$$. Inn at Sandy Creek 9689 Burkes Pond Rd. North 654-9151 2 bedroom carriage house located on historic proper ty in James Store area. Hot tub, seasonal pool, full kitchen, Comfort Inn washer/dr yer, satellite TV, Wi6639 Forest Hill Ave. Gloucester 695-1900 Fi, pet friendly. $$. Close to the Historic District. Free hot breakfast, Wi-Fi, and Inn at Warner Hall outdoor pool. Hot tub rooms 4750 Warner Hall Rd. available. All 79 rooms have Gloucester (800) 331-2720 TVs and internet. Call for group A plantation created in 1642 by George Washington’s greatdiscounts. $$. great-grandfather, Augustine Warner. The inn is a 38-acre Gloucester Inn 1408 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. water front retreat. Fine dinGloucester Point 642-3337 ing Fri. and Sat. Rooms fea16 rooms with refrigerators ture antiques and private and microwaves. Cable TV. baths. Some have views of the Severn River, a fireplace and $-$$. jacuzzi. $$$$. Hampton Inn North River Inn 6638 Forest Hill Ave. Gloucester 693-9393 Bed and Breakfast Close to the Historic District. 8777 Toddsbury Ln. 693-1616 Free hot breakfast, Wi-Fi, in- Gloucester door pool, fitness center, Bed and breakfast and retreat meeting room, on-site guest lodging. 100 acre water front laundr y. All 84 rooms have TV, estate dating from the 1650’s. coffee makers and a laptop National Register, Virginia Hisdesk. Group discounts avail- toric Landmark and Centur y able. $$-$$$. Farm. 3 private buildings. Canoes, kayaks, deep water Historic Cottage at dock. $$-$$$. Glebefield Gloucester 516-5261 The Willows Two stor y post and beam cot- Bed and Breakfast tage. One bedroom, one bath, 5344 Roanes Wharf Rd. Hope and Glory Inn 65 Tavern Rd. Irvington 438-6053 Boutique hotel fashioned from Gloucester 693-0270 an historic schoolhouse, eclecIn a former Victorian countr y tically styled. Swimming pool, store and post office. Private taste wine in the vineyard or baths, TV, queen-sized beds cruise aboard a private boat. and breakfast. No smoking. $$$$. $$. Inn at Levelfields 10155 Mary Ball Rd. Tidewater Motel 435-6887 3666 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy. Lancaster Hayes 642-2155 B&B for rowing par ticipants 33 rooms, some with kitch- only. Featuring six guest enettes. Pool. Non-smoking rooms. King/queen beds, fireplaces; four rooms with private rooms available. $. baths and two with shared bath. Rowing school, pool, liLancaster brar y. $$-$$$. Back Inn Time Kilmarnock Inn 445 Irvington Rd. Kilmarnock 435-2318 34 East Church St. 435-0034 A classic B&B. Features four Kilmarnock rooms with private baths, 16 private guest rooms and AC, Wi-Fi, gourmet breakfast. suites, breakfast ser ved each morning. Meeting room and $$-$$$. event space in the hear t of Bel Air Mansion town. Private lunches and and Guest House dinners. Restaurant, walk to 1632 Belle Isle Rd. shops. Wi-Fi. $$$-$$$$. Lancaster 462-5030 Fully furnished water front Historical Lancaster Tavern homes at Belle Isle State Park. Bed and Breakfast Mansion has whirlpool tub and 8373 Mary Ball Rd. accommodates six. Guest Lancaster 462-0080 house accommodates eight. Two master suites. Internet, Canoes and bicycles included. antique furnishings. Restaurant, includes full breakfast. Seasonal rates. $$$. $$$$. The Blue House Tides Inn 331 King Carter Dr. Irvington 571-331-2877 480 King Carter Dr. 438-5000 2BR, 2BA cottage in the hear t Irvington of Ir vington. Available year Championship golf at The round for weekend or weekly Golden Eagle, swimming, tennis, sailing, biking, summer rental. $$$ children’s program, spa, spe44 f Flowering Fields May 2015 • Rivah • 43 Lodging f 43 brar y. $$$. cial events, golf and family The Chesapeake Inn package plans. $$$$. 250 Old Virginia St. Whispering Pines Motel Urbanna 758-1111 226 Methodist Church Rd. Urbanna’s unique boutique hoWhite Stone 435-1101 tel catering to the boater, busiTwenty-five guest rooms, 2 ness and leisure traveler. $$$. suites; swimming pool, Wi-Fi. The Deltaville Inn $-$$. 15378 Gen. Puller Hwy. Yankee Point Marina Hardyville 761-7059 Cottages A bed and breakfast. $$$. 1303 Oak Hill Rd. Ottoman 462-7018 Deltaville Dockside Inn Pool. Cottages: fully equipped 70 Dockside Dr. 776-9224 with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths Deltaville on creek with dock and ramp. Air-conditioning, cable TV, pool. $. Mathews Cottage at The Marina Mathews 725-3343 Water front one bedroom cottage with boat ramp on deep water. Fish, crab, enjoy the views. Daily, weekly rental. The Inn at Tabbs Creek 384 Turpin Ln. Port Haywood 725-5136 A water front retreat situated on a secluded creek. Over 800 ft. of water front and 8 acres of wooded and open space. The main inn is an 1820’s newly renovated farmhouse with separate cottages housing the suites just across the garden and pool. $$-$$$$. Edentide Inn 204 Bland Point Rd. Deltaville 776-6915 Three air-conditioned rooms with TV and VCR. Private sitting room with fireplace, private screened porch. Boat slips available. Sand beach and fishing pier. Full breakfast. $$-$$$. Harrow House 167 Lovers Ln. Deltaville 815-3102 View of Jackson Creek and the Bay. Three double rooms with shared bath, air-conditioned, cable TV, continental breakfast. $. Heaven Scent Bed and Breakfast Middlesex 14180 Gen. Puller Hwy. Atherston Hall Deltaville 832-6200 250 Prince George St. Farmhouse with ground floor Urbanna 758-2809 room with king bed. Upstairs Immerse yourself in true English family suite with king, queen country living at this B&B just and twin beds. Refreshments a stroll from Urbanna’s water- and full breakfast on porch. front. Beautiful gardens, relax- Wi-Fi, guest computers, cable ing porches, traditional sailing and pet friendly. $$-$$$. Bethany Inn at Leafwood 820 Gloucester Rd. Saluda (864) 934-7308 1780’s Colonial home located in Saluda, relax in the gardens.The garden cottage has a queen bed, sitting room, kitchenette and private bath. The Acacia Room and Leafwood Room are upstairs in the main house and rented as one. Rooms include full breakfast, snacks, robes, Wi-Fi, TV with DVD player, DVD librar y, sunroom with DirecTV and li- 44 • Rivah • May 2015 TV, DVD collection and librar y. Will shuttle to local marinas. Parking area for boats and trailers. Children welcome. Pet friendly. Late arrival okay. Open Apr.–Nov. $$-$$$. Inn at Urbanna Creek Bed and Breakfast 210 Watling St. Urbanna 758-4661 Virginia’s Cottage has a queen bed, kitchenette, bath, porch with rockers, and private garden with hot tub. King Suite includes separate sitting room, jacuzzi bath and shower. Watling Suite includes two rooms with queen beds, and a private bath. All include full breakfast, robes, DirecTV, WiFi, librar y and patio. $$-$$$. Ivy Cottage 323 Twiggs Ferry Rd. Hartfield Upscale guest cottage for two on the Piankatank River. Features central air, full kitchen, living room, bedroom with adjoining bath and a year-round porch. Non-smoking. Amenities include cable TV, VCR, DVD, telephone, pier, complimentar y breads, cereals, coffee and teas. $$$. Pilot House Inn 2737 Greys Point Rd. Topping 758-2262 24 rooms, cable TV, Wi-Fi, dining room, conference room, and airpor t adjacent to inn. $. Northumberland Cats Cove Cottage 2273 Mundy Point Rd. Callao 529-5056 A private water front cottage for two. Sailboat depth deepwater pier. Swimming pool, rowboat. Continental breakfast ser ved weekends. Two night minimum. $$. GrandView Bed and Breakfast 114 Riverside Ln. Reedville 453-3851 Waterfront bed and breakfast Cabins at Ingram Bay on the Chesapeake Bay, close 545 Harvey’s Neck Rd. to Smith Island and Tangier Heathsville 580-7292 cruises. Private pier, breakfast, Two cedar cabins with view wheelchair accessible. $$. of Chesapeake Bay. Sleeps up to 6. Kitchen, bath, Wi-Fi, Ma’Margaret’s House satellite TV, access to fishing, 249 Greenfield Rd. crabbing, canoe, kayak and Reedville 453-9110 outboard boat rentals. Daily or A restored grandmother’s weekly rentals. home expanded to meet the needs of the twenty-first cenDockSide tur y. Built in 1914. All rooms Reedville 453-4498 have private baths, personal Large bedroom/bath/LR/ thermostat, TV and Wi-Fi. kitchen. Fully furnished. Easy walk to restaurants and Fish- Northumberland Motel ermens Museum. Pet friend- 436 Northumberland Hwy. ly. $90.00 - $125 per night. Callao 529-6370 $$-$$$. Newly renovated 11 rooms; daily/weekly/monthly rentals. Fleeton Fields $. Bed and Breakfast 2783 Fleeton Rd. Reedville 800-497-8215 Richmond Three water view suites with Greenwood Bed and private baths, robes, DirecTV, Breakfast Wi-Fi. Kayak, canoe and bi- 99 Maple St. 333-4353 cycles available. Children and Warsaw pets with prior arrangement. Two guest rooms with private baths, cable TV; central dining Breakfast. $$$$. for guests. Countr y breakfast. $. Gables Bed and Breakfast Inn Quality Inn 859 Main St. Reedville 453-5209 4522 Richmond Rd. 333-1700 Victorian Captain’s Mansion Warsaw c.1874 National Register with 38 rooms, including suites, 1800’s schooner mast built satellite TV, air conditioninto the home. One guest room ing, swimming pool, exercise with private bath in main house. room. Continental breakfast. Coach house with four guest Pets accepted. $-$$$. rooms with private baths and water views. Waterside cottage with Westmoreland two luxury suites. Boat slips available. Breakfast. $$$$. 681 Chick Cove Drive - Hardyville/Deltaville This extraordinary home indulges every aspect of your taste - casual enough for easy living, elegant enough for formal entertaining. Architect-designed and built by custom builder for his family’s home, it has a level of quality and attention to detail rarely found. This 4,764 Sq. Ft. 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath home sits on a 1.9 acre landscaped, private lot with deep water dock (+5’). Features include a great room with deluxe ZHW EDU DQG ðUHSODFH 33’ waterside screened SRUFK ZLWK ðUHSODFH FKHIâV NLWFKHQ ðUVW ñRRU PDVWHU VXLWH guest rooms with en Offered suite baths, and 8-seat theater. Kathy Wright, GRI (804) 366-5677 at $1,225,000 Lodging Beachside Cottages at Coles Point Marina & Boatyard 307 Plantation Drive Coles Point 472-4011 Two two-bedroom cottages sleep 4-6; three three-bedroom cottages sleep 6-9. One fivebedroom cottage sleeps 10-12. The Rustic Cottage and Camping Cottage are also available. Nightly and weekly rentals. Cottages are within 500 feet of the beach and less than 1000 feet from the pool, marina and restaurant. $-$$$$. Bell House Bed and Breakfast 821 Irving Ave. Colonial Beach 224-7000 Alexander Graham Bell’s summer home on the Potomac River. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a Virginia Historic Landmark. Four rooms with private baths. Wine and cheese each evening, full breakfast. $$$. General’s Ridge Vineyard 1618 Weldons Dr. Hague 223-2478 The Manor House, a three-bedroom home with full kitchen, dining and living spaces. Vineyard Views, a two-bedroom home with full kitchen, dining and living spaces. Homes situated in the vineyard. Complimentar y bottle of wine. $$$-$$$$. Guest Houses at Stratford Hall 483 Great House Rd. Montross 493-8038 The Cheek and the Astor guest houses each have a fullyequipped kitchen, living room, central heating and air conditioning and guest rooms with private baths. 21 guest rooms. Breakfast and tour included. $$. The Inn at Montross 21 Polk St. Montross 493-8624 18th century tavern bed & breakfast. 5 guest rooms with private baths, queen beds & WiFi. Full breakfast. Winery tours arranged. Can accommodate meetings and special events, on site or catered. $$$. Nightingale Motel and Marina 101 Monroe Bay Ave. Colonial Beach 224-7956 35-slip marina with electric and water, motel with five guest rooms, restaurant next door. $. Oyster Reef 347 Allen Point Ln. Kinsale 472-2044 One-bedroom cottage overlooking Yeocomico River. Queen bed, sleep sofa, roll- away. Sleeps five. $$$$. River Edge Inn 30 Colonial Ave. Colonial Beach 410-2024 Remodeled 60-room hotel on the river front and boardwalk. Double, queen, king rooms available. Free Wi-Fi, mini-refrigerators, microwaves, swimming pool. Complimentar y continental breakfast. Handicap accessible room. $$. Skipjack Inn 347 Allen Point Ln. Kinsale 472-2044 Four guest rooms, private bath, individual temperature controls. A guest kitchenette is available on the main floor. $$$-$$$$. also available. The Garden Cottage, is equipped with kitchen, central air, washer/dryer, dishwasher, cable TV. Accommodates six. The Potomac Porch Cottage I has three bedrooms and Potomac Porch Cottage II has one bedroom. Both with river views and comparable amenities to the Garden Cottage. Linens provided. $$$$. Wakefield Motel 1513 Irving Ave. Colonial Beach 224-7311 Twenty rooms, some with refrigerator, microwave. Some with kitchenettes. One suite available. Private pier. $-$$. Washington and Lee Motel 17055 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-8093 The Plaza B & B Twenty-eight rooms with micro21 Weems St. Colonial Beach 224-1101 waves and refrigerators, free Six guest rooms with private Wi-Fi. $. baths; two full suites, four mini-suites. Full breakfast and afternoon refreshments includ- To make updates to this directory, ed. Heated pool. Two cottages please email: Hampstead Farm Inn • Vacation Rental • Special Events • Weddings Experience Country Livin’ 824-4777 758-5708 143 Streets Lane Urbanna A Moment’s Peace Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Ashleigh Franks, CMBT Certied Massage and Bodywork Therapist Nationally Certied Massage Cupping Practitioner 146 General Puller Hwy, Saluda, VA 23149 (804) 758-5347 Call or Email to Schedule Appointment (336)5090086/ 16314 General Puller Hwy., C2, Deltaville, VA 23043 in the Riverside East Shopping Center May 2015 • Rivah • 45 Along Westmoreland’s Historic HIGHWAYS MURPHY SEED SERVICE, INC. /PEN(OUSEs-AYndTO $OOR0RIZESs0LANT3ALE %BENEZER5NITED-ETHODIST7OMEN WILLHAVEHOTDOGSBAKEDGOODSANDYARDSALE THE GREEN - CARTER’S CREEK 16 Troon Place Garner’s Produce Farm Fresh Fruits, Vegetables & much more Family Owned & Operated Rt. 3 Nomini Grove Westmoreland Co., VA 804-761-2412 2T-T(OLLY6A Ethanol–free gas for boaters and anyone who loves a clean engine! Level Green Farm A Virginia Century Farm Fruits, Vegetables & Plants 1,832+/- SF, 2 BDRMS, 2 BA Open Floor Plan Creek Room Hardwood Floors Wide Water Views, Waterside Deck Deeded Deep Water Slip $449,000 INDIAN CREEK – CHESAPEAKE BAY 335 McSwain Road – White Stone at the stoplight in Montross 3128 Erica Road (near Mt. Holly) (804) 472-7017 804-450-0010 Owners Gary & Carolyn Sisson Have an event to be listed in the Rivah? For Middle Peninsula events, email For Nothern Neck events email Designer Showroom Kitchens. Baths. Wow Rooms. Granite. Design & Build. 4 Bay Garage w/Apt.-2,824 SF 8.8 ± acres, Pier w/6’± MLW, floating dock, boat lift Included in finished garage is laundry room & full bath. Garage apartment w/2 BDRMS, 1.5 BA, Great Room w/kitchen $773,500 EASTERN BRANCH - CORROTOMAN RIVER 281 Red Fox Lane - Weems 3,100+/-SF 2 BDRMS, 2 BA 4+ acres w/ wide water views 490’+/- waterfrontage w/ boathouse Pool House w/ 2 guest rooms, bath, kitchenette $649,000 Cathy Rowes Lifetime Limited Warranty 10880 Gen. Puller Hwy., Hartfield VA cell: 804.832.2727 | office: 804.776.0016 WED.FRI 9:304:30, SAT 9:3012:30 AND BY APPOINTMENT 46 • Rivah • May 2015 4503 Irvington Road, Irvington, VA Visit our website: Rivah Camping ll campgrounds provide full water, electric and sewage hookups unless noted and all phone numbers are in the (804) area code. Contact the camp for more information and for rates. 78 sites plus log cabins, 243 acres, boat ramp, hiking trails, shaded picnic grounds. 2 BR cabins available. A Naylors Beach Campground 4011 Naylors Beach Rd. Warsaw 333-3951 Sites for tents and trailers, camp store, playground, boat ramp. Open May 1-Sept. 30. Gloucester Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resort 3149 Campground Rd. Hayes 642-4316 On the Severn River with fishing and crabbing piers and boat ramp. Over 200 sites for RV and tent camping, as well as cottages. Yogi Bear’s Water Zone™, Jumping Pillow, recreation center, playground, kayak and paddleboat rentals. Family fun with planned activities. Party packages and day passes available. Thousand Trails – Chesapeake Bay Preserve 12014 Trails Ln. Gloucester 693-6924 On Piankatank River. 