SSPB Catalog - Sunday School Publishing Board
SSPB Catalog - Sunday School Publishing Board
Townsend Press RECENT RELEASES DISCOVERING SELF SERIES—BOOK ONE: “WHO AM I?” Through small group dialogue and solid Bible studies, this book addresses the lives of familiar biblical personalities who confronted common personal identity issues such as the following: the dangers of not knowing who you are; how to stay true to yourself; the ABCs of discovering self; and how to overcome an identity crisis. It helps the reader understand the complexities of self from both the biblical and social perspectives. Dr. Antwion M. Yowe, Item #999101/Price: $8.95 DISCOVERING SELF SERIES—BOOK TWO: “DEVELOPING ME” This book addresses the intricacies of how a person’s self is developed. The author discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life and points out in clear and unmistakable language that the Holy Spirit and one’s conscience are not the same. The reader will be provided insights into how the conscience works and how it operates as a legislator, a motivator, a disciplinarian, and a judge. He also provides the reader with a perspective on how we are to protect our consciences. Dr. Antwion M. Yowe, Item #17799/Price: $8.95 AVAILABLE WINTER 2015 THE FIRST-CENTURY MISSION AND THE TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY CHURCH This book is designed to help church leaders recapture the biblical concepts of the mission of the firstcentury church, and then infuse and impart those concepts into the local church’s mission ministries. The mission of the church remains the same because the Master (who gave the mission) remains the same. Rev. Samuel W. Hale Jr., Item #19748/Price: $8.95 AVAILABLE WINTER 2015 REACHING THE UN-CHURCHED: PATHWAY TO CHURCH GROWTH This is a must-have mentoring tool for every pastor. More than a research manual of data and statistics, this book is filled with personal experiences to show how a church can build the future without tearing up the past. Dr. Michael W. Wesley Sr., Item #17800/Price: $12.99 AVAILABLE WINTER 2015 2 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 Townsend Press RECENT RELEASES INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE: AN EASY-TO-READ GUIDE TO ITS PURPOSE AND ORIGIN This easy-to-follow Bible study provides an interactive way to better understand the foundational truths necessary to grow a more vital relationship with God through the study of the purpose and origin of God’s written Word. This book will greatly enhance one’s Christian life and walk with the Lord. It will spark within the reader a desire to become a more intense and intentional student of the Bible. Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns, Item #999102/Price: $8.95 THE NEED FOR URGENCY OF OUTREACH AND IN-REACH IN THE SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL (“Workshop Helps” CD included) This book provides an important message to the twenty-first-century church in revitalizing our Sunday Church School through outreach and in-reach. This is an excellent resource book and guide to getting us back on track in building strong, vibrant churches that will involve the leadership and laity together for the cause of Christ. The book is filled with many formulating designs to acquaint the serious-minded pastor/ teacher and leaders with resources for accomplishing their task. Wilma N. Bachus, Ph.D., Item #17785/Price: $7.95 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM? Dr. Collier shares that the central thesis of this book is that the saints of God must share their Christian faith with the lost. Believers must evangelize the lost—otherwise, Christianity might “fossilize” as a once-great movement. The author provides a brief history of Christian evangelism over the last half century. He also emphasizes the centrality of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world. Dr. Jarvis L. Collier, Item #999100/Price: $14.99 THE CHILDREN’S CHURCH CHOIR This book is designed to assist children’s choir directors and those who desire to develop a ministry of music for children. It is also designed to help empower directors of children’s choirs to utilize every ounce of their God-given potential to begin the process of elevating children—through biblically based choral instruction—to their highest level of spiritual growth and development. Phyllis E. Johnson-Porter, Ed.D, Item #19749/Price: $12.99 AVAILABLE WINTER 2015 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve3 Sunday School Leadership Resource Kits Page 5 Faith Bible Studies Curriculum for Adults and Young Adults Page 6 Faith Bible Studies Curriculum for Youth Page 7 Faith Bible Studies Curriculum for Children Pages 8-9 Commentaries Page 10 Living the Baptist Faith Resources Page 11 S.E.E.D. Resources Pages 12-13 Advent Devotional Page 14 Total Praise Resources Page 15 Jubilee Resources Pages 16-17 Townsend Press Resources Pages 18-19 Bibles/Bible Commentaries Pages 20-23 Christian Education Resources Pages 24-25 Women’s Ministry Resources Pages 26-27 Children’s Ministry Resources Pages 28-29 Youth and Young Adult Resources Page 30 Adult Resources Page 31 To Order: 1. Call or visit Web site 2. Enter code SUN039 in the “Additional Comments” field Toll-Free: 1-800-798-3115 (ext 234) Fax: 705-848-1649 E-mail: Web site: Counseling Resources Page 32 Music and Worship Resources Page 33 Inspirational Resources Page 34 Social Concerns Resources Page 35 Church Growth Resources Page 36 Certificates for Your Special Days Page 37 FAITH Sunday School Teacher’s Leadership Resource Kits The new Sunday school teacher’s Leadership Resource Kits are chocked full of ideas that will enhance your teaching experience. They include posters, teaching aids, games, interactive activities, and much more! Order one for each age division. Features: • Full-color, multipurpose contents • Exciting interactive activities • Posters • Engaging Study lesson tools • Helps to bring Bible stories to life • Games that enhance learning Order Faith Leadership Resource Kits Winter 2015! Bible Studies for Older Children Item #102RK $13.95 Bible Studies for Younger Children Item #103RK $13.95 Bible Studies for Adults and Young Adults Item #100RK $13.95 Bible Studies for High School and Middle School Students Item #101RK $13.95 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 5 FAITH Bible Studies for Adults and Young Adults Features: • Helpful Key Terms • Realistic “Illustrations” • *Captivating “Introductions” • **Realistic “Life Happens” Case Studies • Enlightening Biblical Contexts and Overviews • Two Bible Translations • Insightful Biblical Analysis • **Engaging Starter Questions • Meaningful What Do You Think? Questions • User-friendly Icons. . . Along with “Your Life” and “Your World!” sections that help students apply the lesson. Faith Series Teacher’s Guide includes great adult lesson planning helps and tips. Order Faith Bible Studies today! • Ages 35 and Above 6 *Faith Pathway [Adult Large Print] Item #8 $3.75 *Faith Pathway [Adult] Item #15 $3.35 **Faith Journey [Young Adult] Item #14 $2.95 Faith Series Teacher’s Guide Item #17 $3.95 • Ages 18-34 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 FAITH Bible Studies for High School and Middle School Students Features: • Magazine format • Brief and more relevant lessons • Realistic imagery • Student devotional calendar • YOUTHSPEAK! editorial page • User-friendly icons and Internet links • Music, books, and/or movie reviews • Articles focusing on teen and cultural issues Faith Series Youth Teacher’s Guide includes youth lesson planning helps and tips. Order Faith Bible Studies today! Faith Connection Item #13 $3.05 Faith Walk Item #7 $3.05 Faith Series Youth Teacher’s Guide Item #12 $3.60 [High School Students] [Middle School Students] Bible Studies for High School Students Bible Studies for Middle School Students Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 7 FAITH Bible Studies Curriculum for Children Note: Bible and Contemporary Stories Back in Teachers’ Books! • Engaging Activities • Lesson Characters for Older Children • Helpful Lesson Review for Parents • Great Optional Resources! • Pax the Penguin [Hand Puppet for Younger Students] Faith Series Building Blocks Teacher’s Guide includes children’s lesson planning helps and tips. Faith Building Blocks, Teacher’s Guide Toddlers to Grade 1 Item #9A $2.95 Faith Building Blocks, Picture Lesson Cards Toddlers to Twos Item #4 $2.85 Faith Building Blocks, Preschool Ages 3-4 Item #1 $2.75 Faith Building Blocks, Early Elementary Grades K-1 Item #2 $2.75 Pax the Penguin, Hand Puppet Item #11883 8 Sunday School Publishing Board $14.95 | | 800.359.9398 Hi! We’re Nicholas and Cornelius! We can’t wait to learn with you! Faith Explorers, Teacher’s Guide Grades 2-6 Item #9B $2.95 Faith Explorers Bible Studies, Middle Elementary Grades 2-3 Item #3 $2.75 Faith Explorers Activity Book, Middle Elementary Grades 2-3 Item #10 $2.40 Faith Explorers Bible Studies, Upper Elementary Grades 4-6 Item #6 $2.75 Faith Explorers Activity Book, Upper Elementary Grades 4-6 Item #11 $2.40 Hi, I’m Ruby the Red Panda. We’re going to have lots of fun! Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 9 SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMENTARIES Townsend Press Sunday School Commentaries The Centerpiece for Church School Preparation Sunday School Commentary This is the centerpiece for Bible study preparation for Sunday school. Outlines are based on the International Bible Lessons Plan. The September 2015—August 2016 Commentary features the following: • A list of printed texts with three-year study cycle; general introduction to each quarter with life-centered concerns • Special points of emphasis for easy retention • Lesson at-a-glance • Home Daily Bible Readings • CD of the book Flashlight Concise Commentary This book has expository comments with topical headings and the Home Daily Bible Readings. Item #989811 $8.95 Item #989839 $19.50 Sunday School Commentary Sunday School Commentary NEW three-ring binder NEW three-ring binder Teacher’s Edition The Teacher’s Edition includes the entire Sunday School Commentary with: • Teaching Ideas and Tips • Teaching Strategies • Targeted Teaching Tips • CD of the book • Durable quality Item #12321A $27.95 Pastor’s Edition The Pastor’s Edition includes the entire Sunday School Commentary with: • Sermonic Subjects • Powerful Preaching Pointers • Teaching Helps • Teaching Ideas and Tips • Teaching Strategies • CD of the book • Durable quality Item #12320A $29.95 10 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 FAITH The new Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies for small groups provide a comprehensive series of topics that address the critical doctrinal needs for today’s Baptists of all ages. The series is designed to help Baptists know, understand, and embrace their identity, history, doctrines, beliefs, and distinctiveness with small group tools and approaches. Features: • Excellent Weekly Bible Study Option • Interactive • Bible-based • User-friendly with small group leader guides • Excellent for personal Bible study and application LIVING THE BAPTIST FAITH LIVING THE BAPTIST Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for Adults) —Ages 35 and Above Item #17792 $3.50 Item #17793 $3.50 Item #17794 $2.95 Item #17795 $2.95 Item #17796 $2.95 Item #17797 $2.95 Item #17798 $3.75 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for Young Adults) —Ages 18-34 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for High School Students) —Grades 10-12 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for Middle School Students) —Grades 7-9 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for Older Children) —Grades 4-6 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Series 1: Baptists and the Bible (for Younger Children) —Grades 1-3 Living the Baptist Faith Bible Studies Small Group Leader’s Guide for Younger Children–Adults Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 11 S.E.E.D. SERIES AND ACCESSORIES a b c d e f g i h a Life Sustainers Ages 55 and Up $3.50 b Life Planters f SEED Adult Teacher’s Guide This teacher’s guide for the SEED series is for Deeper Roots, Life Planters, and Life Sustainers. $3.75 Ages 36-54 $3.50 c Deeper Roots Ages 18-35 $3.50 g SEED Children & Youth Teacher’s Guide This teacher’s guide for the SEED series is for Growing in Christ and Growing in Grace. $3.25 d Growing in Grace Ages 12-17 $2.95 e h SEED Journal Reflect upon each lesson using your own words! This environmentally friendly spiral journal contains a SEED pen, and each of the two hundred, lined pages features an inspirational Scripture. Item #13058 $10.00 i SEED Tote Bag This is a canvas tote bag with the SEED logo, button closure, and enough space to hold your SEED books, Sunday school literature, and other on-the-go essentials! 12”W x 14”H x 3.5”D Item #13059 $6.00 Growing in Christ Ages 11 and Under $2.95 12 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 QUARTERLY STUDY PLAN SEED Series—Experience Spiritual Elements Essential for Discipleship Designed for all age groups, SEED is intended to be taught in a classroom setting over an eight-week period. This series is a spiritually transformative process by which a student, through an encounter with Jesus Christ and the Bible’s teachings, experiences Christian maturity or growth in his or her faith journey. 2015-2016 FALL WINTER SPRING 2016-2017 2017-2018 Series One: Series Five: Series Nine: Series Two: Series Six: Series Ten: Series Three: Series Seven: Discipleship and New Life Discipleship and Life Choices Discipleship and Family Life Four: SUMMER Series Discipleship and Spiritual Gifts Discipleship and Church Life Discipleship and Civic Duty Discipleship and Personal Stewardship Discipleship and the Global Community Discipleship and Physical Health Series Eight: Discipleship and Society *For a complete listing, go to pages 46-47 of this catalog. j k j SEED Starter Kit Contains all pupil and teacher books of Series One! Plus— SEED Tote Bag and SEED Journal • Designed to challenge, convict and convert people to be better disciples of Jesus • Each series contains 8 (eight) biblically based life lessons • Use for Wednesday night church school or as a short-term alternative to Sunday morning church school Item #13060K $34.95 k SEED Complete Growth Kit Includes 80 books! (All pupil and teacher books of all 10 series) Plus—SEED Tote Bag and SEED Journal • Designed to challenge, convict, and convert people to be better disciples of Jesus • Each series contains 8 (eight) biblically based life lessons • Use for Wednesday night church school or as a short-term alternative to Sunday morning church school Item #13060KIT $200.00 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 13 ADVENT DEVOTIONAL EXPECTATION. REVELATION. PEACE. Christmas devotions are an excellent way for families to get ready for Christmas. You are guided in daily devotion and meditation with Scripture, prayer, and a focused seasonal message. Item #12317 Bundle of Ten: Item #12317B $1.95 $17.95 ADVENT DEVOTIONAL IN PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS 14 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation ENHANCING THE WAY YOU PRAISE • 569 traditional and contemporary songs • 52 responsive readings • 46 litanies for special days Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation—Keyboard Accompaniment Edition This is a new, two-volume set of traditional and contemporary songs, responsive readings, and worship resources. Designed with larger type and scores. Spiral-bound to lay flat for easier use. Softbound cover. Navy blue with gold lettering. Item #13061A $59.95 Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation—Pew Edition Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation—Pulpit Edition A new, multifaceted worship tool for your traditional and contemporary services. Includes responsive readings and litanies for special days, the Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant. Great for pastors, choir directors, and praise team leaders. Hardbound cover. Navy blue with gold lettering. Attractive, leather-bound hymnal of traditional and contemporary songs for praise and worship. Includes responsive readings and worship resources for every occasion. Designed appropriately to adorn the pulpit. Black with gold lettering. Item #13061 $18.00 TOTAL PRAISE TOTAL PRAISE RESOURCES Item #13061P $39.95 Additional shipping time is required to imprint hymnals. Please check with your Customer Care representative. Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 15 JUBILEE CREATIONS Juba Teens Juba Teens Juba Middlers Juba Middlers Juba Juniors Juba Juniors $5.95 $6.95 $5.95 $6.95 $5.95 $6.95 Rites of Passage Student Book Item #989945 Rites of Passage Teacher’s Guide Item #989941 Student Book Grades 4, 5, 6 Item #989944 Teacher’s Guide Grades 4, 5, 6 Item #989946 Student Book Grades 1, 2, 3 Item #989942 Soul Teacher’s Guide Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Item #989926 $3.95 Soul Middlers Grades 4, 5, 6 Item #989925 $4.95 16 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 Soul Juniors Grades 1, 2, 3 Item #989924 $4.95 Teachers’ Guide Grades 1, 2, 3 Item #989943 Jubilee Creations $14.95 $14.95 Frederick Douglass Item #989953 Fannie Lou Hamer Item #989979 JUBILEE CREATIONS Jubilee Creations Also Available: $3.95 Samuel DeWitt Proctor Item #989954 $3.95 Frederick Douglass Item #989964 $3.95 Lott Carey Item #989948 $3.95 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ida B. Wells-Barnett Item #989951 Item #989950 $3.95 $3.95 George Liele Phillis Wheatley Item #989952 Item #989949 $3.95 $24.95 Set of 7 posters Item #989933 African American Jubilee Legacy Spiritual Odyssey This is a 460-page, full-color reference for the entire family: a keepsake for every American home—a family heirloom. Item #989935 $39.95 Jubilee Legacy Bible Jubilee Legacy Bible Item #989842 (KJV) Bonded Leather—Black Item #989841 Hardback Item #999003 (KJV) Bonded Leather—Navy $10.00 Item #999006 (NIV) Bonded Leather—Navy $20.00 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 17 TOWNSEND PRESS NEW! The Need for Urgency of Outreach and In-reach in the Sunday Church School The Baptist Standard Church Directory and Busy Pastor’s Guide How to Study & Teach the Bible Item #26 Dr. Julius R. Scruggs $8.00 Item #989819 Anthony Kelley People of Color in Every Book of the Bible Item #17113 F. S. Rhoades What Does It Mean to Be Black and Christian? Volume 1 $14.99 Item #3012 Forrest E. Harris Sr. $17.95 Item #989823 (“Workshop Helps” CD included.) Wilma N. Bachus, Ph.D. Item #17785 $7.95 NEW! How Shall They Hear? 18 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 $6.95 $10.50 TOWNSEND PRESS Images of a Preacher The Preacher’s Journey Corinth Sherman Tribble Dr. Jarvis Collier Robert Blackshear Item #12309 Item #989967 Item #989958 $19.95 $7.95 $9.95 What Does It Mean to Be Black and Christian? Volume 2 Confirmation for Ministry Meditations for Ministers Samuel W. Hale Jr. Robert C. Smith Item #988060 Item #989815 Forrest E. Harris Sr. $8.95 Item #988061 $5.95 $11.50 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve19 BIBLES NEW! The Pink Bible-NIV The New Hendrickson Parallel Bible NIV Teen Study Bible This portable Bible is designed specifically to nourish spiritual health and encouragement through the full NIV text and additional relevant content. Verses highlighted in pink present encouragement directly from Scripture for anyone who has been touched by cancer. Pink and chocolate Italian duotone imitation leather. Zondervan Hendrickson’s popular parallel Bible just got better! It now features the latest edition of the highly-regarded New Living Translation. It includes the King James, New King James, New International, and New Living Translation versions of the Bible. Hendrickson The NIV Teen Study Bible will help you keep in step with all He has done, is doing, and will do in the world—and in your life. Totally revised, this best-selling Bible will help you discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the issues you face today. Zondervan Item #13052 Item #13051 Item #17105 $49.95 $22.99 King James Version Super Giant Print Reference Bible King James Version Gift & Award Bible NEW! The Message Remix Bible 2.0 Ideal for pulpit use by the vision-impaired, this KJV Bible features 18-point type size, giant print study helps and concordance, words of Christ in red, ribbon marker, fullcolor maps, gift box, and more. Holman This revised edition features the following: • New, spacious interior design for enhanced readability • Clear, easy-to-follow, verse-byverse format • Lists of teachings, ministry, miracles, and parables of Jesus. Holman $29.99 Item #2981 [Burgundy] $69.99 Item #989768 [Burgundy] $6.99 20 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 Eugene H. Peterson This student edition has verse numbers at the paragraph level, and age-appropriate introductions for each book. Redesignedwith expanded intros and reference material. NAV Press Item #17095 —Concrete look $29.99 BIBLES Aspire: The New Women of Color Study Bible: For Strength & Inspiration (NIV) This new study Bible gives you perspectives and insights that focus God’s Word directly on the world of today’s AfricanAmerican woman. There are brand-new features and an attractive new design. Zondervan Holman Gift & Award Bible NEW! NIV & KJV: Side-by-Side Bible This inexpensive Bible is a great gift for award ceremonies, new members, or friends and family. Holman The New International Version (NIV), alongside the treasured King James Version (KJV) in one convenient place, this Bible makes it easy to compare the two translations. Great to use with the new Sunday School Curriculum of the Sunday School Publishing Board! Item #989767 [Black imitation leather] $6.99 $39.99 Item #13049 $49.99 Holman Bible Super Giant Print Reference NEW! The Daily Message: Through the Bible in One Year Our largest print available. This giant-print edition of the King James Bible is nearly twice the size of normal Bibles. It also includes full-color maps and a 52-week reading plan. A survey of each book helps the student grasp God’s Word more easily. Holman Eugene H. Peterson Arranged into six readings per week, this is the perfect one-yer reading Bible that allows for both flexibility and time to let God’s Word soak into your heart and mind Eugene Peterson’s modern paraphrase brings the Bible’s message of transforming hope and life directly to you, in today’s language. Ribbon marker. NAV Press Item #2980 [Black imitation leather] $69.99 Item #17111 Item #17094 $19.99 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 21 BIBLES NEW! NIV Renew Bible: Refresh Your Heart, Soul & Mind Less than one-inch thick, this is a Bible to take anywhere. It contains the entire Old and New Testaments in the New International Version plus additional content to help busy women become spiritually refreshed. Beautiful lined flexcover with scented bookmark, double column format, concise concordance, the words of Jesus in red letters. Zondervan Item #17107 Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations. The Handson Bible used the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word. Hundreds of fun, memorable activities and faithbuilding lessons. Tyndale House Item #17099 $24.99 $29.99 KJV Kids Study Bible NEW! NIV Adventure Bible: Revised [Zonderkidz] Children ages 8-12 will discover the treasure of God’s word. Filled with great adventures and exciting features, the NIV Adventure Bible opens a fresh new encounter with Scripture for kids. Includes a dictionary-concordance and maps. Zondervan Open the pages of this Bible, and you will experience a great adventure. . . exploring and discovering the treasure in God’s Word. Full-color pages throughout. Has eight color maps that show where the events in the Bible took place. Zondervan Item #13054 $24.99 22 NEW! Hands-on Bible (NLT): Updated Version Sunday School Publishing Board Item #17106 $22.99 | | 800.359.9398 The Beginner’s Bible: Stories about Jesus [Zonderkidz] This is the best-selling story