
The tapestry
of Isaiah
I V P A c a d e m i c Ca t a l o g
Evangelically Rooted. Critically Engaged.
s p r i ng 2 0 14
“John Goldingay lucidly and accessibly illuminates both the parts
and the whole of the book of Isaiah. He incorporates the best
insights of modern scholarship while nimbly dancing ‘round the
complexities of scholarly debate. Here is a theological reading of
Isaiah that can inform contemporary faith.”
—Walter Moberly, Durham University
IVP Academic Catalog | Volume 73 | Spring 2014
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Illustration by Cindy Kiple
from InterVarsity Press
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2 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Print Publicist
Biblical Studies—Biblical Theology
John E. Goldingay
The Theology of the Book of Isaiah
Diversity and Unity
“John Goldingay lucidly and accessibly illuminates
both the parts and the whole of the book of Isaiah. He
Theology of the
Book of IsaIah
incorporates the best insights of modern scholarship
while nimbly dancing ‘round the complexities of scholarly debate. Here is a theological reading of Isaiah that
D I v e r s I T y and U n I T y
can inform contemporary faith.”
The book of Isaiah’s imagery sparkles as it inspires. It draws
us in to meditate and extend our vision along its vectors.
But what should we make of this sprawling and puzzling
book—so layered and complex in its composition—as a
John Goldingay helps us make sense of this “book called
Isaiah” as a tapestry of patterned collages. Then, stepping
back, he unfurls its unifying themes—from Zion to David
to the Holy One of Israel. Like a program guide to Handel’s
Messiah, Goldingay helps us see, hear and understand the
grandeur of this prophetic masterpiece among the Prophets.
John Goldingay is David Allan Hubbard Professor of
Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena,
California. His books include Models for Scripture, Models for
Interpretation of Scripture, Walk On, and commentaries on
Psalms, Isaiah and Daniel. He has also authored an Old
Testament theology in three volumes for InterVarsity Press
and The Old Testament for Everyone series for Westminster
John Knox Press.
Contents Acknowledgments • Introduction • Part I: The
Theologies in Isaiah (1) Isaiah 1–12 (2) Isaiah 13–27 (3)
Isaiah 28–39 (4) Isaiah 40–55 (5) Isaiah 56–66 Part II: The
Theology That Emerges from Isaiah (6) Revelation (7) The
God of Israel as the Holy One, Yahweh Armies (8) Holy as
Upright and Merciful (9) Israel and Judah (10) Jerusalem
and Zion Critiqued and Threatened (11) Jerusalem and
Zion Chastised and Restored (12) The Remains (13) The
Nations (14) The Empires and Their Kings (15) Divine
Sovereignty and Human Responsibility (16) Divine Planning and Human Planning (17) David (18) Yahweh’s Day •
Walter Moberly, Durham University
John E. Goldingay
June 2014
160 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4039-7,
Related Titles
Interpreting Isaiah,
Edited by David
G. Firth, H. G. M.
Williamson, 978-08308-3703-8, $28.00
Dictionary of the Old
Testament: Prophets,
Edited by Mark J.
Boda, J. Gordon
McConville, 978-08308-1784-9, $60.00
Subject • Index • Scripture Index
ivpacademic.com 3
Church & Society
Elizabeth Gerhardt
elizAbeTh GerhArdT
The Cross and Gendercide
A Theological Response to Global Violence Against Women
and Girls
The Cross and GenderCide
The Cross and
A Theological response to Global
Violence Against Women and Girls
May 2014
200 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4049-6,
Related Titles
Bonhoeffer, Christ and
Culture, Edited by
Keith L. Johnson,
Timothy Larsen,
Kingdom Ethics,
Glen H. Stassen,
David P. Gushee,
4 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Violence against women and girls is a human rights
epidemic that affects millions of lives around the world.
While many Christians are addressing this crisis through
education, advocacy and philanthropic support, there has
been a reluctance to name gendercide as a theological and
confessional issue, a matter that strikes at the very essence of
the Christian faith.
In The Cross and Gendercide, Elizabeth Gerhardt draws
on Luther’s “theology of the cross” to provide a theological
basis for naming and responding to the grave sin of global
gendercide. She lifts up the work and witness of Dietrich
Bonhoeffer as an especially powerful resource for mobilizing the church today toward political action and social
engagement. From the perspective of Christ’s cross, the
church must raise a prophetic voice against systemic violence
and speak up for the myriad women and girls who are invisible and voiceless in the world today.
Elizabeth Gerhardt (ThD, Boston University) is
professor of theology and social ethics at Northeastern
Seminary, Rochester, New York, and adjunct professor in the
department of religion and humanities at Roberts Wesleyan.
Contents Acknowledgments • List of Abbreviations (1) A
Point of Departure: The Cross and Global Violence Against
Women and Girls (2) The Numbers and the Stories: The
Extent of the Violence (3) A Short History: The Social,
Religious and Political Roots of Violence Against Women
and Girls (4) The Cross and the Promise: God for Us (5)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Confession and Resistance: A Model
for a Church Response to Gendercide (6) Creative Theological Reflection and Activism: Working to End Gendercide
• Bibliography
Global Christianity
Simon Chan
Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up
“This book offers thought-provoking assessments of
foundational Christian doctrines from close engagement with Asian circumstances and Asian Christian
teachers. As it examines the Trinity, the church,
the person and work of Christ, and the Holy Spirit,
insights from Western Protestants, Catholics and the
G r as s ro o ts as i a n t h e o l o G y
Grassroots Asian Theology
future of Christian theology worldwide is outlined in
G r as s ro o ts
as i a n t h e o l o G y
thinkin G the Faith From the Ground up
Orthodox are put to good use, but always with the aim
of articulating genuinely Asian theologies. Much of the
simon Chan
this helpful study.”
Mark A. Noll, Francis McAnaney Professor of History,
University of Notre Dame
“A resourceful, perceptive and much-needed work in
the complex landscape of Asian theology.”
K. K. Yeo, Harry R. Kendall Professor of New Testament, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
A dynamic chapter of church history is now being written
in Asia. But the theological inflections at its heart are not
well understood by outsiders. The published voices of elite
academic theologians have drowned out the cadences of
Christian faith as it is spoken, lived and prayed in the homes
and churches of Tokyo or Shanghai or Madras.
Now, in Grassroots Asian Theology, Simon Chan examines
Asian Christianity at its daily, sustaining level. There he
uncovers a vibrant theology that is authentically Asian and
truly engaging.
Simon Chan (PhD, Cambridge) is Earnest Lau Professor
of Systematic Theology at Trinity Theological College in
Singapore. He is the author of Man and Sin, Pentecostal
Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition, Spiritual Theology
and Liturgical Theology. He is also the associate editor of
the Global Dictionary of Theology and the Dictionary of Mission
June 2014
216 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4048-9,
Related Titles
Global Dictionary of
Theology, Edited by
William A. Dyrness,
Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, 978-0-83082454-0, $50.00
Misreading Scripture
with Western Eyes,
E. Randolph
Richards, Brandon
J. O’Brien, 978-08308-3782-3, $16.00
Contents Preface • (1) Methodological Questions (2)
God in Asian Contexts (3) Humanity and Sin (4) Christ
and Salvation (5) The Holy Spirit and Spirituality (6) The
Church • Index
ivpacademic.com 5
Theology—Systematic Theology
Tony Lane
Christian Doctrine
Exploring Christian Doctrine
Christian Doctrine
A Guide to What Christians Believe
“What does the church believe? What does the
A Guide to
What Christians Believe
church’s faith have to do with prayer, worship and life
To n y L a n e
the same thing? Tony Lane addresses these basic
in the everyday world? Why don’t all churches believe
questions and more. Students, especially, will find this
a welcome guide.”
Joel B. Green, Fuller Theological Seminary
“Tony Lane is a masterful teacher. He has a knack for
writing epigrammatic sentences that instantly clarify
an issue. He has a gift for accurately apt illustrations.
Just when things might be getting a little dull, he
throws in a joke or even a cartoon. Ideal for anyone
who wants to understand the basics.”
Richard Bauckham, professor emeritus,
March 2014
320 pages, casebound, 978-0-8308-2546-2,
Related Titles
A Little Book for New
Kelly M. Kapic,
University of St Andrews
This reliable and highly readable textbook provides
comprehensive coverage of core Christian beliefs. Based
on the author’s introductory Christian doctrine course, the
book rests firmly on biblical foundations while providing a
balanced discussion of areas where evangelicals disagree.
The text includes essay topics and further reading
Tony Lane (DD, University of Oxford) is professor of
historical theology at the London School of Theology.
Contents Introduction • Method • (1) Knowing God (2)
Essential Eschatology,
Stanley J. Grenz,
David Guretzki,
Cherith Fee
Nordling, 978-08308-4025-7, $20.00
Bible (3) Speaking about God • Creation • (4) Creation of
the Universe (5) Spirit World (6) Humanity • Sin and Evil
• (7) Sin (8) Fall and Original Sin (9) Providence (10) Evil
and Suffering (Theodicy) • Redemption: God and his
Work • (11) Law and Old Testament (12) Work of Christ
(13) Person of Christ (Christology) (14) Uniqueness of
Christ (15) Holy Spirit (16) Trinity (17) God • Redemption: Personal • (18) Christian Initiation (19) Baptism
(20) Justification and Assurance (21) Sanctification (22)
Perseverance and Reward • Redemption: Corporate •
(23) Grace and Election (24) Church 1 (Ecclesiology) (25)
Church 2 (26) Holy Communion • Future Glory (Eschatology) • (27) End Times (28) Hell (29) Future Hope •
Questions for Answer • Technical Terms
6 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Edited by Gary M. Burge, David Lauber
Theology Questions Everyone Asks
Christian Faith in Plain Language
Everyone has questions about God and what matters most
in life. When we ask those questions, we are asking about
Isn’t talk about God really a guessing game?
What good is the Old Testament?
How can we have free will if God controls everything?
The virgin birth. Really?
What does an earthquake say about God?
Is the Holy Spirit still at work in churches today?
What did Jesus think about getting married?
Does being a Christian mean having particular political
While books about doctrine supply description and
analysis of the classic questions of the faith, they often miss
the contemporary questions on the minds of readers. This
book fills that gap. Organized around the key topics of Jesus,
the Bible, church, the Holy Spirit, evil, salvation and hope,
the sometimes-provocative questions on these topics aim
to ring true with the lived experience of real people. Even
more, they look to inspire reflection, debate, disagreement,
and above all, engagement in what the Christian faith is all
Gary M. Burge (PhD, University of Aderbeen) is professor
of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.
Among his many published books are The Evangelical One
Volume Commentary on the Bible (general editor with A. Hill)
and Whose Land? Whose Promise?
David Lauber (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary)
is associate professor of theology at Wheaton College in
Wheaton, Illinois. He is author of Barth on the Descent into
Hell: God, Atonement and the Christian Life.
Contents Foreword by Philip G. Ryken • Preface (1) What
Is Christianity? Timothy Larsen (2) What Is the Bible? Kevin
J. Vanhoozer (3) Who Is God? George Kalantzis (4) How Does
God Relate to the World? Gregory W. Lee (5) What Is the
Meaning of Evil and Suffering? Jennifer Powell McNutt (6)
Who Is Jesus? Gary M. Burge (7) What Is Salvation? Keith
L. Johnson (8) Who Is the Holy Spirit? Jeffrey W. Barbeau (9)
Who Are Human Beings? David Lauber (10) Who Is the
Church? Daniel J. Treier (11) How Should I Live? Vincent
Bacote (12) What Is Christian Hope? Beth Felker Jones • Notes •
Christian Faith
in Plain Language
Everyone Asks
Edited by
Gary M. Burge and
David Lauber
March 2014
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4044-1,
Related Titles
Who Needs Theology?,
Stanley J. Grenz,
Roger E. Olson,
A Missional
Orthodoxy, Gary
Tyra, 978-0-83082821-0, $30.00
ivpacademic.com 7
Church & Mission
Michael W. Goheen
Christian Mission Today
MICHael W. GoHeen
Mission Today
Scripture, History and Issues
Introducing Christian Mission Today
Scripture, History and Issues
“Introducing Christian Mission Today is a well-written,
accessible and comprehensive survey of mission
theology. Michael Goheen provides the reader with
an authoritative and balanced account of the salient
developments—starting with a robust biblical
theology that puts the mission of God at the dynamic
center—that have transformed our understanding over
the past century. This work edifies and challenges.”
Wilbert R. Shenk, Fuller Graduate School
of Intercultural Studies
August 2014
394 pages, casebound, 978-0-8308-4047-2,
Related Titles
The Ethics of
Elmer John
Thiessen, 978-08308-3927-8, $24.00
Recovering the Full
Mission of God,
Dean Flemming,
8 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Mission—a driving force in the long Christian story—today
is often cast as the embarrassing relative of tall-steeple
religiosity. But in Introducing Christian Mission Today, Michael
Goheen brings the vibrant history, motivation and challenges of Christian mission to the fore.
This full-scale text incorporates the keen missional
insights of Lesslie Newbigin, David Bosch and other formative thinkers. It will be a valued resource not only for those
in crosscultural contexts but also for those engaged in
reevangelizing the West.
Michael W. Goheen (PhD, University of Utrecht) is
theological director and scholar-in-residence in missional
theology at the Missional Training Center in Phoenix. He is
also professor of missional theology at Newbigin House of
Studies and Jake and Betsy Tuls Professor of Missiology at
Calvin Theological Seminary.