400 sites, nationwide membership and public camping, pool, boating facili- Westmoreland Chesapeake Bay Camp Resort in Reedville Campsites (28), canoe/kayak campsites (4), rental cabins, mansion and guest house. Free boat launch for overnight guests. Lancaster Trails, fishing pier, canoe and moBelle Isle State Park tor boat rentals, camp store, edu1632 Belle Isle Rd. cation center, laundry facilities, Lancaster (800) 933-Park bath house and restrooms. ties, camp store, entertainment, organized activities. Harbor View RV Resort Colonial Beach, VA 15 Harbor View Circle 804-224-8164 The beautiful Chesapeake Bay with its many historic towns is at your doorstep when you stay at Harbor View RV Resort. Many amenities combined with the nearby Westmoreland Berry Farm, wineries, championship golf and many beautiful waterside towns will make your visit to this Thousand Trails property one you and your family will long remember. Amenities:3HYNL:^PTTPUN7VVS)VH[9HTW 9LJYLH[PVU9VVT7SH`NYV\UK/VYZLZOVL7P[Z 3H\UKY`-HJPSP[PLZ:O\MÅLIVHYK3PIYHY`3V\UNL :[VJRLK7VUK-PZOPUN4PUP.VSM Offering annual, seasonal and overnight camping. Facilities for group outings. Mathews Gwynn’s Island RV Resort 551 Buck Chase Rd. Gwynn 725-5700 125 sites, beach, portable boat launching, boat ramp nearby, recreation hall, camp store. New Point Comfort RV Resort 846 Sand Bank Rd. New Point 725-5120 300 sites, boating facilities, pool, playgrounds, recreation hall, planned entertainment. Sites on waterfront. Middlesex Bush Park Camp Resort 724 Bushy Park Rd. Wake 776-6750 400 sites, year-round section, pool, recreation hall, laundry, scheduled activities, pier, boat ramp. Coles Point Campground at Coles Point Marina 307 Plantation Dr. Coles Point 472-4011 Sites for tents and trailers. Annual and transient rates. Camping cabin available. Restrooms, showers and laundry facilities. Pool, marina, restaurant, camp store and beach within walking distance. Harbor View Campground 15 Harbor View Circle Colonial Beach 224-8164 Open Apr.–Nov. 140 campsites with full hookups. Family oriented, outdoor pool, recreation center, Cross Rip Ltd. boat slips, fishing, picnic area, Cross Rip Rd. horseshoes, playground and Deltaville 776-9324 basketball. Beach, boat basin, water and electric. Reservations requested. Leedstown Campground 2195 Leedstown Rd. Grey’s Point Camp Oak Grove 224-7445 3601 Greys Point Rd. Open May 1–Nov. 1. 20 RV sites. Topping 758-2485 10 tent sites. Waterfront campA Woodall’s five star rated resort. ing, fishing pier, boat launch, gas Features 700 RV sites, water- dock, camp store and arcade. park, pavilion, playgrounds, daily activities, live music, nature trails, Monroe Bay Campground train rides, sun deck, charter fish- 1412 Monroe Bay Circle ing, bait and tackle shop, boat Colonial Beach 224-7418 slips, and boat storage. 302 sites, including 134 full hookup sites, 50 amp spots available. Playground, game room, campNorthumberland ground store, propane on site, Chesapeake Bay Camp-Resort beach area and boat ramp. 382 Campground Rd. Reedville 453-3430 Westmoreland State Park On Little Wicomico River. Pool, 1650 State Park Rd. children’s playground, mini golf, Montross 493-8821 satellite TV, hot showers, canoe Camping (133 sites), group camprentals and boat ramp. Big rig ing (3 sites), and 26 cabins. Pool sites, tent and smaller RV sites and boat launch free for overnight available. Cabin rentals sleep guests. Camp store, laundry fafour. cilities and bathhouse. Bethpage Camp-Resort 679 Browns Ln. Urbanna 758-4349 18 holes of miniature golf and 20 flavors of Hershey’s hand-dipped ice cream. The 2006 and 2012 National RV Park of the Year, 1,000 RV sites, waterpark, conference center, playgrounds, daily activities, live music, wellness programs, charter fishing, cruise Richmond boats, boat slips, boat storage Heritage Park and 1, 2 and 3 bedroom vacation 2570 Newland Rd. Warsaw rentals. To make updates to this directory, please email: \ 333-4038 May 2015 • Rivah • 47 Lighthouse continues to mark the way by Audrey Thomasson WINDMILL POINT—Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Larry Jones has never quite left the seafaring life. From his home on Westland Beach at the mouth of the Rappahannock River, he points out the location of the old Windmill Point Lighthouse. The 1869 hexagon-shaped structure no longer exists, but it is easy to imagine it just offshore, its beacon of light glowing as a welcoming guide to ships at sea, and warning of a shoal extending off the point. The lighthouse was a paragon of those architectural gems that fell victim to automation in the last half of the 20th century. Razed in 1965, it was replaced by a skeleton tower that also became obsolete in a world of advancing technology. After his retirement, Jones took some woodworking classes and discovered a penchant for crafting wooden pens from exotic woods, such as olive wood from Bethlehem. “No trees were harmed,” Jones explained. “All the wood came from pruned branches.” In nearly a decade of crafting pens, most were gifts for friends. When a friend’s son discovered Jones’s hobby, he asked him to make a pen for his mother from a board he salvaged from the original Windmill Point Lighthouse. “I grew up around the Windmill Point marina,” David Simons said. “My parents had a boat at the marina and a home just outside the entrance. It was common knowledge that the marina had part of the lighthouse.” According to U.S. Coast Guard records, when the first lighthouse was taken down, then nearby marina owner Dr. William Atwood purchased parts of the dismantled structure, including the Windmill Point Lighthouse as depicted in a 1929 photo from the Historian Office of the U.S. Coast Guard. From his back porch, retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Larry Jones can see the location of the 1869 lighthouse. This display case is etched with the dates of the lighthouse’s existence. 48 • Rivah • May 2015 Best Quality • Best Selection • Best Price The Highest Quality Amish Built Furniture cupola, with plans to rebuild it on the marina grounds. Atwood’s plans never materialized, and through a succession of owners the structure was discarded. “For years it was kept behind the maintenance warehouse,” said Simons. “As kids, we played in it. My father offered to buy it for $2,500, but the marina wouldn’t sell it.” After years of being exposed to the elements, one day Simons saw a backhoe getting ready to break it apart for burning, so he retrieved a 4-foot 3-inch board and kept it as a souvenir. For an old ship captain like Jones, being presented with a piece of seafaring history and turning it into a small venture for others to enjoy proved too enticing to pass up. Jones figured he could craft 50 pens out of the board. “We think the board is cypress wood, which is why it stood up to 150 years in the elements,” he said. He and Simons decided to offer them to others who would like to have a piece of Chesapeake Bay history. Jones shaped the rounded pen barrels on a lathe and embellished them with antique copper, brass or pewter fittings. The ink barrels are Parker or Cross, so they’re easy to replace. Each pen is numbered and mounted in a display case with a glass window etched with identification, serial number and dates. They are priced at $195 and include a certificate of authenticity and history. A variety of other designs, including Keltic, American Patriot and Montague, are available starting at $35. Send email to for details. “It was a shame for that piece of wood to sit in my garage in Richmond and be forgotten,” Simons said. “Now we have the ability to share it with others.” Over 2 5 tions mbina olor Co C ! in stock 804-785-6291 M, T, Th, F 10-5 • Sat. 10-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun. Located on Rt. 33, 5 mi. East of West Point, Shacklefords May 2015 • Rivah • 49 It happened here by Larry S. Chowning T he Preservation of Oysters Act was approved by the Virginia General Assembly on March 4, 1884. This act established a state policy allowing oystermen and others to lease oyster grounds for planting, growing and harvesting oysters. It is very similar to the laws that regulate private state-leased oyster grounds today. The Act was established to preserve oysters and bring control to the oyster industry. With the Civil War having crippled the state’s economy, the oyster business was economically uplifting and provided “real money” opportunities for folks living near oyster-growing bodies of waters. The March 4, 1884 Act established that a state-leased oyster bottom had to be at least .4 acre in size. 3ULRUWRWKH$FWOHDVLQJVWDWHERWWRPVZDVÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHDQGZKRHYHUKDGWKHVWURQJHVWDUP kept and maintained the grounds. As might be expected, this created some problems. :KHQ WKH $FW ZDV DSSURYHG :2 &RQUDG RI :RRGSRUW LQ +DUWÀHOG RQ WKH 3LDQNDWDQN 5LYHU learned of the new law and contacted his district’s recently-hired oyster inspector. The inspector provided Conrad with a license to plant, grow and harvest oysters on .4 acre in front of his home at Woodport. The inspector also informed Conrad there were oysters on the grounds belonging to several local oystermen. Part of the inspector’s job was to notify these men they had 18 months to remove their oysters and, after that, Conrad was in charge of the grounds. John Purcell of Pace’s Neck near Deltaville and “others” had been working the grounds for years. One oysterman claimed he had worked the bottom in front of Woodport since 1848 for “36 years.” The matter, however, was resolved with the General Assembly Act . . . so Conrad thought. When 18 months passed and Purcell and the other oystermen continued to harvest and plant on the ground, Conrad contacted the oyster inspector and found out some bad news. The March 4 Act had been revised in August of that year. One of the changes in the March Act was the wording in the text from .4 acre to .5 acre as a minimum requirement. Conrad learned that the local oystermen had approached the inspector, arguing that the .4 acre policy was no longer in effect and they requested to obtain the lease for the oyster grounds. The inspector granted them a license and collected the fee. Conrad argued that he was entitled not only to the exclusive use of the bottom, but “to all oysters remaining thereon, and that they had been taking up and selling oysters in violation of his rights.” The oyster inspector did not agree, so Conrad took the matter to Middlesex County Circuit Court and Judge R.S. Henley, who placed a temporary injunction on the grounds, stating that no commercial activity was allowed until he had the time to review the case. Judge Henley ruled in November 16, 1885 in favor of Conrad and told Purcell and others to keep off the oyster bottom in front of Woodport. This did not set well with Purcell, and he and other oystermen had their attorney carry the matter to the State Supreme Court. The case was heard four years later in 1888 and decided in Conrad’s favor, but in a rather unique way. The court didn’t address the March 1884 Act, but gave Conrad the decision because “the riparian owner had the exclusive rights to the oyster grounds opposite his land for the purpose of planting and propagating oysters, and that any act of the legislature which arbitrary deprives him of this right, in whole or in part, is void.” The Preservation of Oysters Act in 1884 would pit neighbor against neighbor as citizens rushed to obtain leases to grow oysters on prime oyster beds near their neighborhoods. The oyster wars between oyster dredgers and tongers of Maryland and Virginia on the Potomac River is well documented in Chesapeake Bay lore, but little has been said or written of the neighborhood wars resulting from this Act. In 1990 the late Ruby Lee Norris, a historian who lived in Middlesex County, told a story of a relative of hers who killed his next-door neighbor over a oyster ground dispute. The incident occurred not IDUIURP:RRGSRUWQHDU)DLUÀHOG/DQGLQJRIIIURP6FURJJLQV&UHHN “This fellow was encroaching on my relative’s territory, and the two of them had a big gun battle, and my relative shot the other man and killed him dead!” said Mrs. Norris. “When my relative went to trial he was cleared because it was determined to be self-defense. There was no more killing, but to this day our families don’t get along,” she said. Today, Virginia is far ahead of the State of Maryland in the business of growing oysters on private oyster grounds and other related oyster aquaculture endeavors. This is in part to Virginia’s efforts in the 1880s and 1890s to legally encourage and regulate the growth of the private oyster business. Today it all seems commonplace, but to those living in those times, leasing oyster grounds away from those who had been working those grounds for generations was an assault on their livelihood and their way of life. Court cases such as Purcell vs. Conrad went a long way to encouraging more peaceful solutions. It happened right here in Rivah country! Thanks to Saluda attorney Archie Soucek for the use of the law book that includes the Purcell vs. Conrad State Supreme Court case. 50 • Rivah • May 2015 Available at both of our locations! 10859 General Puller Hwy. Hartfield Rt. 14 Port Haywood 804-776-7777 804-725-7156 Hartfield Hours: Mon. – Fri. 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Port Haywood Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Closed Sun. Maintenance plans available… Call now to schedule! KEEP YOUR POWER ON, EVEN WHEN THE POWER IS OUT. Whenever there’s an outage, KOHLER ® generators keep your lights on, your fridge cold and your house cozy. And they can power your entire home.* No matter the weather, we’re with you. *Based on generator and load size FLEET BROTHERS, INC. +DUWÀHOG7DSSDKDQQRFN 804.776.6600 or 800.408.2426 w w w. f l e e t b r o t h e r s . c o m Rivah Museums & Historic Sites ll area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. A Essex Essex County Museum and Historical Society 218 Water Lane Tappahannock 443-4690 Included is the “Carl D. Silver Gallery,” another smaller gallery, a gift shop, reference room, document storage room, and handicap accessible restrooms. Exhibits of interest include a new exhibit on the Rappahannock Industrial Academy, (1902-1948) an early private academy for African-Americans living in Essex, Middlesex and King & Queen counties; “from Sandlot to Semipro: Baseball in Essex County,” which follows the story of America’s pastime in the county from just after the Civil War to present day. The museum also houses a civil war diorama: “Ft. Lowry.” Continuing exhibits include prehistoric fossils, Native American artifacts, colonial relics, steamboat and working the water exhibits and items from the American Revolution, Bacon’s Rebellion, the Civil War and World Wars I and II. Open free of charge daily (ex- The Gwynn’s Island Museum contains this replica of a stone tool that is cept for Wed. and Sun.) from 10 20,000 years old—nearly 8,000 years older than the previously the oldest known man-made tool found in the Americas. The actual “Cinmar Blade,” a.m.–3 p.m. Gloucester Gloucester Museum of History 6539 Main Street Gloucester 693-1234 The Botetourt Building, built about 1770, was New’s Ordinary, a roadside tavern. On display is the “Battle of the Hook” exhibit, which was donated by the Battle of the Hook Committee and created by Warren Deal. Other displays of military conflicts focus on Gloucester’s WW II veterans. Also on display is the “Good Old Days” exhibit. The free museum is open Mon.–Sat. from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. and by appointment. Pocahontas Museum 7335 Lewis Avenue Gloucester 815-0988 The Museum has information, artifacts and pictures relating to the Indian Pocahontas, Captain John Smith and the Powhatan Indians. On display is a rock tra- dredged from the Atlantic by a Mathews captain, is in the Smithsonian Institution. ditionally known as the one on which Capt. John Smith’s head was placed when Pocahontas saved his life at Werawocomoco (Wicomico) in Gloucester County. The museum is open by appointment. Rosewell 5113 Old Rosewell Lane Gloucester 693-2585 Begun in 1725, Rosewell was home to the Page family for more than 100 years. The ruins sit on the bank of the York River. Here, you may see the brickwork and grace of form and scale which have inspired poets and architects since Thomas Jefferson. In 1916, a tragic fire swept the mansion, leaving a magnificent shell which is testament to 18th century craftsmanship. Remaining are the four chimneys, the east wall with its compass head window and carved keystone, the wine cellar and enough of the walls to sense the proportion and scale of the origninal structure. The last family to own Rosewell donated the ruins to the Gloucester Historical Society in 1979. Since 1995, the Rosewell Foundation has taken on the mission of preserving, studying, and presenting the historic ruin. Visitor center and gift shop. Open April–Oct. Mon.–Thurs. & Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 1 p.m.–4 p.m. General admission $4, student/groups (10 or more) $3, child (6-12) $2. Lancaster Christ Church and Carter Reception Center and Museum 420 Christ Church Road Weems 438-6855 The church was built in 1735 by Robert “King” Carter. The church, reception center and museum are open to the public Apr.