Bible for children, redesigned with fresh new art, text, and stories. Zondervan Item #13053 $9.99 Creative Bible Teaching The Bible Book by Book Herbert M. Wolf Lawrence O. Richards & Gary J. Bredfeldt G. Coleman Luck The book consists of three parts: the more traditional introductory questions; a detailed analysis of the prophecy itself; and an exploration of Isaiah’s Christological and eschatological emphases. Item #11247 In this newly revised edition of Creative Bible Teaching, authors Richards and Bredfeldt focus on how to better understand the Bible we teach and how to unleash the transforming power of Scripture. $22.99 Item #C2023.2 Exodus Jeremiah & Lamentations R. Alan Cole R. K. Harrison R. Alan Cole provides an in-depth look at meaning for the book of Exodus. It recounts the supreme Old Testament example of the saving acts of God, narrates the instituting of Passover, and enshrines the giving of God’s Law. This commentary includes a structural analysis, along with an historical and cultural background. It opens up modern readers to two of the Old Testament’s most fascinating books. Item #C114 $13.99 $13.00 $32.99 Following a brief discussion of the Bible as a whole, Dr. Luck examines the various groups of books, then each individual book. The writer, recipients, dates, purpose, theme, key verse, key word(s), and outline of each book are clearly and carefully presented. BIBLE COMMENTARIES Interpreting Isaiah Item #C1001 $6.99 Item #12212 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 23 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Effective Teaching Practices for 21st Century Christian Educators Mary E. McConnell, PhD This is a best-selling resource for Sunday school teachers, superintendents, directors of christian education, and potential writers. Includes techniques, methods, strategies, and suggestions on how to teach students. Special attention is given to the role of technology in teaching Christian education. This unique resource will help you improve your teaching skills and abilities—as it is designed to help you become the most effective Christian educator. Item #13057 $9.95 NEW! OMG: A Youth Ministry Handbook Christian Education Handbook Edited by Kenda Creasy This book is a working tool written by a group of Christian educators to provide both a clear understanding of basic principles of Christian education and a practical guide for day-to-day administration of church education programs. Bruce P. Powers This book provides an honest assessment of the current state of youth ministry and offers hope at the same time. The authors detail current practices in youth ministry and tease out underlying questions as youth ministry becomes more self-consciously aligned with practical theology. Abingdon Press Item #17082 Item #C6020 Christian Education in the Small Church Donald L. Griggs In this work, the authors encourage a holistic perspective of Christian education, encompassing all age groups and all activities of the church. Item #C6015 $12.00 $29.99 $26.00 Foundations of Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education for a New Generation The Teaching Church at Work: A Manual for the Board of Christian Education Michael J. Anthony Kenneth D. Blazier & Linda R. Isham With the unified vision of a Christian-education faculty committed to integrating academic theory with ministry application, the authors invite you to tour the Christian-education field as it approaches the twenty-first century. Item #C2018 $32.00 24 Sunday School Publishing Board This book is an excellent resource that provides practical help and encouragement for those persons responsible for a church’s teaching ministry. Item #C2024 $10.00 | | 800.359.9398 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Christian Leadership School Manual This manual provides revised policies and procedures for setting up and operating accredited Christian Leadership schools purposed by the Division of Christian Education Accreditation and Credentials of the Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. The Christian Leadership School Manual includes requirements and qualifications for major positions involved with leadership schools and programs that will teach and train those persons who have been charged to teach in certain areas of Christian education. Item #985023 $39.95 Baptist Layman The Baptist Layman is the official publication of the National Baptist Laymen’s Movement of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. It is published quarterly and features lessons designed specifically for the Laymen of our constituent churches. Item #18 The Christian Leadership School Student Edition The student handbook for the Christian Leadership School (CLS) provides policies and precedures and contains all the information necessary for the student to move forward in the Christian Education programs. $2.65 Item #985024 Facing Critical Issues in Christian Education The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Children’s Ministry The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Teaching Ronald M. Pratt Robert J. Choun & Michael S. Lawson Kenneth O. Gangel & Howard G. Hendricks This book gives some of today’s educators a platform from which to speak to address some of today’s critical issues. Chapters are written by practitioners who serve in local churches. Item #C213.1 $15.95 $9.95 It is the history and call of the church to minister to children. This comprehensive A-Z reference book is packed with information to help Christian educators understand and minister to children up to age twelve. Item #C2034 $28.00 This book is a complete resource on Christian teaching for use in the home, church, and school. Principles and practices are outlined, including valuable insights for both the beginning teacher and the veteran. Item #C2022 $32.00 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 25 WOMEN’S MINISTRY Be Restored!: God’s Power for African American Women NEW! 100 Great Ideas to Simplify Your Life NEW! Stopping Stress before It Stops You: A Game Plan for Every Mom Debra Berry Candy Pauli Dr. Kevin Leman This eight-week interactive Bible study reveals the extraordinary impact of prayer on communities and lives, the importance of waiting on God, and our stunning worth in Christ. Experience the book of Nehemiah as never before, and discover God’s restoring power for African-American women (a leader’s guide is included). This book inspires you to embrace true simplicity—a life lived in harmony with the heart of God. The author provides encouragement, advice, and practical tips in areas where people experience their greatest needs—handling stress, coping with tough situations, simplifying life, getting organized, being a good friend, and spending time with God. Tyndale House With humor, insight, and practical solutions, this best-selling author helps women manage the stress points in their lives. Women will learn a more serene lifestyle with prayer and meditation by making stress work for them instead of against them. Revell Books Item #14015 $12.99 Item #17101 Women to Women NEW! Take My Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time $9.99 Norvella Carter, PhD Inside find perspectives of fifteen AfricanAmerican Christian women—scholars, educators, and community leaders. With discussion of issues of singlehood, being a pastor’s wife, mentorship, and many others, this is truly an encyclopedia on Christian living for African-American women. Item #C9509 $14.99 26 Sunday School Publishing Board Sarah Young An inspirational, full color, one-year devotional for women. This book is elegantly designed with a padded cover and a satin ribbon marker. Each daily reading includes timeless insight from a great Christian female author, a Bible verse, and seed prayer. Zondervan Item #17109 $14.99 | | 800.359.9398 Item #17087 $12.99 Beyond Me Dr. Wilma Bachus Melinda Doolittle This is a personal perspective and experience to encourage and inspire those who are presently serving and those who are called to the ministry of pastor’s