OCEAN WAVES NEWS - Ocean Waves Quilters
OCEAN WAVES NEWS - Ocean Waves Quilters
February, 2016 Volume 32, Issue 2 OCEAN WAVES NEWS President’s Message The Ocean Waves Chapter meets on the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at Miami West Active Day Center th 13776 SW 8 Street Miami, FL Special meeting day: February 6, 2016 Quilt South Florida February 12 & 13, 2016 FEBRUARY: Final planning meeting for Quilt South Florida WHERE TO FIND: 2016 FL Quilt Shows Officers Birthdays Calendar Checklist Community Quilts Fabric Exchange Hospitality Membership News Minutes Programs Round Robin Sunshine 6 2 2 2 2 5 3 4 5 9 3 3 4 Treasurer’s Report 4 Dear Quilters, Thank you for your kind words of support and your confidence in me to be Ocean Wave Quilt Guild's President. An organization is only as good as the members. Member participation and enthusiasm keep an organization alive and well. I feel very fortunate that so many of the Committee Chairmen have agreed to continue in their current positions. I am pleased that Past President Lois Erickson will continue with the background tasks (Did you know that she makes sure that the toilet paper is stocked for our meeting?), the fabric exchange, and the end of the meeting humor. She has some big shoes for me to step into. After two successful Installation Luncheons, Molly Gonzalez and Yvonne Emmanuelli are ready to pass on the torch. If you would like to be the Installation Luncheon Chairman for January 2017 please let me know. Other chairman positions currently available are Historian, By-laws, 2017 Chapter Raffle Quilt and Nominating Committees. The Guild has not offered the members a Memorial Challenge in a couple of years, maybe this is the year that someone will step up and organize one. We had so much fun at the meetings last year. It is so great that nearly two thirds of our members regularly attend the monthly meetings. April Atlas started off 2015 with nationally recognized quilt teacher Rose Hughes. Pam Chamberlin continued with varied and interesting programs, including another nationally recognized quilt teacher, Carolyn Friedlander. From our members we learned Cotton Theory, Scrappy Mountain Majesties, Crazy Quilts, Fabric Beads, Hawaiian Appliqué and so much more. I now have more UFO's. But, Sandy has some programs planned to help us finish some of those projects. April 9 - Save the Date - The Singing Quilter will perform at the meeting. 2016 is already shaping up to be a busy year with our Quilting South Florida show kicking off the year on February 12 & 13 in Homestead. We are looking for all members to come and help. At the February 6th meeting, the committee will make final plans and assign jobs. But, before the Ocean Waves show, the Florida Keys Guild is holding a quilt show at San Pedro Catholic Church on January 29 & 30. Is anyone interested in carpooling? Let me know and I will try to coordinate. Behind every quilter is a huge pile of fabric. Sharon Krutulis President Ocean Waves Quilt Guild This newsletter is available online, in color and with working links, to members of Ocean Waves at the site below: Ocean Waves e-mail list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ocean_Waves Printed directions on how to join our Yahoo group are available at the Membership Table. Visit Ocean Waves on the Web – http://www.OceanWavesQuilters.com **Click on “Members Only” and log in with the password: dedaow to access our Newsletter and lots more pictures than we have room for in the Newsletter. 2 The Ocean Waves News is published monthly by the Ocean Waves Chapter of the National Quilting Association. FEBRUARYCALENDAR Entire contents, except as otherwise noted or reprinted, ©2015 Ocean Waves Chapter HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN FEBRUARY TO: 2 10 12 14 15 17 17 17 18 26 28 28 Kim Thompson Patricia Cantwell Deda Maldonado Norma Jean Green Angela Maltzman Mary Bevilacqua Laura Capell Charmane Mead Betty Moss Inae Griffith Liz Duell-Branly Leslie Pope Monday Sewers -- meet at 10:00 a.m. Gerry Tucker’s house 1,15,& 29 4 Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Thursday Leisure City Moose Lodge 15490 SW 288 St. Homestead 6 Ocean Waves Meeting 12 Editor’s Deadline 5:00 p.m. Friday Send to Leslie Pope, popela1@fastmail.fm 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! 