2015 Police Annual Report
2015 Police Annual Report
BRIDGEPORT TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2015 1 PROFESSIONAL POLICE CODE OF ETHICS The Bridgeport Charter Township Police Department subscribes to the Professional Police Code of Ethics. All sworn members have a fiduciary and ethical responsibility to abide, both on-duty and off-duty, by its provisions. As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental obligation is to be a responsible public servant. My major duties are to safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against violence and deception and the weak against oppression and intimidation. While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I accept the responsibilities for my actions, as well as inactions, while on duty or off duty, when those actions bring disrepute on the public image of my employer, my fellow workers and the law enforcement profession. I vow to perform all my duties in a lawful, professional and competent manner. I consider the abilities to be courageous in the face of danger and to exercise restraint in the use of my powers and authorities to be the ultimate public trust. I accept that I must consistently strive to achieve excellence in learning the necessary knowledge and skills associated with my duties. I will keep myself physically fit and mentally alert so that I am capable of performing my duties according to the standards of quality expected of my position. I vow to be fully truthful and honest in my dealings with others. I deplore lies and halftruths that mislead or do not fully inform those who rely on my honesty. I will obey the laws that I have sworn to enforce and uphold. I will conduct myself and perform my duties and responsibilities in a manner that complies with the standards of my Department and the lawful directions of my supervisors. I vow to treat others with courtesy at all times. I consider it to be a professional weakness to allow another’s behavior to dictate my actions. I will not allow others’ actions or failings to be my excuse for not performing my duties in a responsible, professional and expected manner. I vow to empathize with the problems of people with whom I come into daily contact. However, I will not allow my personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence the discretionary authorities entrusted to me. I will affirmatively seek ways to avoid conflicts and potential conflicts of interest that could compromise my official authority or my employer's public image. I hold the authority inherent in my position to be an affirmation of the public’s trust in me as a public servant. I do not take this trust lightly. As long as I remain in this position, I will dedicate myself to maintaining this trust and upholding all the ideals of my profession. 2 OUR MISSION In compliance with professional standards established by the Oath of Office, Professional Code of Ethics, and directives to perform in such a manner that promotes the public’s trust, confidence, and sense of safety and security. This mission is a commitment to quality performance from all members. It is critical that all members understand, accept and be aligned with the responsibilities established by this mission. It provides the foundation upon which all operational decisions and organizational directives will be based. Directives include rules, regulations, operating policies, procedures and practices. This mission represents the commitment of this administration to the concepts of quality performance management. In other words, members are expected to work consistently in a quality manner in the daily performance of those duties, job responsibilities and work tasks associated with this mission. Quality manner means that performance outcomes comply with the performance standards established for this Department and for each member associated with this Department. Examples of performance standards include the oath of office, code of ethics, agency rules, policies, procedures, directives, general and supervisory orders, work productivity and performance behavior. Each member is required to accept the responsibility for the achievement of this mission and publicly register his or her commitment to it and to the concepts of quality service. OUR MOTTO HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND SERVICE 3 CORE VALUES Values are the core of our moral beliefs and self-worth. They are convictions that bond us together to accomplish specific tasks and objectives, they are what we share and believe. We, the members of the Bridgeport Charter Township Police Department, value: 1. Constitutional Rights We shall uphold this country’s values as embodied in the Constitution and dedicate ourselves to the preservation of life, individual freedom and justice for everyone. 2. Integrity Integrity is the absolute honest and ethical personal behavior and performance of duty that must be the hallmark of every member of this Police Department. 3. Professional Excellence Recognizing the changing and diverse needs of the community, the Bridgeport Charter Township Police Department pledges to establish and maintain high performance standards to ensure public confidence and trust. Professional excellence is a direct result of progressive training, a positive attitude and personal commitment. 4. Commitment to Members The Department recognizes that its members are the vital component to the successful delivery of our services. We believe we can achieve our highest potential by actively involving our members in problem solving and improving our services. We support an organizational climate of mutual trust and respect. 