The Priesthood helps me


The Priesthood helps me
“Lesson 17: The Priesthood Helps Me,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A, (1995), 86–90
To help you understand how the
priesthood can help you.
(Enter name here)
•What are some of
the things we use
that need power to
•What other kinds of
power are there?
• Today we are going to
learn about a power that is
the greatest power of all,
greater even than the
forces of nature.
• Think about what kind of
power is being used as we
listen to the following
How would you feel if you were on a boat
during a bad storm?
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The disciples
woke Jesus
Christ because
they were
frightened of the
Let’s read what
the disciples
asked Jesus in
the last part of
Mark 4:38
(from Master).
. . . Master,
carest thou
not that we
Mark 4:38
The disciples
were afraid that
the storm would
sink the boat
and they would
all die.
• How did the
disciples feel
about Jesus
after he
calmed the
• See Matthew
8:27 & Mark
How did Jesus still the storm?
• Let’s read Mark 4:39
39 And he arose, and rebuked the
wind, and said unto the sea, Peace,
be still. And the wind ceased, and
there was a great calm.
What power did Jesus use to still
the storm?
His power—the power of God
• The disciples were amazed that
the storm was calmed so quickly.
• Let’s read from
Mark 4:41
41 And they
exceedingly, and
said one to
another, What
manner of man is
this, that even the
wind and the sea
obey him?
Master, the Tempest Is Raging
• The song we are about to sing is
about the story you have just
• Listen for Jesus’ words (“Peace,
be still”) in the chorus.
Master, the Tempest Is Raging
Master, the tempest is raging!
The billows are tossing high!
The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness.
No shelter or help is nigh.
Carest thou not that we perish?
How canst thou lie asleep
When each moment so madly is threat’ning
A grave in the angry deep?
Master, the Tempest Is Raging
The winds and the waves shall obey thy will:
Peace, be still.
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, be still; peace, be still.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, peace, be still.
• What great power did Jesus Christ have
that enabled him to stop the storm?
• What great power did Jesus Christ have
that enabled him to stop the storm?
• The power of the priesthood, which is the
power to act in Heavenly Father’s name.
Let’s all say “Priesthood” together.
• Many men in the Church have this same
• Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ give
the priesthood to worthy men in the
• When these men are directed by
Heavenly Father, they can use the
priesthood to help us and bless us.
Whom do you know who holds the
It’s thru the power of the priesthood that
worthy men who hold this priesthood can
perform priesthood ordinances.
Let’s talk about some of them
to the Sick
Men who
hold the
can give
blessings to
people who
are sick to
help them
get well.
Have you ever
to because you
were sick?
Passing the
Priests in the
Priesthood or men
who hold the
Priesthood bless
the sacrament,
and deacons in the
Priesthood pass
the sacrament.
We are each
baptized by a man
who holds the
priesthood, just as
Jesus Christ was.
John the Baptist
held the
priesthood, so he
was able to baptize
Have any of you
ever been to a
baptism or have
you been baptised?
After they are baptized,
men who hold the
Melchizedek Priesthood
will confirm each of
them a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints.
At this time they are also
given the gift of the Holy
Ghost through the
power of the priesthood.
Babies in the Church can have a priesthood
blessing when they are named.
Do you know who was recently blessed
in this manner.
If you did not get blessed this way as a baby,
it’s OK, you will have many other
opportunities to receive priesthood blessings
Temple Marriage
When you are
older, you will be
able to go to the
temple to be
Men who hold the
sealing powers of
the priesthood
marry righteous
couples in the
Temple marriage
makes it possible
for a family to be
together forever.
Remember, it’s
thru the power
of the
You can receive a priesthood
blessing when you have a problem
Listen to the following story about
Susanne and how the power of the
priesthood helped her with a
• Susanne was getting ready for the first
day of school. She had been excited
about beginning school, but now that the
first day had finally come she was
• Susanne was quiet all morning. Her
mother had made her favorite breakfast,
but Susanne did not smile when she saw
it. She tried to eat, but she could not.
• Susanne told her mother that she felt
sick. Her mother felt her head to see if
she had a fever. She looked in her throat,
but it was not red. Susanne’s mother
asked her where she felt sick. Susanne
said she just felt funny inside.
• Susanne’s father said she probably felt
funny inside because it was the first day
of school. She was a little frightened
because she would be away from home
all day and didn’t know what to expect.
Susanne’s father explained that he had
the same feeling when he started his new
• Susanne’s father offered to give her a
blessing before she went to school. The
blessing would help take away the
frightened, funny feeling Susanne had.
Susanne’s father placed his hands on her
head and gave her a special blessing.
• When Susanne came home that
afternoon, she was happy. She told her
mother that she liked school and her
teacher was nice. Susanne was glad her
father gave her a special blessing to help
her feel better at school.
This kind of blessing is often
called a father’s blessing.
The Priesthood can Bless Everyone
• If our fathers are not
able to give us blessings,
we can ask other men
who hold the
Melchizedek Priesthood,
The Priesthood can Bless Everyone
• such as your brother,
your grandfather, the
bishop or branch
president, the
missionaries, your home
teachers, or any worthy
Melchizedek Priesthood
bearer, to give us
blessings when we need
Meet the Missionaries
When do you think you
might need or want a
priesthood blessing?
Anytime you may
think you need one, is
when you should
have one.
Priesthood blessings
are like snuggling up
with your teddy bear,
they can give you a
warm comfy feeling.
It’s time for
It’s time for
• On the next several slides, we are
going to show you priesthood
holders doing things.
• Your job is to tell us what they are
doing here.
• Raise your hand if you know.
(Please do not just yell it out)
Are you ready to play?
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
Boy Being
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
to the Sick
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
Passing the
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
Girl Being
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
Blessing a Baby
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
Temple Marriage
What are they doing here?
What are they doing here?
A Father
Blessing His
• I want to bear my testimony of how
grateful I am that we have the
priesthood – the same power that Jesus
has – to help us in our lives.
• I want to encourage you to ask for a
priesthood blessing from your fathers
or another priest hood holder, when you
need one.
(Enter Name Here)
Images and clipart are from, Microsoft office, and other websites
indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church
and home use.
The animated movie was edited from the Beginners Bible Video “Tales of
Wonder” as found on Part of the attention activity was
taken from the Power Point Presentation Primary 3 Lesson 9 by Ericka
Covalt as found on
The hymns, Lesson and Scripture story are from
No copyrighted materials were knowingly used in this presentation. Please
do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the
presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference.
This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual
and scriptures.
Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when
preparing and conducting the lesson.
Meet the
The two elders in this picture are Elder Jordon
Hill (on left) and Elder DJ Hill (on right). They
are really brothers. They are originally from
Sycamore, Illinois. Currently (2012 – 2014)
they are serving full time missions for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Elder Jordon is serving in the Arizona Gilberts
Mission, and Elder DJ is Serving in the Mexico,
Mexico City Northwest Mission. Elder DJ is
serving the Lord by working as a Spanish
Speaking Missionary while Elder Jordon is
speaking Spanish and English in his service to
the Lord. They are also two of the three sons
of the Author of this Power Point.
If you happen to be in or near their missions, stop in and say hi. If you
would like to send them a note, send it to and I
will see that they get them. They love to receive messages of
encouragement and funny Jokes.
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