–Nov. from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Sat. and 1–4 p.m. Sun. Call for group tours. Other times by appointment. Kilmarnock Museum 76 N. Main Street Kilmarnock 436-9100 This museum features displays and exhibits focusing on Kilmarnock’s past and present. Rotating exhibits are featured plus displays of local artifacts and a timeline of events throughout area history. The museum is open Thurs.– Sat., 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. Northern Neck Sports Wall of Fame 60 South Main Street Kilmarnock 435-1211 The Northern Neck Sports Wall of Fame features plaques with bios and photos of individuals past and present that have excelled in sports from the Northern Neck of Virginia. Free. Located inside The Sports Centre. Open Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Steamboat Era Museum 156 King Carter Drive Irvington 438-6888 The museum offers a visual history of the steamboats’ importance to area commerce, culture, social connections and life to small towns along the Mary Ball Washington Chesapeake Bay and its tribuMuseum taries. Dioramas, oral histories, 8346 Mary Ball Road models, artifacts, paintings, Lancaster Courthouse 462-7280 photos and audio and interactive Located in the Historic District, components. The “Welcome Aboard” exhibit the museum comprises three historic buildings and library. features an eight foot cutaway More than 350 years of area model of the steamer Lancaster. history is on exhibit in the 1797 Also featured are vignettes of clerk’s office, 1821 jail, and various rooms such as a typical stateroom, wheelhouse, boiler 1828 Lancaster House. The Genealogy and History Li- room, galley and dining room. brary provides more than 7000 The exhibit includes a six foot reference materials including map showing steamboat wharf local court records, census stops. Open through May 23 Fri. and data, business information, vital records, county histories, Sat., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Beginning church records, and family files. May 23–Sept. 5, open Tues.– The card catalogue is available Sat., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Sept. 11– Nov. 21, open Fri. and Sat., 10 online. Open Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. a.m.–4 p.m. Group tours by appointment. Admission: Adults: Admission is $3. Research library open Tues.- $5.00. Children under 12 and Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sat. 11 active military free. a.m. to 3 p.m. with a $5 daily use fee. Mathews Both facilities open some Saturdays. Closed major holiday Fort Nonsense weekends. Check website for VA-14/John Clayton Memorial Hwy. at the intersection of VA-3. complete listing and hours. Built in 1861 and known as “Fort Nonsense”, this fort was Morattico Waterfront also identified as “Smart’s Mill/ Museum North End Mill Fortification”. On 6584 Morattico Road the site there is a park area with Morattico The museum offers exhibits of trails leading through the trees an old fashioned country store, and over the earthen remains of the history of the work life, gear the old Fort. There are a number of informaand agriculture of local watermen of the village. Also on display are tional posters that tell some of Native American artifacts, pho- the history of the area and Fort tos and documents relating to Nonsense. village history. The museum is open Sat. noon–4 p.m. and Sun. 1–4 p.m. 52 f May–Oct. May 2015 • Rivah • 51 Museums f 51 Gwynn’s Island Museum 1775 Old Ferry Road Gwynn 725-7949 Features an exhibit of the “CINMAR” Discovery—the oldest man-made stone tool found in the Americas. The original stone blade was dated at 20,000 years old and is on display in the Smithsonian Institution. It was dredged from 240 feet of water about 40 miles offshore in the Atlantic Ocean by Mathews scallop boat captain Thurston Shawn in 1970. Other exhibits include a preCivil War Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine and a tableaux depicting the legend of Col. Hugh Gwynn accepting what is now called Gwynn’s Island from Princess Pocahontas in gratitude for saving her life when she fell from her canoe. Also featured is memorabilia from the 1907 Jamestown Exposition, an extensive display of antique spectacles collected by the late Dr. Wm. H. Gatten, and artifacts from a mid-18th century home site, including glass and pottery shards from the 17th century, a King George III half penny dated 1773, Native American points, pottery and fossils. There also are photos of two barrel wells. Also on display are items relating to the Black American history of Gwynn’s Island, prehistoric Native Americans, and an extensive history on the life of Captain John Smith and his connection to Gwynn’s Island. There is a 100plus year old corn sheller, with original red paint and name. There is a large collection of antique medical instruments from the estate of the late Mathews physician, Dr. James Warren Dorsey Haynes, and the old Grimstead Post Office. The museum, open 1–5 p.m. each Fri., Sat. and Sun. May– Oct., also has a research library and gift shop. Admission is free, donations welcome. Mathews Maritime Museum 482 Main Street Mathews 725-4444 The museum features memorabilia, artifacts, documents, photos, models, and many memories of time gone by. Long a boat building area of note, Mathews additionally has had its share of 52 • Rivah • May 2015 the custom deadrise “Francis Smith,” and the museum’s restored Deltaville round-sterned deadrise “Cooper Hill.” Also on the pier are a variety of boats typical of those built in Deltaville. In the newly redesigned park are picnic tables, a sculpture garden, kayak landing, children’s garden and walking trails. On fourth Saturdays from May–Nov., there are Farmers’ Markets held with vendors, free creek cruises and, in the evenings, a Groovin’ in the Park outTompkins Cottage door concert. 43 Brickbat Road The Holly Point Nature Park is Mathews 725-3487 Near the Mathews Court- open daily, dawn to dusk. house, is a typical tidewater cottage of the early 1800s. It Middlesex County Museum houses a museum and head- 777 Gen. Puller Hwy. 758-3663 quarters of the Mathews Histori- Saluda As one of the oldest county cal Society. The oldest wooden structure in museums in the state of Virthe courthouse, it was used by ginia, the museum covers over Christopher Tompkins as a gen- 400 years of local history. Recently remodeled, our expanded eral store starting in 1816. The museum houses a perma- exhibits feature a vast array of nent exhibit of Mathews history objects and items not seen toincluding information on Captain gether before: fossils and Indian Sally Tompkins, the only woman artifacts, 19th Century textiles officer in the Confederate Army. and clothing, a 1930’s country Also included is an area of chang- store, agricultural and industrial ing exhibits, a county map, and a tools, historical money, toys and sales area offering publications medical instruments. The exhibconcerning Mathews history and its contain stories of our past, including our African American related gift items. Admission is free. Open Fri. history, Civil War, Revolutionary and Sat. from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. War, WWI, and WWII era, and tales of our most famous local through Oct. resident, Lt. General “Chesty” Puller, the most decorated MaMiddlesex rine in corps history. Deltaville Maritime Museum The museum has local hisand Holly Point Nature Park tory books for sale and resource 287 Jackson Creek Rd. books for the public’s use in the Deltaville 776-7200 research center. The new museum building is Open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. featuring the “John M. Barber’s Wed.–Sat. Chesapeake-50 Years of Maritime Art” exhibition with 58 of Old Tobacco Warehouse Barber’s original paintings on Virginia Street loan from their owners. Also on Urbanna 758-2613 display are the exhibits: “Civil The restored James Mill ScotWar in Middlesex 1864,” “Histor- tish Factor Store or “Old Tobacic buildings of Middlesex”, “What co Warehouse” is used as the is a Deadrise?”, “Restoration of Urbanna Town Visitor Center. the F.D. Crockett” and a Family For years, it was thought to have Boatbuilding Week Wright Skiff. been used to store hogsheads Various ships models are also on of tobacco. In 1958, The Assodisplay. The Museum is open 10 ciation for the Preservation of a.m.-4 p.m. daily. Virginia Antiquities sponsored a The F. D. Crockett, a 64’ log- study of the building. Historian bottom buyboat, is at the mu- Wesley Newton Laing’s research seum’s pierwalk, along with revealed that the structure was the Explorer, a 31’ museum not a warehouse but, rather, a built reproduction of the shallop Scottish Colonial merchant facJohn Smith used in 1608 to ex- tor store, where tobacco could plore and map Chesapeake Bay, be traded for finished goods local watermen, menhaden fishermen, merchant mariners, US Navy sailors, fish packing houses, boat repair facilities, and marinas. The museum honors the past and works to educate the future about maritime history. The museum is staffed by volunteers, generally on Fri. and Sat. from Apr.–Nov. from 10–2, or by request for groups. If the “open” flag is flying, you’re invited inside. from Europe. (Courtesy of Emily Chowning. Excerpt from “Images of America Urbanna” by Larry S. Chowning) Fri.–Sun. from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. . Northumberland Northern Neck Farm Museum 12705 Northumberland Hwy. Burgess 761-5952 The late Luther Welch donated the property and much of the equipment to create a museum to tell the history of farming in the Northern Neck. The big red barn houses a photographic exhibit of farms, an American Indian exhibit and farm equipment such as antique tractors, hand tools, planters, seed hullers and butter churns. Other exhibits include a children’s area and an exhibit on Northern Neck rural electrification. The gift shop features many items including a first edition collectible tractor and toys. Hours are Sat. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. and Sun. 1–4 p.m. Admission is $2 for adults, $1 for students, and children under 12 are free. showcases the Claud W. Somers, a 42-foot skipjack built in 1911, which offers tours twice monthly, and the Elva C., a 55-foot traditional workboat built in 1922, which offers tours to members. The museum also offers a gift shop and is open Tues.–Sun. from 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. May through Oct. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for children under 12. Rice’s Hotel/ Hughlett’s Tavern 73 Monument Place Heathsville 580-3377 The last surviving 1700’s structure of its kind on the Northern Neck is the restored Tavern and community square. It includes a gift shop, foundation office, blacksmith shop, woodworkers shop, spinning and weaving studio and Carriage House. The Transportation Museum Building houses a permanent exhibit of the Chicacoan Oak. The museum also offers a community room for rent and various classes in heritage arts. Gift Shop: Call for hours. 5803536. Blacksmith shop hours: Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10 a.m.–3 Reedville p.m. Spinning and weaving stuFishermen’s Museum dio hours: Wed. 10 a.m.–2 p.m.; 504 Main Street Sun. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Quilt Guild Reedville 453-6529 hours: First Tues. of the month, The museum offers visitors a 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Woodworkers glimpse of the rich heritage of studio hours: Fri. 10 a.m.–3 the fishermen and watermen of p.m. Restaurant hours: lunch Virginia’s Northern Neck and the and dinner Thurs.–Sat. and Sun. Chesapeake Bay. lunch, call 580-7900. Tavern In addition to the main mu- Foundation hours: Mon.–Fri. 9 seum gallery housing its perma- a.m.–noon. nent and changing exhibits, the museum features the Pendleton Building with its boat and model Richmond workshops and the historic Wil- Menokin 4037 Menokin Road liam Walker House. In the water, the museum Warsaw Reedville Fishermen’s Museum Preserving the Watermen’s Heritage 804-453-6529 Open Tues.–Sun. May-Oct. 504 Main St., Reedville, VA 22539 Museums Menokin was built c. 1769. It was the home of Independence signer Francis Lightfoot Lee. A partial ruin, the house provides a unique opportunity to see “behind the walls” of an 18th century mansion. The King Conservation and Visitors Center provides information on the history of the property and the architectural conservation work going on at Menokin. Hike trails to Cat Point Creek through the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge. From Apr.–Oct., open Mon.– Sat., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. From Nov.–March, open Mon.–Fri. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. and weekends by appointment. Richmond County Museum 5874 East Richmond Road Warsaw 333-3607 The museum is in the county’s old jail, which was built in 1872. It includes three galleries, exhibit rooms and an office. The jail’s hanging chamber is also on the second floor. On permanent display is a scale model of the historic 1748 Richmond County Courthouse, the third oldest courthouse in Virginia, a collection of Forrest Patton photography and an old fashioned country store. Another exhibit features Francis Lightfoot Lee, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Open Wed.–Sat. from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Westmoreland A.T. Johnson Museum 18849 Kings Hwy. Montross 493-7070 The museum preserves the history and legacy of education for African American students in the Northern Neck, especially in Westmoreland County. The museum is a depository for collections, artifacts, memorabilia, documents and other items related to education. Built in 1937 in the Colonial Revival style, A. T. Johnson High School was the first public education facility serving African American students in Westmoreland. The school was named for Armstead Tasker Johnson, a black educator and community leader instrumental in its construction. Open on Sat.,10 a.m.–2 p.m., Sun., 2 p.m.–4 p.m. and other times by appointment. George Washington Birthplace National Monument 1732 Popes Creek Road Colonial Beach 224-1732 George Washington is among Westmoreland’s most famous native sons. Commander of the Continental Army, Revolutionary War hero and first President of the United States, he professed to be first and foremost a farmer. Open to the public 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission is free. James Monroe Birthplace Museum and Visitor Center 4460 James Monroe Hwy. Colonial Beach 214-9145 Open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Admission is free. A picnic area is on the grounds and a canoe launch is at a dock on Monroe Creek. Kinsale Museum 449 Kinsale Road Kinsale 472-3001 The museum is dedicated to the preservation, collection, exhibition and interpretation of local history. It’s in a late 19th century barroom, which was used as a meat market in the 1920s; the old Ice Cream Parlor next door is being renovated by the Kinsale Foundation for gallery, library and meeting space. The 1909 Bank of Kinsale building stands just off the green beside the Kinsale Motor Corp. building (1919). Open Fri. and Sat. from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Museum at Colonial Beach 128 Hawthorne Street Colonial Beach 224-3379 It is housed in the former Hoffman Gas Building (c. 1893). The museum depicts Colonial Beach heritage through various artifacts. Emphasis is on the period from 1890 through 1958 when the town was a busy river tourism attraction that drew huge summer crowds. Westmoreland County Museum and Library 43 Court Square Montross 493-8440 Believed to be the oldest museum in the Northern Neck, this museum was chartered in 1939 and dedicated in 1941. It was established to give a permanent home to the life-sized portrait of William Pitt, the Earl of Chatham (1768), painted by Charles Willson Peale and to provide a location for artistic, recreational, and educational facilities. Permanent exhibits include portraits of Westmoreland County’s historical figures, fossils and native American artifacts. A temporary exhibit, which runs from Oct. through Mar., features “mourning jewelry” as a nod to Halloween. In addition to these exhibits, the Museum hosts several receptions and lectures each year and houses a history and genealogy research library. Open Mon.