MD37 0 Jul 14 - Lions e


MD37 0 Jul 14 - Lions e
B u s i n e s s
N a m e
District 37-O Don’s Let’s Talk
District Governor Don Edy, 37-O
Jul y2 0 1 4
Lions, Lioness and Leos of District 37-O
It is an honour to serve MD37-O as your District Governor for the year 2014-15. Recently Lion Lin and I attended
the Lions International Convention in Toronto. There I attended the District Governor's School and also had the
opportunity to learn and share new ideas with Lions from all over the world. I also renewed old friendships and
made many more new friendships.
International President Joe Preston's theme for this year is STRENGTHEN THE PRIDE. Lion Joe wants to bring
the Lions family closer together in cooperation and understanding , each member doing his or her share. He also
wants to strengthen our Association through Membership Development, supporting our clubs and retaining our
present members. His goal is to strengthen our clubs through Leadership, creativity, partnerships with other community groups, all done in the spirit of courage and conviction. In January he would like us to re-dedicate ourselves to the present and future, remembering our founder Melvin Jones in January 2015.
Personally, my ongoing theme will be better communication at all levels, more transparency, holding myself and
my team accountable. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and share problems and successes . My DG team
looks forward to visiting and working with all the clubs in our district. I look forward to building relationships with
clubs I have not visited before . Clubs have asked me about my pet projects for the year and they are (1) Lions
Foundation of Canada and (2) Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre. We will all work hard to make this a
very successful year for Multiple District 37-O.
In Cooperative Lionism
District Governor Don Edy
2014-2015 District 37-O Cabinet
District Governor Don Edy
Zone Chairs:
1A—Dennise Braithwaite, Crossfield Lions Club
First Vice District Governor Hazel Hiebert
1B– Jason Knutson, Canmore Lions Club
Second Vice District Governor Gail Haight
1C—Sandra Goodrich, Bowness Lions Club
Immediate Past District Governor Bill Baux,VCC
2A—Tyler Bray, Foothills Lions Club
Secretary : Edy Ongpin
2B—Gary Garnett, Carseland Lions Club
Treasurer: Otto Silzer
2C—Glenn Garalde,Calgary Wildrose Lions Club
GMT: Nic Chapin , Bill Stecewicz
3A– Thomas Blaseei, Irricana Lions Club
GLT: Arnold Williams, Sheldon Jones
3B– Elaine Clark, Calgary Woodcreek Lions Club
Constitution & Bylaws: Gordon Prusky
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
MD37 Council for 2014-2015
Front row: VCC Bill Baux, CC Betty Ann Robson, CST Tim Haight. Back Row: DG Robert Hunter(37-L),
DG Dave Dalby(37-I), DG Don Edy (37-O), DG Pauling Cooper(37-N), and DG Jim Johnky (37-S).
Photo taken at Calgary Lions Village their July Council Meeting.
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
New 2014-2014 District 37-O Zones
Here is what the new Zones look like
Calgary Heritage and
Calgary Marquis of
Lorne belong to Zone 2C
not Zone 3B
District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Cochrane Lions Club
48th Annual Labour Day Weekend Rodeo
August 29—September 1st, 2014
Featuring the Ranch Rodeo, for the more seasoned cowboys on Friday August 29th at 4 pm. and the highest paying
FCA Rodeo in the circuit, starts Saturday, August 30th at 1
pm and continues on Sunday and Monday at 1 pm. The
2015 Cochrane Lions Club Rodeo Royalty will be crowned
on Monday, September 1st just before the intermission.
Come and enjoy the Beer Gardens and Concessions.
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Club News and Articles
International Lions Convention in Toronto, Ontario
July 4-8, 2014
MD37 entry in the International
Parade in downtown Toronto
MD37 Past International Directors: Jack Isaman, Dr Patty Hill, Dave and Marie Hajny,
Bill and Joan Webber. Mike and Sheryl Butler joined MD37 in the parade
Some more photos from the Parade and the convention
Lions Clubs International
Presidential Theme 2014-2015
President Joe Preston
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D ii ss tt rr ii cc tt 3
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District 37-O Newsletter
Club News
News and
and Articles
Thank you Lions Clubs and members throughout Calgary and District 37-0.