15 Presidents’ Day CHECKLIST for FEBRUARY □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Nametag (or pay 25¢). Checkbook for Membership renewal, door prizes and programs Cash for door prizes Quilts for Quilt South Florida Library books to return Quilts for Show & Help Blocks for Community Quilts, Finished Community Tops/Quilts Fabric Exchange – 10 ½ inch squares, heart prints OCEAN WAVES OFFICERS 2016 Sharon Krutulis President SAVE on BOOKS Mary Jo Robles is our new AQS liaison. Talk to her about ordering AQS books. girlscouttraining@hotmail.com Joyce Cotner VP-Membership VP-ProgramsCurrent VP-ProgramsAdvance Planning Secretary Treasurer joys4joyce@comcast.net Charlotte de Ogburn, alternate cmdeogburn@earthlink.net Webmaster A Challenge quilt 305-253-3868 305-248-8745 Sandy Smith alexipoo02@gmail.com Mary Jo Robles kumcmaryjo2@hotmail.com Linda Fayant dlfay@bellsouth.net Judy Millero jmillero@bellsouth.net Editor Newsletter 305-248-0488 Leslie Pope 305-665-6495 popela1@fastmail.fm Deda Maldonado deda@watv.net 786 397-2719 305-962-4473 305-245-4767 305-274-3389 Publishing & Distribution: Bar Werner 305-661-3424 werworld@bellsouth.net 305-302-8312 3 PROGRAMS NEWS Sandy Malinovsky Smith VP Programming 2016 February: The Quilt South Florida Show is happening!!! So many people have been working so hard to make this happen, please make sure that you make plans to see it and bring your friends. I have always been so impressed with the talent of the guild members and am so proud that this will be displayed for the public. Because the show is on the 12th and 13th of February, the regular guild meeting will be on Feb. 6th. March: Community Quilts with Gerry Tucker. Please stay after the meeting and help to tie quilts for the community!!! This is a nice opportunity to give back!! April: Cathy Miller, aka ‘The Singing Quilter” will be our guest teacher. She and her husband, John Bunge, will present a trunk show and entertain us on Saturday, and teach the Mock Mola Reverse Appliqué class on Sunday. They are making their last quilt tour of the US this year (they come from British Columbia, Canada), so mark your calendars for this class! Our smiling speaker and teacher from the January Installation luncheon – Ami Simms. FABRIC EXCHANGE 2016 Lois Erickson The Layer Cake exchange – no baking, just cutting! Mock Mola sample – photograph supplied by Sandy Smith February starts our first exchange. You will need 12 squares 10" x 10". Ten people are signed up this year and we are once again doing our small part to make next year's Installation Luncheon a success by collecting two squares a month for the raffle baskets. So you will bring 12 squares and go home with 10. Then we can watch throughout the year the beautiful fabrics grow. We will be exchanging 10” squares (also known as layer cake) size. Quilt shop quality fabric, pre-washed and ironed. The cost will be $60 for the class. For all class information, visit their website, www.thesingingquilter.com. Click on classes on the left column. The Mock Mola reverse Appliqué is the first one listed. Supplies for the class are also on the website. Cathy and John suggest black batting, although this is not necessary. They will, however, bring some for sale. This really looks like fun!!! May: Member demos!!! This is always a neat opportunity for our members to share their skill with the rest of the guild. Please let me know if you are interested in demonstrating a specific skill for this program. Lastly, please note that I have changed my cell phone: it is 786 397-2719. 2016 ROUND ROBIN Phyllis Salt Have you decided on the center block for your Round Robin piece? We will begin in March and I will have full th directions for each of you at our February 6 Ocean Waves meeting. I will supply a small notebook to each person which will travel with your fabrics throughout the year. I’m looking forward to resuming this in March. 