Heim Gallery records - California Digital Library
Heim Gallery records - California Digital Library
http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt5779r8sb No online items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Finding aid prepared by Isabella Zuralski Getty Research Institute Special Collections and Visual Resources 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, California 90049-1688 Phone: (310) 440-7390 Fax: (310) 440-7780 Email requests: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/library/reference_form.html URL: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/library ©2006 J. Paul Getty Trust INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 1 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Accession no. 910004 Finding aid prepared by Isabella Zuralski Getty Research Institute Contact Information: Getty Research Institute Research Library Special Collections and Visual Resources 1200 Getty Center Drive, suite 1100 Los Angeles, California 90049-1688 Phone: (310) 440-7390 Fax: (310) 440-7780 Email requests: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/library/reference_form.html URL: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/library Processed by: Jocelyn Gibbs and Isabella Zuralski Date Completed: Dec 2006 Encoded by: Apex Finding Aids and Isabella Zuralski ©2006 J. Paul Getty Trust. Descriptive Summary Title: Heim Gallery records Date (inclusive): 1965-1991 Collection number: 910004 Creator: Heim Gallery Extent: ca. 120 lin. ft. (271 boxes) Repository: Getty Research Institute Research Library Special Collections and Visual Resources 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, California 90049-1688 Abstract: London gallery directed by Andrew Ciechanowieck. Records include extensive correspondence with museums, galleries, collectors, and other colleagues in Europe and the United States. Photographs document paintings, drawings, sculptures, and decorative art sold and exhibited by, and offered to the gallery. Stock and financial records trace acquisitions and sales. Request Materials: To access physical materials on site, go to the library catalog record for this collection and click "Request an Item." Click here for access policy . Language: Collection material in English Access Open for use by qualified researchers. Publication Rights Contact Library Rights and Reproductions Preferred Citation Heim Gallery records, 1965-1991, Research Library, The Getty Research Institute, Accession number 910004 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 2 Processing history Processing was begun in 1992, then revived in 1996 by Jocelyn Gibbs, who processed most of the collection and nearly completed writing this finding aid. The finding aid was completed and the collection was fully processed in 2006 by Isabella Zuralski. Separated Material Four publications, including three exhibition catalogs and 1 sales catalog, have been transferred to the Getty Research Institute's Research Library. Joan Miró 15 litografias originales : "Homenatge a Joan Prats". Madrid : Galeria Vandrés, 1972. Durand paintings 1971-1981 : Edinburgh Festival : August 10th-September 5th, 1981. [Edinburgh] : University of Edinburgh, [1981]Les publications de la Réunion des musées nationaux 1984. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, Service des publications, [1984]Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux : catalogue 1985. Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, [1985] Biographical/Historical Note Heim Gallery London began in June 1966 with François Heim (from Galerie Heim, Paris, begun 1954) and Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki as partners. Ciechanowiecki served as director in London while Heim remained in France. The emphasis of the gallery was Old Master paintings, especially French of the 15th - 18th century, Italian paintings of all periods, and sculpture (marble, terracotta and bronze) from the Renaissance to the 19th century. The gallery was known for its scholarly exhibitions and catalogs. Between 1966 and 1989 the gallery presented exhibitions two to three times a year. The gallery did business with museums and individual clients in Europe and the United States. Ciechanowiecki helped build two significant private collections in the United States, the terracotta sculpture collection of Arthur Sackler (a portion of which is now at the National Gallery in Washington), and the Ian Ross collection of 19th century French sculpture. Heim Gallery also did business under other names: Old Masters (Paintings and Sculptures) Ltd. was created, apparently, as an internal device for tax purposes and had by 1986 as its sole directors, Ciechanowiecki and John Pomian, also sole directors of Heim Gallery at this time. (Francois Heim resigned as a director around 1986.) The two entities existed concurrently in different premises. In October 1986, the Heim Gallery premises were leased to Richard Herner, owner of Swiftdene Ltd., and the corporate names exchanged: Herner was to use Heim Gallery, and Ciechanowiecki and John Pomian took on the name Swiftdene Ltd. Swiftdene and Old Masters shared premises at 67/68 Jermyn Street. At this point, Old Masters was still wholly owned by Ciechanowiecki and Pomian, with Swiftdene controlled by a Swiss company. Swiftdene ceased trading 30 September 1989 and its stock was purchased by Old Masters. Scope and Content of Collection The Heim Gallery Records document the business of the gallery, its cultivation of clients in Europe and the United States, and the production of its scholarly exhibitions especially for the period between 1966 and 1988. Correspondence with museums, individual clients and suppliers, and experts comprise the greater part of the collection. Photographs of art works, index files, stock books and other financial papers, research files and publicity files make up the rest of the archive. The correspondence series contains letters received and the gallery's copies (green copies and daily files) of letters sent. Letters reflect the gallery's offers to museums and individual collectors, curators' requests for works for their collections or for assistance in finding works needed for exhibitions. Many of the letters reveal Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki's wit and warmth as he offers advice to young curators and spreads art world news among his colleagues and friends. The letters also document business strategies - offers to lend works to museums and collectors sometimes result in sales - and Ciechanowiecki's collaborations with museums and his solid scholarly contributions to exhibitions. The letters reveal his close personal association with Poland and its artistic patrimony and royalty. His fascination with class and position in England, and the royal family, are displayed in the publicity clippings and photographs of openings at the gallery. Until 1986, Ciechanowiecki sent regular bulletins to Francois Heim, reporting in narrative form the current activities of the gallery: offers made, works seen, travels, transactions. Ciechanowiecki's diaries also record in abbreviated form meetings with clients, travels, and other activities on behalf of the gallery. There are no personal papers in the archive. Photographs of art works are organized by medium: paintings, drawings, sculpture, and furniture and decorative arts, and represent works sold, with additional images of items before restoration, and art works documented for research or commercial reasons. Research notes, drafts of didactic text, printed brochures and photographs illustrate the production of exhibitions at the Heim gallery. Research files contain notes, photographs, and printed material, organized by artist, school or medium. Offers made to the gallery are documented with photographs and some research notes. Many of these offers represent works rejected by the gallery. Financial records include stockbooks, ledgers and cash books, as well as invoices, paid bills, and documents related INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 3 to shipping and taxes. Financial records do not appear to be complete, but include records from Heim, Old Masters, and Swiftdene. Gallery publicity is documented through clippings, guest books, and photographs that show members of royalty attending exhibits at the gallery. Arrangement The collection is arranged in eight series: Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1990, undated ; Series II. Index cards, ca. 1965-1991 ; Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, undated ; Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991, undated ; Series V. Financial, 1965-1989, undated ; Series VI. Gallery publicity, undated ; Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowieki personal files, 1966-1975, undated . Subjects Ciechanowieki, Andrzej S., 1924Galerie Heim Heim Gallery Old Masters (Painting and Sculptures) Ltd. Art—Collectors and collecting Art—Catalogs Art dealers Art dealers—England—London Drawing, French Drawing, Italian Painting, Baroque Painting, Baroque—Italy Sculpture Sculpture, Baroque Sculpture, Baroque—France Sculpture, Baroque—Italy Sculpture, French Sculpture, Renaissance Bronze sculpture Bronze sculpture—France Bronze sculpture, Renaissance Contributors Bettagno, Alessandro Briganti, Giuliano Haskell, Francis, 1928Held, Julius Samuel, 1905Honour, Hugh Montagu, Jennifer Pope-Hennessy, John Wyndham, Sir, 1913Rosenblum, Robert Wittkower, Rudolf Middledorf, Ulrich Alexander, 1901 Old Masters (Painting and Sculptures) Ltd. P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 4 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Physical Description: ca. 51.3 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Correspondence includes letters exchanged with numerous art institutions and individuals. There are six subseries: A. Museums, B. Clients and suppliers, C. Experts, D. Letters sent, E. Bulletins to Paris, and F. Diaries. Subseries A-C are organized alphabetically and hold letters received. Subseries D-F are arranged in roughly chronological order and include both letters sent from the gallery to outside institutions and individuals, and the briefings Ciechanowiecki sent to Heim on a regular basis. A final subseries contains Ciechanowiecki diaries of gallery activities. Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 16 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Contains letters received from museum curators, directors and other staff. Letters are arranged alphabetically by city in which the museum is located, or was located at the time. Box 1 Box 1, Folder 1 Box 1, Folder 1 Box 1, Folder 2 Box 1, Folder 3 Aarhus - Amsterdam, 1966-1990 Aarhus Kunstmuseum (Aarhus, Denmark), 1972, 1976, 1977 Physical Description: 4 items Musée Boucher de Perthes, Ville d'Abbeville, 1979 Physical Description: 4 items University of New Mexico, University Art Museum, Albuquerque, 1976-1984 Physical Description: ca. 250 items University of New Mexico, University Art Museum, Albuquerque, 1985-1990 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Scope and Content Note Primarily about building the collection. Box 1, Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 4 Box 1, Folder 4 Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Alencon, France, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 6 items Allentown Art Museum (Pennsylvania), 1978 Physical Description: 2 items Alscot Park (Atherstone on Stour, Stratford on Avon, England), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Letters with Captain John W. West. Box 1, Folder 4 Althorp (England), house of the Spencers, 1982 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Newspaper article from The Standard, 1982 Jan 18, regarding sales of paintings from the country house. Box 1, Folder 5 Amherst College, Mead Art Museum, 1976-1990 Physical Description: ca. 250 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 5 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 1, Folder 6 Box 1, Folder 7 Box 1, Folder 8 Box 1, Folder 9 Box 1, Folder 9 Box 2 Box 2, Folder 1 Box 2, Folder 2 Box 2, Folder 3 Box 2, Folder 3 Amherst College, Mead Art Museum, 1971-1976 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Musée de Picardie, Amiens, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 3 items Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 1966-1988 Physical Description: ca. 250 items Amsterdams Historisch Museum, 19771981 Physical Description: 4 items Stedelijk Museum, n.d., 1982 or later Physical Description: 1 letter Angers - Berlin, 1967-1990 Musees d' Angers, 1977-1980 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Museum of Art, 1979-1986 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Antwerp: Museum Mayer van den Bergh, 1967 Physical Description: 2 items Kredietbank, Antwerp, 197 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note With correspondence from Brussels branch, regarding purchase of sculpture, "Seated Madonna and Child" by Lucas Faydherbe. Box 2, Folder 4 Duomo at Arezzo, 1985 Scope and Content Note 1 letter regarding bozzetto by Pietro Benvenuti. Box 2, Folder 4 University of Arizona Art Gallery, 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding exhibition of medals. Box 2, Folder 4 Musée d'Arras (France), 1968-1969, 1980 Physical Description: 5 items Box 2, Folder 5 Box 2, Folder 6 Atlanta: High Museum of Art, 1983-1984, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 7 items Kunstsammlungen, Stadt Augsburg, 1967-1983, 1988-1990 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 6 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Austin: Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1969, 1982-1985 Box 2, Folder 7 Physical Description: 27 items Scope and Content Note Most letters with Andrea Norris. Box 2, Folder 7 Box 2, Folder 7 Box 2, Folder 8 Box 2, Folder 9 Box 2, Folder 10 Box 2, Folder 11 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 12 Box 2, Folder 13 Box 2, Folder 14 Box 2, Folder 15 Box 2, Folder 16 Musée Rolin, Autun, France, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Musées d'art et d'histoire d'Auxerre (France), 1988 Physical Description: 2 items Baltimore Museum of Art, 1966-1967, 1979, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Baltimore: Walters Art Gallery, 1966-1984, 1988-1989 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Barnard Castle - Bowes Museum, 1966-1969, 1973-1974, 1985 Physical Description: 26 letters Basel - Kunstmuseum, 1966-1967, 1970, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 31 letters Ba - misc.: Bassano del Grappa - Museo - Biblioteca e Archivio, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Bath - American Museum in Britain, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Bath - Victoria Art Gallery, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter Bath - Holburne of Menstrie Museum, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Bayonne - Musee Bonnat, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Belfast: Ulster Museum, 1966-1984 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Berlin - Staatliche Museen, 1988-1989 Physical Description: ca. 45 letters Berlin - Staatliche Museen, 1967-1973 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters Berlin - Staatliche Museen, 1967-1975 Physical Description: ca. 90 letters Box 3 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Berlin - Birmingham, 1966-1987 910004 7 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 3, Folder 1 Berlin - Staatliche Museen - Gemäldegalerie, 1966-1987 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters Scope and Content Note Most letters from Erich Schleier. Box 3, Folder 2 Box 3, Folder 3 Box 3, Folder 4 Berlin - Staaliche Museen, 1973-1987 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlosser und Gärten - Berlin (Schloss Charlottenburg), 1971-1972, 1976-1977, 1983-1985 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Staaliche Museen Prussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, 1969-1971,1975-1987 Physical Description: ca. 150 letters Scope and Content Note Most letters from Christian Theuerkauff in the Skulpturengalerie. Box 3, Folder 5 Box 3, Folder 6 Box 3, Folder 6 Box 3, Folder 6 Box 3, Folder 7 Staaliche Museen, with Peter Dreyer, 1968-1969, 1971-1973, 1976 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters. Be - misc: Berne - Berner Kunstmuseum, 19661972 Physical Description: 5 letters Besançon - Musées de Besançon beaux arts, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter Binghamton - State Univ. of NY - University Art Gallery, 1966-1975 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Scope and Content Note Most letters with Prof. Michael Milkovich. Box 3, Folder 8 Box 3, Folder 9 Box 3, Folder 10 Box 4 Box 4, Folder 1 Box 4, Folder 2 Box 4, Folder 3 Birmingham, City Museums and Gallery, letters with Peter Cannon-Brookes, 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters Birmingham, City Museums and Gallery, letters with Peter Cannon-Brookes, 1968-1970 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters Birmingham, City Museums and Gallery, most letters with Peter Cannon-Brookes, 1973-1974 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Birmingham - Boston, 1967-1984 Birmingham City Museums and Gallery, 1971-1972 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Birmingham City Museums and Art Gallery, 1975-1980, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Birmingham, Barber Institute of Fine Arts (University of Birmingham, England), 1967-1971, 1973, 1980-1982 Physical Description: ca. 70 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 8 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 4, Folder 4 Box 4, Folder 5 Box 4, Folder 6 Box 4, Folder 7 Box 4, Folder 8 Box 4, Folder 9 Birmingham (Alabama) - Museum of Art, 1972, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Bloomington - Indiana Univ. Art Museum, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter Bologna - Museo Civico Medievale, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Bonn - Rheinisches Landesmuseum, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter Bordeaux - Musée des arts decoratifs, and Musées de Bordeaux (aka Musee & Galerie de beaux arts), 1977-1978, 1966-1971, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 25 letters Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1966-1970 Physical Description: ca. 150 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence with Hanns Swarzenski. Box 4, Folder 10 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1970-1973 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Most with Robert Moeller, Perry Rathbone. Box 4, Folder 11 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1973-1974 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Most with Robert Moeller. Box 4, Folder 12 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1975-1979, Physical Description: ca. 250 items Scope and Content Note Most with John Walsh, some while he was at Columbia University. Box 4, Folder 13 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1979-1980 Physical Description: ca. 250 items Scope and Content Note Most with John Walsh, Anne Poulet. Box 4, Folder 14 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1981-1984 Physical Description: ca. 300 items Scope and Content Note Most with John Walsh, Anne Poulet. Box 5 Box 5, Folder 1 Boston - Cambridge, 1966-1989 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1985-1989 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Scope and Content Note Most with Philip Conisbee, Anne Poulet. Note on original folder: “See also under Randolph Fuller.” INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 9 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 5, Folder 2 Box 5, Folder 3 Box 5, Folder 4 Box 5, Folder 5 Box 5, Folder 6 Box 5, Folder 7 Box 5, Folder 8 Bowood House (Earl of Shelburne, Wiltshire, England), 1978, 1982 Physical Description: 9 letters Braunschweig - Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, 1974-1976, 1980-1983, 1985 Physical Description: 25 letters Bremen - Kunsthall, 1967, 1969, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 112 letters Brest - Ville de Brest - Musee Municipal, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 20 items Brighton, Art Gallery and Museums and the Royal Pavillion, 1969-1976 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, 1975, 1980-1983 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Bruxelles - Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1968-1978, 1988 Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note 11 letters and 1 sheet of Heim notes regarding gallery visit by curator. Box 5, Folder 9 Box 5, Folder 9 Box 5, Folder 10 Box 5, Folder 10 Box 5, Folder 10 Box 5, Folder 10 Box 5, Folder 10 Institute Royal du Patrimonie Artistique Bruxelles, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Br, misc: Bradford City Art Gallery & Museums, 1966 Physical Description: 6 letters Breisach a. Rhein - Museum fur Ur-and Fruhgeschichte, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Brunswick (Maine) - Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 1975, 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 5, Folder 11 Budapest - Musee de Beaux-Arts, 1967-1983 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 5, Folder 12 Box 5, Folder 13 Buffalo - Albright Knox Art Gallery, 1975, 1980 Physical Description: 11 letters California (Beverly Hills): B. Gerald Cantor Collection of Art, 1976, 1978 Physical Description: 12 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 10 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 5, Folder 13 California (Berkeley): University Art Gallery, UC Berkeley, 1970 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Letter to Peter Selz. Box 5, Folder 13 Box 5, Folder 14 Box 6 Box 6, Folder 1 Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Art Museum (Fogg, etc.), 1966-1989 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Cambridge (England): Fitzwilliam Museum, 1967-1989 Physical Description: ca. 300 items Canada - Cardiff, 1966-1990 National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa), 1966-1974 Physical Description: ca. 150 items Scope and Content Note Most with Myron Laskin and Jean Boggs Box 6, Folder 2 Box 6, Folder 4 National Gallery of Canada, 1975-1990 Physical Description: ca. 150 items Canberra: Austrialian National Gallery, 1976-1986 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Most with James Mollison, David Jaffe. Box 6, Folder 5 Box 7 Box 7, Folder 1 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, ca. 1984-1987 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Cardiff - Ch, misc., 1979-1989 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1984-1989 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, notes and printed matter, some over sale to Cardiff of 4 cartoons attributed to Rubens, and the ensuing controversy. Much correspendence with Peter Cannon Brookes. Box 7, Folder 2 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1986-1988 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Newspaper articles regarding Rubens controversy. Box 7, Folder 3 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1986-1988 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Rubens: notes and printed matter. Box 7, Folder 4 Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1986-1988 Physical Description: ca. 300 items Scope and Content Note Rubens: reports and articles, some photocopies. Box 7, Folder 5 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Ca- misc.: 910004 11 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 7, Folder 5 Caen, Société des Amis du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, 1982, 1985 Physical Description: 8 items Box 7, Folder 5 Box 7, Folder 5 Box 7, Folder 6 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 7, Folder 7 Box 8 Box 8, Folder 1 Box 8, Folder 2 Castagnola, Switzerland, Villa Favorita, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter Cambridge, England, Trinity College Library, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Norton Center at Centre (Centre College), Danville, Kentucky, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Ch - misc.: Châlons-sur-Marne, Musées de Châlon, 1979 Physical Description: 3 items Musées d'art et d'histoire de Chambéry, 1979, 1980 Physical Description: 7 items Chartres, Musée de beaux-arts, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Chatsworth House Trust (London), 1976, 1985 Physical Description: 3 items Cholet, Musée Cholet, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter Chicago Art Institute, 1966-1986 Chicago Art Institute, 1966-1970 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Chicago Art Institute, 1970-1973 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence with John Maxon and John Keefe. Box 8, Folder 3 Chicago Art Institute, 1974-1975 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Scope and Content Note Most with John Maxon, John Keefe and J. Patrice Marandel. Box 8, Folder 4 Chicago Art Institute, 1976-1978 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Scope and Content Note Most with J. Patrice Marandel. Box 8, Folder 5 Box 9 Box 9, Folder 1 Chicago Art Institute, 1978-1986 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Chicago Art Institute - Cleveland Museum of Art, 1966-1989 Chicago Art Institute 1987-198 Physical Description: ca. 50 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 12 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 9, Folder 2 Chicago, Polish Museum of America, 1976, 1978, 1979 Physical Description: 19 items Box 9, Folder 3 Chicago, University of: correspondence with Edward Maser, 1966-1983 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Also of the David & Alfred Smart Gallery, and with Loyola University of Chicago, The Martin D'Arcy Gallery of Art (Rev. Donald F. Rowe) Box 9, Folder 4 Cincinnati Art Museum, 1966-1986 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Millard Rogers. Box 9, Folder 5 Box 9, Folder 6 Box 9, Folder 7 Box 10 Box 10, Folder 1 Box 10, Folder 2 Box 10, Folder 3 Box 10, Folder 4 Box 10, Folder 5 Box 10, Folder 5 Box 10, Folder 6 Box 10, Folder 7 Clermont-Ferrand, Musées Municipaux, 19771982, 1984 Physical Description: 14 items Cleveland Museum of Art, 1966-1970 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Cleveland Museum of Art, 1970-1974 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Cleveland Museum of Art - D, misc., 1967-1989 Cleveland Museum of Art, 1974-1977 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Cleveland Museum of Art, 1977-1984 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Cleveland Museum of Art, 1985-1989 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Colmar, Switzerland, Musée d'Unterlinden, 1980-1989 Physical Description: 17 items Cologne [Köln]: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, 1975, 1985, 1989 Physical Description: 11 items Cologne [Köln]: Kölnisches Stadtmuseum (also, the Schnütgen-Museum), 1971-1973, 1975-1976, 1983 Physical Description: 25 items Columbus Museum of Art (Columbus, Ohio), 1975-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Connecticut: William Benton Museum of Art, Univ of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn., 1970, 1972, 1974 Physical Description: 17 letters Scope and Content Note With Fred den Broeder. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 13 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 10, Folder 7 Davison Art Center, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note With Fred den Broeder. Box 10, Folder 8 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 9 Box 10, Folder 9 Copenhagen, various museums, 1967-1987 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Co - misc.: Compiègne, Musée national du Palais de Compiègne, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter Compiègne, Musée Vivenel, Hotel de Songeons, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter Cornell University, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 5 items Cosenza, Gallerie e Monumenti della Calabria, 1973, 1981,1982, 1984 Physical Description: 8 items Columbia University, 1981 Physical Description: 3 items Box 10, Folder 10 Dallas: Southern Methodist Univ., with Donald Knaub and others, 1966-1989 Physical Description: 15 items Box 10, Folder 11 Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1981-1987 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 10, Folder 12 Dayton Art Institute, 1977-1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 10, Folder 13-14 D, misc.: Box 10, Folder 13 Darmstadt: Technische Hochschule, 1978 Physical Description: 2 items Box 10, Folder 13 Delaware?, 1977 Physical Description: 2 items Box 10, Folder 13 Denver Art Museum, ca. 1974-1985 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 10, Folder 13 Derby, Museums and Art Gallery, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 10 items Box 10, Folder 14 Dijon, Musée de beaux-arts, 1974-1984 Physical Description: 15 items Box 10, Folder 14 Musée di Doccia, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 4 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 14 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 10, Folder 14 Dordrechts Museum, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 5 items Box 10, Folder 14 Museo de Donai (France), 1966 Physical Description: 1 item Box 10, Folder 14 Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 1969-1986 Physical Description: 27 items Box 10, Folder 14 Dudley Art Gallery (Dudley, Worcs.), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 2 items Box 10, Folder 14 Duke University, Museum of Art, 1987 Physical Description: 4 items Box 11 Box 11, Folder 1 Detroit Institute of Art, 1966-1981 Jan 1966-Dec 1971 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence is with Frederick Cummings (Asst. Director, then Director of the DIA) regarding offers, purchases, exhibitions. Box 11, Folder 2 Jan 1972-Dec 1975 Physical Description: ca. 300 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence with Frederick Cummings. Box 11, Folder 3 Jan 1976-Dec 1977 Physical Description: ca. 150 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence with Frederick Cummings, also with Dewey Mosby regarding offers and purchases; a few photographs. Box 11, Folder 4 Jan 1978-Sept 1978 Scope and Content Note Some correspondence regards Polish exhibit, rest relates to offers, purchases. Box 11, Folder 5 Sept 1978-Dec 1980 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Most correspondence with Frederick Cummings regards offers, purchases, exhibitions. With typed lists of “Offers to Detroit,” a few photographs and notes. Box 11, Folder 6 Polish art at DIA, scattered dates: Jan 1978-April 1981 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence and printed matter, most regards lectures Ciechanowiecki gave at DIA Box 12 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Detroit Institute of Art, 1981-1989 910004 15 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 12, Folder 1 Jan 1981-Nov 1981 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Frederick Cummings, Alan Darr, Dewey Mosby and J. Patrice Marandel. Most regards Polish exhibition, offers and purchases. Box 13 Box 13, Folder 1 Detroit Institute of Art, 1987 - Florence, misc Detroit Institute of Art, 1987 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Art in Poland exhibition. Printed matter, press clippings, letters from Friends of Polish Art, and American Council of Polish Cultural Clubs. Box 234*, Folder 11 Box 13, Folder 2 Box 13, Folder 3 Box 13, Folder 4 Box 13, Folder 4 Box 13, Folder 4 Box 13, Folder 4 Detroit Institute of Art, 1987 Physical Description: 4 press clippings Düsseldorf: Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, 1966-1985 Physical Description: ca. 150 letters Düsseldorf: Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Düsseldorf, 1970-1983 Physical Description: 13 letters Ecouen - Evanston, Ill. Château d'Ecouen: Musée national de la Renaissance, 1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Epinal: Musée départemental des Vosges, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 13 letters Evanston, Ill.: Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, 1978-1982 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Letters, and a list of art works for an exhibition of French genre painting. Box 13, Folder 5 Elvehjem Museum of Art (Madison, Wis.) 1967-1983 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters Box 13, Folder 6-9 Florence: Palazzo Pitti, 1973-1974 Scope and Content Note Twilight of the Medici exhibition. Correspondence mainly of Ciechanowiecki, Klaus Lankheit, Detroit Institute of Arts (Frederick J. Cummings, Willis F. Woods, and Ronald L. Winokur), Palazzo Pitti (Marco Chiarini), Jennifer Montagu at the Warburg Institute, and Herbert Keutner at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz; typescripts, printed matter, photographs. Box 13, Folder 6 Box 13, Folder 7 Florence: Palazzo Pitti, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 140 letters Florence: Palazzo Pitti, 1974 Physical Description: 75 items Scope and Content Note 70 letters, 5 insurance certificates. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 16 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 13, Folder 8 Florence: Palazzo Pitti, undated Physical Description: 12 typescripts Box 13, Folder 9 Florence: Palazzo Pitti, 1974undated Physical Description: 26 items Scope and Content Note 24 photographs of exibition space, a list of Festschrift recipients, and a draft of biography of Klaus Lankheit. Box 234*, Folder 10 Florence: Palazzo Pitti, 1974 Physical Description: 4 press clippings Box 13, Folder 10 Box 13, Folder 10 Florence, various institutions Comitato Raffaello e Seicento fiorentino, 1986 Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note 7 letters, 1 loan form. Box 13, Folder 10 Centro mostre di Firenze, 1985 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note 1 letter, 1 loan form Box 13, Folder 10 Museo degli argenti, 1974-1982 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 13, Folder 10 Palazzo Pitti, 1974-1984 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 13, Folder 10 Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, 1967-1986 Physical Description: 30 letters Box 13, Folder 10 Florence: various, 1978-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 14 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Box 14, Folder 1 Florence, misc - Hartford, 1966-1988 F - misc.: Flinders University of South Australia, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter Florida: Museum of Fine Arts (Saint Petersburg, Fla.), 1976-1980 Physical Description: 5 letters Fontainebleau: Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau, 1967-1983 Physical Description: 11 letters Frankfurt am Main: Liebieghaus, 1978-1986 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Frankfurt am Main: Städel, 1967-1977 Physical Description: 6 letters Fribourg: Musée d'art et d'histoire de Fribourg, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 17 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 14, Folder 2 Forth Worth, Tex.: Kimbell Art Museum, 1966-1988 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Scope and Content Note Mainly correspondence. Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 3 G - misc. : Geneva (Switzerland): Université de Genève, Faculté des lettres, 1987 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Marcel Roethlisberger. Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 3 Geneva (Switzerland): Musée d'art et d'histoire, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Genoa (Italy): Servizio beni culturali, 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Grand Rapids (Mich.): Grand Rapids Art Museum, 1981-1983 Scope and Content Note 9 letters Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 3 Box 14, Folder 4 Box 14, Folder 5 Box 14, Folder 5 Box 14, Folder 5 Graz (Austria): Alte Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 1976-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters Guadeloupe: Société d'histoire de la Guadeloupe, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University, 1968-1978 Physical Description: 13 items Glasgow: Kelvingrove Art Gallery, 1968-1976 Physical Description: ca. 100 letters H - misc.: The Hague: undated Physical Description: 2 items Halifax: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Patrick Condon Laurette. Box 14, Folder 5 Hamilton, N.Y.: Picker Gallery, 1982-1988 Physical Description: 28 letters Box 14, Folder 5 Box 14, Folder 5 Hanover, N.H.: Hood Museum of Art, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 6 letters Heidelberg: Kurpfälzisches Museum, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 13 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 18 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 14, Folder 5 Holkham Estate Office, 1981 Physical Description: 14 letters, 1 invoice Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Holkham Estate Office in Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, England. Box 14, Folder 5 Box 14, Folder 5 Box 14, Folder 6 Honolulu, Hawaii: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1968-1985 Physical Description: ca. 27 letters Huntington, N.Y.: Heckscher Museum, 1976-1981 Physical Description: 26 items Hamburg: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, 1967-1982 Physical Description: ca. 110 letters Scope and Content Note Axel von Saldern and Lise Lotte Möller, also Klaus Herding. Box 14, Folder 7 Hartford, Conn.: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1966-1987 Physical Description: ca. 140 letters Scope and Content Note Pieter O. Marlow, Jeanne K. Cadogan, Gregory Hedberg. Box 15 Box 15, Folder 1 Houston - Ireland, 1966-1989 Houston, Tex.: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, pre Jan. 1975 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Kent Sobotik, Thomas P. Lee, and Philippe de Montebello. Box 15, Folder 2 Houston, Tex.: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1975-1988 Physical Description: ca. 140 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with George T.M. Shackelford, J. Patrice Marandel, John Minor Wisdom, Kent Sobotik, Thomas P. Lee. Box 15, Folder 3 Henry E. HuntingtonLibrary and Art Gallery, 1966-1987 Physical Description: ca. 260 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence mainly with Robert R. Wark, also Shelley Bennett, Diana Wilson. Box 15, Folder 4 Box 15, Folder 4 I - misc.: Innsbruck: Tiroler Landesmuseum, Ferdinandeum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 15, Folder 4 Israel: The Israel Museum, Hakirya 1974-1980 Physical Description: 30 letters Box 15, Folder 4 Box 15, Folder 4 The Friends of the Art Museums of Israel, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Ithaca: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 19 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 15, Folder 5 Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1966-1982 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Anthony F. Janson, Carl J. Weinhardt, 1 photograph. Box 15, Folder 6 Ireland: National Gallery of Ireland, 23 Oct. 1971-1989 Physical Description: ca. 210 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Homan Potterton, Michael Wynne, James White. Box 16 Box 16, Folder 1 Ireland - Karlsruhe, 1966-1987 Ireland: National Gallery of Ireland, 1966-8 Oct. 1971 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Homan Potterton, Michael Wynne, James White. Box 16, Folder 2 Jacksonville, Fla.: Cummer Gallery of Art, 1968-1971 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Joseph J. Dodge, Lee Malone. Box 16, Folder 3 Box 16, Folder 3 Box 16, Folder 3 Box 16, Folder 3 Box 16, Folder 3 J-K : misc.: Jackson, Miss.: Mississippi Art Association, 1971 Physical Description: 8 items Kenwood: Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood (London, England) 1975 Physical Description: 2 items Kiel (Germany): Universität Kiel. Archäologisches Institut, 1984 Physical Description: 6 items Kulmbach (Germany): Stadt Kulmbach, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Correspondnece with Wolfgang Mössner. Box 16, Folder 4 Kansas: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1966-30 July 1971 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence mainly with Doreen McLaren, Ross E. Taggart, Ralph T. Coe. Box 16, Folder 5 Kansas: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1 Dec. 1971-1987 Physical Description: ca. 200 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence mainly with Roger Ward, Edgar Peters Bowron, Ross E. Taggart, Ralph T. Coe. Box 16, Folder 6 Kansas: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art, 1976-1987 Physical Description: 58 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence and 8 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 20 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 16, Folder 7 Karlsruhe: Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, 1968-1982 Physical Description: ca. 70 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Ernst Petrasch, Dietrich Rentsch, Johann Michael Fritz, Eva Zimmermann. Box 16, Folder 8 Karlsruhe: Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 1970-1988 Physical Description: ca. 130 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence mainly with Horst Vey, also with Dietmar Lüdke, Meinolf Siemer, Werner Zimmermann, Eckhard von Knorre, Jan Lauts. Box 17 Box 17, Folder 1 Box 17, Folder 2 Box 17, Folder 3 Box 17, Folder 4 Box 17, Folder 5 Box 17, Folder 6 Kingston upon Hull - Liverpool, 1966-1989 Kingston upon Hull: Ferens Art Gallery, 1966-1977 Physical Description: ca. 65 items Laon: Musée de Laon, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 8 items La Rochelle: Musée du Nouveau Monde ,< 1982 Physical Description: 7 items Leeds: Temple Newsam House, 1969-1986 Physical Description: 20 items Leicester: University of Leicester, Dept. of History of Art, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Le Puy: Musée Crozatier Physical Description: 1979 Scope and Content Note 2 letters Box 17, Folder 7 Box 17, Folder 8 Box 17, Folder 9 Lexington, Ky.: University of Kentucky. Art Museum, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 14 letters Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1979-1985 Physical Description: 14 letters Loire-Atlantique: Musée Dobrée, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 10 items Box 17, Folder 10 Lyon: Musée des beaux-arts de Lyon, 1974-1987 Physical Description: 30 items Box 17, Folder 11 Leningrad: Hermitage, 1975-1989 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence mainly with Sergei O. Androsov. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 21 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Liechtenstein: Sammlungen des Regierenden Fürsten von Liechtenstein, Schloss Vaduz, 1977-1979 Box 17, Folder 12 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Reinhold Baumstark. Box 17, Folder 13 Liechtenstein: Sammlungen des Regierenden Fürsten von Liechtenstein, Schloss Vaduz, 1980-1989 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence, mainly with Reinhold Baumstark. Box 17, Folder 14 Lille: Musée des beaux-arts de Lille, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 17, Folder 15 Lille: Musée des beaux-arts de Lille, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Box 17, Folder 16 Lille: Musée des beaux-arts de Lille, 1975-1978 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 17, Folder 17 Lille: Musée des beaux-arts de Lille, 1982-1984 Physical Description: ca 40 items Box 17, Folder 18 Lille: Musée des beaux-arts de Lille, 1987-1989 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 17, Folder 19 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1966-1968 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 17, Folder 20 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 17, Folder 21 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 17, Folder 22 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1972-1976 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 17, Folder 23 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1977-1978 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 17, Folder 24 Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1981-1987 Physical Description: ca. 14 items Box 18 Box 18, Folder 1 Box 18, Folder 2 London, 1967-1989 London: London: St. Bride's Crypt Museum, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter London: London: St. Bride's Printing Library, St. Bride's Foundation Institute, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 22 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 18, Folder 3 London: The British Library, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 18, Folder 4 Box 18, Folder 5 London: Chelsea Library, 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters London: Courtauld Institute of Art, 1977-1985 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Included is 1981 letter from Araminta Morris, Assistant Witt Librarian. Box 18, Folder 6 Box 18, Folder 7 Box 18, Folder 8 Box 18, Folder 9 London: Dulwich Picture Gallery, 1981-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items London: Museum of London, 1967-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters London: National Maritime Museum, 1973-1978 Physical Description: 11 letters London: Science Museum, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 18, Folder 10 London: The Tate Gallery, 1967-1988 Physical Description: 18 letters Box 18, Folder 11 London: H. M. Tower of London, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 18, Folder 12 London: The Wallace Collection, 1978-1986 Physical Description: 21 items Box 18, Folder 13 London: The Warburg Institute, 1985 Physical Description: 11 items Box 18, Folder 14 London: The Wellcome Institute, 1982-1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 18, Folder 15 London: Westminster Abbey, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 18, Folder 16 London: British Museum, 1973-1989 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 18, Folder 17 London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 1977-1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 18, Folder 18 London: National Gallery, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 18 items Box 18, Folder 19 London: National Gallery, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 27 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 23 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 18, Folder 20 London: National Gallery, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 21 items Box 18, Folder 21 London: National Gallery, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 45 items Box 18, Folder 22 London: National Gallery, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 19 items Box 18, Folder 23 London: National Gallery, 1981-1986 Physical Description: 27 items Box 234*, Folder 9 London: National Gallery, 1986 Physical Description: 3 press clippings Box 18, Folder 24 London: National Portrait Gallery, 1966-1974 Physical Description: 36 items Box 18, Folder 25 London: National Portrait Gallery, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 22 items Box 18, Folder 26 London: National Portrait Gallery, 1979-1981 Physical Description: 11 items Box 18, Folder 27 London: National Portrait Gallery, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence regarding F. X. Winterhalter exhibition in Poland. Box 18, Folder 28 London: National Portrait Gallery, 1987-1989 Physical Description: 24 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence regarding F. X. Winterhalter exhibition in Poland. Box 18, Folder 29 London: National Trust of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, 1975-1980 Physical Description: 24 items Box 18, Folder 30 London: National Trust of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, 1981-1988 Physical Description: 16 items Box 18, Folder 31 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1966-1971 Physical Description: 27 items Box 18, Folder 32 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1971-1974 Physical Description: 33 items Box 18, Folder 33 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1975-1976 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 18, Folder 34 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1977-1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Included are 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 24 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 18, Folder 35 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 18, Folder 36 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 32 items Box 18, Folder 37 London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1984-1987 Physical Description: 24 items Box 18, Folder 38 London: The Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 19 Box 19, Folder 1 Box 19, Folder 2 Box 19, Folder 3 Box 19, Folder 4 Box 19, Folder 5 Box 19, Folder 6 Box 19, Folder 7 Box 19, Folder 8 Box 19, Folder 9 Los Angeles - Louisville, 1966-1988 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 27 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 19 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1971 Physical Description: 20 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 66 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1974-1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 46 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 90 items Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 15 items Box 19, Folder 10 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 19, Folder 11 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 19, Folder 12 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1980 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 19, Folder 13 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 19, Folder 14 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 35 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 25 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 19, Folder 15 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1983 Physical Description: 14 items Box 19, Folder 16 Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1984-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 19, Folder 17 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1966-1968 Physical Description: 19 items Box 19, Folder 18 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1969 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Box 19, Folder 19 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1970 Physical Description: 38 items Box 19, Folder 20 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 19, Folder 21 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1972 Physical Description: 25 items Box 19, Folder 22 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1973 Physical Description: 23 items Box 19, Folder 23 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1974 Physical Description: 23 items Box 19, Folder 24 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1975 Physical Description: 24 items Box 20 Box 20, Folder 1 Box 20, Folder 2 Box 20, Folder 3 Box 20, Folder 4 Louisville - Malibu (J.P. Getty Museum), 1968-1990 Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1976-1977 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1978-1979 Physical Description: 17 items Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1980-1982 Physical Description: 29 items Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum, , 1983-1988 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 20, Folder 5 Macon: Musée Municipal des Ursulines, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 20, Folder 6 Box 20, Folder 7 Madrid: Museo del Prado, 1988-1990 Physical Description: 6 items Maintenon: Château de Maintenon, 1981-1983 Physical Description: 6 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 26 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 20, Folder 8 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1979-1981 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note Letters to George Goldner. Box 20, Folder 9 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 20, Folder 10 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1983 Physical Description: 22 items Box 20, Folder 11 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1984 Physical Description: 57 items Box 20, Folder 12 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note House of the Lords official report, Tuesday 15 May 1984. Vol. 451, no. 122. Box 20, Folder 13 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note House of the Lords official report, Wednesday 16 May 1984. Vol. 451, no. 123. Box 20, Folder 14 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1985 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 20, Folder 15 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1986 Physical Description: 34 items Box 20, Folder 16 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1987 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 20, Folder 17 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 20, Folder 18 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1989 Physical Description: 18 items Box 20, Folder 19 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1971-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 20, Folder 20 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1973-1977 Physical Description: 26 items Box 20, Folder 21 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1978 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 20, Folder 22 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1979 Physical Description: 28 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 27 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 20, Folder 23 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1980 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 20, Folder 24 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Burton Fredericksen, 1981 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 20A Box 20A, Folder 1 Malibu - Minneapolis, 1966-1989 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 21 items Box 20A, Folder 2 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1976 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 20A, Folder 3 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1977 Physical Description: 27 items Box 20A, Folder 4 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1978 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 20A, Folder 5 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 20A, Folder 6 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1980 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 20A, Folder 7 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1981 Physical Description: 27 items Box 20A, Folder 8 Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum: correspondence with Gillian Wilson, 1982 Physical Description: 12 items Box 20A, Folder 9 Malmaison: Musée national du Château de Malmaison, 1972-1980 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 20A, Folder 10 Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 20A, Folder 11 Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 11 items Box 20A, Folder 12 Box 20A, Folder 13 Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1969 Physical Description: 23 items Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1970-1975 Physical Description: 23 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 28 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 20A, Folder 14 Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 12 items Box 20A, Folder 15 Box 20A, Folder 16 Box 20A, Folder 17 Box 20A, Folder 18 Box 20A, Folder 19 Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 17 items Manchester, England: City Art Gallery, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 35 items Manchester, N.H.: The Currier Gallery of Art, 1966-1977 Physical Description: 38 items Mannheim: Städtisches Reiss-Museum Mannheim, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Marseille: Musée des beaux-arts, 1974-1989 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Also Musée Cantini. Box 20A, Folder 20 Box 20A, Folder 21 Box 20A, Folder 22 Box 20A, Folder 23 Box 20A, Folder 24 Box 20A, Folder 25 Box 20A, Folder 26 Box 20A, Folder 27 Maubeuge: Musée municipal, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Meaux: Musée Bossuet, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 12 items Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1966 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1967 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1968 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1969-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1973-1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Milan: Museo d'arte antica, 1972-1985 Physical Description: 24 items Box 20A, Folder 28 Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 1966-1987 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 20A, Folder 29 Box 20A, Folder 30 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1968 Physical Description: 29 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 29 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 20A, Folder 31 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 20A, Folder 32 Box 20A, Folder 33 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1971-1972 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 21 Box 21, Folder 1 Box 21, Folder 2 Box 21, Folder 3 Minneapolis - Montreal, 1972-1989 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1972 Physical Description: 45 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1974 Physical Description: 50 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 21, Folder 4 Box 21, Folder 5 Box 21, Folder 6 Box 21, Folder 7 Box 21, Folder 8 Box 21, Folder 9 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1976 Physical Description: 34 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1978 Physical Description: 55 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1980 Physical Description: 23 items Box 21, Folder 10 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1981 Physical Description: 16 items Box 21, Folder 11 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1982 Physical Description: 24 items Box 21, Folder 12 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1983 Physical Description: 33 items Box 21, Folder 13 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1984 Physical Description: 25 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 30 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 21, Folder 14 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1985 Physical Description: 14 items Box 21, Folder 15 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1986 Physical Description: 13 items Box 21, Folder 16 Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1988-1989 Physical Description: 8 items Box 21, Folder 17 Modena: Archivo Storico Comunale, 1977 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 21, Folder 18 Monaco: Musée national de Monaco, 1972 Physical Description: 4 items Box 21, Folder 19 Montargis: Musée Girodet, 1977-1989 Physical Description: 14 items Box 21, Folder 20 Montpellier: Musée Atger, 1982 Physical Description: 5 items Box 21, Folder 21 Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 16 items Box 21, Folder 22 Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1972-1977 Physical Description: 26 items Box 21, Folder 23 Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 15 items Box 21, Folder 24 Mount Vernon, Iowa: Cornell College undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 22 Box 22, Folder 1 Box 22, Folder 2 Box 22, Folder 3 Box 22, Folder 4 Box 22, Folder 5 Box 22, Folder 6 Box 22, Folder 7 Munich - New Haven, Conn., 1967-1989 Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 10 letters Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 42 letters Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1975 Physical Description: 15 letters Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1976 Physical Description: 23 items Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1977-1979 Physical Description: 18 items Munich: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 1980-1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Munich: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, 1979-1988 Physical Description: 16 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 31 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 22, Folder 8 Box 22, Folder 9 Munich: Bayerische Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser, Garten und Seen, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 14 items Munich: Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Allgemeines Staatsarchiv, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 22, Folder 10 Munich: Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 22, Folder 11 Munich: Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, 1976-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 22, Folder 12 Munich: Staatliche Münzsammlung, 1969-1977 Physical Description: 24 letters Box 22, Folder 13 Münster: Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, 1972-1978 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 22, Folder 14 Munich: Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 22, Folder 15 N: National Association of Private Art Foundations, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Fall 1984 NAPAF newsletter. Box 22, Folder 16 Nancy: Musée historique Lorrain, 1967-1985 Physical Description: 27 letters Box 22, Folder 17 Nantes: Musée des beaux-arts de Nantes, 1977-1984 Physical Description: 18 items Box 22, Folder 18 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1968-1977 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Box 22, Folder 19 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 22 items Box 22, Folder 20 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1980 Physical Description: 13 items Box 22, Folder 21 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 22, Folder 22 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1982 Physical Description: 24 items Box 22, Folder 23 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 12 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 32 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 22, Folder 24 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte, 1985-1989 Physical Description: 18 items Box 22, Folder 25 Naples: Museo di Capodimonte: Thomas Jones sketch, 1980-1987 Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Raffaello Causa at Museo di Capodimonte, and various museums and private correspondents in England regarding transparencies of oil sketches by Thomas Jones for a book by Causa. Box 22, Folder 26 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Various correspondence. Box 22, Folder 27 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Various correspondence, drafts, notes, bills. Box 22, Folder 28 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Various correspondence, drafts, notes, bills. Box 22, Folder 29 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Various correspondence, notes. Box 234*, Folder 8 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples, 1980 Physical Description: 1 press clipping Box 22, Folder 30 Naples: correspondence regarding exhibition The Golden Age of Naples in Chicago, 1980 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note 1 letter to The Art Institute of Chicago (Richard R. Brettell), 1 note, draft of typescript by Ciechanowiecki (16 leaves, with corrections). Box 22, Folder 31 Nashville, Tenn.: United Methodist Church, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 22, Folder 32 Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Fine Arts, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 22, Folder 33 Newcastle upon Tyne: Blandford House, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note 1 letter from J. M. A. Thompson, Director of Museums and Art galleries. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 33 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 22, Folder 34 New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 25 letters Box 22, Folder 35 New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 15 items Box 22, Folder 36 New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 24 items Box 22, Folder 37 New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 23 Box 23, Folder 1 Box 23, Folder 2 Box 23, Folder 3 Box 23, Folder 4 Box 23, Folder 5 New London, Conn. - New York, 1966-1986 New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1966-1971 Physical Description: 10 letters New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 16 items New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 17 items New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1976 Physical Description: 17 items, icl. 1 color slide and 1 photograph New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1977-1979 Scope and Content Note 16 letters Box 23, Folder 6 Box 23, Folder 7 Box 23, Folder 8 Box 23, Folder 9 New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1981 Physical Description: 18 items New London, Conn.: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1982-1986 Physical Description: 20 items New Orleans: New Orleans Museum of Art, 1974-1984 Physical Description: 18 items New York: Center for the Study and Exhibition of Drawings, 1984 Physical Description: 3 items Box 23, Folder 10 New York: Cultural Center, 1972-1975 Physical Description: 14 items Box 23, Folder 11 New York: The Frick Collection, 1966-1986 Physical Description: 45 items Box 23, Folder 12 New York: Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 7 items Box 23, Folder 13 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 34 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 23, Folder 14 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1968 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 23, Folder 15 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1969 Physical Description: 25 items Box 23, Folder 16 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1970 Physical Description: 34 items Box 23, Folder 17 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1971 Physical Description: 48 items Box 23, Folder 18 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 34 items Box 23, Folder 19 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973 Physical Description: 50 items Box 23, Folder 20 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 90 items Box 23, Folder 21 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975 Physical Description: 35 items Box 23, Folder 22 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1976 Physical Description: 32 items Box 23, Folder 23 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1977 Physical Description: 15 items Box 23, Folder 24 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 32 items Box 23, Folder 25 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979 Physical Description: 15 items Box 23, Folder 26 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980 Physical Description: 17 items Box 23, Folder 27 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 36 items Box 23, Folder 28 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982 Physical Description: 19 items Box 23, Folder 29 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1983 Physical Description: 21 items Box 23, Folder 30 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1984 Physical Description: 13 items Box 23, Folder 30 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1984 Physical Description: 13 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 35 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 23, Folder 30 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1984 Physical Description: 13 items Box 24 Box 24, Folder 1 Box 24, Folder 2 Box 24, Folder 3 Box 24, Folder 4 Box 24, Folder 5 New York - Notre Dame, Ind., 1966-1989 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1985 Physical Description: 16 items New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986 Physical Description: 10 items New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987 Physical Description: 15 items New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988-1989 Physical Description: 15 items New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Vatican collections: the papacy and art exhibition, 1983 Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Photocopies of press clippings with exhibition reviews. Box 234*, Folder 7 New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Vatican collections: the papacy and art exhibition, 1983 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Photocopies of press clippings. Box 24, Folder 6 Box 24, Folder 7 Box 24, Folder 8 Box 24, Folder 9 New York: National Gallery of Design, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters New York: The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter from Ciechanowiecki Nîmes, France: Musée des beaux-arts, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 24, Folder 10 Norfolk, Va.: Chrysler Museum, 1969-1984 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 24, Folder 11 Northampton, Mass.: Smith College Museum of Art, 1967-1989 Physical Description: 19 items Box 24, Folder 12 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 20 items Box 24, Folder 13 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1970-1971 Physical Description: 12 items Box 24, Folder 14 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1972 Physical Description: 33 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 36 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 24, Folder 15 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 29 items Box 24, Folder 16 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 25 items Box 24, Folder 17 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 13 items Box 24, Folder 18 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 11 items Box 24, Folder 19 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 15 items Box 24, Folder 20 North Carolina: Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum, 1988-1989 Physical Description: 10 items Box 24, Folder 21 North Carolina: Durham: Duke University Museum of Art, 1987 Physical Description: 4 items Box 24, Folder 22 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1966-1971 Physical Description: 12 items Box 24, Folder 23 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1972-1980 Physical Description: 24 items Box 24, Folder 24 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 15 items Box 24, Folder 25 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 23 items Box 24, Folder 26 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1984 Physical Description: 15 items Box 24, Folder 27 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1985 Physical Description: 10 items Box 24, Folder 28 North Carolina: Raleigh: The North Carolina Museum of Art, 1986-1989 Physical Description: 12 items Box 24, Folder 29 Notre Dame, Ind.: The Snite Museum of Art, 1971 Physical Description: 17 items Box 24, Folder 30 Notre Dame, Ind.: The Snite Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 20 items Box 24, Folder 31 Notre Dame, Ind.: The Snite Museum of Art, 1973-1980 Physical Description: 22 items Box 24, Folder 32 Notre Dame, Ind.: The Snite Museum of Art, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 37 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 25 Box 25, Folder 1 Box 25, Folder 2 Box 25, Folder 3 Box 25, Folder 4 Box 25, Folder 5 Box 25, Folder 6 Nuremberg - Paris: École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, 1968-1989 Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1974-1978 Physical Description: 19 items Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1980 Physical Description: 17 items Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1981 Physical Description: 14 items Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1982 Physical Description: 3 items Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1983 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 235, Folder 1 Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 25, Folder 7 Box 25, Folder 8 Box 25, Folder 9 Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 8 items Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1968-1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 25, Folder 10 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1972-1973 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 25, Folder 11 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 25, Folder 12 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1975 Physical Description: 20 items Box 25, Folder 13 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1976 Physical Description: 13 items Box 25, Folder 14 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1977-1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 25, Folder 15 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 21 items Box 25, Folder 16 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1982 Physical Description: 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 38 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 25, Folder 17 Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 18 items Box 25, Folder 18 Omaha, Neb.: Joslyn Art Museum, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 7 items Box 25, Folder 19 Orleans, France: Musée des beaux-arts, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 25, Folder 20 Ottobeuren, Germany: Abtei Ottobeuren, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 25, Folder 21 Oxford, England: The Ashmolean Museum, 1971-1979 Physical Description: 22 items Box 25, Folder 22 Oxford, England: The Ashmolean Museum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 13 items Box 25, Folder 23 Oxford, England: The Ashmolean Museum, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 12 items Box 25, Folder 24 Oxford, England: The Ashmolean Museum, 1989 Physical Description: 6 items Box 25, Folder 25 Oxford, England: Wolfson College, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Box 25, Folder 26 Padova: Museo Civico di Padova, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 12 items Box 25, Folder 27 Palermo: Soprintendenza per i beni artistici e storici, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 25, Folder 28 Parham Park, England: Mrs. Dubreuil, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 25, Folder 29 Paris: Archives nationales, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note 1 letter sent Box 25, Folder 30 Paris : Assemblée nationale, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 25, Folder 31 Paris: Bibliothèque nationale, 1981, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 25, Folder 32 Paris: Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites, 1979-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 25, Folder 33 Paris: Conservatoire national superieur de musique, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 8 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 39 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 25, Folder 34 Paris: École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, 1980-1983 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 26 Box 26, Folder 1 Box 26, Folder 2 Box 26, Folder 3 Box 26, Folder 4 Box 26, Folder 5 Box 26, Folder 6 Box 26, Folder 7 Box 26, Folder 8 Box 26, Folder 9 Paris: Louvre - Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1967-1989 Paris: Louvre, 1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Paris: Louvre, 1968 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Paris: Louvre, 1969 Physical Description: 46 letters Paris: Louvre, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Paris: Louvre, 1971 Physical Description: 37 letters Paris: Louvre, 1972 Physical Description: 28 letters Paris: Louvre, 1973 Physical Description: 26 letters Paris: Louvre, 1974 Physical Description: 36 letters Paris: Louvre, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 70 letters Box 26, Folder 10 Paris: Louvre, 1978-1982 Physical Description: 6 items Box 26, Folder 11 Paris: Louvre: Daniel Alcouffe, 1988 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 26, Folder 12 Paris: Louvre: Jeannine Baticle, 1977-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 26, Folder 13 Paris: Louvre: Sylvie Beguin, 1977-1983 Physical Description: 15 items Box 26, Folder 14 Paris: Louvre: Bizor, Irène (Réunion des musées nationaux), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter recieved Box 26, Folder 15 Paris: Louvre: Bonté, G., 1981 Physical Description: 5 items Box 26, Folder 16 Paris: Louvre: Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée, 1978-1985 Physical Description: 43 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 40 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 26, Folder 17 Paris: Louvre: Geneviève Bresc, 1982-1988 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 26, Folder 18 Paris: Louvre: Jean-Pierre Cuzin, 1976-1986 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 26, Folder 19 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Ennes, 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 26, Folder 20 Paris: Louvre: Jacques Foucart, 1976-1985 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 26, Folder 21 Paris: Louvre: Jean-René Gaborit, 1974-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 26, Folder 22 Paris: Louvre: Miriam Guise, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 26, Folder 23 Paris: Louvre: Michel Laclotte, 1976-1986 Physical Description: 22 items Box 26, Folder 24 Paris: Louvre: Hubert Landais, 1976-1985 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 26, Folder 25 Paris: Louvre: Sylvain Laveissière, 1982 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 26, Folder 26 Paris: Louvre: Monsieur de Margerie, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 26, Folder 27 Paris: Louvre: Jean-François Mejanes, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 26, Folder 28 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 42 letters Box 26, Folder 29 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 45 letters Box 26, Folder 30 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 26, Folder 31 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 27 items Box 26, Folder 32 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 29 items Box 26, Folder 33 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1987 Physical Description: 14 items Box 26, Folder 34 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1988 Physical Description: 13 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 41 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 26, Folder 35 Paris: Louvre: Pierre Rosenberg, 1989 Physical Description: 10 items, including 3 press clippings Box 27 Box 27, Folder 1 Box 27, Folder 2 Box 27, Folder 3 Box 27, Folder 4 Box 27, Folder 5 Box 27, Folder 6 Box 27, Folder 7 Box 27, Folder 8 Box 27, Folder 9 Paris: Louvre: Marie-Catherine Sahut - Philadelphia: La Salle College, 1968-1989 Paris: Louvre: Marie-Catherine Sahut, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Paris: Louvre: Sylvie Savina, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Paris: Louvre: Arlette Serullaz, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Paris: Louvre: Jacque Vilain, 1976-1981 Physical Description: 35 items Paris: Louvre: Jacque Vilain, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Paris: Louvre: Jacque Vilain, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 19 items Paris: Louvre: Elisabeth Walter, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 3 items Paris: Ministère de la culture, 1981-1984 Physical Description: 6 items Paris: Ministère des relations exterieures, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 27, Folder 10 Paris: Musée Antoine Bourdelle, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 27, Folder 11 Paris: Musée Carnavalet, 1980-1984 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 27, Folder 12 Paris: Musée de la chasse, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 27, Folder 13 Paris: Musée des arts décoratifs, 1977-1982 Physical Description: 8 items Box 27, Folder 14 Paris: Musée d'Orsay, 1983-1989 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 27, Folder 15 Paris: Musée du Petit Palais, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 27, Folder 16 Paris: Musée monetaire, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 27, Folder 17 Paris: Musée Rodin, 1981-1988 Physical Description: 7 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 42 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 27, Folder 18 Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1977-1982 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 27, Folder 19 Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 18 items Box 27, Folder 20 Paris: Ville de Paris, 1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 27, Folder 21 Pasadena: Baxter Art Gallery, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 27, Folder 22 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 38 items Box 27, Folder 23 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1974-1976 Physical Description: 23 items Box 27, Folder 24 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 27, Folder 25 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 13 items Box 27, Folder 26 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1979 Physical Description: 22 items Box 27, Folder 27 Pasadena: Norton Simon Museum of Art, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 18 items Box 27, Folder 28 Pau, France: Musée national du Château de Pau, 1980-1987 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 27, Folder 29 Peoria, Ill.: Lakeview Museum of Arts and Science, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 27, Folder 30 Philadelphia: La Salle College, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 25 items Box 28 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art -Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1966-1989 Box 28, Folder 1 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 5 items Box 28, Folder 2 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1968 Physical Description: 28 items Box 28, Folder 3 Box 28, Folder 4 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1969 Physical Description: 7 letters Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 43 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 28, Folder 5 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 28, Folder 6 Box 28, Folder 7 Box 28, Folder 8 Box 28, Folder 9 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973 Physical Description: 34 items Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1975 Physical Description: 25 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 28, Folder 10 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1976 Physical Description: 11 items Box 28, Folder 11 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1977 Physical Description: 11 items Box 28, Folder 12 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 11 items Box 28, Folder 13 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1979 Physical Description: 15 items Box 28, Folder 14 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1980 Physical Description: 9 items Box 28, Folder 15 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 17 items Box 28, Folder 16 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 15 items Box 28, Folder 17 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1984-1987 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 28, Folder 18 Phoenix, Ariz.: Phoenix Art Museum, 1966-1980 Physical Description: 11 items Box 28, Folder 19 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Institute. Museum of Art, 1968-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 28, Folder 20 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Institute. Museum of Art, 1970 Physical Description: 21 items Box 28, Folder 21 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Institute. Museum of Art, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 11 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 44 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 28, Folder 22 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Institute. Museum of Art, 1974-1978 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 28, Folder 23 Plymouth, Mass.: Plimoth Plantation, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 28, Folder 24 Ponce, Puerto Rico: The Luis A. Ferré Foundation, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 30 items Box 28, Folder 25 Portland: Portland Museum of Art, 1977-1982 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Box 28, Folder 26 Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: Vassar College, 1972-1977 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 28, Folder 27 Prague: Národní galerie v Praze, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 28, Folder 28 Prague: Národní galerie v Praze, 1971-1974 Physical Description: 9 items Box 28, Folder 29 Prague: Národní galerie v Praze, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 16 items Box 28, Folder 30 Prague: Národní galerie v Praze, 1981-1989 Physical Description: 12 items Box 28, Folder 31 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1966-1975 Physical Description: 9 items Box 28, Folder 32 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1976 Physical Description: 14 items Box 28, Folder 33 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1977 Physical Description: 11 items Box 28, Folder 34 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 18 items Box 28, Folder 35 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1979 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 28, Folder 36 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 17 items Box 28, Folder 37 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 28, Folder 38 Princeton: Princeton University. Art Museum, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 29 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art - San Diego: Timken Art Gallery, 1966-1989 910004 45 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 29, Folder 1 Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1967-1971 Physical Description: 20 items Box 29, Folder 2 Box 29, Folder 3 Box 29, Folder 4 Box 29, Folder 5 Box 29, Folder 6 Box 29, Folder 7 Box 29, Folder 8 Box 29, Folder 9 Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 25 letters Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1973 Physical Description: 10 letters Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1974 Physical Description: 17 letters Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1975 Physical Description: 16 letters Providence, R.I.: Rhode Island School of Design.Museum of Art, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 22 letters Providence, R.I.: Brown University. Dept. of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Ravenna: Soprintendenza per i beni ambientali e architettonici, 1966-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Reims: Musée des beaux-arts de Reims, 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 29, Folder 10 Renaissance, Calof.: Goethe Academy, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 15 items Box 29, Folder 11 Rennes: Musée des beaux-arts de Rennes, 1977-1985 Physical Description: 6 items Box 29, Folder 12 Departement de la Réunion: Direction des services d'archives, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 25 letters Box 29, Folder 13 Rochester, N.Y.: Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, 1966-1986 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Box 29, Folder 14 Rome: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 29, Folder 15 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 20 items Box 29, Folder 16 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 29, Folder 17 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 29, Folder 18 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1971 Physical Description: 16 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 46 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 29, Folder 19 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1972 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Box 29, Folder 20 Rome: Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti, 1973-1983 Physical Description: 20 items, including 1 photograph Box 29, Folder 21 Rome: Galleria nazionale d'arte antica, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 29, Folder 22 Rome: Galleria nationale d'arte moderna, 1979-1982 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 29, Folder 23 Rome: Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, 1983 Physical Description: 3 items Box 29, Folder 24 Rome: Istituto Nationale per la Grafica di Roma, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 29, Folder 25 Rome: Istituto di Storia dell'Arte, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 29, Folder 26 Rotterdam: Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, 1984-1989 Physical Description: 20 items Box 29, Folder 27 Rouen: Maison Ellebe, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 29, Folder 28 Rouen: Musée de Rouen, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 8 items Box 29, Folder 29 Saffron Walden: Saffron Walden Museum, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 29, Folder 30 Saintes Cedex (France): Musée des beaux-arts, 1983-1982 Physical Description: 5 items Box 29, Folder 31 Saint Louis: The Saint Louis Art Museum, 1968 Physical Description: 37 items Box 29, Folder 32 Saint Louis: The Saint Louis Art Museum, 1969 Physical Description: 27 items Box 29, Folder 33 Saint Louis: The Saint Louis Art Museum, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 18 items Box 29, Folder 34 Saint Louis: The Saint Louis Art Museum, 1973-1979 Physical Description: 33 items Box 29, Folder 35 Saint Louis: The Saint Louis Art Museum, 1981-1988 Physical Description: 22 items Box 29, Folder 36 St. Petersburg, Fla.