5. Community Orientation Members shall uphold laws in an ethical, impartial, courteous and professional manner while respecting the rights and dignity of all persons. We will be compassionate and provide assistance to victims and those in need. 6. Community Partnership We encourage and expect the participation of the community in facilitating solutions to problems of mutual concern. We solicit and support contributions from all members of our community. 7. Loyalty Members owe a high duty of loyalty (i.e., dedicated to the ideals, mission, goals, and objectives) to our community, the police profession, their jobs, and the Bridgeport Charter Township Police Department. This requires being productive, giving their best to work effectively and efficiently, complying in deed and spirit with the Department’s lawful directives, cooperating and working amicably with others, following the chain-ofcommand when applicable, being respectful, and conducting themselves in a manner that does not needlessly or falsely cast the Department’s reputation, or the reputation of its members, in a false light. 4 POLICE DEPARTMENT STAFFING CHIEF OF POLICE DAVID DUFFETT PATROL SGT. JEFF ROBERTS UNIFORMED INVESTIGATOR REBECCA CARPUS (FORMERLY REBECCA LAMEY) SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER BRENT GREEN PATROL OFFICERS CHARLES PRICE ERIC MYCZKOWIAK TYLER POIRIER ERIK SKABARDIS MAT KAS-MIKHA DENNIS HOWE JUSTIN WALKER (ON LEAVE) CLERK/DISPATCHER PATRICIA EZELL 5 INTRODUCTION I’ve prepared this report to give you a brief overview of some of the activities of our Police Department this past year. This report is only a brief overview and I welcome any of our Board Members to come and visit our Department and/or participate in a ride along with one of your Officers. Feel free to call me anytime to discuss any questions or concerns. STAFFING ADDITIONS Officers Erik Skabardis and Mat Kas-Mikha were hired on March 2, 2015 per the passing of the Police Department Assessment request in November of 2014. Officer Dennis Howe was hired August 31, 2015 to fill the vacancy of patrol hours when Officer Brent Green was assigned to the Bridgeport/Spaulding School Resource Officer position. These hires brought us back to 24/7 coverage including covering times for Officers that are scheduled off for training, vacation, etc. SAGINAW COUNTY 911 POLICE CAD EVENTS Officers from the Bridgeport Township Police Department recorded 8653 CAD 911 events this year. This number only includes events recorded by Central Dispatch and do not include incidents that Officers handle through our Office that do not go through 911. To break that down further, that number indicates each Officer handled an average of approximately 961 events through 911 last year. POLICE REPORTS Officers completed 2361 reports last year for an average of 262 reports per Officer. WARRANTS Officers obtained 68 Felony Warrants and 135 Misdemeanor Warrants through the Saginaw County Prosecutor’s Office. TRAFFIC CITATIONS Officers issued 394 traffic citations in 2015. I feel it’s important to note that it is the opinion of our office to issue citations to help correct negative driving behavior in order to make our community safer. It is not our policy to issue citations for the sole purpose of generating revenue. 6 REVENUE GENERATED It is not the policy of our Department to issue citations solely for the purpose of generating revenue, however, we do attempt to recoup some of our costs through the receipt of a portion of traffic fines, impound fees, etc. Below are a few of these revenues: Traffic/Criminal Fines Vehicle Impound Release Fees Seatbelt Enforcement Grant Impaired Driving Enforcement Grant Other State Grants, including Liquor License MI Justice Training Fund School Security Revenue (Athletic events, etc.) $9,532.87 $13,781 $2,209.97 $3,940.53 $6,083 $1,396.29 $4,332.07 These are just a few of the revenues generated to recoup our costs. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER On January 12, 2015, the Bridgeport Township Police Department entered into an agreement with the Bridgeport Spaulding School District to provide a School Resource Officer (Brent Green) from January 19, 2015 to the end of the school year June 5, 2015. The Bridgeport/Spaulding School District agreed to pay the wages for the SRO position for that time frame in the amount of $31,696. On June 9, 2015, we entered into another agreement to provide an SRO to the school district for the 2015/2016 school year beginning September 8, 2015 and ending June 3, 2016. The school agreed to pay the wages for the SRO for a total amount of $57,052.80. I have met with Superintendent Carol Selby as well as other school officials including principals and other staff, whom have commended Officer Green on a job well done. This position has allowed Officer Green to handle major and minor incidents in the schools as well as allowing students and staff to get to know Officer Green as a person and not just a uniform. This position has also freed up our daytime Officer to concentrate on other issues throughout the Township. This position has been a win for the schools, our Department and most importantly, our Community. I plan on meeting with Superintendent Carol Selby as the school district works through their debt elimination plan to continue this position for the 2016/2017 school year. 7 BRIDGEFEST FESTIVAL SECURITY Our Department provided security for the midway for the Bridgefest Festival held June 11 through June 14, 2015. This