Listing the village of Togiak, Alaska
Listing the village of Togiak, Alaska
Listing the village of Togiak, Alaska Togiak Fire Department And Department of Public & Safety Business Hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Police Chief: William Bill Ferris Police Officers: Daniel Nanalook Jr, & Shawn Kamkahpak Phone #493-5212 or Cell # 493-3000, 2nd dial tone 544-5220 or 911 EMERGENCY CONTACT Available 24 Hours a Day and 7 Days a Week Phone # 493-5511 Emergency Cell Phone # 493-3000 Second Dialing # 544-5511 Regular Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m-12 pm-5 pm Patient Hours: 9a.m.-3:30 except for Thursdays 1-4p.m. On call health aide is always available during lunch hours at the clinic for emergencies. Weekend’s emergencies only IMPORTANT REMINDERS FROM YOUR LOCAL CLINIC STAFF!! We encourage our patients to call the clinic at least a week in advance for refills of the prescription medications. You can also call the pharmacy hot line number to order your refills. Contact the clinic for more information on this. Medications are delivered to the village only on Wednesday’s for every week. To everyone traveling into Kanakanak Hospital in Dillingham. You are now required to bring your photo I.D. card and your Tribal Enrollment Card. For Medicaid travel, your arrangements need to be completed two days in advance and if the travel falls on a Monday, you need to call them either Thursday or Friday. After Hours Services We would like to limit our after hour services ONLY to take urgent and serious situations at this time. Your support and understanding is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU Field Coordinator/Clinic Manager: Carolyn Carlos FNP: Shelly Buch CHP-Community Health Practitioners: Anecia Active, LaVern Katchatag, Deanna Synder, Amy Wassillie, Bernice Toyakuk, Marie Paul Secretary/Receptionist: Blanche Echuck HRSA Data Collection Coordinator: Angelica Pauk Janitor: Nellie Pauk Community Health Board Representative: Anecia Kritz Community Health Representative: Fritz Sharp Phone #: 493-5503 Fax #: 493-5507 Dental Therapist: Alicia Active Phone # 493-5065 Fax # 493-5067 E-mail: Business Hours: Monday- Friday 9 am- 5 pm Director: Darryl Thompson # 493-5065 Public Assistance: Victoria Blue Or Lead water Plant Operator: Mickey Atakitlig Message # 493-5820 Water Plant Operation: Mickey Atakitlig, Merlin Arkanakyak Alternate: Jevon Toyakuk Water/sewer Maintenance: Terry Evatt Laborer: Walter Kanulie Garbage: David Clevland Assistance: Richard Echuck Alaska Island Air Pilots: Gary Carlos, Sean Carlos, Tommy, and Matthew Phone # 493-5120 Dlg # 842-5120 Fax: 907-493-5156 VHF channel 68, e-mail: Other air lines that serve Togiak with their Agents Pen Air-Service to Manokotak, Dillingham, Twin Hills, Togiak, King Salmon, Anchorage Agents: Phyllis Ayojiak Phone #493-5526 VHF channel 68 Grant Aviation Service to Bethel only during summer time, Manokotak, Dillingham Agents: Alandra Upton Phone# 493-5261 Tucker Air Agent: Louise Gosuk Phone #493-5320 VHF channel 68 Business Center Phone: 493-5334 or5335 Business Hours: Fax: 493-5149 Mon-Fri 10 am-9 pm Sat. 10 am- 9 pm Sun 10 am-9 pm Manager: Pete Harrigan Assistant Manager: Shawn Katchatag Phone # 493-5828 Fax # 493-5832 E-mail: Business Hours: Mon-Sat 9 am- 10 pm Sun 10 am- 10 pm Manager: Jim Forbes Assistant Manager: Kathy Coopchiak Business Listing Continued Phone #493‐5228 Fax #493‐5546 Postmaster: Jim Dill PMLR: Frances Dock Contract/Custodian: Maryann Lowrey Business Hours: Mon‐Fri: 8 am‐ 5 pm window closed 1‐2p.m. Saturday 9am‐ 12:30 pm Sunday’s are closed Daily Mail Run Schedules Out going mails are dispatched every morning and afternoon Monday‐Friday 9 am‐ 1pm Saturday at 9 .am only Other Services‐Products Postal products, phone cards