BOPI n° 04MQ/2015 du 21 octobre 2015
BOPI n° 04MQ/2015 du 21 octobre 2015
BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES SOMMAIRE TITRE PREMIERE PARTIE : GENERALITES Extrait de la norme ST3 de l’OMPI utilisée pour la représentation des pays et organisations internationales Codes utilisés en matière de Marques de Produits et de Services Codes utilisés en matière d’inscription dans le régime spécial des Marques de Produits ou de Services Codes utilisés en matière de Marques Renouvelées Codes utilisés en matière d’Extensions des Marques de Produits ou de Services Classification Internationale des Marques de Produits et de Services Selon la 9e édition de Nice Clarification du Règlement relatif à l’Extension des Droits suite à une nouvelle Adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui Adresses utiles DEUXIEME PARTIE : MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES TROISIEME PARTIE : MARQUES RENOUVELLEES QUATRIEME PARTIE : INSCRIPTIONS AU REGIME SPECIAL DES MARQUES CINQUIEME PARTIE : EXTENSIONS DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES PAGES 2 3 6 6 6 6 7 11 12 13 198 215 236 1 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES PREMIERE PARTIE GENERALITES 2 GENERALITES BOPI 04MQ/2015 Extrait de la norme ST.3 de l’OMPI Code normalisé à deux lettres recommandé pour la représentation des pays ainsi que d’autres entités Et des organisations internationales délivrant ou enregistrant des titres de propriété industrielle. Afghanistan AF Afrique du Sud Albanie Algérie Allemagne Andorre Angola Anguilla Antigua-et-Barbuda Antilles Néerlandaises Arabie Saoudite ZA AL DZ DE AD AO AI AG AN SA Argentine Arménie Aruba Australie Autriche Azerbaïdjan Bahamas Bahreïn Bangladesh Barbade Bélarus Belgique AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE Belize Bénin* Bermudes Bhoutan Bolivie Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba Bosnie-Herzégovine Botswana Bouvet,Île Brésil Brunéi Darussalam Bulgarie Burkina Faso* Burundi Caïmanes,Îles Cambodge Cameroun* Canada Cap-Vert Centrafricaine,République* Chili BZ BJ BM BT BO BQ BA BW BV BR BN BG BF BI KY KH CM CA CV CF CL Cook,Îles Corée(République de Corée) Corée (Rép. Populaire de Corée) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire* Croatie Cuba Danemark Djibouti Dominicaine, République Dominique Egypte El Salvador Emirats Arabes Unis Equateur Erythrée Espagne Estonie CK KR KP CR CI HR CU DK DJ DO DM EG SV AE EC ER ES EE Etats-Unis d’Amérique Ethiopie Ex Rep. Yougoslavie de Macedoine Falkland, Îles (Malvinas) Fédération de Russie Fidji Féroé, Îles Finlande France Gabon* Gambie Géorgie US ET MK FK RU FJ FO FI FR GA GM GE GS Géorgie du Sud et les Îles SandwichduSud Ghana Gibraltar Grèce Grenade Groenland Guatemala Guernesey Guinée* Guinée-Bissau* GuinéeEquatoriale* Guyana Haïti Honduras GH GI GR GD GL GT GG GN GW GQ GY HT HN 3 GENERALITES BOPI 04MQ/2015 Chine Chypre Colombie Comores* Congo* CN CY CO KM CG Hong Kong Hongrie Île de Man Îles Vierges (Britanniques) Inde HK HU IM VG IN Congo(Rép.Démocratique) CD Indonésie ID Iran(République Islamique d’) Iraq Irlande Islande Israël Italie Jamaïque Japon Jersey Jordanie Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizistan Kiribati Koweït Laos Lesotho Lettonie Liban Libéria Libye Liechtenstein Lituanie Luxembourg Macao Macédoine Madagascar Malaisie Malawi Maldives Mali* Malte Mariannes du Nord,Îles Maroc Maurice Mauritanie* Mexique Moldova Monaco Mongolie Monténégro IR IQ IE IS IL IT JM JP JE JO KZ KE KG KI KW LA LS LV LB LR LY LI LT LU MO MK MG MY MW MV ML MT MP MA MU MR MX MD MC MN ME Norvège Nouvelle-Zélande Oman Ouganda Ouzbékistan Pakistan Palaos Panama Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée Paraguay Pays-Bas Pérou Philippines Pologne Portugal Qatar Région admin. Spéciale de Hong Kong (Rep. Populaire de Chine) NO NZ OM UG UZ PK PW PA PG PY NL PE PH PL PT QA Roumanie HK RO Royaume Uni (Grande Bretagne) Rwanda Sahara Occidental Sainte-Hélène Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Sainte-Lucie Saint-Marin Saint-Marin (Partie Néerlandaise) Saint-Siège(Vatican) GB RW EH SH KN LC SM SX VA Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines(a,b) Salomon,Îles Samoa SaoTomé-et-Principe Sénégal* Serbie Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapour Slovaquie Slovénie Somalie VC SB WS ST SN RS SC SL SG SK SI SO Soudan SriLanka SD LK 4 GENERALITES BOPI 04MQ/2015 Montserrat Mozambique Myanmar(Birmanie) Namibie Nauru Népal Nicaragua MS MZ MM NA NR NP NI Suède Suisse Suriname Swaziland Syrie Tadjikistan Taïwan,Province de Chine SE CH SR SZ SY TJ TW Niger* NE Tanzanie (Rép.-Unie) TZ Nigéria Thaïlande Timor Oriental Togo* Tonga Trinité-et-Tobago Tunisie Turkménistan Turks et Caïques,Îles Turquie NG TH TP TG TO TT TN TM TC TR Tchad* Tchèque,République Ukraine Uruguay Vanuata Venezuela VietNam Yémen Yougoslavie Zambie TD CZ UA UY VU VE VN YE YU ZM Tuvalu TV Zimbabwe ZW ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES DELIVRANT OU ENREGISTRANT DES TITRES DE PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE Bureau Benelux des marques et des dessins et modèles industriels Office Communautaire des variétés végétales (Communauté Européenne (OCVV) Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (Marque, dessins et modèles) Office des Brevets du conseil de Coopération des Etats du Golf (CCG) Office Européen des Brevets (OEB) Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI) Bureau International de l'OMPI Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) Organisation Eurasienne des Brevets (OEAB) BX QZ EM GC EP WO IB OA EA Organisation Régionale Africaine de la Propriété Industrielle (ARIPO) AP *Etatsmembresdel’OAPI 5 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE DE MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET SERVICES (111) Numéro d’enregistrement. (210) Numéro de dépôt ou de procès-verbal (300) Priorité(s) valamblement revendiquée(s) (220) Date et heure de dépôt (511) Classes internationales des produits ou services et liste des produits ou services (540) Représentation de la marque ou vignette (731) Nom(s) du ou des déposant(s) ou titulaire(s) de la marque et adresse(s) (740) Nom et adresse du mandataire en territoire OAPI (le cas échéant) CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE DE MARQUES RENOUVELEES (1) Le numéro d’enregistrement (2) Les numéro et date de dépôt (3) Classe(s) ancienne(s) (4) Classe(s) renouvelée(s) (5) Titulaire actuel (6) Numéro et date de la demande du renouvellement (7) Numéro du renouvellement (8) Mandataire le cas échéant CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE D’INSCRIPTIONS DANS LE REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS ETDE SERVICES (1) Numéro d’enregistrement (2) Numéro de dépôt (3) Numéro et date de la demande d’inscription (4) Nature de l’inscription (5) Numéro et date de l’inscription (10) Cédant (11) Cessionnaire (12) Apporteur (13) Bénéficiaire (14) Dénomination avant (15) Dénomination après (16) Concédant (17) Titulaire (18) Ancienne adresse (19) Nouvelle adresse (20) Constituant du nantissement (21) Créancier nanti CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE D’EXTENSIONS DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES (1)Numéro d’enregistrement (2) Numéro et date de dépôt (3)Classe(s) des produits ou des services (4)Nom(s) et adresse(s) du ou des demandeur(s) (5) Numéro et date de la demande d’extension (6) Numéro et date de la décision d’extension (7)Pays bénéficiaire de l’extension (8) Mandataire le cas échéant 6 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES CLASSIFICATION INTERNATIONALE DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES e (CLASSIFICATIONDENICE-9 EDITION) Ce document ne contient pas la totalité des produits ou services cités dans la classification internationale. Il permet d’établir la liste des produits et services que l’on désire désigner par la marque et de les classer par référence à la classe attribuée aux produits ou services voisins. PRODUITS Classe 1 Produits chimiques destinés à l’industrie,aux sciences,à la photographie, ainsi qu’à l’agriculture, l’horticulture et la sylviculture; résines artificielles à l’état brut, matières plastiques à l’état brut; engrais pour les terres; compositions extinctrices; préparations pour la trempe et la soudure des métaux; produits chimiques destinés à conserver les aliments; matières tannantes; adhésifs (matières collantes) destinés à l’industrie. Sel pour conserver, autres que pour les aliments;sels à usage industriel;réactifs chimiques autres qu’à usage médical ou vétérinaire;décolorants à usage industriel. Classe 2 Couleurs,vernis,laques(peintures),préservatifs contre larouille et contre la détérioration du bois; matières tinctoriales; mordants; résines naturelles à l’état brut; métaux en feuilles et en poudre pour peintres, décorateurs, imprimeurs et artistes. Colorants pour boissons ou aliments; encres d’imprimerie; encres pour la peausserie; enduits (peintures). Classe 3 Préparationspourblanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savons; parfums, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour cheveux; dentifrices. Dépilatoires; produits de démaquillage; rouge à lèvres; masques de beauté; produits de rasage;produits pour la conservation ducuir(cirages);crèmes pour lecuir. Classe 4 Huiles et graisses industrielles; lubrifiants; produits pour absorber, arroser, lier la poussière; combustibles (y compris les essences pour moteurs) et matières éclairantes; bougies et mèches pour l’éclairage.Bois de feu;gaz d’éclairage. Classe 5 Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires;produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical; aliments pour bébés; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour la destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides. Bains médicinaux; bandes, culottesouservietteshygiéniques; préparations chimiques à usage médical ou pharmaceutique; herbes médicinales; tisanes; parasiticides; sucre à usage médical; alliages des métaux précieux à usage dentaire. Classe 6 Métaux communs et leurs alliages; matériauxdeconstructionmétalliques; constructions transportables métalliques; matériaux métalliques pour les voies ferrées;câbles,fils et serrurerie métalliques non électriques; quincaillerie métallique; tuyaux métalliques; coffres-forts; minerais. Constructions métalliques; échafaudages métalliques;boîtes en métaux communs;coffres métalliques;récipients d’emballage en métal; monuments funéraires métalliques; objets d’art en métaux communs; statues ou figurines (statuettes) en métaux communs;plaques d’immatriculation métalliques. Classe 7 Machines-outils; moteurs (à l’exception des moteurs pour véhicules terrestres); accouplements et organes de transmission (à l’exception de ceux pour véhicules terrestres); instruments agricoles autres que ceux actionnésmanuellement; couveuses pour les œufs. Machines agricoles; machines d’aspiration à usage industriel;machine à travailler le bois; manipulateurs industriels (machines); machines d’emballage ou d’empaquetage; pompes (machines); perceuses à main électriques; tondeuses (machines); bouldozeurs; broyeurs (machines); centrifugeuses (machines); ascenseurs; machines à coudre, à tricoter; repasseuses; machines à laver;machines de cuisine électriques;machines à trier pour industrie; scies (machines); robots (machines); machines à imprimer; foreuses; élévateurs;couteaux électriques. Classe 8 Outils et instruments à main entraînés manuellement; coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers;armes blanches;rasoirs. Appareils pour l’abattage des animaux de boucherie; outils à main actionnés manuellement pour le jardinage;tondeuses(instruments à main). Classe 9 Appareils et instruments scientifiques(autres qu’à usage médical), nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d’enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, la distribution, la transformation, l’accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l’enregistrement,la transmission,la reproduction ou le traitement du son ou des images; supports d’enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques ou optiques, disquettes souples; distributeurs automatiques et mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer, équipement pour le traitement de l’information et les ordinateurs; extincteurs. Logiciels de jeux; logiciels (programmes enregistrés); périphériques d’ordinateurs;batteriesélectriques; détecteurs; fils électriques; relais électriques; combinaisons, costumes, gants ou masques de plongée; vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les irradiations et le feu; dispositifs de protection personnelle contre les accidents;lunettes(optique);articles de lunetterie;étuis à lunettes; appareils pour le diagnostic non à usage médical;cartes à mémoire ou à microprocesseur;bâches de sauvetage. Classe 10 Appareils et instruments chirurgicaux, médicaux, dentaires et vétérinaires, membres, yeux et dents artificiels; articles orthopédiques; matériel de suture. Bas pour les varices; biberons; tétines de biberons; vêtements spéciaux pour salles d’opération; appareils de massage; appareils pour massages esthétiques; prothèses; implants artificiels; fauteuils à usage médical ou dentaire; draps chirurgicaux; bassins hygiéniques ou à usage et mobilier spécial à usage médical, coutellerie chirurgicale,chaussures orthopédiques. 7 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES Classe 11 Appareils d’éclairage,de chauffage,de production de vapeur, de cuisson, de réfrigération, de séchage, de ventilation, de distribution d’eau et installations sanitaires. Appareils ou installations de climatisation;congélateurs;lampes de poche;cafetières électriques; cuisinières; appareils d’éclairage pour véhicules; installations de chauffage ou de climatisation pour véhicules; appareils et machines pour la purification de l’air ou de l’eau;stérilisateurs. Classe 12 Véhicules;appareils de locomotion par terre,par air ou par eau. Moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; amortisseurs de suspensions pour véhicules; carrosseries; chaînes antidérapantes; châssis ou pare-chocs de véhicules; stores (pare-soleil) pour automobiles;ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules;véhicules électriques; caravanes; tracteurs; vélomoteurs; cycles; cadres, béquilles,freins, guidons, jantes, pédales, pneumatiques, roues ou selles de cycles;poussettes;charriots de manutention. Classe 13 Armesàfeu;munitions et projectiles;explosifs;feux d’artifice. Produits pyrotechniques; pétards; étuis pour fusils; fusées de signalisation. Classe 14 Joaillerie; bijouterie, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques; métaux précieux et leurs alliages. Monnaies; objets d’art en métaux précieux;coffrets à bijoux;boîtes en métaux précieux; boîtiers, bracelets, chaînes, ressorts ou verres de montre; porte- clefs de fantaisie;statues ou figurines(statuettes)en métaux précieux; étuis ou écrins pour l’horlogerie;médailles. Classe 15 Instruments de musique.Instruments de musique électroniques;Pupitres à musique;étuis pour instruments de musique. Classe 16 Produits de l’imprimerie; articles pour reliures; photographies; articles de papeterie; adhésifs (matières collantes) pour la papeterie ou le ménage; matériel pour les artistes; pinceaux; machines à écrire et articles de bureau(à l’exception des meubles);matériel d’instruction ou d’enseignement (à l’exception des appareils); caractères d’imprimerie; clichés. Papier; carton; boîtes en carton ou en papier; affiches; albums; cartes; livres; journaux; prospectus; brochures; calendriers; instruments d’écriture; objets d’art gravés ou lithographiés; tableaux (peintures) encadrés ou non; aquarelles; patrons pour la couture; dessins; instruments de dessin; mouchoirs de poche en papier; serviettes de toilette en papier; linge de table en papier;papierhygiénique;couchesen papier ou en cellulose(à jeter); sacs et sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en papier ou en matières plastiques pour l’emballage;sacs à ordures en papier ou en matières plastiques. Classe 17 Caoutchouc, gutta-percha, gomme, amiante, mica; produits en matières plastiques mi-ouvrées; matières à calfeutrer, à étouper et à isoler; tuyaux flexibles non métalliques. Bouchons en caoutchouc; matières d’emballage (rembourrage) en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; feuilles en matières plastiques à usage agricole; feuilles métalliques isolantes;gants,rubans,tissus ou vernis isolants;résines artificielles ou synthétiques (produits semi-finis); sacs ou sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en caoutchouc pour l’emballage; fibres ou laine de verre pour l’isolation. Classe 18 Cuir et imitations du cuir; peaux d’animaux; malles et valises; parapluies,parasols et cannes;fouets et sellerie.Portefeuilles;portemonnaie; sacs à main, à dos, à roulettes; sacs d’alpinistes, de campeurs,devoyage,deplage,d’écoliers;coffrets destinés àcontenirdes affaires de toilette; colliers ou habits pour animaux; filets ou sacs à provisions; sacs ou sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en cuir pour l’emballage. Classe 19 Matériaux de construction non métalliques;tuyaux rigides non métalliques pour la construction; asphalte, poix et bitume; constructions transportables non métalliques; monuments non métalliques. Constructions non métalliques; échafaudages non métalliques;verre de construction;verre isolant(construction);béton; ciment; objets d’art en pierre, en béton ou en marbre; statues ou figurines (statuettes) en pierre, en béton ou en marbre; vitraux; bois de construction; bois façonnés; monuments funéraires non métalliques. Classe 20 Meubles,glaces(miroirs),cadres.Objets d’art en bois,cire,plâtre, liège, roseau, jonc, osier, corne, os, ivoire, baleine, écaille, ambre, nacre, écume de mer, succédanés de toutes ces matières ou enmatières plastiques; cintres pour vêtements; commodes; coussins; étagères; récipients d’emballage en matières plastiques; fauteuils; sièges;literie(à l’exception du linge de lit);matelas;urnes funéraires; vaisseliers;vannerie.Boîtes en bois ou en matières plastiques. Classe 21 Ustensiles et récipients non électriques pour le ménage ou la cuisine; peignes et éponges; brosses (à l’exception des pinceaux); matériaux pour la brosserie; instruments de nettoyage actionnés m a n u e l l e m e n t ; p a i l l e d e f e r ; v e r r e b r u t o u m i - o u v r é( à l’exception du verre de construction); porcelaine; faïence. Bouteilles; objets d’art en porcelaine, en terre cuite ou en verre; statues ou figurines (statuettes) en porcelaine, en terre cuite ou en verre; ustensiles ou nécessaires de toilette; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle;aquariums d’appartement. Classe 22 Cordes(ni en caoutchouc,ni de raquettes,ni d’instruments de musique), ficelles, tentes, bâches, voiles (gréement); matières de rembourrage(à l’exception du caoutchouc ou des matières plastiques); matières textiles fibreuses brutes. Câbles non métalliques; matières d’emballage (rembourrage) ni en caoutchouc, ni en matières plastiques; fibres textiles; sacs pour le transport et l’emmagasinage de marchandises en vrac; sacs ou sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en matières textiles pour l’emballage. Classe 23 Fils à usage textile.Fils élastique à usage textile;fils de caoutchouc à usage textile;fils de verre à usage textile;laine filée;soie filée. Classe 24 Tissus; couvertures de lit et de table. Tissus à usage textile; tissus élastiques; velours; linge de lit; linge de maison; linge de table non en papier;linge de bain(à l’exception de l’habillement). Classe 25 Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. Chemises; vêtements en cuir ou en imitation du cuir; ceintures (habillement); fourrures (vêtements); gants (habillement); foulards; cravates; bonneterie; chaussettes; chaussons; chaussures de plage, de ski ou de sport; couches en matières textiles;sous-vêtements. Classe 26 Dentelles et broderies, rubans et lacets; boutons, crochets et œillets,épingles et aiguilles;fleurs artificielles.Articles de mercerie (à l’exception des fils); barbes, cheveux ou moustaches; postiches, passementerie; perruques; attaches ou fermeture pour vêtements; articles décoratifs pour la chevelure. Classe 27 Tapis, paillassons, nattes, linoléum et autres revêtements de sols (à l’exception des carrelages et des peintures); tentures murales non en matières textiles. Carpettes; papiers peints; tapis de gymnastique;tapis pour automobile;gazon artificiel. 8 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES Classe 28 Jeux, jouets; décorations pour arbres de Noël (à l’exception des articles d’éclairage). Arbres de Noël en matières synthétiques; appareils de culture physique ou de gymnastique; attirail de pêche; balles ou ballons de jeux; tables, queues ou billes de billard; jeux de cartes ou de tables;patins à glace ou à roulettes;trottinettes;planches à voile ou pour le surf;raquettes;raquettes à neige;skis;rembourrages de protection(parties d’habillement de sport). Classe 29 Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; œufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Graisses alimentaires; beurre; charcuterie; salaisons; crustacés (non vivants); conserves de viande ou de poisson; fromages;boissons lactées où le lait prédomine. Classe 30 Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café;farine et préparations faites de céréales,pain,pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao,de café,de chocolat ou de thé. Classe 30 Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café;farineetpréparationsfaitesdecéréales,pain,pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao,de café,de chocolat ou de thé. Classe 31 Produitsagricoles, horticoles et forestiers ni préparés, ni transformés; animaux vivants; fruits et légumes frais; semences (graines), plantes et fleurs naturelles; aliments pour les animaux; malt. Gazon naturel; crustacés vivants; appâts vivants pour la pêche; céréales en grains non travaillés; arbustes; plantes; plants; arbres (végétaux); agrumes; bois bruts; plantes séchées pour la décoration; fourrages. Classe 32 Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. Limonades;nectars de fruit;sodas;apéritifs sans alcool. Classe 33 Boissons alcooliques(à l’exception des bières).Cidres;digestifs(alcoolset liqueurs);vins;spiritueux;extraits ou essences alcooliques. Classe 34 Tabac; articles pour fumeurs; allumettes. Cigares; cigarettes; papier à cigarettes;pipes;briquets pour fumeurs;boîtes ou étuis à cigares;boîtes ou étuis à cigarettes;cendriers pour fumeurs. SERVICES Classe 35 Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau. Diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts,prospectus,imprimés,échantillons).Servicesd’abonnement à des journaux (pour des tiers). Conseils en organisation et direction des affaires. Comptabilité. Reproduction de documents. Bureaux de placement. Gestion de fichiers informatiques. Organisation d’expositions à buts commerciaux ou de publicité. Publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique. Location de temps publicitaire sur tout moyen de communication;publication de textes publicitaires;location d’espaces publicitaires; diffusion d’annonces publicitaires; relations publiques. Classe 36 Assurances;affairesfinancières;affairesmonétaires; affaires immobilières. Caisses de prévoyance. Banque directe. Emission de chèques de voyage ou de cartes de crédit. Estimations immobilières.Gérance de biens immobiliers.Services definancement; analyse financière; constitution ou investissement de capitaux; consultation en matière financière; estimations financières (assurances,banques,immobilier);placement de fonds. Classe 37 Construction d’édifices permanents, de routes, de ponts. Informations en matière de construction. Supervision (direction) de travaux de construction. Maçonnerie. Travaux de plâtrerie ou de plomberie. Travaux de couverture de toits. Services d’étanchéité (construction).Démolition de constructions.Location de machines de chantier. Nettoyage de bâtiments (ménage), d’édifices (surfaces extérieures) ou de fenêtres. Nettoyage ou entretien de véhicules; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules(réparation).Désinfection. Dératisation. Blanchisserie. Rénovation de vêtements. Entretien, nettoyage et réparation du cuir ou des fourrures. Repassage du linge. Travaux de cordonnerie. Rechapage ou vulcanisation (réparation) de pneus. Installation, entretien et réparation d’appareils de bureau.Installation,entretien et réparation de machines.Installation, entretien et réparation d’ordinateurs. Entretien et réparation d’horlogerie. Réparation de serrures. Restauration de mobilier. Constructionnavale. Classe 38 Télécommunications.Informations en matière de télécommunications.Communications parterminaux d’ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques. Communications radiophoniques ou téléphoniques.Services de radiotéléphonie mobile.Fourniture d’accès à un réseau informatique mondial. Services d’affichage électronique (télécommunications). Raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial. Agences de presse ou d’informations (nouvelles). Location d’appareils de télécommunication. Emissions radiophoniques ou télévisées. Services de téléconférences. Services de messagerie électronique.Location de temps d’accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux. Classe 39 Transport; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; organisation de voyages. Informations en matière de transport. Distribution de journaux. Distribution des eaux ou d’énergie. Remorquage. Location de garages ou de places de stationnement. Location de véhicules, de bateaux ou de chevaux. Services de taxis. Réservation pour les voyages. Entreposage de supports de données ou de documents stockés électroniquement. Classe 40 Sciage, Couture, Imprimerie.Informations en matière de traitement de matériaux. Services de broderie. Soudure. Polissage (abrasion). Rabotage. Raffinage. Meulage. Meunerie. Services de gravure. Galvanisation. Service de dorure. Etamage. Services de teinturerie. Retouche de vêtements. Traitement de tissus. Services de reliure. Services d’encadrement d’œuvres d’art. Purification de l’air.Développement de pellicules photographiques. Sérigraphie. Services de photo 9 BOPI 04MQ/2015 GENERALITES gravure.Soufflage(verrerie).Taxidermie.Traitement des déchets (transformation). Tri de déchets et de matières premières de récupération(transformation).Vulcanisation(traitement de matériaux).Décontamination de matériaux dangereux. Production d’énergie.Tiragedephotographies. Classe 41 Education;formation;divertissement;activités sportives et culturelles.Informations en matière de divertissement ou d’éducation. Services de loisirs. Publication de livres. Prêt de livres. Dressage d’animaux. Production de films sur bandes vidéo. Location de films cinématographiques. Location d’enregistrements sonores. Location de magnétoscopes ou de postes de radio et de télévision. Location de décors de spectacles. Montage de bandes vidéo. Services de photographie. Organisationdeconcours (éducation ou divertissement). Organisation et conduite de colloques, conférencesou congrès. Organisation d’expositions à buts culturels ou éducatifs. Réservation de places de spectacles. Services de jeux proposés en ligne à partir d’un réseau informatique. Services de jeux d’argent. Publication électronique de livres et de périodiques en ligne. Micro- édition. Classe 42 Evaluations, estimations et recherches dans les domaines scientifiques et technologiques rendues par des ingénieurs; conception et développement d’ordinateurs et de logiciels.Recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers. Etudes de projetstechniques.Architecture.Décorationintérieure.Elaboration (conception), installation, maintenance, mise à jour ou location de logiciels. Programmation pour ordinateur. Consultation en matière d’ordinateurs. Conversion de données et de programmes informatiques autres que conversion physique. Conversion de données ou de documents d’un support physique vers un support électronique. Contrôle technique de véhicules automobiles. Services de dessinateurs d’arts graphiques. Stylisme (esthétique industrielle). Authentification d’œuvres d’art. Classe 42 Evaluations, estimations et recherches dans les domaines scientifiques et technologiques rendues par des ingénieurs; conception et développement d’ordinateurs et de logiciels.Recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers. Etudes de projetstechniques.Architecture.Décoration intérieure.Elaboration (conception), installation, maintenance, mise à jour ou location de logiciels. Programmation pour ordinateur. Consultation en matière d’ordinateurs. Conversion de données et de programmes informatiques autres que conversion physique. Conversion de données ou de documents d’un support physique vers un support électronique. Contrôle technique de véhicules automobiles. Services de dessinateurs d’arts graphiques. Stylisme (esthétique industrielle). Authentification d’œuvres d’art. Classe 43 Services de restauration(alimentation);hébergement temporaire. Services de bars. Services de traiteurs. Services hôteliers. Réservation de logements temporaires. Crèches d’enfants. Mise à disposition de terrains de camping. Maisons de retraite pour personnes âgées.Pensions pour animaux. Classe 44 Services d’agriculture, d’horticulture et de sylviculture. Services médicaux. Services vétérinaires; soins d’hygiène et de beauté pour êtreshumains ou pour animaux.Assistance médicale.Chirurgie esthétique. Services hospitaliers. Maisons médicalisées. Maisons de convalescence ou de repos. Services d’opticiens. Salons de beauté. Salons de coiffure.Toilettage d’animaux. Jardinage. Services de jardinier-paysagiste. Classe 45 Services juridiques. Services de sécurité pour la protection des biens et des individus(à l’exception de leur transport).Agences matrimoniales. Etablissement d’horoscopes. Pompes funèbres. Services de crémation. Agences de surveillance nocturne. Surveillance des alarmes anti-intrusion. Consultation en matière de sécurité.Location de vêtements.Agences de détectives.Recherches judiciaires.Conseils en propriété intellectuelle 10 GENERALITES BOPI 04MQ/2015 CLARIFICATION DU REGLEMENT RELATIF A L’EXTENSION DES DROITS SUITE A UNE NOUVELLE ADHESION A L’ACCORD DE BANGUI RESOLUTIONN°47/32 LE CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION DE L’ORGANISATION AFRICAINE DE LAPROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Vu L’accord portant révision de l’accord de Bangui du 02 Mars 1977 instituant une Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle et ses annexes ; Vu Les dispositions des articles 18 et 19 dudit Accord relatives Aux attributions et pouvoirs du Conseil d’Administration ; ADOPTE la clarification du règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui ci-après : voudront étendre la protection dans ces Etats doivent formuler une demande d’extension à cet effet auprès de l’Organisation suivant les modalités fixées aux articles 6 à 18 ci-dessous. Le renouvellement de la protection des titres qui n’ont pas fait l’objet d’extension avant l’échéance dudit renouvellement entraine une extension automatique des effets de la protection à l’ensemble du territoire OAPI». Le reste sans changement. Article 2 : Article 1er : La présente clarification, qui entre en vigueur à compter du 1 er janvier 2008, s’applique aussi aux demandes d’extension en instance et sera publiée au Bulletin Officiel de l’Organisation. Le Règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui est réaménagé ainsi qu’il suit : Fait à Bangui le 17 décembre 2007 «Article 5 (nouveau) : Les titulaires des titres en vigueur à l’Organisation avant la production des effets de l’adhésion d’un Etat à l’accord de Bangui ou ceux dont la demande a été déposée avant cette date et qui 11 STRUCTURES NATIONALES DE LIAISON (SNL) BENIN-Cotonou BURKINA FASO-Ouagadougou CAMEROUN-Yaoundé Agence Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (ANAPI) Direction Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (DNPI) Direction du Développement Technologique et de la Propriété Industrielle Tel.: (229) 21 31 02 40 Fax.: (229) 21 30 30 24 01 B.P. 363 Cotonou 01 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de l’Artisanat) Tél. : (226) 50 30 09 41 Fax : (226) 50 33 05 63 01 B.P. 258 Ouagadougou (Ministère des Mines, de l’Industrie et du Développement Technologique) Tel. : (237) 22 20 37 78 Fax.: (237) 22 20 37 38 B.P. 1652 Yaoundé CENTRAFRIQUE-Bangui COMORES-Moroni CONGO-Brazzaville Direction de la Propriété Industrielle Office comorien de la propriété intellectuelle Antenne Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (ANPI) (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) Tél. : (236) 21 61 17 44 Fax : (236) 21 61 76 53 Avenue B. BOGANDA B.P. 1988 Bangui (Ministère du Développement Industriel et de la Promotion du Secteur Privé) Tél. : (242) 581 56 57 Fax : (242) 581 54 80 B.P. : 72 Brazzaville Tél. : 269 333 53 60 Fax : 269 775 00 03 B.P. 41 Moroni COTE D’IVOIRE-Abidjan GABON-Libreville GUINEE-Conakry Office Ivoirien de la Propriété Industrielle (OIPI) Centre de la Propriété Industrielle du Gabon (CEPIG) Service National de la Propriété Industrielle Tel. : (225) 20 33 53 43/44 Fax: (225) 20 33 53 45 01 B.P. 2337 Abidjan (Ministère du Commerce et du Développement Industriel, Chargé du NEPAD) Tel. : (241) 01 74 59 24 Fax. : (241) 01 76 30 55 B.P. : 1025 Libreville (Ministère de l’Industrie, des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) Tel. : (224) 30 41 17 20/60 58 53 61 Fax: (224) 41 25 42/41 39 90 B.P. 468 Conakry GUINEE BISSAU-Bissau GUINEE EQUATORIALE-Malabo MALI-Bamako Direction Générale de la Propriété Industrielle Direction de la Propriété Intellectuelle Centre Malien de la Propriété Industrielle (CEMAPI) (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de la Promotion des Produits locaux) Tél : (245) 322 22 75 Fax : (245) 322 37 65 B.P. : 269 Bissau (Conseil de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique - CICTE) Tel. : (240) 222 09 24 84 Fax : (240) 333 09 33 13 B.P. : 528 Malabo MAURITANIE-Nouackchott NIGER-Niamey SENEGAL-Dakar Service de la Technologie et de la Propriété Industrielle Direction de l’Innovation et de la Propriété Intellectuelle Agence Sénégalaise pour la Propriété Industrielle et l’Innovation Technologique (ASPIT) (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie, de l’Artisanat et du Tourisme) Tel. : (222) 525 72 66 Fax: (222) 525 69 37 B.P. : 387 Nouakchott (Ministère des Mines et du Développement Industriel) Tél. : (227) 20 73 58 25 Fax : (227) 20 73 21 50 B.P. : 480 Niamey Tel. : (223) 20 29 90 90 Fax: (223) 20 29 90 91 B.P. : 278 Bamako Tel. : (221) 33 869 47 70 Fax: (221) 33 827 30 14 B.P. : 4037 Dakar TCHAD-N’djamena TOGO-Lomé Division de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie (INPIT) Tel. : (235) 22 52 08 67 Fax: (235) 22 52 21 79 B.P. : 424 N’Djamena Tel. : (228) 222 10 08 Fax : (228) 222 44 70 B.P. : 2339 Lomé (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) B.P. 887 Yaoundé-Cameroun Tél : (237) 22 20 57 00 E-mail : Fax : (237) 22 20 57 27 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES DEUXIEME PARTIE MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES DU N° 82151 AU 82599 13 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82151 (210) 3201300884 (220) 11.03.2013 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide et autres produits de la classe vingt-neuf. Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel, assaisonnements, farines et préparations faîtes de céréales, riz, pâtes alimentaires, couscous et autres produits de la classe trente. (540) bois, liège, roseau, jonc, osier, corne, os, ivoire, baleine, écaille, ambre, nacre, écume de mer, succédanés de toutes ces matières ou en matières plastiques et tous les autres produits d'arts de cette classe. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie et tous les autres produits de l'habillement de cette classe. (540) (731) YACINE SOURANG, Av. Félix Eboué, Bd. Maritime Bel-Air, B.P. 2384, DAKAR (SN) (740) SCP BALEMAKEN & ASSOCIES, Rue 1810, descente Vallée Bastos, B.P. 4752, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Noire, orange, jaune, rouge et marron. ________________________________________ (111) 82153 (210) 3201304105 (220) 12.12.2013 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : (731) PATISEN, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Jaune pantone yellow C, noir, rouge pantone 1795 CVC et marron pantone 469 C. ________________________________________ (111) 82152 (210) 3201300916 (220) 19.03.2013 (511) 3, 20 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser, savons; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices et tous les autres produits de cette classe. Classe 20 : Meubles, glaces (miroirs), cadres; produits, non compris dans d'autres classes, en Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couches-culottes à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, culottes; sous-vêtements. 14 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNIS(731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Violet, blanc, jaune et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82154 (210) 3201304133 (220) 13.12.2013 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 CARTHAGE (TN) (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Violet, blanc et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82155 (210) 3201304132 (220) 13.12.2013 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 serviettes : Ouate, ou tampons lingettes cosmétiques, cosmétiques, lotions Produits désignés : cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. (produits hygiéniques), Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. tampons pour Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couches-culottes à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, la bandes protège-slips hygiéniques, menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier papier ou en cellulose, couches-culottes à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. 15 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, or et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82157 (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201303949 Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, or, vert et bleu. (511) 3, 5 et 32 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82156 Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savon; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. (210) 3201304131 (220) 13.12.2013 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couches-culottes à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (220) 18.03.2014 Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical, aliments pour bébés; emplâtres, matériels pour pansement; matériels pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; produits pour destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides. Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruit et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire la boisson. (540) (731) MBAKOP née NZEPANG B.P. 33009, YAOUNDE (CM). Marie, Couleurs revendiquées : Blanche et verte. 16 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82158 (210) 3201303268 (220) 03.10.2013 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco; molasses tobacco; tobacco jars; tobacco pipes; tobacco pouches; firestone; herbs for smoking; cigarette filters; lighters for smoker; ashtray for smokers; absorbent paper for tobacco pipes. (540) (731) STARBUZZ TOBACCO, INC., 1889 W Commonwealth Avenue, FULLERTON, CA 92833-3028 (US) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). souder; machines à souder électriques, en particulier appareils de soudage autogènes; compresseurs, en particulier compresseurs pour réfrigérateurs; dynamos; convertisseurs d'énergie, en particulier dispositifs pour convertir l'énergie éolienne en électricité; instruments agricoles, à l'exception des instruments actionnés manuellement; pompes à eau; séparateurs d'eau; désaérateurs (dégazeurs) d'eau d'alimentation; réchauffeurs d'eau (parties de machines); régulateurs d'eau d'alimentation; régulateurs de pression (parties de machines); machines à filtrer; filtres (pièces de machines ou de moteurs); cartouches pour machines à filtrer; courroies, à savoir courroies de dynamo, courroies de machines; courroies de ventilateurs de moteurs, courroies de moteurs. (540) (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82159 (210) 3201303890 (731) SDMO INDUSTRIES, 12B rue de la Villeneuve, 29200 BREST (FR) (220) 27.11.2013 (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (300) FR n° 13/4008890 du 31/05/2013 ________________________________________ (511) 7 (111) 82160 Produits désignés : (210) 3201303895 Classe 7 : Générateurs de courant; groupes électrogènes; machines-outils; moteurs (à l'exception des moteurs pour véhicules terrestres); accouplements (non électriques) et organes de transmission de machines (à l'exception de ceux de véhicules terrestres); moteurs à air comprimé; moteurs électriques autres que pour véhicules terrestres; moteurs à combustion interne; culasses de moteurs; cylindres de moteurs; injecteurs pour moteurs; pistons de moteurs; dispositifs d'allumage pour moteurs à explosion; régulateurs de vitesse de moteurs; chaînes motrices autres que pour véhicules terrestres; économiseurs de carburant pour moteurs; carburateurs; alimentateurs pour carburateurs; carters pour machines et moteurs; chaînes de commande autres que pour véhicules terrestres; pompes pour installations de chauffage; convertisseurs de combustible pour moteurs à combustion interne; commandes de machines et moteurs, à savoir, câbles, commandes hydrauliques et pneumatiques; machines à (220) 31.05.2012 (511) 16, 17 et 32 Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Tous les produits de la classe seize. Classe 17 : Tous les produits de la classe dixsept. Classe 32 : Tous les produits de la classe trentedeux. (540) 17 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) (CI). MULTIPACK, 26 B.P. 662, ABIDJAN 26 (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82161 (210) 3201303897 (220) 18.07.2012 (511) 7, 9 et 28 Produits désignés : Classe 7 : Tous les produits de la classe sept. Classe 9 : Tous les produits de la classe neuf. Classe 28 : Tous les produits de la classe vingthuit. (540) (731) Société de Limonaderies et Brasseries d'Afrique "SOLIBRA", 35 Rue des Brasseurs, 01 B.P. 1304, ABIDJAN 01 (CI) (740) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIES Sarl, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82163 (210) 3201303689 (220) 14.11.2013 (511) 3, 9, 14, 18 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Cosmetics and cosmetic creams; essential oils; nail varnish; lotions for cosmetic purposes; beauty masks; cosmetic preparations for baths; sun-tanning preparations; make-up preparations; perfumery; lipsticks; cakes of soap, soaps; shampoos; room fragrancing products; deodorants for personal use. (731) SAYEGH ALAA, 05 B.P. 1600, ABIDJAN 05 (CI). Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82162 (210) 3201200999 (220) 05.04.2012 (511) 32 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. Classe 33 : Boissons alcoolisées (à l'exception des bières); vins; spiritueux. Class 9 : Spectacle cases, containers for contact lenses; optical lenses, spectacle mountings (frames), spectacles, sunglasses, sports eyewear, helmets; electronic products such as telephones, mobiles, MP3/MP4 readers, USB keys, CD/DVD readers and respective cases; computer and tablet cases; organisers, calculators, frames for digital photos. Class 14 : Jewellery and custom jewellery, including rings, bracelets, chains, charms, necklaces, tie pins, cuff links, earrings, fancy key rings, ornamental pins; precious stones; clocks, watches, chronometric instruments, watch cases; watch bands; watch straps. Class 18 : Purses and handbags; passport holders (leather and imitation of leather), credit card holders (leather and imitation of leather); wallets; key cases; vanity cases (sold empty); school bags; straps of leather; umbrellas; wallets; briefcases; beach bags, travelling bags, suitcases, attaché cases, rucksacks. 18 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 25 : Clothing; leather and imitation leather clothing; coats; bathrobes; shoes, boots and slippers; short-sleeved shirts, shirts; headgear; overcoats; bathing suits; neckties, gloves (clothing), scarves; jackets; skirts; waterproof clothing; ready-made clothing; knitwear (clothing); underwear; hosiery; sweaters, trousers, pullovers; dresses; belts (clothing). (540) (731) Billionaire Trademarks B.V., Silodam 187, 1013 AS AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82164 (210) 3201303712 (220) 15.11.2013 (511) 6 et 7 Produits désignés : Class 6 : Drill, pipe and casing protectors, control line and sucker rod protectors, compressible tubular products. Class 7 : Oil-filled cementation equipment, centralisers for casing and tubing, releasable coupling devices, connectors. (540) (731) CENTEK HOLDINGS LIMITED, Station View, Forde Road, NEWTON ABBOT, Devon TQ12 4AE (GB) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 7 : Machines and machine tools, component parts of these machines, especially ball-bearings, roller bearings, thrust bearings, friction bearings or rings, bail cages, roller cages or roller needle cages, transmission shafts other than for land vehicles, anti-friction bearings and devices for measuring position, speed and/or stress, linear and/or angular; cranes (lifting and hoisting apparatus); wind turbines; hydraulic pullers; agricultural machines; large agricultural instruments and component parts of these instruments; component parts of all the vehicles listed in class twelve, especially ball-bearings, roller bearings, thrust bearings, friction bearings or rings, ball cages, roller cages or needle roller cages, anti-friction bearings and devices for measuring position, speed and/or stress, linear and/or angular. Class 9 : Scientific, electrical, optical, weighing and measuring apparatus and instruments, especially devices for measuring position, speed and/or stress, linear and/or angular, signaling and monitoring devices, especially in connection with bearings, thrust bearings, drive shafts, anti-friction bearings and component parts of machines and machine tools as well as air, land, sea or space vehicles; data processing equipment and computers; computer software for maintaining and monitoring machines, especially for data management; computer software, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs for training on the use of techniques and goods, especially in connection with bearings, thrust bearings, drive shafts, anti-friction bearings and component parts for machines and machine tools as well as air, land, sea and space vehicles; gloves for protection against accidents; thermometers (not for medical use) with laser sightings. Class 12 : Land vehicles, especially automobiles, motor coaches, trucks, vans, tractors, fork-lift trucks and trains; air vehicles, especially aero planes, seaplanes; space vehicles; sea vehicles, especially boats, canoes, hydroplanes, ships; component parts for the aforementioned land vehicles, namely drive shafts. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82165 (210) 3201303874 (220) 27.11.2013 (511) 7, 9 et 12 Produits désignés : (731) NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS, 1, rue des Usines, 74000 ANNECY (FR) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). 19 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Couleurs revendiquées : Blue (3005 C), blue (100% 293 CV) and yellow (100% yellow process CV). ________________________________________ (111) 82166 (210) 3201303971 (220) 17.02.2015 (511) 35, 39 et 41 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité. Classe 39 : Organisation de voyages. Classe 41 : Activités sportives et culturelles, organisation des concours de beauté. (540) Classe 41 : Education; formation; divertissement; activités sportives et culturelles. Informations en matière de divertissement ou d'éducation. Services de loisirs. Publication de livres. Prêt de livres. Dressage d'animaux. Production de films sur bandes vidéos. Location de films sur bandes vidéos. Location de films cinématographiques. Location d'enregistrements sonores. Location de magnétoscopes ou de postes de radio et de télévision. Location de décors de spectacles. Montage de bandes vidéo. Services de photographie. Organisation de concours (éducation ou divertissement). Organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences ou congrès. Organisation d'expositions à buts culturels ou éducatifs. Réservation de places de spectacles. Services de jeu proposés en ligne à partir d'un réseau informatique. Services de jeux d'argent. Publication électronique de livres et de périodiques en ligne. Micro-édition. (540) (731) AFRICAN ABIDJAN 11 (CI). (731) PRESTIGE NATIONAL SUARL, B.P. 2231, MESSA-YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82167 (210) 3201304317 (220) 20.12.2013 VILLAGE, 11 B.P. 2114, Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, noir, vert et rouge. ________________________________________ (111) 82168 (210) 3201400029 (220) 03.01.2014 (511) 39 et 41 (511) 6, 11, 19 et 20 Services désignés : Classe 39 : Transport; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; organisation de voyages. Informations en matière de transport. Distributionde journaux. Distribution des eaux ou d'énergie. Remorquage. Location de garages ou de places de stationnement. Location de véhicules, de bateaux ou de chevaux. Services de taxis. Réservation pour les voyages. Entreposage de supports de données ou de documents stockés électroniquement. Produits désignés : Class 6 : Props of metal; pipes of metal; ladders of metal; doors of metal; floors of metal; building materials of metal; windows of metal; door handles of metal; hinges of metal; sleeves [metal hardware]; common metals, unwrought or semiwrought; tubbing of metal; crash barriers of metal for roads; trellis of metal; bars for metal railings; runners of metal for sliding doors; frames of metal for building. 20 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 11 : Hot air bath fittings; bath tubs; shower cubicles [enclosures (Am.)]; showers; toilets [water-closets]; wash-hand basins [parts of sanitary installations]; water flushing installations; sauna bath installations; sinks; urinals [sanitary fitures]; Class 19 : Plywood; veneers; cork [compressed]; xylolith; planks [wood for building]; fire burrs; schists; slate; granite; marble; artificial stone; stonemasonry (works of-); tiles, not of metal, for building; floor tiles, not of metal; water-pipes, not of metal; mandepieces; windows, not of metal; doors, not of metal; ceilings, not of metal; building materials, not of metal; slabs, not of metal; staircases, not of metal; building glass; roofing slates; stave wood; bricks; parquet flooring; statues of stone, concrete or marble; works of art of stone, concrete or marble; busts of stone, concrete or marble; figurines [statuettes] of stone, concrete or marble. Class 20 : Furniture; window fittings, not of metal; mirrors [looking glasses]; bamboo; bamboo curtains; furniture partitions of wood; doors for furniture; curtain rails; curtain rods; seats of metal; flower-stands [furniture]; ladders of wood or plastics; tool handles, not of metal; steps [ladders], not of metal. goods and services for other businesses]; sales promotion for others; advertising; relocation services for businesses; office machines and equipment rental; rental of vending machines. (540) (731) Yekalon Industry, Inc., 3rd Floor, Jinxiu Bldg, Wen Jin Middle Road, Luohu District, SHENZHEN 518003 (CN) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82170 (210) 3201400635 (220) 20.12.2013 (511) 9 Produits désignés : (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 9 : Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, la distribution, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques; distributeurs automatiques et mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer, équipement pour le traitement de l'information et les ordinateurs; extincteurs. ________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) Yekalon Industry, Inc., 3rd Floor, Jinxiu Bldg, Wen Jin Middle Road, Luohu District, SHENZHEN 518003 (CN) (111) 82169 (210) 3201400030 (220) 03.01.2014 (511) 35 Services désignés : Class 35 : Business information; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; import-export agencies; procurement services for others [purchasing (731) El Hadj Aliou DIALLO, Quartier Madina, Commune de Matam, B.P. 1907, CONAKRY (GN). Couleurs revendiquées : Noir, vert et orange. 21 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82171 (210) 3201400664 (220) 14.02.2014 (511) 35, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; outsourcing services [business assistance]; sponsorship search; tax preparation; organization of fashion shove for promotional purposes; commercial or industrial management assistance; business management assistance; price comparison services; employment agencies; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; document reproduction; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; production of advertising films; sales promotion for others; news clipping services; relocation services for businesses; payroll preparation; public relations; publication of publicity texts; publicity; bill-posting; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order; publicity columns preparation; radio advertising; television advertising; personnel recruitment; secretarial services; systemization of information into computer databases; drawing up of statements of accounts; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; compilation of statistics, shorthand; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; telemarketing services; transcription; writing of publicity texts; updating of advertising material; business management of sports people; business appraisals; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of vending machines; rental of photocopying machines; rental of advertising space; publicity material rental; office machines and equipment rental; demonstration of goods; data search in computer files for others; compilation of information into computer databases; procurement services for others [purchasing goods arid services for other businesses]; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; advisory services for business management; business management of hotels; administrative processing of purchase orders. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; chemical analysis; handwriting analysis [graphology]; computer system analysis; water analysis; architecture; energy auditing; bacteriological research; biological research; chemical research; geological research; scientific research; technical research; physics [research]; cosmetic research; mechanical research; research in the field of environmental protection; design of Interior decor; digitization of documents [scanning]; architectural consultation; computer software consultancy; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; web site design consultancy; providing search engines for the internet; clinical trials; analysis for oil-field exploitation; underwater exploration; oil-field surveys; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; server hosting; installation of computer software; engineering; calibration [measuring]; computer programming; aintenance of computer software; qualify control; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; scientific laboratory services; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; quality valuation of standing timber; quality evaluation of wool; recovery of computer data; technical project studies; software as a service [SaaS]; updating of computer software; urban planning; land surveys; surveying; geological prospecting; geological surveys; oil prospecting; duplication of computer programs; research and development of new products for others; weather forecasting; construction drafting; packaging design; computer software design; computer system design; cloud seeding; authenticating works of art; styling [industrial design]; oil-well testing; textile testing; material testing; vehicle roadworthiness testing; creating and maintaining web sites for others; provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; chemistry services; information technology [IT] consulting services; graphic arts design; computer virus protection services; dress designing; hosting computer sites [web sites]; computer rental; rental of computer software; rental of web servers; industrial design. Class 45 : Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; adoption agency services; detective agencies; marriage agencies; dating services; alternative dispute resolution services; arbitration services; legal research; personal background investigations; lost property return; security consultancy; intellectual property consultancy; chaperoning; fire-fighting; horoscope 22 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ casting; baggage Inspection for security purposes; inspection of factories for safety purposes; crematorium services; licensing of computer software [legal services]; licensing of intellectual property; mediation; monitoring of burglar and security alarms; intellectual property watching services; personal body guarding; house sitting; baby sitting; pet sitting; organization of religious meetings; opening of security locks; planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies; funerals; genealogical research; missing person investigations; registration of domain names [legal services]; litigation services; guards; night guards; rental of fire alarms; rental of fire extinguishers; clothing rental; rental of safes; evening dress rental; undertaking; copyright management. (540) Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82173 (210) 3201400808 (220) 28.02.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 (731) PAPLUS INTERNATIONAL SP.Z O.O., Powstancow 16, 41-100, SIEMIANOWICE SLASKIE (PL) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82172 (210) 3201400807 (220) 28.02.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) 23 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG et Associés (SCP), Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 25 : Clothing, footwear, headgear; bandanas; caps; headbands and hand bands. (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82174 (210) 3201401066 (220) 17.03.2014 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Hair cream and other hair products; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (540) (731) Qatar Olympic Committee, P.O. Box 7494, DOHA (QA) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Blue, red, green, black and yellow. ________________________________________ (111) 82176 (210) 3201401410 (220) 15.04.2014 (511) 41 Services désignés : (731) Soulmate Industries Ltd., 2-6 Ode Close, Oke-lra, Ogba, Ikeja, LAGOS (NG) Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; competitions (organization of sports). (540) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Red and black. ________________________________________ (111) 82175 (210) 3201401409 (220) 15.04.2014 (511) 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 16 : Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; photographs; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printing blocks; announcement cards [stationery]; flags of paper; pens; holders for stamps [seals]; envelopes; placards of paper or cardboard; posters; ribbons (paper). (731) Qatar Olympic Committee, P.O. Box 7494, DOHA (QA) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Blue, red, green, black and yellow. ________________________________________ (111) 82177 (210) 3201401530 (220) 24.04.2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : 24 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 9 : Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for the recording, transmission, broadcasting, reception, storage, display or reproduction of sound, images and data; computers, computer programs, computer software, computer software applications for smart phones and tablet devices; computer chips, apparatus and instruments for the encoding and decoding of electrical signals; remote control units; smart cards; encoded cards; aerials; satellite dishes; cables; optical fibres; switches; adapters; connectors; plugs; sockets and outlets; junction boxes; tapes, discs and cartridges all bearing or for the recordal of data, sound or images; cinematographic films prepared for exhibition; audio and/or video recordings; multimedia communication, recording, transmission, broadcasting, storage, display, reception and reproduction devices, data processing equipment; computer software and apparatus and instruments for use in connection with the Internet; electronic publications; parts (and fittings) for all the aforesaid goods. (540) broadcasting services; provision of web sites; provision of forums and portals; providing access to and leasing access time to computer data bases; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. Class 41 : Production and recordal of radio, television, video, satellite and cable programmes; entertainment and education services; organisation, presentation, production and recording of live performances, shows, events, concerts, theatre productions, competitions, lectures, promotions, seminars, sports activities and events, recitals, debates, public and private gatherings, cultural activities and events, conferences, meetings, rallies and displays; rental of cine-films, video recordings, audio recordings and CD-roms; hiring, rental and leasing of apparatus and instruments; publication of books, manuals, magazines and texts, films, videos, audio visual and sound recordings; advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. (540) (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82178 (111) 82179 (210) 3201401531 (210) 3201401886(220) 28.05.2014 (220) 24.04.2014 (511) 18, 25 et 28 (511) 38 et 41 Produits désignés : Services désignés : Class 18 : Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags; luggage. Class 38 : Voice, data, sound and image communication services; multi-media communication services; telecommunications services; radio, television, satellite and cable broadcasting services; news agency services; transmission, provision and display of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer stored databank; broadcast of live performances and events; hiring, rental and leasing of communication apparatus and instruments; subscription television and Internet Class 25 : Clothing, footwear, headgear; studs for football boots; football shoes; soccer bibs; replica soccer shirts, shorts and socks. Class 28 : Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; balls for games; 25 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ soccer balls; play balloons; balls for sports; nets for soccer goals; soccer goals; knee pads for soccer; shin guards [sports articles]; tables for table football. (210) 3201401909 (540) (511) 9 (111) 82181 (220) 30.05.2014 Produits désignés : (731) JOHN UTAKA SPORTS Ltd., Suite sfa 2, Willands Plaza, Plot 511, Herbert Macaulay Way, Zone 4 Wuse, ABUJA (NG) (740) Cabinet ONAMBELE-ANCHANG & Associates, B.P. 6262, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82180 (210) 3201401890 (220) 28.05.2014 (511) 18, 25 et 28 Produits désignés : Class 18 : Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags; luggage. Class 25 : Clothing, footwear, headgear; studs for football boots; football shoes; soccer bibs; replica soccer shirts, shorts and socks. Class 28 : Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; balls for games; soccer balls; play balloons; balls for sports; nets for soccer goals; soccer goals; knee pads for soccer; shin guards [sports articles]; tables for table football. (540) Class 9 : Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for the recording, transmission, broadcasting, reception, storage, display or reproduction of sound, images and data; computers, computer programs, computer software, computer software applications for smart phones and tablet devices; computer chips, apparatus and instruments for the encoding and decoding of electrical signals; remote control units; smart cards; encoded cards; aerials; satellite dishes; cables; optical fibres; switches; adapters; connectors; plugs; sockets and outlets; junction boxes; tapes, discs and cartridges all bearing or for the recordal of data, sound or images; cinematographic films prepared for exhibition; audio and/or video recordings; multimedia communication, recording, transmission, broadcasting, storage, display, reception and reproduction devices, data processing equipment; computer software and apparatus and instruments for use in connection with the internet; electronic publications; antennas; parts (and fittings) for all the aforesaid goods. (540) (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82182 (210) 3201401910 (220) 30.05.2014 (731) JOHN UTAKA SPORTS Ltd, Suite sfa 2 , Willands Plaza, Plot 511, Herbert Macaulay Way, Zone 4 Wuse, ABUJA (NG) (740) Cabinet ONAMBELE-ANCHANG & Associates, B.P. 6262, YAOUNDE (CM). (511) 38 Services désignés : Class 38 : Voice, data, sound and image communication services; multi-media communication services; telecommunications services; radio, television, satellite and cable 26 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ broadcasting services; newsagency services; transmission, provision and display of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer stored databank; broadcast of live performances and events; hiring, rental and leasing of communication apparatus and instruments; subscription television and internet broadcasting services; provision of web sites; provision of forums and portals; providing access to and leasing access time to computer data bases; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. (111) 82184 (210) 3201402044 (220) 09.06.2014 (511) 36 Services désignés : Class 36 : Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (540) (540) (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) MFS AFRICA LIMITED, Felix House, 24 Dr Joseph Riviere Street, PORT-LOUIS (MU) (210) 3201401911 (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (220) 30.05.2014 ________________________________________ (511) 38 (111) 82185 Services désignés : (210) 3201402055 (111) 82183 Class 38 : Voice, data, sound and image communication services; multi-media communication services; telecommunications services; radio, television, satellite and cable broadcasting services; newsagency services; transmission, provision and display of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer stored databank; broadcast of live performances and events; hiring, rental and leasing of communication apparatus and instruments; subscription television and internet broadcasting services; provision of web sites; provision of forums and portals; providing access to and leasing access time to computer data bases; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. (220) 10.06.2014 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Produits laitiers. Classe 30 : Confiserie. (540) (540) (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). 27 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) FINETTI SARL, 2, Bd. Sfax, Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, CASABLANCA 20590 (MA) (740) FINETTI DOUALA (CM). CAMEROUN, B.P. (540) 4818, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82186 (210) 3201402056 (220) 10.06.2014 (511) 29 et 30 (731) FINETTI SARL, 2, Bd. Sfax, Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, CASABLANCA 20590 (MA) Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Produits laitiers. Classe 30 : Confiserie. (740) FINETTI DOUALA (CM). CAMEROUN, (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. B.P. 4818, ________________________________________ (111) 82188 (210) 3201402058 (220) 10.06.2014 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Produits laitiers. Classe 30 : Confiserie. (731) FINETTI SARL, 2, Bd. Sfax, Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, CASABLANCA 20590 (MA) (740) FINETTI DOUALA (CM). CAMEROUN, B.P. (540) 4818, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82187 (210) 3201402057 (220) 10.06.2014 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Produits laitiers. (731) FINETTI SARL, 2, Bd. Sfax, Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, CASABLANCA 20590 (MA) (740) FINETTI DOUALA (CM). CAMEROUN, B.P. 4818, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. Classe 30 : Confiserie. 