-Sat. from 10 a.m.4 p.m. Admission is free. It also serves as the Visitor Center for Westmoreland County. To make updates to this directory, please email: LONG & FOSTER ® Covering the Eight Counties between the Potomac and York Rivers 0634&37*$&4&5464"1"35t8"5&3'30/5*406341&$*"-5: BAY-RIVER OFFICE 434 Rappahannock Drive White Stone 804-435-2673 | 877-435-2673 DELTAVILLE OFFICE 17457 General Puller Hwy Deltaville 804-776-6534 | 800-650-2879 Bay-River Offices LET US BE YOUR GUIDE WHEN BUYING OR SELLING May 2015 • Rivah • 53 Familiar ‘surprises’ await visitors at Morattico Waterfront Museum by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi Touring the Morattico Waterfront Museum last spring, I heard a familiar voice. There on the screen, talking about life and crabbing in the small Lancaster County waterfront community, was my late grandfather, William Parks. The video brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. What a wonderful legacy for a man from Tangier Island who spent his life working the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and the Rappahannock River—there, in a former country store turned museum, were the living histories of the working watermen of the village, their life stories recorded in their own voices. The tools of their trade, pieces of their crab houses and workboats, handmade crab pots and photos are all on display for visitors to admire. “Initially, we thought we’d never fill it up,” said Mary Byrd Martin. “And now when we get an acquisition, we say, where are we gonna put it.” A charter member, Martin lives across the road from the museum. In 2003, Weston F. “Bitzie” Conley Jr. and his family purchased the store and donated it to the community for use as a museum. The store had been in continuous operation in the village for a century with nine different owners and had recently gone on the market. Conley’s family business, RCV Seafood, was closing and many of Morattico’s watermen were retired or had died. The Conleys called a “town meeting” to gather input and find out if there was enough support for the museum, according to former museum president David Henley. All 60 people attending the meeting were in favor of the museum, and on September 18, 2004, the museum held a Morattico Waterfront Museum to open May 2 The Morattico Waterfront Museum, 6584 Morattico Road, Morattico, opens its 2015 summer season Saturday, May 2. The theme is “Commerce & Community: Morattico General Store Day.” The museum will welcome visitors from noon to 4 p.m., according to charter member Mary Byrd Martin. The village, however, will be bustling with activity throughout the day as individual yard sales will be held at homes from 8 a.m. to noon. Golf cart and walking tours of the village will be offered. A yard sale and museum tours will be held at the museum from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Veteran storytellers will lead the tours. Light refreshments will be offered, plus there will be checkers on the front porch, cornhole competitions and artists and artisan exhibits. A lunch of hot dogs, chips and a soda will be available for $5. The golf cart tours will include a driver/commentator. Maps and explanatory materials will be given to walking tour participants. The Morattico Waterfront Museum 54 • Rivah • May 2015 Longtime Morattico waterman, George W. Shelton, explains exhibits to museum visitors. grand opening. Eleven years later, the museum is a destination spot at the end of Morattico Road. The former store room, the first room visitors enter from the front porch, is relatively unchanged. “It’s basically a replica of a general store with some of the original contents,” said Martin. There’s still an old but working stove in the center of the room. According to my grandfather, it was a gathering spot for watermen at the end of a long day where long tales were told. The shelves in the store room are filled with old oyster cans, crates, bottles and goods found in a general store. Over the years, the building has received a complete re-do, with a renovated kitchen and new heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. The electrical system was updated and new lighting installed for exhibits. The Wharf Room was remodeled and additional exhibit space added on the first floor. The James A. Vick Pavilion, honoring Vick for his volunteer service, was built and is now the site of the museum’s oyster roasts, crab feasts and picnics. The second floor of the museum houses an oystering exhibit complete with a mast head donated by Conley from his father’s oyster boat. There are five display rooms on the second floor, including ones dedicated to crabbing, the steamboat wharf and hunting, fishing and farming. “When you get back to the earliest, earliest history of English planters,” said Martin, “Morattico wasn’t a watermen’s village. Joseph Ball was a planter. They used the water strictly for transportation.” Ball, who lived in England, was the owner of Morattico Plantation, the first plantation in the village. Copies of letters written from Ball to the caretaker of Morattico Plantation are on display at the museum. The copies were donated to the museum by the Northumberland Historical Society with the originals on display in the Library of Congress. The Ball exhibit is adjacent to the Old Houses of Morattico exhibit, which opened with phase one in 2011. Over the past four years, photos of and facts about the historical homes in the village have been collected and are now on display. The village also was officially Visitors examine a ship’s wheel. Mary Byrd Martin (right) greets a visitor in the main exhibit room of the museum. continued on next page The museum hosts several fundraisers and picnics in the James A. Vick Pavilion. One of the five exhibit rooms on the second floor is dedicated to farming, hunting and fishing. May 2015 • Rivah • 55 continued from the previous page A photo of Capt. Bill Whealton shows him oyster tonging in a derby and suitcoat. One exhibit room is dedicated to the history of the old houses in the village. 56 • Rivah • May 2015 listed as an Historic District on the Virginia Landmarks Register in 2011. “The houses listed in this room are based on research by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and listed because they are contributing properties,” said Martin. Downstairs, tucked away in a display case, is a rare piece—an axe head found in the marsh in the village. According to Martin, the museum’s first president, Pat McGee, took the axe head to a museum curator’s day in Kilmarnock and found out it was between 6,000 and 8,000 years old and was ceremonial in nature. “She said, ‘oh, I guess we shouldn’t be using it to prop up the window then’,” said Martin. Just like the axe head and just like my grandfather’s oral history on the Morattico Memories tape, visitors never know what they may find at the Morattico Waterfront Museum. 2015 Events May 2 May 23 June 6 June 27 July 4 July 25 July 29 September 12 October 24 December 31 2015 Opening Day—General Store Day, yard sales, village tours, noon-4 p.m. Low Country Shrimp Boil, 5-7:30 p.m., tickets $45. Spring fundraiser, 5-8 p.m. Faron Hamblin concert (country), 5-7 p.m. July 4th Parade and members appreciation lunch, 11 a.m. Tara Mills Band concert (bluegrass), 5-7 p.m. MSG Trio concert (traditional american), 5-7 p.m. Crab feast fundraiser, 2:30-5 p.m. 7th Annual Oyster Roast fundraiser, 2:30-5 p.m. Members’ New Year’s cocktail party, 6 p.m Summer concert tickets are $10 each or $25 for all three concerts. RIVERSIDE URGENT AND EMERGENCY CARE Even if you’re just visiting, we’ll treat you like family. At Riverside, we sincerely hope your visit to our community does not require urgent or emergency care. Should illness or injury happen, know that you can count on our highly trained staff to provide exceptional and compassionate care. Just like we do every day for the people of the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. For minor illness or injury such as sprains or sore throats: Tappahannock Urgent Care Hayes Walk-In Clinic 300 Mount Clement Park Tappahannock,VA 22560 2246 George Washington Mem. Hwy. Hayes,VA 23072 (804) 443-8610 (804) 684-5565 Open 7 days a week, 9a-7p Mon-Fri 11a-7p, Sat-Sun 10a-6p For life threatening symptoms such as severe abdominal SVGLIWXTEMRHMJ½GYPX]FVIEXLMRKWYHHIRRYQFRIWW or change in vision or speech: Tappahannock Hospital Emergency Department Walter Reed Hospital Emergency Department 618 Hospital Drive Tappahannock,VA 22560 7519 Hospital Drive Gloucester,VA 23061 (804) 443-6000 (804) 693-8800 VMRC cuts fishing license cost by $5 The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) has decided to reduce the cost of recreational saltwater fishing licenses, effective April 1. “Now is the time of year when saltwater anglers dust off their fishing gear and tune up their boats, and I’m pleased to announce the cost of a saltwater fishing license has gone down,” said VMRC Commissioner John M.R. Bull. The cost of an individual recreational saltwater fishing license will drop from $22.50 to $17.50. A license to cover everyone on board a boat for a year will fall from $53 to $48. Other recreational saltwater licenses will decrease as well. VMRC voted unanimously in March to roll back a license increase that was enacted in January because of a budget reduction. However, the new state budget passed several weeks ago gives VMRC sufficient funds to offset the budget reduction. As a result, the license increase is no longer necessary. While the new state budget goes into effect July 1, VMRC felt it was important to roll back the license increase now in order to save anglers money right away. “Virginia is blessed with spectacular fishing opportunities and I’m sure recreational anglers are itching to put the grueling winter behind them and go catch some fish,’’ Bull said. “And now they can do so without having to pay as much for a saltwater license.” Anglers and charter boat captains who bought their licenses in January, February or March at the higher fee are not eligible for partial refunds under state law. “After we bought the new home, even after we unpacked all the boxes . . . we ZHUHQ·WKRPHXQWLOZHIRXQGRXUQHZ Church . . .” :HLQYLWH\RXWRMRLQXV ,UYLQJWRQ%DSWLVW&KXUFK ´7KH6XQGD\3ODFHIRU(YHU\GD\&KULVWLDQVµ Walk in without an appointment or use InQuicker to select a check-in time and skip the waiting room.Visit or in Tappahannock you may also call (855) 243-2160. +DQGLFDSSHGDFFHVVWRHYHU\OHYHODYDLODEOH 2YHUIRUW\\RXQJSHUVRQVLQRXU<RXWK*URXS 6XQGD\6FKRRO$VVHPEO\DP%LEOH&ODVVHVDP :RUVKLS6HUYLFHDP1XUVHU\3URYLGHG :HGQHVGD\3UD\HU6HUYLFH<RXWK*UDGHVSP Pastor: John Howard Farmer 53 King Carter Drive, POB 417, Irvington, Virginia 22480 RU(PDLOMKILEF#YHUL]RQQHW ZZZUUHFRUGFRPLUYFKXUFKKWP May 2015 • Rivah • 57 18th-century plantation house ‘Hotrods for God’ open for public tours on May 9 car show planned HARTFIELD—Wilton is an 18th-century plantation house that was the seat of the Churchill family from the early 1760s through the first quarter of the 19th century, and the center of an estimated 6,000 acres of the family’s landholdings in lower Middlesex County. The product of inherited wealth, Wilton was built like many other 18th-century Virginia plantation houses, by the sons and grandsons of the ambitious merchants, planters, and officeholders who rose to prominence in the last quarter of the 17th and the first half of the 18th century. This small, elite group, drawn from perhaps two or three dozen families, wielded great political influence in Virginia, largely for their own economic advantage, and they continually cemented their political, economic and social positions through marriage amongst themselves. Wilton stands out as a survivor. Two hundred and fifty years after its completion, it is essentially unchanged—in its external footprint, in its interior layout, and in its materials, from the ESSEX—The Men’s Ministry of Angel Visit Baptist Church in Dunnsville, where Rev. Dr. Carla E. Lightfoot is the church pastor, will sponsor a car and bike show, “Hotrods for God.” It will be held Saturday, May 2, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Angel Visit Baptist Church, 29566 Tidewater Trail, Dunnsville. This event is free for all specta- Historic Wilton at 1425 Twiggs Ferry Road, Hartfield. masonry that defines the brick exterior to its heart pine floors. Even some of the paint on the woodwork likely dates to the 1760s and is the first and only coat of paint that woodwork has ever seen. Moreover, what Wilton may have lacked in stature, it has made up over the years in perseverance. Not only does the house have the very same elegant profile it did 250 years ago, but its interior is still made up of the same materials and wears many of the same finishes that were applied in the 1760s. On Saturday, May 9, Wilton will be open to the public from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for tours to benefit the Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society Inc. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased the day of the tour or by contacting the museum at, 804-7583663 or 804-776-6983. Wilton is at 1425 Twiggs Ferry Road, Hartfield, VA 23071. Learn more about Wilton at or tors and $20 per show entry. Registration for show entries will be open from 9-11 a.m. on the day of the show. Free lunch will be provided with all entries. Concessions will be available for spectators. Call 512-9748 for more information. In the event of rain, the show will be rescheduled to Saturday, May 9. Tompkins Cottage is open for season MATHEWS—Historic Tompkins Cottage is open to the public from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday through October, according to the Mathews County Historical Society. This year’s theme is “Work in Progress” because of the heavy emphasis on maintenance and repair. New this year will be a display of “Made in Mathews” items. The Sally Tompkins Room will have an exhibit of clothing and memorabilia that belonged to the only female Civil War captain, while the reception room will have on exhibit portraits of her parents, Christopher Tompkins and his wife, Maria Booth Patterson. Tompkins Cottage was built in the early 1800s and is located on Brickbat Road across the street from the county administration building. Docents will always be on hand to tell the Tompkins family story and to guide visitors through the cottage. Piankatank River Golf Club Open to The Public (804) 776-6516 The Steamboat Restaurant (804) 776-6589 Both located at RT. 629, HARTFIELD, VA Did you know… You can view the Rappahannock Record and Southside Sentinel newspapers on your phone, tablet, or computer? There’s an app for that! Search for “Rappahannock Record” or“Southside Sentinel” in the Google Play, iOS and Amazon stores now! 58 • Rivah • May 2015 Turn on 707 at Hartfield P.O. turn on 629 Memberships Available Group Outings Lessons Clinics – Juniors’, Ladies’ & Men’s Call for Tee Times up to 7 days in advance Open Every Day 20 minutes North of Gloucester 10 minutes from Norris Bridge Lancaster Lions to hold golf tournament May 20 KILMARNOCK—The Lancaster County Lions Club will hold its annual Charity Golf Tournament Wedneseday, May 20 at Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club. The registration fee is $55 for members and $75 for others. Checkin time will be at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The tournament is open to Jacob’s Ladder Golf Classic due May 15 male and female golfers. Format will be four players, captain’s choice. Prizes will be awarded in various categories, said Lion Julie Dudley. Proceeds will be used to fund the various charitable activities, said Dudley. To register, call Dudley at 2960172. IRVINGTON—The 22nd annual Jacob’s Ladder Golf Classic will be held at the Golden Eagle Golf Course in Irvington on Friday, May 15. Registration is at 10:30 a.m.; contests of skills are at 11 a.m.; and the shotgun start is at noon. Lunch, on-course refreshments and an awards dinner will be provided. Register online at www.jladder. org. Jacob’s Ladder is a 501(c)(3) organization. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the Golf Classic send children to the Jacob’s taught with a no-nonsense rigor Ladder Summer Residential Enrichthat challenged students to rise to ment Camp for one month. their personal best and become truly educated. All the while, she maintained a deep sense of humor, an incredible sense of style and a genuine love of her profession and her students. Information about the golf tournament is available on the foundation website at cbgsfoundation. com, or can be obtained by calling the school at 758-6788. The registration fee is $100 per golfer and TA P PA H A N N O C K — T h e all donations are tax-deductible. This event is the major fund-rais- 2015 Shining Diamonds Golf ing effort for the CBGS Educa- Tournament will be held at 9 a.m. tion Foundation. Its goal is to raise Saturday, May 30 at Hobbs Hole funds to support the academic and Golf Course in Tappahannock. field studies programs for the stu- Proceeds will benefit the East Coast Diamonds travel softball dents. program. The fee for a four-person team is $250. The tournament format is captain’s choice. Registration must be completed and the fee paid by May 14 for each player to be guaranTo register or for more infor- teed a commemorative tee shirt. mation, call Gary Richardson at Otherwise, registration is open 776-0949. through the morning of the tournament, said 4 Our Children cofounder Lisa Whelan. Checks are payable to 4 Our Children, Inc. and registrations can be mailed to 4 Our Children, Inc., P.O. Box 212, Warsaw VA 22572. KILMARNOCK—The Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club, 362 Club Drive, Kilmarnock, recently announced a chance for community golfers or those new to the sport to “get golf ready” with its professional golf team. This instruction is offered in a five-session series for $99. Classes will be held at 2 p.m. Saturdays, starting May 2. Sign up at the Pro Shop, or call 435-3130. Randy Brown Golf Tourney to benefit Governor’s School KILMARNOCK—The Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School (CBGS) Education Foundation will sponsor a golf tournament on Friday, May 15, at Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club in Kilmarnock in memory of mathematics teacher Randy Brown. Registration for the tournament begins at 11 a.m. and a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The format is a captain’s choice with other challenges available throughout the afternoon. A barbecue lunch will be available to all golfers prior to teeoff and to all non-golfers for $15. Randy Brown was the embodiment of excellence in education for the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck for 40 years. As a teacher of mathematics, she Shining Diamonds Golf Tournament slated May 30 Rivah Golf ll area codes are (804) un- King Carter Golf Course 480 Old Saint Johns Rd. less otherwise listed. Weems 435-7842 An 18-hole course. Restaurant. Essex Pro shop. Hobbs Hole 1267 Hobbs Hole Dr. Middlesex Tappahannock 443-4500 An 18-hole course behind Piankatank River Golf Club Walmart. Restaurant, pro shop. 6198 Stormont Rd. Hartfield 776-6516 Gloucester An 18-hole course. Pro shop, fullGloucester Country Club service restaurant. 6731 Golf Club Rd. Gloucester 693-2662 A 9-hole course. Pro shop, snack Northumberland Quinton Oaks bar. 262 Quinton Oaks Ln. Callao 529-5367 Lancaster An 18-hole course. RestauThe Golden Eagle rant. Pro shop. 364 Clubhouse Rd. Irvington 438-4460 To make updates to this directory, An 18-hole course. Operated by please email: The Tides resort. Restaurant. Pro shop. A The Best Golf Club In the Northern Neck Father Boddie Memorial Golf Tournament is May 8 HARTFIELD—The annual Father John Boddie Memorial Golf Classic will be on Friday, May 8, at Piankatank River Golf Club in Hartfield. This event, hosted by the Catholic Church of the Visitation at Topping, is a four-player captain’s choice competition open to all. Team prizes will be awarded in each of three flights. Golfers will also compete for individual prizes. The entry fee is $80 per player, which includes use of the practice range, golf cart rental, greens fee, on-course beverages, and dinner in the Steamboat Restaurant. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. Golf clinic begins May 2 Monday - Thursday $43 Friday - Sunday $50 King Carter Cafe Open Daily 10:30-3:30 Best Affordable Course in the Country - Golf Digest, 2005 Call today for tee times 804-435-7842 or book online at Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook May 2015 • Rivah • 59 Signup under way for Missoula Children’s Theatre Camps in Middlesex and Gloucester Missoula Children’s Theatre Camps will be held in Gloucester and Middlesex counties this summer. Tuition for a one-week day camp is $85 per student ($75 for additional siblings). Spaces are available for all age groups in the Middlesex camp. The camp in Gloucester is currently full for kids in kindergarten through age 12. There is a wait list for those ages. Spots are available for students ages 13 and over. Download a registration at The Gloucester production will be “The Little Mermaid” at Lighthouse Worship Center at Hayes on July 6-11. The Middlesex production will be “King Arthur’s Quest” at St. Clare Walker Middle School in Locust Hill on July 13-18. Camp runs Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. for children 8 and older. Please note that children 7 and under will attend camp Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m.-noon. In order to partici- pate in the full-day camp, children must be 8 years old by the Monday that camp begins. Doors open each morning at 9 a.m. for check-in. Saturday will be approximately a 12-hour day with a dress rehearsal that will begin at 10 a.m. (unless otherwise announced). Performances will be at 3 and 7 p.m. Students will eat dinner with their families between the two shows. Additional free workshops will be available that will extend the hours of the camp on certain days. Sign-up sheets for these workshops will be posted on Monday when camp begins. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces fill up quickly. A yard sale fundraiser for the Missoula Children’s Theatre will be Saturday, May 16, in the parking lot of the White Marsh Shopping Center off of Route 17 in Hayes. Missoula Children’s Theatre Camps are for kids who have completed kindergarten through 12th grade. Chase Acupuncture & Oriental Medicines Do you want to feel better Fast? Would you like less pain? Recovery from illness or surgery. Health maintenance. Greater energy! Reduced stress. Better sleep. Full line of herbal formulas. Acupuncture is painless! Come check out our delightful shopping experience where you'll find unique lines of clothing and accessories, river-inspired home and garden products and an adorable baby section. And, we'll send you home with everything beautifully wrapped! Bring this ad and a friend in before 6/15 and you'll both get 20% off any single item now through 6/15! Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more information call 804.THE.DOCK Check us out on Visit us soon! Conveniently located in the heart of the neighborhood at 417 6th Street in beautiful downtown West Point 60 • Rivah • May 2015 ZZZ/DPEHUWKEOGJFRP Edgar Chase, L.Ac. Doctor of Oriental Medicine Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine 26 Office Park Drive, Suite 2 Kilmarnock, VA 22482 For A Free consultation call (804) 577-3377 Rivah Parks & Recreation ll area codes are (804) unless otherwise listed. A trail. Visitors can explore the fish-shaped wildflower meadow and view the boats exhibited by the Deltaville Maritime Museum. There is also a children’s garden and kayak landing. Open daily from dawn to dusk. Essex Essex County Parks and Recreation Department 305 Cross Street Tappahannock 443-2470 Sports activities for youth and adults. Ball fields at Essex High School. Marsh Street Park Marsh St. Tappahannock 443-2470 The park is run by Essex County Parks and Recreation Department, pool open June–Aug., Tues.–Sat. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. and Totuskey Tricentennial Park near Warsaw overlooks Totuskey Creek and offers a picnic area and public boat ramp. Sun. 1–6 p.m. Tennis Courts 833 High School Circle Tappahannock 443-2470 At Essex High School. Open to the public from 5 p.m. until dark when school is not in session. Gloucester Ark Park 7963 Number Nine Rd. Gloucester This active park features soccer fields, a softball field, outdoor basketball court, restrooms and a large playground. Beaverdam Park 8687 Roaring Springs Rd. Gloucester 693-2107 The park contains a 635-acre freshwater lake. Eleven fish attractors and several species of fish are found there. Canoes, kayaks, paddle boats, and Jon boats with or without electric motors are for rent. Launch your own for a fee. Motors powered by fuels are not permitted. The park has a playground, picnic shelter and an extensive hiking trail system including an interpretive trail, and multi-use trail for horseback riding or biking. Open daily from sunrise to sunset. Fishing and hunting licenses, bait and snacks are available. Brown Park Foster Rd. Gloucester Features a half pipe and large concrete area with ramps and rails for skateboarders. An open, tree-lined grass area is also available. Gloucester Point Beach Park 1255 Greate Rd. Gloucester Point The park offers fishing with no license required, public beach, playground, restrooms, snack bar, an observation deck with high powered binoculars to view birds and wildlife. Lancaster Belle Isle State Park 1632 Belle Isle Rd. Lancaster 462-5030 A 700-acre park on the Rappahannock River, Mulberry and Deep creeks. Open daily, sunrise to sunset. Picnic areas, handicap accessible boardwalk and The Gloucester Department of fishing pier, hiking/biking trails, bridle paths, motorboat ramp Parks and Recreation ($3 fee). Canoe and kayak rent6467 Main Street Gloucester 693-2355 als, bicycle and motorboat rent25 public parks or water access als. The park also offers sunset and moonlight canoe trips, nature areas. programs and overnight camping and accommodations. Parking Public Beach Gloucester Point Beach on Rt. fee $4 weekends/holidays, $3 1208 at the York River. Fishing weekdays. and restrooms. Scottie Yard N. Main St. and Town Centre Dr. Tyndall Point Park Kilmarnock 1376 Vernon St. The Kilmarnock Dog Park features Gloucester Point The park contains remnants of off-leash play areas for small and Confederate and Union fortifi- large dogs. Open dawn to dusk. cations. It is the site of colonial Gloucester Towne, the first build- Hiking Trails ing of which was a tobacco ware- Hickory Hollow Trail, 2 miles of house built in 1632. It also has marked trail, Regina Rd. (Rt. 604) in Lancaster Courthouse. Open open play areas. dawn to dusk. Chesapeake Trail, 1.5 mi. hiking Woodville Park trail geared to kids, Mary Ball Rd. Bray’s Point Road/ (Rt.3) ¼ mile east of Lancaster Woodville Park Road The county’s newest park con- Courthouse. Open dawn to dusk. tains hundreds of acres of land Baylor Nature Trail on Norris Pond donated to Gloucester for pres- in Kilmarnock is on a former logervation of green space. Includes ging road. On Mary Ball Rd. (Rt. soccer and football fields, gar- 3) east of downtown Kilmarnock. dens, hiking paths and an area Open dawn to dusk. for events and social activities. Public Beach Lewis B. Puller Memorial Park Saluda The park is sponsored by the Middlesex County Museum and is open 24 hours a day and is on Business Rt. 17 across from the museum. Urbanna Waterman’s Park Colorado Ave. Urbanna Overlooks the Rappahannock River. There is a picnic area and the park is open from sunrise to sunset. Westland Beach at the terminus of Windmill Point Rd. (Rt. 695) Middlesex County provides access to the Chesa- Sports Complex Sports Complex Road peake Bay. Open dawn to dusk. Locust Hill Walking track, volleyball and Mathews basketball courts, soccer/footBethel Beach ball field. Open dawn to dusk. Natural Area Preserve Softball/baseball fields must be Turn left on Rt. 611 just south of scheduled through Sports Comthe town of Mathews. Turn right plex Committee. on Rt. 643, then left on Rt. 609. This 50-acre parcel contains a Public Beach sandy beach, low dunes and salt Wake Beach at the end of Rt. marsh habitat bordering the Ches- 627. apeake Bay. Over 90 bird species have been reported on the pre- Swimming Pools serve, which also protects the Town of Urbanna and Deltaville globally rare Northeastern Beach Community Association (for resiTiger Beetle. dents and guests of residents). Mathews Recreation Park The park is next to Mathews High School. It has a softball field, basketball court, playground and two lighted tennis courts. Rt. 14 about a mile north of Mathews Courthouse. Taber Park 351 Bonner St. Urbanna For residents and guests of residents: playground and swimming. King George Caledon Natural Area 11617 Caledon Rd. King George (800) 933-PARK A National Natural Landmark, Caledon was the early colonial seat of the Alexander family. John and Philip Alexander founded the city of Alexandria and established Middlesex Caledon Plantation in 1659. PresHolly Point Nature Park ervation of the bald eagle habitat Deltaville is the primary focus of the natuThe park offers a retreat on the ral area. Five hiking trails. Limbanks of Mill Creek. Activities ited tours of the eagle area are available are picnicking, bird offered mid-June through Aug. watching or walking the nature 63 f Public Beaches New Point Comfort Island at the Bay is accessible only by boat at high tide. Haven Beach, Diggs on Rt. 643 at the Bay. May 2015 • Rivah • 61 Kekoka Yoga Retreat slated May 15-17 KILMARNOCK—The sixth annual Kekoka Yoga Retreat (KYR) will take place May 15 through 17 on the waterfront shores of YMCA Camp Kekoka in Kilmarnock. The theme is “One Love.” “Whether you’re brand new to yoga or have been practicing for years, all levels of experience are welcome,” said Rretreat chairman Susan Johnson. The weekend fee is $125 and includes lodging, four meals, all levels yoga, meditation, lectures, arts, crafts, music and water activities, said Johnson. Proceeds benefit scholarships for campers. Session leaders include Johnson, Jenny Landry, India Stuart, Amy Wright-Maloney, Anna Pomaska, Wyatt Portz, Troy Wyne, Sue Chewning, Cliff Schelling, Judy Knight, Danielle Grinnen, Caroline Shifflett, Kim Diaz, David Scarbrough and Suzanne Best. All of these instructors donate their time and expertise to help Camp Kekoka offer scholarships to kids for camp, said Johnson. Meals are prepared by local organizations and very effort is made to use the freshest food from local sustainable farmers, many of whom donate the ingredients. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Rappahannock and the Kilmarnock-Irvington-White Stone Rotary Club will each provide breakfast for the sixth year in a row. Mark Favazza will provide lunch and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church will be providing dinner, said Johnson. Massages will be given by appointment by Glynda Antonio of LaSource-Professional Spa Services and Sue Chewning, both in Kilmarnock. Also available by appointment are Reflexology provided by Shirley Jackson, Alternative Healing by Janice King and Nutrition Consultations by Kim Diaz. Additional costs apply for these services and partial proceeds benefit camp scholarships. Camp Kekoka is a residence camp for ages 8-15 on 97 acres of waterfront at the end of Boys Camp Road near Kilmarnock. The campers learn to sail, wind surf, kayak and water ski in a safe environment based on the YMCA character values of caring, respect, responsibility, and honesty, said Johnson. No one is turned away for inability to pay. For reservations, visit, or contact camp director Cassie Leichty at cleichty@, or 435-3616. Tour de Chesapeake returns to Mathews MATHEWS—On Saturday, May 16, the County of Mathews, the Mathews Land Conservancy and the Mathews Visitor Center will host the 17th annual Tour de Chesapeake. The public is invited to celebrate the arrival of spring with a weekend of scenic cycling—great flat routes Rain barrel workshop set for May 2 in Mathews M AT H E W S — M a t h e w s / Middlesex Master Gardeners will hold a rain barrel workshop at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 2, on the court green on Court Street in Mathews. The cost is $35 and includes all necessary materials. Participants will be instructed in the construction, placement of rain barrels and mosquito abatement practices that Mahjong/bridge tournament to benefit Lancaster library KILMARNOCK— A mahjong and bridge tournament to benefit the Lancaster Community Library will be held May 15 at 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. A facility tour will begin at 11 62 • Rivah • May 2015 Beautiful Colonial Home looking out Cat Point Creek to Rappahannock River, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, O\NLRP[JOLUZ\UYVVTSP]PUNYVVT^ÄYLWSHJL" furniture included, wrap-a-round porch, 2-car garage, pier w/boatlift – $559,000 WATERFRONT – WESTMORELAND CO. – CUTE SUMMER COTTAGE POTOMAC RIVER- COLES POINT ‘Go Wild’ event due May 17 at Hutchinson Tract ESSEX—Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge and the Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends invite the public to celebrate the annual “Go Wild!” event at the Hutchinson Tract near Tappahannock on Sunday, May 17, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. “Go Wild!” is an exciting, funfilled day packed with activities for all ages. New this year will be three tram tours traveling into the heart of the Hutchinson Tract to discuss the history of the refuge, plants and nature. Popular activities include a basic archery program, bluebird house building, a birds and binoculars activity, and storytelling by should be employed. Participation is limited. To reg- Alice Elk Moon. Conservation exhibitors from ister, send a check for $35 made payable to Mathews/Middlesex around the Chesapeake Estuary Master Gardeners, to Mathews watershed will be providing inforExtension Office, P.O. Box 569, mation on local efforts occurring Mathews, VA 23109. Include the in the Rappahannock watershed. participant’s name and telephone In addition, representatives from number. For more information, Ducks Unlimited, Northern Neck call the Extension office at 725- Audubon, Northern Neck Masters Naturalists, Rapp Carvers Guild, 7196. Tidewater Oyster Gardeners Association (TOGA), Virginia Native Plant Society, Virginia Bluebird Society and many others will be in attendance. Water enthusiasts can enjoy a tour a.m. Lunch and game play will begin at noon. There will be raffles, of Mount Landing Creek beginning at 10 a.m. The two-hour tour is led and a wine and cheese reception. The fee per table of four is $100. by Gordon Page and will leave Reservations are due by May 8 at 64 f, or 435-1729. with views of the water at every turn. Also enjoy delicious local eats and toe-tapping music. The Tour de Chesapeake is a family-friendly cycling event. The supported ride is all day on Saturday. Visit for more details. WATERFRONT - RICHMOND COUNTY CAT POINT CREEK )9)(¶.YLH[]PL^"WPLY^IVH[SPM[ $270,500 STARTER HOME - WESTMORELAND CO. TIDWELLS 2 BR, 1 BA, great kitchen, sunroom & living room $89,000 Teresa Russ (804) 339-2923 Exit Mid-Rivers Realty 15034 Kings Highway, Montross, VA 22520 LTHPS![QY\ZZ'V\[SVVRJVT^^^UVY[OLYUULJROVTLZJVT Parks f 61 sign. by reservation only. Guests can learn more about Caledon by touring the visitor center. Barnesfield Park (540) 663-3205 Hwy. 301 at the Potomac Gateway Welcome Center, King George. 