The Friendship Note - Friendship Knot Quilters` Guild


The Friendship Note - Friendship Knot Quilters` Guild
APRIL 2015
NQA 261
The Friendship Note
Newsletter of the Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc. Sarasota, Florida
President’s Message
This past weekend was the FKQG Winter/
Spring Retreat at Dayspring. I had such a good
time spending time with old friends and new.
Mary Nissen and Karla Lynch did a fabulous job
as usual planning and carrying out the entire 4
days. Joy Abbott kept the money straight and
confirmed our reservations for Summer 2015,
Winter/Spring 2016 and I believe Summer 2016.
Those who attended saw some wonderful work.
We had pillows with the cutest flowers, Cats, Cat
and more cats, a precious alphabet quilt, a white
trapunto block quilt, a lime green and teal throw
quilt, and on and on. We have such talented
quilters in our guild. I was so inspired I actually
finished a twin pieced top and two baby quilt
tops. Now we will see how long it takes me to
finish them. I am betting that Show and Tell will
reveal quite a few finished projects from the rest
of the attendees.
These are the members who helped make our
2015 Quilt Show a great success!
Show Co Chairs: Ann Greene, Lynn Purple &
Jamie Sculley
Admissions: Carol Brown & Caroll Jenkins
Banker: Joy Abbott
Block Auction: Pat Sefton
Boutique: Karla Lynch & Mary Nissen
Challenge: Pam Morris & Pinky Stewart
Consignments: Janet Wick
Donor Quilt: Rose Ryan
Door Prizes: Sue Balazs
Hostesses: Sharon Taylor
Information Table: Dawn Moore
Drop Off Home: Kay Consigny
Judging: Linda Blasen
Registration: Marlene Kurtz
Quilt Display / Hanging: Susan Arndt
Data Transfer for Awards: Dolores Simpson
Printing Coordinator: Lynn Purple
Publicity: Linda Pearce
Rack Set-up: Elva Farrell
Rack Take Down: Barbara Johnson
Rack Transport: Joy Abbott
Rules/Categories: Show & Judging Chairs
Show Judging: Susan Ott & Ann Greene
Sheet Maintenance: Beth Grindal
Signage: Elva Farrell
Small Quilt Auction: Cass Bowen
Vendors: Shirley McMath & Jan Secor
Vendor Tendors: Jamie Sculley
Tickets-Raffles: Dawna Basl
Viewers Choice: Jann Warfield
Appraiser: Jamie Sculley
Web Design: Marjorie Holloway
Book Seller: Kathy Samarasinghe
In Memorium: Karen Brennan
The one thing we mentioned was that we
would have loved to have more members share
this fun event. So be sure and sign up for one of
the upcoming retreats and let us have a peek at
your entries for the 2017 Quilt Show.
I recognize that many of our snow birds will
be pulling out this month. Please keep in touch
and come back full of creative ideas next season.
Those of us staying will have a terrific summer.
Mary has the entire summer
speakers, projects and our
world famous garage sale.
Come get out of the heat and
join us!
Monthly Membership Meetings
April 20 -
Angela Walters
May 18 -
Valerie Goodwin
The Friendship Note—A Newsletter of Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Sarasota, Florida
Page 2 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Education Notes
Elva Farrell
Linda Swanson
Our Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild classes
are popular outside the guild! I recently had an
inquiry from a quilter in Guatemala who wants
to come for Valerie Goodwin’s Favorite Places
two day class. She is a well known quilting
teacher, lecturer and exhibitor. Check out her
website at Want to
get to know this teacher better while she is in
town? She has asked if there is a guild member
who would be willing to host her while she is
here. If you are interested please let me know as
soon as possible (
FKQG continues to grow. We welcome 9
new members:
And, there’s still time for you to sign up for
Valerie’s classes. There are only a few spots remaining in her Favorite Places class but the new
class we added, Creativity in Black, White and
Grey is only about half full. This is our last class
for the spring-don’t miss out.
