Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19, 2016


Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19, 2016
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 19, 2016
M a s s Sc h e du l e / Sc ri pt u re R ea d in g s / I nt en ti o n s/ Mi ni s t ry P ar ti ci pa nt s
Monday - June 20, 2016 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * 2 Kgs 17:5-8,13-15, 18 * Mt 7:1-5
Tuesday - June 21, 2016 * Mass @ 8:30 am * 2 Kgs 19:9-11,14-21,31-36 * Mt 7:6,12-14 * Mass Intention: + Sophia Kleparski
Wednesday - June 22, 2016 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * 2 Kgs 22:8-13,23:1-3 * Mt 7:15-20
Thursday - June 23, 2016 * Mass @ 8:30 am * 2 Kgs 24:8-17 * mt 7:21-29 * Mass Intention: Special Intention
Friday - June 24, 2016 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Is 49:1-6 * Acts 13:22-26 * Lk 1:57-66,80
Saturday - June 25, 2016 * 4 p.m. Mass
Readings: lam 2:2,10-14,18-19 * Mt 8:5-17
Mass Intention: + Deceased members of the Parish Council of Catholic Women
Lector: Laur ie Weber
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Laurie Weber * Sue Kappel * Volunteer Needed
Servers: J essica and Amber Becker
Crucifix Bearer: Needed
Ministers of Welcome: J im and Laur ie Doepke
Sunday – June 26, 2016 * 8 a.m. Mass
Readings: 1 Kgs 19:16,19-21 * Gal 5:1, 13-18 * Mt 8: 18-22
Mass Intention: + Emil and Ronald Weiland
Lector: Ed or Mar ilyn Br ehm
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Dor een Heber t * Kent J ohnson * Volunteer Needed
Servers: Kyle J ohnson
Crucifix Bearer: Needed
Minister of Welcome: David and Steven Heber t
Sunday - June 26, 2016 * 10 a.m. Mass
Readings: 1 Kgs 19:16,19-21 * Gal 5:1, 13-18 * Mt 8: 18-22
Mass Intention: Priest’s Intention
Lector: Rita Austin
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Bar bar a War d * Shar on Kobs * Volunteer Needed
Servers: Felcia Bauer
Ministers of Welcome: J im Bauer and Wesley J ohnson
Crucifix Bearer: Needed
From the Desk of : Father Samuel Martin
Praised be Jesus Christ – and a very Happy Father’s Day to our
Dads! I was looking around for some good quotes pertaining
to the importance of fathers and I found these to be the best:
“A father carries pictures where his money used to
be,” (Anonymous); “I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love
you back,” (Imelda Marcos). And speaking of fathers, our new
associate will be ordained to the priesthood next Saturday,
June 25th at St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral. For those of
you wanting to know more about this guy, please read on, as
he has provided the following as a very nice introduction:
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
On Monday May 9 , the Diocese of La Crosse announced that
I am to be appointed your associate pastor, effective June 30 th.
I will take on this assignment in addition to being the chaplain
of Columbus Catholic Middle School and High School. I want to
take this opportunity, therefore, to introduce myself and to
thank you in advance for welcoming me in your parishes and
communities. I grew up on a dairy farm just outside of Cornell, Wisconsin (Chippewa County) and am the fourth of nine
children. I decided to go to seminary right after high school
and attended St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul,
graduating with degrees in Philosophy and Catholic Studies in
2012. From there I was sent to study theology at the Pontifical
North American College in Rome, Italy. I will finish those studies on June 2nd, move back to the United States, and prepare
for Ordination to the Priesthood, which will take place on Saturday June 25th at St. Joseph the Workman’s Cathedral in La
Crosse. I plan on moving into the rectory at St. John’s on June
30th. I look forward to assisting Father Martin in serving you as
your priest. I have much “on the job training” to do, and so I
thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as I
begin this new adventure in my life. Your prayers for me and
my future ministry are most appreciated. Please know of my
continued prayers for all of you.
As members of God’s family, Christ the King Parish will always be a
welcoming community that comforts, shares its Catholic faith, and
inspires others.
Baptism.. Expectant par ents ar e to par ticipate in the Baptism
preparation program offered in February, June and October. The
Baptisms are then scheduled for the second and fourth Sundays of the
month, after the 10:00 a.m. Mass
Marriage.. Ar r angements must be made at least six months in
advance by contacting the parish pastor.
Anointing of the Sick.. (which was known as Extreme Unction or
Last Rites) has taken a different connotation since The Second Vatican
Council. The sacrament is celebrated not only for those who are dying,
but to those preparing for major surgery, the aged, and the sick. It is
time for the Church to pray for and with those who are ill and anoint
them with oil. The proper celebrant of this sacrament is a priest. Those
who desire to receive this sacrament are to contact Fr. Martin,
in advance.