Our Hull Services 2014 Stampede Breakfast was an incredible success. The biggest ever.
Actually, hosting, feeding and entertaining 6000 guests was truly amazing and somewhat overwhelming.
We were stretched to accommodate everyone, park everyone, feed everyone and keep everyone entertained and happy.
Fortunately for everyone, Lions roared. You came, you volunteered, you donated, you brought Roary, you
cooked, you served, you made guests and our Hull kids feel welcome. You simply made it great !
You are brilliant. THANK YOU.
With sincere gratitude and immense appreciation,
Lou Zaganelli []
Lion Violet Duclos – Public Relations Chair – District 37-0
Every year three teams from the Beiseker Lions Club have enjoyed the STARS Golf Classic. They had so much
fun that they decided to put their own Golf Tournament. The decision was that funds raised will be donated to
The Dog Guides; Lions Foundation.
BEISEKER LIONS GOLD CLASSIC – THURSDAY AUGUST 14, 2014 – Muirfield Lakes Golf Club, Lyalta – 20
minutes east of Calgary. Registration fee only $175 – it includes the Power Cart, a Steak Dinner, a Hole in one
prizes, and team prizes. If you cannot attend then Sponsor a Hole - $500, an Event Sponsorship of $100, a prize
of at least $50 value, or an item for the Silent Auction.
PLEASE SUPPORT THEM ……For more information, call 403-710-8490. or
Please Update it as this a good source
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Call for Nominations
At our District Convention
Fellow Lions, As you know The Foothills Lions were hit
hard by the Flood last year, our Lions Campground, our
main Club funding resource was basically destroyed. We
are slowly getting the Campground back, but we did lose
2.5 acres of land and all the in ground services etc. in the
process. We are holding this Golf Tournament to try and
raise some funds so that we can continue to provide
some funding for Community Projects and Community
Organizations that have also been deeply affected by
this tragedy. What we require from you are GOLFERS!
We need more bodies to make this happen! What we
are asking, is for each of you to spread the word to Lions
Club members, friends and acquaintances to make this
happen. We are brothers in arms for a myriad of District
Projects and we all help our communities. As fellow Lions we should want to be able to assist each other, so
we are asking for YOUR help to enable the Foothills Lions the opportunity to pull this off! Please help us help
others! See you at the Turner Valley Golf Course at 1
pm, August 18th!
sincerely James Lee
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Foothills Lions Club
The Golden Shovel was used for the ground breaking ceremony. PID Judge Brian Stevenson & his wife, Lion
Patricia attended our yearend BBQ. Afterwards there was the Installion of the new club executive & induction of
a new member.
June 20, 2014 was the official ground breaking ceremony for the Foothills Lions Club Spray Park. The golden
shovel was crafted by Lion Barry Crane from diamond willow with all Lions members names carved into the
wood. MLA, Linda Johnson from Calgary Glenmore presented a $75,000 cheque from Alberta Government
CFEP grant to the Foothills Lions Club.
The Spray Park will be using recyclable water that will pass through this filtration system to allow for cleaning and
re-using of the water. All equipment has been bought and paid for. The Town of Turner Valley has already removed the old trees from the site in anticipation of bringing in of the new water and sewer lines to the site which
is adjacent to the Dr. Lander’s Memorial Swimming Pool on Main Street. The Lions Family Spray Park will be
built by the Foothills Lions Club and then turned over to the Town of Turner Valley for future operation and
Members of the Foothills Lions Club will be working on the construction of the utility shed to house the equipment
and excavation of the site will begin in June for the removal of the dirt. Foothills Lions Club yearend BBQ hosted
by Lion Don Ward and Fern Ward.
Photos: MLA, Linda Johnson presents CFEP cheque to Foothills Lions Club at Ground Breaking ceremony for
Foothills Lions Family Spray Park. PID Judge Brian Stevenson, President Tyler Bray, Past President James Lee
& Lion Larry Williams with the Golden Shovel. PIP Judge Brian Stevenson signing the Golden Shovel .