wife. American Idol star Melinda Doolittle shares the secrets to her success. You’ll discover the value of lifelong principles that sustained and guided Melinda and gain ideas for achieving your own success. Item #11881 $6.95 Item #14014 $18.99 NEW! Spiritual Sisterhood: Mentoring for Women of Color Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo The author of It’s Not About You—It’s About God believes the survival of African-American communities depends on the renewal of mentoring relationships. She calls all sisters to either become a spiritual mother or be mentored by one. The book provides resources to help build mentoring relationships and stories from real mentors and mentees, that reveal life-changing effects. InterVarsity Press WOMEN’S MINISTRY Called to the Ministry of Pastor’s Wife Item #17093 $15.00 Woman’s Auxiliary Record and Minute Book A Guide for the Woman’s Auxiliary This is a helpful tool for recording minutes, financial, membership, committee, and officer rosters. Designed to support the organization and structure of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., this works as a guide for the Woman’s Auxiliary and will prove invaluable to independent mission organizations as well. Item #113 $3.95 Ambrose Bennett Item #112 $4.95 NEW! Define Your Own Way: Empowering Young African American Women Nicole Roberts Jones Define Your Own Way provides young African-American women with a road map to effect a transition from good to better to best. Jones is a life coach who uses her skills to address issues such as self-esteem and self-image, while tackling topics such as how to “set long-term goals in a society that often encourages short-term gratification.” The Pilgrim Press Item #17098 $18.00 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 27 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEW! The Lord’s Prayer (Ages 4-7) Illustrated by Richard Jesse Watson; Commentary by Rick Warren Watson’s use of vibrant color and detailed imagery beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ words to His disciples, and Warren’s thoughtful words help make the King James Version of this prayer come alive for readers young and old. Zonderkidz Item #17112 $16.99 NEW! My Soul/African American Spirituals: Embracing the Journey Kinder Poems and Christian Lyrics Helen H. Kimbrough My Soul/African American Spirituals: Embracing the Journey is a family-oriented book filled with influential songs like “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child,” “There is a Balm in Gilead,” “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” “Wade in the Water,” and “Go Down, Moses.” These songs along with powerful quotes captivate the essence of this book— with breathtaking artwork from the past and present. Kinder Poems and Christian Lyrics, an easy-to-read, colorful, and delightful children’s book, is designed to encourage children and the young-at-heart through poems that focus on virtue, self-esteem, and building Christian faith. This book should encourage reading and committing Bible Scriptures to memory. A music CD is included. Item #999104 $12.95 $16.00 NEW! When I Consider. . . God’s Amazing Universe More Stories for Our Children Wanda J. Harding More Stories for Our Children is a unique book for children that addresses AfricanAmerican history and culture from a spiritual perspective, and provides practical lessons for life. This book explores the wonders of space from a biblical perceptive. This book, inspired by Psalm 8:3, is specifically designed for little ones (newborns to age 4) and offers a glimpse of the amazing universe created by an awesome God. Item #999008 Byron Douglas Item #988062 $12.95 $12.00 28 Sunday School Publishing Board Rose Brown Item #989818 NEW! Helping Kids Pray: 52 Creative Ways to Help Kids Talk to God Katie Barbee This unique, hands-on book shows children that prayer is powerful, effective, and exciting! Fifty-two unique types of prayer are described, examples are given, and helps are provided to guide leaders and parents as they teach children how to pray. For ages 6-12. Standard Publishing Item #17097 $12.99 | | 800.359.9398 (FROOTBEARERS) Puffed-up Pride FrooTivities™—Where learn- Rotten, but Not Forgotten FrooTivities™—Where learn- ing God’s Word is a Frootful Adventure! This activity book is designed to directly correspond with the series book, A Granny Goodness Day. There are forty-eight, fun-filled pages of a variety of puzzles, coloring pages, and more. These activities are designed to stimulate the readers’ memories of the parable and the key Bible verse. (Acts 10:38) ing God’s Word is a Frootful Adventure! This activity book is designed to directly correspond with the series book, Puffed-up Pride. There are thirty, fun-filled pages of a variety of puzzles, coloring pages, and more. These activities are designed to stimulate the readers’ memories of the parable and the key Bible verse. (Proverbs 16:18) ing God’s Word is a Frootful Adventure! This activity book is designed to directly correspond with the series book, Rotten, but Not Forgotten. There are forty-eight, fun-filled pages of a variety of puzzles, coloring pages, and more. These activities are designed to stimulate the readers’ memories of the parable and the key Bible verse. (Ephesians 4:32) Item #12114 Item #12110 Item #12112 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 A Granny Goodness Day Puffed-up Pride Rotten, but Not Forgotten Discover how FB remains faithful in his heart while helping his friends to discover the froot of goodness growing in theirs, too! Discover how FB skates around a shameful heart while Lucy learns from a prideful fall. Learn about the duo’s discovery of the froot of joy growing inside their winning hearts! Discover how FB’s kindness became the last invited guest to his birthday party. Item #12113 $8.95 Item #12111 $8.95 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY A Granny Goodness Day FrooTivities™—Where learn- Item #12115 $8.95 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 29 YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS NEW! God’s Story, Your Story: Youth Edition Max Lucado, adapted by Mark Matlock A teen adaptation of Max Lucado’s God’s Story, Your Story that shows how everyday life is part of God’s bigger redemption story, and that God is there, no matter what we may face in our lives. Real teen responses and real-life application questions are included. Uses New Testatment stories, modern-day examples, and anecdotes. Item #17110 $12.99 NEW! 99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders: Youth Ministry Tips for Leading Your Small Group NEW! The Adolescent Journey: An interdisciplinary Approach to Practical Youth Ministry Joshua Griffin Amy Jacober His latest book delivers insights, tips, and suggestions for small-group leaders. When put into play, these bite-size, consumable pieces of wisdom can help leaders “knock it out of the park” and set them up to win. Group Publishing Adolescence is a time when children are slowly finding their identity as adults, separate from their parents and other adult influences. This critical time of psychological development is complicated by cultural influences that shape their expectations of adulthood and color how they relate to other people and even God. It leads youth pastors to accept their role as a guide to help young people establish a faith that will endure through every life stage. InterVarsity Press Item #17090 $6.99 Item #17091 $18.00 NEW! Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real World! Alex Chediak Perfect gift for a college student or a soonto-be college student. Seasoned college professor Alex Chediak covers the ten most common mistakes that college students make—and how to avoid them. From choosing a major to balancing academics and fun, and most importantly, helping students keep and build a vibrant faith and become the persons God created them to be. Tyndale House Item #17102 $14.99 30 Sunday School Publishing Board NEW! The Grad’s Guide to Surviving Stressful Times This is the perfect college resource to prepare new college students for the barrage of unfamiliar, stress-inducing situations they may face the minute they set foot on campus. Includes stories, devotions and practical tips from college students to college students. Easy-to-read style. Offers sound scriptural advice on financial responsibility, time management, roommates, and transitioning to a more independent lifestyle. NavPress Item #17096 $14.99 | | 800.359.9398 ADULTS Catch the Age Wave Win and Charles Arn Authors Win and Charles Arn have updated and supplemented Catch the Age Wave with ideas, examples, and advice to help the local church leader start and maintain a senior adult program. In addition, they have added practical program ideas to use in any local church setting. Catch the Age Wave won’t let you miss the boat. Item #8062X Prophetic Building (A Nightmare or Vision): An Insight into the Building Dilemmas C. C. Barlow Jr. This book enables owners to deal effectively with general contractors and architects. This is a necessary read for church pastors and homeowners. This is an excellent resource book for verifying the active status of a contractor license, architect license, or corporation anywhere in the United States. $19.99 Item #12032 Living Wisely in a Foolish World: A Contemporary Look at the Wisdom of Proverbs The Parables of Jesus H. Wayne House & Kenneth M. Durham This book shows how to use the wisdom in the book of Proverbs for guidance in finances, marriage, sex, family, religion, education, vocation, and politics. Item #C2093 $15.99 $14.95 Autumn Gold: Enjoying Old Age Clifford Pond Clifford Pond skillfully blends spiritual insights into Scripture with much practical counsel on such matters as keeping fit, when to give up one’s home, making a will, and remarrying after the death of a wife or husband. And he draws on the wisdom of other senior citizens and the experience of those who have cared for a loved one suffering from a prolonged physical illness or senile dementia. Item #C8061 $13.95 William Barclay William Barclay brings to these “bestknown stories in the world” new force and significance for the modern reader. Each chapter analyzes an individual parable and clearly interprets its meaning for us today. Item #C1085 $12.95 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 31 COUNSELING Biblical Counseling with African Americans: Taking a Ride in the Ethiopian’s Chariot Clarence Walker Using the apostle Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch as a springboard, the author sets forth the challenges and techniques employed by the apostle as principles still useful for those who counsel black Americans today. Item #C269.1 $11.00 Marriage: First Things First Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life Grace Ketterman, M.D. Kenneth C. Haugk In this book, Dr. Grace Ketterman challenges you to care for areas of marital weakness and celebrate your strengths as you explore the ten major categories vital to the success and development of your marriage: sexuality, jealousy, prioritizing, spiritual bonding, sharing activities, communicating effectively, personality differences, dependence versus independence, developing personal character, and sound commitment. Bless your children and yourself through a growing marriage! Do you ever feel uncomfortable talking about your faith, praying with others, or trying to comfort a friend? Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life will challenge and equip you to care for others in a distinctively Christian way. Item #C518 $12.99 Item #C272 $16.99 NEW! Counseling Couples in Conflict: A Relational Restoration Model The Social Context of Pastoral Care: Defining the Life Situation Pastor to Pastor: Tackling the Problems of Ministry George M. Furniss Erwin Lutzer James N. Sells & Mark A. Yarhouse Furniss introduces pastoral caregivers, who are primarily concerned with the fields of theology and psychology, to a third discipline—sociology—and encourages them to incorporate it into their work. He offers a “sampler” of sociological approaches that are particularly relevant to those in the field. This book offers practical advice on how to handle issues such as church splits, burnout, and pastoral priorities. How does one counsel a couple that is heading for divorce by the time they seek help? Counseling Couples in Conflict is a resource for counselors and therapists who want to be ready for these uniquely difficult cases. The authors point the way beyond the cycle of pain toward marital healing. This is a resource developed to train pastors and other counselors in restoring highconflict relationships. InterVarsity Press Item #C9913 $22.95 Item #17092 $26.00 32 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 Item #C9910 $9.99 The Story of Christian Music George O. McCalep Jr. Andrew Wilson-Dickson This book is a user-friendly, meaningful approach to praise and worship that deals with praise as an antidote for evil and the how, why, and when of entering into His presence. Item #3280 $19.95 This lavishly illustrated and wonderfully written volume fully surveys the many centuries of creative Christian musical experimentation. From its roots in Jewish and Hellenistic music, through medieval chant, to Christian music after the Reformation, Wilson-Dickson conveys “a glimpse of the fecundity of imagination with which humanity has responded to the creator God.” The Ministry of Music in the Black Church J. Wendell Mapson Jr. This book addresses the role of the church, pastor, and musician and goal in music ministry. Also, it tells ways to avoid conflict in music ministry. MUSIC AND WORSHIP Praising the Hell Out of Yourself Item #C9041 $15.00 Item #9033X $25.00 The Books of American Negro Spirituals James Weldon Johnson & J. Rosamond Johnson This is a treasured collection of sheet music and commentary on the greatest spirituals of all time. James Weldon Johnson discusses the origin and history of more than 120 of the most significant spirituals known. Favorites are arranged for voice and piano by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson. Item #C9032 $25.00 I Have Always Been In the Hands of God: An Autobiography of the Life of Dr. J. Robert Bradley 101 Hymn Stories: The Inspiring True Stories Behind 101 Favorite Hymns as told to Dr. Amos Jones, Jr. Kenneth W. Osbeck The life of J. Robert Bradley is a classic example of Divine Predestination. This book is about an individual being preordained to be one of the world’s premiere singers. J. Robert Bradley was truly a man who was what he was because he “was in the hands of God.” The saga of J. Robert Bradley is a classic example of how God can take a willing human spirit—one who is pliable and respondent to the Will and Way of Divine Design—and lead him through the labyrinthine paths of life to the victor’s circle. Hymn Stories reflects a congregation’s spiritual vitality and their response to God’s grace. • Psalms of Inspiration • Gospel Pearls • Miss Lucie Item #4697 $14.99 Item #989832 $6.95 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 33 INSPIRATIONAL New! The Life of Paul for Today “Thou, Dear God”: Prayers that Open Hearts and Spirits Lyle D. Vander Broek This book presents the life and work of the New Testament’s premier missionary, the apostle Paul. Vander Broek focuses on Paul’s life and labors but also provides important and relevant discussions of how the life of Paul speaks to Christian faith today. Questions for discussion are included. Westminster John Knox Press Item #17104 $13.00 The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Foreword by Dr. Julius R. Scruggs, President of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. The first and only collection of sixty-eight prayers by Martin Luther King Jr., Lewis Baldwin introduces the book and each section with short essays, which illustrate how King turned to private and public prayer for spiritual fulfillment and to reaffirm a quest for peace and social justice. Rev. Dr. Julius R. Scruggs, President