1 yard of fabric should yield 12 squares 1 ½ yards should yield 20 squares 2 yards should yield 28 squares After cutting, put them in a large zip lock bag with your name on it. Bring it each month and separate out the squares on the front counter. When you go home at the end of the day, pick up your bag and hurry home to play with it. This year we are going to mix it up a little and go with themes. So bring any color of fabric or print as long as it has the month’s theme. February: Hearts prints (meeting date: February 6) March: Landscaping (grasses, trees, browns, leaves) April: Flowers May: Boy prints (baby, little boy) June: Girl prints (baby, little girl) July: Patriotic prints August: Black and white prints September: Paisley prints October: Harvest and Autumn colors (gold, orange, browns) November: Dots, Polka Dots December: Jack Frost colors (whites, blues & light bluesthink of winter) 4 NEW for March 2016 HOSPITALITY Lois Erickson Mercy Savage has offered to start a Sit and Sew for hand sewers after guild meetings. Whether you are completing her Hawaiian appliqué, doing other appliqué, binding, embroidery or other handwork, Mercy will be there to help and provide hints and direction. Starting in March 2016, after each guild meeting, the group will meet in the area near the bathrooms to work on individual projects. It’s a wonderful gift from Mercy to guild members, and I hope many of you will take this opportunity to join in. Thank you, Mercy for this awesome opportunity. Just bring yourselves to this special meeting where we will be working on the final details of our quilt show - Quilt South Florida. The guild will provide bagels and accompaniments to fuel our work. END OF YEAR 2015 TREASURER’S REPORT Kay Wilson, Treasurer Beginning Balance Nov. 1, 2015: Checking Petty Cash CD $ $24,425.65 23.89 15,825.57 Income: Part of the teddy bear brigade at the luncheon SUNSHINE Phyllis Salt Congratulations to Joan Vigil for being our Quilter of the Year for 2015. Everyone will agree that she was very worthy of the honor. Special thanks to Molly Gonzalez and Yvonne Emmanuelli for the wonderful Installation Luncheon. The location was not hard to find, the room was large enough for our group and the food was delicious. Cathy Viar and her brothers flew up to Nebraska to surprise their mother, Cecilia Powers, on her 95th Birthday on January 21st. I know she was pleased to see them. Your Sunshine Lady is wearing a big smile this week. She became a Great-Grandma for the second time on Sunday. Little DECLAN LOUIS SALT was born out in Colorado on Jan. 10. He was welcomed by big brother Asher, 21 months. More teddy bears – batik, quilted, and furry Advertising Chapter Quilt (Bear Mt. Cabin) Door Prizes Installation Luncheon 2015 Installation Luncheon 2016 Library Membership Programs 2015 Programs 2016 Cert. of Deposit Hospitality Miscellaneous Total 2015 Income 25.00 1,590.00 1,826.00 340.00 2,345.00 135.55 3,512.50 2,469.85 1,260.00 151.12 100.00 20.00 13,750.02 Expenditures: Accountant Dues – AQS FL Corp Annual Report (annual) FL Dept of Agriculture (annual) FL Dept of Revenue (sales tax) Office Supplies Donation Sunrise (Rent) P. O. Box (annual) Storage Unit (annual) Website Chapter Quilt 2016 Community Quilts Door Prizes Hospitality Installation Luncheon 2015 Installation Luncheon 2016 Library Membership Newsletter Programs 2015 Programs 2016 Sunshine NQA donation for deceased members Miscellaneous Donations Total 2015 Expenses Net Ending Balance, December 31, 2015: Checking CD 400.00 25.00 70.00 10.00 164.05 34.25 2,000.00 124.00 561.75 200.00 883.48 723.48 370.34 80.89 1,976.14 400.00 0.00 344.24 461.72 4,304.30 575.33 9.80 0.00 56.84 1,500.00 15,265.61 (1,515.59) $ $22,910.06 15,825.57 5 Community Quilts Gerry Tucker What a wonderful Ocean Waves Luncheon we celebrated! Congratulations to Molly and Yvonne! Due to the preparations