175-acre county park on the Potomac River with nature trails, picnic areas, playground, and beach fishing. Northumberland Bush Mill Stream Natural Area Preserve At the mouth of Bush Mill Stream freshwater meets the saltwater of the Great Wicomico River. Tidal marshes and mud flats are hidden between steep-sided forested shores. Access by foot or canoe. Open daylight hours. Trails, boardwalk, viewing platform and interpretive signs for an abundance of wildlife. Four miles from Heathsville on Courthouse Rd. (Rt. 201), continue straight on Knights Lodge Dr. (Rt. 642) for half a mile, and turn left at the Dameron Marsh Natural Area Preserve 225-2303 This 316-acre preserve contains one of the most significant wetlands on the Chesapeake Bay for marsh-bird communities. Sand beach habitat is important for the threatened Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle. Facilities include a trail and boardwalk, a wildlife viewing platform, and parking area. Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy (Rt. 200) to Shiloh School Rd. (Rt. 606) turn left on Balls Neck Rd. (Rt. 605). beaches on the Chesapeake Bay and the mouth of Dividing Creek, hiking trails and observation decks to view shorebirds, deer, turkey and migratory waterfowl. The beaches are home to the threatened Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle. Take Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. (Rt. 200) turn on Shiloh School Rd. (Rt. 606) to the end. Turn right on Balls Neck Rd. (Rt. 605). Public Beach Vir-Mar Beach at the end of VirMar Beach Rd. (Rt. 643 ) in Hack’s Neck. Richmond Fishing Piers The Great Wicomico Public Fishing Pier is on the southern shore of the Great Wicomico River just off Jessie Ball duPont Mem. Hwy. (Rt. 200) near the bridge at Glebe Point. Open from sunrise to sunset. Fishing Pier Rt. 624 to Rt. 638. Hughlett Point Natural Area Preserve 225-2303 The 205-acre preserve has sand Public Hiking Trails Warsaw Richmond County trail behind Rappahannock Community Col- Public Beach 4011 Naylors Beach Rd. Warsaw Take Rt. 360 to Rt. 624 to Rt. 634. lege, Rt. 360. Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge 336 Wilna Rd. Warsaw One of four refuges that comprise the Eastern Virginia Rivers National Wildlife Refuge Complex. It protects 20,000 acres of wetlands and associated uplands along the river and its major tributaries. At least four federally-listed threatened or endangered species may be found, including the American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, shortnose sturgeon, and sensitive joint vetch. The refuge hosts three sites on the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail. Totuskey Tricentennial Park With boat landing, Rt. 3 at Totuskey Creek Bridge. Warsaw Main Street Town Park 171 Main St. Playground, picnic tables. Open dawn to dusk daily. Wilna Pond 333-1470 A 35-acre site, is open to public fishing. The pond is home to large mouth bass, bluegill sunfish, fliers, yellow bullhead catfish and American eel. The Wilna Unit is open for observation and photography daily, sunrise to sunset. Access for canoes and kayaks is available. All other refuge units are open by advanced reservation only. Headquarters are open Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., except federal holidays. From Tappahannock, take US-360 E. toward Warsaw. Follow US-360 E. for 4.1 miles, then turn left onto Rt. 624/Newland Rd. Follow Newland Rd. for 4.2 miles, then turn left onto Strangeway/Rt 636. Follow Strangeway for ¼ mile, then turn right onto Sandy Ln./Rt 640. Follow Sandy Ln. for 1.1 miles, then turn left into Rappahannock River Valley NWR. Westmoreland A.T. Johnson Recreation Center 64 f Suspension Specialists Since 1911 st u r t n a c u o y Experience BILLY THURSTON (804) 232-8981 • 1-800-892-8981 FAX: (804) 232-9202 314 WEST 7th STREET Richmond, VA Celebrating 104 Years of Quality Service Fourth generation family owned business May 2015 • Rivah • 63 ‘Go Wild…’ f 62 promptly from the kayak/canoe launch at the Hutchinson Tract. Bring your own kayak or canoe. You must wear a life vest. The Friends group will host a silent auction from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. It will also give each visitor, upon arrival, a ticket for the free raffle drawings to be held throughout the afternoon. “We are excited to see how ‘Go Wild!’ has grown and gained more community support since its inception five years ago. This is an awesome opportunity to engage families in activities to learn about natural resources, conservation, and what roles communities can play to be good stewards of the land,” said refuge manager Andy Hofmann. Food will be available for purchase. The Hutchinson Tract is at 19180 Tidewater Trail, approximately 1.5 miles north of Tappahannock on Route 17. Visit or call 804333-1470 for more information. The Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends Group was formed in 2004. It is dedicated to supporting the National Wildlife Refuge System and in promoting awareness of the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge through education and support. For more information, visit or Facebook. Virginia Watercolor Society Exhibition is May 20-June 25 GLOUCESTER—37th Annual Virginia Watercolor Society (VWS) Exhibition will be hosted at Gloucester Arts on Main and at the Bay School Community Arts Center in Mathews, May 20-June 25. The non-profit VWS, established in 1979, is an organization representing artists and non-artists from the Commonwealth of Virginia that fosters participation in watercolor through juried exhibitions and social events. he annual juried exhibition is held in different locals throughout Virginia and attracts over 100 water media entries from the nearly 400 VWS members. For more information contact Gloucester Arts on Main at or The Bay School at Parks f 63 recreational opportunities for Colonial Beach county residents. (434) 295-6106 A 729-acre preserve on Oak Grove Park the northeast bank of Rt. 205 between Oak Grove and Rappahannock River, next to Colonial Beach. Eight-acre pub- Westmoreland Berry Farm. Four lic park featuring a sports field, miles of wooded trails for selfplayground and picnic area. guided walks. Trail map available at the Westmoreland Berry Robin Grove Park Farm store. Open weekends, 8 Colonial Beach a.m.–6 p.m., Apr. 22–Dec. 17. Castlewood Park On Robin Grove, off Monroe On Castlewood Dr. Permit re- Bay Ave. Westmoreland Parks and quired for parties over 20 Recreation Department people. Public Beach 493-8163 Colonial Beach Provides recreation services to Hurt Field at Legion Park Sunrise to sunset. all county citizens and visitors. Rt. 3 west of Montross. Fouracre public park adjacent to Voorhees Nature Preserve Westmoreland State Park Chandlers Mill Pond offering 1235 Berry Farm Ln. 1650 State Park Rd. 18849 Kings Hwy. Montross Aerobics, dance classes, cooking programs, basketball, gymnastics, volleyball, enclosed batting cage, soccer and baseball fields and small auditorium. Meeting room and patio available for rental. AR To make updates to this directory, please email: ntique’n t the Specialty Shops, Antiques & Treasures Jean’s Bargain Center “Why Buy New When Used Will Do” 6WLU4VU¶-YP:H[ 804-580-2850 Route 360Between Heathsville & Burgess Quilting, Apparel & Home Decor Fabrics Secondhand Rose Thrift, Antiques & Consignment New Junk Daily Wed. to Sat. 10-4 Mon. - Sat. 10-5 Follow us on Facebook 804-443-2154 158 Prince St., Tappahannock, VA 4740 Buckley Hall Rd. (Rt. 198 Cobbs Creek) 67,5;O\YZ-YP:H[HT¶WT Something for Everyone! Essex Antiques & Collectibles 5BQQBIBOOPDL#MWEt5BQQBIBOOPDL7" 804-443-0335 A Multi-Dealer Mall located in Essex Square Shopping Center Now celebrating 20 yrs. in business 1428 Hull Neck Rd. (Old Edwardsville Store) WISTERIA LANE Thyme In A Basket Home Accessories and Unique Gifts 6552 Main Street Gloucester, VA 23061 804-413-1926 325 Queen Street Tappahannock, Virginia 804-443-4626 Tues.–Fri. 10-5:30:H[ Melissa Foster, Owner Plum Summer™ BURGESS HOUSE, INC. The fun place to shop for unique gifts and home decor. Comfortable SPRING CELEBRATION! ivah Come browse our store for furniture, glassware, jewelry, coins and lots more! Civil War Artifacts /PENDAYSAWEEKs#LOSED7EDNESDAY 804-580-2084 Antiques & Collectibles 804-832-1561 64 • Rivah • May 2015 Montross The park extends about one and a half miles along the Potomac River, and its 1,299 acres neighbor the former homes of both George Washington and Robert E. Lee. The Horsehead Cliffs provide visitors with a spectacular view of the Potomac River. The park offers hiking, camping, cabins, fishing, boating and swimming. The visitor center gives a historical and ecological perspective to an important natural area on the coastal plain. ® Shoes & Sandals Open weekends & more Call for hours 804-453-4553 15170 Northumberland Hwy (Rt.360) Burgess, Virginia An Unforgettable Shopping Experience! Old, New & In-between Home Decor, Furniture, Jewelry, Nautical & Collectibles. 80 Jessie Dupont Memorial Hwy. Burgess, VA (804) 453-5900 10 things to do in Reedville 1 Visit the museum! Reedville is a town built on the fishing business, and Reedville’s most famous attraction is the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. Incorporating the William Walker House, which was built in 1875, the museum features artifacts, historic boats, a boat building shop, and model shop, and hosts events throughout the year. 2 See the stack! This 130-foot brick smoke stack was built by the Morris-Fisher company to power its fish processing plant in 1902, and was restored in 2012. You’ll have to get permission from Omega Protein in Reedville to visit it by land, but the stack is best seen from the water. 3 Watch the parade! One of the biggest Independence Day parades in the Northern Neck happens in Reedville. Come for the whole day and run in the 5K, visit the arts and crafts shows, hear the music, play the games, and watch a long parade with all kinds of antique vehicles, floats and marching units. 4 Go fishing! The Casey Neal Rogers Memorial Rockfish Tournament in November has grown into one of the most popular fishing tournaments in the Northern Neck. Weigh-in stations are located at Smith Point Marina, Buzzard’s Point Marina and Norview Marina. Go to 5 Have some oysters! The annual oyster roast hosted by the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum sells 1,000 tickets, and sells out within days every year. The 2015 roast will be November 14. Watch for ticket sales. 6 Take a cruise! Leave from Buzzard Point Marina to Tangier Island aboard the Chesapeake Breeze, or from Chesapeake Bay Camp Resort aboard the Spirit of the Chesapeake. Take a day trip, or stay overnight. Tangier and Smith islands are historically isolated fishing communities in the Chesapeake Bay. 7 See a concert! The Reedville Fishermen’s Museum hosts an outdoor summer concert series, with concerts in June, July and August. This year will feature Blues Society, The Gurleys and Out on a Limb, respectively. The concerts happen at the museum pavilion. Reedville Stack 8 Have some ice cream! Chitterchats Ice Cream serves hand-made Gelati Celesti ice cream from Richmond in 20 flavors. They also host parties and celebrations. Call 4533335 for hours and flavors of the month. 9 Build a boat! The Reedville Fishermen’s Museum’s boat building shop hosts a family boat building workshop from June 26 to 28. The museum provides a kit and experienced instructors to guide you through building a 9-foot-6-inch rowing skiff. Call 453-6529 for reservations. 10 Share cocktails on the creek! As part of its Cocktails on the Creek, for museum members and guests, the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum offers cruises on Cockrell’s Creek aboard the buyboat, Elva C. The Elva C is a deck boat built in 1922 and brought to the museum for restoration in 1989. Compiled by Renss Greene See Rivah Counties information beginning on page 67. The Elva C May 2015 • Rivah • 65 ‘Art in the Air’ banner exhibit planned in downtown Gloucester GLOUCESTER—The Cook Foundation announces a call for artists to submit designs for the first “Art in the Air,” a public art exhibit in the form of downtown banners in the Gloucester Court House Village. Artists are encouraged to submit their designs along with an application fee of $15, with a second design for $10. Artists may submit up to two designs for consideration. Overall, 18 artists will be chosen and each of those artists will receive $100 toward supplies to create their banner. Banners will be supplied by the Cook Foundation along with instructions on how to properly prep, paint and seal the banner. The theme for Art in the Air is “Celebrate.” The Cook Foundation would like to see artists render designs on what they celebrate about Gloucester. “Art in the Air is a wonderful addition to continuing to improve the aesthetic appearance of the downtown and should add more color and visual excitement,” said Jenny Crittenden. “We are striving to create an authentic experience for anyone who lives, works or visits Main Street and by incorporating public art into the commercial core, we certainly do that.” Design submissions and applications are due to the Cook Foundation by Friday, May 8. Mailed submissions should be sent to the Cook Foundation, P.O. Box 1383, Gloucester, VA 23061; or delivered in person to the office located in the Coke Building on Main Street (6688 Main Street) on Friday, May 8, between 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; or by email submission to No late submissions will be accepted. To obtain a copy of the design guidelines and application form, visit and download. For more information, call Jenny Crittenden at 824-9614. Banners are expected to be installed mid-June and introduced to the public during a wine walk event in the latter part of June through the Gloucester Main Street Association. The Cook Foundation expects the banners to be displayed throughout the summer and later auctioned off at an event to further engage the public in appreciation of the arts. Have an event to be listed? For Middle Peninsula events email For Northern Neck events email REPLACEMENT WINDOWS THAT GIVE YOU MORE THAN JUST A GREAT VIEW. With Andersen® replacement windows and patio doors, you’ll get the energy efficiency, low maintenance, durability, style and color options you need. All from the brand most trusted by builders and remodelers. From left, Chesapeake Academy students Khloe Hohensee and John Vail display an antique ship’s anchor up for bid in a silent auction in conjunction with the Nautical Night event. Nautical Night tickets available GLOUCESTER—Tickets are available for Chesapeake Academy’s 38th annual auction and dinner, Nautical Night, at 6 p.m. May 2., at 107 Steamboat Road, Irvington. The event will include a silent auction with cocktails and hor d’oeuvres followed by dinner and an auction, reported development associate Catherine Emry. Auction items will include trips, gifts, gift certificates, services and products for all ages and price points. A silent auction has opened utilizing BidPal technology at Raffle tickets with cash prizes are on sale until a drawing during the auction, she said. Tickets are $10 each. Prizes are first, $5,000; second, $1,000; and third, $500. Buy 10 tickets and receive one free. Nautical Night tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased Specials Wine Seller, Rivah Consignments, Burkes Fine Jewelers, The Dande- lion, Jimmy & Sook and Chesapeake Academy, or contact Emry at 4385575, or “ENERGY STAR” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental “ENERGY STAR” is a and registered trademark of the where U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Andersen” all other marks denoted are Protection Agency. “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2011 Andersen Corporation. trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2011 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. NORTHERN NECK BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. . . . a village steeped in Southern hospitality and rich in history. Grands Consoles Lively, Virginia Rt. 201 South By Appt. Only Digitals Piano Man Sales & Service Dean Bush Cell 436-3622 (W) 462-7600 call 804-758-2328 or 804-435-1701 66 • Rivah • May 2015 OF EASTERN VIRGINIA 5344 Mary Ball 2Ds,IVELY6! 