Contents Preface • Introduction: A Paradigm Shift in
Mission Studies Today • Part 1: Biblical and Theological
Reflection on Mission (1) Scripture as a Narrative Record
of God’s Mission (2) Theology of Mission and Missional
Theology • Part 2: Historical and Contemporary Reflection on Mission (3) Historical Paradigms of Mission (4) An
Emerging Ecumenical Paradigm of Mission (5) A Survey
of the Global Church • Part 3: Current Issues in Mission
Today (6) Holistic Mission: Witness in Life, Word and
Deed (7) Faithful Contextualization: Church, Gospel and
Culture(s) (8) Toward a Missiology of Western Culture (9)
A Missionary Encounter with World Religions (10) Urban
Mission: The New Frontier (11) Missions: A Witness to the
Gospel Where There Is None
Paul Copan, Kenneth D. Litwak
The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas
Paul Copan and
Kenneth D. Litwak
Paul’s Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World
Our world is multicultural, multireligious and multiphilosophical. It ranges from fundamental monotheism to
do-it-yourself spirituality to strident atheism. How can we
authentically and effectively present the message of Jesus the
Messiah in such a pluralistic and often relativistic context?
When Paul visited Athens, as told in the book of Acts, he
found an equally multicultural and multireligious setting.
From Jews to Gentiles, elite to poor, slaves to slave owners,
from olive-skinned Gentiles to dark-skinned Ethiopians—
the Greco-Roman world was a dynamic mixture. Religious
practices were also wide and varied, with the imperial cult
of emperor worship being the most prominent. Many also
frequented the temples for the traditional Greek pantheon,
and participated in the secret rituals of the mystery
Philosopher Paul Copan and New Testament scholar
Kenneth Litwak team up to show how Paul’s example found
in Acts 17 provides a practical model that still fits today.
They uncover the cultural and religious background of this
key episode in the apostle’s career. With equal facility they
show what it means for us who live in an age of competing
beliefs and value systems.
Paul Copan is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and
Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He has written
several books, including Creation Out of Nothing and Is God a
Moral Monster?
T he
in the
Mar ketp lace
of Ide as
Paul´s Mars Hill ExPEriEncE
for Our Pluralistic WOrld
July 2014
180 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4043-4,
Related Titles
Is Reality Secular?,
Mary Poplin, 978-08308-4406-7, $18.00
Kenneth D. Litwak (PhD, University of Bristol, England)
is adjunct professor of New Testament studies at Azusa
Pacific University and Asbury Seminary. He is the author of
Echoes of Scripture in Luke-Acts: Telling the History of God’s People
Contents Abbreviations (1) Welcome to Athens (2) Was
Paul’s Speech at Athens a Mistake? (3) Paul’s Athens (4)
Our Athens (5) Paul’s Speech in Acts (6) Paul’s Audience
(7) Paul’s Gospel for the Educated (8) The Art of Persuasion
(9) Acting on the Truth (10) Going to Our Own Mars Hill
Neighboring Faiths,
Winfried Corduan,
• Resources for Further Reading • Discussion Questions •
Bibliography • Subject Index
ivpacademic.com 9
Science & Technology
Ronald E. Osborn
ronalD e. osBorn
Foreword by John Walton
Foreword by John Walton
Death Before the Fall
Biblical Literalism and the Problem of Animal Suffering
B i b l i c a l L i t e r alism and the
P r o b l e m o f A n i mal Suf fering
“This book is a must-read for all Christians (but
particularly for pastors and other Christian leaders),
Death Before
the fall
especially for those who insist on a rigid literalistic
approach to Genesis 1–2. It will also be an eye-opening
introduction to religious ways of thinking about evolution for those nonbelievers who have assumed that
the only alternative to ‘scientific creationism’ is the
ultra-Darwinism of the so-called new atheists.”
Tremper Longman III, Westmont College
March 2014
210 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4046-5,
Related Titles
The Lost World of
Genesis One, John H.
Walton, 978-0-83083704-5, $16.00
Science, Creation and
the Bible, Richard F.
Carlson, Tremper
Longman III,
10 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
In this eloquent and provocative “open letter” to evangelicals, Ronald Osborn wrestles with the problem of biblical
literalism and the ongoing challenge of animal suffering
within an evolutionary understanding of the world. Osborn
forces us to ask hard questions, not only of the Bible and
church tradition, but also and especially of ourselves.
Ronald E. Osborn (PhD, University of Southern California) was a Bannerman Fellow with the program in Politics
and International Relations at the University of Southern
Contents Introduction • Part I: On Literalism (1) The
Creation: A Plain Reading (2) What’s Eating Biblical
Literalists?: Creationism and the Enlightenment Project
(3) Unwholesome Complexity: Literalism as Scientism’s
Pale Mimetic Rival (4) Progressive Versus Degenerating
Science: Weighing Incommensurable Paradigms (5) Does
Your God Need Stage Props?: On the Theological Necessity of Methodological Atheism (6) The Enclave Mentality:
Identity Foreclosure and the Fundamentalist Mind (7) The
Gnostic Syndrome: When Literalism Becomes a Heresy (8)
Four Witnesses on the Literal Meaning of Genesis: Barth,
Calvin, Augustine and Maimonides (9) If Not Foundationalism, What Then?: From Tower Building to Net Mending
• Part II: On Animal Suffering • Epigraph Two: In Praise
of Self-Deprecation (10) Stasis, Deception, Curse: Three
Literalist Dilemmas (11) A Midrash: C. S. Lewis’s Cosmic
Conflict Theodicy Revisited (12) God of the Whirlwind:
Animal Ferocity in the Book of Job (13) Creation & Kenosis:
Evolution and Christ’s Self-Emptying Way of the Cross (14)
Animal Ethics, Sabbath Rest • Conclusion • Notes • Index
Church & Society
Edited by George Kalantzis, Gregory W. Lee
Edited by George
& Gregory W. lee
Contributors include
William Cavanaugh
stanley hauerwas
scot McKnight
Mark noll
Kalantzis & lee
“My kingdom is not of this world.”
Followers of Jesus have been struggling to understand
these words ever since he first uttered them—often in
sharply contradictory ways. Today the inescapably political
nature of Christian witness is widely recognized. But what
is the shape of this witness? What should Christian political
engagement look like today?
The twelve essays in this volume, originally presented at
the 2013 Wheaton Theology Conference, present biblical,
historical and theological proposals for thinking responsibly
about the intersection of church and state in the contemporary cultural situation. Prophetic and pastoral, this book
offers a fresh look at a crucial and contested dimension of
the Christian life.
Christian PolitiCal Witness
Christian Political Witness
George Kalantzis (PhD, Northwestern University) is
associate professor of theology and director of the Wheaton
Center for Early Christian Studies at Wheaton College in
Wheaton, Illinois.
Gregory W. Lee (PhD, Duke University) is assistant
professor of theology at Wheaton College. His academic
interests focus on the appropriation of early Christian
writers for contemporary theological reflection.
Contents Introduction George Kalantzis and Gregory W.
Lee (1) Church Matters Stanley Hauerwas (2) The Peril and
Potential of Scripture in Christian Political Witness, Mark
Noll (3) Extra ecclesiam nullum regnum: The Politics of Jesus,
Scot McKnight (4) The Political Vision of the Apostle to the
Nations Timothy G. Gombis (5) A Witness to the Nations: Early
Christianity and Narratives of Power George Kalantzis (6) Not
So Private: A Political Theology of Church and Family Jana
Marguerite Bennett (7) Are Corporations People? The Corporate Form and the Body of Christ William T. Cavanaugh (8)
Violence Peter J. Leithart (9) Just War as Christian Politics
Daniel M. Bell Jr. (10) Repentance as Political Witness Jennifer
M. McBride (11) Toward an Evangelical Social Tradition: Key
Current Debates David P. Gushee (12) “You Are in the World
but Not of It” David Gitari • List of Contributors • Author
April 2014
250 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4051-9,
Related Titles
Peter J. Leithart,
Living Gently in a
Violent World,
Stanley Hauerwas,
Jean Vanier, 978-08308-3452-5, $15.00
Index • Subject Index
ivpacademic.com 11
23rd annual wheaton theology conference
The Spirit of God: Christian Renewal
in the Community of Faith
April 3–4, 2014
New developments in global Christianity, including the spread of the
Pentecostal movement, challenge Christians to renewed attention to
the Spirit of God. The 2014 Wheaton Theology Conference examines
the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian community and
in the world. The conference explores various ways that God’s Spirit
searches, teaches, leads, and empowers the community of faith. With
special attention to biblical and historical perspectives, the conference
develops theological insights to support, educate, challenge, and
encourage pastors, teachers, and informed laity.
For registration information visit: www.wheaton.edu/theology/theo_conf
Early bird and group rates are available.
Please register early; tickets are limited.
Estrelda Alexander
Allan Anderson
Jeffrey Barbeau
Oliver Crisp
Timothy George
Gregory Lee
Matthew Levering
Cherith Fee Nordling
Douglas Petersen
Kevin Vanhoozer
Geoffrey Wainwright
Michael Welker
Amos Yong
Jonathan A. Moo, Robert S. White
Biblical Hope and Ecological Crisis
“This is a book that speaks to a great need of our time,
the need for hope that does not depend on illusion. It
takes very seriously both science and exegesis. It has
the potential to mobilize authentic Christian hope in
fearful and perplexing times.”
Richard Bauckham, professor emeritus,
University of St Andrews
“Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes.”
Psalm 96:13
The Bible is bathed with images of God caring for his
creation in all its complexity. Yet in the face of climate
change and other environmental trends, philosophers, filmmakers, environmentalists, politicians and senior scientists
increasingly resort to apocalyptic rhetoric to warn us that
a so-called perfect storm of factors threatens the future of
life on earth. Jonathan Moo and Robert White ask, “Do all
of these dire predictions . . . amount to nothing more than
ideological scaremongering, perhaps hyped up for political
or personal ends? Or are there good reasons for thinking
that we may indeed be facing a crisis unprecedented in its
scale and in the severity of its effects?”
L e t C r e at i o n r e j o i C e
Let Creation Rejoice
C r e at i o n
hope and
jonathan a . Moo a n d r obert S. White
“A helpful approach to serious problems.”
John Polkinghorne
June 2014
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4052-6,
Related Titles
Jonathan A. Moo (PhD, University of Cambridge) is
assistant professor of biblical studies at Whitworth University
in Spokane, Washington. He holds graduate degrees in wildlife ecology (MS, Utah State University) and theology.
Keeping God’s Earth,
Edited by Noah
J. Toly, Daniel I.
Block, 978-0-83083883-7, $25.00
Robert S. White (PhD, University of Cambridge) is
professor of geophysics in the University of Cambridge and
a fellow of the Royal Society. He is on the committee of the
Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, is a founding
director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion,
Cambridge, and is a director of the John Ray Initiative, an
educational charity that works to develop and communicate
a Christian understanding of the environment.
Making Peace with
the Land, Fred
Bahnson, Norman
Wirzba, 978-0-83083457-0, $15.00
Contents Preface (1) Apocalypse Now? Living in the Last
Days (2) Life on Earth Today (3) Global Climate Change (4)
Why Hope? The Gospel and the Future (5) Bringing New
Testament Hope Down to Earth (6) Cosmic Catastrophe?
(7) Jesus, a Thief in the Night and the Kingdom of God (8)
Revelation and the Renewal of All Things (9) Finding Joy in
an Active and Living Hope • Afterword: Practical Resources
Notes • Scripture Index
ivpacademic.com 13
Peter W. Gosnell
The Ethical Vision of the Bible
The eThical
eThical Vision
of The BiBle
learninG Good from KnoWinG God
Learning Good from Knowing God
Vision of The BiBle
This introduction to the world of biblical ethics introduces
students to the ethical teachings of key people and texts
within the Bible. Instead of focusing on what the Bible says
about various ethical issues, it emphasizes how the different
parts of the Bible encourage readers to think ethically about
every issue.
Peter W. Gosnell (PhD, University of Sheffield) is associate professor of religion at Muskingum University. He is a
member of the Society of Biblical Literature.
Peter W. Gosnell
May 2014
304 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4028-1,
Contents Preface (1) What Is Biblical Ethics? (2) From
Disorder to Order: Ethics in Torah 1 (3) Mercy, Covenant
and Instructing Law: Ethics in Torah 2 (4) Holiness and
Love in the Covenant: Ethics in Torah 3 (5) Wisdom and
Consequences: The Book of Proverbs (6) Prophets: Ethics
or Morality? (7) Reversal and Exemplar: Jesus and the
Kingdom in Luke (8) Perfection, Mercy and Imitation:
Jesus and the Kingdom in Matthew (9) Transformation
in Practice: Paul and 1 Corinthians (10) Transformation
Explained: Paul and Romans • Concluding Thoughts: What
Can We Do with All of This? • Notes • Bibliography • Subject
Index • Scripture Index
Related Titles
Pocket Dictionary of
Ethics, Stanley J.
Grenz, Jay T. Smith,
God, Freedom &
Human Dignity,
Ron Highfield,
14 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
R. Scott Smith
In Search of Moral Knowledge
Overcoming the Fact-Value Dichotomy
For most of the church’s history, people have seen Christian
ethics as normative and universally applicable. Recently,
however, this view has been lost, thanks to naturalism and
relativism. R. Scott Smith argues that Christians need to
overcome Kant’s fact-value dichotomy and recover the possibility of genuine moral and theological knowledge.