28 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) Zubaida Rasul-Ronning, Rua D.J. D'Avilez Lote 3, F 2B, 2750-398 CASCAIS (PT) (111) 82189 (210) 3201402059 (511) 29 et 30 (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Classe 29 : Produits laitiers. (111) 82191 Classe 30 : Confiserie. (210) 3201402169 (220) 10.06.2014 (540) (220) 19.06.2014 (300) ZA n° 2014/02321 du 30/01/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software. (540) (731) Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, REDMOND, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (731) FINETTI SARL, 2, Bd. Sfax, Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, CASABLANCA 20590 (MA) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) FINETTI DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ CAMEROUN, B.P. 4818, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. (111) 82192 ________________________________________ (210) 3201402219 (111) 82190 (220) 19.06.2014 (210) 3201402071 (300) FR n° 4057815 du 24/12/2013 (220) 11.06.2014 (511) 35, 38, 39 et 42 (511) 1 Services désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 35 : Gestion de fichiers informatiques; gestion de fichiers informatiques comportant des données relatives au traitement de l'ensemble des opérations logistiques douanières, administratives et commerciales liées à une escale maritime ou fluviale de manière électronique. Class 1 : Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. (540) Classe 38 : Télécommunications; informations en matière de télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial ; services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications); raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial; services de messagerie électronique; location de temps d'accès à des réseaux 29 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ informatiques mondiaux; système informatique à savoir service de location de temps d'accès au centre serveur du produit. Classe 39 : Transport; informations en matière de transport; entreposage de supports de données ou de documents stockés électroniques. Classe 42 : Conception et développement d'ordinateurs et de logiciel; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; études de projets techniques; élaboration (conception), installation, maintenance, mise à jour ou location de logiciels; programmation pour ordinateur ; conversion de données et de programmes informatiques autre que conversion physique; conversion de données ou de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique; conception et développement de programmes informatiques pour le compte de la société et, ou de tiers, conversion de données lors de la mise en place d'interfaces, maintenance évolutive et corrective de l'ensemble des programmes. (540) (731) GROUPE OLVEA SA, Rue Jean Paumier, Parc d'Activités des Hautes Falaises, 76400 SAINT-LEONARD (FR) (740) Monsieur TAROU OULD B.P. 4089, NOUAKCHOTT (MR). SOUDANI, ________________________________________ (111) 82193 (210) 3201402420 (220) 08.07.2014 (511) 3, 5 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Cleaning preparations used in laundry, dishwashing and household cleaning, detergents, bleaching lotions, washing starch, washing soda, bluing for laundry, softeners, whitening substances, scale removing substances for household purposes, granulated soap, soaps for personal use, disinfectant soaps, antiperspirant soaps, liquid hand soap, cakes of soap, mechanical cleaning powder, glass cleaners, floor and carpet cleaners, bleaching and polishing preparations, water closet cleaners with a disinfectant effect, dishwasher detergents (powder, liquid, compact), dishwasher salts and bleachers, cleaning preparations, perfumes, essential oils, eau de Cologne, lotions, deodorants for personal use and antiperspirant deodorants, rose oil, shaving creams, shaving foam, shaving soap, after shave balms, creams and lotions, hair conditioners, hair lotions, styling gels, hair embellishment preparations, fixing sprays, styling mousse, hair colorants, brilliantine, shampoos, anti-dandruff shampoo, bath foam, bath salts, shower gels, liquid body soap, petroleum jelly, baby shampoos, baby lotions, baby oils and gels, anti-rash creams, baby powders, baby soaps, wet tissues for babies, toothpaste, mouth wash, preparations for cleaning dentures, anti-tartar toothpaste, teeth cleaning and polishing preparations, cotton sticks and cotton wool for cosmetic purposes, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, wet tissues, abrasives, emery cloth, emery paper, pumice stone, preservatives for leather (polishes), polish for furniture and flooring, preparations for body and beauty care, face and body cleaners, cleaning milks, tonics, moisturizers, creams, masks, self-tanning creams, anti-wrinkle creams, make-up removers; hand, face and body lotions; powders, sun-tanning creams, sun-tanning oils, sun-tanning lotions, foundations, powders, blushers, eye shadows, eyeliners, mascara, eyebrow pencils, lip sticks, lip liners, lip shiners, nail polish, nail varnish, nail polish removers, nail hardeners, depilatory products, henna for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, cellulitis removing creams, cosmetic kits. Class 5 : Sanitary products; sanitary pads, absorbent pants for incontinents, tampons, namely sanitary pads, plasters for medical purposes, hygienic bandages, medical dressings. Class 16 : Paper, cardboard and paper articles and goods made from these materials, paper towels, paper napkins, toilet paper, handkerchiefs of paper, babies' diapers of paper, table covers of paper, table linen of paper, ornaments of paper, packaging materials of paper or plastic, boxes, paper bags; bags, cases, foils of paper; packaging material for food made of paper and plastic; glue for stationery or household purposes. (540) (731) EVYAP SABUN YAG GLISERIN SANAYI VE TlCARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Ayazaga Cendere Yolu No : 10, Levent, 34396 ISTANBUL (TR) 30 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, B.P. 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82194 (210) 3201402798 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. (111) 82195 (210) 3201402799 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier ; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu azur et bleu sarcelle. Couleurs revendiquées : Vert et bleu sarcelle. ________________________________________ (111) 82196 (210) 3201402800 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : 31 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) Couleurs revendiquées : Vert et bleu sarcelle. (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82198 Couleurs sarcelle. revendiquées : Orange et bleu ________________________________________ (210) 3201402802 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82197 Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. (210) 3201402801 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes 32 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. (540) Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Violet et bleu sarcelle. (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Violet et bleu sarcelle. ________________________________________ (111) 82199 (210) 3201402803 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. ________________________________________ (111) 82200 (210) 3201402804 (220) 07.08.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier ; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (540) Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. 33 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (731) THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION, Lot 6-8-10-12, Street No. 3, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HO CHI MINH CITY (VN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, sis derrière Immeuble ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Orange et bleu bondi. ________________________________________ (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82203 (210) 3201402812 (111) 82201 (220) 08.08.2014 (210) 3201402810 (220) 08.08.2014 (511) 16 (511) 16 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 16 : Adhesive tapes for stationery, document holders (stationery), ring binders, ink for pens, pens, ballpoint pens, highlighter pens, document marker pens, pen holders, board erasers (stationery), sticky notes, glue for stationery or household purpose, pen refills. Class 16 : Adhesive tapes for stationery, document holders (stationery), ring binders, ink for pens, pens, ballpoint pens, highlighter pens, document marker pens, pen holders, board erasers (stationery), sticky notes, glue for stationery or household purpose, pen refills. (540) (540) (731) THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION, Lot 6-8-10-12, Street No. 3, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HO CHI MINH CITY (VN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), Couleurs revendiquées : Black, red, yellow, green and blue. ________________________________________ (111) 82202 (210) 3201402811 (731) THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION, Lot 6-8-10-12, Street No. 3, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HO CHI MINH CITY (VN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), (220) 08.08.2014 Couleurs revendiquées : Red, yellow, green and blue. (511) 16 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82204 Class 16 : Adhesive tapes for stationery, document holders (stationery), ring binders, ink for pens, pens, ballpoint pens, highlighter pens, document marker pens, pen holders, board erasers (stationery), sticky notes, glue for stationery or household purpose, pen refills. (210) 3201402813 (540) Class 16 : Whiteboards and blackboards for writing (stationery), pens, pencils, crayons, glue for stationery or household purpose, drawing materials for artist, pencil leads, drawing rulers. (220) 08.08.2014 (511) 16 Produits désignés : 34 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) SHANTHA BIOTECHNICS LIMITED, 3rd & 4th Floor, Vasantha Chambers, Fateh Maidan Road, Basheerbagh, HYDERABAD, 500 004 Andhra Pradesh (IN) (731) THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION, Lot 6-8-10-12, Street No. 3, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HOCHIMINH CITY (VN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82207 (210) 3201403025 (111) 82205 (220) 27.08.2014 (210) 3201402814 (511) 38 et 41 (220) 08.08.2014 Services désignés : (511) 16 Produits désignés : Class 16 : Whiteboards and blackboards for writing (stationery), pens, pencils, crayons, glue for stationery or household purpose, drawing materials for artist, pencil leads, drawing rulers. (540) (731) THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION, Lot 6-8-10-12, Street No. 3, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HOCHIMINH CITY (VN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), Couleurs revendiquées : Yellow, red, black and white. ________________________________________ (111) 82206 (210) 3201402827 (220) 08.08.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Vaccines for human use. Class 38 : Voice, data, sound and image communication services; multi-media communication services; telecommunications services; radio, television, satellite and cable broadcasting services; newsagency services; transmission, provision and display of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer stored databank; broadcast of live performances and events; hiring, rental and leasing of communication apparatus and instruments; subscription television and Internet broadcasting services; provision of web sites; provision of forums and portals; providing access to and leasing access time to computer data bases; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. Class 41 : Production and recordal of radio, television, video, satellite and cable programmes; entertainment and education services; organisation, presentation, production and recording of live performances, shows, events, concerts, theatre productions, competitions, lectures, promotions, seminars, sports activities and events, recitals, debates, public and private gatherings, cultural activities and events, conferences, meetings, rallies and displays; rental of cine-films, video recordings, audio recordings and CD-roms; hiring, rental and leasing of apparatus and instruments; publication of books, manuals, magazines and texts, films, videos, audio visual and sound recordings; advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services; provision and dissemination of information relating to all the aforesaid services. 35 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (540) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82208 (210) 3201403026 (220) 27.08.2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for the recording, transmission, broadcasting, reception, storage, display or reproduction of sound, images and data; computers, computer programs, computer software, computer software applications for smart phones and tablet devices; computer chips, apparatus and instruments for the encoding and decoding of electrical signals; remote control units; smart cards; encoded cards; aerials; satellite dishes; cables; optical fibres; switches; adapters; connectors; plugs; sockets and outlets; junction boxes; tapes, discs and cartridges all bearing or for the recordal of data, sound or images; cinematographic films prepared for exhibition; audio and/or video recordings; multimedia communication, recording, transmission, broadcasting, storage, display, reception and reproduction devices, data processing equipment; computer software and apparatus and instruments for use in connection with the Internet; electronic publications; parts (and fittings) for all the aforesaid goods. (540) (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82210 (210) 3201403038 (220) 28.08.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (540) (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82211 (210) 3201403039 (220) 28.08.2014 (731) MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, TwentyEight, Cybercity, EBENE (MU) (511) 5 (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. Produits désignés : (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82209 (210) 3201403037 (220) 28.08.2014 (511) 5 36 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82212 (210) 3201403040 (220) 28.08.2014 (511) 5 (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). (540) ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82215 (210) 3201403251 (220) 10.09.2014 (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). (300) TT n° 47991 du 11/03/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : (111) 82213 Class 9 : Computer software for internet search and browsing, e-mail, electronic messaging, and application development; computer operating system software and computers. (210) 3201403041 (540) ________________________________________ (220) 28.08.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (540) (731) Balboa Apps LLC., 1209 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19801 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82216 (731) AJANTA PHARMA LTD, Ajanta House, Charkop Kandivili (W), MUMBAI - 400 067 (IN) (740) Cabinet d'Avocats Henri JOB, 1059, Boulevard de la République, Immeuble Stamatiadès, B.P. 5482, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82214 (210) 3201403042 (220) 28.08.2014 (511) 5 (210) 3201403252 (220) 10.09.2014 (300) TT n° 47990 du 11/03/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software for internet search and browsing, e-mail, electronic messaging, and application development; computer operating system software and computers. 37 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.l. Rue 6 Km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702, DAKAR (SN). (731) Balboa Apps LLC., 1209 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19801 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82217 (210) 3201403254 (220) 10.09.2014 (300) TT n° 47988 du 11/03/2014 (511) 9 Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82219 (210) 3201403292 (220) 11.09.2014 (511) 1 et 3 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produit chimique destiné à l'industrie. Classe 3 : Désinfectant. (540) Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software for internet search and browsing, e-mail, electronic messaging, and application development; computer operating system software and computers. (540) (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (731) Balboa Apps LLC., 1209 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19801 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82218 (210) 3201403291 (220) 11.09.2014 (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.I. Rue 6 km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702, DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Noire. ________________________________________ (111) 82220 (210) 3201403293 (220) 11.09.2014 (511) 1, 3 et 5 (511) 1 et 3 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie. Classe 1 : Produit chimique destiné à l'industrie. Classe 3 : Préparation pour nettoyer, polir, et dégraisser, savon. (540) Classe 3 : Produits cosmétiques. Classe 5 : Désinfectant. (540) 38 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (540) (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.I. Rue 6 km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702, DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu foncé et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82221 (210) 3201403294 (220) 11.09.2014 (511) 1 et 3 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie. Classe 3 : Préparation pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver. (540) (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.I. Rue 6 km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702, DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu foncé, rouge et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82223 (210) 3201403296 (220) 11.09.2014 (511) 1 et 3 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie. (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.I. Rue 6 km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702, DAKAR (SN). Classe 3 : Préparation pour blanchir, et autres substances pour lessiver, préparation pour nettoyer. (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu foncé, rose, blanc et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82222 (210) 3201403295 (220) 11.09.2014 (511) 1, 3 et 5 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie. Classe 3 : Préparation pour blanchir et autre substance pour lessiver. Classe 5 : Désinfectants. (731) SPARTAN CHEMICAL CO. s.a.r.l., P.O. Box 11-7547, BEYROUTH (LB) (740) ALI ZAIAT, Z.I. Rue 6 km 4,5 Avenue de Centenaire, B.P. 1702 , DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu foncé, jaune, blanc et rouge. 39 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82224 (111) 82226 (210) 3201403304 (210) 3201403444 (220) 11.09.2014 (220) 24.09.2014 (511) 39 et 40 (511) 3 et 5 Services désignés : Produits désignés : Class 3 : Tooth pastes, tooth powder, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, non-medicated toilet preparations, hair lotions and dentifrices. Class 5 : Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; homeopathic and ayurvedic medicinal preparations; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; deodorants. (540) Class 39 : Electricity supply services, including the transmission and distribution of electricity and steam for others; electricity management services, including arranging the transmission, storage and distribution of electricity and steam; provision of information, advice and consultancy services relating to energy distribution, transport and storage. Class 40 : Electricity supply services, including, the generation of electricity and steam for others; wind power for the generation of electricity; electricity management services, including the generation of electricity for other utility and energy storage providers for use during peak electrical usage periods; provision of information, advice and consultancy relating to energy production and generation. (540) (731) VICCO CONSULTANTS, 25, Jerbai Wadia Road, Parel, MUMBAI-400 012 (IN) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82225 (731) THE AES CORPORATION, 4300 Wilson Boulevard, ARLINGTON, Virginia 22203 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82227 (210) 3201403492 (210) 3201403318 (220) 26.09.2014 (220) 12.09.2014 (511) 12 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 12 : Automobile tires; motorcycle tires; bicycle tires; inner tubes for automobile tires; inner tubes for motorcycle tires; inner tubes for bicycle tires; automobile wheel covers. Class 5 : Vaccines for human use. (540) (540) (731) GlaxoSmithKIine Biologicals SA, Rue de l'Institut 89, B-1330 RIXENSART (BE) (731) DEESTONE LIMITED, 84 Soi Sinprasong, Moo 7, Petchkasem Road, Oamnoi, Krathumban, SAMUTSAKORN, 74130 (TH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, (SCP), 40 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82228 (210) 3201403496 (220) 26.09.2014 (511) 9, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25 et 28 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; magnets; fridge magnets; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment; computers; fireextinguishing apparatus; radios; televisions; plasma screens; electrical and electronic apparatus for use in the reception of satellite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts; video recorders; tape recorders; cassette players; record players; juke boxes; PDAs (personal digital assistants); MP3 players and MP3 readers; audio and/or video file recorders and/or players; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; magnetic tapes for recording and reproducing sound or vision; audio recordings; video recordings; audio and video recordings; motion picture films; animated cartoons; photographic transparencies and photographic and cinematographic films prepared for exhibition purposes; CDs, DVDs, CD ROMs; cassettes; video cassettes; gramophone and phonographic records; downloadable audio and video recordings; downloadable ring tones, music, MP3s, graphics, games and video images for wireless mobile communication devices; screen savers; downloadable electronic publications; remote control apparatus; cameras, video cameras; cases for photographic apparatus and instruments; photographic apparatus and equipment; camera film; digital photo frames; antidazzle shades, glasses and visors; binoculars; prescription and non-prescription eye glasses, spectacles and sunglasses and cases, chains, cords and frames therefor; containers for contact lenses; optical goods; holograms; compasses and barometers; bells; calculating machines; computers; portable computers; computer hardware and parts and fittings therefor; computer screens; computer monitors; computer peripherals; mouse mats; wrist pads; computer mice; keyboard and screen covers; customised computer disks and CD-ROMs; computer software; computer programs; gaming software; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; pre- recorded games on CD, software and any other recording media; downloadable computer software; electronic storage media; memory cards; customised storage boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, DVDs and disks; cash registers, calculating machines; telephones; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones; mobile telephone covers; mobile telephone cases; telephone answering apparatus, telephone recorders and telephones incorporating facsimile machines; smart cards; telephone cards; encrypted smart cards; encoded smart cards; encrypted telephone cards; encoded telephone cards; encrypted cards; encoded cards; magnetic identity cards; time recording apparatus; magnifying glasses; measures and measuring instruments; mechanical signs; neon signs; sockets; plugs and switches; ticket dispensers; vehicle breakdown warning apparatus; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 14 : Watches and clocks; horological and chronometric apparatus and instruments; jewellery for personal wear and adornment; badges and bars for use therewith; earrings; key rings; key blanks and key chains; trinkets and fobs; pins and pendants; jewellery charms; cases and boxes; buckles; busts and statues; hat and shoe ornaments; works of art; all the aforesaid goods being made wholly or principally of precious metal and their alloys or coated therewith; tie pins and clips; cuff links; coins and copper tokens; costume jewellery; silver ornaments; objects of imitation gold; medals; watch straps; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 16 : Printed matter; newspapers; magazines and periodical publications; books; photographs; programme binders and binding material, stationery; instructional teaching materials; manuals; writing or drawing books and pads; birthday cards and cards; greeting cards; postcards; tickets; timetables; note pads and note books; photo engravings, photograph albums and albums; address books; almanacs; holders, cases and boxes for pens; blotters and jotters, pens and pencils; pencil and pen holders; paper, cardboard and articles made from these materials; erasers and erasing products, pencil sharpeners; rulers, books and booklets; book markers and book ends; posters, letter trays; calendars; paper weights and paper clips; gift bags and bags for packaging, gift wrap and packaging paper; envelopes, folders, labels, seals, blackboards and 41 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ scrap books; height charts and charts; carrier bags and garbage bags; prints and pictures; ink and ink wells; paper knives; poster magazines; signs and advertisement boards, paper and cardboard; adhesive tapes and dispensers; office requisites and diaries; hat boxes; pads of paper; stickers and stencils; beer mats; catalogues; paper and cardboard coasters; transfers and diagrams; drawing instruments and materials; paint boxes and brushes; patterns and embroidery design; engravings and etchings; paper towels and hankies; paper flags; toilet paper; maps; paper and cardboard place mats; graphic prints, representations and reproductions; lithographs and lithographic works or art; portraits; paper table cloths and napkins; prints; cheque book holders. Class 18 : Articles included in this class made of leather or of imitation leather; suitcases, trunks and travelling bags; school bags and satchels; back packs and beach bags; umbrellas and umbrella covers; duffel bags, boot bags, holdalls, wallets and bags; belts; key cases and leatherware; purses; boxes; pouches; walking canes and sticks; attachecases and brief cases; bands and straps of leather; leather shoe and boot linings; collars and covers for animals; leather trimmings; laces, leads and leashes; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. suits; bathing trunks; galoshes; garters; gloves and mittens; headbands; jerseys; jumpers and knitwear; leggings; clothes linings; parkas; shawls; singlets, skirts; vests; visors; waistcoats; waterproof clothing. Class 28 : Games; toys; playthings; playing cards; party novelty hats; confetti; shinguards; gloves for games; balloons; balls; sporting articles (other than clothing); playing balls; footballs; teddy bears; decorations for Christmas trees; Christmas crackers; synthetic Christmas trees and stands; cups for dice; darts; dice; dolls and dolls' clothes; dolls' beds; dolls' houses and rooms; tables for indoor football; golf bags and gloves; jokes and novelties; spinning tops; kites; knee guards and protective padding; marbles; marionettes and puppets; skis; slides; surfboards; skateboards; snowboards; skittles; sleighs; masks; mobiles; rattles; roller skates; in-line skates; bodybuilding apparatus; exercise apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. (540) Class 21 : Domestic utensils and containers; chinaware; glassware; porcelain and earthenware; combs; sponges (not for surgical use); glasses; half pint glasses; pint glasses; tall glasses; mugs; whisky glasses; wine glasses; champagne flutes; tumblers; whisky tumblers; brushes; moneyboxes; toothbrushes. Class 24 : Textile articles included in this class; curtains, towels; banners; flags; beach towels; valances; duvet covers; pillow cases and mini-kits of textiles materials (in the form of banners); pennants; car window blinds of textile materials. Class 25 : Articles of outer clothing; articles of sports clothing; leisurewear; articles of underclothing; lingerie; hosiery; footwear being articles of clothing; headgear (for wear); shirts; boots; coats; overalls; collar protectors and collars; ear muffs; football boots and shoes; fittings of metal for boots and shoes; shorts; tshirts; socks; sweaters, caps; hats; scarves; jackets; dressing gowns; pyjamas; sandals; slippers; footwear; boxer shorts; beach clothes and shoes; baby boots; diapers and bibs; romper suits; baby pants and sleep suits; dungarees; braces; belts and berets; wrist bands; track suits; ties; cravats; aprons; bathrobes; bathing caps and (731) CHELSEA FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED (a company incorporated in United Kingdom), Stamford Bridge Grounds, Fulham Road, LONDON SW6 1HS (GB) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82229 (210) 3201403560 (220) 30.09.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : 42 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 34 : Tobacco-based products; raw or manufactured tobacco; smokers' articles; smoking tobacco; smokeless tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos; tobacco substitutes in the form of nicotine lozenges; pipes; snuff; tobacco substitutes, not for medical or curative use; tobacco substitutes, in particular cigars and cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical or curative use; electric cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, electric cigars, electronic cigars, electric and electronic cigarillos; electric pipes and electronic pipes; liquids, ampoules and cartridges for electric and electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, as well as for electric and electronic pipes; refill liquid for use in electric cigars, cigarettes and smoking apparatus; refill cartridges for use in electronic cigars, cigarettes and smoking apparatus; atomizers and cartomizers for electronic cigars, cigarettes and smoking apparatus; devices for the vaporization of tobacco, tobacco products and tobacco substitutes; parts and spare parts for electronic cigars, cigarettes and smoking apparatus, as well as for devices for the vaporization of tobacco, tobacco products and tobacco substitutes; cases and containers specially designed for the aforementioned products; parts and spare parts for the aforementioned products. (540) systems; computer software for use in controlling digital music systems, downloadable audio and video recordings featuring music, music performances, and music videos; prerecorded music, namely, digital downloads; computer software for use in the delivery, distribution and transmission of digital music and entertainmentrelated audio, video, text and multimedia content; cell phones; smart phones, computers; laptop computers; downloadable music via the internet and wireless devices. Class 25 : Headgear, namely, caps, hats. (540) (731) Beats Electronics, LLC, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 5000N, SANTA MONICA, California 90404 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82231 (210) 3201403813 (220) 21.10.2014 (300) US n° 86257475 du 21/04/2014 (511) 9 et 14 Produits désignés : (731) DEAN & SIMMONS Sàrl, 31, rue de Hollerich, L-1741 LUXEMBOURG (LU) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82230 (210) 3201403812 (220) 21.10.2014 (511) 9 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Speaker stands; computer software for use in plaving. organizing, downloading, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing audio files, and media files; computer software for use in controlling speakers, amplifiers, stereo systems, home theater systems, and home entertainment Class 9 : Protective cases for speakers; remote controls for speakers; plug adaptors; chargers for use with headphones and speakers; multifunctional electronic devices for displaying, measuring, and uploading to the Internet information including time, date, body and heart rates, global positioning, direction, distance, altitude, speed, steps taken, calories burned, navigational information, weather information, the temperature, wind speed, and the declination of body and heart rates, altitude and speed; electronic monitoring devices incorporating microprocessors, digital display, and accelerometers, for detecting, storing, reporting, monitoring, uploading and downloading sport, fitness training, and activity data to the Internet, wearable digital electronic devices in the form of a wristwatch, wrist band or bangle capable of providing access to the Internet and for sending and receiving phone calls, electronic mails and messages; tablets; televisions; carrying cases for headphones and portable speakers; portable 43 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ speaker mount for bicycles; computer software, namely, software for updating wireless speakers and headphones; remote controls for digital music systems; remote controls for stereos; handheld devices for playing, organizing, downloading, transmitting, manipulating and reviewing audio, and media files; handheld devices for controlling speakers, amplifiers, stereo systems and entertainment systems; home theater systems comprised of digital music players, digital music controllers, speakers, amplifiers, and wireless handheld controllers; home entertainment systems comprised of digital music players, digital music controllers, speakers, amplifiers, and wireless handheld controllers. Class 14 : Watches; smart watches; watches and bracelets incorporating functions for monitoring and reporting fitness, training, and activity data, namely, time, distance, pace, calories burned, and cumulative activity level; watches and bracelets that communicate data to personal digital assistants, smart phones, and personal computers through internet websites and other computer and electronic communication networks. (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82233 (210) 3201403815 (220) 21.10.2014 (300) US n° 86258414 du 21/04/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Tablet computers; home theater systems comprised of digital music players, digital music controllers, speakers, amplifiers, and wireless handheld controllers; home entertainment systems comprised of digital music players, digital music controllers, speakers, amplifiers, and wireless handheld controllers; televisions. (540) (540) (731) Beats Electronics, LLC, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 5000N, SANTA MONICA, California 90404 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) Beats Electronics, LLC, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 5000N, SANTA MONICA, California 90404 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82234 (111) 82232 (210) 3201403822 (210) 3201403814 (220) 22.10.2014 (220) 21.10.2014 (511) 9 (300) US n° 86257475 du 21/04/2014 Produits désignés : (511) 35 Class 9 : Computers; computers; car speakers. Services désignés : Class 35 : On-line retail store services featuring consumer electronics and accessories therefor. audio speakers for (540) (540) (731) Beats Electronics, LLC, 8600 Hayden Place, CULVER CITY, CA 90232 (US) (731) Beats Electronics, LLC, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 5000N, SANTA MONICA, California 90404 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). 44 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82235 (210) 3201403878 (220) 28.10.2014 (300) EM n° 013136239 du 01/08/2014 (511) 6, 19 et 20 Produits désignés : Classe 6 : Aluminium en profilés extrudés, en barres ou en feuilles; charnières métalliques; châssis de porte, de fenêtre métalliques, structures de serres métalliques; éléments de constructions métalliques; crémones; escaliers métalliques; espagnolettes; alliages de métaux communs, métaux bruts et mi-ouvrés; planchers métalliques, quincaillerie métallique, verrous. Classe 19 : Matériaux de construction non métalliques, constructions transportables non métalliques. Classe 20 : Baguettes d'encadrement; serrures non métalliques; stores d'intérieur à lamelles; vis non métalliques. (540) (731) PROFILS SYSTEMES, Société par actions simplifiée, Parc d'Activités de Massane, Rue Alfred Sauvy, 34670 BAILLARGUES (FR) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge (pantone : 214C), noir, blanc, orange foncé, jaune, bleu, vert, gris et nuances de brun. ________________________________________ Class 7 : Optical fiber connector installation tool (including optical fiber preparation) and cable termination tool. Class 9 : Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electrical or optical signals; data transmission apparatus, signal transmission apparatus, voice transmission apparatus, digital optical transmission apparatus, apparatus for transmission of communication, transmitters for the transmission of electronic signals, transmitters for the transmission of electric signals, optical transmitters; optical transceivers, Ethernet transceivers, multiport transceivers; optical amplifiers; optical emitters; optical electronic components, optical data links; data processing equipment; computers; telecommunications apparatus and instruments, especially fiber optic splice closures, fiber optic enclosures, fiber optic closures, fiber optic boxes, mechanical splice closures, tool-less splice closures, fiber optic splice housings, fiber optic splice boxes, modular building blocks, fiber management hardware, fiber optic distribution frames; cable seals, cable outlets, cable termination units, cable termination accessories, optical device storage; fiber optical terminals; computer networking and data communications equipment, especially transceivers, digital subscriber lines, opto-electrical conversion modules; fiber optic equipment, especially fiber optic connectors, fiber optic plugs, fiber optic adapters, splices, splice trays, fiber optic splice cassettes, fiber optic cables, pre-terminated cables, pre-terminated optical components, fiber storage devices; electrical contacts; radio frequency identification devices [transponders]; software; converters. (540) (731) TYCO ELECTRONICS RAYCHEM BVBA, Diestsesteenweg 692, B-3010 KESSEL-LO (BE) (111) 82236 (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, (210) 3201403885 ________________________________________ (220) 29.10.2014 (111) 82237 (300) EM n° 012881918 du 16/05/2014 (210) 3201403973 (511) 7 et 9 (220) 03.11.2014 Produits désignés : (511) 3 45 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (540) Class 3 : Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (540) (731) SIAFA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, 6 Panorama Close, Helderkruin, ROODEPORT 1724 (ZA) (731) SIAFA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, 6 Panorama Close, Helderkruin, ROODEPORT 1724 (ZA) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201403982 ________________________________________ (220) 03.11.2014 (111) 82238 (511) 9 (210) 3201403974 Produits désignés : (220) 03.11.2014 Class 9 : Stands for photographie apparatus; flashlights [photography]; tripods for cameras; inverters [electricity]; cameras [photography]; shutters [photography]; lenses (optical -); remote control apparatus; batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries. (511) 3 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (111) 82240 (540) (540) (731) SIAFA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, 6 Panorama Close, Helderkruin, ROODEPORT 1724 (ZA) (731) GODOX PHOTO EQUIPMENT CO., LTD, A4, Huafa Industrial Zone, Xinhe Village, Fuyuan 1 Road, Fuyong Town, Baoan District, SHENZHEN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) FORCHAK IP & LEGAL ADVISORY, 3rd Floor, Viccul Building, Apt. 15-16, Carr Street, Behind Police Barracks, New Town, P.O. Box 370, LIMBE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82239 (111) 82241 (210) 3201403975 (210) 3201404048 (220) 03.11.2014 (220) 10.11.2014 (511) 35 (511) 9 Services désignés : Produits désignés : Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; sale of goods in the retail and wholesale trade. Class 9 : Software; application communication software; compiler computer software; decoder downloadable software; email software; software; software; software; packaged 46 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ software; computer operating system software; computer programs and software; computer software for word processing; computer software platforms; computer software products; downloadable cloud computing software; downloadable computer security software; integrated software packages; computer hardware and software for database management; computer software and telecommunications apparatus, including modems, to enable connection to databases, computer networks, global computer networks and the Internet. writing of computer software; development of computer hardware and software; maintenance of computer software for data processing; software engineering services for data processing programmes; design and development of computer software for data processing; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software to enable sharing of multimedia content and comments among users. (540) (540) (731) QUIPUX TECHNOLOGY LLC, 12503 Exchange Dr., Suite 558, STAFFORD, TX 77477 (US) (731) QUIPUX TECHNOLOGY LLC, 12503 Exchange Dr., Suite 558, STAFFORD, TX 77477 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82242 (210) 3201404049 (220) 10.11.2014 (511) 42 Services désignés : Class 42 : Software authoring; software consultancy; software design; software development; software engineering; software rental; software repair; software research; computer software consultancy services; computer software design services; computer software development services; computer software installation; computer software maintenance services; computer software rental; computer software repair; computer software research; computer software support services; computer software updating services; computer software upgrading services; design of software; installation of software; maintenance of database software; maintenance of computer software; rental of computer software; software consulting services; software design and development; software installation and maintenance; design and (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82243 (210) 3201404053 (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Cellular phones and handsets; cellular telephone accessories, namely, antennae, batteries, chargers, cigarette lighter adapters, power cords, audio adapters, carry cases, and belt clips. (540) 47 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) CT Miami LLC, 10814 NW 33rd Street, #100, MIAMI, Florida 33172 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82246 (210) 3201404062 (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 5 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82244 Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (210) 3201404060 (540) (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Class 3 : After-shave; antiperspirants and deodorants for personal use; bath soaps; body sprays; body wash; hair care preparations; shaving preparations. (540) (731) Ipsen Pharma S.A.S., 65, quai Georges Gorse, 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82247 (731) SHULTON, INC., One Procter & Gamble Plaza, CINCINNATI, Ohio 45202 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201404063 (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (111) 82245 (540) (210) 3201404061 (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Parfums; eaux de parfum; eau de toilette; huiles pour la parfumerie. (540) (731) Ipsen Pharma S.A.S., 65, quai Georges Gorse, 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82248 (210) 3201404064 (220) 11.11.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : (731) Adam Ali Asghar, Plot D4/10, Saif Zone, P.O. Box 8548, SHARJAH (AE) Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques. (540) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). 48 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) Ipsen Pharma S.A.S., 65, quai Georges Gorse, 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT (FR) (731) EAST PLANET GENERAL TRADING (L.L.C.), P.O. Box 35693, DUBAI (AE) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82249 (210) 3201404076 (220) 13.11.2014 (511) 3 (SCP), Couleurs revendiquées : Light brown. ________________________________________ (111) 82251 (210) 3201404125 (220) 14.11.2014 Produits désignés : (511) 36 Class 3 : Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Services désignés : Class 36 : Insurance underwriting; insurance consultancy and insurance information. (540) (540) (731) SPI INVESTMENTS GROUP, S.L., Avda. Diagonal, n° 646-7° 1a, 08017 BARCELONA (ES) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82250 (731) ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A., Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, 2, 34132 TRIESTE TS (IT) (220) 13.11.2014 (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (511) 3 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82252 Class 3 : Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; preparations for cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Depilatories; cleansing products, lipsticks; beauty masks; shaving products; preservatives products for leather (polishes); creams for leather. (210) 3201404126 (210) 3201404081 (540) (220) 14.11.2014 (511) 36 Services désignés : Classe 36 : Insurance underwriting, insurance consultancy and insurance information. (540) (731) ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A., Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, 2, 34132 TRIESTE TS (IT) 49 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82253 (210) 3201404153 (220) 18.11.2014 (511) 3, 5, 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 36 : Financial affairs; financial transactions; financial consulting; financial analyses; financial information services; provision of financial data and financial information on-line, particularly via the internet and global communication networks; banking; financial management; investment consultancy; capital investments; monetary affairs; securities transactions; deposit of valuables in safes; fiduciary services; insurance underwriting; real estate affairs. (540) Classe 3 : Ouate, tampons cosmétiques, serviettes ou lingettes cosmétiques, lotions cosmétiques de nettoyage pour le corps, lingettes imprégnés de lotions cosmétiques pour bébés. Classe 5 : Produits hygiéniques, serviettes périodiques, slips périodiques, protège-slips (produits hygiéniques), bandes hygiéniques, tampons pour la menstruation, couches hygiéniques pour incontinents. Classe 16 : Produits en papier absorbant, mouchoirs de poche en papier, serviettes nettoyantes pour le visage en papier, papier hygiénique, lingettes en papier; couches à jeter en papier ou en cellulose, couche-culotte à jeter en papier et en cellulose, langes en papier et/ou en cellulose, langes à jeter en papier et/ou cellulose. (731) Julius Bär Gruppe AG, Bahnhofstrasse 36, 8001 ZURICH (CH) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82255 (210) 3201404243 Classe 25 : Langes et couches en matières textiles, vêtements, textiles. (220) 25.11.2014 (540) Services désignés : (731) SOCIETE D'ARTICLES HYGIENIQUES SAH, Rue 8610 Z.I. Charguia I, 2035 TUNISCARTHAGE (TN) (740) SCP Cabinet NGO MINYOGOG & ASSOCIES, Sis derrière Immeuble Ancien Fonader, B.P. 20501 , YAOUNDE (CM). (511) 36 Class 36 : Financial affairs; financial transactions; financial consulting; financial analyses; financial information services; provision of financial data and financial information on-line, particularly via the internet and global communication networks; banking; financial management; investment consultancy; capital investments; monetary affairs; securities transactions; deposit of valuables in safes; fiduciary services; insurance underwriting; real estate affairs. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82254 (210) 3201404242 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 36 Services désignés : (731) Julius Bär Gruppe AG, Bahnhofstrasse 36, 8001 ZURICH (CH) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). 50 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82256 (210) 3201404311 (220) 28.11.2014 (511) 1 et 4 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences, à la photographie, ainsi qu'à l'agriculture, l'horticulture et la sylviculture; résines artificielles à l'état brut, matières plastiques à l'état brut; engrais pour les terres; compositions extinctrices; préparations pour la trempe et la soudure des métaux; produits chimiques destinés à conserver les aliments; matières tannantes; adhésifs (matières collantes) destinés à l'industrie. Classe 4 : Huiles et graisses industrielles; lubrifiants; produits pour absorber, arroser et lier la poussière; combustibles (y compris les essences pour moteurs) et matières éclairantes; bougies, mèches. (540) (731) MOTUL, 119, Bou|evard Félix Faure, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS (FR) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 4 : Huiles et graisses industrielles; lubrifiants; produits pour absorber, arroser et lier la poussière; combustibles (y compris les essences pour moteurs) et matières éclairantes; bougies et mèches pour l'éclairage. (540) (731) MOTUL, 119, Bou|evard Félix Faure, 93300 AUBERVILLIERS (FR) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82258 (210) 3201404382 (220) 05.12.2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Stands for photographie apparatus; flashlights [photography]; tripods for cameras; inverters [electricity]; cameras [photography]; shutters [photography]; lenses (optical -); remote control apparatus; batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82257 (210) 3201404312 (220) 28.11.2014 (511) 1 et 4 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits chimiques pour liquides de refroidissement, produits chimiques entrant dans la composition des lubrifiants; additifs chimiques pour carburants; produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences, à la photographie, ainsi qu'à l'agriculture, l'horticulture et la sylviculture; résines artificielles à l'état brut, matières plastiques à l'état brut; engrais pour les terres; compositions extinctrices; préparations pour la trempe et la soudure des métaux; produits chimiques destinés à conserver les aliments; matières tannantes; adhésifs (matières collantes) destinés à l'industrie; produits d'imperméabilisation, antigels, produits de détartrage (autres qu'à usage domestique). (731) Godox Photo Equipment Co, Ltd., A4, Huafa Industrial Zone, Xinhe Village, Fuyuan 1 Road Fuyong Town, Baoan District, SHENZHEN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82259 (210) 3201404439 (220) 09.12.2014 (300) HK n° 303061133 du 09/07/2014 (511) 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : 51 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; electronic data storage; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the internet; production of television and radio advertisements; accountancy; auctioneering; trade fairs; opinion polling; data processing; provision of business information; advertising agency services; advertising services provided for others; database management; compilation of information into computer databases; business consulting services; business consulting services in the field of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; business consulting services in the field of delivering web-based knowledge; business consulting services in the field of online collaboration and collaboration technologies; business consulting services in the fields of sales and marketing; business project management services; business project management services relating to development, set up, staging, production, recording, monitoring and follow-up for web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; market research and business consulting services; business consultancy services relating to facilitating the transaction of business via local and global computer networks by locating and providing referrals for the delivery of a wide variety of business and consumer products and services; dissemination of business information of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; business consultancy services relating to providing a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer and source goods and services, place, determine the status of and fulfill trade leads and orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing computerized online ordering services; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; international import and export agency services; rental of advertising space on communication media; online trading services relating to electronic auctioneering and providing online business evaluation relating thereto; online retail services of consumer products; providing a directory of third party web sites to facilitate business transactions; business consultancy services relating to operating an electronic marketplace for the buyers and sellers of goods and/or services on a global computer network; business assistance relating to facilitating business transaction via local and global computer networks; corporate management consultancy services; marketing and promotion services; publication of publicity materials; marketing of vacant premises; dissemination of advertising materials, updating of advertising materials, compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; rental of advertising space; computer data processing; sales, business, promotional information services; telephone answering (for unavailable subscribers); telephone answering (for others); auctioneering provided on the internet; personnel management; provision of sales, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network and via the internet; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise internet web site and in a wholesale outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail outlets; retail and wholesale of telephones, mobile phone handsets, mobile phone accessories, electronic and telecommunications goods, computer hardware and computer software, batteries, battery chargers, apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images and/or sound, precious metals, jewellery, precious stones, printed matter, stationery and magnetic and non magnetically encoded cards, furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen utensils, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, laces and embroidery, buttons, ribbons, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, games and electronic toys, chemicals used in industry, science, photography and agriculture, paints, varnishes and lacquers, personal hygiene products, soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, hair and body lotions, essential oils, cleaning and bleaching preparations, lubricants, fuels, candles, pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, machines and machine tools, cutlery, razors and hand tools, computers, calculating machines, electrical, photographic, 52 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles and sun glasses, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, firearms, fireworks, silverware, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, magazine, cards, paper and cardboard products, picture, typewriters and office requisites, packaging materials, rubber and plastics for manufacture use, packing and insulating materials, leather and imitations of leather and goods made from these materials, handbags, purses, wallets, leather holders, bags, luggage, umbrellas, mirrors, ropes, string, nets, tents, yarns and threads for textile use, coat hangers, place mats, dressmaker's articles, bed and table covers, playthings and sporting articles, foodstuffs and beverages, meat, fish, poultry, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jams and fruits sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, flour, bread and cakes, condiments, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer, mineral water, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages, floral products, tobacco, smokers' articles and matches; direct mail advertising; buying and selling agency services; selection of goods and procurement of goods for individuals and businesses; ordering services [for others]; department store retailing services; supermarket retailing services; secretarial services; provision of business statistical information; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business assistance services relating to compilation and rental of mailing lists; business investigation; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; business referral services and personnel placement; import-export clearance agencies (import-export agency services); agency for newspapers subscriptions; document reproduction; transcription (including stencil-paper writing); rental of office equipment; customer relationship management; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management and administration services relating to sponsorship programmes; accounting services; charitable services, namely organizing and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty five. Class 36 : Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; online banking services and financial services; credit card services, processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, and providing insurance for financial transactions; funds transfer services; transmission of funds by electronic means for others; transfer of payments for others via the internet; financial services in the nature of billing and payment processing services; arrangement and management of leases and tenancy; renting and leasing of real estate; real estate appraisal; real estate valuation, real estate financing, real estate investment; real estate brokerage services; real estate agency services; housing agency services; actuarial services; real estate management and consultancy services; rent collection; rental of offices (real estate); rental of apartments and flats; provision of financial information via the internet; safety deposit and issuing of travel vouchers services; capital investments; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial and asset management services; insurance and financial services; financial services provided by telecommunication means; financial consultancy and advisory services; home banking; banking services provided on-line from a computer databases or the internet; securities brokerage services, stock exchange quotation services; stocks and bonds brokerage, financial analysis; debit card services, charge card services and cheque guarantee services; banking, savings account and investment services; financial clearing services; credit verification via global computer information network; electronic credit risk management services; electronic purchase payment and electronic bill payment services; financial accounts debiting and crediting services; electronic banking services; issuance of stored value cards, charge cards and debit cards; telephone credit cards services; information services relating to finance and insurance, provided online from a computer database or internet; agency for collection of gas and electricity fees; antique appraisal; art appraisal; jewelry appraisal; used car appraisal; tax information supply; charitable fund raising; organizing of charitable collections; charitable collections; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines; online payment services; rental and/or leasing of safes; consultancy, information and advisory services 53 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty six. Class 38 : Telecommunications services; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of webbased applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the Internet to private computer networks; providing online collaboration services allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; Internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to worldwide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; television broadcasting services; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter 54 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ into contracts and transact business; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty eight. Class 39 : Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; storage of electronically-stored data or documents; transportation information; shipbrokerage; car transport; air transport; vehicle rental; water supplying; message delivery; reservation (travel-); transport by pipeline; delivery of goods by mail order; courier services [messages or merchandise]; transport services in the nature of transport management; car rental services; car parking services; yacht and/or boat trips; travel agency services; travel reservation and travel information services; travel ticket agency services; arranging travel and information therefor, all provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; provision of information relating to travel and tourism through the Internet or through telecommunication networks; transport of goods and passengers; packaging; providing road and traffic information, chauffeur services; loading and unloading of cargo; freight brokerage; removal services; brokerage for rental, leasing, selling, purchasing and/or chartering of ships and/or boats; salvage and refloating of ships and/or boats; piloting; gas distribution and supply; electricity distribution and supply; heat distribution and supply; water distribution and supply; mooring facility services; rental of warehouses; providing flying areas; providing toll road; rental and/or leasing of wheelchairs; management of parking spaces; rental and/or leasing of airplanes; rental and/or leasing of containers; rental and/or leasing of bicycles; rental and/or leasing of cars; rental and/or leasing of ships and/or boats; rental and/or leasing of man-powered vehicles; rental and/or leasing of mechanical parking systems; rental and/or leasing of pallets; rental and/or leasing of packaging or wrapping machines; rental and/or leasing of refrigerator; collection of domestic waste and trash; collection of industrial waste and trash; import-export clearance agencies (custom clearance); consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty nine. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publication of texts, books and journals (others than publicity texts); publication of diagrams, images and photographs; publication of newspapers, magazines and periodicals; education, training and instruction services relating to telecommunications, computers, computer programs, web site design, ecommerce, business management and advertising; provision of education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training both interactive and non-interactive; design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; entertainment provided via electronic and digital interactive media; electronic games services provided by means of the internet; provision of information relating to education, training, entertainment, recreation, sporting, social and cultural activities; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting singing competitions; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting concerts; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting events and competitions for education or entertainment purposes; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting game shows and quests; entertainment ticket agency services; information relating to entertainment or education, provided online from a computer database or the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from MP3 (Moving Picture Experts Group-1 audio layer 3) internet web sites; entertainment and education services relating to planning, production and distribution of sound, images, digital music, movies, live or recorded audio, visual or audiovisual material for broadcasting on terrestrial cable, satellite channels, the Internet, wireless or wire-link systems and other means of communications; music entertainment services; rental of sound recordings; preparation of entertainment, educational, documentary and news programmes for broadcasting; news reporters' services; information relating to sporting or cultural events, current affairs and breaking news provided by satellite television transmission, the internet or by other electronic means; television, radio and film production; preparation and production of television programmes; provision of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation 55 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and text for entertainment purpose; game services; provision of club recreation, sporting and gymnasium facilities; band performances; club entertainment, discotheque, fashion show and night club services; club services relating to entertainment, education and cultural services; arranging, conducting and provision of conferences, conventions, congresses, seminars and training workshops; organizing and conducting exhibitions, fashion shows, educational shows and cultural shows and performances; art exhibition and gallery services; art gallery services relating to fine arts leasing; training services in relation to occupation health and safety, and environmental conservation; provision of cigar classes, wine tasting classes; providing education information about research materials and agency thereof; arranging, organizing, planning and management of seminars; animal training; direction in producing broadcasting programs; instructional services relating to operation of machines and equipment, including audiovisual equipment, which is used for the production of broadcasting programs; providing audio and visual studios; providing sports facilities; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; entertainment booking agencies; rental and leasing of motion pictures (cine-films); rental and leasing of musical instruments; rental and leasing of television programmes; rental and leasing of television sets; lending libraries; archive library services; subtitling services; sign language interpretation services; rental of entertainment software; providing video games, computer games, sound or images, or movies through telecommunication or computer networks; providing online computer games and contests; rental of pre-recorded video tapes; rental and leasing of game machines; lending of arcade game equipment; lending of pictures; photography; translation; language interpretation; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; educational and training programs relating to certification; provision of news; lottery services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty one. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer services in connection with transmitting information, data, documents, and images over the internet; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services providing software in the fields of web-based conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic messaging, document collaboration, video conferencing, and voice and call processing; providing online non-downloadable software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; technical support services relating to computer software and applications provided online, by email and by telephone; computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; computer technology advice provided to internet users by means of a support hotline; computer service relating to creating indexes of information, sites and resources on computer networks; providing search engines; design of computers, notebook computers, laptop computers, portable computers and handheld computers; design of personal digital assistants and personal media players; design of mobile telephones and smart phones; design of digital cameras; computer services; computer programming; computer integration services; computer analysis services; computer programming in relation to the defence against virus; computer system software services; providing direct connection services between computer users for exchanging data; computer software design; computer system design; design and development of webpages; hosting webpages for others; hosting computer application software for searching and retrieving information from databases and computer networks; providing technical information at the specific request of end-users by means of telephone or global computer network; consultancy services in relation to computer software; computer services relating to customized searching of computer databases and websites; computer and electronic signal coding and decoding; conversion of physical data and documents into electronic media format; testing and evaluation services; architectural and design services; interior designs of buildings, offices and apartments; computer and network information services; provision of computer security risk management programs; computer security information, knowledge, and testing services; quality assurance services; computer services relating to certification of business transactions and preparation of reports 56 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ therefor; access control to (security services for-) computers, electronic networks and databases; security of data transmission and of transactions via computer networks; consultancy in the field of data security; technological consultancy concerning securing telecommunications; computerized communication network security services; providing information in the fields of internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security and the secure transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security services, information security services, secure data and information transmission services; authentication services for computer security; online authentication of electronic signatures; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty two. Class 45 : Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; social work services; dating services; legal services; domain name registration services; guard and security services; personal safety services; rental of apparel; providing protection services through electric central stations for intruders, burglar and fire protection systems; intruder and burglar alarms monitoring services, fire and flood detecting device and alarm monitoring services; house keeping and maid services; licensing of digital data, still images, moving images, audio and text; creation, compilation and maintenance of a register of domain names; baggage inspection for security purposes; personal background investigation services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; funeral services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty five. (540) (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGETOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Dark yellow, yellow, light yellow, dark orange, orange, light orange, grey, black and white. ________________________________________ (111) 82260 (210) 3201404440 (220) 09.12.2014 (300) HK n° 303210542 du 21/11/2014 (511) 9 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the Internet; online electronic publications (downloadable from the Internet or a computer network or a computer database); downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in webbased meetings and classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; 57 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; computer workstations; servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; ear pieces; speakers; global positioning system (GPS) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; all included in class nine. Class 16 : Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and web site directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and figurines made of paper; paper party bags; all included in class sixteen. (540) (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82261 (210) 3201404441 (220) 09.12.2014 (300) HK n° 303061133 du 09/07/2014 (511) 9 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the internet; online electronic publications (downloadable from the internet or a computer network or a computer database); downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the Internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in webbased meetings and classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature 58 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; computer workstations; servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the Internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; ear pieces; speakers; global positioning system (GPS) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; all included in class nine. Class 16 : Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and web site directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and figurines made of paper; paper party bags; all included in class sixteen. (540) (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Dark yellow, yellow, light yellow, dark orange, orange, light orange,grey, black and white. ________________________________________ (111) 82262 (210) 3201404442 (220) 09.12.2014 (300) HK n° 303210542 du 21/11/2014 (511) 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; electronic data storage; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the internet; production of television and radio advertisements; accountancy; auctioneering; trade fairs; opinion polling; data processing; provision of business information; advertising agency services; advertising services provided for others; database management; compilation of information into computer databases; business consulting services; business consulting services in the field of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; business consulting services in the field of 59 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ delivering web-based knowledge; business consulting services in the field of online collaboration and collaboration technologies; business consulting services in the fields of sales and marketing; business project management services; business project management services relating to development, set up, staging, production, recording, monitoring and follow-up for web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; market research and business consulting services; business consultancy services relating to facilitating the transaction of business via local and global computer networks by locating and providing referrals for the delivery of a wide variety of business and consumer products and services; dissemination of business information of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; business consultancy services relating to providing a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer and source goods and services, place, determine the status of and fulfill trade leads and orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing computerized online ordering services; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; international import and export agency services; rental of advertising space on communication media; online trading services relating to electronic auctioneering and providing online business evaluation relating thereto; online retail services of consumer products; providing a directory of third party web sites to facilitate business transactions; business consultancy services relating to operating an electronic marketplace for the buyers and sellers of goods and/or services on a global computer network; business assistance relating to facilitating business transaction via local and global computer networks; corporate management consultancy services; marketing and promotion services; publication of publicity materials; marketing of vacant premises; dissemination of advertising materials, updating of advertising materials, compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; rental of advertising space; computer data processing; sales, business, promotional information services; telephone answering (for unavailable subscribers); telephone answering (for others); auctioneering provided on the Internet; personnel management; provision of sales, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network and via the internet; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise internet web site and in a wholesale outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail outlets; retail and wholesale of telephones, mobile phone handsets, mobile phone accessories, electronic and telecommunications goods, computer hardware and computer software, batteries, battery chargers, apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images and/or sound, precious metals, jewellery, precious stones, printed matter, stationery and magnetic and non magnetically encoded cards, furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen utensils, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, laces and embroidery, buttons, ribbons, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, games and electronic toys, chemicals used in industry, science, photography and agriculture, paints, varnishes and lacquers, personal hygiene products, soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, hair and body lotions, essential oils, cleaning and bleaching preparations, lubricants, fuels, candles, pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, machines and machine tools, cutlery, razors and hand tools, computers, calculating machines, electrical, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles and sun glasses, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, firearms, fireworks, silverware, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, magazine, cards, paper and cardboard products, picture, typewriters and office requisites, packaging materials, rubber and plastics for manufacture use, packing and insulating materials, leather and imitations of leather and goods made from these materials, handbags, purses, wallets, leather holders, bags, luggage, umbrellas, mirrors, ropes, string, nets, tents, yarns 60 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and threads for textile use, coat hangers, place mats, dressmaker's articles, bed and table covers, playthings and sporting articles, foodstuffs and beverages, meat, fish, poultry, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jams and fruits sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, flour, bread and cakes, condiments, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer, mineral water, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages, floral products, tobacco, smokers' articles and matches; direct mail advertising; buying and selling agency services; selection of goods and procurement of goods for individuals and businesses; ordering services [for others]; department store retailing services; supermarket retailing services; secretarial services; provision of business statistical information; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business assistance services relating to compilation and rental of mailing lists; business investigation; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; business referral services and personnel placement; import-export clearance agencies (import-export agency services); agency for newspapers subscriptions; document reproduction; transcription (including stencil-paper writing); rental of office equipment; customer relationship management; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management and administration services relating to sponsorship programmes; accounting services; charitable services, namely organizing and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty five. Class 36 : Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; online banking services and financial services; credit card services, processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, and providing insurance for financial transactions; funds transfer services; transmission of funds by electronic means for others; transfer of payments for others via the internet; financial services in the nature of billing and payment processing services; arrangement and management of leases and tenancy; renting and leasing of real estate; real estate appraisal; real estate valuation, real estate financing, real estate investment; real estate brokerage services; real estate agency services; housing agency services; actuarial services; real estate management and consultancy services; rent collection; rental of offices (real estate); rental of apartments and flats; provision of financial information via the internet; safety deposit and issuing of travel vouchers services; capital investments; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial and asset management services; insurance and financial services; financial services provided by telecommunication means; financial consultancy and advisory services; home banking; banking services provided on-line from a computer databases or the Internet; securities brokerage services, stock exchange quotation services; stocks and bonds brokerage, financial analysis; debit card services, charge card services and cheque guarantee services; banking, savings account and investment services; financial clearing services; credit verification via global computer information network; electronic credit risk management services; electronic purchase payment and electronic bill payment services; financial accounts debiting and crediting services; electronic banking services; issuance of stored value cards, charge cards and debit cards; telephone credit cards services; information services relating to finance and insurance, provided online from a computer database or internet; agency for collection of gas and electricity fees; antique appraisal; art appraisal; jewelry appraisal; used car appraisal; tax information supply; charitable fund raising; organizing of charitable collections; charitable collections; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines; online payment services; rental and/or leasing of safes; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty six. Class 38 : Telecommunications services; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of webbased applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing online collaboration services allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, 61 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ data, task lists, and discussion forums; Internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the Internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to worldwide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; television broadcasting services; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty eight. Class 39 : Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; storage of electronically-stored data or documents; 62 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ transportation information; shipbrokerage; car transport; air transport; vehicle rental; water supplying; message delivery; reservation (travel-); transport by pipeline; delivery of goods by mail order; courier services [messages or merchandise]; transport services in the nature of transport management; car rental services; car parking services; yacht and/or boat trips; travel agency services; travel reservation and travel information services; travel ticket agency services; arranging travel and information therefor, all provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; provision of information relating to travel and tourism through the Internet or through telecommunication networks; transport of goods and passengers; packaging; providing road and traffic information, chauffeur services; loading and unloading of cargo; freight brokerage; removal services; brokerage for rental, leasing, selling, purchasing and/or chartering of ships and/or boats; salvage and refloating of ships and/or boats; piloting; gas distribution and supply; electricity distribution and supply; heat distribution and supply; water distribution and supply; mooring facility services; rental of warehouses; providing flying areas; providing toll road; rental and/or leasing of wheelchairs; management of parking spaces; rental and/or leasing of airplanes; rental and/or leasing of containers; rental and/or leasing of bicycles; rental and/or leasing of cars; rental and/or leasing of ships and/or boats; rental and/or leasing of man-powered vehicles; rental and/or leasing of mechanical parking systems; rental and/or leasing of pallets; rental and/or leasing of packaging or wrapping machines; rental and/or leasing of refrigerator; collection of domestic waste and trash; collection of industrial waste and trash; import-export clearance agencies (custom clearance); consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty nine. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publication of texts, books and journals (others than publicity texts); publication of diagrams, images and photographs; publication of newspapers, magazines and periodicals; education, training and instruction services relating to telecommunications, computers, computer programs, web site design, ecommerce, business management and advertising; provision of education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training both interactive and non-interactive; design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; entertainment provided via electronic and digital interactive media; electronic games services provided by means of the internet; provision of information relating to education, training, entertainment, recreation, sporting, social and cultural activities; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting singing competitions; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting concerts; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting events and competitions for education or entertainment purposes; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting game shows and quests; entertainment ticket agency services; information relating to entertainment or education, provided online from a computer database or the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from MP3 (Moving Picture Experts Group-1 audio layer 3) internet web sites; entertainment and education services relating to planning, production and distribution of sound, images, digital music, movies, live or recorded audio, visual or audiovisual material for broadcasting on terrestrial cable, satellite channels, the internet, wireless or wire-link systems and other means of communications; music entertainment services; rental of sound recordings; preparation of entertainment, educational, documentary and news programmes for broadcasting; news reporters' services; information relating to sporting or cultural events, current affairs and breaking news provided by satellite television transmission, the internet or by other electronic means; television, radio and film production; preparation and production of television programmes; provision of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text for entertainment purpose; game services; provision of club recreation, sporting and gymnasium facilities; band performances; club entertainment, discotheque, fashion show and night club services; club services relating to entertainment, education and cultural services; arranging, conducting and provision of conferences, conventions, congresses, seminars and training workshops; organizing and conducting exhibitions, fashion shows, educational shows and cultural shows and performances; art exhibition and gallery services; art gallery services relating to fine arts leasing; training services in relation to occupation health and safety, and environmental conservation; provision of cigar classes, wine tasting classes; providing education information about research 63 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ materials and agency thereof; arranging, organizing, planning and management of seminars; animal training; direction in producing broadcasting programs; instructional services relating to operation of machines and equipment, including audiovisual equipment, which is used for the production of broadcasting programs; providing audio and visual studios; providing sports facilities; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; entertainment booking agencies; rental and leasing of motion pictures (cine-films); rental and leasing of musical instruments; rental and leasing of television programmes; rental and leasing of television sets; lending libraries; archive library services; subtitling services; sign language interpretation services; rental of entertainment software; providing video games, computer games, sound or images, or movies through telecommunication or computer networks; providing online computer games and contests; rental of pre-recorded video tapes; rental and leasing of game machines; lending of arcade game equipment; lending of pictures; photography; translation; language interpretation; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; educational and training programs relating to certification; provision of news; lottery services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty one. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer services in connection with transmitting information, data, documents, and images over the Internet; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services providing software in the fields of web-based conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic messaging, document collaboration, video conferencing, and voice and call processing; providing online non-downloadable software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; technical support services relating to computer software and applications provided online, by email and by telephone; computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; computer technology advice provided to internet users by means of a support hotline; computer service relating to creating indexes of information, sites and resources on computer networks; providing search engines; design of computers, notebook computers, laptop computers, portable computers and handheld computers; design of personal digital assistants and personal media players; design of mobile telephones and smart phones; design of digital cameras; computer services; computer programming; computer integration services; computer analysis services; computer programming in relation to the defence against virus; computer system software services; providing direct connection services between computer users for exchanging data; computer software design; computer system design; design and development of webpages; hosting webpages for others; hosting computer application software for searching and retrieving information from databases and computer networks; providing technical information at the specific request of end-users by means of telephone or global computer network; consultancy services in relation to computer software; computer services relating to customized searching of computer databases and websites; computer and electronic signal coding and decoding; conversion of physical data and documents into electronic media format; testing and evaluation services; architectural and design services; interior designs of buildings, offices and apartments; computer and network information services; provision of computer security risk management programs; computer security information, knowledge, and testing services; quality assurance services; computer services relating to certification of business transactions and preparation of reports therefor; access control to (security services for-) computers, electronic networks and databases; security of data transmission and of transactions via computer networks; consultancy in the field of data security; technological consultancy concerning securing telecommunications; computerized communication network security services; providing information in the fields of internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security and the secure transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of Internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security services, information security services, secure data and information transmission services; authentication services for computer security; online authentication of electronic 64 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ signatures; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty two. Class 45 : Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; social work services; dating services; legal services; domain name registration services; guard and security services; personal safety services; rental of apparel; providing protection services through electric central stations for intruders, burglar and fire protection systems; intruder and burglar alarms monitoring services, fire and flood detecting device and alarm monitoring services; house keeping and maid services; licensing of digital data, still images, moving images, audio and text; creation, compilation and maintenance of a register of domain names; baggage inspection for security purposes; personal background investigation services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; funeral services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty. (540) (540) (731) British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82264 (210) 3201404447 (220) 10.12.2014 (511) 35, 36, 41 et 42 Services désignés : (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82263 (210) 3201404445 (220) 10.12.2014 (300) AZ n° 2014 31502 du 23/10/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. Class 35 : Advertising; marketing; business promotion; business management; business administration; organisation and management of business incentive and loyalty schemes; business information services; consultancy services relating to the management of telephone call centres; procurement services for others; consultancy services relating to the procurement of goods and services; procurement of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services for others; outsourcing services (business assistance); business consultancy services relating to disaster planning and recovery; business mentoring; business incubation services; consultancy and advisory services relating to business management, business development and product development; administrative processing and organising of mail order services; arranging of business introductions; business research and survey services; business forecasting services; market research and studies in the field of environmental protection, new energies, preservation of natural wealth and sustainable development; provision of business, clerical and secretarial services; news and current 65 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ affairs clippings and information services; market research; market analysis; market research data collection and analysis; market research and marketing studies; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for business purposes; retail services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, all of the aforesaid provided online from a computer database or via the internet or provided by other means; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of telecommunications, computing, electronic and electrical goods, parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods, data cards, security devices and equipment, clothing, footwear, headgear, accessories, textiles, household linen goods, luggage and bags, printed materials and stationery, gift items, toys, games and sports equipment, jewellery, horological instruments, household equipment and utensils, furniture and furnishings, cosmetics and personal care products, general pharmacy products, cleaning products, healthcare products, human foods and grocery products, beverages, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods; purchase and sale of energy; auctioneering provided on the internet; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; advertising services for the promotion of e-commerce; provision of information and advice on the supplying and promoting of commodities and selection and display of goods; provision of information and advice to the prospective purchasers of commodities and goods; compilation and transcription of data; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; production of advertising films; compilation of directories for publishing on the internet; provision of space on websites for advertising goods and services; database and data processing services; data storage services; telemarketing services; telephone answering and message handling services; operation of telephone call centres; operation of remote monitoring centres; data management and electronic stocktaking services; data processing verification and authentication services in the field of transportation, airline check-in, travel reservation, travel ticketing and sports and cultural events ticketing; verification services for tickets, coupons, vouchers, discounts, loyalty programs, gift cards and gift certificates; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all the aforementioned. Class 36 : Financial services; banking services; insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; insurance and financing of telecommunications apparatus, systems and installations; provision of credit card facilities and services; provision of electronic funds transfer services and on-line transaction facilities; processing payments for the purchase of goods and services via an electronic communications network; automated payment services; electronic banking via a global computer network (internet banking); electronic processing of payments via a global computer network; electronic transfer of funds by means of telecommunications networks; payment services provided via wireless telecommunications apparatus and devices; money order payment guarantee services; payment processing services; electronic currency transfer; contactless payment services; investment and fund management services; administration of funds and investments; computerised financial services; provision of online valuation services; real estate affairs; real estate property management and information and advice relating to the aforesaid; provision of financial information; stock exchange quotations; stocks and shares information services; stocks and bonds brokerage; fund raising activities; charitable collections, organising collections and organising fund raising activities; financial sponsorship; discount services; information and advisory services relating to insurance, financial affairs, monetary affairs, home and Internet banking, stocks and share information, stocks and bonds brokerage, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all the aforementioned. Class 41 : Education and training services; entertainment services; sporting and cultural activities; information relating to education, entertainment, sporting and cultural events provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet or provided by other means; electronic games services provided from a computer database or by means of the Internet; video, audio and computer games rental services; radio and television entertainment services; publishing and production of music, films (other than advertising films), radio and television programmes and of teleshopping and webshopping programmes; organising of games and competitions; providing on-line electronic publications; providing programs for consumer video games and handheld game apparatus via wireless communication (non downloadable); publication of electronic books 66 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and journals on-line; provision of movie, television and music video entertainment via an interactive web site; publication of texts in electronic format or otherwise; publishing and production services for sound and/or visual media; exhibition services; provision of on-line access to exhibitions and exhibition services; organisation, production and presentation of music concerts, musical, theatrical and video performances, festivals, tours and other musical and cultural performances, events and activities; organisation, management or arrangement of video games events; postproduction editing services in the field of music, videos and films; news programming services for transmission across the internet; arranging and conducting of conferences, seminars, symposia, tutorials, workshops, courses, conventions and exhibitions; interactive and distance learning or training courses and sessions provided on-line via a telecommunications link or computer network or provided by other means; translation services; art gallery services provided on-line via a telecommunications link; gaming services; club services; ticket reservation and booking services for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; electronic library services for the supply of electronic information (including archive information) in the form of electronic texts, audio and/or video information and data, games and amusements; provision and operation of electronic conferencing, discussion groups and chat rooms; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing photographs, pictures, graphics, sound bites, films, videos and audio-visual programmes (not downloadable) on-line or from computer databases or the internet or Internet websites; photography services; provision of information and advice relating to all of the aforesaid services. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; research laboratory services; management of research, design and development projects; product research, design and development; technical research; research, design and development services relating to computers, computer programmes, computer systems, computer software application solutions, computer games, virtual reality software, data processing systems, data management, computerised information processing systems, communications services, communications solutions, communications applications, communications systems and network interfaces and provision of technical consultancy, information and advice relating to the aforesaid; design and development of operating software for computer networks and servers; design and development of operating software for cloud computing networks; technical design and planning of telecommunications networks; design and development of Internet security programs; design and development of electronic data security systems; technical testing; industrial testing; preparation of technical reports and studies; computer services; cloud computing services; updating and design of computer hardware; maintenance, updating and design of computer firmware, computer software and computer programs; computer programming services; preparation and provision of information in relation to computers and computer network facilities; technical advice and consultation services in the field of information technology and telecommunications; consultancy in the field of cloud computing networks and services; technical consultancy relating to the application and use of computer software; consultancy and information services in the field of computer system integration, information technology, information technology architecture and infrastructure; computer security consultancy; design and development of computer systems and of telecommunications systems and equipment; computer management services; operational support services for computer networks, telecommunications networks and data transmission networks; online computer services; programming services given on-line; programming of internet security programs; provision of access to an electronic on-line network for information retrieval; computer rental; design, drawing and commissioned writing, all for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; virtual and interactive image creation services; creating, operating and maintaining databases, intranets and web sites; creating, maintaining and hosting the web sites of others; hosting of databases, weblogs, web portals; hosting of platforms on the Internet; hosting computer software applications for others; hosting memory space on the Internet; hosting and rental of memory space for websites; hosting of e-commerce platforms on the internet; hosting of multimedia and interactive applications; hosting of software for use in library management; hosting on-line facilities for conducting interactive discussions; hosting on-line web facilities for others; hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; hosting of servers; installation and maintenance of computer software; leasing of access time to a computer database; leasing of access time to computer 67 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bulletin and message boards and to computer networks; providing temporary use of online applications, software tools and on-line nondownloadable operating software for computer networks and servers; rental of operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; rental of operating software for computer networks and servers; rental of web servers; rental of computer game software; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; providing temporary use of internet security programs; rental of memory space on servers for hosting electronic bulletin boards; internet service provider [ISP] services; compilation, creation and maintenance of a register of domain names; creating, operating and maintaining web sites, web pages and portals for logging text, images and music provided either via computers or mobile telephones; provision of information and advisory services on-line from a computer database or via the Internet; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; computer security services for protection against illegal network access; IT project management; configuration of computer networks using software; computer systems integration services; computer project management in the field of electronic data processing (EDP); server administration; weather forecasting; weather information services; interior design services; information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. (540) (731) Orange Brand Services Limited, 3 More London Riverside, LONDON SE1 2AQ (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, (540) (731) American-Cigarette Company (Overseas) Limited, Zaehlerweg 4, ZUG 6300 (CH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82266 (210) 3201404457 (220) 10.12.2014 (511) 30 et 31 Produits désignés : Class 30 : Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 31 : Grains; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products; meal for animals; oilseed meal for animals; corn and soya bean meal for animals; malt; soya bean products; soya beans; oilseeds; sun flower seeds; wheat; corn; barley; fava beans; sugar cane; natural rice for use as animal fodder; rice meal for forage; rice, unprocessed; cocoa beans, unprocessed; cocoa beans, raw. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82265 (731) Noble Group Limited, Clarendon House, Church Street, HAMILTON HM 11 (BM) (220) 10.12.2014 (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (300) AZ n° 2014 31507 du 23/10/2014 ________________________________________ (511) 34 (111) 82267 Produits désignés : (210) 3201404458 Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (220) 10.12.2014 (210) 3201404448 (511) 30 et 31 68 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Class 30 : Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 31 : Grains; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products; meal for animals; oilseed meal for animals; corn and soya bean meal for animals; malt; soya bean products; soya beans; oilseeds; sun flower seeds; wheat; corn; barley; fava beans; sugar cane; natural rice for use as animal fodder; rice meal for forage; rice, unprocessed; cocoa beans, unprocessed; cocoa beans, raw. (540) (731) Noble Group Limited, Clarendon House, Church Street, HAMILTON HM 11 (BM) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82268 (210) 3201404459 (220) 10.12.2014 (511) 35, 39 et 40 Services désignés : Class 35 : Import-export agency services; retailing, wholesaling, marketing, distribution and exporting services in relation to grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products, meal for animals, oilseed meal for animals, corn and soya bean meal for animals, malt, soya bean products, soya beans, oilseeds, sun flower seeds, wheat, corn, barley, fava beans, sugar cane, rice, cocoa beans, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 39 : Transport of goods and cargo by rail, road or water; arranging the shipping of goods; provision of shipborne storage services; hiring and chartering of vessels and vehicles; port management and operation services; port services; packaging, storage and warehousing of goods and cargo; import-export cargo handling services; storage, loading, transportation, delivery and distribution of cargo; storage, loading, transportation, delivery and distribution of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products, meal for animals, oilseed meal for animals, corn and soya bean meal for animals, malt, soya bean products, soya beans, oilseeds, sun flower seeds, wheat, corn, barley, fava beans, sugar cane, rice, cocoa beans, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 40 : Treatment of materials; treatment of commodities; treatment of animal foodstuffs; crushing and processing of grains and oilseeds; processing and treatment of sugar, corn, coffee and cocoa; crushing and processing of soya beans; operation of oilseed and soya bean processing facilities; operation of crushing plant facilities; operation of coffee processing facilities. (540) (731) Noble Group Limited, Clarendon House, Church Street, HAMILTON HM 11 (BM) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82269 (210) 3201404460 (220) 10.12.2014 (511) 35, 39 et 40 Services désignés : Class 35 : Import-export agency services; retailing, wholesaling, marketing, distribution and exporting services in relation to grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products, meal for animals, oilseed meal for animals, corn and soya bean meal for animals, malt, soya bean products, soya beans, oilseeds, sun flower seeds, wheat, corn, barley, fava beans, sugar cane, rice, cocoa beans, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 39 : Transport of goods and cargo by rail, road or water; arranging the shipping of goods; 69 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ provision of shipborne storage services; hiring and chartering of vessels and vehicles; port management and operation services; port services; packaging, storage and warehousing of goods and cargo; import-export cargo handling services; storage, loading, transportation, delivery and distribution of cargo; storage, loading, transportation, delivery and distribution of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, animal food stuffs consisting of soya bean products, meal for animals, oilseed meal for animals, corn and soya bean meal for animals, malt, soya bean products, soya beans, oilseeds, sun flower seeds, wheat, corn, barley, fava beans, sugar cane, rice, cocoa beans, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals. Class 40 : Treatment of materials; treatment of commodities; treatment of animal foodstuffs; crushing and processing of grains and oilseeds; processing and treatment of sugar, corn, coffee and cocoa; crushing and processing of soya beans; operation of oilseed and soya bean processing facilities; operation of crushing plant facilities; operation of coffee processing facilities. (540) (731) Noble Group Limited, Clarendon House, Church Street, HAMILTON HM 11 (BM) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82270 (210) 3201404483 (220) 12.12.2014 (300) FR n° 14/4101025 du 26/06/2014 (511) 33 Produits désignés : Classe 33 : Vins. (540) (731) CASTEL FRERES, Société par Actions Simplifiée, 24 rue Georges Guynemer, 33290 BLANQUEFORT (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82271 (210) 3201404485 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 5 et 31 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Veterinary and sanitary preparations and substances; dietetic food adapted for veterinary use; dietetic substances adapted for veterinary use; nutritional additives for animals; vitamins for animals; vitamin supplements for animals; dietary supplements for animals; protein supplements for animals; nutritional supplements for animals; medicated foodstuffs for animals; medicines for animals; medicated shampoos and grooming aids for animals; lotions for animals; anti-parasitic collars for animals; flea exterminating preparations; products for oral hygiene of animals for veterinary purposes; medicated chews for animals. Class 31 : Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, grains and seeds; live animals, birds and fish; cuttlefish bone; bones for dogs; edible chews for animals; products for animal litter; fresh fruits and vegetables; foodstuffs and beverages for animals, birds and fish. (540) (731) Royal Canin SAS, 650, avenue de la Petite Camargue, F-30470 AIMARGUES (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82272 (210) 3201404486 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 31 Produits désignés : 70 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 31 : Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, grains and seeds; live animals, birds and fish; cuttlefish bone; bones for dogs; edible chews for animals; products for animal litter; fresh fruits and vegetables; foodstuffs and beverages for animals, birds and fish. (540) Produits désignés : Class 25 : Clothing, footwear, headgear, masquerade costumes, money belts, belts, gloves, slips [undergarments], shirts, trousers, hats, jackets, jerseys, neckties, cuffs, wristbands, caps, jumpers, pullovers, underpants, boots, headbands, tee-Shirts. (540) (731) Royal Canin SAS, 650, avenue de la Petite Camargue, F-30470 AIMARGUES (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82273 (210) 3201404487 (220) 12.12.2014 (731) Kabushiki Kaisha BANDAI NAMCO Holdings trading as BANDAI NAMCO HOLDINGS INC., 4-5-15, Higashi- Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, TOKYO (JP) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (511) 14, 18, 25 et 28 Produits désignés : Classe 14 : Coffrets à bijoux et coffrets à montres; instruments de mesure du temps; articles de bijouterie-joaillerie. Classe 18 : Bagages, sacs, portefeuilles et autres objets de transport; sellerie, fouets et équipement pour chevaux; parapluies et parasols. Classe 25 : Chapellerie; chaussures; vêtements. Classe 28 : Articles et équipement de sport; décorations de fête et arbres de Noël artificiels. (540) (731) M. ABOUBACAR Sampil, Quartier Kipe Dadia, Commune de Ratoma, CONAKRY (GN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82274 (210) 3201404495 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 25 (111) 82275 (210) 3201404498 (220) 12.12.2014 (300) FR n° 14/4097304 du 12/06/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Classe 9 : Appareils, équipements et instruments scientifiques (non à usage médical), nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils, équipements et instruments électrotechniques, électroniques, mécaniques, de régulation, de commande, de protection, de surveillance, de coupure, de contrôle (inspection); dispositifs de signalisation pour la surveillance et la sécurisation de sites et des bâtiments dans les secteurs pétroliers, aéronautique, industriels et commerciaux; postes et salles de commande informatiques (appareils et installations informatiques) pour la supervision et le contrôle à distance des systèmes de sécurité et de sûreté; postes et salles de commande électroniques (appareils et installations électroniques) pour la supervision et le contrôle des systèmes de 71 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sécurité et de sûreté; appareils et installations électriques et électroniques pour postes et salles de commande à savoir, dispositifs d'affichage électroniques multi-écrans, capteurs de mesures, automates de commande programmables, alarmes, plateformes numériques; logiciels d'analyse et de gestion des risques appliqués aux secteurs pétrolier, aéronautique et industriel; logiciels permettant la transmission et la réception sécurisée et horodatée de messages, de données, de sons et d'images à travers un réseau informatique privé et/ou un réseau informatique mondial dit web; dispositifs (alarmes) de détection thermique; dispositifs de détection des fuites hydrauliques; dispositifs de détection acoustique; logiciels de détection des situations à risque; logiciels de configuration et de surveillance pour zones de sécurité de la technologie de l'information; programmes informatiques; programmes informatiques dans les domaines de la télésurveillance, de la vidéosurveillance, de la détection, de la sécurité et de la protection des biens et des personnes, de la téléassistance, de la prévention des incendies, de la lutte contre le vol et les intrusions; appareils de pistage et de surveillance pour la sécurité des personnes des secteurs pétrolier, aéronautique, industriels et commerciaux, ainsi que pour la sécurité des bureaux ou des entreprises; appareils électriques de surveillance, de commande, de réglage et de contrôle d'armoires et de systèmes, y compris en liaison avec la surveillance de bâtiments; appareils électroniques de localisation de la position; appareils avec capteurs biométriques électroniques; appareils de contrôle d'accès (badge et biométrie); appareils et instruments de contrôle l'accès à des locaux et sites à haut risque commerciaux, industriels, technologiques et environnementaux; appareils électriques et électroniques de télésurveillance, de détection, de protection des biens et des personnes et de téléassistance; systèmes et dispositifs de vidéoprotection et vidéosurveillance pour la sécurisation des sites et des infrastructures des secteurs pétroliers, aéronautiques et industriels; dispositifs de supervision urbains et anti-intrusion, dispositif d'alarme et de détection de mouvements; appareils électroniques de géolocalisation des personnes sur sites sensibles dans les secteurs pétrolier, aéronautique et industriel; systèmes et dispositifs de vidéoprotection et vidéosurveillance pour la gestion, la sûreté, l'évacuation ou le confinement des foules sur sites pétroliers, aéronautiques et industriels; systèmes d'alerte aux populations sur sites industriels, technologiques et environnementaux à haut risque; alarmes, avertisseurs d'incendie, détecteurs de fumée et de gaz; extincteurs et systèmes qui en sont composés; dispositifs, vêtements, masques, gants et chaussures de protection personnelle contre les accidents, les incendies, les irradiations et le feu; bâches de sauvetage, filets de sauvetage; appareils de protection du risque foudre (parafoudre), appareils électriques de commande, de réglage et de contrôle pour la surveillance de barrières et de systèmes, également en relation à la surveillance de bâtiments sur sites à haut risque dans les secteurs industriels, commerciaux, technologiques et environnementaux; dispositifs électroniques de surveillance de conduites de gaz et d'hydrocarbures; appareils de lecture électroniques; appareils électroniques de communication; transpondeurs électroniques de communication; appareils de contrôle et d'inspection électroniques; appareils pour la transmission et la réception de données, signaux et messages; appareils de suivi à distance électroniques, pistage et surveillance et gestion et contrôle de données reçues de ces appareils de suivi, appareils de commande à distance; matériel informatique; logiciels et programmes d'ordinateurs utilisés avec les appareils et instruments précités; appareils électriques et électroniques de surveillance, de télésurveillance, de vidéosurveillance, de détection, de sécurité, de protection des biens et des personnes; appareils électriques et électroniques de téléassistance aux personnes en danger sur sites sensibles dans les secteurs pétroliers, aéronautiques et industriel; dispositifs de surveillance à distance à partir d'un centre de sécurité; systèmes de surveillance pour la détection des mouvements dans une zone déterminée; dispositifs de contrôle d'accès à une zone déterminée; appareils et installations de prévention, de détection, de protection et de lutte contre les intrusions, les vols et les incendies; filets de protection contre les accidents; caméras vidéo; systèmes de communication et de surveillance par caméra; appareils et systèmes (appareils) portables ou fixes pour le traitement de l'information; consoles de visualisation (écran); clés USB; interfaces informatiques, lecteurs informatiques, transmetteurs (télécommunication); émetteurs (télécommunication); matériels et installations pour les communications et les télécommunications par fils, câbles et radio; téléphones; matériels optiques et électrooptiques; appareils et instruments de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle, d'inspection notamment utilisés dans les secteurs pétroliers, industriels et aéronautiques; signaux lumineux (clignotants); cloches de signalisation; appareils de contrôle de la chaleur; couvertures coupe-feu; 72 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ détecteurs de fumée; ferme-porte électriques; haut-parleurs; lanternes à signaux; panneaux de signalisation lumineux ou mécaniques; pavillons de haut-parleurs; dispositifs électriques pour l'ouverture des portes; dispositifs de secours; sifflets de signalisation; appareils électrodynamiques pour la commande à distance des signaux; émetteurs de signaux électroniques; sirènes, sonneries (appareils, avertisseurs); sonnettes de portes électriques; talkies-walkies, appareils de télé-appel radio; indicateurs de température; variateurs (régulateurs de lumière); visiophones; interphones; équipement pour le traitement de l'information et les ordinateurs; appareils et instruments de traitement d'images vidéo. (540) (731) INEO ENGINEERING & SYSTEMS, Société en nom collectif, 23, rue Général Valérie André, 78140 VELIZY VILLACOUBLAY (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). banques de données; échanges électroniques d'informations; fourniture d'accès à des bases de données; service d'expéditions, de transmissions et d'échanges de documents informatisés ou numériques; fourniture d'interaction entre plusieurs dispositifs de traitement; fourniture d'accès à des données ou documents stockés électroniquement dans des fichiers centraux pour consultation à distance; transmission de données, notamment transmission à haut débit (par paquets) pour les opérateurs de réseaux publics et les entreprises; fourniture d'accès à des centres serveurs nationaux et internationaux, et réseaux informatiques mondiaux de télécommunication; services télématiques accessibles par code d'accès ou par terminaux d'ordinateurs; transmission protégées de données, en particulier avec codes d'accès; transmission de données commerciales et publicitaires par réseaux internet, transmission d'information par catalogue électronique sur réseau internet ; location de temps d'accès à un serveur de banques de données, en particulier pour les réseaux de télécommunication et informatiques mondiaux (internet) ou à accès privé (intranet); raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial; service d'aide en ligne en matière de télécommunication dans le domaine de la gestion et la supervision de réseaux de communication; service de messagerie électronique; services d'affichage électronique; location d'appareils de télécommunication; portail web d'information collaboratif. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82276 (210) 3201404499 (220) 12.12.2014 (300) FR n° 14/4097304 du 12/06/2014 (511) 38 Services désignés : Classe 38 : Télécommunications; informations en matière de télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques; communications radiophoniques ou téléphoniques; transmission et diffusion de données, de sons et d'images assistées ou non par ordinateur, sur tous types de réseaux; transmissions d'informations contenues dans des (731) INEO ENGINEERING & SYSTEMS, Société en nom collectif, 23, rue Général Valérie André, 78140 VELIZY VILLACOUBLAY (GB) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). 73 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82277 (210) 3201404549 (220) 17.12.2014 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Levure; poudre pour faire lever. (540) (731) LESAFFRE ET COMPAGNIE, 41, rue Etienne Marcel, 75001 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82278 (210) 3201404550 (220) 17.12.2014 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Levure; poudre pour faire lever. (540) (731) LESAFFRE ET COMPAGNIE, 41, rue Etienne Marcel, 75001 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82279 (210) 3201404627 gravés ou lithographiés; tableaux (peintures) encadrés ou non; aquarelles; patrons pour la couture; dessins; instruments de dessin; mouchoirs de poche en papier; serviettes de toilette en papier; linge de table en papier; papier hygiénique; sacs et sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en papier ou en matières plastiques pour l'emballage; sacs à ordures en papier ou en matières plastiques. Journaux, livres, magazines, prospectus et manuels dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 21 : Ustensiles et récipients pour le ménage ou la cuisine; peignes et éponges; brosses (à l'exception des pinceaux); matériaux pour la brosserie; instruments de nettoyage actionnés manuellement; paille de fer; verre brut ou mi-ouvré (à l'exception du verre de construction); porcelaines; faïence. Bouteilles; objets d'art en porcelaine, en céramique, en faïence ou en verre; statues ou figurines (statuettes) en porcelaine, en céramique, en faïence ou en verre; ustensiles ou nécessaires de toilette; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle; mugs. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. Chemises; vêtements en cuir ou en imitation du cuir; ceintures (habillement); fourrures (vêtements); gants (habillement); foulards; cravates; bonneterie; chaussettes; chaussons; chaussures de plage, de ski ou de sport; sousvêtements. (540) (220) 18.12.2014 (300) FR n° 14/4104351 du 09/07/2014 (511) 16, 21 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Produits de l'imprimerie; articles pour reliures; photographies; articles de papeterie; adhésifs (matières collantes) pour la papeterie ou le ménage; matériel pour les artistes; pinceaux; machines à écrire et articles de bureau (à l'exception des meubles); matériel d'instruction ou d'enseignement (à l'exception des appareils); caractères d'imprimerie; clichés. Papier; carton; boîtes en carton ou en papier; affiches; albums; cartes; livres; journaux; prospectus; brochures; calendriers; instruments d'écriture; objets d'art (731) POLE EMPLOI (établissement public administratif), Le Cinétic, 1-5 avenue du Docteur Gley, 75020 PARIS (FR) 74 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu pantone 280 C et rouge pantone 185 C. ________________________________________ (111) 82280 (210) 3201404628 (220) 18.12.2014 (300) FR n° 14/4104351 du 09/07/2014 (511) 35, 36, 38, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau. Diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons). Services d'abonnement à des journaux (pour des tiers). Services d'abonnement à des services de télécommunication pour des tiers; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail. Conseils en organisation et direction des affaires. Comptabilité. Reproduction de documents. Bureaux de placement. Portage salarial. Gestion de fichiers informatiques. Optimisation du trafic pour des sites web. Organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux ou de publicité. Publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique. Location de temps publicitaire sur tout moyen de communication; publication de textes publicitaires; location d'espaces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; relations publiques. Audits d'entreprises (analyses commerciales). Services d'intermédiation commerciale (conciergerie). Aides et consultations pour la direction des affaires et consultations professionnelles d'affaires; systématisation de données dans un fichier central; recueil de données dans un fichier central ; systématisation de données dans un fichier central ; services de recherches et d'études de marchés; services d'analyse de marchés; services de recherches et d'études dans le domaine de l'emploi, du recrutement et de la sélection du personnel; information et conseil dans le domaine du recrutement et de la sélection de personnel; sondage d'opinion; assistance aux personnes à la recherche d'un emploi, d'une formation ou d'un conseil professionnel pour favoriser leur reclassement ou leur promotion professionnelle, à savoir : entretiens de définition d'un parcours de formation; évaluation des compétences de l'individu sur son poste de travail et entretiens de recherche d'offres d'emploi; assistance aux employeurs pour l'embauche et le reclassement de leurs salariés, à savoir : recueil des offres d'emploi déposées par les entreprises et aide à la définition du besoin et à la rédaction de l'offre d'emploi; opérations de recrutement et de sélection de personnel par des procédés psychotechniques. Mise en oeuvre de la politique de l'emploi définie par les pouvoirs publics; mise en oeuvre des actions qui favorisent la mobilité géographique et professionnelle et l'adaptation aux emplois, services d'orientation professionnelle, services administratifs destinés aux particuliers en matière de recherche d'emploi, de protection sociale, de législation et de réglementation du travail; services d'établissement de plans médias notamment dans le domaine de l'assistance aux personnes en recherche d'emploi; gestion administrative des opérations d'inscription sur la liste des demandeurs d'emploi, des demandes de renouvellement et changements de situation dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 36 : Assurances; services bancaires; services bancaires en ligne; affaires immobilières. Services de caisses de prévoyance. Emission de chèques de voyage ou de cartes de crédit. Estimations immobilières. Gestion financière. Gérance de biens immobiliers. Services de financement; analyse financière; constitution ou investissement de capitaux; consultation en matière financière; estimations financières (assurances, banques, immobilier); placement de fonds. Services de financement pour les particuliers ou les entreprises, tous ces services étant directement liés au domaine de l'emploi; gestion des opérations financières pour l'exécution des missions imparties dans le domaine de l'emploi ; indemnisation financière des allocataires [du régime d'assurance chômage, du régime de solidarité et du fonds national de l'emploi]; service de recouvrement des contributions et ressources affectées au financement du régime d'assurance chômage et des régimes gérés pour le compte de tiers. Assurance chômage, assurance perte d'emploi, services d'assurance de créances des salariés; service de garantie des salaires intervenant en cas de redressement ou de liquidation judiciaire de l'employeur; mise en oeuvre des actions qui favorisent la mobilité géographique et 75 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ professionnelle et l'adaptation aux emplois, à savoir : octroi d'aides financières au déplacement pour des entretiens de recrutement ou d'aides au déménagement (liées à l'occupation d'un nouvel emploi) et stages d'accès aux entreprises; mise en oeuvre des aides publiques, à savoir : les contrats aidés (aides financières) proposés aux entreprises et l'aide à la première embauche (aides financières); mise en oeuvre de la politique de l'emploi définie par les pouvoirs publics à savoir : contrats aidés (aides financières) et programmes européens (aides financières); tous ces services étant rendus dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 38 : Télécommunications. Informations en matière de télécommunications. Communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques. Communications radiophoniques ou téléphoniques. Services de radiotéléphonie mobile. Fourniture d'accès utilisateur à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux. Mise à disposition de forums en ligne. Fourniture d'accès à des bases de données. Services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications). Raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial. Agences de presse ou d'informations (nouvelles). Location d'appareils de télécommunication. Emissions radiophoniques ou télévisées. Services de téléconférences ou de visioconférences. Services de messagerie électronique. Location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux, tous ces services étant fournis dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 41 : Education; formation; divertissement; activités sportives et culturelles. Informations en matière de divertissement ou d'éducation; recyclage professionnel. Mise à disposition d'installations de loisirs. Publication de livres. Prêt de livres. Production et location de films cinématographiques. Location d'enregistrements sonores. Location de postes de télévision. Location de décors de spectacles. Montage de bandes vidéo. Services de photographie. Organisation de concours (éducation ou divertissement). Organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences ou congrès. Organisation d'expositions à buts culturels ou éducatifs. Réservation de places de spectacles. Services de jeu proposés en ligne à partir d'un réseau informatique. Services de jeux d'argent. Publication électronique de livres et de périodiques en ligne. Micro-édition. Orientation professionnelle (conseils en matière d'éducation ou de formation); organisation et conduite d'ateliers d'orientation professionnelle; formation en vue d'obtenir une qualification professionnelle, bilans de compétence; services d'enseignement et de formation, d'éducation et de divertissement ainsi que services d'information en matière d'éducation; tous ces services étant rendus dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 42 : Evaluations et estimations dans les domaines scientifiques et technologiques rendues par des ingénieurs; recherches scientifiques et techniques; conception et développement d'ordinateurs et de logiciels. Recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers. Etudes de projets techniques. Architecture. Décoration intérieure. Elaboration (conception), installation, maintenance, mise à jour ou location de logiciels. Programmation pour ordinateur. Analyse de systèmes informatiques. Conception de systèmes informatiques. Consultation en matière de conception et de développement d'ordinateurs. Numérisation de documents. Logiciel-service (SaaS). Informatique en nuage. Conseils en technologie de l'information. Hébergement de serveurs. Contrôle technique de véhicules automobiles. Services de conception d'art graphique. Stylisme (esthétique industrielle). Authentification d'oeuvres d'art. Audits en matière d'énergie. Stockage électronique de données; tous ces services étant rendus dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à 76 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. Classe 45 : Services juridiques. Médiation. Services de sécurité pour la protection des biens et des individus. Agences matrimoniales. Etablissement d'horoscopes. Pompes funèbres. Services de crémation. Agences de surveillance nocturne. Surveillance des alarmes anti-intrusion. Consultation en matière de sécurité. Ouverture de serrures. Location de vêtements. Agences de détectives. Recherches judiciaires. Conseils en propriété intellectuelle. Services de réseautage social en ligne. Garde d'enfants à domicile. Conseil juridique aux particuliers en matière de recherche d'emploi, de protection sociale, de législation et de réglementation du travail; informations juridiques et recherche légales; services personnels et sociaux ; services sociaux rendus par des tiers destinés à satisfaire les besoins des individus, à savoir : services d'accompagnement et de suivi pour l'aide à l'insertion professionnelle et sociale des personnes à la recherche d'un emploi (services sociaux); accueil des demandeurs d'emploi et information sur leurs droits et obligations dans le domaine de l'assistance, du conseil et de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi, dans leurs recherches d'emploi, de la formation, de l'orientation, du prélèvement et du paiement des cotisations chômage, de l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leurs recrutements, à l'exclusion de toutes prestations et/ou produits dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, spatiale, satellitaire et de télécommunications. (540) (731) POLE EMPLOI (établissement public administratif), Le Cinétic, 1-5 avenue du Docteur Gley, 75020 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu pantone 280 C et rouge pantone 185 C. ________________________________________ (111) 82281 (210) 3201404639 (220) 18.12.2014 (300) JM n° 64975 du 19/06/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; computer gaming machines; hand held computers; tablet computers; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; electronic book readers; handheld electronic game units adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; digital video recorders and players; audio cassette recorders and players; video cassette recorders and players; compact disc recorders and players; digital versatile disc recorders and players; digital audio tape recorders and players; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; audio, video, and digital mixers; audio amplifiers; audio receivers; audio decoders; car audio apparatus; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; modems; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; audiovisual teaching apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; magnetic data media; chips, discs and tapes bearing or for recording computer programs and software; facsimile machines; cameras; batteries; televisions; television receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; computer software; computer and electronic games; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for travel and tourism, travel planning, 77 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ navigation, travel route planning, geographic, destination, transportation and traffic information, driving and walking directions, customized mapping of locations, street atlas information, electronic map display, and destination information; computer software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content, electronic publications, and electronic games; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content via global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for identifying, locating, grouping, distributing, and managing data and links between computer servers and users connected to global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; electronic publishing software; electronic publication reader software; computer software for personal information management; downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary; downloadable electronic books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications; database management software; character recognition software; voice recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; electronic bulletin boards; data synchronization software; application development software; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods; navigational instruments; apparatus to check stamping mail; cash registers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; dictating machines; hemline markers; voting machines; electronic tags for goods; prize selection machines; weighing apparatus and instruments; measures; electronic notice boards; measuring apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; wafers [silicon slices]; integrated circuits; fluorescent screens; remote control apparatus; lights conducting filaments [optical fibers]; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; lightning arresters; electrolyzers; fire extinguishers; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; life saving apparatus and equipment; whistle alarms; sunglasses; animated cartoons; egg-candlers; dog whistles; decorative magnets; electrified fences; electrically heated socks; alarms, alarm sensors, and alarm monitoring systems; residential security and surveillance systems; smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; thermostats, monitors, sensors, and controls for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation devices and systems; electric and electronic door and window locks and latches; garage door openers; curtain, drape, window shade, and window blind openers; lighting controls. (540) (731) APPLE INC., 1 Infinite Loop, CUPERTINO, California 95014 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82282 (210) 3201404640 (220) 18.12.2014 (300) JM n° 64975 du 19/06/2014 (511) 35, 36 et 42 Services désignés : Class 35 : Business management; business administration; business consulting services; providing office functions; advertising agency services; advertising, marketing, and promotion services; advertising and marketing consultation; sales promotion services; promoting the goods and services of others; conducting market 78 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ research; analysis of advertising response and market research; design, creation, preparation, production, and dissemination of advertisements and advertising material for others; media planning services; administration of consumer loyalty programs; arranging and conducting incentive rewards programs to promote the sale of goods and services; computerized database and file management; data processing services; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; providing, searching, browsing and retrieving information, sites, and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; organizing content of information provided over a global computer network and other electronic and communications networks according to user preferences; providing business, consumer, and commercial information over computer networks and global communication networks; business services, namely, providing computer databases regarding the purchase and sale of a wide variety of products and services of others; compilations of directories for publishing on the Internet and other electronic, computer and communications networks; retail store and online retail store services; retail store services provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and other publications on a wide range of topics of general interest, provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of entertainment featuring movies, television programs, sporting events, musical works, and audio and audiovisual works, provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services featuring computer, electronic and entertainment products, telecommunications apparatus, mobile phones, handheld mobile digital electronic devices, and other consumer electronics, computer software, and accessories, peripherals, and carrying cases for such products, provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; product demonstrations provided in-store and via global communications networks and other electronic and communications networks; subscription services, namely, providing subscriptions to text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content, provided via the internet and other electronic and communications networks; providing downloadable pre- recorded text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content for a fee or pre-paid subscription, via the internet and other electronic and communications networks; arranging and conducting of commercial, trade and business conferences, shows, and exhibitions; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Class 36 : Financial services; financial transaction services; bill payment services; providing secure commercial transactions; debit and credit card services, electronic payment services. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software in the field of natural language, speech, speaker, language, voice recognition, and voice-print recognition; rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online; website creation, design and maintenance services; website hosting services; application service provider (ASP) services featuring hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio, video, and multimedia content, and electronic publications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for use in connection with voice recognition software and voice-enabled software applications; providing online non-downloadable software; providing search engines for obtaining data via the internet and other electronic communications networks; creating indexes of online information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; electronic storage of data, text, images, audio, and video; online social networking services; providing a social networking website; cartography and mapping services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. (540) (731) APPLE INC., 1 Infinite Loop, CUPERTINO, California 95014 (US) 79 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82283 (731) FRIESLAND BRANDS B.V., Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE AMERSFOORT (NL) (210) 3201404653 (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (220) 19.12.2014 (511) 29 (SCP), ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82286 Class 29 : Milk and milk products, including milk powder. (210) 3201404656 (540) (220) 19.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : (731) FRIESLAND BRANDS B.V., Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE AMERSFOORT (NL) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82284 (210) 3201404654 (220) 19.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Class 29 : Milk and milk products, including milk powder. (540) Class 29 : Dairy products; dairy based beverages, including breakfast beverages, dairy being the main component; dairy products for dietetic purposes (not for medical use); dairy based spreads for sandwiches; milk and milk products; fermented milk products; preserved milk products; milk powder; condensed milk; buttermilk; yoghurt and yoghurt products; cottage cheese, soft white cheese; cheese and cheese products; cream, whipped cream; sour cream; coffee cream; vegetable substitutes for whipped cream and coffee cream; edible oils and fats; butter, butter oil (butter ghee); desserts included in this class; liquid desserts with a milk base (called "via"); dairy based meat substitutes; aforementioned dairy products natural and flavoured with fruit, fruit juices, flavourings, nuts, seeds, tea, herbs, mustard, pepper, coffee and/or cocoa; ready-toeat-meals, semi-prepared meals, breakfast beverages and dairy snacks included in this class. (540) (731) FRIESLAND BRANDS B.V., Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE AMERSFOORT (NL) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82285 (210) 3201404655 (220) 19.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Class 29 : Cheese and cheese products. (731) FRIESLAND BRANDS B.V., Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE AMERSFOORT (NL) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82287 (210) 3201404665 (220) 19.12.2014 (300) JM n° 64993 du 23/06/2014 (511) 9 80 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; computer gaming machines; hand held computers; tablet computers; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; electronic book readers; handheld electronic game units adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; digital video recorders and players; audio cassette recorders and players; video cassette recorders and players; compact disc recorders and players; digital versatile disc recorders and players; digital audio tape recorders and players; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; audio, video, and digital mixers; audio amplifiers; audio receivers; audio decoders; car audio apparatus; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; modems; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; audiovisual teaching apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; magnetic data media; chips, discs and tapes bearing or for recording computer programs and software; facsimile machines; cameras; batteries; televisions; television receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; computer software; computer and electronic games; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for travel and tourism, travel planning, navigation, travel route planning, geographic, destination, transportation and traffic information, driving and walking directions, customized mapping of locations, street atlas information, electronic map display, and destination information; computer software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content, electronic publications, and electronic games; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content via global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for identifying, locating, grouping, distributing, and managing data and links between computer servers and users connected to global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; electronic publishing software; electronic publication reader software; computer software for personal information management; downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary; downloadable electronic books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications; database management software; character recognition software; voice recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; electronic bulletin boards; data synchronization software; application development software; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods; navigational instruments; apparatus to check stamping mail; cash registers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; dictating machines; hemline markers; voting machines; electronic tags for goods; prize selection machines; weighing apparatus and instruments; measures; electronic notice boards; measuring apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; wafers [silicon slices]; integrated circuits; fluorescent screens; remote control apparatus; lights conducting filaments [optical 81 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ fibers]; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; lightning arresters; electrolyzers; fire extinguishers; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; life saving apparatus and equipment; whistle alarms; sunglasses; animated cartoons; egg-candlers; dog whistles; decorative magnets; electrified fences; electrically heated socks; alarms, alarm sensors, and alarm monitoring systems; residential security and surveillance systems; smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; thermostats, monitors, sensors, and controls for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation devices and systems; electric and electronic door and window locks and latches; garage door openers; curtain, drape, window shade, and window blind openers; lighting controls. (540) (731) APPLE INC., 1 Infinite Loop, CUPERTINO, California 95014 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82288 (210) 3201404666 (220) 19.12.2014 (300) JM n° 64993 du 23/06/2014 (511) 35, 36 et 42 Services désignés : Class 35 : Business management; business administration; business consulting services; providing office functions; advertising agency services; advertising, marketing, and promotion services; advertising and marketing consultation; sales promotion services; promoting the goods and services of others; conducting market research; analysis of advertising response and market research; design, creation, preparation, production, and dissemination of advertisements and advertising material for others; media planning services; administration of consumer loyalty programs; arranging and conducting incentive rewards programs to promote the sale of goods and services; computerized database and file management; data processing services; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; providing, searching, browsing and retrieving information, sites, and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; organizing content of information provided over a global computer network and other electronic and communications networks according to user preferences; providing business, consumer, and commercial information over computer networks and global communication networks; business services, namely, providing computer databases regarding the purchase and sale of a wide variety of products and services of others; compilations of directories for publishing on the internet and other electronic, computer and communications networks; retail store and online retail store services; retail store services provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and other publications on a wide range of topics of general interest, provided via the internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of entertainment featuring movies, television programs, sporting events, musical works, and audio and audiovisual works, provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services featuring computer, electronic and entertainment products, telecommunications apparatus, mobile phones, handheld mobile digital electronic devices, and other consumer electronics, computer software, and accessories, peripherals, and carrying cases for such products, provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; product demonstrations provided in-store and via global communications networks and other electronic and communications networks; subscription services, namely, providing subscriptions to text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content, provided via the internet and other electronic and communications networks; providing downloadable pre-recorded text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content for a fee or pre-paid subscription, via the internet and other electronic and communications networks; arranging and conducting of commercial, trade and business conferences, shows, and exhibitions; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. 82 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 36 : Financial services; financial transaction services; bill payment services; providing secure commercial transactions; debit and credit card services, electronic payment services. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software in the field of natural language, speech, speaker, language, voice recognition, and voice-print recognition; rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online; website creation, design and maintenance services; website hosting services; application service provider (ASP) services featuring hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio, video, and multimedia content, and electronic publications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for use in connection with voice recognition software and voice-enabled software applications; providing online non-downloadable software; providing search engines for obtaining data via the internet and other electronic communications networks; creating indexes of online information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; electronic storage of data, text, images, audio, and video; online social networking services; providing a social networking website; cartography and mapping services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. (111) 82289 (210) 3201404704 (220) 22.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (731) Rothmans of Pall Mall Limited, Zaehlerweg 4, ZUG, CH 6300 (CH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82290 (210) 3201404708 (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 41 Services désignés : Classe 41 : Education religieuse et culturelle; formation thélogique. (540) (540) (731) EGLISE PROTESTANTE AFRICAINE (E.P.A.), B.P. 26, LOLODORF (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, jaune et marron. ________________________________________ (731) APPLE INC., 1 Infinite Loop, CUPERTINO, California 95014 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82291 (210) 3201404709 (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 3 83 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82293 Class 3 : Perfume, eau de toilette; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use. (210) 3201404711 (220) 23.12.2014 (300) AZ n° 2014 31504 du 23/10/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (540) (731) (FR) L'OREAL, 14 Rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (740) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & Partners), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco Njo-Njo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82292 (210) 3201404710 (220) 23.12.2014 (300) GB n° UK00003073728 23 du 23/09/2014 (731) British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (511) 34 Produits désignés : SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. ________________________________________ (111) 82294 (540) (210) 3201404713 (220) 23.12.2014 (300) AZ n° 2014 31506 du 23/10/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (731) Carreras Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. 84 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) British American Tobacco (Brands) Inc., 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 300, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19808 (US) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82295 bijouterie, pierres précieuses; instruments chronométriques. horlogerie et Classe 16 : Produits de l'imprimerie; photographies; papeterie; instruments d'écriture et supports pour l'écriture (inclus dans cette classe); journaux, magazines et livres; matériel d'instruction ou d'enseignement (à l'exception des appareils); agendas. (540) (210) 3201404714 (220) 23.12.2014 (300) AZ n° 2014 31514 du 27/10/2014 (731) TURLEN HOLDING SA, c/o Sjpo S.A. Chemin du Château 26A, 2805 SOYHIERES (CH) (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82297 (210) 3201404717 (220) 23.12.2014 (300) CH n° N° 62464/2014 du 23/10/2014 (511) 5 et 10 Produits désignés : (731) British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Classe 5 : Préparations et substances pharmaceutiques utilisées en urologie et en néphrologie; antibiotiques utilisés en urologie et en néphrologie; préparations et compositions antibiotiques utilisées en urologie et en néphrologie; médicaments anti-inflammatoires utilisés en urologie et en néphrologie; médicaments diurétiques; bactéricides et antiseptiques à usage urologique; couchesculottes; couches hygiéniques pour incontinents; culottes hygiéniques; serviettes hygiéniques. (111) 82296 Classe 10 : Appareils urologiques; instruments urologiques; alaises; bassins à usage médical; bassins hygiéniques; draps pour incontinents; urinaux. (210) 3201404716 (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 14 et 16 Produits désignés : Classe 14 : Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué non compris dans d'autres classes; joaillerie, (731) FRILAB TRADE MARK SA, C/o FRILAB SA, Rue des Pierres-du-Niton 17, 1207 GENEVE (CH) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). 85 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82298 (111) 82299 (210) 3201404718 (210) 3201404719 (220) 23.12.2014 (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 9 et 11 (511) 37 et 42 Produits désignés : Services désignés : Classe 9 : Appareils et instruments électriques et électroniques pour le transport, la distribution, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage, le filtrage, le mesurage, la signalisation, la commande ou l'exploitation du courant électrique, y compris composants électriques et électroniques pour ces appareils et instruments; accumulateurs électriques, conducteurs, condensateurs électriques, relais et résistances électriques, boîtes de jonction, de distribution et de branchement, connecteurs, tableaux électriques de contrôle et de commande, disjoncteurs, convertisseurs, interrupteurs, bouton-poussoirs, voyants lumineux, capteurs, contacteurs, fiches électriques, prises de courant, variateurs de vitesse, redresseurs de courant, transformateurs, ampèremètres, armoires électriques, électrovannes, compteurs d'eau et de gaz; compteurs électromécaniques et électroniques; coffrets en polyester, en matériaux thermoplastiques, en métal et/ou en acier inoxydable pour tableaux électriques et installations de contrôle, de commande, et de distribution; terminaux et autres accessoires pour le montage de tableaux électriques; alimentations électriques pour ordinateurs; micro-dispositifs de sécurité pour ordinateurs; onduleurs; inverseurs. Classe 37 : Installation, maintenance et réparation d'appareils électriques. Classe 11 : Appareils et installations électriques pour l'éclairage, le chauffage, la réfrigération, l'humidification, la ventilation, l'aération, l'air conditionné et la distribution d'eau et de fluides, en particulier lampes et tubes électriques, accessoires d'éclairage, culots, filaments de lampes électriques, lanternes, projecteurs, radiateurs électriques, ventilateur électrique, réfrigérateurs, générateurs de vapeur. (210) 3201404720 (540) (731) SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, Tour Bastion, 14ème étage, 5 Place du Champ de Mars, 1050 BRUXELLES (BE) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 42 : Développement et conception de matériel et logiciels informatiques, programmation pour ordinateurs; conseils et expertises techniques en matière d'appareils, dispositifs, équipements et installations électriques. (540) (731) SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, Tour Bastion 14ème étage, 5 Place du Champ de Mars, 1050 BRUXELLES (BE) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82300 (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 29, 30 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conserves, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières). 86 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, blanc et or. ________________________________________ (111) 82302 (210) 3201404722 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : (731) SOCIETE CAMEROUNAISE DE FERMENTATIONS en abrégé FERMENCAM, B.P. 13234, DOUALA (CM) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, or et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82301 (210) 3201404721 (220) 23.12.2014 (511) 29, 30 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conserves, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières). (540) Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes (540) (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82303 (210) 3201404723 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : (731) SOCIETE CAMEROUNAISE DE FERMENTATIONS en abrégé FERMENCAM, B.P. 13234, DOUALA (CM) Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of 87 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes. (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (540) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82305 (210) 3201404725 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Golden yellow and black. ________________________________________ (111) 82304 (210) 3201404724 Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes (540) (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes. (540) (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & CO. LAW FIRM, DOUALA, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Golden, yellow and black. 88 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (220) 24.12.2014 cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes (511) 34 (540) (111) 82306 (210) 3201404726 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes. (540) (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) Couleurs revendiquées : Pink; blue; green; yelloe; orange; pale red (+black at the upper half). ________________________________________ (111) 82308 (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (210) 3201404728 ________________________________________ (220) 24.12.2014 (111) 82307 (511) 34 (210) 3201404727 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of Produits désignés : Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes. 89 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) (731) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) OPENMARK LIMITED, 19 Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, TORTOLA, VG 1110 (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Pink blue, green, red, Couleurs revendiquées : Pink, blue, green, red, yellow, orange; purple; brown; (+black at the upper half). yellow, orange ; (+black at the upper half). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82310 (111) 82309 (210) 3201404730 B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (220) 24.12.2014 (210) 3201404729 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; Class 34 : Electronic cigarettes; tobacco; cigarettes; tobacco pipes; cigarette cases; ashtrays for smokers; snuff boxes; matches; match boxes; lighters for smokers; cigarette filters. tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters (540) Produits désignés : for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers (731) ALISHAN GROUP LIMITED, Flat/RM A 13/F Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building 289 Sha Tsui Road, TSUEN WAN NT (HK) for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette ________________________________________ filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; (111) 82311 cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; (210) 3201404731 cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for (220) 24.12.2014 medical purposes. (511) 34 90 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (540) Class 34 : Electronic cilgarettes; tobacco; cigarettes; tobacco pipes; cigarette cases; ashtrays for smokers; snuff boxes; matches; match boxes; lighters for smokers; cigarette filters. (540) (731) ALISHAN GROUP LIMITED, Flat/RM A 13/F Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building 289 Sha Tsui Road, TSUEN WAN NT (HK) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (731) ALISHAN GROUP LIMITED, Flat/RM A 13/F Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building 289 Sha Tsui Road, TSUEN WAN NT (HK) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82314 (111) 82312 (210) 3201404734 (210) 3201404732 (220) 24.12.2014 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Electronic cigarettes; tobacco; cigarettes; tobacco pipes; cigarette cases; ashtrays for smokers; snuff boxes; matches; match boxes; lighters for smokers; cigarette filters. (511) 4 Produits désignés : Class 4 : Industrial grease; Industrial oil; motor oil; lubricating oil; lubricating grease; fuel; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; belting wax; candles; dust removing preparations (540) (540) (731) SINOPEC LUBRICANT CO., LTD., No. 6 West Road Of Anningzhuang, Haidian District, 100085 BEIJING (CN) (731) ALISHAN GROUP LIMITED, Flat/RM A 13/F Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building 289 Sha Tsui Road, TSUEN WAN NT (VG) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82315 (210) 3201404735 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 4 (111) 82313 (210) 3201404733 Produits désignés : (511) 34 Class 4 : Industrial grease; Industrial oil; motor oil; lubricating oil; lubricating grease; fuel; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; belting wax; candles; dust removing preparations. Produits désignés : (540) (220) 24.12.2014 Class 34 : Electronic cigarettes; tobacco; cigarettes; tobacco pipes; cigarette cases; ashtrays for smokers; snuff boxes; matches; match boxes; lighters for smokers; cigarette filters. 91 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SINOPEC LUBRICANT CO., LTD., No. 6 West Road Of Anningzhuang, Haidian District, 100085 BEIJING (CN) (111) 82318 (210) 3201404739 (220) 24.12.2014 (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82316 (210) 3201404736 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 4 Produits désignés : Class 4 : Candles; wax (raw material); wicks for candles; Christmas tree candles; carnauba wax; illuminating wax. (511) 9 et 11 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Electric switches; plugs, sockets, electric contacts connection, electric wires; lightning conductors, lightning rod, counters, electric measuring devices, electric door bells, electric batteries, computers, branch boxes. Class 11 : Lamps, sockets for electric lights, lighting apparatus and installations, driers, solar thermal collectors, water heaters, taps, electric fans for personal use, electric radiators, torches for lighting. (540) (540) (731) Yiwu JinMin Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., No. 16, Sitong West Road, Shangxi Town, YIWU CITY, ZHEJIANG (CN) (740) SCP BRAINTRUST CONSULTING, 1021, Rue Albert Ateba Ebe, Nlongkak, Immeuble de la Poste, 2è Etage, B.P. 11261, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) TIANJIN JINSHIDA INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO., LTD., Beilizigu Village, Huangzhuang Town, Baodi District, TIANJIN (CN) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82319 (210) 3201404740 (220) 15.12.2014 (511) 30 ________________________________________ (111) 82317 Produits désignés : (511) 35 Classe 30 : Farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; bonbons; chewinggum. Services désignés : (540) (210) 3201404738 (220) 22.12.2014 Classe 35 : Publicité; communication; conseils. (540) (731) Batihe Albert, Secure Building Company, P.O. Box 12782, DOUALA (CM). 92 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) CIREP CI, 15 B.P. 1044, ABIDJAN 15 (CI). (111) 82320 (210) 3201404742 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 9 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the Internet; online electronic publications (downloadable from the Internet or a computer network or a computer database); downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the Internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in webbased meetings and classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the Internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; computer workstations; servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the Internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the Internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; ear pieces; speakers; Global Positioning System (GPS) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the Internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; all included in class nine. Class 16 : Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and web site directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and figurines made of paper; paper party bags; all included in class sixteen. 93 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82321 (210) 3201404743 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 9 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the Internet; online electronic publications (downloadable from the Internet or a computer network or a computer database); downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the Internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in webbased meetings and classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the Internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; computer workstations; servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the Internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the Internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; ear pieces; speakers; Global Positioning System (GPS) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the Internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; all included in class nine. Class 16 : Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and web site directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and 94 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ figurines made of paper; paper party bags; all included in class sixteen. Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, vert, blanc et jaune. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82323 (210) 3201404746 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 2 Produits désignés : Class 2 : Paints. (540) (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Orange. ________________________________________ (111) 82322 (210) 3201404745 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 19 (731) COGENI CAMEROUN S.A., Ngodi-Akwa, Boulevard de l'Unité, B.P. 5751, DOUALA (CM) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, vert, gris et blanc. Classe 19 : Ciment. ________________________________________ (540) (111) 82324 (210) 3201404747 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 29, 30 et 31 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; les fruits et les légumes; gelées, confitures, compotes; œufs; lait et des produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. (731) COGENI CAMEROUN S.A., Ngodi-Akwa, Boulevard de l'Unité, B.P. 5751, DOUALA (CM) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao et café; le riz; tapioca et sagou; la farine et préparations à base de céréales; pain, pâtisserie et confiserie; glaces; sucre, miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre à lever; sel; moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices. Classe 31 : Graines et produits agricoles, horticoles et forestiers, non compris dans d'autres classes; animaux vivants; fruits et légumes frais; 95 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ graines; plantes naturelles et fleurs; aliments pour animaux; malt. (540) (731) MANISH BEHL, 4, Darya Vihar, Plot 308/423, Carter Road, Union Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) FANDIO & PARTNERS CONSULTING (SCP), Sis Biyem-Assi II, Rue des Cocotiers, B.P. 12246, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82325 (210) 3201404748 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations; medical plasters. and veterinary (540) (731) Acino Pharma AG, Birsweg 2, 4253 LIESBERG (CH) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82326 (210) 3201404744 (220) 24.12.2014 (511) 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the Internet; production of television and radio advertisements; accountancy; auctioneering; organizing of trade fairs; opinion polling; data processing; provision of business information; advertising agency services; advertising services provided for others; database management; compilation of information into computer databases; business consulting services; business consulting services in the field of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; business consulting services in the field of delivering web-based knowledge; business consulting services in the field of online collaboration and collaboration technologies; business consulting services in the fields of sales and marketing; business project management services; business project management services relating to development, set up, staging, production, recording, monitoring and follow-up for web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; market research and business consulting services; business consultancy services relating to facilitating the transaction of business via local and global computer networks by locating and providing referrals for the delivery of a wide variety of business and consumer products and services; dissemination of business information of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; business consultancy services relating to providing a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer and source goods and services, place, determine the status of and fulfill trade leads and orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing computerized online ordering services; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; international import and export agency services; rental of advertising space on communication media; online trading services relating to electronic auctioneering and providing online business evaluation relating thereto; online retail services of consumer products; providing a directory of third party web sites to facilitate business transactions; business consultancy services relating to operating an electronic marketplace for the buyers and sellers of goods and/or services on a global computer network; business assistance relating to facilitating business transaction via local and 96 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ global computer networks; corporate management consultancy services; marketing and promotion services; publication of publicity materials; marketing of vacant premises; dissemination of advertising materials, updating of advertising materials, compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; rental of advertising space; computer data processing; sales, business, promotional information services; telephone answering (for unavailable subscribers); telephone answering (for others); auctioneering provided on the Internet; personnel management; provision of sales, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network and via the Internet; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise Internet web site and in a wholesale oudet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail oudets; retail and wholesale of telephones, mobile phone handsets, mobile phone accessories, electronic and telecommunications goods, computer hardware and computer software, batteries, battery chargers, apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images and/or sound, precious metals, jewellery, precious stones, printed matter, stationery and magnetic and non magnetically encoded cards, furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen utensils, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, laces and embroidery, buttons, ribbons, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, games and electronic toys, chemicals used in industry, science, photography and agriculture, paints, varnishes and lacquers, personal hygiene products, soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, hair and body lotions, essential oils, cleaning and bleaching preparations, lubricants, fuels, candles, pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, machines and machine tools, cudery, razors and hand tools, computers, calculating machines, electrical, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles and sun glasses, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, firearms, fireworks, silverware, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, magazine, cards, paper and cardboard products, picture, typewriters and office requisites, packaging materials, rubber and plastics for manufacture use, packing and insulating materials, leather and imitations of leather and goods made from these materials, handbags, purses, wallets, leather holders, bags, luggage, umbrellas, mirrors, ropes, string, nets, tents, yarns and threads for textile use, coat hangers, place mats, dressmaker's articles, bed and table covers, playthings and sporting articles, foodstuffs and beverages, meat, fish, poultry, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jams and fruits sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, flour, bread and cakes, condiments, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer, mineral water, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages, floral products, tobacco, smokers' articles and matches; direct mail advertising; buying and selling agency services; selection of goods and procurement of goods for individuals and businesses; ordering services [for others]; department store retailing services; supermarket retailing services; secretarial services; provision of business statistical information; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business assistance services relating to compilation and rental of mailing lists; business investigation; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the Internet; business referral services and personnel placement; import-export clearance agencies (import-export agency services); agency for newspapers subscriptions; document reproduction; transcription (including stencil-paper writing); rental of office equipment; customer relationship management; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management and administration services relating to sponsorship programmes; accounting services; charitable services, namely organizing and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty five. 97 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 36 : Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; online banking services and financial services; credit card services, processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, and providing insurance for financial transactions; funds transfer services; transmission of funds by electronic means for others; transfer of payments for others via the internet; financial services in the nature of billing and payment processing services; arrangement and management of leases and tenancy; renting and leasing of real estate; real estate appraisal; real estate valuation, real estate financing, real estate investment; real estate brokerage services; real estate agency services; housing agency services; actuarial services; real estate management and consultancy services; rent collection; rental of offices (real estate); rental of apartments and flats; provision of financial information via the Internet; safety deposit and issuing of travel vouchers services; capital investments; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial and asset management services; insurance and financial services; financial services provided by telecommunication means; financial consultancy and advisory services; home banking; banking services provided on-line from a computer databases or the Internet; securities brokerage services, stock exchange quotation services; stocks and bonds brokerage, financial analysis; debit card services, charge card services and cheque guarantee services; banking, savings account and investment services; financial clearing services; credit verification via global computer information network; electronic credit risk management services; electronic purchase payment and electronic bill payment services; financial accounts debiting and crediting services; electronic banking services; issuance of stored value cards, charge cards and debit cards; telephone credit cards services; information services relating to finance and insurance, provided online from a computer database or Internet; agency for collection of gas and electricity fees; antique appraisal; art appraisal; jewelry appraisal; used car appraisal; tax information supply; charitable fund raising; organizing of charitable collections; charitable collections; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines; online payment services; rental and/or leasing of safes; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty six. Class 38 : Telecommunications services; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of webbased applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the Internet to private computer networks; providing online collaboration services allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; Internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the Internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the Internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to worldwide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board 98 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; television broadcasting services; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty eight. Class 39 : Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; storage of electronically-stored data or documents; transportation information; shipbrokerage; car transport; air transport; vehicle rental; water supplying; message delivery; reservation (travel-); transport by pipeline; delivery of goods by mail order; courier services [messages or merchandise]; transport services in the nature of transport management; car rental services; car parking services; yacht and/or boat trips; travel agency services; travel reservation and travel information services; travel ticket agency services; arranging travel and information therefor, all provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; provision of information relating to travel and tourism through the Internet or through telecommunication networks; transport of goods and passengers; packaging; providing road and traffic information, chauffeur services; loading and unloading of cargo; freight brokerage; removal services; brokerage for rental, leasing, selling, purchasing and/or chartering of ships and/or boats; salvage and refloating of ships and/or boats; piloting; gas distribution and supply; electricity distribution and supply; heat distribution and supply; water distribution and supply; mooring facility services; rental of warehouses; providing flying areas; providing toll road; rental and/or leasing of wheelchairs; management of parking spaces; rental and/or leasing of airplanes; rental and/or leasing of containers; rental and/or leasing of bicycles; rental and/or leasing of cars; rental and/or leasing of ships and/or boats; rental and/or leasing of man-powered vehicles; rental and/or leasing of mechanical parking systems; rental and/or leasing of pallets; rental and/or leasing of packaging or wrapping machines; rental and/or leasing of refrigerator; collection of domestic 99 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ waste and trash; collection of industrial waste and trash; import-export clearance agencies (custom clearance); consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class thirty nine. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publication of texts, books and journals (others than publicity texts); publication of diagrams, images and photographs; publication of newspapers, magazines and periodicals; education, training and instruction services relating to telecommunications, computers, computer programs, web site design, ecommerce, business management and advertising; provision of education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training both interactive and non-interactive; design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; entertainment provided via electronic and digital interactive media; electronic games services provided by means of the Internet; provision of information relating to education, training, entertainment, recreation, sporting, social and cultural activities; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting singing competitions; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting concerts; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting events and competitions for education or entertainment purposes; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting game shows and quests; entertainment ticket agency services; information relating to entertainment or education, provided online from a computer database or the Internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from MP3 (Moving Picture Experts Group-1 audio layer 3) Internet web sites; entertainment and education services relating to planning, production and distribution of sound, images, digital music, movies, live or recorded audio, visual or audiovisual material for broadcasting on terrestrial cable, satellite channels, the Internet, wireless or wire-link systems and other means of communications; music entertainment services; rental of sound recordings; preparation of entertainment, educational, documentary and news programmes for broadcasting; news reporters' services; information relating to sporting or cultural events, current affairs and breaking news provided by satellite television transmission, the Internet or by other electronic means; television, radio and film production; preparation and production of television programmes; provision of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text for entertainment purpose; game services; provision of club recreation, sporting and gymnasium facilities; band performances; club entertainment, discotheque, fashion show and night club services; club services relating to entertainment, education and cultural services; arranging, conducting and provision of conferences, conventions, congresses, seminars and training workshops; organizing and conducting exhibitions, fashion shows, educational shows and cultural shows and performances; art exhibition and gallery services; art gallery services relating to fine arts leasing; training services in relation to occupation health and safety, and environmental conservation; provision of cigar classes, wine tasting classes; providing education information about research materials and agency thereof; arranging, organizing, planning and management of seminars; animal training; direction in producing broadcasting programs; instructional services relating to operation of machines and equipment, including audiovisual equipment, which is used for the production of broadcasting programs; providing audio and visual studios; providing sports facilities; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; entertainment booking agencies; rental and leasing of motion pictures (cine-films); rental and leasing of musical instruments; rental and leasing of television programmes; rental and leasing of television sets; lending libraries; archive library services; subtitling services; sign language interpretation services; rental of entertainment software; providing video games, computer games, sound or images, or movies through telecommunication or computer networks; providing online computer games and contests; rental of pre-recorded video tapes; rental and leasing of game machines; lending of arcade game equipment; lending of pictures; photography; translation; language interpretation; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; educational and training programs relating to certification; provision of news; lottery services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty one. Class 42 : Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer services in connection with 100 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ transmitting information, data, documents, and images over the Internet; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services providing software in the fields of web-based conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic messaging, document collaboration, video conferencing, and voice and call processing; providing online non-downloadable software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; technical support services relating to computer software and applications provided online, by email and by telephone; computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; computer technology advice provided to Internet users by means of a support hotline; computer service relating to creating indexes of information, sites and resources on computer networks; providing search engines; design of computers, notebook computers, laptop computers, portable computers and handheld computers; design of personal digital assistants and personal media players; design of mobile telephones and smart phones; design of digital cameras; computer services; computer programming; computer integration services; computer analysis services; computer programming in relation to the defence against virus; computer system software services; providing direct connection services between computer users for exchanging data; computer software design; computer system design; design and development of webpages; hosting webpages for others; hosting computer application software for searching and retrieving information from databases and computer networks; providing technical information at the specific request of end-users by means of telephone or global computer network; consultancy services in relation to computer software; computer services relating to customized searching of computer databases and websites; computer and electronic signal coding and decoding; conversion of physical data and documents into electronic media format; testing and evaluation services; architectural and design services; interior designs of buildings, offices and apartments; computer and network information services; provision of computer security risk management programs; computer security information, knowledge, and testing services; quality assurance services; computer services relating to certification of business transactions and preparation of reports therefor; access control to (security services for-) computers, electronic networks and databases; security of data transmission and of transactions via computer networks; consultancy in the field of data security; technological consultancy concerning securing telecommunications; computerized communication network security services; providing information in the fields of Internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security and the secure transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of Internet, world wide web and computerized communication network security services, information security services, secure data and information transmission services; authentication services for computer security; online authentication of electronic signatures; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty two. Class 45 : Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; social work services; dating services; legal services; domain name registration services; guard and security services; personal safety services; rental of apparel; providing protection services through electric central stations for intruders, burglar and fire protection systems; intruder and burglar alarms monitoring services, fire and flood detecting device and alarm monitoring services; house keeping and maid services; licensing of digital data, still images, moving images, audio and text; creation, compilation and maintenance of a register of domain names; baggage inspection for security purposes; personal background investigation services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; funeral services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in class forty five. (540) 101 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED, Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P.O. Box 847, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (540) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Orange. ________________________________________ (111) 82327 (210) 3201404749 (220) 24.12.2014 (731) ColArt Le Mans, 5, rue René Panhard, 72000 LE MANS (FR) (511) 5 (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) SARL, (111) 82329 (210) 3201404758 (220) 26.12.2014 (511) 9 et 16 (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : Class 9 : Photographic slide transparencies and pre-recorded audio and video cassette tapes; compact disks; computer software programs prerecorded on magnetic, optical or electronic media. (220) 26.12.2014 Class 16 : Newspapers, magazines, newsletters, periodical publications, posters, postcards, photographic prints and stationery, printed forms for research and recorded-keeping, engravings, artwork; books; and instructional manuals, pamphlets and brochures. (511) 16 (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82328 (210) 3201404757 Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Papiers utilisés dans l'industrie des arts graphiques; instruments à dessiner pour arts graphiques, craies de coloriage, crayons à esquisse, crayons pastels, crayons fusains, gommes mie de pain, tortillons estompes, matériel pour artistes, brosses et pinceaux, godets pour la peinture, peintures en tubes pour artistes, matériel d'instruction pour les arts graphiques; gouaches et aquarelles. (731) CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, 50 East North Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 8415 (US) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, 102 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82330 ________________________________________ (210) 3201404759 (111) 82331 (220) 26.12.2014 (210) 3201404765 (511) 41, 42 et 45 (220) 26.12.2014 Services désignés : (511) 29 et 31 Class 41 : For providing courses of instruction in the fields of religion, ethics, genealogy, music, dance, drama, food preparation and storage, parenting, resolving social and emotional problems, safety, parenting, marital relations, sports and physical fitness, training handicapped persons, providing welfare services to needy persons, and use and administration of libraries and museums; producing and presenting musical, dance and dramatic works; and television and radio production and programming services. Produits désignés : Class 42 : Genealogical research services; design and development of computer software, computer systems and computer networks; professional and technical assistance services and consulting services in relation to computers, computer software, computer systems, the Internet, the World Wide Web, intranets and computer networks; licensing of computer software, maintenance and support services for computer software. (731) COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE DE PARTICIPATION, 33 Boulevard Ferdinand De Lesseps, 13014 MARSEILLE (FR) Class 45 : Eleemosynary and social welfare support services for needy families and individuals, namely, providing food, clothing, and medicine; ministerial services; missionary services; genealogical research services; and professional personal and family counselling services relating to emotional and family problems or addictive behaviour and abuse of alcohol or other substances. Classe 29 : Fruits et légumes conservés, séchés et cuits. Classe 31 : Fruits et légumes frais. (540) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (111) 82332 (210) 3201404766 (220) 26.12.2014 (511) 29 et 31 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Fruits et légumes conservés, séchés et cuits. Classe 31 : Fruits et légumes frais. (540) (540) (731) CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, 50 East North Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 84150 (US) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, (731) COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE DE PARTICIPATION, 33 Boulevard Ferdinand De Lesseps, 13014 MARSEILLE (FR) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). 103 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82333 (210) 3201500012 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) CH n° 64617/2014 du 10/12/2014 (511) 34 tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; heated tobacco products; electronic devices that heat cigarettes; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (540) Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; tobacco products for the purpose of being heated; electronic devices and their parts for the purpose of heating cigarettes or tobacco in order to release nicotine-containing aerosol for inhalation; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (540) (731) PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82335 (210) 3201500014 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) CH n° 64618/2014 du 10/12/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : (220) 05.01.2015 Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; tobacco products for the purpose of being heated; electronic devices and their parts for the purpose of heating cigarettes or tobacco in order to release nicotine-containing aerosol for inhalation; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (300) GR n° MK/T/2014/974 du 17/09/2014 (540) (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82334 (210) 3201500013 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, 104 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) smokers, cigarette filters, tobacco pipes, pocket machines for rolling cigarettes. (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82336 (210) 3201500015 (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3 , NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (300) CH n° 63244/2014 du 11/11/2014 (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (511) 34 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82338 Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; heated tobacco products; electronic devices that heat cigarettes; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (210) 3201500018 (540) (540) (220) 05.01.2015 (220) 05.01.2015 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Brightening cream; brightening bar; skin fade cream; glycerin facial bar; anti-wrinkle cream; skin renewal and protective treatment; oatmeal exfoliating bar; sulfur facial bar; hand cream; dark circle eye treatment; vitamin E cream. (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82337 (210) 3201500016 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) CH n° 61961/2014 du 10/10/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches, snuff, ashtrays for smokers, cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes, cigar cases, cigarette cases, chewing tobacco, cigars, electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigarette paper, tobacco, matches, lighters for (731) Montani Cosmetics Inc., 333 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 406, CHICAGO, Illinois 60601 (US) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82339 (210) 3201500019 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) PL n° 433398 du 15/09/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, 105 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; heated tobacco products; electronic devices that heat cigarettes; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (540) paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches; tobacco sticks, heated tobacco products, electronic devices that heat cigarettes; electronic smoking devices; electronic cigarettes; electronic cigarettes for use as an alternative to traditional cigarettes; electronic nicotine inhalation devices; vaporising devices for tobacco, tobacco products and tobacco substitutes; smoker's articles for electronic cigarettes; chargers, extinguishers and accessories, parts and fittings for use in connection with electronic cigarettes or apparatus for heating tobacco; electronic rechargeable cigarette cases. (540) (731) PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (731) PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82340 (111) 82341 (210) 3201500020 (210) 3201500024 (220) 05.01.2015 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) CH n° 64083/2014 du 28/11/2014 (300) CH n° 64599/2014 du 10/12/2014 (511) 9, 11 et 34 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 9 : Batteries for electronic cigarettes; batteries for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco, battery chargers for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco; USB chargers for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco; car chargers for electronic cigarettes; car chargers for devices that are used for heating tobacco. Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; tobacco products for the purpose of being heated; electronic devices and their parts for the purpose of heating cigarettes or tobacco in order to release nicotine-containing aerosol for inhalation; smokers articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. Class 11 : Electronic vaporizers; apparatus for heating liquids; apparatus for generating vapor, wired vaporizer. Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette 106 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) landing and starting of aircrafts, managing and controlling air traffic in the space above and adjoining the airport, managing and controlling the movement, loading, unloading and storage of passenger luggage and air freight cargo; provision of information on air transport fares online and in real time. (111) 82342 Class 41 : Education and training relating to the air transport and air travel industry; training of aerial conveyor and travel distributor personnel on mastering the management software used for online reservations and issuing electronic tickets; training of aerial conveyor and travel distributor personnel on mastering the administrative procedures for joining IATA and ARC type aerial conveyor associations; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses relating to the air transport and travel arrangement industry; services for publication and electronic publication online. (210) 3201500039 (540) (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL, 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (220) 06.01.2015 (511) 35, 39 et 41 Services désignés : Class 35 : Business representation of airlines; business representation of aerial conveyors; business representation of travel distributors; administrative assistance and/or representation for joining IATA and ARC type aerial conveyor associations; call center services (call center) for aerial conveyors; provision of call centers for travel distributors, especially travel agencies; assisting aerial conveyor and travel distributor personnel in mastering the administrative procedures for joining IATA and ARC type aerial conveyor associations; negotiation of air-fares for others. Class 39 : Air transport brokerage; air transport; freight; transport information; booking of seats; travel arrangement; travel reservation; freight forwarding; transport of travelers; provision of digital tools for joining IATA and ARC type aerial conveyor associations; provision of plane ticket booking centers; provision of vacation booking centers; advice for others on air travel and freight; provision of management services for the issuing of air transport tickets; provision of airport services for airlines, aerial freight conveyors, airline passengers and aerial transport officials, namely, managing and controlling the movement of aircraft and land vehicles, managing and controlling the (731) Jean-Louis BAROUX, 48 Allée Arnaud Maffy, F-91070 BONDOUFLE (FR) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82343 (210) 3201500048 (220) 07.01.2015 (511) 4, 6, 7, 9 et 12 Produits désignés : Class 4 : Motor oil; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; grease for belts; lubricating oil; moistening oil; lubricating grease; lubricants; fuel; industrial oil; oils for paints. Class 6 : Spring locks; locks of metal for vehicles; badges of metal for vehicles; letters and numerals of common metal, except type; works of art of common metal; bronzes (works of art); rings of common metal for keys; statues of common metal; memorial plates of metal; number plates of metal. Class 7 : Sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; steam/oil separators; fuel economisers for motors and engines; kick starters for motorcycles; piston rings; mufflers for motors and 107 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ engines; filters (parts of machines or engines); filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; roller bearings; exhaust manifold for engines. Class 9 : Speed indicators; petrol gauges; starter cables for motors; anti-theft warning apparatus; batteries, electric; cables, electric; protective helmets; goggles for sports; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; animated cartoons. Class 12 : Remote control vehicles, other than toys; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; cars; cycle cars; motorcycles; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; electric vehicles; vehicle wheel tires (tyres); air vehicles; vehicle bumpers. (540) (731) GUANGDONG TAYO MOTORCYCLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, No. 188, Jinou Road, JIANGMEN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, DOUALA, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82345 (210) 3201500050 (220) 07.01.2015 (511) 1 et 5 Produits désignés : Class 1 : Fertilizing preparations; fertilizers; chemicals for use in agriculture; agricultural chemicals. Class 5 : Preparations herbicides, pesticides. for killing weeds, (540) (731) Louis Dreyfus Commodities MEA Trading DMCC, P.O Box 215148, Tiffany Tower 3801, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, DUBAI (AE) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, DOUALA, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82344 (111) 82346 (210) 3201500049 (210) 3201500051 (220) 07.01.2015 (220) 07.01.2015 (511) 41 et 43 (511) 1 et 5 Services désignés : Produits désignés : Class 41 : Club services (entertainment or education); health club services (health and fitness training); presentation of live performances; providing sports facilities; instruction services; arranging and conducting of conferences; entertainer services; organization of shows (impresario services); publication of books; production of shows. Class 1 : Fertilizing preparations; fertilizers; chemicals for use in agriculture; agricultural chemicals. Class 43 : Accommodation bureaux (hotels, boarding houses); cafeterias; hotels; bar services; providing campground facilities; tourist homes; rental of tents; rental of meeting rooms; holiday camp services (lodging); restaurants. (540) Class 5 : Preparations herbicides, pesticides. for killing weeds, (540) (731) Louis Dreyfus Commodities MEA Trading DMCC, P.O. Box 215148, Tiffany Tower 3801, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, DUBAI (AE) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) GUANGDONG TAYO MOTORCYCLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, No. 188, Jinou Road, JIANGMEN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) 108 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 1 : Fertilizing preparations; fertilizers; chemicals for use in agriculture; agricultural chemicals. (111) 82347 (210) 3201500052 (220) 07.01.2015 Class 5 : Insecticides, pesticides. (511) 1 et 5 (540) Produits désignés : Class 1 : Fertilizing preparations; fertilizers; chemicals for use in agriculture; agricultural chemicals. Class 5 : Preparations herbicides, pesticides. for killing weeds, (540) (731) Louis Dreyfus Commodities MEA Trading DMCC, P.O. Box 215148, Tiffany Tower 3801, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, DUBAI (AE) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) Louis Dreyfus Commodities MEA Trading DMCC, P.O. Box 215148, Tiffany Tower 3801, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, DUBAI (AE) (111) 82350 (210) 3201500055 (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (220) 07.01.2015 ________________________________________ (511) 33 (111) 82348 Produits désignés : (210) 3201500053 Class 33 : Boissons alcoolisées (à l'exception des bières); vins. (220) 07.01.2015 (511) 1 et 5 (300) FR n° 14/4107000 du 22/07/2014 (540) Produits désignés : Class 1 : Fertilizing preparations; fertilizers; chemicals for use in agriculture; agricultural chemicals. Class 5 : Insecticides, pesticides. (540) (731) CASTEL FRERES (Société par Actions Simplifiée), 24 rue Georges Guynemer, 33290 BLANQUEFORT (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) Louis Dreyfus Commodities MEA Trading DMCC, P.O. Box 215148, Tiffany Tower 3801, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, DUBAI (AE) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82349 (210) 3201500054 (220) 07.01.2015 (111) 82351 (210) 3201500058 (220) 09.01.2015 (511) 32 Produits désignés : Class 32 : Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; energy drinks. (511) 1 et 5 Produits désignés : 109 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and from others that may be downloaded from a global computer network. (540) (540) (731) Snapchat, Inc., 63 VENICE, California 90291 (US) Market Street, (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82353 (731) MERÍDYEN GIDA SANAYl VE TÍCARET LÍMÍTED SÍRKETÍ, Maltepe Mahallesi, Ali Riza Gürcan Caddesi, No: 1, Meridyen Is Merkezi, Kat : 4, No : 427, ZEYTINBURNU-ISTANBUL (TR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82352 (210) 3201500075 (220) 09.01.2015 (300) US n° 86335306 du 11/07/2014 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Downloadable computer software for modifying the appearance and enabling transmission of photographs; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); computer software in the nature of an application programming interface (API) for computer software which facilitates online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; computer software to enable uploading, downloading, accessing, posting, displaying, tagging, streaming, linking, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via computer and communication networks; computer software for streaming audio-visual media content via a global computer network and to mobile and digital electronic devices; computer application software for processing electronic payments to (210) 3201500076 (220) 09.01.2015 (300) US n° 86335307 du 11/07/2014 (511) 35, 36, 38, 41 et 42 Services désignés : Class 35 : Online retail store services featuring a wide variety of goods and services; providing an internet website portal featuring links to the online retail web sites of others; information services, namely promoting the goods and services of others; managing and tracking all types of payment cards, and other forms of payment transactions for business purposes; issuing and providing receipts for electronic payments and payment transactions; electronic processing of orders for others. Class 36 : Electronic transfer of money for others; providing electronic processing of electronic funds transfer, ACH, credit card, debit card, electronic check and electronic, mobile and online payments. Class 38 : Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of data, messages, graphics, images and information; peer-to-peer photo sharing services, namely, electronic transmission of digital photo files among internet users; providing access to computer, electronic and online databases; providing online forums for communication, namely, transmission on topics of general interest; providing online chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; broadcasting services over computer or other communication networks, namely, uploading, posting, displaying, tagging, and electronically transmitting data, information, messages, graphics, and images; 110 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of photos and videos; telecommunication services, namely, electronic transmission of data, photos, music and videos; broadcasting and streaming of audiovisual media content; transmission of downloadable audiovisual media content. Class 41 : Providing computer, electronic and online databases in the field of entertainment; publication of electronic journals and web logs featuring user generated or specified content; publishing services, namely, publishing of electronic publications for others; creation, development, production and distribution of entertainment content; providing online audiovisual entertainment information via a global computer network; providing information via a global computer network in the field of entertainment. Class 42 : Providing a web site that gives users the ability to upload photographs; computer services, namely, providing an interactive web site featuring technology that allows users to manage their online photograph and social networking accounts; providing use of online temporary nondownloadable software for modifying the appearance and enabling transmission of photographs; file sharing services, namely, providing a web site featuring technology enabling users to upload and download electronic files; hosting on-line web facilities for others for managing and sharing on-line content; providing information from searchable indexes and databases of information; providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks; computer services, namely, creating virtual communities for registered users to participate in discussions and engage in social, business and community networking; computer services, namely, hosting online web facilities for others for organizing and conducting meetings, events and interactive discussions via communication networks; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the uploading, downloading, streaming, posting, displaying, linking, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over communication networks; providing a web site featuring technology that enables online users to create personal profiles featuring social networking information; providing information on topics of general interest from searchable indexes and databases of information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics and audio visual information, on computer and communication networks namely, provision of search engines for the internet; providing temporary use of nondownloadable software applications for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; computer services in the nature of customized web pages featuring user-defined or user-specified information, personal profiles, audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; hosting of digital content on the internet. (540) (731) Snapchat, Inc., 63 VENICE, California 90291 (US) Market Street, (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82354 (210) 3201500096 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of genetic diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for use in enzyme therapy. (540) (731) BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC., 105 Digital Drive, NOVATO, CA 94949 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82355 (210) 3201500098 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 41 Services désignés : Classe 41 : Education, formation, divertissement, activités sportives et culturelles. 