
think you know these
foundational figures?
I V P A c a d e m i c Ca t a l o g
Evangelically Rooted. Critically Engaged.
spr i ng 2015
“John Walton is a voice of reason and he has shown time
and time again that we must learn to read the Bible as
God gave it, not the way we’d like it to be.”
—Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary
IVP Academic Catalog | Volume 76 | Spring 2015
IVP Academic Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
New IVP Academic Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Recent Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Commentaries and Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
General Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
IVP Sales Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Cover Credits:
Slate Background Texture
Triumphal Entry
Bridgeman Images
from InterVarsity Press
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IVP Academic Staff
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2 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
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Old Testament Studies
John H. Walton
Genesis 2–3 and the Human Origins Debate
”Scholarly and readable, the text seen through Near
Eastern eyes provides fascinating new insights into
Do We Have to Choose?
For centuries the story of Adam and Eve has resonated richly
through the corridors of art, literature and theology. But for
many thinking Christians today who want to take seriously
the authority of Scripture, insisting on a “literal” understanding of Genesis 2–3 looks painfully like a “tear here”
strip between faith and science.
How can Christians of good faith move forward? Who were
the historical Adam and Eve? In what cultural code was this
couple, this garden, this serpent portrayed? With twenty-one
propositions, John Walton now backlights this most elemental
story with the ancient world of the biblical author, giving us the
context and clarity to reset the discussion and move forward.
Additionally, an illuminating excursus by N. T. Wright places
Adam in the implied narrative of Paul’s theology.
John H. Walton (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is
professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. His books include The Lost World of Scripture, The
Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the
Old Testament, The NIV Application Commentary: Genesis and
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament.
A dA m A nd eve
Denis Alexander, author, Creation or Evolution:
the question of human origins.”
T he L os T Wor L d
The Lost World of Adam and Eve
Genesis 2–3 and the
human origins debate
Lo sT
An d
J o h n h . WA LT o n
With a contribution by n. T. Wright
March 2015
272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2461-8,
Related Titles
Death Before the Fall,
Ronald E. Osborn,
Selected Propositions from Contents “Forming
from Dust” and “Building from Rib” Are Archetypal Claims
and Not Claims of Material Origins • Forming of Humans in
Ancient Near Eastern Accounts Is Archetypal, So It Would
Not Be Unusual for Israelites to Think in Those Terms •
The New Testament Is More Interested in Adam and Eve as
Archetypes Than as Biological Progenitors • Though Some
of the Biblical Interest in Adam and Eve Is Archetypal, Yet
They Are Real People Who Existed in a Real Past • Adam
Is Assigned as Priest in Sacred Space, with Eve to Help •
The Garden Is an Ancient Near Eastern Motif for Sacred
Space, and the Trees Indicate God as the Source of Life
and Wisdom • Paul’s Use of Adam Is More Interested in the
The Lost World of
Genesis One,
John H. Walton,
Effect of Sin on the Cosmos Than in the Effect of Sin on
Humanity and Has Nothing to Say About Human Origins
• Excursus on Paul’s Use of Adam, by N. T. Wright • It Is Not
Essential That All People Descended from Adam and Eve
ivpacademic.com 3
Michael Reeves
Rejoicing in Christ
Rejoicing in chRist
”Reeves shows that for believers, our life is from
Christ, and Christ is our life! His account of Christian
Rejoicing in
doctrine about Jesus is complimented with a treasure
trove of historical artwork depicting Jesus, stimulating the mind as well as the heart.”
Michael F. Bird, lecturer in Theology at Ridley,
Melbourne, Australia
”This is how to write Christology: biblical, theological,
historical, pastoral and spiritual! Theology at its best
Michael Reeves
Author of Delighting in the Trinity
from one of today’s best theologians.”
Simon Ponsonby, pastor of Theology,
St Aldate’s Church, Oxford
March 2015
144 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4022-9,
Related Titles
Delighting in the
Michael Reeves,
Jesus Christ,
Donald G. Bloesch,
If we want to know who God is, the best thing we can do is
look at Christ. If we want to live the life to which God calls
us, we look to Christ. In Jesus we see the true meaning of the
love, power, wisdom, justice, peace, care and majesty of God.
Michael Reeves, author of Delighting in the Trinity, opens
to readers the glory and wonder of Christ, offering a bigger
and more exciting picture than many have imagined. Jesus
didn’t just bring us the good news. He is the good news.
Reeves helps us celebrate who Christ is, his work on earth,
his death and resurrection, his anticipated return and how
we share in his life.
In an age beckoning us to look at ourselves, Michael
Reeves calls us to look at Christ. As we focus our hearts on
him, we see how he is our life, our righteousness, our holiness and our hope.
Michael Reeves (PhD, King’s College) is an author,
theologian, historian and professor who teaches at Wales
Evangelical School of Theology (WEST) and is the director
of Union, a WEST initiative that puts the theological
academy back in the local church context. He is the author
of books such as Delighting in the Trinity, The Unquenchable
Flame, Discovering the Heart of the Reformation, The Breeze of the
Centuries, On Giants Shoulders and The Good God.
Contents Introduction: Christianity Is Christ (1) In the
Beginning (2) Behold the Man! (3) There and Back Again
(4) Life in Christ (5) Come, Lord Jesus! • Conclusion: No
Other Name Under Heaven • Image Credits • Scripture
4 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
New Testament Studies
Gary M. Burge
“Fully true to the historical-cultural setting of the
early first-century Roman empire, this story not only
makes the New Testament world come alive but it
creates one very plausible scenario of the career and
B urGe
A Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion
A W e e k in
the L i f e of a
family of the Capernaum centurion of Matthew 8:5-13
and Luke 7:1-10.”
Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary
Enter a world of warfare and treachery, of duty and honor,
of love and loyalty, interwoven with the inner workings of a
Roman centurion’s household. And then trace it as the road
curves toward little Capernaum.
Follow the story of Appius, a proud centurion, and
Tullus, his scribe and slave. From a battle with the Parthians,
through a tragic personal crisis, to the gladiator arena at
Caesarea Maritima, their tale finally leads to the backwater
village of Capernaum on the shores of Galilee. There, in
a culture not their own and during a week they will never
forget, they encounter a Jewish prophet from Nazareth.
In entertaining historical fiction, this fast-paced account
gives us an empire-eye view of the world of the Gospels.
Splashed with informative sidebars and images, we capture a
view of Jesus’ world from the outer framework looking in.
Gary M. Burge (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor
of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.
Among his many published books are Theology Questions
Everyone Asks (with coeditor David Lauber), The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary (general editor with Andrew Hill),
The New Testament in Antiquity (coauthored with Lynn Cohick
and Gene Green), John: The Gospel of Life and the awardwinning Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not
Being Told About Israel and the Palestinians.
Contents Characters (1) From Emesa to Raphana (2)
From Raphana to Dura-Europos (3) From Dura-Europos to
Raphana (4) From Raphana to Caesarea (5) Caesarea (6)
From Caesarea to Capernaum (7) Capernaum (8) Capernaum’s Midwife (9) Capernaum’s Synagogue (10) One Week
in Capernaum
Ga ry M . Bu rG e
May 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2462-5,
Related Titles
Paul Through
Mediterranean Eyes,
Kenneth E. Bailey,
A Week in the Life
of Corinth,
Ben Witherington
ivpacademic.com 5
Biblical Theology
John Goldingay
Letting the Old Testament
Speak for Itself
J O h N GO L D I N Gay
June 2015
216 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2469-4,
Related Titles
The Theology of the
Book of Isaiah,
John E. Goldingay,
Old Testament
Theology, Volume
One: Israel’s Gospel,
John Goldingay,
Do We Need the New Testament?
Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself
Do we need the Old Testament? That’s a familiar question,
often asked. But as an Old Testament scholar, John Goldingay turns that question on its head: Do we need the New
What’s new about the New Testament? After all, the Old
Testament was the only Bible Jesus and the disciples knew.
Jesus affirmed it as the Word of God. Do we need anything
more? And what happens when we begin to look at the Old
Testament, the First Testament, not as a deficient old work in
need of a christological makeover, but as a rich and splendid
revelation of God’s faithfulness to Israel and the world?
In this cheerfully provocative yet probingly serious book,
Goldingay sets the question and views it from a variety
of angles. Under his expert hand, each facet unfolds the
surprising richness of the Old Testament and challenges us
to recalibrate our perspective on it.
John Goldingay (PhD, University of Nottingham; DD,
Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth) is David Allan
Hubbard Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological
Seminary. His books include The Theology of the Book of Isaiah,
Key Questions about Interpretation, Models for Scripture and
commentaries on Psalms, Isaiah and Daniel. He has also
authored the three-volume Old Testament Theology and the
seventeen-volume Old Testament For Everyone series.
Goldingay also serves in pastoral ministry as an associate
pastor at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Pasadena. He
holds membership in the Society of Biblical Literature and
the Society for Old Testament Study, and serves on the Task
Force on Biblical Interpretation in the Anglican Communion and the editorial board for the Library of Hebrew
Bible/Old Testament Studies.
Contents Introduction (1) Do We Need the New Testament? (2) Why is Jesus Important? (3) Was the Holy Spirit
Present in First Testament Times? (4) The Grand Narrative
and the Middle Narratives in the First Testament and the
New Testament (5) How People Have Mis(?)read Hebrews
(6) The Costly Loss of First Testament Spirituality (7)
Memory and Israel’s Faith, Hope and Life (8) Moses (and
Jesus and Paul) for Your Hardness of Hearts (9) Theological Interpretation: Don’t Be Christ-Centered, Don’t Be
Trinitarian, Don’t Be Constrained by the Rule of Faith •
6 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Brian K. Morley
Mapping Apologetics
Comparing Contemporary Approaches
Brian K. Morley
”The most complete and best analysis to date of my
overall apologetic approach.” John Warwick Montgomery, Concordia University
Everyone believes something. But how and why do people
believe? What counts as evidence? How much can be
assumed or believed by faith alone?
In this comprehensive survey, Brian Morley provides an
overview of Christian apologetic approaches and how they
differ. He explores the historical and philosophical underpinnings of key figures and major schools of thought, from
the presuppositionalism of Cornelius Van Til to the evidentialism of Gary Habermas. Moving beyond theory, Morley
also demonstrates how each apologetic view works out in
practical terms, covering the complexities of apologetics
in a way that is accessible to the nonspecialist. Evenhanded
and respectful of each contribution, this book provides the
reader with a formidable array of defenses for the faith.
Brian K. Morley (PhD, Claremont University) is professor
of philosophy and apologetics at the Master’s College in
Santa Clarita, California. He is the author of God in the
Shadows: Evil in God’s World and has been a member of the
Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the Society of Christian Philosophers.
Contents Introduction • Chart • Part I: Foundational
Issues (1) Apologetics in the Bible (2) Apologetics in
History: A Survey • Part II: Apologetic Methodologies •
Presuppositionalism (3) Cornelius Van Til: Christianity Is
an Intellectual Commitment We Cannot Do Without (4)
John Frame: We See Ultimate Truth from More Than One
Perspective • Reformed Epistemology (5) Alvin Plantinga: Belief
in God Is an Immediate Awareness, and Belief in Christianity Is a Gift of God • Combinationalism (6) E. J. Carnell,
Gordon Lewis and Francis Schaeffer: Christianity Is Logical,
Factual and Viable • Classical Apologetics (7) Introduction to
Classical Apologetics (8) Richard Swinburne: Theism and
Christianity Are Highly Probable (9) William Lane Craig:
God Is Proved by Theistic Arguments, and Christianity by
Evidences (10) Norman Geisler: Theism Is Proved by What
Is Undeniable, and Christianity Is Known from Evidences
M a p p i n g
Comparing Contemporary approaChes
March 2015
384 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4067-0,
Related Titles
Faith Has Its Reasons,
Kenneth D. Boa
and Robert M.
Bowman Jr.,
Mapping the
Origins Debate,
Gerald Rau,
• Evidentialism (11) John Warwick Montgomery (12) Gary
Habermas • Conclusion
ivpacademic.com 7
Daniel A. Westberg
rEnEWi nG MorAl thEoloGy
Renewing Moral Theology
Christian Ethics as Action, Character and Grace
Christian Ethics as Action,
Character and Grace
WE s t b E rG
DAni E l A. W Es tbErG
May 2015
240 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2460-1,
Related Titles
In Search of Moral
R. Scott Smith,
An Introduction to
Biblical Ethics,
Third Edition,
McQuilkin and
Paul Copan,
While ethical issues are being raised with new urgency,
Christians are increasingly unfamiliar with the moral
grammar of their faith. The need to reengage the deepdown things of the Christian moral tradition has seldom
been more urgent.
Moral theology has a long history in the Catholic and
Anglican traditions. The tradition of theological ethics,
influenced by Aristotle by way of Aquinas, offers a distinct
emphasis on the virtues and character formation. Now
Daniel Westberg infuses this venerable ethical tradition
with a biblical confidence in the centrality of the gospel and
the role of the Holy Spirit in forming character, while also
laying down a sound moral psychology for practical reason
and ethical living.
Christians—whether of Anglican, Catholic or other
traditions—interested in vigorously retrieving a great moral
heritage will find here common ground for ethical reflection and discipleship.
Daniel A. Westberg (DPhil, Oxford University) is
professor of ethics and moral theology at Nashotah House, a
seminary of the Episcopal Church in Nashotah, Wisconsin.
