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View - Haileybury Almaty
Achievement for All
HEADLINES by Craig Halsall
Dear all,
School Transport
I surveyed parents some time ago about possible
demand for a school transport service. Parents
expressed strong interest in this and so we have
been researching the options that may be
available to us. I am delighted to inform all
parents that we have sourced a potential
solution. I will therefore be giving a presentation
to parents at the start of the forthcoming
parents’ evenings about our plans to introduce
this service. I will also include more information
in forthcoming Headmaster’s letters so that all
parents are informed of our plans. We will
subsequently write to parents with details
including costs, timings, routes, supervision
arrangements for younger pupils and how to
reserve a place for your sons/ daughters.
ECAs next week!
Due to the large number of parents’ evenings
taking place next week, there will be no ECAs
next week except for ‘paid for’ ECAs e.g. Horse
Riding, school football teams and golf, which will
take place as normal.
The Vocab Express
League of Champions 2015
Between 30th September and 6th October, our
language students participated in a worldwide
online competition to show who could learn the
most new words in French, Mandarin or
Russian. Our school competed against more than
300 other schools, with over 50,000 students
participating in this competition. Haileybury
were placed 15th in the category for schools with
fewer than 150 participants. Richard Kitzinger,
one of the organisers of the competition,
commented that this was “an outstanding
accomplishment for our first participation”.
We achieved particularly well in Mandarin. Our
students competed against over 100 schools. We
eventually came runners-up, which is a fantastic
achievement. We achieved this fabulous result
thanks to the enormous efforts of Anuar
Umizhanov and Temirlan Sergazin (both in Year
7) who came 2nd and 3rd respectively. They
worked incredibly hard both online to compete
during their Mandarin lessons and after school,
but also gave up many of their break and
lunchtimes to improve their results. This showed
superb resilience (a Haileybury Habit), and set a
great example to other students!
The 25 top students in our school will be
awarded a special certificate in our next whole
school assembly. Well done to all involved - and
thank you to all the staff who helped support our
students with this super achievement.
Monday 12th October
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
4.00pm-6.45pm, Atrium
Tuesday 13th October
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
4.00pm-6.45pm, Atrium
Wednesday 14th October
Primary Parents’ Evening (Years 1-6)
2.30pm-6.00pm, Atrium
Thursday 15th October
Key Stage 2 Assembly
8.10am-8.30am, Drama Studio
Parents of our Pupils of the Week are invited to
join Mr Halsall for refreshments after the
Primary Parents’ Evening (Years 1-6)
2.30pm-6.00pm, Atrium
Friday 16th October
COASH U11 Football League finale
All COASH schools will attend Haileybury
Almaty next Friday, to play the final games of
the season. I hope as many parents can come
along as possible to support our boys and girls
Matches start at 4.30pm.
Saturday 17th October – Sunday 25th
Half-term Holiday
School re-opens on Monday 26th October
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Craig Halsall, Headmaster
Achievement for All
Teachers’ Day 2015
One of the lovely things about living in Kazakhstan
is that teachers have their very own day, when
teachers are celebrated and thanked by pupils and
parents for all their hard work. Teaching isn’t just
a job or a career, it’s an opportunity to shape the
future to be a better place by educating, nurturing
and inspiring young people.
Kozhekova, and some inspirational films about how
: teaching affects our lives. As one of the films put it,
“the best teachers teach from the heart, not from
the book.”
Tom Wilde, Deputy Headmaster
A Poem for Teacher’s Day
by Dina Kozhekova
It’s a lovely time for Teachers’ Day!
And we did our best!
We open minds, touch hearts,
And take children’s hands.
We’re making learning fun and cool,
And we support all the class.
We’re the soul of Haileybury School It’s the best because of us!
I’m glad to be with you today
And be your colleague…
With all my heart I want to say –
Thank you for everything!
I wish you happiness and joy,
Achievement in your work!
I hope you enjoy every day
In the Haileybury world!