is the first year that our Department has handled security. In the past, the Bridgefest Committee had hired the Saginaw County Sheriff Department to provide security using Reserves and other personnel. Our Patrol Officers spent many hours responding to assist Deputies in years past with incidents on the midway. This year I believe security ran much smoother with no major incidents. We had to remove a few juveniles from the midway grounds who were creating problems and starting fights. It should be noted that these juveniles were not residents and they were detained until parents could pick them up. Charges were later brought up through the Saginaw County Prosecutor’s Office and the Saginaw County Juvenile Center for Disorderly Conduct. We were reimbursed $1,800 from the Bridgefest Committee to cover our Over Time expense of the Officers assigned to the Bridgefest Detail. An estimate has been provided to the Bridgefest Committee to provide security again this year for the Bridgefest Festival scheduled June 9 through June 12, 2016. I look forward to providing security again this year for the festival. I feel this is a great event for our Community and I want to see the event succeed and not fail due to a security incident. 1033 MILITARY SURPLUS PROGRAM We continue to participate in the Federal 1033 military surplus program. Through this program, we are able to obtain equipment through the military for minimal cost. The only cost is for shipping and/or fuel/time to go to the sites to pick up property. Through this program we have obtained over 338 different pieces of property, including: Tools and Tool Chests Exercise Equipment Clothing and Boots Office Equipment and Furniture including desks, file cabinets and an industrial paper shredder Firearms including Patrol Rifles and revolvers to be carried as backup weapons Automotive Equipment and tools Digital Cameras for evidence photographing These are just a few of the items we have received. Items that did not fit our needs as we thought they would have been given to other Departments including, DPW, Parks and Recs and Waste Water. The remaining items have been sold or auctioned for a total of $7314.94. 8 We also obtained 2 Humvees to be used for emergency use in inclement weather, off road search, rescue or recovery and for community events such as Bridgefest or Parades. We have placed 1 Humvee into service and are using the 2nd for parts. Before and after photos are below. The picture above shows the Humvee when we first brought it back to the Department from the military in Columbus, Ohio. The finished project and ready for service. 9 A special Thank You to those who helped with the project. PATROL VEHICLES With the filling of open Police Officer positions, we were required to add a Patrol Vehicle to our fleet. We obtained a 2015 Chevrolet PPV Tahoe with the new 4 wheel drive option feature for the Police Pursuit Vehicle edition. I was able to make adjustments in my budget to cover the cost of this vehicle without having to pull additional funds from the General Budget. We now have 5 Patrol Tahoes in our fleet and they have proven to be very cost effective, dependable and most important SAFE for both our residents and our Officers. TRAINING We continue to do our best to keep our Officers trained and in tune with advancements in expectations from our Community. All of our Officers received a specialized 3 day training this past year in Multicultural Diversity Training. This training was put on through a grant. 10 We were also able to send Officer Poirier to an Evidence Technician School to assist him in processing evidence scenes such as Breaking and Enterings. Many years ago, nearly every Officer had this training in our Department. It is my goal to send at least 1 Officer per year to this training until all of our Officers are trained. This training is very helpful to our residents who become the unfortunate victim of a Breaking and Entering. We still utilize the MSP Crime Lab for major assaults/deaths, but they will not come out for a Breaking and Entering. Myself and Sgt. Roberts were also able to attend very valuable leadership training, Leading by Legacy for Smaller Agencies put on by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. This training was also provided through a grant. I was later chosen to attend a training update and meeting at the IACP office in Virginia to discuss the program and what may be done to improve it. The trip was funded by the IACP. We have 2 Officers assigned to the Saginaw County Area Traffic Investigation Team and they continue to receive updated training reference Traffic Investigation. This team provides tremendous assistance with serious injury and/or fatal traffic crash investigations. Uniformed Investigator Rebecca Carpus continues to receive additional training in interviewing and investigating techniques. She has proven to be a great asset to our Department and Community in regards to investigations. The above are just a few examples of the many areas in which our Officers receive training to benefit our Community. CONCLUSION I am very proud of the progress we have made as a Department this year and with your support will strive to continue this progress so we may serve our Community to the best of our ability. I am very proud of our Department and all of its members and look forward to continuing to be progressive and growing to help to make our Community safer. Respectfully submitted, David Duffett Chief of Police Bridgeport Township Police Department (989) 777-2800 X219 Email: Dduffett@bridgeportmi.org 11