Lion Barry Crane proudly showing the Golden Shovel that he crafted from
diamond willow for the Ground Breaking ceremony for Foothills Lions Family
Spray Park . Lion Patricia Stevenson signing the Golden Shovel .Lions
James Lee, Patricia Stevenson, Tyler Bray and PID Judge Brian Stevenson
Right: PID Judge Brian Stevenson inducting new Lions
member, Doug Robertson
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Usable Glasses Can Make A Difference!
Lions help to conserve sight by providing usable
eyeglasses to children and adults throughout the world..
All Work Parties to be Hosted at Lions Village starting at 9 AM
July 19
August 16
September 27
September 13, 29
October 11, 18
October 25
November 8, 15
November 22
December 6
January 10, 24
January 31
February 7, 14
February 21
March 7, 14
March 21
April 25
May 9, 23
June 6
April 21
May 30
July 19
August 15
In Memorial
Champion : Lion R. Wayne Davey June 25, 2014 (45 years service) and Lion Lyle Ferguson July 2, 2014 (39 years service)
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Lions Youth Camp
The June 6, 7, 8 sweat weekend completed most of the work
needed to spruce the camp up for the summer. On Saturday,
about 10 Lions from Carstairs, Calgary Northhill, Bearspaw,
Beiseker along with 10 members of the Alliance Club (regular
renters) and the camp's custodian, Bob Smid, worked at placing
flagstones to cover a muddy area by the main hall, painting the
washhouse stairs, window and door frames and doors along with
fence rails, tables and securing the playground rubber bumpers and shoveling gravel back into the playground. For lunch we
enjoyed eating hamburgers, salad and Pat's delicious chili (worth
the trip to the camp alone). Everyone enjoyed the sunny weather
and the good company. The camp is ready for a busy summer of
camping fun.
Sunday, work continued and in the afternoon the
Camp's Committee met to discuss future projects.One concern is
that west side springs flow between and under the cabins through the playground area soaking the ground and pavement. Spring water also flows through the parking lot making it
muddy. Springs occur every year but this year the flow is unusually high. The water created soft spot pavement depressions that have been repaired but are likely to reoccur. More on this problem next month. (kind of a cliff hanger)
Our next casino is September 12 and 13 and we need volunteers in all the jobs. Please help us earn the money we
need to keep the camp going and in good repair. Also our fall sweat weekend is on September 19 and 20. We need
volunteers as well so please come out to the camp and enjoy the
country and have some fun.
For Information contact : Lion John Gazzard; 403-880-2402:
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
Visit the District website at for the latest in events,
MD37 news, and back copies of the newsletter. If you have events coming, there is a
calendar where information can be posted or you can ask to post a poster for your
event. Contact Rhea at
This will be my last year as editor of the newsletter. I’m looking for
a team of Lions who are interested in being a part of it and who
are interested in being regular contributors or reporters. Right
now I have a Lion from Bowness and one from Wildrose who have
volunteered to help this next year. We’re looking for Lions who
want to report on events that are happening in their zone. If you
want to help out, send me an email. I will be holding a meeting in August for those whose
individuals who are interested. My email address is
Leadership Courses being held in 2014-2015
This is for Lions who have not yet been
President and are looking for Leadership
Training. If you`re interested, contact DG
Done Edy or GLT Lion Arnold Williams as
deadline was last week.
This course is for Lions who have been
President but have not been District Governor
The course dates have
changed to April 2015 and it is
for those individuals who have
not taken the Emerging Lions
Leadership Course .
These courses are well worth the time and provide great networking opportunities with other
Lions in North America. With the Advance Lions Leadership course in Calgary, it’s an
opportunity not to be missed.
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District 37-O
Don’s Let’s Talk
District 37-O Dates To Remember
Cabinet Meetings : This is YOUR DISTRICT, its affairs are YOUR BUSINESS.
August 17
November 17
February 8
Executive Royal Inn
May 31 - Mountainview Funeral Home
District 37-O Convention: January 16-17 at the Grey Eagles Casino
Newsletter Publish 2014 Dates : August 16th
MD37-O Directory Corrections : If you have corrections, let me know and
I will publish them
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