Every Teachers’ Day, our administrative
colleagues at Haileybury Almaty organise a
celebration for our teachers and teaching
assistants. This year we were treated to live music
from the incredibly talented Music Department,
original poetry readings by Charlie Clarke and Dina
Achievement for All
Trip to Book City Museum
: On 17th September with other pupils, we visited Book
City Museum. There we found so many kinds of
different books. Near the large books were very
small ones as well. Many books written in different
languages, which can read as an adult as well as a
child. I liked visiting the museum very much. Books
which I liked in museum I bought at the shop in order
to read it at home.
Madina Kiyakbay, Y7HC
Thank You for the Magic
by Charlie Clarke
(based on ABBA’s hit song, ‘Thank You for the
I thought I was nothing special,
Being with me was a bit of a chore
I thought I had seen it all before
But you have a talent
That seems so out of reach
Everyone listens
When you start to teach
Listening to stories from the museum staff
That you are my teacher
I'm so grateful and proud
Now I just want to say it out loud
Thank you for the magic
For all I am learning
Thanks for all the lessons
And joy you’re bringing
It would be so hard without it,
I ask in all honesty…
What would school be?
Without teachers like you
What are we?
So I say
Thank you for the magic
For giving it to me
Listening about the Great Abay
Achievement for All
Autumn Poems
As winter is approaching, the leaves are changing
and this has inspired some of our students to write
about the beautiful season: autumn. Here you can
see some of the creative writing our KS1, KS3 and
KS4 pupils have done this week.
Year 2 students have written an acrostic poem and
illustrated them:
Year 7 students have written free verse poems:
Green, green leaves everywhere in summer
No colourful leaves
Yellow, yellow where are you?
Red, red where are you?
I can see brown shoes but no brown leaves
Autumn Came
Still no colourful leaves
Yellow, red and brown!
I can see them at last!
Yellow leaves as bright as the sun
Red leaves as beautiful as red shoes
Brown leaves as dark as chocolate
Yellow, red and brown leaves as colourful as
One by one the leaves are falling down
Slowly and sadly
Just like tears fall down
Some leaves fall down together
Crunch, crunch
People are stepping on the leaves
Achievement for All
Ouch, ouch
People are hurting the leaves
Without making any sound the snow begins to fall
Rinjoo Cho, 7SW
The rain is as heavy as an elephant,
The leaves are brighter than the sun,
The sky is as dark as the cave.
The birds are packing their stuff for moving,
The kids are splashing in the puddles.
The school is starting,
And a beginning for a new academic year.
Alidar Kuatbekov, 7HC
When Autumn Comes
Summer is in the past. Winter is in the future.
Autumn is present.
When autumn comes, the chilly weather creeps
into our breeze, and a fever arrives. When autumn
comes, our leaves fall, and create a golden
boulevard. When autumn comes, the fog bustles
around us. When autumn comes, the nature
withers in our eyes. When autumn comes, it
fascinates is with its mystery. When autumn
comes, the colours attract our sight with – golden,
duke, magenta, ginger, orange, red, purple, yellow
and the colours of the wind.
Fatima Abylgazina, 7SW
Year 11 students have written poems and
descriptive pieces about autumn:
The leaves are starting to change. Vibrant colours
of red, orange and yellow are slowly replacing the
shade of life. Summer’s green hue is fading away.
Dry breakable leaves are falling, crackling under
your foot as you walk into the darkened forest.
Birds starting to fly away to warm land as autumn
Timur Kurlabayev, 11ASE
Autumn is my favourite time in the year. The leaves
: turn from vibrant green to a whole range of sunny
yellow and gold, wine red and well kinds of browns.
Everything becomes warm and welcoming, and the
days get slightly shorter and more enjoyable. I
associate this part of the year with the feeling of
being secure and loved.
It is very sad for me that fall in Kazakhstan lasts only
about three weeks.
For me, autumn is the closure of life during the ear.
It’s natural – everything dies, because its time came.
The leaves fall off the trees, flowers stop flowering,
last fruits of the year are harvested. It’s all peaceful
and happens slowly, without any rush.
I like autumn because it’s calm. It’s tender. Autumn,
just as death, is one of the most sure things we can
experience in life. It is not sad and miserable, it’s
calm and natural.