He grew up in Japan where his parents were missionaries,
and after his ordination he served as an Anglican priest in
the Diocese of Toronto for ten years in both rural and city
parishes. He also taught ethics at the University of Virginia
for eight years.
Westberg is the author of Right Practical Reason: Action,
Aristotle and Prudence in Aquinas and many articles in journals
such as The Anglican Theological Review, The Thomist and
New Blackfriars, as well as several short articles in The New
Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology.
Contents Preface • Part I • (1) Moral Theology: Tradition and Prospects (2) Purpose, Reason and Action (3) The
Process of Practical Reasoning (4) How to Evaluate Good
and Bad Actions (5) Actions, Dispositions and Character (6)
The Reality of Sin (7) Conversion to Christ (8) God’s Will
and God’s Law • Part II • (9) Virtues: Moral Dispositions
for Acting Well (10) Wisdom in Action (11) Justice (12)
Fortitude (13) Self-control (14) Faith (15) Love (16) Hope •
Author Index • Subject Index • Scripture Index
8 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Historical Theology
W. David Buschart, Kent D. Eilers
Theology as Retrieval
Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church
”Thinking in the present is often animated, enriched
and healed by thinking through the past; this book
tells its readers why and how this is so.”
as Retrieval
Receiving the Past,
Renewing the Church
John Webster, professor of divinity,
University of St Andrews
”Tradition is the living faith of the dead.” —Jaroslav Pelikan
The movement to retrieve the Christian past is a mode
of theological discernment, a cultivated habit of thought. It
views the doctrines, practices and resonant realities of the
Christian tradition as deep wells for a thirsty age. This movement across the church looks back in order to move forward.
David Buschart and Kent Eilers survey this varied movement and identify six areas where the impulse and practice
of retrieval has been notably fruitful and suggestive: the
interpretation of Scripture, the articulation of theology,
the practices of worship, the disciplines of spirituality, the
modes of mission and the participatory ontology of Radical
Orthodoxy. In each area they offer a wide-angle view before
taking a close look at representative examples in order to
give finer texture to the discussion. More than a survey and
mapping of the terrain, Theology As Retrieval inspires reflection, practice and hope.
W. David Buschart (PhD, Drew University) is associate
dean and professor of theology and historical studies at
Denver Seminary. He is the author of Exploring Protestant
Traditions: An Invitation to Theological Hospitality and is coeditor of and a contributor to Scholarship, Sacraments, and Service.
Kent D. Eilers (PhD, King’s College, University of
Aberdeen) is assistant professor of theology at Huntington
University. He is the author of Faithful to Save: Pannenberg on
God’s Reconciling Action and articles in publications such as
Teaching Theology and Religion, American Theological Inquiry
and Christianity and Literature.
W. David Buschart
& Kent D. Eilers
June 2015
352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2467-0,
Related Titles
Exploring Protestant
W. David Buschart,
Why Church History
Robert F. Rea,
Contents Acknowledgments • Introduction: Receiving and
Transmitting the Deposit of Faith (1) Scripture: Theological
Interpretation of Scripture (2) Theology: Trinitarian
Theology (3) Worship: Liturgies and Architecture (4)
Spirituality: Cruciform Wisdom (5) Mission: Communal
Life and Practices (6) Cosmos: A Metaphysics of Participation • Conclusion • Epilogue • Works Cited • Author Index •
Subject Index • Scripture Index
ivpacademic.com 9
Edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau, Beth Felker Jones
Barbeau and Jones
Jeffrey W. Barbeau
and Beth Felker Jones
Edited by
Spirit of God
Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith
Christian Renewal
in the Community of Faith
While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the
twentieth century has seen an explosion in the Spirit’s work
through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the
changing face of global Christianity. But pneumatology too
often remains a subject of misunderstanding and neglect.
These essays, gathered from the 2014 Wheaton Theology
Conference, provide an ecumenical exploration of the Holy
Spirit’s person and work in biblical, historical, doctrinal and
practical perspective.
Jeffrey W. Barbeau (PhD, Marquette University) is
associate professor of theology in the Graduate School at
Wheaton College.
Beth Felker Jones (PhD, Duke University) is associate
professor of theology at Wheaton College.
April 2015
275 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2464-9,
Related Titles
The Holy Spirit,
Sinclair Ferguson,
The Holy Spirit
in Mission,
Gary Tyra,
10 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Contents (1) Introduction Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker
Jones • Part I: Biblical and Historical Perspectives (2) What
Do I Know of Holy? On the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
in Scripture Sandra Richter (3) The Spirit’s Self-Testimony:
Pneumatology in Basil of Caesarea and Augustine of Hippo
Gregory W. Lee (4) Rationalism or Revelation? St. Thomas
Aquinas and the Filioque Matthew Levering (5) Enthusiasts,
Rationalists and Pentecost: The Holy Spirit in EighteenthCentury Methodism Jeffrey W. Barbeau (6) Uniting Us to God:
Toward a Reformed Pneumatology Oliver D. Crisp (7) The
Dynamics of Global Pentecostalism: Origins, Motivations and
Future Allan Heaton Anderson (8) The Spirit of God: Christian
Renewal in African American Pentecostalism Estrelda Y.
Alexander • Part II: Doctrinal and Practical Perspectives
(9) The Spirit of Light After the Age of Enlightenment:
Reforming/Renewing Pneumatic Hermeneutics via the
Economy of Illumination Kevin J. Vanhoozer (10) Creatio Spiritus
and the Spirit of Christ: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of
Creation Amos Yong (11) “Rooted and Established in Love”:
The Holy Spirit and Salvation Michael Welker (12) The Spirit of
God and Worship: The Liturgical Grammar of the Holy Spirit
Geoffrey Wainwright (13) Stories of Grace: Pentecostals and
Social Justice Douglas Petersen (14) “In All Places and in
All Ages”: The Holy Spirit and Christian Unity Timothy George
(15) Come, Holy Spirit: Reflections on Faith and Practice
Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones
Practical Theology
Amanda Hontz Drury
Saying Is Believing
Spiritual Development
”Saying Is Believing establishes Amanda Drury as
a new and compelling voice in practical theology, a
pacesetter for a generation of scholars convinced
that the way we form young people’s faith profoundly
affects our own.”
Saying Is Believing
The Necessity of Testimony in Adolescent
Saying Is
The Necessity of
Testimony in Adolescent
Spiritual Development
Kenda Creasy Dean, Princeton Theological Seminary
that Mandy is one of the most profound, accessible,
original voices ever to speak into the conversation
about youth ministry.”
”It won’t take more than a few chapters to reveal
AmANDA HoNTz Drury
“Amanda Drury is one of the most creative and thoughtful people
thinking about youth ministry in North America.” —Andrew root
Mark DeVries, author of Sustainable Youth Ministry
The idea of giving one’s testimony often evokes summer
church camps, evangelistic revivals, mission trips and
baptisms. But what if our view of sharing a testimony of faith
is all wrong?
According to Amanda Drury, testimony is not merely
about describing something that happened in the past. It is
a practice that forms our present and future identity. Testimony changes us, and without it we risk having a stunted
and stale faith.
Drawing on work in sociology, psychology and theology,
Drury develops an understanding of testimony as an essential practice for Christian spiritual formation, especially for
adolescents who are in the process of developing their identity. Recent studies reveal a staggering inability for adolescents to articulate their religious beliefs. Now more than
ever, churches need to recover the practice of testimony as
an integral part of communal worship.
Amanda Hontz Drury (PhD, Princeton Theological
Seminary) has been in youth ministry for almost fifteen
years. She is assistant professor of practical theology
at Indiana Wesleyan University and is ordained in the
Wesleyan Church.
April 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4065-6,
Related Titles
Youth Ministry,
Mike King,
The Theological Turn
in Youth Ministry,
Andrew Root and
Kenda Creasy Dean,
Contents (1) Testimony: An Introduction (2) Faithful
Words Prompt Faithful “Reality” (3) What We Say Is Who
We Are: Articulating Identity Through Narrative (4) A
Theology of Testimony (5) Testimony in Practice: Toward a
Practical Theology
ivpacademic.com 11
Gary Tyra
Pursuing Moral FaithFulness
Ethics and Christian Discipleship
Pursuing Moral Faithfulness
Ethics and Christian Discipleship
Gary Tyra
June 2015
320 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2465-6,
Related Titles
The Ethical Vision
of the Bible,
Peter W. Gosnell,
A Missional
Gary Tyra,
12 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Christianity is in a state of moral crisis.
Even though people make moral decisions every day,
many Christians lack both the ability to evaluate these
decisions and a community of discipleship to help inspire a
morally faithful life. Compared to the people around them,
there is often no discernible difference in how Christians go
about making moral choices.
As a biblical and practical theologian with three decades
of pastoral experience who has also spent years teaching
ethics to undergraduates, Gary Tyra approaches the topic
with the practical goal of facilitating moral formation and
encouraging an “everyday” moral faithfulness. Tyra argues
that Christians can have confidence in their Christ-centered,
Spirit-enabled ability to discern and do the will of God in
any moral situation. Moral faithfulness follows from a life of
Christian discipleship.
In an age of moral apathy and theological confusion,
Pursuing Moral Faithfulness is a breath of fresh air and a sign
of hope for the future.
Gary Tyra (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is
professor of biblical and practical theology at Vanguard
University. Tyra is the author of The Holy Spirit in Mission,
Christ’s Empowering Presence, A Missional Orthodoxy, Beyond the
Bliss and Defeating Pharisaism. Tyra has over twenty-five years
of pastoral experience including his last position as senior
pastor at Yorba Linda Community Church.
Contents Acknowledgments • Introduction • Part I:
Getting Started: Assessing Our Current Moral Faithfulness
Quotient (1) Morality Matters: A User-Friendly Introduction to Christian Ethics (2) Some Popular Ethical Options
(1): Results-Oriented Approaches (3) Some Popular Ethical
Options (2): Rules-Oriented Approaches (4) The ReligioCultural Soup Were All In: Assessing its Impact on Our
Moral IQ • Part II: Toward a Moral Faithfulness: Integrating
Balance and Responsibility into Our Ethical Lives (5) More
on a Moral Realism (1): The Moral Guidelines the Scriptures
Provide (6) More on a Moral Realism (2): The Moral Guidance the Scriptures Promise (7) So, What Would Jesus Do?
(8) Responsible and Responsive Decision Making: A Closer
Look at Drawing in the Dirt (9) The Ethic of Responsible
Christian Discipleship: Reasons for Its Embrace (10) Actually
Becoming an Ethically Responsible Christian Disciple: The
Process Involved • Conclusion
Practical Theology
... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
... ..
Contents Foreword by David J. Lose • Acknowledgments
Patrick W. T. Johnson (PhD, Princeton Theological
Seminary) is pastor of Frenchtown Presbyterian Church in
Frenchtown, New Jersey, and adjunct professor at Princeton
Theological Seminary. He also serves as a PCUSA teaching
elder and as a preaching consultant. He received his PhD in
practical theology with a concentration in homiletics, and
continues to focus his teaching and consulting on the areas
of speech, worship, missional theology and homiletics.
We hear plenty of discussion about missional theology,
missional leadership and missional church planting. But
what about missional preaching?
Now that the church in the West lives within a postChristendom context, how should preaching look different?
What homiletical assumptions arose within Christendom
but are no longer relevant for a missionary church?
In The Mission of Preaching, Patrick Johnson develops the
first missional homiletic, a model for preaching determined by the missionary encounter between the gospel and
Western culture. Mobilizing the latest resources in homiletical theory and missional theology, he argues that preaching
is a major form of the church’s witness to Jesus Christ, equipping the congregation for its witness to the world.
Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness
Princeton Theological Seminary
................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Missional and Ecumenical Theology,
pioneering work.”
Darrell L. Guder, Henry Winters Luce Professor of
the exploration of the missional church with this
passion, he is profoundly broadening and deepening
of preaching. . . . Combining scholarship and pastoral
of the missional church on the theology and practice
... ... ... ... ...
”Patrick Johnson focuses the continuing investigation
Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness
The Mission of Preaching
T h e Mi ssi o n o f P reach i n g
Foreword by David J. Lose
Patrick W. T. Johnson
P a T r i c k W. T . J o h n s o n
Foreword by D a v i D J . L o s e
April 2015
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4070-0,
Related Titles
Apologetic Preaching,
Craig A. Loscalzo,
Recovering the Full
Mission of God,
Dean Flemming,
Abbreviations • Introduction (1) The Preacher as Witness
(2) The Witness of the Christian Community (3) The
Witness of Missional Congregations (4) A Missional Homiletic of Witness • Conclusion • Author Index • Subject Index
Scripture Index
ivpacademic.com 13
Old Testament Studies
Aaron Chalmers
aaron Chalmers
Interpreting the Prophets
Reading, Understanding and Preaching from the
Worlds of the Prophets
Interpreting the
”If the Prophets seem confusing and irrelevant to
Interpreting the
certain readers . . . and if the church wants a userfriendly corrective to the misunderstanding—this is it.
. . . Every professor hoping students will learn to inter-
P roP h e t s
pret the Prophets correctly ought to assign this book.”
D. Brent Sandy, author of
Plowshares and Pruning Hooks
R e adi ng , U ndeRstand i n g a n d P R eac h i n g
fRom t he W oRlds o f t h e P Ro Ph et s
”[Chalmers] has assimilated a vast and complex range
of materials from the Old Testament and its world,
and from the scholarly world, and out of them has
formulated a coherent and intelligible account of the
Prophets for his readers. And it all serves a passion to
help people read the Prophets for themselves.”