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980-1984 Physical Description: 17 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 47 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 29, Folder 37 Salzburg: Salzburger Barockmuseum, 1980-1983 Physical Description: 12 items Box 29, Folder 38 San Antonio, Tex.: Museum of Art, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 29, Folder 39 San Diego: Timken Art Gallery, 1980 Physical Description: 4 items Box 29A, Folder 1 Box 29A, Folder 1 San Francisco: California Palace of the Legion of Honor, - Stanford, 1966-1987 San Francisco: California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 1967-1975 Physical Description: 8 items. Scope and Content Note Also Heim Gallery's correspondence with Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Box 29A, Folder 2 San Francisco: M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, 1966-1973 Physical Description: 11 items. Scope and Content Note Also Heim Gallery's correspondence with California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Box 29A, Folder 3 San Francisco: M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, 1974-1976 Physical Description: 35 items Scope and Content Note Also Heim Gallery's correspondence with Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Box 29A, Folder 4 San Francisco: M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, 1977 Physical Description: 30 items Scope and Content Note Also Heim Gallery's correspondence with Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Box 29A, Folder 5 San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 65 items Box 29A, Folder 6 San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 29A, Folder 7 San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1980 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 234*, Folder 6 San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1980 Physical Description: 1 press clipping. Box 29A, Folder 8 San Francisco: The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1981-1987 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Also Heim Gallery's correspondence with M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Box 29A, Folder 9 Santa Barbara, Calif.: University Art Museum, University of California, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 13 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 48 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 29A, Folder 10 Box 29A, Folder 11 Box 29A, Folder 12 Box 29A, Folder 13 Box 29A, Folder 14 Box 29A, Folder 15 Box 29A, Folder 16 Box 29A, Folder 17 Box 29A, Folder 18 Box 29A, Folder 19 Box 29A, Folder 20 Box 29A, Folder 21 Box 29A, Folder 22 Box 29A, Folder 23 Box 29A, Folder 24 Box 29A, Folder 25 Box 30 Santa Barbara, Calif.: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1981-1983 Physical Description: 16 items Sarasota, Fla.: The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 1972-1984 Physical Description: 17 letters Scottland: National Gallery of Scottland, 1969-1976 Physical Description: 65 items Scottland: National Gallery of Scottland, 1977-1981 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scottland: National Gallery of Scottland, 1982-1983 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scottland: National Gallery of Scottland, 1984-1988 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Seattle, Wash.: Seattle Art Museum, 1966-1977 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Sèvres, France: Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters South Hadley, Mass.: Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, 1981-1985 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Springfield, Mass.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1967-1969 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Springfield, Mass.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 16 items Springfield, Mass.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Springfield, Mass.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1978-1979 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Springfield, Mass.: Museum of Fine Arts, 1968-1980 Physical Description: 17 items Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, Dept. of Art, 1966-1975 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, Dept. of Art, 1976-1984 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden) - Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Museum of Art, 1966-1988 Box 30, Folder 1 Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden), 1968-1975 Physical Description: 15 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 49 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 30, Folder 2 Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden), 1976-1978 Physical Description: 18 items Box 30, Folder 3 Box 30, Folder 4 Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden), 1978-1979 Physical Description: 17 items Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden), 1980-1986 Physical Description: 27 items, including 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph send to Heim Gallery on 26 April 1982 is filed in Box 235, F. 2. Box 235, Folder 2 Stockholm: Nationalmuseum (Sweden), undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph send to Heim Gallery on 26 April 1982. Box 30, Folder 5 Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1968-1975 Physical Description: 28 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 30, Folder 6 Box 30, Folder 7 Box 30, Folder 8 Box 30, Folder 9 Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1976 Physical Description: 19 items Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1977-1982 Physical Description: 17 items Stuttgart: Württembergisches Landesmuseum, 1968-1981 Physical Description: 15 items Sydney: Art Gallery of South Wales, 1971-1978 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 30, Folder 10 Tasmania: Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 30, Folder 11 Tokyo: The National Museum of Western Art, 1969-1979 Physical Description: 23 items Box 30, Folder 12 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 28 items Box 30, Folder 13 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1968 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters Box 30, Folder 14 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 30, Folder 15 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1970-1970 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 30, Folder 16 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 60 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 50 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 30, Folder 17 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 25 items Box 30, Folder 18 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 30, Folder 19 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Box 30, Folder 20 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Box 30, Folder 21 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1976 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 30, Folder 22 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 70 items Box 30, Folder 23 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 30, Folder 24 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 30, Folder 25 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1980 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 30, Folder 26 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 30, Folder 27 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1982 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 30, Folder 28 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1983 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 30, Folder 29 Toledo, Ohio: The Toledo Museum of Art, 1984-1988 Physical Description: 16 letters Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum - Vienna: Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, 1966-1990 Box 31 Box 31, Folder 1 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 34 items Box 31, Folder 2 Box 31, Folder 3 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum, 1970 Physical Description: 12 letters Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 31, Folder 4 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum, 1972 Physical Description: ca. 60 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 51 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 31, Folder 5 Box 31, Folder 6 Box 31, Folder 7 Box 31, Folder 8 Box 31, Folder 9 Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1973 Physical Description: 13 letters Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1974 Physical Description: 37 items Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1975 Physical Description: 44 items Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1975-1976 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 31, Folder 10 Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1978 Physical Description: 16 items Box 31, Folder 11 Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1979 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 31, Folder 12 Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 31, Folder 13 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 19 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 31, Folder 14 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario and Royal Ontario Museum, 1987-1989 Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 31, Folder 15 Toulouse: Musée des Augustins, 1966-1988 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 31, Folder 16 Tournus (France): Musée Greuze, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 31, Folder 17 Tours (France): Musée des beaux-arts, 1982 Physical Description: 3 items Box 31, Folder 18 Troyes (France): Musée des beaux-arts, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 31, Folder 19 Ulm: Deutsches Brotmuseum, 1982-1987 Physical Description: 9 items Box 31, Folder 20 Urbino: Palazzo Ducale, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 7 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 52 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 31, Folder 21 Utrecht: Kunsthistorisch Institut, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 31, Folder 22 Valenciennes (France): Musée des beaux-arts, 1967-1986 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 31, Folder 23 Vancouver: The University of British Columbia, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 31, Folder 24 Vancouver: The Vancouver Art Gallery, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 31, Folder 25 Varese (Italy): Musei civici, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 3 items Box 31, Folder 26 Venice (Italy): Fondazione Querini-Stampala, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 31, Folder 27 Venice (Italy): Soprintendente Alle Gallerie, Ed Ale Opere d'Arte, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 31, Folder 28 Versailles: Musée national du Château de Versailles et de Trianon, 1972-1990 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 31, Folder 29 Vésoul (France): Musée de Vesoul, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter Box 31, Folder 30 Vevey (Switzerland): Musée des beaux-arts, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 31, Folder 31 Vienna: Graphische Sammlung Albertina, 1979-1982 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 31, Folder 32 Vienna: Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, 1976-1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 32 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum - Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1966-1990 Box 32, Folder 1 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1970 Physical Description: 18 letters Box 32, Folder 2 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1971 Physical Description: 36 letters Box 32, Folder 3 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1972 Physical Description: 25 letters, 1 note Box 32, Folder 4 Box 32, Folder 5 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1973 Physical Description: 22 letters Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1974 Physical Description: 23 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 53 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 32, Folder 6 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1975 Physical Description: 29 letters Box 32, Folder 7 Box 32, Folder 8 Box 32, Folder 9 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 27 letters Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1978-1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 32, Folder 10 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 22 letters Box 32, Folder 11 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1986 Physical Description: 12 items Box 32, Folder 12 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1986-1987 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 32, Folder 13 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1988 Physical Description: 9 items Box 32, Folder 14 Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1989 Physical Description: 18 items Box 32, Folder 15 Vienna: Museen der Stadt Wien, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 16 items Box 32, Folder 16 Vienna: Österreichische Galerie, Schloss Belvedere, 1978-1990 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 32, Folder 17 Vienna: Östereichisches Kulturinstitut (in Paris), 1989 Physical Description: 3 items Box 32, Folder 18 Vienna: Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 32, Folder 19 Vienna: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, 1981 Physical Description: 4 items Box 32, Folder 20 Vienna: Wiener Stadtbibliothek, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 32, Folder 21 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1966-1967 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 32, Folder 22 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1968 Physical Description: 36 items Box 32, Folder 23 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1969-1971 Physical Description: 27 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 54 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 32, Folder 24 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1972-1974 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 32, Folder 25 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1977-1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 32, Folder 26 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1979 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 32, Folder 27 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1980-1981 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 32, Folder 28 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1982 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 32, Folder 29 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1983-1985 Physical Description: 25 items Box 32, Folder 30 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1986 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 32, Folder 31 Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond), 1987 Physical Description: 13 items Box 33 Warsaw: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie - Washington, D.C.: National Gallery until 1980, 1966-1989 Box 33, Folder 1 Warsaw: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, 1970-1985 Physical Description: 16 items Box 33, Folder 2 Warsaw and Polish institutions in other places, 1985-1989 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondents. Box 33, Folder 2 Box 33, Folder 2 Box 33, Folder 2 Paris: Société historique et littéraire polonaise, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Instytut Historii Sztuki, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Warsaw: Zamek Ostrogskich w Warszawie, 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note Regarding items related to Frédérique Chopin. Box 33, Folder 2 Warsaw: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 33, Folder 2 Box 33, Folder 3 Warsaw: correspondence with Zofia Dernolowicz, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter received Warwick, England: Warwick Castle, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 55 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 33, Folder 4 Washington DC: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 33, Folder 5 Box 33, Folder 6 Box 33, Folder 7 Box 33, Folder 8 Box 33, Folder 9 Washington DC: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1976 Physical Description: 24 letters Washington DC: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1977-1979 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Washington DC: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 23 items Washington DC: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1982-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 33, Folder 10 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1970 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 33, Folder 11 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 33, Folder 12 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1972 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 33, Folder 13 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 33, Folder 14 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 33, Folder 15 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 33, Folder 16 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1976 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 33, Folder 17 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 33, Folder 18 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1978 Physical Description: 27 letters Box 33, Folder 19 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1979 Physical Description: 22 items Box 33, Folder 20 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1980 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 34 Box 34, Folder 1 Washington, D.C., 1981 on -Zurich: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, 1968-1989 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1981 Physical Description: 25 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 56 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 34, Folder 2 Box 34, Folder 3 Box 34, Folder 4 Box 34, Folder 5 Box 34, Folder 6 Box 34, Folder 7 Box 34, Folder 8 Box 34, Folder 9 Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1982 Physical Description: 15 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1983 Physical Description: 20 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1984 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1985 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Washington, DC: National Portrait Gallery, 1970-1975 Physical Description: 8 items Wellesley, Mass.: Wellesley College Museum, Jewett Arts Center, 1974-1982 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 34, Folder 10 West Palm Beach, Fla.: Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34, Folder 11 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 20 items Box 34, Folder 12 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 34, Folder 13 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 34, Folder 14 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 12 items Box 34, Folder 15 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1983 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 34, Folder 16 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1984 Physical Description: 18 items Box 34, Folder 17 Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1985-1989 Physical Description: 17 letters, 1 note Box 34, Folder 18 Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba, School of Art, 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34, Folder 19 Worcester, Mass.: Worcester Art Museum, 1972-1981 Physical Description: ca. 65 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 57 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.A. Museums, ca. 1965-1991 Box 34, Folder 20 Würzburg: Mainfränkisches Museum, Festung Marienburg, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 34, Folder 21 York, England: City Art Gallery, 1968-1988 Physical Description: 8 items Box 34, Folder 22 Zurich: Kunsthaus Zürich, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34, Folder 23 Zurich: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, 1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Physical Description: 16.5 lin.ft. Scope and Content Note Contains letters received from private collectors, dealers, auction houses, conservators, etc. Arranged alphabetically by client's name. Box 34A Box 34A, Folder 1 Aarhus Kunst Museum - M. Amstell, 1967-1990 Aarhus Kunst Museum, 1975 Physical Description: 1 item Box 34A, Folder 2 Aaron, Olivier, 1983-1987 Physical Description: 26 letters Box 34A, Folder 3 Aaserud, Andreas, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34A, Folder 4 Abbott, P. I., 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34A, Folder 5 Abell, William S., 1967-1990 Physical Description: 22 letters Box 34A, Folder 6 Aberconway, The Dowager Lady (Secretary to), 1967-1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 34A, Folder 7 Abrahams, M. D., 1977 Physical Description: 3 items Box 34A, Folder 8 Accademia Italiana delle Arti e delle Art Applicate, 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 34A, Folder 9 Acheampeng, A. P., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34A, Folder 10 Box 34A, Folder 11 Acton, Harold, 1967-1976 Physical Description: 6 letters Adamson, D., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 58 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34A, Folder 12 Ades, Fernand, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 34A, Folder 13 Box 34A, Folder 14 Box 34A, Folder 15 Box 34A, Folder 16 Box 34A, Folder 17 Box 34A, Folder 18 Box 34A, Folder 19 AFA Security Systems, 1973-1976 Physical Description: 17 items Agence littéraire pour la vente directe (A.L.V.D.), 1979 Physical Description: 3 items Agerbak, Harry, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 13 items Agnelli, Umberto, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Agnew, Theresa, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Thos. Agnew and Sons Ltd., 1968-1983 Physical Description: 24 items Agusti, Luis Monreal, 1970 Physical Description: 1970 Scope and Content Note 1 letter sent Box 34A, Folder 20 Box 34A, Folder 21 Box 34A, Folder 22 Box 34A, Folder 23 Box 34A, Folder 24 Box 34A, Folder 25 Gallerie Salamon Agustoni Algranti, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Ahuan Islamic Art, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 15 items Air and Sea Freight Inc., 1973 Physical Description: 2 items Aird, Alistair, 1970-1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Airlie, Countess of, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters, 2 postcards Aitken, Russell Barnett, 1971 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 34A, Folder 26 Ajax Insurance Association, 1976 Physical Description: 2 items Box 34A, Folder 27 Box 34A, Folder 28 Alamshahi, M. T., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Jeffrey Allan Gallery, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter recieved INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 59 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34A, Folder 29 Kalef Alaton and Cie, 1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 34A, Folder 30 Box 34A, Folder 31 Box 34A, Folder 32 Alavoine Antiquités, 1967-1974 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Albani, Conte Castelbarco, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Albarran, Fernando, 1985 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph is sheved in vault 5. Box 34A, Folder 33 Box 34A, Folder 34 Box 34A, Folder 35 Box 34A, Folder 36 Box 34A, Folder 37 Box 34A, Folder 38 Box 34A, Folder 39 Box 34A, Folder 40 Box 34A, Folder 41 Box 34A, Folder 42 Albion Fine Art, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Albright, Luigi, 1970 Physical Description: 6 letters Alessandrini, Giovanna, 1973-1975 Physical Description: 3 items Alexander, Anthony, 1978-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Alexander, David, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Alexander, Michael, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Alfadl, Sheikh A. K., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Algranti, Gilberto, 1973-1982 Physical Description: 10 letters, 1 note Algranti, Gilberto, 2 March 1988 Physical Description: 20 items Algranti, Gilberto, 3 March 1988 Physical Description: 12 items Box 34A, Folder 43 Algranti, Gilberto, 4 March 1988 Physical Description: 6 items Box 34A, Folder 44 Box 34A, Folder 45 Algranti, Gilberto, 7 March 1988 16, May 1988 Physical Description: 4 letters Algranti, Gilberto, 2 Aug 1988 Physical Description: 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 60 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34A, Folder 46 Algranti, Gilberto, 4 Aug 1988 Physical Description: 11 items Box 34A, Folder 47 Box 34A, Folder 48 Box 34A, Folder 49 Box 34A, Folder 50 Box 34A, Folder 51 Box 34A, Folder 52 Box 34A, Folder 53 Box 34A, Folder 54 Box 34A, Folder 55 Box 34A, Folder 56 Box 34A, Folder 57 Box 34A, Folder 58 Box 34A, Folder 59 Box 34A, Folder 60 Algranti, Gilberto, Oct 1988, Physical Description: 15 items Algranti, Gilberto, 28 Oct. 1988, 1 Dec. 1988 Physical Description: 10 items Algranti, Gilberto, 2 March-28 Oct 1988 Physical Description: 16 items Algranti, Gilberto, undated Physical Description: notes Alioth, Viviane, 1977 Physical Description: 20 letters Alitalia, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Alkan, M. K., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Allemandi, Umberto, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Allen, Charles W., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 6 letters Allen, David, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter, 1 postcard Allison, Ann H., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Allnatt, A. E., 1966 Physical Description: 6 letters Alsdorf, James W., 1966-1980 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Alter, Melvin A., 1979-1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 34A, Folder 61 Amari Plastics Inc., undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 34A, Folder 62 Box 34A, Folder 63 Amato, Fausto, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Amaya, Mario, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 7 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 61 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34A, Folder 64 Amelio, Carlo d', 1967-1968 Physical Description: 18 items Box 34A, Folder 65 Box 34A, Folder 66 Box 34A, Folder 67 Box 34A, Folder 68 Box 34A, Folder 69 Box 34A, Folder 70 Box 34A, Folder 71 Amend, Eugene, undated Physical Description: 5 items American Academy in Rome, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters American Book Service, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 printed ephemera Amery, Julian, 1970-1977 Physical Description: 5 items Amico, Marchesa d', 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Galería Amighetti, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Amore, Joseph, 1971 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 235, Folder 4 Amore, Joseph, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 34A, Folder 72 Box 34A, Folder 73 Ampleforth College, 1974 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 34B Box 34B, Folder 1 Amstell, M. (B.A. Seaby Ltd.), 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Alexandre Ananoff - Jean Aziz, 1966-1990 , undated Ananoff, Alexandre, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 34B, Folder 2 Anbinder, Paul, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34B, Folder 3 Anderman, Lorenz, 1971-1978 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 34B, Folder 4 Anderson, Darley, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 34B, Folder 5 Anderson, G. A., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34B, Folder 6 Anderson, Roger L., 1976-1985 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 34B, Folder 7 Anderson, Warren, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 62 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34B, Folder 8 Andrew Gallery Ltd. , 1983-1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 34B, Folder 9 Andrews, Keith, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 34B, Folder 10 Box 34B, Folder 11 Box 34B, Folder 12 Box 34B, Folder 13 Box 34B, Folder 14 Box 34B, Folder 15 Box 34B, Folder 16 Box 34B, Folder 17 Box 34B, Folder 18 Box 34B, Folder 19 Box 34B, Folder 20 Box 34B, Folder 21 Box 34B, Folder 22 Box 34B, Folder 23 Box 34B, Folder 24 Box 34B, Folder 25 Andreoli, Silvio Bacchi-, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Andrews, T. C., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Angelou, Stephen, 1979-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Angles, 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Anglia Television Ltd., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Angliss, Bentley, 1984-1988 Physical Description: 7 letters The Anglo-German Association, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Angremy, Jean-Pierre, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 9 items Anneke, Greg, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Annovazzi, Eugenio, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Ansaldi, Giulio, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 26 letters Antiquaria Ltd., 1985 Physical Description: 2 invoices Antiquaria Corso Vittorio Emmanuelle, 1967 Physical Description: 10 items Antique Company of New York, 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters Antique Leathers Ltd., undated Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 The Antique Porcelain Co., 1966-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters 910004 63 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34B, Folder 26 Box 34B, Folder 27 Box 34B, Folder 28 Box 34B, Folder 29 Box 34B, Folder 30 Antique Trading Gazette, undated Physical Description: 1 item Antologia di Belle Arti, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters L'Antonina,, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Antoniono, Alberto, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Apelt, Wilfried, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 34B, Folder 31 Box 34B, Folder 32 Box 34B, Folder 33 Box 34B, Folder 34 Box 34B, Folder 35 Box 34B, Folder 36 Box 34B, Folder 37 Box 34B, Folder 38 Box 34B, Folder 39 Apollo Foundation, 1985-1988 Physical Description: 12 letters, 1 note Apolloni, Fabrizio, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 17 letters, 1 note Apolloni, Fabrizio, 1969 Physical Description: 11 items Apolloni, Fabrizio, 1970-1988 Physical Description: 22 items Apostolic Pro-Nuncio Physical Description: 20 items Applebey, Ian, 1966-1986 Physical Description: 8 letters Aranda, Eduardo de, 1986 Physical Description: 3 items Arcangeli Marenzi, Alessandro, 1974-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Architectural digest, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 34B, Folder 40 Arese, Franco, 1966 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 34B, Folder 41 Box 34B, Folder 42 Argyrou, Neophytos, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Armstrong, Anne, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 64 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34B, Folder 43 Arnason, Harvard, 1967-1975 Physical Description: 23 letters, 1 photograph Box 34B, Folder 44 Box 34B, Folder 45 Box 34B, Folder 46 Arnold, Anna Bing, 1967-1971 Physical Description: 30 letters Arnold, Anna Bing, 1972-1978 Physical Description: 22 letters Arnold, Anna Bing, 1979-1986 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 235, Folder 5 Arnold, Anna Bing, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 34B, Folder 47 Box 34B, Folder 48 Box 34B, Folder 49 Box 34B, Folder 50 Box 34B, Folder 51 Box 34B, Folder 52 Box 34B, Folder 53 Box 34B, Folder 54 Box 34B, Folder 55 Box 34B, Folder 56 Arnoldi, A., 1976-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Arnoldi, Francesco Negri, 1972 Physical Description: 25 items Galerie Arnoldi-Livie, 1979-1983 Physical Description: 11 items Arrizabalaga, Joan, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Art & Artists, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent ARTbibliographies, 1981-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters, 4 small clippings of printed matter Art Book Company, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Art Bulletin,1967 Physical Description: 2 items: 1 letter sent (with copy) Artbureau Artex, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Artemis Société Anonyme (Luxembourg), 1972-1974 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 34B, Folder 57 Artemis (London) (Colin Anson), 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 34B, Folder 58 Box 34B, Folder 59 Artistic Consultants & Services (Brisbane, Australia), 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Art Masterpieces (Auckland, New Zealand), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 65 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34B, Folder 60 Artneys International, Ltd. (London, England), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received. Box 34B, Folder 61 Box 34B, Folder 62 Box 34B, Folder 63 Box 34B, Folder 64 Box 34B, Folder 65 Box 34B, Folder 66 Box 34B, Folder 67 Box 34B, Folder 68 Box 34B, Folder 69 Box 34B, Folder 70 Box 34B, Folder 71 Box 34B, Folder 72 Box 34B, Folder 73 Box 34B, Folder 74 Box 34B, Folder 75 Box 34B, Folder 76 Box 34B, Folder 77 The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1971-1972 Scope and Content Note ca. 30 items The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 18 items The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1972-1985 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Arthur's Gallery of Art and Jewels, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Ashby, S. R. J., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter Askew, Pamela, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Aspen, Horace N., 1971-1976 Physical Description: 12 letters Assche, Marquise d', 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Assim, Jack d', 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, business card Palazzo delle Aste, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, printed matter Astrologo, Claudio, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 business card Atlantic College, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Attingham Summer School, 1986-1989 Physical Description: 21 items Augustin & Company, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Aurenhammer, Hans (Österreichische Galerie, Vienna, Austria), 1978 Physical Description: 7 items Automobile Association (Basingstoke, Hants), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Aykroyd, William, 1969-1973 Physical Description: 8 letters 910004 66 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 34B, Folder 78 Box 34B, Folder 79 Box 35 Box 35, Folder 1 Box 35, Folder 2 Box 35, Folder 3 Box 35, Folder 4 Box 35, Folder 5 Box 35, Folder 6 Aziz, Jean, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 8 letters A: various, undated Physical Description: 1 note Bacarelli - Belz, 1966-1990 Bacarelli, Benvenuto, 1967-1979 Physical Description: 19 leters Bacchi-Andreoli, Silvio, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Bacri, Pauline, 1967 Physical Description: 9 letters Staats Ministerium Baden Württemberg, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 7 items Badeni, Jan, 1986 Physical Description: 1 receipt Badeni, Michael, 1983 Physical Description: 1988 Scope and Content Note 5 items Box 35, Folder 7 Bader, Slfred R., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 31 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 35, Folder 8 Box 35, Folder 9 Baer, H., 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Baer, J. M. F., 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 10 Baggs, A. P., 1985-1986 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 35, Folder 11 Bagley, Richard, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 12 Bagnall, Rex, 1966 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 13 Bagnasco, Orazio, 1969-1971 Physical Description: 17 items Box 35, Folder 14 Bailey, Donald A., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 67 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35, Folder 15 Bailey, J. A., 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 35, Folder 16 Thomas & William Bailey Ltd., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 35, Folder 17 Bakker, J. H., 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 35, Folder 18 Balboni, Giorgio, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 18 items Box 35, Folder 19 Balderston, Gordon D. (Christie's London), undated Physical Description: 35 photographs, folder, and 1 letter Scope and Content Note Regarding a dictionary of bronzes. Folder inscribed: Avery bronze project. Box 35, Folder 20 Baldin, Giulia, 1983 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 21 Baldwin, K., 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 22 Balestra, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 35, Folder 23 Balkany, Robert de, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 35, Folder 24 Ball, Johnson, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 35, Folder 25 Ballard, Alexander, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 26 Ballarin, Alessandro, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 27 Baltra, Alberto, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 35, Folder 28 Bancroft, John, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter recieved Box 35, Folder 29 Banks, T. H. F., 1984 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 30 Banks, Talcott M., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 31 The Bar Convent Grammar School, 1971 Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 68 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35, Folder 32 Baranger, Marie-Benedicte, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 33 Barany, H. C., 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 34 Baratti, Vittorio, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 35 Barbarigos, Annika, 1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 35, Folder 36 Barberini, Maria C., 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 37 Barclay, David, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 35, Folder 38 Barker, Ann Valerie, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 39 Barland, Helene, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 35, Folder 40 Barling, Roy, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 41 Barnes, Susanna, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 42 Barock Kunst, Inc., 1989 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 43 Barolsky, Paul, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35, Folder 44 Baroncini, Carmela, 1984 Physical Description: 5 items Box 35, Folder 45 Baroni, Giancarlo, 1970-1979 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 35, Folder 46 Barraclough, F. V., 1967 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 ill. Box 35, Folder 47 Barratt, Sydney, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 8 items Box 35, Folder 48 Barriele, Jean-François, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 49 Barron, Robert E., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 69 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35, Folder 50 Barszczewski, W., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 51 Le Bart, Robert, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 52 Bartoszewski, W., 1970 Physical Description: 1 note with address Box 35, Folder 53 Barzini, H. E. Ugo, 1970-1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 35, Folder 54 Bassermann-Jordan, L. von, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 55 Basto, Justice de, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 12 items Box 35, Folder 56 Batchelor, Ivor, 1969-1983 Physical Description: 24 items Box 35, Folder 57 Batley, L., 1976 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 35, Folder 58 Bau, Zarema, 1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 35, Folder 59 Bauer, Vera B., 1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 35, Folder 60 Bauman, Patricia, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 note Box 35, Folder 61 Baumstark, Dr., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 62 Bayser, Bruno de, 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 63 Bazin, Germain, 1969-1975 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 35, Folder 64 Bean, Atherton, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 7 items Box 35, Folder 65 Beauchesne, Guy, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 66 Beaucour, Fernand, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35, Folder 67 Beaufaux, Pierre, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 70 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35, Folder 68 Joseph Beausire & Co., 1969 Physical Description: 7 items Box 35, Folder 69 Beaverbrook Art Gallery, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 70 Audrey Jones Beck, 1975-1978 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 35, Folder 71 Beck, Herbert, 1969-1974 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 35, Folder 72 Beck, Walter, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 73 Becker, Eugène, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35, Folder 74 Becker, Martin, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 75 Becker, Roswitha, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 76 Beddington, Frederick, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 77 Bednarczyk, Czeslaw, 1969-1986 Physical Description: 10 items Box 35, Folder 78 Beeck, A. Op de, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 79 Behrens, Detlef, 1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 35, Folder 80 Beistegui, Juan de, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 11 items Box 35, Folder 81 Belgian Embassy London, 1976-1980 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 35, Folder 82 Bell, A. C., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 83 Bell, John, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 84 Bell, Kathy L., 1979 Physical Description: 3 items Box 35, Folder 85 Bell and Hyman, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 71 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35, Folder 86 Bellaigue, Geoffrey de, 1966-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 87 Bellanger, Patrice, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 88 Bellifemini, Graziano, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35, Folder 89 Bellini, Giuseppe, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35, Folder 90 Bellos, Ch., 1966-1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35, Folder 91 Belsey, Hugh, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35, Folder 92 Belz, B., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A Box 35A, Folder 1 Georg Bemberg - Karol Bninski, 1966-1990 Bemberg, Georges, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 35A, Folder 2 Benabid, Simone, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A, Folder 3 Benardout, Jack, 1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35A, Folder 4 Benardout, Raymond, 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A, Folder 5 Bender, Ryszard, undated Physical Description: 1 business card Box 35A, Folder 6 Benedetti, Aloisi, 1986 Physical Description: 1 press clipping Box 35A, Folder 7 Benagas, Juan Manuel Varez, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35A, Folder 8 Benigni, Ditta Giorgio, 1975-1974 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 35A, Folder 9 Benis, Anthony A., 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A, Folder 10 Bennett, D., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 72 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35A, Folder 11 Bennison, Geoffrey, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35A, Folder 12 Box 35A, Folder 13 Box 35A, Folder 14 Box 35A, Folder 15 Box 35A, Folder 16 Benoit, Jérémie S., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Bensimon, J. P., 1966-1977 Physical Description: 22 letters Bentinck, Adolphe, 1976 Physical Description: 3 items Berenbau, Eduardo, 1985-1986 , undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Berenbau, Eduardo, 19281955-19591984-1985 Physical Description: 22 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 35A, Folder 17 Box 35A, Folder 18 Box 35A, Folder 19 Box 35A, Folder 20 Box 35A, Folder 21 Box 35A, Folder 22 Box 35A, Folder 23 Box 35A, Folder 24 Berezina, Valentina, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Bergström, Ingvar, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Berkowitz, Roger M., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Berlinguer, Sergio, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Berman, Harold, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 business card Berry, A. A., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Berthoud, Eric, 1973-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Berthoud, Roger, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A, Folder 25 Berry-Hill, James, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35A, Folder 26 Box 35A, Folder 27 Bertrand, Guy, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Besnard, Françoise, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 73 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35A, Folder 28 Bettini, Gian Carlo, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 35A, Folder 29 Box 35A, Folder 30 Box 35A, Folder 31 Box 35A, Folder 32 Box 35A, Folder 33 Box 35A, Folder 34 Box 35A, Folder 35 Box 35A, Folder 36 Box 35A, Folder 37 Box 35A, Folder 38 Box 35A, Folder 39 Box 35A, Folder 40 Box 35A, Folder 41 Box 35A, Folder 42 Bevan, Roger, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 printed matter Bialostocki, Jan, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Biancheri, Boris, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Bianco, L. V., 1967-1969 Physical Description: 5 letters Biecentennial Publishing Copr., 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Biddle, James, 1979-1971 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Bier, Herbert, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Bierstorfer, Josef, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Bigazzi, G. P., 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Biggs-Davison, John, undated Physical Description: 1 item Billingsley, Victoria, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Bimm, Lee, 1969-1971 Physical Description: 7 letters Binney, George, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Binney, H. B., 1977-1979 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 35A, Folder 43 Binns, A. J., 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 35A, Folder 44 Box 35A, Folder 45 Bird, D. R. A., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Birger Christensen, Peter, 1971 Physical Description: 19 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 74 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35A, Folder 46 Birger Christensen, Peter, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 35A, Folder 47 Box 35A, Folder 48 Box 35A, Folder 49 Box 35A, Folder 50 Box 35A, Folder 51 Box 35A, Folder 52 Box 35A, Folder 53 Box 35A, Folder 54 Box 35A, Folder 55 Box 35A, Folder 56 Box 35A, Folder 57 Box 35A, Folder 58 Box 35A, Folder 59 Box 35A, Folder 60 Birger Christensen, Peter, 1974 Physical Description: 17 letter Birger Christensen, Peter, 1989 Physical Description: 6 items Birley, Robert, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Birmingham Police Station, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Birrenbach, Kurt, 1973-1980 Physical Description: 8 letters Bishop & Sons Depositories, Ltd., 1968-1978 Physical Description: 8 letters Bjurstrom, Per, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Black, John B., 1982 Physical Description: 1 item Black, Michael, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters B. H. Blackwell Ltd., 1973-184 Physical Description: 5 items Blackwell, Tessa, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Blackwood, Ramsay, 1966-1972 Physical Description: 9 letters Blair, L. G. (Blair Museum of Lithophanes and Wax Miniatures), 1974-1982 Physical Description: 4 items Blake, C., 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 35A, Folder 61 Blanc, G. L., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 35A, Folder 62 Box 35A, Folder 63 Blanc, Pierre Louis, 1972-1975 Physical Description: 25 letters Blanca, Marina, 1981 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 75 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 35A, Folder 64 Blanco, José de, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters received, 1 business card Box 35A, Folder 65 Box 35A, Folder 66 Box 35A, Folder 67 Box 35A, Folder 68 Box 35A, Folder 69 Box 35A, Folder 70 Box 35A, Folder 71 Box 35A, Folder 72 Box 36 Box 36, Folder 1 Box 36, Folder 2 Box 36, Folder 3 Box 36, Folder 4 Box 36, Folder 5 Box 36, Folder 6 Box 36, Folder 7 Box 36, Folder 8 Box 36, Folder 9 Bland, Simon, 1976-1975 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Bläsing, Mr., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Blass, Bill, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 9 items Blofeld, G., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Blow, Tom, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Blumka, Ruth (Blumka Gallery), 1968-1989 Physical Description: 20 letters Blunt, Anthony (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Bninski, Karol, 1976-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Boampong-Buabang - Brewster, 1966-1990 Boampong-Buabang, Barimah, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Boardman & Oliver, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Boccara, Dario, 1967-1985 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Bocchetti, Manfredi, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Bochnar, Bogdan, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Bodart, Didier, 1975-1989 Physical Description: 13 items Boel, Pol, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Böhlau Verlag, 1979-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 printed matter Bohlen, Ernst, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 76 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36, Folder 10 Bohler, Julius, 1966-1989 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 235, Folder 6 Bohler, Julius, undated Physical Description: 1color transparency Box 36, Folder 11 Boisfleury, Y. de, 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 36, Folder 12 Boisclair, Marie-Nicole, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 36, Folder 13 Boissonnas, Luc, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 14 Bokiewicz, Z. T., 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 business card Box 36, Folder 15 Bolaffi & Mondadori (Bolaffiarte), 1972-1974 Physical Description: 6 items Box 36, Folder 16 Boland, L., undated Physical Description: 2 enveloppes Box 36, Folder 17 Bolangaro, M. F., 1976-1984 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 printed matter Box 36, Folder 18 Bond, Diane, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 19 Bondeson, Lars, 1982 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 36, Folder 20 Bongers, Aurel, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 21 Bonham-Carter, Charlotte, 1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 36, Folder 22 Boon, K. G., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 23 Borax Consolidated Ltd. (G. D. Beveridge), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 24 Borchgrave, Helen de, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 36, Folder 25 De la Borda, J. Enrique, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 77 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36, Folder 26 Bordeaux, Jean Luc, 1968-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 36, Folder 27 Bordes, Philippe, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 28 Borea, Evelina, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 29 Borgese, Leonardo, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 30 Galleria Borghese, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 36, Folder 31 Borghese, Salvatore R., 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 32 Born-Bornstein, Roman, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 33 Borntrager, Conrad, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 34 Borracheiro, Domingos Grosso, 1987 Physical Description: 2 items Box 36, Folder 35 Borsch-Supan, Helmut, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 36 Bosch, José Antonio Linati, 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 36, Folder 37 Boskovitch, Miodrag, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 38 Bosley, Canon, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 39 Bossom, James, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 40 Bostrom, Jan, 1967-1985 Physical Description: 25 items Box 36, Folder 41 Bottai, Bruno, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 42 Bottineau, Josette, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 43 Boucaud, Charles, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 78 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36, Folder 44 Bouchaud, Jean Max, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 36, Folder 45 Boully, M. de, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 36, Folder 46 Bourget, J. L., 1974-1981 Physical Description: 16 items Box 36, Folder 47 Bourlet, James, 1967 Physical Description: 1 item Box 36, Folder 48 Bowker, R. R., undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 36, Folder 49 Bowness, Alan, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 36, Folder 50 Bowron, E. P., 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 36, Folder 51 Bradford, Standish, 1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 36, Folder 52 Bradley, Morton C., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 53 Bradway, Wallace, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36, Folder 54 Brainerd, Andrew W., 1970 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 36, Folder 55 Braithwaite, H. J., undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 36, Folder 56 Brancovan, Prince de, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 36, Folder 57 Brandt, Paul, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Box 36, Folder 58 Bravo, C. del, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 59 Brazda, Josef, 1973 Physical Description: 1 postcard Box 36, Folder 60 Bredin, J. Bruce, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 61 Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 79 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36, Folder 62 Brener, Pablo, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36, Folder 63 Bréon, Emmanuel, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 36, Folder 64 Breslauer, B. H., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Box 36, Folder 65 Breuer, Alejandro, 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 36, Folder 66 Brewer, Christine, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 36, Folder 67 Brewster, Robert D., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36A Box 36A, Folder 1 Giuliano Briganti - Charlotte Byng, 1966-1990 Briganti, Giuliano, 1974 Physical Description: Briganti's letter to Billotta Box 36A, Folder 2 Bright, Bruce, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 36A, Folder 3 Brill, Hans, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 36A, Folder 4 Brimo de Laroussilhe, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 36A, Folder 5 Bririton, M., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36A, Folder 6 Bristol, Marquis of, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 12 items Box 36A, Folder 7 Bristol Polytechnic, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 36A, Folder 8 Univ. of British Columbia, 1969-1974 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 36A, Folder 9 British American Ball, 1971-1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 36A, Folder 10 Box 36A, Folder 11 Box 36A, Folder 12 British Antique Dealers' Association, undated Physical Description: 1 item British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC), 1970-1985 Physical Description: 13 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 British Council, 1966-1989 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters 910004 80 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36A, Folder 13 Box 36A, Folder 14 Box 36A, Folder 15 Box 36A, Folder 16 Box 36A, Folder 17 Box 36A, Folder 18 Box 36A, Folder 19 Box 36A, Folder 20 Box 36A, Folder 21 Box 36A, Folder 22 Box 36A, Folder 23 Box 36A, Folder 24 Box 36A, Folder 25 Box 36A, Folder 26 Box 36A, Folder 27 Box 36A, Folder 28 Box 36A, Folder 29 Box 36A, Folder 30 British Museum Society, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters British Precision Environmental Engineering Company, 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters British Telecom, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 12 items British Week Tokyo, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Britain-Catlin, J. E., 1973 Physical Description: 9 letters Brobury House Gallery, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 printed matter Brodsky, Gerald, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Brody, Sidney F., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Broeder, Den, 1975 Physical Description: 1 note Brottem, Bronwyn V., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 5 items Brook House, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Brooke, Nathalie and Humphrey, undated Physical Description: 1 postcard Brooke-Little, J., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Brooks, Barbara, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 6 items Brooks, Kenneth S., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 2 letters received Brooks, O. M., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Brough, Nicholas, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Brown, Francis, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters 910004 81 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36A, Folder 31 Box 36A, Folder 32 Box 36A, Folder 33 Box 36A, Folder 34 Box 36A, Folder 35 Box 36A, Folder 36 Box 36A, Folder 37 Box 36A, Folder 38 Box 36A, Folder 39 Box 36A, Folder 40 Box 36A, Folder 41 Box 36A, Folder 42 Box 36A, Folder 43 Box 36A, Folder 44 Box 36A, Folder 45 Box 36A, Folder 46 Box 36A, Folder 47 Box 36A, Folder 48 Brown, George Garvin, 1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Brown, John Kenworthy, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent ,Brown, Peter Mack, 1981 Physical Description: 1 note Brown, Stephanie, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Bruce, George, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters F. Bruckmann KG Verlag, 1967-1988 Physical Description: 9 items Brudell, Edmund, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Brudenell, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letters received Brundt, A., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Bruntjen, Sven, 1987 Physical Description: 6 items Bruschi, Gianna, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Bruton Gallery, 1972-1985 Physical Description: 15 letters Bryant, John L., 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Bryant & Shaw Limited, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Buchen, Helmut Peter, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Bucentaur Gallery, 1978-1984 Physical Description: 11 letters Buckle, Barbara, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Buckley, A. J. H., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters 910004 82 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36A, Folder 49 Box 36A, Folder 50 Box 36A, Folder 51 Box 36A, Folder 52 Box 36A, Folder 53 Box 36A, Folder 54 Box 36A, Folder 55 Box 36A, Folder 56 Box 36A, Folder 57 Box 36A, Folder 58 Box 36A, Folder 59 Box 36A, Folder 60 Box 36A, Folder 61 Box 36A, Folder 62 Box 36A, Folder 63 Box 36A, Folder 64 Box 36A, Folder 65 Box 36A, Folder 66 Buckley, Richard, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Buckley, Tony, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Buirski, David, 1976 Physical Description: 2 items Bukdahl, Else Marie, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Bullogh, R. I., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Bunyan, Colin, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Bunyan, Mary, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Burdon, Gerald, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Muller, R. Burdon, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Carolyn Skelly Burford, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Burghley Estate Office (D. Broughton), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Burklin, Heidi, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Burlchalter, John H., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Burleigh House, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Burlingham, R. C., 1967-1974 Physical Description: 11 letters The Burlington House Fair, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 11 items Burlington International Fine Art Fair, 1977-1979 Physical Description: 4 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 The Burlington Magazine, 1967-1988 Physical Description: ca. 35 items 910004 83 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 36A, Folder 67 Box 36A, Folder 68 Box 36A, Folder 69 Box 36A, Folder 70 Box 36A, Folder 71 Box 36A, Folder 72 Box 36A, Folder 73 Box 36A, Folder 74 Box 36A, Folder 75 Box 36A, Folder 76 Box 36A, Folder 77 Box 36A, Folder 78 Burne, Francis, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Burrows, John, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Burton, Robert, 1985 Physical Description: 2 items Bury, Adrian, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 11 letters Buschmiller, Edward O., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Busiri Vici, Andrea, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Butkin, Noah L., 1975-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters The Lady Butler of Saffron Walden, 1974-1977 Physical Description: 8 letters, 1 printed matter Butterfield & Butterfield, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Bycroft, Keith, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 5 letters Byfield, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Byman, Jan, 1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 235, Folder 7 Byman, Jan, undated Physical Description: 1 color photographic postcard Box 36A, Folder 79 Byng, Charlotte, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 16 items, including notes, 1 photograph Box 235, Folder 8 Byng, Charlotte, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Box 37 Box 37, Folder 1 Box 37, Folder 2 T. Cabanel - Galerie Carroll, 1966-1990 Cabanel, T., 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Cabral, Antonio Rocha, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 84 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37, Folder 3 Cacoub, O. C., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 37, Folder 4 Box 37, Folder 5 Box 37, Folder 6 Box 37, Folder 7 Box 37, Folder 8 Box 37, Folder 9 Cadgene, H., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Cailleux, Marianne Roland Michel, 1979-1982 Physical Description: 7 letters Calabrini, J. ( Connoisseur Magazine), 1974-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters California, University of California Berkeley, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Calman, Hans, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 5 letters Camber, Richard, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 37, Folder 10 Camera Press Ltd., 1977 Physical Description: 3 items Box 37, Folder 11 Camerino, Sergio, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 43 letters, 1 typescript. Box 37, Folder 12 Camiciotti (Galleria Camiciotti), 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 13 Camoin, S., 1966 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 37, Folder 14 Campbell, J. Stephen, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37, Folder 15 Campbell, N. M., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 16 Campbell, Parks, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 37, Folder 17 Campbell, Richard, 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 37, Folder 18 Canfora, Rolando, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 37, Folder 19 Cann, H. A., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 37, Folder 20 Cann, S., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 85 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37, Folder 21 Canton, Marie, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37, Folder 22 Capel Cure, Michael, 1985 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 note Box 37, Folder 23 Capo, Il Presidente, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37, Folder 24 Capua, Vittorio di, 1977-1981 Physical Description: 20 items Box 37, Folder 25 Carabe, Luis, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 37, Folder 26 Carani, Giulio, 1983 Physical Description: 3 items Box 37, Folder 27 Carey, R. de Vic, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 28 Carlebach, Rose, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 37, Folder 29 Carline, Richard, 1976 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 37, Folder 30 Carlisle, T. (Babock & Wilcox Management Limited), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37, Folder 31 Carlson, Ralph, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 32 Galerie du Carlton, 1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 37, Folder 33 Carmontel (Gaston A. Hiard), 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 37, Folder 34 Carney, Vincent, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37, Folder 35 Galerie Caroll, 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Box 37, Folder 36 Carpenter, K., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 37 Carranza, de, 1985 Physical Description: 4 letters, 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 86 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37, Folder 38 Carrer, Paolo, 1972 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 37, Folder 39 Carrillo, L., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37, Folder 40 David Carritt Limited, 1971-1978 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 37, Folder 41 Galerie Carroll, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 24 items Box 37, Folder 42 Galerie Carroll, 1982 Physical Description: 16 items Box 37, Folder 43 Galerie Carroll, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 37, Folder 44 Galerie Carroll, 1980 Physical Description: 22 items Box 37, Folder 45 Galerie Carroll, 1979 Physical Description: 32 items Box 37, Folder 46 Galerie Carroll, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 65 items Box 37, Folder 47 Galerie Carroll, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 37, Folder 48 Galerie Carroll, 1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 37, Folder 49 Galerie Carroll, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 3p itemss Box 37, Folder 50 Galerie Carroll, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 37, Folder 51 Galerie Carroll, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 37, Folder 52 Galerie Carroll, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 10 items Box 37A Box 37A, Folder 1 T. G. Carroll - Chantal Chauveau-Kiener, 1966-1990 Carroll, T. G., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 37A, Folder 2 Carr's Rehabilitation and Employment Advisory Service, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 87 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37A, Folder 3 Carter, D. G., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 4 Carter, Richard E., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 5 Cartier Physical Description: 1975 Scope and Content Note 4 items Box 37A, Folder 6 Cartwright, A. R., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 7 Carthwright, William Aubrey, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Correspopndence with John P. Campbell at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle regarding Cartwright's estate. Box 37A, Folder 8 Casabonne, Jorge E., 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 37A, Folder 9 Casari, Oliviero Tradardi Bucci, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 37A, Folder 10 Box 37A, Folder 11 Box 37A, Folder 12 Box 37A, Folder 13 Box 37A, Folder 14 Box 37A, Folder 15 Casey, Carol, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Caso, Jacques de, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Cassa di Risparmio di Prato (Florence, Italy), 1979 Physical Description: 4 items Cassirer, Bruno, 1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Casson, J., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Cast, David, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 16 Castaldi, Carlo, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 17 Box 37A, Folder 18 Castello, Marina Deriu de, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters, 2 leaves of ill. matter Castelnovi, Gianvittorio, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 88 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37A, Folder 19 Castresana, Vasco, 1976 Physical Description: 8 items Box 37A, Folder 20 Box 37A, Folder 21 Box 37A, Folder 22 Castro, Amadeo di, 1966-1971 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Castro, Franco di, 1976 Physical Description: 2 items Catalogue exchanges, 1978-1983 Physical Description: ca. 17 items Scope and Content Note Secrétariat d'Etat à la culture (Palais du Louvre), Musées d'Orléans, Biblioteca dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte (Rome, Italy), Fondazione Giorgio Cini Centro di Cultura e Civiltà Istituto di Storia dell'Arte (Venice, Italy), Bibliotheque centrale des Musées nationaux au Louvre, Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (Zurich), Musée des beaux-arts (Dijon). Box 37A, Folder 23 Box 37A, Folder 24 Box 37A, Folder 25 Box 37A, Folder 26 Box 37A, Folder 27 Box 37A, Folder 28 Box 37A, Folder 29 Box 37A, Folder 30 Box 37A, Folder 31 Catello, Renato, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Mustard Catering Ltd., 1984-1986 Physical Description: 4 items Cummins Catherwood, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Catlin, John, undated Physical Description: 1 note Cattaneo, Emilio, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 11 letters Cattani, Sergio, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Cattorini, U., 1972 Physical Description: 1 item Cauchi, J. A., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Cave, Edward Lee, 1975-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 ill. Box 37A, Folder 32 Cavendish Hotel, 1972-1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37A, Folder 33 Box 37A, Folder 34 Cavendish-Bentinck, V., 1977-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Cavina, Anna Ottani, 1970-1971 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 89 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37A, Folder 35 Cayley, C. 1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 37A, Folder 36 Box 37A, Folder 37 Box 37A, Folder 38 Box 37A, Folder 39 Box 37A, Folder 40 Box 37A, Folder 41 Box 37A, Folder 42 Box 37A, Folder 43 Box 37A, Folder 44 Box 37A, Folder 45 Box 37A, Folder 46 Box 37A, Folder 47 Box 37A, Folder 48 Box 37A, Folder 49 Leone Cei & Figli, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 note Centro Di, 1973-1981 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Centro Di, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 15 items Centro Di, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Centro Di, 1968 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Cera, Adriano, undated Physical Description: 1 note Cerami, Charles A., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Cesana, G., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Ceschi, Leo, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Ceskoslovenské aerolinie, 1971 Physical Description: 1 item Chadwick, Henry, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Chadwyck-Healey, Charles, 1969 Physical Description: 2 items Chaikin, Nathan, 1968-1983 Physical Description: ca. 51 items Scope and Content Note ca. 50 letters, 1 photograph of Chaikin's meeting with Pope John Paul II. Box 37A, Folder 50 Box 37A, Folder 51 Chair, Somerset de, 1973-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Champalimaud, Antonio, 1973-1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 90 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37A, Folder 52 Champion, J. S., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 37A, Folder 53 Box 37A, Folder 54 Box 37A, Folder 55 Box 37A, Folder 56 Box 37A, Folder 57 Box 37A, Folder 58 Box 37A, Folder 59 Box 37A, Folder 60 Box 37A, Folder 61 Channing, W. E., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Chantrel, Jean-Paul, 1981 Physical Description: 5 letters Chapman, Guy, 1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Chapple-Gill, B. T., 1975-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Charfnadel, Guy, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 6 items Charles-Roux, Jean M. Rev., 1972-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters Chatsworth (Thomas Wragg), 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Chaucer Fine Arts, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37B Box 37B, Folder 1 Chauveau-Kiener, Chantal, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Le Cheminint - Conzett & Huber 1966-1990 Le Cheminint (What's On), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37B, Folder 2 Chenevière, Antoine, 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 37B, Folder 3 Chesnais, Bernard, 1974-1989 Physical Description: 6 letters, 1 receipt Box 37B, Folder 4 Chesrow, F. W., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 37B, Folder 5 Chesterman, M. D. J., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 37B, Folder 6 Chiarini, Gloria, 1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 37B, Folder 7 Chiarini, Marco, 1974-1979 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 37B, Folder 8 Chicago: University of Chicago Library, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 91 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37B, Folder 9 Chichester, Earl of, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 37B, Folder 10 Box 37B, Folder 11 Box 37B, Folder 12 Box 37B, Folder 13 Box 37B, Folder 14 Box 37B, Folder 15 Box 37B, Folder 16 Box 37B, Folder 17 Box 37B, Folder 18 Box 37B, Folder 19 Box 37B, Folder 20 Box 37B, Folder 21 Box 37B, Folder 22 Box 37B, Folder 23 Box 37B, Folder 24 Box 37B, Folder 25 Box 37B, Folder 26 Chigi, Mario, 1990 Physical Description: 1 item Child & Co., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Chimay, M. de Caraman, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Chittenden, J. B., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Cholmondeley, Charles, 1967-1986 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Chomer, Gilles, 1974-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Christ Church (Oxford, England), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 2 letters The Christie Gallery, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 business card Christoph, Dr., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Chuffart. A. E., 1985 Physical Description: 4 items Ciechanowski, Stanislaw, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Ciechomski, J. 1987-1989 Physical Description: 7 letters Cieplinski, Michel, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 business card Ciggopardi-Vella, John, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Cimbalista, Norberto, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 10 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Cinguegrani, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent 910004 92 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37B, Folder 27 Box 37B, Folder 28 Box 37B, Folder 29 Box 37B, Folder 30 Box 37B, Folder 31 Box 37B, Folder 32 Box 37B, Folder 33 Box 37B, Folder 34 Box 37B, Folder 35 Box 37B, Folder 36 Box 37B, Folder 37 Box 37B, Folder 38 Box 37B, Folder 39 Box 37B, Folder 40 Box 37B, Folder 41 Box 37B, Folder 42 Box 37B, Folder 43 Box 37B, Folder 44 Ciolli, Giorgio, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Cirera, Antonio, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Citati, Enrico, 1976-1985 Physical Description: 9 letters Cittadini, M. (Italian Cultural Institute, Lagos, Nigeria), 1971-1972 Physical Description: 8 letters Claas, Peter, 1969-1985 Physical Description: 6 items Clam Martinic, Georg Graf, 1976 Physical Description: 11 letters Clarendon Gallery, 1983 Physical Description: 2 items Clark, Alan, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Clark, Colin, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Clark, H. J. S., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 note Clary und Aldringen, Ludwine Fürstin von, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item (obituary) Clemencic, René, 1981 Physical Description: 1 note Clement, Jean-Paul, 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Clemental, Pierre A., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter Clifford, Timothy, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Clive, Nigel, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent The Old Clock House, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 6 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Cluttons Chartered Surveyors, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters 910004 93 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37B, Folder 45 Box 37B, Folder 46 Box 37B, Folder 47 Box 37B, Folder 48 Box 37B, Folder 49 Box 37B, Folder 50 Box 37B, Folder 51 Box 37B, Folder 52 Box 37B, Folder 53 Box 37B, Folder 54 Box 37B, Folder 55 Box 37B, Folder 56 Box 37B, Folder 57 Box 37B, Folder 58 Box 37B, Folder 59 Box 37B, Folder 60 Box 37B, Folder 61 Box 37B, Folder 62 Coates, Dick, undated Physical Description: 1 note Cobb, B. J., 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Codognato, Franco, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Coe, R. T., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Cohen, David, 1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Cohn Rogers, 1985 Physical Description: 2 items Coke, Gerald, undated Physical Description: 1 item Colefax abd Fowler Designs Limited, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Coleshill, G. A. (Czechoslovak Airlines), 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Collin, Francis, 1968-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Collingwoode-Williams, Edgar, 1966-1973 Physical Description: 7 letters Collins, B., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Collins, Douglas B., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Collins, M., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., 1981-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., 1968-1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Coltman, Charles, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Columbia University Libraries, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent 910004 94 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 37B, Folder 63 Box 37B, Folder 64 Box 37B, Folder 65 Box 37B, Folder 66 Box 37B, Folder 67 Box 37B, Folder 68 Box 37B, Folder 69 Box 37B, Folder 70 Box 37B, Folder 71 Box 37B, Folder 72 Box 37B, Folder 73 Box 37B, Folder 74 Box 37B, Folder 75 Colville, Norman, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Colzi, Alberto, 1970 Physical Description: 4 items Commercial Couriers, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter 1 printed matter Concept Inc., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Conn, B., 1976-1977 Physical Description: 7 items Conner, P. E., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters O'Connor, Patrick, 1966-1967 Connells, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Conservative and Unionist Central Office, 1978-1979 Physical Description: ca. 12 items Consolidated Safeguards Limited, 1974 Physical Description: 2 items Contessini, Livio, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Conway, undated Physical Description: 2 leaves of notes Conzett & Huber, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 38 Box 38, Folder 1 Francis Cook - Enrico Wren Cziborra, 1966-1990 Cook, Francis, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 2 Cook, Jean-Pierre, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 38, Folder 3 Cooke, David & Bridget, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 235, Folder 9 Cooke, David & Bridget, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 38, Folder 4 Cooke, Paul, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 95 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 38, Folder 5 Cookson, Gerald, 1967-1971 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 38, Folder 6 Box 38, Folder 7 Box 38, Folder 8 Box 38, Folder 9 Coombs, David, 1973-1977 Physical Description: 10 letters Cooper, A. C., 1974-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Cooper, Herman E., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 13 items Cooper, Jeremy, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 9 letters, 1 photograph Box 38, Folder 10 Copeland, P. T. G., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 note Box 38, Folder 11 Copper, C. G., 1969-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 38, Folder 12 Corbett, Patrick, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 13 Cordeiro, Pedro Maldonado, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 14 The Earl of Cork and Orrey, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 15 Cork, M. D., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 16 Corke, M. D., 1966-1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 17 Cornes, Peter, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 18 Cornet, Jean Pierre, 1968-1973 Physical Description: 4 items Box 38, Folder 19 Cornfeld, Bernard, 1968-1972 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 38, Folder 20 Coronet laudry, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 21 Corsini, Piero, 1983-1989 Physical Description: 8 letters, 1 note, business card Box 38, Folder 22 Corti, Antonio, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 96 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 38, Folder 23 Cortinovis, G., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 24 Cory, Wm., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 38, Folder 25 Cory-Wright, F. N., 1968 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 38, Folder 26 Cosentino, Alfio Puglisi, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 38, Folder 27 Costantini, Enzo, 1971-1982 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 note Box 38, Folder 28 Costermans, F., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 38, Folder 29 Costerwise Ltd., 1975 Physical Description: 4 item Box 38, Folder 30 Coughlin, James A., 1973-1976 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 38, Folder 31 Courcy Lyons, Iclay de, 1976 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 38, Folder 32 Courtauld Institute of Art, 1968-1990 Physical Description: 9 items Box 38, Folder 33 Courtenay, Michael, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 34 Courtney, Cathy, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 note Box 38, Folder 35 Coutts, W. H., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 38, Folder 36 Cowell, A., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 37 Cowley, William, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 38 Cox, John Hadley, 1986 Physical Description: ca. 10 items Box 38, Folder 39 Cox, Madison, 1986 Physical Description: 3 items Box 38, Folder 40 Cox, Trenchard, undated Physical Description: 2 letters received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 97 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 38, Folder 41 Crabbe, M., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 42 Craddock & Barnard, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 43 Craggs, John, 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 38, Folder 44 Crawford, A. C., 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 note Box 38, Folder 45 James Crawford Studio, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 46 Crawshaw, Edward T., 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 47 Creighton, W., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 38, Folder 48 Cresti, Maria Vera, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 49 Crino, Anna Maria Crino, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 50 Cripps, M., 1966-1967 Physical Description: 11 letters, 1 typescript Box 38, Folder 51 Crispo, Andrew, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 52 Croce, Carlo M., 1986 Physical Description: 8 items Box 38, Folder 53 Cross, Geoffrey, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 54 Crowther of Syon Lodge, London, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 38, Folder 55 Crutchfield's Live Oak Gallery, 1984 Physical Description: 5 items Box 38, Folder 56 Cuba, Stanley, 1983 Physical Description: 6 items Box 38, Folder 57 Cullen, Fintan, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 38, Folder 58 Culley, Perry Hager, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 98 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 38, Folder 59 Cummings, Frederick, 1984-1989 Physical Description: 22 letters Box 38, Folder 60 Cuneo, Juan, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 61 Cunningham, J. A., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 62 Currey & Co., 1985 Physical Description: 4 items Box 38, Folder 63 Curtis, John W., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 38, Folder 64 H. M. Customs & Excise, 1967-1976 Physical Description: 13 items Box 38, Folder 65 Cuvillier, Philippe, 1971-1974 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 38, Folder 66 Box 38, Folder 67 Cuzin, Jean-Pierre, 1973 Cymbalista, N., 1983-1989 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 38, Folder 68 Cyriax, Oliver, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 38, Folder 69 Czarkowski, Kajetan, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 38, Folder 70 Czarnecki, Z., 1982-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 38, Folder 71 Czeczot, Jacek, 1975-1987 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 38, Folder 72 Cziborra, Enrico Wren, 1975 Physical Description: 4 items Box 39 Box 39, Folder 1 Daedalus Fine Art - Robert A. Delp, 1966-1990 Daedalus Fine Art Acquisitions Inc., 1981 Physical Description: 4 letter Box 39, Folder 2 Daens, Mady, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 3 Box 39, Folder 4 Dahlgren, Eva Drexel, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters The Daily Telegraph, 1966-1982 Physical Description: 5 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 99 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39, Folder 5 Dalle, Veronique, 1984 Physical Description: 5 items Box 39, Folder 6 Box 39, Folder 7 Box 39, Folder 8 Box 39, Folder 9 Dal Pozzo, Liliana, 1969-1972 Physical Description: 19 items Dalton Watson Limited, 1967-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Dalva Brothers Inc., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Daly, D. P. M., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 10 Danforth, Murray S., 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 11 Dania, L., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 12 items Box 39, Folder 12 Daniels, David, 1968-1975 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 39, Folder 13 Daniels, Jeffery, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 14 Daninos, Andrea, 1985 Physical Description: 1 item Box 39, Folder 15 Danmark, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter, 1 note Box 39, Folder 16 D'Arcy, Philipe, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 17 Dardel, Gilbert de, 1988-1989 Physical Description: 15 items Box 39, Folder 18 Darmstadt, A. 