Contents Acknowledgments • Introduction • Part I:
A Short History of Western Ethics (1) Christian, Biblical
Ethics (2) Ancient Ethics: Plato and Aristotle on Moral
Knowledge (3) Moral Knowledge from Augustine through
Aquinas (4) Moral Knowledge in the Reformation and the
Enlightenment Shift • Part II: Naturalism, Relativism and
Postmodernism: Understanding and Assessing Today’s
Dominant Moral Paradigms (5) Options for Naturalistic
Ethics (6) Naturalism, Knowledge and the Fact-Value Split
(7) More Modern Options: Ethical Relativism, Rawls’s
Political Liberalism and Korsgaard’s Constructivism (8)
Introduction to the Postmodern Period: A Plurality of
Different Voices (9) MacIntyre’s Recovered Thomistic
Ethics (10) Hauerwas’s Narrative Christian Ethics (11)
Assessing MacIntyre’s and Hauerwas’s Projects • Part III:
Toward a Theory of Moral Knowledge (12) Moral Realism
and Addressing the Crisis of (Moral) Knowledge (13) Religiously Based Moral Knowledge—and Final Issues • Index
In Search of
Moral Knowledge
R. Scott Smith (PhD, University of Southern California)
is associate professor of ethics and Christian apologetics
at Biola University. He is the author of Virtue Ethics and
Moral Knowledge: Philosophy of Language After MacIntyre and
Hauerwas, Truth and the New Kind of Christian and Naturalism
and our Knowledge of Reality.
overcoming the fact-Value dichotomy
r. Scott SMIth
June 2014
400 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4038-0,
Related Title
God & Morality,
Edited by R. Keith
Loftin, 978-0-83083984-1, $22.00
ivpacademic.com 15
James K. Dew Jr., Mark W. Foreman
How Do we Know?
How Do We Know?
How Do
we Know?
An Introduction to Epistemology
Dew & Foreman
J a m e s K . Dew Jr.
m a r K w. Foreman
March 2014
195 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4036-6,
Related Titles
Prelude to Philosophy,
Mark W. Foreman,
Philosophy Made
Slightly Less Difficult,
Garrett J. DeWeese,
J. P. Moreland,
16 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
An Introduction to Epistemology
What does it mean to know something? Can we have confidence in our knowledge?
Epistemology, the study of knowledge, can often seem
like a daunting subject. And yet few topics are more basic to
human life. We are inquisitive creatures by nature, and the
unending quest for truth leads us to raise difficult questions
about the quest itself. What are the conditions, sources and
limits of our knowledge? Do our beliefs need to be rationally
justified? Can we have certainty?
In this primer on epistemology, James Dew and Mark
Foreman guide students through this important discipline
in philosophy. By asking basic questions and using clear,
jargon-free language, they provide an entry into some of the
most important issues in contemporary philosophy.
James K. Dew Jr. (PhD, Southeastern Baptist) is associate professor of the history of ideas and philosophy and
dean of the College at Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary. He has previously published Science & Theology:
An Assessment of Alister McGrath’s Critical Realist Perspective.
Mark W. Foreman (PhD, University of Virginia) is
associate professor of philosophy and religion at Liberty
University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is also the author of
Christianity and Bioethics: Confronting Clinical Issues.
Contents Preface (1) What Is Epistemology? (2) What Is
Knowledge? (3) Where Does Knowledge Come From? (4)
What Is Truth and How Do We Find It? (5) What Are Inferences and How Do They Work? (6) What Do We Perceive?
(7) Do We Need Justification? (8) What Is Virtue Epistemology? (9) Do We Have Revelation? (10) How Certain Can
We Be? • For Further Reading • Index
Spiritual Formation
Diane J. Chandler
Christian Spiritual Formation
“Diane Chandler has provided a much-needed service
in the field of Christian formation by integrating
the spiritual dimension of formation with the larger
elements of human existence. While writings in each
of the seven areas of human formation are plentifully
available, I know of no resource that attempts the integration Chandler has provided.”
spiritual Formation
An Integrated Approach for Personal and Relational Wholeness
An Integrated Approach for
Personal and Relational Wholeness
Di a n e J.
M. Robert Mulholland Jr., professor of
New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
This comprehensive theory and practice of Christian
spiritual formation weaves together biblical and theological
foundations with interdisciplinary scholarship, real-world
examples, personal vignettes and practical tools to assist
readers in becoming whole persons in relationship with God
and others.
Diane J. Chandler (PhD, Regent University) is associate
professor at the Regent University School of Divinity in
Virginia Beach, Virginia, where she teaches courses in the
areas of spiritual formation and Christian leadership development. She has published consistently on issues of pastor
care and women in leadership, including contributions to
the books Fundamentals of Leadership: Contemporary Readings and When Leadership Goes Wrong: Destructive Leadership,
Mistakes and Ethical Failures.
May 2014
368 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4042-7,
Related Titles
Life in the Spirit,
Edited by Jeffrey P.
Greenman, George
Kalantzis, 978-08308-3879-0, $25.00
Contents List of Figures • Preface • Acknowledgments
(1) Introduction (2) The Birthplace of Christian Spiritual
Formation: The Imago Dei (3) The Love of God: The
Starting Place (4) Spirit: Our Faith (5) Emotions: Our
Feelings (6) Relationships: Our Social Connectedness (7)
Intellect: Our Minds (8) Vocation: Our Life Purpose and
Calling (9) Physical Health: Our Bodies (10) Stewardship:
Our Resources (11) Formation Synthesis: Our Ethical Living
(12) Christian Spiritual Formation Summary • Subject Index
• Author Index • Scripture Index
Reading the Christian
Spiritual Classics,
Edited by Jamin
Goggin, Kyle
Strobel, 978-08308-3997-1, $24.00
ivpacademic.com 17
Counseling & Psychology
Eric L. Johnson
Eric L . Johnson
Foundations for Soul Care
A Christian Psychology Proposal
“Eric Johnson cuts through the underbrush of contemporary attempts to integrate psychology and theology
to get at the root of a truly Christian psychology.
F oundat ions for Soul Care
Ch r is t i A n
P r o P o s A l
February 2014
716 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4054-0,
Related Title
Counseling and
Edited by Stephen
P. Greggo, Timothy
A. Sisemore, 978-08308-3978-0, $22.00
Ray S. Anderson, Senior Professor of Theology and
Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary
In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship,
Eric Johnson makes a vitally important contribution to the
field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed
overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the
reigning paradigms in the field of Christian counseling,
particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building
on their respective strengths, he seeks to move beyond the
current impasse in the field and develop a more unified and
robustly Christian understanding. Drawing upon the Bible
and various Christian intellectual and soul care traditions, and through a Christian reinterpretation of relevant
modern psychological theory and research, Johnson
proceeds to offer a new framework for the care of souls that
is comprehensive in scope, yet flows from a Christian understanding of human beings—what amounts to a distinctly
Christian version of psychology. This book is a must-read
for any serious Christian teacher, student, or practitioner
in the fields of psychology or counseling. Now available in
Eric L. Johnson (PhD, Michigan State University)
is trained as an academic psychologist and is Lawrence
and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Pastoral Care at The
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville,
Contents Part I: Background to the Current Predicament Part II: Texts and Contexts Part III: “Let There Be
Humans”: The Semiodiscursive Constitution of Human
Beings Part IV: The Communication of God’s Glory in
Christian Soul Care • Epilogue • Appendix 1: A Biblical
Coherence Theory of Truth in Counseling • Appendix 2:
Toward a Christian Semiotics for a Christian Psychology •
References • Author Index • Subject Index • Scripture Index
18 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Edited by Jack Burns, John R. Shoup, Donald C.
Organizational Leadership
Foundations & Practices for Christians
o r g a n i z at i o n a l
f ou n d at i on s & p r ac t i c e s
for christians
Burns, shoup
and simmons
Kingdom leadership does not begin and end at the church
door. Christians are called to conduct leadership in government, commerce, schools, neighborhoods, families, parachurch ministries and a myriad other contexts. God has
given us many gifts, and our responsibility is to be stewards
of those gifts and use them to do the King’s work.
In that context, this comprehensive text explores key
facets of leadership from a Christian worldview so as to
equip people to conduct leadership more authentically than
would be possible under alternative paradigms.
organizational leaDership
Simmons Jr.
Edited by
Jack Burns (PhD, Washington State) is professor of
leadership studies at Whitworth University in Spokane,
Washington, where he coordinates the Interdisciplinary
Leadership Studies Program.
John R. Shoup (PhD, University of California, Riverside)
serves as the dean of the School of Education at California
Baptist University in Riverside, California.
Donald C. Simmons Jr. (PhD, University of Denver) is
the founding director of the McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service at Dakota Wesleyan University. He
is the department chair and professor of public service and
leadership at DWU.
Contents Preface • Section 1: Theological Foundations for Christian Leadership (1) Called to Lead: How Do
I Know? Timothy G. Dolan (2) Leadership in the Context of
a Christian Worldview Gayne J. Anacker and John R. Shoup
(3) Toward a Biblical Theology of Leadership Rick Langer •
Section 2: Theoretical Foundations for Christian Leadership (4) The Leadership River: A Metaphor for Understanding the Historic Emergence of Leadership Theory
John S. (Jack) Burns (5) Christian Leadership on the Sea of
Complexity John S. (Jack) Burns • Section 3: Key Skills and
Practices in Christian Leadership (6) Communication in
the Image of God Ronald K. Pyle (7) Conflict and Negotiation John S. (Jack) Burns (8) Decision Making: Becoming
an Expert of the Process John R. Shoup and Chris McHorney
(9) Christian Leadership and Financial Integrity: Temptation, Transformation and Transparency R. Scott Rodin
(10) Sustaining the Leader Timothy G. Dolan • Postscript •
Jack Burns, John r. shoup
DonalD c. simmons Jr.
June 2014
288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4050-2,
Related Titles
Culture Making,
Andy Crouch,
Leadership, Richard
J. Goossen, R. Paul
Stevens, 978-08308-3773-1, $18.00
ivpacademic.com 19
Counseling & Psychology
Mark A. Yarhouse, Erica S. N. Tan
Sexuality & Sex Therapy
A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal
The field of human sexuality is one of ever-increasing
complexity, particularly for Christian therapists and psychologists seeking to be faithful to Scripture, informed by
science and sensitive to culture. In Sexuality & Sex Therapy,
Mark Yarhouse and Erica Tan offer a survey and appraisal
of this field from a Christian perspective, that grounds sex
therapy in the biblical affirmation of physicality and the
redemptive purposes of human life. Integrating the latest
research within a Christian worldview, the authors explore
sexual dysfunctions as well as various clinical issues and
Not only have Yarhouse and Tan written a standard
resource for Christian therapists and counselors, but they
also challenge the church to talk more honestly and openly
about the blessing of human sexuality.
April 2014
340 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2853-1,
Related Titles
Authentic Human
Judith K. Balswick,
Jack O. Balswick,
No Stones,
Marnie C. Ferree,
20 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Mark A. Yarhouse (PsyD, Wheaton College) is professor
of psychology and Hughes Chair of Christian Thought in
Mental Health Practice at Regent University in Virginia
Beach, Virginia. A licensed clinical psychologist, he serves as
an adjunct faculty member of both the Institute for Sexual
Wholeness in Atlanta, Georgia, and the psychology department of Wheaton College Graduate School.
Erica S. N. Tan is a licensed clinical psychologist in Portland, Oregon. She enjoys working with marginalized populations, particularly youth and sexual minorities.
Contents • Part I: Foundational Considerations (1)
Sexuality in Theological Perspective (2) Sexuality in Sociocultural Perspective (3) Sexuality in Biological Perspective (4) Sexuality in Clinical Perspective • Part II: Sexual
Dysfunctions (5) Sexual Interest and Arousal Disorder (6)
Female Orgasmic Disorder (7) Sexual Pain Disorders (8)
Erectile Disorder (9) Rapid and Delayed Ejaculation • Part
III: Additional Clinical Presentations (10) The Paraphilias
(11) Sexual Addiction (12) Sexual Identity Conflicts (13)
Gender Dysphoria • Part IV: Future Directions (14) Christianity and Sex Therapy • Author Index • Subject Index
Counseling & Psychology
Edited by Kelly S. Flanagan, Sarah E. Hall
Foundations and Approaches
Since its origin in the early 1980s, the field of developmental
psychopathology has become a highly influential framework
for approaching the clinical treatment of children. Until
now there has been no effort to integrate this framework
with a Christian understanding of psychopathology.
The essays in this volume break new ground by providing
Christian mental health professionals with a theoretically
and empirically sound basis for working with children,
adolescents and families. Throughout the book, the authors
explore three integrative themes, looking at children
as divine gifts, as persons and as agents in their own
Christianity and
Developmental Psychopathology
Christianity and Developmental
Foundations and Approaches
Edited by
Kelly S. Flanagan and Sarah E. Hall
Kelly S. Flanagan (PhD, Penn State University) is
professor of psychology and PsyD program director at
Wheaton College.
Sarah E. Hall (PhD, Penn State University) is assistant
professor of psychology at Wheaton College.
Contents Introduction (1) Overview of Developmental
Psychopathology and Integrative Themes Kelly S. Flanagan
and Sarah E. Hall • Section I: Intrapersonal Influences (2)
Temperament Amy Mezulis, Kaitlin A. Harding and Melissa R.
