ABEST21 e-News
ABEST21 e-News
ABEST21 e-News No.62, November-December 2013 THE ALLIANCE ON BUSINESS EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FOR TOMORROW, a 21st century organization URL: http://www.abest21.org TEL. 03-3498-6220 E-Mail: ABEST21@abest21.org ABEST21 Office Report =========================================== =========================================== November 2013 ・11th - The 12th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・18th - The 13th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・21st - Orientation on Maintenance Accreditation ・25th - The 14th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・29th - The 25th meeting of Council for Human Resources Development December 2013 ・2nd - The 15th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・5th - The 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar ・9th - The 16th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・11th- Visit to Toshiba Education and Training Institute ・12th -Visit to Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College ・13th -On-site interview at Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University ・16th- Establishment of Specialized Accreditation Institutions Network Organization ・16th -The 17th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・16th- “Improvement Report” Assessment Coordinating Committee 1. Quality Assurance and Accreditation System - 9 ========================================= ========================================= Globalization of management education The final assessment item in assuring the quality of management education at business schools is related to globalization of management education. The reason why this item is included is because education is expected to play a role in nurturing human resources to meet the needs of the times. As is well known, there are two purposes of education. The first is a universal purpose to develop a person as a member of the society. In the real world, where the resources are “scarce”, and therefore “conflicts of interest” are imminent, it is necessary to bring in “order” to resolve these conflicts, which is done by establishing a “working rule” in the society. Subsequently, the basic purpose of education becomes the formation of characters which conform to the social code of conduct. Cultivation of a good character is the aim of the education in all ages. Another purpose of education is to nurture human resources to respond to the needs of the times. The recent accelerating advancement of social, economic, and cultural globalization calls for fostering human resources who can coexist with people having various cultural and social backgrounds in the diverse and different society. The human resources required in the globalized society are people who see this world not as a closed, secluded space, but as a space on the road where various people come and go, and are able to share the road as a “space”. It means that such human resources can enjoy a party where people 1 enjoy the meal in their own styles accepted by others, such as using five fingers, three fingers, chopsticks, or forks, instead of all people being forced to eat with knives and forks in western style. Therefore, the Mission Statement of a business school must include nurturing of human resources in response to the needs of the times, apart from formation of good character as a member of the society. The concept of the human resources should not be categorized merely between globalized or non-globalized. Such human resources should be able to accept diversity, to communicate internationally, and to coexist in the world based on his/her expertise. Such ability can be called “Globability”. “Globability” is constituted by the following qualities: ・Expertise and skills to understand and clarify various global events which have multiple dimensions and complex impact ・International communication skills to negotiate with counterparties from different cultural/social backgrounds ・Ability to blend into cultural diversity and to draw in such diversity into oneself. In order to nurture human resources with the above qualities, educational research environment of the business school must be multifaceted: ・The school must have a globalized educational program ・The students’ backgrounds must be diversified ・The faculty members’ backgrounds must be diversified ・The school must prepare its infrastructure to accept foreign students ・The school’s administration including curriculum coordination must be globalized ・The school must have a system to support the campus life of foreign students ・The school must prepare an international exchange program for students and faculty to promote them to study abroad. In nurturing human resources in response to globalization, it is important to send out many students to study abroad. However, it is also important to accept many foreign students, because by doing so the school campus will be filled with various different values. It will offer the students the opportunities to coexist in diversity. I regard it an ideal way to “create an educational research environment in response to globalization”. (Fumio Itoh, ABEST21 President) 2. General Information ========================================= 1) Establishment of Network for Subject Accreditation Agencies On Monday, December 16, 2013 at ABEST21 office, the network for conducting subject quality assurance and accreditation of professional graduate schools was established, consisting of three accreditation agencies: Japan Law Foundation, Japanese Institute of