Julia Nowak, 11ASE
What is autumn? The usual time of the year, you
would say; when it’s grey, cold and rain pours
incessantly. But have you ever thought of autumn as
something wondrous and beautiful? I personally love
In this time of the year paradisiacal gates open up
and lead you to the world of immeasurably varying
colours. You will never see such an amazing view
anywhere else. The wet and shiny meadow with
bright, fragrant and astonishing autumn flowers
growing on it. The sea of amber-yellow, sometimes
emerald-green grass; the sky that transfuses from
orange-red to silver-flack; the fluffy blue, purplish
clouds; the trees with smoothly falling yellow, green
and red leaves that seem to be drawing traffic lights
along the ground; the fresh and moist wind blowing
through the crystal fog create a wonderful autumn
melody. Looking at the deep sky with a golden
sunset, you understand that life is a one-time offer
and we must use it well.
Aisha Ashimbekova, 11ASE
Achievement for All
Furthermore, to my luck, every day of autumn that
: seems so useless and morbid to others, is covered in
quiet fog and the sapphire sky hidden behind the
grey clouds creating and unforgettable atmosphere
in my mind. I clench to it and open my sore heart to
it, easing the pain caused by different trouble.
Usually, I find myself smiling with my eyes closed,
listening to the silence of the foggy and cloudy day.
Dear diary, I, with my whole heart, hope that this
promising autumn will last a little longer than before.
For I will live everyday this autumn to the fullest.
Dana Abylgazina, 11NG
Dear diary,
It is the first day of autumn. The glorious and truly
magnificent autumn. People that surround me
mostly hate this breathtaking part of the year.
However, I, a person who always finds treasure in
insignificant moments and things, have truly
adored the golden autumn. An appealing autumn
is the precious time of my dull life that actually
makes me open my sleepy-and-bored-ofeverything eyes to a whole different world. A
world of great magic covered in the golden leaves
of autumn. How is it different from other seasons
that least the same amount of time? There are
various important reasons.
Firstly, my most favourite and most adored part of
this fortunate season is, of course, rain. Rain
wakes a whole new and completely unknown
individual in me. For instance, not being so
interested in the literature, during the rain, I
suddenly turn into a romantic trying to find the
wanted peace in the lines and words of great
poets and immortals authors. A rainy day is when
I can cure this dreadful and full-of-appallingthoughts depression in my heart. The tears full of
oppression in my soul seem to stop and die in
silence. Oh this precious silence.
Like bumblebees and butterflies
Busily flickering back and forth
Human beings energy lies
The summer’s influence arose
Here comes the gentle breeze
Hitchhiking the first chill
With that comes the long awaited peace
No more barbeque or grill
Who is out there?
Very few
Frankly, all, prepare!
The autumn shows its fruit
Yernur Niyetkaliyev, 11NG
The sun was shining brightly as I walked down the
park lane. The light from a golden sun reflected from
the puddle and back into the clear sky. Brightly
colored leaves were surrounding me as if they were
showing off their unique costumes for the festival of
colours. The grass was still freshly green, so golden
leaves were easily seen. It was creating a sense that
golden rays of sunlight had fallen to the ground. The
sense of magic was in the air.
Dasha Yakushenko, 11NG
Achievement for All
Summer, o summer - why are you gone?
I miss the joyful times when we were together,
Your hotness left me as dry as a bone,
Nevertheless, I have loved your weather
Autumn is now in the house,
Her brown leaves will engulf the city,
The constant rains will make us depressed,
Oh, what a pity,
I will stare at the shimmering sunset,
I will hear birds sing
Golden leaves will crust under my feet,
It is the sound of summer’s defeat.
After all, it is the time of the harvest
We wouldn’t survive without it,
But for some people it isn’t harmless
They are not bothered the least bit.
Tamerlan Zhutayev, 11NG
Autumn Cycle
Vibrant colours of gold and brown cling to trees
and litter the ground.
The bitter cold breeze sweeps a flurry of precious
memories; each alive once and now gone.
A show of brilliance as the winds carry thousands
down, gently drifting them from their parent tree.