Betty Roberts has renewed after an extended
Next month we welcome Angela Walters, a
popular long-arm quilter and teacher extraordinaire. Registration is closed in all of her classes
except the class we added: Dot to Dot, which has
a few openings.
With a very successful quilt show this year
we are assured of funds for teachers for the coming year. The Education Committee is beginning
a list of suggested teachers for our 2017 classes.
If you have a suggestion of a teacher who you
would like to recommend please let me know
and I’ll add it to the list.
Margaret Erazmus
John Johnson
Sandy Knaak
Amy Leonard
Debbie Magnee
Kathy Onufrak
Clarice Vichich
Christopher Walker
Teri Wigmore.
This brings our total membership to 323.
The 2015 roster will still be available to pickup at the April check-in. Just ask for your copy.
Thanks for wearing your nametag at check-in.
It makes the line move a little faster.
Page 3 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
2015 Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild Workshops
For more information on each class and a registration form go to our website
Angela Walters: April 19-21, 2015
Custom Class
How Do I Quilt My Quilt?
Machine Quilting for The Modern Quilt
Little Changes,
Big Variety
Take a class. It’s fun!
Dot to Dot
You’ll learn new things and
meet new people!
Valerie Goodwin: May 16-19, 2015
Favorite Places
Creativity in Black, White and Gray
See FKQG website for pictures and
more information.
Page 4 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Angela Walters
April 2015
How Do I Quilt My Quilt (custom)? Sunday, 4/19/15, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Machine Quilting for the Modern Quilt. Monday 4/20/15, 9:00 a.m. to noon
Little Changes, Big Variety. Monday, 4/20/15, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Dot to Dot. Tuesday, 4/21/15, 9:00 a.m. to noon
Valerie Goodwin Favorite Places (2 day class). Saturday 5/16/15 & Monday 5/18/15. 9:00 to 4:00
May 2015
Creativity in Black, White & Gray. Tuesday, 5/19/15, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Flavin Glover
Intro to Kaleidoscope Patchwork. Saturday, 11/14/15, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Denimania-Creating with Blue Jeans. Sunday, 11/15/15, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Colorful & Creative Log Cabin Diamonds. Monday, 11/16/15. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
November 2015
Rose Ryan
This Challenge will have participation with 3 guilds, Manatee Patchworkers, Friendship Knot and
Sarasota Modern. It's a group challenge with a group defined as 2 or more peple. The members of a
group do not have to be from the same guild.
Each group will pick 2 crayons and those two colors must be used in a recognizable amount on the
front of the quilt. The max perimeter is 100 inches.
It is suggested that each group establish its own working rules such as deadlines, can items be removed, can a group member put elements over an item, who will own the quilt and any other guidelines
that will make this challenge fun.
The quilts are due at each guilds' Holiday Party in December. Each guild will decide if they will be
judged by the members at that meeting. The quilts will be displayed at the Manatee Patchworkers Quilt
Show in March 2016. Each quilt displayed will pay the $5 hanging fee.
Ideas for a group quilt – Round Robin, Row by Row, each member makes blocks for the whole, abstract, modern, contemporary, straight lines, curved lines – challenge yourselves!
Groups will begin picking colors at the February meeting of each
guild. There will be several months to form your groups and pick colors. Look for the table at each guild meeting. A record of groups and
colors picked will be kept by Karla Lynch and Rose Ryan. All questions will be answered jointly by Karla and Rose.
Don’t you love a good challenge? Let’s have some fun!
Page 5 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Cannot take a class that you have already paid for?
Go to the website and check the attendance roster for the class you signed up for. If you can’t remember which class it was, keep checking attendance rosters until you find your name. At the bottom
of your class will be a list of names on the waiting list. Start with the first name and work your way
through the list to find a replacement. If the person’s phone number is not listed look on your roster
before emailing Faith for their phone number. Work out an arrangement with the person to exchange
payment for the class. The guild does not get involved in the financial transaction. After finding a replacement, notify Faith Reynolds and Gayle Hages 941-504-3488 letting them
know your name and the person’s name who is taking your class. Also include the name and date of
the class. Finally, if you sign up for a lunch, remember there are no special menus available. If you
have special dietary needs, you must bring your own lunch.