International Accounting Education, and ABEST21. Together with these agencies specializing respectively in law and accounting, ABEST21 as a business accreditation institution will exchange opinions on specific issues that organizations conducting subject quality assurance and accreditation of professional graduate schools face. 3. Network Information =========================================== =========================================== 1) Joint Seminar by AFEBI, APMMI , and ABEST21 A joint seminar on “A New Paradigm in Business and Management Education” will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, at Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia. ABEST21 will co-sponsor this seminar with AFEBI (Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia) and APMMI (Asosiasi Program Magister Manajiment Indonesia). President Itoh will give a keynote speech on “The ABEST21 Approach to 2 Quality Assurance and Advancement in Business and Management Education”, to be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Dean Nury Effendi (Universitas Padjadjaran) and with Dean Wihana Kirana Jaya (Universitas Gadja Mada), Dean Candra Fajri Ananda (Universitas Brawijaya), and Director Arief Daryanto (Bogor Agricutural University) as panelists. 2) The 25th meeting of Council for Human Resources Development The Meeting was held on November 29 at Minami Aoyama Kaikan. The first agenda was partial amendment of the Council Rules, which was ratified. Then Professor Toshihiko Shiraki, Dean of Graduate School of Business Administration, Nanzan University, provided an intriguing report on Case Project 4, which deals with the new product development project based on industry-academia cooperation among Nanzan Business School, Pokka Corporation, and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co., Ltd. 4. Quality Assurance Information =========================================== =========================================== 1) ABEST21 Quality Assurance (AQA) Seminar On Thursday, November 21, 2013, AQA Seminar on 2013 Maintenance Accreditation was held at Minami Aoyama Kaikan. The approach to analysis for maintenance accreditation, which renews the accreditation period effective April 2015, was explained to the schools accredited in March 2010 (2009 academic year). The guidance focused on the preparation of Progress Report which analyzes the extent of improvement in educational quality in the past five years since the initial accreditation. 5. ABEST21-QMC Information =========================================== =========================================== 1) The 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar On Thursday, December 5, 2013 at Minami Aoyama Kaikan, the 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar was held with the theme “University Reform in Urgent Need: How to Enhance Educational Ability”. Keynote speech was given by Mr. Takafumi Goda (ABEST21-QMC Advisor, former Director-General, Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). He referred to the essence of ideal reform and mentioned that in the past there have been two opportunities for university reform, and now is the third opportunity. Then special speech was given by President Atsushi Hamana (Kansai University of International Studies) on “Direction of University Reform and Assessment”, discussing the practice of active learning. Another special speech was given by President Hiroyuki Sumiyoshi (Matsumoto University) on creating a university as a “Regional (intellectual) Hub” based on induction approach. Both speeches introduced new methods for university reform aiming at enhancement of educational 3 ability. The 2nd ABEST21-QMC Seminar will focus on “Globalization of University Reform and Educational Research Environment” with keynote and special speeches on this theme. It is planned that the special speech will refer to the case of Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College, which was selected as one of the Global Human Resources Development Projects 2012 by MEXT. 2013 Retrospect (January to December 2013) =========================================== “Time flies”, and the year 2013 is ending as quick as a blink of an eye. The speed of time I experience seems to confirm the speed of ABEST21 growth. In 2013 academic year, ABEST21 had come to practice reviews on 14 schools, as a result of widely spread efforts for quality assurance of management education in Asia. I would like to look back to the activities in 2013 and get ready for 2014, which will be a milestone for ABEST21. 2014 will mark the 20th anniversary of ABEST21 origin, “Global Classroom International Conference” which was launched in October 1994. In 2015, ABEST21 will celebrate its 10th year since its reorganization in July 2005. Up to now, ABEST21 focused on the construction of infrastructure. Effective April 2014, ABEST21 will become a general incorporated association aiming to contribute to peace and prosperity in Asia through quality assurance of management education. 