804-462-7840 TOLLFREE 866-462-7840 Lively Creations A PLACE FOR CUTTING UP Mary Bush & Tiffany Bush To advertise in The Rivah 17144 KINGS HIGHWAY MONTROSS, VA (804) 493-9588 NNBS1.COM Owners/Stylist 804-462-0640 Lancaster, VA 22503 2874 White Chapel Rd. Lively, Virginia 804-462-7600 Like us on Facebook THE WORLD FAMOUS CORNER BAR & GRILL Located in Uptown Lively 462-0110 HOURS M-Th 11AM - 11PM Fri & Sat 11AM - 1AM Closed Sunday +You IT’S ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY Member FDIC Essex County History Essex County’s history in written form dates from Captain John Smith’s visit during the winter of 1607-08, when he wrote of the “excellent, pleasant, fertile, and navigable” Rappahannock Valley. In 1645 Bartholomew Hoskins patented the Tappahannock site, which became known at various times as Hobbs His Hole, Hobb’s Hole, the short-lived New Plymouth, and the Indian name Tappahannock. The port town was to become a center of commerce during the 17th and 18th centuries, establishing a crossroads. The county came into being in 1692 when Old Rappahannock County, which once encompassed at least 50 modern counties in Virginia and West Virginia, was divided along the river with the north side becoming Richmond County and the south becoming Essex. During Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, armed men gathered near Piscataway Creek and defeated Governor Berkeley’s cavalrymen. Later they prevailed in the Dragon Swamp, but eventually English warships and troops suppressed the uprising. Frontier patrols, however, were maintained against hostile northern Indians into the early 1700’s. The British Stamp Act of 1765 led directly to the American Revolution, and it erners, Americans: The History of Essex County, Virginia 1608–1984,” recounts in detail the county’s 350-year-old story. The book is available at the county administrator’s office. Today Essex has a population of 9,989 and Tappahannock is one of the largest commercial centers in the region. Government The Essex County seat is at 205 Cross St. in the Tappahannock Courthouse Square. 443-4331. Essex County has one town, Tappahannock. 443-3336. The sheriff’s office can be reached at 443-3346. Libraries Essex Public 443-4945. Library, Tappahannock, For Visitors A walking tour of historical sites in Tappahannock includes the courthouse and surrounding buildings. was in Tappahannock that one of the first confrontations occurred. Leading merchant Archibald Ritchie, who supported the Stamp Act, was labeled as “the greatest enemy of his country.” On February 27, 1766, gentlemen from nine counties gathered at Leedstown to draft the “Resolutions” that led Virginians to The Tappahannock-Essex Chamber of Commerce is at 205 Cross St. disobey Parliament. They also made plans to publicly humiliate Ritchie and the Scots merchant Archibald McCall. These events occurred seven years before the Boston Tea Party. The Essex Courthouse contains the oldest records in Virginia. James B. Slaughter’s history of the area, “Settlers, South- Don’t Miss sMay 2: Hotrods for God Car and Motorcycle Show, Angel Visit Baptist Church, Dunnsville. sMay 17: Go Wild! Celebration, Hutchinson Wildlife Refuge Tract, Tappahannock. Gloucester County History Exploration of what would become Gloucester County began soon after 1607 when Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was star ted 25 miles to its south. Gloucester County was formed in 1651 from York County. It contained Kingston Parish, which became Mathews County in 1791. Gloucester was home to several well-known persons including Pocahontas, daughter of Indian Chief Powhatan. According to legend, she petitioned her father to spare the life of English explorer Captain John Smith, who was one of the first white men to see the area in the early 1600s. Another infamous resident was Nathaniel Bacon who, in 1676, led a force of planters against the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion defeated the Indians and then attempted to make the governor reform colonial policies. His army burned Jamestown and he briefly controlled the colony before his death ended the revolt. For tified during Bacon’s Rebellion, Gloucester Point is just across the York River from Yorktown, site of the British surrender to end the American Revolution. Originally called Tyndall’s Point, named for an Gloucester legend holds that Powhatan’s Chimney is all early mapmaker, it was renamed Gloucester Towne that remains of the house that John Smith built for Indian and was once the county seat until it was moved chief Powhatan in 1609. The current structure was rebuilt 13 miles nor th during the 1700s. in the 1930s. In Wicomico, Gloucester County, near When Jamestown was burned by Bacon in 1676, Timberneck Creek. the Virginia Executive Council considered moving the state capital to Tyndall’s Point, but the motion In 1769, the new county seat, Botetour t Towne was rejected. Jamestown remained the state capi- (old town Gloucester), was laid out. It was named tal until it was shifted to Williamsburg. for Baron de Botetour t, then governor of Virginia. Today, Gloucester is the largest of the eight counties that make up the Nor thern Neck and Middle Peninsula with 34,500 residents. Government Most Gloucester County of fices are in the cour ts and of fice building at 6467 Main St. 693-4042. The sherif f’s of fice can be reached at 693-4042. Libraries Gloucester Librar y, 6920 Main St. 693-2998. Gloucester Pt. Branch Librar y, 2354 York River Crossing Dr., 642-9790. For Visitors The Gloucester Visitor Center is in the Roane Building at 6509 Main St. Open Mon.–Sat., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. and Sun., 1–4 p.m. 693-3215. Blue Aces, 6:30 p.m., Cour thouse Green, Gloucester Cour t House. Don’t Miss sMay 17: Park Adventures, Beaverdam Park, near Gloucester Court House. sMay 20: Abingdon Ruritan Club Seafood Festival, Abingdon Ruritan Club fairgrounds, Bena sMay 23: Revolutionary War Encampment, Historic Court Circle, Gloucester Court House. May 2015 • Rivah • 67 Lancaster County History Indians occupied the Northern Neck for some 10,000 years before Capt. John Smith sailed up the Rappahannock River in 1608. The Powhatan Confederate was represented here by the Moraughtacunds and the Cuttatawomen tribes. A short 43 years later, Lancaster County was established from neighboring Northumberland. Families of notable influence in the social, political and economic climate of the colonies built magnificent “empires” here, and family names like Carter and Ball still are prevalent today. Robert “King” Carter (1663–1732) of Corrotoman Plantation (in Weems) was the son of immigrant John Carter. He acquired over 300,000 acres with some 1,000 slaves working his various properties. Married twice, “King” Carter fathered 15 children. Among his descendants were eight governors of Virginia, three signers of the Declaration of Independence, two presidents, leader of the confederate armies Gen. Robert E. Lee, and a Supreme Court Justice. Carter is buried alongside his wives at the church he built near Irvington, Historic Christ Church. The Ball family, meanwhile, established themselves at Millenbeck and Epping Street in Kilmarnock offer visitors a nostalgic trip back in time. Government Lancaster County offices are headquartered at 8311 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Courthouse. 462-5129. There are three incorporated towns in Lancaster County: Kilmarnock, White Stone and Irvington. The sheriff’s office can be reached at 462-5111. Libraries Lancaster Community Kilmarnock, 435-1729. Library, For Visitors Christ Church in Weems will hold its annual Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 25. Forest. Mary Ball, the mother of George Washington, was born about 1708. The Mary Ball Washington Museum is located in Lancaster Courthouse and offers an extensive genealogy library. A courthouse was established in 1698 at Queenstown on the Corrotoman River but in 1742 was relocated to a central area were the militia gathered, now known as historic Lancaster Courthouse. Today Lancaster County, with a population of some 11,400, has one of the largest communities of retirees in the state thanks to its picturesque shoreline and temperate climate. The world class Steamboat Era Museum on the Commons in Irvington and the Kilmarnock Museum on North Main Information Center in the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber, 129 S. Main St. in Kilmarnock, 435-6092 (weekdays) or Kilmarnock Antique Mall at 144 School St. Don’t Miss sMay 25: Memorial Day Service, Christ Church, Weems. sMay 29: Parade Of Homes by the Bay, Lancaster by the Bay Chamber of Commerce, Kilmarnock. Mathews County History Mathews County was an established shipbuilding center for the Chesapeake Bay when it broke away from Gloucester in 1791 to become a separate county. About that time, 12 sailing ships over 20 tons each were built in a single year in Mathews, which the Chiskiake Indians had called Werowocomico. Between 1790 and 1820, approximately a third of the ships built in Virginia came from Mathews. The sharp, fast vessels, popularly known as Baltimore Clippers, were built throughout the Chesapeake Bay region. Before the War of 1812, these fast ships were simply known as “Virginia built.” From 1802 to 1844, Mathews was an official por t of entr y for the registration and enrollment of ships. During this period, 10,000 vessels called at the “Por t of East River.” The customs house stood at Williams Whar f (marker 13), which was a center of maritime activity until the steamers quit running in the 1940s. Cricket Hill, near Gwynn’s Island, was the site of one of the last naval engagements of the Revolutionar y War. In June 1776, Continental forces bombarded the British fleet and encampment on Gwynn’s Island. Lord Dunsmore, the last royal governor, was driven from the colony, ending British 68 • Rivah • May 2015 9,200 people. While it is the smallest county in the Nor thern Neck and Middle Peninsula with only 87 square miles, it has some 367 miles of shoreline and some of the area’s best public access. Government Most county government offices are in Liber ty Square at 10604 Buckley Hall Road, Mathews, 725-7172 or The sheriff’s office can be reached at 725-7177. Libraries Mathews Memorial Librar y, 251 Main St. 725-4123. For Visitors Hundreds of bicyclists will enjoy scenic cycling throughout Mathews County during the 17th annual Tour de Chesapeake on Saturday, May 16. rule in Virginia. When water was the highway, boats were the standard means of travel. The arrival of steamships at Williams Whar f with cargo from Nor folk, Newpor t News or Baltimore was a daily highlight. World War II put most of the steamboat lines out of business. In 1942 the government requisitioned most of the bay and coastal steamers for ser vice in the war effor t. The last remaining steamboat line, the Old Bay Line, stopped its York River to Baltimore run in 1942. About 20 years later, the Old Bay Line dropped passenger ser vice between Baltimore and Nor folk. The steamers stopped for good in the spring of 1962. Today Mathews has a population of The Mathews County Visitor and Information Center is in historic Sibley’s General Store at 239 Main St. 725-4229. Don’t Miss sMay 2-30: Arts Speaks on the Bay exhibition, Bay School Community Arts Center, Mathews Court House. sMay 9: TOGA Middle Peninsula Oyster Fair, Gwynn’s Island Civic Center. sMay 16: Tour de Chesapeake Party, Williams Wharf, East River. Tickets available for Parade of Homes by the Bay KILMARNOCK—The Lancaster by the Bay Chamber of Commerce’s fourth annual Parade of Homes by the Bay will be presented May 29 and 30. The Parade of Homes by the Bay will feature 11 properties in various categories including stick built, modular, remodels, additions, and interior/exterior designs. “The goal of the Parade of Homes by the Bay event is to showcase the high quality of craftsmanship that we have here in our community,” said Chamber executive director Anne Paparella. “This is a great opportunity for local builders, associate trades and real estate brokers and for interested homebuyers and homeowners actively wanting to improve their homes. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 29 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 30. Advance tickets will be available through May 29 and are $20 per person. Tickets can be purchased at events, Parade Headquarters, Lancaster by the Bay Chamber of Commerce, 129 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. All ticket holders will be presented with a voucher to be exchanged at Parade Headquarters for their Parade of Homes by the Bay parade packet. The packet will include tickets, parade program and discount coupons to area restaurants. “This year we are excited to partner with Northumberland/ Lancaster Habitat for Humanity, and a portion of the ticket sales will go to this worthwhile organization,” added Paparella. Vendors will be paired with the presenters and will act as cohosts at the homes. Vendors are involved with home building, home improvement, decorating, landscaping, dock building and other trades. Potential vendors may contact Paparella at 435-6092, or info@ White Stone Southern Gateway to The Northern Neck Hair to Stay Walk -ins are Welcome 390 Chesapeake Drive White Stone, VA African Hair Braiding Fabulous finds for you & your home 538 Rappahannock Dr. 804.435.6176 Quilting Fabric & More 85 First Street White Stone, VA 22578 804-577-7272 PARTY LINE A RE Y OU P LANNING A B ANQUET , R ECEPTION , D INNER P ARTY F OR A S PECIAL O CCASION , C OCKTAIL H OUR , F AMILY R EUNION , O R A P ARTY FOR A NY O CCASION ? L ET U S H ELP S UPPLY W HAT Y OU M AY N EED F OR Y OUR N EXT E VENT ! White Stone, Va 436-8505 *Florist* Ice Cream Homemade fudge Gourmet chocolates Rt. 3, White Stone 6HUYLQJWKH1RUWKHUQ1HFNGRRUWR GRRUIDFHWRIDFHLVVWLOOKRZ 5LYHU/DQGRSHUDWHVDIWHU\HDUV Iris M. Treakle 215 Chesapeake Drive White Stone, Virginia 22578 2IÀFH )D[ LWUHDNOH#ULYHUODQGLQVXUHUVFRP Open 7 days 9:30a-7:30p 804-435-1695 White Stone Pharmacy 804-435-1051 Open Daily for Lunch Dinner Thursday-Saturday Sunday Brunch Live Music Friday Night 416 Chesapeake Dr. White Stone, VA 22578 pm, Sat. 9M-F am 9- 6am-6 pm M-F, Sat. 99 am-4 am-4 pm pm Susan Sanders RPH Your locally owned White Stone At the foot of the bridge, White Stone 435-0000 Locally owned Health Mart pharmacies honor your prescription plans, including Medicare. Visit us on the web at Air Conditioning Refrigeration À>iÊ-iÀÛViÊUÊ-ÌiÀÊÀÛià iÃiÊUÊ>ÃÊ}ià ÊiiÀ>ÌÀà HS Printing , Ê-1**9Ê-/", (804) 435-3837 (804) 435-6897 FAX MATHEWS—The Bay School Community Arts Center in Mathews invites local and statewide artists to submit works of art to the third annual juried art show “Art Speaks on the Bay.” The show will take place in the Art Speaks Gallery at the Bay School Community Arts Center from May 2 through May 30, with an opening reception Saturday, May 2, from 4-7 p.m. Cash prizes totaling $3,200 will be awarded for this exhibition. The juror and judge for Art Speaks on the Bay 2015 is Jill Jensen (, a mixed media, printmaking and textile artist from Central Virginia. The Bay School is at 279 Main Street in Mathews. For more information, call 804-725-1278 or visit Kentucky Derby party due May 2 804-435-0035 on the Rappahannock ‘Art Speaks on the Bay’ show to open 804-435-6100 House 394 Chesapeake Dr. of 804-435-6400 HEATHSVILLE—The 10th “Run for the Roses” Kentucky Derby Party at Rice’s Hotel/ Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville, on May 2 coincides with the 141st running of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs The party will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. Revelers will be able to watch the race on a big screen TV and bet on their favorite ponies, while they dine on sumptuous food and sip on mint juleps. There also will be an open bar and bluegrass music by the Honeywind Bluegrass Boys, reported Corrine Becker. Appropriate dress is whatever is fun, be it a lavish hat, or jeans and boots, said Becker. Creativity will be rewarded to the winners of the best hat contest and the best hat and boots contest. An