March 2015
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2468-7,
Related Titles
Reclaiming the Old
Testament for Christian Preaching
Edited by Grenville
J. R. Kent, Paul J.
Kissling and Laurence A. Turner
Exploring the Old
Testament, Volume
Four: A Guide to
the Prophets,
J. Gordon
14 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
John Goldingay, Fuller Theological Seminary
The prophetic books are some of the most captivating and
fascinating texts of the Old Testament, but they are also
some of the most misunderstood. Interpreting the Prophets
equips the reader with the knowledge and skills they need to
interpret the Prophets in a faithful and accurate fashion.
Beginning with the nature of the prophetic role and
prophetic books in Israel, Old Testament scholar Aaron
Chalmers leads the reader through the various “worlds”
of Israel’s prophets—historical, social, theological and
rhetorical—providing the basic contextual and background
information needed both for sound and sensible exegesis
and for sensitive interpretation and application for today.
He concludes with a helpful chapter giving guidelines for
preaching from the Prophets—including advice on choosing
the texts, making appropriate analogies, and the potential
problems and common pitfalls to avoid.
Aaron Chalmers (PhD, Flinders University) is head of
the School of Ministry, Theology and Culture at Tabor
Adelaide, a multidenominational, evangelical college in
Adelaide, Australia. He teaches in the field of Old Testament and hermeneutics and is passionate about helping
Christians engage with the Hebrew Scriptures. He is the
author of Exploring the Religion of Ancient Israel: Prophet,
Priest, Sage and People.
John E. Stapleford
Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves
J o h n E . S ta p l E f o r d
(Third Edition)
Applying Christian Ethics in Economics
B u l l S,
”Keying the book to the leading textbooks, John
Stapleford provides an indispensable resource for
students and teachers of introductory economics
courses—though the book merits study outside the
classroom as well.”
Kenneth G. Elzinga, professor of economics,
University of Virginia
C a lv E S
”The book takes seriously the authority of Scripture
in critically reflecting on the core assumptions of
economics while guiding readers in an irenic yet chal-
applyinG ChriStian EthiCS in EConomiCS
lenging manner.”
Edd Noell, professor of economics and business,
Westmont College
Self-interest, economic efficiency and private property rights
are among the most basic assumptions of market economics.
But can an economic theory built on these assumptions
alone provide adequate insight into human nature, motivation and ultimate goals to guide our economic life?
John Stapleford says no, along with those economists who
recognize the limits of their discipline. He insightfully shows
us in detail how ethics are inextricably intertwined with
economic life and analysis. Writing from a Christian ethical
perspective, he interacts with seven standard introductory
economics texts, exploring the moral challenges embedded
in various macro-, micro- and international economic theories and outlining a faithful response to them.
The third edition includes two new chapters on
economics as a science and global poverty plus expanded
discussions of entitlements, government debt, healthcare
reform and immigration reform.
John E. Stapleford (PhD, University of Delaware) is
president of the Caesar Rodney Institute, an education
nonprofit. He is principle in DECON First and professor
emeritus with Eastern University. Previously he was the
director of the Bureau of Economic Research at the University of Delaware and founder of the Delaware Small Business
Development Center. He has been published in Faith &
Economics and Journal of Biblical Integration in Business.
April 2015
288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4072-4,
Related Titles
Business for the
Common Good,
Kenman L. Wong
and Scott B. Rae,
Economics in
Christian Perspective,
Victor V. Claar
and Robin J. Klay,
ivpacademic.com 15
Systematic Theology
Paul D. Molnar
Faith, Freedom
and the Spirit
Faith, Freedom
and the Spirit
The Economic Trinity in Barth,
Torrance and Contemporary Theology
Faith, Freedom and the Spirit
The Economic Trinity in Barth, Torrance and
Contemporary Theology
”Paul Molnar is one of the outstanding theologians of
his generation. . . . This book is a magisterial interpretation of Barth and Torrance on the Trinity in relation
to election and the incarnation.”
George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary
Pau l D . M o l n a r
March 2015
448 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3905-6,
Related Titles
The Eternal
Generation of
the Son,
Kevin Giles,
The Quest for
the Trinity,
Stephen R. Holmes,
16 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Distinguished scholar Paul Molnar adds to his previous work
Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity to help
us think more accurately about the economic Trinity and
about divine and human interaction in the sphere of faith
and knowledge within history. Molnar relies on the thinking
of Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance in dialogue with
other contemporary theologians (Catholic and Protestant)
about divine and human freedom.
Powerfully argued and meticulously documented,
Molnar’s magisterial study begins with an extensive discussion of the role of faith in knowing God through his incarnate Word and thus through the Holy Spirit. He considers
the divine freedom as the basis for true human freedom and
discusses the perils of embracing a historicized Christology,
expounding on how the doctrine of justification by faith
relates to living in the power of the Holy Spirit and the
economy of grace.
Paul D. Molnar (PhD, Fordham University) is professor
of systematic theology at St. John’s University in Queens,
New York. He is the author of Incarnation and Resurrection,
Karl Barth and the Theology of the Lord’s Supper and Thomas F.
Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity, and has been published in
journals such as the Scottish Journal of Theology, International
Journal of Systematic Theology and Modern Theology.
Contents Preface • Acknowledgments • Abbreviations
(1) Thinking About God Within Faith: The Role of the
Holy Spirit (2) The Role of the Holy Spirit in Knowing the
Triune God (3) Considering God’s Freedom Once Again
(4) Origenism, Election, and Time and Eternity (5) The
Perils of Embracing a “Historicized Christology” (6) Can
Jesus’ Divinity Be Recognized as “Definitive, Authentic and
Essential” If It Is Grounded in Election? Just How Far Did
the Later Barth Historicize Christology? (7) The Obedience
of the Son in the Theology of Karl Barth and of Thomas F.
Torrance (8) A Theology of Grace: Living in and from the
Holy Spirit • Conclusion • Select Bibliography
Biblical Theology
Oren R. Martin
New StudieS
BiBlical theology
Bound for the Promised Land
The Land Promise in God’s Redemptive Plan
“[Martin’s] synthesis of the land promises, kingdom
promises and eschatology is thought-provoking and
sometimes moving.”
From the preface by D. A. Carson
Just as the Old Testament book of Genesis begins with
creation, where humans live in the presence of their Lord,
so the New Testament book of Revelation ends with an even
more glorious new creation where all of the redeemed dwell
with the Lord and his Christ.
The historical development between the beginning and
the end is crucial, for the journey proceeds through the
land promised to Abraham. The Promised Land is the place
where God’s people will once again live under his lordship
and experience his blessed presence.
In this stimulating study from the New Studies in Biblical
Theology series, Oren Martin demonstrates how the land
promise advances the place of the kingdom that was lost
in Eden, also serving as a type throughout Israel’s history
that anticipates the even greater land that will result from
the person and work of Christ and be enjoyed in the new
creation for eternity.
Oren R. Martin (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary) is assistant professor of Christian theology at
Boyce College at Southern Seminary. Martin has written
articles for publications such as the Journal of Evangelical
Theological Society, Trinity Journal, the Journal for Biblical
Manhood and Womanhood and the Gospel Coalition.
Bound for
the Promised
The land promise in
God's redemptive plan
Oren R. Martin
Series Editor:
D. A. Carson
March 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2635-3,
Related Titles
The Message
of Exodus,
J. A. Motyer,
Contents Series preface • Author’s preface • Abbreviations
• Introduction (1) Biblical Theology and the Land Promise
(2) The Beginning and the End: the Land and the Kingdom
(3) Making the Promise: Genesis (4) Advancing the Promise:
Exodus–Deuteronomy (5) Partially Fulfilling the Promise:
Joshua–Kings (6) Fulfilling the Promise? Exile and the
Prophets of an Eschatalogical Hope • A Concluding Summary
of the Old Testament (7) The Fulfilment of the Promise
Inaugurated: the Gospels (8) The Fulfilment of the Promise
Inaugurated: the Epistles (9) The Fulfilment of the Promise
Consummated: the Eschatological Kingdom in Revelation •
The Story of Israel,
Pate, Duvall, Hays,
Richards, Tucker
and Vang,
A Concluding Summary of the New Testament (10) Theological
Reflections • Bibliography • Author Index • Scripture Index
ivpacademic.com 17
Biblical Commentaries
Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on
Cyril of Alexandria
Volume 2
translated by
David R. Maxwell
edited by
Joel C. Elowsky
series editors
Thomas C. Oden
Gerald L. Bray
May 2015
400 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2912-5,
Related Titles
Commentary on John,
Volume 1
Edited by Joel C.
John 1-10,
Edited by Joel C.
Translated by David R. Maxwell
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
Commentary on John, Volume 2
Cyril of Alexandria (ca. 378–444), one of the most brilliant
representatives of the Alexandrian theological tradition,
is best known for championing the term Theotokos (Godbearer) in opposition to Nestorius of Constantinople. Cyril’s
great Commentary on John, offered here in the Ancient Christian Texts series in two volumes, predates the Nestorian
controversy and focuses its theological firepower against
Arianism. The commentary, addressed to catechists, displays
Cyril’s breathtaking mastery of the full content of the Bible
and his painstaking attention to detail as he offers practical teaching for the faithful on the cosmic story of God’s
David R. Maxwell provides readers with the first
completely fresh English translation of the text since the
nineteenth century. It rests on Pusey’s critical edition of
the Greek text and displays Cyril’s profound theological
interpretation of Scripture and his appeal to the patristic
tradition that preceded him. Today’s readers will find the
commentary an indispensable tool for understanding Cyril’s
approach to Scripture.
David R. Maxwell (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is
associate professor of systematic theology at Concordia
Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. An ordained minister in
the Lutheran Church and a trained organist, Maxwell has
also done work on the theological symbolism of J. S. Bach’s
Clavierübung III.
Joel C. Elowsky (PhD, Drew University) is associate
professor of historical theology at Concordia Seminary in St.
Louis, Missouri. He has served as the operations manager
for the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. He
is the volume editor for We Believe in the Holy Spirit in the
Ancient Christian Doctrine series and has edited volumes
on Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria in the
Ancient Christian Texts series.
Contents General Introduction • Translator’s Introduction • Chapter Headings • Commentary on John • Book Six
Book Seven • Book Eight • Book Nine • Book Ten • Book
Eleven • Book Twelve • Subject Index • Scripture Index
18 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
AVAILABLE NOW in Paperback
Thomas F. Torrance
Edited by Robert T. Walker
The Person and Life of Christ
Thomas F.
Torr ance
author of Atonement
”No other book I know in English does what this
superb volume does in presenting with absolute
clarity the full classical doctrine of the universal
church on the person and work of Christ, bringing
together biblical, patristic and Reformation perspec-
The Person and Life of christ
tives in a rich harmony. . . . This book is a wonderful
legacy from one of the very greatest of Englishlanguage systematic theologians.”
Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury
edited by
r o b e r t t. wa l k e r
The late Thomas F. Torrance has been called “the greatest
Reformed theologian since Karl Barth” and “the greatest
British theologian of the twentieth century” by prominent
voices in the academy. His work has profoundly shaped
contemporary theology in the English-speaking world.
This first of two volumes comprises Thomas Torrance’s
lectures delivered to students in Christian dogmatics on
Christology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952 to 1978.
In eight chapters these expertly edited lectures highlight
Torrance’s distinctive belief that the object of our theological study—Jesus Christ—actively gives himself to us in order
that we may know him.
Thomas F. Torrance (1913–2007) occupied the chair
of Christian dogmatics at the University of Edinburgh for
twenty-seven years. He was the recipient of the Templeton
Foundation Prize for Progress in 1978, and he served as
moderator of the Church of Scotland and coeditor of the
Scottish Journal of Theology.
Robert T. Walker teaches theology at Edinburgh University. As T. F. Torrance’s nephew, Walker has gained an intimate understanding of Torrance’s theology, studying under
him and hearing these lectures given in person.
March 2015
371 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2459-5,
Related Titles
Thomas F.
edited by
Robert T. Walker,
Confessing Christ for
Church and World,
Kimlyn J. Bender,
Contents Author’s Foreword • Preface by Thomas S.
Torrance • Editor’s Foreword • Synopsis • Editor’s Introduction (1) Introduction to Christology (2) The Incarnation
(3) The Once and For All Union of God and Man (4) The
Continuous Union in the Life of Jesus (5) The Mystery
of Christ (6) The Hypostatic Union (7) The Kingdom of
Christ and Evil • End Notes to Chapter One • Addendum:
ivpacademic.com 19
New Testament Studies
AVAILABLE NOW in Paperback
I. Howard Marshall
N ew T esTameNT
T heology
New Testament Theology
Many Witnesses, One Gospel
”This New Testament theology should be regarded as
today’s standard in the field.”
David M. Scholer, Fuller Theological Seminary
Many Witnesses, One Gospel
I. h o wa r d m a r s h a l l
December 2014
765 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2538-7,
Here is a New Testament theology that does not succumb to
the fashion of settling for an irreconcilable diversity of New
Testament voices but argues that “a synthetic New Testament
theology” is a real possibility. Beginning with the Gospels
and Acts, proceeding to each of Paul’s letters, focusing then
on the Johannine literature and finally looking at Hebrews
and the remaining general epistles, Marshall repeatedly
stops to assess the view, building up a composite synthesis of
the unified theological voice of the New Testament.