Penance . .
Saturday afternoon 3:15 p.m. until 3:45 p.m.
or by appointment
Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St.
John the Baptist, I remain,
Yours in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Deacon Daniel Sedlacek
For the record, you’re invited to attend the ordination in La
Crosse – it’s scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and there will be room
because we only have one ordination this year. If you’ve never been to an ordination, it is very moving. Between the ancient rite of ordination and the exquisite music, you’ll be inspired in a way that you’ll never forget. Watching a man become a spiritual father reminds us that we were each created
by a perfect Father and recalling this is indispensable to our
spiritual life. Please pray for soon-to-be Father Sedlacek and
welcome him with open arms when he arrives. As for Father
Kuhn, I’ll reserve my parting shots for next weekend’s
May God generously bless all fathers, that they may be men
of deep faith and unwavering courage!
Your friend in Christ,
Father Martin
First Sunday…
Joan Meyer
Second Sunday…
Barb Ward
Third Sunday…
Sue Mews
Fourth Sunday…
Deacon Jeff and Rita Austin
Fifth Sunday…
Mary Schellinger
*First Friday…
Sue Mews
Sunday Morning
Sue Kappel (substitute)
Sunday Morning
Rosie Frank (substitute)
Sunday Morning
Mary Schellinger (substitute)
Christ the King Parish
Email address:
Parish Office Address: 107 East Wendell Street
Father Martin * Father Kuhn * Deacon Jeff Austin
and the Staff of Christ the King Parish
Extend to Grandfathers, Fathers, Godfathers, and those men who
give fatherly guidance to those in their lives:
“A Happy and Blessed Father’s Day” !!!
Father Nathaniel Kuhn’s last weekend as celebrant here @ Christ
the King Parish is June 25 & 26, 2016. A “Farewell will take
place after the 10 am mass on Sunday, in the dining hall of
church on June 26th sponsored by the P.C.C.W. and Holy
Name Society. Pulled Pork with buns and beverages will be
provided and we ask that you bring a “Dish to Pass” .
FREEDOM. The fifth Fortnight for Freedom will run from
June 21-July 4 (from the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher
and St. Thomas More to Independence Day). The theme for this
year’s Fortnight is “Witnesses to Freedom.” On Tuesday,
June 21 at 6:30 pm – “A Call to Prayer for the Fortnight for
Freedom,” a Holy Hour led by Deacon Jeff Austin will be
hosted by St. John the Baptist Church in Marshfield. Please
join us in praying for the protection of our conscience rights
(e.g. the right to refrain from participation in abortion or samesex marriage or contraception, et alia).
Fortnight for Freedom Rosary Walk * Please join Fr. Martin
and the Knights of Columbus for a Rosary walk on Sunday,
June 26 at 6:30 PM. Father Mar tin will lead us in pr aying
the Rosary for Christian Freedom in our own country as well as
the whole world. We will start at the Ten Commandments
Monument at St John the Baptist Catholic Church and walk to
the Ten Commandments Monument at the Knights of
Columbus Hall. A shuttle vehicle will be provided for those
unable to walk the entire route.
The annual month of June “Project Milk” is sponsored by the
PCCW of the parish. The monies collected will go to the Cosa
Hogar Juan Pablo Orphanage near Lurin, Peru. It is 20 miles
outside of Lima. This project provides milk for the children at the
orphanage and the surrounding Peruvian area. Please note the
“Special Milk Can” in the gathering area is to place your
monetary contribution into.
The children sincerely appreciate your support.
*** Wedding Bann III *
Jordan Buss and Jenna Hagen
June 25, 2016 @ St. John’s Catholic Church
*** Wedding Bann II *
Korey Rottscheit and Stephanie White
July 2, 2016 @ St. John’s Catholic Church
Tuesday-June 28-Community Outreach Meal for everyoneSt. John’s Lutheran Church B3750 Hwy 13 North, SpencerServing 5 –6 pm
Friday - July 8 - Parish Tractor Pull @ 7 p.m. at the Mfld
Fairgrounds Gates open @ 5 pm & concessions stands open @
5:30 pm * lets pray for “good” weather to make this a success!!
Please note this change for: 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration –
2016 -First Friday on July 1, 2016
Adoration will start at 9 a.m. and go only go until 5 p.m.
This is so that those celebrating the 4th of July weekend are able
to do so.