For a Good time Call Gayle Hages
Be a Hostess for an upcoming workshop. You get to sit in on a class for free, and
have a lunch on us. It is a fun job. Call me: 941-504-3488.
CLASS FEES: Full-day $40, half day $30 Members rate (Non-Members full day $50 and half day
$40). Lunch included for full day classes at a cost of $12.00. Class fees are non-refundable. Workshops are held at Bahia Vista Mennonite Church, 4041 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota.
Page 6 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
A Nice Thank-You
Gift Basket Boutique
The Sunday after the show I was busy delivering some of the small quilts from the auction.
One lucky gal from Myakka City got the highest
bid on two quilts. When I met up with her Sunday morning to deliver the quilts, she told me
how much she enjoyed the show and gave me an
envelope. Inside I found a note card that said
“Cass, I love the quilt shows and come every
year. The members of the FKQG are uniquely
talented. The shows are very special and beautiful each year. Many thanks, Mary Bauer”. I
think this says it all, we did a good job.
The gift basket boutique was a huge success.
We made $5500! All guild members who contributed a basket or items for a basket should
take a bow. Your creativity in the themes of baskets and the contents were astounding! We received so many compliments. People said they
were the best gift baskets they had ever seen at a
quilt show.
Cass Bowen
Karla Lynch and Mary Nissen
Block Auction Booth
Pat Sefton
Wow! The Block Auction Booth results are
great! The total was $3,223.00.
A special “thank you” to all the volunteers
who helped at the show and a very special
THANK YOU to those that contributed blocks.
The variety and quality of the blocks were outstanding. I tried to acknowledge the individuals/
groups that made contributions but not all the
donations were labeled, many thanks to the
anonymous contributors.
The highest individual bid was $350.00 for
the hand appliquéd blocks from the Hidden
Stitches Cottage Group. Now the fun begins…
assembling them!
Congratulations to Donna Douglas
whose quilt “Flourish on the Vine” won
Viewers Choice at our quilt show!
Quilt Challenge Winners
The Challenge Award winners for the 2015
Quilt Show were chosen at the February meeting. The winners were:
Christine Holden - 1st
Cass Bowen - 2nd
Elaine Chapman - 3rd
Page 7 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Jo Wieczynski, Coordinator
We had a very enjoyable afternoon at the Fruitville Library on March 10 when 47
quilts, 1 baby sweater, 4 crocheted afghans and 50 hats were donated to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. This brings our 2015 total to 164 quilts.
Large fabric donations were received from guild members Cass Bowen and Kay
Lynch. Our April meeting will be on Tuesday, April 14 at the Fruitville Library from
12:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Show & Tell is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Please join us. Help is
needed at our fabric, cutting and pressing tables. A pleasant afternoon awaits you.
Ellen Simon
One of the perks of being the new librarian is
getting to write a column for the newsletter – at
least that's what they told me! I really am
pleased to take on this position as I have always
been passionate about quilt books and have quite
a collection myself. But since we can't have it
all (although we all try to in regards to fabric) the
library is a great privilege of guild membership.
About 28 new books were added to the collection in March. This month I am going to tell
you about the new survey titles and the books by
past and future guest teachers.
Survey books are not instructional. There are
no patterns and as the name implies, they feature
the work of a variety of quilters. The largest of
these new titles is 500 Art Quilts and secondly,
500 Traditional Quilts, both published by Lark.
These books inspire rather than inform. Cutting
Edge Art Quilts, also a survey book, includes
profiles of each of the quilters. Another series of
books is Art Quilt Portfolio. The two titles are
The Natural World and People and Portraits. It
is very interesting to see how various quilt artists
approach the same subject matter so differently.