Hudson (3) Emotion Regulation Sarah E. Hall • Section II:
Interpersonal Influences (4) The Parent-Child Relationship
Winston Seegobin (5) The Marital and Parental Dyad Mari
L. Clements, Tara A. Guarino and Laura C. Bartos (6) Peer
Relationships Kelly S. Flanagan, Sarah L. Kelly and Amy Peeler •
Section III: Treatment and Prevention (7) Prevention and
the Promotion of Thriving Pamela Ebstyne King and Casey Erin
Clardy (8) Intervention: Applying a Developmental Psychopathology Framework Sally Schwer Canning, Kelly S. Flanagan,
Jennifer Hailey and Emely de la O • Section IV: Application
from Theoretical Orientations (9) Psychodynamic and
Attachment-Based Approaches to Treatment Jana D. Pressley
and Kristin K. Vanden Hoek (10) Behavioral Approaches to
Treatment Amanda M. Blackburn, Christine Weisgerber and
Michelle Shelley (11) Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to
Treatment Donald F. Walker, Katherine Partridge, Anastasia
Whitesell, Brittany Montes and Sarah E. Hall (12) Family
Systems Approaches to Treatment Sandra Y. Rueger and David
van Dyke • Appendixes
April 2014
450 pages, casebound, 978-0-8308-2855-5,
Related Titles
Restoring the
Shattered Self,
Heather Davediuk
Gingrich, 978-08308-2712-1, $24.00
Family Therapies,
Mark A. Yarhouse,
James N. Sells,
ivpacademic.com 21
Counseling & Psychology
Edited by Earl D. Bland, Brad D. Strawn
Christianity &
P s y C h o a n a ly s i s
A N e w C o N v e r s At i o N
Edited by
Earl D. BlanD and BraD D. strawn
April 2014
340 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2856-2,
Related Titles
Psychology & Christianity: Five Views,
Edited by Eric L.
Johnson, 978-08308-2848-7, $22.00
Social Psychology in
Christian Perspective,
Angela M. Sabates,
22 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Christianity & Psychoanalysis
A New Conversation
Psychoanalysis originated within a naturalist, postEnlightenment context and sought to understand human
functioning and pathology—focusing on phenomena such
as the unconscious and object representation—on a strictly empirical
basis. Given certain accounts of divine agency and human
uniqueness, psychoanalytic work was often seen as competitive with a Christian understanding of the human person.
The contributors to Christianity & Psychoanalysis seek to
start a new conversation. Aided by the turn to relationality
in theology, as well as by a noncompetitive conception of
God’s transcendence and agency, this book presents a fresh
integration of Christian thought and psychoanalytic theory.
The immanent processes identified by psychoanalysis need
not compete with Christian theology but can instead be the
very means by which God is involved in human existence.
The Christian study of psychoanalysis can thus serve the
flourishing of God’s kingdom.
Earl D. Bland (PsyD, Illinois School of Professional
Psychology) is professor of psychology and chair of the
department of behavioral sciences at MidAmerica Nazarene
University in Olathe, Kansas.
Brad D. Strawn (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is
the Evelyn and Frank Freed Professor of the Integration of
Psychology and Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary,
School of Psychology.
Contents (1) A New Conversation Earl D. Bland and Brad
D. Strawn (2) Tradition-Based Integration Ron Wright, Paul
Jones and Brad D. Strawn (3) Contemporary Freudian Psychoanalysis Brad D. Strawn (4) Ecumenical Spirituality, Catholic
Theology and Object Relations Theory: A Threefold Cord
Holding Sacred Space Theresa Tisdale (5) Self Psychology
and Christian Experience Earl D. Bland (6) Intersubjective
Systems Theory Mitchell W. Hicks (7) Relational Psychoanalysis Lowell W. Hoffman (8) Attachment-Based Psychoanalytic
Therapy and Christianity: Being-in-Relation Todd W. Hall
and Lauren E. Maltby (9) Psychoanalytic Couples Therapy:
An Introduction and Integration Earl D. Bland (10) Brief
Dynamic Psychotherapy Michael W. Mangis (11) Christianity
and Psychoanalysis: Final Thoughts Brad D. Strawn and Earl
D. Bland • References • Author Index • Subject Index
Published in partnership with the Christian Association for
Psychological Studies, CAPS Books from IVP Academic
aim to promote understanding of the relationship between
Christianity and the behavioral sciences at both the clinical
& Mark A. Yarhouse
in ConfliCt
A Relational Restoration Model
Edited by Stephen
Foreword by Eric
P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore
L. Johnson
and Christianity
978-0-8308-2712-1, $24.00
James N. Sells
978-0-8308-3978-0, $22.00
978-0-8308-3925-4, $26.00
and theoretical levels.
Restoring the
Shattered Self
A Christian Counselor’s Guide
to Complex Trauma
Heather Davediuk Gingrich
Five ApproAches
With contributions from Thomas
G. Plante, Mark R. McMinn,
978-0-8308-3994-0, $30.00
978-0-8308-3988-9, $35.00
Diane Langberg, Gary W. Moon and Stuart W. Scott
EdiTEd by
Randolph K. Sanders
Counseling Ethics
A Handbook for Psychologists,
Therapists and Pastors
Additional series
titles available
Visit www.ivpress.com
for more information.
Second edition
the Reformation Commentary on Scripture
f r o m I n t e r Va r s i t y P r e s s
“The Reformation Commentary on Scripture
is a major publishing event—for those with
historical interest in the founding convictions of
Protestantism, but even more for those who care
about understanding the Bible.”
—Mark A. Noll, Francis A. McAnaney Professor of
History, University of Notre Dame
John 1-12
Edited by Craig S. Farmer
Contemporary scholars will find
this volume indispensable for
understanding the significance of
the “spiritual Gospel” for Reformation theology and practice, and
pastors will discover here a consistently fruitful source for preaching,
teaching and discipleship in the
“grace and truth” that have come
through Jesus Christ (1:17).
978-0-8308-2967-5, $50.00
also available
Gensis 1–11
Edited by John L. Thompson, 978-0-8308-2951-4, $50.00
Ezekiel, Daniel
Edited by Carl L. Beckwith, 978-0-8308-2962-0, $50.00
Edited by Esther Chung-Kim, 978-0-8308-2969-9, $50.00
Galatians, Ephesians
Edited by Gerald L. Bray, 978-0-8308-2973-6, $50.00
Philippians, Colossians
Edited by Graham Tomlin, 978-0-8308-2974-3, $50.00
scan here for a video
introduction to
the rcs with general
editor timothy george.
Subscribe to the Reformation Commentary on Scripture
and be the first to receive new volumes! See page 49, or visit ivpress.com/rcs-member.
Biblical Commentary—Series
Edited by Craig S. Farmer
John 1-12
Reformation Commentary
on Scripture
New Testament
The first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John make some
of the most profound statements about the character and
work of Christ in all of Scripture: “In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
(1:1); “all things were made through him” (1:3); “the Word
became flesh and dwelt among us” (1:14).
Reformation commentators ruminated on the meaning
and implications of such claims for shedding light on
doctrines such as the Trinity, the divinity of Christ and his
incarnation, but also for grasping the saving benefits of
Christ’s work in justification (for those “who believed in his
name”) and new birth (those born of God as his children,
In this volume, Craig Farmer expertly guides readers
through Reformation meditation on these themes and many
others as they are unpacked in the first twelve chapters of
the Gospel of John, from the prologue to Jesus’ triumphal
entry into Jerusalem. Here you will find a rich mosaic of
reflection on the Gospel of John by a variety of significant
well-known and lesser-known figures among the Reformed,
Lutherans, Radicals and Roman Catholics. Farmer has done
justice to the depth and nuance of the work of these
Reformation-era pastors and scholars by drawing from a
range of genres—extensive commentary, brief annotations,
impassioned sermons, official confessions, and careful
doctrinal and practical treatises.
Craig S. Farmer (PhD, Duke University) is associate
professor of history and humanities and Joe O. and Mabel
Stephens Chair of the Bible at Milligan College, Tennessee.
He is the author of The Gospel of John in the Sixteenth Century:
The Johannine Exegesis of Wolfgang Musculus.
John i–12
edited by
Craig S. Farmer
general editor
Timothy George
general editor
Scott M. Manetsch
June 2014
400 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2967-5,
Recent Title in the Series
Edited by Esther
Chung-Kim, 400
pages, hardcover,
About the Series
The Reformation Commentary on
Scripture (RCS) collects Protestant
Reformation reflections on the entirety
of the Bible, introducing readers to
the depth and richness of exegetical
ferment that defined the Reformation.
Series editor: Timothy F. George. See
page 49 for a complete listing of series
ivpacademic.com 25
T h e N e w S ta n d a r d
“If students of early Christianity were to have a new ‘bible’ it would undoubtedly
be the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity. . . . The newly revised and
expanded EAC, providing a most welcome English version of the latest Italian edition plus thirty
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—William Tabbernee, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity,
Phillips Theological Seminary, and past president, North American Patristics Society
978-0-8308-2943-9, 3 Volume Set, $450.00
articles e xclusive to this ne w English-language edition
apostolic see
doorkeeper (porter)
libelli miraculorum
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Mara bar Serapion (letter of)
Virgo Parens
Dialogi de sancta
Trinitate IV-V
and more
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Biblical Commentary—Series
Lissa M. Wray Beal
1 & 2 Kings
Apollos Old Testament
Commentary Series
Lissa M. Wray Beal’s valuable commentary examines the
successes and failures of monarchy in the divided kingdoms.
It works with the final form of the biblical text and pursues
historiographical, narrative and theological questions,
including the relation of each chapter’s themes to biblical
theology. While it focuses on theological and narrative
concerns, this commentary gives due attention to complex
historical issues and seeks to provide a nuanced reading
faithful to the text’s message.
Lissa M. Wray Beal (PhD, University of St. Michael’s
College) is professor of Old Testament at Providence Theological Seminary (Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada).
May 2014
615 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2509-7, $40.00
Biblical Commentary—Series
Jay Sklar
Tyndale Old Testament
Levitical rules and regulations can at first appear irrelevant
to contemporary Christians—but they provide important Old Testament background for understanding large
portions of the New Testament. Leviticus describes a point
in human history when God came and dwelt in the midst of
the ancient Israelites and taught them what their purpose
in life really was. Jay Sklar’s commentary makes clear what it
is that the Lord said to them and, in so doing, makes clear
what he says to us today.
Tyndale Old Testament
Jay Sklar
Jay Sklar (PhD, University of Gloucestershire) is professor
of Old Testament and dean of faculty at Covenant Seminary,
St. Louis, Missouri.
March 2014
336 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4284-1, $16.00
ivpacademic.com 27
Biblical Commentary—Series
Ben Witherington III
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians, Volume 1
Letters and HomiLies
H eLLenized C Hristians
Volu m e I
A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary
on Titus, 1-2 Timothy and 1-3 John
B e n Wi t H e r i n g t o n i i i
Letters and Homilies for
Hellenized Christians Series
Now in paperback, Ben Witherington’s unique commentary
on Titus, 1-2 Timothy, and 1-3 John probes each letter’s
social setting and the rhetorical strategies of the author.
This is the first of two volumes in the set.
Ben Witherington III (PhD, University of Durham,
England) is professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is the author of
many books on the New Testament, including Jesus the Sage,
A Week in the Life of Corinth and a two-volume New Testament theology, The Indelible Image. He has also appeared on
numerous TV news programs such as Dateline, 60 Minutes
and 20/20.
February 2014
623 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2457-1, $35.00
Biblical Commentary—Series
Christopher J. H. Wright
The Message of Jeremiah
The Bible Speaks
Today Series
ChrisTopher J. h. WrighT
The Message of
T h e ol d T e sTa Me n T se r i e s edi T o r :
J. a. MoTyer
A replacement volume in the Bible Speaks Today Old Testament commentary series, this book offers a new exposition
on Jeremiah, a book of the victory of God’s love and grace.
The prophet’s redemptive, reconstructive work comprises
the book’s portrait of the future—a future that we see
fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus the Messiah.
Christopher J. H. Wright (PhD, Cambridge) is international director of the Langham Partnership International
(known in the United States as John Stott Ministries). He
has written several books, including The Mission of God, Old
Testament Ethics for the People of God and Knowing Jesus Through
the Old Testament.
March 2014
416 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2439-7, $20.00
28 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Biblical Commentary—Old Testament
Derek Kidner
Derek Kidner (MA, ARCM) was formerly warden of
Tyndale House, Cambridge. He also wrote several volumes
in the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series.
J eremia h
The prophet Jeremiah and King Josiah were born at the
end of the longest, darkest reign in Judah’s history. Human
sacrifice and practice of the black arts were just two features
of the wickedness that filled Jerusalem from one end to
the other with innocent blood. As outspoken prophet and
reforming king, these two men gave their country its finest
opportunity of renewal and its last hope of surviving as the
kingdom of David.
The book of Jeremiah is full of turmoil and national
tragedy, the story of key people like Baruch, Gedaliah and
Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, and the drama of rediscovering
the forgotten book of Mosaic law. National events interweave
with the lives of individuals; the rediscovered book of God’s
law transforms Josiah, Jeremiah and the future of the world.