I. Howard Marshall (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is
emeritus professor of New Testament exegesis and honorary
research professor at the University of Aberdeen. He has
written commentaries on Luke, Acts, 1–2 Thessalonians, the
Pastoral Epistles, 1 Peter and 1–3 John, and is coauthor of
Exploring the New Testament.
Contents Preface • General Bibliography • Abbreviations
Related Titles
Part I: Introduction (1) How Do We Do New Testament
Theology? • Part II: Jesus, the Synoptic Gospels and Acts
(2) The Gospels and New Testament Theology (3) The
Gospel of Mark (4) The Gospel of Matthew (5) Luke-Acts:
The Former Treatise (6) Luke-Acts: The Sequel (7) The
Theology of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts • Part III: The
Pauline Letters (8) The Letter to the Galatians (9) The
Letters to the Thessalonians (10) The First Letter to the
Corinthians (11) The Second Letter to the Corinthians (12)
The Letter to the Romans (13) The Letter to the Philippians
(14) The Letter to Philemon (15) The Letter to the Colossians (16) The Letter to the Ephesians (17) The Pastoral
Epistles (18) The Theology of the Pauline Letters (19) Paul,
the Synoptic Gospels and Acts • Part IV: The Johannine
Literature (20) The Gospel of John (21) The Letters of John
(22) The Revelation of John (23) The Gospels, Letters and
Revelation of John (24) John, the Synoptic Gospels and
Acts, and Paul • Part V: Hebrews, James, 1–2 Peter, and
Exploring the New
Testament, Volume 2,
I. Howard Marshall,
Stephen Travis and
Ian Paul,
I. Howard Marshall,
Jude (25) The Letter to the Hebrews (26) The Letter of
James (27) The First Letter of Peter (28) The Letter of Jude
(29) The Second Letter of Peter (30) Hebrews, James, 1–2
Peter and Jude in the New Testament • Part VI: Conclusion
(31) Diversity and Unity in the New Testament
20 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Biblical Commentaries
Iain M. Duguid
The Song of Songs
An Introduction and Commentary
This Old Testament book, “the best of songs”, has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. We hear the
passionate melody of romantic love and are confronted by
erotic imagery, but whose love is described? Is it a couple’s
love for each other, God’s love for his people, or a poem that
speaks to love in all its dimensions?
Iain Duguid’s Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
explains how the Song is designed to show us an idealized picture of married love, in the context of a fallen and
broken world. It also convicts us of how far short of this
perfection we fall, both as humans and as lovers, and drives
us repeatedly into the arms of our true heavenly husband,
Jesus Christ.
Series updates include discoveries from the Ancient Near
East, a key emphasis on linguistics and a revised exegetical
format. This volume includes introduction, translation,
analysis and section-by-section commentary, with each
section of scriptural text including segments on context,
comment and meaning.
Iain M. Duguid (PhD, University of Cambridge) is
professor of Old Testament at Grove City College and pastor
of Christ Presbyterian Church in Grove City, Pennsylvania.
He has also served as a missionary in Liberia, taught at
Reformed Seminary and Westminster Seminary California,
and planted churches in Fallbrook, California, and Oxford,
He is the author of Living in the Gap Between Promise
and Reality and Hero of Heroes, as well as commentaries on
Ezekiel, Daniel, Ruth, Esther and more. He was a translator
for the Holman Christian Standard Version of the Bible and
is a contributor to the New Living Translation Study Bible,
the HCSV Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible.
Contents General preface • Author’s preface • Chief
Abbreviations • Bibliography • Introduction (1) Title,
Authorship and Date (2) Interpretation (3) Canonicity (4)
Themes and Message (5) Structure and Unity • Analysis •
Translation • Commentary
Tyndale Old Testament
The Song
of Songs
Iain M. Duguid
March 2015
160 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4286-5,
Related Titles
Dictionary of the Old
Testament: Wisdom,
Poetry & Writings,
Edited by Tremper
Longman III and
Peter Enns,
Ecclesiastes & the
Song of Songs,
Daniel C.
Fredericks and
Daniel J. Estes,
ivpacademic.com 21
Biblical Commentaries
Douglas J. Moo
Tyndale New Testament
Second Edition
Douglas J. Moo
April 2015
240 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4287-2,
Related Title
George M. Stulac,
James (Second Edition)
The genius of the letter of James lies in its powerfully simple
call for repentance, for action, for a consistent Christian lifestyle. In this revised commentary Douglas Moo allows James’s
words to cut through our theological debates, our personal
preconceptions, our spiritual malaise and return us to an
invigorating, transforming Christianity. This second edition
in the storied Tyndale New Testament Commentary series
includes an updated and expanded introduction, analysis
and section-by-section commentary of the book of James.
“The Bible is being translated, commented on, read,
studied, preached and analyzed as never before. But it is
questionable whether it is being obeyed to a comparable
degree,” says Moo in the preface. “All this suggests that the
message of James is one that we all need to hear—and obey.”
Written for the educated layperson while also helpful to
pastors and scholars, the updated volume takes into account
new knowledge, critical questions, literary context and Bible
Douglas J. Moo (PhD, University of St Andrews) is the
Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament at Wheaton
College. He has written numerous New Testament commentaries for the NIV Application Commentary series and the
Tyndale New Testament Commentary series, specifically on
the Pauline and general letters. Since 2006, he has chaired
the Committee on Bible Translation, the group of scholars
charged with revising the text of the NIV, and is the coauthor of The Rapture: Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Tribulational? and The
Law, the Gospel, and the Modern Christian: Five Views.
Contents General preface • Author’s preface • Bibliography • Introduction (1) The letter in the church (2)
Authorship (3) Circumstances of the letter (4) The nature of
the letter (5) Theological emphases of the letter • Analysis •
Commentary • Additional Notes • Aleiphō and chriō (5:14)
22 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Biblical Commentaries
Anthony R. Petterson
Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi
The post-exilic prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and
Malachi are set in times of great adversity. God’s people
were minnows in the vast Persian Empire, and the promises
of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of Jerusalem seemed far from their experience. These books, from
beginning to end, restate God’s intention to establish his
glorious kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives
of his people.
For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was
to rebuild the temple in view of God’s return. For Malachi,
the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness which had
infected the people’s attitudes towards God, and how this
needed to change in view of future judgment. God used
each of these prophets to remind the people of the true
King and to reorder their lives and their community in the
light of the reality of his coming kingdom.
In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony
Petterson offers detailed commentary on these prophetic
books, setting them in their wider biblical-theological
context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic
world and our own, and explains how these books contain a
vital message for the church today, living in the gap between
promise and reality.
& Malachi
Series Editors
David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham
May 2015
448 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2524-0,
Related Titles
Anthony R. Petterson is lecturer in Old Testament and
Hebrew at Morling College, New South Wales, Australia.
Previously he served as pastor of Hornsby Heights Baptist
Church, Sydney, and associate pastor of Grosvenor Road
Baptist Church, Dublin. He is the author of Behold Your King:
The Hope for the House of David in the Book of Zechariah, and
study notes on Haggai and Zechariah for a new edition of
the NIV Study Bible.
Ernest C. Lucas,
Contents Editors’ preface • Author’s preface • Abbreviations • General introduction (1) The ‘post-exilic prophets’
(2) Historical context (3) Canonical context (4) Biblicaltheological context (5) Methodological approaches to
the prophets • Part I: Haggai • Introduction • Text and
commentary • Part II: Zechariah • Introduction • Text and
commentary • Part III: Malachi • Introduction • Text and
commentary • Bibliography • Index of Scripture references •
The Twelve Prophets,
Edited by Alberto
Index of authors • Index of subjects
ivpacademic.com 23
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New Testament Studies
AVAILABLE NOW in Paperback
N. T. Wright
”Wright has produced a work of frankly evangelical
may be. . . . A refreshing and inspiring read for those
necessary for serious study, uncomfortable as that
faith with strong historical integrity, because both are
Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is
The Challenge of Jesus
rediscovering who
jesus was and is
who take both conservative faith and historical scholarship seriously.”
Library Journal, January 2000
Today a renewed and vigorous scholarly quest for the
historical Jesus is underway. Now this paperback edition of
N. T. Wright’s classic work contains even more insight with
an all-new introduction by the author.
Wright challenges us to roll up our sleeves and take
seriously the study of the historical Jesus. He writes, “Many
Christians have been, frankly, sloppy in their thinking and
talking about Jesus, and hence, sadly, in their praying and
in their practice of discipleship. We cannot assume that by
saying the word Jesus, still less the word Christ, we are automatically in touch with the real Jesus who walked and talked
in first-century Palestine.”
The Challenge of Jesus poses a double-edged challenge: to
grow in our understanding of the historical Jesus within the
Palestinian world of the first century, and to follow Jesus
more faithfully into the postmodern world of the twentyfirst century.
N. T. Wright is a prolific writer of both scholarly and
popular books, including Jesus and the Victory of God, Simply
Christian, The Original Jesus and What Saint Paul Really Said.
His N. T. Wright For Everyone Series includes commentaries
covering the entire New Testament.
Formerly bishop of Durham in England, Wright is
research professor of New Testament and early Christianity
at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He was formerly
canon theologian of Westminster Abbey and dean of Lichfield Cathedral. He also taught New Testament studies for
twenty years at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities.
N . T. W r i g h T
With a New introduction
March 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3696-3,
Related Titles
Evil and the Justice
of God,
N. T. Wright,
N. T. Wright,
Contents Preface • Introduction by N. T. Wright (1) The
Challenge of Studying Jesus (2) The Challenge of the
Kingdom (3) The Challenge of the Symbols (4) The Crucified Messiah (5) Jesus & God (6) The Challenge of Easter (7)
Walking to Emmaus in a Postmodern World (8) The Light of
the World • Notes
ivpacademic.com 25
Sexuality & Gender Studies
Debra Hirsch
D e b r a
ForeworD by
H ir scH
g a b e Ly o n s
Foreword by Gabe Lyons
Redeeming Sex
Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality
r e De e m in g s e x
N a k e d C o N v e r s at i o N s a b o u t
May 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3639-0,
Related Titles
The End of
Sexual Identity,
Jenell Williams
Love is an
Andrew Marin,
“If you are willing to invest the time to listen—really
listen—to what Deb Hirsch is saying about the vexing
and complex nature of human sexuality, you won’t
fail to be moved by her allegiance to radical grace, her
trust in the potency of genuine hospitality and her
unyielding confidence in the power of God to reconcile, repair and renew us all.”
Michael Frost, author of Incarnate and Exiles
Nothing has exposed the gap between the church and
the broader society quite like the cultural argument over
sexuality. Relationships, identities, orientations and even
concepts such as gender have cut battle lines between the
church and the world. In the fog of war and the cloud of
conflict, it’s increasingly hard to see our way clearly.
There is hope, however. Debra Hirsch has seen it
firsthand—in meaningful lifelong relationships with LGBT
friends and neighbors, in Christian fellowships, and in movements that have held a concern for people created in God’s
image and a high view of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality in
constructive tension. When you consider the world from the
perspective of God’s kingdom mission, it turns out the smoke
clears and a redemptive imagination takes root.
Discover a holistic, biblical vision of sex and gender that
honors God and offers good news to the world.
Debra Hirsch has led churches and ministries among
young adults, the poor and the LGBT community for
over twenty years. She is a minister of an eclectic bunch
of missional artists and vagabonds called the Tribe of Los
Angeles and is coauthor of Untamed: Reactivating a Missional
Form of Discipleship (with Alan Hirsch). She also serves on the
leadership team of the Forge Missions Training Network and
on the steering team for the Missio Alliance.
Contents Foreword by Gabe Lyons • Introduction: Foreplay •
Part I: Where Did All the Sexy Christians Go? (1) Oh My God!
Sexuality Meets Spirituality (2) Modesty Gone Mad (3) Jesus
. . . Sex Symbol? • Part II: Bits, Bobs and Tricky Business (4)
26 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
The Eight Fundamentals of Sex (5) Gender Matters (6) Bi Now,
Gay Later? (7) Limping Straight to Heaven (8) Uncomfortable
Sex Positions • Part III: The Mission of Christian Sexuality
(9) The Bent Scapegoat (10) Imago Gay (11) Re-Sexing the
Church • Conclusion: The Climax
Pastoral Resources
Jamie D. Aten, David M. Boan
Disaster Ministry Handbook
”We are called to save both souls and lives, and this
book gives direction on how we can do both.”
Thad Hicks, divisional emergency disaster
services director, the Salvation Army
When floods or tornadoes devastate an area, or when shootings and violence shock a community, people turn to local
churches as centers for response and assistance. Knowing
what to do can be the difference between calm and chaos,
courage and fear, life and death. But few churches plan in
advance for what they should do—until the storm hits.
Don’t get caught unprepared. Jamie Aten and David
Boan, codirectors of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute,
provide this practical guide for disaster preparedness. Filled
with resources for emergency planning and crisis management, this book helps local congregations prepare for the
unthinkable, provide relief to survivors and help communities recover. The time to plan is now. Your church can help
prevent harm and save lives during a disaster.
Jamie D. Aten (PhD, Indiana State University) is the
founder of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute. He teaches
psychology at Wheaton College and previously served as the
assistant director of the Katrina Research Center.
David M. Boan (PhD, Biola University) is associate
professor of psychology at Wheaton College and leads
basic and applied research on international relief efforts
as codirector of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute.