Want to learn something about an upcoming
teacher before you sign up for a class? The new
books include Art Quilt Maps by Valerie Goodwin, our teacher in May and Shape by Shape
Free Motion Quilting by Angela Walters, our
teacher in April.
Did you miss the classes from Linda Hahn
and Jane Davila? Check out New York Beauty
Diversified (Linda's second book) and Art Quilts
at Play, by Jane. Susan Cleveland taught at the
Venice Guild in March and I was able to purchase two of her books during class. These will
be available to check out in April.
To make room for the great new titles, I will
be retiring quite a few older books. Some of the
books have not been taken out in 4 or 5 years,
and some have never been checked out! But
they may be just what you are looking for!
There will be a book sale at the April and May
meetings ONLY. Bring your mad money and
treat yourself to a “new to you” book.
Page 8 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Quilts In Paradise
March 6 & 7, 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild has the distinction of awarding two Best of Show Awards. One
Best of Show Award is awarded to the quilt selected from among all the First Place winners in Categories 1 through 39.
One Best of Show Collaborative/Professional Award is awarded to the quilt selected as the best quilt
made by a Guild member and a paid Collaborator who assisted in the design, construction and/or quilting in Categories 40 through 42.
In addition, this year a National Quilting Association Certified Judge Award of Merit was presented
by Linda McCuean, NQA certified judge, to Cass Bowen for her quilt “Quilted Poinsettias”. This ribbon was awarded to this quilt for achieving recognized standards of quilt-making excellence.
Special Awards
Best of Show: Elaine Krajenke Ellison - Greek Cross to Square Dissection
Best of Show Collaborative: Nancy Hartman – Old Things Cast Long Shadows
Judge’s Choice: Laura Flynn – Neptune’s Garden
President’s Choice: Debi West – Yellowstone
Chair’s Choice: Karla Lynch - Flying Moons
Best Hand Quilting: Jean Drever – Jungle Fever
Best Machine Quilting-Stationary: Janine Ward – New York Beauty in Africa
Best Machine Quilting-Track Mounted: Rose Ryan – Florida Beauty
Best Machine Quilting Professional: Pam Labbe – Toes in the Sand
Best Hand Applique: Cathy Lane – Chez Sampler
Best Machine Applique: Cass Bowen –A Bright New Day
Best Machine Piecing: Judy Schmalzried – Purple Permutations
Established Quilters
1 – Large Pieced: Joy Abbott 1st; Karon Clay 2nd; Rose Ryan 3rd; Linda Pearce HM
2 – Large Applique: Cathy Lane 1st; Iris Helmuth 2nd
3 – Large Mixed: Sharon Schlabach 1st; Karen Meyer 2nd
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Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Quilts In Paradise
March 6 & 7, 2015
4 – Medium Pieced: Marie Blasen 1st; Iris Helmuth 2nd; Lou Taft 3rd
5 – Medium Applique: Susan Arndt 1st
6 – Medium Mixed: Marcia Slocum 1st; Pamela Zeck 2nd; Bette Behanna 3rd
7 – Small Pieced: Janine Ward 1st; Jann Warfield 2nd; Nancy Richards 3rd; MaryJo Drantell HM;
Deborah Iverson HM
8 – Small Applique: Cass Bowen 1st; Jean Freestone 2nd; Elva Farrell 3rd
9 – Small Mixed: Jean Freestone 1st; Cass Bowen 2nd; Sharon Schlabach 3rd
Emerging Quilters
10 – Large Pieced: Jane Perin 1st
11 – Large Applique: Shirley McMath 2nd
12 – Mixed Large: Helen Lucas 1st
13 – Medium Pieced: Jane Perin 3rd
15 – Medium Mixed: Margaret Daniel 1st; Gail Bond 2nd
16 – Small Pieced: Gail Bond 1st; Eva Winter 2nd