This volume that was formerly part of the widely respected
The Bible Speaks Today series gives careful attention to the
text and reveals its startling relevance to our own troubled
Kidner ClassiC
Classi C Commentaries
J eremiah
Der ek Kidn e r
March 2014
176 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2935-4,
Contents • Publisher’s Preface • Author’s Preface • Chief
Abbreviations • Introduction: The Life and Times of
Jeremiah • Prologue: The Prophet’s Call (Jeremiah 1) (1)
From Josiah to the First Year of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 2-20)
(2) From Josiah’s Successors to the Captivity (Jer 21-45)
(3) Oracles Concerning the Nations (Jer 46-51) • Epilogue:
Jerusalem and Babylon—A Historical Footnote (Jer 52) •
Appendix A: Sin, judgment, repentance, grace and salvation
in the preaching of Jeremiah • Appendix B: The chapters
of the book in their chronological setting • Appendix C: A
table of dates
ivpacademic.com 29
Global Christianity
Patrick Johnstone
Patrick Johnstone
The Future of the Global Church
History, Trends and Possiblities
“Johnstone has written an excellent work that will be
studied all over the world.”
of The
Jan A. B. Jongeneel, International Bulletin of
Missionary Research, Vol. 36, No. 2
“Pastors and others with any significant responsibility
for their churches’ missions programs will want to
become especially familiar with this book, and should
refer to it often in gauging where their churches
should focus their global missional attention. . . . Any
believer who wants to be well-informed and awed
history, trends and Possibilities
by what God is doing around the world will enjoy
frequently picking up and dipping into The Future of
the Global Church.”
Stephen J. Strauss, Bibliotheca Sacra, April-June 2013
February 2014
242 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-5695-4,
Related Title
Operation World,
Jason Mandryk, 978
pages, paperback,
In The Future of the Global Church, Patrick Johnstone, author
of six editions of the phenomenal prayer guide Operation
World, draws on his fifty years experience to challenge us
with his bold vision of the global Christian church.
The Future of the Global Church weaves together the strands
of history, demographics and religion to present a breathtaking, full-color graphical and textual overview of the past,
present and possible future of the church around the world.
Johnstone examines those trends that will have a major
impact on the course of world events for a generation to
Patrick Johnstone is well known and respected as
researcher and author of the first six editions of Operation
World. Patrick and his wife serve as pastors-at-large to the
WEC missionaries in Europe.
Contents Preface • Acknowledgements • Introduction •
Colour codes • Definitions • Abbreviations (1) Demography:
Nine Global Challenges (2) History: 20 Centuries AD (3)
Religion: The Major Streams (4) Christianity: Six Megablocs
(5) Christianity: Renewal Growth (6) Christianity: The
Evangelical Explosion (7) The Unevangelized (8) Christian
Missions and the Future (9) Conclusion: An Evangelized
World? • Select Bibliography and Databases • Electronic
Editions and Resources
30 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Spiritual Formation
Gordon T. Smith
Spiritual Direction
GoRDon t. Smith
A Guide to Giving & Receiving Direction
God is present with us and God gives us companions on the
journey. A spiritual director is one such companion, offering
spiritual guidance to help. Gordon T. Smith has written a
comprehensive introduction to the art of both giving and
receiving spiritual direction. Whether you are a director, a
directee or simply someone who wants to learn more about
this ancient ministry, you will find this book to be a helpful
A Guide to Giving & Receiving Direction
Gordon T. Smith is president and professor of systematic
and spiritual theology at Ambrose University College and
Seminary in Calgary, Alberta. He is the author of many
books, including Courage and Calling: Maximizing Your GodGiven Potential and The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer and
the Witness of the Spirit.
April 2014
112 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3579-9, $15.00
Spiritual Formation
Steven Garber
Visions of Vocation
Common Grace for the Common Good
Vocation is more than a job. It is our relationships and
responsibilities woven into the work of God. In following our
calling to seek the welfare of our world, we find that it flourishes and so do we. Garber offers here a book for parents,
artists, students, public servants and businesspeople—for all
who want to discover the virtue of vocation.
Steven Garber is the principal of The Washington
Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture, which is focused on
reframing the way people understand life, especially the
meaning of vocation and the common good. A consultant
to foundations, corporations and schools, he is a teacher
of many people in many places. The author of The Fabric of
Faithfulness, he is also a contributor to the books Faith Goes
to Work: Reflections from the Marketplace and Get Up Off Your
Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalogue. He lives with his wife, Meg,
in Virginia.
V i s i o n s of
Vo c at ion
Common Grace for the Common Good
steVen Garber
Author of The Fabric of Faithfulness
March 2014
224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3666-6, $16.00
ivpacademic.com 31
Spiritual Formation
Dallas Willard
Living in Christ’s Presence
Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God
dallas Willard
Living in
C h r i s t’s
F i n a L W o r d s o n h e av e n
and the Kingdom oF god
April 2014
220 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-3584-3,
Companion DVD
Living in Christ’s
Presence DVD,
Dallas Willard, John
Ortberg, 7 hours,
In these pages Dallas Willard explores what it means to live
well now in light of God’s kingdom. He reflects on the power
of the Trinity in our lives, the meaning of knowledge, the
importance of spiritual disciplines and much more. Willard
offers poignant thoughts about what it will be like to transition into the very presence of Christ in heaven.
This book is adapted from the talks given at the February
2013 Dallas Willard Center Knowing Christ Today conference in Santa Barbara, California. Each chapter is followed
with an illuminating dialogue between Dallas Willard and
John Ortberg.
The book closes with the theme of offering a blessing to
one another. These reflections comprise an apt conclusion
to Dallas Willard’s public ministry. It is a gift of grace.
A conversation guide written by Gary W. Moon is
included. Also available is the companion Living in Christ’s
Presence DVD.
Dallas Willard (1935-2013) was a professor in the School
of Philosophy at the University of Southern California in Los
Angeles. A highly influential author and teacher, Willard
was as celebrated for his enduring writings on spiritual
formation as he was for his scholarship. His books include
The Divine Conspiracy (Christianity Today’s Book of the Year
in 1998), The Spirit of the Disciplines, Hearing God, Renovation
of the Heart and others.
Contents Preface Gary W. Moon (1) How to Live Well:
Eternal Life Begins Now Dallas Willard • Conversation: Dallas
Willard and John Ortberg (2) Who Are the Experts on Life
Transformation? John Ortberg • Questions and Answers with
John Ortberg (3) How to Step into the Kingdom and Live
There Dallas Willard • Conversation: Dallas Willard and John
Ortberg (4) Experiential Knowledge of the Trinity John
Ortberg • Conversation: Dallas Willard and John Ortberg
(5) Understanding the Person: Including the Invisible
Parts Dallas Willard • Conversation: Dallas Willard and John
Ortberg (6) The Importance of Christian Disciplines John
Ortberg • Conversation: Dallas Willard and John Ortberg (7)
Blessing Dallas Willard • Conversation Dallas Willard and John
Ortberg • Acknowledgments • Appendix: Discussion Guide
32 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Church & Society
Len Kageler
Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society
Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and
Sincere Believers of Other Faiths
Len Kageler is professor of youth ministry and associate
dean of faculty development at Nyack College in New York.
He is the author of The Youth Ministry Survival Guide and The
Volunteer’s Field Guide to Youth Ministry.
Contents Foreword by Chap Clark • Introduction (1) The
Rise of Youth Ministry in Other Religions: A Good Thing
for Christian Youth Work? (2) The Scope and Nature of
Muslim Youth Work: Have They All Read Purpose-Driven
Youth Ministry? (3) The Rise of Syncretists and Nones:
Understanding Those Whose Faith Is to Have None at All
(4) Christians in Occupied Territory: The Church Has Been
There, Done That (5) Theology in Praxis: Latent or Articulated Views of Multifaith: Youth Ministry on Purpose (6)
Multifaith Perspectives: A Reason to Care: Youth Religiosity,
Flourishing and the Public Good (7) Youth Ministry Among
Nones and Functional Syncretists: Mission Possible 1 (8)
Christian Engagement with Other Religions in Youth Work:
Mission Possible 2 (9) A Multifaith Pastoral Theology: Presence and Power in the Youth Work • Appendix 1: Resources
Used by Evangelical Free Church Youth Pastors • Appendix
2: Protestant Denominations Reviewed by the National
Study of Youth and Religion
Youth Ministry
Forming Christian identity among skeptiCs,
in a Multifaith
synCretists & sinCere believers oF other Faiths
len kageler
Foreword by Chap Clark
We are not alone . . .
In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a
relatively straightforward activity. Now Christian youth must
make sense of their faith, with its exclusive claims, in light of
their close friends who are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist,
“other” or even “none.” And increasingly other religions are
taking their cues for rooting and establishing their youth
from Christian ministry practices, so that our kids are being
invited to outreach events sponsored by other faiths.
Veteran youth minister and researcher Len Kageler digs
into the data surrounding this exciting multifaith era and
offers surprising confidence that our kids can be guided
into mature Christian faith while simultaneously learning to
love their neighbors of other religions.
Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society
Foreword by Chap Clark
June 2014
224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4112-7,
Related Title
Revisiting Relational
Youth Ministry,
Andrew Root, 221
pages, paperback,
ivpacademic.com 33
Preaching & Pastoral Resources
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Preaching in an age of Distraction
Preaching in an Age of Distraction
in an age of
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Author of Preaching From the Soul
March 2014
192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4110-3,
Related Title
Rewiring Your
Preaching, Richard
H. Cox, 182 pages,
paperback, 978-08308-4101-1, $16.00
34 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your gaze directly before you.
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
and be steadfast in all your ways.
—Proverbs 4:25-26
Preaching is difficult enough under the best of circumstances. But what are we to do when it seems that all of
us—hearers and preachers alike—are constantly distracted?
Veteran preacher and homiletics professor J. Ellsworth
Kalas offers wise insights for effective preaching in an
age of distraction. He examines how people have been
distracted in every era and explores how God can yet meet
people precisely at the point of their distraction. Regardless of whatever new technologies come our way, this call
to pastoral attentiveness, creativity and excellence provides
avenues for connecting with congregations using a countercultural clarity of focus.
Rediscover how the proclamation of the Word still speaks
profoundly to distracted hearers. Invite your congregation
to a renewed attention to the things of God.
J. Ellsworth Kalas is senior professor of homiletics at
Asbury Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. He is
an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and the
author of many books, including Preaching the Calendar and
Faith from the Back Side.
Contents (1) Naming an Age (2) The Distracted Preacher
(3) The Distracted Congregation (4) The Benefits of
Distraction (5) Excellence as a Counter Force (6) Creativity
and Distraction (7) Packaging and Distraction (8) The
Insistent Power of Sermon Content (9) The Preacher’s
Secret Resources • Acknowledgments • Notes
Church and Society
C. Christopher Smith, John Pattison
Slow Church
Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus
In a fast-food world, Christianity can seem outdated or
archaic. The temptation becomes to pick up the pace and
play the game. Chris Smith and John Pattison invite us out
of franchise faith and back into the ecology, economy and
ethics of the kingdom of God, where people know each
other well and love one another as Christ loved the church.
June 2014
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4114-1, $16.00
Church & Mission
Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens, Dwight J. Friesen
The New Parish
How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission,
Discipleship and Community
Headlines rage with big stories about big churches. But Paul
Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen have seen—in
cities, suburbs and small towns all over North America—how
powerful the gospel can be when it takes root in the context
of a place. The future of the church is local and contextual.
The seeds of that future are shared and spread here.
May 2014
224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4115-8, $17.00
David T. Olson
Discovering Your Leadership Style
The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality
God can use your unique gifts, passions and personality to
make you a better leader. While personality inventories can
help you understand your temperament, the “leadership
stool” model is designed to form fruitful Christian leadership.
Coupled with a free online assessment, this book helps pastors
and Christian leaders harness gifts and balance weaknesses.
June 2014
180 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4113-4, $16.00
ivpacademic.com 35
Church and Society
Dale Hanson Bourke
Tough Questions, Direct Answers
Dale Hanson Bourke sheds light on the terms, history and
legal issues shaping the debate over immigration. With an
even-handed presentation of the most controversial issues,
she provides a framework for American Christians who wish
to understand the complexity of the issue and the church’s
appropriate response.
May 2014
128 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4409-8, $15.00
Church and Society
Dale Hanson Bourke
Foreword by Kay Warren
Responding to HIV/AIDS
Tough Questions, Direct Answers
In this easy-to-understand, full-color guide, Dale Hanson
Bourke sheds light on the key places, terms, history and
current issues surrounding HIV/AIDS. The crisis that
became a pandemic is now something different, and this
third edition provides an updated perspective on this
complex issue.
Available Now
128 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3761-8, $15.00
Church and Society
Dale Hanson Bourke
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Tough Questions, Direct Answers
Dale Hanson Bourke sheds light on the places, terms,
history and current issues shaping the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. With an even-handed presentation of the most
controversial issues, she provides a framework for American
Christians who wish to understand why the conflict began,
why it continues and what remains to be done.
Available Now
144 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3763-2, $13.00
36 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Recent Releases
John Stott
Balanced Christianity (Expanded Edition)
Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more
emotional. Some focus on structure while others focus on freedom. And some
champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott’s classic
statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together
in biblical, faithful ways.
96 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4407-4, $8.00
Edward Gilbreath
Birmingham Revolution
In this timely book, journalist Ed Gilbreath explores the impact of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” fifty years after its publication,
showing its profound implications for the church today. Hear the words of a
prophetic Christian voice afresh in our time and place.
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3769-4, $16.00
Gordon T. Smith
Called to Be Saints
Theologies of justification are too numerous to count. In this book, Gordon Smith
synthesizes a lifetime of writing on calling, conversion, discernment and spiritual
formation in a comprehensive and compelling theology of sanctification. Smith
presents holiness in its christological, sapiential, vocational, social and emotional
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4030-4, $26.00
David M. Csinos, Ivy Beckwith
Foreword by John H. Westerhoff III
Children’s Ministry in the Way of Jesus
Here children’s ministers David Csinos and Ivy Beckwith draw on research in
human development and spiritual formation to reveal how children become
disciples and churches become centers of lifelong discipleship.
