You are invited to the Michaels 2012 Leadership


You are invited to the Michaels 2012 Leadership
You are invited to the Michaels
2012 Leadership Conference and
Holiday Showcase After Party.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
9:00 pm
Hilton Anatole Chantilly Foyer
Located in the Tower
A cash bar will be available.
Attire is business casual.
After Party
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Throughout the Day
Prescheduled Individual Vendor Appointments
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Exhibitor Registration; Hospitality Desk Open
Trinity Rotunda
8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Set-Up
Exhibitor Lounge Open
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
Trinity Ballroom
3:00 pm
Hotel Check-in time
Monday, August 13, 2012
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Set-Up
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Exhibitor Registration; Hospitality Desk Open
Exhibitor Lounge Open
Trinity Rotunda
Trinity Ballroom
9:00 am – 11:30 am
CEO Summit Senior Management Presentations
Coronado Ballroom
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Open House
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Prescheduled Individual Vendor Appointments
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Hospitality Desk Open
Trinity Rotunda
7:00 am – 8:00 am
Exhibitor Breakfast
Exhibitor Lounge
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Lounge Open
Trinity Ballroom
8:15 am – 12:40 pm
Store Manager Rotation #1
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
12:40 pm – 1:50 pm
Exhibitor Lunch (Exhibit Floor Closed)
Exhibitor Lounge
1:50 pm – 6:00 pm
Store Manager Rotation #2
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm
After Party
Chantilly Foyer
6:00 am – 7:00 am
Exhibitor Breakfast
Exhibitor Lounge
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Hospitality Desk Open
Exhibitor Lounge Open
Trinity Rotunda
Trinity Ballroom
7:00 am – 11:00 am
Store Manager Rotation #3
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Exhibitor Lunch (Exhibit Floor Closed)
Verandah, 2nd Floor
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Exhibitor Move-out/Exhibit Hall Tear Down
Trinity Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
7:00 pm
All Shipping Carriers must be checked in
Trinity Loading Dock
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
*Please remember to pre-schedule your freight carrier. GES Logistics will be on-site as a shipping solution.
Based on the valuable feedback you provided after the 2011 Conference, we are
implementing these changes to the 2012 Conference:
zz T
he agenda has been divided into three blocks of time; each Store
Manager will have a four hour block for touring vendor booths
zz We will provide more pre and post conference details.
zz You will receive mock ups of the badges in advance so you will
know which badge type belongs to each participant type.
zz Raffle prizes will not be offered this year to the Conference Attendees.
zz The date has been moved up two weeks.
zz B
reakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday will be provided to all
booth workers. All booths will be closed during lunch.
zz A beverage station will be available in the vendor lounge during setup and
teardown, as well as while the booths are open.
zz T
he CEO Summit and Leadership Conference Planning Teams have
partnered to streamline the registration process and agenda.
zz All vendor attendees will be invited to attend the CEO Summit Senior
Management Presentations the morning of Monday, August 13th.
zz F or each booth purchased, you will receive one invitation to attend the
CEO Summit Executive Awards Dinner the evening of Monday, August
zz Advertising in the Conference Guide and Program is included with your
zz The Conference Guide and Program pages will be 8 ½ by 11 inches this
ColArt Americas, Inc.
2011 Most Creative Multiple Booth
QQ: What time can I start setting up my booth?
AA: Set-up will begin at 8:00am on Sunday, August 12th.
QQ: When must my booth be fully dismantled?
ll vendors must pack their booth materials and vacate the Exhibit Hall by 8:00 pm on Wednesday, August 15th.
QQ: Is electricity for the booth provided?
AA: E lectricity is available for an additional fee and must be ordered
through the hotel. An order form can be found in the online GES
Exhibitor Kit.
QQ: What is the dress code for the Conference?
AA: The dress code is business casual for the entire Conference.
QQ: How many booth representatives am I allowed to bring?
AA: It is recommended that you only have two associates per 10X10
booth, however there is no charge for additional booth workers.
Michaels reserves the right to limit the number of associates in each
booth. All representatives must be registered.
QQ: Am I allowed to bring guests?
he Holiday Showcase is a closed show. For proprietary and safety
reasons, guests and children are not permitted at any time.
QQ: Do I need to register contract workers or day laborers?
es, all representatives or contract workers must have badges to be
permitted access to the exhibit hall.
QQ: What are the height restrictions for the booths?
he height limit in the booths is eight feet high, please see page 15
for more details.
QQ: What may I hand out at my booth?
aper flyers and buttons for lanyards may be given to Conference
attendees; however, we ask that no product samples are handed out.