17 – Small Applique: Elaine Chapman 1st; Evelyn Fudge 3rd
Art – Original Design
19 – Abstract: Elaine Krajenke Ellison 1st; Jean Freestone 2nd; Pamela Zeck 3rd
20 – Pictorial: Pamela Zeck 1st; Jean Freestone 2nd; Maggie Dillon 3rd ; Cass Bowen HM
21 – Expressive Exploration: Elaine Krajenke Ellison 1st; Janine Ward 2nd; Debi Webb 3rd
22 – Heirloom: Donna Douglas 1st; Cathy Lane 2nd; Helen Lucas 3rd
23 – Miniature: Nancy Richards 1st; Lou Taft 2nd
24 – Wearable: Elva Farrell 2nd
27 – Other: Rose Antrim 1st; Rose Antrim 2nd
31 – Medium Pieced: Jean Drever 1st
Group Quilt
37 – Large: Vicki Strumpf 1st
38 – Medium: Jann Nohe 2nd
39 – Small: Barbara Angemi 3rd
Collaborative Professional
40 – Large: Pam Labbe 1st; Sue Hootman 2nd; Ellen Reilly 3rd; Tena Davis HM
Anna Tamburino HM; Ellen Reilly HM
41 – Medium: Nancy Hartman 1st; Pam Labbe 2nd; Susan G. Brown 3rd; Linda West HM;
Charlotte Hase HM; Linda Blasen HM
42 – Small: Nancy Hartman 1st
HM = Honorable Mention
Page 10 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Pam Morris
If you have some news you
would like to share with your
fellow FKQG members so
they can share in your pleasure, write me at or call
941-485-9755. Let’s Share!
Do You Know Your Quilt Acronyms?
BOM: Block of the Month
FART: Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FOB: Fear of Binding
FQ: Fat Quarter
HST: Half Square Triangle
LAQ: Long Arm Quilter
LQS: Local Quilt Shop
OBW: One Block Wonder
PhD: Projects Half Done
PIGS: Projects in Grocery Sacks
PP: Paper Piecing
QAYG: Quilt as you go
RR:Round Robin
SABLE: Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy
SEX: Stash Enhancing Experience
SID: Stitch in Ditch
STASH: Special Treasures All Hidden Secretly
TGIF: Thank God It’s Finished
UFO: Unfinished Object
Quilt Fabric
Bits & Pieces
1303 13th Ave. W., Bradenton
Open Friday & Saturday 11 am to 4 pm
VIP: Very Important Project
WHIMM: Works Hidden in my Mind
WIP: Work in Progress
WISP: Work in Slow Progress
WWIT: What Was I Thinking
WOMBAT: Waste of Money, Batting and Time
Page 11 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
2014 Officers & Committee Chairs
President, Karen Clark*
941-751-1122 -
1 Vice President, Education Chair, Elva Farrell*
941-355-1856 -
2nd V.P., Program Director, Mary Nissen*
941-981-9588 -
Treasurer, Joy Abbott*
941-371-3043 -
Past President, Cass Bowen*
941-355-6984 -
Secretary, Marcia Slocum*
941-371-7704 -
Class Registrar, Faith Reynolds
941-955-2860 -
Cottage Group Coordinators, Terri Reiman
941-776-4108 -
Susan Brown
941-776-8907 -
Friendship, Bev Wiberg
941-341-9758 -
Habitat for Humanity, Anne McCunney
941-751-1094 -
Historian, Donna Bowdoin
713-289-0690 -
Librarian, Ellen Simon
941-723-8727 -
Membership, Linda Swanson
309-253-0645 -
New Members, Lynn Purple
941-977-8434 -
Newsletter Editor, Karla Lynch
941-749-5087 -
Parliamentarian - Open
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
Public Relations Coordinator, Pam Morris
941-485-9755 -
Website Assistant & NQA Rep, Linda Pearce
941-951-2330 -
Workshop Coordinator, Gayle Hages
941-504-3488 -
2015 Quilt Show Co-Chairs:
Ann Greene
941-388-2208 -
Lynn Purple
941-907-8434 -
Jamie Sculley
402-630-6605 -
* denotes voting board member
updated 3-29-14
All Guild Meetings are held at
Bahia Vista Mennonite Church
4041 Bahia Vista Street, Sarasota
Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
Page 12 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
The Coastal Quilter
Chat and Chew 5:00 p.m.