Selected Contents Part I: Foundations • Part II:
Planning, Response and Recovery • Part III: Case Studies
and Concluding Thoughts • Part IV: Tools for Planning &
Implementation Introduction • Congregation Preparedness Plan
• Building Supplies and Safety • Disaster Ministry Team • Shelterin-Place • Church Go-Kit: Emergency Supplies Kit • Neighborhood/
Community Planning • Congregants with Disaster-Related Skills/
Certifications/Resources • Part V: Disaster Spiritual and
Emotional Care Tip Sheets • Recognizing Common Disaster
Survivor Stress Reactions • How to Provide Psychological First Aid
Jamie D. Aten and David M. Boan
How to prepare your congregation for crisis response
Create ways to minister to your community
Practical guidance for physical, emotional and spiritual care
Resources and worksheets for emergency preparedness
June 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4122-6,
Related Titles
Crazy Enough to Care,
Alvin C. Bibbs Sr.,
Reforming Mercy
Ted Rivera,
How NOT to Provide Volunteer and Survivor Care • Helping
Volunteers Talk about Stress • Recognizing and Preventing Burnout
in Yourself • About the Humanitarian Disaster Institute
ivpacademic.com 27
Pastoral Resources
J.R. Briggs, Bob Hyatt
E l d E r s h i p and thE M i s s i o n of G o d
J .r . B r i G G s & BoB hy a t t
forword By
alan HirscH
Foreword by Alan Hirsch
Eldership and the Mission of God
Equipping Teams for Faithful Church Leadership
J.R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt provide a comprehensive picture
of elders as agents of mission for their communities,
unpacking the role, character and posture of a missionoriented elder. Including a study guide for elder teams
to work through together, the authors provide practical
guidance for how elders are selected, work together, make
decisions, protect the congregation and invest in the lives
of others.
& Hyatt
Equipping TEams for
faiThful ChurCh lEadErship
J.R. Briggs is founder of Kairos Partnerships and the Epic
Fail Pastors Conferences. He is on staff with the Ecclesia
Network and Fresh Expressions US.
Bob Hyatt is the founding pastor of Evergreen Community
in Portland, Oregon, and is the director of Church & Movement Multiplication for the Ecclesia Network.
March 2015
224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4118-9, $17.00
Communication & Leadership
Ryan T. Hartwig, Warren Bird
r y a n t. h a r t w i g
a n d w a r r e n b i r D
foreword by
Dave Ferguson
Teams That Thrive
Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership
t h at
Discover churches of various sizes and traditions that have
learned to thrive under team leadership. Through practical insights, compelling research and real-life stories,
the authors help you build teams of mutual support and
meaningful, sustainable action. This empowering vision for
church leadership culminates with five disciplines that can
take your team from struggling to thriving together.
Five Disciplines
oF collaborative
church leaDership
Ryan T. Hartwig (PhD, University of Colorado) teaches
communication at Azusa Pacific University and frequently
speaks to pastors regarding senior leadership teams, teamwork in ministry and small-group ministry design.
Warren Bird (PhD, Fordham University) is the director
of research and intellectual capital support for Leadership
Network. He has served as a church planter and pastor and
has written over twenty books for ministry leaders.
April 2015
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4119-6, $17.00
28 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Urban Ministry
Noel Castellanos
Foreword by John Perkins, Wayne Gordon
Where the Cross Meets the Street
Noel Castellanos
Foreword by
John Perkins and wayne Gordon
What Happens to the Neighborhood When God Is at
the Center
“Noel is a leader of the times and a champion of the
practitioner. This book takes twenty-five plus years
of experience and gives us lessons and testimony
to how CCDA brings the cross alive and makes it
relevant today.”
Where the Cross
Meets the Street
What happens to the neighborhood
when God is at the center
Leroy Barber, global executive director,
Word Made Flesh
The cross means more than we’ve let it mean.
Proclaiming the gospel and forming the faithful: these
are the most practiced disciplines of the evangelical church.
As central as these disciplines are, however, they are only
part of the story. And as Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) CEO Noel Castellanos has
learned over a lifetime of ministry and mission, the neglect
of the gospel’s full implications has contributed to the
erosion of communities and the languishing of poor and
other marginalized people.
Here Castellanos shows the strengths and limitations of a
narrowly focused church and broadens our imaginations to
embrace a gospel that proclaims Christ and forms disciples.
This life-giving gospel also demonstrates compassion,
confronts injustice and restores individuals and communities to wholeness. This is the whole work of the cross; this is
the privilege of those who follow the Word made flesh.
Noel Castellanos works in Latino, urban communities across the country serving in youth ministry, church
planting, advocacy and community development. He is chief
executive officer of the CCDA and was the founding pastor
of Chicago’s La Villita Community Church. He is the coauthor of A Heart for the Community and New Models for Urban
and Suburban Ministry.
Contents Introduction: Mumbo Jumbo (1) Mi Familia
(2) Leaving the Barrio (3) A New Burden for the Barrio (4)
Becoming an Evangelico (5) Incarnation (6) Proclamation and
Formation (7) Demonstration of Compassion (8) Restoration
and Development (9) Confrontation of Injustice (10) Sí, Se
Puede • Conclusion: Seek the Peace and Welfare of the City
March 2015
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3691-8,
Related Titles
Salvatierra and
Peter Heltzel,
Making Neighborhoods Whole,
Wayne Gordon and
John M. Perkins,
• Acknowledgments • Appendix 1: A Snapshot of CCDA •
Appendix 2: Lessons from the Book of Nehemiah
ivpacademic.com 29
Church & Mission
Charles A. Davis
Making Disciples across cultures
Making Disciples Across Cultures
Missional Principles for a Diverse World
”Charles Davis applies a distinctively missionary
analysis to the worn-out ecclesiologies of our time.
But it’s not all critique and analysis: built on narrative
Missional principles for a Diverse World
and experience, he lovingly provides the church with
a very useful diagnostic tool that gives us viable pathways toward renewal of church life and mission.”
Alan Hirsch, founding director of Forge Missional
charles a. Davis
June 2015
224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3690-1,
Related Titles
Training Network and author of The Forgotten Ways
Culture affects how we make disciples. We often unconsciously bring our own cultural assumptions into ministry
and mission, but in today’s global environment, disciplemaking requires the humility and flexibility to adapt
between different cultural approaches.
Charles Davis, former director of TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission), provides a framework for missional
disciplemaking across diverse cultural contexts. With
on-the-ground stories from a lifetime of mission experience,
Davis navigates such tensions as knowledge and behavior,
individualism and collectivism, and truth and works to help
Christian workers minister more effectively.
Duane Elmer,
Charles A. Davis (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School) is the former executive international director of
TEAM and has over four decades of crosscultural experience in global disciplemaking and missional church
planting. He was previously president of the Evangelical
Seminary of Caracas, and he is a member of the Global
Leadership Council of the Mission Commission of the World
Evangelical Alliance.
Leading Across
James E.
Contents Preface • Introduction: My Journey as Disciple
and Disciple-Maker (1) What Is a Disciple Anyway? (2)
Disciples Let God Lead from the Invisible World (3)
Disciples Hear and Obey (4) Disciples Develop Relational
Interdependence (5) Disciples Do What Love Requires (6)
Disciples Make Disciples (7) Leaders Equip Disciples for
Ministry (8) Disciples Live an Undivided Life (9) Disciples
Engage in Personal and Cultural Transformation (10)
Disciples Keep the End in Mind (11) Disciples Organize
Flexibly and Purposefully (12) Glimpses of a DiscipleMaking Community • Study Questions • Notes
30 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Church & Society
George Yancey
Hostile Environment
Understanding and Responding to Anti-Christian Bias
“The only good Christian is a dead Christian.”
In our heated cultural environment, comments like this
are increasingly common. Sometimes Christians are too
quick to claim that they are being persecuted. But Christians aren’t just being paranoid or alarmist. Anti-Christian
hostility is real.
Sociologist George Yancey explores the phenomenon of
Christianophobia, an intense animosity against Christians
and the Christian faith. Among some circles, opposition to
Christianity manifests much like other historic prejudices
like anti-Semitism or racial discrimination. While Christianophobia in the United States does not typically rise to the
violent levels of religious persecution in other parts of
the world, Christians are often still treated in ways that
perpetuate negative stereotypes and contribute to culture
war acrimony.
Yancey unpacks the underlying perspectives and root
causes of Christianophobia, and he considers to what extent
Christians have themselves contributed to anti-Christian
hostility. At times, criticisms of Christians are justified, but
Christians can confront untruths without capitulation. In
this truthful yet hope-filled treatise, Yancey shows how Christians can respond more constructively, defusing tensions
and working toward the common good.
George Yancey (PhD, University of Texas) is professor of
sociology at the University of North Texas, specializing in
race/ethnicity, biracial families and anti-Christian bias. He
is the author, coauthor or coeditor of books such as Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American
Higher Education, Dehumanizing Christians: Cultural Competition
in a Multicultural World, There Is No God: Atheists in America,
Beyond Black and White, Beyond Racial Gridlock and Just Don’t
Marry One. He is the founder of Reconciliation Consulting,
helping churches and ministries develop and sustain a multiracial emphasis.
Contents (1) Introduction (2) Haters Gotta Hate: Roots
of Christianophobia (3) Can’t Please All the People (4) Are
Christians Responsible for Christianophobia? (5) The Particular Challenge of Homosexuality (6) Trouble Within (7) Hate
Me Not (8) How to Deal with Christianophobia • References
June 2015
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4422-7,
Related Titles
The Global
Public Square,
Os Guinness,
Finding God at
Kelly Monroe
ivpacademic.com 31
Michael Hidalgo
Changing Faith
Questions, Doubts and Choices About an Unchanging God
“For those struggling with difficult questions about
God, faith and life overall, Michael Hidalgo offers
insights from Scripture, reflections from his own
journey and a healthy dose of humor to guide us all
Questions, Doubts & Choices
About an UnChAnging goD
MicHael Hidalgo
May 2015
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3695-6,
Related Titles
Your Doubts,
Christina M. H.
Finding God in
the Questions,
Timothy Johnson,
toward a more robust faith in Jesus.”
Brad Lomenick, author, The Catalyst Leader
“There are so many things I am not comfortable with
claiming as 100 percent true, but I cannot say they are 100
percent false either. I cannot and will not go back to the
faith I have clung to for decades. I am done with it.”
This is not a declaration of being done with faith, but
it is a recognition that faith has to change. Many of us are
grappling with similar doubts. How much can we actually
know about God and our world? Who is right and who is
wrong? Whose “truth” is really true? Do I need God to live a
life that matters?
We have questions not because we reject faith in God, but
because we live in a rapidly changing world of new realities,
new technology and new insights that demand new answers.
This changes how we live, communicate, think and believe.
We know we are moving from somewhere, but we don’t
exactly know what we are moving toward. That’s what this
book is about.
Michael Hidalgo is the lead pastor of Denver Community Church, which under his leadership has grown from
forty people to over 1,500. A graduate of Grand Rapids
Theological Seminary, Hidalgo served alongside Ed Dobson
as a teaching pastor at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. With the ONE Campaign and Malaria No More,
Hidalgo has addressed thousands nationally. He writes regularly for Relevant Magazine and Sojourners. Hidalgo, his wife
and three children live in Denver.
Contents Introduction: Going Through Changes (1) From
Closed to Open (2) From Certainty to Probability (3) From
Definition to Description (4) From Words to Experience
(5) From Knowing to Unknowing (6) From Being Right to
Being Faithful (7) From Power to Truth (8) From Legalism
to Wholeness (9) From Toil to Work (10) From Nowhere to
Everywhere (11) From Bad News to Good News (12) From
Fear to Love (13) From Small Stories to Big Story • Further
Reading • Discussion Guide
32 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Recent Releases
J. B. Lightfoot, Edited by Ben Witherington III and Todd D. Still
The Acts of the Apostles
Recently discovered in the Durham Cathedral Library, J. B. Lightfoot’s previously unpublished commentary on the Acts of the Apostles is a landmark event of
great significance to both church and academy. Carefully transcribed and edited,
these texts give us a new appreciation for Lightfoot’s contributions to biblical
viii + 399 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2944-6, $40.00 / IVP Academic
Thomas F. Torrance, Edited by Robert T. Walker
This companion volume to T. F. Torrance’s Incarnation: The Person and Life of Christ
presents the material on the work of Christ, centered in the atonement, given originally in his lectures delivered to his students in Christian dogmatics on Christology
at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952–1978. Like the first volume, the original
lecture material has been expertly edited by Robert Walker, complete with crossreference to Torrance’s other works.
489 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2458-8, $35.00 / IVP Academic
Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman
Building Your Volunteer Team
Do you find yourself wondering how to get new volunteers onboard for your
ministry? Youth leaders Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman have heard all the reasons
why leaders fail to get and keep volunteers. That’s why they have developed this
30-day on-ramp to creating a volunteer team, with all of the needed tools included
and a money-back guarantee.
155 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4121-9, $16.00 / IVP Praxis
Thomas C. Oden
A Change of Heart
How did one of the twentieth century’s most celebrated liberals have such a
dramatic change of heart? In this intellectual and spiritual memoir, Thomas
Oden journeys from conservative rural Methodism in Oklahoma to free-spirited
theological innovation in the land of academia and back to the foundations of
ancient Christianity.
384 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-4035-9, $40.00 / IVP Academic
ivpacademic.com 33
Recent Releases
Lee Beach
The Church in Exile
The church in North America today lives in a post-Christian society. Drawing on a
close engagement with Old Testament and New Testament texts, Lee Beach helps
the people of God today develop a hopeful and prophetic imagination, a theology
responsive to its context, and an exilic identity marked by faithfulness to God’s
mission in the world.