We all have a time to go,
Death is a part of life,
Perhaps in vain; Perhaps in peace,
But a leaf must leave its tree.
Spring came with new life.
Unions of buds and green sprouts burst as quickly
as the frost melted.
A symphony of birth,
New life from the old,
A harmony of blooms, but:
A child must grow up eventually,
A bird must leave the nest,
A leaf its tree.
: Summer brought its own series of joys.
A lively green and lush array of flowers,
Green, Red, Yellow and White define the times
Emotions of joy but sorrow as it is known what is to
Such bittersweet memories
Such happy times
Such precious times.
But a child must mature up eventually,
A bird must make its own nest,
A leaf must help make its own tree.
The time has come
Autumn has called the leaves of many
As so many fall, new shall arise.
Gravity binds them to their fate.
Irreparably damaged
Severed from their connections.
So Lonely
So distant.
The passage of time
Binds us
We all must follow the cycle.
A rose
It hadn’t bloomed.
It was gone
Too soon.
Winter will come.
A man will die eventually,
A bird will leave the nest- one last time.
A leaf its tree.
A season passes with silence, in peace.
May winter grant this peace to the soaring birds,
The fleeting bees and flowers,
And the leaves and their trees.
Luther Michalski, 11ASE
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a
flower.”- Albert Camus
Achievement for All
Year 1 News
This week students have been identifying
thoughts and feelings of characters in a story. Both
this week and next week we will be continuing to
develop our skill of creating a story map of a
familiar story. Next week, we will learn how to
identify and describe a setting in a story. How
would your child describe places that they know?
(For example: Their room, a park, their house.)
This week we have been looking continuing with
subtraction and linking it to addition by making
equation families. Next week we will move on to
positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) and naming positions to
the left and right (the fifth apple from the left).
Have you heard these words before? When did
you hear them? Can you put the aliens in the right
In Science we finished our focus on the five senses
with a Listening Walk. Next week we will be
looking at changes that happen as people and
animals grow. With matching activities we will
identify the differences between a baby and an
adult animal. Do you know what a baby frog is
called? What does a baby butterfly look like? To
further our understanding and the changes we
experience we will work together to put human
growth stages in order.
This week we have investigated our school
building using a simple map. Next week we will be
thinking and writing about familiar places and
begin expressing our views about the different
places we visit. Why do you like your favourite
place? What places do you dislike visiting?
Other Information
Please remember that Parents’ Evenings are on
Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th next week.
Paid ECAs will run on these days, but all other ECAs
will be cancelled.
Pupils of the Week
: 1RS – Danel Baratova
1DPA – Arman Aben
1VT – Azat Bekshenov
Year 2 News
This week we have been writing our alternative
versions of Cinderella. What would you change and
how would it affect the ending? Next week we are
focusing on using adjectives to describe a real place.
Leading on to writing a postcard from a beautiful
destination. Where would you like to send a postcard
from? How would you describe your favourite place
in the world?
Wow!!! What a week we have in Year 2 Maths! The
children are multiplying in 2s, 5s and 10s! Some of
our children have even begun to see the relationship
between multiplication and division. Next week we
will be securing our knowledge and reviewing what
we have learnt. If you would like to practise at home
please use this website…,5,10-x-Table.htm
In Science we will reviewing what we have learnt in
the electricity unit. In addition we will continuing to
make our torches and then assessing our design. Did
you find any problems when making your torch? Did
you have to change the design of your torch? Did
your torch work?
This week we had a special Humanities morning!
Year Two pretended to be Mongolian soldiers,
painted Mongolian patterns and listened to a
Mongolian folk story in our yurt! They ate Mongolian
food and talked about the different flavours.
Other Information
Parents’ Evenings are on Wednesday and Thursday
next week! Please make sure you have an
Pupils of the Week
2TBS – Torejan Myrzatai
2VG – Arthur Baglan
2PG – Alisha Shlyonskih
Achievement for All
Year 3 News
In English this week, Year 3 children have enjoyed
writing their myths. They have used their plans
from the previous week to set challenges for their
hero and planned a very exciting and dangerous
journey. Next week, we will start looking at
instruction texts.