Der Dutchman Restaurant
Bahia Vista Street
Monthly Guild Meeting Night
Exclusive pick up and delivery
service for our longarm
machine quilting customers.
(941) 465-1292
Contact Lynn Purple if you plan to attend.
Ellen Simon
Len Damond
Manatee Patchworkers 2015 Classes
Rose Ryan
Join New Members & “Old”
for a bite to eat
before our regular monthly meeting.
Sometimes our lecturer/teacher for
that month comes, too.
Make sure to contact Lynn Purple
if you’re coming so she
can reserve enough tables.
Did you know that
members can advertise quiltrelated items in the newsletter? If you have an item that
you would like to advertise
to buy or sell, please send the
newsletter editor, Karla Lynch, an email with
FKQG in the subject line at by the 24th of the month and your
ad will appear in the next month’s newsletter.
A Quilter’s Stash
New Location!
6388 N Lockwood Ridge Road
Sarasota, FL 34243
Open Monday—Saturday
(941) 351– 5559
10 am—5 pm
April 7th -
June Colburn
Discharge dyeing and ribbon
May 9th -
Carole Shaw
Modern Patriotic Rail Fence
Monday, April 7th is a lecture by June Colburn on purses. She has the most glorious purses
using many techniques.
Tuesday, April 8th is discharge dying. You
can play all day in discharge dyeing if you
choose. Applique pattern is optional. Class
charge is $28. Material fees are $8 for the discharge medium and $10 for the pattern. Supply
list is on the website. It’s a fun, not messy, technique. Spaces are available.
Monday, May 4th is Carole Shaw. Her lecture will be on Modern Quilts with a trunk show.
Saturday, May 9th is the class, Patriotic Modern Rail Fence. Learn improvisational piecing
and non-traditional grid layout.
For more info go to
for locations and supply lists.
Page 13 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
News On The Go!
New Members On The Road Again
Lynn Purple
We’re going to join Loose Threads Cottage
Group for a Road Trip, Saturday, April 25. We
will be going as far as Deland and work our way
back home. This is going to be an all-day trip
and we will meet at a central point and car pool
from there.
I think many of the River Quilters Cottage
Group are also planning on going and I hope new
members will put this on your calendar, too. Let
me know if you are interested and I’ll send you
all the pertinent poop like times, places and, most
importantly, where we’re going to have lunch.
These trips are always such fun and a great
way to meet other members. I hope you’ll come.
Let me know,
Looking for a quilt show
in Florida?
Visit the Florida Quilt Network
Many shows happen at this time of year,
including ours!
So get your friends together
and take a road trip
to a quilt show.
The Piececmaker’s Quilt Guild of Brandon is
having a sale in April, of a deceased member’s
fabric and other quilting supplies. There is a ton
of fabric (including precuts), vintage tops and
blocks, kits, unquilted tops, and lots more. Much
of the fabric is quilt-store quality, and will be
priced at 50% off retail, or better.
The sale is on April 13 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in
the Social Hall of the First United Methodist
Church of Brandon, 120 N. Knight’s Avenue,
Brandon; this is just north of Highway 60
(Brandon Boulevard), near Stower’s Funeral
Home. Our April meeting will begin at 6:45
p.m. and anyone from the guild who comes to
shop would be most welcome to attend out meeting as our guest. The owner of Abbey Lane
Quilts will be our speaker.
Page 14 April 2015
Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild, Inc.
All newsletter information due by April 24, 2015
Email submissions by this date to the Editor, Karla Lynch at
Please DO NOT wear perfumed
substances such as
cologne, hair spray,
etc. to
Guild Meetings or
The Friendship Note
6308 Turners Gap
Bradenton, FL 34203
If you know of a member who is ill, has suffered the loss of a loved one or otherwise should
be remembered by our Guild, please let me know
so I can send a card from the Guild.