of many, many enjoyed socializing with friends and fellow quilters. Ami Simms was a riot and all seemed to relate to her informal and relaxed presentation. Some Challenge quilt submittals, and organizers Membership News I'm looking forward to March and Community Quilt Production Day. Put it on your calendar now so you don't make other plans for that afternoon. I've heard such fantastically wonderful things about our Ocean Waves Luncheon & Installation; congratulations to all who made it such a success! (Due to attending a family wedding in Ohio I missed the Luncheon.) Monday Sewers invite new members. We will meet Feb.1, 15, & 29 at 10 am and continue until we are finished, are tired, or are just plain talked out. We all bring something share for lunch and we agree that we always have a gourmet lunch whatever we have! Call me for more information and directions to my house. Extra special kudos to our Quilter of the Year, our very dedicated member, Joan Vigil. I now will share the accomplishments of our "giving members" in 2015. Final call for Directory info: The deadline to pay dues for your info to be included in the Directory is Feb 13. And, lucky you!! You have 3 chances to pay your dues!! #1) Pay at the Guild Mtg, Feb 6: or, #2) Pay at Quilt South Florida, Feb 12-13: or, send to me Joyce Cotner, 8531 Caribbean Blvd, Miami, FL 33157. Also, please let us know if you have any Directory changes that need to be made. WE CARE QUILTERS Joyce Cotner, Membership VP Is your picture in the Directory or does it need to be updated? Yes, pictures will be being taken at the Feb 6th Guild Mtg. VA HOSPITALS. 46 regular quilts 34 wheel chair bags Educate Tomorrow 38 regular guilts 2 baby quilts Homestead AFB. 2 quilts CG Methodist Church. 1 Christmas quilt, for the minister COMMUNITY QUILTS Sunrise Community. Molly's Homes for elderly individuals CG Women's Club Dental Project. Patches Joan Vigil project. Joyce C. Beautiful butterfly blocks, presented to Lois Erickson THANK YOU! 42 quilts for individuals in the nonambulatory unit 14 quilts 20 adult bibs 4 small quilts 4 quilts (included in report for Holiday Project by Pam C.) 4 cot sheets 10 bibs 14 small quilts 1 quilt for veterans Pat yourself on the back and congratulate others who have given selflessly of time and effort. Keep up the good work in 2016. May your points meet! Thank you to each of you who made Butterflies for me. I LOVE them ALL!! So beautiful. I understand it was a first attempt to appliqué for some and truly appreciate your efforts. They are just beautiful. I already have a design in mind for using them in a quilt and will incorporate them with the set of butterflies I received earlier from my first tenure as president. I hope my design will turn out as beautiful as these butterflies are. LaVerne Johnson, with her quick wit had already given it a name "Flutter-By". So, I am all set to go. Thank you again so much for these. They are just wonderful. Lois Erickson Luncheon attendees enjoying themselves! 6 Feb. 12-13: Suncoast Quilt Expo - A Stitch in Time, Manatee Area Convention Center 1 Haben Blvd, Palmetto, FL 34221 www.manateepatchworkers.org Feb. 12-13: Quilt South Florida – A Gallery Show of Fiber Arts, First Methodist Church, 622 Krome Ave., Homestead, FL http://www.oceanwavesquilters.com/qsf.html Feb. 19-20: "Gathering of Quilts" Disconnected Piecers Quilt Guild Biennial Quilt Show Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center 75 Taylor St, Punta Gorda, FL www.dpqg.tripod.com from our Quilter of the Year Joan Fowler Vigil 2015 Thank you all very much for the "Quilter of the Year" award. What a surprise!!! I have the mini quilt Leslie made with the "recognition of outstanding contributions to the guild" hanging on the wall above my sewing machine. I was also pleased to have a number of friends come to me to tell me that they had nominated me. Wow!! I love working for the group. Everyone is so appreciative. I have loved feeding everyone and enjoy having you try the unusual things that I bring in from my garden. I will keep bringing in those new food items and I will keep talking about eating healthy. The work I have done for charity projects was a pleasure so expect me to keep asking you to join me in that area. Now I will focus more on quilting and concentrate on improving the quality of my work. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. 2016 FLORIDA QUILT SHOWS Feb. 4-6: Quilting in Paradise, Port St Lucie Civic Center, 9221 SE Civic Center Place, Port St Lucie, FL http://www.pslcrazyquilters.com/2016_SHOW.php Feb. 6: Airing of the Quilts v 2.0 2016 Quilt Show and Sale, Maxine Barritt Park Pavilion, 1800 S. Harbor Drive, Venice, FL http://www.sarasotamodernquiltguild.com/home.html Feb. 12-13:"Quilting with the Stars" Chautauqua Quilters Guild Biennial Quilt Show with The Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild DeFuniak Springs Community Center 361 N 10th St, DeFuniak Springs, FL www.chautauquaquiltersguild.com Feb. 12-13: Quilts from the Heart St. Andrew Bay Quilters’ Guild Annual Quilt Show Florida State University, Holley Center, 4750 Collegiate Dr, Panama City, FL www.sabqg.org Feb. 19-21: "Sew Many Quilts 2016 - Reach for the Stars" New Port Richey Recreation & Aquatic Center 6630 Van Buren Street, New Port Richey, FL 34653 www.WestPascoQuilters.org Feb. 20-21: 33rd Annual Farmfest & Quilt Show Pioneer Florida Museum 15602 Pioneer Museum Rd, Dade City, FL www.pioneerfloridamuseum.org Feb. 24-27 :AQS QuiltWeek, 202 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL www.quiltweek.com/locations/daytona Feb. 26-27: Stitches in Time 2016, New Hope Ministries, 7675 Davis Blvd, Naples, FL http://www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html Mar. 4-5: "Quilting A Memory" 2016 Quilt Show Seaside Piecemakers Quilt Club, Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, FL http://www.seasidepiecemakers.com Mar. 4-5: 2016 “FAN”tastic Quilt Show, Lake County Quilters Guild, Lake Receptions, 4425 Highway 19A, Mount Dora, FL http://lakequiltguild.com/quilt-show/ Mar. 11-12: Today’s Pleasures, Tomorrow’s Treasures XVI, Suncoast Quilting Circle Quilt Show 2016, Minnreg Hall, 6340 126 Ave. North, Largo, FL http://suncoastquiltingcircle.org/ Mar. 11-12: 2016 Quilt Show "Charlotte's Garden", The Pelican Piecemakers Quilt Guild NSB, Christ Community Church, 1210 Mission Dr, New Smyrna Beach, Fl Mar. 17-18: Original Sewing & Quilt Expo,The Lakeland Center, 701 West Lime St.,Lakeland, FL http://www.sewingexpo.com/ Mar. 18-19: Quilt Show 2016 Quilts of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Palm Beach County Quilters’ Guild, South Florida Fairgrounds in West Palm Beach, FL http://www.palmbeachquilters.org/quilt-show/ Mar. 19: Trenton's Suwannee Valley Quilt Festival, Trenton, FL http://www.trentonquiltfestival.com/index.html Mar. 19-20: Quilting by the Gulf XVI, Venice Area Quilters’ Guild, Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave., Venice, FL http://www.vaqg.org/ 7 Sewing Machine for Sale I have a Bernina 430 with a BSR (stitch Regulator for free motion quilting), Original Manuel, Original feet, and accessories for Sale. For a guild Member, the price is $1,200. On E-bay they sell from up to $1,500 with BSR optional. It was purchased in 2009 and used until 2014 on a regular basis. Since then it has been used occasionally, as it was at my 2nd house. It has been serviced on a regular basis and currently has about 1 million stitches before servicing is required again. Any questions, please call 305-322-2139. I do accept credit cards. Have a great day Diane Diaz CHAPTER QUILT We are in need of places to display our beautiful appliqué chapter quilt. Please let Lois Erickson or Shirley Horton know of any facility we can go for a day, to hang (protected) but with the ability to sell some raffle tickets. Ami Simms had us all laughing. Challenge quilts Lois, Ami, and Ami’s little sinking ship quilt 8 A Thank You from PATCHES December 31, 2015 Att: Pam Chamberlin Ocean Waves Quilt Guild Dear Ms. Chamberlin & Ladies of the Guild, On behalf