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 39, Folder 19 Darrieutort, Guy, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 20 Da Saule, 1973 Physical Description: 1 item Box 39, Folder 21 Daudy, Philippe, 1982 Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 100 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39, Folder 22 Davenport, Anne I. Physical Description: 1976 Scope and Content Note 2 letters Box 39, Folder 23 D'Avernas, Jean, 1966 Physical Description: 7 letters, 1 note Box 39, Folder 24 David, Villiers, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 25 Davidson, Eugene, 1976-1983 Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 26 Davidson, Gail S., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 39, Folder 27 Davidson, Malcolm, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 28 Davies, Mrs., 1975 Physical Description: 1 item Box 39, Folder 29 Davis, Anthony, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 30 Davis, Charles, 1977-1989 Physical Description: 6 letters, 1 note Scope and Content Note Included is a 1969 letter from Heim Gallery to Geoffrey Cross. Box 39, Folder 31 Davis, Frank, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 39, Folder 32 Davis, William S., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 33 Davisson, Kensington, 1968 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 39, Folder 34 Dawson, Anthony, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 39, Folder 35 Day, Shirley, 1979-1982 Physical Description: 4 items Box 39, Folder 36 Daxer, J., undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 39, Folder 37 Deancraft Ltd., undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 38 De Arocena, Raquel Armas, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 101 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39, Folder 39 De Ayala, Fernando Zobel, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 40 De Bellaigue, Geoffrey, 1970-1983 Physical Description: 7 items Box 39, Folder 41 De Beyser, Bruno, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 39, Folder 42 De Boisdeffre, Pierre, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 43 De Boisfleury, Y., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 44 DeBruno, Philip, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 45 De Caso, Jacques, 1967-1973 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 39, Folder 46 De Coene, Roger, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 39, Folder 47 De Contessini, Livio, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 39, Folder 48 De Freitas, Geoffrey, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 39, Folder 49 De Goma, P., 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 50 De Graff, John, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 51 De Heredia, Marquis, 1977-1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 52 De la Biliais, Comte, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 53 De la Lanne, Mirrlees, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 39, Folder 54 De la Moureyre, F., 1972 Physical Description: 4 items Box 39, Folder 55 Delbanco, Kurt B., 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 56 Del Campo, Rodolfo, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 102 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39, Folder 57 Del Corral, Luis Diez, 1974-1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 39, Folder 58 Del Drago, Marcello, 1973 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 39, Folder 59 Delestre, François, 1975 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 39, Folder 60 D'Elia, Michele, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 61 De Liedekerke, J. F., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39, Folder 62 De Ligne, Albert, 1967 Physical Description: 2 items Box 39, Folder 63 De Ligne, Antoine, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 11 items Box 39, Folder 64 De Lisle, The Squire, 1972 Physical Description: 10 items, including 5 photographs Box 39, Folder 65 Dell, Theodore, 1966-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 39, Folder 66 Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 39, Folder 67 Delong, Zofia B., 1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 39, Folder 68 Delorme, Christian, 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 39, Folder 69 Delp, Robert A., 1989-1990 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 235, Folder 10 Box 39A Delp, Robert A., 1989-1990 Physical Description: 1 color photograph Alain Demachy - M. Djanchieff, 1966-1990 Box 39A, Folder 1 Demachy, Alain, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 39A, Folder 2 De Maen, Paul, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 3 De Malan, B. Dale, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 8 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 103 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39A, Folder 4 Dembinska, Maria K., 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 5 Dembinski, L. A., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 6 Demeter, Steven, 1973-1976 Physical Description: 22 letters Box 39A, Folder 7 De Menil, John, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 39A, Folder 8 Den Broeder, Frederick, 1978-1985 Physical Description: 36 items Box 39A, Folder 9 Dennys, Rodney, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 39A, Folder 10 Box 39A, Folder 11 Box 39A, Folder 12 Box 39A, Folder 13 Box 39A, Folder 14 Box 39A, Folder 15 Box 39A, Folder 16 Box 39A, Folder 17 Box 39A, Folder 18 Dent, Charles C., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent De Peretti, 1974 Physical Description: 5 letters De Polo, Claudio, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Dequines, D., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters De Sager, Walter, 1971-1975 Physical Description: 9 letters, 1 printed matter De Sejournet, Pierre, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Des Voeux, Michael, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Desvoeux, M. H., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Dethloff, Diana, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 19 Deutscher Bundestag, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 20 Box 39A, Folder 21 Deval, A., undated Physical Description: 1 item Devito, G., 1976-1978 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 104 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39A, Folder 22 Dewey, Nicholas, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 39A, Folder 23 Box 39A, Folder 24 Box 39A, Folder 25 Box 39A, Folder 26 Box 39A, Folder 27 Box 39A, Folder 28 Box 39A, Folder 29 Box 39A, Folder 30 Box 39A, Folder 31 Box 39A, Folder 32 Box 39A, Folder 33 Box 39A, Folder 34 Box 39A, Folder 35 Dewhirst, I. R., 1984 Physical Description: 1 item De Wouters, P., 1968-1973 Physical Description: 7 letters Deyell, Daniel, 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 postcard Derry & Toms, Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Desjardins, J. A., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters De Vito, Giuseppe, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters, 1 note D'Harcourt, J., 1969-1975 Physical Description: 14 letters DHL Couriers, undated Physical Description: 1 item Diamond, Hester, 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Di Castro, Franco, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Dick, Jack R., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Dickinson, J. C., 1986-1989 Physical Description: 13 items The Dictionary of Art (Macmillan Ltd.), 1983-1984 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note 8 letters, 1 book ( Notes for contributors). Box 39A, Folder 36 The Dictionary of Art (Macmillan Ltd.), 1985 Physical Description: 5 items, including 2 typescripts Box 39A, Folder 37 Box 39A, Folder 38 The Dictionary of Art (Macmillan Ltd.), 1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items The Dictionary of Art (Macmillan Ltd.), 1987-1989 Physical Description: ca. 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 105 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 39A, Folder 39 Didactic laboratoires pharmaceutiques, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 39A, Folder 40 Box 39A, Folder 41 Box 39A, Folder 42 Box 39A, Folder 43 Diemer, Peter, 1972-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Dier, Otto, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Dieterle, Pierre, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Di Gianni, Michele, 1974 Physical Description: 7 items, including 1 photograph Box 234*, Folder 4 Di Gianni, Michele, 1974 Physical Description: 2 issues of Maltanapoli Box 39A, Folder 44 Box 39A, Folder 45 Box 39A, Folder 46 Box 39A, Folder 47 Box 39A, Folder 48 Box 39A, Folder 49 Box 39A, Folder 50 Diggins, Lauraine, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Di Miglione, Rodino, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Dimitri, Richard, undated Physical Description: 1 note Dimitstein, Santiago, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Di Pralormo, Maria, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Dismorr, James, 1978-1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Djanchieff, M., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40 Box 40, Folder 1 M. Dolberg - Kamil Dziewanowski, 1966-1990 Dolberg, M., 1966-1977 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 40, Folder 2 Box 40, Folder 3 Box 40, Folder 4 Box 40, Folder 5 Doll, Diethelm, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Dollard, Michael, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Donahue, J. Barry, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Donaldsons, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 106 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40, Folder 6 Box 40, Folder 7 Box 40, Folder 8 Box 40, Folder 9 Done, Alan K., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Donini, Filippo, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Dorival, Bernard, 1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Dorotheum, 1973-1983 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 40, Folder 10 Doucet, R., 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40, Folder 11 Dowell, James, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 12 Dowell's, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 photograph Box 40, Folder 13 Downside Abbey, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 40, Folder 14 Dracup, Anthony, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 15 Dray, Claude, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 16 Drayton Paper Works, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 17 Drey, Elisabeth M., 1967-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Included are 2 letters from Ciechanowiecki to George Dix. Box 40, Folder 18 Galerie Drouart, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40, Folder 19 Drouot, Jacques, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 20 Drury, M. D., 1990 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40, Folder 21 Duarte, Carlos F., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40, Folder 22 Du Chatenet, Bernard, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 107 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40, Folder 23 Duchet, Andree Debar, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 40, Folder 24 Dufet-Bourdelle, R., 1967 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 40, Folder 25 Duff Gordon, Andrew, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 26 Duff, P. J., 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40, Folder 27 Dufford, Richard, 1985-1989 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 40, Folder 28 Duffy, James F., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 29 Dufton, John, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40, Folder 30 Duits, Clifford, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 40, Folder 31 Dumas, Jean, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40, Folder 32 Dumont, Jean-Pierre, 1977-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 40, Folder 33 Duncan Art Company, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 34 Duncan, Val, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Letter sent to Miss Ree at The Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation. Box 40, Folder 35 Alfred Dunhill Ltd., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 36 Dunlop, S. J., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 37 Dunn, Anthony, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 38 Durand, André, 1982 Physical Description: 18 items Box 40, Folder 39 Durand, André, 1983 Physical Description: ca. 40 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 108 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40, Folder 40 Durand, André, 1984 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 40, Folder 41 Durand, André, 1985 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 235, Folder 11 Durand, André, 1985 Physical Description: 1 color transparency Box 40, Folder 42 Durand, André, 1986 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 40, Folder 43 Durand, André, 1988 Physical Description: 7 items Box 40, Folder 44 Durante, Alain, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note Letter from Durante to Maison Tailleur. Box 40, Folder 45 Dutton, Ralph, 1967-1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 40, Folder 46 Duveen Art Galleries, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40, Folder 47 Duvin, Pierre, 1973 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 40, Folder 48 Dwyer, Melva J., 1969-1971 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40, Folder 49 Dylag, Michael R., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 40, Folder 50 Dziewanowski, Kamil, 1984 Physical Description: 5 items Box 40A Viscount Eccles - Frederick Eyston, 1966-1990 Box 40A, Folder 1 Eccles, Viscount, 1970-1975 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 40A, Folder 2 École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (Paris, France), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40A, Folder 3 Casa Editrice Edam, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 109 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40A, Folder 4 Edelstein, Annamaria, 1982-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 40A, Folder 5 Edge, David, 1966-1974 Physical Description: ca. 75 items Box 40A, Folder 6 Edinburg, Dorothy, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40A, Folder 7 Edinburgh International Festival, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40A, Folder 8 Edsor, Simon, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 40A, Folder 9 Eeckhout, Paul, 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 40A, Folder 10 Box 40A, Folder 11 Box 40A, Folder 12 Box 40A, Folder 13 Box 40A, Folder 14 Box 40A, Folder 15 Box 40A, Folder 16 Box 40A, Folder 17 Egana, Oscar E., 1975 Physical Description: 5 items Egerton, W. R., 1981-1984 Physical Description: 4 items Egloffstein, Albrecht, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Eiermann, Egon, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent The Eighteen Century Society, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Einhorn, Kurt, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Eisenstadt: Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Eisner, Pauline, 1968-1989 Physical Description: 18 items Box 40A, Folder 18 Ehrmann, Jean, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 40A, Folder 19 Box 40A, Folder 20 Eisner, H., 1968-1973 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Ekman, G., 1980 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 110 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40A, Folder 21 Ekstein, M., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40A, Folder 22 Box 40A, Folder 23 Box 40A, Folder 24 Box 40A, Folder 25 Box 40A, Folder 26 Box 40A, Folder 27 Box 40A, Folder 28 Box 40A, Folder 29 Box 40A, Folder 30 Box 40A, Folder 31 Box 40A, Folder 32 Box 40A, Folder 33 Box 40A, Folder 34 Box 40A, Folder 35 Elbe, Frank (Bundes Aussenministerium, Bonn), 1981-1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Electric Protection Services (London), 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter received Elliot, Mrs., 1987-1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Elliott, James J., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Ellis-Jones, David, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Elwes, G. J. G., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Emnaldi, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Emory University Art Collection, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Encyclopedia Britannica, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Engleheart, H. F. A., 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Ephraim, F., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Ephron, Walter, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Erb, John, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Ergmann, Daniel, 1974-1984 Physical Description: 13 items Box 40A, Folder 36 Erskine, Robert, 1984 Physical Description: 2 items Box 40A, Folder 37 Box 40A, Folder 38 Escudero, Alberto, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Essex, John R., 1977 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 111 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40A, Folder 39 Essick, Robert, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 40A, Folder 40 Box 40A, Folder 41 Box 40A, Folder 42 Box 40A, Folder 43 Esteve, Angel J. R. T., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Eudy, Hugh A., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 4 letters European-Atlantic Group, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters The European Foundation (ELEC seminar), 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Draft programm of a seminar held at ELEC. Box 40A, Folder 44 European Investment Bank, 1979 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 40A, Folder 45 Box 40A, Folder 46 Box 40A, Folder 47 Box 40A, Folder 48 Box 40A, Folder 49 Box 40A, Folder 50 Box 40A, Folder 51 Box 40A, Folder 52 Box 40A, Folder 53 Box 40A, Folder 54 Box 40A, Folder 55 Eustace, Basil M., 1977-1979 Physical Description: 3 items Eutaxias, Lambros, 1972-1979 Physical Description: 9 items Euteneuer, Gunther, 1971-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Evan Cook Limited, undated Physical Description: 2 items Evans, R. W., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters The Everest Record Group, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 9 letters Everett, J. C. K., 1975-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Ever-Lite Electric Company, 1969 Physical Description: 1 item The Eversley Galleries, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Ewald, Dora, 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Ewart-Biggs, Jane, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters 910004 112 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 40A, Folder 56 Box 40A, Folder 57 Box 40A, Folder 58 Box 41 Box 41, Folder 1 Exposition internationale des antiquaires, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Eyre & Humbert (Florence, Italy), 1967-1968 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Eyston, Frederick, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Tore Fahlén - Philip Foster, 1966-1990 Fahlén, Tore, 1985 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Empty envelope addressed to Ciechanowiecki. Box 41, Folder 2 Box 41, Folder 3 Box 41, Folder 4 Box 41, Folder 5 Box 41, Folder 6 Box 41, Folder 7 Box 41, Folder 8 Box 41, Folder 9 Fairbanks, Douglas, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Fairfax, James O., 1968-1974 Physical Description: 13 letters De la Falaise, Madama la Marquise, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Falanga, Pasquale, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Falcone, Josee-Lyne, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Faldella, Minai, 1986 Physical Description: 5 items Falencki, K., 1966-1976 Physical Description: 12 letters Falkiner, Richard, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 10 Famchon, Yves Joseph Jerôme, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Curriculum vitae (2 copies) Box 41, Folder 11 Editions Famot, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 12 Fanshawe College, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 13 Farago, Joseph, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 113 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 41, Folder 14 Farago, Margaret, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 15 Faramond, J. de, 1966 Physical Description: 13 items Box 41, Folder 16 Faringdon, Lord, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 17 Farr, Dennis, 1977-1987 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 18 Farrelly, B. J., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 19 Farri, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note A list of marble sculptures. Box 41, Folder 20 Faustus Galleries, 1977 Physical Description: 5 items Box 41, Folder 21 Faustus (David Collins), 1981 Physical Description: 1 item Box 41, Folder 22 The Favil Press Ltd., 1966 Physical Description: 10 items Box 41, Folder 23 Favre, M. (Johannesburg), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 24 Favre, (London), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 25 Favre, Brigitte, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 26 Fazil, M., 1970-1973 Physical Description: 4 items Box 41, Folder 27 Di Frederico, Frank R., 1971-1974 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 41, Folder 28 Feigen, Richard L., 1985 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 41, Folder 29 Feigenbaum, Gail, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 30 Feilchenfeldt, Walter, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 114 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 41, Folder 31 Felix, Alice, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 32 Felle, Manfred, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 10 letters, 1 business card Box 41, Folder 33 Fellens, Christian, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 34 Felton, Craig Mc F., 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 41, Folder 35 C. R. Fenton & Co., 1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 41, Folder 36 Fenyo, N., 1978-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 41, Folder 37 Feray, Jean, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 38 Ferguson, James Colyer, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 39 Fermont, D. A., 1969-1982 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 41, Folder 40 Ferrante, A., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 41 Ferrara, R. J., 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 42 Ferrari, Leandro, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 43 Ferré, Luis A., 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 44 Ferris, John P., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 41, Folder 45 Ferro, Michael, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 46 Ferro, Robert, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 47 Fersing, Aage, 1985 Physical Description: 5 items Box 41, Folder 48 Fessler, P. J., 1973-1974 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 115 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 41, Folder 49 Fibak, Woytek, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Regarding paintings by Olga Poznanska. Box 41, Folder 50 Fichiera, 1969 Physical Description: 1 telegram sent Box 41, Folder 51 Field, Miriam, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 52 Fieldsend, R., 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 53 Figueras, José, 1990 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 54 Filali, Mohamed, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 41, Folder 55 Finart Ltd., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 56 Galerie Robert Finck, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 57 Fine Art Society, 1981 Physical Description: 2 items Box 41, Folder 58 Fiorentina SA., 1985 Physical Description: 4 items Box 41, Folder 59 Firenze: Istituto Nationale delle Assicurazioni, Agenzia Generale di Firenze, 1969 Physical Description: 8 items Box 41, Folder 60 Firenze: Kunsthistorisches Institut, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 61 Firenze: Mostra Mercato, Internazionale dell'Antiquariato, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 8 items Box 41, Folder 62 Box 41, Folder 63 Firenze: Soprintendenza alle Gallerie, 1972-1976 Fischer, B. (Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft), 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 64 Galerie Fischer Luzern, 1974-1980 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 41, Folder 65 Fischer, Jacques, 1978-1986 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 41, Folder 66 Fischer, Peter, undated Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 116 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 41, Folder 67 Fischer, Wolfgang (Marlborough Fine Art), 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 68 Fisher, D., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 41, Folder 69 Fiszer, Janusz, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 70 Fitts, Clive, 1967-1977 Physical Description: 18 letters, 1 printed matter Box 41, Folder 71 Fitzgerald, Charles, 1981 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 41, Folder 72 Fitzgerald, Nina, 1968-1986 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 41, Folder 73 Fitzwilliam, Earl, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 74 Flanders, T., 1976-1980 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 41, Folder 75 Flannery, Thomas F., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 76 Fleetwood-Hesketh, Peter, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 41, Folder 77 Fleischman, Lawrence A., 1966-1980 Physical Description: 27 items Box 41, Folder 78 Flodin, William lloyd, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 41, Folder 79 Folguera, Marie-Therese, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 80 Forbes, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 1 letter, 1 telegram received Box 41, Folder 81 Forbes, Hamish, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 82 Forbes Magazine, 1972-1979 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 41, Folder 83 Ford, Brinsley, 1968-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 41, Folder 84 John Ford & Sons, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 117 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 41, Folder 85 Ford, P. J., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 86 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (John Morgan), 1973-1976 Physical Description: 30 letters Box 41, Folder 87 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (John Morgan), 1977-1979 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 41, Folder 88 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (John Morgan), 1980-1983 Physical Description: 10 letters, 1 note Box 41, Folder 89 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (John Morgan), 1984 Physical Description: 12 items Box 41, Folder 90 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (John Morgan), 1985-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 41, Folder 91 Forest, Marie-Therese, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 92 Forquet, Federico, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 41, Folder 93 Forte, Ralph E., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 41, Folder 94 Lord Forte of Ripley, 1982-1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 41, Folder 95 Foster, Philip, 1976-1985 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 42 Box 42, Folder 1 Box 42, Folder 2 Box 42, Folder 3 Box 42, Folder 4 Box 42, Folder 5 Box 235, Folder 12 Beatrice Foti - Viscount Furness, 1966-1990 Foti, Beatrice, 1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Foucart, Bruno, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Fouquet, G. M., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Fourcade, Sandra, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Fourcade, Vincent, 1968-1977 Physical Description: 18 letters Fourcade, Vincent, undated Physical Description: 1 color polaroid Scope and Content Note Color polaroid photograph attached to letter dated 11 Feb. 1977. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 118 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 42, Folder 6 Box 42, Folder 7 Box 42, Folder 8 Box 42, Folder 9 Frabetti, Giuliano, 1971-1976 Physical Description: 5 letters France: Ambassade de France à Londres, 1967-1982 Physical Description: 15 letters France: École française de Rome, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Franchini, Umberto, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 42, Folder 10 Franciszowski, Marek, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 42, Folder 11 The Franco-British Society, 1979-1986 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Includes vol. 43, no. 132 of the Journal. Box 42, Folder 12 Frank, Adelaide Sánchez y, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 42, Folder 13 Frankel, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 42, Folder 14 Frantz, Peter B., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 42, Folder 15 Frascione, Giulio, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 42, Folder 16 Fraser & Co., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 42, Folder 17 Fraser, Edith J., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 42, Folder 18 Fraser, J., 1967 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 42, Folder 19 Fraughan, Charles, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 42, Folder 20 Freeman, John R., 1968-1975 Physical Description: 4 letters sent Box 42, Folder 21 Freid, A., 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 42, Folder 22 Freitas, Geoffrey de, 1977 Physical Description: 1 invitation INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 119 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 42, Folder 23 French, I. A., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 42, Folder 24 French & Company Inc. (Martin Zimet), 1966-1980 Physical Description: 34 items Box 42, Folder 25 Freres, Fabius, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 42, Folder 26 Freyberg, Lady, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 42, Folder 27 Friedenberg, Anna, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 42, Folder 28 Friedlander, Eva, 1982 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note 2 letters, 1 typescript Box 42, Folder 29 Frolich, Lili, 1966-1972 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 42, Folder 30 Fuentes, Isidro Clot, 1973 Physical Description: 4 items Box 42, Folder 31 Fuermann, Bryan, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 42, Folder 32 Fuhrken, R. O., 1978 Physical Description: 3 items Box 42, Folder 33 Fulford, G. M., 1969 Physical Description: 28 letters Box 42, Folder 34 Fulford, G. M., 1970-1971 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 42, Folder 35 Fulford, G. M., 1972 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Box 42, Folder 36 Fulford, G. M., 1973 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Box 42, Folder 37 Fulford, G. M., 1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 42, Folder 38 Fulford, G. M., 1975-1979 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 42, Folder 39 Fuller, Randolph J., 1970-1971 Physical Description: 13 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 120 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 42, Folder 40 Fuller, Randolph J., 1972 Physical Description: 24 items Box 42, Folder 41 Fuller, Randolph J., 1973 Physical Description: ca. 26 items Box 42, Folder 42 Fuller, Randolph J., 1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 234*, Folder 3 Fuller, Randolph J., 1974 Physical Description: 2 press clippings Box 42, Folder 43 Fuller, Randolph J., 1975-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 42, Folder 44 Fuller, Randolph J., 1977-1979 Physical Description: 23 letters Box 42, Folder 45 Fuller, Randolph J., 1980-1981 Physical Description: 23 items Box 42, Folder 46 Fuller, Randolph J., 1982-1983 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 42, Folder 47 Fuller, Randolph J., 1984-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 42, Folder 48 Fuller, Randolph J., 1987-1989 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 42, Folder 49 Funk, Craig, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 42, Folder 50 Furness, Viscount, 1971-1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 43 Box 43, Folder 1 Box 43, Folder 2 Box 43, Folder 3 Box 43, Folder 4 Box 43, Folder 5 Box 43, Folder 6 Mattia Gaeta - Marina Gherardi, 1966-1990 Gaeta, Mattia, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 16 items Gaetani, Countess, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 9 items Gage, Viscount, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Gahlin, Sven, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Gaines, John R., 1972 Physical Description: 5 items Gainesborough, John, 1977 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 121 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 43, Folder 7 Box 43, Folder 8 Box 43, Folder 9 Gainsford, F. W., 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Gajda, H., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Galbiati, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 43, Folder 10 Galdy Galleries Ltd., 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 43, Folder 11 Galerie George, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 12 Galigani, Sandra, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 13 Galleria Sigismondo di G. Bruno Franco, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 14 Gallery Lingard, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 43, Folder 15 Gallery of the Grange, 1968 Physical Description: 6 items Box 43, Folder 16 Galli, Luigi, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 19 items Box 43, Folder 17 Galli, Luigi, 1968 Physical Description: ca, 26 items Box 43, Folder 18 Galli, Luigi, 1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 43, Folder 19 Galli, Luigi, 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Includes 1 photograph. Box 43, Folder 20 Galli, Luigi, 1972-1975 Physical Description: 25 items Box 43, Folder 21 Galli, Luigi, 1976-1983 Physical Description: 17 items Box 43, Folder 22 Galli, Paolo, 1971-1985 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 43, Folder 23 Galway, The Dowager Viscountess, 1971-1972 Physical Description: ca. 50 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 122 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 43, Folder 24 Galway, The Dowager Viscountess, 1973-1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including correspondence, notes, annotated folder, and 14 photographs. Box 43, Folder 25 Gambart, E., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 26 Gamer, Jörg, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 27 Ganim, Eduardo, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 28 Ganz, Paul, 1969-1976 Physical Description: 17 items Box 43, Folder 29 Garcia, Eutiquiano, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 43, Folder 30 Garcin, Gabriel, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 31 Gardner, Claire, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 32 Gardner III, G. P., 1981-1982 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 43, Folder 33 Garin, E., 1970-1971 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 43, Folder 34 Garstang, Donald, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 43, Folder 35 North Thames Gas, 1965-1985 Physical Description: 9 items Box 43, Folder 36 Gasch, F. O., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 37 Gaskin, John, 1984-1987 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 43, Folder 38 Gasparrini, Claudio, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 14 items Box 43, Folder 39 Gatacre, Peter, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 items Box 43, Folder 40 Gateacre, E. V., 1978-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 123 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 43, Folder 41 Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 42 Gattarts Gallery, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 43, Folder 43 Gatti, Aldo, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 43, Folder 44 Gebhardt, Alexander, 1971 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 43, Folder 45 Gelber, Marvin, 1973 Physical Description: 2 items Box 43, Folder 46 Geller, Anthony, 1989-1990 Physical Description: 27 items Box 43, Folder 47 Geller, Gustava, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 48 Geller, Karol, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 43, Folder 49 Gelles, Edward, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Box 43, Folder 50 Gennett, Robert G., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 51 Gentle, R., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 52 George, John, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 53 Georges, 1978 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 43, Folder 54 The Georgian Shop, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 55 Gerard, Nicolle, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 56 Gerber, Harris S., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 43, Folder 57 Gere, John, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 124 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 43, Folder 58 Germany: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, London, 1977-1980 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Werner Kilian, 9 letters and 1 invitation. Box 43, Folder 59 Gernika, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 43, Folder 60 Gerson, H., 1978 Physical Description: 2 items Box 43, Folder 61 Getty, J. Paul, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 43, Folder 62 Ghausi [Gausi], Marilyn B., 1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 43, Folder 63 Gherardi, Marina, 1968 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 44 Box 44, Folder 1 Box 44, Folder 2 Box 44, Folder 3 Box 44, Folder 4 Box 44, Folder 5 Box 44, Folder 6 Box 44, Folder 7 Box 44, Folder 8 Mario di Giampaolo - Government Printing Office (GPO), 1966-1990 Giampaolo, Mario di, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Gianetti, Antonia, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 13 items Giarbella, Adriana, after 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Gibbs, Eustace, 1974-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Giblin, Ivor, 1974-1980 Physical Description: 10 items Gibson, R. P. T., 1971-1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Gilbert, Arthur, 1974-1978 Physical Description: 11 letters Gilbey (Duncan, Gilbey & Matheson), 1973-1976 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 44, Folder 9 Gilbey, Mark, 1975-1987 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 44, Folder 10 Giles, Laura, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 11 Giles, P., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 125 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44, Folder 12 Gill, S. G., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 13 Gilliat, Martin, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 44, Folder 14 Gilmartin, John, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 15 Gilmour, G. W., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 16 Gilson, Warren, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 17 Ginar, Julia J., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 18 Gingold, G. L., 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 19 Ginori-Lisci, Marchese, 1968-1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 20 Giordano, Richard V., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 21 Giorgi, Giorgio, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 22 Di Giorgio (Rome, Italy), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 23 Giovannini, Laura, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 24 Girin, Roland, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 44, Folder 25 Gismondi, Jean, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 12 items Box 44, Folder 26 Glaser, Lonny, 1979-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 27 Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 44, Folder 28 Glass, Julian W., 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Box 44, Folder 29 Glendining & Co., undated Physical Description: 1 printed matter INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 126 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44, Folder 30 Glin Castle, 1966-1975 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 44, Folder 31 Glowacki, Darius, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 32 Goddard, Theodore, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 33 Godlewski, Julian, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 44, Folder 34 Goede, T. de, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 35 Goelet, John, 1966-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 44, Folder 36 Goelet, John, 1970-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 44, Folder 37 Goelet, John, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 18 items Box 44, Folder 38 Goffinet, François, 1986 Physical Description: 1 note Box 44, Folder 39 Golaszewski, Jan, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 40 Goldberg, Gerald M., 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 41 Goldenson, Daniel R., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 42 Goldkuhle, F., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 235, Folder 13 Goldkuhle, F., undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Box 44, Folder 43 Goldsmith, J. M., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 44 Goldsmith, James, 1975-1985 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 44, Folder 45 Goldsmith, Selwyn B., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 46 Goldyne, Joseph, 1971-1981 Physical Description: ca. 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 127 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44, Folder 47 Goley, Mary Anne, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 48 Gollnow, Johannes Dieter, 1970-1971 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 44, Folder 49 Gonzalez, Manuel, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 44, Folder 50 Gonzalez-Palacios, Alvar, 1990 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 postcard received Box 44, Folder 51 Gonzalves (Madrid, Spain), 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 52 Henry Good & Son Ltd., 1967-1978 Physical Description: 6 items Box 44, Folder 53 Gordon, Alistair, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 9 items Box 44, Folder 54 Gordon, Charles, 1974-1986 Physical Description: 14 items Box 44, Folder 55 Gordon, David, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 56 Gordon, Douglas, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 57 Gordon, Helen, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters, 2 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs are shelved in vault 5. Box 44, Folder 58 Luis Gordon & Sons, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 44, Folder 59 Gordon, Nadia, 1966-1974 Physical Description: 13 items Box 44, Folder 60 Gordon, Richard, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 61 Gordon-Smith, M., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44, Folder 62 Gore, John, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44, Folder 63 Goronwy-Roberts, Lord, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 128 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44, Folder 64 Gorzkowska, Regina, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 44, Folder 65 Gosling, Nigel, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44, Folder 66 Gotley, H. H., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 44, Folder 67 Goujon, 1977 Physical Description: 2 receipts Box 44, Folder 68 Governale, Antonello, 1969 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 44, Folder 69 Government Printing Office (GPO), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 44A Box 44A, Folder 1 A. Grabia - Jean-François Guyot, 1966-1990 Grabia, A., 1974-1985 Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Concerning artwork by Maksymilian Gierymski. Box 235, Folder 14 Grabia, A., 1985 Physical Description: 4 color photographs. Scope and Content Note Artwork by Maksymilian Gierymski. Box 44A, Folder 2 Grabski, Józef, 1980-1990 Physical Description: 32 items, including 1 photograph Box 44A, Folder 3 Grace, Priscilla, 1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 44A, Folder 4 Graham, J., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44A, Folder 5 Granadia, Kurt, 1973 Physical Description: 9 items Box 44A, Folder 6 Grand Tours, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 5 items Box 44A, Folder 7 Granek, Rudy, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44A, Folder 8 Grange, T. P., 1975-1980 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 44A, Folder 9 G. F. Grant & Co., 1968-1981 Physical Description: 17 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 129 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44A, Folder 10 Grant and Cutler Ltd., 1972-1979 Physical Description: 5 items Box 44A, Folder 11 Box 44A, Folder 12 Box 44A, Folder 13 Box 44A, Folder 14 Box 44A, Folder 15 Box 44A, Folder 16 Box 44A, Folder 17 Box 44A, Folder 18 Box 44A, Folder 19 Box 44A, Folder 20 Box 44A, Folder 21 Grant-Ferris, Lady, 1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Grasas, Alberto, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Graziani, Cristina, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Green, Edwin, 1967 Physical Description: 3 items Green, Richard, 1971-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Green, Terence, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 7 items Green, Vera (B. Gerald Cantor Collection of Art), 1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Greenthal, Kathryn T., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Greenwich: The National Maritime Museum, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Greif, V., 1974-1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Morgan Grenfell Ltd. 1974 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 letter to David Bendall. Box 44A, Folder 22 Box 44A, Folder 23 Box 44A, Folder 24 Box 44A, Folder 25 Grenier, Alain, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Grenier, Alphie, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Gresham, C. Brandon, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters John P. Grey & Son, 1974 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note 3 letters and a textile sample. Box 44A, Folder 26 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Grey-Drallard, Jean Pierre, 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter received 910004 130 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44A, Folder 27 Box 44A, Folder 28 Box 44A, Folder 29 Box 44A, Folder 30 Box 44A, Folder 31 Box 44A, Folder 32 "Galleria de Arte" Grife & Escoda S.L., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Griffiths, A. B., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Griffiths, H., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Grimaldi, Buccino, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Grimm, Claus, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Grimmer, Werner, 1979-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Also correspondence with Jean-François Guyot. Box 44A, Folder 33 Box 44A, Folder 34 Box 44A, Folder 35 Box 44A, Folder 36 Box 44A, Folder 37 Box 44A, Folder 38 Box 44A, Folder 39 Box 44A, Folder 40 Grindlays Bank Ltd., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Grinke, Paul, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Griseri, Andreina, 1966-1980 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Grioni, John S., 1968-1971 Physical Description: 6 letters Grix, Henry M., 1990 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Grob, David, undated Physical Description: 1 printed matter Grocholska, Magdalena, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Grocholski, M. L., 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44A, Folder 41 Gros, Gabriella, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Box 44A, Folder 42 Box 44A, Folder 43 Gross, Carl E., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Grossman, Daniel B., 1976-1985 Physical Description: 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 131 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44A, Folder 44 Grossman, Sheldon, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 44A, Folder 45 Box 44A, Folder 46 Box 44A, Folder 47 Box 44A, Folder 48 Box 44A, Folder 49 Box 44A, Folder 50 Box 44A, Folder 51 Box 44A, Folder 52 Box 44A, Folder 53 Box 44A, Folder 54 Box 44A, Folder 55 Box 44A, Folder 56 Box 44A, Folder 57 Box 44A, Folder 58 Grumbach, J.-J., 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Grunchec, Philippe, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 printed matter Grundy, J. Hill, 1967-1977 Physical Description: 6 letters Grunitz, Heinz, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Grünwald, Michael D., 1980-1989 Physical Description: 17 items Grutzner, Jutta, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Grzybkowska, Teresa, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received The Guardian, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Guarisco, Peter Victor, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Gubler, Emile, 1975-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Guelfi, Fausta Franchini, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 printed matter Guggenheim, Peter D., 1970-1975 Physical Description: 7 letters Guidi, Marcello, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Guillaume, Alain, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 44A, Folder 59 Guillaume, Baroness, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 44A, Folder 60 Box 44A, Folder 61 Guillermo, Jorge, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Guinle, I., 1967-1973 Physical Description: 19 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 132 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 44A, Folder 62 Guinness, Desmond, 1968-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Box 44A, Folder 63 Box 44A, Folder 64 Box 44A, Folder 65 Box 44A, Folder 66 Box 45 Box 45, Folder 1 Box 45, Folder 2 Box 45, Folder 3 Box 45, Folder 4 Box 45, Folder 5 Box 45, Folder 6 Box 45, Folder 7 Box 45, Folder 8 Box 45, Folder 9 Günthart, Lotti, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Günther, Knut, 1968-1985 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Gunther, Mary, 1985-1988 Physical Description: 9 items Guyot, Jean-François, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent H: reference list, Otto Haas - Heim (New York), 1966-1990 H: reference list, undated Physical Description: 1 item Haas, Otto, 1969 Physical Description: 1 item Habeck, Thomas, 1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Habsburg, Geza von, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Hachette réalités, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Hadfield, L. D., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Galerie Hahn, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hahn-Woernle, Birgit, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Robert Hale Ltd., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 ill. Box 45, Folder 10 Hali (The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles) , 1983 Physical Description: 6 items Box 45, Folder 11 Hall, Michael, 1967 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 45, Folder 12 Hall, Michael, 1968-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 45, Folder 13 Hall, Michael, 1971-1989 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 133 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45, Folder 14 Hall, S., 1978 Physical Description: 1 postcard Box 45, Folder 15 Hall, Susan, 1982 Physical Description: 1 item Box 45, Folder 16 Hall, W., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 45, Folder 17 Haller, Rudolf, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 45, Folder 18 Hamilton, P. J., 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 19 Hammer, Armand, 1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 45, Folder 20 Hammerbeck, John, 1980 Physical Description: 3 items Box 45, Folder 21 Hanes, Gorden, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 22 Hannegan, Barry, 1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 45, Folder 23 Hansen, Werner, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 24 Harari, Max, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 45, Folder 25 Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 45, Folder 26 Haider, Helmut, 1970 Physical Description: 4 items Box 45, Folder 27 Hajjar, Hadi and Eliya, 1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 45, Folder 28 Haley, Kenneth C., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 29 Hall, F. E., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 photograph Box 45, Folder 30 Hall, R. J., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 31 Hall-Turner, W. J. A., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 134 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45, Folder 32 Hammerbeck, John, 1988-1990 Physical Description: 11 items Box 45, Folder 33 Handelsman, Norman R., 1973-1974 Physical Description: 2 items Box 45, Folder 34 Harari, Max, 1967-1973 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 45, Folder 35 Harbison, Robert, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 36 Harbord, Felix, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 note Box 45, Folder 37 Hardy, John P., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 38 Hardy, Valerie (John Abbott College), 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 45, Folder 39 Harland, S. W., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 40 Harris, Ann Sutherland, 1967-1976 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 45, Folder 41 Harris, Homer H., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 42 Harris, John (Royal Institute of British Architects), 1966-1983 Physical Description: 36 letters Box 45, Folder 43 Harris, Morton B., 1969-1974 Physical Description: 12 letters, 1 small label Box 45, Folder 44 Harris, N., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 45 Harris, Rupert, 1983 Physical Description: 2 items Box 45, Folder 46 Harrison, Alexander G., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 47 Harrison, Doris J., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 48 Harrison, Sam G., 1984-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 45, Folder 49 Hart, Clifton, 1973 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 135 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45, Folder 50 Hartley, L. P., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 51 Harmatan Leather, 1987 Physical Description: 3 items: leather samples and 1 note Box 45, Folder 52 Hartnoll, Julian, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note Box 45, Folder 53 Hartung, Hans, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 54 Hartwell, Lady, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 55 Hartwell, Pamela, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 45, Folder 56 Harusewicz, M., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 57 Harvard, Michael, 1967-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 45, Folder 58 John Harvey & Sons, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 10 items Box 45, Folder 59 Harwell, 1976-1982 Physical Description: 7 items Box 45, Folder 60 Hashemi, Cirus, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Box 45, Folder 61 Hassels, Michael, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 62 Hasselt, Carlos van, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 6 letters, 2 business cards Box 45, Folder 63 Hatch, John Davis, 1978-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 45, Folder 64 Hatfields, 1970-1980 Physical Description: 6 items Box 45, Folder 65 Hatvany, Baron, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 45, Folder 66 Haukohl, Mark Fehrs, 1989 Physical Description: 6 letters, 1 business card Box 45, Folder 67 Haupt, Klaus, 1968 Physical Description: 5 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 136 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45, Folder 68 Hauptman, William, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 45, Folder 69 Hayoit, Charles, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 8 letters, 1 business card Box 45, Folder 70 Hays Morgan, Harry, 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 45, Folder 71 Hayward, Helena, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 business card Box 45, Folder 72 J. B. Hayward & Son, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 73 Hayward, John, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 74 Hazel, John, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 45, Folder 75 Heald, Daphne (Marie Curie Memorial Foundation), 1969 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 45, Folder 76 Hedberg, Margaret Joyce, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45, Folder 77 Heil, Walter, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 45, Folder 78 Heim (New York), 1978-1979 Physical Description: 9 letters, 1 press clipping Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Christoph Janet. Box 45, Folder 79 Heim (London), 1966-1974, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Various printed matter, several declarations of originality of various artwork, lists of artworks and names of artists exhibited at Heim Gallery from 1966 to 1970, letters sent, notes on François Heim and Ciechanowiecki. Box 45A Heim (Paris) - Karl Hnat, 1966-1990 Box 45A, Folder 1 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1967-1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 45A, Folder 2 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1972-1973 Physical Description: ca, 15 items Box 45A, Folder 3 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1974 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 137 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45A, Folder 4 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1975 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 45A, Folder 5 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 45A, Folder 6 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1977 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 45A, Folder 7 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters, 1 photograph Box 45A, Folder 8 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1979 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 45A, Folder 9 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 36 letters Box 45A, Folder 10 Box 45A, Folder 11 Box 45A, Folder 12 Box 45A, Folder 13 Box 45A, Folder 14 Box 45A, Folder 15 Box 45A, Folder 16 Box 45A, Folder 17 Box 45A, Folder 18 Galerie Heim (Paris), 1982-1983 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Galerie Heim (Paris), 1984 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Galerie Heim (Paris), 1985-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Heim, Marcel, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 5 letters Heim-Gairac, G., Physical Description: 3 letters Heimann, G., 1968-1975 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Heinemann, Fritz, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Heinemann, Rudolf, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Helmersen, Baroness, 1969-1973 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 45A, Folder 19 Helms, Sabine, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45A, Folder 20 Box 45A, Folder 21 Helou, Anissa, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Helsell, Charles Paul, 1986 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 138 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45A, Folder 22 Hely, B. R., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 45A, Folder 23 Box 45A, Folder 24 Box 45A, Folder 25 Box 235, Folder 15 Hempel, K., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Henry, Mrs., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Henshaw, R. R., 1967-1980 Physical Description: 26 letters Henshaw, R. R., undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note The photograph is annotated on verso. Box 45A, Folder 26 Box 45A, Folder 27 Box 45A, Folder 28 Box 45A, Folder 29 Box 45A, Folder 30 Hepner, Mrs., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Herbert, John, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 9 letters Hercolani, Andrea, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Heredia, Marquess of, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 12 letters Herner, Richard, 1986-1989 Physical Description: 19 items Scope and Content Note Herner and Franco Zangrilli at Heim Gallery in London. Box 45A, Folder 31 Box 45A, Folder 32 Box 45A, Folder 33 Box 45A, Folder 34 Box 45A, Folder 35 Box 45A, Folder 36 Box 45A, Folder 37 Herrington, John A. O., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Herzer, Heinz, 1966-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Herzog, Erich, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 6 items Heugel, François, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hewat-Jaboor, Philip, 1983-1989 Physical Description: 18 items Hickl-Szabo, Heri, 1984-1989 Physical Description: 19 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Hickman, Pam E., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters 910004 139 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45A, Folder 38 Box 45A, Folder 39 Box 45A, Folder 40 Box 45A, Folder 41 Box 45A, Folder 42 Box 45A, Folder 43 Box 45A, Folder 44 Box 45A, Folder 45 Box 45A, Folder 46 Box 45A, Folder 47 Box 45A, Folder 48 Box 45A, Folder 49 Box 45A, Folder 50 Box 45A, Folder 51 Box 45A, Folder 52 Box 45A, Folder 53 Box 45A, Folder 54 Box 45A, Folder 55 Hicks, Carol A., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Higgins, John, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Higgins, M., 1975-1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Higgons, Stephen, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Hill, Samuel & Co., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hill, George, 1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Hill, Viscount, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hillier, Bevis, 1974-1978 Physical Description: 12 letters Hills, Austin E., 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Hindmarsh, Phyllis, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Hinze, Frieda, 1971-1973 Physical Description: 14 items Hirsch, Gerhard, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 9 letters Hirschhorn, Robert, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hirschler, A., 1976-1980 Physical Description: 9 letters Hirth, Frederick J., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Hiscocks, Richard, 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Hispanic Society of America, 1967-1973 Physical Description: 10 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Hitchcock, 1966-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters 910004 140 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 45A, Folder 56 Box 46 Box 46, Folder 1 Box 46, Folder 2 Box 46, Folder 3 Box 46, Folder 4 Box 46, Folder 5 Box 46, Folder 6 Box 46, Folder 7 Box 46, Folder 8 Box 46, Folder 9 Hnat, Karl, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Hodgkin - D. Hyte, 1966-1990 Hodgkin, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Hodgkinson, J. A., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Hodgkinson, Terence, 1978-1986 Physical Description: 8 items Hoff Antiques Ltd., 1978-1979 Physical Description: 4 items Hoff, Ursula, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Hoffmann, Herbert, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Hogard, Pierre, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hogg, Minn, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Högner, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 10 Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Franz Josef von, 1969 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 46, Folder 11 Hohenzollern, J. G. von, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 12 Holland, Guy, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 46, Folder 13 Holland, Guy, 1971-1973 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 46, Folder 14 Holland, Guy, 1985-1989 Physical Description: 14 items Box 46, Folder 15 Holland, Milton, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 46, Folder 16 Hollande, Andre, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 141 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 46, Folder 17 Holdersbaum, James, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 46, Folder 18 Hollard, Vincent, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 19 Box 46, Folder 20 Hollingsworth, Bruce, 1968-1972 Holloman, Ruth, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 21 Hollowell, G. C., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 22 Holt, G. P., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 23 Holzer, Hans, 1974 Physical Description: 14 items Box 235, Folder 16 Box 46, Folder 24 Holzer, Hans, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Hone, Peter, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 25 Hood, Angus, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 26 Hood, Kenneth, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 46, Folder 27 Hoogsteder, John, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 46, Folder 28 Hooper, Mr., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 29 Hooper, Anna M., 1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 46, Folder 30 Hooper, Robin, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 46, Folder 31 Official Hoover Service & Spares Centre, 1978 Physical Description: 4 items Box 46, Folder 32 Hope, Bob, Mrs., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 33 Hope, Peter, 1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 46, Folder 34 Hornby, Antony, 1970-1975 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 142 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 46, Folder 35 Hornsey College of Art, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 46, Folder 36 Hornstein, M., 1968 Physical Description: 7 items Box 46, Folder 37 Horry, Jacques Petit, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 46, Folder 38 Horsford, D. M., 1975 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 46, Folder 39 Horton, R. J., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 40 Hosts Ltd., undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 46, Folder 41 Houghton-Brown, G., 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 46, Folder 42 House of El Dieff Inc., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 43 Houthakker, Bernard, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 46, Folder 44 Houthakker, L., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 45 Hove, Henri van, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 46 Hovey, Walter R., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 47 Howard, George, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 48 Howard, Robin, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 49 Howard-Sneyd, Thomas, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 50 Hoyle, Gillian, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 51 Hubert, Gerard, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 52 Huchet, Claude, 1983 Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 143 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 46, Folder 53 Hudson Shipping Co., 1966 Physical Description: 6 items Box 46, Folder 54 Huerta, Corina de la, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 4 items Box 46, Folder 55 Hugelshofer, Walter, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 56 Hughes, Graham, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 57 Hughes, J. M., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 58 Hughes, J. Rowland, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 59 Hugill, M. J., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 60 Huhn, Giorgio, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 61 Hulshoff, D. J. Physical Description: 1 note Box 46, Folder 62 Hume, L., 1976-1978 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 46, Folder 63 Hume, L. R. Physical Description: 1 note Box 46, Folder 64 Hummel, Julius, 1971-1975 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 46, Folder 65 Humphris, Cyril, 1967-1976 Physical Description: 16 letters, 1 printed matter Box 46, Folder 66 Hünigen, Ute, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 67 Hunt, John, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 46, Folder 68 Hunt, Lamar, 1969-1978 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 46, Folder 69 Huntington, Earl of, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 46, Folder 70 Hurley, May, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 144 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 46, Folder 71 Huss, Alvin J., 1972-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 46, Folder 72 Hutchins, Victor, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 46, Folder 73 Huter, Carl, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 46, Folder 74 Huth, Hans, 1968-1973 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 46, Folder 75 Hutton, William, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 46, Folder 76 Huxley, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 46, Folder 77 Hyams, B., undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 46, Folder 78 Hyde, Betty, 1973 Physical Description: 3 items Box 46, Folder 79 Hyte, D., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47 Box 47, Folder 1 Box 47, Folder 2 Box 47, Folder 3 Box 47, Folder 4 Box 47, Folder 5 Anthony Ibbotson - Princes Jyotsna of Burdwan, 1966-1990 Ibbotson, Anthony, 1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Imbert, Roger, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Imperial Iranian Embassy, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Inchbald, Michael, 1971-1987 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 47, Folder 6 Dept. of Industry (Newport, England), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 7 Box 47, Folder 8 Ingram, Robert S., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Ingram, Terry, undated Physical Description: 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 145 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47, Folder 9 Initial Services Limited, Linen Supply Division (England), undated Physical Description: 1 printed matter Box 47, Folder 10 Initial Tower Services, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 11 International Directory of Arts, 1982?-1985? Physical Description: 3 items Box 47, Folder 12 International Foundation for Art Research, undated Physical Description: 1 printed matter Box 47, Folder 13 Interopa Holidays Ltd., 1975-1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 14 Investors Overseas Services, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 47, Folder 15 R. A. B. Iran, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 47, Folder 16 Irwin, David, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 17 Irving, Flora, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47, Folder 18 Isley, Darryl, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 47, Folder 19 Istituto Finanziario per l'Arte, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 20 Italian Embassy (London), 1971-1988 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 47, Folder 21 Italian Institute of Culture (London), 1973-1982 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters Box 47, Folder 22 Irtasi, Rudolf, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 23 Italian State Tourist Office, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 24 Italico Brass, 1966 Physical Description: 1 item Box 47, Folder 25 Ivaldi, Charles, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 26 Ivory, Neil B., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 146 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47, Folder 27 Jaboor, Philip, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 28 Jacob, John, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 47, Folder 29 Jacobs, Edward, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 30 Jacot, Madame, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 31 Jaeger, H. W., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 32 Jaffé, David, 1979-1982 Physical Description: 13 items Box 47, Folder 33 Jagninski, A., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 34 Jagninski, Tomasz, 1968-1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 235, Folder 17 Jagninski, Tomasz, undated Physical Description: 7 color photographs Box 47, Folder 35 Jakic, Vojislav, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 36 Jalbrzykowski, A., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47, Folder 37 James, C. M., 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47, Folder 38 James, Philip, 1973 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 47, Folder 39 Jameson, Lady, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 40 Janet, Christophe, 1976-1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47, Folder 41 Jannuzzi, Michele, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 42 Jansen, P. Ernandes, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 43 Jansen, W., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 147 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47, Folder 44 Janta, Alexander, 1966 Physical Description: 5 items Box 47, Folder 45 Jauffer, Mrs., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 46 Jaworska, Wladyslawa, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47, Folder 47 Jeffrey, Alexander, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 48 Jeffrey, Keith, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 49 Jellicoe, Patricia, 1972-1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 47, Folder 50 Jelly, Oliver, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47, Folder 51 Jenner, Mrs., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 52 Jennings, Anthony, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 47, Folder 53 Jennings, J. A. W., 1968-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Messrs. Steele, Robertson & Co. Box 47, Folder 54 Jennings, J. A. W., 1973-1974 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Messrs. Steele, Robertson & Co. Box 47, Folder 55 Jennings, J. A. W., 1975-1979 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Messrs. Steele, Robertson & Co. Box 47, Folder 56 Jennings, J. A. W., 1980-1983 Physical Description: ca. 22 letters Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Messrs. Steele, Robertson & Co. Box 47, Folder 57 Jenrette, Richard H., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 58 Jeppson, Lawrence, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 148 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47, Folder 59 Jéquier, J. P., 1978-1986 Physical Description: 15 items Box 47, Folder 60 Jermyn St. Festival, 1986 Physical Description: 4 leaves of printed matter Box 47, Folder 61 Jesman, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47, Folder 62 Jessen, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47, Folder 63 Johnson, Barbara P., 1978-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 47, Folder 64 Johnson, W. McAllister, 1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 47, Folder 65 Johnston, J., 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47, Folder 66 Johnstone, Freda, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47, Folder 67 Jolliffe, John, 1979-1986 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 47, Folder 68 Jones, Douglas Signe M., 1984-1988 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Box 47, Folder 69 Jones, Harry E., 1968 Physical Description: 5 items Box 47, Folder 70 Jones, R. J., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 47, Folder 71 Jordanowski, Stanislaw, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Oil sketch by Jacek Malczewski. Box 47, Folder 72 Josefowitz, Paul Z., 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Box 47, Folder 73 Josefowitz, Samuel, 1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 47, Folder 74 Joseph, Rudolph S., 1973-1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 47, Folder 75 Joswig, Herbert, 1983-1989 Physical Description: ca. 35 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 149 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 235, Folder 18 Joswig, Herbert, undated Physical Description: 3 color photographs Box 47, Folder 76 Jordan, George E., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47, Folder 77 Juriewicz, Jan, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 15 items Box 47, Folder 78 Jyotsna of Burdwan, Princess, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 47A Box 47A, Folder 1 Alexander Kader - Stephen Knott, 1966-1990 Kader, Alexander, 1986-1988 Physical Description: 3 items Box 47A, Folder 2 Kafarski, Mitchell I., 1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 47A, Folder 3 Kahn, Albert, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47A, Folder 4 Kajander, K., 1982-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 47A, Folder 5 Kalsi, H. S., 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 47A, Folder 6 Kaltschmid, Karl-Hanns, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47A, Folder 7 Kanzler, E., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 postcard Box 47A, Folder 8 Kaplan, Peter M., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47A, Folder 9 Kaplan, Robert S., 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 47A, Folder 10 Box 47A, Folder 11 Box 47A, Folder 12 Box 47A, Folder 13 Box 47A, Folder 14 Kardo-Sessoeff, Alexander, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Karlsen, Alfred S., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kashey, Robert, 1973 Physical Description: 1 item Kaszuba, R., 1976-1979 Physical Description: 6 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Katz, Daniel, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent 910004 150 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47A, Folder 15 Box 47A, Folder 16 Box 47A, Folder 17 Box 47A, Folder 18 Box 47A, Folder 19 Box 47A, Folder 20 Box 47A, Folder 21 Box 47A, Folder 22 Box 47A, Folder 23 Box 47A, Folder 24 Box 47A, Folder 25 Box 47A, Folder 26 Box 47A, Folder 27 Box 47A, Folder 28 Box 47A, Folder 29 Box 47A, Folder 30 Box 47A, Folder 31 Box 47A, Folder 32 Katz, Danny, 1983-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Katz, Howard C., 1988 Physical Description: 1 item Kaufman, Howard, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 2 notes Kaufman, S., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kaufmann, A. E., 1969-1970 Physical Description: 10 letters Kaufmann, O., 1970 Physical Description: 5 letters Kaye, Alex, 1983-1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Kaye, E., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kaye, Emmanuel, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Keats, Ronald, 1972-1977 Physical Description: 14 letters Keij, J., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Kekko, Gabor, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Kelly, Anthony, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kelly, Bernard, 1973-1986 Physical Description: 18 letters Kelly, Lady, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 8 letters Kemp, Martin, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Kendrick, John H., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Kennedy Galleries Inc., 1976 Physical Description: 6 letters 910004 151 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47A, Folder 33 Box 47A, Folder 34 Box 47A, Folder 35 Box 47A, Folder 36 Box 47A, Folder 37 Box 47A, Folder 38 Box 47A, Folder 39 Box 47A, Folder 40 Box 47A, Folder 41 Box 47A, Folder 42 Box 47A, Folder 43 Box 47A, Folder 44 Box 47A, Folder 45 Box 47A, Folder 46 Box 47A, Folder 47 Box 47A, Folder 48 Box 47A, Folder 49 Box 47A, Folder 50 Kennedy, I. G., 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Kensington Palace (His Royal Highness The Duke of Glouster), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kenward, Betty, 1967-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters sent Kenyon, H. (Gerald Kenyon Fine Art & Antiques), 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Keon, Joseph John, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Ker, D. J. R., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Kerber, Bernhard, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Kergolay, X. de, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Kerin, Gerald, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Kerr-Ritchie, B., 1983-1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Kerschner, J., 1989 Physical Description: 3 items Kettenbach, Roland, 1981 Physical Description: 2 items Keutner, Herbert, 1974-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Key, Jacques, 1972-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters Keystone, Knoedler undated Physical Description: 1 note Khamnei, Bahram, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Khamnei, Fred, 1986 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Kidderminster Library, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received 910004 152 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47A, Folder 51 Box 47A, Folder 52 Box 47A, Folder 53 Box 47A, Folder 54 Box 47A, Folder 55 Box 47A, Folder 56 Box 47A, Folder 57 Box 47A, Folder 58 Box 47A, Folder 59 Box 47A, Folder 60 Box 47A, Folder 61 Box 47A, Folder 62 Box 47A, Folder 63 Box 47A, Folder 64 Box 47A, Folder 65 Kiener, Chantal, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Kilian, Werner, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 5 letters Kimberley, Robert, 1971 Physical Description: 5 letters King of Italy, 1974-1982 Physical Description: ca. 20 items King of Italy, 1983 Physical Description: 9 letters King of Italy, 1984 Physical Description: 20 items King of Italy, 1985 Physical Description: 7 letters King & Chasemore, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent King, C. H., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters King, Joan, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters King, Susanne A., 1977 Kinkead-Weekes, C., 1968 Physical Description: 5 items Kinney, Leila W., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Kirby, David, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Kirchwehm, Godrun, 1974-1976 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 47A, Folder 66 Kirn, Oscar, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 47A, Folder 67 Box 47A, Folder 68 Kirstein, Jürgen, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Kirwan, G. Everett, 1968-1972 Physical Description: 10 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 153 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47A, Folder 69 Kissner, Franklin H., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 47A, Folder 70 Box 47A, Folder 71 Box 47A, Folder 72 Box 47A, Folder 73 Box 47A, Folder 74 Box 47A, Folder 75 Box 47A, Folder 76 Box 47A, Folder 77 Box 47A, Folder 78 Box 47A, Folder 79 Box 47A, Folder 80 Box 47A, Folder 81 Box 47A, Folder 82 Box 47A, Folder 83 Box 47A, Folder 84 Kisters, Dr., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kitchen, W., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Kittel, Werner, 1990 Physical Description: 6 items Kjellberg, Pierre, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Klarchek, R. J., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Klauner, Friederike, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Klein, H., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kleinwort, Benson Ltd., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Graf Klenau (Munich, Germany), 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Klencke, Lippold von, 1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Kleniewski, Andre, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Klewer, Herbert, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Klinger, D. M., 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Klopmann, Baronin von, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 10 letters Knapczynski, Casimir de, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 28 items Scope and Content Note Includes 5 photographs. Box 47A, Folder 85 Knight, Richard, 1973-1975 Physical Description: 6 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 154 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 47A, Folder 86 M. Knoedler & Co., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 22 letters Box 47A, Folder 87 Box 47A, Folder 88 Box 48 Box 48, Folder 1 Box 48, Folder 2 Box 48, Folder 3 Box 48, Folder 4 Box 48, Folder 5 Box 48, Folder 6 Box 48, Folder 7 Box 48, Folder 8 Box 48, Folder 9 Knoedler-Modarco S.A., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Knott, Stephen, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Armando Koch - Barbara Lazo, 1966-1990 Koch, Armando, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 10 letters Koch, C. E., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Koch, Frederick R., 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Koch, Guntram, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Kodak Limited, 1969 Physical Description: 5 items Koerfer, P., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Galerie Koller, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Galerie Koller, 1982 Physical Description: 16 items Galerie Koller, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 17 items Box 48, Folder 10 Galerie Koller, 1986 Physical Description: 7 items Box 48, Folder 11 Galerie Koller, 1987 Physical Description: 14 items Box 48, Folder 12 Kollmann, Erich, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 13 Komor, Mathias, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 14 Konig, Hans H., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 15 Galerie Morgan Konsthandel, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 155 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48, Folder 16 Kopelman, Gabrielle, 1972-1979 Physical Description: 35 letters Box 48, Folder 17 Körner, Eric, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 18 Korwin-Rhohes, Marta, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 19 Kos, Hubert, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 20 Kososky, Marvin, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 21 Kossowski, Adam, undated Physical Description: 1 typescript on Kossowski by Tadeusz Chrzanowski Box 48, Folder 22 Kostecki, Leon, 1971-1973 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 48, Folder 23 Kowalczyk, Jerzy, 1971-1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 48, Folder 24 Kowalsky, Arnold A., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 25 Krahulik, Emil R., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 26 Krajewski, Krzysztof, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 48, Folder 27 Krakowski, 1968 Physical Description: 1 note Box 48, Folder 28 Krasnet, Louis, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 48, Folder 29 Kratzmann, 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 48, Folder 30 Kress (Samuel) Foundation, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 31 Kret, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 48, Folder 32 Kristiansen, Erling, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 33 Kronsten, Joseph A., 1972-1977 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 156 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48, Folder 34 Krückmann, Peter O., 1978-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 48, Folder 35 Krugier, Jan, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 48, Folder 36 Krusche, Gisela, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 37 Kuchar, Joseph, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 48, Folder 38 Kugel, Jacques, 1967-1979 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 48, Folder 39 Kugelshofer, W., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 40 Kunsttrans Antiquitäten-Möbel Speditions-GmbH, 1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 48, Folder 41 Kuntz, Joseph, 1978-1983 Physical Description: 15 Scope and Content Note 15 letters, and a resumé. Box 48, Folder 42 Labro, Mr., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 43 Lachmann, Henryk (Lachmann Gallery) 1984-1985 Physical Description: 26 items Box 48, Folder 44 Laloux, Vincent, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 36 letters Box 48, Folder 45 Lamalle, Edward, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 46 Lamb, Carlisle T., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 47 Lambert, G., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 48 Lambert, K., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 49 Lambert, Phyllis, 1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 48, Folder 50 Lambrecht, W., 1972 Physical Description: 7 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 157 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48, Folder 51 Lamdahl, Bertil, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 48, Folder 52 Lammeran, Baron, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 53 Lamy, André, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 48, Folder 54 Land, Norman E., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 55 Landau, N. E., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 56 Landesberger, John A. von, 1983-1988 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Box 235, Folder 19 Landesberger, John A. von, undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Box 48, Folder 57 Landgren, E., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 58 Lane, Kenneth, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 59 Lanfranchi, Mario, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 60 Lanham, G. P., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 61 Lank, Herbert, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 48, Folder 62 Lansburg, Mark, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 48, Folder 63 Lansdowne, Marchioness of, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 10 items Box 48, Folder 64 Lapalus, Marie, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 65 Laperriere, H. Baile de, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 66 Lasalle, D., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48, Folder 67 Laskin, Myron, 1967-1968 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 158 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48, Folder 68 Lasson Gallery, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item Box 48, Folder 69 Lastic, Le Marquis de, 1985-1988 Physical Description: 11 items Box 48, Folder 70 Vörös, László, 1969-1972 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 48, Folder 71 Cannons Regular of the Latern (Wilfrid Wharton, Father Prior), 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 72 Latner, Albert J., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 73 Latreille, Alain, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 48, Folder 74 Laucirica, Jesus R. (Olarizu), 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 75 Lavin, Irving, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 48, Folder 76 Lavin, Marilyn Aronberg, 1969-1975 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 48, Folder 77 Laviolette, A., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 78 Laycock, Joseph, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48, Folder 79 Lazo, Barbara, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48A Box 48A, Folder 1 Marcus Leaver & Co. - W. S. Lewis, 1966-1990 Marcus Leaver & Co., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 48A, Folder 2 Le Bail, Annick, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48A, Folder 3 Le Beauf, Nicole (Banque Lambert), 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48A, Folder 4 Le Brun, Madame, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48A, Folder 5 Lebrun, Raymond, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 48A, Folder 6 Lecasble, Olivia, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 4 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 159 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48A, Folder 7 Leclercq, Bernard, 1976 Physical Description: 2 items Box 48A, Folder 8 Ledebur, Baron von, 1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 48A, Folder 9 Lederer, Erich, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 48A, Folder 10 Box 48A, Folder 11 Box 48A, Folder 12 Box 48A, Folder 13 Box 48A, Folder 14 Box 48A, Folder 15 Box 48A, Folder 16 Box 48A, Folder 17 Box 48A, Folder 18 Box 48A, Folder 19 Box 48A, Folder 20 Box 48A, Folder 21 Box 48A, Folder 22 Box 48A, Folder 23 Box 48A, Folder 24 Lee, B., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Lee, Peter, 1975-1983 Physical Description: 6 items University of Leeds, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Leeds Polytechnic, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Lees-Milne, James, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Le Faivre, Elisabeth Karin, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Lefebre, Edg., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Le Febure, Georges, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Lefebvre, Georges, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Lefrancq, Paul, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Le Fuel, Olivier, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 5 letters Legard, Philippe, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Leggatt Brothers, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Leggatt, Hugh, 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Librarie Legueltel, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent 910004 160 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48A, Folder 25 Box 235, Folder 20 Box 48A, Folder 26 Box 48A, Folder 27 Box 48A, Folder 28 Box 48A, Folder 29 Box 48A, Folder 30 Box 48A, Folder 31 Box 48A, Folder 32 Box 48A, Folder 33 Box 48A, Folder 34 Box 48A, Folder 35 Box 48A, Folder 36 Box 48A, Folder 37 Box 48A, Folder 38 Box 48A, Folder 39 Box 48A, Folder 40 Box 48A, Folder 41 Legutko, Michael, 1983-1990 Physical Description: 8 letters Legutko, Michael, undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Lehman, Robert, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Lehmberg, Stanford, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Leinfellner, Werner, 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Leinster, Rafaelle Duchess of, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Leiris, Alain de, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Lemaire, A., undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Le Marchand, Spencer, 1969-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Le Marchand, Spencer, 1973 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Le Marchand, Spencer, 1974-1984 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Lemme, Fabrizio, 1979-1986 Physical Description: 10 items Lemoine, Serge, 1971 Physical Description: 5 letters Lemos, Markos Diamantis, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kunsthaus Lempertz, 1970-1973 Physical Description: 3 items Arthur Lénars & Cie., 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Lendrum, Peter, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Lenoncourt, M.