111 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (111) 82357 (210) 3201500100 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 39 Services désignés : Classe 39 : Gestion de la flotte automobile. (540) (731) AFRICAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION (AWA), B.P. 14075, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu. ________________________________________ (111) 82356 (731) DAL (DRIVING & LOGISTICS Cie), Nouvelle route Bonadibong, 4ème Etage, Immeuble La Grâce, B.P. 1513, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Gris, bordeaux et rouge. (210) 3201500099 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 29, 30 et 32 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viandes, poissons, volailles et gibiers; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, laits et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café, farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain pâtisserie et confiserie; glaces comestibles, miel, sirop de mélasse, levure, poudre pour faire lever, sel, moutarde, vinaigre, sauces (condiments), épices, glace à rafraîchir. Classe 32 : Bières, eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques, boissons de fruit et jus de fruits; sirop et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. ________________________________________ (111) 82358 (210) 3201500101 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 35, 36 et 39 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau. Classe 36 : Assurances; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; affaires immobilières. Classe 39 : Transport; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; organisation de voyages. (540) (540) (731) FIRST AFRICAN COMPANY, B.P. 8928, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ 112 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) HOLEA HOLDING, Rue Du Havre, Zone Portuaire, Treichville, 05 B.P. 1753, ABIDJAN 05 (CI) (731) HOLEA HOLDING, Rue Du Havre, Zone Portuaire, Treichville, 05 B.P. 1753, ABIDJAN 05 (CI) (740) Cabinet Me Michel Henri KOKRA, 20-22 Boulevard Clozel, Résidence Les Acacias n° 302, 20 B.P. 464, ABIDJAN 20 (CI). (740) Cabinet Me Michel Henri KOKRA, 20-22 Boulevard Clozel, Résidence Les Acacias n° 302, 20 B.P. 464, ABIDJAN 20 (CI). Couleurs revendiquées : Noir, rouge, blanc et jaune. Couleurs revendiquées : Noir, rouge, blanc et jaune. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82359 (111) 82360 (210) 3201500102 (210) 3201500103 (220) 13.01.2015 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 16, 29, 30 et 32 (511) 23, 24 et 25 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Papier, carton et produits en ces matières, compris dans cette classe; produits de l'imprimerie; articles pour reliures; photographies; papeterie; adhésifs (matières collantes) pour la papeterie ou le ménage; matériel pour les artistes; pinceaux; machines à écrire et articles de bureau (à l'exception des meubles); matériel d'instruction ou d'enseignement (à l'exception des appareils); matières plastiques pour l'emballage (comprises dans cette classe); caractères d'imprimerie; clichés. Classe 23 : Fils à usage textile. Classe 24 : Tissus et produits textiles non compris dans d'autres classes; couvertures de lit et de table. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. (540) Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces, condiments; épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 32 : Eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. (731) ETS MUSA DOUALA (CM). (540) ________________________________________ TOURAY, B.P. 12199, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. (111) 82361 (210) 3201500107 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 43 Services désignés : Class 43 : Restaurants and bars. (540) 113 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SHERATON INTERNATIONAL IP, LLC, One StarPoint, STAMFORD, Connecticut 06902 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 9 : Telephone apparatus; smartphones; video telephones; intercommunication apparatus; laptop computers; computer peripheral devices; portable telephones; batteries, electric; battery chargers; portable media players. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82362 (210) 3201500109 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 38 Services désignés : Classe 38 : Diffusion de programmes de télévision; diffusion de programmes de télévision par câble; diffusion de programmes de télévision retransmise via satellite; les services des opérateurs de télévision à péage. (540) (731) SHENZHEN BAIHUAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., 4th Floor, B Building, Shilongzai Huilongda Industrial Park, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, SHENZHEN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Red and blue. ________________________________________ (111) 82364 (210) 3201500112 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) (731) STRONG MEDIA S.A.L. (OFFSHORE), Rue Elias Baaklini, Immeuble Santa Maria, Ashrafieh, B.P. 16-6010, BEYROUTH (LB) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, vert, bleu et noir. ________________________________________ (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). (111) 82365 (210) 3201500113 (111) 82363 (210) 3201500110 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides pesticides and weed killers included in class five. 114 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (111) 82368 (210) 3201500116 (220) 16.01.2015 (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). (511) 5 ________________________________________ (111) 82366 Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fongicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (210) 3201500114 (540) Produits désignés : (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fongicides pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, B.P. 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82367 (210) 3201500115 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 (111) 82369 (210) 3201500117 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fongicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) ________________________________________ 115 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82370 (111) 82372 (210) 3201500118 (210) 3201500120 (220) 16.01.2015 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) (540) (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82373 (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, B.P. 4663, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu ciel, blanc et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82371 (210) 3201500119 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Insecticides, germicides, herbicides, algaecides, parasiticides, fungicides, pesticides and weed killers included in class five. (540) (731) UPL LIMITED, Uniphos House, 11th Road, Madhu Park, Khar West, MUMBAI 400052 (IN) (210) 3201500121 (220) 16.01.2015 (300) DE n° 30 2014 009 294.8 du 30/12/2014 (511) 16, 25 et 34 Produits désignés : Class 16 : Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes, in particular beer mats; plastic bags and packaging bags and sleeves of paper or plastic, not included in other classes; printed matter and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes, in particular prospectuses, posters, flyers, calendars, postcards, cards made of paper, decals, stickers, brochures; flags, pennants of paper. Class 25 : Clothing, in particular t-shirts, sweatshirts; headgear, in particular caps; footwear; belts (clothing). Class 34 : Tobacco goods (luxury articles), in particular cigarettes and filter-tip cigarettes; smokers' articles; matches. (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ 116 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) Produits désignés : Class 12 : All tyres, tubes and flaps included in class twelve. (540) (731) CEAT LIMITED, RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, MUMBAI 400 030 (IN) (731) MEDI plus TEC Medizinisch-technische Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Baerler Strasse 100, 47441 MOERS (DE) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (210) 3201500125 ________________________________________ (220) 16.01.2015 (111) 82374 (511) 9 (210) 3201500122 Produits désignés : (220) 16.01.2015 Class 9 : Computer software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; software and software applications to enable transmission, access, organization, and, management of text messaging, instant messaging, online blog journals, text, weblinks, audio, video and images via the internet and other communications networks; computer software used to enhance the capabilities and features of other software and non-downloadable online software; software for accessing information on a global computer network; downloadable software via the internet and wireless devices; software for accessing, sending, and receiving information on a global computer network; software for computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication and data transmission in the field of social networking; software in the nature of a mobile application; software in the nature of a mobile application for use with computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication; software in the nature of a mobile application for social (511) 9 Produits désignés : Classe 9 : Logiciels [programmes enregistrés]; logiciels de commande d'opérations industrielles; logiciels d'applications, et notamment les logiciels de modélisation, de conception, d'optimisation, de simulation, d'évaluation, de contrôle et d'ordonnancement des processus industriels de transformation physique ou chimique de la matière. (540) (731) PROSIM, Société anonyme à Conseil d'Administration, Rue Ampère, Immeuble Stratège A, 31670 LABEGE (FR) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82375 (210) 3201500124 (220) 16.01.2015 (111) 82376 (511) 12 117 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ networking; software in the nature of a mobile application for realtime delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, audio, video, images, text and other data related thereto; software to facilitate online advertising, business promotion, connecting social network users with businesses and for providing strategy, insight, and marketing; application programming interface (API) for third-party software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via mobile devices, and computer and communications networks; computer software, namely, software applications for use by consumers to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; computer software for collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; downloadable computer software and mobile application software that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; downloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82377 (210) 3201500126 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 35, 36, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising and marketing; advertising services; online advertising and marketing services; business data analysis; promotional services; business networking; online service for connecting social network users with businesses; business consulting and information services; business monitoring and consulting services, namely, providing strategy-, insight, marketing guidance, and for analysis of business and market data, activity, and trends; business, consumer, and market research; promoting the products and services of others by providing advertisements and links to websites of others; data processing in the field of electronic payments; providing a searchable online business database featuring business information, advertising information and market research information; market research and market research information services; compiling information into computer databases; providing a website featuring information and reviews on products; online retail services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; on-line ordering services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; computerized processing of on-line purchase orders; business intermediary services for the sale and purchase of goods and services; data storage and retrieval services for transmitting, displaying and storing transaction, identification and financial information; managing and tracking credit card, debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, deferred payment card, and other forms of payment transactions for business purposes; providing an on-line commercial information directory and advertising guide featuring the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing an online platform that enables users to obtain discounts, rebates and special offers on products and services; promoting the goods and services of others by providing rewards, coupons, credits, rebates, special offers, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information via the internet and other communications networks; providing a web-based system and online portals in the field of consumerto-business commerce for consumers to enter, manage and modify their consumer preference, transaction and payment information and for 118 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ merchants to create, advertise, manage and provide offers to consumers; arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of a wide variety of third party goods and services; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; providing incentive award programs for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses; business management; business administration. Class 36 : Financial transaction processing services, namely, accepting, processing, authenticating, managing, clearing and reconciling financial transactions via computer and communication networks; electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data for users of computer and communication networks; bill payment services; financial transaction services, namely, providing secure commercial transactions and payment options; providing a variety of payment services and providing financial services, namely, credit card debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, and deferred payment card processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, conducted via a global computer network; financial transactions authorization, authentication and settlement services; remote payment services; electronic payment and information management services; financial services, namely, enabling transfer of funds for others via electronic communications networks; financial services, namely, accepting, storing, transmitting and recording commercial transaction and payment data; financial services, namely, facilitating electronic cash, debit and credit transactions; providing a website for financial transaction and payment processing services; loyalty coupon and loyalty program payment processing services; providing cash and other rebates for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card use as part of a customer loyalty program; providing information in the fields of finance, commercial transactions, and payment processing; financial advice, analysis, research and consultation; accepting and administering monetary charitable contributions; charitable fundraising services; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid; insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. Class 41 : Providing online journals, namely, blogs featuring user-defined content in the field of social networking; online journals, namely, blogs featuring personal information and opinions in the field of general interest; providing a real-time network for user generated information and content; providing information relating to a wide variety of topics; providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable text, video and audio files; providing a searchable online database of topics and people in the entertainment and sports industries; providing an electronic and online database in the field of entertainment; providing information in the field of news and entertainment; education; providing of training; entertainment. Class 42 : Software as a service (SAAS) services, namely, hosting software for use by others for use in communications between people and organizations, using wireless and wired networks, through computers and mobile devices; providing a platform for mobile device communications; computer services, namely, providing a platform featuring technology that enables internet users to post, upload, view, and share data, information and multimedia content; computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking services; hosting an interactive website and online non-downloadable software for real-time delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, text, audio, video 1 and other data; providing a website that allows users to review text, audio and video material and provide commentary; computer services, namely creating an online community for users to participate in discussions and engage in social networking; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for creating, designing, editing and organizing text, images, audio and video files; providing online nondownloadable software collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; providing online non-downloadable software to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; providing an online platform and Interactive website for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; providing an online platform and interactive website that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; providing temporary use of nondownloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. 119 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 45 : Online social networking services; providing a website on the internet for the purpose of social networking; providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing a social networking website for entertainment purposes; providing user authentication services in transactions; computer security services; legal services; security services; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82378 (210) 3201500127 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; software and- software applications to enable transmission, access, organization, and management of text messaging, instant messaging, online blog journals, text, weblinks, audio, video and images via the internet and other communications networks; computer software used to enhance the capabilities and features of other software and non-downloadable online software; software for accessing information on a global computer network; downloadable software via the internet and wireless devices; software for accessing, sending, and receiving information on a global computer network; software for computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication and data transmission in the field of social networking; software in the nature of a mobile application; software in the nature of a mobile application for use with computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication; software in the nature of a mobile application for social networking; software in the nature of a mobile application for realtime delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, audio, video, images, text and other data related thereto; software to facilitate online advertising, business promotion, connecting social network users with businesses and for providing strategy, insight, and marketing; application programming interface (API) for third-party software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via mobile devices, and computer and communications networks; computer software, namely, software applications for use by consumers to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; computer software for collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; downloadable computer software and mobile application software that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; downloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) 120 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82379 (210) 3201500128 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 35, 38, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising and marketing; advertising services; online advertising and marketing services; business data analysis; promotional services; business networking; online service for connecting social network users with businesses; business consulting and information services; business monitoring and consulting services, namely, providing strategy, insight, marketing guidance, and for analysis of business and market data, activity, and trends; business, consumer, and market research; promoting the products and services of others by providing advertisements and links to websites of others; data processing in the field of electronic payments; providing a searchable online business database featuring business information, advertising information and market research information; market research and market research information services; compiling information into computer databases; providing a website featuring information and reviews on products; online retail services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; on-line ordering services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; computerized processing of on-line purchase orders; business intermediary services for the sale and purchase of goods and services; data storage and retrieval services for transmitting, displaying and storing transaction, identification and financial information; managing and tracking credit card, debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, deferred payment card, and other forms of payment transactions for business purposes; providing an on-line commercial information directory and advertising guide featuring the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing an online platform that enables users to obtain discounts, rebates and special offers on products and services; promoting the goods and services of others by providing rewards, coupons, credits, rebates, special offers, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information via the internet and other communications networks; providing a web-based system and online portals in the field of consumerto-business commerce for consumers to enter, manage and modify their consumer preference, transaction and payment information and for merchants to create, advertise, manage and provide offers to consumers; arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of a wide variety of third party goods and services; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; providing incentive award programs for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses; business management; business administration. Class 38 : Telecommunication services; telecommunication services, namely, providing online and telecommunication facilities for realtime interaction between and among users of computers, mobile and handheld computers, and wired and wireless communication devices; enabling individuals to send and receive text, audio and video via email, SMS, mobile application, instant messaging or a website; providing online chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of text, audio and video among users in the field of general interest; providing an online community forum for users to share information, photos, audio and video; transmission of messages; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding; virtual chat rooms established via electronic messaging and text messaging; providing online forums for transmission of messages among computer users; electronic transmission of data; electronic transmission of streamed audio and video files via computer and communications networks; electronic transmission of downloadable audio and video files via a computer and communications networks. Class 41 : Providing online journals, namely, blogs featuring user-defined content in the field of social networking; online journals, namely, blogs featuring personal information and opinions in the field of general interest; providing a real-time network for user generated information and content; providing information relating to a wide variety of topics; providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable text, video and audio files; providing a searchable online database of topics and people in the entertainment and sports industries; providing an electronic and online 121 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ database in the field of entertainment; providing information in the field of news and entertainment; education; providing of training; entertainment. Class 42 : Software as a service (SAAS) services, namely, hosting software for use by others for use in communications between people and organizations, using wireless and wired networks, through computers and mobile devices; providing a platform for mobile device communications; computer services, namely, providing a platform featuring technology that enables internet users to post, upload, view, and share data, information and multimedia content; computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking services; hosting an interactive website and online non-downloadable software for real-time delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, text, audio, video and other data; providing a website that allows users to review text, audio and video material and provide commentary; computer services, namely creating an online community for users to participate in discussions and engage in social networking; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for creating, designing, editing and organizing text, images, audio and video files; providing online nondownloadable software collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; providing online non-downloadable software to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; providing an online platform and interactive website for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; providing an online platform and interactive website that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; providing temporary use of nondownloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. Class 45 : Online social networking services; providing a website on the internet for the purpose of social networking; providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing a social networking website for entertainment purposes; providing user authentication services in transactions; computer security services; legal services; security services; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82380 (210) 3201500129 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; software and .software applications to enable transmission, access, organization, and management of text messaging, instant messaging, online blog journals, text, weblinks, audio, video and images via the internet and other communications networks; computer software used to enhance the capabilities and features of other software and non-downloadable online software; software for accessing information on a global computer network; downloadable software via the internet and wireless devices; software for accessing, sending, and receiving information on a global computer network; software for computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication and data transmission in the field of social networking; software in the nature of a mobile application; software in the nature of a mobile application for use with computers, portable handheld digital electronic communication devices, mobile devices, and wired and wireless communication devices for facilitation of communication; software in the nature of a mobile application for social networking; software in the nature of a mobile 122 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ application for realtime delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, audio, video, images, text and other data related thereto; software to facilitate online advertising, business promotion, connecting social network users with businesses and for providing strategy, insight, and marketing; application programming interface (API) for third-party software; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via mobile devices, and computer and communications networks; computer software, namely, software applications for use by consumers to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; computer software for collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; downloadable computer software and mobile application software that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; downloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82381 (210) 3201500130 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 35, 36, 41, 42 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising and marketing; advertising services; online advertising and marketing services; business data analysis; promotional services; business networking; online service for connecting social network users with businesses; business consulting and information services; business monitoring and consulting services, namely, providing strategy, insight, marketing guidance, and for analysis of business and market data, activity, and trends; business, consumer, and market research; promoting the products and services of others by providing advertisements and links to websites of others; data processing in the field of electronic payments; providing a searchable online business database featuring business information, advertising information and market research information; market research and market research information services; compiling information into computer databases; providing a website featuring information and reviews on products; online retail services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; on-line ordering services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; computerized processing of on-line purchase orders; business intermediary services for the sale and purchase of goods and services; data storage and retrieval services for transmitting, displaying and storing transaction, identification and financial information; managing and tracking credit card, debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, deferred payment card, and other forms of payment transactions for business purposes; providing an on-line commercial information directory and advertising guide featuring the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing an online platform that enables users to obtain discounts, rebates and special offers on products and services; promoting the goods and services of others by providing rewards, coupons, credits, rebates, special offers, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information via the internet and other communications networks; providing a web-based 123 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ system and online portals in the field of consumerto-business commerce for consumers to enter, manage and modify their consumer preference, transaction and payment information and for merchants to create, advertise, manage and provide offers to consumers; arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of a wide variety of third party goods and services; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; providing incentive award programs for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses; business management; business administration. Class 36 : Financial transaction processing services, namely, accepting, processing, authenticating, managing, clearing and reconciling financial transactions via computer and communication networks; electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data for users of computer and communication networks; bill payment services; financial transaction services, namely, providing secure commercial transactions and payment options; providing a variety of payment services and providing financial services, namely, credit ¡ card debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, and deferred payment card processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, conducted via a global computer network; financial transactions authorization, authentication and settlement services; remote payment services; electronic payment and information management services; financial services, namely, enabling transfer of funds for others via electronic communications networks; financial services, namely, accepting, storing, transmitting and recording commercial transaction and payment data; financial services, namely, facilitating electronic cash, debit and credit transactions; providing a website for financial transaction and payment processing services; loyalty coupon and loyalty program payment processing services; providing cash and other rebates for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card use as part of a customer loyalty program; providing information in the fields of finance, commercial transactions, and payment processing; financial advice, analysis, research and consultation; accepting and administering monetary charitable contributions; charitable fundraising services; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid; insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. Class 41 : Providing online journals, namely, blogs featuring user-defined content in the field of social networking; online journals, namely, blogs featuring personal information and opinions in the field of general interest; providing a real-time network for user generated information and content; providing information relating to a wide variety of topics; providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable text, video and audio files; providing a searchable online database of topics and people in the entertainment and sports industries; providing an electronic and online database in the field of entertainment; providing information in the field of news and entertainment; education; providing of training; entertainment. Class 42 : Software as a service (SAAS) services, namely, hosting software for use by others for use in communications between people and organizations, using wireless and wired networks, through computers and mobile devices; providing a platform for mobile device communications; computer services, namely, providing a platform featuring technology that enables internet users to post, upload, view, and share data, information and multimedia content; computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking services; hosting an interactive website and online non-downloadable software for real-time delivery of data, messages, location, photographs, links, text, audio, video and other data; providing a website that allows users to review text, audio and video material and provide commentary; computer services, namely creating an online community for users to participate in discussions and engage in social networking; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for creating, designing, editing and organizing text, images, audio and video files; providing online nondownloadable software collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; providing online non-downloadable software to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; providing an online platform and interactive website for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; providing an online platform and interactive website that enables merchants to provide informatien about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; providing temporary use of non124 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ downloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. Class 45 : Online social networking services; providing a website on the internet for the purpose of social networking; providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing a social networking website for entertainment purposes; providing user authentication services in transactions; computer security services; legal services; security services; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82382 (210) 3201500131 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for creating, sharing, disseminating and posting photos, videos, personal and general information; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for social and personal networking; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for displaying and sharing a user's location and personal preferences and finding, locating, and interacting with other users and places; application programming interface (API) software for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; API software for use in building software applications; software for geo-location based advertising and product and service promotions; computer software; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application; downloadable software to enable uploading, creating, editing, posting, showing, displaying, blogging, sharing and otherwise providing electronic media or information over the internet and other communications networks; downloadable software via the internet and wireless devices; computer e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via mobile devices, and computer and communications networks; computer software, namely, software applications for use by consumers to facilitate electronic payments and commercial transactions; computer software for collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting data and information regarding electronic payment transactions; downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; downloadable computer software and mobile application software that enables merchants to provide information about and consumers to obtain discounts, rebates, rewards, coupons, credits, and special offers for goods and services; downloadable software for running, administering, participating in, and monitoring customer loyalty programs; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). 125 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82383 (210) 3201500132 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 35 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising and marketing; advertising services; online advertising and marketing services; business data analysis; promotional services; business networking; online service for connecting social network users with businesses; business monitoring and consulting services; providing a searchable online business database featuring business information, advertising information and market research information; online retail services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; on-line ordering services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods and services of others; computerized processing of on-line purchase orders; business intermediary services for the sale and purchase of goods and services; data storage and retrieval services for transmitting, displaying and storing transaction, identification and financial information; managing and tracking credit card, debit card, gift card, pre-paid card, deferred payment card, and other forms of payment transactions for business purposes; providing an on-line commercial information directory and advertising guide featuring the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing an online platform that enables users to obtain discounts, rebates and special offers on products and services; promoting the goods and services of others by providing rewards, coupons, credits, rebates, special offers, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information via the internet and other communications networks; providing a web-based system and online portals in the field of consumerto-business commerce for consumers to enter, manage and modify their consumer preference, transaction and payment information and for merchants to create, advertise, manage and provide offers to consumers; arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of a wide variety of third party goods and services; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; providing incentive award programs for prepaid cash card, debit card and credit card customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses; business management; business administration. Class 45 : Online social networking services; providing a website on the internet for the purpose of social networking; providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing a social networking website for entertainment purposes; providing user authentication services in transactions; legal services; security services; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. (540) (731) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, SAN FRANCISCO, California 94103 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82384 (210) 3201500133 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Tires for vehicles. (540) (731) Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., 6-9, Wakinohama-cho 3-chome, Chuo-Ku, Kobe-Shi, HYOGO 651-0072 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82385 (210) 3201500134 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 33 Produits désignés : Class 33 : Alcoholic beverages (except beers); distilled spirits; rum; tequila; vodka; wines; liquors; and, liqueurs. 126 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) Patron Spirits International AG, Quaistrasse 11, 8200 SCHAFFHAUSEN (CH) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82386 (210) 3201500135 (731) YAMAHA Nakazawa-cho, SHIZUOKA (JP) CORPORATION, 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, (511) 9 (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Class 9 : Computer software for plant design, realtime simulation and tracking of plant processes, and operator training and process improvement including the ability to forecast problems and provide historical control information for use in industrial manufacturing industries. (111) 82388 (220) 16.01.2015 (540) (731) Honeywell International Inc., 101 Columbia Road, MORRISTOWN, New Jersey 07962 (US) (210) 3201500137 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 16 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 16 : Identification (ID) cards of plastics, not magnetic. Class 25 : Clothing, work clothing, shirts, socks and stockings, belts, work shoes and boots, footwear, headgear. (540) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82387 (210) 3201500136 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 41 Services désignés : Class 41 : Educational and instruction services relating to repair and maintenance of golf carts. (731) YAMAHA Nakazawa-cho, SHIZUOKA (JP) CORPORATION, 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). 127 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82389 (111) 82391 (210) 3201500138 (210) 3201500140 (220) 16.01.2015 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 42 (511) 37 Services désignés : Class 37 : Repair and maintenance of golf carts. (540) Services désignés : Class 42 : Engineering services namely the design, maintenance and construction of water treatment plants for wastewater and polluted water; engineering design services in relation to the construction of water treatment plants for wastewater and polluted water; design for others of artificial lagoons and water treatment systems for maintaining water quality of artificial lagoons; civil engineering namely design and architecture of artificial lakes and lagoons; consultation and professional investigation, namely, scientific study and research in the field of hydraulics for water supply. (540) (731) YAMAHA Nakazawa-cho, SHIZUOKA (JP) CORPORATION, 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82390 (210) 3201500139 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 32 Produits désignés : (731) Crystal Lagoons (Curacao) B.V., Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 14, 2nd Floor, Willemstad, CURACAO (NL) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82392 (210) 3201500141 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 32 Produits désignés : Class 32 : Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 32 : Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (540) (540) (731) RHODIUS Mineralquellen und Getränke GmbH & Co.KG, Brohltalstrasse 2, 56659, BURGBROHL (DE) (731) Diageo Great Britain Limited, Lakeside Drive, Park Royal, LONDON NW10 7HQ (GB) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). 128 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82393 (210) 3201500142 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 1, 5, 9, 10, 29 et 32 Produits désignés : Class 1 : Control preparations and calibrating fluids for medical diagnostic instruments; control preparations and calibrating fluids for laboratory instruments used for in vitro diagnostic testing and/or analysis; chemical reagents for medical diagnosis and/or analysis; reagents for laboratory use; DNA primers; DNA probes; substances used to extract nucleic acid from biological specimens; polymerase and buffers for use in the biotechnology field; chemicals for use in the analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; compounds and reagents for use in the analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; diagnostic kits comprising reagents and assays for analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; diagnostic preparations for analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; DNA extraction controls; RNA extraction controls; negative controls; calibrating solutions; sample preparation kits for laboratory research. Class 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations; medical reagents for diabetes monitoring; medical test strips for use in monitoring blood glucose levels; medical test strips for use in monitoring blood ketone levels; diagnostic reagents; medical diagnostic reagents; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; diagnostic test kits; saline solutions including sterile saline solutions for use as irrigants in ophthalmic surgery; ophthalmic preparations and formulations, including lubricating and rewetting solutions; contact lens care preparations, including solutions for disinfecting, cleaning, wetting, neutralizing, cushioning, soaking, storing and rinsing contact lenses, including in solution or tablet form; lubricant eye drops for contact lenses; ophthalmic eye care treatments and preparations including eye drops; sodium chlorite used as a preservative with antimicrobial properties in ophthalmic preparations; medicated wipes; sanitised wipes; eyelid wipes; facial wipes; disinfecting solutions; eye wash and eye care solutions, treatments and preparations; artificial tears; medicated drops; hyaluronic acid solution for intraocular use; reagents for medical purposes, including for use in portable blood analyzers; nutritional supplements; dietetic food substances adapted for medical use; nutritional supplements for oral or gavage feeding; nutritional supplements to be used as a meal replacement; liquid or powder nutritive supplements for human use; nutritionally fortified beverages and powders for meal replacement; nutritional energy bars for use as a meal replacement and supplement bars for use as a meal replacement; pediatric nutritive preparations; nutritional supplements for children; infant formula; food for babies; prenatal vitamins; lactation vitamins; electrolyte replacement solutions; dietary supplements for humans; insect repellents; compounds and reagents for medical analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; medical diagnostic kits comprising reagents and assays for analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; medical diagnostic preparations for analysis and identification of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; medical sample preparation kits. Class 9 : Computer software including applications used in the management of diabetes; blood screening instruments; laboratory analyzers for measuring, testing and analyzing blood, bodily fluids and/or tissue; hematology analyzers; clinical chemistry analyzers; immunoassay analyzers; automated clinical molecular laboratory instruments; laboratory sample extraction instruments; molecular diagnostic systems comprised of sequencers, spectrometers, sensors and computers, for analysis of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; laboratory instruments for microbial screening and identification; computer software and hardware for identification and analysis of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids for pathogen identity, drug resistance characteristics and forensic profiles; laboratory apparatus, namely, molecular diagnostic sensors for analysis of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; computer software for front-end processing, instrument control, data analysis and reporting for molecular diagnostic instruments; computer hardware and software including for laboratory and scientific 129 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ apparatus and instruments; computer hardware and software in the field of medical diagnostics including for medical diagnostic apparatus and instruments; electronic publications, including instruction sheets and manuals for in vitro diagnostic instruments, laboratory automation systems, and related software; data management software for medical diagnostic instruments; data management software for hematology analyzers, clinical chemistry analyzers, immunoassay analyzers and blood screening instruments; computer software and hardware for medical diagnostic instruments; computer software and hardware for hematology analyzers, clinical chemistry analyzers, immunoassay analyzers and blood screening instruments; computer software and hardware for managing . interface between medical diagnostic laboratory instruments; computer software and hardware for managing medical diagnostic laboratory workflow; laboratory information management software and hardware; computer software and hardware for supporting and / or monitoring medical and /or laboratory diagnostic instruments; computer software and hardware for troubleshooting regarding medical and / or laboratory diagnostic instruments; computer software for processing diagnostic medical testing data; computer software and hardware for use in medical diagnostic testing; hardware and software for remote monitoring of in vitro diagnostic instruments; columns pre-packed with resin for use in separation and purification of DNA and RNA samples; computer software program for use during ophthalmic surgery; software program for calculating the refractive power of phakic intraocular lenses; computer software for controlling medical devices and ophthalmological surgical machines for use during eye surgery; eyeglasses for vision correction and/or enhancement and contact lenses; magnetically encoded patient smart data cards for use with ophthalmological laser surgery systems; computer software and hardware supporting blood testing instruments; data management software and hardware in the field of blood testing; data management software and hardware for medical diagnostic instruments; data management software and hardware in the field for managing data communications between data management software and hardware for blood analyzers; computer software and hardware for remote monitoring of blood testing instruments and / or medical diagnostic instruments; data processing equipment and apparatus; applications for electronic devices; scientific apparatus and instruments and parts and fittings therefor; laboratory apparatus and instruments and parts and fittings therefor; sequencers; spectrometers; sensors; biosensors; thermocyclers; desalters; sample preparation instruments; test and collection kits consisting of collection apparatus and laboratory devices; laboratory containers; bioidentification apparatus that enables identification, genotyping and characterization for analysis of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; DNA preparation bead beating tubes; RNA preparation bead beating tubes; DNA preparation process tubes; RNA preparation process tubes; DNA preparation elution tubes; RNA preparation elution tubes; enzyme mix vials; enzyme mix tubes; software programs, in particular to enable data interfacing, specifically for use in research and diagnostic laboratories; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 10 : Medical devices; medical apparatus and instruments for diabetes monitoring; blood glucose monitors; blood glucose sensors; blood ketone monitors; blood ketone sensors; apparatus for drawing or sampling blood for purposes of diabetes monitoring; blood screening instruments; laboratory analyzers for measuring, testing and analyzing blood, bodily fluids and/or tissue; medical diagnostic instruments for in vitro diagnostic testing and/or analysis; hematology analyzers; clinical chemistry analyzers; immunoassay analyzers; laboratory instruments for in vitro diagnostic testing and/or analysis; laboratory equipment for use in the field of medical diagnostics; data management and laboratory automation systems for use in the field of medical diagnostics; molecular diagnostic instruments; laboratory instruments for microbial screening and identification; laboratory apparatus, namely, molecular diagnostic sensors for analysis of nucleic acid sequences, . nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; medical devices for ophthalmic use, namely, laser systems comprised of scanning, imaging, guiding devices and lasers, and structural parts thereof; ophthalmic surgical machines for use during cataract surgery and vitrectomy; cases specially adapted for carrying, holding and storing surgical and medical ophthalmic apparatus and instruments; remote controls for operating or controlling surgical or medical apparatus and instruments; surgical handpiece for use during phacoemulsication surgery and vitrectomy and software for the aforementioned goods; knives, blades, needles, aspiration and irrigation tips and tubing; fluidic packs, handpieces, medical eye pads, shields and trays and drainage bags; ocular implants used in the prevention and treatment of 130 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ intraocular hypertension and glaucoma; capsular tension rings; ocular implants; Intraocular lenses; surgical hand tools, machines, apparatus and instruments; medical machines, apparatus and instruments, including, an intraocular lens implantation and delivery system; medical lasers; ophthalmological surgery systems comprised of a laser source and optics to deliver laser energy to the eye; ophthalmic diagnostic equipment; aberrometers for use during ophthalmic surgery; medical devices and surgical systems; a sensing device for refractive diagnostic and topographical measurement that may be associated with laser ablation surgery; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; ophthalmological and/or optometric apparatus for diagnostics and/or treatment; apparatus for vision correction and/or enhancement; intraocular devices for vision correction and/or enhancement; medical devices including syringes containing hyaluronic acid for administration to patients during ophthalmic surgery; stents; catheters; guide wires; bioabsorbable stents; drug-eluting stents; scaffolding for catheters and stents; blood analyzing instruments and systems for medical diagnostic purposes; cartridges containing reagents for use in portable blood analyzers; medical instruments and apparatus for diagnostic purposes sequencers; spectrometers; sensors; biosensors; thermocyclers; desaiters; sample preparation instruments; test and collection kits consisting of collection apparatus and laboratory devices; laboratory containers; bio-identification apparatus that enables identification, genotyping and characterization for analysis of nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acids, genetic materials, infectious agents and/or pathogens; DNA preparation bead beating tubes; RNA preparation bead beating tubes; DNA preparation elution tubes; RNA preparation elution tubes; enzyme mix tubes and vials; instruments for sample preparation, de-salting and thermocycling; drugfilled spray consisting of a bucal spray formulation of meloxicam via a metered spray delivery device for veterinary use; medical diagnostic device and system, including a hand-held meter, lancets, test strips and control solution for veterinary use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 29 : Milk and milk-based products; powdered milk preparations; milk derivatives; preparations containing milk derivatives; ready to eat food bars with a soy or whey protein base; ready to drink dairy based protein food beverages. (540) (731) Abbott Laboratories, 100 Abbott Park Road, ABBOTT PARK, Illinois 60064 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82394 (210) 3201500143 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 41, 44 et 45 Services désignés : Class 41 : Education and training; workshops and seminars and instructional materials distributed therewith, including in the field of nutrition and in the use, operation and practice development of ophthalmologic surgery systems and devices used therewith; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses and symposiums; sporting and cultural activities. Class 44 : Medical services, including medical services for the diagnosis of conditions of the human body; providing information in the field of medical diagnostics; treatment of eye diseases and conditions; ophthalmic surgery; lasik and other surgical procedures to correct and improve vision; providing an internet website for medical professionals and medical patients featuring information on ophthalmic medical devices; diagnosis and treatments. Class 45 : Promoting global citizenship and corporate social responsibility programs that promote innovation, science, access to health care, community involvement, safeguarding the environment, wellness and health. Class 32 : Powdered whey based protein food beverages; powdered soy based protein food beverages not being milk substitute. 131 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, 1132 West Blackhawk Street, CHICAGO, Illinois 60642 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) Abbott Laboratories, 100 Abbott Park Road, ABBOTT PARK, Illinois 60064 (US) Couleurs revendiquées : Light blue, dark blue and white. ________________________________________ (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201500188 ________________________________________ (220) 26.01.2015 (111) 82395 (210) 3201500144 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Class 30 : Confectionery, chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, mints, drops and lozenges. (540) (731) Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, 1132 West Blackhawk Street, CHICAGO, Illinois 60642 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82397 (511) 29, 30 et 32 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille, gibier, extraits de viande, fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits, gelées, confitures, compotes, oeufs, lait et produits laitiers, huiles et graisse comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café, farines et préparation faite de céréales, pain, pâtisseries et confiserie, glaces comestibles, miel, sirop de mélasse, levure, poudre pour faire lever, sel, moutarde, vinaigre, sauces (condiments), épices, glaces à rafraichir. Classe 32 : Bières, eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques, boissons de fruits et jus de fruits, sirop et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82396 (210) 3201500145 (220) 16.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Class 30 : Confectionery, chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, mints, drops and lozenges. (540) (731) MILANO COMPANY FOR FOODS INDUSTRIES, 66 Avenue El Arroba, Salah Salem Misr El-Gedida, LE CAIRE (EG) (740) Me NANFAH P. Odette, Avocat-Conseil, B.P. 5816, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, jaune or et vert olive. 132 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82398 (210) 3201500150 (220) 15.12.2014 de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. (540) (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. (731) LES ETABLISSEMENTS L. B., Carrefour Constantin, Commune de Matam, Immeuble Ding City, B.P. 3441, CONAKRY (GN). (540) (111) 82400 ________________________________________ (210) 3201500152 (220) 30.12.2014 (511) 29, 30 et 32 Produits désignés : (731) SOCIETE NAFA DYAMA CONSTRUCTION SARL, Boussoura, Immeuble Dalaba, Commune de Matam, B.P. 1111, CONAKRY (GN). ________________________________________ (111) 82399 (210) 3201500151 (220) 21.11.2014 (511) 29, 30 et 32 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 32 : Eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruits et jus Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 32 : Eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. (540) (731) SOCIETE TURKOFOOD sarlu, Kipé, Commune de Ratoma, B.P. 3440, CONAKRY (GN). 133 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82401 (540) (210) 3201500153 (220) 12.11.2014 (511) 24 Produits désignés : Classe 24 : Tissus et produits textiles non compris dans d'autres classes; couvertures de lit et de table. (731) (540) Enipra, SOCIETE DELAN COMMUNICATION sarl, Commerce Général, Import - Export, Madina Commune de Matam, B.P. 1069, CONAKRY (GN). ________________________________________ (111) 82403 (210) 3201500156 (220) 08.01.2015 (511) 25 Produits désignés : Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. (731) Etablissements ALPHA & FRERES, Commerce général, Import-Export, Marché Madina, Route Niger, Centre Commercial, Commune de Matam, B.P. 1554, CONAKRY (GN). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82402 (731) ETABLISSEMENTS SIDI & FRERES, Quartier Madina, Commune de Matam, B.P. 2760, (210) 3201500155 CONAKRY (GN). (220) 07.01.2015 ________________________________________ (511) 9 (111) 82404 Produits désignés : Classe 9 : Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques. photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, la distribution, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques; distributeurs automatiques et mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer, équipement pour le traitement de l'information et les ordinateurs; extincteurs. (210) 3201500158 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette, cube et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide. Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel aromatisé, assaisonnements, préparations faites de céréales, farines riz, et pâtes alimentaires, couscous. 134 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel aromatisé, assaisonnements, farines et préparations faites de céréales, riz, pâtes alimentaires, couscous. (540) (731) PATISEN, Rond-Point Cyrnos, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). ________________________________________ (111) 82405 (210) 3201500159 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette, cube et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide. Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel aromatisé, assaisonnements, farines et préparations faites de céréales, riz, pâtes alimentaires, couscous. (540) (731) PATISEN, Rond-Point Cyrnos, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). ________________________________________ (111) 82407 (210) 3201500161 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette, cube et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide. Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel aromatisé, assaisonnements, farines et préparations faites de céréales, riz, pâtes alimentaires, couscous. (540) (731) PATISEN, Rond-Point Cyrnos, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). ________________________________________ (111) 82406 (210) 3201500160 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette, cube et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide. (731) PATISEN, Rond-Point Cyrnos, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). ________________________________________ (111) 82408 (210) 3201500162 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 29 et 30 135 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Bouillon en poudre, tablette, cube et liquide, huiles et graisses comestibles, pâte d'arachide. Classe 30 : Epices, vinaigres, sauces, mayonnaise, moutarde, ketchup, condiments, sel aromatisé, assaisonnements, farines et préparations faites de céréales, riz, pâtes alimentaires, couscous. Class 7 : Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Class 12 : Apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. (540) (540) (731) M. WANG ZHIYONG, 412007, No.16-706 Haichuang Pearl Garden, ZHUZHOU (CN) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82411 (731) PATISEN, Rond-Point Cyrnos, B.P. 185, DAKAR (SN). (210) 3201500168 ________________________________________ (220) 20.01.2015 (111) 82409 (511) 12 (210) 3201500164 (220) 19.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Classe 9 : Batteries for vehicles. (540) Produits désignés : Class 12 : Automobiles; parts and accessories for automobiles; tires for vehicle wheels; tubes for vehicle wheels; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; braking devices for vehicles; power transmissions and gearings for land vehicles; bearings for land vehicles; couplings for land vehicles; axle journals; lorries; dump cars; buses; trucks; passenger cars [automobiles]; passenger cars for more than seven passengers; speed change gears for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; automobile engines. (540) (731) ATLASBX CO., LTD., #40-42, Daehwadong, Daeduck-ku, DAEJON (KR) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY, 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL (137-938) (KR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), (111) 82410 ________________________________________ (210) 3201500166 (111) 82412 (220) 19.01.2015 (210) 3201500170 (511) 7 et 12 (220) 20.01.2015 Produits désignés : (511) 41 136 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Services désignés : Classe 41 : Education et enseignement en matière de tourisme, organisation et conduite de conférences, colloques, séminaires, congrès et stages en matière de tourisme, information en matière d'éducation et d'enseignement, organisation de concours et d'examens en matière d'activité du tourisme, ateliers de formation en matière d'activité du tourisme. (540) afférents. Services de cartes de fidélité. Emission de cartes pour le ravitaillement automatique dans les stations-service. Emission de chèquescadeaux. Classe 37 : Stations-service; entretien, lavage et réparation de véhicules et de pièces de véhicules; graissage, lubrification, mise au point des moteurs; rechapage, réparation et montage de pneus; assistance en cas de panne de véhicules (réparation). (540) (731) TOTAL SA, 2 place Jean Millier, La Défense 6, 92400 COURBEVOIE (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) ENSEIGNEMENT FORMATION TOURISME, 7-11 avenue des chasseurs, 75017 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82414 (210) 3201500172 (220) 20.01.2015 Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. (511) 4 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82413 Classe 4 : Pétrole (brut ou raffiné); combustibles liquides, solides et gazeux; carburants et biocarburants; gaz de pétrole liquéfié; lubrifiants; huiles et graisses industrielles; additifs non chimiques pour carburants, combustibles et lubrifiants. (210) 3201500171 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 35, 36 et 37 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Services de publicité et d'informations commerciales; services de promotion des ventes notamment par le biais d'une carte de fidélité permettant le cumul de points et l'obtention de cadeaux et chèques-cadeaux; services de diffusion et de distribution de matériels publicitaires (tracts, imprimés, prospectus, échantillons); courrier publicitaire électronique. Services d'offres promotionnelles. Organisation et gestion d'opérations commerciales de fidélisation de clientèle. Organisation d'expositions ou de manifestations à buts commerciaux ou de publicité. Parrainage et mécénat publicitaires et commerciaux. Services d'aide à la gestion d'entreprises. Gestion de fichiers, de banques et de bases de données dans le domaine pétrolier. Gestion administrative d'achats de produits et/ou de services en ligne sur le réseau Internet. Informations d'affaires. Classe 36 : Services de crédit; services de cartes de paiement et de crédit et services financiers y (540) (731) TOTAL SA, 2 place Jean Millier, La Défense 6, 92400 COURBEVOIE (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82415 (210) 3201500173 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. 