of the administration, staff and children of PATCHES we wish to thank you all for your generous donations. You ladies provided us with so many hand-made gifts of love which we really needed and are forever grateful for. The Gift Cards and Cash helped us to purchase some of the many things on our needs list as well. With friends like you our burdens are made lighter. Thank you once again for thinking of us. PATCHES is a licensed 501 C 3 not for profit pediatric nursing center for children with complex medical conditions. We are open five days a week, 12 hours a day providing skilled nursing care and therapies to children birth to age 21. PATCHES is Medicaid fee for service. No child is turned away for the lack of ability to pay IF they meet medical criteria. You are part of our family and always welcome at the nursing center. Have a blessed New Year. Sincerely, Photos in this Newsletter by Nancy Barnes and Chauncey Barnes. unless otherwise noted. Azona Kyle Smith, RN, BSN, CEO, Founder Joanie Ippolito, RN, BSN, Co-CEO, Founder Sharon Fields, Community Liaison More Ocean Waves members enjoying themselves at the luncheon. 9 The wonderful basket array Photograph by April Atlas Ocean Waves Quilt Guild Officers 2016 Photograph by Earl Erickson Meeting Minutes January 9, 2016 Luncheon and Installation of Officers Meeting brought to order by Lois Erickson, President at 10:00am. Lois thanked Molly Gonzalez and Yvonne Emmanuelli for all their hard work in planning and implementing this luncheon. Lois welcomed all our guests and guest speaker Ami Simms. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published in the newsletter. 1. Lois announced that everyone signed up for the fabric exchange will need to get one yard of fabric to cut 12 ten inch squares. th 2. Lois also announced that our next meeting would be in three weeks on February 6 . (Ed. note – actually 4 weeks) 3. QSF will be held Feb. 12 & 13 and we can sign up for classes and demos on the website. Judy Millero will be taking in submittal forms for the quilts today. th. 4. Cheri Ucci is passing out raffle ticket packets for the Chapter Quilt today. Drawing will be May 14 5. Ami Simms is selling her “Picture Play Quilts” book today for $10. Five dollars of each book sale will be donated back to the Quilt Guild. 6. Leslie Pope (Quilter of the Year 2014) presented Quilter of the Year 2015 to Joan Vigil. 7. Programs for 2016 will be: Quilt Show in February; Community Quilts in March; and April will be the “Singing Quilters”. 8. Lois announced a new due date for info for the newsletter will be the Wednesday after the Saturday meeting. th This month will be January 13 . (Ed. note – modified to the Friday after the Saturday meeting) 9. Lois also announced there will be a “hand sewing” circle after each meeting for those who wish to bring their own projects in and join. 10. The 2015 Board was recognized and thanked for their work this past year. 11. Sharon Krutulis presented Lois with the handmade butterfly squares from the guild in thanks for her fun presidency this past year. 12. Sharon announced those with perfect attendance this year: Mayra Diaz, Marie Flannigan, Arlene Goldberg, Carol Grassbaugh, Norma Jean Green, Pat Greene, Bar Werner, Carol LaFleur, and Chauncey Barnes. Sharon also thanked Jean Fowler for all her help. Installation of Officers as follows: President – Sharon Krutulis; VP Programs 2016 – Sandy Smith; VP Programs 2017 – Mary Jo Robles; Membership – Joyce Cotner and Charlotte de Ogburn; Secretary – Linda Fayant; and Treasurer – Judy Millero. Meeting was adjourned for guest speaker Ami Simms. Raffle basket winners were: Sally Bartelt, Molly Gonzalez, Phyllis Salt, Liz Duell-Branly, Jean Fowler, Barb Frazzetto, Sharon Krutulis, Nicki Jamieson, Kasha Abbott, Betty Roxborough, Carole Sandin, Arthur Goldberg, and LaVerne Johnson. Winners of the Quilt Challenge were: Sandy Marietta – Third prize; Pat Helmcamp – Second Prize and Cheri Ucci – First Prize Sincerely, Linda Lever 10 PO Box 43-1673 South Miami FL 33243-1673