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4066-3, $25.00 / IVP Academic
Kimlyn J. Bender
Confessing Christ for Church and World
This collection of new and previously published essays by Kimlyn Bender sheds
light on both the task of modern theology and the witness of the church. Among
other topics, the essays discuss Barth’s understanding of atheism, Schleiermacher’s
Christology and the challenges posed to the canon by Bart Ehrman.
391 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4059-5, $40.00 / IVP Academic
Bradley G. Green
Covenant and Commandment
From a close study of key Old and New Testament texts and interaction with historical and contemporary theologians, Bradley Green shows how different aspects
of the Christian life are each God-elicited, real and necessary. Green provides a
biblical theology of the nature, role and place of works, obedience and faithfulness
in the new covenant.
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2634-6, $22.00 / IVP Academic
Edited by Gary W. Moon
Eternal Living
Curated by Dallas Willard’s long-time colleague and friend Gary Moon, this medley
of images, snapshots and “Dallas-isms” moves readers toward deeper experiences of
God. Whether influenced by him as a family member, friend, professor, philosopher
or reformer, contributors bring refreshing insight into his ideas, what shaped him
and his contagious theology of grace and joy.
255 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-3595-9, $22.00 / Formatio
34 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Recent Releases
Amos Yong
The Future of Evangelical Theology
The shift of Christianity from the Euro-American West to the Global South invites
a thorough rethinking of evangelical theology. In this bold theological proposal,
Amos Yong gives a programmatic vision for theology that pays attention to the
realities of gender, race, migration, economics, justice and politics. What emerges
is a theology situated within a pentecostal Asian American context that bears on
the future of the whole church.
255 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4060-1, $25.00 / IVP Academic
G. K. Beale and Mitchell Kim
God Dwells Among Us
Just like we do today, the writers and chief actors of the Old Testament felt a deep
longing for the presence of God. Tracing the themes of Eden, the temple, God’s
presence and the new creation, this book seeks to add fuel to the fire of the church’s
passion to fulfill its mission—demonstrating God’s abiding presence to the ends
of the earth.
215 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4414-2, $17.00 / IVP Books
Kenneth E. Bailey
The Good Shepherd
Kenneth Bailey, with his celebrated insights into Middle Eastern culture, traces the
theme of the good shepherd from its origins in Psalm 23 through the prophets and
into the New Testament, observing how it changed, developed and was applied by
the biblical writers over a thousand-year span.
288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4063-2, $24.00 / IVP Academic
G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd
Hidden But Now Revealed
This book explores the biblical conception of mystery as an initial, partially hidden
revelation that is subsequently more fully revealed, shedding light not only on the
richness of the concept itself, but also on the broader relationship between the
Old and New Testaments. As such, it is a model for attentive and faithful biblical
393 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2718-3, $27.00 / IVP Academic
ivpacademic.com 35
Recent Releases
Christopher J. H. Wright
Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament
(Second Edition)
Has the Bible bound Christians to a narrow and mistaken notion of Jesus? We need
to know what story Jesus claimed for himself. In this revised and updated book
Christopher Wright traces the life of Christ as it is illuminated by the Old Testament
and describes God’s design for Israel as it is fulfilled in the story of Jesus.
288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2359-8, $18.00 / IVP Academic
Mark Sheridan
Language for God in Patristic Tradition
Mark Sheridan, an expert in early Christianity, explores how ancient Christian
theologians interpreted Scripture in order to address the problem of attributing
human characteristics and emotions to God. Sheridan brings the patristic tradition
into conversation with modern interpreters to show the abiding significance of its
theological interpretation for today.
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4064-9, $26.00 / IVP Academic
Edited by Beth Kreitzer
In this latest volume in the highly regarded Reformation Commentary on Scripture
series, volume editor Beth Kreitzer introduces us to the wisdom and insight of
familiar and unfamiliar reformers alike as they unpack the riches of Luke’s inspired
“narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us” (Lk 1:1).
lvi + 573 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2966-8, $50.00 / IVP Academic
James W. Sire
Naming the Elephant (Second Edition)
In this companion volume to The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire offers his refined
definition of a worldview and addresses key questions about the history of worldview
thinking, the existential and intellectual formation of worldviews, the public and
private dimensions of worldviews, and how worldview thinking can help us navigate
an increasingly pluralistic universe.
201 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4073-1, $20.00 / IVP Academic
36 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Recent Releases
Scott A. Bessenecker
Overturning Tables
The history of Protestant mission in the world has unfolded in step with the history
of the modern marketplace, defining missions success in marketplace terms. Scott
Bessenecker points toward a view of missions freed of false attachments to material
paradigms and tailored toward a kingdom vision.
201 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3680-2, $16.00 / IVP Books
Edited by Christopher Gehrz
The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education
Bringing together leading scholars associated with Bethel University, this volume presents a distinctively Pietist approach to Christian higher education, which emphasizes
the transformation of the whole person for service to God and neighbor.
240 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4071-7, $26.00 / IVP Academic
Tremper Longman III
The book of Psalms is the heart of the Old Testament. It also anticipates Jesus Christ.
In this Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Tremper Longman interprets each
psalm in its Old Testament setting, summarizes its overall message and reflects on its
significance from a New Testament perspective.
479 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4285-8, $18.00 / IVP Academic
Derek Kidner
Psalms 1–72, Psalms 73–150
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” “Thy word is a lamp to my feet.” “Search
me, O God, and know my heart!”
Such phrases leap to mind whenever Christians lift their hearts to God. For many,
the Psalms are the richest part of the Old Testament. Derek Kidner provides a fresh
and penetrating guide. He analyzes each psalm in depth, comments on interpretative
questions and brings out the universal relevance of the texts. He also gives special
help on the psalmists’ cries for vengeance.
Formerly part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series, these commentaries
will inspire and deepen personal worship.
196 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2937-8, $18.00 / IVP Academic
242 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2938-5, $18.00 / IVP Academic
ivpacademic.com 37
Recent Releases
Christina M. H. Powell
Questioning Your Doubts
Scientist and cancer researcher Christina Powell helps us grapple with our doubts
about God, allowing us to work through challenges to faith to find a renewed confidence in our beliefs when we dig deeper into our questions.
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3678-9, $16.00 / IVP Books
Edited by Kelly M. Kapic
With so much interest in ideas such as election and justification, holiness is often
ignored. In this volume, twelve theologians explore the meaning and significance of
sanctification for contemporary evangelical theology and practice.
300 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4062-5, $28.00 / IVP Academic
Kevin Diller
Theology’s Epistemological Dilemma
Karl Barth and Alvin Plantinga are not thought of as theological allies. Here, Kevin
Diller argues that they actually offer a unified response to the central epistemological
dilemma in theology.
352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3906-3, $30.00 / IVP Academic
Edited by Francis J. Beckwith, William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland
To Everyone an Answer
In a society that believes “anything goes,” the Christian worldview faces aggressive
opposition. The essays in this book—covering all major aspects of apologetics—help
you make a more coherent defense for the Christian faith.
396 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4074-8, $28.00 / IVP Academic
David Skeel
True Paradox
Law professor David Skeel makes a fresh case for how Christianity offers plausible
explanations for the central puzzles of our existence and provides a comprehensive
framework for understanding human life as we actually live it.
176 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3676-5, $15.00 / IVP Books
James M. Hamilton Jr.
With the Clouds of Heaven
James Hamilton delves into Daniel’s rich contribution to the Bible’s unfolding
redemptive-historical storyline, addressing key questions and examining the
literary structure, visions, heavenly beings and typological patterns.
272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2633-9, $25.00 / IVP Academic
38 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS)
Edited by Thomas C. Oden, this twenty-nine-volume series compiles the best early Christian
exegesis from the second through the eighth centuries on the Old and New Testaments plus
the Apocrypha.
Individual titles include
Genesis 1–11(OT Volume 1)
Edited by Andrew Louth. lii + 204
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1471-8,
Genesis 12–50 (OT Volume 2)
Edited by Mark Sheridan. xl + 392
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1472-5,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy (OT Volume 3)
Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard.
xxxii + 382 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1473-2, $50.00
Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
1–2 Samuel (OT Volume 4)
Edited by John R. Franke. xxxii + 458
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1474-9,
1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles,
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
(OT Volume 5) Edited by Marco
Conti. xxx + 450 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1475-6, $50.00
Job (OT Volume 6) Edited by
Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti.
xxviii + 253 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1476-3, $50.00
Psalms 1–50 (OT Volume 7)
Edited by Craig A. Blaising and
Carmen S. Hardin. xxviii + 458 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1477-0, $50.00
Psalms 51–150 (OT Volume 8)
Edited by Quentin F. Wesselschmidt.
xxiv + 499 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1478-7, $50.00
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song
of Solomon (OT Volume 9)
Edited by J. Robert Wright. xxx + 434
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1479-4,
Isaiah 1–39 (OT Volume 10)
Edited by Steven A. McKinion.
xxiv + 324 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1480-0, $50.00
John 11–21 (NT Volume 4b)
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. xviii + 462
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1099-4,
Isaiah 40–66 (OT Volume 11)
Edited by Mark W. Elliott. xxxi + 349
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1481-7,
Acts (NT Volume 5) Edited by
Francis Martin. xxvi + 368 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1490-9, $50.00
Jeremiah, Lamentations
(OT Volume 12) Edited by Dean O.
Wenthe. 373 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1482-4, $50.00
Ezekiel, Daniel (OT Volume 13)
Edited by Kenneth Stevenson and
Michael Glerup. xviii + 378 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1483-1, $50.00
The Twelve Prophets
(OT Volume 14) Edited by Alberto
Ferreiro. xxvi + 366 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1484-8, $50.00
Apocrypha (OT Volume 15)
Edited by Sever J. Voicu. xxviii + 547
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1485-5,
Matthew 1–13 (NT Volume 1a)
Edited by Manlio Simonetti. lii + 326
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1486-2,
Matthew 14–28 (NT Volume 1b)
Edited by Manlio Simonetti.
xvi + 344 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83081469-5, $50.00
Mark (NT Volume 2) Edited by
Thomas C. Oden and Christopher A.
Hall. xxxvi + 284 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1418-3, $50.00
Luke (NT Volume 3) Edited by
Arthur Just Jr. xxviii + 444 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1488-6, $50.00
Romans (NT Volume 6) Edited
by Gerald L. Bray. xxviii + 406 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1356-8, $50.00
1–2 Corinthians (NT Volume 7)
Edited by Gerald L. Bray. xxiii + 349
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2492-2,
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians (NT Volume 8) Edited by
Mark J. Edwards. xxvi + 318 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2493-9, $50.00
Colossians, 1–2 Thessalonians, 1–2 Timothy, Titus,
Philemon (NT Volume 9) Edited
by Peter J. Gorday. xxxiv + 346 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1494-7, $50.00
Hebrews (NT Volume 10) Edited
by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W.
Krey. xxvi + 292 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1495-4, $50.00
James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John,
Jude (NT Volume 11) Edited by
Gerald L. Bray. xxx + 288 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1496-1, $50.00
Revelation (NT Volume 12) Edited
by William C. Weinrich. xxxii + 454
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1497-8,
Digital Version available
from Logos Bible Software
John 1–10 (NT Volume 4a) Edited
by Joel C. Elowsky. 421 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1489-3, $50.00
ivpacademic.com 39
Ancient Christian Doctrine Series (ACD)
This exciting five-volume series, edited by Thomas C. Oden, follows up on the acclaimed
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture to provide patristic commentary on the
Nicene Creed.
Individual titles include
We Believe
in One God
(vol. 1) Edited
by Gerald L. Bray. xlii + 159 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2531-8, $50.00
We Believe in the Crucified
and Risen Lord (vol. 3)
Edited by Mark J. Edwards.
194 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082533-2, $50.00
We Believe in One Lord Jesus
Christ (vol. 2) Edited by John
Anthony McGuckin. xxii + 191
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2532-5,
We Believe in the Holy Spirit
(vol. 4) Edited by Joel C. Elowsky.
309 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082534-9, $50.00
We Believe in One Holy
Catholic and Apostolic
Church (vol. 5) Edited by Angelo
Di Berardino. 368 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2535-6, $50.00
Ancient Christian Texts (ACT)
Ancient Christian Texts is a series of new translations of full-length commentaries or sermon
series based on biblical books or extended scriptural passages—most of which are here
presented in English for the first time—that provide readers with the resources they need to
study for themselves the key writings of the early church.
Individual titles include
Commentaries on Genesis
1–3 By Severian of Gabala, Bede
the Venerable. Translated by
Robert C. Hill, Carmen S. Hardin.
Edited by Michael Glerup. 162
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2907-1,
Homilies on Numbers By
Origen. Translated by Thomas P.
Scheck. Edited by Christopher A.
Hall. 196 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2905-7, $60.00
Commentary on Isaiah By
Eusebius of Caesarea. Translated by
Jonathan J. Armstrong. Edited by
Joel C. Elowsky. xxxiv + 332 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2913-2, $60.00
Commentary on Jeremiah
By Jerome. Translated by Michael
Graves. Edited by Christopher A.
Hall. 232 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2910-1, $60.00
40 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Incomplete Commentary
on Matthew (Opus imperfectum), Volume 1 Translated
by James A. Kellerman. Edited by
Thomas C. Oden. xxvi + 213 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2901-9, $60.00
Incomplete Commentary
on Matthew (Opus imperfectum), Volume 2 Translated
by James A. Kellerman. Edited
by Thomas C. Oden. xxvi + 228
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2902-6,
Commentary on the Gospel of
John By Theodore of Mopsuestia.