Maths this week, children have learned and
practised different strategies, including the
column method, to tackle subtraction
calculations. Next week, they will be starting to
solve word problems involving subtraction.
In Science this week, Year 3 children have
completed their ongoing experiment, measuring
their shadow sizes and discussing why the shadow
sizes change throughout the day. They have also
made a start to look at sundials. Next week,
children will evaluate their learning.
This week in Humanities, children have learned
about the Roman Gods. In small groups, they have
discussed who these Gods were and identified
their powers. Next week, we will complete the
topic and the children will evaluate their learning.
Other Information
Please make sure you attend to the Parents’
Evenings on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th
next week. Only paid ECAs will run on these two
days. Please also note that it is the final week of
the first half term.
Pupils of the Week
3ZKW – Emildzhan Atar
3MS – Zhannet Yestay
3ASL – Seungyo Jeong
Year 4 News
: English
We started a new unit on fables this week and have
had some great discussions on the lessons to be
learned from them (the morals). The children have
enjoyed creating alternative dialogue for The Wolf
and the Lamb and have practised editing their work
using more powerful words.
This week in Maths we have been learning how to
multiply 4 times by doubling 2 and multiply 6 times
table by doubling 3. Next week, the children will be
learning about 3D shapes. We will look at the
properties of the shapes in relation to 2D shapes,
nets of the different shapes and find out if children
can identify where we can find examples of 3d
shapes in real life.
In Science we continued with our topic of moving
and growing looking at the different types of teeth
there are and what their functions are. Next week
we will look at why it is important to look after our
teeth and briefly look at what affects our bones. We
will complete the topic with a test on what we have
covered in the topic.
In Humanities we continued looking at the
importance of the Nile to the people of Ancient Egypt
this week and also tried making a shaduf in class.
Next week, we will be looking at what the homes of
the Ancient Egyptians looked like.
Other Information
We will be having our Parents’ Evenings on
Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th next week. There
will only be paid ECAs running on these days.
Pupils of the Week
4PW – Amelie Kanasheva
4JWA – Aldiyar Toibazarov
4GN – Hassam Khan
Achievement for All
Year 5 News
Students have been working on their written skills
this week by writing stories. This is an excellent
resource for story planning. We will be introducing
a new unit next week: Poetry. This is also exciting
as there will soon be a Poetry competition in
school! If you would like to prepare, this website
will give you some good pointers.
Students have been studying tally charts and
frequency tables and the importance or
calculating the mean, median, mode and average.
Next week we are working on decimals: addition,
subtraction and place value. This can be quite a
tricky topic, so it would be beneficial to practice at
home! This is a good game for practice!
Year 5 have returned to our topic: Keeping
Healthy, and have been learning about the
hazards caused by cigarettes. Year 5 are designing
their own packets with warning labels, to deter
people from smoking. On Friday we will test
certain food groups for carbohydrates and try to
establish a healthy eating plan.
It’s war this week in Year 5! The Battle of
Marathon is upon us. Time to design shields to use
in battle and learn some important facts about
this. Year 5 are even staging their own battle next
week! Who will win the war I wonder?
Other Information
For the time being, our spellings and times tables
results will be in the student’s planner. Please sign
these at your earliest convenience. Please note
that only paid ECAs will run next Thursday, due to
Primary Parents’ Evening. We look forward to
meeting you.
Year 6 News
: English
Our unit on poetry will help children to study and use
different types of imagery. Pupils will develop their
writing skills as they learn to use similes, metaphors
and personification. This BBC website offers clear
explanations. Good examples of personification are
on this website.
Next week, Year 6 pupils will be adding and
subtracting near multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. They
will be developing their written and mental addition
and subtraction strategies – advice and practice if
offered on this website. Pupils will also be using of
algebra to find missing numbers.
We will be finishing our unit on ‘Interdependence
and Adaptation’ this week. Next week, we will start
to study ‘Light’. Pupils will mind map and brainstorm
“What is Light?” and “How do we see?” This BBC
website will support this introduction.