or calling cards, packing boxes Envelops‐ bubbled, regular, and/or postage paid are available Also some selective service applications Small Business & Individual Dealers Parker’s & Associate’s Bed & Breakfast Contact People John & Fanny Parker Phone # 493-5219 Fax # 493-5229 E-mail: Togiak Bay View Esther Fayer Box 182 Togiak, Alaska 99678 Phone # 493-5182 Fax# 493-5447 E-mail: South West Region School Phone # 493-5829 or 5613 or 5234 Fax # 493-5933 Principal: David Morris Vice Principal: Sam Gosuk Secretary: Margie Frost Counselor: Robin Jones Early Childhood Liaison: Martha Fox Kindergarten: Christine Andrews Kindergarten aide: Archy Coupchiak 1st Maryann Isaacson-1st aide Frances Dock 2nd Fannie Parker-2nd aide Anuska Ayojiak 3rd Susan Alexie-Aide Bertha Lockuk 4th Evelyn Kleinke-Aide Bertha Lockuk5th Andrea Olsen Middle School Teachers: Lindsey Cassidy Jeff Goodrich Andrew Smith Tricia Wick Tap Teacher: Larry Richesin Theo Weber M.S. Sped Sped Teacher: Michelle Stromer High School Teacher: Tara Balice Samuel Bourgeois Melissa Smith Jeremah Steck Elizabeth Nanalook Kinka Parker Sped Teacher Mark Snell Sped Aide: Denise Coopchiak Leo Kasak Sped Aide Bilingual Aide: Grace Pavian Esther Thompson Ina Togiak Cherie Isaac Grace Pavian Dennis Schneider Esther Thompson Cooks: Andrea Logusak Mary Wilcox Lucy Andrews RTC supervisor: Richard Togiak Teo Pauk Custodian: Jasper Andrews Joseph Andrews Lenny Wassillie Maintenance: Aaron Frost Bristol Bay Native Association On site phone & fax 493‐5164 “Our mission to promote and develop the education of our health, culture, the well being of our children, families, and communities.” Head Start Staff Teacher: Elizabeth Wassillie Teacher Aide: Evelyn Coopchiak Family Liaison: Sophie Nick Cook: Sam Kohuk Bus Driver: George Arkanakyak Togiak Head Start Center Committee Chairperson: Bernice Toyakuk Alternate: Fred Antone Members & Officers 2009-2010 School Year Parent Coordination: Noreen Bartman Chastity Smith Vice- Chairperson: Desiree Green Secretary: Lenora Synder Alternate: Beverly Cano Treasure: Arlene Coupchiak Alternate Norine Antone PC Representative: Desiree Green PC Representative: Alicia Active Alternates: PC #1 Vivian Maud Community Representative: PC #2 Jessica Bartman Esther Fayer Alternate: Bessie Smith Togiak Center Phone # 493-5938 Fax # 493-5934 Business Hour: Mon-Fri 12pm-6-7pm Program Delivery Specialist: Carol Byayuk If you’re interested in taking course, please feel free to contact us at the Togiak Center. You may call any time during the school year. Phone # 1-800-478-5109 or 842-5109 Fax # 842-5692 E-mail: or Student Service Program Director: Mike Swanson We can also provide help with the financial aid forms. ABC-GED PROGRAM Adult Learning Center Program Director: Maryanne Vickey Instructor: June Logusak & Anita Atakilig Phone # 493-5960 Fax # 493-5961 Class Schedules: Monday- Friday 9-5 pm. Local Organizations of Togiak Alaska Phone #’s 493‐5820 or 5034 or 5633 Fax # 493‐5932 Business Hours Mon‐Fri 9am‐5pm Closed on Weekends and HOLIDAYS Staff Members Administrator: Darrell Thompson City Clerk: Alvaro Sutton City Council Board Members Mayor: Jim Forbes President: George Arkanakyak Vice‐President: Carrie Burks Secretary& Treasurer: Norine Antone Members: Andrew Franklin, Ted Sutton, Kevin Ramey Local Organizations Continuing Amy Greenley Asst. Denise Coopchiak & Jeanette Dyasuk Work hr: 3‐8 p.m. Phone# 493‐5222 They play games in the back room, and they do there Home work, and some other activities. Phone # 493‐5520 or 5845 Fax # 493‐5554 Business Hours: Mon‐ Fri 9am‐5pm Business Manager: Nellie Thomas Office Assistance: Elaine Blue Land Planner: Steven Gosuk Jr. Maintenance: Joshua Andrew School Bus Drivers: Alfred Twilly Gosuk & Jimmy Coopchiak Alternate: Eldon