of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., provided the foreword. A perfect gift! Beacon Press Item #11882 $20.00 New! The Quotable Manuel Scott, Sr.; Words from a Gospel Genius New! Uncommon: Evangelist Manuel Scott Jr. and more than Finding Your Path to Significance Manuel Scott Jr. 34 forty others contributed to this collection of of the late Rev. Dr. Manuel Scott Sr.’s most memorable quotes sayings. Rev. Manuel Scott Sr. was twice named one of “America’s 15 Greatest Black Preachers” by Ebony magazine. He served as Secretary of Evangelism of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., and taught at Billy Graham’s International Congress on World Evangelization in Switzerland. Tony Dungy Item #14017 Item #17100 $15.00 $14.99 Sunday School Publishing Board Former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy led his team to win the Super Bowl XLI championship and gained worldwide notoriety as the epitome of success. In his book, he reveals secrets to achieving significance that he learned from his parents, his athletic and coaching career, his mentors, and his walk with God. A New York Times bestseller. Tyndale House | | 800.359.9398 New! What I Learned from a Simple Blessing: The Extraordinary Power of an Ordinary Prayer Michael W. Smith and Thomas Williams Multiplatinum recording artist Michael W. Smith has received an overwhelming response to a simple prayer blessing woven from Scripture that he offers at his concerts. Readers are inspired to examine their hearts as they seek to bless others. Zondervan Item #17108 $18.99 Rebirth of the Black Male Cheryl Kirk-Duggan and Marlon F. Hall An examination of the causes and problems encountered by black males in a recurrent culture of poverty, with biblical insight into how the cycle of low self-esteem can be broken. Wake Up shows how Hip-Hop has come to embody the worldview of growing numbers of youth and young adults in today’s church. The authors make the case that Hip-Hop represents the angst and hope of many youth and young adults and that by examining the inherent religious theme embedded in the music, the church can help shape the culture of Hip-Hop by changing its own forms of preaching and worship so that it can more effectively offer a message of repentance and liberation. Abingdon Press Jerold C. Potter Item #989814 Church and Family Together: A Congregational Manual for Black Family Ministry Edited by Karen Jones Bernstine This resource offers background, suggestions, and ideas for planning, implementing, and strengthening ministry with black families. $7.95 Item #225 New! Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land New! While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of Age During the Civil Rights Movement SOCIAL CONCERNS New! Wake Up: Hip-Hop, Christianity, and the Black Church $14.00 Item #17084 $27.00 Joseph E. Lowery New! The Colors of Hope: Becoming People of Mercy, Justice, and Love Richard Dahlstrom The Christian life, says Dahlstrom, should be guided by the intentional goal of blessing the lives of the friends, loved ones, and strangers in our midst. We are called to have an impact on a culture that is overwhelmingly preoccupied with personal peace, prosperity, protection, and survival. Christians should be artists who paint with the colors of hope in a broken world. This book offers tools for living out this vision in daily life. Baker Books Item #17086 $13.99 Civil Rights leader Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery was born during the height of the Jim Crow era in Huntsville, Alabama, and has been walking the Freedom road his whole life. His most enduring speeches and messages from the past fifty years— including the message preached at Coretta Scott King’s funeral to the benediction given at President Obama’s inauguration. This book is the heart of a movement and a call to a new generation to carry the mantle for all people. Abingdon Press Item #17085 $22.00 Carolyn Maull McKinstry with Denise George Carolyn Maull, 14, was just a few feet away from the Klan-planted bomb in the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, that killed four of her friends in the girls restroom she had just exited. A poignant and gripping eyewitness account of life in the Jim Crow South—from the bombings, to the riots and assassinations and historic marches and triumphs that characterized the Civil Rights Movement. Tyndale House Item #17103 $17.99 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve 35 CHURCH GROWTH The Issachar Factor: Understanding Trends that Confront Your Church and Designing a Strategy for Success George O. McCalep Jr. On-purpose Leadership: Multiplying Your Ministry by Becoming a Leader of Leaders This book is not culturally specific and is based on three assumptions: (1) the pastor is the chief catalyst in church growth; (2) what the pastor can do alone is limited; (3) if the church and her leadership do a few things well, then God will grow His church. Dale Galloway & Warren Bird Item #11740 Item #C5009-0 $19.95 $15.99 The Church in the Life of the Black Family Campus Ministry: The Church Beyond Itself The Church Librarian’s Handbook Wallace Charles Smith Donald G. Shockley Mission work can be effectively accomplished when a family model is used. Through a detailed study of African-American family origins and factors affecting family structure, Smith proves that he has his finger on the pulse of black family life today. Donald G. Shockley’s work is an earnest advocacy for recognizing and strengthening campus ministry. This book will help you plan, organize, and operate a church library effectively. It deals with the challenge of preparing books and non-book materials for library use and the formation of library policy. Item #2121 Item #C2059 Glen Martin & Gary McIntosh This book addresses how to meet the needs of a modern congregation by transforming troubling social trends into opportunities for ministry. Item #C8036 $24.99 $12.00 36 Faithful Over a Few Things: Seven Critical Church Growth Principles Sunday School Publishing Board He presents a theology based on the growing need for the church to reach beyond itself to renew its mission in the college community. $11.99 | | 800.359.9398 This book introduces a three-level perspective for developing ministry leaders within the local church that builds on Christ’s own ministry model and draws upon contemporary leadership experts for expanded instruction. Betty McMichael Item #C432 $17.99 Recognize your students, honor your volunteers, and let those who serve with you know how much you appreciate them. Celebrate your child’s dedication or remember a baptism with a special commemorative certificate. 8 ½” by 11”. Great for framing! CERTIFICATES For Your Special Days. . . Baby Dedication Certificate Pkg. of 10 Item #180 $14.50 Certificate of Appreciation Pkg. of 10 Item #182 $14.50 Certificate of Baptism Pkg. of 10 Item #181 $14.50 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve37 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ITEM # CATEGORY/PRODUCT PRICE ADMINISTRATION 471 Huntley’s Manual for Every Baptist T. E. Huntley 3.25 1910 The Black Church Credit Union P. E. Henderson Jr. 8.00 989831 Calling a Pastor to a Baptist Church Allix James 4.00 BAPTIST DOCTRINE 735 Baptist Beliefs E. Y. Mullins 12.00 CATEGORY/PRODUCT PRICE 34-5 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 39-5 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 6: BAPTIST BELIEFS AND DISTINCTIVES 30-6 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-6 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 34-6 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-6 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-6 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 7: BAPTIST POLITY AND PRACTICE BAPTIST TRAINING UNION RESOURCES 30-7 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 36 31-7 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-7 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-7 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-7 