Translated by Marco Conti. Edited
by Joel C. Elowsky. xxx + 172 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2906-4, $60.00
Commentary on John,
Volume 1 By Cyril of Alexandria.
Translated by David R. Maxwell.
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. xxxii +
375 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082911-8, $60.00
Commentary on John,
Volume 2 By Cyril of Alexandria.
Translated by David R. Maxwell.
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. 400 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2912-5, $60.00
Commentaries on Romans
and 1–2 Corinthians By Ambrosiaster. Edited and translated by
Gerald L. Bray. 300 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2903-3, $60.00
Commentaries on Galatians–
Philemon By Ambrosiaster.
Edited and translated by Gerald L.
Bray. xxii + 166 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2904-0, $60.00
Greek Commentaries on
Revelation By Oecumenius,
Andrew of Caesarea. Translated
by William C. Weinrich. Edited by
Thomas C. Oden. 212 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2908-8, $60.00
Latin Commentaries on
Revelation By Victorinus of
Petovium, Apringius of Beja,
Caesarius of Arles, Bede the Venerable. Edited and translated by
William C. Weinrich. l + 201 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2909-5, $60.00
Apollos Old Testament Commentary Series (AOTC)
Edited by David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham, the Apollos Old Testament Commentary
aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture.
Individual titles include
(vol. 3)
Kiuchi. 538
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2503-5, $45.00
Joshua (vol. 6) Pekka Pitkänen.
454 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082506-6, $45.00
Deuteronomy (vol. 5) J. Gordon
McConville. 544 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2505-9, $45.00
1 & 2 Kings (vol. 9)Lissa Wray
Beal. 615 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2509-7, $45.00
1 & 2 Samuel (vol. 8) David G.
Firth. 614 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2508-0, $45.00
The Bible Speaks Today Commentary Series (BST)
Edited by J. A. Motyer and John R. W. Stott, this series
is characterized by what Stott called a “threefold ideal
. . . to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to
relate it to contemporary life and to be readable.”
Individual titles include
Old Testament Series
Ecclesiastes & the Song of
Songs (vol. 16) Daniel C. Fredericks and Daniel J. Estes. 472 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2515-8, $45.00
Daniel (vol. 20) Ernest C. Lucas.
359 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082519-6, $45.00
The Message of Psalms
73–150 Michael Wilcock. 288
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1245-5,
The Message of Proverbs
David J. Atkinson. 173 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1239-4, $17.00
The Message of Ecclesiastes
Derek Kidner. 110 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-286-6, $16.00
The Message of Genesis 1–11
David J. Atkinson. 190 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1229-5, $17.00
The Message of Samuel
Mary J. Evans. 286 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2429-8, $18.00
The Message of Genesis 12–50
Joyce G. Baldwin. 224 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-298-9, $18.00
The Message of Kings John W.
Olley. 378 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2435-9, $20.00
The Message of Exodus J. A.
Motyer. 329 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2427-4, $19.00
The Message of Chronicles
Michael Wilcock. 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-299-6, $18.00
The Message of Leviticus
Derek Tidball. 329 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2431-1, $19.00
The Message of Ezra & Haggai
Robert Fyall. 190 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2432-8, $16.00
The Message of Numbers
Raymond Brown. 310 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2428-1, $19.00
The Message of Nehemiah
Raymond Brown. 256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1242-4, $18.00
The Message of Ezekiel
Christopher J. H. Wright. 368
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2425-0,
The Message of Deuteronomy
Raymond Brown. 331 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1234-9, $19.00
The Message of Esther
David G. Firth. 144 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2433-5, $18.00
The Message of Daniel
Dale Ralph Davis. 173 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2438-0, $18.00
The Message of Judges
Michael Wilcock. 175 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1232-5, $17.00
The Message of Job
David J. Atkinson. 188 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1230-1, $17.00
The Message of Hosea
Derek Kidner. 142 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-290-3, $16.00
The Message of Ruth
David J. Atkinson. 128 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-294-1, $17.00
The Message of Psalms 1–72
Michael Wilcock. 255 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1244-8, $18.00
The Message of the Song of
Songs Tom Gledhill. 254 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-1235-6,
The Message of Isaiah
Barry G. Webb. 252 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1240-0, $18.00
The Message of Jeremiah
Christopher J. H. Wright. 448
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2439-7,
ivpacademic.com 41
The Bible Speaks Today Commentary Series (continued)
The Message of Amos
J. A. Motyer. 208 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-283-5, $18.00
The Message of Jonah
Rosemary Nixon. 220 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2426-7, $18.00
The Message of Zechariah
Barry G. Webb. 188 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2430-4, $17.00
The Message of Obadiah,
Nahum and Zephaniah Gordon
Bridger. 307 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2434-2, $18.00
The Message of Joel, Micah
& Habakkuk
David Prior. 279 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1241-7, $18.00
The Message of Malachi Peter
Adam. 128 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2437-3, $16.00
The Message of 1 Corin­thians
David Prior. 311 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-297-2, $19.00
The Message of Hebrews
Raymond Brown. 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-289-7, $18.00
The Message of 2 Corin­thians
Paul Barnett. 188 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1228-8, $17.00
The Message of James
J. A. Motyer. 214 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-292-7, $18.00
The Message of Galatians
John R. W. Stott. 204 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-288-0, $18.00
The Message of 1 Peter
Edmund P. Clowney. 250 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-1227-1, $18.00
The Message of Ephesians
John R. W. Stott. 311 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-287-3, $19.00
The Message of 2 Peter &
Jude R. C. Lucas and Christopher
Green. 270 pages, paperback, 978-08308-1238-7, $18.00
New Testament Series
Message of
the Sermon
on the
Mount John
R. W. Stott,
238 pages,
978-0-87784296-5, $18.00
The Message of Matthew
E. Michael Green. 343 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1243-1, $19.00
The Message of Mark
Donald English. 254 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1231-8, $18.00
The Message of Luke
Michael Wilcock. 215 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-291-0, $18.00
The Message of John
Bruce Milne. 352 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1233-2, $19.00
The Message of Acts
John R. W. Stott. 428 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1236-3, $20.00
The Message of Romans
John R. W. Stott. 432 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1246-2, $20.00
The Message of Philippians
J. A. Motyer. 234 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-310-8, $18.00
The Message of Colossians &
Philemon R. C. Lucas. 191 pages,
paperback, 978-0-87784-284-2, $17.00
The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians John R. W. Stott. 218
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1237-0,
The Message of Revelation
Michael Wilcock. 240 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-293-4, $18.00
The Message of 1 Timothy
& Titus John R. W. Stott. 232 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-1247-9, $18.00
The Message of 2 Timothy
John R. W. Stott. 127 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-295-8, $16.00
The Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes
Series (BSTT)
As a companion to The Bible Speaks Today commentaries, each volume of this series focuses on the message
of key biblical texts supporting a facet of Christian
doctrine. Edited by Derek Tidball.
42 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
The Message of John’s Letters
David Jackman. 214 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1226-4, $18.00
Individual titles include
The Message of the Church
Christopher Green. 333 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-2415-1,
The Message of Creation
David Wilkinson. 296 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2405-2, $20.00
The Bible Speaks Today Themes Series (continued)
The Message of the Cross
Derek Tidball. 341 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2403-8, $20.00
The Message of Heaven &
Hell Bruce Milne. 352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2406-9, $20.00
The Message of Holiness
Derek Tidball. 288 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2412-0, $20.00
The Message of the Holy Spirit
Keith Warrington. 260 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2411-3, $20.00
The Message of the Living
God Peter Lewis. 356 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2402-1, $20.00
The Message of Mission
Howard Peskett and Vinoth
Ramachandra. 288 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2407-6, $20.00
The Message of the Person
of Christ Robert Letham. 264
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2416-8,
The Message of Prayer
Timothy Chester. 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2408-3, $20.00
The Message of the Resurrection Paul Beasley-Murray. 269
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2401-4,
The Message of Salvation
Philip G. Ryken. 314 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2404-5, $20.00
The Message of Sonship
Trevor J. Burke. 244 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2413-7, $20.00
The Message of the Trinity
Brian Edgar. 336 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2409-0, $20.00
The Message of Women Derek
& Dianne Tidball. 303 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2436-6, $20.00
The Message of the Word
of God Tim Meadowcroft. 284
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2414-4,
The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (IVPNTC)
Edited by Grant R. Osborne with D. Stuart Briscoe and Haddon Robinson, this series offers a
lucid, passage-by-passage exposition of the biblical text for the contemporary church.
Individual titles include
1 Corinthians (vol. 7) Alan F. Johnson.
343 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4007-6,
1–2 Timothy & Titus (vol. 14)
Philip H. Towner. 271 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4014-4, $18.00
Matthew (vol. 1) Craig S.
Keener. 444 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4001-4, $20.00
2 Corinthians (vol. 8) Linda L.
Belleville. 357 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4008-3, $19.00
Hebrews (vol. 15) Ray C. Stedman.
168 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4015-1,
Mark (vol. 2) Ronald J. Kernaghan.
351 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084002-1, $18.00
Galatians (vol. 9) G. Walter Hansen.
212 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4009-0,
James (vol. 16) George M. Stulac.
206 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4016-8,
Luke (vol. 3) Darrell L. Bock. 412
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4003-8,
Ephesians (vol. 10) Walter L. Liefeld.
178 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4010-6,
1 Peter (vol. 17) I. Howard Marshall.
184 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4017-5,
John (vol. 4) Rodney A. Whitacre.
526 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084004-5, $20.00
Philippians (vol. 11) Gordon D. Fee.
204 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4011-3,
2 Peter and Jude (vol. 18) Robert
Harvey, Philip H. Towner. 249 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4018-2, $17.00
Acts (vol. 5) William J. Larkin Jr.
422 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084005-2, $20.00
Colossians & Philemon (vol. 12)
Robert W. Wall. 225 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4012-0, $18.00
1–3 John (vol. 19) Marianne Meye
Thompson. 168 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4019-9, $16.00
Romans (vol. 6) Grant R. Osborne.
447 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4006-9,
1–2 Thessalonians (vol. 13)
G. K. Beale. 279 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4013-7, $18.00
Revelation (vol. 20) J. Ramsey
Michaels. 265 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4020-5, $18.00
ivpacademic.com 43
Kidner Classic Commentaries (KCC)
Now offered together for future generations to read and appreciate, Derek Kidner’s
beloved commentaries from the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series and The Bible
Speaks Today series have been the standard for a generation, modeling conciseness, clarity
and insight.
Jeremiah, 978-0-8308-2935-4, $17.00
Psalms 1–72, 978-0-8308-2937-8, $18.00
Psalms 73–150, 978-0-8308-2938-5, $18.00
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS)
The Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) collects Protestant Reformation reflections on the entirety of the Bible, chapter by chapter, introducing readers to the depth and
richness of exegetical ferment that defined the Reformation.
Individual titles include
1–11 Edited
by John L.
Thompson. lxx + 389 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2951-4, $50.00
Ezekiel, Daniel Edited by
Carl L. Beckwith. lx + 452 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2962-0,
Luke Edited by Beth Kreitzer. lvi
+ 573 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082966-8, $50.00
Galatians, Ephesians Edited
by Gerald L. Bray. 446 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2973-6, $50.00
John 1–12 Edited by Craig S.
Farmer. lx + 539 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2967-5, $50.00
Philippians, Colossians
Edited by Graham Tomlin. lviii +
297 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082974-3, $50.00
Acts Edited by Esther ChungKim and Todd R. Hains. 430 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2969-9, $50.00
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC)
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries provide passage-by-passage interpretation in the
transparent style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series.
Set of 47 OT and NT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4229-2, $844.00
Set of 20 NT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4230-8, $360.00
Individual titles include
Matthew (vol. 1) R. T. France.
422 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084231-5, $18.00
John (vol. 4) Colin G. Kruse. 389
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4234-6,
1 Corinthians (vol. 7) Leon L.
Morris. 238 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4237-7, $18.00
Mark (vol. 2) R. Alan Cole. 340
Acts (vol. 5) I. Howard Marshall.
2 Corinthians (vol. 8) Colin G.
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4232-2,
447 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084235-3, $18.00
Kruse. 217 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4238-4, $18.00
Luke (vol. 3) Leon L. Morris. 370
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4233-9,
Romans (vol. 6) F. F. Bruce. 283
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4236-0,
Galatians (vol. 9) R. Alan Cole.
242 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084239-1, $18.00
44 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC) (continued)
Ephesians (vol. 10) Francis
Foulkes. 187 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4240-7, $18.00
The Pastoral Epistles (vol. 14)
Donald Guthrie. 251 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4244-5, $18.00
2 Peter and Jude (vol. 18)
Michael Green. 221 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4248-3, $18.00
Philippians (vol. 11) Ralph P.
Martin. 187 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4241-4, $18.00
Hebrews (vol. 15) Donald Guthrie.
281 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084245-2, $18.00
The Letters of John (vol. 19)
John R. W. Stott. 240 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4249-0, $18.00
Colossians and Philemon
(vol. 12) N. T. Wright. 199 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4242-1,
James, Second Edition,
(vol. 16) Douglas J. Moo. 240 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4287-2,
Revelation (vol. 20) Leon L.