1.Activities 1. during 2013 January ・7th - Magister Management Program on-site interview at Universitas Indonesia ・8th - Visit to BAN-PT ・11th - Peer Review Committee-Group A in Tokyo ・28th - ABEST21 Quality Assurance (AQA) Seminars at Chiang Mai University and Naresuan University, Thailand ・30th - Visit to Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA) ・30th - AQA Seminar at Universiti Putra Malaysia ・31st - AQA Seminar at Bandung, Indonesia, co-sponsored by AFEBI and ABEST21 February ・12th - Visit to Sony Corporation Head Office ・15th - 22nd meeting of Council for Human Resources Development ・20th - The 2nd Project-7 Country Chair Meeting in Kuala Lumpur ・25th - Coordinating Committee for Accreditation in 2012 ・26th - Visit to Toshiba Corporation Head Office March ・5th - Visit to MEXT ・6th - Visit to Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ・7th - Peer Review Steering Committee in Tokyo ・8th - Accreditation Committee at Toshiba Head Office ・8th - Visit to Toshiba Fuchu Complex ・9th - ABEST21 Board Meeting and General Assembly at Aoyama Gakuin University ・9th - International symposium at Aoyama Gakuin University ・14th - Visit to MEXT ・18th - Visit by SBI Graduate School ・19th - Visit to Toshiba Human Resources Development Corporation 4 April ・10th - Visit to MEXT ・10th - Visit by Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University ・11th - Visit to MEXT ・11th - Visit to Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ・24th - Visit to Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ・25th - Visit to Center for National University Finance and Management May ・5th - Audit by ABEST21 auditor Nobue Susie Brown (University of Texas at Austin) ・7th - Visit to MEXT ・17th - 23th meeting of Council for Human Resources Development ・17th - AQA Seminar in Tokyo ・20th - AQA Seminar in Kuala Lumpur ・21st - Visit to International Islamic University Malaysia June ・12th - Visit to Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University ・18th - Board Meeting of Council for Human Resources Development ・20th - Interview by “Education and Science Journal” ・22nd - Attended APMMI Workshop in Indonesia ・23rd - Visit to Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia July ・1st - Establishment of ABEST21-QMC ・5th - ABEST21 Local Conference at Chiang Mai University, Thailand ・5th - ABEST21 Extraordinary General Assembly at Chiang Mai University, Thailand ・18th - The 1st ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・25th - Peer Review Team Network Committee in Tokyo ・30th - Visit to Toshiba Corporation August ・5th - The 2nd ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・7th - Visit to Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University ・16th - Visit to MEXT ・19th - The 3rd ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・19th - Applied for change to general incorporated association ・26th - The 4th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting September ・13th - 24th meeting of Council for Human Resources Development ・19th - The 5th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・24th - The 6th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・26th - The 7th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting October ・1st - Attended EFMD Asia Advisory Board Meeting in Phuket, Thailand ・1st - Attended Higher Education Quality Assurance Forum in Tokyo ・4th - The 8th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・4th - Visit to Higher Education Policy Planning Division, Higher Education Bureau, MEXT 5 ・9th - The 9th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・15th -The 10th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・22nd -The 11th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・24th - Visit to Matsumoto University ・25th- Visit to Toshiba Education and Training Institute ・25th - Visit by SBI Graduate School ・30th - Visit to Kansai University of International Studies November ・1st - MOT Study Group Preliminary Committee in Tokyo ・7th - Peer Review Committee at Toshiba Education and Training Institute ・8th - Global Knowledge Network Seminar at Toshiba Education and Training Institute ・11th -The 12th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・18th- The 13th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・21st - Orientation on Maintenance Accreditation ・25th - The 14th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・29th - The 25th meeting of Council for Human Resources Development December 2013 ・2nd - The 15th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・5th - The 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar ・9th - The 16th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・11th -Visit to Toshiba Education and Training Institute ・12th -Visit to Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College ・13th -On-site interview at Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University ・16th -Establishment of Specialized Accreditation Institutions Network Organization ・16th -The 17th ABEST21-QMC Executive Meeting ・16th- “Improvement Report” Assessment Coordinating Committee 2. General Information 1) Decision to change from non-profit organization to general incorporated association On Friday, July 5, 2013, ABEST21 extraordinary general assembly was held at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, chaired by Dr. Ming Yu Cheng (ABEST21 Executive Secretary). Detailed explanation on the proposal to change from non-profit organization to general incorporated association was provided by President Itoh. After exchange of opinions, the proposal was ratified supported by more than three-fourths of the regular members including proxy. 2) Application for ABEST21 as a general incorporated association The application was submitted to the Ministry of Justice on August 19, 2013, with Advisor Kazuo Tanigawa (Toshiba Corporation), Dean Yoshihiro Tokuga (Kyoto University), and President Fumio Itoh (ABEST21) as founding members. 