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4108-0, $18.00
ivpacademic.com 37
Recent Releases
John Stott
Christ in Conflict
Opening our eyes to the persistence of the controversies that followed Jesus
throughout his public ministry, John Stott explains why the tension-filled social
exchanges depicted in the Gospels provide us with a key to the heart of Christian
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4402-9, $16.00
Christena Cleveland
Disunity in Christ
Despite Jesus’ prayer that all Christians “be one,” divisions have been epidemic in
the body of Christ. Learn the hidden reasons behind conflict and divisions and
the unseen dynamics at work that tend to separate us.
220 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4403-6, $16.00
General Editor Angelo Di Berardino, Consulting Editors Thomas C.
Oden and Joel C. Elowsky, Project Editor James Hoover
Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity Set
This magisterial encyclopedia of the church’s first eight centuries, in three volumes,
comprises 3220 entries from a team of 266 scholars from 26 countries. An expansion
of the Encyclopedia of the Early Church, the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity offers
unrivaled coverage of persons, places and ideas from ancient Christianity.
3 volumes, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2943-9, $450.00
John E. Phelan Jr.
Essential Eschatology
Study of eschatology often gets bogged down in minutiae that rarely affects daily
life. Avoiding this trap, John Phelan gets to the heart of the matter by examining
how the Christian hope and practice of resurrection affects life in the present
203 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4025-0, $20.00
38 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Recent Releases
Edited by Everett L. Worthington Jr., Eric L. Johnson, Joshua N. Hook,
Jamie D. Aten
Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and
The essays collected in this volume examine evidence-based approaches to
Christian counseling and psychotherapy, exploring treatments for individuals,
couples and groups. The book addresses both the advantages and the challenges
of this evidence-based approach and concludes with reflections on the future of
such treatments.
352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4027-4, $30.00
Edited by Stanley E. Porter, Matthew R. Malcolm
The Future of Biblical Interpretation
A perennial issue in biblical studies relates to the Bible’s plurality of voices, which
often yields a plurality of interpretations. How can readers acknowledge this
diversity while being responsible interpreters of Scripture? The contributors in this
volume set out to address this question, opening up an engaging conversation that
will encourage productive new horizons for biblical hermeneutics.
165 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4041-0, $18.00
Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, Manfred T. Brauch
Hard Sayings of the Bible
Now in paperback, Hard Sayings of the Bible has explanations for over five hundred
of the most troubling verses to test the minds and hearts of Bible readers. Verse by
verse, four distinguished Bible scholars take you behind the scenes to find succinct
solutions to the most difficult verses in Scripture.
811 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1540-1, $25.00
Andrew Louth
Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology
With an estimated 250 million adherents, the Orthodox Church is the second
largest Christian body in the world. This absorbing account of the essential elements
of Eastern Orthodox thought deals with the Trinity, Christ, sin, humanity and
creation as well as praying, icons, the sacraments and liturgy.
172 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4045-8, $20.00
ivpacademic.com 39
Recent Releases
Mary Poplin
Foreword by Dallas Willard
Is Reality Secular?
What is the nature of reality? Mary Poplin examines naturalism, humanism,
pantheism and Judeo-Christian theism, exploring the fundamental assumptions
and limitations of each perspective.
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4406-7, $18.00
Craig S. Keener
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
(Second Edition)
In this award-winning commentary, Craig Keener presents in verse-by-verse format
the cultural background you need for responsible—and richer—Bible study. This
revised edition of the standard reference work in its field has been expanded
throughout to now provide even more up-to-date information by one of the leading
New Testament scholars on Jewish, Greek and Roman cultures.
816 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2478-6, $35.00
Roger E. Olson
The Journey of Modern Theology
In this major revision and expansion of the classic 20th-Century Theology (1992),
Roger Olson tells the full story of modern theology from Descartes to Caputo, from
the Kantian revolution to postmodernism, now recast in terms of how theologians
have accommodated or rejected modernity.
720 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-4021-2, $40.00
John H. Walton, D. Brent Sandy
The Lost World of Scripture
Walton and Sandy summarize what we know of orality and oral tradition as well
as the composition and transmission of texts in the ancient Near East and GrecoRoman worlds, and how this shapes our understanding of the Old and New
Testaments. The authors then translate these insights into a helpful model for
understanding the reliability of Scripture.
320 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4032-8, $24.00
40 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Recent Releases
Christopher Green
The Message of the Church
The newest volume in the Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Series, The Message of
the Church offers an encouraging exposition on the church’s mission and nature
from select Old Testament and New Testament texts. Chris Green helps us see
that the church has a message, is the result of that message, and that the church
itself is a message.
336 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2415-1, $20.00
Robert Letham
The Message of the Person of Christ
Robert Letham shows how the Bible, progressively and in ever-greater detail, speaks
to us of its central figure, Jesus Christ. With clarity and conviction, he expounds
a range of key Old and New Testament texts from Genesis to Revelation and
investigates the main scriptural themes, focusing on the narrative that traces the
emergence of God’s plan.
264 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2416-8, $20.00
James Emery White
A Mind for God
James Emery White presents a well-written, accessible approach to the importance
of the mind in a Christian framework. Now in paperback, this book will help you
put your mind to use in the world as it was intended by our Creator.
127 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3663-5, $13.00
Gary Tyra
A Missional Orthodoxy
In an effort to be faithful to Christian orthodoxy and yet sensitive to our postmodern context, Gary Tyra presents a comprehensive third way between traditional
confessional theology and the emergent theologies of Brian McLaren and Marcus
Borg. The result is a humble, contextual theology for the church today.
393 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2821-0, $30.00
ivpacademic.com 41
Recent Releases
Charles Stone
Foreword by Ed Stetzer
People-Pleasing Pastors
Bringing together biblical insights and neuroscience findings, Charles Stone shows
why we fall into people-pleasing patterns and what we can do to overcome these
tendencies and have more effective ministry.
236 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4109-7, $16.00
Mark W. Foreman
Foreword by J. P. Moreland
Prelude to Philosophy
Unlike a full introduction to philosophy, Mark Foreman’s book is a prelude to the
subject, a prolegomenon that dispels misunderstandings and explains the rationale
for engaging in philosophical reasoning. Concise and straightforward, Prelude to
Philosophy is a guide for those looking to embark on the “examined life.”
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3960-5, $20.00
John Stott
Foreword by Ajith Fernando
Problems of Christian Leadership
Christian leaders face challenges. But God works with us and through us to accomplish his purposes. Available here for the first time in English is John Stott’s practical
wisdom for younger leaders. Speaking personally from his own experience, Stott
addresses issues of discouragement, self-discipline, relationships and youth.
90 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4408-1, $8.00
Michael J. Kruger
The Question of Canon
Unlike many books on the New Testament canon, this book does not seek to explain
why these books and no others. It asks the questions, Why is there a New Testament
at all? Was the notion of a canon of literature out of sync with the earliest Christian
movement? Michael Kruger challenges commonly held views on the emergence of
the New Testament canon.
256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4031-1, $24.00
42 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
Recent Releases
Dean Flemming
Recovering the Full Mission of God
Should our proclamation of the gospel be in words or deeds or both? What do
the Scriptures say? New Testament scholar and missionary Dean Flemming takes
a look at this disputed question. Rooted in the Old Testament and covering the
Gospels, Paul, Acts, Peter and Revelation, Flemming provides a biblically sound
basis for holistic evangelism.
288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4026-7, $24.00
John Howard Yoder
Edited by Gayle Gerber Koontz, Andy Alexis-Baker
Theology of Mission
John Howard Yoder was one of the most important ethicists in the twentieth century.
This volume—based on lectures recorded in 1973—shows he was a profound
missiologist as well. Working from a free church perspective, Yoder weaves together
biblical, theological, practical and interreligious reflections to think about mission
beyond Christendom.
432 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-4033-5, $45.00
Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel
Faith-Rooted Organizing
Since the 1930s, organizing movements for social justice in the U.S. have largely
been built on secular assumptions. But what if Christians were to shape their
organizing around the implications of the truth that God is real and Jesus is
risen? Reverend Alexia Salvatierra and theologian Peter Heltzel propose a model
of organizing that arises from their Christian convictions, with implications for
all faiths.
208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3661-1, $16.00
Tremper Longman III
Old Testament Essentials
Following the format of the other volumes of the Essentials series, originally
designed by Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials, this comprehensive
guide from Tremper Longman offers readers a survey of the Old Testament in the
context of a small group. Each study contains a question-answer format, a fieldtested inductive Bible study and questions to draw out key principles.
215 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1051-2, $18.00
ivpacademic.com 43
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS)
Edited by Thomas C. Oden, this twenty-nine-volume series compiles the best early Christian
exegesis from the second through the eighth centuries on the Old and New Testaments plus
the Apocrypha.
Individual titles include
Genesis 1–11
(OT Volume 1)
Edited by
Andrew Louth. lii + 204 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1471-8, $50.00
Genesis 12–50 (OT Volume 2)
Edited by Mark Sheridan. xl + 392
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1472-5,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy (OT Volume 3)
Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard.
xxxii + 382 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1473-2, $50.00
Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
1–2 Samuel (OT Volume 4)
Edited by John R. Franke. xxxii + 458
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1474-9,
1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles,
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
(OT Volume 5) Edited by Marco
Conti. xxx + 450 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1475-6, $50.00
Isaiah 40–66 (OT Volume 11)
Edited by Mark W. Elliott. xxxi + 349
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1481-7,
Jeremiah, Lamentations
(OT Volume 12) Edited by Dean O.
Wenthe. 373 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1482-4, $50.00
Ezekiel, Daniel (OT Volume 13)
Edited by Kenneth Stevenson and
Michael Glerup. xviii + 378 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1483-1, $50.00
The Twelve Prophets
(OT Volume 14) Edited by Alberto
Ferreiro. xxvi + 366 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1484-8, $50.00
Apocrypha (OT Volume 15)
Edited by Sever J. Voicu. xxviii + 547
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1485-5,
Matthew 1–13 (NT Volume 1a)
Edited by Manlio Simonetti. lii + 326
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1486-2,
Job (OT Volume 6) Edited by
Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti.
xxviii + 253 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1476-3, $50.00
Matthew 14–28 (NT Volume 1b)
Edited by Manlio Simonetti.
xvi + 344 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83081469-5, $50.00
Psalms 1–50 (OT Volume 7)
Edited by Craig A. Blaising and
Carmen S. Hardin. xxviii + 458 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1477-0, $50.00
Mark (NT Volume 2) Edited by
Thomas C. Oden and Christopher A.
Hall. xxxvi + 284 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1418-3, $50.00
Psalms 51–150 (OT Volume 8)
Edited by Quentin F. Wesselschmidt.
xxiv + 499 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1478-7, $50.00
Luke (NT Volume 3) Edited by
Arthur Just Jr. xxviii + 444 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1488-6, $50.00
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song
of Solomon (OT Volume 9)
Edited by J. Robert Wright. xxx + 434
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1479-4,
Isaiah 1–39 (OT Volume 10)
Edited by Steven A. McKinion.
xxiv + 324 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-1480-0, $50.00
44 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
John 1–10 (NT Volume 4a) Edited
by Joel C. Elowsky. 421 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1489-3, $50.00
John 11–21 (NT Volume 4b)
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. xviii + 462
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1099-4,
Acts (NT Volume 5) Edited by
Francis Martin. xxvi + 368 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1490-9, $50.00
Romans (NT Volume 6) Edited
by Gerald L. Bray. xxviii + 406 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1356-8, $50.00
1–2 Corinthians (NT Volume 7)
Edited by Gerald L. Bray. xxiii + 349
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2492-2,
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians (NT Volume 8) Edited by
Mark J. Edwards. xxvi + 318 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2493-9, $50.00
Colossians, 1–2 Thessalonians, 1–2 Timothy, Titus,
Philemon (NT Volume 9) Edited
by Peter Gorday. xxxiv + 346 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-1494-7, $50.00
Hebrews (NT Volume 10) Edited
by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W.
Krey. xxvi + 292 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-1495-4, $50.00
James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John,
Jude (NT Volume 11) Edited by
Gerald L. Bray. xxx + 288 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1496-1, $50.00
Revelation (NT Volume 12) Edited
by William C. Weinrich. xxxii + 454
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-1497-8,
Ancient Christian
Commentary on
Scripture CD-ROM
Complete Set (ACCS)
General editor Thomas C.
Windows Version: 1 CD-ROM,
978-0-8308-2480-9, $385.00
Macintosh Version: 1 CD-ROM
978-0-8308-2477-9, $385.00
Ancient Christian Doctrine Series (ACD)
This exciting five-volume series, edited by Thomas C. Oden, follows up on the acclaimed
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture to provide patristic commentary on the Nicene
Individual titles include
We Believe
in One God
Edited by
Gerald L. Bray. xlii + 159 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2531-8, $50.00
We Believe in One Lord Jesus
Christ Edited by John Anthony
McGuckin. xxii + 191 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2532-5, $50.00
We Believe in the Crucified
and Risen Lord Edited by Mark J.
Edwards. 194 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2533-2, $50.00
We Believe in the Holy Spirit
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. 309 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2534-9, $50.00
We Believe in One Holy
Catholic and Apostolic
Church Edited by Angelo Di
Berardino. 368 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2535-6, $50.00
Ancient Christian Texts (ACT)
Ancient Christian Texts is a series of new translations of full-length commentaries or sermon
series based on biblical books or extended scriptural passages—most of which are here
presented in English for the first time—that provide readers with the resources they need to
study for themselves the key writings of the early church.
