Camp and baggage models
Camp and baggage models
=2OO7- BAUEDAWARGAMESLTD h t t p: / / w w wb. a u e d a . c o m Welcometo our range of camp tents and baggage.Historicallyaccurateand designedto be compatiblewith standardbasingthese highlydetailedmodels cast in tough polyurethaneresinwill last you a lifetime! S-:: -: ,_:a _:ecl N o a s s e m b l yr e q u i r e d l W At BAUEDAWARGAMES we stronglybelievethatcamps and baggagedeserveas muchattention to historical accuracyandas muchdetailas anyotherpart of the army,andour KLEOSrangeis hereto giveyouexactlythis. Mostof thesemodelscanbe usedfor manymorearmiesandsettingsthanthosespecifically listed,for periods,butalsofor a examplethe "ARA"tentsareperfectly suitablefor all desertnomadsof all historical varietyof locations, including Asiaticsteppenomads,andarestillwidelyin useeventoday! 1sARA Blacktent Genericdeserttent,suitable people: for allnomadic Arab, Bedouin,Hebrew,etc. 1sASX Anglo-Saxon Geteld Basedon historical sources andsuitable forallother nations. FeudalEurooean 1sARA.B Palacetent A muchlargerversion,perfect as a Kingaccomodation or for a moreoermanent settlement. 15RKO OrcClanHouz a typicalorcishshackalso suitablefor any early northernbarbariansl 1sARA-C Largedeserttent A tallermodelmostsuitablefor the lateperiodandthe largest 1Smmfigures. ,t5ELF Elvishtent No Elvenarmywouldever leavehomewithouttheirtents! Perfectas HOTTbaggage. 15PRS Achaemenid Persiantent Suitablefor anyearlyPersian or Middle-eastern army,up to andincluding Sassanids. Forpaintingand basingideas,guides,examples, suggestionsand newson the latestreleases, pleasesubscribe to our supportmaillistat: roup/baueda '*:F;ofl='- : i::- . 3 1 U E D AW A R G A [ ' 4 ELST D \ a a s s e P l by r e q u i r e d l S,!;. y unpaint_Ad! 15GRK Suitable foranyGreekor Macedonian army,canbe used for all classicalperiod. 15LEG Legionary contubernium tent Suitablefor any RomanArmy, fromRepublican to lmperia,. 15LEG-B Legionary contubernium tent Suitablefor any RomanArmy, fromRepublican to lmperia,. 1sPRT Romanoraetorium HQtent suitablefor any RomanArmy, fromRepublican to lmperia,. 1'BYZ Bfzantinetent Basedon actualhistorical forall sourcesit is suitable Byzantine armies. n 1sCHl tent Chinese sourcesit Basedon historical is suitablefor mostChinese armiesup to the reinassance. 15NKE F.t\hfirn tanf Basedon NewKingdom forall sourcesit is suitable era. armiesof thebiblical 15MDV Mostsuitablefor anySouthern medieval army,the European for classicfieldaccomodation noblesandlords. 1sPAE Medievalstrawhut Suitablefor any medieval-early army,the standard reinassance for trooos. fieldaccomodation 1sYUR-B Nobles Yurt Largerand frameddoor Ger. Suitablefor mongolsand other CentralAsian steppearmies. 1sOTM tent Ottoma Suitablefor Ottomansandall otherturkisharmieswellafter the renaissance. 15RNS pavilion Medieval for Suitable any European medievalarmy,as a fieldHQ or the King'squarters. 15MDV-b Bestsuitedto a Northern Europeanmedievalarmy, anothergreatcampaigntent for noblesand lords. Newmodelsarereleased allthetime,makesureto checkourwebsiteor writeto us forthelatestnews!