auction will offer a chance to bid on a barn party at historic “Roanoke” plantation house in Heathsville. A silent auction will include restaurant gift certificates, wine tastings and artisan-crafted items made by the Tavern Guilds. Tickets are $35 per person, $65 per couple in advance; $40/$70 at the gate. Group pricing is available. Proceeds support the preservation of Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern and its dependencies, she said. Order tickets, e-mail, or call 580-3377. May 2015 • Rivah • 69 Visit Once a bustling colonial port — Now a harbor town big with charm and surprises. Stroll along the streets where friendly neighbors stop to chat and where kids still ride their bikes after school. — a town that can capture your heart — and bring you back again. Calendar of Events May 9, 2015 - Urbanna Farmer's Market • 9am to 1pm at Taber Park Stock up on home grown and homemade goodies. Visit our special section just for local artists! Vendors, call the Urbanna Town Office, (804) 758-2613 or email to reserve a space. May 16, 2015 - The Third Annual Urbanna Cup Regatta - Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association • 9am to 6pm - Urbanna Town Marina Free to spectators - These exciting little boats are fun to build and exhilarating to race. This isn't just fun for the men, it's a family sport with racing classes for children 12 and younger, children 13 to 16 and adults with different weight classes. May 16, 2015 - Music Under the Stars • 7 to 9pm - Urbanna Town Marina - Musical guest: Jumbo Lump Daddy - Free. Bring your own chair or blanket. Come early and have a picnic, socialize and enjoy the music! May 30 - 31, 2015 - Arts in the Middle Festival - Join us on the grounds of Hewick Plantation for a juried art festival featuring two days of entertainment in the country with fine arts and fine crafts, music and local foods a stroll away from the river country’s most charming waterfront village. Middlesex County History Middlesex County was formed around 1669 from Lancaster County, making it one of the oldest English settlements in the United States. Many plantation homes still stand from the Colonial era. Bordered by the Rappahannock and Piankatank rivers and the Chesapeake Bay, much of its history centers around the water. The town of Urbanna was formed in 1680 as a center for shipping tobacco from surrounding plantations. Urbanna was the county seat until 1852 when it was moved to Saluda. Throughout the county are homes built in the 1700s. Wartime stories abound dating back to the Revolutionary and Civil wars. During these wars, plantations such as Providence and Rosegill were bombarded and looted. Stingray Point near Deltaville gained immortal fame as the spot where Captain John Smith was nearly killed by a stingray. Three centuries ago ships from London, Liverpool, Bristol and Glasgow were common sights on Urbanna Creek. Just across the creek from Urbanna is Rosegill, one of the oldest plantations in America. Home to five generations of Wormeleys, it was for many years a center of influence in the Colony and a lar Urbanna Oyster Festival, which draws thousands for a weekend of music and mollusks every November. Government Middlesex County offices are in the Woodward Building at the Courthouse Complex in Saluda. 758-4330. Middlesex has one town, Urbanna: 758-2613. Libraries Middlesex Public Library Urbanna Branch, 758-5717. Deltaville Branch, 776-7362. For Visitors The Pierwalk on Mill Creek at the Deltaville Maritime Museum will host several waterrelated activities during the Deltaville Seafood Festival on Saturday, May 23. power in the political and commercial life of this area. During the Civil War, General George McClellan formulated a plan of attack to take Richmond starting from Urbanna. Named the Urbanna Plan, it was never instituted. In 1862, several Yankee warships bombarded the town but legend has it that the only thing the Yanks killed was an old hare. One of the cannonballs did hit the old courthouse, which today is Old Tobacco Warehouse, 45 Cross St. in Urbanna. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Serves as a the Middlesex Woman’s Club building visitors center. 758-2613. on Virginia St. During the bombardment, townsfolk Don’t Miss congregated on the creek bank at the sMay 16: Urbanna Cup wooden boat current site of the Urbanna Bridge. races, Urbanna Town Marina. Legend has it an old man stood at the sMay 23: Deltaville Seafood Festival, in hilltop and whenever he saw a flash of village and at maritime museum. a cannon firing would scream “squat” sMay 30-31: Arts in the Middle juried and the townsfolk would squat to the art show, Hewick near Urbanna. ground. Today Middlesex County has a population of 9,600 and is home to the popu- Northumberland County History Northumberland County is called the Mother County of the Northern Neck. Settled by the English in 1648, Northumberland was officially established by an act of the Burgesses in Jamestown in 1648. It was later divided into three additional counties, Lancaster, Richmond and Westmoreland Counties. At its heart is Heathsville, the county seat. Located between the headwaters of the Coan and the Great Wicomico rivers, in 1679 it was chosen as the site of the county courthouse. The building was completed and county justices were moved in 1681. In 1797, citizens established a 20-acre town around the courthouse square naming it in honor of citizen leader John Heath who lived just down the road at Springfield, an historic plantation mansion still standing and occupied today. In 1992, the National Register of Historic Places designated Heathsville an Historic District, along with the original courthouse and tavern, now a restaurant, gift shop and museum. The courthouse square also includes a blacksmith shop, transportation museum, old jail and carriage house. Northumberland was once dependent upon tobacco as its major cash crop and currency. Later, most of its residents relied on the water for their livelihoods. Today, there are many charter boat captains. And tors can learn about agriculture, view the tools that assisted the farmers and learn the impact of these industries on the people of this region. With more than 556 miles of scenic shoreline, more than 12,300 call Northumberland County home. Government The Northumberland County seat is on Rt. 360 in Heathsville. 580-7666 or The sheriff’s office can be reached at 580-5221. Libraries Northumberland Public Library is at 7204 Northumberland Highway in Heathsville, 580-5051. High speed wireless internet access available. For Visitors The annual Blessing of the Fleet will be held in Fleeton on Sunday, May 3. The Northumberland County Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center,129 Northumberland Hwy. (Rt. 360) in Callao is open Wed., Thurs. and Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. and Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 529-5031. Don’t Miss cruises, like those to Tangier and Smith Island, are major tourist attractions. The quaint fishing village of Reedville, with its “Millionaire’s Row” of Victorian homes, remains a tribute to the area’s heritage. The Reedville Fisherman’s Museum provides a comprehensive overview of the village’s fishing industry, both past and current. Burgess is home to the Northern Neck Farm Museum, which features the area’s agricultural history, from the Indians who roamed the lands to the large commercial canneries that once lined the shores. Visi- sMay 9: Free Safe Boating Class, Northumberland County Rescue Squad building, Reedville. sMay 16: Heathsville Farmers Market, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, Heathsville. May 2015 • Rivah • 71 Richmond County History Known as the Gateway to the Nor thern Neck, Richmond County was established in 1692 from the old Rappahannock County. Originally explored by Captain John Smith in 1607–1608, the county was settled in 1640 when people migrated up from settlements below the Rappahannock River. It was presumably named after the First Duke of Richmond, cousin to both King William III and Queen Mar y. One of the early settlers was Colonel Moore Fauntleroy, who patented land in the county in 1650. The first county seat was thought to be at the mouth of Little Car ter’s Creek, then moved to Naylors, an early river settlement. The seat moved inland in 1730 and renamed the Richmond County Cour thouse. In 1831, the name was changed to Warsaw in sympathy with the Polish struggle for independence. Warsaw was incorporated as the county’s only town in 1947. The Downing Bridge was built across the Rappahannock River in 1927, connecting Richmond County to Essex and opening up travel to and from the Nor thern Neck. The Warsaw is currently the headquarters for many regional government agencies as well as a community college, vocational center and regional jail. Government The Richmond County seat is at 101 Cour t Circle in Warsaw. 3333415. Richmond County has one incorporated town, Warsaw. The sherif f’s of fice can be reached at 333-3611. Libraries Visitors enjoy a warm spring afternoon at the Main Street Park in Warsaw. bridge replaced 200 years of ferr y ser vice and was dedicated by Sen. Thomas Downing of the Nor thern Neck. Richmond County was home of the last president elected under the Ar ticles of Confederation. In 1788, Judge Cyrus Grif fin was elected president of the U.S. Congress Assembly and held that position until the U.S. Constitution was adopted and his successor, George Washington, was elected as the first U.S. President. The Richmond County Public Librar y is at 52 Campus Dr. in Warsaw. 333-3025. William A. Jones gained recogni- For Visitors The Richmond County Museum tion for Richmond County in 1916 when, in suppor ting self-government and Visitors Center is open Wed. for all people, he authorized a bill Sun. and is at 5874 Richmond Rd. that guaranteed independence for in Warsaw. 333-3607 the Philippines. In 1926, the people of the Philippines erected a memorial Don’t Miss at Jones’ gravesite in the St. John’s sMay 27: Historic Architecture Talk, MeEpiscopal Churchyard in Warsaw. nokin, near Warsaw. Today Richmond County has a population of 9,300. Ser ving as the crossroads of U.S. Route 360 and State Route 3, the county seat of Westmoreland County History Established in 1653 by the colonial government in Jamestown, Westmoreland County was named for a British shire. The county’s most significant contributions to history include its fostering of more statesmen than any other county in the country, and for the Leedstown Resolutions. Considered the forerunner of the Declaration of Independence, the Leedstown Resolutions were signed in February, 1766. Prepared by Richard Henry Lee, the document was signed by 115 patriots who bound themselves together “To Prevent The Execution of The Stamp Act.” Stratford Hall was the boyhood home of Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee, signers of the Declaration of Independence. General Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee was a Revolutionary War hero and served as one of General George Washington’s most trusted officers. He is the father of Robert E. Lee. General Robert E. Lee was born in 1807 at Stratford Hall. Lee was a colonel in the U. S. Army when the Civil War broke out. George Washington Birthplace National Monument at Popes Creek Plantation will host Offered the command of the Union Army, Spring on the Plantation on Saturday, May 10 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is free. Lee declined because he “could take no There will be demonstrations of 18th century activities such as sheep shearing, tobacco planting, blacksmithing and open hearth cooking. Photo courtesy of NPS part in an invasion” of his homeland. Most notable among the statesmen of Westmoreland, George Washington was dent, was born in 1758 on a farm near tion of 16,700 and is home to the only Monroe Bay. off-track betting casino in the area. Fishborn at Popes Creek in 1732. Today, Westmoreland has a popula- ing and agriculture are still the area’s James Monroe, the nation’s fifth presi- 72 • Rivah • May 2015 mainstays, with wineries, produce farms and seafood packers among some of the most prominent businesses in the county. Government The Westmoreland County offices are at 111 Polk St. in Montross. 493-0130. Westmoreland has two towns, Colonial Beach and Montross. The sheriff’s office can be reached 493-8066. Libraries Abraham and William I. Cooper Memorial Branch is at 18 Washington Ave. in Colonial Beach. 224-0921. Montross Branch is at 56 Polk St. in Montross. 493-8194. Blake T. Newton Memorial Branch is at 22 Coles Point Road in Hague. 472-3820. For Visitors The Westmoreland County Visitors Center is in the county museum and library at 43 Court Square, Montross. 493-8440. Don’t Miss sMay 16: Spring On The Plantation, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Pope’s Creek Plantation. sMay 31: Fossils & Fun Kayaking Trip, Westmoreland State Park, Montross. Rivah Life Submit your photos of people having fun at the Rivah! Deadline for the June 2015 Rivah: May 8, 2015 • Email them to: Please Include: names of people in the photo, location of photo, a brief description of what’s happening in the photo and name of photographer. From the Potomac Rivah to the York Rivah — A FREE Guide to the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Advertise in the June Rivah! Fall/Holiday 2014 • FREE August 2014 • FREE Places to go and things to do in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Places to go and things to do in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula September 2014 • FREE Places to go and things to do in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Advertising Deadline: May 6 On newsstands May 21! SUPER SAVINGS by advertising in more than one issue! Inside: • Virginia Oysters: Follow the trail to taste the Bay’s best Inside: • Kayaking the Dragon, a nature lover’s paradise Delicious Demo: Taste-test dishes made by local chefs Inside: • Ten things to do in Warsaw The Elsie Louise: A floating icon celebrates 100 years • The 35th Guinea Jubilee: Celebrate the village and its watermen Ten things to do in Colonial Beach • Scenic cycling: Grab a bike and follow the Northern Neck Heritage Trail • 10 Things to See and Do in Mathews, including a kayak adventure Call the Southside Sentinel at 758-2328 or the Rappahannock Record at 435-1701 soon for more information! ISABELL K. HORSLEY REAL ESTATE LTD. URBANNA WHITE STONE DELTAVILLE Vi` Ìi` à ÃÌÊ `Õ ,i Õ fx]äää f]äää Water Music Deltaville Glimmering Waters Õ}iÊ6iÜÃtt 4’ MLW @ Pier w/ Lifts Beautiful custom transitional with Õ}iÊÛiÜÃÊUÊ} Ê i}ÃÊUÊÎÊ i`ÀÃÊÌÌ>]ÊÓÊ>ÃÌiÀÊ-ÕÌiÃÊUÊ >LÕÕÃÊÌV iÊUÊÀi«>ViÊ -ÕÀÊUÊÕÃÊ,ÊUÊiV ii>Ê,`}iÀÃÊnä{{ÎÈÓÎÓÈ iLÊ,ÜâiiÊnä{ÇÓ{£Î£Ó iÃ>«i>iÊ>ÞÊEÊ*Ì>VÊ,ÛiÀ Ê"«iÊvÀÊ`iÃÃÊ6iÜà } Ê`ÊÌV iÊUÊÝÌiÃÛiÊiV} Main home and guest house ii>Ê,`}iÀÃÊnä{{ÎÈÓÎÓÈ >>ÊÕÀÌÊnä{ÇÓxnÓÓä fÓnx]äää fÎ]ää / iÊiÌ >ÞÊÊJÊ Leafwood ÕÌ>Ê>ÌiÊ,>`Ê ,>V ÊUÊi>Ì ÃÛi /ÕÀiÞÊÕÃiÃÃÊUÊÕÀà }à VÕ`i`ÊVÀV>Ê£Çn£ÊUÊÎÊ-ÕÌià xÊi`ÀÃÊÌÌ>ÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ ÌÌ>}iÊ -iÛiÀ>ÊÕÌLÕ`}ÃÊUÊΰÈÊVÀià -Õâ>iÊ ÀÜiÊ iÜ} nä{{ÎÈ{È£n ÓÓä½ÊÊÕÊ ÀiiÊUÊ7`iÊ *Ì>VÊ,ÛiÀÊ6iÜÃÊUÊ*iÀÊÜÉÎ½Ê 7ÊUÊÎÊi`ÀÃÊUÊ>À`Ü`Ê ÀÃÊUÊÀi«>ViÊUÊ-ÕÀÊ *>ÌÊUÊ ÕÌÞÊ>ÌÊ,>« `Ài>ÊÌÊnä{nx{xÎä ` ÃÌi ÌÊ Õà f£]£ää]äää ÌÌiÊ>ÞÊ >ÃÌ>Ê >ÀiÀÊ7 ÌiÊ-Ìi MATHEWS f£]xä]äää ää½ÊÊÌ«ÃÊ Àii Ƚ7ÊJÊ*iÀÊUÊ->`Êi>V Ç°ÓÊVÀiÃÊUÊÓÇääÊõ°vÌ° ÕÃÌÊ{Êi`ÀÊ>ÊÕÃi «ÕÃÊÕiÃÌÊÕÃiÊUÊ>LÕÕÃÊi>ÌÕÀiÃt *>ÌÊ7iÌÌÊnä{{ÎÈxÓÎx / iÊ>«ÌÃÊ-ÌÞiÊ ,iÃ`iViÊ7 ÌiÊ-Ìi 7`iÊ`>Ê ÀiiÉ>ÞÊ6iÜà Õ}iÊi>V ÊUÊ{½Ê7ÊJÊ*iÀ "«iÊEÊ ÕÃÌÊi } Ê`ÊÌV iÊUÊ£ÃÌÊ°Ê>ÃÌiÀ °Ê*ÊEÊ/iÃÊ ÕÀÌ >Û`Ê°ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ fÈÇn]xää >ÀÛiÞ½ÃÊ ÀiiÊ 7VVÊ ÕÀV x½7ÊJÊ*iÀÊUÊ7`iÊ6iÜà "«iÊÛ}Ê,ÊÜÉÊÀi«>Vi >ÃÌiÀÊ-ÕÌiÊUÊÓÊÕiÃÌÊ,à }Ê,ÊUÊ"vwViÊUÊ-ÕÀ *ÀÃÌiÊ `ÌÊÌ ÀÕ} ÕÌ >Û`ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ ` ÃÌi ÌÊ Õà fÈÇx]äää >ÀÃÊ ÀiiÊ>À ÕÃi ÜÞ½ÃÊÃ>` £ÓÈx½ÊvÊ7>ÌiÀvÀÌÊUÊÓÊ*iÀà {°xÊV°ÊUÊ >°Ê£ÓäÊUÊ,iÛ>Ìi`ÊÓääx 7`ÊÀÃÊUÊ7>ÃVÌ} ÓÊÀi«>ViÃÊUÊÎÊi`ÀÃÊ ÕÃÊ,ÊUÊ-VÀiiÊ*ÀV Ê EÊ7À>«Ê>ÀÕ`ÊiV >Û`ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ ` ÃÌi Ê ÕÃÌ fx{]xää -ÕÃiÌÊ ÛiÊUÊ7iià fÎn]xää `iÊ>}iÊ ÌÌ>}iÊ f{n]ää Painter Pointe fÎ{n]äää / iÊ,Õ`ÊÕÃiÊ >ÀÌiÀÃÊ ÀiiÊÊUÊÊii«Ê7>ÌiÀ Irvington >ÀV >ÀV >Ì ÕÃiÊÊUÊÊ*ÊÊUÊÊiV >iÊÀÛ}ÌÊÊi>ÕÌvÕÊ*Ì Î{½Ê7ÊJÊ*iÀÊÜÉÊvÌÊÊiÀÞÃÊ i>ÕÌvÕÊ6iÜÃÊÊÛ`}Ê Àii £ÊÀÊiÊUÊÀi«>Vi "«iÊ>ÊÀÊÛ}ÊUÊÀi«>Vi ÀiiÊUÊÕÃÌÊvvÊ>ÞÊUÊÓ°{ÊVÀià ν7ÊJÊ*iÀÊUÊ"«iÊÀi>ÌÊ, 6>ÕÌi`]Êi>i`Ê7`Ê*>ÊVi}à -ÕÀ]Ê}Ê,]Ê1«}À>`i`Ê Ê"«iÊÜÉÊÛiÞÊ6iÜÃÊUÊiV Ài«>ViÊUÊÌV iÊUÊ}Ê>Ài> ÎÊi`ÀÃÊUÊ"vwViÊUÊ-VÀiiÊ*ÀV ÌV iÊUÊ>ÃÌiÀÊEÊÕiÃÌÊ-ÕÌiÊ £ÃÌÊ°Ê>ÃÌiÀÊUÊÓÊÕiÃÌÊ,ÃÊ ÎÊi`ÀÃÊUÊ"vwVi >ÞÊ1«}À>`iÃt Õ«ÃÌ>ÀÃÊUÊÜiÀÊÜÉÊÕiÃÌÊ-ÕÌi]Ê ÕÃÊÀi>ÊUÊÎÊ>ÞÊ>À>}iÊÜÉÊ iVÊEÊ-VÀiii`Ê>âiL >Û`Ê°ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ vwViÊEÊÃÌÀ>}i Õwà i`ÊÀÊ>LÛi >Û`Ê°ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ >Û`i`iÜJÞ> °V >Û`Ê°ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ >Û`Ê°ÊiÜÊnä{{ÎÈΣäÈ >Û`i`iÜJÞ> °V WWW.HORSLEYREALESTATE.COM