Blue, George Arkanakyak, Larry D Richesen TNL BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Walter Kanulie Vice President: Martha Fox Secretary: Frances Dock Treasurer: Anecia Kritz Members: Joe Alexie, Member: Jimmy Coopchiak, Togiak Native Limited Continuing Our Store Boards President: Joe Alexie Vice President: Jimmy Coopchiak Secretary/Treasure: Steven Gosuk Jr. Member: Anecia Kritz Scholarship Committee Pete Abraham, Mary Ann Isaacson, Fanny Parker, Esther Thompson Helen Gregorio, Pete Abraham Phone # 493‐5003 or 5004 Fax # 493‐5005 Business Hours Mon‐Fri 8 .am ‐12:00 & 1pm‐4:30 pm Closed on Weekends and HOLIDAYS Traditional Council Office Staff Members Administrator: Jonathan Forsling Administrator Asst.: Emma K. Ayojiak Togiak Traditional Council Members President: Moses Kritz Vice President: Frank Logusak Secretary: Helen Gregorio Treasurer: Peter Lockuk Members: Jimmy Coopchiak, Esther Fayer, Isaac Tuday Housing Specialist Larry Arnariak Work phone#493-5007 Transportation Assistant Annette Active Work 9-5 pm (907)493-5003 US Environmental Protection Agency Togiak Traditional Council Phone # 493-5821 Fax # 493-5822 Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm Tribal environmental Protection coordinator: Phyllis Ayojiak Assistances-Frances Kamkahpak Working hours: Mon- Fri 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm *Building capacity for environmental concerns *Coordinate/collect hazardous materials & shipments Other Business within Togiak Region Manager: Brad Estelle Winter Address P.O. Box 886 Ellensberg, WA 98926 Phone & Fax # (509)925-6606 Web site: E-mail: Season Starts in October- end May Summer Address P.O. Box 329 Togiak, AK 99678 Phone & Fax # (907)493-5744 Web site: E-mail: Season Starts in June- ends September Owner: Ronald Oertwich Phone & Fax # (907) 493-5464 E-mail: Local Churches PASTOR: JOSEPH ALBRIGHT PHONE #493-5710 CHURCH SERVICE SCHEDULES SUNDAY: 11AM MORNING WORSHIP 1PM WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP 2PM SUNDAY SCHOOL 7PM EVENING WORSHIP SATURDAY: 7PM YOUNG ADULT OR TEENAGER SERVICE WEDNESDAY: 7PM BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER MEETING CONFIRMATION CLASSES STARTS EVERY FALL AND CARRY’S THOUGHT OUT THE WINTER.HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO CALL THE PEOPLE LISTED BELOW! Moravian Church Offices Board of Elders Joe Alexie Frank Logusak 493-5782 Moses Kritz 493-5029 Posen Alexie 493-5314 Ushers Nellie Thomas 493-5715 Robert Nicholai 493-5612 Fannie Bartman 493-5619 Janitors/ cleaners Teddy Coophciak 493-5875 Gary Nicholai 493-5612 Wassillie Tukaya Board of Trustees Herman Paul 493-5045 George Arkanakyak 493-5136 Andrew Andrews 493-5129 Gary Nicholai 493-5612 Synod Delegates Mary Wilcox 493-5162 Posen Alexie 493-5314 Secretary/ Treasure Mary Wilcox-493-5162 Bell Ringer Wassillie Tukaya Herman Paul 493-5045 Robert Nicholai 493-5612 Song Fest committee Mary Wilcox 493-5162 Anecia Kritz 493-5029 Continuing Church Officers Sunday school Superintendent Secretary Carrie Burks 493-5187(fax) Nellie Thomas 493-5715 Assistant Superintendent Treasurer Olive Albright 493-5710 Mary Wilcox 493-5162 Young Adult Office President: Vice President Nellie Thomas Fannie Bartman 493-5819 493-5715 Secretary Treasurer: Mary Wilcox 493-6162 Mary Wilcox 493-5162 Youth officers President: Secretary: Sandi Echuck Samantha Blue Vice-president: Treasurer: Annie Blue Jesse Echuck Youth meet once a month. Choir practice every Tuesday and Thursday 8 pm and they will hold the singspiration services every last Saturday of the month. More Church Organizations Women’s Fellowship President Mary Alexie Vice President Nellie Thomas Secretary Esther Thompson Treasurer Betty Pavian- Altn. Annie Gosuk Women’s Fellowship meets at the Senior