137 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) Classe 32 : Eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons. (540) (731) Rothmans of Pall Mall Zaehlerweg 4, ZUG, CH 6300 (CH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). Limited, SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (731) NOUVELLES BRASSERIES BAMAKOISES (NBB), Djelibougou, Route de Koulikoro Porte 04, B.P. E 2345, BAMAKO (ML). Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, rouge, blanc et marron. (111) 82416 (210) 3201500177 ________________________________________ (220) 20.01.2015 (111) 82418 (511) 30 (210) 3201500179 Produits désignés : (220) 11.12.2014 Classe 30 : Chocolat à tartiner. (511) 35, 36 et 38 (540) Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau. Classe 36 : Assurances; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; affaires immobilières. Classe 38 : Télécommunications. (540) (731) AFRICA FOOD B.P. 4157, DOUALA (CM). DISTRIBUTION, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82417 (210) 3201500178 (220) 17.12.2014 (511) 32 Produits désignés : 138 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE DREAMTECH SARL, Rue 791 Porte 16, Immeuble Makety, Bacodjicoroni Golf, BAMAKO (ML). (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Orange, blanc, noir et jaune. ________________________________________ (111) 82419 (210) 3201500180 (220) 21.01.2015 (511) 23, 24 et 26 Produits désignés : Class 23 : Rayon thread and yarn; yam; woollen thread and yarn; sewing thread and yarn; embroidery thread and yarn; fiberglass thread for textile use; threads of plastic materials for textile use; thread; spun wool; worsted. Class 24 : Fabric; cloth; elastic woven material; non-woven textile fabrics; traced cloths for embroidery; sanitary flannel; bed linen; covers [loose] for furniture; curtains of textile or plastic; banners. Class 26 : Lace for edgings; trimmings for clothing; zip fasteners; buttons; false hair; haberdashery, except thread; artificial flowers; shoulder pads for clothing; heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles; monogram tabs for marking linen. (540) (731) NINGBO MH INDUSTRY CO., LTD., MH Bldg. 18, Ningnan North Road, NINGBO (CN) (740) SCP BRAINTRUST CONSULTING, 1021, Rue Albert Ateba Ebe, Nlongkak, Immeuble de la Poste, 2è Etage, B.P. 11261, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) KLEAN MARLEY YAOUNDE (CM). SA'A, B.P. 3629, ________________________________________ (111) 82421 (210) 3201500182 (220) 21.01.2015 (511) 3, 5 et 21 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser, savons, parfum, huiles essentielles, rouges à lèvre; masques de beauté; produits de rasage; produits pour la conservation du cuir (cirage); crèmes pour le cuir. Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires, produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical, aliments pour bébé; emplâtres, matériels pour pansements; matériels pour plomber les dents et empreinte dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides; herbicides, bains médicaux; bandes; culottes ou serviettes hygiéniques; préparations chimiques à usage médical ou pharmaceutique; herbes médicinales; tisanes; parasiticides; sucre à usage médical. Classe 21 : Peignes et éponges; brosses à dents, brosses (à l'exception des pinceaux), matériaux pour la brosserie, instruments de nettoyage actionnés manuellement. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82420 (210) 3201500181 (220) 21.01.2015 (511) 24 et 25 Produits désignés : Classe 24 : Tissus et produits textiles. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. 139 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE M & M PRODUCTION SARL, B.P. 15770, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, blanc, rouge et vert. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82424 (111) 82422 (210) 3201500185 (210) 3201500183 (220) 22.01.2015 (220) 19.01.2015 (511) 3 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savon, parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétique, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; eau de javel; savons, savons de ménage. (540) (731) "E.T.C." EZAL TRADING COMPANY, Avenue Robert Delmas, B.P. 4212, DAKAR (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge et bleu. ________________________________________ AKING Polycarpe, B.P. 9301, DOUALA (540) (731) MICRODIS (Société de Micro-Distribution), 23 B.P. 5064, ABIDJAN 23 (CI) (111) 82423 (740) (CM). (210) 3201500184 Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. (220) 22.01.2015 ________________________________________ (511) 2 (111) 82425 Produits désignés : Classe 2 : Couleurs, vernis laques, préservatifs contre la rouille et contre la détérioration du bois; matières tinctoriales; mordants; résines naturelles à l'état brut; métaux en feuilles et en poudre pour peintures, décorateurs, imprimeurs et artistes. (540) MAHAMAT ADOUM, B.P. 3033, DOUALA (210) 3201500186 (220) 22.01.2015 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savon, parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétique, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. (540) (731) MICRODIS (Société de Micro-Distribution), 23 B.P. 5064, ABIDJAN 23 (CI) 140 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) MAHAMAT ADOUM, B.P. 3033, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82426 (210) 3201500187 (220) 22.01.2015 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savon; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétique, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. (111) 82428 (210) 3201500191 (220) 08.12.2014 (511) 4 Produits désignés : Classe 4 : Huiles et graisses industrielles; lubrifiants; produits pour absorber, arroser, lier la poussière; combustibles (y compris les essences pour moteurs) et matières éclairantes; bougies et mèches pour l'éclairage; bois de feu; gaz d'éclairage. (540) (540) (731) SARR Papa Mactar, 14, Zone 18 Almadies, B.P. 9057, DAKAR-PEYTAVIN (SN). (731) MICRODIS (Société de Micro-Distribution), 23 B.P. 5064, ABIDJAN 23 (CI) (740) (CM). MAHAMAT ADOUM, B.P. 3033, DOUALA Couleurs revendiquées : ADH bleu royal 3M 3630- 87 et ADH orange 3M 3630- 44. ________________________________________ (111) 82429 Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. (210) 3201500193 ________________________________________ (220) 20.01.2015 (111) 82427 (511) 30 (210) 3201500189(220) 22.01.2015(511) 16, 24 et 25 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) Classe 16 : Papier, carton et produits en ces matières. Classe 24 : Tissus et produits textiles non compris dans d'autres classes. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapelleries. (540) (731) MOUSSI MOUSSI Jean Patrick (PATGRA'SONS), B.P. 1661, DOUALA (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Vert fluo, bleu et bleu ciel. (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone 141 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Couleurs revendiquées : Rose, bleu et noir. (111) 82430 (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, blanc et noir. (210) 3201500194 ________________________________________ (220) 20.01.2015 (111) 82432 (511) 30 (210) 3201500196 Produits désignés : (220) 20.01.2015 Classe 30 : Riz. (511) 30 (540) Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Beige, noir et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82431 (210) 3201500195 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, bleu, vert et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82433 (210) 3201500197 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. 142 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (111) 82435 (210) 3201500199 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, gris, rouge et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82434 (210) 3201500198 (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Jaune, noir et rouge. Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Classe 30 : Riz. (111) 82436 (540) (210) 3201500200 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, gris, vert et noir. ________________________________________ 143 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, blanc et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82437 (210) 3201500201 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, blanc, noir, rouge et vert. ________________________________________ (111) 82439 (210) 3201500203 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : (731) GOODNESS COMMODITES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Classe 30 : Riz. (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Jaune, rouge et noir. _______________________________________ (111) 82438 (210) 3201500202 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (731) GOODNESS COMMODITIES, Portuaire, B.P. 1746, LOME (TG). Zone Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ 144 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82440 (540) (210) 3201500204 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 39 et 43 Services désignés : Classe 39 : Transport, livraison pizza. Classe 43 : Servicede restauration, pizzerias. (540) (731) Alesayi Beverage Corp., Makkah Road, Kilo 11, P. O. Box 3878, JEDDAH 21481 (SA) (740) FORCHAK IP & LEGAL ADVISORY, 3rd Floor, Viccul Building, Apt. 15-16, Carr Street, Behind Police Barracks, New Town, P.O. Box 370, LIMBE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) (CM). LA PIZZERIA SARL, B.P. 3608, DOUALA Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge. ________________________________________ (111) 82441 (210) 3201500205 (220) 23.01.2015 (300) FR n° 14/4113440 du 26/08/2014 (511) 5 Produits désignés : (111) 82443 (210) 3201500208 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 8 Produits désignés : Class 8 : Bolt cutters; tinmans' snips; tube cutting instruments; planer tools; gear pullers (hand tools); hacksaw frams; pliers; shear apparatus (manual tools); vices; pipe wrenches. (540) Class 5 : Pharmaceutical products, vaccines. (540) (731) SANOFI PASTEUR, 2, Avenue Pont Pasteur, 69007 LYON (FR) (731) XUZHOU GOLDEN TIGER TOOLS MAKING CO., LTD., Nian Zhuang, Town of Pizhou, JIANGSU (CN) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (740) FORCHAK IP & LEGAL ADVISORY, 3rd Floor, Viccul Building, Apt. 15-16, Carr Street, Behind Police Barracks, New Town, B.P. 370, LIMBE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82442 (111) 82444 (210) 3201500206 (210) 3201500209 (220) 23.01.2015 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 32 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 32 : Mineral and aerated waters, aerated beverages fruit beverages and fruit juices, beers, energy drinks. Class 5 : Air freshening deodorizing preparations). preparations (air 145 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (540) (731) LE CORDON BLEU INTERNATIONAL B.V., Herengracht 28, 1015 BL AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) PERFUMES GILCA, S.L., Poligono Malpica, Calle B, Parcela 93, Nave C-10, 50016 ZARAGOZA (ES) (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82446 (210) 3201500212 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 41 Couleurs revendiquées : Red, blue et white. ________________________________________ Services désignés : (111) 82445 Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (210) 3201500211 (540) (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 9 et 16 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus. Class 16 : Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except (731) LE CORDON BLEU INTERNATIONAL B.V., Herengracht 28, 1015 BL AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82447 (210) 3201500215 (220) 23.01.2015 (300) IT n° MI2014C007471 du 29/07/2014 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Class 29 : Yogurt; yogurt beverages; drinking yogurts; milk; milk confectionery; cottage cheese; milk jam; whey; milk beverages, milk predominating; rice milk for use as a milk substitute; half and half [milk and cream mixture]; milk substitutes for beverages; milk-based beverages flavored with chocolate; milk-based 146 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ beverages containing coffee; milk-based beverages containing fruits; ryazhenka [fermented baked milk]; milk-based beverages containing fruit juice; shortening; fruit paste; hard cheese; soft cheese; fruit spreads; dairy-based spreads; fruitbased fillings for cakes and pies; fruit-based fillings for cobblers; fruit chips; fruit conserves; cut fruits; fruit pulp; fruit purées; dried fruit decorations; dried fruit based fillings; candied fruit; roasted dried fruit; yogurt-based desserts; meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Class 30 : Coffee beverages with milk; milk chocolate; ice milk; chocolate-based beverages with milk; cocoa beverages with milk; ice milk bars; ice cream; iced cakes; ice cream cones; binding agents for ice cream; ice cream mixes; powders for ice cream; soya-based ice cream substitutes; fruit ice cream bars; macaroons [pastry]; petits fours [cakes]; custard powder; pastry mixes; cocoa-based ingredients for pastry products; chocolate paste; almond paste; pastry dough; cocoa spreads; mint for confectionery; cakes; fruit coulis [sauces]; fruit jellies [confectionery]; chocolate; chocolate mousses; chocolate syrups; topping syrups; frozen yogurt; sherbets [ices]; mixes for making sorbets [ices]; coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (540) (111) 82448 (210) 3201500216 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (731) British American Tobacco (Brands) Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON, WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82449 (210) 3201500217 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 38 et 41 Services désignés : Class 38 : Telecommunications. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (540) (731) Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V., Keizergracht 62-64, 1015 CS AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82450 (731) YO.GA S.R.L., Via Delle Industrie, 63, MUSILE DI PIAVE, (Venezia) (IT) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3201500218 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 38 et 41 Services désignés : Class 38 : Telecommunications. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 147 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V., Keizergracht 62-64, 1015 CS AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82451 (210) 3201500219 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 38 et 41 Services désignés : Class 38 : Telecommunications. Class 41 : Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (540) (731) Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V., Keizergracht 62-64, 1015 CS AMSTERDAM (NL) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82452 (210) 3201500220 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 35 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of machines and machine tools, motors and engines (except for land vehicles), machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles), agricultural implements other than hand-operated, incubators for eggs, automatic vending machines, electrically operated kitchen machines used for chopping, grinding, crushing, trimming and crumbling, clothes washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), floor polishing machines, carpet cleaning machines, electric vacuum cleaners and their parts, hand tools and implements ( handoperated); cutlery; side arms; razors; electric irons; electric steam irons, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs,compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers, computer software, fire-extinguishing apparatus, battery chargers, webcams, electronic or magnetic cards, computer mices, cameras, photographic cameras, electrical wires, batteries, battery charge devices, electronic components for computers and machines, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, electric heaters, steam generating installations, refrigerators, freezers, electric laundry dryers, machines and equipment used in cooking and boiling, namely, toasters, bread toasters, deep fryers, grills, ovens, microwave ovens, stoves, coffee and tea machines, electric hair dryers, hand drying apparatus for washrooms, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, steelwool, unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building), glassware, porcelain and earthenware, dishes, drinking glasses, tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons, basting spoons, for kitchen use, vases, hand operated cleaning instruments, nonelectric cooking utensil, utensils for household purposes, non-electrical small hand tools for home and kitchen use, namely, mixers, blenders, 148 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ coffee and spice mills, fruit and vegetable presses, grinders, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, such services may be provided by retail stores, wholesale outlets, by means of electronic media or through mail order catalogues. equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus; battery chargers; webcams; electronic or magnetic cards; computer mices; cameras; photographic cameras; electrical wires; batteries; battery charge devices; electronic components for computers and machines. (540) Class 11 : Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; electric heaters; steam generating installationsrefrigerators; freezers; electric laundry dryers; machines and equipment used in cooking and boiling, namely, toasters, bread toasters, deep fryers, grills, ovens, microwave ovens, stoves, coffee and tea machines; electric hair dryers, hand drying apparatus washrooms. (731) MAMUR TEKNOLOJI SISTEMLERI SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI, Selimpasa Sanayi B ölgesi, Merkez Mahallesi, 705. Cadde, 5008 Sokak, No 11, SILIVRI-ISTANBUL (TR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82453 (210) 3201500221 (220) 23.01.2015 (511) 7, 8, 9, 11 et 21 Produits désignés : Class 7 : Machines and machine tools, motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines; electrically operated kitchen machines used for chopping, grinding, crushing, trimming and crumbling; clothes washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), floor polishing machines, carpet cleaning machines; electric vacuum cleaners and their parts. Class 8 : Hand tools and implements (handoperated); cutlery; side arms; razors; electric irons; electric steam irons. Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instrumentsapparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing Class 21 : Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; dishes; drinking glasses; tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons; basting spoons, for kitchen use; vases; hand operated cleaning instruments, nonelectric cooking utensil, utensils for household purposes, non-electrical small hand tools for home and kitchen use, namely, mixers, blenders, coffee and spice mills, fruit and vegetable presses, grinders. (540) (731) MAMUR TEKNOLOJI SISTEMLERI SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI, Selimpasa Sanayi Bölgesi, Merkez Mahallesi, 705. Cadde, 5008 Sokak, No 11, SILIVRI-ISTANBUL (TR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). (SCP), ________________________________________ (111) 82454 (210) 3201500223 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. 149 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (111) 82456 (210) 3201500225 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) (731) Tropical-Alimentation, ABIDJAN 21 (CI). 21 B.P. 1400, Couleurs revendiquées : Vert et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82455 (210) 3201500224 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 35 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique. (540) (731) (CI) KATIO-AKPA SARL, B.P. 508, KATIOLA Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, blanc, rouge, jaune et orange. ________________________________________ (111) 82457 (210) 3201500226 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 38 Services désignés : Classe 38 : Plateforme de déclaration des naissances via SMS ou application mobile. (540) (731) SOCIALSPOT CORP, 03 B.P. 2016, ABIDJAN 03 (CI). Couleurs revendiquées : Orange, bleu nuit et blanc. (731) (CI)., 04 B.P. 1164, ABIDJAN 04 150 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ semences, plantes et fleurs naturelles; aliments pour les animaux; malt. (111) 82458 (210) 3201500227 (540) (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Sandwiches. (540) (731) LES HUILERIES DU SOUSS BELHASSAN H.S.B., Quartier Industriel Anza, B.P. 135, AGADIR (MA) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82460 (210) 3201500229 (220) 26.01.2015 (511) 29, 30 et 31 Produits désignés : (731) SPEED MIAM SERVICES 08 B.P. 1116, ABIDJAN 08 (CI) Couleurs revendiquées blanc, vert et orange. : (SMS), Rouge-bordeaux, ________________________________________ (111) 82459 (210) 3201500228 (220) 26.01.2015 (511) 29, 30 et 31 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 31 : Produits agricoles, horticoles, forestiers et graines, non compris dans d'autres classes; animaux vivants; fruits et légumes frais; Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Classe 31 : Produits agricoles, horticoles, forestiers et graines, non compris dans d'autres classes; animaux vivants; fruits et légumes frais; semences, plantes et fleurs naturelles; aliments pour les animaux; malt. (540) (731) LES HUILERIES DU SOUSS BELHASSAN H.S.B., Quartier Industriel Anza, B.P. 135, AGADIR (MA) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). 151 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82461 (210) 3201500230 (220) 26.01.2015 (731) Liqui-Moly Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Jerg-Wieland-Strasse 4, 89081 ULM (DE) Produits désignés : (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 33 : Wines and liquors. Couleurs revendiquées : Blue, red and white. (540) ________________________________________ (511) 33 (111) 82463 (731) ORTIZ LOPEZ Angel, Pico de, Reloj, 20, 11500 EL PUERTODESANTA MARIA (Cadiz) (ES) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82462 (210) 3201500232 (220) 26.01.2015 (511) 1 et 4 Produits désignés : Class 1 : Chemicals used in industry, in particular additives (chemical- and physical-) for lubricants, greases, technical oils and for motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils as well as additives for fuels, in particular petrol and diesel fuels, radiator chemical additives; anti-freeze for radiator fluids and for windscreen washer fluids; anti-freeze; impregnating chemicals for convertible tops for cars. Class 4 : Lubricants; technical greases and technical oils, including motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils; contact oils and contact greases for technical purposes; lubricants, namely lubricating lacquers, oil additives (non-chemical) as well as additives for fuels, in particular for petrol and diesel fuels, additives (non-chemical) for technical greases, technical oils, motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils. (210) 3201500233 (220) 26.01.2015 (511) 1 et 4 Produits désignés : Class 1 : Chemicals used in industry, in particular additives (chemical- and physical-) for lubricants, greases, technical oils and for motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils as well as additives for fuels, in particular petrol and diesel fuels, radiator chemical additives; anti-freeze for radiator fluids and for windscreen washer fluids; anti-freeze; impregnating chemicals for convertible tops for cars. Class 4 : Lubricants; technical greases and technical oils, including motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils; contact oils and contact greases for technical purposes; lubricants, namely lubricating lacquers, oil additives (non-chemical) as well as additives for fuels, in particular for petrol and diesel fuels, additives (non-chemical) for technical greases, technical oils, motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and hydraulic oils. (540) (731) Liqui-Moly Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Jerg-Wieland-Strasse 4, 89081 ULM (DE) (540) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82464 (210) 3201500234 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 35 152 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Services désignés : Class 35 : Retail store, on-line retail store, and mail order catalog services featuring footwear and apparel. (540) (731) SKECHERS U.S.A., INC. Il, 228 Manhattan Beach Blvd., MANHATTAN BEACH, California 90266 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, instant message and online social networking services; wireless, short-range wireless enabled and universal serial bus (USB) devices for communications, namely, telephones, handsets, headsets, speakers, microphones, earphones, webcams and video cameras; application programming interface (API) for computer software which facilitates online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; downloadable computer software in the nature of a mobile application for operating telecommunications products. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82465 (210) 3201500235 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 25 Produits désignés : Class 25 : Footwear, apparel and headgear. (540) (731) SKECHERS U.S.A., INC. Il, 228 Manhattan Beach Blvd., MANHATTAN BEACH, California 90266 (US) (731) Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, REDMOND, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82467 (111) 82466 (210) 3201500237 (210) 3201500236 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Computer software, namely, software for the transmission, recording, reproduction, display, organization, management, manipulation and review of messages, text, images, files, audio, video and audio-visual content and other data for the facilitation of communications between two or multiple users via computer networks, communication networks and the global information network; computer software development tools; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for communications software facilitating voice over (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 38 et 42 Services désignés : Class 38 : Communication services, namely, transmitting and receiving text, images, files, audio, video and audio-visual content and other data for the facilitation of communications between two or multiple users via computer networks, communication networks and the global information network; text and instant messaging services; voice over ip services; audio and video teleconferencing; automated screening services for communications, namely, automated screening for voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, telephone calls, video calls, text messages and instant messages; providing user access to third party web sites hosted on computer servers 153 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ accessible via a global information network; telecommunications services, namely, providing prepaid minutes for use on cell phones; providing online electronic bulletin boards and on-line forums for communication among users on topics of general interest; electronic transmission and streaming of digital media content for others via computer networks, communication networks and global information networks, in the nature of prerecorded digital sound, video and data recordings. machines; engraving machines; wrapping machines; electric kitchen machines; pouring plastic machines; rinsing machines; disintegrators; stone cutters; steel bar cutters; electric hammers; electric to-and-fro saws; electric shears; handheld tools, other than hand-operate; electric handheld drills; electric screwdrivers; electric spanners; electric grinding wheel engines; spray-paint machines; pumps being parts of machines; bellows; snow ploughs; central vacuum cleaners. Class 42 : Providing temporary use of on-line nondownloadable software and applications for instant messaging, enabling and managing simultaneous, multiple modes of communication over local area networks and the internet via instant messaging, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), video conferencing, audio conferencing, computer desktop sharing, file transfer, sensing and providing user presence information, and telephony; providing technical information in the field of computer software. Class 8 : Abrading tools(hand tools); pickaxes; garden tools(hand tools); bits being parts of hand tools; fullers (hand tools); spanners (hand tools); axes; reamers (hand tools); saw blades as parts of hand tools; rams (hand tools); plane irons; taps (hand tools); augers(hand tools); files (hand tools); scraping tools (hand tools); hand- operated lifting jacks; screw stocks (hand tools); riveters (hand tools); tweezers; graving tools; glaziers' diamonds being parts of hand tools; shears; cutters; blades (hand tools); tablewares (knives, forks and spoons). (540) (540) (731) SKT ELECTRIC MACHINE CO., LTD., No.18 Huanglong 3rd Road, Huanglong Industrial Park, WUYI, Zheijiang, 321200 (CN) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82469 (731) Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, REDMOND, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82468 (210) 3201500239 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. (540) (210) 3201500238 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 7 et 8 Produits désignés : Class 7 : Power-operated sprayers; woodworking machines; driers for dehydration; mixing 154 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) GROUPE MAJID, B.P. 5227, NOUAKCHOTT (MR) Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, vert, rouge et jaune. ________________________________________ (111) 82470 (210) 3201500245 (220) 28.01.2015 (511) 27, 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 27 : Tapis, paillassons, nattes, linoléum et autres revêtements de sols; tentures murales non en matières textiles. Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congèles, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs; lait et produit laitiers, huiles et graisses comestibles. masques de beauté; produits de rasage; produits pour la conservation du cuir (cirage); crèmes pour le cuir. Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires ¡produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical ;aliments pour bébé; emplâtres; matériels pour pansements; matériels pour plomber les dents et empreinte dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides; herbicides, bains médicaux; bandes, culottes ou serviettes hygiéniques; préparations chimiques à usage médical ou pharmaceutique; herbes médicinales; tisanes; parasiticides; sucre à usage médical. Classe 21 : Peignes et éponges; brosses à dents, brosses ( à l'exception des pinceaux ); matériaux pour la brosserie ¡instruments de nettoyage actionnés manuellement. (540) Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestible, miel, sirop de mélasse, levure, poudre pour faire lever, sel, moutarde, vinaigre, sauces (condiments), épices, glace à rafraîchir. (731) SOCIETE M & M PRODUCTION SARL, B.P. 15770, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82472 (210) 3201500247 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 30 (731) ETS MUSA DOUALA (CM). TOURAY, B.P. 12199, Couleurs revendiquées : Toutes les couleurs. ________________________________________ Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. (540) (111) 82471 (210) 3201500246 (220) 29.01.2015 (511) 3, 5 et 21 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser, savons, parfum, huiles essentielles, rouges à lèvre; (731) ETS ALFATA OULD B.P. 12407, NIAMEY (NE). MOHAMED, Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, rouge, noir, blanc, jaune et marron. 155 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (220) 15.01.2015 rafraîchir; sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. (511) 30 (540) (111) 82473 (210) 3201500248 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. (540) (731) Amadou Ndoye NDIAYE, 83, Cité des Enseignants, Guédiawaye G. Nord, DAKAR (SN) (740) Me Cheikh FALL, 48, Rue Vincens x Abdou Karim Bourgi, B.P. 32319, DAKAR-PONTY (SN). Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82475 (731) ETS ALFATA OULD B.P. 12407, NIAMEY (NE). MOHAMED, Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, noir, blanc, jaune et vert. (210) 3201500250 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 9, 12 et 17 ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82474 Classe 9 : Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, la distribution, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques ou optiques; disques compacts, DVD, et autres supports d'enregistrement numériques; mécanismes pour appareils à pré-paiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer, équipement pour le traitement de l'information et les ordinateurs; extincteurs; logiciels de jeux; logiciels (programmes enregistrés); périphériques d'ordinateurs; batteries électriques; détecteurs; fils électriques; relais électriques; combinaisons, costumes, gants ou masques de plongée; vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les irradiations et le feu; dispositifs de protection personnelle contre les accidents; lunettes (optique); articles de lunetterie; étuis à lunettes; appareils pour le diagnostic non à usage médical; (210) 3201500249 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 5 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire; aliments pour bébés; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour la destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides; bains médicinaux, bandes, culottes ou serviettes hygiéniques; préparations chimiques à usage médical ou pharmaceutique; herbes médicinales; tisanes; parasiticides; alliages de métaux précieux à usage dentaire. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à 156 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ cartes à mémoire ou à microprocesseur; bâches de sauvetage. Classe 12 : Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; amortisseurs de suspensions pour véhicules; carrosseries; chaînes antidérapantes; châssis ou pare-chocs de véhicules; stores (pare-soleil) pour automobiles; ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules; véhicules électriques; caravanes; tracteurs; vélomoteurs; cycles; cadres, béquilles, freins, guidons, jantes, pédales, pneumatiques, roues ou selles de cycles; poussettes; chariots de manutention. Classe 17 : Caoutchouc, gutta-percha, gomme, amiante, mica; produits en matières plastiques miouvrées; matières à calfeutrer, à étouper et à isoler; tuyaux flexibles non métalliques; bouchons en caoutchouc; matières d'emballage (rembourrage) en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; feuilles en matières plastiques à usage agricole; feuilles métalliques isolantes; gants, rubans, tissus ou vernis isolants; résines artificielles ou synthétiques (produits semi-finis); sacs ou sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en caoutchouc pour l'emballage; fibres ou laine de verre pour l'isolation. (540) (731) Khaled Abdel Kader, 88, Avenue Blaise Diagne, DAKAR (SN) (740) Me Cheikh FALL, 48, Rue Vincens x Abdou Karim Bourgi, B.P. 32319, DAKAR-PONTY (SN). ________________________________________ (111) 82476 (210) 3201500251 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 9, 12 et 17 Produits désignés : Classe 9 : Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, la distribution, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques ou optiques; disques compacts, DVD, et autres supports d'enregistrement numériques; mécanismes pour appareils à pré-paiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer, équipement pour le traitement de l'information et les ordinateurs; extincteurs; logiciels de jeux; logiciels (programmes enregistrés); périphériques d'ordinateurs; batteries électriques; détecteurs; fils électriques; relais électriques; combinaisons, costumes, gants ou masques de plongée; vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les irradiations et le feu; dispositifs de protection personnelle contre les accidents; lunettes (optique); articles de lunetterie; étuis à lunettes; appareils pour le diagnostic non à usage médical; cartes à mémoire ou à microprocesseur; bâches de sauvetage. Classe 12 : Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; amortisseurs de suspensions pour véhicules; carrosseries; chaînes antidérapantes; châssis ou pare-chocs de véhicules; stores (pare-soleil) pour automobiles; ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules; véhicules électriques; caravanes; tracteurs; vélomoteurs; cycles; cadres, béquilles, freins, guidons, jantes, pédales, pneumatiques, roues ou selles de cycles; poussettes; chariots de manutention. Classe 17 : Caoutchouc, gutta-percha, gomme, amiante, mica; produits en matières plastiques miouvrées; matières à calfeutrer, à étouper et à isoler; tuyaux flexibles non métalliques; bouchons en caoutchou; matières d'emballage (rembourrage) en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; feuilles en matières plastiques à usage agricole; feuilles métalliques isolantes; gants, rubans, tissus ou vernis isolants; résines artificielles ou synthétiques (produits semi-finis); sacs ou sachets (enveloppes, pochettes) en caoutchouc pour l'emballage; fibres ou laine de verre pour l'isolation. (540) 157 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) Khaled Abdel Kader, 88, Avenue Blaise Diagne, DAKAR (SN) (740) Me Cheikh FALL, 48, Rue Vincens x Abdou Karim Bourgi, B.P. 32319, DAKAR-PONTY (SN). (111) 82479 (210) 3201500264 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations. (111) 82477 (540) (210) 3201500252 (220) 29.01.2015 (511) 5 (731) Produits désignés : NOVARTIS AG, 4002 BASEL (CH) Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques, notamment veinotoniques et vasculoprotecteurs. (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82480 (731) LABORATOIRES INNOTHERA, 22 Avenue Aristide Briand, 94110 ARCUEIL (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82478 (210) 3201500267 (220) 27.01.2015 (511) 1, 11 et 21 Produits désignés : Classe 1 : Produits réfrigérants, agent de refroidissement pour moteurs de véhicules. Classe 11 : Réfrigérateurs, appareils de climatisation, installation de climatisation et installation de climatisation pour véhicules. (210) 3201500253 (220) 29.01.2015 Classe 21 : Bouteilles réfrigérantes. (511) 5 et 10 (540) Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques; produits contraceptifs pour utilisation locale intravaginale, tampons imprégnés de spermicide, ovules, gelées et comprimés anticonceptionnels. Classe 10 : Dispositifs contraceptifs utilisation locale intravaginale. pour (540) (731) (TG). BOULAY Jean Michel, B.P. 455, LOME ________________________________________ (111) 82481 (731) LABORATOIRE INNOTECH INTERNATIONAL, 22 Avenue Aristide Briand, 94110 ARCUEIL (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201500268 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 32 Produits désignés : Class 32 : Beers; non-alcoholic beverages. 158 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (111) 82483 (210) 3201500274 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 7 et 12 Produits désignés : Class 7 : Machines and machines tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Class 12 : Apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. (540) (731) Limited Liability Company “Hamovnichesky pivovar”, 3 Barykovskiy Pereulok, MOSCOW, 119034 (RU) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (731) M. WANG ZHIYONG, 412007, No.16-706 Haichuang Pearl Garden, ZHUZHOU, Hunan (CN) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82482 (210) 3201500269 (111) 82484 (220) 30.01.2015 (210) 3201500275 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 32 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 32 : Beers; non-alcoholic beverages. Classe 29 : Lait et produits laitiers; boissons lactées où le lait prédomine. (540) (540) (731) AGRO-DIFFUSION, Société à responsabilité limitée de droit français, 33 rue de la Bienfaisance, 75008 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (731) Limited Liability Company "Hamovnichesky pivovar", 3 Barykovskiy Pereulok, MOSCOW, 119034 (RU) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82485 (210) 3201500281 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 et 10 159 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Class 5 : substances. Pharmaceutical products and (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 10 : Medical instruments and apparatus, inhalation and atomizing devices for medical purposes. Couleurs revendiquées rhodamine red C). (540) (111) 82487 : Pink (pantone ________________________________________ (210) 3201500283 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 10 Produits désignés : (731) Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, AlfredNobel-Str.10, 40789 MONHEIM AM RHEIN (DE) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Green, blue, grey and white. ________________________________________ (111) 82486 (210) 3201500282 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Class 10 : Surgical staplers and cutters and accessories therefor; stapler reloads. (540) (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82488 (210) 3201500284 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Class 30 : Rice. (540) Produits désignés : Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) C2C LLC, Calle Real, 43, 41920 San Juan De Aznalfarache, SEVILLE (ES); HERBA RICEMILLS, S.L.U., 7 Riverway, Suite 910, HOUSTON, Texas 77056 (US) (111) 82489 (210) 3201500285 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 160 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82492 (210) 3201500288 (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82490 (210) 3201500286 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82493 (210) 3201500289 (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (540) (111) 82491 (210) 3201500287 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Human pharmaceutical preparations. (540) (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku , TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82494 (731) Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey 08933 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre (210) 3201500290 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : 161 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82497 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3201500293 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (540) (111) 82495 (210) 3201500291 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82498 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3201500294 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (540) (111) 82496 (210) 3201500292 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82499 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre (210) 3201500295 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : 162 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82502 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3201500298 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (540) (111) 82500 (210) 3201500296 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82503 (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201500299 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : ________________________________________ Class 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular illnesses and conditions. (111) 82501 (540) (210) 3201500297 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (540) (731) Menarini International Operations Luxembourg S.A., 1, Avenue de la Gare, LUXEMBOURG L-1611 (LU) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 1-1, MinamiAoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO 107-8556 (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre (111) 82504 (210) 3201500300 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 5 163 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (540) Class 5 : Fumigants for use in agriculture, horticulture and home and garden; herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides and preparations for destroying vermin for use in agriculture, horticulture, silviculture, turf and ornamental care, and home and garden. (731) Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, REDMOND, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (540) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) Arysta LifeScience S.A.S., Route d'Artix, B.P. 80, F-64150 NOGUERES (FR) (111) 82507 (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201500303 ________________________________________ Services désignés : (111) 82505 Class 36 : Rental, leasing, sales, brokerage and management of apartments, serviced apartments and condominiums; real estate management; real estate agencies; brokerage; housing agencies; leasing and sales of commercial and residential real estate; accommodation bureaux (apartments); rent collection; rental of offices; rental of space (real estate) for meetings; vacation real estate timesharing services; real estate affairs; credit card services. (210) 3201500301 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : Class 9 : managing, organizing, replicating hardware. Computer software for accessing, collecting, editing, securing, storing, archiving, backing up, restoring, and transmitting data; computer (540) (731) Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, REDMOND, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 36, 43 et 44 Class 43 : Hotels; resort hotels; motels; temporary accommodations; travel agency services for the reservation of hotel accommodations; specialized hotel services rendered as part of a program for frequent hotel guests; restaurant, bar and cocktail lounge services; snack bar services; catering for the provision of food and beverages; providing banquet and social function venues for special occasions; providing conference, exhibition and meeting venues; rental of chairs, tables, table linen and glassware for conference, exhibition, meeting and social functions and banquets; rental of meeting rooms. (511) 42 Class 44 : Health spa services, cosmetic body care services, massage therapy services, sauna services, turkish baths, hair salon services, beauty salons, beauty shop business, barbershop business, make-up application services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings, body waxing services, manicure services, pedicure services. Services désignés : (540) (111) 82506 (210) 3201500302 (220) 30.01.2015 Class 42 : Computer consulting provision of technical assistance and support, namely, troubleshooting in the diagnosing of computer software and problems. services; technical nature of hardware (731) Hyatt International Corporation, 71 S. Wacker Drive, 14th Floor, CHICAGO, Illinois 60606 (US) 164 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82508 (210) 3201500304 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 7, 9 et 11 Produits désignés : Class 7 : Domestic, kitchen and household electrical apparatus, instruments and machines; apparatus, instruments and machines for washing or laundry purposes; machines for drying; vacuum cleaners and cleaning apparatus, instruments and machines; waging and polishing machines, apparatus and instruments; irons and ironing apparatus, instruments andfmachines; dishwashers; compactors and waste disposal apparatus, instruments and machines; dust exhausting and removing installations; cleaning appliances utilising steam; carpet shampooing machines and apparatus; drying machines; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 9 : Electric irons; refrigerated vending apparatus and instruments and machines; sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus and instruments; appliances for recording and reproducing sound and/or images; radio, televisions, speakers; cameras; remote control apparatus and instruments; communication, transmitting, and receiving apparatus and instruments; antennas, amplifiers; magnetic tapes and cassettes for use therewith; dry cells and batteries; transmission lines and electric cables and connectors for use therewith; vending machines, apparatus and instruments; computer apparatus; computer software and computer programs; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 11 : Apparatus and instruments for lighting; apparatus, instruments machines and installations for cooking, refrigerating, drying, heating, cooling, freezing; refrigerated cabinets; drying machines; fridge-freezer combinations; condensing units for use in refrigeration systems; apparatus and instruments for dispensing ice and chilled beverages; fans, ventilating and air conditioning apparatus, instruments and installations; extractor hoods for kitchens; gas and electric ranges, stoves and ovens; hobs, hot plates, cook tops and cooking surfaces; electric pressure cookers; water coolers and heaters; humidifiers, dehumidifiers; electronic air cleaning apparatus; water purifying apparatus, machines and installations; water sterilizers; microwave ovens; electrically driven barbecue units for electric stoves; toasters; electric kettles; coffee makers; hair dryers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; water supply apparatus and sanitary installations and apparatus, sinks, basins, wash-hand basins, sinks, wash tubs; taps and fittings, mixer valves and taps for water pipes; kitchenettes, largely consisting of a work top with integrated sink/washhand basin and/or cooking top, possibly with base unit and integrated refrigerator; modules for fitted kitchens, largely consisting of a work top with integrated sink/washhand basin, possibly with accessories including shelves, basins, plate racks; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all the aforesaid goods in particular of metal and mainly of stainless steel. (540) (731) Indesit Company Luxembourg S.A., 5, Rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 LUXEMBOURG (LU) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82509 (210) 3201500305 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 43 Services désignés : Class 43 : Hotels; resort hotels; motels; temporary accommodations; travel agency services for the reservation of hotel accommodations; specialized hotel services rendered as part of a program for frequent hotel guests; hotel services featuring incentive programs providing special guest services, amenities and awards to frequent hotel guest members; restaurant, bar and cocktail lounge services; snack bar services; catering for the provision of food and beverages; providing banquet and social function venues for special occasions; providing conference, exhibition and meeting venues; rental of chairs, tables, table linen and glassware for conference, exhibition, meeting and social functions and banquets; rental of meeting rooms. 165 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) Tata Sons Limited, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (IN) (731) Hyatt International Corporation, 71 S. Wacker Drive, I4th Floor, CHICAGO, Illinois 60606 (US) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82510 (210) 3201500306 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : ________________________________________ (111) 82512 (210) 3201500308 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Class 12 : Land vehicles and parts thereof included in class twelve. (540) Class 12 : Land vehicles and parts thereof included in class twelve. (540) (731) Tata Sons Limited, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (IN) (731) Tata Sons Limited, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (IN) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82511 (210) 3201500307 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 et 16 Produits désignés : ________________________________________ (111) 82513 (210) 3201500310 (220) 13.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Riz. (540) Class 12 : Land vehicles and parts thereof included in class twelve. Class 16 : Paper and paper articles; printed matter; periodicals; stationery; instructional and teaching material (other than apparatus); advertisement materials and sheets; journals; catalogues, letter heads, calendars, diaries, chart, cards of all kinds; pamphlets; brochures; business papers all being goods included in class sixteen. (540) (731) HOLDING BEREWOUDOUGOU SARL, 09 B.P. 206, OUAGADOUGOU 09 (BF). 166 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Couleurs revendiquées : Jaune, noir, blanc, rouge et orange. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82514 (210) 3201500311 (220) 20.01.2015 (511) 19 Produits désignés : Classe 19 : Matériaux de construction non métalliques, tuyaux rigides non métalliques pour construction, asphalte, poix et bitumes, constructions transportables non métalliques, monuments non métalliques (tous types de ciment). (731) ONG WEND KOUDOUGOU (BF). PUIRE, B.P. Couleurs revendiquées : Jaune, marron, vert, gris, blanc et noir. 153, orange, ________________________________________ (111) 82516 (210) 3201500313 (540) (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical, aliments pour bébés; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires, désinfectants, produits pour la destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides. (540) (731) CIMFASO S.A., OUAGADOUGOU 10 (BF). 10 B.P. 13140, Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge bordeaux, bleu et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82515 (210) 3201500312 (731) NANO, Zone Industrielle de Yopougon, 21 B.P. 4806, ABIDJAN 21 (CI) (740) (CM). Mahamat ADOUM, B.P. 3033, DOUALA ________________________________________ (111) 82517 (210) 3201500314 (220) 22.01.2015 (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 3, 30 et 33 Produits désignés : (511) 9 et 11 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Savons, cosmétiques, pommade, crème. Class 9 : Lighting ballast, electronic transformers, switches. Classe 30 : Miel, propolis, pâtisserie. Class 11 : Personal ceiling fans, energy saving lamps, electrical and lighting fixtures, lighting lamps exhaust and ventilating fans. Classe 33 : Hydromel, liqueurs. 167 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) White Horizon Lights Trading L.L.C., Al Quoz 3, 85901 DUBAI (AE) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82518 (210) 3201500315 (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 3, 9, 14, 18 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; dentifrices; cosmetic creams-lotions for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; mascara; cosmetic pencils; eyebrow cosmetics; make-up preparations-makeup removing preparations; deodorants for human beings; perfumes; scented water eau de Cologne; shaving preparations; after-shave lotions; shampoos; hair spray; lipsticks-hp glosses; beauty masks; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for toilet purposes; oils for cleaning purposes; cosmetic preparations for baths; cakes of toilet soap; nail polish; nail care preparations; sun-tanning preparations. Class 9 : Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images-magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software-fire-extinguishing apparatus; spectacles; spectacle frames; spectacle lenses; spectacle cases; sunglasses; goggles for sports; protective helmets; bags adapted for laptops. Class 14 : Precious metals and their alloys, not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; agate; brooches (jewelry); watch straps; wristwatches; trinkets; jewelry of yellow amber; chronographs (watches); chronometers; chronoscopes; diamonds; boxes of precious metal; threads of precious metal; silver thread; gold thread (jewelry); precious stones; watch cases; watch glasses; semi-precious stones; necklaces (jewelry); ornamental pins; ornaments (jewelry); cuff links; tie pins; pins (jewelry); earrings; pearls (jewelry); platinum-pearls made of ambroid (pressed amber); rings (jewelry); key rings (trinkets or fobs); spun silver (silver wire); spinel (precious stones); stopwatches; watches; clocks-alarm clocks. Class 18 : Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; luggage; bags; wallets and other carriers; briefcases; beach bags; shopping bags; casual bags; suitcases; hand bags; garment carriers; purses; cosmetic purses; vanity cases, not fitted; credit-card holders; travelling trunks; rucksacks; key bags; key cases; satchels; clutch bags. Class 25 : Clothing; footwear; headgear; suits; dresses; parkas; bathing suits; bathing trunks; bath robes; bandanas (neckerchiefs); beach clothes; overalls; teddies (undergarments); jackets (clothing); belts (clothing); scarves; gloves (clothing); shirts; trousers; suspenders; jumpers (pullovers); sweaters; neckties; bow ties; coats; dressing gowns; nightwear; ear muffs; ponchos; polo shirts; pullovers-slipovers; raincoats; skirts; socks; singlets; stockings; tights; tee-shirts; vestswaistcoats; slippers; sandals; boots; hats; caps (headwear); headbands (clothing); underwear. (540) (731) STRELLSON AG, Sonnenwiesenstrasse 21, 8280 KREUZLINGEN (CH) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82519 (210) 3201500316 (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 30, 32 et 33 168 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82521 Class 30 : Peanut butter chips (confectionery), coffee, biscuits, cake powder, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, fruit jellies, fruit jam, energy jells, energy bars, cereal bars, iced tea, edible ices, tea. (210) 3201500318 Class 32 : Energy drinks, aerated water, beer, non-alcoholic beverages, cocktails, nonalcoholic, fruit juices, ginger beer / ginger ale, isotonic beverages, lemonades, cola, mineral waters, waters, soda waters, syrups for beverages, vegetable juices. Class 33 : Alcoholic beverages (except beers), alcoholic beverages containing fruit, bitters, brandy, cider, cocktails, distilled beverages, gin, liqueurs, pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based, rum, spirits, vodka, whisky, wine. (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 43 Services désignés : Class 43 : Services of providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; cafe and coffee bar services; food and drink preparation services; food and drink take-out restaurant services; restaurant services; fast-food restaurant services; quick service restaurant services; self-service restaurant services; snack bars, restaurant and bar services including take-out; providing prepared meals; preparation of food or meals for consumption on or off the premises. (540) (540) (731) Gurkhatise Limited, Highbridge, Oxford Road, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex UB8 1HR (GB) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82520 (210) 3201500317 (220) 28.01.2015 (731) Burger King Corporation, 5505 Lagoon Drive, MIAMI, Florida 33126 (US) Blue (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (511) 29 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Huile d'arachide. (540) (111) 82522 (210) 3201500319 (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 29 et 30 Produits désignés : (731) ONG GERES (GROUPE ENERGIES RENOUVENABLES, ENVIRONNEMENT ET SOLIDARITES), Quartier Honmeho - Carré : Gounou Emile, 02 B.P. 825, BOHICON (BJ) Class 29 : Chicken pieces; potato fries; french fried potatoes; hash brown potatoes; garden salads; milk and milk products excluding ice cream, ice milk, and frozen yogurt; milk shakes; milk-based beverages; onion rings; processed apples; whipped topping; jellies; jams; eggs; bacon; cheese; pickles; processed onions; prepared meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, and poultry; constituents for meals, namely beef, chicken, and fish burger patties; all of the foregoing sold in restaurants for consumption on or off the premises. Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. 169 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 30 : Hamburger sandwiches; fish sandwiches; chicken sandwiches; veggie burger sandwiches; breakfast sandwiches; hot sandwiches; burritos; sandwiches; wrap sandwiches; burgers contained in bread rolls; french toast; pancakes; condiments, namely pickle relish and sandwich relish; mustard; ketchup; mayonnaise; salad dressings; oatmeal; cinnamon rolls, doughnuts; pies; desserts consisting primarily of ice cream or ice milk and including a variety of customer-selected toppings, namely, coffee flavored syrup, cookie crumbs, cake, marshmallow topping, and flavored, prepared and processed nuts; milk products, namely, ice cream, ice milk and frozen yogurt; all of the foregoing sold in restaurants for consumption on or off the premises. (111) 82524 (210) 3201500322 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 4 Produits désignés : Classe 4 : Pétrole (brut ou raffiné), produits dérivés du pétrole et préparations à base de pétrole; produits pétrochimiques et leurs dérivés; combustibles liquides, solides et gazeux; carburants et biocarburants; gaz et gaz de pétrole liquéfié; lubrifiants; huiles et graisses industrielles; additifs non chimiques pour carburants, combustibles et lubrifiants; énergie électrique, briquettes combustibles, briquettes de bois. (540) (540) (731) TOTAL SA, 2 Place Jean Millier, La Défense 6, 92400 COURBEVOIE (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (731) Burger King Corporation, 5505 Lagoon Drive, MIAMI, Florida 33126 (US) Blue (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82525 (210) 3201500323 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 35, 36, 37, 39, 40 et 43 ________________________________________ Services désignés : (111) 82523 Classe 35 : Services de publicité, d'informations commerciales et de promotion des ventes; services de diffusion et de distribution de matériels publicitaires (tracts, imprimés, prospectus, échantillons); courrier publicitaire électronique; services d'offres promotionnelles; organisation et gestion d'opérations commerciales de fidélisation de clientèle; organisation d'exposition ou de manifestation à buts commerciaux ou de publicité; communication institutionnelle (publicité); parrainage et mécénat publicitaires et commerciaux; gestion administrative d'achats de produits et/ou de services en ligne sur le réseau internet; regroupement pour le compte de tiers de produits divers (à l'exception de leur transport) permettant aux consommateurs de les voir et les acheter commodément dans un commerce de proximité, y compris dans des magasins de stations-service, à savoir le tabac, les produits alimentaires, la presse et la papeterie, les produits de droguerie, d'hygiène et de parfumerie, les produits (210) 3201500321 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 43 Services désignés : Class 43 : Temporary accommodation; providing food and beverage services. (540) (731) STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Inc., One StarPoint, STAMFORD, Connecticut 06902 (US) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). 170 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d'entretien ménager, les produits automobile (pétroliers et d'entretien), les produits audio et vidéo, les jouets et les cadeaux, les fleurs, les vêtements, les cartes téléphoniques, les jeux de loterie. Classe 36 : Services de financement et de crédit; services de cartes de prépaiement et de paiement, et services financiers y afférents; services de cartes de fidélité; émission de chèques carburants et de chèques-cadeaux; services de porte-monnaie électronique; transfert électronique de fonds; parrainage et mécénat financiers, collectes de fonds. Classe 37 : Stations-service; entretien, lavage et réparation de véhicules et de pièces de véhicules; services de vidange automobile; graissage, lubrification, mise au point des moteurs; gonflage, réparation et montage de pneus; assistance en cas de panne de véhicule (réparation). Classe 39 : Transport, distribution (livraison), stockage, approvisionnement d'énergie; informations et conseils en matière de distribution d'énergie; remorquage et location de véhicules; approvisionnement (livraison) de marchandises commercialisées en station-service notamment combustibles, pièces et accessoires de véhicules, produits d'entretien de véhicules, produits alimentaires et boissons. Classe 40 : Production de toutes formes d'énergies; services de transformation d'éléments naturels (soleil, eau, vent) en énergie; traitement et élimination des déchets; information, études et recherches sur la production d'énergie. Classe 43 : Services de restauration (alimentation); restaurants, cafétérias. (540) (731) TOTAL SA, 2 Place Jean Millier, La Défense 6, 92400 COURBEVOIE (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82526 (210) 3201500324 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (540) (731) NOVARTIS AG, 4002 BASEL (CH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82527 (210) 3201500325 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 et 45 Services désignés : Class 35 : Retail services for motor vehicles, parts and accessories therefor; advertising and publicity; developing promotional campaigns for businesses; marketing and advertising services for automobile dealerships; advertising; business management; business administration. Class 36 : Life insurance, insurance against loss; financial affairs management, monetary affairs management; real estate management. Class 37 : Building construction; windshield repair; electrical appliance repair; automobile repair; sewing machine repair; assembly and installation of car stereos; design and installation of elevators and escalators Class 38 : Providing web-magazines; services relating to telecommunications; communication of information (including web pages). Class 39 : Air transport, train transport, land transport, water transport; packaging of goods, storage of goods; travel arrangement. Class 40 : Waste management. 171 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 41 : Organization of design competitions; organization and conducting of automobile race events; automobile exhibitions; organization and conducting plays, musical performances, live music shows and dance events; movie production; providing on-line electronic publications; providing on-line videos; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Class 42 : Medical research, technical research, scientific testing, chemical analysis, environmental research, technical analysis, product design, computer software design, website development, engineering development. Class 43 : Services for providing food and drink, rental of temporary accommodation. Class 44 : Medical services, veterinary services, hygienic services, beauty care; provision of medical centers for animals, medical services for animals, beauty and grooming centers for pets; agriculture services, horticulture services, forestry services. Class 45 : Legal consultancy, legal research, legal office functions; security services for the protection of property and individuals; rental and hire of clothes; maid services; fashion consultancy. (540) (731) TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION), 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota-Shi, AICHI-KEN (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82528 (210) 3201500326 (220) 03.02.2015 (511) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 et 34 Produits désignés : Class 1 : Engine coolants; engine antifreeze; brake fluids for use in motor vehicles; chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; tempering and soldering preparations; adhesives used in industry. Class 2 : Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Class 3 : Window washer fluids for use in motor vehicles; aromatic candles, incense sticks, airfragrancing preparations; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils. Class 4 : Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles. Class 5 : Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Class 6 : Keys for motor vehicles; key blanks for motor vehicles; common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes. Class 7 : Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; automatic vending machines. Class 8 : Hand tools and implements (handoperated); cutlery; razors. Class 9 : Batteries for motor vehicles; cell phone cases, covers and accessories; smartphone cases, covers and accessories; tablet computer cases, covers and accessories; neckstraps; eyeglasses; sunglasses; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, 172 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software. Class 10 : Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; orthopaedic articles; suture materials. Class 11 : Handheld lights; table lamps; apparatus for lighting, heating, refrigerating, drying. Class 12 : Vehicles and parts thereof; motors for land vehicles; engines for land vehicles; bodies for land vehicles: brakes for land vehicles; doors for vehicles; wheels for land vehicles; steering wheels for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; tyres for vehicle wheels; motorcycles; bicycles; apparatus for locomotion by land. Class 13 : Firearms; ammunition; explosives; fireworks. Class 14 : Key chains; key rings; badges of metal; bracelets; brooches; pins; earrings; rings; charms, cuff links; watches; precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments. Class 15 : String musical instruments; percussion musical instruments; woodwind musical instruments; brass instruments. Class 16 : Key trays; memo-pads; drawing pads; money clips; passport holders; books; magazines; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Class 17 : Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Class 18 : Bags; pass cases; card cases; wallets; leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols. Class 19 : Building materials (non-metallic); nonmetallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings. Class 20 : Cushions; hand fans; furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-ofpearl. Class 21 : Dishes; plates; bowls; cups; mugs; glasses; tumblers; lunch boxes; non-electric tea kettles; coffee makers; household or kitchen utensils and containers; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semiworked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Class 22 : Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails; padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Class 23 : Yarns for textile use. Class 24 : Towels; facecloths; pillow cases; coasters; place mats; napkins; chair seat covers; blankets; textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes. Class 25 : Clothing, footwear, belts, shawls. Class 26 : Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles. Class 27 : Carpets for motor vehicles; floor mats for motor vehicles; carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors. Class 28 : Toys and stuffed toys; games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes. Class 29 : Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Class 30 : Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices. Class 31 : Grains and agricultural, horticultural and forestry products not included in other classes; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; 173 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt. Class 32 : Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; other preparations for making beverages. Class 33 : Alcoholic beverages made of fruit; liquor; wine. (540) (731) NOVARTIS AG, 4002 BASEL (CH) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 34 : Processed tobacco; unprocessed tobacco; chewing tobacco; pipe tobacco; cigars; cigarettes; tobacco pipes; apparatus for smoking cigarettes; matches. (210) 3201500332 (540) (220) 04.02.2015 ________________________________________ (111) 82531 (300) AZ n° 2014 31484 du 16/10/2014 (511) 34 (731) TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION), 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota-Shi, AICHI-KEN (JP) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, roll your own tobacco, pipe tobacco and tobacco products. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82529 (210) 3201500330 (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 10 Produits désignés : Class 10 : Autoinjectors for the administration of pharmaceutical preparations. (731) Dunhill Tobacco of London Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (540) (731) NOVARTIS AG, 4002 BASEL (CH) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (210) 3201500333 (111) 82530 (220) 04.02.2015 (210) 3201500331 (511) 29 et 30 (220) 04.02.2015 Produits désignés : (511) 5 Class 29 : Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; sauces, edible oils and fats. Produits désignés : Class 5 : Pharmaceuticals preparations. (111) 82532 174 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class 30 : Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; pepper; ice. Classe 28 : Jeux, jouets; articles de gymnastique et de sport non compris dans d'autres classes; décorations pour arbres de noël. (540) (540) (731) ZHANG HEQING, Jiarifeng Jinghuayuan, Zhongbei road, Xiqing District, TIANJIN (CN) (731) O-TREE OFF SHORE SAL, 1st Floor, 164 Debbass Building, Charles Debbas Street, Saifi Village, BEIRUT (LB) (740) FANDIO & PARTNERS CONSULTING (SCP), Sis Biyem-Assi II, Rue des Cocotiers, B.P. 12246, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ SARL, ________________________________________ (210) 3201500339 (111) 82533 (220) 05.02.2015 (210) 3201500334 (511) 29 et 30 (220) 04.02.2015 (300) GB n° UK00003072825 du 16/09/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers' articles. (540) (731) Dunhill Tobacco of London Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 82535 SARL, ________________________________________ Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits, purée de tomates, jus de tomates pour la cuisine; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, spaghetti, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, mayonnaises, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments), sauce tomate; épices; glace à rafraîchir. (540) (111) 82534 (210) 3201500337 (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 18, 25 et 28 Produits désignés : Classe 18 : Cuir et imitations du cuir, produits en ces matières non compris dans d'autres classes; peaux d'animaux; malles et valises; parapluies, parasol et cannes; fouets et sellerie. Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. 175 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SUNSHINE (FAR EAST) LTD, 804-805 Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, EAST TST KOWLOON (HK) (731) BIOCODEX, 7 avenue Gallieni, 94250 GENTILLY (FR) (740) MOUTHE & ASSOCIES Sarl, B.P. 2764, DOUALA (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, bleu, noir, orange et jaune. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82538 (111) 82536 (210) 3201500343 (210) 3201500340 (220) 27.01.2015 (220) 05.02.2015 (511) 30 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. Class 5 : Pharmaceutical preparations. (540) (540) (731) SIMEX, B.P. 1091, NOUAKCHOTT (MR). Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, vert, rouge, jaune, bleu et noir. ________________________________________ (731) NOVARTIS AG, 4002 BASEL (CH) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82537 (210) 3201500342 (220) 05.02.2015 (111) 82539 (210) 3201500344 (220) 02.02.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Thé. (540) (511) 5 Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et compléments alimentaires à finalité médicale pour le traitement de la diarrhée et pour restaurer la flore intestinale. (540) (731) SIMEX, B.P. 1091, NOUAKCHOTT (MR). Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, vert, rouge, jaune, bleu et noir. 176 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82540 (210) 3201500345 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 5 Produits désignés : Class 5 : Pesticides, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. (540) (731) Dow AgroSciences LLC, 9330 Zionsville Road, INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana 46268 (US) (740) Cabinet PATIMARK LLP, 1401, Avenue King Akwa, 5th Floor, ITS Building, B.P. 3109, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82541 (210) 3201500346 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 7, 11 et 21 Produits désignés : Class 7 : Electric kitchen machines for chopping, grinding, crushing, mixing and mincing foodstuff, washing machines, laundry washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), electric cleaning machines for cleaning floors, carpets or floorings, vacuum cleaners and parts thereof. Class 11 : Industrial type installations for cooking, drying and cooling purposes; pasteurizers and sterilizers; water softening apparatus; water purification apparatus; water purification installations; waste water purification installations; electric bed warmers and electric blankets, not for medical use; electric pillow warmers; electric or non-electric footwarmers; hot water bottles; heating and steam generating installations; stoves for heating purposes using solid, liquid or gas fuels; electric stoves for heating purposes; kitchen stoves; installations for air-conditioning and ventilating; cooling installations and freezers; electric and gas-powered devices, installations and apparatus for cooking, drying and boiling; electric laundry driers; hair driers; hand drying apparatus. Class 21 : Non-electric household or kitchen utensils, included in this class, clothes-pegs, pots and pans. Ironing boards and shaped covers therefor, drying racks for washing, clothes drying hangers; hand-operated non-electric cleaning instruments, brushes, other than paintbrushes, steel chips for cleaning, sponges for cleaning, steel wool for cleaning, cloths of textile for cleaning, gloves for dishwashing, non-electric polishing machines for household purposes, brooms for carpets, mops, electric brushes, except parts of machines. (540) (731) AHAD DAYANIKLI TÜKETÍM MALLARI SANAYÎ TÍCARET LTD STI, Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 24., Cadde. No:78, Melikgazi, KAYSERI (TR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82542 (210) 3201500347 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 43 Services désignés : Classe 43 : Restaurants; cafés restaurants; cafétérias; snack bars; restaurants de plats à emporter; bars; services de traiteur; restaurant libre-service. (540) (731) EL RANCHO, Le Central, 6 rue Albert Einstein, 94000 CRETEIL (FR) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82543 (210) 3201500348 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 3, 5 et 25 Produits désignés : 177 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savons; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. (540) Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire, aliments pour bébés; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour la destruction d'animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides. (210) 3201500350 Classe 25 : Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie. (220) 06.02.2015 (540) (511) 35 (731) INTERNATIONAL COSMETICS LABORATORIES, 17 Rue de France, 4000 SOUSSE (TN) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82545 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau. (540) (731) INTERNATIONAL COSMETICS LABORATORIES, 17 Rue de France, 4000 SOUSSE (TN) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82544 (210) 3201500349 (220) 06.02.2015 (731) INTERNATIONAL COSMETICS LABORATORIES, 17 Rue de France, 4000 SOUSSE (TN) (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82546 (511) 3 et 5 (210) 3201500351 Produits désignés : (220) 06.02.2015 Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir, dégraisser et abraser; savons; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire, aliments pour bébés; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour la destruction d'animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides. (511) 3, 5 et 30 Produits désignés : Class 3 : Cleansing milk for toilet purposes; medicated soap; scouring solutions; cleaning preparations; aromatics [essential oils]; skin care (cosmetic preparations for); deodorants for human beings or for animals; balms other than for medical purposes; cosmetics for animals; air fragrancing preparations. Class 5 : Tonics [medicines]; pharmaceutical preparations; personal sexual lubricants; medicinal oils; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; disinfectants; ointments for 178 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ pharmaceutical purposes; dressings, medical; nutritional supplements; insect repellents. (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). Class 30 : Tea; flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes; candy; honey; bee glue; royal jelly; seasonings; aromatic preparations for food; essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils; sweeteners (natural -). (210) 3201500353 (540) (220) 06.02.2015 ________________________________________ (111) 82548 (300) FR n° 14/4128094 du 22/10/2014 (511) 43 Services désignés : (731) ZHEJIANG JINGYUETANG PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD, Fengyi Village, Qianqing Town, Keqiao Area, SHAOXING CITY, Zhejiang Province (CN) (740) SCP BRAINTRUST CONSULTING, 1021, Rue Albert Ateba Ebe, Nlongkak, Immeuble de la Poste, 2è Etage, B.P. 11261, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 43 : Hotels; hotels services; providing of food and drink; restaurants; cafeterias, tea rooms, bars (except clubs); temporary accommodation; holiday homes; booking of hotel rooms for travelers; temporary accommodation reservations; consultancy and advice (non-business) in the fields of hotels and restaurants; rental of meeting rooms and conference rooms; provision of exhibition, conference and meeting facilities; reservation services of hotels and restaurants; provision of online information relating to reservation of hotels and restaurants. (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82547 (210) 3201500352 (220) 06.02.2015 (300) FR n° 14/4128110 du 22/10/2014 (511) 43 Services désignés : Class 43 : Hotels; hotels services; providing of food and drink; restaurants; cafeterias, tea rooms, bars (except clubs); temporary accommodation; holiday homes; booking of hotel rooms for travelers; temporary accommodation reservations; consultancy and advice (non-business) in the fields of hotels and restaurants; rental of meeting rooms and conference rooms; provision of exhibition, conference and meeting facilities; reservation services of hotels and restaurants; provision of online information relating to reservation of hotels and restaurants. (540) (731) ACCOR, société anonyme, 110 avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (731) ACCOR, société anonyme, 110 avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82549 (210) 3201500354 (220) 06.02.2015 (300) FR n° 14/4128207 du 22/10/2014 (511) 43 Services désignés : Classe 43 : Hôtels; services d'hôtellerie; services de restauration (alimentation); restaurants; services de cafétérias, de salons de thé, de bars (à l'exception des clubs); hébergement temporaire; maisons de vacances; services de 179 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ réservation de chambres d'hôtels pour voyageur; services de réservation de logements temporaires; consultation et conseils (sans rapport avec la conduite des affaires) dans les domaines de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration; location de salles de réunions et de conférences; mise à disposition de centres d'expositions, de conférences et de réunions; services de réservation d'hôtels et de restaurants; mise à dispositions d'informations en ligne en matière de réservations d'hôtels et restaurants. (111) 82551 (210) 3201500358 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 33 Produits désignés : Class 33 : Alcoholic beverages. (540) (540) (731) ACCOR, société anonyme, 110 avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (731) WEINPROLOG Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Nyland 14, D-25436 TORNESCH (DE) (740) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Dark blue : pantone 2766C. ________________________________________ (111) 82550 ________________________________________ (111) 82552 (210) 3201500357 (210) 3201500359 (220) 06.02.2015 (220) 06.02.2015 (511) 11, 19 et 20 (511) 38 et 41 Produits désignés : Services désignés : Class 11 : Toilet tanks, septic tanks, flushing tanks, pressurised water tanks, waste water treatment tanks for industrial and household purposes. Class 19 : Non-metallic water tanks (structures), tanks of masonry, non-metallic stand tanks. Class 20 : Non-metallic water storage tanks (containers), plastic storage tanks; tanks, not of metal nor of masonry. (540) (731) HIPPO PLASTIQUE, 44 avenue Havre, Centre-Ville, POINTE-NOIRE (CG) Couleurs revendiquées : Red, orange, yellow, black and white. du (740) Cabinet EKANI-CONSEILS, B.P. 5852, YAOUNDE (CM). Class 38 : Telecommunications; communications services; television broadcasting; wireless broadcasting; broadcasting and telecommunication services; transmission and communication services; broadcasting and transmission of television, radio, cable, satellite and internet programmes and films; transmission of audio, video, and or audio visual programming (by any means); broadcasting and transmission of television programmes and films to personal computers; broadcasting and communications by means of, or aided by, computer; transmission of audio, video and audio visual programming by internet protocol (IPTV); satellite, cellular and radio communication services; satellite, DTT, cable, DSL and broadband broadcasting and transmission of audio and audio visual programming; transmission of text, messages, sound and pictures; telecommunication and 180 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ communication and broadcast and transmission of audio visual content; television screen based information broadcasting and retrieval services; telecommunication, communication, broadcast and transmission of radio programmes, television programmes, films and motion pictures; transmission of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, prerecorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; delivery by telecommunication of media content, including video and films, television programmes, computer games, music, images and ring tones provided by internet, telephone line, cable, wireless transmission, satellite or terrestrial broadcast service; transmission of information by communications satellite, microwave or electronic, digital or analogue means; television screen based information broadcasting and retrieval services; audio visual communication services; data communication services; provision of communication services for accessing entertainment, education, information and data via telephone, line, cable, wire or fibre, database or computer network; provision of communication services for accessing and retrieving radio and television programmes; provision of a connection between website and television viewers via an interactive television portal; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic bulletin board services; electronic mail; message sending; providing Internet chatrooms; providing online forums; providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; providing user access to global computer networks; data broadcasting services; delivery of messages; provision of telecommunications access and links to computer databases and the Internet; transmission of messages, sound and images; data transmission; consultancy, synchronization, transfer and transmission of programs, data, files, e-mail, contacts, calendars, task lists, text messages, photos, music, audio, visual, audio visual, video, text, graphics, programs and other information via telecommunications and global communications networks; online telecommunications services to enable the accessing and retrieving of data, files, e-mails, contacts, calendars, task lists, text messages, photos, music, audio, visual, audio visual, video, text, graphics, programs and other information via a computer or computer network or electronic device including services provided over a global communications network; online telecommunications services relating to webcasting and podcasting including services provided over a global communications network; transmission of digital information by means of cable, wire or fibre; receiving and exchange of information, messages, images and data; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programs and any other data; messaging; teletext services; communications by and between computers and computer terminals; communications for access to a database; communications services for provision and display of information from a computer stored databank; communications services for the electronic, digital and analogue display of information, messages, images and data; electronic, digital and analogue display of information, messages, images and data; website portal services; providing access to, leasing access time to, and providing search and linking capabilities to the Internet and electronic communications networks; transferring and disseminating information and data via computer networks and the internet; providing access to, leasing access time to and providing search and linking capabilities to electronic databases; news agency services; provision of access to news, current affairs and sports information; telecommunications services dedicated to retailing goods and services through interactive communications with customers; interactive television services being telecommunications, communications, broadcasting and transmission services; interactive services for television viewers including those watching on mobile telephones and PCs being telecommunications, communications, broadcasting and transmission services; television broadcasting services incorporating interactive services for viewing guides and intelligent automated selection for programme recordal; providing interactive television viewers (including those watching on their mobile telephones or PCs) with access to information, data, graphics, audio and audiovisual content from a restricted group of internet websites or portals; broadcasting and transmission of interactive television, interactive games, interactive news, interactive sport, interactive entertainment and interactive competitions; video on demand and near on demand telecommunications, communication, broadcast and transmission services; streaming delivery of video on demand streams to viewers; providing access to movies, videos and television programmes to viewers on demand and near on demand; interactive television services being 181 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ telecommunications, communications, broadcasting and transmission services; interactive services for television viewers including those watching on mobile telephones and PCs being telecommunications, communications, broadcasting and transmission services; television broadcasting services incorporating interactive services for viewing guides and intelligent automated selection for programme recordal; broadcasting and transmission of interactive television, interactive games, interactive news, interactive sport, interactive entertainment and interactive competitions; provision of interactive polling services being telecommunications, communications, broadcasting services; professional consultancy services relating to broadcasting; factual information services relating to television broadcasting; information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Class 41 : Entertainment; entertainment services; entertainment services in the form of television programmes, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; production and presentation of shows, films, videos and DVDs; production and presentation of programmes transmitted by television, the Internet or other telecommunication channels for the conduct of the interactive viewing, selection and purchase of goods; production and presentation of television, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; production, presentation, distribution, syndication, networking and rental of television, radio, cable, satellite and internet programmes and of films, sound recordings, video recordings and DVDs; audio and video recording services; dubbing; film production, other than advertising films; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; production of music; production of radio and television programmes; production of shows; radio entertainment; recording studio services; subtitling; television entertainment; videotape film production, videotaping; provision and production of audio visual content relating to entertainment, education, training, sport and culture; education and entertainment services by means of radio, television, telephony, the internet and on-line databases; production of films for television and cinema; production, presentation and distribution of radio and television programmes, interactive television, interactive games, interactive entertainment and interactive competitions; production, presentation and provision of competitions, contests, games, quizzes, studio entertainment and audience participation events; interactive television programme selection services for viewers; provision and production of interactive entertainment, news, cultural activities and sport for television viewers; interactive entertainment, educational, sporting and cultural services for television viewers; distribution of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; production of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; editing of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, prerecorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; hire, leasing or rental of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, prerecorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; exhibition of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs for entertainment, educational, sporting or cultural purposes; organisation of entertainment; preparation and production of radio programmes, television programmes, films, pre-recorded video tapes, DVDs, audio and visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, pre-recorded video discs or motion pictures for distribution for transmission or broadcast by any means; provision of radio programmes, television programmes, films, audio and visual material or motion pictures online (not downloadable); organisation, production and presentation of events for educational, cultural or entertainment purposes; organisation, production and presentation of competitions, contests, games, game shows, quizzes, fun days, exhibitions, shows, roadshows, staged events, raves, theatrical performances, concerts, live performances and participation events; training services; leisure services; demonstration services for cultural, training, educational & entertainment purposes; arranging conferences, seminars, symposiums or workshops; arranging exhibitions or festivals; theatre productions; organising or hosting awards ceremonies; organising of sporting activities and competitions; educational services relating to entertainment; provision of news, current affairs and sports information; news, 182 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ current affairs and educational information services; news reporting services; online news reporting services; online provision of information and general encyclopaedic knowledge relating to entertainment, education, training, sports, culture, news, current affairs, satellite, television and radio programmes, music, films, books and other printed matter, video games, computer games; provision of online classes, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and displays; ring tones (not downloadable) provided via the internet; electronic publishing services; publication of printed media and recordings; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts other than publicity texts; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); publication of magazines, books, texts and printed matter; publication of electronic books or journals on-line; provision of electronic publications; online dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and reference texts; provision of online publications, including newspapers, magazines (periodicals), comics, journals (publications), books, user manuals, instructional and teaching materials; online posters, photographs, pictures, articles, tickets; digital imaging services; dubbing; video tape editing; video taping and filming services; film production; rental of motion pictures; movie studios; providing movie theatres facilities; production of shows; video film tape production; presentation of films; production of special effects for films; rental of audio equipment; rental of lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios; production of artwork for animated films; movie studio services; recording studio services; hire of recording studios; live show production services; box office services; reservation services (included in this class) for sporting, scientific, political and cultural events; ticket reservation services relating to entertainment; viewing guide services; viewing guide services facilitating the recordal and fixed term rental of programmes and movies; video on demand and near video on demand entertainment, educational, sporting and cultural services; providing movies, videos and television programmes to viewers on demand and near video on demand; pay to play games services; educational or entertainment games played online; provision of video and audio content by rental, whereby the consumer is entitled to single or multiple viewings of the media content via any form of playback device, all relating to entertainment, education, sports and culture; factual information services relating to television and radio programmes, news and sport; instruction services; advisory services relating to entertainment; information relating to entertainment or education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet or by communications satellite, microwave or other electronic, digital or analogue media; publishing; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; information and advisory services relating to television and radio programmes, to education, recreation, entertainment, music and to sport; information and advisory services relating to television and radio programmes, to education, recreation, entertainment, music and to sport, provided online from a computer database or the internet or to mobile telephones; the provision of any of the aforesaid services to mobile telephones, via a mobile network, by communications satellite, by microwave or other electronic, digital and analogue media, live, electronically, via a computer network, via the internet, via extranets, on-line and through the medium of television. (540) (731) ITV Rights Limited, The London Television Centre, Upper Ground, LONDON SE1 9LT (GB) (740) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82553 (210) 3201302506 (220) 29.07.2013 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, roll your own tobacco, pipe tobacco and tobacco products. (540) (731) Dunhill Tobacco of London Limited, Globe House, 4 Temple Place, LONDON WC2R 2PG (GB) 183 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). SARL, ________________________________________ (111) 82554 (210) 3201400746 (220) 19.02.2014 (511) 30, 32 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir, sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons, limonades; nectars de fruit; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool. Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse ; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir, sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons, limonades; nectars de fruit; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières), cidres; digestifs (alcools et liqueurs); vins; spiritueux; extraits ou essences alcooliques. (540) Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières), cidres; digestifs (alcools et liqueurs); vins; spiritueux; extraits ou essences alcooliques. (540) (731) SOCIETE PRIMERO S.A., Carré 657 E Jéricho II, 01 B.P. 3728, COTONOU RP (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, rouge et or. ________________________________________ (111) 82556 (210) 3201400748 (220) 19.02.2014 (731) SOCIETE PRIMERO S.A., Carré 657 E Jéricho II, 01 B.P. 3728, COTONOU RP (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, blanc, rouge et or. ________________________________________ (111) 82555 (210) 3201400747 (220) 19.02.2014 (511) 30, 32 et 33 (511) 30, 32 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir, sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes 184 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. (540) Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons, limonades; nectars de fruit; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières), cidres; digestifs (alcools et liqueurs); vins; spiritueux; extraits ou essences alcooliques. (540) (731) SOCIETE PRIMERO S.A., Carré 657 E Jéricho II, 01 B.P. 3728, COTONOU RP (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Noir et or. ________________________________________ (111) 82558 (731) SOCIETE PRIMERO S.A., Carré 657 E Jéricho II, 01 B.P. 3728, COTONOU RP (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Blanc, rouge et or. ________________________________________ (111) 82557 (210) 3201400749 (220) 19.02.2014 (511) 30, 32 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir, sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. (210) 3201400750 (220) 19.02.2014 (511) 30, 32 et 33 Produits désignés : Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir, sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons, limonades; nectars de fruit; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières), cidres; digestifs (alcools et liqueurs); vins; spiritueux; extraits ou essences alcooliques. (540) Classe 32 : Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; sirops et autres préparations pour faire des boissons, limonades; nectars de fruit; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool. Classe 33 : Boissons alcooliques (à l'exception des bières), cidres; digestifs (alcools et liqueurs); vins; spiritueux; extraits ou essences alcooliques. 185 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE PRIMERO S.A., Carré 657 E Jéricho II, 01 B.P. 3728, COTONOU RP (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, blanc et rouge. ________________________________________ (111) 82559 (210) 3201401295 (220) 04.04.2014 Services désignés : Class 41 : Educational services, namely, conducting conferences and symposiums for others via the internet regarding established guidelines for the optimal treatment of rare and common cancers, and the dissemination of educational brochures and pamphlets in connection therewith in class forty-one. Class 44 : Establishing and disseminating guidelines for the optimal treatment of rare and common cancers in class forty-four. (511) 3 Produits désignés : (540) Classe 3 : Lotion pour essentielles, cosmétique. cheveux, huiles (540) (731) NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK, INC., 275 Commerce Dr, Suite 300, FORT WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania 19034 (US) (731) M. DONGMO Hilaire Gabriel, B.P. 2600, DOUALA (CM). (740) M. KEMGAM YAOUNDE (CM). Ernest, B.P. 11057, (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82562 Couleurs revendiquées : Or. (210) 3201402419 ________________________________________ (220) 08.07.2014 (111) 82560 (511) 1, 3, 9 et 16 (210) 3201403153 Produits désignés : (220) 04.09.2014 Class 1 : Chemicals. (511) 3 Class 3 : Chemicals. Produits désignés : Class 9 : Copiers. Classe 3 : Cosmétiques; huiles essentielles. Class 16 : Paper. (540) (540) (731) (CM) MOUKAM Félicien, B.P. 3043, YAOUNDE 8613, (731) XEROX CORPORATION, 45 Glover Avenue, NORWALK, Connecticut 06856 (US) Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, rouge, vert olive, gris clair et jaune or. (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82561 (111) 82563 (210) 3201403561 (210) 3201403634 (740) NGUIADEM DOUALA (CM). (220) 30.09.2014 (511) 41 et 44 Jacqueline, B.P. (220) 06.10.2014 (511) 5 186 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : Classe 5 : Produits pharmaceutiques sous toute forme galénique; aliments ou boissons pour bébés ou enfants en bas âge; compléments alimentaires sous toute forme galénique; substances diététiques sous toute forme galénique; préparations de vitamines sous toute forme galénique. (540) (731) BELALDEBARAN, 16a rue des Trois Arbres, 1180 BRUXELLES (BE) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ Class 7 : Ironing machines; sewing machines; dishwashers; kitchen machines, electric; mixing machines; washing machines; spin driers (not heated); washing apparatus; vacuum cleaners; food processors, electric. Class 9 : Notebook computers; telephone apparatus; portable telephones; cell phone straps; video recorders; cinematographic cameras; galvanic cells; chargers for electric batteries; video telephones; computer peripheral devices. Class 11 : Lamps; cooking utensils, electric; microwave ovens (cooking apparatus); air driers; cooling installations and machines; air conditioning installations; sanitary apparatus and installations; radiators, electric; disinfectant apparatus; lighters. (540) (111) 82564 (210) 3201404050 (220) 10.11.2014 (511) 16 (731) SHENZHEN GUANGLIANSHENG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., Room 1903, A Block, Electronic Technology Building, Huaqiang North, Futian District, SHENZHEN (CN) Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Papiers hygiéniques. (540) (740) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82566 (210) 3201303184 (220) 24.09.2013 (511) 32 et 33 Produits désignés : (731) BUSINESS AFRICA B.P. 292, COTONOU (BJ) CENTER, 09 (740) FANDIO & PARTNERS CONSULTING (SCP), Sis Biyem-Assi II, Rue des Cocotiers, B.P. 12246, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 32 : Tous les produits. Classe 33 : Tous les produits. (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge, bleu et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82565 (210) 3201404123 (220) 14.11.2014 (511) 7, 9 et 11 Produits désignés : (731) Brasseries et Limonaderies du Congo, Société Anonyme Unipersonnelle, Rue des compagnons de Brazza, Centre ville, BRAZZAVILLE (CG) (740) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIES Sarl, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). 187 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (111) 82567 (210) 3201404232 (220) 14.11.2014 (511) 3, 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Savon, parfum, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. (540) Classe 29 : Viande, poissons, oeufs, lait et produits laitiers, huiles et graisses comestibles, graisses alimentaires, beurre, fromage. Classe 30 : Riz, sucre, café, sagou, thé, sel, biscuiterie, moutarde, vinaigre, (produits alimentaires). (540) (731) Société Yeyea KOUTAM ET FILS (Import Export), B.P. 196, MOPTI (ML). Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, blanc, bleu, gris, marron et noir. ________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE AL-ZEHRA INTERNATIONAL SARL, 09 B.P. 85, COTONOU (BJ). Couleurs revendiquées : Oui. ________________________________________ (111) 82568 (210) 3201303600 (220) 18.10.2013 (511) 3, 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Préparations pour blanchir et autres substances pour lessiver; préparations pour nettoyer, polir dégraisser et abraser; savons; parfumerie, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices. Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs, lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. (111) 82569 (210) 3201404244 (220) 25.11.2014 (511) 36 Services désignés : Class 36 : Financial affairs; financial transactions; financial consulting; financial analyses; financial information services; provision of financial data and financial information on-line, particularly via the internet and global communication networks; banking; financial management; investment consultancy; capital investments; monetary affairs; securities transactions; deposit of valuables in safes; fiduciary services; insurance underwriting; real estate affairs. (540) (731) Julius Bär Gruppe AG, Bahnhofstrasse 36, 8001 ZÜRICH (CH) 188 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82570 (111) 82572 (210) 3201404481 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 5 et 16 Produits désignés : (210) 3201404479 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 16 Produits désignés : Classe 16 : Matériels d'enseignement ou d'instruction à l'exclusion des appareils; manuels d'enseignement à caractère scientifique; prospectus, publications, imprimés périodiques éducatifs à caractère scientifique; revues éducatives à caractère scientifique. (540) (731) INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25-28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82571 (210) 3201404480 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 44 Services désignés : Classe 44 : Services médicaux; assistance médicale; service de santé; programme de sensibilisation dans le domaine de la recherche médicale; informations en matière de santé; analyses médicales. (540) Classe 5 : Produits chimiques et compositions pour l'industrie pharmaceutique, la recherche scientifique, produits chimiques obtenus ou transformés par fermentation, antibiotiques, stéroïdes. Produits biologiques, produits pharmaceutiques à usage médical et vétérinaire; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; substances diététiques à usage médical et vétérinaire; désinfectants; fongicides; herbicides; antibactériens antiallergènes, sporicides, virucides, préparations stérilisantes pour usage domestique, industriel; vaccins; produits chimiques à usage médical, pharmaceutique et vétérinaire; produits antiseptiques à usage médical, pharmaceutique et vétérinaire; réactifs chimiques à usage médical et vétérinaire; préparations bactériennes à usage médical et vétérinaire; préparations biologiques à usage médical et vétérinaire; préparations chimiques à usage médical et vétérinaire; préparations chimiques à usage pharmaceutique; cultures de micro-organismes à usage médical et vétérinaire; produit pour le diagnostic à usage médical et vétérinaire; drogues à usage médical et vétérinaire. Classe 16 : Matériels d'enseignement ou d'instruction à l'exclusion des appareils; manuels d'enseignement à caractère scientifique; prospectus, publications, imprimés périodiques éducatifs à caractère scientifique; revues éducatives à caractère scientifique. (540) (731) INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25-28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25-28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82573 (210) 3201404482 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 41, 42 et 44 189 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Services désignés : Classe 41 : Education; formation; activités culturelles; enseignement scientifique; édition d'ouvrages scientifiques; production de films scientifiques; organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences, congrès; organisation d'exposition à but culturel ou éducatif; publication de livres à caractère médical et scientifique; services de musées, présentations, expositions à caractère médical et scientifique; photographies à caractère médical et scientifique; informations scientifiques; publications de textes; microédition. Classe 42 : Services scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que services de recherche et de conception y relatifs; services d'analyses et de recherches industrielles à but médical, chimique, pharmaceutique, vétérinaire et biologique; conception et développement de logiciels; services de recherches scientifiques et technologiques; services d'essais de matériaux et substances chimiques ou biologiques; services de recherche en bactériologie, en virologie, en chimie; services de recherches médicales et bactériologiques; analyse pour l'implantation de systèmes d'ordinateur; élaboration, conception de logiciels; programmation pour ordinateurs; service de recherche en chimie, biologie, virologie et bactériologie. Classe 44 : Services médicaux; assistance médicale; service de santé; programme de sensibilisation dans le domaine de la recherche médicale; informations en matière de santé; analyses médicales. (540) (731) INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25-28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82574 fruits, fruits au sirop, purées de fruits, pulpes de fruits; fruits mixés (smoothies); fruits congelés; salades de fruits; écorces (zestes de fruits); pectine à usage alimentaire; fruits confits; en-cas à base de fruits; desserts à base de crème, de lait et de fruits; pâtes de fruits. (540) (731) CHARLES FARAUD, Société par Actions Simplifiée, ZI la Tapy - Avenue de Gladenbach, 84170 MONTEUX (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées : Aubergine foncée pantone n° 7448C, blanc, orange, rose, vert et jaune. ________________________________________ (111) 82575 (210) 3201404624 (220) 18.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Fruits conservés, séchés et cuits; fruits cuisinés; conserves de fruits; gelées, confitures, compotes et marmelades; desserts de fruits, fruits au sirop, purées de fruits, pulpes de fruits; fruits mixés (smoothies); fruits congelés; salades de fruits; écorces (zestes de fruits); pectine à usage alimentaire; fruits confits; en-cas à base de fruits; desserts à base de crème, de lait et de fruits; pâtes de fruits. (540) (210) 3201404484 (220) 12.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Fruits conservés, séchés et cuits; fruits cuisinés; conserves de fruits; gelées, confitures, compotes et marmelades; desserts de 190 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (731) CHARLES FARAUD, Société par Actions Simplifiée, ZI la Tapy - Avenue de Gladenbach, 84170 MONTEUX (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). tobacco in order to release nicotine-containing aerosol for inhalation; smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches. (540) Couleurs revendiquées : Rouge foncé, rouge clair, jaune, blanc et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 82576 (210) 3201404625 (220) 18.12.2014 (511) 29 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Fruits conservés, séchés et cuits; fruits cuisinés; conserves de fruits; gelées, confitures, compotes et marmelades; desserts de fruits, fruits au sirop, purées de fruits, pulpes de fruits; fruits mixés (smoothies); fruits congelés; salades de fruits; écorces (zestes de fruits); pectine à usage alimentaire; fruits confits; en-cas à base de fruits; desserts à base de crème, de lait et de fruits; pâtes de fruits. (540) (731) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SÀRL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, NEUCHATEL 2000 (CH) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82578 (731) CHARLES FARAUD, Société par Actions Simplifiée, ZI la Tapy - Avenue de Gladenbach, 84170 MONTEUX (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82577 (210) 3201500104 (220) 15.01.2015 (511) 30 Produits désignés : Class 30 : Tea; iced tea; beverages (tea-based); sugar; pastries; cereal preparations; seasonings. (540) (210) 3201500023 (220) 05.01.2015 (300) CH n° 64607/2014 du 10/12/2014 (511) 34 Produits désignés : Class 34 : Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); electronic cigarettes; tobacco products for the purpose of being heated; electronic devices and their parts for the purpose of heating cigarettes or (731) HUNAN DENGKAI TRADING CO., LTD, Room 18010, CTA, Bobo Building, 368 Furong South Road, Tianxin District, CHANGSHA, Hunan (CN) 191 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82579 (111) 82581 (210) 3201500105 (210) 3201500192 (220) 15.01.2015 (220) 23.01.2015 (300) EM n° 013462767 du 14/11/2014 (300) DE n° 302014054793 du 01/08/2014 (511) 18 et 25 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Class 18 : Goods of leather and imitations of leather, namely pocket wallets, identity card holders, purses, wallets, briefcases, travel bags, handbags, bags, school bags, travelling bags, umbrellas, briefcases of leather and imitations of leather, attaché cases, sports bags, pouches, animal skins, hides, trunks, parasols, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery. Class 3 : Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; preparations for caring, cleaning, tinting, coloring, bleaching, fixing, styling and waving of hair. Class 25 : Clothing, footwear (except orthopaedic) and headgear. (731) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 DÜSSELDORF (DE) (540) (740) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) KAPORAL FRANCE (Société par Actions Simplifiée à associé unique), 20, boulevard Ampère, 13014 MARSEILLE (FR) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82582 (210) 3201500222 (220) 23.01.2015 (300) FR n° 14 4 107 549 du 24/07/2014 ________________________________________ (511) 1 (111) 82580 Produits désignés : (210) 3201500106 Classe 1 : Principe actif entrant dans la composition de produits cosmétiques. Principe actif entrant dans la composition de produits dermo-cosmétiques. Principe actif entrant dans la composition de produits dermatologiques. Association de principes actifs entrant dans la composition de produits cosmétiques. Association de principes actif entrant dans la composition de produits dermo-cosmétiques. Association de principes actifs entrant dans la composition de produits dermatologiques. (220) 15.01.2015 (300) EM n° 013462767 du 14/11/2014 (511) 35 Services désignés : Class 35 : Advertising; advertising and promotional offers online on a computer network; sales promotion for others; clothing retail services. (540) (540) (731) KAPORAL FRANCE (Société par Actions Simplifiée à associé unique), 20, boulevard Ampère, 13014 MARSEILLE (FR) (731) PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE, 45, Place Abel Gance, 92100 BOULOGNE (FR) 192 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (540) ________________________________________ (111) 82583 (210) 3201500257 (220) 29.01.2015 (511) 9 et 25 Produits désignés : Class 9 : Eyeglasses; contact lenses; sunglasses; eyeglass chains; correcting lenses [optics]; spectacle glasses; spectacle frames; eyeglass cords; spectacle cases; containers for contact lenses. Class 25 : Clothing; smocks; shoes; boots; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; neckties; leather belts [clothing]; overcoats. (540) (731) YFENG GROUP LIMITED, Flat/Rm B, 8/F Chong Ming Bldg, 72 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, KL, HONG KONG (CN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82585 (210) 3201500026 (220) 05.01.2015 (511) 9 Produits désignés : (731) YFENG GROUP LIMITED, Flat/Rm B, 8/F Chong Ming Bldg, 72 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, KL, HONG KONG (CN) Class 9 : Monitors [computer hardware]; electronic tags for goods; wave carrying apparatus; camcorders; cameras [photography]; optical lenses; regulated power supply; lightning arresters; theft prevention installations, electric; solar batteries. (540) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82584 (210) 3201500258 (731) IRLAB Limited, 3rd & 4th Floor, 2A Building, Huihao Industrial Park, 5th Industrial Zone, He Shui Kou, Gong Ming, SHENZHEN (CN) (511) 44 (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Services désignés : ________________________________________ Class 44 : Opticians services, physical therapy, nursing, medical, rest homes, beauty salons, sauna services, animal grooming, landscape gardening, food nutrition consultation, rental of sanitation facilities. (111) 82586 (220) 29.01.2015 (210) 3201500027 (220) 05.01.2015 (511) 12 193 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Produits désignés : (111) 82588 Class 12 : Wheelchairs; hand cars; shopping trolleys [carts (Am.)]; pucker luggage barrow; baby carriages; seats (vehicle -); electric tricycle; elevating tailgates (Am.) [parts of land vehicles]; moped; electric vehicles. (210) 3201500260 (540) Class 44 : Opticians' services; physical therapy; nursing, medical; rest homes; beauty salons; sauna services; animal grooming; landscape gardening; food nutrition consultation; rental of sanitation facilities. (220) 29.01.2015 (511) 44 Services désignés : (540) (731) Guangdong Kai yang Medical Technology Group Co., Ltd., (ER Cun Industrial Zone) Dali Yan Feng Fu Sheng Gang, Nanhai Dist., FOSHAN CITY, Guangdong Province (CN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (731) YFENG GROUP LIMITED, Flat/Rm B, 8/F Chong Ming Bldg, 72 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, KL, HONG KONG (CN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (111) 82589 (111) 82587 (210) 3201500276 (210) 3201500259 (220) 30.01.2015 (220) 29.01.2015 (511) 35 et 36 (511) 9 et 25 Services désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 35 : Services d'accomplissement de formalités administratives pour le transport international ou national de marchandises; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers, aide à la direction des entreprises; services de gestion administrative de transports de marchandises (autorisations administratives et douanières); agences d'import-export; consultations, informations en matière de logistique de transport de toutes marchandises et biens; services de promotion commerciale dans le domaine du transport; services de ventes en gros ou au détail de véhicules; délivrance, remplissage, organisation ou présentation de papiers, certificats et/ou documents relatifs à la sécurité des marchandises, aux douanes, à la logistique et/ou aux activités de transport (travaux de bureau). Class 9 : Eyeglasses; contact lenses; sunglasses; eyeglass chains; correcting lenses [optics]; spectacle glasses; spectacle frames; eyeglass cords; spectacle cases; containers for contact lenses. Class 25 : Clothing; smocks; shoes; boots; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; neckties; leather belts [clothing]; overcoats. (540) (731) YFENG GROUP LIMITED, Flat/Rm B, 8/F Chong Ming Bldg, 72 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, KL, HONG KONG (CN) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). Classe 36 : Services d'accomplissement de formalités douanières, courtage en douane, services de dédouanement, dédouanement d'importations et d'exportations, assurances de fret. 194 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (540) (731) N.C.T. - NECOTRANS, 40 avenue George V, 75008 PARIS (FR) (731) N.C.T. - NECOTRANS, 40 avenue George V, 75008 PARIS (FR) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82592 (111) 82590 (210) 3201500279 (210) 3201500277 (220) 30.01.2015 (220) 30.01.2015 (511) 12 (511) 12 Produits désignés : Produits désignés : Classe 12 : Véhicules automobiles, pièces détachées pour automobiles, à savoir moteurs pour véhicules terrestres, éléments de moteurs de véhicules terrestres tels que boîtes de vitesse et leurs différents éléments, freins de véhicules, pneumatiques, jantes de roues de véhicules, amortisseurs de suspension pour véhicules, sièges de véhicules, housses protectrices pour sièges d'automobiles, volants pour véhicules, vitres de véhicules, dispositifs d'essuie-glaces pour véhicules, avertisseurs contre le vol des véhicules, avertisseurs sonores pour véhicules. Classe 12 : Véhicules automobiles, pièces détachées pour automobiles, à savoir moteurs pour véhicules terrestres, éléments de moteurs de véhicules terrestres tels que boîtes de vitesse et leurs différents éléments, freins de véhicules, pneumatiques, jantes de roues de véhicules, amortisseurs de suspension pour véhicules, sièges de véhicules, housses protectrices pour sièges d'automobiles, volants pour véhicules, vitres de véhicules, dispositifs d'essuie-glaces pour véhicules, avertisseurs contre le vol des véhicules, avertisseurs sonores pour véhicules. (540) (540) (731) N.C.T. - NECOTRANS, George V, 75008 PARIS (FR) 40 avenue (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (731) N.C.T. - NECOTRANS, 40 avenue George V, 75008 PARIS (FR) (111) 82591 (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (210) 3201500278 ________________________________________ (220) 30.01.2015 (111) 82593 (511) 35 et 37 (210) 3201500280 Services désignés : (220) 30.01.2015 Classe 35 : Services d'achat pour le compte de tiers de véhicules automobiles et de pièces détachées pour ces véhicules; ventes en gros et au détail de véhicules automobiles et de pièces détachées pour ces véhicules. (511) 35 et 37 Classe 37 : Réparation et entretien de véhicules et leurs pièces détachées. Services désignés : Classe 35 : Services d'achat pour le compte de tiers de véhicules automobiles et de pièces détachées pour ces véhicules; ventes en gros et au détail de véhicules automobiles et de pièces détachées pour ces véhicules. 195 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Classe 37 : Réparation et entretien de véhicules et leurs pièces détachées. (540) Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Confiture, oeufs, lait et produits laitiers, huile et graisse. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, farines et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. (731) N.C.T. - NECOTRANS, 40 avenue George V, 75008 PARIS (FR) (540) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 82594 (210) 3201404231 (220) 14.11.2014 (731) (CM). MOHAMED EL RIZ, B.P. 4825, DOUALA ________________________________________ (111) 82596 (210) 3201500361 (511) 3, 29 et 30 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Savon, parfum, huiles essentiels, cosmétiques. (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 24 et 27 Produits désignés : Classe 29 : Viande, poissons, oeufs, lait et produits laitiers, huiles et graisses comestibles, graisses alimentaires, beurre, fromage. Classe 24 : Couvre lits, draps. Classe 30 : Riz, sucre, café, sagou, thé, sel, biscuiterie, moutarde, vinaigre, (Produits alimentaires). Classe 27 : Tapis. (540) (540) (731) JM International (Malaysia), L3-01 & L3-06 SStwo Mail, N° 40, Jalan SS2/72, 47300 PETALING JAYA, Selangor Darul Ehsan, (MY) (740) JM OCEAN AVENUE SARL, B.P. 128, LOME (TG) Couleurs revendiquées : Gris, orange et noir. ________________________________________ (731) SOCIETE AL-ZEHRA INTERNATIONAL SARL, 09 B.P. 85, COTONOU (BJ). ________________________________________ (111) 82595 (210) 3201500360 (220) 09.02.2015 (511) 29 et 30 (111) 82597 (210) 3201500362 (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 3 Produits désignés : Classe 3 : Produits cosmétiques. 196 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (540) (731) JM International (Malaysia), L3-01 & L306 SStwo Mail, n° 40, Jalan SS2/72, 47300 PETALING JAYA, Selangor Darul Ehsan (MY) (740) JM OCEAN AVENUE SARL, B.P. 128, LOME (TG). Couleurs revendiquées : Gris, orange et blanc. (731) JM International (Malaysia), L3-01 & L3-06 SStwo Mail, n° 40, Jalan SS2/72, 47300 PETALING JAYA, Selangor Darul Ehsan (MY) (740) JM OCEAN AVENUE SARL, B.P. 128, LOME (TG). Couleurs revendiquées : Bleu, bleu clair et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82598 (210) 3201500363 (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 11 Produits désignés : Classe 11 : Glacières. (540) (731) JM International (Malaysia), L3-01 & L3-06 SStwo Mail, n° 40, Jalan SS2/72, 47300 PETALING JAYA, Selangor Darul Ehsan (MY) (740) JM OCEAN AVENUE SARL, B.P. 128, LOME (TG). Couleurs revendiquées : Vert, vert clair et blanc. ________________________________________ (111) 82599 (210) 3201500364 (220) 04.02.2015 (511) 35 Services désignés : Classe 35 : Entreprises commerciales. (540) 197 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEUXIEME PARTIE : MARQUES RENOUVELLEES 198 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 62744 du 25.01.1973 (5) LAURENT-PERRIER, Société Anonyme, 32, Avenue de Champagne, 51150 TOURS SUR MARNE (FR) (3) 33 (6) 30220130345 du 06.03.2013 (4) 33 (7) 25034 (5) Chivas Holdings (IP) Limited, 111-113 Renfrew Road, PAISLEY, Renfrewshire, Scotland, PA3 4DY (GB) (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220121426 du 30.11.2012 ________________________________________ (1) 12577 (7) 25031 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 47932 (2) 3200300421 du 18.03.2003 (3) 14 (4) 14 (1) 47104 (5) MANUFACTURE DES MONTRES ROLEX SA, Rue David-Moning 9, BIENNE (CH) (2) 3200201500 du 25.10.2002 (6) 30220130418 du 18.03.2013 (3) 12 (7) 25035 (4) 12 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) Seat S.A., Autovia A-2, Km 585, 08760 MARTORELL, Barcelona (ES) ________________________________________ (6) 30220121491 du 21.12.2012 (1) 12818 (7) 25032 (2) 63002 du 10.04.1973 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 1, 2 et 17 ________________________________________ (4) 1, 2 et 17 (5) Celanese International Corporation, 1601 West LBJ Freeway, DALLAS, Texas 75234-6034 (US) (1) 47987 (6) 30220130435 du 20.03.2013 (2) 3200300368 du 03.03.2003 (7) 25036 (3) 41 et 42 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 et 42 (5) NIIT LIMITED, C-125 Okhla Ind. Area, Phase1, NEW DELHI 110 020 (IN) (6) 30220130319 du 01.03.2013 (7) 25033 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 23633 (2) 73698 du 27.04.1983 (3) 33 (4) 33 (1) 47857 (5) COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE EUROPEENNE DE PRISES DE PARTICIPATION, 85 rue de l'Hérault, 94220 CHARENTON LE PONT (FR) (2) 3200300399 du 14.03.2003 (6) 30220130565 du 26.04.2013 (3) 16, 21, 32 et 33 (7) 25037 (4) 16, 21, 32 et 33 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ 199 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 15013 (2) 65052 du 18.04.1975 (3) 7, 9, 10 et 11 (4) 7, 9, 10 et 11 (5) VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., 3100 Hansen Way, PALO ALTO, Californie 94304-1038 (US) (6) 30220050292 du 18.04.2005 (7) 25038 (5) BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 51368 LEVERKUSEN (DE) (6) 30220070418 du 24.04.2007 (7) 25041 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE S.A.R.L., B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 18971 (2) 68994 du 26.02.1979 (8) Cabinet EKANI-CONSEILS, B.P. 5852, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 3 ________________________________________ (4) 3 (1) 34257 (5) PROCTER & GAMBLE FRANCE S.A.S., 163/165 Quai Aulagnier, 92600 ASNIERES (FR) (2) 83765 du 19.08.1994 (3) 10 (4) 10 (5) Playboy Enterprises International, Inc., 680 North Lake Shore Drive, CHICAGO, Illinois 60611 (US) (6) 30220090134 du 12.02.2009 (7) 25042 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (6) 30220140744 du 26.06.2014 (1) 43428 (7) 25039 (2) 3200001731 du 23.11.2000 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 33 ________________________________________ (1) 38682 (2) 88131 du 24.12.1997 (3) 8, 16 et 21 (4) 33 (5) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED, UB Tower, UB City, #24, Vittal Mallya Road, BANGALORE, 560001 (IN) (6) 30220100420 du 22.04.2010 (7) 25043 (5) GEORGIA-PACIFIC SARL, 25, Route d'Esch, L-1470 LUXEMBOURG (LU) (8) FANDIO & PARTNERS CONSULTING (SCP), Montée Âne Rouge, Face Royal Hôtel, Immeuble Wandji, 1er Etage, Porte 116, B.P. 12246, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220071145 du 21.12.2007 ________________________________________ (4) 8, 16 et 21 (7) 25040 (8) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Immeuble Ndeke & Fils, Appartement 109, Suite 20-24, 158 Rue des Manguiers-Bali, B.P. 15805, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 43429 (2) 3200001732 du 23.11.2000 (3) 33 (4) 33 (2) 67130 du 30.04.1977 (5) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED, UB Tower, UB City, #24, Vittal Mallya Road, BANGALORE, 560001 (IN) (3) 5 (6) 30220100421 du 22.04.2010 (4) 5 (7) 25044 (1) 17123 200 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) FANDIO & PARTNERS CONSULTING (SCP), Montée Âne Rouge, Face Royal Hôtel, Immeuble Wandji, 1er Etage, Porte 116, B.P. 12246, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 22344 (2) 70118 du 22.03.1980 (1) 46152 (2) 3200103804 du 21.12.2001 (3) 9 (4) 9 (5) GENERAL CABLE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION, Four Tesseneer Drive, HIGHLANDS HEIGHTS, Kentucky 41076-9753 (US) (3) 33 (6) 30220111373 du 21.12.2011 (4) 33 (7) 25048 (5) DAVIDE CAMPARI - MILANO S.p.A., Via Franco Sacchetti, 20, 20099 SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (Milano) (IT) (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220100693 du 22.06.2010 (1) 46333 (7) 25045 (2) 3200200545 du 08.04.2002 (8) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & PARTNERS), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco NjoNjo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). (3) 5 ________________________________________ (1) 21456 (2) 71558 du 01.06.1981 ________________________________________ (4) 5 (5) SANOFI, 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (6) 30220120364 du 02.03.2012 (7) 25049 (3) 7, 8, 9, 11 et 21 (8) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & CO, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (4) 7, 8, 9, 11 et 21 ________________________________________ (5) SEB S.A., Les 4 M, Chemin du Petit Bois, 69130 ECULLY (FR) (1) 46485 (6) 30220110738 du 27.05.2011 (3) 5 (7) 25046 (4) 5 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) SANOFI, 54, rue la Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR) ________________________________________ (7) 25050 (1) 32290 (8) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (2) 81956 du 05.11.1992 (3) 3, 5 et 21 (4) 3, 5 et 21 (5) Beiersdorf AG, Unnastrasse 48, 20253 HAMBURG (DE) (6) 30220111320 du 09.12.2011 (7) 25047 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 3200201158 du 09.08.2002 (6) 30220121032 du 27.07.2012 ________________________________________ (1) 32108 (2) 81772 du 20.08.1992 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) LANCASTER GROUP AG, Mainzer Strasse 15, 6200 WIESBADEN (DE) (6) 30220040178 du 30.03.2004 (7) 25051 201 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) Cabinet ONAMBELE-ANCHANG & Associates, B.P. 6262, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) Syngenta Participations AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4058 BASEL (CH) ________________________________________ (6) 30220130684 du 22.05.2013 (1) 32108 (7) 25055 (2) 81772 du 20.08.1992 (3) 3 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 3 ________________________________________ (5) COTY GERMANY GmbH, Fort Malakoff Park, Rheinstrasse 4E, D-55116 MAINZ (DE) (1) 33044 (6) 30220121204 du 28.09.2012 (7) 25052 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 32333 (2) 81998 du 25.11.1992 (3) 5 (4) 5 (2) 82695 du 29.07.1993 (3) 7, 12 et 17 (4) 7, 12 et 17 (5) The Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd, 36-11 Shinbashi, 5-chome, Minato-ku, TOKYO (JP) (6) 30220130686 du 22.05.2013 (7) 25056 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (5) Warner-Lambert Company LLC, 235 East 42nd Street, NEW YORK, NY 10017 (US) (1) 32334 (6) 30220121354 du 02.11.2012 (2) 81999 du 25.11.1992 (7) 25053 (3) 5 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 5 (1) 32922 (5) Merck Sharp & Domhe Corp., One Merck Drive, WHITEHOUSE STATION, New Jersey 08889 (US) (2) 82569 du 23.06.1993 (6) 30220130699 du 24.05.2013 (3) 2 (7) 25057 (4) 2 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (5) AKZO NOBEL DECORATIVE PAINTS FRANCE SA, 29, Rue Jules Uhry, THIVERNY 60160 (FR) (6) 30220130672 du 17.05.2013 ________________________________________ (7) 25054 (1) 46974 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 3200103386 du 05.06.2002 ________________________________________ (1) 33223 (3) 29, 30 et 32 (4) 29, 30 et 32 (2) 82881 du 12.10.1993 (5) Société Mohamed Brahim Company (M.B.C. SARL), B.P. 3288, LOME (TG) (3) 5 (6) 30220130701 du 16.05.2013 (4) 5 (7) 25058 202 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 36456 (2) 82574 du 25.06.1993 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) Eckankar, 1200 West 78th Street, CHANHASSEN, Minnesota 55317-2000 (US) (6) 30220130824 du 25.06.2013 (5) GLOBERIDE, Inc., 14-16, Maesawa 3-Chome, Higashikurume-Shi, TOKYO (JP) (6) 30220130908 du 17.07.2013 (7) 25062 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (7) 25059 (1) 33189 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 82854 du 28.09.1993 ________________________________________ (5) BASF Agro Trademarks GmbH, Carl Bosch Strasse 38, LUDWIGSHAFEN AM RHEIN (DE) (1) 33404 (2) 82929 du 27.10.1993 (3) 38 et 41 (3) 5 (4) 5 (6) 30220130921 du 19.07.2013 (7) 25063 (4) 38 et 41 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (5) Cable News Network, Inc., One CNN Center, ATLANTA, Georgia 30303 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220130847 du 28.06.2013 (7) 25060 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 23897 (2) 73889 du 05.07.1983 (1) 13549 (2) 63694 du 14.11.1973 (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) AVENTIS PHARMA S.A., 20, Avenue Raymond Aron, 92160 ANTONY (FR) (6) 30220130950 du 26.07.2013 (7) 25064 (3) 5 (8) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & Co. SARL, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (4) 5 ________________________________________ (5) Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC, One Kew Place, 150 Rouse Boulevard, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania 19112 (US) (1) 48902 (6) 30220130887 du 12.07.2013 (3) 30 (7) 25061 (4) 30 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) KRAFT FOODS DANMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ApS, Roskildevej 161, DK-2620 ALBERTSLUND (DK) ________________________________________ (1) 33078 (2) 82731 du 17.08.1993 (3) 28 (2) 3200301142 du 18.08.2003 (6) 30220130994 du 07.08.2013 (7) 25065 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co . LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (4) 28 203 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 3200301255 du 12.09.2003 (8) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & PARTNERS), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco NjoNjo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). (3) 3 ________________________________________ (4) 3 (1) 49024 (5) L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR) (2) 3200301600 du 26.11.2003 (6) 30220131081 du 12.09.2013 (3) 11 (7) 25066 (4) 11 (8) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & PARTNERS), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco NjoNjo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). (5) GUANGZHOU LIGHT INDUSTRY & TRADE GROUP LTD, 147, Yanjiangxi Road, GUANGZHOU (CN) ________________________________________ (6) 30220131305 du 22.11.2013 (1) 33279 (7) 25070 (2) 82951 du 09.11.1993 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 48920 (3) 38 et 41 (4) 38 et 41 (5) SSI INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, 3rd Floor, Les Cascades, Edith Cavell Street, PORT LOUIS (MU) ________________________________________ (1) 33828 (2) 83328 du 23.03.1994 (3) 29, 30 et 32 (6) 30220131160 du 02.10.2013 (4) 29, 30 et 32 (7) 25067 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) KRAFT FOODS GROUP BRANDS LLC, Three Lakes Drive, NORTHFIELD, Illinois 60093 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220131315 du 27.11.2013 (1) 48776 (7) 25071 (2) 3200301405 du 15.10.2003 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (3) 3 ________________________________________ (4) 3 (5) L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR) (6) 30220131186 du 10.10.2013 (1) 33592 (2) 83118 du 14.01.1994 (3) 5 (7) 25068 (4) 5 (8) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & PARTNERS), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco NjoNjo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). (5) SANOFI, 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR) ________________________________________ (1) 49029 (6) 30220131414 du 20.12.2013 (7) 25072 (2) 3200301605 du 26.11.2003 (8) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & CO, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). (3) 3 ________________________________________ (4) 3 (1) 53903 (5) L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR) (2) 3200301728 du 12.12.2003 (6) 30220131292 du 22.11.2013 (3) 3, 14, 18 et 25 (7) 25069 (4) 3, 14, 18 et 25 204 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) GUCCIO GUCCI S.p.A., Via Tornabuoni 73/r, 50123 FIRENZE (IT) (6) 30220131375 du 12.12.2013 (7) 25073 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 49247 (2) 3200400088 du 20.01.2004 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) SIVOP, 01 B.P. 2085, ABIDJAN 01 (CI) ________________________________________ (6) 30220140047 du 15.01.2014 (1) 30981 (7) 25077 (2) 80803 du 04.10.1991 ________________________________________ (3) 2 (1) 49244 (4) 2 (2) 3200400085 du 20.01.2004 (5) Plascon (Proprietary) Limited, 6th Floor, Access City, 5 Beacon Road, New Doomfontein, JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal (ZA) (3) 3 (6) 53332/RMA du 28.03.2002 (5) SIVOP, 01 B.P. 2085, ABIDJAN 01 (CI) (7) 25074 (6) 30220140048 du 20.01.2014 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (7) 25078 ________________________________________ (1) 30981 (2) 80803 du 04.10.1991 (3) 2 (4) 2 (5) FREEWORLD COATINGS CAPITAL (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, Balvenie Building, Kildrummy Office Park, UMHLANGA, Drive Paulshop (ZA) (6) 30220110989 du 24.08.2011 (7) 25075 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 3 ________________________________________ (1) 49759 (2) 3200400760 du 19.05.2004 (3) 29 (4) 29 (5) PepsiCo, Inc., 700 Anderson Hill Road, PURCHASE, New York 10577 (US) (6) 30220140057 du 22.01.2014 (7) 25079 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (1) 49710 (1) 55314 (2) 3200400659 du 05.05.2004 (2) 3200400127 du 30.01.2004 (3) 3 (3) 35 et 36 (4) 3 (4) 35 et 36 (5) International Foodstuffs Co., P.O. Box 4115, SHARJAH (AE) (5) ACTIS LLP, 2 More London Riverside, LONDON SE1 2JT (GB) (6) 30220140023 du 15.01.2014 (6) 30220140068 du 28.01.2014 (7) 25076 (7) 25080 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). 