2011 Booth
The Holiday Showcase rules and regulations are intended to serve the best interests of Michaels Stores, Inc., the conference,
registrants and exhibitors. The rules and regulations apply to all exhibitors and their representatives. The exhibitor understands
and agrees that the information contained in this Prospectus is an integral and binding part of the exhibit space contract.
Signing the exhibit space contract indicates understanding and agreement to comply with all policies, rules, regulations, terms,
and conditions in the Prospectus; and agreement to distribute them for proper execution by all individuals involved.
As a condition of exhibiting, and when registering for space, the exhibitor agrees to adhere to all conditions and regulations
outlined. Exhibitors or their representatives who conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner may be dismissed from the
exhibition without refund or appeal. Michaels Stores, Inc. reserves the right to amend any and all rules and regulations at any
Booth space will be assigned by the Michaels Category Management Department. Online registration must be completed
and the contract submitted accompanied by payment in full by the deadline of Friday, April 13, 2012. No applications will be
accepted by phone or fax. Checks should be made payable to Michaels Stores, Inc. and mailed with the contract to:
Amy Copp
Dallas Fan Fares, Inc.
RE: Michaels Holiday Showcase
5485 Belt Line Road
Suite 270
Dallas, Texas 75254
A confirmation letter with the assigned exhibit space number will be sent via email on Friday, May 4, 2012. Michaels Stores, Inc.
reserves the right to make alterations and adjustments to the floor plan.
Notification of cancellation or reduction of booth space must be submitted in writing to by
Friday, May 4, 2012. There will be no refund for exhibitors who for any reason do not exhibit and have not submitted a written
cancellation request prior to stated deadlines.
• If written notice is received by 5:00 pm CST on Friday, May 4, 2012, all monies paid by the exhibitor for exhibit space rental
will be refunded.
• If written notice is received on or after 5:00 pm CST on Friday, May 4, 2012, the exhibit space is non-refundable.
• It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that the written notice of cancellation is received by the deadline.
• At the time Michaels Stores, Inc. receives written notification that the exhibitor is canceling space, all space held by the
exhibitor will be released.
• Any contracted booth in the Exhibit Hall that is unoccupied and is not set up and ready by 1:00 pm on Monday, August
13, 2012, for which no special arrangements have been made prior, will be considered a no-show and may be assigned to
another exhibitor unless the Michaels Stores, Inc. staff has received written notification of the circumstances. The exhibitor
shall be deemed to have cancelled the exhibit space contract. There will be no refund to the original exhibitor and no
obligation on the part of Michaels Stores, Inc. to relocate such exhibitor(s).
Michaels Stores, Inc. shall have sole control over all admission policies at all times. Non-exhibiting suppliers or vendors of
goods and services will be prohibited from entering the exhibit hall. Exhibitors must wear name badges to enter and remain
in the Exhibit Hall, including during installation and dismantling. Exhibitors are asked to notify a security agent or
show management of any suspicious behavior or unauthorized activity during the exhibition. Children and guests
are not permitted on the exhibit floor at any time.
2012 Leadership Conference and Holiday Showcase
• Name badges will be provided to all exhibit booth representatives upon check in at the Exhibitor Registration Desk. We
prefer only two persons for each 10’ x 10’ space, four people for each 10’ x 20’ space or eight people for each 20’ x 20’
space per day. Michaels Stores, Inc. reserves the right to limit the number of booth representatives.
• The Exhibitor Confirmation email letter sent on Friday, May 4, 2012 will include a link to the exhibit booth representative
registration. Each representative will need to register personally for their exhibitor name badge. The deadline for exhibitor
representative registration is Friday, July 13, 2012.
• New and substitute badge requests should be sent directly to Dallas Fan Fares at or by
calling 214-389-4944.
• Exhibitor badges allow access to breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, August 14th and Wednesday, August 15th.
• Badges can be picked up by the official company representative or the individuals themselves at the 2012 Holiday Showcase
Hospitality Desk on:
Sunday, August 12 from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Monday, August 13 from 7:00 am – 12:00 pm
• Badges will be issued only in the name of the corporation/institution/company on the exhibit space application.
• Please give these regulations, a copy of the prospectus, and the completed copy of your agreement to those individuals
before they travel to the Showcase. By signing your agreement you bind all company representatives to the Exhibit
• The exhibitor is responsible for the actions of individuals wearing its badges during the entirety of the Holiday Showcase,
including set up and dismantling.
• Distribution of promotional or educational materials may be conducted and circulated only within the booth assigned to the
• Exhibiting companies must open their exhibit on time and staff the booth at all times during the exhibit hours. No packing of
equipment or literature or dismantling of exhibits is permitted until exhibit closing time at 11:00 am on Wednesday, August
• Exhibitors must conduct exhibits in a dignified and professional manner.