The Family Life Committee is organizing a
“Family Night “at Athletic Park in Wausau, Woodchucks
vs. Battle Creek, on Wed. July 13 at 6:35. Gates open at
5:35. Reserved seating, a Woodchucks ball cap, a hotdog
and soda, all for $10.50. Transportation is on your own as
no bus will be provided. If you wish to join us, please
put $10.50 per person in an envelope provided (under the
bulletin board) for registering and place your completed
envelope in the collection basket or give to an usher. First
come, first served, but please do so before June 26th.
If you have questions please contact Joan Meyer.
Directions: Hwy 29E, merge onto 51N, take Bridge St. Exit
(Exit 193) Keep right Follow W Bridge St becomes Central
Bridge St. Turn Left onto 3rd St. until E. Wausau Ave.
Athletic Park on right.
Please join us in prayer for all unborn babies and all who are
afflicted by abortion. Every Wednesday afternoon @ 3 p.m.
until the display of white crosses is taken down at the
intersection of Highway 97 and County E (the Lang property) in
Marshfield. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Rosary
will be prayed.
Upcoming Vocation Events: There are some great
opportunities for the boys and young men in our parish and now
is the time to sign up and participate. The Threshold Retreat is
scheduled for July 15-17 and is open to young men entering 11th
or 12th grade. If you or someone you know is interested, please
register by calling 608-791-2667.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Mfld. is celebrating their
“Centennial” on August 5 * 6 * 7, 2016 All ar e invited to
participate ! Here is the line-up of events:.
Friday-August 5 @ 6 pm Celebration of the Holy Mass with
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke
Saturday-August 6 Parish Picnic starting @ noon until dusk
Saturday-August 6 @ 4 pm-Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament @ 4:45 pm Benediction @ 5 pm Celebration of the Holy
Mass with Reverend Monsignor Michael Gorman
Sunday-August 7 @ 9 am Centennial Mass with His Excellency,
the Most Reverend William Callahan, Bishop of the Dioceses of
La Crosse * time for fellowship after mass and at 11 am Parish
Chicken dinner catered by “Me and Mom’s” in Toeller Hall. For
more information and to RSVP for the Chicken
Dinner on
August 7, please call 715-207-1094.
Religious Education
Mrs. Deb Mlsna
Our sincerest THANK YOU to EVERYONE
who helped with Bible Camp this past week!
Your dedication is much appreciated and we give a heartfelt thank you to
everyone who helped with VBC. Thank you to those who prayed for our
program, or donated items; helped with setup the weeks prior and/or helped
during the week of faith filled fun. Thank you to the PCCW for providing dinner
for our kids! So many helped to make this another successful year!
Thank you Sheri Schuh for leading the way! God Bless you!
Youth Ministry News
Youth Ministry THANK YOU
A huge thank you to those who supported youth during the Car Wash and Bake Sale on Sunday.
The youth and their families are blessed by your support.
Mission Possible Work Camp for Teens July 10-14 Plans are in progress for a work camp right here, in
our own “back yard” by assisting those in need. This will be a joint effort with other parishes of sending out
work crews from ~ 8-4 each day. Watch the bulletin for more details.
If you have any other questions, please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber
Youth Minister:
Mr. Dan Kitzhaber
St. John the Baptist:
715-384-4989 ext. #3
Youth Rummage Sale
Aug. 4, during the Spencer city-wide rummage sale, the youth will be holding a sale at Christ the King in the Seton Center. You are
invited to donate your gently used items Aug. 2 or 3, 9-3pm or call to make arrangements 659-4480. You are also invited to come
purchase items from this sale to support these pilgrims on this spiritual journey.
For more info.
please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber.
Going to College? Know someone who is?
Do you know someone who is heading off to college this fall? A new website sponsored by the Serra Club can help. At , click “Get Connected” and your students coming to campus can sign up to receive information about
campus ministry at prospective schools across the nation. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to meet great people and experience
the prayer, service, and social events that campus ministry offers. If you know someone going to college, make sure they visit !
Teen & Young Adult Retreat Team
Looking for teens and young adults to help lead youth retreats. Living Stones is the name of the group and it rocks! Meet lots of
great people, grow in your faith, and have tons of fun. If interested, contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber.
*** Pray daily for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and sacramental marriage ***
Ladies of the parish: The National Council of Catholic Women dur ing this “ Year of Mercy” has asked that each individual PCCW is to
take part in “A Million Works Of Mercy”. As women of pray and action here at Christ the King parish, the N.C.C.W. is asking your help in
reaching “A Million Mercies!” Starting right now and going until Nov. 20th sheets have been placed on back table in the gathering room listing
the “Acts of Mercies” that you and your families can choose to do during the month. Diane Witmer , the PCCW Pr esident, asks that you
return your sheet each month to a box designated for the “Million Works of Mercy” and she than will take totals of the mercies done, from our
parish, that month and submit them to the N.C.C.W. on a monthly basis. Please continue each month to take new sheets in helping to reach the
N.C.C.W. goal of “one million” . If you have questions please contact Diane Witmer.