3. Membership Services 1) New members joined in 2013 School members ・Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia ・Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Indonesia 6 ・Master of Management, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia ・School of Business and Economics, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan ・Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung, Indonesia ・Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia ・Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan ・SBI Graduate School of Management, SBI University, Japan Affiliate members ・Institute for Complex Strategic Studies, Russia ・University Teaching & Learning Centre, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Individual members ・Professor Ishak Haji Ismail (Universitis Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) ・Professor Hasnah Haji Haron (Universitis Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) ・Professor Roberto M. Arguells (Saint Louis University, Philippines) 2) Membership (as of December 1, 2013) Type School Affiliate July 2005 16 -Dec 2013 59 8 Individual -8 Reciprocal -3 Total 16 78 3) Visit to member schools ・BAN-PT On January 8, 2013, we visited BAN-PT concerning Project-7. ・Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) On January 30, 2013, we visited Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) concerning Project-7. ・Graduate School of Management, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia On May 21, 2013, we visited Graduate School of Management, International Islamic University Malaysia at Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. ・MB-IPB, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia On June 23, 2013, we visited Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University at Bogor, Java. ・APMMI Workshop On June 22, 2013, we attended the workshop at Universitas Bengkulu by APMMI (Asosiasi Program Magister Manajemen Indonesia). President Itoh made a speech on “Quality Assurance of Graduate Business Education in a Globalized World: The Role of ABEST21”. 4. Quality Assurance Services 1) Granting of Accreditation Certificates On March 9, 2013, Accreditation Certificates were granted to the following schools: ・Master of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia ・School of Business and Management, Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia 2) Committees concerning accreditation ・Peer Review Committee On March 7, 2013, Peer Review Steering Committee was held at Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa. 7 ・Accreditation Committee On March 8, 2013, Accreditation Committee for 2012 academic year was held at Toshiba Head Office Meeting Room on 39th floor. ・Peer Review Committee On November 7 and 8, 2013, Peer Review Committee for 2013 academic year was held at Toshiba Education and Training Institute in Shin Yokohama. 3) Applicant schools in 2013 Initial Accreditation – Review on “Accreditation Plan” ・Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia ・Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia ・Yayasan Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia ・Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia ・Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia ・Faculty of Business, Economics and Communication, Naresuan University, Thailand Initial Accreditation – Review on “Self-Evaluation Report” ・School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, China ・Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia ・Graduate School of Management, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia ・Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Maintenance Accreditation – Review on “Progress Report” ・Graduate School of International Management, Aoyama Gakuin University ・Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University ・Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University ・Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba 4) PDCA cycle “Improvement Report” Review for accredited schools ・Institute of Business and Accounting, Business School, Kwansei Gakuin University ・Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University ・Graduate School of Business Administration, Nanzan University ・Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University ・Faculty of Business Management & Professional Studies, Management & Science University, Malaysia ・SP Jain School of Global Management, Singapore ・Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia 5) ABEST21 Quality Assurance (AQA) Seminar ・AQA Seminar in Thailand On January 28, 2013, AQA Seminars were held in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Thailand. ・AQA Seminar in Malaysia On January 30, 2013, AQA Seminar was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). ・AQA Seminar in Indonesia On January 31, 2013, AQA Seminar was held at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) in Bandung, Indonesia, co-sponsored by AFEBI (ASOSIASI FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS INDONESIA) and ABEST21 Indonesia Committee. 8 ・Maintenance AQA Seminar On May 17, 2013, AQA Seminar on specialized maintenance accreditation was held at Minami Aoyama Kaikan. ・Initial AQA Seminar On May 20, 2013, AQA Seminar was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, targeting at applicant schools for accreditation in 2013. ・Maintenance AQA Seminar On November 21, 2013, Maintenance AQA Seminar for 2013 was held at Minami Aoyama Kaikan. 