Individual titles include
on Matthew (Opus imperfectum), Volume 1 Translated
by James A. Kellerman. Edited by
Thomas C. Oden. xxvi + 213 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2901-9, $60.00
Incomplete Commentary
on Matthew (Opus imperfectum), Volume 2 Translated
by James A. Kellerman. Edited
by Thomas C. Oden. xxvi + 228
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2902-6,
Commentary on the Gospel of
John By Theodore of Mopsuestia.
Translated by Marco Conti. Edited
by Joel C. Elowsky. xxx + 172 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2906-4, $60.00
Commentaries on Romans
and 1–2 Corinthians By Ambrosiaster. Edited and translated by
Gerald L. Bray. 300 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2903-3, $60.00
Commentaries on Galatians–
Philemon By Ambrosiaster.
Edited and translated by Gerald L.
Bray. xxii + 166 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2904-0, $60.00
Homilies on Numbers By
Origen. Translated by Thomas P.
Scheck. Edited by Christopher A.
Hall. 196 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2905-7, $60.00
Commentaries on Genesis
1–3 By Severian of Gabala, Bede
the Venerable. Translated by
Robert C. Hill, Carmen S. Hardin.
Edited by Michael Glerup. 162
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2907-1,
Greek Commentaries on
Revelation By Oecumenius,
Andrew of Caesarea. Translated
by William C. Weinrich. Edited by
Thomas C. Oden. 212 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2908-8, $60.00
Latin Commentaries on
Revelation By Victorinus of
Petovium, Apringius of Beja,
Caesarius of Arles, Bede the Venerable. Edited and translated by
William C. Weinrich. l + 201 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2909-5, $60.00
Commentary on Jeremiah
By Jerome. Translated by Michael
Graves. Edited by Christopher A.
Hall. 232 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2910-1, $60.00
Commentary on John,
Volume 1 By Cyril of Alexandria.
Translated by David R. Maxwell.
Edited by Joel C. Elowsky. xxxii +
375 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082911-8, $60.00
Commentary on Isaiah By
Eusebius of Caesarea. Translated by
Jonathan J. Armstrong. Edited by
Joel C. Elowsky. xxxiv + 332 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2913-2, $60.00
ivpacademic.com 45
Apollos Old Testament Commentary Series (AOTC)
Edited by David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham, the Apollos Old Testament Commentary
aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture.
Individual titles include
(vol. 3)
Kiuchi. 538
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2503-5, $40.00
Joshua (vol. 6) Pekka Pitkänen.
454 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082506-6, $40.00
Deuteronomy (vol. 5) J. Gordon
McConville. 544 pages, hardcover,
978-0-8308-2505-9, $40.00
1 & 2 Kings (vol. 9) Lissa Wray
Beal. 392 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2509-7, $40.00 (available May
1 & 2 Samuel (vol. 8) David G.
Firth. 614 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2508-0, $40.00
Ecclesiastes & the Song
of Songs (vol. 16) Daniel C.
Fredericks and Daniel J. Estes. 472
pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2515-8,
Daniel (vol. 20) Ernest C. Lucas.
359 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082519-6, $40.00
The Bible Speaks Today Commentary Series (BST)
Edited by J. A. Motyer and John R. W. Stott, this series is characterized by what Stott called a
“threefold ideal . . . to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate it to contemporary
life and to be readable.”
The Message of Psalms
Individual titles include
73–150 Michael Wilcock. 288
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1245-5,
Old Testament Series
The Message of Genesis 1–11
David J. Atkinson. 190 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1229-5, $17.00
The Message of Samuel
Mary J. Evans. 286 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2429-8, $18.00
The Message of Genesis 12–50
Joyce G. Baldwin. 224 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-298-9, $18.00
The Message of Kings John W.
Olley. 378 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2435-9, $20.00
The Message of Exodus J. A.
Motyer. 329 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2427-4, $19.00
The Message of Chronicles
Michael Wilcock. 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-299-6, $18.00
The Message of Leviticus
Derek Tidball. 329 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2431-1, $19.00
The Message of Ezra & Haggai
Robert Fyall. 190 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2432-8, $16.00
The Message of Numbers
Raymond Brown. 310 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2428-1, $19.00
The Message of Nehemiah
Raymond Brown. 256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1242-4, $18.00
The Message of Deuteronomy
Raymond Brown. 331 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1234-9, $19.00
The Message of Esther
David G. Firth. 144 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2433-5, $18.00
The Message of Judges
Michael Wilcock. 175 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1232-5, $17.00
The Message of Job
David J. Atkinson. 188 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1230-1, $17.00
The Message of Ruth
David J. Atkinson. 128 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-294-1, $17.00
The Message of Psalms 1–72
Michael Wilcock. 255 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1244-8, $18.00
46 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
The Message of Proverbs
David J. Atkinson. 173 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1239-4, $17.00
The Message of Ecclesiastes
Derek Kidner. 110 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-286-6, $16.00
The Message of the Song of
Songs Tom Gledhill. 254 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-1235-6,
The Message of Isaiah
Barry G. Webb. 252 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1240-0, $18.00
The Message of Jeremiah
Christopher H. Wright. 416 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-2439-7, $20.00
(available March 2014)
The Message of Ezekiel
Christopher J. H. Wright. 368
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2425-0,
The Message of Daniel
Dale Ralph Davis. 173 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2438-0, $18.00
The Message of Hosea
Derek Kidner. 142 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-290-3, $16.00
The Bible Speaks Today Commentary Series (continued)
The Message of Amos
J. A. Motyer. 208 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-283-5, $18.00
The Message of Luke
Michael Wilcock. 215 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-291-0, $18.00
The Message of 1 Timothy
& Titus John R. W. Stott. 232 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-1247-9, $18.00
The Message of Obadiah,
Nahum and Zephaniah Gordon
Bridger. 307 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2434-2, $18.00
The Message of John
Bruce Milne. 352 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1233-2, $19.00
The Message of 2 Timothy
John R. W. Stott. 127 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-295-8, $16.00
The Message of Acts
John R. W. Stott. 428 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1236-3, $20.00
The Message of Hebrews
Raymond Brown. 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-289-7, $18.00
The Message of Romans
John R. W. Stott. 432 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1246-2, $20.00
The Message of James
J. A. Motyer. 214 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-292-7, $18.00
The Message of 1 Corin­thians
David Prior. 311 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-297-2, $19.00
The Message of 1 Peter
Edmund Clowney. 250 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1227-1, $18.00
The Message of 2 Corin­thians
Paul Barnett. 188 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1228-8, $17.00
The Message of 2 Peter &
Jude R. C. Lucas and Christopher
Green. 270 pages, paperback, 978-08308-1238-7, $18.00
The Message of Jonah
Rosemary Nixon. 220 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2426-7, $18.00
The Message of Joel, Micah
& Habakkuk
David Prior. 279 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1241-7, $18.00
The Message of Zechariah
Barry G. Webb. 188 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2430-4, $17.00
The Message of Malachi Peter
Adam. 128 pages, paperback, 978-08308-2437-3, $16.00
New Testament Series
The Message of the Sermon
on the Mount John R. W. Stott.
238 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784296-5, $18.00
The Message of Matthew
Michael Green. 343 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1243-1, $19.00
The Message of Mark
Donald English. 254 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1231-8, $18.00
The Message of Galatians
John R. W. Stott. 204 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-288-0, $18.00
The Message of Ephesians
John R. W. Stott. 311 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-287-3, $19.00
The Message of Philippians
J. A. Motyer. 234 pages, paperback,
978-0-87784-310-8, $18.00
The Message of Colossians &
Philemon R. C. Lucas. 191 pages,
paperback, 978-0-87784-284-2, $17.00
The Message of John’s Letters
David Jackman. 214 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-1226-4, $18.00
The Message of Revelation
Michael Wilcock. 240 pages, paperback, 978-0-87784-293-4, $18.00
The Bible Speaks Today New
Testament CD-ROM
Edited by John Stott.
Windows Version:
978-0-8308-2448-9, $115.00
The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians John R. W. Stott. 218
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-1237-0,
The Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Series (BSTT)
As a companion to The Bible Speaks Today commentaries, each volume of this series focuses on
the message of key biblical texts supporting a facet of Christian doctrine. Edited by Derek Tidball.
Individual titles include
The Message
of Creation
David Wilkinson.
296 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-2405-2, $20.00
The Message of Heaven &
Hell Bruce Milne. 352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2406-9, $20.00
The Message of Holiness
Derek Tidball. 288 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2412-0, $20.00
The Message of Mission
Howard Peskett and Vinoth
Ramachandra. 288 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2407-6, $20.00
ivpacademic.com 47
The Bible Speaks Today Themes Series (continued)
The Message of Prayer
Timothy Chester. 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2408-3, $20.00
The Message of the Cross
Derek Tidball. 341 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2403-8, $20.00
The Message of Salvation
Philip G. Ryken. 314 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2404-5, $20.00
The Message of the Holy Spirit
Keith Warrington. 260 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2411-3, $20.00
The Message of Sonship
Trevor J. Burke. 244 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2413-7, $20.00
The Message of the Living
God Peter Lewis. 356 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2402-1, $20.00
The Message of the Church
Christopher Green. 336 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2415-1, $20.00
The Message of the Person
of Christ Robert Letham. 256
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2416-8,
The Message of the Resurrection Paul Beasley-Murray. 269
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2401-4,
The Message of the Trinity
Brian Edgar. 336 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-2409-0, $20.00
The Message of the Word
of God Tim Meadowcroft. 284
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2414-4,
The Message of Women Derek
& Dianne Tidball. 303 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2436-6, $20.00
NOW IN PAPERBACK! The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (IVPNTC)
Edited by Grant R. Osborne with D. Stuart Briscoe and Haddon Robinson, this series offers a
lucid, passage-by-passage exposition of the biblical text for the contemporary church.
Individual titles include
Matthew (vol. 1) Craig S.
Keener. 444 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4001-4, $20.00
Mark (vol. 2) Ronald J. Kernaghan.
351 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084002-1, $18.00
Luke (vol. 3) Darrell L. Bock. 412
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4003-8,
John (vol. 4) Rodney A. Whitacre.
526 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084004-5, $20.00
Acts (vol. 5) William J. Larkin Jr. 422
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4005-2,
Romans (vol. 6) Grant R. Osborne.
447 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4006-9,
48 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
1 Corinthians (vol. 7) Alan F. Johnson.
343 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4007-6,
1–2 Timothy & Titus (vol. 14)
Philip H. Towner. 271 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4014-4, $18.00
2 Corinthians (vol. 8) Linda L.
Belleville. 357 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4008-3, $19.00
Hebrews (vol. 15) Ray C. Stedman.
168 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4015-1,
Galatians (vol. 9) G. Walter Hansen.
212 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4009-0,
James (vol. 16) George M. Stulac.
206 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4016-8,
Ephesians (vol. 10) Walter L. Liefeld.
178 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4010-6,
1 Peter (vol. 17) I. Howard Marshall.
184 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4017-5,
Philippians (vol. 11) Gordon D. Fee.
204 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4011-3,
2 Peter and Jude (vol. 18) Robert
Harvey, Philip H. Towner. 249 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4018-2, $17.00
Colossians & Philemon (vol. 12)
Robert W. Wall. 225 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4012-0, $18.00
1–3 John (vol. 19) Marianne Meye
Thompson. 168 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4019-9, $16.00
1–2 Thessalonians (vol. 13)
G. K. Beale. 279 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4013-7, $18.00
Revelation (vol. 20) J. Ramsey
Michaels. 265 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4020-5, $18.00
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS)
The Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) collects Protestant Reformation reflections on the entirety of the Bible, chapter by chapter, introducing readers to the depth and
richness of exegetical ferment that defined the Reformation.
Individual titles include
1–11 Edited
by John L.
Thompson. lxx + 389 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2951-4, $50.00
Ezekiel, Daniel Edited by
Carl L. Beckwith. lx + 452 pages,
hardcover, 978-0-8308-2962-0,
John 1–12 Edited by Craig S.
Farmer. 400 pages, hardcover, 978-08308-2967-5, $50.00 (available June
Acts Edited by Esther Chung-Kim.
400 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082969-9, $50.00
Galatians, Ephesians Edited
by Gerald L. Bray. 446 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2973-6, $50.00
Philippians, Colossians
Edited by Graham Tomlin. lviii +
297 pages, hardcover, 978-0-83082974-3, $50.00
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC)
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries provide passage-by-passage interpretation in the
transparent style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series.
Individual titles include
Genesis (vol. 1) Derek Kidner.
236 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084201-8, $18.00
Exodus (vol. 2) R. Alan Cole. 249
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4202-5,
Leviticus (vol. 3) R. K. Harrison.
254 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084203-2, $18.00
Leviticus (vol. 3) Jay Sklar. 336
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4284-1,
$16.00 (available March 2014)
Numbers (vol. 4) Gordon J.
Wenham. 192 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4204-9, $18.00
Deuteronomy (vol. 5) Edward J.
Woods. 333 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4281-0, $18.00
Joshua (vol. 6) Richard S. Hess.
352 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084206-3, $18.00
Judges and Ruth (vol. 7)
Arthur E. Cundall and Leon L.
Morris. 307 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4207-0, $18.00
1 and 2 Samuel (vol. 8) Joyce G.