June - ALERT– Pope Francis says: “It is not possible to remain indifferent before knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods. I
think of the adoption of children for the extraction of their organs, or women deceived and forces to prostitute themselves, of workers exploited and
denied their right of a voice. This is human trafficking.”Access the web site Catholic Sisters Against Human
Please consider signing up for one hour a week to adore our Lord. *****Openings ar e Fr idays fr om 8am-9am, Saturdays 7pm-8pm and
Sundays 1pm-2pm at Pope Saint John Paul II Chapel, 510 S Columbus Ave. Why Adore: "It is a privilege that I cannot pass up that I could spend
personal time with the God of the Universe face to face. Jesus is with us in spirit anytime, anyplace. Here He is with us in full comprehension."
Call Jean Kaiser, 715-387-0571 or Dale Garfield 715-383-2262 for your holy hour or more information.
*** Out of Town Mass times *** When you and your family ar e tr aveling, do not str ess out about missing Mass. It is easy to locate a
Parish near where you are staying by visiting this website: to find mass time for out-of-town churches, with a number of
options (zip code, city, etc.)
If you would like to have a “Mass Intention” for a deceased loved one or special intention in 2017 please call the parish rectory @
715-659-4480 and talk to Judy. There are openings for weekend masses and numerous openings for Tuesday and Thursday morning, weekday
mass @ 8:30 am..
Attention Engaged Couples: Registration is now open for the “Married Love: Two Becoming One” classes in Mfld. starting this fall.
The dates for 2016 / 2017 are: August 20 * November 5 of 2016 * February 18 * April 8 of 2017. Couples should first contact their parish priest
and than plan to attend one of these classes at least 6 months before their wedding date. Be sure to register early because classes fill quickly.
For questions or to register please contact Alanna Hart at hart_alanna @ or call 715-650-7310
Catholic Youth Evangelizer SPIRITUS is seeking one Catholic male and female, 21-29 years of age, to join the SPIRITUS team this August.
SPIRITUS ignites the faith in thousands of young Catholics through retreats and parish youth ministry each year! Team members live in community and travel to parishes and schools throughout Wisconsin; they receive training, formation, spiritual direction, lodging, food, a monthly allowance, health insurance and a $2,000 stipend upon completion of the 9-month program. It is a unique opportunity to serve our Lord and help young
Catholics grow in faith. Visit / contact Andrea at or (920) 722-8918 x5 for more
The Diocese of La Crosse is committed to creating a safe environment within the Church for children and youth.
We continue to have a special care for and a commitment to reaching out to victims of sexual abuse and their
To place a prayer request on the Christ the King Prayer Chain, please call these prayer leaders:
Sue Mews (715-384-1780, Marcia Draeger (715-659-5182), Kay Derks (715-659-4046), Joan Meyer (715-384-2774)
Each of these has a list of people to call and inform them about your prayer requests, do not call parish office.
You may also place your requests on the St. J ohn the Baptist Catholic Chur ch Pr ayer Chain by calling
Shirley @ 715–384-3613 and Donna 715-384-2479 (there are 2 lists) and they will take your request.
Christ the King Staff: Fr . Samuel Mar tin: Pastor * Fr . Nathaniel Kuhn: Associate Pastor * Deacon J eff Austin, Per manent Deacon
* Judy A. Drechsler : Parish Secretary * Bonnie Jakel: Sacristan * Gary Niziolek: Part-time Maintenance * Dan Kalepp: Lawn Mowing
Parish office Hours Are: Monday * Tuesday * Wednesday - 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Thursday - 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. * Friday - Office is CLOSED
Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him,
show us your face and we will be saved.
Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and
Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured
Paradise to the repentant thief.
L et us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you
knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power
above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and
You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for
those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year
of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and
the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
Diocese of La Crosse Guidelines
For Reporting Instances of Child
The Diocese of La Crosse, through its policies and procedures, seeks to provide a prompt,
appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by a priest or
deacon. Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should send that report
to: Bishop William P. Callahan at the Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 4004, La Crosse, WI
54602-4004. The form is available through the Diocese of La Crosse, Office for Clergy; or on the
diocesan website at: Individuals are also encouraged to take their
reports directly to civil authorities. Copies of the diocesan policy ar e available thr ough your
local parish and on the diocesan website. If you have any questions about the Diocese of LaCrosse
and the implementation of the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People”, please
contact Msgr. David Kunz, Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 4004, La Crosse,
WI 54602-4004 or call 1-608-791-2689 or email