6) Establishment of Network for Subject Accreditation Agencies On Monday, December 16, 2013 at ABEST21 office, the network for agencies conducting subject quality assurance and accreditation of professional graduate schools was established, consisting of three accreditation agencies: Japan Law Foundation, Japanese Institute of International Accounting Education, and ABEST21. Together with these agencies specializing respectively in law and accounting, ABEST21 as a business accreditation institution will exchange opinions on specific issues that organizations conducting subject quality assurance and accreditation of professional graduate schools face. 5. Global Knowledge Network Services 1) International Symposium On March 9, 2013, ABEST21 International Symposium-2012 on “A Perspective on International Quality Assurance of Management Education in Asia” was held at the International Conference Hall, Aoyama Gakuin University. ・Keynote speech: Kazunobu Asada, Director of Higher Education Policy Planning Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan ・Special speech: Takeshi Hibiya, Corporate Auditor of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ・Special speech: Dean Dato’ Mohamed Mustafa Ishak (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia) ・Panel discussion: “ABEST21 Asia Quality Assurance System Model” Chair: Dr. Ruslan Prijadi (Head of Department of Management, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia) Panelists: ・Dr. Fumio Itoh (President, ABEST21) ・Dean Dr. Nury Effendi (Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia) ・Dean Dr. Ali Khatibi (Faculty of Business Management & Professional Studies, Management & Science University, Malaysia) ・Dean Dr. Sujinda Chemsripong (Faculty of Business, Economics and Communication, Naresuan University, Thailand) 2) Local Conference 2013 From July 4 to July 6, 2013, Chiang Mai Conference was held at Chiang Mai University, Thailand. ・Keynote speech: Dr.Sooksan Kantabutra (Mahidol University) on “Philosophy of Sufficiency and Its Implications on Management Education” ・Panel discussion: CSR-Case Writing ・Dr. Yuji Maeda (Kwansei Gakuin University) ・Dr. Azlan Amran (Universiti Sains Malaysia) ・Warat Winit (Chiang Mai University) ・Dr. Arief Daryanto (Bogor Agricultural University) ・Joint Research Project-7:ABEST21 Asia Quality Assurance System Model 9 ・Fumio Itoh(ABEST21) 3) Visit to Corporations ・Sony Corporation Head Office On February 12, 2013, we visited Sony Corporation in Shinagawa and learned about human resources development from Makiko Yoneda, General Manager, Recruiting Department, Human Resources Division. ・Toshiba Corporation Head Office On March 8, 2013, we visited Toshiba Corporation in Hamamatsucho. Lecture on “Toshiba HR Practices” was given by Mr. Takeyuki Miyazaki, Group Manager, Human Resources Development Group, Global Human Resources Office, Human Resources and Administration Division. ・Toshiba Corporation Fuchu Complex On March 8, 2013, we visited Toshiba Corporation Fuchu Complex in Fuchu City, and learned about the next generation “Smart Community”. ・Toshiba Education and Training Institute On November 8, 2013 at Toshiba Education and Training Institute in Shin Yokohama, Mr. Kazuhito Endo, Senior Advisor, Global HR Development Department, Human Resources & General Affairs Division, ITOCHU Corporation provided a lecture on “Global Talent Enhancement – ITOUCHU’s Case”. 4) Council for Human Resources Development ・ Report on “Aiming to Nurture Management Professionals - Second Phase Report” in October 2012. www.abest21.org/enews/chrdnews_oct_2012.pdf ・The 22nd Meeting of Council for Human Resources Development (February 15, 2013) ・The 23rd Meeting of Council for Human Resources Development (May 17, 2013) ・The 24th Meeting of Council for Human Resources Development (September 13, 2013) ・The 25th Meeting of Council for Human Resources Development (November 29, 2013) 5) ABEST21-QMC ・Establishment of ABEST21-QMC On July 1, 2013, ABEST21 Quality Management Consulting Corporation (ABEST21-QMC) was established. The new corporation will support the promotion of university education innovation based on the experience and knowledge of ABEST21. ABEST21-QMC website: http://www.abest21-qmc.com ・The 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar On Thursday, December 5, 2013 at Minami Aoyama Kaikan, the 1st ABEST21-QMC Seminar was held with the theme “University Reform in Urgent Need: How to Enhance Educational Ability”. Keynote Speech: Takafumi Goda (ABEST21-QMC Advisor, former Director-General, Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau, MEXT) Special Speech 1: Atsushi Hamana (President, Kansai University of International Studies) “Direction of University Reform and Assessment” Special Speech 2: Hiroyuki Sumiyoshi (President, Matsumoto University) “University as a Regional (intellectual) Hub” 10 6. Research Services 1) Research Projects ・Joint Research Project-5: “Developing MBA Program in Asia” Publication of “Enhancing the Quality of Business Management Education in a Globalized World” With the support of 14 schools from 10 countries, joint research project on “Developing MBA Program in Asia” was conducted. “Enhancing the Quality of Business Management Education in a Globalized World” (ISBN 978-4-905204-01-5) was published on February 28. ・Joint Research Project-6: Fuji Xerox - CSR Case Writing With the kind support of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., CSR Case Writing project is being conducted in areas with different cultural, social, and economic backgrounds: Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. ・Joint Research Project-7: “Developing ABEST21 Asia Quality Assurance System Model” The aim of this research project is to develop a quality assurance system model of management education for Asia. 11