Center Every Saturday @ 1pm3pm for sewing and also 3pm-4pm for services. Anyone and any body is very welcome to come & join the group anytime. Mission for the Women’s Fellowship is to support the Moravian Church financially by making & selling hand made products. Continuing Assembly of God Pastor: Marian Hartey Phone #493‐5046 Fax #493‐5109 Church Service Schedules Sunday 11 .am‐Morning Service 4:30pm Afternoon Service Monday’s‐Lady’s meeting at 6p.m. Thursday‐Bible studies 7 p.m. Friday 7 pm Kids night Togiak Worship Center for young Teens (Baptist Mission) Pastor: Paul Frost Phone #493‐5265 Service Schedules Sunday 1pm Worship Service with Paul Frost & 1pm Children’s Church with Laura Frost Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor: Wendell Downs Asst. Dan Rotthoff Phone #842‐5160 Wednesday & Saturday:Bible Study‐Men and women at 6p.m. Services are held every Saturday at 1pm @ the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Everyone is welcome to attend to our services. Bristol Bay Region Family Service Workers Family Service Coordinator I Ted Sutton Phone#493-5637 Fax#493-5184 Business Hours Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Office held at Family Resource Center Family Service Worker Thomas Dock Phone #493-5015 Fax #493-5013 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5pm Office held at Family Resource Center up Stair Family Service Secretary Norine Antone 493-5533 Fax#493-5534 Work hr.10-5pm. Office held at Family Resource Center Up stairs Aleut International Research BSSN Research Worker Survey Data Olia Sutton Work: 8-5 pm Room # 215 up stair at Family Resource Center Phone# (907) 493-5622 *office located @ Second level of the Senior Center Eddie Abraham Phone#493-5820 *subsistence information or surveys Work: on call Elizabeth Myas Phone#493-5084 Subsistence information/surveys Works on call Bristol Bay Native Association Service Providers Emma Wassillie Phone #493-5431 Emergency # 493-5559 Fax#493-5734 Business Hours Mon-Friday 9am-12pm 1- 5:00 pm Office held @ the Family Resource Center up stairs Safe Advocate-Togiak Carrie Burks On call or 2 hrs Contact at Togiak Traditional Council Office Phone # 493-5003 Or Home # 493-5181 Village Advocate for the Women’s Shelter Called SAFE in Dillingham. Ladies, men, children, & elders can call me it they are endangered, threatened, hurt, abused, or just want to talk. I can refer to them to the SAFE shelter. Bristol Bay Native Association’s Elderly Nutrition Site Manager Louise Franklin Phone #493-5829 Business hours: Mon-Fri 10am-1:30pm @ Togiak School Transportation provided by TNL Bus thru BBNA@ Togiak School for Lunch We no longer are providing home deliveries *Provide hot meals to the community elders only. 60 years & older is eligible. Spouse of an elder also receives service. Elders need to register to receive hot meals. United Utilities Inc. 1800-478-2020 Local Business Phone #494-8448 Provides a variety of call features, internet, and etc. Local representatives: James Awolin and Eric Gosuk Working hour. 8 a.m-5p.m. A.V.E.C Alaska Village Electric Corp. Toll free#1-800-478-1818 Local Representations: Arlandra Upton & Greg Myas P.O. Box 50 Dillingham Alaska 99576 Housing Manager: Vivian Shade Housing Director: Dave McClure Phone # 1-800-478-1006 (907)842-5956 Fax # (907)842-2784 Togiak view Apt. Landlord: Pete Abraham Phone# 493-5917 Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Refuge Information Technician: Pete Abraham Phone # 493-5837 Carol Byayuk is selling Turquoise Jewelries. Such as ear rings, necklaces, rings, watch bands, and extra. You can also find them during any craft sales when possible. Come Check and see what’s good for your self and bring a friend!!
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