205 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 50183 (2) 3200400211 du 16.02.2004 (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, AlfredNobel-Straße 10, 40789 MONHEIN AM RHEIN (DE) (6) 30220140084 du 29.01.2014 (7) 25081 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (5) LUXOTTICA U.S. HOLDINGS CORP, 44 Harbor Park Drive, PORT WASHINGTON, New York 11050 (US) (6) 30220140116 du 06.02.2014 (7) 25084 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 33688 (2) 83202 du 07.02.1994 (3) 14 et 18 (4) 14 et 18 (1) 49778 (5) Montblanc - Simplo GmbH, Hellgrundweg 100, D-22525, HAMBURG (DE) (2) 3200400241 du 20.02.2004 (6) 30220140127 du 07.02.2014 (3) 3 (7) 25085 (4) 3 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) HENKEL AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589, DÜSSELDORF (DE) (6) 30220140114 du 06.02.2014 (7) 25082 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 33695 ________________________________________ (1) 52964 (2) 3200400251 du 20.02.2004 (3) 5 (4) 5 (2) 83206 du 07.02.1994 (5) GENENTECH, INC., 1 DNA Way, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, California 94080 (US) (3) 34 (6) 30220140194 du 19.02.2014 (4) 34 (7) 25086 (5) PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SARL, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH - 2000 NEUCHâTEL (CH) (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220140115 du 06.02.2014 ________________________________________ (7) 25083 (1) 49831 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 3200400749 du 17.05.2004 (3) 5 ________________________________________ (4) 5 (1) 49408 (5) GlaxoSmithKline Trading Services Ltd, 6900 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, CORK (IE) (2) 3200400159 du 06.02.2004 (3) 9 et 14 (4) 9 et 14 (6) 30220140197 du 21.02.2014 (7) 25087 206 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 13869 (2) 64009 du 07.03.1974 (3) 5 (1) 50123 (4) 5 (2) 3200400590 du 20.04.2004 (5) ASTELLAS PHARMA INC., 3-11, NihonbashiHoncho, 2-chome, CHUO-KU, Tokyo (JP) (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) ACTAVIS GROUP PTC EHF, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARF JORDUR (IS) (6) 30220140200 du 21.02.2014 (6) 30220140260 du 06.03.2014 (7) 25091 (8) Cabinet PAUL TAKWI JING (JING & PARTNERS), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco NjoNjo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). (7) 25088 ________________________________________ (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 34289 ________________________________________ (1) 49890 (2) 3200400353 du 09.03.2004 (3) 9 (4) 9 (5) THAI STORAGE BATTERY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, 387 Moo 4, Soi Patana 3, Sukhumvit Road, Proekasa Sub-district, MUANG SAMUTPRAKAM DISTRICT, Samutprakam Province (TH) (6) 30220140203 du 28.02.2014 (7) 25089 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 83797 du 09.09.1994 (3) 32 et 33 (4) 32 et 33 (5) Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine Limited, Chivas House, 72 Chancellors Road, LONDON W6 9RS (GB) (6) 30220140261 du 07.03.2014 (7) 25092 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 49781 (2) 3200400790 du 26.05.2004 (3) 11 ________________________________________ (4) 11 (1) 13858 (5) OSRAM GmbH, Marcel-Breuer-Straβe 6, MÜNCHEN 80807 (DE) (2) 63996 du 02.03.1974 (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) BOUCHARA-RECORDATI, Immeuble "Le Wilson" 70, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92800 PUTEAUX (FR) (6) 30220140299 du 14.03.2014 (7) 25093 (8) Cabinet EKEME LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (6) 30220140206 du 26.02.2014 (1) 33829 (7) 25090 (2) 83329 du 23.03.1994 (8) Cabinet EKANI-CONSEILS, B.P. 5852, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 29 et 30 (4) 29 et 30 207 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) INTERCONTINENTAL GREAT BRANDS LLC, 100 Deforest Avenue, EAST HANOVER, NJ 07936 (US) (2) 50445 du 24.06.1964 (6) 30220140315 du 20.03.2014 (3) 5 (7) 25094 (4) 5 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (5) SANOFI, 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR) ________________________________________ (6) 30220140362 du 27.03.2014 (1) 33831 (2) 83331 du 23.03.1994 (3) 29 (4) 29 (5) INTERCONTINENTAL GREAT BRANDS LLC, 100 Deforest Avenue, EAST HANOVER, NJ 07936 (US) (1) 00446 (7) 25098 (8) Cabinet ALPHINOOR & CO, 191, Rue Boué de Lapeyrère, B.P. 5072, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 50003 (2) 3200400565 du 13.04.2004 (3) 36 (6) 30220140316 du 20.03.2014 (4) 36 (7) 25095 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (5) WESTERN UNION HOLDINGS, INC., 12500 E. Belford Ave., M21A2, ENGLEWOOD, Colorado 80112 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220140420 du 08.04.2014 (1) 33830 (7) 25099 (3) 29 et 30 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & ASSOCIATES, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 29 et 30 ________________________________________ (5) INTERCONTINENTAL GREAT BRANDS LLC, 100 Deforest Avenue, EAST HANOVER, NJ 07936 (US) (1) 49797 (6) 30220140317 du 20.03.2014 (3) 29, 30, 31 et 32 (7) 25096 (4) 29 (8) SCP NICO HALLE & Co. LAW FIRM, B.P. 4876, DOUALA (CM). (5) Yildiz Holdings A.S., Kisikli Mah. Ferah Cad. Kisikli Cesme Sok, No: 2-4 B. Camlica Üsküdar, ISTANBUL (TR) (2) 83330 du 23.03.1994 ________________________________________ (1) 33890 (2) 83386 du 08.04.1994 (3) 30 (4) 30 (2) 3200400857 du 02.06.2004 (6) 30220140517 du 09.05.2014 (7) 25100 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) NUTREXPA, S.L., C/Lepanto, 410-414, E-08025 BARCELONA (ES) ________________________________________ (6) 30220140335 du 24.03.2014 (1) 49379 (7) 25097 (2) 3200301667 du 27.11.2003 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 3 (4) 3 208 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Monsieur FAWZI ATTIE, 04 B.P. 574, ABIDJAN 04 (CI) (6) 30220140520 du 07.05.2014 (7) 25101 ________________________________________ (1) 34100 (2) 83620 du 24.06.1994 (3) 3 et 5 (4) 3 et 5 (5) PHARMATON SA, 6934 BIOGGIO (CH) (6) 30220140521 du 12.05.2014 (7) 25102 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 50860 (2) 3200401706 du 10.11.2004 (3) 29 et 30 (4) 29 et 30 (5) Unilever N.V., Weena 455, 3013 AL ROTTERDAM (NL) (6) 30220140718 du 19.06.2014 (7) 25103 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 34444 (1) 50956 (2) 3200401810 du 18.11.2004 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) Unilever Côte d'Ivoire, 01 BP 1751, Boulevard de Vridi, B.P. 1751, ABIDJAN (CI) (6) 30220140720 du 19.06.2014 (7) 25105 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 33637 (2) 83164 du 19.01.1994 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) Pro-Line International, Inc., 700 Sylvan Avenue, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, New Jersey 07632 (US) (6) 30220140459 du 21.04.2014 (7) 25106 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 50129 (2) 3200400951 du 25.06.2004 (3) 30 (4) 30 (2) 83936 du 03.11.1994 (5) COLOMBINA S.A., La Paila, Zarzal, VALLE (CO) (3) 5 (6) 30220140722 du 20.06.2014 (4) 5 (7) 25107 (5) GE Healthcare AS, Nycoveien 2, 0485 OSLO (NO) (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220140719 du 19.06.2014 ________________________________________ (7) 25104 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 50242 (2) 3200400938 du 21.06.2004 (3) 14 (4) 14 209 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) MAISON ELOGA HORLOGERIE ET BIJOUTERIE SARL, Rue du Grenier 18, LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS (CH) (6) 30220140724 du 20.06.2014 (7) 25108 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 53803 (1) 32242 (2) 81910 du 22.10.1992 (3) 33 (4) 33 (5) BACARDI & COMPANY LIMITED, Aeulestrasse 772, VADUZ (LI) (6) 30220121284 du 19.10.2012 (7) 25112 (3) 25 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 25 ________________________________________ (5) JOMA SPORT, S.A., Ramon y Cajal, 112, 45512 PORTILLO DE TOLEDO, Toledo (ES) (1) 50165 (2) 3200401209 du 11.08.2004 (6) 30220140729 du 20.06.2014 (7) 25109 (2) 3200401169 du 05.08.2004 (3) 5, 30 et 32 (4) 5, 30 et 32 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) SCHWEPPES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, 7 Albemarle Street, LONDON WIS 4HQ (GB) ________________________________________ (6) 30220140928 du 05.08.2014 (1) 14158 (7) 25113 (2) 64298 du 21.06.1974 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 5 (4) 5 ________________________________________ (5) BIORGANON S.A., 5, rue des Granges, 1204 GENEVE (CH) (1) 33389 (6) 30220140725 du 20.06.2014 (3) 4 (7) 25110 (4) 4 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) Total Lubrifiants, 562 Avenue du Parc de l'île, 92000 NANTERRE (FR) ________________________________________ (6) 30220131200 du 18.10.2013 (1) 50359 (7) 25114 (2) 3200400945 du 23.06.2004 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 25 (4) 25 (5) DAHLIA ACQUISITION, 130, rue Réaumur, 75002 PARIS (FR) (2) 83084 du 23.12.1993 ________________________________________ (1) 49544 (2) 3200400363 du 10.03.2004 (6) 30220140727 du 20.06.2014 (3) 29, 30 et 31 (7) 25111 (4) 29, 30 et 31 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) G. Vincenti and Sons S.A.L., Vincenti Building, Boulevard Sin E. Fil/Jd, Bifurcation Sin 210 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ El Fil / Dekwaneh, P.O. Box 16-5777, BEIRUT (LB) (6) 30220140424 du 11.04.2014 (7) 25115 (1) 25064 (2) 75101 du 30.11.1984 (3) 5 (4) 5 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) FMC CORPORATION, 1735 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania 19103 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220141317 du 28.11.2014 (1) 34514 (7) 25119 (2) 84010 du 25.11.1994 (8) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) SCA Hygiene Products AB, SE, S-40503 GOTEBORG (SE) ________________________________________ (1) 51487 (2) 3200500126 du 31.01.2005 (6) 30220141220 du 07.11.2014 (3) 41 (7) 25116 (4) 41 (8) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 35342 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141346 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25120 (2) 84806 du 11.08.1995 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 5 ________________________________________ (4) 5 (1) 51006 (5) ARES TRADING S.A., Zone Industrielle de l'Ouriettaz, CH-1170 AUBONNE (CH) (2) 3200401874 du 07.12.2004 (6) 30220141267 du 14.11.2014 (3) 3 (4) 3 (7) 25117 (5) L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (6) 30220141324 du 02.12.2014 ________________________________________ (1) 34534 (2) 84028 du 01.12.1994 (3) 21 (4) 21 (5) THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, CINCINNATI, Ohio 45202 (US) (6) 30220141315 du 27.11.2014 (7) 25118 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (7) 25121 (8) Cabinet Paul TAKWI JING (JING & Partners), 537, Rue Afcodi, Off Texaco Njo-Njo, Bonapriso, B.P. 1245, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51488 (2) 3200500127 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141347 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25122 211 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220141351 du 08.12.2014 (1) 51489 (7) 25126 (2) 3200500128 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51497 (6) 30220141348 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25123 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51490 (2) 3200500129 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (2) 3200500136 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141352 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25127 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51498 (6) 30220141349 du 08.12.2014 (2) 3200500137 du 31.01.2005 (7) 25124 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51491 (6) 30220141353 du 08.12.2014 (2) 3200500130 du 31.01.2005 (7) 25128 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141350 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25125 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 51492 (2) 3200500131 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 ________________________________________ (1) 51499 (2) 3200500138 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141354 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25129 (4) 41 212 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) ________________________________________ (6) 30220141358 du 08.12.2014 (1) 51502 (7) 25133 (2) 3200500141 du 31.01.2005 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141355 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25130 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51504 (2) 3200500143 du 31.01.2005 ________________________________________ (1) 51507 (2) 3200500146 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141359 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25134 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51508 (6) 30220141356 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25131 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51503 (2) 3200500142 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (2) 3200500147 du 31.01.2005 (3) 41 (4) 41 (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (6) 30220141360 du 08.12.2014 (7) 25135 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51510 (6) 30220141357 du 08.12.2014 (2) 3200500149 du 31.01.2005 (7) 25132 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 ________________________________________ (5) VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC., 1515 Broadway, NEW YORK, New York 10036 (US) (1) 51506 (6) 30220141361 du 08.12.2014 (2) 3200500145 du 31.01.2005 (7) 25136 (3) 41 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) 41 213 BOPI 04MQ/2015 MARQUES RENOUVELEES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 3200500152 du 31.01.2005 (5) GENERAL MOTORS LLC, 300 Renaissance Center City, DETROIT, Michigan 48265-3000 (US) (3) 3 (6) 30220141419 du 18.12.2014 (4) 3 (7) 25140 (5) PT TOTAL CHEMINDO LOKA, Jl. Pulo Ayang II Blok S No. 27, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, JAKARTA 13930 (ID) (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 51266 (6) 30220141378 du 11.12.2014 (7) 25137 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 34855 (2) 84335 du 10.03.1995 (3) 5 (4) 5 (5) TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., Science Based Industries Campus, Har Hotzvim, 91010 JERUSALEM (IL) (6) 30220141380 du 12.12.2014 (7) 25138 (8) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor, Immeuble Tayou Fokou, Douche-Akwa, B.P. 4663, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51089 (2) 3200401973 du 20.12.2004 (3) 37 (4) 37 (5) GENERAL MOTORS LLC, 300 Renaissance Center City, DETROIT, Michigan 48265-3000 (US) (6) 30220141418 du 18.12.2014 (7) 25139 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 51090 (2) 3200401974 du 20.12.2004 (3) 12 et 28 (4) 12 et 28 214 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TROISIEME PARTIE : INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES 215 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ANNULATION DE CONTRAT LICENCE ______________________________________ (1) 32293 (2) 30320131449 du 21.08.2013 (10) CAMPARI FINANCE BELGIUM, Avenue Emile Max 152-154, B.P. 5, 1030 BRUXELLESSCHAERBEEK (BE) (11) GLEN GRANT S.r.l., Via Bonaventura Cavalieri 4, 20121 MILANO (IT). ______________________________________ (3) ANNULATION DE CONTRAT LICENCE (1) 22344 (4) 15/0153 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320100717 du 22.06.2010 (16) WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITED, The Glienfiddich Distillery, DUFFTOWN, Banffshire, Ecosse (GB) (13) SOCIETE CAMEROUNAISE DE REPRESENTATION (SCR) SARL, B.P. 12077 DOUALA (CM). ______________________________________ CESSION TOTALE ______________________________________ (1) 21456 (2) 30320040302 du 18.06.2004 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0018 du 30.04.2015 (10) MOULINEX SA, Immeuble le Monge, 22 Place des Vosges, La Defense 5, 92979 PARIS LA DEFENSE, CEDEX (FR) (11) SEB SA, Chemin du petit Bois 4M, 69130 ECULLY (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 22344 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0011 du 30.04.2015 (10) GLEN GRANT LIMITED, Glen Grant Distillery, ROTHES, Morayshire AB38 7BN (GB) (11) CAMPARI FINANCE BELGIUM, Avenue Emile Max 152-154, B.P. 5, 1030 BRUXELLESSCHAERBEEK (BE). ______________________________________ (1) 23897 (2) 30320141092 du 26.11.2014 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0029 du 30.04.2015 (10) Iroko Pharmaceuticals Inc., Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3469, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG) (11) Iroko Properties Inc., Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3469, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG). ______________________________________ (1) 23897 (2) 30320141091 du 26.11.2014 (2) 30320100716 du 22.06.2010 (3) CESSION TOTALE (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0028 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0010 du 30.04.2015 (10) Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC, One Kew Place, 150 Rouse Boulevard, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania 19112 (US) (10) GLEN GRANT WHISKY COMPANY LIMITED, Glen Grant Distillery, ROTHES, Morayshire AB38 7BN (GB) (11) GLEN GRANT LIMITED, Glen Grant Distillery, ROTHES, Morayshire AB38 7BN (GB). (11) Iroko Pharmaceuticals Inc., Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3469, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 22344 (1) 30981 (2) 30320100718 du 22.06.2010 (2) 30320100205 du 05.03.2010 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0012 du 30.04.2015 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0032 du 30.04.2015 216 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (10) Freeworld Coatings CMA (Proprietary) Limited, Balvenie Building, Kildrummy Office Park, Umhlanga Drive, PAULSHOF, Gauteng (ZA) (11) Freeworld Coatings Capital (Proprietary) Limited, Balvenie Building, Kildrummy Office Park, Umhlanga Drive, PAULSHOF, Gauteng (ZA). ______________________________________ (11) SCA CAPITAL NV, Culliganlaan 1D, B-1831 DIEGEM (BE). ______________________________________ (1) 39264 (2) 30320130140 du 15.02.2013 (1) 31512 (3) CESSION TOTALE (2) 30320131252 du 08.07.2013 (4) 15/0046 du 30.04.2015 (3) CESSION TOTALE (10) ConocoPhillips Company, 600 North Dairy Ashford, HOUSTON, Texas 77079 (US) (4) 15/0143 du 30.04.2015 (10) WYETH LLC, Five Giralda MADISON, New Jersey 07940 (US) (10) GEORGIA PACIFIC SARL, 25 Route d'Esch, L-1470 LUXEMBOURG (LU) Farms, (11) SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A., 1800 VEVEY (CH). ______________________________________ (1) 32922 (2) 30320141121 du 28.11.2014 (3) CESSION TOTALE (11) Phillips 66 Company, P.O. Box 4428, HOUSTON, Texas 77210 (US). ______________________________________ (1) 42220 (2) 30320130064 du 18.01.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0041 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0027 du 30.04.2015 (10) PROCTER & GAMBLE CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o, Ottova 402, 269 32 RAKOVNIK (CZ) (10) AKZO NOBEL DECORATIVE PAINTS FRANCE SA, 29 Rue Jules Uhry, THIVERNY 60160 (FR) (11) CZECH BLADES s.r.o, Brnenska 559, 56943 JEVICKO (CZ). (11) AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V., Velperweg 76, 6824 BM ARNHEM (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 33189 (2) 30320051359 du 26.08.2005 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0031 du 30.04.2015 (10) BAYER CROPSCIENCE SA, 16, rue JeanMarie Leclair, 69009 LYON (FR) (11) BASF AGRO TRADEMARKS GmbH, Carl Bosch Strasse 38, LUDWIGSHAFEN AM RHEIN (DE). ______________________________________ (1) 38682 (2) 30320140256 du 28.02.2014 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0002 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (1) 42221 (2) 30320130065 du 18.01.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0042 du 30.04.2015 (10) PROCTER & GAMBLE CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o., Ottova 402, 269 32 RAKOVNIK (CZ) (11) CZECH BLADES s.r.o., Brnenska 559, 56943 JEVICKO (CZ). ______________________________________ (1) 45480 (2) 30320131250 du 08.07.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0142 du 30.04.2015 (10) WYETH LLC, Five Giralda MADISON, New Jersey 07940 (US) Farms, (11) SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A., 1800 VEVEY (CH). 217 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 46929 (2) 30320131005 du 20.06.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0126 du 30.04.2015 (10) Dallas Project Holdings Limited, Whitepark House, White park Road, BRIDGETOWN (BB) (11) BearingPoint IP Holding B.V., Strawinskylaan 3105, 1077 ZX AMSTERDAM (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 50123 (2) 30320140227 du 21.02.2014 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0067 du 30.04.2015 (10) ACTAVIS GROUP ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARF JORDUR (IS) (11) ACTAVIS GROUP PTC EHF, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARF JORDUR (IS). ______________________________________ (1) 56325 (2) 30320150021 du 09.01.2015 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0140 du 30.04.2015 (10) Medreich Limited, Medreich House, 12/8 Saraswati Ammal Street, Banaswadi Road, BANGALORE 560 033 (IN) (10) NGO CHEW HONG EDIBLE OIL PTE LTD, 231 Pandan Loop, SINGAPORE 128418 (SG) (11) MEWAH BRANDS(S) PTE LTD, 5 International Business Park, #05-00 Mewah, Building, SINGAPORE 609914 (SG). ______________________________________ (1) 72052 (2) 30320131275 du 11.07.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0144 du 30.04.2015 (10) Peterfield Brands Limited, 50 West Street, FARNHAM, Surrey GU9 7DX (GB) (11) POTOMAC TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED, Mill Mall, Suite 6, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 3085, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG). ______________________________________ (1) 78941 (2) 30320140793 du 04.08.2014 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0162 du 30.04.2015 (10) Les Grands Moulins de Dakar en abrégé GMD S.A, Avenue Félix Eboué, B.P. 2068 DAKAR (SN) (11) UMBI INVESTMENT HOLDING Ltd, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 3149, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG). ______________________________________ (11) Sanofi, 54 rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (1) 78942 ______________________________________ (2) 30320140792 du 04.08.2014 (1) 56331 (3) CESSION TOTALE (2) 30320150028 du 09.01.2015 (4) 15/0161 du 30.04.2015 (3) CESSION TOTALE (10) Les Grands Moulins de Dakar en abrégé GMD S.A., Avenue Félix EBOUE, B.P. 2068 DAKAR (SN) (4) 15/0152 du 30.04.2015 (10) Medreich Limited, Medreich House, 12/8 Saraswati Ammal Street, Banaswadi Road, BANGALORE 560 033 (IN) (11) Sanofi, 54 rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 72041 (2) 30320131236 du 04.07.2013 (3) CESSION TOTALE (4) 15/0141 du 30.04.2015 (11) UMBI INVESTMENT HOLDING Ltd, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 3149, ROAD TOWN, Tortola (VG). ______________________________________ CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (1) 05929 (2) 30320130758 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE 218 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) 15/0106 du 30.04.2015 (1) 15628 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130689 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0093 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (1) 06048 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130428 du 01.04.2013 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0054 du 30.04.2015 (1) 17123 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320080628 du 26.05.2008 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0003 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (1) 10785 (18) 5090 LEVERKUSEN-BAYERWERK (DE) (2) 30320130530 du 01.04.2013 (19) 51368 LEVERKUSEN (DE). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0080 du 30.04.2015 (1) 17678 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130449 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0059 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (1) 11462 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130679 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (4) 15/0090 du 30.04.2015 (1) 20344 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130667 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 12750 (2) 30320130522 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0079 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0088 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 21456 (2) 30320070774 du 03.05.2007 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0015 du 30.04.2015 (17) MOULINEX S.A. 219 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (18) 11, Rue Jules Ferry, 93170 BAGNOLET (FR) (19) 76-78, Des Champs Elysees, PARIS (FR). (17) DAVIDE CAMPARI - MILANO S.p.A. (18) Via Filippo Turati 27, 20121 MILANO (IT) ______________________________________ (19) Via Franco Sacchetti, 20 20099 SESTO SAN GIOVANNI, Milano (IT). (1) 21456 ______________________________________ (2) 30320070775 du 03.05.2007 (1) 24995 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320130624 du 01.04.2013 (4) 15/0016 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) MOULINEX S.A. (4) 15/0086 du 30.04.2015 (18) 76-78, Des Champs Elysées, PARIS (FR) (17) SANOFI (19) 2 Rue de l'Industrie, 14123 Cormelles le Royal (FR). (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) ______________________________________ (1) 21456 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 26634 (2) 30320070776 du 03.05.2007 (2) 30320130656 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0017 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0087 du 30.04.2015 (17) MOULINEX S.A. (17) SANOFI (18) 2 Rue de l'Industrie, 14123 Cormelles le Royal (FR) (19) Immeuble Le Monge 22 place des Vosges La Defense 5, 92979 PARIS La Defense (FR). (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 30349 (1) 22344 (2) 30320130508 du 01.04.2013 (2) 30320100715 du 22.06.2010 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0075 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0009 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (17) GLEN LIMITED GRANT WHISKY COMPANY (18) 111/113 Renfrew Road, PAISLEY, PA3 4DY (GB) (19) Glen Grant Distillery, Rothes, MORAYSHIRE AB38 7BN (GB). (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 30451 (2) 30320130521 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (1) 22344 (4) 15/0052 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320100720 du 22.06.2010 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0014 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). 220 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 30981 (1) 33637 (2) 30320100206 du 05.03.2010 (2) 30320140522 du 29.04.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0033 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0138 du 30.04.2015 (17) Plascon (Proprietary) Limited (17) Pro-Line International, Inc. (18) 6 th Floor, access city, 5 beacon Road, New Doornfontein, JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal (ZA) (18) 2525 Armitage Avenue, MELROSE PARK, Illinois 60160 (US) (19) Balvenie Building, Kildrummy Office Park, Umhlanga Drive, PAULSHOF, Gauteng (ZA). ______________________________________ (1) 32333 (2) 30320121723 du 02.11.2012 (19) 700 Sylvan Avenue, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, New Jersey 07632 (US). ______________________________________ (1) 33714 (2) 30320130488 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0071 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0023 du 30.04.2015 (17) Warner-Lambert Company LLC (18) 201 Tabor Road, MORRIS PLAINS, New Jersey 07950 (US) (19) 235 East 42nd Street, NEW YORK, NY 10017 (US). (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 34257 ______________________________________ (2) 30320141176 du 19.12.2014 (1) 32696 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320131137 du 07.06.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0128 du 30.04.2015 (17) Turmac Tobacco Company B.V. (18) De Boelelaan 32, 1083 HJ AMSTERDAM (NL) (19) Handelsweg 53A, AMSTELVEEN 1181 ZA (NL). (4) 15/0001 du 30.04.2015 (17) Playboy Enterprises International, Inc. (18) 680 North Lake Shore Drive, CHICAGO, Illinois 60611 (US) (19) 9346 Civic Center Drive, BEVERLY HILLS, California 90210 (US). ______________________________________ (1) 34623 (2) 30320130485 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (1) 33189 (2) 30320061451 du 04.12.2006 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0070 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0030 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (17) BAYER CROPSCIENCE S.A. ______________________________________ (18) 55, avenue Réné Cassin, 69009 LYON (FR) (19) 16, rue Jean-Marie Leclair, 69009 LYON (FR). 221 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 35243 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130761 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0107 du 30.04.2015 (1) 41418 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320131499 du 06.09.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 35508 (2) 30320130438 du 01.04.2013 (4) 15/0155 du 30.04.2015 (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). (4) 15/0056 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (1) 41425 (2) 30320131500 du 06.09.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0156 du 30.04.2015 (1) 37520 (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (2) 30320130499 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0074 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). ______________________________________ (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 37953 (2) 30320130579 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0083 du 30.04.2015 (1) 41428 (2) 30320131501 du 06.09.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0157 du 30.04.2015 (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (CH) (17) SANOFI (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41429 (1) 38748 (2) 30320131502 du 06.09.2013 (2) 30320130749 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0105 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0158 du 30.04.2015 (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG 222 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). (18) August-Thyssen-Strasse DÜSSELDORF (DE) 40211 (19) ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 ESSEN (DE). (1) 41627 (1) 43428 (2) 30320131157 du 19.06.2013 (2) 30320140914 du 29.09.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0006 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0130 du 30.04.2015 (17) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED (17) THYSSENKRUPP AG (18) August-Thyssen-Strasse DÜSSELDORF (DE) 1, 1, 40211 (18) McDowell House, 3, Second Line Beach, CHENNAI-600 001 (IN) (19) ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 ESSEN (DE). (19) UB Tower, UB City, #24, Vittal Mallya Road, BANGALORE, 560001 (IN). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41628 (1) 43429 (2) 30320131158 du 19.06.2013 (2) 30320140915 du 29.09.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0008 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0132 du 30.04.2015 (17) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED (17) THYSSENKRUPP AG (18) August-Thyssen-Strasse DÜSSELDORF (DE) 1, 40211 (18) McDowell House, 3, Second Line Beach, CHENNAI-600 001 (IN) (19) ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 ESSEN (DE). (19) UB Tower, UB City, #24, Vittal Mallya Road, BANGALORE, 560001 (IN). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41636 (1) 44660 (2) 30320131503 du 06.09.2013 (2) 30320131159 du 19.06.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0159 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0134 du 30.04.2015 (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (17) THYSSENKRUPP AG (18) August-Thyssen-Strasse DÜSSELDORF (DE) 1, 40211 (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). (19) ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 ESSEN (DE). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 44661 (1) 41637 (2) 30320131504 du 06.09.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320131160 du 19.06.2013 (4) 15/0160 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0136 du 30.04.2015 (17) THYSSENKRUPP AG (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). 223 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 46658 (1) 45312 (2) 30320130704 du 01.04.2013 (2) 30320131492 du 06.09.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0096 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0154 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (17) MEPHA SCHWEIZ AG (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (18) Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 AESCH (CH) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (19) Kirschgartenstrasse 14, CH-4051 BASEL (CH). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 46333 (2) 30320121683 du 19.10.2012 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320130523 du 01.04.2013 (4) 15/0036 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) IGOL FRANCE (4) 15/0019 du 30.04.2015 (18) 614, Rue de Cagny, 80094 AMIENS (FR) (17) SANOFI (19) 614 Rue de Cagny, 80090 AMIENS (FR) (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 46378 ______________________________________ (1) 47436 (2) 30320130706 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320130280 du 20.03.2013 (4) 15/0097 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) SANOFI (4) 15/0050 du 30.04.2015 (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (17) Orange Brand Services limited (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (18) St. James Court, Great Park Road, Almondsbury Park, BRADLEY STOKE, Bristol BS12 4QJ (GB) (19) 3 More SE1 2 AQ (GB). (1) 47116 London Riverside, LONDON ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 47437 (2) 30320130708 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0099 du 30.04.2015 (1) 46657 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130701 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0095 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 47652 (2) 30320130483 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0069 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI 224 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) ______________________________________ (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (1) 50003 ______________________________________ (2) 30320140401 du 08.04.2014 (1) 47881 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320130313 du 21.03.2013 (4) 15/0137 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) WESTERN UNION HOLDINGS, INC. (4) 15/0051 du 30.04.2015 (18) 6200 South Quebec Street, GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colorado 80111 (US) (17) KEMPINSKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (19) 12500 E. Belford Ave., ENGLEWOOD, Colorado 80112 (US). (18) Kurfurstendamm 27, 10791 BERLIN (DE) (19) Maximilianstrasse 17, 80539 MUNICH (DE). ______________________________________ M21A2, ______________________________________ (1) 52185 (1) 48811 (2) 30320121783 du 23.11.2012 (2) 30320131042 du 22.05.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0038 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0119 du 30.04.2015 (17) Imperial Tobacco Limited (17) Premium Beverages International B.V. (18) P.O. Box 244, Southville, BRISTOL BS99 7UJ (GB) (18) 2e Weteringplantsoen AMSTERDAM (NL) 21, 1017 ZD (19) Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21, 1017 ZD AMSTERDAM (NL). (19) P.O. Box 244, Upton Road, BRISTOL BS99 7UJ (GB). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 53302 (1) 49781 (2) 30320130474 du 01.04.2013 (2) 30320140209 du 21.02.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0061 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0073 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (17) Osram GmbH (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (18) MUNICH (DE) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (19) Marcel-Breuer-Strabe 6, 80807 MÜNCHEN (DE). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 54027 (2) 30320130915 du 26.04.2013 (1) 49831 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (2) 30320140832 du 13.08.2014 (4) 15/0115 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) HANSA-MILCH AG (4) 15/0064 du 30.04.2015 (18) Meiereiweg 1, D-23936 UPAHL (DE) (17) GlaxoSmithKIine Trading Services Limited (19) (DE). (18) 6900 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, CORK (IE) (19) (IE). Wahlerstrasse 2, 40472 DÜSSELDORF ______________________________________ Currabinny, CARRIGALINE, County Cork 225 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 54795 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130716 du 01.04.2013 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0100 du 30.04.2015 (1) 56201 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130683 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0092 du 30.04.2015 (1) 54921 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130696 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0094 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (1) 56274 (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130725 du 01.04.2013 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0102 du 30.04.2015 (1) 55314 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320140150 du 28.01.2014 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0049 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) ACTIS LLP (1) 56869 (18) 1 Bessborough Gardens, LONDON SW1V 2JQ (GB) (2) 30320130447 du 01.04.2013 (19) 2 More London Riverside, LONDON SE1 2JT (GB). (4) 15/0057 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (1) 56049 (2) 30320130678 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0089 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 57162 (2) 30320130682 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0091 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 56057 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130513 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0078 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI 226 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 57425 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130405 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (1) 60568 (4) 15/0053 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320130511 du 01.04.2013 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 1741, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0076 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (17) SANOFI ______________________________________ (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 58958 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130468 du 01.04.2013 ________________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (1) 61530 (4) 15/0060 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320130564 du 01.04.2013 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0081 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (17) SANOFI ______________________________________ (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 58960 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130512 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (1) 61531 (4) 15/0077 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320130723 du 01.04.2013 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0101 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (17) SANOFI ______________________________________ (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 59925 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130572 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (1) 62771 (4) 15/0082 du 30.04.2015 (2) 30320130590 du 01.04.2013 (17) SANOFI (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (4) 15/0084 du 30.04.2015 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (17) SANOFI ______________________________________ (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 60132 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130732 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0104 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) 227 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 63427 (18) 174, Avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130727 du 01.04.2013 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0103 du 30.04.2015 (1) 70651 (17) SANOFI (2) 30320130436 du 01.04.2013 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (4) 15/0055 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (1) 63586 (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (2) 30320130831 du 10.04.2013 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE ______________________________________ (4) 15/0109 du 30.04.2015 (1) 71933 (17) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (2) 30320130482 du 01.04.2013 (18) LITTLE ISLAND, County Cork (IE) (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (19) Eastgate Village, Eastgate, LITTLE ISLAND, County Cork (IE). (4) 15/0063 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (1) 66568 (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). (2) 30320130707 du 01.04.2013 ______________________________________ (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0098 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 67081 (2) 30320130497 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0068 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (18) 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS (FR) (19) 54, rue La Boétie, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 69558 (2) 30320130622 du 01.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0085 du 30.04.2015 (17) SANOFI (1) 72568 (2) 30320130067 du 18.01.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0043 du 30.04.2015 (17) Elephant vert SA (18) c/o Fondation Antenna Technologies rue des Pâquis 11, 1201 GENEVA (CH) (19) Avenue de la Grenade 24, c/o Fondation Atenna Technologies, 1207 GENEVA (CH). ______________________________________ (1) 72569 (2) 30320130068 du 18.01.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT D'ADRESSE (4) 15/0044 du 30.04.2015 (17) Elephant Vert SA (18) c/o Fondation Antenna Technologies, rue des Pâquis 11, 1201 GENEVA (CH) (19) Avenue de la Grenade 24, c/o Fondation Atenna Technologies, 1207 GENEVA (CH). ______________________________________ 228 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION ______________________________________ (1) 30981 (2) 30320100203 du 05.03.2010 (1) 15730 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (2) 30320130766 du 01.04.2013 (4) 15/0035 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (14) Barloworld Coatings (Proprietary) Limited (4) 15/0108 du 30.04.2015 (15) Freeworld Coatings CMA (Proprietary) Limited. (14) SANOFI - AVENTIS (15) SANOFI. ______________________________________ (1) 17678 (2) 30320110823 du 03.08.2011 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0058 du 30.04.2015 ______________________________________ (1) 32108 (2) 30320121595 du 28.09.2012 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0020 du 30.04.2015 (14) LANCASTER GROUP AG. (14) SANOFI-AVENTIS (15) COTY PRESTIGE LANCASTER GROUP GmbH. (15) SANOFI. (1) 32108 ______________________________________ (2) 30320121598 du 28.09.2012 (1) 18971 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (2) 30320090152 du 12.02.2009 (4) 15/0022 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (14) COTY GmbH (4) 15/0004 du 30.04.2015 (15) COTY GERMANY GmbH. (14) PROCTER & GAMBLE FRANCE, SNC ______________________________________ (15) PROCTER & GAMBLE FRANCE, S.A.S. (1) 32922 ______________________________________ (2) 30320131039 du 17.05.2013 (1) 20007 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (2) 30320131016 du 14.05.2013 (4) 15/0026 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (14) ICI PAINTS DECO FRANCE (4) 15/0127 du 30.04.2015 (14) PAH Switzerland GmbH (15) AKZO NOBEL DECORATIVE PAINTS FRANCE SA. (15) Zoetis Schweiz GmbH. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 32922 (1) 30981 (2) 30320140157 du 31.01.2014 (2) 30320100204 du 05.03.2010 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0024 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0034 du 30.04.2015 (14) AKZO COATINGS S.A. (14) Plascon (Proprietary) Limited (15) AKZO NOBEL COATINGS S.A. (15) Barloworld Coatings (Proprietary) Limited. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 229 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 33637 (1) 42607 (2) 30320140780 du 25.07.2014 (2) 30320130860 du 10.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0139 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0112 du 30.04.2015 (14) Pro-Line International, Inc. (14) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (15) Old Pro International, Inc. (15) Janssen R&D Ireland. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41627 (1) 43428 (2) 30320131152 du 19.06.2013 (2) 30320140909 du 29.09.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0129 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0005 du 30.04.2015 (14) Thyssen Krupp AG (14) McDOWELL & CO. LIMITED (15) ThyssenKrupp AG. (15) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41628 (1) 43429 (2) 30320131153 du 19.06.2013 (2) 30320140911 du 29.09.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0131 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0007 du 30.04.2015 (14) Thyssen Krupp AG (14) McDOWELL & CO. LIMITED (15) ThyssenKrupp AG. (15) UNITED SPIRITS LIMITED. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 41636 (1) 49781 (2) 30320131154 du 19.06.2013 (2) 30320140214 du 21.02.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0133 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0072 du 30.04.2015 (14) Thyssen Krupp AG (14) Osram Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung (15) ThyssenKrupp AG. ______________________________________ (1) 41637 (2) 30320131149 du 19.06.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0135 du 30.04.2015 (14) Thyssen Krupp AG (15) Thyssenkrupp AG. ______________________________________ (15) OSRAM GmbH. ______________________________________ (1) 54027 (2) 30320130913 du 26.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0117 du 30.04.2015 (14) Arla Foods Deutschland AG (15) Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH. ______________________________________ 230 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 54027 (1) 67872 (2) 30320130914 du 26.04.2013 (2) 30320130864 du 10.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0116 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0114 du 30.04.2015 (14) HANSA-MILCH AG (14) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (15) Arla Foods Deutschland AG. (15) Janssen R&D Ireland. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 55314 (1) 68366 (2) 30320140122 du 23.01.2014 (2) 30320130862 du 10.04.2013 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0048 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0113 du 30.04.2015 (14) ACTIS CAPITAL LLP (14) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (15) ACTIS LLP. (15) Janssen R&D Ireland. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 58993 (1) 71933 (2) 30320131015 du 14.05.2013 (2) 30320110870 du 03.08.2011 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (4) 15/0118 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0062 du 30.04.2015 (14) PAH Switzerland GmbH (14) SANOFI-AVENTIS (15) Zoetis Schweiz GmbH. (15) SANOFI. (1) 63586 ______________________________________ (2) 30320130848 du 10.04.2013 (1) 73349 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (2) 30320131393 du 02.08.2013 (4) 15/0110 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (14) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (4) 15/0150 du 30.04.2015 (15) Janssen R&D Ireland. (14) Students in Free Enterprise, Inc. ______________________________________ (15) Students in Free Enterprise. (1) 65818 ______________________________________ (2) 30320130849 du 10.04.2013 (1) 73349 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (2) 30320131394 du 02.08.2013 (4) 15/0111 du 30.04.2015 (3) CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION (14) Tibotec Pharmaceuticals (4) 15/0151 du 30.04.2015 (15) Janssen R&D Ireland. (14) Students in Free Enterprise ______________________________________ (15) Enactus. ________________________________________ 231 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 52185 CHANGEMENT DE STATUT JURIDIQUE ______________________________________ (2) 30320121790 du 23.11.2012 (3) CONCESSION DE LICENCE (4) 15/0040 du 30.04.2015 (1) 32387 (16) JSNM Sarl, 143 Boulevard Romain Rolland (2) 30320130250 du 27.02.2013 PARIS 75014 (FR) (3) CHANGEMENT DE STATUT JURIDIQUE (13) MTOA S.A., KM 2.5 Bd du Centenaire de la Commune de Dakar, B.P. 76, DAKAR (SN). (4) 15/0047 du 30.04.2015 (14) GERFLOR SA (15) GERFLOR Société par Actions Simplifiée. ______________________________________ (1) 50123 (2) 30320140231 du 21.02.2014 (3) CHANGEMENT DE STATUT JURIDIQUE (4) 15/0066 du 30.04.2015 (14) ACTAVIS GROUP HF (15) ACTAVIS GROUP EHF. ______________________________________ CONCESSION DE LICENCE ______________________________________ ______________________________________ FUSION-ABSORPTION ______________________________________ (1) 11332 (2) 30320131089 du 24.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0123 du 30.04.2015 (14) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (15) Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V., Waarderweg 39, 2031 BN HAARLEM (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 11332 (1) 46393 (2) 30320131066 du 24.05.2013 (2) 30320130100 du 01.02.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (3) CONCESSION DE LICENCE (4) 15/0122 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0045 du 30.04.2015 (14) MSD Oss B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (16) Allied domecq Spirits & Wine Limited, Chivas House, 72 Chancellors Road, LONDON W6 9RS (GB) (13) Chivas Brothers Limited, 111-113 Renfrew Road, PAISLEY, Scotland PA3 4DY (GB). ______________________________________ (1) 52185 (2) 30320121786 du 23.11.2012 (3) CONCESSION DE LICENCE (4) 15/0039 du 30.04.2015 (16) Imperial Tobacco Limited, P.O. Box 244, Upton Road, BRISTOL BS99 7UJ (GB) (15) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL). (1) 22344 (2) 30320100719 du 22.06.2010 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0013 du 30.04.2015 (14) GLEN GRANT S.r.l., Via Bonaventura Cavalieri 4, 20121 MILANO (IT) (15) DAVIDE CAMPARI - MILANO S.p.A., Via Filippo Turati 27, 20121 MILANO (IT). ______________________________________ (13) JSNM SARL, 143 Boulevard Romain Rolland, PARIS 75014 (FR). 232 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 32108 (1) 47573 (2) 30320121594 du 28.09.2012 (2) 30320131324 du 15.07.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0021 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0147 du 30.04.2015 (14) COTY PRESTIGE LANCASTER GROUP GmbH, Mainzer Strasse 15, 6200 WIESBADEN (DE) (14) LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE, 281, Rue Saint–Honoré, 75008 PARIS (FR) (15) COTY GmbH, Fort Malakoff Rheinstrasse 4E, D-55116 MAINZ (DE). Park, ______________________________________ (1) 32922 (2) 30320131029 du 17.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0025 du 30.04.2015 (14) Akzo Nobel Coatigns S.A., 164 Rue Ambroise Croizat, 93204 SAINT-DENIS cedex 1 (FR) (15) ICI Paints Deco France, 29, Rue Jules Uhry, THIVERNY 60160 (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 46600 (2) 30320131325 du 15.07.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (15) L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 47761 (2) 30320131323 du 15.07.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0146 du 30.04.2015 (14) LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE, 281, Rue Saint–Honoré, 75008 PARIS (FR) (15) L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ (1) 50123 (2) 30320140229 du 21.02.2014 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0065 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0148 du 30.04.2015 (14) ACTAVIS GROUP EHF, Reykjavikurvegi 76, 220 HAFNARF JORDUR (IS) (14) LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE, 281, Rue Saint–Honoré, 75008 PARIS (FR) (15) ACTAVIS GROUP ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76, 220 HAFNARF JORDUR (IS). (15) L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 46731 (2) 30320131304 du 15.07.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (1) 51474 (2) 30320131090 du 24.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0125 du 30.04.2015 (4) 15/0145 du 30.04.2015 (14) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (14) LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE, 281, Rue Saint–Honoré, 75008 PARIS (FR) (15) Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V., Waarderweg 39, 2031 BN HAARLEM (NL). (15) L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (1) 51474 (2) 30320131067 du 24.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0124 du 30.04.2015 233 BOPI 04MQ/2015 INSCRIPTIONS AU REGISTRE SPECIAL DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (14) MSD Oss B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (17) ZINO DAVIDOFF SA. (15) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 58193 (2) 30320131070 du 24.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0120 du 30.04.2015 (14) MSD Oss B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (15) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloosterstraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 58193 (2) 30320131047 du 24.05.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0121 du 30.04.2015 (14) Organon BioSciences Nederland B.V., Kloostertraat 6, 5349 AB OSS (NL) (15) Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V., Waarderweg 39, 2031 BN HAARLEM (NL). ______________________________________ (1) 73793 (2) 30320131330 du 15.07.2013 (3) FUSION-ABSORPTION (4) 15/0149 du 30.04.2015 (14) LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE, 281, Rue Saint–Honoré 75008 PARIS (FR) (15) L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, 75008 PARIS (FR). ______________________________________ RENONCIATION PARTIELLE ______________________________________ (1) 32277 (2) 30320121724 du 01.11.2012 (3) RENONCIATION PARTIELLE (4) 15/0037 du 30.04.2015 234 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CINQUIEME PARTIE : EXTENSIONS DES MARQUES DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES 235 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 70624 (1) 75100 (2) 3201200751 du 16.03.2012 (2) 3201203503 du 30.11.2012 (3) 29 et 30 (3) 33 (4) B.S.A., 33 Avenue du Maine, Tour Maine Montparnasse, 75015 PARIS (FR) (4) BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD S.A., Société Anonyme, Rue de Grassi, 33250 PAUILLAC (FR) (5) 30420140142 du 12.09.2014 (6) 15/0001 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & ASSOCIATES, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 68431 (2) 3201101659 du 08.07.2011 (3) 3 et 5 (4) Monsieur Eric RENARD, 28 rue d'Antar, 78680 EPONE (FR); Monsieur Xavier PADOVANI, 54 bis rue Henri Dunant, 13300 SALON DE PROVENCE (FR); LA PHOCEENNE DE COSMETIQUE SA , 44 Place Louis Blanc, 13300 SALON DE PROVENCE (FR) (5) 30420150004 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0002 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) CABINET ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 73623 (5) 30420150006 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0004 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 74127 (2) 3201300335 du 01.02.2013 (3) 14, 32 et 33 (4) GROUPEMENT FONCIER AGRICOLE DES VIGNOBLES DE LA BARONNE PHILIPPINE DE ROTHSCHILD, LD LE POUYALET, 33250 PAUILLAC (FR) (5) 30420150007 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0005 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 44799 (2) 3200102081 du 13.02.2001 (3) 33 (2) 3201203586 du 10.12.2012 (4) BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD S.A., B.P. 117, 33250 PAUILLAC (FR) (3) 14, 32 et 33 (5) 30420150008 du 15.01.2015 (4) BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD S.A., Société Anonyme, Rue de Grassi, 33250 PAUILLAC (FR) (6) 15/0006 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (6) 15/0003 du 30.04.2015 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (7) Comores ________________________________________ (5) 30420150005 du 15.01.2015 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). 236 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 15941 (6) 15/0010 du 30.04.2015 (2) 65976/2 du 05.03.1976 (7) Comores (3) 33 (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD SA., 10, Rue de Grassi, 33250 PAUILLAC (FR) ________________________________________ (5) 30420150009 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0007 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 43861 (2) 3200102241 du 09.03.2001 (3) 29 et 30 (4) ANDROS, Zone Industrielle, 46130 BIARS SUR CERE (FR) (5) 30420150010 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0008 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 33441 (2) 81536 du 19.06.1992 (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (5) 30420150013 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0011 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 33442 (2) 81537 du 19.06.1992 (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (5) 30420150014 du 15.01.2015 (1) 45332 (6) 15/0012 du 30.04.2015 (2) 3200103242 du 22.08.2001 (7) Comores (3) 5, 29, 30 et 32 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (4) B.S.A., 33 Avenue de Maine, Tour Maine, Montparnasse, 75015 PARIS (FR) ________________________________________ (5) 30420140078 du 04.06.2014 (1) 33443 (6) 15/0009 du 30.04.2015 (2) 81538 du 19.06.1992 (7) Comores (3) 9, 14 et 16 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (5) 30420150015 du 15.01.2015 (1) 08036 (2) 58150 du 03.02.1969 (6) 15/0013 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (3) 3 et 5 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (4) SOTHYS INTERNATIONAL, 128 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 PARIS (FR) ________________________________________ (5) 30420150012 du 15.01.2015 237 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 33451 (7) Comores (2) 81546 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (1) 33456 (5) 30420150017 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81551 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0014 du 30.04.2015 (3) 9 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150021 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0018 du 30.04.2015 (1) 33452 (7) Comores (2) 81547 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 16 ________________________________________ (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (1) 33462 (5) 30420150018 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81557 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0015 du 30.04.2015 (3) 16 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150022 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (1) 33453 (6) 15/0019 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (2) 81548 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 9, 14 et 16 ________________________________________ (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (1) 33463 (5) 30420150019 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0016 du 30.04.2015 (2) 81558 du 19.06.1992 (3) 16 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150023 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0020 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (1) 33454 (2) 81549 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 9, 14 et 16 ________________________________________ (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (5) 30420150020 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0017 du 30.04.2015 238 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 33464 (7) Comores (2) 81559 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (1) 33471 (5) 30420150024 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81567 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0021 du 30.04.2015 (3) 16 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150028 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0025 du 30.04.2015 (1) 33467 (7) Comores (2) 81562 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (1) 33473 (5) 30420150025 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81569 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0022 du 30.04.2015 (3) 41 et 42 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER , 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150029 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0026 du 30.04.2015 (1) 33468 (7) Comores (2) 81563 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (1) 33476 (5) 30420150026 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81572 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0023 du 30.04.2015 (3) 41 et 42 (7) Comores (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150030 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0027 du 30.04.2015 (1) 33469 (7) Comores (2) 81564 du 19.06.1992 (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (3) 9, 14 et 16 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) ________________________________________ (1) 33503 (5) 30420150027 du 15.01.2015 (2) 81599 du 19.06.1992 (6) 15/0024 du 30.04.2015 (3) 41 et 42 239 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (5) 30420150031 du 15.01.2015 ________________________________________ (6) 15/0028 du 30.04.2015 (1) 35531 (7) Comores (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). (2) 85003 du 03.10.1995 (3) 6, 10, 11 et 12 (2) 81600 du 19.06.1992 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (trading as Hitachi, Ltd.), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (3) 41 et 42 (5) 30420150036 du 16.01.2015 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (6) 15/0032 du 30.04.2015 (5) 30420150032 du 15.01.2015 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (1) 33504 (6) 15/0029 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 33521 (2) 81617 du 19.06.1992 (3) 41 et 42 (4) RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 1710 Ivar Avenue, LOS ANGELES, California (US) (7) Comores ________________________________________ (1) 39835 (2) 89044 du 04.09.1998 (3) 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17 et 19 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (trading as Hitachi, Ltd.), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150037 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150033 du 15.01.2015 (6) 15/0033 du 30.04.2015 (6) 15/0030 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 35530 (2) 85002 du 03.10.1995 (3) 6, 10, 11 et 12 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (trading as Hitachi, Ltd.), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150035 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0031 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores ________________________________________ (1) 39836 (2) 89045 du 04.09.1998 (3) 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17 et 19 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (trading as Hitachi, Ltd.), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150038 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0034 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) CabinetSpoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre 240 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 05438 Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 56885 (2) 3200701630 du 28.08.2007 (3) 25 (2) 55718 du 26.04.1966 (3) 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 et 12 (4) Hitachi, Ltd., 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150044 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150041 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0038 du 30.04.2015 (6) 15/0035 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (1) 68818 (1) 05439 (2) 3201102087 du 19.08.2011 (2) 55719 du 26.04.1966 (3) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 et 12 (3) 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 et 12 (4) Hitachi, Ltd., 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150042 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150045 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0036 du 30.04.2015 (6) 15/0039 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (1) 56884 (1) 68819 (2) 3200701629 du 28.08.2007 (2) 3201102088 du 19.08.2011 (3) 25 (3) 37 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150043 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150046 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0037 du 30.04.2015 (6) 15/0040 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre 241 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 68862 (2) 3201102137 du 26.08.2011 ________________________________________ (1) 68863 (2) 3201102138 du 26.08.2011 (3) 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 et 45 (3) 2, 3, 4 et 5 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150050 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150047 du 16.01.2015 (7) Comores (6) 15/0041 du 30.04.2015 (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 68864 (2) 3201102139 du 26.08.2011 (3) 2, 3, 4 et 5 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150048 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0042 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 68865 (2) 3201102140 du 26.08.2011 (3) 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 et 45 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a. Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (6) 15/0044 du 30.04.2015 ________________________________________ (1) 70366 (2) 3201200450 du 17.02.2012 (3) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 et 12 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150051 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0045 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 70367 (2) 3201200451 du 17.02.2012 (3) 37 (4) Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho (d.b.a Hitachi, Ltd), 6-6 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyodaku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150052 du 16.01.2015 (5) 30420150049 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0046 du 30.04.2015 (6) 15/0043 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ 242 BOPI 04MQ/2015 EXTENSIONS MARQUES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 81866 du 09.10.1992 (4) SOCIETE ANONYME DES EAUX MINERALES D'EVIAN, 11 avenue du Général Dupas, 74500 EVIAN LES BAINS (FR) (3) 21 (5) 30420150082 du 23.01.2015 (4) P.T. Cahaya Perdana Plastics, J1 Bandengan Selatan No 82/DO, JAKARTA 14440 (ID) (6) 15/0050 du 30.04.2015 (1) 32196 (5) 30420150076 du 16.01.2015 (6) 15/0047 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). (8) Cabinet Spoor & Fisher Inc. Ngwafor & Partners, Blvd. du 20 Mai, Immeuble Centre Commercial de l'Hôtel Hilton, 2è Etage, Porte 208A, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 45747 (2) 3200200420 du 20.03.2002 (3) 34 (4) JAPAN TOBACCO INC., 2-2-1 Toranomon Minato-Ku, TOKYO (JP) (5) 30420150078 du 22.01.2015 (6) 15/0048 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) SCP AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966 YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 20190 (2) 70246 du 13.05.1980 (3) 32 (4) SOCIETE ANONYME DES EAUX MINERALES D'EVIAN, 11 avenue du Général Dupas, 74500 EVIAN LES BAINS (FR) (5) 30420150081 du 23.01.2015 (6) 15/0049 du 30.04.2015 (7) Comores (8) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), 29, Boulevard du Lamido de Rey Bouba - Mballa II, B.P. 15424, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (1) 41988 (2) 91121 du 21.12.1999 (3) 3, 5 et 32 243