Pupils have been learning about Queen Victoria as
Queen of _____? Children will use atlases with a
historical and current map to identify the
components of the United Kingdom and countries
that were once part of the British Empire during the
reign of Queen Victoria.
Other Information
A reminder that there will be two Parents’ Evenings
next week (Wednesday 14th October and Thursday
15th October). Please do choose a convenient slot
and send us your reply! Only paid ECAs will run on
these two days.
Pupils of the Week
6RB – Nurtay Beisbekov
6NSО – Elizaveta Polyanskaya
6JW – Archie Clayton
Pupils of the Week
5BT – Batyrkhan Tazhiyev
5DK – Nurali Beisbekov
5CCL – Nikita Kroshko
Primary Pupils of the week
Congratulations to these children!
Danel Baratova
1 RS
Danel has been working hard this week in English, especially when retelling the story
of Aaaah Spider! She has also done some good acting over the past few weeks. Well
Arman Aben
Arman has worked extremely hard to improve his English speaking and behaviour
since the beginning of the year. He has consistently been an excellent line leader and a
great speaker on the carpet. A very big well done, Arman.
Azat Bekshenov
1 VT
Azat Bekshenov is our student of the week. Azat is very connected to lessons being
taught. He thinks about the concepts, asks great questions, and shares good thoughts
about his learning. He is speaking more English every week. I am very proud of Azat
and all he is doing in year 1.
Torejan Myrzatai
Torejan has worked hard this week. He enjoyed working hard and training to be a
Mongol Solider.
Alisha Shlyonskih
Alisha has continued to show a great attitude to learning and has worked hard this
week in maths and has mastered the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Well done Alisha!
2 PG
Arthur Baglan
Arthur has continued to try his best in every subject this week. He has been
enthusiastic about every subject and is always ready to learn!
2 VG
Pupil name
Primary Pupils of the week
Congratulations to these children!
Zhannat Yestay
3 MS
We love hard working children in Year 3. We need hard working children in Year 3! It
makes Mr Slades job easier. Zhannat is all of this, so for that we are very grateful and
Emildzhan Atar
For always trying his best and working very hard in all lessons but he has a special
interest in Maths. Emildzhan is improving his addition and subtraction skills of 3-digit
numbers. He can use different methods to calculate, including the column method.
Well done and keep it up.
Seungyo Jeong
For always putting in 100% effort in each lesson and also being a brilliant ELL. Keep on
being a superstar!
Hassam Khan
He has been excellent this week. He has shown initiative while carrying out his class
tasks and his homework has been outstanding. He is a good team member and very
lively class participant. Keep up this great attitude.
4 GN
Aldiyar Toibazarov
He has been producing work of a consistently high standard in English. His English
vocabulary is interesting and lively and his work is always a real pleasure to read. Well
done and keep it up!
Amelie Kanasheva
She has a great attitude to her learning. In particular she can work independently and
always tries her best. These qualities are helping her to improve in Literacy and Maths.
Well done!
4 PW
Primary Pupils of the week
Congratulations to these children!
Batyrkhan Tazhiyev
5 BT
For the extremely positive start he has made to group reading, individual reading and
the Year 5 Reading Challenge. As a result of all this effort, Batyrkhan’s English is
improving day by day.
Nurali Beisbekov
Nurali is adept at following instructions and asking questions relevant to our topics.
Keep up the good work.
5 DK
Nikita Kroshko
This boy has been working very hard and his work rate and English improve all the
time. Keep up the super progress Nikita!
Nurtay Beisbekov
For his excellent Attitude to Learning! Nurtay is a polite pupil who works hard and
plays (football) hard! He is a model student in the classroom, with a great sense of
humour and he is helping the school football team in his spare time.
6 RB
Elizaveta Polyanskaya
For always making an effort across all subjects. Contributing to class and group
discussions and demonstrating a good ATL in school.
Archie Clayton
For his outstanding effort and ATL in Maths Club… He has completed a million tasks
already and he keeps getting faster and faster in his calculations! Well done and keep
going, Archie!
6 JW
Achievement for All
A Comic Strip Story by Anna Kim, 8SJ