Short Film Connection


Short Film Connection
3/4 ottobre
3/4 october
Murano - Venezia
3/4 ottobre
4 ottobre
4/5 ottobre
Arts’ Connection 3/4/5 october 2014
Art’s Connection, three days of events aimed at connecting
The Ancient Art of Glass to the most recent forms of artistic
expression, will take place in Murano 3/4/5 October 2014.
Short Film Connection
Arts’ Connection will open Friday, October 3 with the first
edition of the Short Film Connection, international short film
competition, whose finalists will compete for the Prizes Conterie,
La Perla Magica and Mediterraneo.
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection is promoted
by the cultural association Lillyth and organized by:
Executive producer e organizational consultant:
Rosanna Roditi
Technical partner e graphic design:
Controcampo Produzioni S.r.l
Sponsored by:
Regione Veneto
Comune di Venezia
Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia
FISPMED: Federazione Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
e la Lotta contro la Povertànel Mediterraneo-Mar Nero
- RIDE - Rete italiana per il dialogo euromediterraneo onlus
- Municipalita’ di Venezia, Murano e Burano
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
Announcement of Competition
The festival aims to promote the expressive and artistic form of
short film giving visibility to independent authors.
The Festival is divided in three sections:
1. “Conterie”: dedicated to Italian and foreign short films
belonging to any genre (fiction, videoclip, docufiction, documentary, animation, etc.), free subject. Max. duration 30 minutes.
2. “La Perla Magica”: dedicated to Italian and foreign short films,
free subject. Maximum duration 5 minutes.
3. “Mediterraneo”: dedicated to Italian and foreign short
films belonging to any genre (fiction, videoclip, docufiction,
documentary, animation, etc.), which address the issues of
immigration and cultural integration among the peoples of the
earth. Maximum duration 30 minutes.
The partecipation at the festival costs Euros 20,00 for each
short film sent by the authors. There aren’t any limitations of
genre, issues, provenence or kind of original support.
The payment for registration must be made to:
Associazione LILLYTH
Fondamenta Riva Longa 40 - Murano 30141 – Venezia – Italy
2871 Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Filiale di Venezia AG. 2
IBAN IT 71 X 01030 02011 000001283814
Purpose of payment: registration Arts’ Connection - Short Film
Connection. Made by: Name and Surname.
The works should be accompanied by the application form duly
completed in all its parts and signed by the author, and a copy of
the payment of the registration to the festival.
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
It’s necessary to submit an application form for each
work presented.
The submission of material is charged of the participants and
can be carried out in two modes:
1) By ordinary mail addressed to:
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection c/o Controcampo
Produzioni SRL - Via Miranese 448 int.9/10 30174 Chirignago
(VE) - Tel. 0039 041 5441195
2) Through services of sharing/transmission online
(WeTransfer, Dropbox, etc...) by sending the download link to the
Pierandrea Gagliardi mail:
The files should not exceed 400 mb of weight and must be,
preferably in mp4 format with h264 encoding.
Only works created after January 1, 2012 will be selected to
participate in the festival.
The short films in foreign language must be subtitled
in English language.
The deadline for participation in the competition is
Tuesday, September 30 at 7.00 pm.
Therefore all material will have to be received with postmark
not after that date.
The organization is not responsible for any damages or
loss of material during the sending of it by post mail.
By entering the festival the authors will be responsible for the
content of their works.
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
Participants must be confident that they have complied
with every request made by the notice, under penalty of
disqualification. The absence of any one of the listed items will
not allow access to presets.
A committee, appointed and composed also by the organizers,
will select the works decreeing the short films finalists.
The committee’s decisions are unappealables.
The authors of the finalists will be notified by e-mail
or phone.
The selection results will also be published on the site’ Connection/Short Film Connection
together with information on location, dates and times of
The jury of the festival, which will decide the winners, will be
composed by artists and actors relevant to audiovisual and
show business. The decisions of the jury, unappealables,
will be made public the day of the ceremony.
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
1) Prize “Conterie” for the best short film in Conterie category:
an handmade glass object and an overnight stay for 2 people
in a hotel in Venice.
2) Prize “La Perla Magica” for the best short film in La Perla
Magica category: an handmade glass object and an overnight
stay for 2 people in a hotel in Venice.
3) Prize “Mediterraneo” for the best short film in Mediterranean
category: an handmade glass object and an overnight stay for
2 people in a hotel in Venice.
Other three shorts will be awarded with a dinner for two kindly
sponsored by venetian restaurants:
MET restaurant - Da Remigio - Al Graspo de Ua
The best short films will be screened on November 3rd in room
Pasinetti, Casa del Cinema of Venice City.
The organization of the festival has the final decision on
controversial cases.
Is faculty of the selection committee and the jury to award
special mentions for the most meritorious works.
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
Organization and artistic direction by:
Rosanna Roditi
tel. +39 3473581683
Pierandrea Gagliardi
tel. +39 3482877960
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
(to be completed in block letters signed by the author)
I, the undersigned ....................................................................................................................................................
born in ........................................................................................... on ...................................................................
address ...........................................................................................................................................................................
......................................................................................... postcode ...........................................................................
tel. ........................................... fax ........................................... mob. ....................................................................
e-­mail .................................................................... website ...............................................................................
I grant you, without demanding anything, release to ARTS ‘CONNECTION - SHORT FILM CONNECTION
for the use, in accordance with the law of my work entitled: ............................................................................................
and of the sent material, in particular for the following activities: storage, public projection,
airing television broadcasts related to the Festival, publication on websites,
duplication without commercial purposes, use in subsequent exhibitions for cultural purposes and
promotion of the Festival.
I am aware of the penalties referred to in art. 46 of D.P.R 445/2000, in case of false declarations,
pursuant to and by effect of art. 47 of the said D.P.R under my
responsibility, I declare to be the holder of the rights of the movie, I declare to know every part of the
Contest Rules and accept them unconditionally;
I authorize ARTS ‘CONNECTION - SHORT FILM CONNECTION to the processing and storage of personal
data, including sensitive ones, within the meaning and for the purposes of D.Lgs.196 / 2003, for the
purposes of which with this application form.
(Place & date) ________________
(Signature) ______________________
(if a minor, signature of parent or guardian also)
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
(to be completed in block letters signed by the author)
Title: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
O fiction/documentary
O animation
O experimental
O videoclip
Duration: ................................... Year of production: .......................................................................................................
Nationality of the work: ...................................................... Format: .......................................................................
Language: ..................................... Subtitles:
O yes
O no
Language of subtitles: .................................
Director: .............................................. Subject: .............................................. Screenplay: ............................
Editing: .............................................. Sound: .............................................. Production: ............................
Distribution: .............................................. Music: ..............................................
Performers: ..............................................
Brief synopsis:
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195
(to be completed in block letters signed by the author)
I, the undersigned ...............................................................................................................................................................................
born in ................................................................................................... on ...........................................................................................
address ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
tel. ........................................... fax ........................................... mob. ...................................................................................................
e-­mail ...................................................................... website ...............................................................................................................
Address ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
tel. ........................................... fax ........................................... mob. ..................................................................................................
e-­mail .................................................................. website ...............................................................................................................
I declare that I have read the Rules of Competition and to fully accept it.
(Place and date) ________________
(Signature) ______________________
Arts’ Connection - Short Film Connection
c/o Controcampo Produzioni SRL
Via Miranese - 448 int.9/10
30174 Chirignago (VE) - Tel. 041-5441195