• Modifying any portion of the pipe and draped portions of the booth is prohibited unless approved by Michaels Stores, Inc.
• Aisles may not be obstructed at any time because of excessive crowding in the exhibit booth.
• No exhibitor may sublet or assign exhibit space.
• All exhibitors are required to comply with federal and state regulations.
• Noise from electrical or mechanical apparatus or presentations within the booth must not interfere with other exhibitors.
Michaels Stores, Inc. reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others and the
remedy of any sound interference.
• The Hilton Anatole is designated as a non-smoking facility.
• Exhibitors must surrender the space occupied in the same condition as received.
• Sunday, August 12, 2012 from 8:00 am – 10:00 pm and Monday, August 13, 2012 from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm. All exhibits must be
completely set up by 1:00 pm on Monday, August 13, 2012.
• Exhibitors are responsible for coordinating with the official Holiday Showcase contractor, GES Exposition Services, to
ensure that all material is scheduled for arrival at the Exhibit Hall in time to be set and ready when the Exhibit Hall opens.
• Children and guests are not permitted on the exhibit floor at any time.
• Michaels Stores, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for loss, theft or damage to exhibits, equipment, personal belongings,
etc., during installation.
• Exhibitors are liable for the actions of their booth personnel, including contractors.
• Appropriate attire, including pants and close-toed shoes, is required during installation. Jeans and tennis shoes are
acceptable; no cut-offs or flip-flops.
• Wednesday, August 15, 2012 from 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Failure to remove all exhibits and equipment could result in a penalty.
• The official closing time of the Exhibit Hall is 11:00 am on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. Early packing of equipment or
dismantling of exhibits is not permitted.
• GES will not be able to bring empties from the loading dock until the show concludes at 11:00 am.
• Michaels Stores, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits, equipment, personal belongings, etc.,
during the dismantling.
• Exhibitors are liable for the actions of their booth personnel, including contractors.
• Children and guests are not permitted on the exhibit floor at any time.
• All shipping arrangements are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be pre-arranged. Michaels Stores, Inc. is not
responsible or liable for items not collected by a shipping company. Each exhibitor is responsible for any shipping charges.
• Any materials (displays, handouts, etc.) left in the Exhibit Hall after dismantle concludes at 8:00 pm will be destroyed.
• Appropriate attire, including pants and close-toed shoes, is required during dismantle. Jeans and tennis shoes are acceptable;
no cut-offs or flip-flops.
Each booth comes standard with pipe and drape (8’ high back wall and 3’ high side rails), (1) 6’ draped table, (2) contour chairs,
(1) wastebasket and (1) 7”x44” basic ID sign.
If you require additional furnishings (above what is provided in your booth package), electrical needs, telephone, floral
arrangements, Internet connections and audiovisual needs, these items may be ordered on the forms provided in the GES
Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Service Kit will be available online and a link will be provided to you in your Booth Confirmation
email on Friday, May 4, 2012. The official show contractor is: GES Exposition Services, 1415 North Cockrell Hill Road, Suite
300, Dallas, Texas 75211. Telephone: 800.475.2098. Exhibitors may ship their exhibit and display materials to GES Exposition
Services. Information on shipping and storage will be outlined in the GES Exhibitor Kit provided by GES Exposition Services.
Freight sent to GES will be in your booth for your arrival on Sunday, August 12, 2012.
GES has a labor agreement with a local labor source to provide labor for display installation and dismantling. Exhibitors may
handle their own hand-carried materials in and out of the Hilton Anatole. Any material requiring the use of equipment for
delivery, i.e., dollies, forklifts, hand trucks, etc., will be handled by GES labor. Equipment and labor may be arranged through GES
as outlined in the Exhibitor Service Kit. Dock space is limited at the Hilton Anatole and is under the control and authority of
GES will have the responsibility of receiving and handling all exhibit materials and empty crates. It is their responsibility to
manage docks and schedule vehicles for the smooth and efficient move-in and move-out of the exhibition. GES will not be
responsible for any material they do not handle. GES will have complete control of the loading docks at all times. Please note
that GES is equipped to receive/store exhibit freight at the Hilton Anatole. However, materials arriving before the scheduled
installation date of, Sunday, August 12, 2012 will be refused. To ensure proper receipt and delivery of your materials for this
event, please ship them as outlined in the Exhibitor Service Kit supplied by GES.
Exhibitors must show good judgment and consideration for neighboring exhibits. All exhibits will adhere to the IAEE rules
and regulations of acceptable booth construction guidelines. Linear or in-line booths (10’ x 10’ units or multiples thereof) are
arranged in a straight line. The back wall of any construction in a linear booth shall not exceed 8’ in height including signage.
