fireworks - Atlas PyroVision
fireworks - Atlas PyroVision
FIREWORKS Atlas Fireworks Announces the Return of the Annual Festival of Fireworks! Jaffrey, NH - Atlas PyroVision Productions is pleased to announce that after a two year hiatus, the annual Festival of Fireworks has found a new home at the Cheshire Fairgrounds on Route 12 in Swanzey, New Hampshire. The greatly missed end-of-summer fireworks display will continue the tradition of being held on the third Saturday of August. This year’s Festival will be Saturday, August 16th with a classic rock themed pyromusical titled Rock’n the Stars. Stephen Pelkey, CEO of Atlas states, “We are thrilled to bring back this renowned community event and very pleased to announce that the Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce will be the host organization.” Cyndy Burgess, Co-Chair of the Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce Festival Committee also states, “We are proud to be part of the Festival of Fireworks that has been a popular family event with the largest fireworks display in New England, remaining right here in the Monadnock Region.” In addition to the August Festival of Fireworks, Atlas will also host a second major fireworks display, the KaboomFest, which will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014. The KaboomFest will also highlight a large scale pyromusical fireworks display with a fall country fair atmosphere. Along with the new venue will be changes in how festival-goers purchase tickets for both events. Tickets will be offered online only, beginning May 1, 2014 through the Festival’s website Admission tickets will no longer be sold at the gate with advance sales only. Additional updates will be provided on the Atlas PyroVision and Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce Facebook pages. Contact for Additional Information: Stephen Pelkey, CEO - 800. 321. 5008 | Follow Us On: