Quarry Lake Fall Festival - Quarry Lake at Greenspring
Quarry Lake Fall Festival - Quarry Lake at Greenspring
4th Annual 4th Annual 4th Annual 4th Annual 4thAnnual Annual 4th Annual 6th Quarry Lake Fall Festival Quarry Lake Fall Festival Quarry Lake Fall Festival Quarry Quarry Lake Lake Fall Festival Quarry Lake Fall Festival Quarry Fall Festival Quarry Lake Fall Festival Sponsored by 6th Annual Sponsored by Sponsoredby by Sponsored Sunday, September 14, 2014 • 11am-5pm sponsored by Sponsored byBeltway Exit 22 in Baltimore County Sponsored by Greenspring Ave off Sunday, September 14, 2014 sponsored by •••11am-5pm Sunday, September 14, 2014 11am-5pm Sunday, September 14, 2014 11am-5pm Greenspring Ave off Beltway Exit 22 in Baltimore County Greenspring Aveoff offBeltway Beltway Exit22 22ininBaltimore Baltimore County 70+ Vendors • Great Food & Drink Greenspring Ave Exit County Sunday,September September14, 14,2014 2014••11am-5pm 11am-5pm Sunday, Greenspring Aveoff offBeltway Beltway Exit22 22ininBaltimore Baltimore County 70+ •••Great Food &&Drink Greenspring Ave Exit County 70+Vendors Vendors Great Food Drink 70+ Vendors Great Food Drink sponsored by & • Corvettes Sunday, 18, sponsored 2016 11am-5pm 70+September Vendors • Great Food Drink 70+ Vendors • Great Food &&Drink •••Corvettes sponsoredby Corvettes • Elmo 1:30pm sponsored byby Corvettes Sunday, September 18, 2016 11am-5pm Greenspring Ave off Beltway Exit 22 in Baltimore County sponsoredbyby •Corvettes sponsored ••Corvettes •Elmo Elmo1:30pm 1:30pm • Elmo 1:30pm Local Authors Greenspring Ave off Beltway Exit 22 in Baltimore County 1pm 70+ Vendors•••Elmo Great Food & Drink Elmo1:30pm 1:30pmLocal LocalAuthors Authors 70+ Vendors • Great Local HarrisonAuthors Demchick 1pm 1pm Food & Drink 1pm Dr. Rose Local Authors Local Authors Harrison Demchick Harrison Demchick HarrisonMontelone Demchick Thomas 1pm 1pm Dr. Dr.Rose Rose Dr. Rose Elissa Brent Weissman Harrison Demchick Harrison Demchick Thomas Montelone Thomas Montelone Thomas Montelone Dr.Rose Rose Dr. Elissa Weissman ElissaBrent Brent Weissman Elissa Brent Weissman Thomas Montelone Thomas Montelone Woodholme ElissaBrent BrentWeissman Weissman Assisted Living Elissa Chil Dr En’S Ar EA CHILDREN’S AREA including: Gardens On Stage Woodholme n oon r einvent U Boot Camp ON STAGE Gardens On Stage On Stage 12:30pm Gary Brown and The Groove n oonrr reinvent einvent UBoot BootCamp Camp nn2:30pm oon U Camp KS lOn ee Taekwondo oon einvent ON STAGE Stage On Stage 12:30pmGary Gary Brown andThe TheGroove Groove 3:00pm Caffeine 12:30pm Brown and Groove 12:30pm Gary & Memory Care Assisted Living & Memory Care including: Chil Dr En’S ArEA EAby Jon & DJ Jensen Noon - The Cheyanne Canyon Band moon bounce, face painting, Chil Dr En’S Ar Chil Dr En’S Ar EA Face painting and Balloon Animals sandincluding: art, caricatures 1:45pm - Shadowcall including: Caricatures by Rick Wright including: including: and balloon art Torah Tails 3:30pm - Gary & The Groove moon bounce, face painting, Chil Dr En’S Ar EAby Jon & DJ Jensen Noon - The Cheyanne Canyon Band moon bounce, face painting, moon bounce, face painting, Chil Dr En’S Ar EA Face painting and Balloon Animals Magician Tim Hall 2-4PM 2:30pm KS l ee Taekwondo n oon r einvent U Boot Camp sand art, caricatures 2:30pm KS l ee Taekwondo KS of- Shadowcall Taekwondo sand art, caricatures n2:30pm oonChamber r einvent U Boot Camp 1:45pm Proceeds to benefit the Pikesville Commerce sand art, caricatures including: Caricatures by Rick Wright including: Moon Bounce and balloon art 3:00pm 12:30pmGary Gary Brown and The Groove and balloon art Torah Tails 3:00pm Caffeine and balloon art 3:30pm - Caffeine Gary & The Groove 3:00pm 12:30pm Brown and The Groove moon bounce, face painting, Sponsored by: moon bounce, face painting, Magiciansand - Tim art, Hall 2-4PM 2:30pm KS ee Taekwondo caricatures Proceeds benefit thePikesville Pikesville Chamber ofCommerce Commerce 2:30pm KS l lof ee Taekwondo Proceeds to benefit the Pikesville Chamber Proceeds tototo benefit the Chamber sand art, caricatures Proceeds benefit the Pikesville Chamber Moon Bounce Proceeds to benefit the Pikesville Chamber of Commerce CHILDREN’S AREA 3:00pmCaffeine Caffeine 3:00pm Proceedstotobenefit benefitthe thePikesville PikesvilleChamber ChamberofofCommerce Commerce Proceeds and balloon art Sponsored by: Sponsored by: and balloon art Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Sponsoredby: by: Sponsored Envoy of Pikesville Envoy of Pikesville Proceeds to benefit the Pikesville Chamber Envoy ofofCommerce Pikesville Envoy of Pikesville Envoy of Pikesville www.overlookatwoodholme.com o