All display material is restricted to a maximum height of 4’ in the front half or the front 5’ of the booth and a
maximum of 8’ in the rear half or the rear 5’ of the booth. Side dividers will be 36” high. While the en¬tire cubic
content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height, the visual disadvantage created by a
neighboring island should be no greater than that which would be caused by an in-line or linear booth.
No signs or parts of exhibits or any other exhibit materials may be suspended from or attached to the ceiling
or taped, posted, nailed, screwed or in any way attached to the walls, columns, drapes, floor or any other facility
surface. All displays and decorations must be fireproof. Exhibitors are responsible for compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within their booth and assigned space.
2012 Leadership Conference and Holiday Showcase
Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that it shall be solely responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits, etc. that may be
required for it to broadcast, perform or display any copyrighted materials including, but not limited to, music, video and
software. Exhibitor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Michaels Stores, Inc., its directors, officers, employees, and
affiliates and agents, and each of them, from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorney fees and costs,
arising out of or related to exhibitor’s breach of this provision. The floor plan and layout of the Holiday Showcase exhibit floor
is exclusive and proprietary to Michaels Stores, Inc. An exhibitor may only make use of such layout for its own promotion and
public relations. It may not offer such layout to any third party, including but not limited to any publication, newspaper or other
Exhibitors are required to strictly comply with all terms of their agreement as contained in the Exhibitor Prospectus, the
Exhibitor Service Kit, the Exhibitor Contract, and exhibitor correspondence as well as all applicable terms and conditions
contained in the agreement between Michaels Stores, Inc. and the Hilton Anatole.
Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages and claims arising out of injury or damage to
exhibitor’s displays, equipment and other property brought upon the premises of the exhibit hall. Exhibitor shall defend,
indemnify and hold harmless Michaels Stores, Inc., Dallas Fan Fares, Inc., Hilton Anatole, GES Exposition Services, their
respective directors, officers, agents and employees from losses, damages and claims inside or outside the exhibit hall that may
arise as a result of actions of the exhibitor, its employees or agents. Michaels Stores, Inc., Dallas Fan Fares, Inc., Hilton Anatole,
GES Exposition Services, or their respective directors, officers, agents or guests shall not be liable to exhibitor, its employees
or agents for any damages, loss or injury from fire, electricity, water, storm, riot, smoke, theft, accident or any other cause.
Michaels Stores, Inc. shall use reasonable care in providing security services during the hours of installation, the show and
dismantling for the protection of the exhibitor’s materials and display. Security service is not provided to individual booth
spaces, but will be available to exhibitors at their own expense. Information will be provided in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
The exhibitor agrees to provide insurance coverage for personal injury and property damage liability covering the exhibitor
and his property in such amount as the exhibition facility requires. Michaels Stores, Inc. does not insure exhibitor property.
Michaels Stores, Inc., Dallas Fan Fares, Inc., Hilton Anatole and GES Exposition Services shall each be named as an additional
insured on all of exhibitor’s policies of insurance. A copy of the insurance requirements will be included in the GES Service Kit.
Insurance protection against fire, theft or damage to the exhibitor’s materials must be carried at the exhibitor’s expense.
Michaels Stores, Inc. reserves the right to prohibit or require the removal of any display or exhibit, or any part of an exhibit,
which it deems not suitable or in accordance with these regulations or the professional and ethical standards of Michaels
Stores, Inc. All exhibits shall conform in all respects to applicable safety, health and fire codes plus rules of the Hilton Anatole.
It is mutually agreed that in the event the Holiday Showcase is cancelled due to disaster, strike, labor dispute, governmental
intervention, malicious dam¬age, acts of war, or other causes which would prevent its scheduled opening or continuance, then
and thereupon the agreement will be terminated and Michaels Stores, Inc. shall determine an equitable basis for the refund
of such portion of the exhibit fee as is possible, after due consideration. Should any situation beyond the control of Michaels
Stores, Inc. arise to prevent holding the Holiday Showcase, Michaels Stores, Inc., Dallas Fan Fares, Inc., Hilton Anatole and GES
will not be held liable for any expenses incurred by the exhibitor except the cost of exhibit space.
GES work rules prohibit the solicitation or acceptance of tips in cash, product or gifts in kind by any employee (union or nonunion). GES employees are paid appropriate wages denoting professional status, therefore tipping of any kind is not allowed.
GES requires the highest standards of integrity from all employees. Please call the GES confidential Always Honest hotline at
866.225.8230 to report fraudulent or unethical behavior.