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-7 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-7 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 The Manual for BTU 6.00 SERIES 1: BAPTISTS AND THE BIBLE [NOT FEATURED] 30-1 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-1 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 33-1 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-1 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 39-1 Facilitator’s Guide2.50 SERIES 2: BAPTISTS AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH 30-2 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-2 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-2 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-2 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-2 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-2 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-2 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 8: BAPTIST ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE AND MINISTRIES 30-8 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-8 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-8 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-8 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-8 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-8 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 SERIES 9: BAPTISTS AND POLITICAL ISSUES SERIES 3: BAPTISTS AND CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE 30-9 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 30-3 1.85 31-9 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 1.85 32-9 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 31-3 The Trainer for Primaries The Trainer for Juniors 32-3 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-9 33-3 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-9 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 34-3 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-9 39-3 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 39-9 SERIES 4: BAPTISTS AND OTHER DENOMINATIONS, FAITHS AND RELIGIONS SERIES 10: BAPTISTS AND SOCIAL ISSUES 31-10 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 30-4 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-4 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-10 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 32-4 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-10 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 33-4 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-10 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 34-4 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-10 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-4 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 39-10 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 5: BAPTIST HISTORY AND GROWTH 38 ITEM # SERIES 11: BAPTISTS AND ECONOMIC ISSUES 30-11 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 30-5 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-11 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 31-5 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-11 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 32-5 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-11 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 33-5 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-11 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 Sunday School Publishing Board | | 800.359.9398 PRICE ITEM # 988058 35-11 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-11 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 CATEGORY/PRODUCT Hebrew Names for God Robert C. Smith PRICE 8.95 SERIES 12: BAPTISTS AND ETHICAL/MORAL ISSUES EVANGELISM/WITNESSING 30-12 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 The Christian Pal E. L. Thomas 3.50 31-12 837 32-12 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 989962 The Bus Ministry W. T. Crutcher 2.95 33-12 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 989824 Jailhouse Religion Anthony Kelley 6.95 34-12 35-12 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 HISTORY 39-12 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 989836 Negro Baptist History 988069 Revised—A History of the National Baptist Convention E. L. Thomas SERIES 13: ARTICLES OF FAITH—TENETS FOR LIFE (PART 1) 30-13 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-13 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-13 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-13 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-13 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-13 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-13 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 14: ARTICLES OF FAITH—TENETS FOR LIFE (PART 2) 30-14 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-14 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 32-14 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 33-14 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 34-14 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 35-14 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 39-14 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 SERIES 15: BAPTIST CHURCH COVENANT 10.95 9.95 INSPIRATION/MEDITATION 988066 Think on These Things Ruby Jones Dickson 5.95 988067 The Holy Spirit Speaks Ruby Jones Dickson 5.95 988078 The Suffering Servant Ruby Jones Dickson 3.95 988065 O Taste and See. . . The Fruit of the Spirit Ruby Jones Dickson 5.95 LEADERSHIP 988074 Superior Leadership in Challenging Situations Shellie Sampson Jr. 9.95 MUSIC RESOURCES 989817 The National Baptist Anthem in Poems and Praise Willie Bickham 6.95 989834 Miss Lucie Charles Walker 6.00 30-15 The Trainer for Primaries 1.85 31-15 The Trainer for Juniors 1.85 SONGBOOKS 32-15 The Trainer for Intermediates 2.05 260 33-15 The Trainer for Seniors 2.05 11489-3 “God’s Treasure Chest” (Songbook) 2.00 34-15 The Trainer for Young Adults 2.05 11488-4 “Let’s Journey with Jesus” (Songbook) 2.00 35-15 The Trainer for Adults 2.30 11489-5 “Songs of Victory” (Songbook) 2.00 39-15 Facilitator’s Guide 2.50 11489-6 “Power On! with Jesus” (Songbook) 2.00 989956 Gospel Pearls (Leathercraft) 3.50 989957 Gospel Pearls (Cloth/Red) 4.00 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 988072 Christian Educator’s Planner E. L. Thomas 19.95 988077 A Procedural Manual on How to 7.95 Organize the Church for Christian Education Merrill-Jean Bailey 989820 How to Develop a Department of Christian Education—Revised A. Bernstine 7.95 COMMENTARIES/BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES 989835 The Sermon on the Mount Virgil Caldwell [NOT FEATURED] CATEGORY/PRODUCT ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ITEM # “Celebrating the Jubilee” (Songbook) 2.00 PREACHING/PASTORAL MINISTRY 988059 A Strange Silence from the Pulpit Anthony Kelley 9.95 988070 Preaching the Way the Two of Us See It Simmons & Malone 8.00 989828 Great Sermons Made Plain T. E. Huntley 6.00 SPECIAL DAYS 4.25 989963 Best Emergency Addressed [Revised] Alice Mitchell 2.50 Equipping Today’s Church to Serve39 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ITEM # CATEGORY/PRODUCT PRICE SPECIALIZED MINISTRY RESOURCES 839 CATEGORY/PRODUCT Salvation? I Received It Free of Charge (Pkg. of 25) PRICE 3.75 988073 Effective Techniques in Abuse Ministry Shellie Sampson Jr. 9.95 TRACTS (REGULAR) 989816 Marriage: Keeping the Knot Tied Lovely & Nora Callaway 7.95 8015 Have You Heard? (Pkg. of 100) 7.00 8016 Life Anew Today (Pkg. of 100) 7.00 SPIRITUAL/PERSONAL GROWTH 8017 Reaching Lost Men (Pkg. of 100) 7.00 989826 How to Handle Giants Warren H. Stewart Sr. 5.00 8018 Take Another Look (Pkg. of 100) 7.00 As for Me and My House Alvin C. Bernstine 6.00 8020 Would You like to Perform on Team Jesus? (Pkg. of 100) 7.00 989830 989832 In the Hands of God Amos Jones Jr. 6.95 988075 Your Mouth Can Be Deadly as a Pistol Jerold C. Potter 6.95 989813 The Secret Power of Prayer L. 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