Baldwin. 240 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4208-7, $18.00
1 and 2 Kings (vol. 9) Donald
J. Wiseman. 339 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4209-4, $18.00
1 Chronicles (vol. 10) Martin J.
Selman. 274 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4210-0, $18.00
2 Chronicles (vol. 11) Martin J.
Selman. 292 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4211-7, $18.00
Ezra and Nehemiah (vol. 12)
Derek Kidner. 192 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4212-4, $18.00
Esther (vol. 13) Debra Reid. 168
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4213-1,
Job (vol. 14) Francis I. Andersen.
318 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084214-8, $18.00
Psalms 1–72 (vol. 15) Derek
Kidner. 196 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4215-5, $18.00
Psalms 73–150 (vol. 16) Derek
Kidner. 242 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4216-2, $18.00
Proverbs (vol. 17) Derek Kidner.
189 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084217-9, $18.00
Ecclesiastes (vol. 18) Michael A.
Eaton. 128 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4218-6, $18.00
The Song of Solomon (vol. 19)
G. Lloyd Carr. 192 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4219-3, $18.00
Isaiah (vol. 20) J. Alec Motyer. 461
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4220-9,
ivpacademic.com 49
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC) (continued)
Jeremiah and Lamentations
(vol. 21) Hetty Lalleman. 373 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4283-4,
Ezekiel (vol. 22) John B. Taylor.
277 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084222-3, $18.00
Daniel (vol. 23) Joyce G. Baldwin.
232 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084223-0, $18.00
Hosea (vol. 24) David Allan
Hubbard. 246 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4224-7, $18.00
Joel and Amos (vol. 25) David
Allan Hubbard. 196 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4225-4, $18.00
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (vol. 26)
T. Desmond Alexander, David W.
Baker, Bruce Waltke. 226 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4226-1,
Nahum, Habakkuk and
Zephaniah (vol. 27) David W.
Baker. 120 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4227-8, $18.00
Haggai, Zechariah and
Malachi (vol. 28) Andrew E. Hill.
304 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084282-7, $18.00
Tyndale Commentaries CD-ROM
Leon L. Morris, Donald J. Wiseman.
Windows Version: 978-0-83084279-7, $260.00
Macintosh Version: 978-0-83084280-3, $260.00
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC)
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries provide passage-by-passage interpretation in the
transparent style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series.
Individual titles include
1 Corinthians (vol. 7) Leon L.
Morris. 238 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4237-7, $18.00
The Pastoral Epistles (vol. 14)
Donald Guthrie. 251 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4244-5, $18.00
Matthew (vol. 1) R. T. France.
422 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084231-5, $18.00
2 Corinthians (vol. 8) Colin G.
Kruse. 217 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4238-4, $18.00
Hebrews (vol. 15) Donald Guthrie.
281 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084245-2, $18.00
Mark (vol. 2) R. Alan Cole. 340
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4232-2,
Galatians (vol. 9) R. Alan Cole.
242 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084239-1, $18.00
James (vol. 16) Douglas J. Moo.
196 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084246-9, $18.00
Luke (vol. 3) Leon L. Morris. 370
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4233-9,
Ephesians (vol. 10) Francis
Foulkes. 187 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4240-7, $18.00
1 Peter (vol. 17) Wayne A.
Grudem. 248 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4247-6, $18.00
John (vol. 4) Colin G. Kruse. 389
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4234-6,
Philippians (vol. 11) Ralph P.
Martin. 187 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4241-4, $18.00
2 Peter and Jude (vol. 18)
Michael Green. 221 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4248-3, $18.00
Acts (vol. 5) I. Howard Marshall.
447 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084235-3, $18.00
Colossians and Philemon
(vol. 12) N. T. Wright. 199 pages,
paperback, 978-0-8308-4242-1,
The Letters of John (vol. 19)
John Stott. 240 pages, paperback,
978-0-8308-4249-0, $18.00
Romans (vol. 6) F. F. Bruce. 283
pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4236-0,
50 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
1 and 2 Thessalonians (vol.
13) Leon L. Morris. 148 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4243-8, $18.00
Revelation (vol. 20) Leon L.
Morris. 250 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4250-6, $18.00
Christian Foundations (CF)
Ethics, 978-0-8308-2803-6, $16.00
Donald G. Bloesch’s seven-volume
series is a comprehensive
systematic theology for the
twenty-first century. Individual
titles include:
Metaphysics, 978-0-87784-341-2, $16.00
The Church, 978-0-8308-2756-5,
God the Almighty, 978-0-83082753-4, $22.00
Holy Scripture, 978-0-8308-2752-7, $22.00
The Holy Spirit, 978-0-8308-2755-8, $22.00
Jesus Christ, 978-0-8308-2754-1, $22.00
The Last Things, 978-0-8308-2757-2, $22.00
A Theology of Word & Spirit, 978-0-8308-2751-0, $22.00
Philosophy of Religion, 978-0-8308-3876-9, $17.00
Science & Its Limits, 978-0-8308-1580-7, $18.00
Contours of Christian Theology (CCT)
These concise introductory texts
focus on the main themes of
Christian theology. Individual
volumes, edited by Gerald L.
Bray, include:
The Church, 978-0-8308-1534-0,
The Doctrine of God,
978-0-8308-1531-9, $24.00
The Doctrine of Humanity, 978-0-8308-1535-7, $24.00
Christian Worldview Integration Series (CWI)
The Holy Spirit, 978-0-8308-1536-4, $24.00
Edited by J. P. Moreland and
Francis J. Beckwith, this series
promotes a robust personal and
conceptual integration of
Christian faith and learning for
the benefit of educators,
students and practitioners.
Individual titles include:
The Person of Christ, 978-0-8308-1537-1, $24.00
Authentic Communication,
978-0-8308-2815-9, $20.00
Business for the Common Good, 978-0-8308-2816-6, $24.00
Christianity and Literature, 978-0-8308-2817-3, $24.00
Doing Philosophy as a Christian, 978-0-8308-2811-1,
Education for Human Flourishing, 978-0-8308-2812-8,
Politics for Christians, 978-0-8308-2814-2, $20.00
Psychology in the Spirit, 978-0-8308-2813-5, $30.00
Contours of Christian
Philosophy (CCP)
This series, edited by C. Stephen
Evans, introduces students to
various fields of philosophy,
exploring major issues within
each field and reviewing
possible responses with an ear
toward their implications for
Christian faith and practice.
Individual volumes include:
The Providence of God, 978-0-8308-1533-3, $24.00
The Revelation of God, 978-0-8308-1538-8, $24.00
The Work of Christ, 978-0-8308-1532-6, $24.00
Exploring the Bible Series (EB)
These student-friendly
introductions are rooted in
up-to-date scholarship and
actual classroom experience:
Exploring the Old Testament,
Volume 1: A Guide to the Pentateuch, 978-0-8308-2541-7,
Exploring the Old Testament,
Volume 2: A Guide to the Historical Books,
978-0-8308-2542-4, $30.00
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 3: A Guide to the
Psalms & Wisdom Literature, 978-0-8308-2543-1,
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 4: A Guide to the
Prophets, 978-0-8308-2544-8, $30.00
Exploring the New Testament, Volume 1: A Guide to
the Gospels & Acts, Second Edition, 978-0-83082539-4, $30.00
Exploring the New Testament, Volume 2: A Guide to the
Letters & Revelation, Second Edition, 978-0-83082540-0, $30.00
Epistemology, 978-0-87784-522-5, $16.00
ivpacademic.com 51
The IVP Bible Dictionary Series (IBD)
Unique among reference books
on the Bible, the volumes of the
IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge
the gap between scholars and
those pastors, teachers, students
and laypeople desiring in-depth
treatment of select topics in an
accessible and summary format.
Volumes include:
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books,
978-0-8308-1782-5, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch,
978-0-8308-1781-8, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets, 978-0-83081784-9, $60.00
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings, 978-0-8308-1783-2, $60.00
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 978-0-8308-1777-1,
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition,
978-0-8308-2456-4, $60.00
Dictionary of New Testament Background,
978-0-8308-1780-1, $60.00
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, 978-0-8308-1778-8,
Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition, 978-0-83082708-4, $8.00
Pocket Guide to World Religions, 978-0-8308-2705-3,
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978-0-8308-2702-2, $8.00
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Pocket History of the Church, 978-0-8308-2701-5, $9.00
I VP Pocket Reference App, iOS or Android,
ivpapps.com, $1.99
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians Series (LHHC)
Ben Witherington III introduces
a new way to approach the New
Testament documents by
dividing ancient letters and
homilies according to socioreligious context. Titles include:
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized
Christians, Volume 1,
978-0-8308-2931-6, $40.00
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Volume 1,
978-0-8308-2457-1, $35.00 (paperback edition available
February 2014)
Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its
Developments, 978-0-8308-1779-5, $60.00
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Volume 2,
978-0-8308-2933-0, $35.00
IVP Pocket Reference Series (IPR)
New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT)
The IVP Pocket Reference Series
was designed for students, pastors
and others who want an aid to
formal or informal study.
Individual titles include:
Edited by D. A. Carson, the NSBT
is a series of monographs that
address key issues in the
discipline of biblical theology.
The series includes:
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of
Biblical Hebrew,
978-0-8308-1458-9, $10.00
The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus,
978-0-8308-2628-5, $24.00
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New
Testament Greek, 978-0-8308-1464-0, $9.00
Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion,
978-0-8308-1465-7, $8.00
Adopted into God’s Family,
978-0-8308-2623-0, $23.00
Christ, Our Righteousness,
978-0-8308-2609-4, $24.00
A Clear and Present Word, 978-0-8308-2622-3, $22.00
Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies, 978-0-8308-1467-1,
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978-0-8308-2707-7, $8.00
Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms,
978-0-8308-1449-7, $9.00
52 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2014
The Cross from a Distance, 978-0-8308-2619-3, $22.00
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New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT)
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God’s Unfaithful Wife, 978-0-8308-2614-8, $22.00
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Hear, My Son, 978-0-8308-2604-9, $22.00
Hearing God’s Words, 978-0-8308-2617-9, $24.00
Jesus and the Logic of History, 978-0-8308-2603-2, $22.00
A Mouth Full of Fire, 978-0-8308-2630-8, $27.00
Neither Poverty nor Riches, 978-0-8308-2607-0, $25.00
Resonate Series (RSNT)
In the Resonate series the
Scriptures become a meeting
ground where God is confronted
with the pressing concerns of our
day, and we are confronted in
turn with a fresh experience of
God’s truth:
The Gospel of John, 978-0-83083641-3, $18.00
The Gospel of Matthew,
978-0-8308-3642-0, $18.00
Now Choose Life, 978-0-8308-2606-3, $24.00
Now My Eyes Have Seen You, 978-0-8308-2612-4, $22.00
Resources for Reconciliation (RR)
Original Sin, 978-0-8308-2605-6, $22.00
A joint effort by InterVarsity Press
and the Duke Divinity School
Center for Reconciliation, this
series weds theology with
grass-roots issues, addressing
division on local and global levels.
Titles include:
Paul and the Law, 978-0-8308-2632-2, $24.00
Possessed by God, 978-0-8308-2601-8, $22.00
Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, 978-0-8308-2611-7,
Sealed with an Oath, 978-0-8308-2624-7, $25.00
Shepherds After My Own Heart, 978-0-8308-2621-6, $26.00
Slave of Christ, 978-0-8308-2608-7, $24.00
The Temple and the Church’s Mission,
978-0-8308-2618-6, $30.00
Thanksgiving, 978-0-8308-2613-1, $22.00
Old Testament Theology (OTT)
John Goldingay explores the Old
Testament’s grand vision for
Israel. Individual titles include:
Old Testament Theology, Volume
One: Israel’s Gospel,
978-0-8308-2561-5, $50.00
Old Testament Theology, Volume
Two: Israel’s Faith,
978-0-8308-2562-2, $50.00
Old Testament Theology, Volume Three: Israel’s Life,
978-0-8308-2563-9, $50.00
Forgiving As We’ve Been Forgiven,
978-0-8308-3455-6, $16.00
Friendship at the Margins, 978-0-8308-3454-9, $16.00
Living Gently in a Violent World, 978-0-8308-3452-5,
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Reconciling All Things, 978-0-8308-3451-8, $16.00
Welcoming Justice, 978-0-8308-3453-2, $16.00
Spectrum Series (SPEC)
Spectrum Multiview Books address
controversial topics through an
essay-response format pioneered
by IVP in 1977. Titles include:
Baptism: Three Views,
978-0-8308-3856-1, $16.00
Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views,
978-0-8308-3963-6, $20.00
Christian Spirituality, 978-0-8308-1278-3, $18.00
Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views,
978-0-8308-2796-1, $20.00
Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views, 978-0-8308-2652-0,
ivpacademic.com 53
Spectrum Series (SPEC) (continued)
Divorce and Remarriage: Four Christian Views,
978-0-8308-1283-7, $22.00
God & Morality: Four Views, 978-0-8308-3984-1, $22.00
God & Time: Four Views, 978-0-8308-1551-7, $20.00
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Justification: Five Views, 978-0-8308-3944-5, $25.00
The Lord’s Supper: Five Views, 978-0-8308-2884-5, $18.00
The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views,
978-0-87784-794-6, $18.00
Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical
Theology (SIET)
A new series of interdisciplinary
monographs addressing emerging
and controversial subjects in the
evangelical community and in the
academy at large. Titles include:
Addiction and Virtue,
978-0-8308-3901-8, $30.00
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The God of the Gospel,
978-0-8308-3904-9, $30.00
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978-0-8308-2848-7, $22.00
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978-0-8308-3902-5, $30.00
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What About Those Who Have Never Heard?
978-0-8308-1606-4, $16.00
Women in Ministry: Four Views, 978-0-8308-1284-4,
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