Morris. 250 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4250-6, $18.00
1 and 2 Thessalonians (vol. 13)
Leon L. Morris. 148 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4243-8, $18.00
1 Peter (vol. 17) Wayne A.
Grudem. 248 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4247-6, $18.00
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC)
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries provide passage-by-passage interpretation in the
transparent style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series.
Set of 47 OT and NT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4229-2, $844.00
Set of 27 OT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4200-1, $504.00
Individual titles include
Genesis (vol. 1) Derek Kidner.
236 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084201-8, $18.00
1 and 2 Samuel (vol. 8) Joyce G.
Baldwin. 240 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4208-7, $18.00
Psalms (vol. 15 & 16) Tremper
Longman III. 464 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4285-8, $18.00
Exodus (vol. 2) R. Alan Cole. 249
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4202-5,
1 and 2 Kings (vol. 9) Donald
J. Wiseman. 339 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4209-4, $18.00
Proverbs (vol. 17) Derek Kidner.
189 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084217-9, $18.00
Leviticus (vol. 3) Jay Sklar. 336
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4284-1,
1 Chronicles (vol. 10) Martin J.
Selman. 274 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4210-0, $18.00
Ecclesiastes (vol. 18) Michael A.
Eaton. 128 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4218-6, $18.00
Numbers (vol. 4) Gordon J.
Wenham. 192 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4204-9, $18.00
2 Chronicles (vol. 11) Martin J.
Selman. 292 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4211-7, $18.00
The Song of Songs (vol. 19)
Iain M. Duguid. 160 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4286-5, $18.00
Deuteronomy (vol. 5) Edward J.
Woods. 333 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4281-0, $18.00
Ezra and Nehemiah (vol. 12)
Derek Kidner. 192 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4212-4, $18.00
Isaiah (vol. 20) J. Alec Motyer.
461 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084220-9, $18.00
Joshua (vol. 6) Richard S. Hess.
352 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084206-3, $18.00
Esther (vol. 13) Debra Reid.
168 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084213-1, $18.00
Judges and Ruth (vol. 7)
Arthur E. Cundall and Leon L.
Morris. 307 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4207-0, $18.00
Job (vol. 14) Francis I. Andersen.
318 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084214-8, $18.00
Jeremiah and Lamentations
(vol. 21) Hetty Lalleman. 373 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4283-4,
Ezekiel (vol. 22) John B. Taylor.
277 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084222-3, $18.00
ivpacademic.com 45
Daniel (vol. 23) Joyce G. Baldwin.
232 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084223-0, $18.00
Hosea (vol. 24) David Allan
Hubbard. 246 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4224-7, $18.00
Joel and Amos (vol. 25) David
Allan Hubbard. 196 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4225-4, $18.00
46 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (vol. 26)
T. Desmond Alexander, David W.
Baker, Bruce Waltke. 226 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4226-1,
Nahum, Habakkuk and
Zephaniah (vol. 27) David W.
Baker. 120 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4227-8, $18.00
Haggai, Zechariah and
Malachi (vol. 28) Andrew E. Hill.
368 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084282-7, $18.00
Christian Foundations (CF)
Metaphysics, 978-0-87784-341-2, $17.00
Donald G. Bloesch’s seven-volume
series is a comprehensive
systematic theology for the
twenty-first century. Individual
titles include:
Philosophy of Religion, 978-0-8308-3876-9, $18.00
The Church, 978-0-8308-2756-5,
God the Almighty, 978-0-83082753-4, $25.00
Holy Scripture, 978-0-8308-2752-7, $25.00
The Holy Spirit, 978-0-8308-2755-8, $25.00
Jesus Christ, 978-0-8308-2754-1, $25.00
The Last Things, 978-0-8308-2757-2, $25.00
A Theology of Word & Spirit, 978-0-8308-2751-0, $25.00
Science & Its Limits, 978-0-8308-1580-7, $18.00
Contours of Christian Theology (CCT)
These concise introductory texts
focus on the main themes of
Christian theology. Individual
volumes, edited by Gerald L.
Bray, include:
The Church, 978-0-8308-1534-0,
The Doctrine of God,
978-0-8308-1531-9, $24.00
The Doctrine of Humanity, 978-0-8308-1535-7, $24.00
The Holy Spirit, 978-0-8308-1536-4, $24.00
Christian Worldview Integration Series (CWI)
The Person of Christ, 978-0-8308-1537-1, $24.00
Edited by J. P. Moreland and
Francis J. Beckwith, this series
promotes a robust personal and
conceptual integration of
Christian faith and learning for
the benefit of educators,
students and practitioners.
Individual titles include:
The Providence of God, 978-0-8308-1533-3, $24.00
Authentic Communication,
978-0-8308-2815-9, $20.00
Business for the Common Good, 978-0-8308-2816-6, $25.00
Christianity and Literature, 978-0-8308-2817-3, $24.00
Doing Philosophy as a Christian, 978-0-8308-2811-1,
Education for Human Flourishing, 978-0-8308-2812-8,
Politics for Christians, 978-0-8308-2814-2, $20.00
Psychology in the Spirit, 978-0-8308-2813-5, $30.00
Contours of Christian
Philosophy (CCP)
This series, edited by C. Stephen
Evans, introduces students to
various fields of philosophy,
exploring major issues within
each field and reviewing
possible responses with an ear
toward their implications for
Christian faith and practice.
Individual volumes include:
The Revelation of God, 978-0-8308-1538-8, $24.00
The Work of Christ, 978-0-8308-1532-6, $24.00
Exploring the Bible Series (EB)
These student-friendly
introductions are rooted in
up-to-date scholarship and
actual classroom experience:
Exploring the Old Testament,
Volume 1: A Guide to the Pentateuch, 978-0-8308-2541-7,
Exploring the Old Testament,
Volume 2: A Guide to the Historical Books,
978-0-8308-2542-4, $30.00
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 3: A Guide to the
Psalms & Wisdom Literature, 978-0-8308-2543-1,
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 4: A Guide to the
Prophets, 978-0-8308-2544-8, $30.00
Exploring the New Testament, Volume 1: A Guide to
the Gospels & Acts, Second Edition, 978-0-83082539-4, $30.00
Exploring the New Testament, Volume 2: A Guide to the
Letters & Revelation, Second Edition, 978-0-83082540-0, $30.00
Epistemology, 978-0-87784-522-5, $17.00
Ethics, 978-0-8308-2803-6, $17.00
ivpacademic.com 47
The IVP Bible Dictionary Series (IBD)
Unique among reference books
on the Bible, the volumes of the
IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge
the gap between scholars and
those pastors, teachers, students
and laypeople desiring in-depth
treatment of select topics in an
accessible and summary format.
Volumes include:
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch,
978-0-8308-1781-8, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books,
978-0-8308-1782-5, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry &
Writings, 978-0-8308-1783-2, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets,
978-0-8308-1784-9, $60.00
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition,
978-0-8308-2456-4, $60.00
Dictionary of New Testament Background,
978-0-8308-1780-1, $60.00
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters,
978-0-8308-1778-8, $60.00
Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its
Developments, 978-0-8308-1779-5, $60.00
IVP Pocket Reference Series (IPR)
The IVP Pocket Reference Series
was designed for students, pastors
and others who want an aid to
formal or informal study.
Individual titles include:
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of
Biblical Hebrew,
978-0-8308-1458-9, $10.00
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New
Testament Greek, 978-0-8308-1464-0, $10.00
Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion,
978-0-8308-1465-7, $9.00
Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies, 978-0-8308-1467-1,
Pocket Dictionary of Church History, 978-0-8308-2703-9,
Pocket Guide to World Religions, 978-0-8308-2705-3,
Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics,
978-0-8308-2702-2, $9.00
Pocket History of Theology, 978-0-8308-2704-6, $9.00
Pocket History of the Church, 978-0-8308-2701-5, $9.00
I VP Pocket Reference App, iOS or Android,
ivpapps.com, $1.99
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians Series (LHHC)
Ben Witherington III introduces
a new way to approach the New
Testament documents by
dividing ancient letters and
homilies according to socioreligious context. Titles include:
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians, Volume 1,
978-0-8308-2457-1, $35.00
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians, Volume 2,
978-0-8308-2933-0, $40.00
New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT)
Edited by D. A. Carson, the NSBT
is a series of monographs that
address key issues in the
discipline of biblical theology.
The series includes:
The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus,
978-0-8308-2628-5, $24.00
Adopted into God’s Family,
978-0-8308-2623-0, $24.00
Bound for the Promised Land,
978-0-8308-2635-3, $25.00
Christ, Our Righteousness,
978-0-8308-2609-4, $24.00
A Clear and Present Word, 978-0-8308-2622-3, $22.00
Contagious Holiness, 978-0-8308-2620-9, $24.00
Covenant and Commandment, 978-0-8308-2634-6,
The Cross from a Distance, 978-0-8308-2619-3, $22.00
Pocket Dictionary of Ethics, 978-0-8308-1468-8, $9.00
Dominion and Dynasty, 978-0-8308-2615-5, $25.00
Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship,
978-0-8308-2707-7, $9.00
Father, Son and Spirit, 978-0-8308-2625-4, $24.00
Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms,
978-0-8308-1449-7, $9.00
From Every People and Nation, 978-0-8308-2616-2,
Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition,
978-0-8308-2708-4, $9.00
48 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
Five Festal Garments, 978-0-8308-2610-0, $22.00
New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT)
Resources for Reconciliation (RR)
God’s Unfaithful Wife, 978-0-8308-2614-8, $22.00
A joint effort by InterVarsity Press
and the Duke Divinity School
Center for Reconciliation, this
series weds theology with
grass-roots issues, addressing
division on local and global levels.
Titles include:
A Gracious and Compassionate God, 978-0-8308-2627-8,
Forgiving As We’ve Been Forgiven,
978-0-8308-3455-6, $16.00
Hear, My Son, 978-0-8308-2604-9, $22.00
Friendship at the Margins, 978-0-8308-3454-9, $16.00
Hearing God’s Words, 978-0-8308-2617-9, $24.00
Jesus and the Logic of History, 978-0-8308-2603-2, $22.00
Living Gently in a Violent World, 978-0-8308-3452-5,
A Mouth Full of Fire, 978-0-8308-2630-8, $27.00
Living Without Enemies, 978-0-8308-3456-3, $16.00
Neither Poverty nor Riches, 978-0-8308-2607-0, $26.00
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Possessed by God, 978-0-8308-2601-8, $22.00
Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, 978-0-8308-2611-7,
Sealed with an Oath, 978-0-8308-2624-7, $25.00
Shepherds After My Own Heart, 978-0-8308-2621-6, $26.00
Slave of Christ, 978-0-8308-2608-7, $24.00
The Temple and the Church’s Mission,
978-0-8308-2618-6, $30.00
Thanksgiving, 978-0-8308-2613-1, $22.00
Spectrum Series (SPEC)
Spectrum Multiview Books address
controversial topics through an
essay-response format pioneered
by IVP in 1977. Titles include:
Baptism: Three Views,
978-0-8308-3856-1, $17.00
Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views,
978-0-8308-3963-6, $20.00
With the Clouds of Heaven, 978-0-8308-2633-9, $25.00
Christian Spirituality: Five Views
of Sanctification,
978-0-8308-1278-3, $18.00
Old Testament Theology (OTT)
Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views,
978-0-8308-2796-1, $20.00
John Goldingay explores the Old
Testament’s grand vision for
Israel. Individual titles include:
Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views, 978-0-8308-2652-0,
Old Testament Theology, Volume
One: Israel’s Gospel,
978-0-8308-2561-5, $60.00
Old Testament Theology, Volume
Two: Israel’s Faith,
978-0-8308-2562-2, $60.00
Old Testament Theology, Volume Three: Israel’s Life,
978-0-8308-2563-9, $60.00
Divorce and Remarriage: Four Christian Views,
978-0-8308-1283-7, $22.00
Faith and Reason: Three Views, 978-0-8308-4040-3,
God & Morality: Four Views, 978-0-8308-3984-1, $22.00
God & Time: Four Views, 978-0-8308-1551-7, $24.00
The Historical Jesus: Five Views, 978-0-8308-3868-4, $26.00
Justification: Five Views, 978-0-8308-3944-5, $25.00
The Lord’s Supper: Five Views, 978-0-8308-2884-5, $18.00
The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views,
978-0-87784-794-6, $18.00
The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views,
978-0-8308-2570-7, $20.00
Predestination & Free Will: Four Views of Divine
Sovereignty and Human Freedom, 978-0-87784-567-6,
ivpacademic.com 49
Spectrum Series (SPEC) (continued)
Psychology & Christianity: Five Views, Second Edition,
978-0-8308-2848-7, $24.00
Two Views of Hell, 978-0-8308-2255-3, $18.00
What About Those Who Have Never Heard? Three Views
on the Destiny of the Unevangelized, 978-0-8308-1606-4,
Women in Ministry: Four Views, 978-0-8308-1284-4,
Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical
Theology (SIET)
A new series of interdisciplinary
monographs addressing emerging
and controversial subjects in the
evangelical community and in the
academy at large. Titles include:
Addiction and Virtue,
978-0-8308-3901-8, $32.00
The God of the Gospel,
978-0-8308-3904-9, $34.00
Incarnational Humanism, 978-0-8308-3903-2, $34.00
Rethinking the Trinity and Religious Pluralism,
978-0-8308-3902-5, $34.00
Theology’s Epistemological Dilemma, 978-0-8308-3906-3,
The Triumph of God over Evil, 978-0-8308-2804-3,
50 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2015
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