-Th. de, 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters 910004 161 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48A, Folder 42 Box 48A, Folder 43 Box 48A, Folder 44 Box 48A, Folder 45 Box 48A, Folder 46 Box 235, Folder 21 Box 48A, Folder 47 Box 48A, Folder 48 Leonard, Denis, undated Physical Description: 1 item Leonardi, Antonio, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Leone, Ignazio, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Lepow, Howard G., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Leris, Henri, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Leris, Henri, undated Physical Description: 3 color photographs Leroux, Philippe, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Lesky, Erna, 1975 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Includes 3 photographs. Box 48A, Folder 49 Box 48A, Folder 50 Box 48A, Folder 51 Box 48A, Folder 52 Box 48A, Folder 53 Box 48A, Folder 54 Leslie, Desmond, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 25 letters Lesnik, Thomas H., 1984-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Lessner, F., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Leuil, Paul, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 7 items Levey, John, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Levey, Richard, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 48A, Folder 55 Levi, Paul, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48A, Folder 56 Box 48A, Folder 57 Levie, S. H., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Levis, Lamperle undated Physical Description: 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 162 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48A, Folder 58 Levitine, George, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 48A, Folder 59 Box 48A, Folder 60 Box 48A, Folder 61 Box 48A, Folder 62 Box 48A, Folder 63 Box 48A, Folder 64 Box 48A, Folder 65 Box 48A, Folder 66 Box 48A, Folder 67 Box 48A, Folder 68 Box 48A, Folder 69 Box 48A, Folder 70 Box 48A, Folder 71 Box 48A, Folder 72 Levitt, Irving, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 14 items Levy, Etienne, 1969 Physical Description: 1 item Levy, Paul, 1986 Physical Description: 1 items Levy, Richard W., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Lewandowska, Felicia, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Lewine, undated Physical Description: 1 note Lewine Memorial Fund, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 10 letters Lewis, B., 1971-1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Lewis, Colonel, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Lewis, Frank, 1967-1979 Physical Description: 4 items Lewis, John, 1974-1977 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Lewis, John, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 16 letters Lewis, John, 1975-1984 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Lewis, John, 1985-1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 48A, Folder 73 Lewis, Julius, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 48A, Folder 74 Box 48A, Folder 75 Lewis, Julius, 1978-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters Lewis, R. M., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 163 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 48A, Folder 76 Lewis, S. H., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 48A, Folder 77 Box 49 Box 49, Folder 1 Box 49, Folder 2 Box 49, Folder 3 Box 49, Folder 4 Box 49, Folder 5 Box 49, Folder 6 Box 49, Folder 7 Box 49, Folder 8 Box 49, Folder 9 Lewis, W. S., 1975-1976 Physical Description: 9 items Tadeusz Lewkowicz - Anthony L [?], 1966-1990 Lewkowicz, Tadeusz, 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Lexbourne Limited, 1977-1986 Physical Description: 17 letters Liberoff, William, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Libraco Ltd., 1985 Physical Description: 1 item Librairie Artaud, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 9 items Licavoli, Peter, 1976 Physical Description: 3 items Liedekerke, J. F. de, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Liersch, Herbert, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 6 letters Light, Robert M., 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 49, Folder 10 Lightbown, Mary, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 items Box 49, Folder 11 Lightman, Gavin, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 12 Lilien, Marya Czarnecka, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 13 Limburg Stirum, E. de, 1969-1984 Physical Description: 18 items Box 49, Folder 14 Linares, Abelardo, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 49, Folder 15 Lindberg, Anna, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 235, Folder 22 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Lindberg, Anna, undated Physical Description: 8 color photographs 910004 164 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 49, Folder 16 Lindsay, Tom, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 49, Folder 17 Linehan, J. (City of Bristol Museum & Art Gallery), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 49, Folder 18 Gallery Lingard, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 49, Folder 19 Linsky, J., 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 49, Folder 20 Lisburne, Earl of, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 49, Folder 21 Lishawa, John, 1980 Physical Description: 3 items Box 49, Folder 22 Lister, Raymond, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 23 Litchfield, H. V., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 49, Folder 24 Literary Services and Production Ltd., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 25 Llorente, Mr., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 49, Folder 26 Lloyd, B. B., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 27 Lloyd, Richard, 1970 Physical Description: 3 items Box 49, Folder 28 Lodge, Peter, 1968 Physical Description: 1 item Box 49, Folder 29 Lodge, Suzanne, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 49, Folder 30 Loewenthal, Helen, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 31 Loewi, A., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 49, Folder 32 Loewi-Robertson, Inc., 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Box 49, Folder 33 Lohmeyer, Brigitte, 1968-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 165 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 49, Folder 34 Lohr, Andre, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 35 London Tourist Board, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 49, Folder 36 Long, Gerald, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 49, Folder 37 Long, M. J., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 49, Folder 38 Longden, Gilbert, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 39 Longo, Vittorio, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 49, Folder 40 Lonsdale, Leopole, 1972-1980 Physical Description: 23 letters Box 49, Folder 41 Lopez Torrijos, Rosa, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 42 Lord, Rupert, 1985 Physical Description: 2 items Box 49, Folder 43 Louckx, Roy, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 44 Lough, J., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 45 Studio Lourmel 77, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 46 Lousada, Anthony, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 47 Lowe, Jane, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 48 Lowe, John, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 49, Folder 49 Lowengren, Hilding, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 49, Folder 50 Loyd-Paxton, Inc., 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 51 Lubin, Edward R., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 166 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 49, Folder 52 Lubomirska-Pierre, Jolanta, 1988 Physical Description: 2 notes Box 49, Folder 53 Lubomirski, Philippa, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 54 Lubomirski, Prince, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 55 Lucerne Gallery, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 56 Lucie-Smith, Edward, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 57 Lucion, P., 1977-1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 49, Folder 58 Ludington, Nicholas, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 59 Ludwig, H. C., 1974-1987 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Box 49, Folder 60 Cità di Lugano, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 49, Folder 61 Lumbroso, Gualberto, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 32 letters Box 49, Folder 62 Luna, Juan J., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 63 Luncheon Vouchers Limited, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 6 items Box 49, Folder 64 Lund Humphries Printesr and Designers, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 65 Lunde, Asbjorn R., 1966-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 49, Folder 66 Lunde, Asbjorn R., 1970-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 49, Folder 67 Lunde, Asbjorn R., 1973-1974 Physical Description: 22 items Box 49, Folder 68 Lunde, Asbjorn R., 1980-1987 Physical Description: ca. 10 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 167 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 49, Folder 69 Luniewicz,-Koper, Danuta, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 49, Folder 70 Luscombe, G., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 71 Lustenberger, Erwin, 1983 Physical Description: 8 items Box 49, Folder 72 Lutaine Antiquites, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 49, Folder 73 Luzuriaga, Carlos, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 49, Folder 74 Luzzetti, Gianfranco, 1968-1984 Physical Description: 22 items Box 49, Folder 75 Lyall, Alice Jackson, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 10 items Box 49, Folder 76 Lyell, Lady, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 77 Box 49, Folder 78 Lynn, Andrew A., 1972 Lyon, R., 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Box 49, Folder 79 Lyons Brothers, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 49, Folder 80 Lyons, John, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 49, Folder 81 L [?], Anthony, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50 Box 50, Folder 1 Box 50, Folder 2 Box 50, Folder 3 Box 50, Folder 4 Box 50, Folder 5 M: crossreferences - Mazron Art Galleries, 1966-1990 M: cross references, undated Physical Description: 1 note Mabille, Marcel (Etablissements Vanderborght Frères), 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Mabin, Yves, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 7 letters MacColl, H. F. R., 1966 Physical Description: 2 items MacDonald, Frank, 1975-1982 Physical Description: 19 items Scope and Content Note Includes a typescript. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 168 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 6 Box 50, Folder 7 Box 50, Folder 8 Box 50, Folder 9 MacDonald, Margaret F., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters MacDonald, Nesta, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters MacDonald, Yvonne, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Mace, Andree, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 10 MacGowan, R., 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 11 Machado Sa Marques, Maria Adelaide, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 12 Mack, B., 1977-1982 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 50, Folder 13 Mack, Paul J. (Sotheby Parke Bernet, London), 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 14 Mack Brown, Peter, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 50, Folder 15 MacMillan, Mrs., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 50, Folder 16 Macmillan Accounts and Administration, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 17 Madura, Andrzej, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 18 Maeda, S., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 50, Folder 19 Maertens & Fils, 1989 Physical Description: 1 item Box 50, Folder 20 Magaliff, A. B.S., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 21 Maghzian, R., 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 22 Magill, G., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 23 Magnanimi, Giuseppina (Galleria Nazionale d'arte Antica, Rome), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 169 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 24 Mahey, John A., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 25 Auktionshaus Maier-Preusker (A.Graf zu Dohna Lauck), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 50, Folder 26 Maillard, Pierre, 1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 50, Folder 27 Maillé, la duchesse de, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 50, Folder 28 Maison, S., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 29 Makinsky, Alexander, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 30 Malapert, Elsa M. de, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 31 Malet, B. A., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 32 Malle, Luigi, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 33 Mallett & Son (Antiques) Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 50, Folder 34 Mallett & Son (Antiques) Ltd., 1966-1968 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 50, Folder 35 Mallett & Son (Antiques) Ltd., 1969-1983 Physical Description: 15 items Box 50, Folder 36 Malone, Sarah, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 50, Folder 37 Maltzahn Gallery, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 17 items Box 50, Folder 38 Maltzahn Gallery, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 50, Folder 39 Maltzahn Gallery, 1976-1985 Physical Description: 19 items Box 50, Folder 40 Mancigotti, Mario, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 41 Mani, A. P. S., 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 170 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 42 Mankowski, Christopher, undated Physical Description: 1 business card Box 50, Folder 43 Mann, Irene, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 44 Mannheimer, Edgar, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 45 Mansel, Philip, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 2 letters sent, 1 note Box 50, Folder 46 Mantura, Bruno, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 47 Manzini, Raimondo, 1973-1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 50, Folder 48 Manzù-Grigis, Eleonore, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 49 Marable, Simeon-David de Paul, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50, Folder 50 Marcenaro, Caterina, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 50, Folder 51 Marchetti, Giancarlo, 1976 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 50, Folder 52 Marchetto, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 53 Marchisio, Capitano 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 54 Marcilhacy, Christian Prevost-, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 55 Marcusson, Messrs., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 56 Maredsous, Ghislain Desclée de, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50, Folder 57 Marel, Dr., 1966 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 50, Folder 58 Marini, Maurizio, 1981 Physical Description: 5 items Box 50, Folder 59 Marissal, Claude, 1968 Physical Description: 9 letters, 2 photographs INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 171 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 60 Mariuz, Adriano, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 61 Marks, Peter, 1978-1980 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 50, Folder 62 Marlborough Art Gallery, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 4 items Box 50, Folder 63 Marolf, Jack, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 64 Marquis, Austin, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 65 Marqusee, John E., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 note Box 50, Folder 66 Marrow, Deborah, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 50, Folder 67 Marsh, Mrs., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50, Folder 68 Marin & Nicholson, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 69 Martin, Esmond B., 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 50, Folder 70 Martin, Harold T., 1972 Physical Description: 1 item Box 50, Folder 71 Martin du Nord, Georges, 1980-1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 50, Folder 72 Martinez, Nicola, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 73 Martin-Mery, Gilberte, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 74 Maryland, University of, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 75 Maser, Edward G., 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 76 Mason, D., 1968 Physical Description: 1 item Box 50, Folder 77 Mason, Edith, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 172 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 78 Massengale, J. E., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 50, Folder 79 Mastai, Boleslaw, 1978-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 234*, Folder 2 Mastai, Boleslaw, 1978-1986 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Printed and illustrated matter on Franciszek Zmurko. Box 50, Folder 80 Mastercraft Papers, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 81 Masterson, Harris, 1982-1986 Physical Description: 15 items Box 50, Folder 82 Matarrese, Giuseppe, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 83 Mathai Gallery, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 84 Mathews, Alister, 1968-1978 Physical Description: 13 letters, printed matterm 1 photograph Box 50, Folder 85 Matschke, Arthur, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 86 Matthiesen Fine Art Limited (Patrick Matthiesen), 1975-1983 Physical Description: 23 letters Box 50, Folder 87 Matthiesen Fine Art Limited (Patrick Matthiesen), 1983-1987 Physical Description: 16 items Box 50, Folder 88 Matthiesen Fine Art Limited (Patrick Matthiesen), 1988-1990 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 50, Folder 89 Matthews, 1967 Physical Description: 1 item Box 50, Folder 90 Mattioda, Mario, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50, Folder 91 Matuzak, M., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50, Folder 92 Matzker, J. (Krankenhaus Holweide, Köln), 1972-1975 Physical Description: 7 items Box 50, Folder 93 Mause, David, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 173 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50, Folder 94 Maycock, M., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50, Folder 95 Mayer, Lady 1968-1972 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 50, Folder 96 Mazaron Art Galleries, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50A Box 50A, Folder 1 Betty McAndrew - J. William Middendorf, 1966-1990 McAndrew, Betty, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 50A, Folder 2 McAndrew, John, 1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 50A, Folder 3 McArdle, Pamela, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50A, Folder 4 McClintock, N. C., 1976 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 50A, Folder 5 McCormack, Cyril, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50A, Folder 6 McCrindle, J. F., 1968-1976 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 50A, Folder 7 McCrory, Martha A., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50A, Folder 8 McDonnell, Mr., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 50A, Folder 9 McDowell, Carole A., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 50A, Folder 10 Box 50A, Folder 11 Box 50A, Folder 12 Box 50A, Folder 13 Box 50A, Folder 14 Box 50A, Folder 15 McFadyean, Colin, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters McIlhenny, Henry, 1966-1973 Physical Description: 8 letters McKenna, David, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 8 letters McKesson, Keith, 1971 Physical Description: 6 letters McKillop, Susan, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 McLean, Colin, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters 910004 174 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50A, Folder 16 Box 50A, Folder 17 Box 50A, Folder 18 Box 50A, Folder 19 Box 50A, Folder 20 Box 50A, Folder 21 Box 50A, Folder 22 Box 50A, Folder 23 Box 50A, Folder 24 Box 50A, Folder 25 Box 50A, Folder 26 Box 50A, Folder 27 Box 50A, Folder 28 Box 50A, Folder 29 Box 50A, Folder 30 Box 50A, Folder 31 Box 50A, Folder 32 Box 50A, Folder 33 McLean, David, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters McMordie, Colin, 1981-1983 Physical Description: 7 letters McPherson, J., 1966-1968 Physical Description: 3 letters McSweeney, Desmond, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent McWeill, Agnes, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received The Medici Society, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 10 letters Mehringer, A., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Mehringer, S. Pahl, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 13 letters Mela, Walter, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Melikian, Souren, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Mellini, Gianlorenzo, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Mellon, Paul, 1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Mena, M., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Menaged, J. I., 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Mendel, D., 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Mendonca e Cunhas, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Mendoza, Helga M., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Menemencioglu, Turgut, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent 910004 175 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50A, Folder 34 Box 50A, Folder 35 Box 50A, Folder 36 Menil Foundation, 1975-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Menil, John de, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Mennele, Peter, undated Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note 1 unsigned letter to Mennele. Box 50A, Folder 37 Box 50A, Folder 38 Box 50A, Folder 39 Box 50A, Folder 40 Box 50A, Folder 41 Box 50A, Folder 42 Box 50A, Folder 43 Box 50A, Folder 44 Box 50A, Folder 45 Box 50A, Folder 46 Box 50A, Folder 47 Mennguale, 1984 Physical Description: 1 item Menu, Daniele, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Mercer, Eric, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Meredyth-Smith, I. C., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Merkur, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Merry, Serenella, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Merton, M. H., 1975 Physical Description: 1 item Meschini, Giovanni, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 6 letters Messenger May Baverstock, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Messina, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Metlewicz, Maria, 1973-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 50A, Folder 48 Metternich-Winneburg, Princess, 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 50A, Folder 49 Box 50A, Folder 50 Metzenbaum, Howard M., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Meulenmeester, Jean Paul, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 16 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 176 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 50A, Folder 51 Meulenmeester, Jean Paul, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 50A, Folder 52 Box 50A, Folder 53 Box 50A, Folder 54 Box 50A, Folder 55 Box 50A, Folder 56 Box 50A, Folder 57 Box 50A, Folder 58 Box 50A, Folder 59 Box 50A, Folder 60 Meulenmeester, Jean Paul, 1976-1985 Physical Description: 22 letters Meyer, Nina, 1967 Physical Description: 3 items Michaels, M., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Michael, Edward L., 1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Michel, Olivier, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Microfiche, 1983-1984 Scope and Content Note Regarding Jerzy Baranowski. Middeldorf, Gloria, 1986 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Middendorf, J. William, 1969-1970 Physical Description: ca. 20 itemss Middendorf, J. William, 1971-1973 Physical Description: ca. 145 letters envelope Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 50A, Folder 61 Box 50A, Folder 62 Middendorf, J. William, 1976-1979 Physical Description: 14 letters Middendorf, J. William, 1980-1986 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 51 Box 51, Folder 1 Jean François Miquel - J. J. Muzi, 1966-1990 Miquel, Jean François, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 2 Miles, H. A. D., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 3 Box 51, Folder 4 Miles, Roy, 1969-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Mill, Z. C., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 177 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 51, Folder 5 Millar & Harris, 1971-1973 Physical Description: 2 items Box 51, Folder 6 Box 51, Folder 7 Box 51, Folder 8 Box 51, Folder 9 Millard, Charles W., 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Millea, Mr., undated Physical Description: 1 note Millen, Ronald, 1966-1974 Physical Description: 6 letters Miller, Albrecht, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 10 Miller, B. Glenn, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 11 Miller, Michael C., 1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 12 Millone, Pietro, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 13 Mills, John FitzMaurice, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 14 Millward, R. G., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 15 Milner, Jan, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 5 items Box 51, Folder 16 Minhas, M. S. A., 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 17 Minister for the Arts (London), 1974 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 51, Folder 18 Minnick, Thomas L., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 19 Miramon, la Marquise de, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 20 Miranda, Aurelio, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 21 Mirell Gallery, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 51, Folder 22 Mitchell, Jan, 1966 Physical Description: 24 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 178 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 51, Folder 23 Mitchell, Jan, 1969-1973 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 51, Folder 24 Mitchell, Jan, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 51, Folder 25 Mitchell, Sheila, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 26 Moatti, Alain, 1975-1988 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 51, Folder 27 Moeller, Robert C., 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 28 Mohnen, Wilhelm, 1977 Physical Description: 5 items Box 51, Folder 29 Molesworth, H. D., 1967-1976 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 51, Folder 30 Monaco, The Prince of, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 31 Monaco, Rodolfo, 1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 51, Folder 32 Monarchist, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 33 Monasterolo, Conte di, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 51, Folder 34 Monckton, John, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Letter with invoice. Box 51, Folder 35 Monckton of Brenchley, The Viscountess, 1975-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 51, Folder 36 Money, Ernle, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 51, Folder 37 Monnet, Therese, 1974-1977 Physical Description: 4 items Box 51, Folder 38 Monot, Madame, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 39 Mons, Jacques de, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 179 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 51, Folder 40 Montias, J. M., 1969-1979 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 51, Folder 41 Monti dei Paschi di Siena, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 42 Montuori, Mario, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 43 Moody, Anne, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 44 Mooney, F. G., 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 45 Mooney, Lawrence K., 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 46 Moore, Gerald E., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 47 Moore, Henry, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 51, Folder 48 Moore, Peter A., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 49 Mopper, Coleman, 1970-1990 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 51, Folder 50 Morano, Alberto, 1969 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 51, Folder 51 Morawski, Zbigniew-Jean, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Include business cards. Box 51, Folder 52 Moretti, Mr., 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 53 Galerie Morgan, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 54 Morris, J. E. Morton, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 55 Mortimer, John Jay, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 6 items Box 51, Folder 56 Morton, Thornton and Co., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 180 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 51, Folder 57 Moscon, Giuliana, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 58 Moses, Charles, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 51, Folder 59 Mosini, Angelo, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 60 Mostyn-Owen, William, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 61 Mote, Ashley, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 62 Mouilleseaux, Jean-Pierre, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 51, Folder 63 Mould, Philip, 1983-1990 Physical Description: 5 items Box 51, Folder 64 Moureyre, F. de la, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 65 Mourreau, Serge, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 51, Folder 66 Mowbray and Stourton, The Dowager Lady, 1973-1975 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 51, Folder 67 Moyes, J. C., 1980 Physical Description: 2 items Box 51, Folder 68 Muensterberger, W., 1968-1972 Physical Description: 8 items Box 51, Folder 69 Mules, Helen B., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 51, Folder 70 Mullaly, Terence, 1966-1990 Physical Description: 27 letters Box 51, Folder 71 Mullaney, Harriet F., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 72 Müller, C. F., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 51, Folder 73 Mullins, Edwin, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 51, Folder 74 Munsterberger, Helene, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 6 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 181 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 51, Folder 75 Muratori, Alfredo, 1973-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 51, Folder 76 Murjani, M. B., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 77 Murphy, Alexandra R., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 78 Murphy, Charlotte, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 79 Murphy, Martha, 1980 Physical Description: 5 items Box 51, Folder 80 Murray, Alan E., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 81 Muscat, A. A., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 82 Museum Management, 1982-1984 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 51, Folder 83 Mustard Catering Limited, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 51, Folder 84 Muzenic, Nicolas, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 51, Folder 85 Muzi, J. J., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52 Box 52, Folder 1 Box 52, Folder 2 Box 52, Folder 3 Box 52, Folder 4 Box 52, Folder 5 Box 52, Folder 6 Daniel Nahum - V. Ogilvie, 1966-1990 Nahum, Daniel, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 5 items Nall, Lilian Nicolosi, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Napier, Michael (The London Oratory), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters Natale, Mauro, 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Nathan, Peter, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received National Art-Collections Fund, 1967-1986 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Also correspondence with Balcarres, Colinsburgh, Fife [See Box 65, F. 12]. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 182 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52, Folder 7 National Maritime Museum, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 8 Box 52, Folder 9 National Portrait Gallery (London), 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent The National Trust (London), 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 10 Neerman, Armando, 1990 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 52, Folder 11 Neerman, Giorgio, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 12 Neidhardt, F., 1967-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 52, Folder 13 Neilan, Ursula, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 14 Nelles, M. K., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 15 Nelson, Edward A., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 16 Nerad, James B., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 17 Netherlands-British Chamber of Commerce, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 52, Folder 18 Neuendorf, Hans, 1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 52, Folder 19 Neufert, Ilas, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 19 items Box 52, Folder 20 Neuflize, Schlimberger, Messrs, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 21 Neuhaus, Albrecht, 1969-1977 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 52, Folder 22 Neumann, Enno, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 23 Neumeister Münchener Kunstauktionshaus, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 10 items Box 52, Folder 24 Neumeyer, Alfred, 1966-1972 Physical Description: 12 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 183 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52, Folder 25 Newall, Christopher, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 26 Newberger, Kenneth, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 27 Newhouse Galleries, 1978-1986 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 52, Folder 28 Newman, Gerard, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Including business card of Alexandre Makinsky. Box 52, Folder 29 Newman, M. L., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 30 Nicoll, J. S., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 31 Nicolle, F., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 32 Nicholson, D. C., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 33 Etude Couturier Nicolay, Messrs., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 34 Nicolson, Luisa Vertova, 1974-1981 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 52, Folder 35 Nicolson, Vanessa, 1949 Physical Description: 1 item Box 52, Folder 36 Niewodniczanski, Tomasz, 1988 Physical Description: 2 notes Box 52, Folder 37 Nigro, C., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 38 Nitta, Shin-Ichi, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 52, Folder 39 Noble, Lorna, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 40 Noble, Magdalena, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 41 Noe, H. H., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 184 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52, Folder 42 Norfolk, W., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 43 Norman, Geraldine, 1972-1983 Physical Description: 2 items Box 52, Folder 44 Norris, Eduardo, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 45 Norris, E. Christopher, 1968-1971 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 52, Folder 46 Norsworthy, David, 1974-1976 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 52, Folder 47 Northern Gallery Old Masters, 1967-1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 52, Folder 48 Norton & Langridge, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 10 items Box 52, Folder 49 Nouwen-Camp, C. H., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 50 Nowak, Jan, 1983-1987 Physical Description: 7 items Box 52, Folder 51 Nugent, D. H. L., 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 52 Nuovo Vertice Galleria d'arte contemporanea, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52, Folder 53 Nurmi, Veikko, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 52, Folder 54 Nystad, H., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 55 Nystad, S., 1971-1982 Physical Description: 5 itmes Box 52, Folder 56 N: crossreferences, unidentified undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 52, Folder 57 O'Brien, John, 1968-1978 Physical Description: 24 letters Box 235, Folder 23 O'Brien, John, undated Physical Description: 1 color slide INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 185 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52, Folder 58 O'Connor, Cynthia & Co., 1976-1982 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 52, Folder 59 O'Connor, E. R., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 60 Octopus Books, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 61 Banque Odier, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52, Folder 62 Odon Wanger Gallery, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 52, Folder 63 O'Donnell, Mary, 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52, Folder 64 O'Donoghue, P., 1971 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 52, Folder 65 Office suppliers (various) 1971-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 52, Folder 66 Offin, Charles Z., 1967-1971 Physical Description: 22 items Box 52, Folder 67 Ogilvie, V., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A Box 52A, Folder 1 Ohana Gallery - Francesco Alliffi Pentini Ohana Gallery, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 9 items Box 52A, Folder 2 Ohio University Library, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 3 Okarma, Eugene, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52A, Folder 4 Olin, Larry, 1968 Physical Description: 5 items Box 52A, Folder 5 Oliver, J. B., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 52A, Folder 6 Olivier, Faviana, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 7 Olmo, Francisco, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 52A, Folder 8 Olsen, Harald, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 186 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52A, Folder 9 Olsen, Robert, 1971-1982 Physical Description: 26 letters Box 52A, Folder 10 Box 52A, Folder 11 Box 52A, Folder 12 Box 52A, Folder 13 Box 52A, Folder 14 Box 52A, Folder 15 Box 52A, Folder 16 Box 52A, Folder 17 Box 52A, Folder 18 Box 52A, Folder 19 Box 52A, Folder 20 Box 52A, Folder 21 Box 52A, Folder 22 Box 52A, Folder 23 Olson, Gregory, 1976 Physical Description: 6 letters O'Mahony, William, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters O'Neill, Elzbieta Petrajtis, undated Physical Description: 1 note Op de Beeck, A., 1976 Physical Description: 5 items Oppenheimer, Franz M., 1966-1973 Physical Description: 18 items Opperman, H., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Opus Libri, 1984-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Oratorium des Hl. Philipp Neri (Rev. Felix Selden), 1982 Orbis Books, 1989 Physical Description: 3 items Ordaz, Manuel, 1975 Physical Description: 3 items O'Reilly, William E., 1990 Physical Description: 6 items Oresko Books Ltd., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Orgler, H. J., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Orlowski, Tomasz, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 52A, Folder 24 Ormerod, A. W., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52A, Folder 25 Box 52A, Folder 26 Ornano, Hubert d', 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters O'Rorke, Robert A., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 187 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52A, Folder 27 Orr, Richard H., 1971 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 52A, Folder 28 Box 52A, Folder 29 Box 52A, Folder 30 Box 235, Folder 24 Box 52A, Folder 31 Box 52A, Folder 32 Box 52A, Folder 33 Box 52A, Folder 34 Box 52A, Folder 35 Box 52A, Folder 36 Box 52A, Folder 37 Box 52A, Folder 38 Box 52A, Folder 39 Box 52A, Folder 40 Orsi, Alessandro, 1974-1983 Physical Description: 7 items Ortiz, George, 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Oseka, Wiktoria, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 13 letters Oseka, Wiktoria, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Osio, Bernardino, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Osler, Barbara, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Osler, P. A. G., 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Osman, Louis, 1975-1984 Physical Description: 13 items Osterero, Renato, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Ostrand, J. E., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Ostrand, Janice, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Ostrowski, Jan, 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Osuna, Ramon, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 10 letters Oswald, Lord St., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 41 Oud Holland, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 52A, Folder 42 Box 52A, Folder 43 Owsley, David T., 1967-1988 Physical Description: 10 letters O: cross references, undated Physical Description: 2 notes INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 188 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52A, Folder 44 Pabst, Marilyn, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 45 Box 52A, Folder 46 Box 52A, Folder 47 Box 52A, Folder 48 Box 52A, Folder 49 Box 52A, Folder 50 Box 52A, Folder 51 Box 52A, Folder 52 Box 52A, Folder 53 Box 52A, Folder 54 Box 52A, Folder 55 Box 52A, Folder 56 Box 52A, Folder 57 Box 52A, Folder 58 Pagani-Cesa, Enrico, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Page, Addison Franklin, 1985-1988 Physical Description: 10 letters Page, J. 1972 Physical Description: 3 items Paget, Gerald, 1968-1988 Physical Description: 20 items Pahl-Mehringer, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Palewski, Gaston, 1972-1984 Physical Description: 17 items Pallas Gallery, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 10 items Pange, Comtesse de, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Pansecchi, Fiorella, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 4 letters received Paolini, Remo, 1982 Physical Description: 5 items Papaldo, Serenita, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Papini, Marco, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Pappacoda, Franco, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Pappas, Louis, 1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 52A, Folder 59 Pardon, G., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 60 Box 52A, Folder 61 Parent, Henri, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 8 letters Park Gall., 1980 Physical Description: 2 telegrams INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 189 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52A, Folder 62 Park, N. L. C., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 52A, Folder 63 Box 52A, Folder 64 Box 52A, Folder 65 Box 52A, Folder 66 Box 52A, Folder 67 Box 52A, Folder 68 Box 52A, Folder 69 Box 52A, Folder 70 Box 52A, Folder 71 Box 52A, Folder 72 Box 52A, Folder 73 Box 52A, Folder 74 Box 52A, Folder 75 Box 52A, Folder 76 Parker, George G., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Parker, Karl, 1968 Physical Description: 13 letters Parker, L. C. F., 1977-1978 Physical Description: 11 letters Parker of Waddington, Lady, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Parotte, Jean, 1982-1986 Physical Description: 11 items Partridge Fine Arts, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Patella, Eugenia, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Paterno, Riccardo, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 3 items Paternotte-Masson, M. L., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Patitucci, Beppe, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Patterson, W. H., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Patton, Frank, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Pelle, M., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Pellizzari-Baroni, Loredena, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 52A, Folder 77 Peña-Rodriguez, S. L., 1968 Physical Description: 3 items Box 52A, Folder 78 Box 52A, Folder 79 Penn, H., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Pennesi, Francesco, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 190 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 52A, Folder 80 The Pentad, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 52A, Folder 81 Box 53 Box 53, Folder 1 Box 53, Folder 2 Box 53, Folder 3 Box 53, Folder 4 Box 53, Folder 5 Box 53, Folder 6 Box 53, Folder 7 Box 53, Folder 8 Box 53, Folder 9 Pentini, Francesco Alliffi, 1975-1977 Physical Description: 6 letters C. B. Peper - A. F. Plummer, 1966-1990 Peper, Christian B., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 21 letters Peper, Christian B., 1970-1975 Physical Description: 12 letters Peper, Christian B., 1974-1976 Physical Description: 17 letters Peper, Christian B., 1981-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters Pepper, Stephen, 1967-1973 Physical Description: 4 letters, 2 notes Percy, Ann, 1971 Physical Description: 4 letters Percy, J., 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Perdriel, G., 1968 Physical Description: 3 items Peretti, Madame de, 1967-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 53, Folder 10 Peretti, F. (London, England), 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 53, Folder 11 Peretti, F. (Rome, Italy), 1968-1980 Physical Description: 8 items Box 53, Folder 12 Perez, C. Emilio L., 1974-1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 13 Perez, Marie-Felicie, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 14 Perlia, Richard, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 53, Folder 15 Perpete, H., 1978-1980 Physical Description: 28 letters Box 53, Folder 16 Perry, Susan, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 191 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53, Folder 17 Peters, Hans Albers, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 18 Petersburg Press Ltd., 1973 Physical Description: 2 items Box 53, Folder 19 af Petersens, Carl Frederick, 1969-1980 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 53, Folder 20 Peterson, Gordon D., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 21 Petit Artisanat (Barcelona, Spain), 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 22 Petley, J., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 23 Petrescu, Elena, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 24 Peyret-Chappuis, Charles de, undated Physical Description: 1 business card Box 53, Folder 25 Pflueger, Edward M., 1968-1984 Physical Description: 26 items Box 53, Folder 26 Phaidon Press Ltd., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 27 Philip Wilson Publishers Limited, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 53, Folder 28 Philipparie, S., 1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 53, Folder 29 Phillimore, Claud, 1973-1976 Physical Description: 24 letters Box 53, Folder 30 Phillimore, Claud, 1977-1979 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 53, Folder 31 Phillimore, Claud, 1981 Physical Description: 18 items Box 53, Folder 32 Phillips Son & Neale, 1968 Physical Description: 3 items Box 53, Folder 33 Phillips, Christopher, 1978 Physical Description: 3 items Box 53, Folder 34 Phillips, D., 1982 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 192 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53, Folder 35 Phillips, Eric, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 9 items Box 53, Folder 36 Phillips, Ewan, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 37 Phillips, Neil, 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Box 53, Folder 38 Phillips, S. J., 1973 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 53, Folder 39 Phillipson, Dino, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 40 Piaget, Paul, 1976 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 53, Folder 41 Piat, B., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 42 Piazza, Giuseppe, 1969-1976 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 53, Folder 43 Pickrel, Thomas, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 44 Pickhardt, Helmuth, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 45 Piedimonte, Franca, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 note Box 53, Folder 46 Pierson, Elmer, 1972-1977 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 53, Folder 47 Paul & Thomson, 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 53, Folder 48 Paul, C. M., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 49 Pawlin, Edward, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 53, Folder 50 Pawlica, Rosemary, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 51 Firma W. Pawlitza, 1981 Physical Description: 4 items Box 53, Folder 52 Payet, Gerard, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 193 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53, Folder 53 Payne, E. G. Stumpenhuson, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 53, Folder 54 Pearhyn, Desmond, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 55 J. Pearson Smyth & Co. Ltd., 1969-1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 53, Folder 56 Vic Pearson & Co. Ltd., 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Box 53, Folder 57 David Peel & Co. Ltd., 1969-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 53, Folder 58 Pejacsevich, Mark, 1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 53, Folder 59 Pigault, Jean-Pierre, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 60 Pike, John J., 1973 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 53, Folder 61 Pillow, George E., 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 53, Folder 62 Pillsbury Giesen, Priscilla, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 63 Pilo, Giuseppe Maria, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 64 La Pinacoteca di Quadri Antichi (Cavalese, Italy), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 65 Pininski, Peter, 1981-1984 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 53, Folder 66 Pinkus, E., 1968 Physical Description: 6 items Box 53, Folder 67 Pisani, Massimo, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53, Folder 68 Fox-Pitt, Sarah, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 53, Folder 69 Pittard, George E., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 53, Folder 70 Pitts, W. H., 1967 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 194 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53, Folder 71 Plante, Charles, 1989 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 53, Folder 72 Platts, B., 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 53, Folder 73 Platts, Kathleen, 1968 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 53, Folder 74 The Plazzotta Studio, 1984 Physical Description: 2 items Box 53, Folder 75 Plowright, Anthony, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 53, Folder 76 Plummer, A. F., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53A Box 53A, Folder 1 Thomas Podl - K. R. C. Pridham, 1966-1990 Podl, Thomas, 1982 Physical Description: 13 items Box 53A, Folder 2 Podl, Thomas, 1983 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 53A, Folder 3 Podl, Thomas, 1984 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 53A, Folder 4 Podl, Thomas, 1985-1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 53A, Folder 5 Podl, Thomas, 1987-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 53A, Folder 6 Poggi, Aldo, 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53A, Folder 7 Poggi, Ottavio, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53A, Folder 8 Polato, Gaspare, 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 53A, Folder 9 Police (London and Guilford), 1968-1982 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 53A, Folder 10 Polish Ball, 1985 Physical Description: 1 printed item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 195 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53A, Folder 11 Polish collectors in the USA, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 6 letters received Scope and Content Note Letters from Michel Cieplinski, Jacek M. Galazka, S. Jordanowski, Alexander A. Spencer, Marek Walicki. Box 53A, Folder 12 Box 53A, Folder 13 Box 53A, Folder 14 Box 53A, Folder 15 Box 53A, Folder 16 Box 53A, Folder 17 Box 53A, Folder 18 Box 53A, Folder 19 Box 53A, Folder 20 Box 53A, Folder 21 Box 53A, Folder 22 Box 53A, Folder 23 Box 53A, Folder 24 Box 53A, Folder 25 Box 53A, Folder 26 Polish Cultural Institute (London), 1967-1988 Physical Description: 9 letters Polish Treasures Exhibition, 1988 Physical Description: 9 items Polk, William Julius, 1976-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Pollack, H. G., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Pollock, Warren, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Polo, Claudio de, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Pomatron, 1982 Physical Description: 1 leter sent Poniatowski, Michel, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 13 letters Poninska, A., 1985 Physical Description: 1 items Galleria Pontremoli, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Pope, John A., 1977-1984 Physical Description: 14 items Porcher, M. T., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Porta, R. L., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Portugese exhibition, 1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Post, J. J., 1967-1968 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Scope and Content Note REgarding visit to America Nov 1967 to Jan 1968. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 196 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53A, Folder 27 Post, J. J., 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 53A, Folder 28 Box 53A, Folder 29 Box 53A, Folder 30 Box 53A, Folder 31 Box 53A, Folder 32 Box 53A, Folder 33 Box 53A, Folder 34 Box 53A, Folder 35 Box 53A, Folder 36 Box 53A, Folder 37 Box 53A, Folder 38 Box 53A, Folder 39 Box 53A, Folder 40 Box 53A, Folder 41 Post, J. J., 1972 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Post, J. J., 1973 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Post, J. J., 1974-1975 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Post, J. J., 1976-1980 Physical Description: ca. 16 letters Postmaster (South Western District Post Office, London), 1967-1977 Physical Description: 4 items Post Office (Customer Services Western Distict Post office, London), 1981-1983 Physical Description: 20 items Potocka, Countess, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Potocki, Marek, 1982-1989 Physical Description: 5 letters Potts, A. D., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Pouncey, Philip, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters sent Pouppez, G., 1975 Physical Description: 2 items Pourtales, Countess, 1970-1978 Physical Description: 18 items Powel, Lydia, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Powell, Dona, 1987 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 53A, Folder 42 Powell-Pouzzner, G., 1982-1986 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 235, Folder 25 Box 53A, Folder 43 Powell-Pouzzner, G., undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Powell, Nicholas, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 197 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 53A, Folder 44 Powney, Christopher, 1969-1990 Physical Description: 13 items Box 53A, Folder 45 Box 53A, Folder 46 Box 53A, Folder 47 Box 53A, Folder 48 Box 53A, Folder 49 Box 53A, Folder 50 Box 53A, Folder 51 Box 53A, Folder 52 Box 54 Box 54, Folder 1 Box 54, Folder 2 Box 54, Folder 3 Box 54, Folder 4 Box 54, Folder 5 Box 54, Folder 6 Box 54, Folder 7 Box 54, Folder 8 Box 54, Folder 9 Pozza, Neri, 1972 Physical Description: 10 items Prag, Derek, 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Pratesi, Giovanni, 1985 Physical Description: 4 items Preiser, Arno, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Prendergast, Jeffery, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Preimesberger, Rudolf, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Price, W., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Pridham, K. R. C., 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Printers: Abbot Print and Design - R: Joan Raynolds, 1966-1990 Printers: Abbott Print and Design, 1983 Physical Description: 6 letters, 1 business card Printers: Dawes Press Ltd., 1984-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Printers: The Gresham Press, 1980-1984 Physical Description: 10 letters Printers: Hillingdon Press, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Printers: Jupiter Stationers, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Printers: Lund Humphries, 1976-1981 Physical Description: ca. 15 items Printers: Raithby, Lawrence & Company, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters Printers: Raykard Series, undated Physical Description: 1 printed item Printers: Royle Print Limited, 1983 Physical Description: 9 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 198 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 54, Folder 10 Printers: Shenval '80', 1976-1981 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 54, Folder 11 Printers: Toppan Printing Co., 1980-1981 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note 6 letters and dummy book. Box 54, Folder 12 Printers: Unwin Brothers Woking, 1981-1986 Physical Description: 19 items Box 54, Folder 13 Printers: Waterlow (Dunstable), 1980-1982 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 54, Folder 14 Printers: Westerham Press Limited, 1981-1985 Physical Description: 9 items Box 54, Folder 15 Prinz, W., 1979-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 16 Priou, Jean, 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 54, Folder 17 Pritchard, Richard, 1968-1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Box 54, Folder 18 Pritchard, Richard, 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca 20 items Box 54, Folder 19 Pritchard, Richard, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 54, Folder 20 Pritchard, Richard, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 23 letters Box 54, Folder 21 Pritchard, Richard, 1986-1988 Physical Description: ca. 16 letters Box 54, Folder 22 Proctor, Dennis, 1973-1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 54, Folder 23 Profeta, Alfredo, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 54, Folder 24 Pröschel, Peter, undated Physical Description: 1 printed item Box 54, Folder 25 Proute, Paul, 1975-1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 54, Folder 26 Psarras, C. J., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 199 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 54, Folder 27 Pucciarelli, Mauro, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 54, Folder 28 Puccinelli, Mario, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter Box 54, Folder 29 Cosentino, Alfio Puglisi, 1979-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 30 Puineuf, Yves Savoye de, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 54, Folder 31 Pulitzer, Henry F., 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 54, Folder 32 Punguely, E., 1980 Physical Description: 2 items Box 54, Folder 33 Pury, Simon de, 1978-1982 Physical Description: 4 items Box 54, Folder 34 Puslowski, undated Physical Description: 1 press clipping Box 54, Folder 35 Pye Business Communications, undated Physical Description: 1 printed item Box 54, Folder 36 Pye TVT Limited, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 54, Folder 37 P: crossreferences, undated Physical Description: 2 notes Box 54, Folder 38 Quarrell, Messrs Thompson, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 39 Queen's University, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 40 Quinson, G., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 41 Rabbiosi, Lucien, 1983-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 54, Folder 42 Raczynski, Edward, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 54, Folder 43 Radaeli, Francesco, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 44 Radcliffe, Roy [?], undated Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 200 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 54, Folder 45 Radecki Art Galleries, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 46 Radev, Mattei, 1970-1973 Physical Description: 5 items Box 54, Folder 47 Radford, P. J., 1967 Physical Description: 2 items Box 54, Folder 48 Ragaller, Friedrich, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 49 Raggio d'Azeglio, Tenuta, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 54, Folder 50 The Rainbird Publishing Group Limited, 1979 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 54, Folder 51 Ramsey, L. G. G., 1966-1973 Physical Description: 38 letters Box 54, Folder 52 Maison Ramsey, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 54, Folder 53 Ramsay, Roger E., 1981-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 54, Folder 54 Ramus, Mme., 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 54, Folder 55 Rand Instrument Corporation, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent, 1 business card Box 54, Folder 56 Rand, T. R., undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 54, Folder 57 Randel, Walter, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 58 Rank Xerox, 1984-1990 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 54, Folder 59 Rash, Dillman A., 1970-1984 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 54, Folder 60 Rash, Frederick M., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 54, Folder 61 Rasmussen, Jesper Bruun, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 54, Folder 62 Rathbone, Perry T., undated Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 201 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 54, Folder 63 Rau, Gustav, 1972-1988 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 54, Folder 64 Ravenal, Richard S., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 54, Folder 65 Raymond, Marion D., 1982-1984 Physical Description: 34 items Box 54, Folder 66 Raynolds, Joan, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55 Box 55, Folder 1 Box 55, Folder 2 Box 55, Folder 3 Box 55, Folder 4 Box 55, Folder 5 Box 55, Folder 6 Box 55, Folder 7 Box 55, Folder 8 Box 55, Folder 9 Marchioness of Reading - Lodovico Rospigliosi, Reading, Marchioness of, 1986-1988 Physical Description: 4 letters University of Reading, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Reardon, James J., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Redazione Classici dell'Arte, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Reddaway, G. F. N., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Redfern, W., 1971-1974 Physical Description: 8 letters, 1 note Redmond, Peter L., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Reed, S. P., 1982 Physical Description: 4 items Rees, Peter, undated Physical Description: 1 note, 1 business card Box 55, Folder 10 Rees-Reynolds, Alan, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Included are photopcopies of items dated 1943 and 1951. Box 55, Folder 11 Reff, Alice, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 12 Regensburger, Dr., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 13 Reger, P., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 202 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55, Folder 14 Reichardt, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 15 Alex Reid & Lefevre, Ltd., 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 16 Reid, Charles Handley, 1966 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Includes 1 photograph. Box 55, Folder 17 Reidemeister, Leopold, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 18 Reigate, Lady, 1968-1975 Physical Description: 12 items Box 55, Folder 19 Reis Rodrigues, Maria-Rachel dos, 1987 Physical Description: 5 items Box 55, Folder 20 Reklewska, Teresa, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 4 items Box 55, Folder 21 Relange, Jean-Maxime, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 22 Renard (Brussels, Belgium), 1978 Physical Description: 7 items Box 55, Folder 23 Renoir, Paul, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 24 Resnick, Stewart, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 55, Folder 25 Restorers, 1973-1985 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Wojtek Sobczynski, Alexandra Walker. Including 1 photograph. Box 55, Folder 26 Reunion des muséss nationaux, 1984-1987 Physical Description: 5 items Box 55, Folder 27 Rey, Sydor, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 28 Reynolds, John, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 29 Riansares, Duque de, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 30 Ribolzi, Adriano, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 203 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55, Folder 31 Ricciardi, L. R., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 32 Riccio, Bianca, 1985-1989 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 55, Folder 33 Riccomini, Eugenio, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 34 Rice University, Institute for the Arts, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 35 Richardson, Reverend Dr., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 36 Richardson, John, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 55, Folder 37 Richter, James, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 38 Ricketts, Howard, 1972 Physical Description: 2 items Box 55, Folder 39 Rieder, William, 1976-1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 55, Folder 40 Riegel, George, 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 41 Riglos, Miguel, 1973 Physical Description: 1 note Box 55, Folder 42 Riley, Dunn & Wilson, 1990 Physical Description: 5 items Box 55, Folder 43 Rinehart, Sheila Somers, 1978 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 55, Folder 44 Ritblat, John, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 45 Ritcheson, Charles, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 55, Folder 46 Ritter, Herbert M., 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 47 Riva Resines, Angel de la, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 204 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55, Folder 48 Rizzoli Editore, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 49 Robb, P. A., 1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 55, Folder 50 Robbins, Melvin, 1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Also correspondence with Seligmann Antiquités in Paris. Box 55, Folder 51 Roberts, Jane, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 55, Folder 52 Roberts, John, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 53 Roberts, Keith, 1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 55, Folder 54 Robertson, John, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 55 Robertson, William J., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 56 Robicsek, Francis, 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 57 Robinson, Franklin W., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 58 Robinson, G. A., undated Physical Description: 1 item (3 leaves) Box 55, Folder 59 Rocca, de Peretti della, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 60 Rocchetti, Fabrizio, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 61 Roche, Martine, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 55, Folder 62 Rochelmeyer, Hans, 1968-1972 Physical Description: 10 letters, 1 note Box 55, Folder 63 Rodrigues, Terence, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 64 Roethlisberger, Marcel, 1968-1971 Physical Description: 3 letters received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 205 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55, Folder 65 Roger Demouselle, 1986 Physical Description: 5 items Box 55, Folder 66 Rogers, H., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 67 Rogers, S. E., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 68 Rogers de Rin, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 69 Rohlig, Ursula, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 70 Rohowsky, Peter, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 71 Roig, Raul, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 72 Roland, Anthony M., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 73 Roland, Henry M., 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 74 Rolfe, M., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 55, Folder 75 Roli, Renato, 1971-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 76 Rolland, M. J., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 55, Folder 77 Rollings, H. Kelley, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 78 Romano, Paolo, 1971-1979 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 55, Folder 79 Romeike & Curtice, 1977-1982 Physical Description: 11 items Box 55, Folder 80 Romer, Andrew T., 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55, Folder 81 Ronot, H., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 82 Ronzoni, Luigi A., 1978-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 206 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55, Folder 83 Rosa, Paolo, 1989 Physical Description: 1 item Box 55, Folder 84 Rosasco, Betsy, 1976 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 55, Folder 85 Roscioni, Paolo, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 86 Rose, Kenneth, 1973-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 55, Folder 87 Rose, Margaret, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 55, Folder 88 Rose, Stefan, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 89 Rosenberg & Stiebel, 1987-1990 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 55, Folder 90 Rosenberg, Paul, 1980-1984 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 55, Folder 91 Rosenberg, Theodore, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 55, Folder 92 Rosenstock, Simon, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 55, Folder 93 Roskamp, Dietrich, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 55, Folder 94 Rospigliosi, Lodovico, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 55A Box 55A, Folder 1 Ian Ross, 1966-1986 Ross, Ian, Jun-Nov 1966 Physical Description: 23 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 55A, Folder 2 Ross, Ian, May-Jul 1967 Physical Description: 21 letters Box 55A, Folder 3 Ross, Ian, Aug-Dec 1967 Physical Description: 17 letters Box 55A, Folder 4 Ross, Ian, Jan-Jul 1968 Physical Description: 24 items Box 55A, Folder 5 Ross, Ian, Nov-Dec 1968 Physical Description: 23 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 207 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55A, Folder 6 Ross, Ian, Jan-Dec 1969 Physical Description: 25 items Box 55A, Folder 7 Ross, Ian, Jan-Mar 1970 Physical Description: 13 items Box 55A, Folder 8 Ross, Ian, Apr-Aug 1970 Physical Description: 24 items Box 55A, Folder 9 Ross, Ian, Sep-Dec 1970 Physical Description: 33 items Box 55A, Folder 10 Box 55A, Folder 11 Box 55A, Folder 12 Box 55A, Folder 13 Box 55A, Folder 14 Box 55A, Folder 15 Box 55A, Folder 16 Box 55A, Folder 17 Box 55A, Folder 18 Box 55A, Folder 19 Box 55A, Folder 20 Ross, Ian, Jan-Sep 1971 Physical Description: 38 items Ross, Ian, Oct-Dec 1971 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Ross, Ian, Jan-Apr 1972 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Ross, Ian, May-Jul 1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Ross, Ian, Aug-Dec 1972 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Ross, Ian, Jan-Aug 1973 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Ross, Ian, Sept-Dec 1973 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Ross, Ian, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Ross, Ian, 1975 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Ross, Ian, 1976 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Ross, Ian, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 55A, Folder 21 Ross, Ian, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 55A, Folder 22 Box 55A, Folder 23 Ross, Ian, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Ross, Ian, 1980 Physical Description: 15 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 208 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 55A, Folder 24 Ross, Ian, 1981 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 55A, Folder 25 Box 55A, Folder 26 Box 55A, Folder 27 Box 55A, Folder 28 Box 56 Box 56, Folder 1 Box 56, Folder 2 Box 56, Folder 3 Box 56, Folder 4 Box 56, Folder 5 Box 56, Folder 6 Box 56, Folder 7 Box 56, Folder 8 Box 56, Folder 9 Ross, Ian, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Ross, Ian, Jan.-June 1983 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Ross, Ian, 1984 Physical Description: 20 letters Ross, Ian, Jan. 1985-Oct. 1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Ian Ross - R: cross-references, Ross, Ian, April-Dec. 1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Ross, Ian, May-June 1988 Physical Description: 12 items Ross, Ian, Jan. 1988-Oct. 1990 Physical Description: 7 items Ross, Ian, undated Physical Description: 21 items, including 17 photographs Ross Galleries, undated Physical Description: 1 item Ross, Marvin C., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 4 letters sent Ross, Richard E., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Rossacher, Kurt, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 8 items Ross Raszplewicz, Z., 1982-1988 Physical Description: 14 items Box 56, Folder 10 Rossi, Giuseppe, 1970-1980 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 56, Folder 11 Rotaflex House, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 12 Anthony Roth Fine Arts, 1979-1987 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 56, Folder 13 Rothman, F. H., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 209 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 56, Folder 14 Rothschild, Elie de, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter Box 56, Folder 15 Rothschild, Philippe de, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 16 Rothseid, Albert S., 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 17 Rotolo, G. F., 1975-1977 Physical Description: 9 items Box 235, Folder 26 Box 56, Folder 18 Rotolo, G. F., undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Rousseau, Theodore, 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 56, Folder 19 Rouvre, F. de, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 20 Rovelli, Giorgio, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 21 Rowe, A. Loring, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 22 Rowe, Donald F., 1973-1977 Physical Description: 8 items Box 56, Folder 23 Rowe, Edward, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 24 Rowe, Roland, 1972-1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 56, Folder 25 Rowe, Roland, 1973-1975 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 56, Folder 26 Rowe, Roland, 1977-1989 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 56, Folder 27 Rowlands, Peter, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 13 items Box 56, Folder 28 Rowley, Joshua, 1967-1977 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 56, Folder 29 Rowley, L. J., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 30 Royal Academy of Arts, 1967-1973 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 210 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 56, Folder 31 Royal College of Art, 1968-1976 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 56, Folder 32 Royal Geographical Society, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 33 The Royal Society of Arts, 1981 Physical Description: 3 items Box 56, Folder 34 Royer, Elizabeth, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 56, Folder 35 Royle, W. R., undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 56, Folder 36 Rubin, Robert, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 56, Folder 37 Rubinacci Antichita, 1966-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 56, Folder 38 Ruby, Howard F., 1984 Physical Description: 15 items Box 56, Folder 39 Ruby, Howard F., 1984-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 56, Folder 40 Rucinska, D. Z., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 41 Ruck, Arthur, 1966 Physical Description: 2 items Box 56, Folder 42 Rudd, L., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 43 Rudd, Wiliam A., 1969-1977 Physical Description: 4 items Box 56, Folder 44 Ruder & Finn Inc., 1973 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 56, Folder 45 Rueff, Jean-Georges, 1978-1988 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 56, Folder 46 Ruffner, Morgan, 1970-1971 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 56, Folder 47 Ruggeri, Ugo, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 56, Folder 48 Ruggi, Guido, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 211 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 56, Folder 49 Runciman, Steven, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 50 Runge, Lady, 1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 56, Folder 51 Rushton, William J., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 52 Russell & McIver, 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Box 56, Folder 53 Russell, Mr. (Amari Plastics Ltd.), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 54 Russell, Angela, 1977-1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 56, Folder 55 Russell, Georgiana, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 56, Folder 56 Russell, John, 1967-1984 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Box 56, Folder 57 Russell Taylor, John, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 58 Russie, le Grand Duc Vladimir de, 1983-1986 Physical Description: 8 items Box 56, Folder 59 Rust, David, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 60 Établissement rustique (Vaduz), 1974 Physical Description: 2 items Box 56, Folder 61 Rutenberg, Matthew, 1981-1987 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 56, Folder 62 Rutherford, I., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 63 Ryan, L. T., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 56, Folder 64 Rye, M. L., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 56, Folder 65 Ryman Conran Limited, undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 56, Folder 66 Rymar, Julian W., 1968-1988 Physical Description: 16 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 212 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 56, Folder 67 R: cross-references, undated Physical Description: 2 notes Box 57 Box 57, Folder 1 Box 57, Folder 2 Box 57, Folder 3 Cesare Sabidussi - Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1973-1987 Sabidussi, Cesare, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Sacerdoti, Edmondo, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 235, Folder 27 Box 57, Folder 4 Box 57, Folder 5 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, undated Physical Description: 4 color photographs The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1976 Physical Description: ca. 20 items The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1977 Physical Description: ca. 90 items Scope and Content Note Includeing 4 photographs. Box 235, Folder 28 Box 57, Folder 6 Box 57, Folder 7 The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1978 Physical Description: ca. 60 items The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1979 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 57, Folder 8 Box 57, Folder 9 The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1980 Physical Description: ca. 80 items The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1981 Physical Description: ca. 70 items Box 57, Folder 10 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1982 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 57, Folder 11 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1983 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 57, Folder 12 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1984 Physical Description: ca. 50 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 213 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 57, Folder 13 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1985 Physical Description: 12 items Box 57, Folder 14 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1986 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Box 57, Folder 15 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 58 Box 58, Folder 1 Box 58, Folder 2 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation - Mortimer Sackler, 1972-1990, undated Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1988 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Jan-Apr 1989. Box 58, Folder 3 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1989 Physical Description: ca. 60 items Scope and Content Note May-Jul 1989. Box 58, Folder 4 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Aug-Dec 1989. Box 58, Folder 5 Box 58, Folder 6 Box 58, Folder 7 Box 58, Folder 8 Box 58, Folder 9 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, 1990 Physical Description: 11 items Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: lists, undated Physical Description: 1 item (21 leaves) The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: lists, 1981-1983undated Physical Description: 5 items (ca. 30 leaves) Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: lists, undated Physical Description: 7 items (20 leaves) Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: lists, 1972, undated Physical Description: 16 items (24 leaves) Box 58, Folder 10 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: lists, undated Physical Description: 11 items Box 58, Folder 11 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 13 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 214 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 58, Folder 12 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 9 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 13 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 13 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 14 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 9 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 15 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 10 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 16 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 11 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 17 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 17 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 18 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 12 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 58, Folder 19 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 17 photographs Scope and Content Note Various sculptures. Box 235, Folder 29 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Box 58, Folder 20 Arthur M. Sackler Foundation: photographs, undated Physical Description: 11 photographs Scope and Content Note Sculpture of Madonna and Child by Hardy. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 215 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 58, Folder 21 Sackler, Arthur M.: obituaries, 1987, undated Physical Description: 35 items Scope and Content Note 2 issues of Studio International, typescripts, copies of press clippings, printed matter, some correspondence. Box 58, Folder 22 Sackler, Mortimer, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 10 items Box 59 Box 59, Folder 1 Box 59, Folder 2 Box 59, Folder 3 Box 59, Folder 4 Box 59, Folder 5 Box 59, Folder 6 Box 59, Folder 7 Box 59, Folder 8 Walter de Sager - G. Schleider and Sons, 1966-1990 Sager, Walter de, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 8 letters Sagrera, Luis, 1975-1983 Physical Description: 16 letters Saguri, Mr. (Trade Development Bank), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Sainsbury, John, 1984 Physical Description: 3 items Sainsbury, Robert, 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Saint Blanquat, Gérard de, 1980-1981 Physical Description: 4 items Sainty, Guy Stair, 1977-1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Sainty, Guy Stair, 1986 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Letter to Heim Gallery, draft of an investment document (ca. 53 leaves), and final issue. Box 59, Folder 9 Salamon e Agustoni, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 10 Silva, Ricardo Salazar, 1981 Physical Description: 1 item Box 59, Folder 11 Salerno, Luigi, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59, Folder 12 Libreria Salimbeni, 1970-1975 Physical Description: 3 items Box 59, Folder 13 Salini, Paolo, 1980 Physical Description: 3 items Box 59, Folder 14 Salis, Charles de, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 216 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59, Folder 15 Salisbury College of Art, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59, Folder 16 Salm, Christian Altgraf zu, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59, Folder 17 Salmann, Georges S., 1968-1980 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 59, Folder 18 Salmon, Paul, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 19 Salmon, Richard, 1979-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 59, Folder 20 Salton, Mark M., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 21 Samia, Alexandra, 1981-1984 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Photocopies of correspondence among various physicians regarding medical treatment and recovery of A. Samnia. Box 59, Folder 22 Samia, Anna, 1986 Physical Description: 4 items Box 59, Folder 23 Samia, Jean-Claude, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 12 items Box 59, Folder 24 Samsonex Enterprises Ltd., 1969 Physical Description: 3 items Box 59, Folder 25-28 Spencer A. Samuels, 1982-1988 Box 59, Folder 25 1982 Physical Description: 10 items Box 59, Folder 26 1983 Physical Description: 11 items Box 59, Folder 27 1984-1987 Physical Description: 18 items Box 59, Folder 28 1988 Physical Description: 14 items Box 59, Folder 29 Sandeman Hnos. y Cia., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 30 Sanderson, Robin, 1966-1970 Physical Description: 27 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 217 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59, Folder 31 Sanderson, Warren, 1983 Physical Description: 3 items Box 59, Folder 32 Sangiorgi, Sergio, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 17 items Box 59, Folder 33 Sani, Bernardina, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59, Folder 34 Santifaller-Sellschopp, Maria, 1972-1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 59, Folder 35 Saoulli, Socrates Th., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 36 Sargent, Paul, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 59, Folder 37 Sauzey, François, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 38 Savelli, Pier Francesco, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 2 items Box 59, Folder 39 Savelli, Maddalena de Luca, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59, Folder 40 Saville, Pierre, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59, Folder 41 Savitt's Office Equipment Ltd. Physical Description: 10 items Box 59, Folder 42 Sayer, M. J., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 43 Scarborough, Earl of, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 44 Scaretti, Virginia, 1972-1978 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 59, Folder 45 Scarisbrick & Bate Ltd., 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59, Folder 46 Scarpelli, Stefano, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 2 items Box 59, Folder 47 Scarpellini, Pietro, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 59, Folder 48 William H. Schab Gallery, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 218 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59, Folder 49 Schaefer, Herbert, 1977-1981 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 59, Folder 50 Schaefer, R. J., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 51 Schaeffer, K., 1969 Physical Description: 1 note Box 59, Folder 52 Schapiro, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59, Folder 53 Scharnowski, Gunther, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59, Folder 54 Scheil, E., 1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 59, Folder 55 Galerie Dr. Schenk, 1978-1988 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 59, Folder 56 Schierk, Volker, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 57 Schiff, Gert, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59, Folder 58 G. Schleider & Sons, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59A Box 59A, Folder 1 A. A. Schmid - Helmut Seling, 1966-1990 Schmid, A. A., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 59A, Folder 2 Schmidt, Hans Werner, 1969-1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 59A, Folder 3 Schmid, John G., 1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 59A, Folder 4 Schmidt, J. K., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59A, Folder 5 Schmidt-Pauli, Edgar von, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59A, Folder 6 Schmidt, Michele, 1974 Physical Description: 3 items Box 59A, Folder 7 Schmit, Robert, 1973-1976 Physical Description: 8 items Box 59A, Folder 8 Schmitt, Michele, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 219 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59A, Folder 9 Schmitz-Hille, Peter, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59A, Folder 10 Box 59A, Folder 11 Box 59A, Folder 12 Box 59A, Folder 13 Box 59A, Folder 14 Box 59A, Folder 15 Box 59A, Folder 16 Box 59A, Folder 17 Box 59A, Folder 18 Box 59A, Folder 19 Box 59A, Folder 20 Box 59A, Folder 21 Box 59A, Folder 22 Box 59A, Folder 23 Box 59A, Folder 24 Box 59A, Folder 25 Box 59A, Folder 26 Schneider, Andre, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Schneider, Heinz, 1970-1976 Physical Description: ca. 35 itemss Schneider, Heinz, 1977-1981 Physical Description: 13 letters Schneider, Heinz, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 15 letters Schnell, Ernest B., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Schoelkopf, Robert, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Schoenfeld, M., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Scholz, Renate, 1968 Physical Description: 3 lettersd Schon, Kurt, 1983-1984 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Schon, Kurt, 1984-1985 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Schorscher, John, 1974-1983 Physical Description: 30 items Schreiber, Beverly, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Schreiden, Pierre, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Schriftenaustausch (Kunst-und Museumsbibliothek, Köln), 1986 Physical Description: 1 item Schroder, M., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Schroder, T. B. B., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Schroeder, S. W., 1980-1981 Physical Description: 25 letters 910004 220 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59A, Folder 27 Box 59A, Folder 28 Box 59A, Folder 29 Box 59A, Folder 30 Box 59A, Folder 31 Box 59A, Folder 32 Box 59A, Folder 33 Box 59A, Folder 34 Box 59A, Folder 35 Box 59A, Folder 36 Box 59A, Folder 37 Box 59A, Folder 38 Schroeder, S. W., 1982 Physical Description: 11 letters Schroeder, S. W., 1983-1985 Physical Description: 18 items Schroeder, S. W., 1988 Physical Description: 17 items Schubert Antichità, 1966-1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Schuler, John, 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Schulman, Jacques, 1968-1970 Physical Description: 6 items Schultz, Thomas E., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Schwab, A. C., 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Schwalm, Rene, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Schwarzenberg, Princesse de, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Schweinitz, S., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Schweitzer, M. R., 1976 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph Box 59A, Folder 39 Box 59A, Folder 40 Schwob, Simon, 1974 Physical Description: 15 letters Schwarzburg-Gunther, S. de, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 59A, Folder 41 Schweitzer, M. R., 1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 59A, Folder 42 Box 59A, Folder 43 Sciamanda, Lew, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Sciberras, Savfour, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 221 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59A, Folder 44 Scimone, W., 1967-1971 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 59A, Folder 45 Box 59A, Folder 46 Box 59A, Folder 47 Box 59A, Folder 48 Box 59A, Folder 49 Box 59A, Folder 50 Box 59A, Folder 51 Box 59A, Folder 52 Box 59A, Folder 53 Box 59A, Folder 54 Box 59A, Folder 55 Box 59A, Folder 56 Box 59A, Folder 57 Box 59A, Folder 58 Scott, B., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Scott, T. F. S., 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scott, Tom, 1977 Physical Description: 2 items Scottish German Centre, 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Scribner III, Charles, 1975-1982 Physical Description: 18 letters Scrofa, Uguccione, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scrutton, Hugh, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 8 letters Seary, Mrs., 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Seary, L. G., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Seary, N., 1977 Physical Description: 14 letters Sebag-Montefiore, Harold H., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Seddon, N. R., 1967-1970 Physical Description: 6 letters Segre-Amar, S., 1972 Physical Description: 8 letters Seidmann, Gertrud, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 59A, Folder 59 Seiquer, Josefa Martinez, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59A, Folder 60 Box 59A, Folder 61 Seligman, Robert, 1967-1968 Physical Description: ca 30 letters Seligman, Robert, 1969 Physical Description: 11 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 222 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59A, Folder 62 Box 59A, Folder 63 Seligman, Robert, 1970-1975 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Seling, Helmut, 1988 Physical Description: 9 items Box 59B Box 59B, Folder 1 Johann Michael Semler - Peter Sluckland, 1966-1990, undated Semler, Johann Michael, 1985-1990 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 59B, Folder 2 Sensi Books, 1988 Physical Description: 6 items Box 59B, Folder 3 Seodon, Dick, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59B, Folder 4 Sergold, Leon M., 1980-1983 Physical Description: 11 items Box 59B, Folder 5 Serra, Joselita Raspi, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59B, Folder 6 Services, translations, etc., 1984-1986, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Mostly printed material. Hanover Studios, Scanbond, Corner to Corner Ltd., letter from Susanna Freitag (translator), Professional Cleaning Services, letter from Kathryn Power (conservator). Box 59B, Folder 7 Sesia, Giuseppe, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 59B, Folder 8 Sestieri, Marcello and Carlo, 1967-1969 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 59B, Folder 9 Sestieri, Marcello and Carlo, 1969-1971 Physical Description: 24 letters Box 59B, Folder 10 Sestieri, Marcello and Carlo, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Including 13 letters and 4 photographs. Box 59B, Folder 11 Box 59B, Folder 12 Box 59B, Folder 13 Box 59B, Folder 14 Sestieri, Marcello and Carlo, 1975-1986 Physical Description: 17 items Sestieri, Marcello and Carlo, 1988-1990 Physical Description: 12 items Sewell, Brian, 1971-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Shaftesbury Homes and ‘Arethusa’, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received 910004 223 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59B, Folder 15 Box 59B, Folder 16 Box 59B, Folder 17 Box 59B, Folder 18 Box 59B, Folder 19 Box 59B, Folder 20 Box 59B, Folder 21 Box 59B, Folder 22 Box 59B, Folder 23 Box 59B, Folder 24 Box 59B, Folder 25 Box 59B, Folder 26 Box 59B, Folder 27 Box 59B, Folder 28 Box 59B, Folder 29 Box 59B, Folder 30 Box 59B, Folder 31 Box 59B, Folder 32 Shamma, Maurice, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Shanks, J. N., 1973 Physical Description: 6 letters Shanks, Nelson, 1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Shelden, A., 1972-1976 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Shelden, F., 1976-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters sent Sheldon, William, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent The Shellbourne Hotel, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Shelvit, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Shenval Press Ltd., 1969-1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Shepherd Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1973-1974 Physical Description: 13 letters Shepherd Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1975-1977 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Shepherd Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1978-1979 Physical Description: 15 letters Shepherd Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 18 items Shepherd Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1982-1990 Physical Description: 25 items Shepherd, Michael, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 2 letters sent H. Shickman Gallery, 1968-1972 Physical Description: 10 letters Shire Publications Ltd., 1986 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Shukla, Ramesh M., 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters 910004 224 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59B, Folder 33 Box 59B, Folder 34 Box 59B, Folder 35 Box 235, Folder 30 Box 59B, Folder 36 Box 59B, Folder 37 Box 59B, Folder 38 Siena, Monte dei Paschi di, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 5 items H. V. Sier Ltd., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Sikorski Museum (Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, London), 1988 Physical Description: 7 items Sikorski Museum (Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, London), 1988 Physical Description: 2 color photographs Silva, José Joaquim Rodrigues da, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 5 letters Silva, Tullio, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Silver, Arthur W., 1976-1978 Physical Description: 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 59B, Folder 39 Box 59B, Folder 40 Box 59B, Folder 41 Silverman, Peter & Kathleen, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Simeone, Giacinto, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Simiolus, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Letter to Peter Hecht in Utrecht. Box 59B, Folder 42 Box 59B, Folder 43 Box 59B, Folder 44 Simon, Norton, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 5 items Simon, Paul, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Sinclair Radionics Ltd., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 59B, Folder 45 Siniscalco, Maurizio, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 59B, Folder 46 Box 59B, Folder 47 Sitges, Juan, 1983-1989 Physical Description: 7 items Sitwell, Reresby, 1976-1980 Physical Description: ca. 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 225 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 59B, Folder 48 Siviero, Rodolfo, 1969-1983 Physical Description: 9 items Box 59B, Folder 49 Box 59B, Folder 50 Box 59B, Folder 51 Box 59B, Folder 52 Box 59B, Folder 53 Skarbek-Tluchowski, Oscar, 1968 Physical Description: 7 letters Skarger, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Skene, Diana, 1967-1973 Physical Description: 4 items Skipwith, undated Physical Description: 2 items Sladmore Farm, 1967-1970 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph Box 59B, Folder 54 Box 59B, Folder 55 Box 59B, Folder 56 Box 59B, Folder 57 Box 59B, Folder 58 Box 59B, Folder 59 Slagle, Carlton M., 1970-1971 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Slater, David, 1968 Physical Description: 1 item Slatkin, Charles E., 1969-1971 Physical Description: 5 letters Slingsby, H. C., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Slotkowski, Eugene L., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Sluckland, Peter, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 60 Box 60, Folder 1 A. T. Smail - Statens Museum for Kunst, 1966-1990, undated Smail, A. T., 1979-1981 Physical Description: 2 items Box 60, Folder 2 Small, Len H., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 60, Folder 3 Smith, Hawley L., 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 4 Box 60, Folder 5 Smith, Leroy, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Smith, Mark, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 226 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 60, Folder 6 Smith, Martin, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 7 Box 60, Folder 8 Box 60, Folder 9 Smith, Miranda, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Smith, Robert, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Smith, Robert C., 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 10 Smith, Robert H., 1981 Physical Description: 5 items Box 60, Folder 11 Smith, Robert S., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 12 Smith, S. B., 1969-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 13 Smith, T. R. Selwyn, 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 14 Smith, Urwick, 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 15 Smith, William Hawes, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 16 Smith-Woolley, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 17 Smogorzewski, K. M., 1980 Physical Description: 2 items Box 60, Folder 18 Smyth & Sons, Beverly, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 19 Smyth, Hugh, 1970-1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 20 Smythe, Colin, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 21 Snead-Cox, Anne, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 22 Snell, W. E., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 23 Sobczynski, Wojciech, 1972-1984 Physical Description: 7 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 227 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 60, Folder 24 Sobek, Franz, 1972-1974 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 60, Folder 25 Sobek, Peter, 1976-1984 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 60, Folder 26 Società Incremento Turistico Rocche Amiata, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 60, Folder 27 Soenen, R., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 28 Solanet, Lucien, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 60, Folder 29 Solari, Francesco, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 60, Folder 30 Solomon, Bernard C., 1967-1973 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 60, Folder 31 Solovy, Stephen A., 1985 Physical Description: 1 note Box 60, Folder 32 Solum, John, 1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 33 Somerset College of Art, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 60, Folder 34 Sophian, John, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 35 Soragna, Principe de, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 36 Sosnowski, J., 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note With 2 business cards. Box 60, Folder 37 Souffrice, J. L., 1969-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 60, Folder 38 Spagnol, Mario, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 39 Spain: various people, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Notes with names and addresses, business cards. Box 60, Folder 40 Spain: the King of Spain, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 2 letters sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 228 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 60, Folder 41 Spain: Spanish Ambassador in London, 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 42 Spanierman, Ira, 1972-1986 Physical Description: 5 letters, 1 photograph Box 60, Folder 43 Spar, Chantal, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters, 1 printed matter Box 60, Folder 44 Spar, François, 1967-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 234*, Folder 1 Spar, François, 1967-1976 Physical Description: 1 press clipping Box 60, Folder 45 Spark, Victor D., 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 46 Sparks, John, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 60, Folder 47 Specht, Alfred H., 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 business card Box 60, Folder 48 The Spectator, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note 4 letters and a typescript. Box 60, Folder 49 Speed, Barry, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 50 Speedway Sign Service, 1982 Physical Description: 3 items Box 60, Folder 51 Spencer, Countess, 1980-1986 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 60, Folder 52 Spencer, Earl of, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 60, Folder 53 Henry Spencer & Sons, 1968-1969 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 60, Folder 54 Spencer, Alexander A., 1985-1987 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 60, Folder 55 Spencer, Marion, 1975 Physical Description: 3 items Box 60, Folder 56 Spencer-Longhurst, Paul, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 229 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 60, Folder 57 Spencer, Robert L., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 58 Spink & Son, 1980-1986 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 60, Folder 59 Spink, Victor G., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 60 Spranger, R. J. M., 1970 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Letters from Spranger, Konrad Oberhuber, and T.R.C. Blofeld. Box 60, Folder 61 Spurr, Keath, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 62 Spychiger, Margrit, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 63 St. Anthony's College, 1971-1974 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 60, Folder 64 St. George's Gallery Books, 1970-1984 Physical Description: 10 items Box 60, Folder 65 St. James's Rectory, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 5 items Box 60, Folder 66 St. John-Stevas, Norman, 1972-1986 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 60, Folder 67 St. Thomas Fund, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 60, Folder 68 Stacey, G. R., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 60, Folder 69 Stafford, J. J., 1969-1982 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 60, Folder 70 Stair Sainty, Guy, 1988-1989 Physical Description: 5 items Box 60, Folder 71 Staley, Allen, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 60, Folder 72 Stamirski, Casimir, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 60, Folder 73 Stampfle, Felice, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 230 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 60, Folder 74 Stanswig, 1985 Physical Description: 1 note Box 60, Folder 75 Statens Museum for Kunst (Denmark), 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61 Box 61, Folder 1 Stationers - S: unidentified and cross-references, 1966-1990, undated Stationers, 1980-1986, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Printed matter, 1 estimate, 2 notes. Box 61, Folder 2 Box 61, Folder 3 Box 61, Folder 4 Box 61, Folder 5 Box 61, Folder 6 Box 61, Folder 7 Box 61, Folder 8 Box 61, Folder 9 Stayt, W. J., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Stazzi, Francesco, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Stein, Adolphe, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Steinfeld, Harry, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Stella, Enzo, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Stendhal Gallery (Milan, Italy), 1970-1971 Physical Description: 8 letters, 1 note Stengel, Peter C. I., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Stenius, G., 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 10 Stephenson, Sylvia, 1983 Physical Description: 2 items Box 61, Folder 11 Sterling, Julian, 1966 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 61, Folder 12 Stern, Gerard, 1966-1976 Physical Description: 18 items Box 61, Folder 13 Stern, John N., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 14 Sternberg, Frank, 1966-1973 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 61, Folder 15 Stevens, B. F., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 231 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 61, Folder 16 Stévens, B. D. N., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 61, Folder 17 Stevens, Martin, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 18 Steyer, R., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 61, Folder 19 Stiernstedt, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Note with his address. Box 61, Folder 20 Stillfried, B., 1976-1979 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 61, Folder 21 Stonor, Thomas, 1966-1968 Physical Description: 8 items Box 61, Folder 22 Stodel, Jacob, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 23 Stodgell, Colin, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 24 Stone, E. W., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 61, Folder 25 Stonyhurst College, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 61, Folder 26 Stora, Gérard, 1978-1989 Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Includes 2 photographs Box 235, Folder 31 Box 61, Folder 27 Stora, Gérard, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Stratfield Saye House, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 28 Straka, J. A., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 61, Folder 29 Strathclyde, University of, 1986 Physical Description: 10 items Box 61, Folder 30 Strauss, Konrad, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 61, Folder 31 Strickland, Peter, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 232 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 61, Folder 32 Stroumillo, Rik de, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 61, Folder 33 Strugielski, Thadeus M., 1987 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 61, Folder 34 Stryjenska, Danuta, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 35 Stubenberg, Wolfgang, 1974 Physical Description: 13 letters Box 61, Folder 36 Stubbs, Alan, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 61, Folder 37 Studbeck, C. G., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 38 Studio Lourmel 77, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 39 Studio per edizioni scelte, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 7 items Box 61, Folder 40 Studio Vista Limited, 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 61, Folder 41 Stumm, Ursula von, 1970 Physical Description: 35 letters Box 61, Folder 42 Stumm, Ursula von, 1971 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs Box 61, Folder 43 Stumm, Ursula von, 1972-1975 Physical Description: 23 letters Box 61, Folder 44 Stumm, Ursula von, 1985 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 61, Folder 45 Subert, Marco Vittorio Carlo, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 61, Folder 46 Suburt, Marco Vittorio Carlo, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 47 Suckling & Co., 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 48 Sumowski, Werner, 1957, 1980 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 233 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 61, Folder 49 Sussex, University of, 1967 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 61, Folder 50 Susta, R. B. V., 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 61, Folder 51 Sutcliffe, D. B., 1976-1978 Physical Description: 11 letters Box 61, Folder 52 Sutherland, Duke of, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 61, Folder 53 Sutton, Denys, 1966-1984 Physical Description: 1984 Scope and Content Note ca. 30 letters Box 61, Folder 54 Sutton, Peter, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note With a receipt. Box 61, Folder 55 Swaebe Photography, 1969-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 61, Folder 56 Swaebe, 1974 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 61, Folder 57 Swaebe, undated Physical Description: 13 photographs Box 61, Folder 58 Swarzenski, Hanns, 1974-1989 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Letters and obituary. Box 61, Folder 59 Swingler, David H., 1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 61, Folder 60 Swiss Embassy (Paris), 1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 61, Folder 61 Szabad, George M., 1982 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 61, Folder 62 Szablowski, Jerzy, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 6 items Box 61, Folder 63 Szymanski Gallery, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 234 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 61, Folder 64 S: unidentified and cross-references, 1969-1980undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 62 Box 62, Folder 1 Box 62, Folder 2 Box 62, Folder 3 Box 62, Folder 4 Box 62, Folder 5 Box 62, Folder 6 Box 62, Folder 7 Box 62, Folder 8 Box 62, Folder 9 Tableaux Anciens - Francesca Torresy, 1966-1990 Tableaux Anciens, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Taccani, Florence, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Tadie, Jean-Yves, 1977 Physical Description: 2 items Talbot, S., 1977 Physical Description: 4 items Tamms, Caspar, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 6 letters Tan Bunzl, Yvonne, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Tanenbaum, Joseph, 1978-1988 Physical Description: 3 letters Tanenbaum, Max, 1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Tanzer, Jack, 1973-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 62, Folder 10 Tanzini, Laura, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 11 Tarica, Alain, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 12 Tartaglia, Bruno, 1966-1968 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Box 62, Folder 13 Tartaglia, Bruno, 1968-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 62, Folder 14 Tartaglia, Bruno, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 20 items Box 62, Folder 15 Tartaglia, Bruno, 1975-1984 Physical Description: 17 items Box 62, Folder 16 Tassel, Jean Max, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Includes business card. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 235 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62, Folder 17 Taube, Irwin, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 18 Taubman, William S., 1990 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 19 Tausk, Kasriel, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 20 Taussig, Helen, 1981 Physical Description: 3 items Box 235, Folder 32 Taussig, Helen, 1981 Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 62, Folder 21 Tayleur, John, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 22 Taylor, A., 1973-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 62, Folder 23 Taylor, C. L., 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 24 Taylor, K. M., 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 25 Taylor, Valery, 1988-1990 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 62, Folder 26 Tazab Travel, 1976-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 62, Folder 27 Tazzoli, Mario, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 28 Teague, Enid E., 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 62, Folder 29 Teets, John W., 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 30 Teller, Tilly (Kunsthandlung Walther Hauth), 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 31 Tempestini, M., 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 62, Folder 32 Terroy, Didier Jean, 1976 Physical Description: 2 notes Box 62, Folder 33 Teruzzi, Lilliana, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 236 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62, Folder 34 Testa, G. 1968 Physical Description: 5 items Box 235, Folder 33 Testa, G. undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 62, Folder 35 Tettenborn, A. R., 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 36 Teugels, Georges, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 37 Thames and Hudson, Ltd., 1980-1981 Physical Description: 8 items Box 62, Folder 38 E. V. Thaw & Co., 1969 Physical Description: 3 items Box 62, Folder 39 Thermes, J., 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 40 Thesiger, R., 1978-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 62, Folder 41 Thesiger, R. M. D., 1969-1971 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 62, Folder 42 Thiem, Christel, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 62, Folder 43 Thomas, Brian, 1968 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 62, Folder 44 Thomas, J. B., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 45 Thomson, Fariba Shirazi, 1989 Physical Description: 2 items Box 62, Folder 46 Thompson, T. H., 1967-1968 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 62, Folder 47 Thorn Emi Protech, 1984-1988 Physical Description: 17 items Box 62, Folder 48 Thornton, Jeffrey, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 49 Three Cities Research, Inc., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 237 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62, Folder 50 Thuiller, William, 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 51 Thureau-Dangin, M., 1985 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 62, Folder 52 Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 53 Tidnam Photographic, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 54 Tilgner, Gunter, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 55 Tillett, Margaret, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 56 Tillim, Sidney, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 57 Tilzey, Harold C., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 58 The Times, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 59 Timmann, I. F. O., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 60 Tinterow, Gary, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 61 Todd Research Ltd., 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 62, Folder 62 Todd-White, Rodney, 1974-1988 Physical Description: 5 items Box 62, Folder 63 Todd, Watson, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 64 Toledano, Ralph, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 65 Michael Tollemache Ltd., 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 66 Toller, Paul A., 1968-1971 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 62, Folder 67 Tolley, M., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 238 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62, Folder 68 Tolnay, Charles de, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 69 Tomasini, Christian, 1969-1970 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 62, Folder 70 Tomlin, E. W. F., 1982 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Includes 2 photographs Box 62, Folder 71 Tomorrow's news, 1977 Physical Description: 6 items Box 62, Folder 72 Took, R., 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62, Folder 73 Tooth, Anthony B. V., and Tooth, Dudley W., 1968-1970 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 62, Folder 74 Topcopy Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 10 items Box 62, Folder 75 Topolski, Felix, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 62, Folder 76 University of Toronto, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62, Folder 77 Torrelaguna, Marques de, 1977-1978 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Box 62, Folder 78 Torrelaguna, Marques de, 1982-1987 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 62, Folder 79 Torrelaguna, Marques de, 1988-1989 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 62, Folder 80 Torresy, Francesca, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A Box 62A, Folder 1 M. Toth - Andre Velmar, 1966-1990 Toth, M., 1984 Physical Description: 1 note Box 62A, Folder 2 Toumanoff, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62A, Folder 3 Tournadre, Jean, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 4 Touzain, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 239 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62A, Folder 5 Towneley, Mr., undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 62A, Folder 6 Townshend, F. H., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 7 Toynbee, Margaret, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 62A, Folder 8 Tradardi, Oliviero, 1968-1976 Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Includes 16 letters and 1 photograph. Box 62A, Folder 9 Traun, Felicia, 1990 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 62A, Folder 10 Box 62A, Folder 11 Box 62A, Folder 12 Box 62A, Folder 13 Box 62A, Folder 14 Box 62A, Folder 15 Box 62A, Folder 16 Box 62A, Folder 17 Box 62A, Folder 18 Trauwitz, Wolfgang, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent The Travellers' Club, 1998 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Trenschel, H. P., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Treppendahl, Carl M., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Treskow, Irene von, 1981-1986 Physical Description: 11 letters Treskow, Wiprecht von, 1983-1984 Physical Description: 7 letters Treuherz, Klaus, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Trigt, J. van, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Trimarchi, Michele, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 19 Trinity College (Cambridge, England), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 20 Box 62A, Folder 21 Tripp, Chester Dudley, 1968-1971 Physical Description: 14 letters Trout, Leon, 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 240 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62A, Folder 22 Trower, J. P., 1972-1973 Physical Description: 6 items Box 62A, Folder 23 Box 62A, Folder 24 Box 62A, Folder 25 Box 62A, Folder 26 Box 62A, Folder 27 Box 62A, Folder 28 Box 62A, Folder 29 Box 62A, Folder 30 Box 62A, Folder 31 Box 62A, Folder 32 Box 62A, Folder 33 Box 62A, Folder 34 Box 62A, Folder 35 Box 62A, Folder 36 Trustman, Alan R. Physical Description: ca. 30 items Tunnard, Peter H., 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Turner, Gordon, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Turner Whitehead Industries, 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Turquin Sarl, Eric, 1989 Physical Description: 7 items Madame Tussaud's, 1974-1978 Physical Description: 17 items Tyler & Co., 1968-1972 Physical Description: 5 items Tyszkiewicz, Zygmunt J. A., 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters T: cross-references, undated Physical Description: 1 item Uffenbeck, Lorin A., 1979-1987 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Uffizi (Gabinetto Fotografico), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Uggeri, L., 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Ulinski, Edmundo, 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Ulivieri, P. G., 1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 62A, Folder 37 Umiastowski, J., 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 38 Box 62A, Folder 39 UNESCO (Paris, France), 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters United Publicity Services, 1970 Physical Description: 13 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 241 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62A, Folder 40 United States, 1979undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Several lists of correspondents in the United States, 1 letter received from Janos Hoyos. Box 62A, Folder 41 Box 62A, Folder 42 Box 62A, Folder 43 Box 62A, Folder 44 Box 62A, Folder 45 Box 62A, Folder 46 Box 62A, Folder 47 Box 62A, Folder 48 Box 62A, Folder 49 Box 62A, Folder 50 Box 62A, Folder 51 Box 62A, Folder 52 Box 62A, Folder 53 Box 62A, Folder 54 Box 62A, Folder 55 Box 62A, Folder 56 United States Embassy (London, England), 1972-1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Untermyer, Irwin, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 23 letters Urosevic, Marie-Therese, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Urso, Luigi d', 1982-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Urso, Mario d', undated Physical Description: 1 letter sent U.S.S.R. Embassy (London, England), 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent UTO Treuhand und Verwaltungs-AG, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Vader, S. (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie), 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Vaes, Robert, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Vaizey, Lady, 1975-1981 Physical Description: 18 letters Valcanover, F., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Valdettaro, Piammetta M. P., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Valentin, Henri Louis, 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Valli, Romolo, 1978 Valls, Raphael, 1975-1985 Physical Description: 12 letters, 1 note Van, Geoffrey, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 242 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 62A, Folder 57 Van Audenhove, Pierre, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 58 Box 62A, Folder 59 Box 62A, Folder 60 Box 62A, Folder 61 Box 62A, Folder 62 Box 62A, Folder 63 Box 62A, Folder 64 Box 62A, Folder 65 Box 62A, Folder 66 Box 62A, Folder 67 Vandekar, Earle D., 1980 Physical Description: 3 items Van der Kemp, Gerald, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Vangelisti, Bruno, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Van Hallan Photo-Features, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Van Houtte, Jean-François, 1984 Physical Description: 8 items Van Hove, Charles, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 12 items Vannier, Jean-Jacques, 1967-1978 Physical Description: 6 items Varese, Ranieri, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Varsano, Daniel, 1985 Physical Description: 2 items Varzi, Alida, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Included is letter to Ciechanowiecki from Andrea Rothe at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Box 62A, Folder 68 Box 62A, Folder 69 Box 62A, Folder 70 Vassall-Adams, Jerrold, 1975-1983 Physical Description: 8 letters Counsellor Vattani (Italian Embassy, London, England), 1971-1974 Physical Description: 17 letters Veght, Hermine Bouma van der, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 62A, Folder 71 Vella, John Ciggopardi, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 62A, Folder 72 Box 63 Box 63, Folder 1 Velmar, Andre, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Mario Veneziani - George Dennison Webster, 1966-1990 Veneziani, Mario, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 243 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63, Folder 2 Box 63, Folder 3 Box 63, Folder 4 Box 63, Folder 5 Box 63, Folder 6 Box 63, Folder 7 Box 63, Folder 8 Box 63, Folder 9 Venice in Peril Fund, 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Ventura, Paola, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Verein für Regensburger Bistumsgeschichte, 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Vernon, H. M., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Verspyck, R. H. A., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Lord Vestey, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Viancini, Ettore, 1980-1989 Physical Description: 8 items Vianello, Mino, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 10 Vici, Andrea Busiri, 1967-1980 Physical Description: 13 items Box 63, Folder 11 Victorian Society, 1983 Physical Description: 1 printed item Box 63, Folder 12 A la Vielle Cite (Paris, France) 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 13 Vigano, Mrs., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 63, Folder 14 Vigil, José Pedro Martinez, 1981 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 63, Folder 15 Vignos, Paul, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 4 items Box 63, Folder 16 Villa, Javier (Investing S.A.), 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 17 Villate, Gustav, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 18 Vincent, Leon, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 19 Vinchon, Jean, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 244 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63, Folder 20 Violante, J. L. S., 1968-1977 Physical Description: 6 items Box 63, Folder 21 Virch, Claus (Metropolitan Museum of Art), 1970-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 22 Vitulli, Antonio, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 63, Folder 23 Vitzthum, Walter, 1967 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 24 Vivian, Frances, 1969-1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 25 Voice, Eric, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 26 Volk, Jack, 1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 27 Volk, Mary Crawford, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 28 Volk, Peter (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Cologne), 1967-1974 Physical Description: 16 letters Box 63, Folder 29 Volponi, Paolo, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 63, Folder 30 Von der Heyde, J. H., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 31 Vosatka, Alexandr (Karlova Galerie, Prague), 1977-1978 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 63, Folder 32 Vose Galleries, 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 33 Vossler, Robert, 1975 Physical Description: 1 item Box 63, Folder 34 V: unidentified and cross-references, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 63, Folder 35 Waay, Van Kunstveilingen Mak van, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 36 Wade, Beau, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 37 Odon Wagner Gallery, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 245 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63, Folder 38 Waiss, Frederick S., 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 39 Wakevitch. Alexandre, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 63, Folder 40 Waldmann, I. M., 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 41 Waley-Cohen, Lady, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 42 Walicki, Marek, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 63, Folder 43 Walker, Alexandra, 1983 Physical Description: 6 items Box 235, Folder 34 Walker, Alexandra, undated Physical Description: 3 color photographs Box 63, Folder 44 Walker, Dean, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 63, Folder 45 Walker, Mary, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 63, Folder 46 Walker Art Center, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 63, Folder 47 Walker-Munro, Mrs., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 48 Walky, Michael, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 49 Wallace, A. F., 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 63, Folder 50 Wallace Brothers Sassoon Bank Ltd., 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 51 Wallington, Ian, 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 52 Wallington, Patricia, 1973 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Includes 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 246 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63, Folder 53 Wallraf, Paul, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note 9 letters and 4 photographs. Box 63, Folder 54 Walpole Gallery, 1987 Physical Description: 3 items Box 63, Folder 55 Walsh, Peter, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 56 Walter, Paul F., 1969 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 63, Folder 57 Walter-Ellis, D. M., 1983-1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 58 Walters, J. J., 1976 Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note 14 letters, 1 piece of signed canvas. Box 63, Folder 59 Walton, Elizabeth, 1985 Physical Description: 3 items Box 63, Folder 60 Walton, G., 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 61 Walton, Guy, 1967-1972 Physical Description: 20 letters Box 63, Folder 62 Waltos [?], S., undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 63, Folder 63 Ward, Dennis F., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 64 Ward, Roger, 1976-1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 63, Folder 65 Ward-Jackson, Adrian, 1974 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Scope and Content Note 40 letters and several notes. Box 63, Folder 66 Ward-Jackson, Nicholas, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 67 Ward-Jackson, P. W., 1966 Physical Description: 5 items Box 63, Folder 68 Warm, J. Louis, 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 247 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63, Folder 69 Warren, Whiting, 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 70 Wasmuth K.G., 1973 Physical Description: 2 items Box 63, Folder 71 Dalton Watson Limited, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters received Box 63, Folder 72 Watson, G., 1977-1979 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 73 Watson, Wendy M., 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 74 Wazbinski, Zygmunt, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 75 Weathersby, William, undated Physical Description: 1 note Box 63, Folder 76 Weatherhead, Richard, 1982 Physical Description: 2 items Box 63, Folder 77 Weaver, Alla, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63, Folder 78 Webb, J. A. R., 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 63, Folder 79 Webber, Fred R., 1966 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63, Folder 80 Webber, Michael, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63, Folder 81 Weber, Ingrid, 1970-1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 63, Folder 82 Weber-Caflisch, Olivier, 1985-1987 Physical Description: 10 items Box 63, Folder 83 Webley, John, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 63, Folder 84 Webster, George Dennison, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63A Box 63A, Folder 1 Maria Wegrzecki - Peter Winkworth, 1966-1990 Wegrzecki, Maria, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63A, Folder 2 Weidenfeld, George, 1969-1974 Physical Description: 13 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 248 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63A, Folder 3 Lord Weidenfeld, 1976-1986 Physical Description: 19 letters Box 63A, Folder 4 Weigel, Robert, 1970 Physical Description: 3 items Box 63A, Folder 5 Weihrauch, Hans R., 1979 Physical Description: 2 items Box 63A, Folder 6 Weinberg, H., 1974 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63A, Folder 7 Weinberg, Rolf, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 4 items Box 63A, Folder 8 Weindring, C., 1967 Physical Description: 5 items Box 63A, Folder 9 Weinmüller, Adolf, 1970-1974 Physical Description: 4 items Box 63A, Folder 10 Box 63A, Folder 11 Box 63A, Folder 12 Box 63A, Folder 13 Box 63A, Folder 14 Box 63A, Folder 15 Box 63A, Folder 16 Box 63A, Folder 17 Box 63A, Folder 18 Box 63A, Folder 19 Box 63A, Folder 20 Weintraub, M., 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received Antiquariat Nikolaus Weissert, 1984 Physical Description: 2 items Weissmann, John S., 1968-1969 Physical Description: 7 letters Weitnauer, Albert, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Weitzner, Julius, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 4 letters Weldon, Henry, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Weller Hill and Hubble, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Wellesley College, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Weltkunst, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter received Welwert, Konrad, 1966-1971 Physical Description: 10 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Galerie Welz, 1966-1976 Physical Description: ca. 50 items 910004 249 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63A, Folder 21 Box 63A, Folder 22 Box 63A, Folder 23 Box 63A, Folder 24 Box 63A, Folder 25 Box 63A, Folder 26 Box 63A, Folder 27 Box 63A, Folder 28 Wemmer, Mr., 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Wengraf, Alex, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 items Wengraf, A. M., 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Wernik, Romuald, 1975-1986 Physical Description: 11 letters Wertheimer, Anne, 1975-1981 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters West, Vivian, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Westbrook, Anthony, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Western Art Company, 1979-1981 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note 11 letters, 2 photographs. Box 63A, Folder 29 Box 63A, Folder 30 Box 63A, Folder 31 Box 63A, Folder 32 Box 63A, Folder 33 Box 63A, Folder 34 Western Union International, 1972 Physical Description: 5 items City of Westminster, 1980-1982 Physical Description: 10 items Wetter, Gert, 1972-1980 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Wheatley, Warwick, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Wheeler, D. M., 1984-1986 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Whelan, Terrence, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63A, Folder 35 Whigham, I., 1977-1978 Physical Description: 12 letters Box 63A, Folder 36 Box 63A, Folder 37 White, Albert, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters White, Charles, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 250 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63A, Folder 38 Whitehead, Daniella, 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 63A, Folder 39 Box 63A, Folder 40 Box 63A, Folder 41 Box 63A, Folder 42 Box 63A, Folder 43 Box 63A, Folder 44 Box 63A, Folder 45 Box 63A, Folder 46 Box 63A, Folder 47 Box 63A, Folder 48 Box 63A, Folder 49 Box 63A, Folder 50 Box 63A, Folder 51 Box 63A, Folder 52 Whitfield, Clovis, 1981-1988 Physical Description: 6 items Whitfield, J. H., 1975 Physical Description: 3 items Whittet, G. S., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Whitwell, Peter, 1968-1972 Physical Description: 4 letters Whitworth, Ian H., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Wieczorek, Krystyna, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Wihlke, Hans L., 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Wilcox, Wayne A., 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Wildensetin & Co., 1976-1990 Physical Description: 36 items Willems, Jean, 1969-1971 Physical Description: 13 letters Willemse, Th. R. M., 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Willenbecher, John, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Willermin, Richard de, 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent William Doyle Galleries, 1979 Physical Description: 3 items Box 63A, Folder 53 Williams, Desmond, 1978-1879 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 63A, Folder 54 Box 63A, Folder 55 Wilmot, Molly, 1973-1983 Physical Description: 11 letters Wilpert, Josef, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 251 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 63A, Folder 56 Wilson, J., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63A, Folder 57 Box 63A, Folder 58 Box 63A, Folder 59 Box 63A, Folder 60 Box 63A, Folder 61 Wilson, Peter, 1978-1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Wilson, Robert E., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Wilson, V. L., 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Wilson-Smith, Marcus, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Wiltshiers Contract Furnishing LImited, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Printed and illustrated matter. Box 63A, Folder 62 Box 63A, Folder 63 Box 63A, Folder 64 Thomas Winch & Assocs., 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Windle Humphrey, Sylvia, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Windlesham, Lord, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note Lord Windlesham's letter to Mrs. Otto Marcinek. Box 63A, Folder 65 Box 63A, Folder 66 Box 63A, Folder 67 Box 63A, Folder 68 Wineland Theatres, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters W. Wingate & Johnston (South) Ltd., 1978 Physical Description: 1 item Winiewicz, S., 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Winjum, Joanne T., 1974 Physical Description: 10 items Winkelmann, Jürgen, 1976 Box 63A, Folder 69 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 63A, Folder 70 Box 63A, Folder 71 Winkle, J., 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Winkworth, Peter, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 64 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Ronald L. Winokur - Réné Zurcher, 1966-1990 910004 252 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 64, Folder 1 Winokur, Ronald L., 1980-1981 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 64, Folder 2 Box 64, Folder 3 Box 64, Folder 4 Box 64, Folder 5 Box 64, Folder 6 Box 64, Folder 7 Box 64, Folder 8 Box 64, Folder 9 Winter, Mr., 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Winterberg, Arno, 1973? Physical Description: 2 items Witt, Mary, 1977-1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Wittkower, Margot, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Witty, Derek, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Witty, Derrick E., 1973-1986 Physical Description: 3 letters sent C. Wolf & Son, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Wolf, Emile E., 1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 64, Folder 10 Wollen, Douglas, 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 64, Folder 11 Wollen, Roger, 1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 12 Wolter, Hendrick A., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 13 Wood, Henry C., 1972 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 64, Folder 14 M. Wood, 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 15 Woodner, Ian, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 16 Woodruff, David, 1987-1989 Physical Description: 7 items Box 64, Folder 17 Woodruff, Douglas, 1976-1977 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 64, Folder 18 Woods, Frank H., 1969 Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 253 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 64, Folder 19 Wookey Hole Mill, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 4 items Box 64, Folder 20 Word Processor, 1985 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Buckleys Guide to Office Automation, and other printed matter. Box 64, Folder 21 The Word Store, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 2 items Box 64, Folder 22 Worldwide Books Inc., 1967-1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Box 64, Folder 23 Worldwide Books, Inc. 1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 64, Folder 24 Worldwide Books, Inc. 1971-1973 Physical Description: 14 items Box 64, Folder 25 Worldwide Books, Inc. 1974 Physical Description: 15 items Box 64, Folder 26 Worldwide Books, Inc. 1975 Physical Description: 18 items Box 64, Folder 27 Worldwide Books, Inc. 1976-1983 Physical Description: 25 items Box 64, Folder 28 Wright, J. R. C., 1979-1980 Physical Description: 6 letters Box 64, Folder 29 Wright, Ronald, 1966-1984 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 235, Folder 35 Box 64, Folder 30 Wright, Ronald, undated Physical Description: 2 color polaroids Wright, Stephen, 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 64, Folder 31 Wrightsman, Charles, 1982-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 64, Folder 32 Wrightsman, Charles B., 1967-1970 Physical Description: 7 items Box 64, Folder 33 Wurmbrand-Stuppach, G. von, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 34 Wurster, V., 1988-1989 Physical Description: 3 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 254 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 64, Folder 35 Wurts, Thomas C., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 36 Wynne, John, 1976 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 64, Folder 37 W: unidentified, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter Scope and Content Note On letterhead: University of London Courtauld Institute of Art. Box 64, Folder 38 Yamada, Chisaburo F., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 39 Yamanaka International, Inc., 1966-1974 Physical Description: 9 letters Box 64, Folder 40 York House Antiques Ltd., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 64, Folder 41 Young, George B., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 42 Yturbe, Comte de, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 43 Zaaijer, Emma, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 44 Zabert, Gilberto, 1967-1987 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters Box 64, Folder 45 Zamboni, Silla, 1973 Physical Description: 3 items Box 64, Folder 46 Zambrano, Patrizia, 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 47 Zamoyski, Adam, 1977-1988 Physical Description: 7 items Box 64, Folder 48 Zamoyski, Stefan, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 49 Zanchi, Jean, 1966-1975 Physical Description: 27 items Scope and Content Note 20 letters and 7 photographs. Box 64, Folder 50 Zanetti, F., 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter received, 1 note INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 255 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 64, Folder 51 Zavrel, V. van, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 52 Zavriev, André, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 53 Zavriew, A., 1974-1977 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 64, Folder 54 Zdziechowska, Sophie, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 55 Zech, Lilly, 1971 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 56 Zerbone, Aldo, 1971-1973 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note 8 letters, 1 photograph. Box 64, Folder 57 Zervudachi, Marke, 1967-1971 Physical Description: 24 items Scope and Content Note 22 letters and 2 photographs. Box 64, Folder 58 Ziegler, Evarts, 1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 64, Folder 59 Zietkiewicz, Andrzej, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 64, Folder 60 Zietz, R., 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 61 Zietz, Rainer M., 1975-1989 Physical Description: 3 letters sent Box 64, Folder 62 Zifkin, Walter, 1980-1985 Physical Description: 10 items Box 64, Folder 63 Zimmer, Jürgen, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 64, Folder 64 Zurcher, Réné, 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 65 Box 65, Folder 1 Box 65, Folder 2 Miscellaneous: Abbott & Gerson - June Winn, 1964-1990 Abbott & Gerson, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter received Adams, Judith, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 256 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 3 Ader, Etienne, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 4 Box 65, Folder 5 Box 65, Folder 6 Box 65, Folder 7 Box 65, Folder 8 Box 65, Folder 9 Alinari, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Allemand, Auguste, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter received American Association of Museums, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Apollo Magazine Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Art Auction Committee, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Arthena, 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 10 Arts Review Year Book 1983, 1983 Physical Description: 1 item Box 65, Folder 11 Arts & Antiques Squad, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 12 Balcarres, Colinsburgh, Fife, 1967 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Also correspondence with National Art-Collections Fund [See Box 52, F. 6]. Box 65, Folder 13 Bank of England Exchange Control, 1966-1967 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 65, Folder 14 Barnard & Westwood Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 15 Bary, Evgret von, 1974-1975 Physical Description: 10 letters Box 65, Folder 16 Beck & Pollitzer Engineering Limited, 1966 Physical Description: 4 items Box 65, Folder 17 The Belgrave Library, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 18 Bellamy, P., 1966 Physical Description: 5 items Box 65, Folder 19 Beveren, Peter M. van, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 257 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 20 Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire, Section Medecine (Montpellier-Cedex, France), 1980-1982 Physical Description: 3 items Box 65, Folder 21 The Board of Trade, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 22 Bosch, Jean van den, 1972 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 23 British United Air Ferries Ltd., 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 24 Cahill, Augustine, Physical Description: 1 item Box 65, Folder 25 Carr, Christopher, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 26 Cartier (London), 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 27 Centre Charles Péguy, 1968 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 65, Folder 28 Centre Telephone Area (London), 1965-1970 Physical Description: 10 items Box 65, Folder 29 Chichester, Dean of, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 30 Clydedale Bank, 1975-1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 31 Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna [CLUEB], 1981-1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 32 Corney and Barrow Limited, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 33 J. Crisp & Son, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 34 Cronin, Shuna, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 35 Davies, Turner & C. Limited, 1965-1967 Physical Description: 4 items Box 65, Folder 36 Department of Employment (London), undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 65, Folder 37 Department of Trade and Industry, Export Licensing Branch (London), 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 258 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 38 Desborough, Susan, 1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 65, Folder 39 Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 40 Dexion Ltd., 1966 Physical Description: 5 items Box 65, Folder 41 Dial House, 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 42 Distressed Gentlefolk's Aid Association [DGAA], 1970-1973 Physical Description: 16 items Box 65, Folder 43 Distributive Industry Training Board (Manchester, England), 1971-1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 44 Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (Naples, Italy), 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 45 Fixed Penalty Office (London), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 46 Foyer Cevenol, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 47 Franks Restaurant, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 48 French Embassy (London), 1968 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 49 Friends of the Courtauld Institute, 1970-1973 Physical Description: 7 items Box 65, Folder 50 Gabinetto Fotografica Nazionale di Roma, 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 51 La Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot, 1982-1988 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 52 Gazette des beaux-arts, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 65, Folder 53 The J. Paul Getty Museum Bookstore, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 54 Gloucestershire County Council, 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 55 Hampton Products, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 259 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 56 Harsch, Messrs., 1965 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 57 Hart, A. J., 1970 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 58 Hay, John, 1972-1973 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 65, Folder 59 Herbert, W. A. S., 1968 Physical Description: 2 notes Box 65, Folder 60 IBM, 1966 Physical Description: 1 item Box 65, Folder 61 H. M. Inspector of Taxes (London), 1967 Physical Description: 3 items Box 65, Folder 62 Institut français du Royaume-Uni (London), undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 63 International Biographical Centre (Cambridge, England), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 3 letters Box 65, Folder 64 International Telegraph Services (London), undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 65 Joresco, Ernest, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 66 Mail Order Kaiser, 1981 Physical Description: 4 items Box 65, Folder 67 Kaplan, Jacob M. (The Rudolf Wittkower Fellowship Fund), 1973 Physical Description: 5 items Box 65, Folder 68 Kedleston Hall, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 69 Kerr, W., 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 70 Anton H. Konrad Verlag, 1970 Physical Description: 3 items Box 65, Folder 71 Kunstbibliothek (Berlin, Germany), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 4 items Box 65, Folder 72 Laureilhe, Mlle (Société de l'histoire de l'art français), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 73 London Association for the Blind, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 260 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 74 London Electricity Board, 1966-1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 75 London Hospital, 1977 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 76 London Library, 1967 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 77 Lord Mayor of London, 1967-1968 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 65, Folder 78 L.R.S. Publishers, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 79 Lucion, Pierre, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 80 Lycée français de Londres, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 81 Malone, Sarah, 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 82 Galerie Marco Edition, 1983 Physical Description: 6 items Box 65, Folder 83 McGill, William J., 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 84 Methodist Publishing House, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 85 Morphets, 1986-1988 Physical Description: 3 items Box 65, Folder 86 Musée d'Ixelles, 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 65, Folder 87 Museo Capitolino (Rome), 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 88 The Museums Association (London), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 89 National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children, 1969 Physical Description: 3 letters received Box 65, Folder 90 Ogilvy Benson & Mather Limited, 1973 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 65, Folder 91 Peacock, H. L., 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 261 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 92 Pearson, A. H., 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 93 Penson Forwarding Corp., 1969 Physical Description: 3 items Box 65, Folder 94 Portable-X-Rays Limited, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 95 Post Office Overseas Telegraphs, 1969 Physical Description: 2 items Box 65, Folder 96 Rentokil Laboratories Ltd., 1969 Physical Description: 1 item Box 65, Folder 97 Ritz Hotel (London) 1967 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 65, Folder 98 Robinsons, Messrs. 1965 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Cannon Brookes at City Museum and Art Gallery Birmingham. Box 65, Folder 99 Sackville Photocopy, 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 100 Box 65, Folder 101 Box 65, Folder 102 Box 65, Folder 103 Box 65, Folder 104 Box 65, Folder 105 Box 65, Folder 106 Box 65, Folder 107 Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington D.C.), 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent City of Sheffield, City Art Galleries, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Simon, Jennifer Jones, 1975 Physical Description: 3 items Société pour le commerce des tableaux, 1964-1965 Physical Description: 13 items Southern Group, 1975 Physical Description: 2 items Specialised Travel Service, Ltd., 1971 Physical Description: 3 items Spero, Alfred, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Sternroyd, B. E., 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Includes letter to R. C. Hodge. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 262 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.B. Clients and suppliers, 1965-1990 Box 65, Folder 108 Strand Electrical Equipment, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 65, Folder 109 Box 65, Folder 110 Box 65, Folder 111 Stumm, Baron von, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Takayama, Ricardo, 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Unidentified (various), 1970-1972 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note includes 1 photograph. Box 65, Folder 112 Box 65, Folder 113 University College London, undated Physical Description: 2 items Vibert, David J. F., 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Wellings & McMillan, 1966 Box 65, Folder 114 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 65, Folder 115 Box 65, Folder 116 Westminster: The Lord Mayors of Westminster's Winston Churchill Memorial Statue Appeal, 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter Winn, June, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Physical Description: 4.5 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Contains letters received from curators, art-historians, and other experts. Letters are arranged alphabetically by last name, and are cross indexed to photographs in the collection through card files (see Series II). Box 66 Box 66, Folder 1 Allison, Ann H. - Butzek, Monika, 1966-1990 Allison, Ann H. (Baltimore, John Hopkins University), 1966-1967 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Bronze busts Julie Sabine and Antoninus Pius. Box 66, Folder 2 Alter, Rosilyn (Biblioteca Hertziana), 1980 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Rape of the Sabines by Romanelli. Box 66, Folder 3 Amerson, K. Price (University of California Davis, Dept. of Art), 1976-1978 Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Drawings by Jacob Merz. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 263 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 66, Folder 4 Anderson, Jaynie (University of Oxford, The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note A painting by Dosso, theme of sleeping Venus, and art work referrd to as Rennell's St. Jerome. Box 66, Folder 5 Box 66, Folder 6 Arch, Nigel (National Army Museum, London), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Arisi, Ferdinando (Museo civico, Piacenza), 1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note An engraving by Panini from the possession of Thomas Hope. Box 66, Folder 7 Arnaldi, Girolamo (Rome, Italy), 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Art work for the Royal Castle in Warsaw. With a mention of Aleksander Gieysztor. Box 66, Folder 8 Ashton, Geoffrey (Garrick Club, London), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Harlow drawings. Box 66, Folder 9 Aston, Nigel, 1982-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Old masters at Arley exhibition. Also present is correspondence with Caroline E. Tomblin. Typescript on Laurent Pecheux. Box 66, Folder 10 Aubrun, Marie Madeleine (Paris, France), 1978 Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Henri Lehmann. Box 66, Folder 11 Auersperg, Johannes, 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 66, Folder 12 Bagni, Prisco (Milan, Italy), 1988 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Gaetano Gandolfi. Box 66, Folder 13 Baillio, Joseph (New York, N.Y.), 1974-1979 Physical Description: 27 letters Scope and Content Note Portraits by Vigée Lebrun; other paintings in private collections of Polish nobility, including Lanckoronski family. Box 66, Folder 14 Balderston, Gordon D., (Christie's London), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 264 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 66, Folder 15 Baroncini, Carmela (Rome, Italy), 1981 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of painting Annunciation to Lorenzo Pasinelli and Giovanni Gioseffo dal Sole. Box 66, Folder 16 Bassani, Paola Pacht (Brussels, Belgium), 1973-1979 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Claude Vignon. Box 66, Folder 17 Bazin, Germain (Paris, France), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note Drawings by Léon Cogniet. Box 66, Folder 18 Belsen, Hugh, 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Portrait of Lord Cowper by Mengs. Box 66, Folder 19 Benati, Daniele (Istituto di storia dell'arte "I. B. Supino" Università degli studi di Bologna), 1982-1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Federico Zuccari in the collection of Carlo Volpe. Box 66, Folder 20 Benforado, Susan (School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), 1984-1986 Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Her study of sculpture by Anne Seymour Damer. Box 66, Folder 21 Bergé, Willem (Netherlands), 1976-1987 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Sculptures by Jacques Bergé. Box 66, Folder 22 Bernardini, Ingrid Sattel (Rome, Italy), 1984 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Included is obituary of Jan Bialostocki (from: Burlington Magazine, 1989). Box 66, Folder 23 Bershad, David (University of Calgary, Dept. of Arts), 1970-1985 Physical Description: ca. 90 items Box 66, Folder 24 Bettagno, Alessandro (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, Italy), 1969-1990 Physical Description: ca. 100 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 265 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 66, Folder 25 Bindman, David (Westfield College, London), 1984-1986 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by John Flaxman. Box 66, Folder 26 Le Blan, Hervé (Paris, France), 1985 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Bronze sculpture of Fortune by Domenico Poggini (?) Box 66, Folder 27 Blunt, Anthony Sir (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1966-1977 Physical Description: 36 letters Scope and Content Note Blunt gives scholarly opinion on several art works, including works attributed to Poussin and Puget. Box 66, Folder 28 Boccazzi, Franca Zava (Istituto di Storia dell'Arte, Universita di Padova), 1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Giambattista Pittoni. Box 66, Folder 29 Bodart, Didier (Rome, Italy), 1972-1984 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Rubens exhibition in Japan. With a mention of the Cardiff cartoons. Box 66, Folder 30 Boisclair, Marie-Nicole (Département d'histoire, Faculté des lettres, Université Laval, Québec), 1974-1984 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note Landscape with the rest on the flight into Egypt by Gaspard Dughet. Box 66, Folder 31 Bologna, Ferdinando (Universita di Napoli), 1971-1977 Physical Description: 35 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several paintings by Francesco Solimena, Jacopo Cestaro, and Duhamel. Box 66, Folder 32 Bolten, Jaap (Prentenkabinet/Kunsthistorisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden), 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by Abraham Bloemaert. Box 66, Folder 33 Boppe, Catherine (Paris, France), 1988 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Riviere and Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 266 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 66, Folder 34 Bordeau, Jean-Luc (Santa Monica, Calif.), 1987 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Le Brun, Tassaert, Sebastien Bourdon, Nicolas de Largillière, François Boucher. Box 66, Folder 35 Bordes, Philippe (Université Paul Valéry, Dept. d'histoire d'art), 1975-1982 Physical Description: 15 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work to Gros, Vivant Denon, Claude François Girod-Lambert, Girodet, Augustin Pajou, Fabre. Box 66, Folder 36 Boswell, David (The Open University), 1987-1989 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings of Malta by Alberto Pulciano. Box 66, Folder 37 Bottineau, J. (Paris, France) 1987 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Panels by Guerin. Box 66, Folder 38 Boyer, Jean-Claude (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris), 1979-1989 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Pierre Mignard. Box 66, Folder 39 Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld (Paris, France), 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of Judith with the head of Holofernes to Michel Dorigny. Box 66, Folder 40 Brême, Dominique (Universite de Lille III), 1989 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a portrait painting to Largillière. Box 66, Folder 41 Briganti, Giuliano (Rome, Italy), 1966-1986 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Rich in detail concerning sales to Briganti, also attribution of a painting to Pietro da Cortona. Box 66, Folder 42 Bridgestocke, Hugh (Sotheby's London), 1989 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work to Poussin. Box 66, Folder 43 Brogi, Alessandro (Università degli studi di Bologna, Dipartimento delle arti visive), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 267 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 66, Folder 44 Brook, Anthea (London, England), 1976-1987 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 66, Folder 45 Brookner, Anita (London, England), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note A Delacroix flower-piece. Box 66, Folder 46 Brown, Jonathan, 1973-1987 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to El Greco, and a collection of drawings to Murillo. Also 1 letter to Ciechanowiecki from Juan B. Sitges. Box 66, Folder 47 Brunet, Marcelle (Manufacture nationale de Sèvres), 1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Vases by Jean-Charles Develly. Box 66, Folder 48 Brunner, Michael (Fountain Valley, Calif.), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 66, Folder 49 Buckingham, Christine, 1982-1985 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Jean-Baptiste Deshayes, Louis-Michel Van Loo. Box 66, Folder 50 Bukdahl, Else Marie (Horsholm, Denmark), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 66, Folder 51 Burdon, Gerald (London, England), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Two Soldani groups. Box 66, Folder 52 Bury, John (London, England), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Briano drawings. Box 66, Folder 53 The Burlington Magazine, 1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding subscription of the periodical to libraries in Poland. Box 66, Folder 54 Busco, Marie (London, England), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Her research on Richard Westmacott. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 268 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Butzek, Monika (Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg), 1984-1989 Box 66, Folder 55 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note A marble statuette Sleeping Diana by Bernardino Ludovisi, sculptures by Giuseppe Mazzuoli. Box 67 Box 67, Folder 1 Peter Cannon-Brookes - Leo Ewals, 1966-1990 Peter Cannon-Brookes (The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship), 1985-1989 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Scope and Content Note Cardiff Rubens cartoons controversy. Press clippings (ca. 40) concern mainly deaccessioning of museum materials. Box 234*, Folder 5 Peter Cannon-Brookes (The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship), 1986 Physical Description: 1 press clipping Box 67, Folder 2 Cacchione, Richard D. (Larchmont, N.Y.), 1988 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note A statue by Giovanni Battista Amendola. Box 67, Folder 3 Campbell, Karen T. (Brown University, Dept. of Art), 1974 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note An oil sketch Deposition by Charles de La Fosse. Box 67, Folder 4 Campbell, Malcolm (University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Art History), 1977-1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a modello to Pietro da Cortona. Box 67, Folder 5 Campbell, Richard J. (Wollaston, Mass.), 1981 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note A Vienna drawing by Moitte. Box 67, Folder 6 Cannon, Joanna (Courtauld Institute), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Marble lions by Veronese. Box 67, Folder 7 Caracciolo, Maria Theresa (Galleria Nationale d'arte Moderna, Rome, Italy), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work to Giuseppe Cades. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 269 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 67, Folder 8 Caso, Jacques de, (University of California, Berkeley), 1978-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a bronze referred to as Education of Achilles by Chiron. Box 67, Folder 9 Cassayd-Smith, John (London, England), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note With a mention of a drawing by Giulio Romano. Box 67, Folder 10 Cast, David (Yale University, Dept. of Art History), 1970-1971 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Giovanni Moroni Calumny of Apelles. Box 67, Folder 11 Cellini, Pico (Rome, Italy), 1967-1973 Physical Description: 28 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, mainly marble reliefs of Roman Emperors, a bust of Frederick II, a marble bust of Cardinal de Bouillon, and a bust of Richerlieu attributet to Bernini. Box 67, Folder 12 Catholic Central Library (London, England), 1979 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a portrait of Jacopo Lomellini. Box 67, Folder 13 Causa, Marinella (Palazzo Reale, naples, Italy), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 67, Folder 14 Cazals, Henri de (Paris, France), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting of Diana. Box 67, Folder 15 Chaleix, Pierre (Marines, France), 1975-1984 Physical Description: 14 items, including printed matter Scope and Content Note Various art works, including two marble groups of a faun with a goat, attribution of a marble bust of Henry IV to Mathieu Jacquet, a bust of a lady attributed to Barthelemy Prieur. Box 67, Folder 16 Chomer, Gilles (Université Lyon, Institut d'histoire de l'art), 1977-1985 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Paul Mignard, Lebrun. Box 67, Folder 17 Chruscicki, Juliusz A., (Warsaw, Poland), 1981 Physical Description: 2 items: 1 letter received, 1 note Scope and Content Note Mentions Polish art in the collection of Francis Springell. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 270 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 67, Folder 18 Cingolani, Marisa, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Gaudenzio Ferrari and Moretto da Brescia. Box 67, Folder 19 Clark, Anthony (American Academy in Rome), 1973-1976 Physical Description: 23 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art works. Box 67, Folder 20 Clarke, T. H. (Kent, England), 1983-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 67, Folder 21 Clay, Edith (London, England), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Regarding exhibition about the artistic patronage of the Bourbons in Naples, and attribution of a marble bust of Padre Rocco. Box 67, Folder 22 Coekelberghs, Denis (Brussels, Belgium), 1971-1986 Physical Description: 38 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art works. Box 67, Folder 23 Colenbrander, H. Th. (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Altarpiece by Francesco Solimena. Box 67, Folder 24 Collins, Michael (London, England), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note art work by Carpeaux. Box 67, Folder 25 Colton, Judith (Yale University, Dept. of Art History), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 67, Folder 26 Conforti, Michael (American Academy in Rome), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note art work by Soderini, Filippo della Valle, Camillo Rusconi. Box 67, Folder 27 Conisbee, Philip (University of leicester, Dept. of Art History), 1973-1984 Physical Description: ca. 100 items Scope and Content Note Extensive correspondance regarding attribution of various art works. Box 67, Folder 28 Connell, Susan (London, England), 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note A relief sculpture by Bellano. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 271 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 67, Folder 29 Coolidge, John (Fogg Art Museum), 1980 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Soldani relief Apotheosis of Manoel da Vilhena. Box 67, Folder 30 Coural, Jean (Ministère de la culture Administration générale du mobilier national et des Manufactures nationales des gobelins et de Beauvais), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Pierre and Antoine-Pierre Patel. Box 67, Folder 31 Crelly, William R. (Emory University), 1968-1989 Physical Description: 20 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work. Box 67, Folder 32 Croft-Murray Edward, 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting of Belisarius by Barker of Bath. Box 67, Folder 33 Crombie, Theodore, 1966-1981 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art works. Included are Crombie's obituary and typescript of memorial address. Box 67, Folder 34 La Curia generalizia O.S.M. (Rome, Italy), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Portrait painting of S. Filippo Benizzi by Carlo Dolci. Box 67, Folder 35 Dacos-Crifo, Nicole, 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Herman Posthumus. Box 67, Folder 36 Dania, L. (Porto San Giorgio, Italy), 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Giaquinto paintings. Box 67, Folder 37 Daniels, Jeffrey (Geffrye Museum), 1971-1976 Physical Description: 19 letters Scope and Content Note Sebastiano Ricci. Box 67, Folder 38 Deacon, Christopher (Bristol Polytechnic), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Bronzes from the Strutt collection. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 272 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 67, Folder 39 Denis, Isabelle (Paris, France), 1982-1984 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Her research of Abel de Pujol. Box 67, Folder 40 Dennys, Margaret (Calgary, Canada), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Bust of Pope Innocent XIII by Pietro Bracci. Box 67, Folder 41 Dexter, Emma (London, England), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Wooden statue of St. Genesius Sciarensis. Box 67, Folder 42 Di Castro, Daniela Moscati (Rome, Italy), 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note Francesco del Tadda. Box 67, Folder 43 Donahue, Kenneth (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1983 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Project for an art museum in Las Vegas. Box 67, Folder 44 Driskel, Michael (Paris, France), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by Hippolyte Flandrin. Box 67, Folder 45 Duarte, Carlos F. (Caracas, Venezuela), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 67, Folder 46 Durand, Janine (Paris, France), 1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Sculptures by Charles Henri Joseph Cordier. Box 67, Folder 47 Dyer, Stella (The Order of St. John Museum and Library, London, England), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Portrait of Pierre Claude Secret de Gueidan, portrait of Grand Prieur Philippe de vendome by Raoux, terracotta bust of John Ray, Box 67, Folder 48 Eisner, Colin (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts; Center for the Study and Exhibition of Drawings), 1980-1981 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence and loan agreements regarding art work lent for the exhibition Sculptors drawings over six centuries. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 273 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 67, Folder 49 Eitner, Lorenz (Stanford University, Dept. of Art), 1979-1981 Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Bust of Marie Antoinette by Lecomte, and art work by Géricault. Box 67, Folder 50 Enggass, Robert (Pennsylvania State University), 1967-1976 Physical Description: 75 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of art work by various artists, including Francesco Cavallini, Anton Francesco Soderini, Mazzuoli, Bernardino Ludovisi, Agostino Cornacchini. Box 67, Folder 51 Ertz, Klaus (Freren, Germany), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Paintings by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Jan Brueghel the Younger. Box 67, Folder 52 L'Espée, Roland de, 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Terracotta statuette of Louis XIV by Martin Desjardins. Box 67, Folder 53 Evans, Dorinda (Emory University), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Mather Brown. Box 67, Folder 54 Ewals, Leo (Université de Nimègue), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Ary Scheffer. Box 68 Box 68, Folder 1 Italo Faldi - José Gudiol, 1966-1990 Faldi, Italo (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna), 1967-1971 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence rich in detail concerning matters of attribution and acquisitions for the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna and other institutions in Rome. Box 68, Folder 2 Faldi, Italo (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy), 1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Box 68, Folder 3 Faldi, Italo (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy), 1973 Physical Description: 14 items Box 68, Folder 4 Box 68, Folder 5 Faldi, Italo (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy), 1974 Physical Description: 34 items Faldi, Italo (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy), 1975-1978 Physical Description: ca. 40 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 274 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68, Folder 6 Fanelli, Doris D. (Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawing of Lafayette by Thomas Sully. Box 68, Folder 7 Favretto, Irene (Università di Padova, Dipartimento d'Archeologia), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Vitellio Grimani in the Mantova Benavides collection. Box 68, Folder 8 Feigenbaum, Gail (Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology), 1978-1981 Physical Description: 2 letters received Scope and Content Note Requesting photos of art work by Lodovico Carracci. Box 68, Folder 9 Felton, Craig (Texas Christian University), 1974-1986 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note François Boucher bust by Jean-Jacques Caffieri. Box 68, Folder 10 Ferrari, Prof. (London, England), undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Notes regarding Gaulli, Andrea Pozzo, L. Baldi. Box 68, Folder 11 Ferrari, Oreste (Rome, Italy), 1966-1969 Physical Description: 37 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence regarding attribution of various art work. Box 68, Folder 12 Ferrari, Oreste (Rome, Italy), 1970-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 68, Folder 13 Ferrari, Oreste (Rome, Italy), 1973-1979 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 68, Folder 14 Ferrari, Oreste (Rome, Italy), 1980-1989 Physical Description: 22 items Box 68, Folder 15 Fittipaldi, Teodoro (Naples, Italy), 1976-1981 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a bust and a terracotta bozzetto. Box 68, Folder 16 Forrest, Michael (Branchville, N.J.), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Marble statue of Diana resting after the chase by Chauveau. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 275 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68, Folder 17 Ford, Brinsley (London, England), 1977-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Various attributions. Box 68, Folder 18 Fothergill, Brian? (London, England), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 68, Folder 19 Foucart, Bruno (Bibliothèque Marmottan, Boulogne-Billancourt, France), 1980 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note List of works Heim Gallery offered for the opening of the Musée d'Orsay. Box 68, Folder 20 Francoeur, (Paris, France), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding payment for her essay. Box 68, Folder 21 Fraser, Mary (Queen's University, Dept. of Art, Kingston, Canada), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Catalog request. Box 68, Folder 22 Free, Renee (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 68, Folder 23 Freeden, Max von (Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg), 1969-1974 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a drawing of Madonna, and of two busts from the Chigi collection. Box 68, Folder 24 Froté, Marianne, 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Jérôme Langlois. Box 68, Folder 25 Fucikova, Eliska (Ustav dejin umèni CSAV, Prague), 1979-1986 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Attributions of art work by various artists. Box 68, Folder 26 Gaehtgens, Thomas (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Freie Universität Berlin), 1967-1983 Physical Description: 18 letters Scope and Content Note Gaehtgens's opinion regarding several art works by Joseph Marie Vien. Box 68, Folder 27 Galactéros-de Boissier, Lucie (Université de Neuchâtel), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Portraits by [Gabriel or Thomas] Blanchet and Ignaz Stern. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 276 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68, Folder 28 Gall, Franz (Universitätsarchiv, Vienna), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Engraving attributed to Th. Mössmer. Box 68, Folder 29 Gardner, J. (University of Warwick), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting attributed to Michele Giambono. Box 68, Folder 30 Garlick, Kenneth (Oxford, England), 1986-1987 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a drawing of Countess Czernin to Sir Thomas Lawrence. Box 68, Folder 31 Gash, John (University of Aberdeen, King's College, Deprt. of Art), 1977-1982 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Antoine de Favray. Box 68, Folder 32 Gauthier, Marie-Madeleine (Corpus des émaux méridionaux, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, France), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Dating of a filigree enamel cross. Box 68, Folder 33 Gentilini, Carla (Rimini, Italy), 1989-1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Annunciacion by Lorenzo Pasinelli. Box 68, Folder 34 Gentilini, Giancarlo (Florence, Italy), 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Giambologna. Box 68, Folder 35 Gene, John (London, England), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Painting The Vision of St. Catherine De'Vigri by Federico Zuccaro. Box 68, Folder 36 Giampolo, Mario di (Florence, Italy), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Drawing by Campi. Box 68, Folder 37 Gibbons, Felton L. (Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology), 1976-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Dosso Dossi. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 277 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68, Folder 38 Gilliat, Martin (England), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 68, Folder 39 Glendinning, Nigel (University of London, Queen Mary College), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Corrado Giaquinto. Box 68, Folder 40 Gilles-Mouton, Colette (Sainte-Germain-en-Laye, France), 1981-1984 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Charles Paul Landon. Box 68, Folder 41 Gioia, Elena Bianca di (Museo di Roma), 1986 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Bronze representing S. Rosa di Lima by Melchiorre Caffà. Box 68, Folder 42 Godi, Giovanni (Parma, Italy), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Julien de Parme. Box 68, Folder 43 Gomme, Andor (Keele University, Dept. of English), 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 68, Folder 44 Gonzales-Palacios, Alvar (Rome, Italy), 1969-1989 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Concerning publication project Archives of Italian sculpture. Included are specimen entries. Box 68, Folder 45 Goodreau, David (Carleton University, Ottawa), 1974-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Oil sketch by Jacques-Antoine Beaufort from Barnett Hollander collection. Box 68, Folder 46 Gordon, Catherine (Courtauld Institute), 1970 or 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a sketch to Delaroche. Box 68, Folder 47 Gould, Cecil (London, England) 1980-1983 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Various attribution matters. Also discussed is missing portrait of a young man by Raphael stolen by Nazis in 1939 from the Czartoryski collection in Cracow. Box 68, Folder 48 Graf, Dieter (Bibliotheca Hertziana), 1980-1985 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Photographs of paintings from Heim Gallery exhibitions of Italian art. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 278 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68, Folder 49 Grandi, Renzo (Ente Bolognese Manifestazioni Artistiche), 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Bigari. Box 68, Folder 50 Gregori, Mina (Florence, Italy), 1967-1986 Physical Description: ca. 80 items Scope and Content Note Rich in detail concerning sales of art work, and Heim Gallery exhibitions. Box 68, Folder 51 Griseri, Andreina (Università di Torino), 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Grisaille sketches. Box 68, Folder 52 Gudiol, José (Instituto Amatller de Arte Hispánico, Barcelona), 1967 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Photograph of an art work by Murillo. Box 68A Box 68A, Folder 1 Yvonne Hackenbroich - Douglas Hyland, 1966-1990 Hackenbroich, Yvonne (Metropolitan Museum of Art), 1966-1983 Physical Description: ca. 75 letters Scope and Content Note Sales of numerous art works, mainly sculpture. Box 235, Folder 36 Hackenbroch, Yvonne (Metropolitan Museum of Art), undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph included with letter sent April 22 1970. Box 68A, Folder 2 Haffner, Christel (Choisy-le-roi, France), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting The raising of Lazarus by Louis de Boullogne. Box 68A, Folder 3 Haldenburg, Hilde Preuschl von (Vienna, Austria), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Gilt broze medal by Georges Dupré. Box 68A, Folder 4 Hargrove, June (University of Maryland, Dept. of Art), 1982-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note art work by Joseph Chinard, and Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuses. Box 68A, Folder 5 Harris Frankfort, Enriqueta (London, England), 1985-1989 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note A 17thcentury Spanish statue in polichrome wood, and attribution of a painting to Eugenio Lucas the Elder. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 279 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68A, Folder 6 Hartmann, Jorgen B. (Rome, Italy), 1972-1977 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Various neoclassical sculpture, and the 1973 Thorvaldsen exhibition at the Heim Gallery. Box 68A, Folder 7 Hartmann, Wolfgang (Institut für Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Karlsruhe), 1972-1973 Physical Description: 15 letters Scope and Content Note Ciechanowiecki's article for Lankheit Festschrift. Box 68A, Folder 8 Haskell, Francis (Oxford, England), 1968-1971 Physical Description: 25 items Scope and Content Note Haskell's opinion regarding art work by various artists, including Joseph Franque, Lipparini, Jean Baptiste Stouf, a bust of Thomas Couture by Jean Baptiste Clesinger. With a mention of the inventory of Cardinal Ottoboni's picture collection. Box 68A, Folder 9 Haskell, Francis (Oxford, England), 1972-1975 Physical Description: 36 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of art work by various artists, including J.C.N. Perrin, Marc Blondel, David. Box 68A, Folder 10 Haskell, Francis (Oxford, England), 1976-1979 Physical Description: 31 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding mainly exhibition of drawings from Angers. Box 68A, Folder 11 Haskell, Francis (Oxford, England), 1980-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Included is an extensive review of Alistair Laing of Haskell's Taste and the Antique. With a mention of Gertrud Seidmann'a research of the Cardiff cartoons. Box 68A, Folder 12 Häusler, Wolfgang (Institut für Östereichische Geschichtsforschung, Vienna), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a marble sculpture to Franz Xaver Strattman. Box 68A, Folder 13 Box 68A, Folder 14 Hayward, John (London, England), 1982-1983 Scope and Content Note A terracotta modello. Hedley, Joanna (London, England), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Sketches by Charles de La Fosse. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 280 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68A, Folder 15 Box 68A, Folder 16 Hehning, R. (secretary at Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Karlsruhe), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter received Heimbürger, Minna (Rome, Italy), 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Study of a beggar by Salvator Rosa. Box 68A, Folder 17 Held, Julius S. (Barnard College, Columbia University, New York), 1967-1969 Physical Description: 20 letters Scope and Content Note A bust by Francis Legatt Chantrey, Paris Bordone's portrait of Caraglio, drawings by Donato Creti. In the context of Held's work on Rembrandt's Polish Rider Ciechanowiecki mentions his book on Michal Kazimierz Oginski. Box 68A, Folder 18 Held, Julius S. (Old Bennington, Vermont), 1970-1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Regarding art work by Giuseppe Bottani. Held mentions Rubens’s sketches for triumphal arches, and writes about his professional contacts with Governor Ferré. Box 68A, Folder 19 Held, Julius S. (Old Bennington, Vermont), 1974-1983 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Mainly regarding oil sketches by Rubens, and Ciechanowiecki's essay on Oginski. Box 68A, Folder 20 Box 68A, Folder 21 Heller, Benno (Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt), 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Helmig-Castellan, Anne (Paris, France), 1983-1985 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a panel of Apollo and Hercules to Augustin Pajou and of a bust of Baron Desnoyers to Jean-Baptiste Defernex. [For Pajou attribution also see Box 68A. F. 32.] Box 68A, Folder 22 Box 68A, Folder 23 Helsted, Dyveke, 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Hendricks, E. (Cambridgeshire, England), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Marble bust of Emperor Hadrian by Flaxman. Box 68A, Folder 24 Hennessy, Leslie (Lexington, Ky.), 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of two paintings in Polish collections to Jacopo Amigoni. Box 68A, Folder 25 Herding, Klaus (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin), 1969 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Scope and Content Note Pierre Puget. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 281 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68A, Folder 26 Herding, Klaus (Hamburg, Germany and Institut für Kunstwissenschaft der Technischen Universität Berlin), 1971-1979 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Scope and Content Note Pierre Puget and Thomas Veyrier. Box 68A, Folder 27 Herding, Klaus (Hamburg, Germany), 1980-1986 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Scope and Content Note Pierre Puget. Box 68A, Folder 28 Herzner, Volker (Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Kunstgeschichte), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Terracotta relief Lamentation by Mazzuoli. Box 68A, Folder 29 Hey, Jan Jaap (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1977-1978 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Portraits by Henry and Ary Sheffer. Box 68A, Folder 30 Hodgkinson, Terence (Victoria and Albert Museum), 1966-1969 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Matters of attribution of art work by various artists, including Joseph Wilton, Nicolas Coustou, Andrea Brustolon altarpiece, Angelo Montorsoli, Pierre Puget, Giambattista Foggini, Antoine Coysevox, Thibault Poissant, Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Louis François Roubilliac. Box 68A, Folder 31 Hodgkinson, Terence (Victoria and Albert Museum, The Wallace Collection, the Burlington Magazine), 1970-1980 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Scope and Content Note Matters of attribution of art work by various artists, including Augustin Pajou, Alexandre-François Desportes, Louis-Simon Boizot, Ferdinando Tacca, and Alessandro Algardi. Also a bust of Cocchi, a marble head of Demosthenes, and a bust of Napoleon III by Carpeaux. Box 68A, Folder 32 Hoechstetter, Charles (Boulogne, France), 1983-1985 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of two bronze sculptures to François Ladatte; with the certificate of attribution. Also matters of attribution of various art work to other artists, mainly Augustin Pajou, also Pierre Puget. [For Pajou attribution also see Box 68A. F. 21.] Box 68A, Folder 33 Box 68A, Folder 34 Hoff, Ursula (London, England), 1975-1983 Physical Description: 13 letters Hohendahl, Heide (Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey), 1978 Physical Description: 5 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 282 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68A, Folder 35 Hookway, B. R. (Humberts, King & Chasemore), 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Canova bust of Sappho. Box 68A, Folder 36 Honour, Hugh (Lucca, Italy), 1967-1985 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a statue of a dancer and other art work to Antonio Canova. Also attribution of art work by other artists, including Albert Eeckhout, Ary Scheffer, Francesco Solimena, Camillo Pacetti, and a bust of Columbus. Box 68A, Folder 37 Hope, Charles (King's College Cambridge), 1976 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Titian. Box 68A, Folder 38 Horaist, Bruno (Paris, France), 1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Jean Hippolyte Flandrin. Box 68A, Folder 39 Hörmann-Weingartner, Magdalena (Innsbruck, Austria), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Kaspar Gras. Box 68A, Folder 40 Box 68A, Folder 41 Howard, Seymour (University of California Davis, Dept. of Art), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Hunisak, John (New York Public Library), 1969-1985 Physical Description: 25 letters Scope and Content Note Mainly regarding Hunisak's scholarly activities. Box 68A, Folder 42 Hunter, Donna (Paris, France), 1981-1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note A drawing by David. Box 68A, Folder 43 Hyde Minor, Vernon (University of Colorado Boulder, Dept. of Fine Arts), 1979-1986 Physical Description: 20 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works to Filippo della Valle. Box 68A, Folder 44 Hyerace, Luigi (Università di Messina, Istituto di Storia dell'Arte), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Lot and his daughters by Massimo Stanzione. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 283 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 68A, Folder 45 Hyland, Douglas (Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a statue to Guillaume Coustou and Gabriel Grupello. Box 69 Box 69, Folder 1 Ursula Ilse-Neuman - Klaus Lankheit until 1976, 1966-1989 Ilse-Neuman, Ursula (New York, N.Y.), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Achilles schield from Pickergill and Hook collection. Box 69, Folder 2 Box 69, Folder 3 Box 69, Folder 4 Iwicki, Zygmunt (Kantonsschule Kollegium Schwyz), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Irwin, David (University of Aberdeen, Dept. of History of Art), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Janson, H. W. (New York University, Dept. of Art), 1975-1982 Physical Description: 19 letters Scope and Content Note Mainly regarding photographs of various art work exhibited at the Heim Gallery. Box 69, Folder 5 Johnson, Dorothy (University of California, Berkeley), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawing Amor and Psyche by Louis David. Box 69, Folder 6 Joppien, Rüdiger (Cologne, Germany), 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Philip James Loutherbourgh. Box 69, Folder 7 Jordan, Marc (London, England), 1982-1985 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note A terracotta group by Edme Bouchardon. Box 69, Folder 8 Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta (Princeton, N.J.), 1988-1989 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Bartholomeus Spranger. Box 69, Folder 9 Kenwood House, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note From William Rieder. Box 69, Folder 10 Kaye, Trevor (Trinity College Library, Cambridge, England), 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Louis-François Roubiliac marble bust of John Ray. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 284 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 69, Folder 11 Kemp, Martin J. (University of St. Andrews, Scotland), 1970-1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting The vision of St. Augustine by Bartolomeo di Giovanni. Box 69, Folder 12 Kenworthy-Browne, John (London, England), 1973-1981 Physical Description: 20 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work by Francis Legatt Chantrey an Joseph Nollekens. Box 69, Folder 13 Kaftal, George (Florence, Italy), 1969-1973 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note A sketch by Antonio Bellucci. Box 69, Folder 14 Kerber, Bernhard (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), 1979-1984 Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Andrea Pozzo, also regarding art work by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, and attribution of two grisailles to Baldi. Box 69, Folder 15 Kirwin, W. Chandler (University of Guelph, Canada), 1981-1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note A Bolognese portrait. Also regarding Kirwin's research on Bernini. Box 69, Folder 16 Klemke, Hilmar M. (Münster, Germany), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 69, Folder 17 Klinge, Margret (Düsseldorf, Germany), 1985-1989 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a copy after Domenico Feti's painting to Teniers. Box 69, Folder 18 Knight, Carlo, 1981-1982 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Knight's article on Sir William Hamilton's villas. Box 69, Folder 19 Knofler, Monika J. (Graphische Sammlung Albertina), 1980-1982 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Knofler's and Heim Gallery's various exhibition activities. Box 69, Folder 20 Knox, George (University of British Columbia Vancouver, Dept. of Fine Arts), 1985-1988 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note A bust by Alessandro Vittoria. Box 69, Folder 21 Kostecki, Leon, undated Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 285 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 69, Folder 22 Kowa, Gunter (Heidelberg, Germany), 1981-1983 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Ignaz Stern. Box 69, Folder 23 Krusche-Gramaccini, Gisela (Trier, Germany), 1983 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Sculptures by Jean-Guillaume Moitte. Box 69, Folder 24 Kühn, Margaret (Berlin, Germany), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a terracotta sketch for a tomb. Box 69, Folder 25 Kurke, Alison (London, England), 1984 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a bronze sculpture of Mercury at the National Gallery in Washington. Kurke's curriculim vitae. Box 69, Folder 26 Lacroix, Geraldine (Paris, France), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Pierre Antoine Augustin Vafflard. Box 69, Folder 27 Laing, Alastair (London, England), 1982-1989 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution, including a bust of Besenval by Claude-André Deseine, portrait of Marquis de la Suze by Henri-Pierre Danloux, an equestrian bronze by Giuseppe Piamontini. Laing mentions drawings of “Radziwill’s Arkadia". Included is a letter to Laing from Helga Heikamp-Wagner from Süddeutscher Verlag. Box 69, Folder 28 Laing, Alastair (London, England), undated Physical Description: ca. 90 leaves Scope and Content Note Various typescripts, carbon copies. Box 69, Folder 29 Land, Norman E. (University of Missouri-Columbia, College of Arts and Science), 1977-1982 Physical Description: 19 letters Scope and Content Note Land's article on panels by Michele Giambono. Box 69, Folder 30 Landesberger, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note A note with Landesberger's name and adress. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 286 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 69, Folder 31 Langdon, Helen (London, England), 1976-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work to Salvator Rosa. Box 69, Folder 32 Langedijk, Karla (Duke University, Dept. of Art), 1967-1984 Physical Description: ca. 35 letters Scope and Content Note Rich correspondence concerning attribution of numerous busts, including a terracotta portrait bust of Gian Gastone de'Medici by Giovacchino Fortini, and a bust of Vladislaus IV Vasa King of Poland. Box 69, Folder 33 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1966 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works, mainly to Giambattista Foggini and Massimiliano Soldani. Box 69, Folder 34 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1967 Physical Description: 22 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works, mainly to Giambattista Foggini and Massimiliano Soldani. Box 69, Folder 35 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1968 Physical Description: 17 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of numerous art works, mainly to Giambattista Foggini and Massimiliano Soldani. Box 69, Folder 36 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1969 Physical Description: 37 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works, mainly to Giambattista Foggini and Massimiliano Soldani. Also concerning a marble bust of Ferdinand de Medici by Pietro Tacca. Box 69, Folder 37 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1970 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a terracotta relief. Also attribution of various art works to Giambattista Foggini, Massimiliano Soldani, and Ferdinando Tacca. Box 69, Folder 38 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1971 Physical Description: 27 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a terracotta group to Agostino Cornacchini, and of a bust in Bayonne to Michelangelo. Box 69, Folder 39 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1972 Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works to Massimiliano Soldani, including a bust of Caprara. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 287 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 69, Folder 40 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1973 Physical Description: ca. 25 letters Scope and Content Note Present is a copy of Lankheit's letter to Walter Koschatzky at the Albertina in Vienna. Box 69, Folder 41 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several art works to Giambattista Foggini. Box 69, Folder 42 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1975 Physical Description: 47 items Scope and Content Note Discussed are wooden and ivory figures by Simon Troger, a wax relief by Soldani, a bronze by Giuseppe Piamontini, and drawings by David. Also concerning a daguerreotype. Present are several typescripts and a manuscript draft about Lankheit's scholarly achievements. Box 69, Folder 43 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1976 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various medals and coins, and other art works, including a painting by Carlo Saraceni. With frequent mention of Ginori inventory. Lankheit's letter from 27 Dec 1976 includes a miniature order of the Crown of Romania. Present is Lankheit's certificate of attribution for a relief by Soldani. Box 70 Box 70, Folder 1 Klaus Lankheit - W. McAllister-Johnson, 1967-1989, undated Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1977 Physical Description: 50 items Scope and Content Note Regarding art work by various artists, including Soldani, Michael Wutky. Includes 2 photographs and a typescript (8 leaves) regarding Bourbon exhibition in Naples. Box 70, Folder 2 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1978 Physical Description: ca. 55 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work, including a medal of Pope Clement XII by Soldani. Discussed is the Bourbon exhibition in Naples. Box 70, Folder 3 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1979 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Included is a copy of a letter to Lankheit from J. Patrice Marandel from the Art Institute of Chicago regarding the Bourbon exhibition in Naples. Box 70, Folder 4 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 33 letters Scope and Content Note Among the art works discussed are medals by Soldani. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 288 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 70, Folder 5 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1982-1983 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art works to Foggini. Box 70, Folder 6 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1984 Physical Description: 19 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Foggini, Soldani, Giuseppe Piamontini. Box 70, Folder 7 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1985-1987 Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a portrait by Pietro Benvenuti, a bust by Foggini. Box 70, Folder 8 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1988 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Included is Lankheit's curriculum vitae. Box 70, Folder 9 Lankheit, Klaus (Universität Karlsruhe), 1989 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Piamontini and Soldani. Box 70, Folder 10 Lapparent, A. M. de (Sèvres, France), 1982 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note A terracotta statuette by Deseine. Box 70, Folder 11 Larsson, Olof (Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Kiel), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note A bronze sculpture referred to as the Gladiator. Box 70, Folder 12 Lastic, Georges de, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Various drafts of a biographical essay on Lasic for Apollo and Burlington Magazine, 1 offprint. Box 70, Folder 13 László, Vörös (Budapest, Hungary), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 70, Folder 14 Lecasble, Olivia (V.O. Communication, paris, France), 1988 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 70, Folder 15 Lecoq, Denis (Kehl, Germany), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Martin Drölling. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 289 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 70, Folder 16 Lee, Sherman (London, England), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 70, Folder 17 Lee, Simon (Oxford, England), 1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding 1817 Prix de Rome. Box 70, Folder 18 Lesky, Erna (Institut für Geschichte der medizin der Universität Wien), 1976 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Regarding an écorché after Johannes Martin Fischer. Box 70, Folder 19 Licht, Fred (Boston University), 1980-1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding a terracotta by Alexander Trippel, and a painting by Domenico Corvi. Box 70, Folder 20 Liesenfeld, Silke (Hamburg, Germany), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters received Scope and Content Note Paintings by Ludwig Philipp Strack. Box 70, Folder 21 Lightbown, Mary (University College London, Dept. of Art History), 1977-1983 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Painting The flower girl by Zoffany. Included is typescript titled New print room appeal. Box 70, Folder 22 Links, J. G. (London, England), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting of the Dogana painting from Canaletto studio. Box 70, Folder 23 Lipinsky, Angelo (Roma, Italy), 1979-1983 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding a reliquary, and a filigree enamel crucifix. Box 70, Folder 24 Lomax, James (London, England), 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note St. Jêrome by Janssens. Box 70, Folder 25 Lopez-Rey y Arrojo, José (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts and Madrid, Spain), 1967-1980 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Tadeusz Knonicz, and a terracotta Vestals sacrificing. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 290 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 70, Folder 26 Lough, J. (Durham, England), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note A sculpture referred to as Duncan's horses. Box 70, Folder 27 Lüthy, Hans A. (Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Zurich), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 70, Folder 28 Luna, Juan J. (Museo del Prado), 1978-1984 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Rubens attribution of Cardiff cartoons. Box 70, Folder 29 Mac Carthy, Le Colonel (Hotel national des invalides, Paris, France), 1977-1978 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding a maquette by Etienne-Hippolyte Maindron, a bust in terracotta, and General Sauboul. Box 70, Folder 30 Mahon, Denis (London, England), 1986-1989 Physical Description: 5 letters Box 70, Folder 31 Magnuson, Torgil (Svenska Institutet i Rom), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 70, Folder 32 Mahon, Denis (London, England), 1967-1984 Physical Description: 26 items Scope and Content Note Questions regarding attribution of numerous art works, predominantly paintings by Guercino. Box 70, Folder 33 Maino, Donatella Biagi (Bologna, Italy), 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Gaetano Gandolfi. Box 70, Folder 34 Manning, Robert L. (Kew Gardens, N.Y.), 1973 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work to Giovanni Battista Carlone, and other art work. Box 70, Folder 35 Mansel, Philip (London, England), 1987 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note 1 letter sent, Mansel's business card. Regarding bronze bust of Louis XVIII by François-Joseph. Box 70, Folder 36 Mant, Bruno, 1971 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Typescript, carbon copy, 2 leaves: transcripts of statements by Ulrich Middeldorf and Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg regarding an art work referred to as a lost work of Michelangelo. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 291 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 70, Folder 37 Maovaz, Francesca Delcroix (Rome, Italy), 1981-1983 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Anton von Maron, and a landscape by Etienne Allegrain. Box 70, Folder 38 Marrow, Deborah (Venice, California), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 70, Folder 39 Martin, Thomas (New York, N.Y.), 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Portrait busts by Alessandro Vittoria. Box 70, Folder 40 Marshall, David R. (La Trobe University), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note Viviano Codazzi and Niccoló Codazzi. Box 70, Folder 41 Maszkowska, B. (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie), 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 70, Folder 42 Matsche von Wicht, Betka (Münster, Germany), 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work to Franz Sigrist. Box 70, Folder 43 Mauduit, Chantal (Colombes, France), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawing by Jacques Dumont The destruction of Niobe and her children. Box 70, Folder 44 McAllister-Johnson, W. (University of Toronto, Dept. of Fine Art), 1982 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 71 Box 71, Folder 1 Thomas McCormick - Ulrich Middeldorf, 1966-1989 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1968-1974 Physical Description: 47 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including Charity by Thorwaldsen. Box 71, Folder 2 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1975-1976 Physical Description: 24 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including a art work by Flaxman. Box 71, Folder 3 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1977 Physical Description: 45 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 292 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71, Folder 4 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including art work by Pecheux, Van Loo, Canova, and Angelica Kauffmann. Also present is correspondence with William Hull and Peter O. Marlow. Box 71, Folder 5 Box 71, Folder 6 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1979 Physical Description: ca. 25 items McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1980 Physical Description: ca. 30 items, including 1 postcard Scope and Content Note Various topics, including drawings by Louis-François Cassas. Box 71, Folder 7 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1981 Physical Description: 34 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including a painting by Carlo Maratta. Box 71, Folder 8 Box 71, Folder 9 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1982 Physical Description: 31 letters McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1983 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 71, Folder 10 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1984 Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including a drawing by Jan Chrystian Kamsetzer. Box 71, Folder 11 McCormick, Thomas (Wheaton College), 1985-1989 Physical Description: 26 items Box 71, Folder 12 Charles McCorquodale (London, England), 1974-1982 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Box 71, Folder 13 Meijer, R. P. (Bedford College, University of London), 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting referred to as The death of Lucretia. Box 71, Folder 14 Mena Marques, Manuela B. (Madrid, Spain), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Carlo Maratta. Box 71, Folder 15 Merriman, Mira Pajes (Wichita State University, College of Arts), 1966 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various paintings to Giuseppe Maria Crespi. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 293 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71, Folder 16 Merz, Jorg Martin (Aalen, Germany), 1982 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A sketch by Pietro da Cortona. Box 71, Folder 17 Meyer, Jerry D. (Northern Illinois University, Dept. of Art), 1983-1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note The Triumph of Death by Johann Heiss. Box 71, Folder 18 Meyerson, Ronnie (Glen Cove, N.Y.), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by J. B. Pater. Box 71, Folder 19 Michel, Olivier (École française de Rome), 1977-1985 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Andrea Casali, a sculpture to François- Marie Poncet, and a painting to Stefano Parrocel. Box 71, Folder 20 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1966 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an art work referred to as Monauti bust. Box 71, Folder 21 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1967 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including attribution of a bust to Antonio Novelli. Box 71, Folder 22 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1968 Physical Description: 17 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work, including a sculpture referred to as head of San Onofrio. With a mention of Massimiliano Soldani, Giambattista Foggini, and Pietro Tacca. Box 71, Folder 23 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1969 Physical Description: 27 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work including Brocetti, Pietro Tacca, Luca della Robia, and Algardi. Box 71, Folder 24 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1970 Physical Description: 26 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 294 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71, Folder 25 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1971 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. Box 71, Folder 26 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1972 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. Included is copy of Middeldorf's letter to Luigi Galli. Box 71, Folder 27 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1973-1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. Box 71, Folder 28 Middeldorf, Ulrich (Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz), 1976-1982 Physical Description: ca. 35 items Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. Box 71A Box 71A, Folder 1 José Milicua - Ostroski [Ostrowski], 1966-1990, Milicua, José (Barcelona, Spain), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A painting attributed to Zurbarán. Box 71A, Folder 2 Millar, Oliver (Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, London), 1980-1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Portraits of Cardinal Consalvi. Box 71A, Folder 3 Miller, Brigitte (Stanford, Calif.), undated Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note A thank-you note, dated only March 13. Box 71A, Folder 4 Miller, Sandra (London, England) 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A painting by Giovanni Mansueti. Box 71A, Folder 5 Mills, A. (Science Museum) 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Tanzio da Varallo. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 295 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71A, Folder 6 Milner, Jan ("Romulus", London, England), 1972-1973 Physical Description: 14 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including sculptures by Domenico Cardelli and François Marie Poncet. Box 71A, Folder 7 Milner, Jan ("Romulus", London, England), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work to Jan Brueghel the Elder, and Charles Le Brun. Also art work by Ludwig Philip Strack and Antonio Bellucci. Box 71A, Folder 8 Milner, Jan ("Romulus", London, England), 1978-1983 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Box 71A, Folder 9 Moir, Alfred (University of California, Santa Barbara), 1974-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution. Box 71A, Folder 10 Mojana, Marina (Milan, Italy), 1987 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Valentin de Boulogne. Box 71A, Folder 11 Mongan, Agnes (Cambridge, Mass.), 1981-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Portrait of Nonette by Alexandre-François Desportes. Box 71A, Folder 12 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1966-1967 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including art work by Le Brun. Including 1 photograph. Box 71A, Folder 13 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1968 Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including attribution of casts after Michaelangelo to Soldani. Box 71A, Folder 14 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1969 Physical Description: 14 letters Scope and Content Note Various attribution questions. Box 71A, Folder 15 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1970-1971 Physical Description: 35 letters Scope and Content Note Various attribution questions. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 296 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71A, Folder 16 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1972 Physical Description: 21 letters, 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Various attribution questions, including Giuseppe Piamontini, Massimiliano Soldani. Also concerning bronzes in the collection of the Electress Palatine. Box 71A, Folder 17 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1973 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution, mainly to Giambattista Foggini and Massimiliano Soldani. Box 71A, Folder 18 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 16 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution, mainly to Alessandro Algardi. Box 71A, Folder 19 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1976-1977 Physical Description: 14 letters Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution, including François Duquesnoy. Also concerning art work by Giuseppe Piamontini. Box 71A, Folder 20 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1978 Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Various questions of attribution, including an ivory crucifix, a bust of Caracciolo, and art work by François Duquesnoy. Box 71A, Folder 21 Box 71A, Folder 22 Box 71A, Folder 23 Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1979-1983 Physical Description: 19 items Montagu, Jennifer (University of London, The Warburg Institute), 1984-1990 Physical Description: 22 items Morandotti, Alessandro (Rome, Italy), 1967-1968 Physical Description: 28 letters Scope and Content Note Attributions to various artists, including Foggini, Batoni, Tacca, Rustici, Leone Leoni, Puget, Fortini, and Fonseca. Box 71A, Folder 24 Morassi, Antonio (Milan, Italy), 1967-1974 Physical Description: 15 letters Box 71A, Folder 25 Box 71A, Folder 26 Moretti, Lino (Venice, Italy), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Moulin, Monique (Palais National, Compiègne, France), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 297 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71A, Folder 27 Mosser, Monique (Paris, France), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Expertise regarding three bronze reliefs. Box 71A, Folder 28 La Moureyre, Françoise de (Paris, France), 1979-1985 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Questions of attribution and provenance regarding various art works. Box 71A, Folder 29 Mower, David (Loughborough College of Art), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Concerning Mower's article on Auguste Preault. Box 71A, Folder 30 Muller, Priscilla E. (The Hispanic Society of America), 1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Lucas. Box 71A, Folder 31 Murray Baillie, Hugh (London, England), 1979-1980 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of the portrait of the Elector Charles Louis to Johann Baptist Ruel [Rüll]. Box 71A, Folder 32 Naef, Hans (Zurich, Switzerland), 1974-1984 Physical Description: ca. 45 items Scope and Content Note Regarding mainly attribution of various drawings to Ingres. Box 71A, Folder 33 Box 71A, Folder 34 Box 71A, Folder 35 Box 71A, Folder 36 Natale, Mauro (Geneva, Switzerland), 1980-1985 Physical Description: 16 letters Negri Arnoldi, Francesco (Università degli studi di Lecce), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter received Nelken, Halina (Cambridge, Mass.), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Nelson, Florencia Bazzano (Austin, Texas), 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Painting Astrology by Guercino. Box 71A, Folder 37 Nesbitt, Judith (York, England), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting by Gaetano Gandolfi and Carle Van Loo. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 298 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71A, Folder 38 Newton, Stella Mary (London, England), 1978-1986 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a marble portrait bust. Box 71A, Folder 39 Nicolson, Benedict (London, England), 1966-1978 Physical Description: ca. 55 items Scope and Content Note Included is Heim Gallery's correspondence with Bo Wennberg at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Box 71A, Folder 40 Box 71A, Folder 41 Box 71A, Folder 42 Noehles, Karl (Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Universität Münster), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent North, J. D. (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, England), 1976 Physical Description: 3 letters O'Bell, Daniel, 1990 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by John Flaxmann. Box 71A, Folder 43 Oberhuber, Konrad (Fogg Art Museum, National Gallery of Art, Graphische Sammlung Albertina), 1970-1976 Physical Description: 14 letters Scope and Content Note Various questios of attribution, including Bartholomeus Spranger, Johann Matthias Kager, and Hans Friedrich Schorer. Box 71A, Folder 44 Oberreuter-Kronabel, Gabriele, 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Death of Seneca by Noel Halle. Box 71A, Folder 45 O'Brien, Elvy Setterqvist (Macomb, Ill.), 1981-1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Erminia putting on armour of Clorinda by Julien de Parme. Box 71A, Folder 46 Box 71A, Folder 47 Oertel, Robert (Kirchzarten, Germany), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Olszewski, Edward J. (Case Western Reserve University, Dept. of Art, Cleveland, Ohio), 1982-1983 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Regarding Olszewski's research on Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni's tomb. Box 71A, Folder 48 Opperman, Hal (School of Art, University of Washington, Seattle), 1975-1989 Physical Description: 23 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including attribution of a painting to Oudry. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 299 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 71A, Folder 49 Orlando, Maria Grazia (Archivio Monastero S. Vincenzo, Prato, Italy), 1980 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note Reliefs by Girolamo Ticciati and Vincenzo Foggini. Box 71A, Folder 50 Ortiz, George (Cologny, Switzerland), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note A sculpture of Jason by Pierre de Francqueville. Box 71A, Folder 51 Oseka, Wiktoria (Hägersten, Sweden), 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a portrait painting to Joshua Reynolds and Karl Fredrik von Breda. Box 71A, Folder 52 Box 71A, Folder 53 Box 72 Box 72, Folder 1 Ostländer, Elke (Kunstgewerbemuseum SMPK, Berlin), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Ostroski, [or Ostrowski], 1977 Physical Description: 2 letters received Ursula Verena Pace - Diane Sue Russcol, 1966-1990 Pace, Ursula Verena (Bibliotheca Hertziana), 1976-1977 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Various attribution questions, including a painting by Ludovico Gimignani. Box 72, Folder 2 Pacelli, Vincenzo (Naples, Italy), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of paintings referred to as Denial of Peter and Dream of Joseph. Box 72, Folder 3 Box 72, Folder 4 Page, Addison Franklin (Louisville, Ky.), 1984-1985 Physical Description: 4 letters Pallavicino Miani, Ilaria (Rome, Italy), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Domenico Corvi. Box 72, Folder 5 Box 72, Folder 6 Pallucchini, Rodolfo (Venice, Italy), 1976 Physical Description: 5 letters Panter, Armin (Malsch, Germany), 1983 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Franz Xaver Winterhalter. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 300 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Parlasca, Klaus (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen, Institut für Altertumskunde), 1973-1977 Box 72, Folder 7 Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Included is a list of drawings by Flaxman, extensively annotated. Box 72, Folder 8 Box 72, Folder 9 Parronchi, Alessandro (Università degli studi di Firenze, Istituto di storia dell'arte), 1969-1973 Physical Description: 8 letters Pavia (Italy), 1982 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Andrea Belvedere at Collegio Ghislieri, and Eremanno Segu at Seminario Vascovile, in Pavia. Box 72, Folder 10 Pee, Herbert (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Germany), 1976-1977 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Baptism of Christ by Johann Heinrich Schönfeld. Box 72, Folder 11 Pellicer, Laure (Montpellier, France), 1978-1983 Physical Description: 21 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of the portrait of Loed Wycombe to François-Xavier Fabre, and other art work by Farbre. Box 72, Folder 12 Pemberton-Biggot, 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 72, Folder 13 Penny, Nicholas, 1982 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of various art work to Alphonse Legros. Box 72, Folder 14 Pepper, Stephen (New York, N.Y.), 1979-1989 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Portrait of a boy by Anibale Carracci, a painting by Guido Reni, also concerning several art works at the Heim Gallery. Box 72, Folder 15 Peretti della Rocca, Madame de (Paris, France), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note An alabaster sculpture of Hercules and Nessus. Box 72, Folder 16 Perez, M. F. (Lyon, France), 1975 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by Nicolas-Guy Brenet . INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 301 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 72, Folder 17 Petterson, Hillevi (Stockholm, Sweden), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Art work by Per Krafft. Box 72, Folder 18 Pietrantonio, Vera Fortunati (Bologna, Italy), undated Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A painting by Prospero Fontana. Box 72, Folder 19 Pignatti, Terisio (Civici Musei Veneziani d'Arte e di Storia), 1972-1984 Physical Description: 21 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including Pignatti's research on Prince Frederick Christian of Saxony-Poland. Box 72, Folder 20 Pinnau, Ruth (Hamburg, Germany), 1979-1981 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Carlo Maratta's painting Immaculata, painting Nativity by Francesco Solimena. Box 72, Folder 21 Pisani, Massimo (Naples, Italy), 1971-1977 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 72, Folder 22 Pizzorusso, Claudio (Università degli studi di Urbino), 1988 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 72, Folder 23 Pons, Bruno (Versailles, France), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 72, Folder 24 Ponte, Alessandra, 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Copy of a letter from Gertrud Seidmann to Alessandra Ponte regarding Ponte's research on Cardinal Monti's paintings. Box 72, Folder 25 Pope-Hennessy (The British Museum), 1966-1976 Physical Description: ca. 50 letters Box 72, Folder 26 Popovitch, O. (Musées de Rouen), 1978 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Joseph Marie Vien. Box 72, Folder 27 Pouncey, Philip (London, England), 1984-1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of Santa Conversazione by Girolamo Sicciolante. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 302 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 72, Folder 28 Powney, Christopher (Shropshire, England), 1986 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note A drawing by John Flaxman. Box 72, Folder 29 Praz, Mario (Accademia Nationale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy), 1970-1973 Physical Description: 13 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Joseph Marie Vien the son. Box 72, Folder 30 Preimesberger, Rudolf (Institut for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 72, Folder 31 Price, Mr. (Research Laboratory, Archaeological Unit, Dept. of the Environment, London, England), 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Regarding x-rays of the terracotta of Puget's Milo of Croton. Box 72, Folder 32 Puymege, Gérard de (Geneva, Switzerland), 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Painting The soldier after the battle of Waterloo [ The Last Grenadier of Waterloo] by Horace Vernet. Box 72, Folder 33 Quintiliano, Barbara (Haverford, Pa.), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note A terracotta relief by Christophe Fratin. Box 72, Folder 34 Rasmussen, Jorg (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, Germany), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of two bronze sculptures. Box 72, Folder 35 Riccio, Bianca (Rome, Italy), 1971-1975 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Art work for the Vanity exhibition at the Brighton Art Gallery. Box 72, Folder 36 Riccomini, Eugenio (Soprintendenza alle Gallerie, Bologna, Italy), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Two small terracotta sculptures. Box 72, Folder 37 Riely, John (Boston University, College of Liberal Arts), 1982 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note A print referred to as Bookseller and author. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 303 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Rijksbureau voor kunsthistorische documentatie (The Hague, Netherlands), 1967-1986 Box 72, Folder 38 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Correspondence with Anne J. Blankert, M. M. Op de Coul, D. B. Hensbroek v. d. Poel, W. F. Rappard, B. J. A. Renckens, W. L. van de Watering, and An Zwollo. Box 72, Folder 39 Rizzi, Aldo (Museo Civico e Gallerie d'Arte Antica e Moderne, Udine, Italy), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Paintings by Sebastiano Ricci. Box 72, Folder 40 Rizzo, Dott. (Rome, Italy), 1984 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Regarding Rizzo's article on Bartolomeo and Pietro Ghetti. Box 72, Folder 41 Roberts, Andrew (Imperial War Museum, Cambridgeshire, England), 1977 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 72, Folder 42 Roethlisberger, Marcel (Universitéde Genève, Faculté des lettres), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Abraham Bloemaert. Box 72, Folder 43 Rogister, J. M. J. (The Durham University Journal), 1980-1981 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Bust of Prince de Conti by Pierre Mérard from the Dard collection. Box 72, Folder 44 Roscoe, Ingrid (North Yorkshire, England), 1983-1986 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of art work by various artists, mainly Peter Scheemakers and Laurent Delvaux. Box 72, Folder 45 Rosenblum, Robert (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts), 1972-1976 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Various matters regarding attribution and provenance, mainly of Neoclassical art. Box 72, Folder 46 Rosenblum, Robert (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts), 1972-1979 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Various matters regarding attribution and provenance, mainly of Neoclassical art. Box 72, Folder 47 Rosenblum, Robert (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts), 1981-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Various matters regarding attribution and provenance, mainly of Neoclassical art, including a portrait attributed to David. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 304 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 72, Folder 48 Rosenfeld, Myra Nan (Montreal Museum of Fine Arts), 1984-1983 Physical Description: 8 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Nicolas de Largillière. Box 72, Folder 49 Rosenthal, Angela (London, England), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Two self-portraits of Angelica Kauffman. Box 72, Folder 50 Rosenthal, Donald A. (Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester), 1980-1986 Physical Description: 6 letters Scope and Content Note The sketch Death of Leonardo da Vinci by François Guillaume Ménageot. Box 72, Folder 51 Röttgen, Steffi (Darmstadt, Germany), 1967-1969 Physical Description: 43 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including a bust of Cardinal Bentivoglio. Box 72, Folder 52 Röttgen, Steffi (Darmstadt, Germany), 1970-1979 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of several paintings to Mengs, Gavin Hamilton, and Tischbein. Box 72, Folder 53 Röttgen, Steffi (Darmstadt, Germany), 1980-1987 Physical Description: 26 items Scope and Content Note Art work by Mengs, including portraits by Mengs in Polish collections. Box 72, Folder 54 Rubenstein, Ruth (Warburg Institute, London), 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Herman Posthumus. Box 72, Folder 55 Rudolph, Stella (Florence, Italy), 1978-1981 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of Immaculata in the Pinnau Collection and other art work to Carlo Maratta. Box 72, Folder 56 Ruggeri, Ugo (Venice, Italy), 1975-1982 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Various photo requests. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 305 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 72, Folder 57 Russcol, Diane Sue (Yorktown Hights, N.Y.), 1979-1987 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note An engraving by Béranger after Delaroche, and a painting of Anne Boleyn by Edouard Cibot. Box 73 Box 73, Folder 1 Eduard A. Safarik - Carlo Virgilio, 1966-1990 Safarik, Eduard A. (Rome, Italy), 1976-1986 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including art work by Pierre Mignard, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Domenico Fetti, Giov. di Francesco Toscani, and art work from the Grassi and Colonna collections. Box 73, Folder 2 Salerno, Luigi (Rome, Italy), 1971-1985 Physical Description: 18 letters Scope and Content Note Mainly art work by Guercino. Box 73, Folder 3 Salz, Alan (Fogg Art Museum), 1978-1979 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Ludovico Carracci. Box 73, Folder 4 Sandoz, M. (Paris, France), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note A painting by Joseph Vien. Box 73, Folder 5 Sandström, Birgitta (University of Stockholm), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings by Benigne Gagneraux. Box 73, Folder 6 Sani, Bernardina (Università degli Studi di Siena), 1986 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Request for reprint of an art work by Joseph Voet. Box 73, Folder 7 Sattel-Bernardini, Ingrid, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note A note regarding book The art of the jeweller. Box 73, Folder 8 Savina, Sylvie (Meulan, France), 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Painting Pietà by Charles Poerson. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 306 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 9 Scaglietti, Daniela (Università degli studi di Bologna), 1978-1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Alessandro Turchi. Box 73, Folder 10 Scarisbrick, Peter (England), 1980 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A jewel and a portrait painting. Box 73, Folder 11 Schade, Werner (Berlin, Germany), 1980-1987 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Cranach. Box 73, Folder 12 Schälicke, Bernd (Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Thomas Couture. Box 73, Folder 13 Schiff, Gert (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts), 1978 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of an oil sketch to Henry Fuseli [Johann Heinrich Füssli]. Box 73, Folder 14 Schleier, Erich (Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Gemäldegalerie), 1989 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note An art work by Franz Anton Maulpertsch. Box 73, Folder 15 Schleier, Mary Newcome (Berlin, Germany), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Bartolomeo Biscaino. Box 73, Folder 16 Schnapper, A. (Paris, France), 1969-1989 Physical Description: ca. 60 letters Scope and Content Note Matters of attribution to various artists, including Germain Drouais, Antoine Coypel, David (drawings), and Nicolas Bertin. Box 73, Folder 17 Schneider, Cynthia P. (Museum of Fine Arts Boston), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 73, Folder 18 Schneider-Herrmann, G. (Den Haag, Netherlands), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Photograph of the Volute Krater by the Baltimore Painter. Box 73, Folder 19 Schnorrenberg, John M. (University of Alabama in Birmingham), 1976 Physical Description: 2 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 307 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 20 Schwarzenberg, E. Prince (Vienna, Austria), 1971-1972 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Attribution of a bust to J. A. Ponsanelli [Ponzanelli]. Including 1 photograph. Box 73, Folder 21 Scott, Barbara (Paris, France), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Portrait of Rosalie Duthé by Etienne Aubry. Box 73, Folder 22 Scott, Katie (Cambridge, England), 1987 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Paintings by Claude-Joseph Vernet. Box 73, Folder 23 Scribner III, Charles (Princeton University), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Scribner's interest in Bernini and Rubens, also regarding a crucifix in St. Peter's. Box 73, Folder 24 Seelig, Lorenz (Bayerische Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlosser, Garten und Seen), 1970-1983 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work, mainly portrait sculpture. Box 73, Folder 25 Seidmann, Gertrud (Oxford, England), 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 73, Folder 26 Sells, Christopher (Paris, France), 1972-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work by Henri Regnault. Box 73, Folder 27 Sells, Christopher (Paris, France), 1977-1984 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Henri Regnault, also James Pradier. Box 73, Folder 28 Servites: Archivio Generale dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria (Rome, Italy), 1978-1986 Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Various art work, mainly a painting of St. Pellegrino Laziosi. Also included is correspondence with Servitenkloster Mariahilfsberg in Gutenstein, Austria. Box 73, Folder 29 Sicca, Cinzia M. (Università di Pisa), 1967-1990 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Paintings by Francesco Trevisani. Including 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 308 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 30 Sherman, John (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a tondo to Raphael. Box 73, Folder 31 Shestack, Alan (Yale University Art Gallery), 1975-1976 Physical Description: 5 items Box 73, Folder 32 Siegfried, Susan L. (Paris, France), 1986 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Painting L'inspiration by Charles-Paul Landon. Box 73, Folder 33 Siemer, Meinholf (Museum Schloss Fasanerie, Fulda, Germany), 1985 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a bust to Francesco Mochi. Box 73, Folder 34 Sneyers, René (Centre national de recherches 'Primitifs flamands', Brussels, Belgium), 1981 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Paintings by Dieric Bouts. Box 73, Folder 35 La Società di Gesù (Rome, Italy), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A portrait attributed to Lomellini. Box 73, Folder 36 Sox, David (London, England), 1986-1987 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Alceo Dossena. Box 73, Folder 37 Souchal, François (Paris, France), 1968-1979 Physical Description: 36 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution to various artists, including Antoine Coysevox, Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte, Lambert-Sigisbert Adam, Laurent Magnier, Gaspard Collignon [Colignon], Jean-Jacques Clérion, Jean-Louis Lemoyne, Sebastian Slodtz, and Guillaume Coustou the younger. Box 73, Folder 38 Souchal, François (Paris, France), 1980-1987 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution to various artists, including Antoine Coysevox, Augustin Pajou, Martin Desjardins, Michel-Ange Slodtz, Thomas Regnaudin, Simon Hurtrelle, Pierre Puget, Jean-Jacques Caffieri, Antoine Girardin, Sébastien Leclerc. Box 73, Folder 39 Spear, Richard (London, England), undated Physical Description: 1 letter received INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 309 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 40 Spike, John T. (New York, N.Y.), 1976-1986 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including Mattia Preti. Box 73, Folder 41 Staley, Allen (Columbia University, New York, N.Y.), 1985 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Benjamin West. Box 73, Folder 42 Stange, Alfred (Tutzing, Germany), 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note Attribution of a triptych altar piece to Meister des Maikammerer Altars. Box 73, Folder 43 Stangler, Gottfried (N Ö Landesregierung, Vienna, Austria), 1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 73, Folder 44 Stein, Judith (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1979 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Her research on Sappho. Box 73, Folder 45 Stocker, M. (London, England), 1981 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Joseph Edgar Boehm. Box 73, Folder 46 Stoneham, Doreen (Oxford Research Laboratory for Archaeology and History of Art), 1979-1988 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of sculptures to various artists, including Benedetto da Maiano, Claude-Augustin Cayot, Alessandro Algardi, and Pierre Puget. Box 73, Folder 47 Stief, Angela (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Her research on Girodet. Box 73, Folder 48 Strieder, Peter (Germanisches Nationalmuseum), 1981 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Albrecht Dürer. Box 73, Folder 49 Sutherland Harris, Ann (University of Pittsburgh, Dept. of Fine Arts), 1985-1986 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Various art work, mainly attribution of a Portrait of a cardinal to Simone Cantarini and Andrea Sacchi. Also mentioned are a bust of Jean-Antoine Houdon by Marie-Anne Falconet-Collot, and a painting by Giacinto Brandi. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 310 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 50 Taggart, A. M. McCann (New York, N.Y.), 1978 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Identification of a pair of 17th century busts. Box 73, Folder 51 Tanenbaum, J. Max (Toronto, Canada), 1971-1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Art work by Carpeau, Rodin, Luca Giordano Box 73, Folder 52 Tauch, Max (Kölnisches Stadtmuseum), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A painting signed by N. Hulsman. Box 73, Folder 53 ter Molen, Joh. R. (Rotterdam, Holland), 1979 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Identification of a scene depicted on a silver dish. Box 73, Folder 54 Thiem, Christel (Stuttgart, Germany), 1984 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Giovanni Gioseffo dal Sole. Box 73, Folder 55 Thijssen, Lucia (Den Haag, Netherlands), 1982 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Painting Kunstkammer of Prince Wladyslaw Zygmunt by Etienne de la Hyre. Box 73, Folder 56 Thompson, David(Wymondham, Norfolk, England), 1985 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Various 16th century sculpture. Box 73, Folder 57 Thon, Christina (Berlin, Germany), 1978-1980 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a drawing a stucco imitation. Box 73, Folder 58 Thuillier, Jacques (College de France), 1976-1983 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Giovanni Baglione. Box 73, Folder 59 Trendall, A. D. (La Trobe University), 1981-1984 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of the Volute Krater to the Baltimore Painter. Box 73, Folder 60 Tufts, Eleanor (Southern Methodist University), 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 311 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 73, Folder 61 Tuohy, Thomas (London, England), 1983 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note A modello by Montanari. Box 73, Folder 62 Uffenbeck, Lorin A. (University of Wisconsin-Madison), 1986-1989 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Her edition of correspondence between madame de Balzac and Champfleury. Box 73, Folder 63 Ulianich, Boris (Senata della Republica, Rome, Italy), 1990 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Regarding photos of paintings by Paolo de' Matteis. Box 73, Folder 64 Urban, Manfred (Institut für Völkerkunde, Göttingen, Germany), 1977-1978 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Drawings of Eskimos by Christopher William Hunneman, and paintings of Eskimos by Angelika Kauffmann. Box 73, Folder 65 Valsecchi, Marco (Milan, Italy), 1976 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of two paintings to Francesco del Cairo and Tanzio da Varallo. Box 73, Folder 66 Vecchi, Tessie (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto di Storia dell'Arte), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 73, Folder 67 Verdi, Richard (University of York, Dept. of English and Related Literature, England), 1979-1985 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note His reviews of Heim Gallery exhibitions in the Burlington Magazine. Box 73, Folder 68 Verellen, Till (Sydney University, Power Institute), 1984 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of a painting to Raphael. With a mention of Giovanni di Pietro, called Lo Spagna. Box 73, Folder 69 Virgilio, Carlo (Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Rome, Italy), 1977-1984 Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, including attribution of a drawing to David. Box 74 Box 74, Folder 1 Ettore Viancini - Jürgen Zimmer, 1966-1990 Viancini, Ettore (Venice, Italy), 1966 Physical Description: 9 letters Scope and Content Note Sales and commissions. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 312 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 74, Folder 2 Viancini, Ettore (Venice, Italy), 1967 Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Sales and commissions. Box 74, Folder 3 Viancini, Ettore (Venice, Italy), 1968 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Sales and commissions. Box 74, Folder 4 Viancini, Ettore (Venice, Italy), 1969-1970 Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Sales and commissions. Box 74, Folder 5 Viancini, Ettore (Venice, Italy), 1971-1980 Physical Description: ca. 50 items, including numerous notes and 2 photographs Scope and Content Note Sales and commissions. Box 74, Folder 6 Volk, Mary Crawford (Brown University, Dept. of Art), 1974 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Lending of Deposition by Charles de la Fosse. Box 74, Folder 7 Volpe, Carlo (Università degli studi di Bologna), 1966-1969 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Various sales and numerous attributions. Box 74, Folder 8 Volpe, Carlo (Università degli studi di Bologna), 1970-1971 Physical Description: 23 letters Scope and Content Note Various sales and numerous attributions, including a sketch attributed to Michelangelo Unterberger. Box 74, Folder 9 Volpe, Carlo (Università degli studi di Bologna), 1972-1978 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Various sales and numerous attributions, including Mauro Gandolfi, Bartolomeo Cavarozzi, Carlo Portelli, Guercino, Box 74, Folder 10 Vosátka, Alexandr (Art Centrum Czechoslovak Center of Fine Arts, Prague), 1979 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 74, Folder 11 Waddingham, Malcolm (London, England), 1974-1988 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including attribution of a landscape to Gaspard Dughet. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 313 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Wagner, Anne Middleton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture), 1977-1986 Box 74, Folder 12 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Francisque Duret, and Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Box 74, Folder 13 Wagner, P. Bonfilius M. (Servitenkloster, Innsbruck, Austria), 1979 Physical Description: 3 letter Scope and Content Note Two paintings after Pittoni at the monastery. Box 74, Folder 14 Wakefield, David (London, England), 1981-1983 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 74, Folder 15 Ward-Jackson, Philip (Courtauld Institute of Art, Conway Library), 1990 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by Jean Halou. Box 74, Folder 16 Waterhouse, Ellis (Oxford, England), 1971-1980 Physical Description: 14 letters Box 74, Folder 17 Watering-Kohler, N. van de (The Hague, Netherlands), 1986 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note A painting of Aart de Gelder from the Lanckoronski collection. Box 74, Folder 18 Watson, Francis (The Wallace Collection, London, England), 1966-1985 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics. Box 74, Folder 19 Wazbinski, Zygmunt (Instytut Historii Sztuki, Torun, Poland), 1985 Physical Description: 1 letter received Scope and Content Note A painting by Etienne de la Hyre. Box 74, Folder 20 Weihrauch, Hans R. (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum), 1966-1967 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note A bronze group by Giambattista Foggini. Box 74, Folder 21 Weihrauch, Hans R. (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum), 1968-1969 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters, including 1 postcard Scope and Content Note Various sculptures, including work by Matthäus Wallbaum, Boschi, Bernini. Box 74, Folder 22 Weihrauch, Hans R. (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum), 1970-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, mainly Medici exhibition. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 314 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 74, Folder 23 Weihrauch, Hans R. (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum), 1973-1976 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Various topics, mainly matters of acquisitions, including art work by Johan Gregor van der Schardt and Jean Antoine Houdon. Box 74, Folder 24 Box 74, Folder 25 Wernett, Laurel (Atlanta, Ga.), 1980 Weston, Helen (Dept. of Art History, University College, London, England), 1974-1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Attribution of drawings to Pierre-Paul Prud'hon. Box 74, Folder 26 Whinney, Margaret (England), 1967-1971 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Bust of Mackenzie of Seaforth. Box 74, Folder 27 White, James (Dublin, Ireland), 1980-1985 Physical Description: 7 letters Box 74, Folder 28 Whitman, Nathan T. (University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor), 1979 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Loan of papal medal from the collection of A. Ciechanowiecki. Box 74, Folder 29 Wiedmann, Gerhard (Bibliotheca Hertziana), 1986 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note A painting by Giovanni Andrea Coppola. Box 74, Folder 30 Willk-Brocard, Nicole (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France), 1973-1988 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Art work by various artists, including Michael Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié, Etienne Fessard, Noël Hallé, François-Guillaume Menageot. Box 74, Folder 31 Winkelmann, Jürgen (Kiel, Germany), 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note A painting by Alessandro Tiarini. Box 74, Folder 32 Wittkower, Rudolf (Columbia University, New York), 1966-1967 Physical Description: 11 letters Scope and Content Note Various sculptures, including a bust attributed to Coysevox. Box 74, Folder 33 Wittkower, Rudolf (Columbia University, New York), 1968-1969 Physical Description: 23 letters Scope and Content Note Various sculptures, including attribution of two reliefs to Bernini. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 315 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 74, Folder 34 Wittkower, Rudolf (Columbia University, New York), 1970-1971 Physical Description: 17 letters Scope and Content Note Varios topics, including a marble bust by Puget, art work by Michele Maglia, and attribution of four Roman marble busts. Box 74, Folder 35 Woeckel, Gerhard (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, Germany), 1970-1972 Physical Description: 5 letters Scope and Content Note Questions of attribution to various artists, including Tischbein, Philip Hackert, Pellegrini, Conca, Gunther the younger, Ludwig Philipp Strack, and a painting depicting a betrothal scene of a German Empress. Box 74, Folder 36 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1966 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work, including a bust by Pigalle. Box 74, Folder 37 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1967 Physical Description: ca. 40 letters Scope and Content Note Various art work, including a portrait by Largillière, a bust of George Canning by Francis Leggatt Chantrey, also sculpture by Gioacchino Fortini, Antoine Coysevox, and Jules Dalou. Box 74, Folder 38 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1968 Physical Description: 12 letters Scope and Content Note Included is Ciechanowiecki's appraisal of art work belonging to Woodall. Box 74, Folder 39 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1969 Physical Description: 14 letters Scope and Content Note Various sales, mainly an Italian console. Box 74, Folder 40 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1970 Physical Description: 10 letters Scope and Content Note A sculpture by Maurice Lambert, a bust of Christina of Sweden, a bust of Boucher by Jean Jacques Caffieri, and other art work. Box 74, Folder 41 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1971-1972 Physical Description: ca. 20 letters Scope and Content Note Her purchases of art work by various artists, including Lemoyne, and attribution of several art works to Ferdinand Voet. Box 74, Folder 42 Woodall, Mary (Abingdon-on Thames, England), 1973-1975 Physical Description: 24 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including the purchase of a bust of Queen Christina of Sweden and reliefs by Giuseppe Piamontini. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 316 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.C. Experts, 1965-1990 Box 74, Folder 43 Worley, Michael, 1983 Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note A bust of La Fontaine by Pierre Julien. Box 74, Folder 44 Worsdale, Marc (Rome, Italy), 1986-1988 Physical Description: 7 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including art work by Simone Cantarini. Box 74, Folder 45 Wrigley, Richard (Oxford, Englnad), 1983 Physical Description: 4 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including Prix de Rome, art work by Théophile Vauchelet, and a bronze after Jean Baptiste Regnault. Box 74, Folder 46 Wytenhove, Henri (Musée des beaux-arts, Palais Longchamp, Paris, France), 1989 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Two paintings attributed to Mignard. Box 74, Folder 47 Zarnecki, George (London, England), 1968-1988 Physical Description: ca. 30 letters Scope and Content Note Sales and questions of attributions of art work to various artists, Poussin, John Graham Lough, Pouget, Solimena, Trevisani. Box 74, Folder 48 Zeri, Federico (Rome, Italy), 1968-1981 Physical Description: ca 40 letters Scope and Content Note Various topics, including painting Assumption of Saint Sebastian by Sebastiano Ricci. Box 74, Folder 49 Zick, Gisela (Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Köln), 1983 Physical Description: 2 letters received Scope and Content Note Photoreprint of Hebe by Augustin Pajou. Box 74, Folder 50 Zuccoli, Noris (Mantova, Italy), 1988 Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Correspondece, an offprint, photocopies of letters by Ph. Chifflet, and transcription of letter dated 2 June 1638. Box 74, Folder 51 Zimmer, Jürgen (Heidelberg, Germany), 1970 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Attribution of several paintings to Joseph Heintz the Elder. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 317 Series I. Correspondence, 1965-1991, undated Series I.D. Letters sent, 1974-1989 Series I.D. Letters sent, 1974-1989 Physical Description: 10 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Subseries contains copies of correspondence sent by Heim Gallery (Ciechanowiecki, John Pomian, and Jennifer Montagu) to clients and experts. "Green copies" are carbon copies and date to 1974-1987. Day files are photocopies and date to 1988-1989. Note that copies of Heim gallery correspondence also can be found, sporadically, in Series I. A-C. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 1974 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1980 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 1981 Apr - Dec 1982 Jan - Dec 1983 Jan - Dec 1984 Jan - Dec 1985 Jan - Dec 1986 Jan - Dec 1987 Jan- Dec Daily files 1988 Box 94 Daily files 1989 Feb - Aug Sep - 1975 Apr May - Dec Jan - Jul Aug - 1977 Apr May - Dec Jan - Jul Aug - Dec Jan - Jul Aug - 1980 May Jun - 1981 Mar Series I.E. Bulletins to Paris, I-XXXIX, 1966-1987? Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Subseries contains informal but regular reports to François Heim from Ciechanowiecki regarding client contacts, paintings bought and sold, and accounts of travel (mostly foreign). Box 95 Bulletins to Paris I - XV Box 96 Bulletins to Paris XVI - XXXIX Series I.F. Diaries, 1966-1989 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Ciechanowiecki diaries contain nearly daily entries noting clients seen, appointments, events. Box 97 Box 98 1966-1973 1974-1981 Box 99 1982-1989 Series II. Index cards, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 4.17 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Index records stock that passed through the gallery. Cards contain small photographs of the art works, title, artist, dimensions, as well as annotations regarding purchases and sales. Annotations allow cross-indexing to photographs and correspondence files and sometimes allow works to be traced through the stockbooks. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 318 Series II. Index cards, ca. 1965-1991 Box 100 Pre-Restoration painting & sculpture, 1970-1984, n.d. Box 101 Box 102 Box 103 Drawings sold, neoclassical, 1973-1985, n.d. Sold Paintings, A - F, 1968-1986, n.d. Sold Paintings, G - O, 1971-1988, n.d. Box Box Box Box Box Sold Sold Sold Sold Sold 104 105 106 107 108 Box 109 Paintings, P - Z, 1967-1986, n.d. Sculpture, A - C, 1967-1987, n.d. Sculpture, D - G, 1967-1990, n.d. Sculpture, H - M, 1976-1987, n.d. Sculpture, N - Z, 1966-1989, n.d. Old Stock, 1966-1972, n.d. Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Physical Description: ca. 23 lin. ft Scope and Content Note Series includes photographs of individual works bought and sold by Heim Gallery. There are 13 subseries, arranged by medium: A. Paintings sold, B. Paintings from the Paris gallery, C. Paintings, pre-restoration, D. Sold Polish paintings, E. Paintings and drawings, documentary, F. Drawings and engravings sold, G. Sculpture sold, H. Sculpture, documentary, I) Sculpture, pre-restoration, J) Sculpture, French bronzes, K. Marble sculpture, L. Sculpture, French portrait busts, and M. Furniture and decorative arts. Negatives and color transparencies exist for some of the photographs, and have been placed in cold storage. Within each medium, the series is arranged alphabetically by individual artist (or occasionally by nationality). There is a separate folder for each artist. The folder may contain several works of art and duplicates. When the photo has RS written on the reverse, it was listed as Recently Sold in the Heim documentation. The letters NC following the artist's name denote that Heim Gallery indicated the work as neoclassical. Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 7 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of paintings sold by Heim gallery. Box 110, Folder 1 Box 110, Folder 2 Box 240, Folder 1 Aachen, Han von Abel de Pujol Abel de Pujol Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 110, Folder 3 Box 110, Folder 4 Box 236, Folder 1 Ajdukiewicz, Tadeusz Albani, Francesco Albani, Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 transparency Box Box Box Box Box 17 110, 110, 110, 110, 236, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 5 6 7 8 Albertrandi, Antoni Allegrain, Etienne Allesandri Allori, Cristofano Allori, Cristofano Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 9 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Altomonte, Bartolomeo 910004 319 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 110, Folder 10 Amigoni, Jacopo Box 236, Folder 2 Amigoni, Jacopo Scope and Content Note 2 transparencies. Box 110, Folder 11 Andriessen, Juriaan Box 236, Folder 3 Andriessen, Juriaan Scope and Content Note 12 color transparencies. Box 110, Folder 12 Ansiaux, Jean-Joseph-Eleonore Box 240, Folder 2 Ansiaux, Jean-Joseph-Eleonore Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 110, Folder Appiani, Andrea 110, Folder Assereto, Gioacchino 110, Folder Audran, Claude III (including 1 RS) 110, Folder Austrian 110, Folder Austrian, 18th century 110, Folder Avercamp, Hendrick van 110, Folder Bacciarelli, Marcello 110, Folder Bachelier, Jean-Jacques Box 240, Folder 3 Bachelier, Jean-Jacques Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 110, Folder 21 Baciccio (including 1 RS) Box 240, Folder 4 Baciccio Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 110, Folder Badalocchio, Sisto 110, Folder Barbault, Jean 110, Folder Barker, Thomas (Barker of Bath) 110, Folder Barocci, Federico Box 110, Folder 26 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Barrias, Félix-Joseph 910004 320 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 236, Folder 4 Barrias, Félix-Joseph Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 27 Bartolomeo di Giovanni Box 240, Folder 5 Bartolomeo Veneto Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 28 Box 110, Folder 29 Box 110, Folder 30 Bassano, Leandro da Ponte Bassetti, Marcantonio Batoni, Pompeo Box 240, Folder 6 Batoni, Pompeo Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 31 Box 32 Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Box 36 Box 37 110, Folder Bazzani, Giuseppe 110, Folder Beaumont, Claudio Francesco 110, Folder Beinaschi, Giovanni Battista 110, Folder Bellotti, Pietro 110, Folder Bellotto, Bernardo 110, Folder Bellucci, Antonio 110, Folder Benvenuti, Pietro Box 240, Folder 7 Benvenuti, Pietro Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 38 Berger, Julius Victor Box 236, Folder 5 Berger, Julius Victor Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 110, Folder 39 Bergeret, Pierre-Nolasque Box 236, Folder 6 Bergeret, Pierre-Nolasque Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 40 Box 110, Folder 41 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Berthélemy, Jean-Simon Bertin, Jean-Victor 910004 321 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 236, Folder 7 Bertin, Jean-Victor Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 110, Folder 42 Box 110, Folder 43 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 236, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Bertin, Nicolas Beyeren, Abraham van 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bianchi, Mauro Natale Bigari, Vittorio Maria Biscaino, Bartolommeo Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino Blaas, Karl von Blanchard, Jacques Bloemaert, Abraham Bloemaert, Abraham Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 111, Folder 8 Box 236, Folder 9 Bloemen, Jan Frans van Blondel, Merry-Joseph, Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 10 111, Folder 9 111, Folder Boilly, Louis-Léopold Bonito, Giuseppe 111, Folder Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin 111, Folder Bononi, Carlo 111, Folder Bordone, Paris 111, Folder Borgognone 111, Folder Borgona, Juan de 111, Folder Borsoom, A. 111, Folder Bottani, Giuseppe 111, Folder Boucher, François 236, Folder Boucher, François Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 111, Folder 19 Box 111, Folder 20 Box 111, Folder 21 Box 111, Folder 22 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Bouguereau, William-Adolphe Boullogne, Bon de Boullogne, Louis de (the Younger) Bourdon, Sebastien 910004 322 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 240, Folder 8 Bourdon, Sebastien Scope and Content Note 4 items: 3 color transparencies, 1 b&w neagative. Box 111, Folder 23 Boznanska, Olga Box 240, Folder 9 Boznanska, Olga Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 24 Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 Box 10 111, Folder Brambilla, Ambrosius 111, Folder Bramer, Leonard 111, Folder Brandi, Giacinto 111, Folder Brandl, Petr 240, Folder Brandl, Petr Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 32 Box 12 111, Folder Brandt, Josef 111, Folder Breda, Carl Fredrik van 111, Folder Brodowski, Anton 111, Folder Brouwer, Adriaen 111, Folder Brueghel, Jan II 236, Folder Brueghel, Jan II Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 111, Folder 33 Bruyn, Bartolomaeus (the Younger) Box 112, Folder 1 Box 112, Folder 2 Cabanael, Alexndre Cades, Giuseppe Box Box Box Box 11 Cairo, Francesco del Calvi, Jacopo Alessandro Camuccini, Vincenzo Camuccini, Vincenzo 112, 112, 112, 240, Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box 13 112, 112, 112, 236, Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder Canaletto Candid, Peter Cantarini, Simone (including 1 RS) Cantarini, Simone Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 112, Folder 9 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Canti, Giovanni 910004 323 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 12 112, Folder Cany, Jean-Baptiste 112, Folder Caravaggio 112, Folder Carboni, Giovanni Bernardo 112, Folder Carlone, Carlo 112, Folder Carlone, Giovanni Battista 112, Folder Caron, Rosalie 112, Folder Carpioni, Giulio 112, Folder Carracci, Annibale 112, Folder Carracci, Lodovico 112, Folder Carriera, Rosalba 112, Folder Carte, Natale 240, Folder Carte, Natale Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. Box 21 Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Box 13 112, Folder Casado del Alisal, Jose 112, Folder Cassatt, Mary 112, Folder Castello, Valerio 112, Folder Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto 112, Folder Cavallino, Bernardo 240, Folder Cavallino, Bernardo Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 112, Folder 26 Box 240, Folder 14 Box 112, Folder 27 Box 236, Folder 11 Box 112, Folder 28 Cavallucci, Antonio Cavallucci, Antonio Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Cecco Bravo Cecco Bravo Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Cecchino Salviati 910004 324 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 240, Folder 15 Cecchino Salviati Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 32 Box 14 112, Folder Cerquozzi, Michelangelo 112, Folder Cesari, Giuseppe 112, Folder Cesaro, Giacomo 112, Folder Champaigne, Philippe de 236, Folder Champaigne, Philippe de Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Box 16 112, Folder Chapron, Nicolas 112, Folder Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 112, Folder Charpentier, Jean-Baptiste 240, Folder Charpentier, Jean-Baptiste Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 36 Box 37 Box 38 Box 39 Box 40 Box Box Box Box Box 17 112, Folder Chassériau, Théodore 112, Folder Chelmonski, Jozef 112, Folder Cibot, François-Barthélemy-Michel-Edouard 112, Folder Cittadini, Pier Francesco 112, Folder Clouet, François 113, 113, 113, 113, 240, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 Coccorante, Leonardo Coignet, Jules-Louis-Philippe Colombel, Nicolas Conca, Sebastiano Conca, Sebastiano Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 113, Folder 5 Box 236, Folder 15 Conti, Francesco Conti, Francesco Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box Box 10 113, 113, 113, 113, 113, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 6 7 8 9 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Coppola, Carlo Corot, Camille-Jean-Baptiste Cortona, Pietro da Corvo, Domenico Coster, Adam de 910004 325 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 16 113, Folder Courbet, Gustave 113, Folder Couture, Thomas 113, Folder Coypel, Charles-Antoine 113, Folder Coypel, Noël 236, Folder Coypel, Noël Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 19 113, Folder Cozza, Francesco 113, Folder Cranach, Lucas 113, Folder Crayer, Caspar de 113, Folder Credi, Lorenzi di 113, Folder Creti, Donato 113, Folder Crespi, Giuseppe Maria 240, Folder Crespi, Giuseppe Maria Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. Box 21 Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 20 113, Folder Crosato, Giovanni Battista 113, Folder Czachovski, Ladislaus von 113, Folder Danckerts de Ry, Pieter 113, Folder Daniele da Volterra 113, Folder Danzig School 113, Folder Daubigny, Charles-François 113, Folder David, Jacques-Louis 113, Folder Degas, Edgar 113, Folder Delacroix, Eugène 113, Folder Delafosse, Charles 113, Folder Delaroche, Hippolyte 240, Folder Delaroche, Hippolyte Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 113, Folder 32 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Del Po, Giacomo 910004 326 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Box 18 113, Folder Delyen, Jean-François 113, Folder Desmarées, Joseph 113, Folder Desportes, Alexandre-François (including 1 RS) 236, Folder Desportes, Alexandre-François Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 113, Folder 36 Box 113, Folder 37 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 19 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 236, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Despres, Louis-Jean Devéria, (Eugène-François-Marie-Joseph?) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diana, Giacinto Dietricy Diogg, Felix Maria Diotti, Giuseppe Diziani, Gasparo Dolci, Carlo Dolci, Carlo Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 114, Folder 7 Box 114, Folder 8 Box 236, Folder 20 Domenichino Dossi, Dosso Dossi, Dosso Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 21 114, Folder 9 114, Folder Douven, Jan Frans van Drolling, Martin père 114, Folder Drouais, Jean-Germain 236, Folder Drouais, Jean-Germain Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 114, Folder 12 Box 236, Folder 22 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Dubois, Ambroise Dubois, Ambroise Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. 114, Folder Ducis, Louis 114, Folder Duck, Jacob 114, Folder Dughet, Gaspard 114, Folder Duplessis, Joseph Box 114, Folder 17 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Durand, André 910004 327 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 240, Folder 21 Durand, André Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 114, Folder 18 Box 114, Folder 19 Box 240, Folder 22 Box 114, Folder 20 Box 236, Folder 23 Box 21 Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 24 Dyck, Anthonie van Egyptian Egyptian Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs. El Greco (including 1 RS) El Greco Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. 114, Folder Elliger, Ottmar II 114, Folder Emilian, ca. 1580 114, Folder English, 17th-19th centuries 114, Folder Fabre, François Xavier 236, Folder Fabre, François Xavier Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 Box 23 114, Folder Fagnani, Giuseppe 114, Folder Falcone, Aniello 114, Folder Favray, Antoine de 240, Folder Favray, Antoine de Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 24 114, Folder Ferrabosco, Girolamo 114, Folder Ferrari, Luca 114, Folder Ferretti, Gian Domenico 114, Folder Ferri, Ciro 240, Folder Ferri, Ciro Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 114, Folder 32 Box 114, Folder 33 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Fischetti, Fidele Flandrin, Hippolyte-Jean 910004 328 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 34 Box 35 Box 36 Box 37 114, Folder Flemish, 15th-17th centuries 114, Folder Flippart, Charles Joseph 114, Folder Florentine 114, Folder Fontebasso, Francesco Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 25 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 240, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fracanzano, Francesco Fragonard, Jean-Honoré Francken, Frans II François, I. Franque, Joseph Franquelin, Jean-Augustin French School (no century) French School (no century) Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 115, Folder 8 Box 115, Folder 9 Box 240, Folder 26 French, 16th century French, 17th century (including 1 RS) French, 17th century Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 115, Folder 10 Box 115, Folder 11 Box 236, Folder 25 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 26 French, 18th century French, 19th century French, 19th century Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. 115, Folder Frey, Johann Jakob 115, Folder Friedel, (P.?) 115, Folder Furon, Aimé Joseph 115, Folder Fuseli, Henry 115, Folder Gainsborough, Thomas 236, Folder Gainsborough, Thomas Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 115, Folder 17 Box 115, Folder 18 Box 115, Folder 19 Box 115, Folder 20 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Gallegos, Fernando Galloche, Louis Gamba, Crescenzo della Gambaro, Henri-Augustin 910004 329 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 115, Folder 21 Box 240, Folder 27 Gandolfi, Gaetano (including 2 RS) Gandolfi, Gaetano (including 2 RS) Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 115, Folder 22 Box 115, Folder 23 Box 240, Folder 28 Box 115, Folder 24 Box 115, Folder 25 Box 236, Folder 27 Box 115, Folder 26 Box 115, Folder 27 Box 236, Folder 28 Box 115, Folder 28 Box 236, Folder 29 Box 115, Folder 29 Box 115, Folder 30 Box 115, Folder 31 Gandolfi, Mauro Gandy, Joseph Michael Gandy, Joseph Michael Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Gargiulo, Domenico Garzi, Luigi Garzi, Luigi Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Gaspari, Giovanni Paolo Gérard, François-Pascal-Simon Gérard, François-Pascal-Simon Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Géricault, Théodore Géricault, Théodore Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. German, 16th-18th centuries German/Austrian, 18th century German/Polish, 18th century Box 116, Folder 1 Box 116, Folder 2 Box 240, Folder 29 Ghezzi, Pier Leone Giambono, Michele Giambono, Michele Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 116, Folder 3 Box 116, Folder 4 Box 236, Folder 30 Giani, Felice Giaquinto, Corrado Giaquinto, Corrado Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 116, Folder 5 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Gigoux, Jean-François 910004 330 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 116, Folder 6 Box 116, Folder 7 Box 236, Folder 31 Gimignani, Lodovico Giordano, Luca (including 2 RS) Giordano, Luca (including 2 RS) Scope and Content Note 20 items: 19 color transparencies, and a 1973 letter from Ira Spanierman. Box Box Box 10 Box 32 116, Folder 8 116, Folder 9 116, Folder Giorgetti, Giacomo Giorgione Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne-Louis 236, Folder Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne-Louis Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 30 116, Folder Goupy, Joseph 116, Folder Goyen, Jan Josephsz. van 116, Folder Granet, François-Marius 240, Folder Granet, François-Marius Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 33 116, Folder Grassi, Giuseppe 116, Folder Grassi, Nicola 116, Folder Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 116, Folder Grevenbroeck, Alessandro 116, Folder Gros, Antoine-Jean 236, Folder Gros, Antoine-Jean Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 19 Box 20 Box 21 Box 34 116, Folder Grottger, Arthur 116, Folder Grund, Norbert 116, Folder Guardi, Francesco 236, Folder Guardi, Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 116, Folder 22 Box 116, Folder 23 Box 236, Folder 35 Gudin, Theodore Guercino (including 1 RS) Guercino (including 1 RS) Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 331 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 116, Folder 24 Box 236, Folder 36 G-Unidentified D-G-Unidentified Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 32 Box 33 Box 34 116, Folder Haarlem School 116, Folder Hallé, Noël 116, Folder Hamilton, Gavin 116, Folder Harlow, George Henry 116, Folder Harpignies, Henri-Joseph 116, Folder Heim, François-Joseph 116, Folder Heintz, Joseph (the Elder?) 116, Folder Heiss, Johann 116, Folder Hesse, Alexander 116, Folder Heyden, Jan van der Box 117, Folder 1 Box 236, Folder 37 Holbein, Hans (the Elder) Holbein, Hans (the Elder) Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box 38 117, 117, 117, 117, 236, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 2 3 4 5 Holzer, Johann Evangelist Houckgeest, Gerard van Hovingham Master Huet, Christophe Huet, Christophe Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 117, 6-15 Box 117, 16 Box 117, 17 Box 240, 31 Folder Huet, Paul Folder Hyre, Etienne de la Folder Isabey, Louis-Gabriel-Eugène Folder Isabey, Louis-Gabriel-Eugène Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. Box 117, Folder 18 Box 117, Folder 19 Italian, Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Portrait of Vittorio Amedeo III of Savoy. Italian, Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Portrait of a Cardinal. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 332 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 117, Folder 20 Box 117, Folder 21 Box 117, Folder 22 Box 117, Folder 23 Box 117, Folder 24 Box 117, Folder 25 Box 117, Folder 26 Box 117, Folder 27 Italian, Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Temptention of a saint [Anthony?] Italian, Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Scenes of Hell. Italian, Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Saint John the Baptist. Italian, Scope and Content Note 5 photograph. Head of a young man. [Saint John the Baptist?] Italian, Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Adoration of the Shephards. Italian, Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. A landscape painting. Italian, Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Christ mocked (The Crowning with Thorns). Italian, Scope and Content Note 4 photographs, 1 color transparency [Christ among the doctors?] Various religious topics. Color transparency is shelved in Box 236, F. 65. Box 236, folder 65 Italian: Christ among the doctors, Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 117. Box 117, Folder 28 Box 117, Folder 29 Box 117, Folder 30 Box 117, Folder 31 Italian, Scope and Content Note 7 photographs. Various topics. Italian, Bolognese, 17th cent. Scope and Content Note 9 photographs, including a painting attributed to Francesco Monti. Italian, Genoese, Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Italian, Neapolitan, 18th cent. Scope and Content Note 9 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 333 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 117, Folder 32 Box 117, Folder 33 Box 117, Folder 34 Box 117, Folder 35 Box 117, Folder 36 Box 117, Folder 37 Box 117, Folder 38 Box 117, Folder 39 Box 236, Folder 39 Box 236, Folder 40 Box 117, Folder 40 Box 117, Folder 41 Box 117, Folder 42 Italian, after Carlo Maratta, Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Italian, follower of Mengs? Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Portrait of a Cardinal. Italian, portrait of Jacopo Lomellini. Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Italian, portrait of Napoleon I, Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Italian, Roman Charity [Caritas Romana], Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Italian, Vision of St. Casimir, Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Italian, 16th cent., Scope and Content Note 7 photographs. Various artworks. Italian, 17th cent. Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Various artworks. Italian, 17th cent., undated Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Italian, Florentine Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Italian, 18th cent., Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Various artworks. Italian, circle of Ubaldo Gandolfi, Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 117, Folder 43 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Italian, 19th century (including 1 RS) Janneck, Franz Christoph 910004 334 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 117, Folder 44 Box 236, Folder 41 Janssens, Abraham Janssens, Abraham Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 45 Box 46 Box 47 Box 42 117, Folder Jeurat, Etienne 117, Folder Jordaens, Jacob 117, Folder Jouvenet, Jean 236, Folder Jouvenet, Jean Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 117, Folder 48 Box 236, Folder 43 Box 49 Box 32 Box 50 Box 51 Box 52 Box 33 Julien de Parme Julien de Parme Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. 117, Folder Kauffmann, Angelica 240, Folder Kauffmann, Angelica 117, Folder Kiprensky, O. 117, Folder Kotsis, Aleksander 117, Folder Krafft, Johann Peter (including 1 RS) 240, Folder Krafft, Johann Peter (including 1 RS) Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 117, Folder 53 Box 117, Folder 54 Box 117, Folder 55 Box Box 56 Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 44 Kraft, Per Kulmbach, Hans Suess von Kuntz, Taddeo 117 117, Folder Kwiatkowski, Anton Teofil K-Unidentified 117A, Folder Lacroix de Marseille 117A, Folder Lagrenée, Louis-Jean-François 117A, Folder La Hyre, Laurent de 236, Folder La Hyre, Laurent de Box 117A, Folder 4 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Lairesse, Gerard de 910004 335 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 117A, Folder 5 Box 117A, Folder 6 Box 236, Folder 45 Lajoue, Jacques de Lallemand, Jean-Baptiste Lallemand, Jean-Baptiste Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 117A, Folder 7 Box 236, Folder 46 Lallemant, Georges Lallemant, Georges Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 8 Box 9 Box 10 Box 11 Box 34 117A, Folder Lamberti, Bonaventura 117A, Folder Lampi, Johann Baptist (the Elder) (including 1 RS) 117A, Folder Landelle, Charles 117A, Folder Landon, Charles Paul 240, Folder Landon, Charles Paul Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 117A, Folder 12 Box 240, Folder 35 Lanfranco, Giovanni (including 1 RS) Lanfranco, Giovanni Scope and Content Note 2 color photographies. Box 117A, Folder 13 Box 117A, Folder 14 Box 236, Folder 47 Langlois, Jerome Martin Largillière, Nicolas de Largillière, Nicolas de Scope and Content Note 16 color transparencies. Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 36 117A, Folder Latour, Georges de [Georges de La Tour] 117A, Folder Laurens, Jean-Paul 117A, Folder Lauri, Filippo 240, Folder Lauri, Filippo Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 117A, Folder 18 Box 240, Folder 37 Le Brun, Charles (including 1 RS) Le Brun, Charles Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 336 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 117A, Folder 19 Box 118, Folder 1 Box 236, Folder 48 Leclerc, Sébastien Lefevre, Robert-Jacques-François Lefevre, Robert-Jacques-François Scope and Content Note 9 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box 38 118, 118, 118, 240, Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder Lehmann, Heinrich Le Lorrain, Louis-Joseph Lemaire-Poussin, Jean Lemaire-Poussin, Jean Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 118, Folder 5 Box 240, Folder 39 Lemoyne, François Lemoyne, François Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 49 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 6 7 8 9 Le Nain, Louis Lepaulle, François Gabriel Guillaume Lepicié, Michel Nicolas Bernard Lesueur, Blaise Nicolas Le Sueur, Eustache 118, Folder Lethiere, Guillaume Guillon 118, Folder Levieux de Nimes, Renaud 118, Folder Liberi, Pietro 236, Folder Liberi, Pietro Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 118, Folder 14 Box 240, Folder 40 Box 118, Folder 15 Box 118, Folder 16 Box 240, Folder 41 Box 118, Folder 17 Box 236, Folder 50 Licherie, Louis Licherie, Louis Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Lievens, Jan I Lint, Peter van Lint, Peter van Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Lipparini, Lodovico Lipparini, Lodovico Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 337 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 18 118, Folder Liss, Jan 118, Folder Longhi, Pietro 118, Folder Loo, Carle van 237, Folder Loo, Carle van Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 118, Folder 21 Box 240, Folder 42 Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 Box 51 Loon, Theodor van Loon, Theodor van Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. 118, Folder Loth, Johann Karl 118, Folder Loutherburg, Philipp Jakob II 118, Folder Lubieniecki, Christoffel 118, Folder Lucas y Padilla, Eugenio 118, Folder Luti, Benedetto 118, Folder Luycx, Frans 236, Folder H-L- Unidentified, Scope and Content Note 7 color transparencies. Box 118, Folder 28 Box 236, Folder 52 Box 118, Folder 29 Box 118, Folder 30 Box 118, Folder 31 Magnasco, Alessandro Magnasco, Alessandro Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 32 Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Magnasco, Stefano Majeranowski, Wladyslaw Mansueti, Giovanni di Niccolò 118, Folder Maratti, Carlo 118, Folder Marcola, Marco 118, Folder Marszalkiewicz, Stanislaw 118, Folder Marszewski, Joseph Box 118, Folder 36 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Marteau, Louis 910004 338 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 118, Folder 37 Box 118, Folder 38 Box 118, Folder 39 Martinelli, Giovanni Box 241, Folder 1 Masip, Vicente Joanes (Juan de Juanes) Masaccio Masip, Vicente Joanes (Juan de Juanes) Scope and Content Note 16 color transparencies. Box 40 Box 41 Box 42 Box 43 118, Folder Massucci, Agostino 118, Folder Master of Maikammer 118, Folder Matteis, Paolo de 118, Folder Maulbertsch, Franz Anton Box 241, Folder 2 Maulbertsch, Franz Anton Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 118, Folder 44 Mauperché, Henri Box 241, Folder 3 Mauperché, Henri Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 118, Folder 45 Mayr, Johann Ulrich Box 241, Folder 4 Mayr, Johann Ulrich Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 118, Folder 46 Box Box Box Box 119, 119, 119, 241, Folder Folder Folder Folder Mazzoni, Sebastiano 1 2 3 5 Mellan, Claude Mellin, Charles Menageot, François Guillaume Menageot, François Guillaume Scope and Content Note 2 items: 1 color transparency, 1 b&w neagative. Box 119, Folder 4 Box 119, Folder 5 Box 236, Folder 53 Mengs, Anton Raphael Metsys, Quentin Metsys, Quentin Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box 10 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 6 7 8 9 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Michelin, Jean Mignard, Paul Mignard, Pierre I Millet, Jean François I (including 2 RS) Mniszech, Andrzej 910004 339 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 119, Folder 11 Box 236, Folder 54 Mola, Pier Francesco Mola, Pier Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 119, Folder 12 Box 119, Folder 13 Box 236, Folder 55 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 56 Momper, Joos II de Monaco, Lorenzo Monaco, Lorenzo Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. 119, Folder Monaldi, Paolo 119, Folder Monti, Francesco 119, Folder Monvoisin, Raymond-Quinsac 236, Folder Monvoisin, Raymond-Quinsac Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 119, Folder 17 Box 119, Folder 18 Box 119, Folder 19 Mor, Anthonis Morandi, Giovanni Maria Morandini, Francesco Box 241, Folder 6 Morandini, Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 20 Box 21 Box 22 Box 23 119, Folder Moreau, Louis Gabriel 119, Folder Moroni, Giovanni Battista 119, Folder Mulinaretto 119, Folder Mura, Francesco de Box 241, Folder 7 Mura, Francesco de Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 119, Folder 24 Box 119, Folder 25 Box 119, Folder 26 Box 119, Folder 27 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Muratori, Domenico Maria Napoletano, Filippo Natoire, Charles Joseph Nattier, Jean-Marc 910004 340 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 241, Folder 8 Nattier, Jean-Marc Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 119, Folder 28 Box 237, Folder 17 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 32 Neer, Aert van der Neer, Aert van der Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. 119, Folder Nieulandt, Adriaen I? 119, Folder Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean-Pierre? 119, Folder Novelli, Pietro? 119, Folder Nuvolone, Carlo Francesco Box 120, Folder 1 Box 241, Folder 8 Octavien, Francois Octavien, Francois Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 2 Box 241, Folder 9 Odazzi, Giovanni Odazzi, Giovanni Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 3 Box 236, Folder 57 Oudry, Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Jean-Baptiste Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box Box 58 120, 120, 120, 120, 236, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 4 5 6 7 Ozanne, Nicolas Palma il Giovane Panini, Francesco Panini, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Giovanni Paolo Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 8 Box 241, Folder 10 Pankiewicz, Joseph Pankiewicz, Joseph Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 120, Folder 9 Box 120, Folder 10 Box 236, Folder 59 Paolini, Pietro Parrocel, Charles Parrocel, Charles Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 11 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Pasinelli, Lorenzo 910004 341 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 60 120, Folder Passante, Bartolomeo 120, Folder Passeri, Giuseppe 120, Folder Patel, Pierre 236, Folder Patel, Pierre Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 11 120, Folder Pater, Jean-Baptiste 120, Folder Patinir, Joachim 120, Folder Pecheux, Laurent 241, Folder Pecheux, Laurent Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 21 Box 61 120, Folder Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio 120, Folder Percier, Charles 120, Folder Peroux, Joseph Nicolaus 120, Folder Perrier, François 236, Folder Perrier, François Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 22 Box 241, Folder 12 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Box 26 Perrin, Jean Charles Nicaise Perrin, Jean Charles Nicaise Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. 120, Folder Perroneau, Jean-Baptiste 120, Folder Perugino 120, Folder Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista 120, Folder Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie (including 1 RS) Box 241, Folder 13 Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie (including 1 RS) Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 120, Folder 27 Box 120, Folder 28 Box 120, Folder 29 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Pillement, Jean Piola, Domenico Piotrowski, Wenceslas 910004 342 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 120, Folder 30 Box 120, Folder 31 Box 236, Folder 62 Pittoni, Giovanni Battista Po, Giacomo del Po, Giacomo del Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 120, Folder 32 Box 241, Folder 14 Box 120, Folder 33 Box 120, Folder 34 Box 241, Folder 15 Box 120, Folder 35 Box 241, Folder 16 Box 120, Folder 36 Box 120, Folder 37 Box 236, Folder 63 Box 120, Folder 38 Box 120, Folder 39 Box 236, Folder 64 Poerson, Charles François Poerson, Charles François Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Poisson Posthumus, Herman Posthumus, Herman Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Poussin, Nicolas (including 2 RS) Poussin, Nicolas Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Pozzi, Giovanni Battista Preti, Mattia Preti, Mattia Scope and Content Note 9 transparencies, including 8 in color. Prud'hon, Pierre Paul Pulzone, Scipione Pulzone, Scipione Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Quesnel, François (the Elder) Box 120, Folder 40 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Box 121, Folder 8 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Raestraten, van Rajezka, Anna Ramsay, Allan Raoux, Jean Regnault, Henri Alexandre Georges Regnault, Jean-Baptiste Reineicke, Pankraz Reni, Guido 910004 343 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 237, Folder 1 Reni, Guido Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 121, Folder 9 Box 121, Folder 10 Box 121, Folder 11 Box 237, Folder 2 Reschi, Pandolfo Restout, Jean II Ribera, Jusepe de Ribera, Jusepe de Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 121, Folder 12 Box 121, Folder 13 Box 121, Folder 14 Ricci, Sebastiano Rigaud, Hyacinthe Rigaud, John Francis Box 237, Folder 3 Rigaud, John Francis Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 17 121, Folder Rivalz, Antoine 121, Folder Robert, Hubert 121, Folder Rodakowski, Henri 121, Folder Romanelli, Francesco 241, Folder Romanelli, Francesco Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 121, Folder 19 Box 241, Folder 18 Box 121, Folder 20 Box 121, Folder 21 Rosa, Salvatore Rosa, Salvatore Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Roslin, Alexander Rosselli, Matteo Box 237, Folder 4 Rosselli, Matteo Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 121, Folder 22 Box 121, Folder 23 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Rottmayer, Johann Michael Rubens, Peter Paul 910004 344 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 241, Folder 19 Rubens, Peter Paul Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 121, Folder 24 Box 121, Folder 25 Box 121, Folder 26 Rull, Joaquin Espalter Ruthart, Carl Borromaus Andreas Sacchi, Andrea (including 1 RS) Box 237, Folder 5 Salviati, Francesco Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 237, Folder 6 Santacroce, Girolamo Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 121, Folder 27 Saraceni, Carlo Box 237, Folder 7 Saraceni, Carlo Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 20 121, Folder Sarto, Andrea del 121, Folder Scarsellino 121, Folder Schall, Jean-Fréderic 121, Folder Scheffer, Ary (including 1 RS) 241, Folder Scheffer, Ary (including 1 RS) Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 32 Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Box 21 121, Folder Scheffer, Henry 121, Folder Schmidt, Georg Friedrich 121, Folder Schodlberger, Johann Nepomuk 121, Folder Schönfeld, Heinrich 241, Folder Schönfeld, Heinrich Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 121, Folder 36 Box Box Box Box Box 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Schwartz, Christoph 1 2 3 4 5 Box 122, Folder 6 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Scorel, Jan van Sequeira, Domingos Antonio de Serres, Henri Charles de Siemiradzki, Henryk Signol, Emile Silvestre, Louis de 910004 345 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 22 122, 122, 122, 122, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder Sing, Johann Kaspar Sirani, Elisabetta Sirani, Giovanni Andrea Smets, Antoni 122, Folder Solario, Andrea 122, Folder Solimena, Francesco 241, Folder Solimena, Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 122, Folder 13 Box 122, Folder 14 Box 241, Folder 23 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 21 Box 22 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Spanish Spranger, Bartholomaeus Spranger, Bartholomaeus Scope and Content Note 66 color photographs, 1 color transparency. 122, Folder Stanislawski, Jan 122, Folder Stanzione, Massimo 122, Folder Steen, Jan 122, Folder Stella, Jacques 122, Folder Stern, Ignaz 122, Folder Stone (attr.) (including 1 RS) 122, Folder Stonim? 122, Folder Stoop, Dirck 122, Folder Strack, Ludwig Philipp 122, Folder Strattman,? 241, Folder Strattman,? Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 122, Folder 25 Box 122, Folder 26 Box 122, Folder 27 Subleyras, Pierre Hubert Suchodolski, January Sustermans, Justus Box 237, Folder 8 Sustermans, Justus Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 346 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 122, Folder 28 Box 241, Folder 26 Swanevelt, Herman van Swanevelt, Herman van Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 122, Folder 29 Taillasson, Jesan Joseph Box 237, Folder 9 Taillasson, Jesan Joseph Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 122, Folder 30 Box 122, Folder 31 Box 237, Folder 10 Box 122, Folder 32 Box 241, Folder 27 Box 122, Folder 32 Box 122, Folder 33 Box 241, Folder 28 Box 122, Folder 34 Box 241, Folder 29 Box 122, Folder 35 Box 237, Folder 11 Box 122, Folder 36 Box 237, Folder 12 Box 122, Folder 37 Tanzio da Varallo Tassel, Richard Teniers, David Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Terwesten, Matthäus Terwesten, Matthäus Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Thomas, (?) Tiarini, Alessandro Tiarini, Alessandro Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Tiepolo, Gian Domenico Tiepolo, Gian Domenico Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Tintoretto, Jacopo Tintoretto, Jacopo Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Tito, Santi di Tito, Santi di Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Toscani, Giovanni di Francesco 910004 347 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 237, Folder 13 Toscani, Giovanni di Francesco Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 122, Folder 38 Box 237, Folder 14 Box 122, Folder 39 Box 241, Folder 30 Box 122, Folder 40 Box 237, Folder 15 Trevisani, Francesco Trevisani, Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Troy, Jean François de Troy, Jean François de Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Turchi, Alessandro Turchi, Alessandro Scope and Content Note 6 color transparencies. Box 123, Folder 1 Box 237, Folder 16 Unidentified Unidentified Scope and Content Note 11 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 19 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unterberger, Michelangelo Vacarro, Andrea Valentin de Boulogne Vallin, Jacques Antoine Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velde, Willem van de Veneto, Bartolomeo Vermeyen, Jan Cornelis Vernet, Antoine Charles Horace 237, Folder Vernet, Antoine Charles Horace Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 20 123, Folder Vernet, Horace 123, Folder Vernet, Joseph 123, Folder Verona 123, Folder Veronese 123, Folder Vien, Joseph Marie 237, Folder Vien, Joseph Marie Scope and Content Note 5 color transparencies. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 348 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 123, Folder 16 Box 237, Folder 21 Vigée le Brun, Louise-Elisabeth Vigée le Brun, Louise-Elisabeth Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 21 Box 31 123, Folder Vigneau, Louise Suzanne du 123, Folder Vignon, Claude 123, Folder Vincent, François André 123, Folder Vincentino, Andrea 123, Folder Vleughels, Nicolas (including 1 RS) 241, Folder Vleughels, Nicolas (including 1 RS) Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 123, Folder 22 Box 123, Folder 23 Box 237, Folder 22 Box 123, Folder 24 Box 123, Folder 25 Box 237, Folder 23 Box 26 Box 27 Box 28 Box 29 Box 32 Vliet, Hendrik Cornelisz. van Voet, Ferdinand Voet, Ferdinand Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Vogel, Christian Leberecht? Vouet, Simon Vouet, Simon Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. 123, Folder Watteau, Antoine 123, Folder Weenix, Jan 123, Folder Weerts, Jean Joseph 123, Folder Winterhalter, Franz Xavier 241, Folder Winterhalter, Franz Xavier Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 123, Folder 30 Box 123, Folder 31 Box 123, Folder 32 Box 123, Folder 33 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Wit, Jacob de Zick, Januarius Zuccarelli, Francesco Zuccaro, Federico 910004 349 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.A. Paintings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 241, Folder 33 Zuccaro, Federico Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 123, Folder 34 Zucchi, Antonio Box 123, Folder 35 Zugno, Francesco Series III.B. Paintings from the Paris gallery, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of paintings sold by the Paris branch of Heim Gallery. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124 124 124 124 240, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aved, Jacques-André-Joseph Camelot Backhuysen, Ludolf Bartolomeo Veneto Bassen, Bartolomeus van Bernard, Jacques Samuel Bicci di Lorenzo Boilly, Louis-Léopold Bourdon, Sebastien Claude Lorrain Corneille, Michel II? Corneille, Michel II? folder 18 Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 Decourt, Jean Delafosse, Charles de Domenchin de Chavannes Fragonard, Jean-Honoré Gandolfi, Gaetano Giulio Romano Huet, Paul La Hyre, Laurent de Lancret, Nicolas Le Nain, Louis Liegeois, Paul Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 Liotard, Jean-Etienne Loo, Carle van Oudry, Jean-Baptiste Patel, Pierre I Pater, Jean-Baptiste Pereda, Antonio Perroneau, Jean-Baptiste Pillement, Jean Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Quillard, Pierre Antoine Ricci, Sebastiano Rigaud, Hyacinthe Robert, Hubert Roland de la Porte, Henri Horace Roman Roslin, Alexander Rubens, Peter Paul Box 125 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Sacchi, Andrea 910004 350 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.B. Paintings from the Paris gallery, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box 125 125 125 125 125 125 Salviati, Francesco Scorel, Jan van Solimena, Francesco Tassel, Jean Tocque, Louis Traballesi, Giuliano Box 125 Box 125 Troy, François de Unidentified, Scope and Content Note Photographs, printed and illustrated matter, and typescript lists of artworks. Box 125 Box 125 Box 125 Valdes Leal, Juan de Vigée le Brun, Louis-Elisabeth Weenix, Jan Baptiste Box 125 Wille, Pierre Alexandre Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of paintings, before they were restored. Arranged alphabetically by artist. Box 126, folder 1 Ajdukiewicz, Tadeusz, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 2 Allori, Cristofano, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 3 Amigoni, Jacopo, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 4 Adriessen, Juriaan, undated Scope and Content Note 46 photographs, including 2 in color. Box 242, folder 41 Adriessen, Juriaan, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 126, F. 4 Box 126, folder 5 Allegrain, Gabriel, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 126, folder 6 Ansiaux, Antoine Jean Joseph, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 7 Audran, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 351 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 126, folder 8 Bertin, Nicolas, undated Scope and Content Note 10 photographs. Box 126, folder 9 Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 126, folder 10 Boucher? undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 11 Bouguereau, Adolphe William, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 12 Bourdon, Sébastien, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 126, folder 13 Brandi, Giacinto, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 126, folder 14 Brandl, Peter, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 15 Cabanel, Alexandre, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 126, folder 16 Caracci, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 17 Carta, Natale, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Box 126, folder 18 Casali, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 19 Cavallino, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 20 Cesari, Giuseppe, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 352 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 126, folder 21 Cestaro, Jacopo Bagnoli, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 22 Chelmonski, Józef, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs, including 1 in color. Box 242, folder 42 Chelmonski, Józef, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 126, F. 22. Box 126, folder 23 Corneo, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 24 de Coster, Adam, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 25 Cranach, Lucas, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 26 Crespi, Giuseppe-Maria, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 126, folder 27 Del Mazo, Juan Bautista Martinez, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 28 Diotti, Giuseppe, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 29 Dossi, Dosso, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 126, folder 30 Dubose ?, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 31 Ducis, Louis, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 32 Duguet, Gaspare, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 353 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 126, folder 33 Dupra, Domenico, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 34 El Greco, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 35 Elsheimer, Adam, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 126, folder 36 Farbre, François-Xavier, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 126, folder 37 Ferrabosco, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 38 Ferri, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Box 126, folder 39 French [or Italian], undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 40 French 16th cent., undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 41 French 18th cent., undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 42 Gainsborough, Thomas, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 126, folder 43 Galloche, Louis, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 126, folder 44 Giaquinto, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Box 126, folder 45 Giordano, Luca, undated Scope and Content Note 11 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 354 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 126, folder 46 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 7 photographs. Two portraits of a man. Box 126, folder 47 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs, including 1 in color. Various portraits of women. Box 242, folder 43 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 126, F. 47. Box 126, folder 48 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs.Virgin Mary with Christ Child, and Trinity. Box 126, folder 49 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 11 photographs, various topics. Box 126, folder 50 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 16 photographs, including 11 in color. Mythological topics. Box 242, folder 44 Unidentified G, undated Scope and Content Note 11 color photographs from Box 126, F. 50. Box 126, folder 51 Huet, Christophe, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 126, folder 52 Italian (Neapolitan), undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 1 Kauffmann, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 127, folder 2 Lanfranco, Giovanni, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Box 127, folder 3 Langlois, Jerome Martin, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 4 Lapi, Emilio, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 355 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 127, folder 5 Lefèvre, Robert, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 6 Loutherbourg, Philippe Jacques de, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 7 Magnasco, Alessandro, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs, including 2 in color. Box 242, folder 45 Magnasco, Alessandro, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 127, F. 7. Box 127, folder 8 Mansueti, Giovanni, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 9 Maulbertsch, Franz Anton, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 127, folder 10 Mauperche, Henri, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 11 Menageot, François-Guillaume, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 127, folder 12 Mignard, Paul, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 13 Montfort, Antoine Alphonse, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 14 Panini, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 15 Passarotti, Bartolomeo, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs, 1 note. Box 127, folder 16 Patel, Pierre, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 356 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 127, folder 17 Pecheux, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 18 Perrier, François, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 19 Pierre, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 20 Polish, unidentified, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Portrait of a man. [Portrait of Roman Potocki] See also Box 128, F. 28. Box 127, folder 21 Potocki, Jan, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 22 Pozzo, Andrea, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Box 127, folder 23 Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 127, folder 24 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Two pastel portraits of women, including one of a woman holding a small child. Box 127, folder 25 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. A 19th cent. historical subject [Death of Leonardo da Vinci?] Box 127, folder 26 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs of a painting. [Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple?] Box 127, folder 27 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph of a landscape painting [neoclassical?] Box 127, folder 28 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 12 photographs, including 4 in color. Various mythological and historical scenes. Box 242, folder 46 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs from Box 127, F. 28. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 357 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 127, folder 29 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Various paintings, including portraits and allegory. Box 127, folder 30 Unidentified H-P, undated Scope and Content Note 10 photographs. Various religious topics. Box 242, folder 47 Reabum, Henry, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 127, folder 31 Ribera, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 32 Rigaud, Hyacinthe, undated Scope and Content Note 7 photographs. Box 127, folder 33 Rivalz, Antoine, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 34 Regnault, Henri, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 35 Reni, Guido, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 36 Rosselli, Matteo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 37 Rubens, Peter Paul, undated Scope and Content Note 18 photographs. Box 127, folder 38 Rüll [Ruel], Johann Baptist, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 39 Salviati, Francesco, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 40 Saraceni, Carlo, undated Scope and Content Note 18 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 358 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 127, folder 41 Scarsellino, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 42 Silvestre, Louis de, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Box 127, folder 43 Spanish, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 127, folder 44 Subleyras, Pierre, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 45 Tassel, Jean, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Box 127, folder 46 Trevisani, Francesco, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 127, folder 47 Van Lint, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Box 127, folder 48 Verdier, François, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 127, folder 49 Vien, Joseph-Marie, undated Scope and Content Note 7 photographs. Box 127, folder 50 Vigée-Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth, undated Scope and Content Note 8 photographs. Box 127, folder 51 Vouet, Simon, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 127, folder 52 Waerdigh, Dominicus Gottfried, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Box 127, folder 53 Zuccaro, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 359 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.C. Pre-restoration paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 127, folder 54 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 7 photographs, including 5 in color. Portraits of women. Box 242, folder 48 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 5 color photographs from Box 127, F. 54. Box 127, folder 55 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Head of a nun. Box 127, folder 56 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs, including 1 in color. Various topics. Box 242, folder 49 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 127, F. 56. Box 127, folder 57 Unidentified R-Z, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. A [neoclassical ?] painting. Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: .5 lin ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of paintings by Polish artists, and foreign artists active in Poland. Box 128, Folder 1 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box 128, Folder 2 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Box 128, Folder 3 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. John III Sobieski. Box 128, Folder 4 15th cent. portrait of a man, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs of a painting with inscription"Makovien vomiri filius 1421." Box 128, Folder 5 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. King Sigismund III Vasa. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 360 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 128, Folder 6 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Jan Kazimierz Krasiński. Box 128, Folder 7 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Hetman Sieniawski [Mikołaj Sieniawski?] Box 128, Folder 8 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Portrait of a man in armor. Box 128, Folder 9 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Stanislaw Krasiński. Box 128, Folder 10 Box 128, Folder 11 16th-17th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph annotated on verso: Horowitz, Polish. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Various portraits, including potrait of a man with the order of the White Eagle, and potrait of a knight of Malta. Box 128, Folder 12 Box 128, Folder 13 Box 128, Folder 14 Box 128, Folder 15 Box 128, Folder 16 Box 128, Folder 17 Box 128, Folder 18 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Portrait of Kazimierz Poniatowski by Marcello Bacciarelli. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Franciszek Lubomirski. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Stanislaw Leszczynski, King of Poland. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs, annotated on verso: "Czapski" portrait. 17th-18th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Portrait of Stanislaw August Poniatowski by Louis Marteau. 16th-17th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Portrait of Arabella Stuart by Paul van Somer. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 361 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 128, Folder 19 17th-18th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Portrait of "Marya Krystyna córka Franciszki Krasinskiey ..." [consort of Charles of Savoy.] Box 128, Folder 20 Box 128, Folder 21 Box 128, Folder 22 Box 128, Folder 23 Box 128, Folder 24 Box 128, Folder 25 Box 128, Folder 26 Box 128, Folder 27 Box 128, Folder 28 17th-18th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 17th-18th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 17th-18th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph of a portrait painting inscribed "Leszczynska krolowa." 17th-18th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs of two miniature portraits of a woman and a man. 19th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 19th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 19th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 18th-19th cent. portraits of women, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Portrait of a young woman by Kazimierz Wojniakowski. 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Annotated on verso "Horowitz Roman Potocki." Also see Box 127, F. 20. Box 128, Folder 29 Box 128, Folder 30 Box 128, Folder 31 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Kazimierz Krasinski. 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Annotaed "Reichman." [Georg Friedrich Reichmann?] 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Portrait is signed [?] Reichman MDCCCXXXVII. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 362 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 128, Folder 32 Box 128, Folder 33 Box 128, Folder 34 Box 128, Folder 35 Box 128, Folder 36 Box 128, Folder 37 Box 128, Folder 38 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 19th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Portrait of Seweryn Potocki. 20th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 5 photographs. Portrait of Eugene Gordon by Olga Boznanska. 20th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Portrait is signed "Pankiewicz 1912." 20th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs, including 1 in color. Portrait sketch by Jacek Malczewski. See also items in Box 128, F. 42. Box 242, Folder 50 Box 128, Folder 39 Box 128, Folder 40 Box 128, Folder 41 Box 128, Folder 42 20th cent. portraits of men, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Portrait sketch by Jacek Malczewski from Box 128, F. 38. Landscapes, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Flowers, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Sketch of a fortress, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. Malczewski, Jacek, undated Scope and Content Note 16 photographs, including 2 in color. Various artworks. See also items in Box 128, F. 38. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 363 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 242, Folder 51 Malczewski, Jacek, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 128, F. 42. Box 128, Folder 43 Box 128, Folder 44 Box 128, Folder 45 Box 128, Folder 46 Box 128, Folder 47 Box 128, Folder 48 Box 128, Folder 49 Box 128, Folder 50 Box 128, Folder 51 Box 128, Folder 52 Box 128, Folder 53 Box 128, Folder 54 Waliszewski, Zygmunt, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. 19th cent. battles and soldiers, undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. Michalowski, Piotr, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Watercolor of a mounting horse. Brandt, Józef, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs. Reyzner, Mieczyslaw, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. An elderly woman praying. Stachiewicz, Piotr, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. Żmurko, Franciszek, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Podkowinski, Wladyslaw, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 19th cent. genre paintings, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 19th cent. [historical allegory?], undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. 19th cent. historical scene, undated Scope and Content Note 4 photographs, annoated on vero"Napoleon and MarieWalewska." Alessandri, Alessandro de [Alexandre Ubeleski?], undated Scope and Content Note 6 photographs. A historical event in landscape setting. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 364 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.D. Sold Polish paintings, ca. 1965-1991 Box 128, Folder 55 18th cent. painting, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph. A festival scene at night. Box 128, Folder 56 Box 128, Folder 57 Coronation of Augustus III, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs. 18th cent. landscapes [Zygmunt Vogel?], . undated Scope and Content Note 13 photographs. Views of the Lubomirski Villa in Mokotów, and the Wilanów palace. Series III.E. Paintings and Drawings, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs used for comparison and scholarship of paintings and drawings not handled by the gallery. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 43 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 240, Folder Amigoni, Jacopo Batoni, Pompeo Blanchard, Jacques Bloemaert, Abraham Blondel, Merry-Joseph Borgiani, Orazio Bramer, Leonard Bramer, Leonard Scope and Content Note 2 b&w negatives. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Brandi, Giacinto Breda, Carl Fredrik van British Bronzino, Agnolo Caravaggio Carracci, Annibale Carriera, Rosalba Castello, Valerio Cavallucci, Antonio Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Champaigne, Philippe de Chassériau, Théodore Corneille de Lyon Coypel, Charles-Antoine Crespi, Giuseppe Maria Damini, Vincenzo David, Jacques-Louis Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Delacroix, Eugène Delafosse, Charles Dubois, Ambroise Dyck, Anthonie van Ferretti, Gian Domenico Fontebasso, Francesco Fragonard, Jean-Honoré Franciabigio Box 129 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Francken, Frans II 910004 365 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.E. Paintings and Drawings, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 French French, 17th century Fuonabonti? Gagnereaux, Benigne Gandolfi, Gaetano Gazolfi? Géricault, Théodore German Giordano, Luca Granet, François-Marius Guercino Guerin? Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Italian Kauffmann, Angelica Kisling, Moise La Hyre, Laurent de Lampi, Johann Baptist (the Elder) Langetti, Giovanni Battista Latour, Maurice-Quentin de Le Brun, Charles Lefevre, Robert-Jacques-François Lemoyne, François Liberi, Pietro Liss, Jan Loo, Carle van Maffei, Francesco Makowski, Tadeusz Maratti, Carlo Matteis, Paolo de Maulbertsch, Franz Anton Mellan, Claude Mengs, Anton Raphael Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean-Pierre Octavien, Francois Oudry, Jean-Baptiste Palma il Giovane Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio Pencz, Georg Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista Pittoni, Giovanni Battista Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Pontormo Poussin, Jean Poussin, Nicolas Preti, Mattia Prud'hon, Pierre Paul Ricci, Sebastiano Rigaud, Hyacinthe Rosa, Francesco de (Pacecco de Rosa) Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Sargent, John Singer Sarto, Andrea del Solimena, Francesco Spanish Spranger, Bartholomaeus Stanzione, Massimo Stella, Jacques Subleyras, Pierre Hubert Box 130 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Tintoretto, Jacopo 910004 366 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.E. Paintings and Drawings, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Box 130 Box 238 Unidentified Unidentified Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies, various paintings. Box 130 Box 130 Box 130 Venetian, mid 18th century Vien, Joseph-Marie Vigée le Brun, Louise-Elisabeth Box 130 Vos, Cornelis de Series III.F. Drawings and engravings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 2.5 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of drawing and prints sold by Heim gallery. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 Balestra, Antonio Bandinelli, Baccio Bardin, Jean (NC) Bartolini, Lorenzo Barye, Antoine-Louis Baudouin, Pierre-Antoine Bazzani, Giuseppe Benvenuti, (Pietro?) Bidauld, Jean-Joseph-Xavier (NC) Bloemaert, Abraham Blondel, Merry-Joseph (NC) Boguet, Nicolas-Didier (NC) Boilly, Jules Boilly, Louis-Léopold (NC) Boisselier, Antoine-Félix (the Younger) Boizot, Antoine (NC) Bottani, Giuseppe Bourdon, Sebastien Burrini, Giovanni Antonio Cambiaso, Luca Campagnola, Domenico Camuccini, Vincenzo Canova, Antonio Carracci, Annibale Carrière, Eugène Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 Chapron, Nicolas Chatelet, Claude-Louis Chaudet, Antoine (NC) Chauvet, (Jules-Adolphe?) Chimenti, Jacopo Claude Lorrain Cogniet, Léon (NC) Coignet, Jules-Louis-Philippe Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 Constantin d'Aix (NC) Cresti, Domenico (Passignano) Creti, Donato Dalou, Aimé-Jules David, Jacques-Louis (NC) Delafosse, Charles Désprez, Louis-Jean Deveria, Achille Box 132 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Devéria, Eugène François-Marie-Joseph 910004 367 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.F. Drawings and engravings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 Diziani, Gaspare Dolci, Carlo Drolling, Martin (NC) Emilian School Etex, Antoine Ferri, Ciro Flandrin, Hippolyte-Jean Flaxman, John Foggini, Giovanni Battista Fontebasso, Francesco Forestier, Henri-Joseph (NC) Fortin, Augustin-Félix (NC) Fountainebleau School Fragonard, Jean-Honoré French School French School (NC) Gagnereaux, Bénigne (NC) Gamelin, Jacques (NC) Gandolfi, Gaetano Gaultier, Léonard? Gérard, (François-Pascal-Simon?) (NC) Ghezzi, Pier Leone Giaquinto, Corrado Gibelin, Esprit-Antoine (NC) Gili, Marcel? Girardon, François Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne-Louis (NC) Goltzius, Hendrik Granet, François-Marius Grégoire, Paul Greuze, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Antoine-Jean (NC) Guerin, Pierre-Narcisse (NC) Hallé, Noël Heim, François-Joseph (NC) Hennequin, Philippe-Auguste (NC) Hersent, Louis (NC) Hesse, Alexandre-Jean-Baptiste Hoin, Claude-Jean-Baptiste (NC) Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (NC) Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (NC) Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 Italian, 18th century Labadye, Charles Toussaint (NC) Lafitte, Louis (NC) Lagrenée, Jean-Jacques (NC) Lagrenée, Louis-Jean-François (NC) Lalonde, Richard Lancret, Nicolas La Rue, Louis-Félix de (NC) Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 Le Barbier, Jean-Jacques-François (the Elder) (NC) Le Brun, Charles Leclere, Achille (NC) Le Guay, Charles-Etienne Lelu, Pierre (NC) Lenbach, Franz Seraph von Leone, Andrea de Leprince, Jean Baptiste Box 133 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Lethiere, Guillaume Guillon (NC) 910004 368 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.F. Drawings and engravings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box 133 133 133 133 L'hermitte, Leon Augustin Longhi, Pietro Maillol, Aristide? Matisse, Henri Scope and Content Note Included are 2 negatives. The negatives are shelved in Box 236, F. 66. Box 236, folder 66 Matisse, Henri Scope and Content Note 2 negatives from Box 133. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 Mazzucchelli, Pier Francesco (Morazzone) Meynier, Charles (NC) Misbach, Constant Moitte, Jean Guillaume? (NC) Murillo, Bartolome Esteban Nollekens, Joseph? Norblin de la Gourdaine, Jean-Pierre Novosielski, Michael Pajou, Augustin Palagi, Pelagio Palco, Franz Xaver Karl Pannini, Francesco Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio Percier, Charles Perrier, François Peyron, Jean François Pierre (NC) Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie Piranesi, Giovanni Battista? Pittoni, Giovanni Battista Polish Pozzo, Andrea? Pradier, Jean Jacques Preault, Antoine Auguste Prud'hon, Pierre Paul (NC) Puget, Pierre Queverdo, François Marie Isidore Reattu, Jacques (NC) Regnault, Jean-Baptiste (NC) Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 Regnier, Joseph Ferdinand? Roland, L.? Rosa, Salvatore Rouget, Georges (NC) Rubens, Peter Paul Rysbrack, John Michael Savorelli, Gaetano Scheffer, Ary Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 Scheffler, (Thomas?) Schweiger? Septemanochi? Sodoma Sodani, Massimiliano Solimena, Francesco Soufflot? (NC) Spranger, Bartholomaeus Box 134 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Stefano della Bella 910004 369 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.F. Drawings and engravings sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 134 134 134 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Stanley? Suvée, Joseph Benoit (NC) Swebach Desfontaines Taillasson, Jean Joseph (NC) Traval, Hugues (NC) Testa, Pietro Thomas? (NC) Thomas de Thomon (NC) Thorvaldsen, Bertel Tiepolo, Gian Domenico Tuscher, Marcus Unidentified Unidentified Engravings Valentin de Boulogne Vassé, François Antoine? Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Vernet, Emile Jean Horace Vigée le Brun, Louise-Elisabeth Vincent, François André Vos, Marten de Vouet, Simon Westerhourt, Arnold van Wille, Pierre Alexandre (NC) Witte, Pieter de Box 135 Wyczolkowski, Léon Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 10 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of sculpture sold by Heim gallery, arranged alphabetically by name or national school. See also subseries III.J. for French bronzes, subseries III.K. for marble sculpture, and subseries III.L. for French portrait busts. Box 136 Box 242, folder 1 Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert Adam, Nicolas Sébastien Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 136 Box 136 Albacini, Carlo II Albrizzi, Orazio Box 136 Box 242, folder 2 Algardi, Alessandro Algardi, Alessandro Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 136 Box 136 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 136 136 136 136 136 136 237, folder 38 Allegrain, Gabriel Amendola, Giambattista Anguier, Michel Antico Apulia Aspetti, Tiziano Attiret, Claude-François Austrian Austrian: Gothic wooden sculpture Scope and Content Note 18 color photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 370 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 Baily, Edward Hodges Bandinelli, Bartolomeo Baratta, Francesco Baratta, Giovanni Barre, Jean-August Barre, Jean Jacques Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste Bartolini, Lorenzo Barye, Antoine-Louis Bauer Bazzaro, Ernesto Behnes, William Bellano, Bartolommeo Benedetto da Majano Benlliure, Mariano Berchinet Bernini, Gian Lorenzo Bertin, Claude Bertos, Francesco Bertrand, Philippe Biagio da Vairone Bocciardi, Augustin Bocciardo, Pasquale Boizot, Simon-Louis Bologna, Giovanni Bonazza, Antonio Bonheur, Rosa Boschetti, Benedetto Bosio, François-Joseph Bouchardon, Edme Boudard, Jean-Baptiste Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine Bousseau, Jacques Bovy, Antoine Bracci, Pietro Braux, de Bresciano, Andrea di Alessandro Breton, Luc-François Bridan, Charles-Antoine Broeck, Willem van den Box 138 Box 242, folder 5 Brustolon, Andrea Brustolon, Andrea Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Box 139 Box 139 Box 139 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 Box 139 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Caccini, Giovanni Battista Cafam, Melchiorre Caffiere, Jean-Jacques Cain, Auguste-Nicolas Campagna, Girolamo Cano, Alonso (circle) Canova, Antonio Cardelli, Domenico Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste Carrier de Belleuse Cattaneo, Danese Cavaceppi, Bartolomeo 910004 371 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 Cayot, Claude-Antoine Cellini, Benvenuto (after) Chabry, Marc I Chantry, Francis Legatt Chaudet, Antoine-Denis Chauveau, René Chinard, Joseph Cibber, Caius Gabriel Civitali, Matteo Clérion, Jean-Jacques Clésinger, Jean-Baptiste Cleve, Corneille van Clodion Collino, Ignazio Secondo Cornacchini, Agostino Corsini, Agostino Corte, Josse de Cottignola? Coudray, François Coustou, Guillaume Coysevox, Antoine Curradi, Raffaello Cybei, Giovanni Antonio Dalou, Aimé-Jules Dantan, Jean-Pierre Danti, Vincenzo Dardel, Robert-Guillaume Daumier, Honoré David, D'Angers Deare, John De Bay, Auguste-Hyacinthe Defernex, Jean-Baptiste Delvaux, Laurent Deseine, Louis-Pierre Desjardins, Martin Desprez, Louis Dieussart, Charles Phlippe Dieussart, Flemish Dumont, Jacques-Philippe Dupré, Guillaume Duquesnoy, François Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 Duret, Francisque-Joseph Egyptian English Etex, Antoine Falcone Falconet, Etienne Maurice Falguière, Jean-Alexandre-Joseph Fancelli, Cosimo Box Box Box Box Box Box 142 142 142 142 142 242, folder 3 Fanelli, Francesco Fauginet, Jacques-Auguste Fedi, Pio Ferrari Ferrata, Ercole Ferrata, Ercole Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 372 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 242, folder 12 Ferrucci, Francesco di Simone Feuchère, Jean-Jacques Fioriti, Bernardino Flamen, Anselme Flaxman, John Flemish Foggini, Giovanni Battista Fontaine, N. Fontana, Annibale Fortini, Giovacchino Foucou, Jean-Joseph Francesco del Tadda Fratin, Christophe Frémiet, Emmanuel I Frémin, René Fusina, Andrea French by school and century Burgundy, 15th century Fountainebleau, 16th century Tours, 16th century Southern, ca.1520-1540 French, 16th century French, 17th century French, 17th century Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies, 1 note. Box 143 French, 18th century Physical Description: 2 folders Box 143 Box 242, folder 13 French, 19th century French, 19th century Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box 144 144 144 144 144 Ga-Gui (See Box 145 for German School photos) Gaggini, Antonello Gaggini, Giovanni Gagliardi, Leandro Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Gai, Antonio Gallé, Ambroise Gandolfi, Democrito Gautier, Gerard Gemito, Vincenzo Geoffroy de Chaume, Adolphe-Victor Gerhard, Hubert Géricault, Théodore Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Germain, Gustave Gérome, Jean-Léon Gibson, John Gilbert, Alfred Gilis, Antoine Girardon, François Giuliani, Giovanni Giungi? Box 144 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Godecharle, Gilles Lambert 910004 373 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 145 145 242, folder 14 Gois, Etienne-Pierre-Adrien Gott, Joseph Grandi, Vincenzo Gras, Caspar Gricci, Giuseppe Groff, Guillielmus de Grupello, Gabriel Guérin, Gillis Guidi, Domenico German-Hur German, 15th-16th centuries German, 15th-16th centuries Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 146 146 146 146 146 146 243 German, 17th century German, 18th-19th centuries Hardy, Jean Hermant, Barthélemy Dominique Hewetson, Christopher Hollins, Peter Houdin, Jean-Antoine Hurtrelle, Simon Italian by school and century (bronzes and metalwork) Romanesque Gothic Gothic Crucifix Gothic Crucifix Gothic Crucifix Gothic Crucifix Scope and Content Note 10 glass negatives. Box Box Box Box Box Box 146 146 146 146 146 242, folder 15 Florentine Roman Tuscan Venetian Italian, 15th-16th centuries Italian, 15th-16th centuries Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies, 3 color photographs. Box 146 Box 242, folder 16 Italian, 17th century Italian, 17th century Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 146 Box 242, folder 17 Italian, 18th century Italian, 18th century Scope and Content Note 4 color transparencies. Box 147 Box 147 Box 147 Box 147 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Italian by school and century (marble, stone, terracotta and wood) Romanesque Abruzzese Bolognese 910004 374 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 242, folder 18 Florentine Genoese Milanese Sienese Venetian Veneto Veronese Italian, 14th century Italian, 15th century Italian, 16th century Italian, 17th century Italian, 18th-19th centuries Jacquiot, Ponce Janssens, Frans Julien, Pierre Juliot, Jacques Kendrick, Josephus Kerrickx, Willem Keyser, Hendrik de (the Elder) Laboureur, Maximilien Lanceray, Eugen I La Rue, Louis-Félix de Lebourg, Charles-Auguste Lebrun, André Jean Le Clerc, Nicolas Lecomte, Félix Lecomte, Louis Legendre-Héral, Jean François Legros, Pierre II Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Legros, Pierre II Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Lemoyne, Jean-Louis Scope and Content Note 4 transparencies, b&w. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 148 148 148 148 148 148 242, folder 19 Leoni, Pompeo Lespingola, François Loir, Alexis Lombardo, Alfonso Lombardo, Antonio I Lombardo, Tullio Lombardo, Tullio Scope and Content Note 2 transparencies,b&w, and annotated wrapper. Box 148 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 148 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 Box 149 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Lough, John Graham Ludovisi, Bernardino Macdonald, Lawrence Maglia, Michel Maindron, Etienne Hippolyte Malines Flemish, 16th century Mantegazza, Antonio Mantegazza, Cristoforo Marabitti, Ignazio Maragliano, Antonio Maria 910004 375 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 242, folder 20 Maragliano, Antonio Maria Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 149 Box 149 Box 237, folder 24 Marcello Marchesi, Pompeo Marchesi, Pompeo Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 242, folder 21 Marchetti, Pietro Mariani, Camillo Marin, Joseph-Charles Marinali, Angelo Marinali, Orazio Marochetti, le baron Charles Marsy, Gaspard Martini, Arthuro Martini, Giuseppe Masson Master of the Budapest Abundantia Master of the Coudewater Abbey Master of the Marble Madonnas Mazza, Giuseppe Mazza, Giuseppe Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs, 1 transparency in b&w. Box 149 Box 242, folder 22 Mazzuoli, Giuseppe Mazzuoli, Giuseppe Scope and Content Note 9 items: 5 b&w negatives, 1 color transparency, 3 annotated wrappers. Box 150 Box 150 Box 242, folder 24 Meit, Conrad Mellone, Carlo Francesco Mellone, Carlo Francesco Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 150 Box 242, folder 25 Mena, Pedro de Mena, Pedro de Scope and Content Note 11 items: 4 stripes of color negatives, Box 150 Box 150 Box 150 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Box 150 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Mêne, Pierre Jules Merchi, Gaetano Michelangelo Milhomme, François Dominique Aimé Milligan, J. Minio, Tiziano Mino da Fiesole Mochi, Francesco Mochi, Orazio Moitte, Jean Guillaume Mola, Gasparo Monnot, Pietro Stefano 910004 376 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 242, folder 28 Monot, Martin Claude Montauti, Antonio Montelupo, Baccio da Moro, Giulio del Naldini, Pietro Paolo Nepal Netherlandish Nieuwerkerke, Emilien Nini, Giovanni Battista Nollekens, Joseph Novelli, Antonio Olivieri, Maffeo Ottoni, Lorenzo Pajou Augustin Pajou Augustin Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 151 151 151 151 151 151 237, folder 25 Pallago, Carlo Palma, Felice Parent, Aubert Parodi, Domenico Pelel, Georg Piamontini, Giuseppe Piamontini, Giuseppe Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency, 3 negatives, and 12 color photographs with annotated envelope. Box 151 Box 242, folder 30 Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 Pilon, Germain Pina, Alfredo Pinelli, Bartolomeo Piò, Angelo Gabriello Pisani, Giuseppe Pisano, Nicolo Plura, Giuseppe Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 Pompe, Walther Ponsonelli, Giacomo Antonio Porta, Guglielmo della Powers, Hiram Pozzi, Francesco Pradier, Jean Jacques Preault, Antoine Auguste Prieur, Barthelemy Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 Priori, Joseph Prou, Jacques (the Younger) Puget, Pierre Quellinus, Artus I Ramey, Claude Ravrio, Louis Regnaudin, Thomas Reichel, Hans Box 152 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Renaud, Alexandre Charles 910004 377 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box 152 Box 242, folder 32 Riccio, Andrea Riccio, Andrea Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box 152 152 152 153 242, folder 33 Righetti, Francesco I Rinaldi, Rinaldo Rivalta, Augusto Robbia, Giovanni della Robbia, Giovanni della Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 34 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 242, Folder Robbia, Luca della Roccatagliata, Nicolo Rodin, Auguste Roettiers, Jacques III Roland, Philippe Laurent Roldan, Pedro Romanelli Rosa, Ercole Rossellino, Antonio Rosset du Pont, Joseph Roubiliac, Louis François Rude, François Rusconi, Camillo Rustici, Giovanni Francesco Rysbrack, Michael Sanmartino, Giuseppe Sansovino Sarrazin, Jacques Segala, Francesco Segala, Francesco Scope and Content Note 2 negatives, with annotated wrapper. Box 153 Box 153 Box 242, folder 35 Severo da Ravenna Soldani, Massimiliano Soldani, Massimiliano Scope and Content Note 6 items: 4 negatives, 2 color transparencies. Box Box Box Box Box 154 154 154 154 154 Spanish Spence, Benjamin Edward Spinazzi, Innocento Steel, John Stouf, Jean Baptiste Box Box Box Box Box 154 154 154 154 237, folder 26 Strudel, Paul Susini, Antonio Susini, Gianfrancesco Tacca, Ferdinando Tacca, Ferdinando Scope and Content Note 6 color transparencies. Box 154 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Tacca, Pietro 910004 378 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.G. Sculpture sold, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box 154 154 154 154 154 242, folder 37 Tadolini, Adamo Tarsia, Antonio (?) Tassaert, Jean Pierre Antoine Tenerani, Pietro Thorvaldsen, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Bertel Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 154 154 154 154 154 154 155 242, folder 38 Tiolier, Nicolas Pierre Torretto, Giuseppe (the Elder) Trentanove, Raimondo Trippel, Alexander Tuby, Jean-Baptiste I Turnerelli, Peter Unidentified Unidentified Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies. Box 155 Box 242, Folder 40 Box Box Box Box Box 155 155 155 155 155 Vaccaro, Domenico Antonio Vassé, Louis Claude Vela, Vicenzo Veneto, early 15th century Verhaegen, Theodor Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 Verhulst, Rombout Veyrier, Christophe Vinache, Jean-Joseph Vittoria, Alessandro Widmann, Lazar Wurzelbauer, Benedikt Xavery, Pieter Zawiejski, Mieczylslaw Leon Valle, Filippo della Valle, Filippo della Scope and Content Note 2 color polaroids. Box 155 Zoffoli, Giacomo Series III.H. Sculpture, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of sculpture, used for study and comparison. Box 156 Box 156 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 Box 156 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Agostino di Duccio Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio Aspetti, Tiziano Bellano, Bartolommeo Benedetto da Maiano Bernini, Gian Lorenzo Biella, Angelo Bologna, Giovanni Bracci, Pietro Caffier, Jean-Jacques Canova, Antonio 910004 379 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.H. Sculpture, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 157 242, folder 26 Campagna, Gerolamo Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste Carrier-Belleuse Cattaneo, Danese Clodion Cypriot Delaunay, Nicolas Delcourt, Jean English, 19th century Ferri, Ciro Fiamberti, Tommaso Flemish Florentine, ca. 1500 Foggini, Giovanni Battista Foggini, Vicenzo Francelli, Cosimo Francesco di Giorgio Martini Francheville, Pierre de Frémin, René French Gaggini, Antonello? German Girardon, François Houdin, Jean-Antoine Italian (2 folders) Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Lombardo, Antonio I Mantegazza, Cristoforo? Master of the Budapest Abundantia Master of Piccolomini Master of St. John and David Statuettes Mazzoni, Guido Minelli, Giovanni Minelli, Giovanni Scope and Content Note 6 items: 1 color transparency, 5 color photographs. Box Box Box Box 157 157 157 157 Mino da Fiesole Mocchi, Orazio? Moitte, Jean Guillaume Nole, de? Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 Nost, Jan van I Pajou, Augustin Picasso, Pablo Pio, Angelo Gabriello? Polish Pozzolo, Nicolo Puget, Pierre Box 157 Box 242, folder 31 Quercia, Jacopo della Quercia, Jacopo della Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 157 Box 157 Box 157 Box 157 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Robbia, Andrea della (or Giovanni della) Robbia, Luca della Rocchi, Bartolommeo Rodin, Réné François Auguste 910004 380 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.H. Sculpture, documentary, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 Rossellino, Antonio Rosso, Meardo Sansovino, Jacopo Segala, Francesco Serpotta, Giuseppe (or Giacomo) Solario, Cristoforo Soldani, Massimiliano Susini, Antonio? Box 157 Box 157 Box 157 Box 157 Box 237, folder 27-36 Tadda, del Tamagnino? Tarsia, Antonio Unidentified Unidentified Scope and Content Note 11 color transparencies. Various artworks. Box 157 Vittoria, Alessandro Series III.I. Sculpture, Pre-Restoration, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of sculpture before conservation and restoration. These pieces were handled (sold) by the gallery. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 Albrizzi, Orazio Aspetti, Tiziano Austrian, 17th century Bartolini, Lorenzo Bellano, Bartolommeo Berruer, Pierre-François Boizot, Simon-Louis Bosio, François-Joseph Boudard, Jean-Baptiste Bracci, Pietro Breton, Luc-François Caccini, Giovanni Battista Cafa, Melchiorre Canova, Antonio Casella, Francesco Cayot, Claude-Antoine Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 158 158 158 158 158 158 242, folder 4 Chantrey, Franis Legatt Chinard, Joseph Civitali, Matteo Clérion, Jean-Jacques Collino, Ignazio Secondo Coysevox, Antoine Coysevox, Antoine Scope and Content Note 1 color polaroid. Box 158 Box 158 Box 242, folder 8 Dantan, Jean-Pierre De Bay, Jean-Baptiste De Bay, Jean-Baptiste Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 381 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.I. Sculpture, Pre-Restoration, ca. 1965-1991 Box 158 Box 242, folder 9 Dossio? Dossio? Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Box Box Box Box Box Box 158 158 158 158 158 242, folder 11 Duquesnoy, François Falconet, Etienne Maurice Fancelli, Luca Ferrari, Ettore Frémin, René Frémin, René Scope and Content Note 4 photographs. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 242, folder 23 French French, 16th century French, 18th century Gemito, Vincenzo German Giovanni Pietro da Rho Guérin, Gilles Hurtrelle, Simon Italian Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Lotto? Marchese, Pompeo Mazza, Giuseppe Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder) Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder) Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs. Box Box Box Box Box 158 158 158 158 242, folder 27 Milanese, 16th century Minelli, Giovanni Monnot, Pierre Etienne Moro, Giulio del Moro, Giulio del Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 Ottoni, Lorenzo Pajou, Augustin Piamontini, Giuseppe Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste Piò, Angelo Ponzanelli, Giacomo Antonio Pradier, Jean Jacques Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 Préault, Antoine Auguste Prou, Jacques (the Younger) Puget, Pierre Roldan, Pedro (the Elder) Roman Rude, François Rusconi, Camillo Santarelli, Emilio Box 159 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Sienese 910004 382 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.I. Sculpture, Pre-Restoration, ca. 1965-1991 Box 159 Box 159 Box 159 Theodon, Jean-Baptiste Unidentified (originally found in A-G file) Unidentified (originally found in H-Z file) Box Box Box Box Box Valle, Filippo della Vassé, Louis Claude Verhaegen, Theodor Verhulst, Rombout Vinache, Jean-Baptiste 159 159 159 159 159 Box 159 Vittoria, Alessandro Series III.J. Sculpture, French Bronzes, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: .5 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of French bronze sculptures handled by the gallery. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 Barye, Antoine Louis (and, Pradier, Jean Jacques) Delabrière, Paul Desjardins, Martin Dupré, Guillaume Duquesnoy, François Dutch, 17th century Fauginet, Jacques-Auguste Flamen, Anselme (and, Marsy, Gaspard II) Flemish, 17th century Flötner, Peter Franco-Flemish, 17th century Fratin, Christophe Frémiet, Emmanuel French (all centuries) Gechter, Jean-François-Théodore Gerhard, Hubert Lepautre, Pierre Le Sueur, Hubert Marin, Joseph-Charles Mêne, Pierre Jules Moigniez, Jules (and, Frémiet, Emmanuel) Rodin, Auguste Box Box Box Box Box Box 160 160 160 160 160 242, folder 36 Rosset, Joseph Rude, François Slodtz, Michel-Ange Thierry, Jean Thomire, Pierre Philippe Thomire, Pierre Philippe Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Series III.K. Marble Sculpture, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: .5 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of marble sculpture handled by the gallery. Box 161 Box 161 Box 161 Box 161 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Albacini, Carlo II Algardi, Alessandro Bartolini, Lorenzo Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 910004 383 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.K. Marble Sculpture, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 Bosio, François-Joseph Bouchardon, Edme Camilliani, Francesco Canova, Antonio Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste Casella, Francesco Cavallini, Francesco Chauveau, René Cibber, Caius Gabriel Civitali, Matteo Collino, Ignazio Secondo Coysevox, Antonio Delvaux, Laurent Duquesnoy, François Fioriti, Bernardino Foggini, Giovanni Battista Francavilla, Pietro French, 16th-18th centuries Gaggini, Antonello German Guidi, Domenico Houdon, Jean-Antoine Hoyau, Charles Italian Laboureur, Maximilien Laurana, Francesco Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Marinali, Orazio Mazzuoli, Giuseppe (the Elder) Mérard, Pierre Merchi, Gaetano Michelangelo (follower) Novelli, Antonio Parodi, Domenico Pilon, Germain Ponzanelli, Giacomo Antonio Prieur, Barthélémy Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 Puget, Pierre Raon, Jean Rizzo, Antonio Roman, 18th century Rosset, Jean François Roubiliac, Louis François Valle, Filippo della Villa, Ignazio Box 161 Vismara, Gaspare Series III.L. Sculpture, French portrait busts, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: .5 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Photographs of French portrait busts handled by the gallery. Box Box Box Box 162 162 162 162 Box 162 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Baratta, Andrea Coustou, Guillaume Coysevox, Antoine Dupré, Guillaume Francavilla, Pietro 910004 384 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.L. Sculpture, French portrait busts, ca. 1965-1991 Box Box Box Box Box Box 162 162 162 162 162 162 French Guérin, Gilles Guillain, Simon I Houdon, Jean-Antoine Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II Pajou, Augustin Box 162 Box 162 Box 162 Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste Pilon, Germain Prieur, Barthélémy Box Box Box Box Box Prou, Jacques (the Younger) Raon, Jean Tremblay, Barthélémy Unidentified Vassé, Louis Claude 162 162 162 162 162 Box 162 Warin, Jean III Series III.M. Furniture and other Decorative arts, ca. 1965-1991 Physical Description: .5 lin. ft Scope and Content Note Photographs of furniture, furnishings and decorative art objects handled by the gallery. Box Box Box Box Box 6-7 163 163 163 163 242, folder Augsburg, 16th century Brustolon, Andrea Court, Jean de Danhauser, Josef Ulrich Danhauser, Josef Ulrich Scope and Content Note 50 color photographs. Box Box Box Box Box 163 163 163 163 242, folder 10 Danzig Dutch Flemish Frames (sold Christie's) Frames (sold Christie's) Scope and Content Note 20 stripes of color negatives. Box 163 Box 163 Box 237, folder 47 French Genoese Greek Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs. Sculpture, male head, 3 cent. BC. Box 163 Box 163 Italian Jamnitzer, Christoph Box 163 Box 163 Box 242, folder 29 North Italian, 17th-18th centuries Palagi, Pelagio Palagi, Pelagio Scope and Content Note 9 color transparencies. Box 163 Box 163 Box 163 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Roman, 17th-18th centuries Sanini, Felice Giovanni Schlaubitz, Johann Gottfried 910004 385 Series III. Photographs, ca. 1965-1991, , undated Series III.M. Furniture and other Decorative arts, ca. 1965-1991 Box 237, folder 46 Sorgenthal, Conrad von Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs. Box Box Box Box 163 163 163 242, folder 39 Thomire, Pierre Philippe Thuret, Jacques-Augustin Unidentified Decorative Arts Unidentified Decorative Arts Scope and Content Note 21 items: 5 stripes cf color negatives, 6 color photographs, 11 color transparencies. Box 237, folder 37 Unidentified Decorative Arts: two standards Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 237, folder 39 Unidentified Decorative Arts: a crucifix Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 237, folder 40 Unidentified Decorative Arts: table with ram's heads Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs. Box 237, folder 41 Unidentified Decorative Arts: porcelain dinner set Scope and Content Note 13 color photographs. Box 237, folder 42 Unidentified Decorative Arts: porcelain dinner set Scope and Content Note 23 color photographs. Box 237, folder 43 Unidentified Decorative Arts: porcelain, Vienna 1804 Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs of plate and basket. On verso names of Leopold Dannhauser, Martin Klampfner, Karl Böhm. Box 237, folder 44 Unidentified Decorative Arts: 2 vases Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs. Box 237, folder 48 Unidentified Decorative Arts: ecclesiastical vestment Scope and Content Note 13 color photographs. Box 163 Box 237, folder 45 Valadier, Luigi Unidentified Decorative Arts: silverware, Vienna 1805 Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs. Box 163 Box 163 Box 163 Box 163 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Valadier, Luigi Verhaer, Nicolaes Vianen, Paulus Willemsz. van White Saccos Painter, The 910004 386 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Physical Description: 13.8 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Series comprises notes, printed material, and photographs used as research, primarily for works offered to the gallery and for exhibits presented at the gallery. The basic research files are organized alphabetically by subject. Exhibits are arranged chronologically, with a separate file of photographs of art works in the exhibits. Offers are arranged by national school or medium or artist, and consist mostly of photographs with occasionally present notes, correspondence, and printed and illustrated matter. Items pulled for cold storage are shelved in Box 239A. This series also includes the printed brochures of works carried by the gallery. These are arranged by artist name, and generally represent works sold. Box 166 Box 166, Folder 1 A - Bo, 1957-1990 Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note On offer from Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios (Galatea Art Consultants). Including 7 photographs. 4 color transparencies are shelved in Box 238, F. 1. Box 238, folder 1 Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, Scope and Content Note 4 color transparenciesies from Box 166, F. 1: candelabrums, chairs, and mirror on offer 1988-1990. Box 166, Folder 2 Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, undated Physical Description: 10 items, including 6 photographs Scope and Content Note On offer from Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios (Galatea Art Consultants). Box 166, Folder 3 A: various, 1970, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note With unidentified A. regarding Beatrice Ventimiglia de Careto; Sofonisba Anguissola; Étienne Aubry; Claude Audran; Gioacchino Assereto; Abel de Pujol; Gioacchino Agricola; Altichiero da Zevio; Cristofano Allori; Claude François Attiret; Carlo Albacini; Hans von Aachen; Andrea Appiani. Box 166, Folder 4 Lambert-Sigisbert Adam; Michel Anguier, 1974-1978, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 166, Folder 5 Francesco Albani, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 6 Orazio Albrizzi, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 166, Folder 7 Alessandro Algardi, 1969-1988, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 387 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 166, Folder 8 Etienne Allegrain, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 9 Alessandro Allori, 1979 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs; 2 color transparencies moved to Box 238, F. 3. Box 238, Folder 3 Alessandro Allori, Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies from Box 166, F. 9. Box 166, Folder 10 Box 166, Folder 11 Box 166, Folder 12 Box 166, Folder 13 Box 166, Folder 14 Jacopo Amigoni, undated Physical Description: 4 items David d'Anger, undated Physical Description: 14 items Juriaan Andriessen, 1981 Physical Description: 3 items Jean Joseph Ansiaux , undated Physical Description: 4 items Andrea dell'Aquila, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 166, Folder 15 Box 166, Folder 16 Tiziano Aspetti, 1969 Physical Description: 2 items Augsburg, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 166, Folder 17 Apulian vase, 1981-1983, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Inludes 1 letter from the J. Paul Getty Museum. Box 166, Folder 18 B: various and unidentified, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Giovanni Antonio Burrini; Henri-Montan Berton; Nicolas-Guy Brenet; Benedetto Briosco; Bambaja [Agostino Busti]; Boydell Gallery; Bologna; Vittorio Maria Bigari; Bartholomeo Veneto; British marble sculpture; François Bunel; and other material. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 388 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 166, Folder 19 B: various, undated, Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Maffeo Barberini; Marcello Bacciarelli; Bagatelle; Balestra; Nicolò Bambini; Baccio Bandinelli; Jean Barbandt [?]; Barocci; Stephen Jeremy Barrett; Bartholomeo di Giovanni; Leandro Bassano; Francesco Bassano; Johan van den Banck; Tobias Bauer; Frederic Bazille. Including 3 photographs. Box 166, Folder 20 Baciccio, undated, Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 21 Badalocchio, 1977-1978, Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 166, Folder 22 Box 166, Folder 23 Giovanni Baglione, 1976, undated Physical Description: 13 items Giovanni Baratta, 1968-1978, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 166, Folder 24 Box 166, Folder 25 Jean-Auguste Barre, undated, Physical Description: 3 items Félix-Joseph Barrias, undated, Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 238, Folder 4 Félix-Joseph Barrias, undated, Physical Description: 1 color polaroid Scope and Content Note Color polaroid from Box 166, F. 25. Box 166, Folder 26 Lorenzo Bartolini, 1957-1963, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 166, Folder 27 Box 166, Folder 28 Antoine-Louis Barye, 1977, undated Physical Description: 8 items Pompeo Girolamo Batoni, 1973undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 389 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 166, Folder 29 Be: various, undated Physical Description: ca. 25 items, including 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Claudio Francesco Beaumont; Antonio Begarelli; William Behnes; Bellotto; Antonio Bellucci; Agostino Beltrano; Francois-Leon Benouville; Pietro Benvenuti; Jacques-Alexandre Bernard; Pierre-François Berruer; René Théodore Berthon; Jean-Simon Berthélémy; Nicolas Bertin; Jacques Bergé; Francesco Bertos; Gioacchino Besozzi; Abraham van Beyeren. Box 166, Folder 30 Benedetto da Majano, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 31 Marco Benefial, 1969undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 32 Bartolomeo Bellano, 1982 Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 33 Benouville, 1978undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 238, Folder 5 Benouville, undated Physical Description: 5 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 166, F. 33. Box 166, Folder 34 Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1986undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Bust of Monsignor Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo. Box 166, Folder 35 Box 166, Folder 36 Pedro Berruguete, undated Physical Description: 2 items Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret, 1980, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 238, Folder 6 Duchess de Berry, undated Physical Description: 13 color photographs Box 166, Folder 37 Box 166, Folder 38 Biedermeier, 1972-1979 Physical Description: 2 items Giuseppe Bernardino Bison, undated Physical Description: 5 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 390 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 166, Folder 39 Bl: various, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Abraham Bloemaert; Jan Frans van Bloemen; Bloemaer; Joseph Blondel; Blanchard. Including 1 photograph. Box 238, Folder 33 Abraham Bloemaert, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note 3 Color photographs of a painting by Bloemaert, and printed matter from Box 166, F. 39. Box 166, Folder 40 Bo: various, 1968, undated Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Pasquale Bocciardo; Battista da Bologna; Antonio Bonazza; Bondard; Matteo Bonechi; Léon-Joseph-Florentin Bonnat; Bonnelli; Tilman Bornemann, Theodosius Besmann; Boschetti; Bouts. Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 41 Box 166, Folder 42 Box 166, Folder 43 Box 166, Folder 44 Box 166, Folder 45 Box 166, Folder 46 Box 166, Folder 47 Johann Boeckhorst, undated Physical Description: 5 items Louis-Léopold Boilly, undated Physical Description: 4 items Simon Louis Boizot, undated Physical Description: 4 items Giovanni Bologna [Giambologna], undated Physical Description: 7 items Bonzagni [Bonzagna], 1970-1983 Physical Description: 2 items Carlo Borzone, 1971, undated Physical Description: 3 items François Joseph Bosio, 1971, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 48 Box 166, Folder 49 Edme Bouchardon, undated Physical Description: 3 items François Boucher, 1974-1976 Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 391 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 166, Folder 50 Bon de Boullogne, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 166, Folder 51 Box 166, Folder 52 Bourbon history, undated Physical Description: 5 items Antoine Bourdelle, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 166, Folder 53 Box 167 Sebastian Bourdon, 1981, undated Physical Description: 3 items Br - Ci Scope and Content Note See also Box 233 for folder of material regarding Cavallino. Box 167, Folder 1 Br: various, 1974, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Bramer; Cecco Bravo [Francesco Montelatici]; Carl Fredrik von Breda; Friedrich Brentel; Luc-François Breton; Bronzino; Giovanni Brunelli. Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 2 Pietro Bracci, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 3 Br: various, 1984-1986, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Brandl; Brandi. Including 2 photographs. Box 167, Folder 4 Lorenzo Bregno, Circle of, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 5 Andrea di Alessandro Bresciano, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 167, Folder 6 Augustin Brunais, undated Physical Description: 22 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 392 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 167, Folder 7 Bartholomäus Bruyn, 1964, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 167, Folder 8 Il Buggiano [Andrea di Lazzaro], undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 167, Folder 9 Ca: various, 1973, undated Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Cades; Margherita Caffi; Canaletto; Giovan Battista Cambiaso; Giovanni Battista Caccini; Giovanni Canti; Capodimonte group; Domenico Cardelli; Carlo Innocenzo Carloni. Including 5 photographs. Box 167, Folder 10 C: various, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Claude-Augustin Cayot; Giovanni Battista Crespi [Cerano]; Giulio Carpioni; Carradori; John Carteret; Lorenzo de Caro; Jose Casado Del Alisal; Mary Cassatt; Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione; Valerio Castello; Camillo Camilliani; Antonio Cavallucci; Francesca Caccini [Cecchina]; Jean-Baptiste Charpentier. Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 11 C: various, 1971-1986, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari; Sir Francis Chantrey; René Chauveau; Edouard Cibot; Ciro Ferri; François Clouet; Jean Baptiste Auguste Clesinger; Nicolas Colombel [for color transparency see Box. 235, F. ]; portrait of Giovanni Antonio Guadagni by C[?]; Colnaghi; Marie-Anne Collot. Including 1 photograph. Box 235, Folder 37 C: various, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Scope and Content Note Item from Box 167, F. 11. Box 167, Folder 12 C: various, 1968-1979, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Adam de Coster; Cozza; Jean de Court; Ignazio Collino; Corot; Collignon; Guglielmo Cortese; Colonna; Guillaume II Coustou; Giovanni Antonio Cybei; Clairion; Agostino Cornacchini; François Coudray; Carlo Contarini; Madame Clotilde de France (bust); Claesz van Leyden; Baron de Cossou (sale); Simone Cantarini; Agostino Corsini; Raffaello C[?]; Copenhagen; Coup en émail [tazza] de Limoges; Marie Coquebert; Coustou; Christopher Columbus; Giuseppe Calegari; Leonardo Coccorante. Including 5 photographs. Box 167, Folder 13 Box 167, Folder 14 Melchior Caffa, undated Physical Description: 5 items Jean-Jacques Caffieri, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 393 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 167, Folder 15 Francesco Cairo, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 16 Jacopo Alessandro Calvi, 1980 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 17 Girolamo Campagna, undated Physical Description: 3 itesm Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 167, Folder 18 Vincenzo Camuccini, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 19 Box 167, Folder 20 Box 235, Folder 38 Antonio Canova, undated Physical Description: 6 items Simone Cantarini, 1985-1986 Physical Description: 10 items Simone Cantarini, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Color transparency and color photographs from Box 167, F. 20. Box 167, Folder 21 Jean-Baptiste de Cani, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 238, Folder 8 Jean-Baptiste de Cani, undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 167, F. 21. Box 238, Folder 7 Francesco Cappofferti, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Box 167, Folder 22 Caravaggist (French), 1976, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 12 photographs. Box 167, Folder 23 Box 167, Folder 24 Giovanni Battista Carlone, undated Physical Description: 3 items Carneo, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 394 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 238, Folder 9 C: Carneo, undated Physical Description: color slides, 7 color photographs Scope and Content Note 4 strips of color slides and color photographs from Box 167, F. 24. Box 167, Folder 25 Box 167, Folder 26 Jean Baptiste Carpeaux, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Ludovico Carracci, 1980, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 27 Box 167, Folder 28 Cassana, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Danese Cattaneo, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 167, Folder 29 Box 167, Folder 30 Box 167, Folder 31 Chigi, undated Physical Description: 7 items Raffaello Causa, undated Physical Description: 5 items Cavallino, 1982, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 167, Folder 32 Box 167, Folder 33 Box 167, Folder 34 Michelangelo Cerquozzi [Michelangelo delle Battaglie], undated Physical Description: 12 items Giulio Cesare Proccacini, undated Physical Description: 2 items Jacopo Cestaro, 1971, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 167, Folder 35 Philippe de Champaigne, 1982-1983, undated Physical Description: ca. 50 items Scope and Content Note Including 15 photographs. Box 238, Folder 10 Philippe de Champaigne, undated Physical Description: 2 color transparencies Scope and Content Note Color transparencies from Box 167, F. 35. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 395 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 167, Folder 36 Théodore Chasseriau, undated Physical Description: 7 items Box 167, Folder 37 Box 235, Folder 39 Joseph Cheinard, 1977-1990, undated Physical Description: 12 items Joseph Cheinard, undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color Photographs from Box 167, F. 37. Box 167, Folder 38 Box 167, Folder 39 Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, undated Physical Description: 3 items Matteo Civitali, undated Physical Description: 8 items Box 168 Box 168, Folder 1 Cl - E Giuseppe Claus, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 168, Folder 2 Claude Michel [Clodion], undated Physical Description: 16 items Box 168, Folder 3 Guillaume Coustou, 1974, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 168, Folder 4 Francesco Conti, 1978, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 168, Folder 5 Sebastiano Conca, 1977, undated Physical Description: 8 items Box 168, Folder 6 Domenico Corvi, 1980, undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 168, Folder 7 Pietro Berrettini da Cortona, 1978-1981 Physical Description: 16 items Box 168, Folder 8 Charles-Antoine Coypel, undated Physical Description: 14 items Box 168, Folder 9 Antoine Coysevox, 1986, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 10 Box 168, Folder 11 Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1980-1983, undated Physical Description: 5 items Daniele Crespi, undated Physical Description: 3 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 396 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 168, Folder 12 Box 168, Folder 13 Giovanni Battista Crespi [Il Cerano], undated Physical Description: 2 items Giuseppe Maria Crespi, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 168, Folder 14 Box 168, Folder 15 Donato Creti, undated Physical Description: 5 items D: various, 1898, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Dahl, Antoine-Laurent Dantan aîné (1897 letter by the artist); Dardel; Francesco Del Tadda; Dubois; Jacques-Philippe Dumont; Francesco Daggiu [Il Cappella]; van Dyke; Dal Sole; Delacroix; Jean-François Ducis; Dutch candlelight p. [Jan Gerritsz van Bronchorst]; Dumai; Joseph S. Duplessis; Louis Jean Noel Duveau; François Dieussart; Claude-Marie Dubufe; F. Duret; B. Duvivien; Gaspar Dughet [Gaspard Poussin]; Della Robbia; Jean-Baptiste Defernex; Pierre Antoine de Machy; Giuseppe Raimondi David; Dijon; Pieter Spiering Silvercroon [patron of Gerhard Dou]; Jean-Charles Delafosse; Jean de Court; Domenichino; Etienne-Jean Delecluse; a 17th cent. Dutch painting; Abraham van Dijk; Abraham Van Diepenbeck. Including 5 photographs. Box 168, Folder 16 Box 168, Folder 17 P. Dandini, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Felix Maria Diogg, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 18 Giovanni Antonio Dosio, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 19 Giovanni Dalmata, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 20 Aimé Jules Dalou, 1986, undated Physical Description: 12 items Box 168, Folder 21 Box 168, Folder 22 Bartholomew Dandridge, undated Physical Description: 4 items Jacques-Louis David, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 397 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 238, Folder 11 Jacques-Louis David, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies from Box 168, F. 22. Box 168, Folder 23 Box 168, Folder 24 Box 168, Folder 25 Jacques-Louis David, undated Physical Description: 5 photographs, 1 transparency Auguste De Bay, undated Physical Description: 4 items Delaroche, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs Box 238, Folder 12 Delaroche, undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs from Box 168, F. 25. Box 168, Folder 26 Laurent Delvaux, 1969, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 168, Folder 27 Box 238, Folder 13 Descamps, undated Physical Description: 3 items Descamps, undated Physical Description: 10 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 168, F. 27. Box 168, Folder 28 Box 168, Folder 29 Martin van den Bogaert [Desjardins], 1969-1985, undated Physical Description: 11 items Desmarais, 1973, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 30 Box 238, Folder 14 Alexandre-François Desportes, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Alexandre-François Desportes, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note 12 color photographs from Box 168, F. 30. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 398 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 168, Folder 31 Giacinto Diano, 1977, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 32 Box 168, Folder 33 Box 168, Folder 34 Ferdinand Dietz, undated Physical Description: 4 items Carlo Dolci, 1977, undated Physical Description: 8 items Dosso Dossi, 1976-1980, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 168, Folder 35 Box 168, Folder 36 Box 168, Folder 37 Box 168, Folder 38 Box 168, Folder 39 Box 168, Folder 40 Drawings sold to Sackler, 1969, undated Physical Description: 4 items Alfred Drury, 1989, undated Physical Description: 2 items P. Duprat, undated Physical Description: 3 items Guillaume Dupré and circle of, undated Physical Description: 12 items François Duquesnoy, undated Physical Description: 5 items E: various, 1978 Scope and Content Note Georg Franz Ebenhecht; English relief from 16th century; Paul Egell; Charles rrard; Ebner von Eschenbach Album; van Escherban collection; Guillaume Evrard; and others. Box 168, Folder 41 l'Ecorche, 1976, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 168, Folder 42 Box 238, Folder 15 Egyptian frescoes, 1975, undated Physical Description: 4 items Egyptian frescoes, 1975, undated Physical Description: 3 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 168, F. 42. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 399 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 168, Folder 43 El Greco, 1940-1955 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Photocopies, and 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 44 Ottmar Elliger, 1976-1979, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 168, Folder 45 Adam Elsheimer, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 168, Folder 46 Jacopo da Empoli, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 168, Folder 47 Box 168, Folder 48 Antoine Etex, undated Physical Description: 4 items Charles Eustache, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 169 Box 169, Folder 1 Research files F: 1966-1999 F: various, 1967-1974, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Joseph François; Faïences de Nevers ou de l'Auxerrois [faience]; Franciabiagio; Franciabigio; Francesco Fanelli; Jacopo Fantoni; Pio Fedi; Girolamo Ferrabosco; Orazio de'Ferrari; Ferruti; Fedele Fischetti; Charles Joseph Flipart; Francesco Fontebasso; Fortini; Alexandre-Evariste Fragonard; Jean Augustin Franquelin; Filippo di Lorenzo; Filippo della Valle. Box 169, Folder 2 François-Xavier-Pascal Fabre, 1982-1983, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 169, Folder 3 Giuseppe Fagnani, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 169, Folder 4 Bernardo Falcona, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 169, Folder 5 Aniello Falcone, undated Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 400 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 169, Folder 6 Etienne-Maurice Falconet, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 169, Folder 7 Jean-Alexandre-Joseph Falguière, Physical Description: 3 items Box 169, Folder 8 Cosimo Fancelli, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 169, Folder 9 Antoine Favray, 1981, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 235, Folder 40 Antoine Favray, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Scope and Content Note Color transparency and color photographs from Box 169, F. 9. Box 169, Folder 10 Box 169, Folder 11 Box 169, Folder 12 Box 169, Folder 13 Box 169, Folder 14 Box 238, Folder 16 Lucas Faydherbe, undated Physical Description: 3 items Ercole Ferrata, 1966-1985, undated Physical Description: 4 items Ciro Ferri, undated Physical Description: 6 items Francesco di Simone Ferrucci, undated Physical Description: 6 items Hippolyte Flandrin, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 2 items Hippolyte Flandrin, 1977-1978 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note 5 color photographs from Box 169, F. 14. Box 169, Folder 15 John Flaxman, 1973, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 238, Folder 17 John Flaxman, 1973, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph from Box 169, F. 15. Box 169, Folder 16 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Flemish (various), 1985, undated Physical Description: 6 items 910004 401 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 235, Folder 41 Flemish (various), undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 169, F. 16. Box 169, Folder 17 Giovanni Battista Foggini, 1980-1982, undated Physical Description: 13 items, Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 169, Folder 18 Box 169, Folder 19 Box 169, Folder 20 Annibale Fontana, undated Physical Description: 2 items Gioacchino Fortini, 1968, undated Physical Description: 2 items Jean Augustin Franquelin, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 169, Folder 21 French (fake), undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 169, Folder 22 Box 169, Folder 23 French school: 18th cent. watercolors and drawings, 1923 Physical Description: 1 item French (various), 1971-1985, undated Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 169, Folder 24 French (various), 1982, undated Physical Description: 23 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 169, Folder 25 Box 235, Folder 42 French (various), 1952-1980 Physical Description: 2 items French (various), undated Physical Description: 2 color photographs Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 169, F. 25. Box 169, Folder 26 French, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 402 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 169, Folder 27 Box 169, Folder 28 Box 169, Folder 29 French 17th cent., 1982, undated Physical Description: 6 items French 17th cent., early 18th cent., 1985, undated Physical Description: 8 items French 18th cent., undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 169, Folder 30 Box 235, Folder 43 French 18th cent., 1978 Physical Description: 1 item French 18th cent., undated Physical Description: 4 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 169, F. 30. Box 169, Folder 31 French 18th cent. sculpture (various artists), undated Physical Description: 70 leaves Scope and Content Note Typescripts, photocopies with annotations. Box 169, Folder 32 Box 169, Folder 33 Box 169, Folder 34 French 19th cent. sculpture, 1981-1986 Physical Description: 2 items French 18th cent. conversion tables and revolutionary calendar, undated Physical Description: 2 items French sculpture, undated Physical Description: 29 photographs Scope and Content Note Exbitition The French bronze 1500-1800 at M. Knoedler & Co., 6-27 Nov. 1968. Box 169, Folder 35 French garden sculpture, 1973, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Including 14 photographs. Box 169, Folder 36 J. J. Frey, undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Including 11 photographs. Box 169, Folder 37 Box 169, Folder 38 G. A. Fumiani, undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Furniture, undated Physical Description: 4 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 403 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 169, Folder 39 Andrea Fusina, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 169, Folder 40 Box 169, Folder 41 F: unidentified, 1968, undated Physical Description: 4 items French: 18th cent. oil sketches, 1980 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Annotated copy of New Mexico Studies in the Fine Arts, vol. V, 1980, and photocopy of the issue. Box 170 Box 170, Folder 1 Research files G: 1966-1990, undated Ga: various, Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Alexander van Gaelen; Gaertner; Bénigne Gagneraux, André Galle; Galli; Gallia; Galloche; Garzi; Ganffier. Including 1 photograph. Box 170, Folder 2 Anton Domenico Gabbiani, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs Scope and Content Note Labels are detached and preserved. Box 170, Folder 3 Antonello Gaggini, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 170, Folder 4 Leandro Gagliardi, 1971-1977, undated Physical Description: 10 items Box 170, Folder 5 Thomas Gainsborough, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 170, Folder 6 Crescenzo La Gamba, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 170, Folder 7 Democrito Gandolfi, undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 170, Folder 8 Gaetano Gandolfi, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 170, Folder 9 Garofalo [Benvenuto Tisi], undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 170, Folder 10 Luigi Garzi, 1972, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 404 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 170, Folder 11 Ge: various, 1981, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Genovesino; German sculpture; crucifix, and bronzes; François-Thomas Germain. Including 1 photograph. Box 170, Folder 12 Box 170, Folder 13 Genoese reliefs, undated Physical Description: 6 items Baron François Gerard, 1972-1977, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 235, Folder 44 Baron François Gerard, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs from Box. 170, F. 13. Box 170, Folder 14 Box 170, Folder 15 Box 170, Folder 16 Theodore Géricault, 1979, undated Physical Description: 2 items Ghezzi, undated Physical Description: 2 items Gi: various, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Felice Giani; Giovanni Giardini; Alfred Gilbert; Cardinal Ginnasi; Antonio Gionima. Including 2 photographs. Box 170, Folder 17 Michele Giambono, 1981-1982, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 170, Folder 18 Corrado Giaquinto, undated Physical Description: 13 items Box 170, Folder 19 John Gibson, undated Physical Description: 13 items Box 170, Folder 20 Box 170, Folder 21 Giacinto Gimignani, 1969, undated Physical Description: 4 items Luca Giordano, 1946-1973, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 405 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 238, Folder 18 Luca Giordano, 1975, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Color photographs and a 1975 letter from The House of Sandeman from Box 170, F. 21. Box 170, Folder 22 Box 170, Folder 23 Box 170, Folder 24 Box 170, Folder 25 Luca Giordano, 1973, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Luca Giordano, 1967-1975 Physical Description: ca. 20 items Luca Giordano, 1975-1980 Giovanni da Bologna [Giambologna], undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 170, Folder 26 Girardon, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 170, Folder 27 Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, 1971, undated Physical Description: 23 items Scope and Content Note Including 7 photographs. Box 170, Folder 28 Gn-Go: various, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Giuseppe Gnioccola; Gois; Goltzius; Joseph Gott; Goya; Gold (Russian gold and silver objects); Gozze of Trebinje and Popovo. Box 170, Folder 29 Gobelins [Tapisseries des Gobelins], undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 170, Folder 30 Gilles Lambert Godecharle, 1981, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Color photograph is shelved in Box 238, F. 19. Box 238, Folder 19 Gilles Lambert Godecharle, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph from Box 170, F. 30. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 406 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 170, Folder 31 Gr: various, 1978, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Vincenzo Grandi; Granet; Giuseppe Grassy [Josef Grassi]; Cardinal Giovanni Gregori; Ercole Graziani; Jean-Baptiste Greuze; Grimani arms; grisailles; Norbert Grund; and others. Including 1 photograph. Box 170, Folder 32 Box 170, Folder 33 Box 170, Folder 34 Box 170, Folder 35 Box 170, Folder 36 Guillaume de Groff, undated Physical Description: 7 items Antoine-Jean Gros, 1952-1982 Physical Description: 6 items Grosvenor Square, 1972, undated Physical Description: 16 items Guercino, 1978, undated Physical Description: 17 items Gu: various, and unidentified, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Antonio Guardi; Francesco Guardi; Pietro Francesco Guala; Gilles Guérin; Gregorio Guglielmi; Adelaide Labille-Guiard; and two items regarding unidentified artists. Including 2 photographs. Box 170, Folder 37 Box 170, Folder 38 Gudin, undated Physical Description: 2 items Domenico Guidi, 1976, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171 H-K Scope and Content Note See also Box 231*, F. 2 for material regarding Italian reliquary tableau. Box 171, Folder 1 H: various, 1970-1980, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note John Hoppner; Hurtrel; Harlow; Gerard Hoet; Johann Baptist Hagenauer; Harriet Hosmer; Johann Hulsman; Here; Johann Evangelist Holzer; Johan Heiss; unidentified H; Honthorst; Noël-Nicolas Hellé. Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 2 Noël Hallé, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 171, Folder 3 Gavin Hamilton, undated Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 407 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 171, Folder 4 Joseph Heintz, 1970, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 171, Folder 5 Jean Antoine Houdon, undated Physical Description: 120 items Box 238, Folder 20 Jean Antoine Houdon, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Color photographs and a note from Box 171, F. 5. Box 171, Folder 6 Claude Jean Baptiste Hoin, 1973-1974, undated Physical Description: 10 items Box 171, Folder 7 Hovingham Master, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 171, Folder 8 Christophe Huet, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 171, Folder 9 Ivory, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 171, Folder 10 Ingres, 1984, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 11 Box 171, Folder 12 Eugene Isabey, 1978 Physical Description: 6 items Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Florentine sculpture after 1550. Including 4 photographs. Box 171, Folder 13 Italian: various, 1985 Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Florentine Pietà. Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 14 Box 171, Folder 15 Italian: various, 1984, undated Physical Description: 8 items Italian: various, 1980-1986, undated Physical Description: 19 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 171, Folder 16 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Processional cross. Including 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 408 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 171, Folder 17 Italian: various, 1974, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 18 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 171, Folder 19 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Virgin and annunciatory angel. Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 20 Italian: various, 1980, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 171, Folder 21 Italian: various, 1979-1980 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 22 Italian: various, 1972-1974 Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 23 Italian: various, 1982-1983, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 9 photographs. Box 171, Folder 24 Box 171, Folder 25 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 6 items Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 235, Folder 45 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph from Box 171, F. 25. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 409 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 171, Folder 26 Italian: various, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 27 Italian: various, 1982-1983 Physical Description: 19 items, Scope and Content Note A Mannerist ewer. Included is a provenance statement in Italian dated 10 August 1916, signed. Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 28 Box 171, Folder 29 Italo-Netherlandish, undated Physical Description: 8 items Italian, 1981, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note A bronze group by Francesco Righetti. Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 30 Italian, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Reliquary heads. Including 6 photographs, and a small seal. Box 171, Folder 31 Italian sculpture 13th cent., 1967-1981, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 32 Italian, 1981, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Bust of Vitellio. Including 5 photographs. Box 231*, folder 1 Research files: magnified details of a painting?, undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Box 231*, folder 2 Research files: Italian, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note : 1 photograph of a reliquary tableau (annotated), and printed and illustrated matter. Box 171, Folder 33 J: various, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note John Jackson; Christopher Jamnitzer; Franz Christoph Janneck; Nicolas-Rene Jollain; Jombert; Jacques Juliot I. Box 171, Folder 34 Mathieu Jacquet, 1982, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 410 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 171, Folder 35 Janssens, 1979-1982, undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Including 7 photographs. Box 171, Folder 36 Jacob Jordaens, 1970, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 37 Jean Jouvenet, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 38 Box 171, Folder 39 Jean-Antoine Julien de Parme, undated Physical Description: 3 items K: various, 1971-1980, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Hendrick de Keyser; Orest Adamovich Kiprensky; Jan Kraeck; Kneller. Box 171, Folder 40 Angelica Kauffmann, 1978, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 171, Folder 41 Knights of Malta, 1964, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 171, Folder 42 Krafft, 1984-1986 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 171, Folder 43 T. Kuntze, 1978, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 11 photographs. Box 238, Folder 21 T. Kuntze, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Scope and Content Note Color transparency from Box 171, F. 43. Box 172 Research files L: 1966-1990 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 411 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 172, Folder 1 La: various, 1980-1983 Physical Description: 20 items Scope and Content Note Lafont; Charles de La Fosse; Laurent de La Hyre; Antoine Leblond de La Tour; Maurice-Quentin de La Tour; Louis Lagrenée l'aîné; Gerard de Lairesse; Maurice Lambert; Jean-Baptiste Lallemand; Johann Baptist Lampi; Nicolas de Largillière; Giovanni Lanfranco; Sir Thomas Lawrence. Including 4 photographs. Box 172, Folder 2 Louis François Lagrenee the Elder, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 172, Folder 3 Lanckoronski collection, 1918- 1980, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Lucas Cranach the Elder; Brunswick monogrammist; Hans Holbein the Elder; Jan van Goyen; Jan Bruegel the Younger. Including 5 photographs. Box 234*, Folder 12 Lanckoronski collection, 1918 Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note 1918 manuscript of a speech by Prince Franz von Liechtenstein. Box 172, Folder 4 Nicolas Lancret (after), 1984, undated Physical Description: 52 items Box 238, Folder 22 Nicolas Lancret (after), undated Physical Description: 3 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 172, F. 4. Box 172, Folder 5 Charles-Paul Landon, 1926-1978, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 238, Folder 23 Charles-Paul Landon, undated Physical Description: 7 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 172, F. 5. Box 172, Folder 6 Lanfranco; 1976, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 7 Georges Lallemant, undated Physical Description: 1 item Box 172, Folder 8 Nicolas de Largilière, undated Physical Description: 23 items Scope and Content Note Including 9 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 412 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 238, Folder 24 Nicolas de Largilière, undated Physical Description: 2 color transparencies Scope and Content Note Color transparencies from Box 172, F. 8. Box 172, Folder 9 Filippo Lauri, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 172, Folder 10 Lazzarini, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 11 Le: various, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Le Bastien; Sebastien II Le Clerc; Nicolas Legendre; François Le Moyne [Lemoine]; Gabriel Lépaulle; Pierre Lepautre; Pierre-François Le Roy; Leonardo Loredan [Doge of Venice]; Giov. Battista Lenardi; Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié; Guillaume Lethiere; Pierre-François Le Roy; Pompeo Leoni; and others. Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 12 Box 172, Folder 13 Charles-August Lebourg, undated Physical Description: 2 items Charles Le Brun, 1970, undated Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Including 6 photographs. Box 172, Folder 14 Box 172, Folder 15 Box 172, Folder 16 Box 172, Folder 17 Box 172, Folder 18 Box 172, Folder 19 Achille Leclère, undated Physical Description: 1 item Felix Lecomte, undated Physical Description: 2 items Justus Le Court [Giustus Le Court], undated Physical Description: 3 items Robert Jacques François Lefevre, undated Physical Description: 7 items Henri Lehmann, undated Physical Description: 7 items Jean Baptiste Lemoyne, undated Physical Description: ca. 25 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 20 Le Nain, circle of, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 413 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 172, Folder 21 François Lespingola, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 22 Box 172, Folder 23 Eustache Le Sueur, 1974-1986, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Jacques de Létin, 1985, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 172, Folder 24 Li: various, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note F. Liani; Liechtenstein seal; Louis Licherie de Beuron; Bernardino Licinio; Johann Liss [Lys]. Including 2 photographs. Box 172, Folder 25 Pietro Liberi, 1973-1981 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 26 Jean-Etienne Liotard, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 172, Folder 27 Box 172, Folder 28 Lodovico Lipparini Lo-Lu: various, 1973-1981, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Jacopo Lomellini; Lombard grisailles; Lorraine grisailles; Lombardi; Nicholas Pierre Loir; Josse de Corre [Giusto Le Court]; Robert Le Lorrain; John Graham Lough; Carle van Loo; Bernardino Ludovisi. Including 1 photograph. Box 172, Folder 29 Box 172, Folder 30 Box 172, Folder 31 Box 238, Folder 25 Christian Auguste Lorentzen, undated Physical Description: 4 items Stoldo Lorenzi, undated Physical Description: 5 items Lorenzo Monaco, 1981-1982, undated Physical Description: 21 items Lorenzo Monaco, undated Physical Description: 4 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 172, F. 31. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 414 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 172, Folder 32 Box 172, Folder 33 Lorenzo Monaco, undated Physical Description: 14 photographs Philippe Loutherbourg, 1969, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 172, Folder 34 Box 172, Folder 35 Vicente López y Portaña, undated Physical Description: 2 items L: unidentified, undated Physical Description: 9 items Box 173 Box 173, Folder 1 M - Ne M: various, 1968-1973, undated Physical Description: ca. 25 items Box 173, Folder 2 Ma: various, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Master of the Lathrop Tondo; Master of the David and John statuettes; Master of the Marble Madonnas; Phillippe de Marlier; Orazio Marinali; Giuseppe Martini; Lorenzo Mattielli. Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 3 Ma: various, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Pompeo Marchesi; Moitte; Orazio Marinalli; Cristoforo Mantegazza; JOhann Ulrich Mair; Masaccio; Johann Ulrich Mayr; Étienne Hippolyte Maindron; Joseph Charles Marin. Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 4 Ma: various, 1983-1988, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Franz Anton Maulbertsch; Giovanni Mansueti; Mazza; Sebastiano Mazzoni; Pedro de Mena; Gaetano Merchi; Charles Meynier; Medici portraits; Michellon; Jean François Millet. Including 3 photographs. Box 173, Folder 5 Macmillan Publishers, 1984-1985, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Preparatory materials for the Macmillan Dictionary of Art. Box 173, Folder 6 Maglio [Michel Maille], undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 7 Alessandro Magnasco, 1974, undated Physical Description: 8 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 415 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 173, Folder 8 Mantegna, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 173, Folder 9 Maratta, 1978-1980, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 10 Master of the Ursula Legend, undated Physical Description: 3 items, Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 11 Box 173, Folder 12 Paolo de Matteis, undated Physical Description: 5 items Giuseppe Mazzuoli, 1976, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 13 Box 238, Folder 26 Claude Mellan, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Claude Mellan, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Scope and Content Note Color transparency from Box 173, F. 13. Box 173, Folder 14 Carlo Francesco Mellone, 1982, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 15 Francois-Guillaume Menageot, 1978, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 16 Box 173, Folder 17 Research files Me: Anton Raphael Mengs, 1980, undated Physical Description: 7 items Michelangelo, studio of, 1975, undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 18 Michelangelo, studio of, undated Physical Description: 23 items Scope and Content Note Including 22 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 416 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 173, Folder 19 Box 173, Folder 20 Nicolas Mignard, 1979, undated Physical Description: 7 items Giovanni Minelli, 1970, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 21 Mino da Fiesole, 1972, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 22 Mo-Mu: various, 1973-1975, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Giovanni Battista Moroni (manner of); J. Guillaume Moitte; Clemete XI Mori; Conde de Monterey; Francesco Monti; Baccio da Montelupo; Johann Samuel Mock; Mondrillo; Antonio Moretti; Lorenzo da Mugiano; Francesco de Mura. Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 23 Box 173, Folder 24 Box 173, Folder 25 Mochi, 1978, undated Physical Description: 3 items Pier Francesco Mola, undated Physical Description: 4 items Moncalvo, 1981, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 26 Box 173, Folder 27 Pierre Étienne Monnot, 1984, undated Physical Description: 4 items Giulio dell’Angolo del Moro, 1967, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 173, Folder 28 Luigi Montanari, 1864-1865, 1977, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Montanari's letters from 1864-1865 are photocopies. Box 173, Folder 29 Antonio Montauti, 1973, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 173, Folder 30 Box 173, Folder 31 Giulio Monteverde, undated Physical Description: 6 items Francesco Morandini da Poppi, 1974-1976, undated Physical Description: 9 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 417 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 173, Folder 32 N: various, 1978, undated Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Napoleon; Neapolitan; South Netherlandish or Northern French; Netherlandish; Nogari; Jean Baptiste Nini; Coenraet Norenburch; Duke of Noailles; J. T. Smitt Nolleheus [?]. Box 173, Folder 33 Naples catalog: essay on sculpture, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Annotated drafts of Ciechanowiecki's essay. Box 173, Folder 34 Box 173, Folder 35 Charles Joseph Natoire, 1977, undated Physical Description: 3 items Jean-Marc Nattier, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 173, Folder 36 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Various drafts and printed matter. Box 173, Folder 37 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Various printed items. Box 173, Folder 38 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Various printed items. Box 173, Folder 39 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note A typescript darft and various printed matter. Box 173, Folder 40 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Annotated typescript draft. Box 173, Folder 41 Neapolitan exhibition, 1980, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Various typescripts, and correspondence with The Detroit Institute of Arts. Box 173, Folder 42 Neapolitan exhibition, undated Physical Description: 13 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 418 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 174 Box 174, Folder 1 Ni - O, P, Q Willem II van Nieulandt, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 174, Folder 2 Alfred-Emilien Nieuwerkerke, 1984-1985, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 174, Folder 3 Thomas Satterwhite Noble, 1982-1984 Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 4 Joseph Nollekens, 1979, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 5 O: various, 1983, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Giovanni Odazzi; Marco d'Oggiono; Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. Box 174, Folder 6 Prince Michal Kazimierz Oginski, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 174, Folder 7 Vincenzo Onofri, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 8 Lorenzo Ottoni, 1976, undated Physical Description: 17 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs, 1 b&w transparency. Box 174, Folder 9 Jean-Baptiste Oudry, 1985, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 10 Pa: various, 1979, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Felice Palma; Gulielmus Paludanus; Pamphili (candlestick); Papi [de Papis]; Filippo Parodi; Bartolomeo Passante. Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 11 Augustin Pajou, 1969undated, Physical Description: ca. 20 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 419 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 174, Folder 12 Palagio Palagi, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 9 photographs. Box 174, Folder 13 Marco Palmezzano, 1984, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 14 Giovanni Paolo Panini, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 15 Pietro Francesco Papaleo, 1979, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 16 Stefano Parrocel, 1983, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 17 Pe: various, undate Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Giacomo di Mino del Pellicciajo; Penna; Perrier. Box 174, Folder 18 Pecheux, 1980, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 19 Gianantonio Pellegrini, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 20 Box 238, Folder 30 Jean-Charles-Nicaise Perrin, undated Physical Description: 3 items Jean-Charles-Nicaise Perrin, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Booklet with color photographs from Box 174, F. 20. Box 174, Folder 21 Jean Baptiste Perronneau, 1973, undated Physical Description: 7 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 420 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 174, Folder 22 Box 174, Folder 23 Giuseppe Pisani, undated Physical Description: 1 item Giuseppe Piamontini, 1979-1984, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 174, Folder 24 Jean Baptiste Marie Pierre, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 25 Box 174, Folder 26 Box 174, Folder 27 Box 174, Folder 28 Box 174, Folder 29 Box 174, Folder 30 Jean Baptiste Pigalle, undated Physical Description: 5 items Pigments, 1984, undated Physical Description: 2 items Germain Pilon, undated Physical Description: 3 items Isadore-Alexandre-Augustin Pils, undated Physical Description: 2 items Pisano, 1977, undated Physical Description: 6 items Giambattista Pittoni, 1974, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 31 Niccolo Pizzolo, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 32 Box 174, Folder 33 Carlo Giuseppe Plura the Elder, undated Physical Description: 1 item Po: various undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Giacomo Antonio Ponsanelli; Francesco Pozzi; Giovanni-Battista Pozzi; Andrea Pozzo. Box 174, Folder 34 Domenico Poggini, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 421 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 174, Folder 35 Poisson, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 36 Box 174, Folder 37 Walter Pompe, undated Physical Description: 3 items Po: various, 1986, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Jacquio Ponce; della Porta; Polish carpet. Box 174, Folder 38 Box 238, Folder 27 Nicolas Poussin, 1978-1989, undated Physical Description: 9 items Nicolas Poussin, undated Physical Description: 1 color transparency Scope and Content Note Color transparency from Box 174, F. 38. Box 174, Folder 39 Box 235, Folder 46 Andrea Pozzo, 1984, undated Physical Description: 4 items Andrea Pozzo, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Item from Box 174, F. 39. Box 174, Folder 40 Pr-Pu: various, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Auguste Préault; Bartolomeo Passarotti; Scipione Pulzone. Box 238, Folder 28 Benoit-Louis Prevost, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including negative. Box 238, Folder 29 Box 174, Folder 41 Box 174, Folder 42 Pulcino, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Mattia Preti, 1973-1976, undated Physical Description: 9 items Barthélemy Prieur, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 422 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 174, Folder 43 Jacues Prou, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 44 Box 174, Folder 45 Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, undated Physical Description: 5 items Pierre Puget, 1969, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 174, Folder 46 Alexandre-Denis Abel de Pujol, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 47 P: unidentified, 1972-1973, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 174, Folder 48 P: unidentified, 1983, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 49 Jacopo della Quercia, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 174, Folder 50 Artus Quellinus I, 1978, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 175 Box 175, Folder 1 R Ra: various, 1979, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Antonio Raggi; Nicolai Raineri; Jean Raoux. Box 175, Folder 2 Allan Ramsay, 1963-1964, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 175, Folder 3 Antoine André Ravrio, undated Physical Description: 4 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 423 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 175, Folder 4 Re: various Scope and Content Note Hans Reichle; Pandolfo Reschi [Resch]; Recchi; Reynolds. Box 175, Folder 5 Thomas Regnaudin, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 175, Folder 6 Jean-Baptiste Regnault, 1977, undated Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 175, Folder 7 Rembrandt, 1970-1980, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Regarding Rambrandt's Polish Rider. Included are 2 letters from Julius Held. Box 175, Folder 8 Rembrandt, 1960-1984 Physical Description: 8 reprints Scope and Content Note Regarding Rambrandt's Polish Rider. Box 175, Folder 9 Reni, 1884, undated Physical Description: 10 items, including 2 photographs Scope and Content Note 1884 letters are photocopies. Box 175, Folder 10 Pietro da Rho, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 11 Ri: various, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Francesco Righetti; Jean-Bernard Restout. Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 12 Box 175, Folder 13 Jusepe de Ribera, 1974, undated Physical Description: 9 items Sebastiano Ricci, 1975-1976, undated Physical Description: 25 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 175, Folder 14 Box 175, Folder 15 Andrea Riccio, 1970, undated Physical Description: 4 items Hyacinthe Rigaud, undated Physical Description: 16 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 424 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 175, Folder 16 Antoine Rivalz, 1980, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph, and a 1840 letter by Marie-Joseph de Fumel, with partial trascription. Box 175, Folder 17 Ro: various, 1977, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Randolph Rogers; Andrea Roht; Giovanni Francesco Romanelli; Romanesque lions; Rosapina; Alexander Roslin; Nicola Maria Rossi; Pasqualino Rossi; Medardo Rosso. Box 175, Folder 18 Box 175, Folder 19 Luca della Robbia, 1968-1971, undated Physical Description: 6 items Nicola Roccatagliata, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 175, Folder 20 Box 175, Folder 21 Auguste Rodin, 1976, undated Physical Description: 4 items Roland, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 175, Folder 22 Box 175, Folder 23 Salvator Rosa, undated Physical Description: 7 items Domenico Rosselli, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 175, Folder 24 Jean-Claude-François-Joseph Rosset, undated Physical Description: 6 items, including 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 25 Antonio Rossellino, 1972-1986, undated Physical Description: 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 8 photographs. Box 238, Folder 31 Research files Ro: Antonio Rossellino, undated Physical Description: 5 color photographs, 2 color polaroids Scope and Content Note Color photographs and color polaroids from Box 175, F. 25. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 425 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 175, Folder 26 Vincenzo de Rossi, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 175, Folder 27 Box 175, Folder 28 Box 175, Folder 29 Louis François Roubiliac, undated Physical Description: 5 items Giovan Francesco Rustici, undated Physical Description: 1 item Rubens, 1980-1981, undated Physical Description: 14 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 30 François Rude, undated Physical Description: 5 items, including 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 31 Box 175, Folder 32 Box 175, Folder 33 Rudolf II (sculpture in his collection), undated Physical Description: 1 item Johann Baptist de Ruel [Rüll], 1980, undated Physical Description: 9 items Camillo Rusconi, 1974, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 34 Karl Ruthard, 1986, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 175, Folder 35 R: unidentified, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 176 Box 176, Folder 1 S, 1966-1990 S: various, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items, including 2 photographs Scope and Content Note Included are notes on Thomas Story Waldo; Salon of 1785; John Steell; Giovanni Gioseffo dal Sole; Domenico Gargiulo [Micco Spadaro]; Karl von Schönborn; Jan Sanders van Hemessen. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 426 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 176, Folder 2 Sa: various, undated Physical Description: 13 items, including 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani; Giovanni Battista Salvi called Il Sassoferrato; Francesco Salviati; Jacques François-Joseph Saly; Andriòlo de Sanctis ; Giovanni Felice Sanini; Sano di Pietro; Paolo Sanquirico di Parma; Andrea Sansovino (workshop of); Salvorelli; Sapphos. Box 176, Folder 3 Sa: Andrea Sacchi, undated Physical Description: 5 items Box 176, Folder 4 Salon 1812, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Photocopy of Salon de 1812. Paris, 1812. Annales du Musée et de l'École moderne des beaux-arts . Vols. 1-2. Box 176, Folder 5 Francesco Rossi called Il Salviati, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 235, Folder 47 Francesco Rossi called Il Salviati, undated Physical Description: 11 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 176, F. 5. Box 176, Folder 6 Giuseppe Sanmartino, undated Physical Description: 6 itemss Box 176, Folder 7 Jacopo Sansovino, 1928-1960, undated Physical Description: 15 items Scope and Content Note Including 8 photographs. Box 176, Folder 8 Girolamo da Santacroce, undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 176, Folder 9 Santi di Tito, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 7 photographs. Box 176, Folder 10 Carlo Saraceni, undated Physical Description: 12 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 238, Folder 32 Carlo Saraceni, undated Physical Description: 29 color slides Scope and Content Note Color slides from Box 176, F. 10. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 427 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 176, Folder 11 Sch: various, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Gregor van der Schardt; Andreas Schroth [Schrott]; Fedor Ivanovitch Schubin. Box 176, Folder 12 Box 176, Folder 13 Box 176, Folder 14 Ary Scheffer, 1976-1983, undated Physical Description: 26 items Johann Heinrich Schönfeld, 1976, undated Physical Description: 2 items Se-Si: various, 1968-1981, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Giacomo Serpotta; José-Maria Sert y Badia; Jan Siberechts; Louis Silvestres. Box 176, Folder 15 Francesco Segala, undated Physical Description: 11 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 176, Folder 16 Box 176, Folder 17 Box 176, Folder 18 Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, 1985, undated Physical Description: 5 items Emile Signol, undated Physical Description: 2 items Elisabetta Sirani, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 176, Folder 19 Maria Clementina Sobieski (portrait of), 1979-1980, undated Physical Description: 19 items, including 1 color polaroid Scope and Content Note Included are photocopies of manuscript letters dated 1740 and 1741. Box 235, Folder 48 Maria Clementina Sobieski (portrait of), undated Physical Description: 1 color polaroid Scope and Content Note Color polaroid from Box 176, F. 19. Box 176, Folder 20 Box 176, Folder 21 Box 176, Folder 22 Sébastien Slodtz, undated Physical Description: 3 items Massimiliano Soldani, 1968-1977, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Massimiliano Soldani, 1968, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Items related to the essay Soldani's Blenheim commission and other bronze sculptures after the Antique by Andrew Ciechanowiecki and Gay Seagrim. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 428 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 176, Folder 23 Box 176, Folder 24 Massimiliano Soldani, undated Physical Description: 18 photographs Francesco Solimena, 1972-1977, undated Physical Description: ca. 40 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 176, Folder 25 Box 176, Folder 26 Box 176, Folder 27 Box 176, Folder 28 Box 176, Folder 29 Micco Spadaro [Domenico Gargiulo], 1985, undated Physical Description: 3 items Innocenzo Spinazzi, undated Physical Description: 1 item Paolo Spinazzi, undated Physical Description: 3 items Spanish reliquary, undated Physical Description: 19 items Spanish: unidentified, 1968 Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 176, Folder 30 Spanish: unidentified, 1978, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Portrait painting of a seated man with an earring. Box 235, Folder 49 Spanish: unidentified, undated Physical Description: 9 color photographs Scope and Content Note Color photographs from Box 176, F. 30. Box 235, Folder 51 Spanish: unidentified, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note On verso: Bautista Vázquez? Box 235, Folder 52 Spanish: unidentified, undated Physical Description: 1 item, includes 12 color photographs Scope and Content Note Alexandra Walker's conservation report of painting La placa de Madrid. Box 176, Folder 31 Box 176, Folder 32 Sposino, undated Physical Description: 4 items Bartholomeus Spranger, 1989, undated Physical Description: 10 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 429 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 176, Folder 33 Jacques Stella, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 176, Folder 34 Box 176, Folder 35 Box 176, Folder 36 Box 176, Folder 37 Ignaz Stern, Physical Description: 3 photographs Ludovico Stern, 1976 Physical Description: 1 item Dirk Stoop, undated Physical Description: 5 items St: Stradanus, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 176, Folder 38 Box 176, Folder 39 Box 176, Folder 40 Box 176, Folder 41 Box 176, Folder 42 Box 176, Folder 43 Box 176, Folder 44 Jean-Baptiste Stouf, undated Physical Description: 4 items Ludwig Philipp Strack, undated Physical Description: 5 items Franz Xavier Strattmann, 1981-1984, undated Physical Description: 24 items Bernardo Strozzi, 1981, undated Physical Description: 2 items Ferdinand Freiherr von Stumm, undated Physical Description: 1 item Pierre Subleyras, 1977, undated Physical Description: 3 items Antonio Susini, Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Including 4 photographs. Box 176, Folder 45 Joost Sustermans, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 176, Folder 46 Box 177 Herman van Swanevelt, 1976 Physical Description: 1 item T - Z, various other topics, and unidentified items, INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 430 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 177, Folder 1 T: various, 1970-1989 Physical Description: ca. 30 items, including 1 photograph Scope and Content Note Jean-Joseph Taillasson; Jean-Charles Tardieu; Teniers; Matheus [Matthäus] Terwesten; Wilhelm van Tetrode; Thierry; Pierre Philippe Thomire; Sir Francis Thornhill; Girolamo Ticciati; Titian; Louis Tocque; Giuseppe Tometti; Torricelli; Ottavio and Nicola Toselli; Robert Levrac called Tournières; Trapani; Marke Zervudachi; Tubi. Box 177, Folder 2 Ferdinando Tacca, 1973, undated Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 3 Francesco del Tadda, undated Physical Description: 4 items, including 2 photographs Box 177, Folder 4 Giulio Tadolini, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 177, Folder 5 Tamagnino [Antonio della Porta], Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 6 Jean-Pierre-Antoine Tassaert, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 177, Folder 7 Agostino Tassi, 1984, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 177, Folder 8 Pietro Tenerani, undated Physical Description: 3 items Box 177, Folder 9 Joseph-Marie Terray, 1973, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 177, Folder 10 Box 177, Folder 11 Box 177, Folder 12 Thomire, undated Physical Description: 6 items Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1944-1974, undated Physical Description: ca. 30 items Thuret clock, undated Physical Description: 4 items Box 177, Folder 13 Tiepolo, 1967, undated Physical Description: 6 items, including 1 photograph Box 177, Folder 14 Box 177, Folder 15 Pierre Nicolas Tiolier, undated Physical Description: 3 items Il Tintoretto [Jacopo Robusti], undated Physical Description: 5 items, including 1 photograph INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 431 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 177, Folder 16 Box 235, Folder 50 Giovanni di Francesco Toscani, undated Physical Description: 2 items, including 1 color photograph Giovanni di Francesco Toscani, undated Physical Description: 1 color photograph Scope and Content Note Color photograph from Box 177, F. 16. Box 177, Folder 17 Box 177, Folder 18 Raimondo Trentanove, undated Physical Description: 3 items Francesco Trevisani, undated Physical Description: 6 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 19 Jean-François de Troy Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 20 Box 238, Folder 34 Alessandro Turchi, undated Physical Description: 9 items Alessandro Turchi, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Color photograph and attached conservation report from Box 177, F. 20. Box 177, Folder 21 Box 177, Folder 22 Michelangelo Unterberger, undated Physical Description: 2 items V: various, undated Physical Description: 18 items Scope and Content Note Andrea Vicentino [Andrea Michelli]; Nicolaes Verhaer (chalice); Pietro della Vecchia; Aubin Vouet; Hans [Jan] Vermeyen; Theodore Verhaegen; Jacopo Vignali; Velasco; Louis-Claude Vassé; Aert van der Neer; Lewis Vulliamy; three Venetian reliefs ca. 1380; Verri brothers; Claesz van Leyden [Aertgen, Aert]; Abraham van Beyeren; Theodor Verhaegen; Venetian Madonna Immaculata. Box 177, Folder 23 V: various, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Vanbearer; Claude-Joseph Vernet; Jean Joseph Vinache; Corneille van Cleve; A. E. Vickers (a watercolor of Cracow); Jacob Vauchelet; Joseph Marie Vien; Valdés Leal; Simon Vouet; François André Vincent; Theodoor Verhaegen; Rombout Verhulst; Verrocchio (manner of).Including 4 photographs. Box 177, Folder 24 Andrea Vaccaro, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 432 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 238, Folder 35 Andrea Vaccaro, undated Physical Description: 1 color slide Scope and Content Note Color slide from Box 177, F. 24. Box 177, Folder 25 Box 177, Folder 26 Lorenzo Vaccaro, 1977, undated Physical Description: 7 items Biagio da Vairone, undated Physical Description: 8 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 27 Valentin de Boullogne, 1968-1980, undated Physical Description: 13 items Scope and Content Note Including 3 photographs. Box 177, Folder 28 Box 177, Folder 29 Filippo della Valle, 1984-1985, undated Physical Description: 7 items Filippo della Valle (attributed), 1970-1976, undated Physical Description: ca. 20 items Scope and Content Note Busts of Cardinal Antonio Soderini. Including 2 photographs. Box 177, Folder 30 Antony van Dyck, 1977-1980, undated Physical Description: 22 items Scope and Content Note Including 5 photographs. Box 177, Folder 31 Box 177, Folder 32 Box 177, Folder 33 Box 177, Folder 34 Carle Vanloo, undated Physical Description: 6 items Louis-Michel van Loo, undated Physical Description: 1 item Theodor van Loon, 1977-1983, undated Physical Description: 5 items Giuseppe Velasco, undated Physical Description: 2 items Box 177, Folder 35 Velazquez, undated Physical Description: 6 items Box 177, Folder 36 Box 177, Folder 37 Nicolaes Verhaer, undated Physical Description: 4 items Cornelius C. Vermeule III, 1987-1988 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 433 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 177, Folder 38 Horace Vernet, undated Physical Description: 9 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 photographs. Box 177, Folder 39 Box 177, Folder 40 Box 177, Folder 41 Veyner documentation, undated Physical Description: 8 photographs Thomas Veyrier, 1974-1985, undated Physical Description: 3 items Joseph-Marie Vien, 1975-1980, undated Physical Description: 24 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 42 Box 177, Folder 43 Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, undated Physical Description: 6 items Claude Vignon, 1972, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 photograph. Box 177, Folder 44 Box 177, Folder 45 Box 238, Folder 36 François-André Vincent, undated Physical Description: 3 items Alessandro Vittoria, 1986, undated Physical Description: 10 items, including 2 photographs, including 1 color polaroid Alessandro Vittoria, 1986, undated Physical Description: 2 items, 1 color polaroid Scope and Content Note Color polaroid and attached analysis report from Box 177, F. 45. Box 177, Folder 46 Box 177, Folder 47 Box 177, Folder 48 Ferdinand Voet, 1975, undated Physical Description: 16 items Simon Vouet, undated Physical Description: 11 items W: various, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note A note on Wethersfield/ Baintree, Essex and Withersfield in Suffolk; Richard James Wyatt; Benjamin West; Josef Winterhalter. Box 177, Folder 49 Box 177, Folder 50 Bernard Joseph Wamps [Wampe, Vamps], undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Lazar Widmann, 1978-1982, undated Physical Description: 14 items, including 3 photographs INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 434 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 177, Folder 51 X-Y: various, 1977, undated Physical Description: 3 items Scope and Content Note Pieter Xavery; Adolphe Yvon. Box 177, Folder 52 Box 177, Folder 53 Federico Zuccaro, undated Physical Description: 4 items Z: various, 1983, undated Physical Description: 4 items Scope and Content Note John Zoffany; Januarius Zick; Antonio Zucchi. Box 177, Folder 54 Inventory of princess Henrietta Maria's chambers at the Colombe castle, undated Physical Description: 2 items Scope and Content Note Notes from State Papers 78/128 (France 1669 Nov.-Dec.). Box 177, Folder 55 Various bibliographies, undated Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Three various lists of art historical journals, copy of selected pages from Louis Courajod's Histoire de l’école des beaux-arts au XVIIIe sieècle ; and of chapter Liste des grands prix de peinture, sculpture ... from a publication by Jules Guiffrey. Box 177, Folder 56 Box 238, Folder 37 Unidentified items, undated Physical Description: 7 items, including 3 photographs, and 2 color transparencies Unidentified items, undated Physical Description: 2 color transparencies Scope and Content Note Color transparencies from Box 177, F. 56. Box 178 Box 178, Folder 1 Exhibits: photographs: Hans von Aachen-Henry Fuseli, undated Aachen, Hans von, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 2 Albani, Francesco, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 3 Amigoni, Jacopo, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs Box 178, Folder 4 Aubry, Etienne, undated Physical Description: 5 photographs Box 178, Folder 5 Aued, Jacques, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 6 Bacciarelli, Marcello, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 435 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178, Folder 7 Balestra, Antonio, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 8 Barbault, Jean, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 9 Beaumont, Claudio Francesco, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Box 178, Folder 10 Box 178, Folder 11 Box 178, Folder 12 Box 178, Folder 13 Box 178, Folder 14 Box 178, Folder 15 Box 178, Folder 16 Box 178, Folder 17 Box 178, Folder 18 Box 178, Folder 19 Box 178, Folder 20 Box 178, Folder 21 Blanchard, Jacques, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Boilly, Leopold, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Boizot, Louis Simon, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Bolognese School 17th cent., undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Borgoña, Juan de, undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Boucher, François, undated Physical Description: 4 photographs Boulogne, Jean Valentin de, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Bourdon, Sebastian, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs Brandi, Giacinto, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Burini? undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Campagna, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Carlone, Carlo, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 22 Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 23 Box 178, Folder 24 Cesari, Giuseppe (Cavaliere d'Arpino), undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Champaigne, Philippe de, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 436 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178, Folder 25 Chardin, Jean Baptiste, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs Box 178, Folder 26 Box 178, Folder 27 Box 178, Folder 28 Box 178, Folder 29 Box 178, Folder 30 Box 178, Folder 31 Box 178, Folder 32 Box 178, Folder 33 Box 178, Folder 34 Box 178, Folder 35 Box 178, Folder 36 Box 178, Folder 37 Box 178, Folder 38 Box 178, Folder 39 Cittadini, Pier Francesco, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Crespi, Giuseppe Maria, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Creti, Donato, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Crosato, Giovanni Battista, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Dandini, Pietro, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Desportes, Alexandre François, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Diziani, Gasparo, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Drolling, Martin, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Dughet, Gaspard, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Dyck, Anthony van, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Ellinger, Ottmar the Younger, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Escalante, Juan Antonio Frias y, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Ferretti, Giovanni Domenico, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Fragonard, Jean Honoré, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178, Folder 40 Box 178, Folder 41 French school, undated Physical Description: 3 photographs Box 178A Box 178A, Folder 1 Fuseli, Henry (Füsli) undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Exhibits: photographs: Benigne Gagnereaux - Peter Paul Rubens Gagnereaux, Benigne, undated INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 photograph 910004 437 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178A, Folder 2 Gallego, Fernando (school of), undated Box 178A, Folder 3 Gandolfi, Gaetano, undated Box 178A, Folder 4 German, undated Box 178A, Folder 5 Giaquinto, undated Box 178A, Folder 6 Giordano, Luca, undated Box 178A, Folder 7 Huysch, Jacop de, undated Box 178A, Folder 8 Italian (various), undated Box 178A, Folder 9 Kauffmann, Angelica, undated Box 178A, Folder 10 La Croix de Marseille, Charles, undated Box 178A, Folder 11 La Hyre, Jean de undated Box 178A, Folder 12 Lancret, Nicolas, undated Box 178A, Folder 13 Largillière, Nicolas de, undated Box 178A, Folder 14 Lauri, Filippo, undated Box 178A, Folder 15 Le Brun, Charles, undated Box 178A, Folder 16 Lemaire, Jean, undated Box 178A, Folder 17 Le Nain, Louis, undated Box 178A, Folder 18 Le Pautre, Jean, undated Box 178A, Folder 19 Le Sueur, Eustache, undated INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 3 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographss Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 3 photographs Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph 910004 438 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178A, Folder 20 Lint, Peter van, undated Box 178A, Folder 21 Loo, Carle van, undated Box 178A, Folder 22 Lorrain, Claude, undated Box 178A, Folder 23 Master of Flora, undated Box 178A, Folder 24 Master of the Maikammer Altar, undated Box 178A, Folder 25 Mauperché, Henri, undated Box 178A, Folder 26 Mellin, Charles, undated Box 178A, Folder 27 Maulbertsch, Franz Anton, undated Box 178A, Folder 28 Millet, undated Box 178A, Folder 29 Moreau le jeune, Jean-Michel, undated Box 178A, Folder 30 Moreau, Louis Gabriel, undated Box 178A, Folder 31 Moroni, Giovanni Battista, undated Box 178A, Folder 32 Movaldi, P., undated Box 178A, Folder 33 Muratori, Domenico Maria, undated Box 178A, Folder 34 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban, undated Box 178A, Folder 35 Nattier, Jean-Marc, undated Box 178A, Folder 36 Nogari, Giuseppe, undated Box 178A, Folder 37 Octavien, François, undated INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 3 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs 910004 439 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178A, Folder 38 Pacheco, Francisco, undated Box 178A, Folder 39 Pannini, Giovanni Paolo, undated Box 178A, Folder 40 Patel, Pierre, undated Box 178A, Folder 41 Pater, Jean Baptiste, undated Box 178A, Folder 42 Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio, undated Box 178A, Folder 43 Pereda, Antonio de, undated Box 178A, Folder 44 Perroneau, Jean Baptiste, undated Box 178A, Folder 45 Petri, Pietro Antonio de, undated Box 178A, Folder 46 Pierre, undated Box 178A, Folder 47 Pillement, Jean, undated Box 178A, Folder 48 Piola, Domenico, undated Box 178A, Folder 49 Pozzi, Giovanni Battista, undated Box 178A, Folder 50 Pozzi, Stefano, undated Box 178A, Folder 51 Pozzo, undated Box 178A, Folder 52 Ribalta, Juan di, undated Box 178A, Folder 53 Rigaud, Hyacinthe, undated Box 178A, Folder 54 Robert, Hubert, undated Box 178A, Folder 55 Rocca, Michele, undated INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph 910004 440 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178A, Folder 56 Rossi, M., undated Box 178A, Folder 57 Rubens, Peter Paul, undated Box 178B Box 178B, Folder 1 Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Exhibits: photographs: Andrea Sacchi - Unidentified Sculpture, undated Sacchi, Andrea, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178B, Folder 2 Sagrestani, Giovanni Camillo, undated Box 178B, Folder 3 Schall, Jean Frederic, undated Box 178B, Folder 4 Scorel, Jan van, undated Box 178B, Folder 5 Sirani, Elisabetta, undated Box 178B, Folder 6 Stella, Jacques de, undated Box 178B, Folder 7 Subleyras, Pierre, undated Box 178B, Folder 8 Tassel, Jean, undated Box 178B, Folder 9 Tocqué, Louis, undated Box 178B, Folder 10 Torelli, Felice, undated Box 178B, Folder 11 Trevisani, Francesco, undated Box 178B, Folder 12 Valdes Leal, Juan de, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178B, Folder 13 Vallayer-Coster, Anne, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Box 178B, Folder 14 Vermeyen, Jan, undated Box 178B, Folder 15 Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 441 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 178B, Folder 16 Vouet, Aubin, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Box 178B, Folder 17 Vouet, Simon, undated Box 178B, Folder 18 Wailly de, undated Box 178B, Folder 19 Watteau, Jean-Antoine, undated Physical Description: 6 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 12 photographs Scope and Content Note Inludes comparative material. Box 178B, Folder 20 Wille, Pierre Alexandre, undated Box 178B, Folder 21 Witte, Pieter de (Pietro d'Elia Candido), undated Box 178B, Folder 22 Zimmermann, Johann Baptist, undated Box 178B, Folder 23 Zugno, Francesco, undated Box 178B, Folder 24 Unidentified drawings (various), undated Box 178B, Folder 25 Unidentified paintings (various), undated Box 178B, Folder 26 Unidentified paintings (various), undated Box 178B, Folder 27 Unidentified paintings: Polish portraits, undated Physical Description: 2 photographs Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 1 photograph Physical Description: 13 photographs Physical Description: 13 photographs Physical Description: 14 photographs Physical Description: 2 photographs Scope and Content Note Portrait of Prince George Lubomirski, and of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski. Box 178B, Folder 28 Box 179 Unidentified sculpture, undated Physical Description: 1 photograph Exhibits, 1969-1978 Scope and Content Note Material includes research notes and printed material as well as finished brochure text. Box Box Box Box Box Box 179, 179, 179 179, 179 179, Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Box 179 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 1969: 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: Summer, Winter Exhibits (2) Summer Exhibits (1) Spring, Summer Exhibits (2) Winter Exhibits (1) Summer Exhibits (1) Summer Exhibits (1) 1975: Summer Exhibits (1) 910004 442 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 179, 179 179, 181 182 183 184 184, 184, Folder 5 1976: Fall Exhibits (1) 1977: Summer, Fall Exhibits (2) 1978: Summer Exhibits (1) Exhibits: Austrian 1978Exhibits: Austrian, Polish, German Baroque German Baroque, Drawings, Autumn 1975 exhibits Offers to Heim, rejected: decorative arts, sculpture, undated Decorative arts and sculpture, various, undated Barre, Jean -Auguste, undated Folder 6 folder 1 folder 2 Scope and Content Note Bust of Madame Bouchet. Box 184, folder 3 de Bonis, Buoni, Buono, undated Scope and Content Note Emilio de Bonis, Hermes Flavius de Bonis, Niccolo de Bonis, Niccolo Buoni, Angelo Buono, Bernardino Buono. Box 184, folder 4 Boullogne the Younger, Louis de, undated Scope and Content Note Hagar and the Angel. Box 239, folder 1 Boullogne the Younger, Louis de, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 184, F. 4. Box 184, folder 5 Campagna, Girolamo, undated Scope and Content Note Pair of seated cherubs. Box 184, folder 6 Champaigne, Philippe de, undated Scope and Content Note Portrait of Nicolas Hénin. Box 184, folder 7 Falconet, Marie-Anne, undated Scope and Content Note Bust of the sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon. Box 184, folder 8 Ferrata, Ercole, undated Scope and Content Note Bust of Cardinal Francesco Paulucci. Box 184, folder 9 Frey, Johann Jakob, undated Scope and Content Note Pine wood near Nemi. Box 184, folder 10 Giorgetti, Antonio, undated Scope and Content Note Modello for the head of the Angel with the Sponge. Box 184, folder 11 Italian, undated Scope and Content Note Terracotta Rape of the Sabine women. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 443 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 184, folder 12 North Italian, Milan? early 18th cent., undated Scope and Content Note Bronze St. Francis Borgia. Box 184, folder 13 Rude, François, undated Scope and Content Note Screaming head. Box 184, folder 14 Santarelli, Emilio, undated Scope and Content Note Bust of Canon Ambrogio Ambrosoli. Box 184, folder 15 Various, undated Scope and Content Note Including Antonio Canova's marble bust Blessed Virgin [ Patrizi Madonna], and a sculpture attributed to Adam. Box 184, folder 16 Canova, Antonio, undated Scope and Content Note Sculpture The Muse. Box 184, folder 17 Box 184, folder 18 Dalou, Jules, undated Bartolini, possibly Romanelli, rejected, undated Scope and Content Note Didier Bodart stamp on versos. Box Box Box Box Box 184, folder 19 184, folder 20 184, folder 21 184, folder 22 239B, folder 1 Bronze statuette from Musée de Châlon, 1979, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Miscellaneous objects: tureen and chest: offer from Lindberg, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color polaroids, 1 note. Box 239B, folder 2 Miscellaneous objects: crucifix.: offer from Naples, 1979 Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs, letter with envelope. Box 184, folder 23 Box 239B, folder 4 Crucifux, undated Crucifix, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 23. Box 239B, folder 5 Table, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 239B, folder 6 Relief maps, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph, envelope. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 444 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 184, folder 24 Chest of drawers, 1982 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received from Luigi Galli. Box 239B, folder 7 Chest of drawers, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 184, F. 24. Box 184, folder 25 Box 239B, folder 8 Sculpture group: offer from John Davis, undated Sculpture group: offer from John Davis, undated Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs, 2 color polaroids from Box 184, F. 25. Box 239B, folder 9 Various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency (chimney), 7 color photographs, 22 color polaroids. Some with annotations. Box 239B, folder 10 Sculpture: Virgin and Child, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 184, folder 26 Box 239B, folder 11 Sculpture: female bust: offer from Pröschel, undated Sculpture: female bust: offer from Pröschel, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs from Box 184, F. 26. Box 184, folder 27 Box 239B, folder 12 Italian, 16th cent.: bust of a man decorated with Golden Fleece, undated Italian, 16th cent.: bust of a man decorated with Golden Fleece, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 184, F. 27. Box 184, folder 28 Box 239B, folder 13 Marble head of an Aphrodite or Muse, 1984, undated Marble head of an Aphrodite or Muse, undated Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs from Box 184, F. 28. Box 239B, folder 14 Box 239B, folder 15 Various, broze and lead, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs, 9 color polaroids. Bronze bust of a man, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs, 1 letter received. Box 184, folder 29 Box 239B, folder 16 Bronze torso: offer from Ulrich Middeldorf, 1978 Bronze torso: offer from Ulrich Middeldorf, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 184, F. 29. Box 239B, folder 17 Bronze statue of Farnese Hercules, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 445 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239B, folder 18 Box 239B, folder 19 Box 239B, folder 20 Box 239B, folder 21 Box 239B, folder 22 Box 239B, folder 23 Box 239B, folder 24 Box 239B, folder 25 Statue of Christ, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color photograph, 1 note. Statue executed by Eduard Schott. Marble group: Bernini? undated Scope and Content Note 5 color polaroids. Sculpture by Boizot, undated Scope and Content Note 7 color photographs. Clodion, circle of, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Terracotta by Filarete, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Marble statue: Jenner, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Marble sculpture, various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph, 4 color polaroids. Head on tray [John the Baptist?] Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs pasted into a folder. Box 184, folder 30 Sculpture by Giuseppe Maria Mazza, and painting by Gaetano Gandolfi, 1981 Scope and Content Note Letter received from Ellen Baldinger. Box 239B, folder 26 Sculpture by Giuseppe Maria Mazza, and painting by Gaetano Gandolfi, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color slides from Box 184, F. 30. Box 184, folder 31 Box 239B, folder 27 Sculpture by Cirillo dell'Antonio, undated Sculpture by Cirillo dell'Antonio, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 184, F. 31. Box 184, folder 32 Box 239B, folder 28 Sculpture: figure of a Saint, undated Sculpture: figure of a Saint, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 184, F. 32. Box 184, folder 33 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Bust of a man, undated 910004 446 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239B, folder 29 Bust of a man, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs, 1 color polaroid from Box 184, F. 33. Box 184, folder 34 Bust of a woman, 1981 Scope and Content Note Letter received from Ettore Viancini. Box 239B, folder 30 Bust of a woman, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 184, F. 34. Box 184, folder 35 Box 239B, folder 31 Sculpture: two male figures, undated Sculpture: two male figures, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 184, F. 35. Box 239B, folder 32 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Crucifix (wood), undated Scope and Content Note 13 color photographs, 4 stripes of color negatives. 185 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, folder folder folder folder folder folder folder folder folder folder Offers to Heim, rejected: sculpture, Various, rejected, undated Canova, Antonio, undated Guidi, Domenico, undated Lombardo, Antonio, undated Rodin, Auguste, undated Bernini, Gianlorenzo, undated Canova, Antonio, undated Clodion, circle of, undated Filarete, undated Paul, Eugène, undated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scope and Content Note Statue of Edward Jenner. Box Box Box Box Box 185, 185, 185, 185, 239, folder folder folder folder folder 11 12 13 14 2 Leonardo da Vinci, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Scope and Content Note Color photograph of Virgin Mary with Childfrom Box 185, F, 14. Box 185, folder 15 South Italian, 13th cent., undated Scope and Content Note Head of Giovanni il Moro? Box 185, folder 16 Texts, undated Scope and Content Note Ca. 25 typescripts, with some illustrated matter. Box 186 Offers to Heim, rejected: paintings, Box 186, folder 1 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Italian, various, undated 910004 447 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239, folder 3 Italian, various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 1. Box 186, folder 2 Box 239, folder 4 Botticelli, 1988, undated Botticelli, undated Scope and Content Note Color photograph from Box 186, F. 2. Box 186, folder 3 Box 239, folder 5 Mignard, Pierre, undated Mignard, Pierre, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs from Box 186, F. 3. Box 186, folder 4 Box 239, folder 6 Scheffer von Leonardshoff, Johann Evangelist, undated Scheffer von Leonardshoff, Johann Evangelist, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 4. Box 186, folder 5 Box 186, folder 6 Italian, various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note Andrea Appiani, Giuseppe Diotti, Antonio Zona. Box 239, folder 7 Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 6. Box 186, folder 7 Box 239, folder 8 Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo, undated Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo, undated Scope and Content Note 11 color photographs from Box 186, F. 7. Box 186, folder 8 Box 239, folder 9 Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs from Box 186, F. 8. Box 186, folder 9 Box 239, folder 10 Raphael, undated Raphael, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 9. Box 186, folder 10 Box 239, folder 11 Italian: various, undated Pietro Negri, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs of painting Belisarius as a blind beggar. Box 186, folder 11 Panini, and other paintings, undated Scope and Content Note 1 letter to Laing, and 5 color photographs. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 448 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239, folder 12 Panini, and other paintings, undated Scope and Content Note 5 color photographs from Box 186, F. 11. Included are an architectural capriccio by Panini, Aeneas and Anchises, The Continence of Scipio, and Allegory of a victorious general. Box 186, folder 12 Box 239, folder 13 Tintoretto, Jacopo, undated Tintoretto, Jacopo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 12. Box Box Box Box 186, 186, 186, 239, folder folder folder folder 13 14 15 14 Marinari, Onorio, undated Raphael, undated Sicciolante, Girolamo (il Sermoneta), undated Sicciolante, Girolamo (il Sermoneta), undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 15. Box 186, folder 16 Box 186, folder 17 Box 239, folder 15 Italian: various, undated Ghisolfi, Giovanni, undated Ghisolfi, Giovanni, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color polaroid from Box 186, F. 17. Box 186, folder 18 del Cairo, Francesco, undated Scope and Content Note Roman Charity. Box 186, folder 19 Box 239, folder 16 Strozzi, Bernardo, undated Strozzi, Bernardo, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 186, F. 16. Box 186, folder 20 Box 239, folder 17 Giordano, Lucca, undated Giordano, Lucca, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 186, F. 20. Box 239, folder 18 Maratti, Carlo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 239, folder 19 Italian: a view of Venice, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 186, folder 21 Box 239, folder 20 Rosa, Salvator, undated Rosa, Salvator, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 21. Box 186, folder 22 Il Pordenone, undated Scope and Content Note Noli Me Tangere. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 449 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239, folder 21 Il Pordenone, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color polaroids from Box 186, F. 22. Box 186, folder 23 Box 239, folder 22 Muziano, Gorolamo, undated Muziano, Gorolamo, rejected, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 23. Box 186, folder 24 Gaulli, Giovanni Battista Il Baciccio, undated Scope and Content Note Replica of Portrait of Clement IX. Box 239, folder 23 Gaulli, Giovanni Battista Il Baciccio, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 24. Box 186, folder 25 Box 239, folder 24 Cimabue, undated Cimabue, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 25. Box 239, folder 25 Passerotti, Tiburzio, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 186, folder 26 Box 186, folder 27 Box 239, folder 26 Italian: various, undated Italian: unidentified, Cain killing Abel, undated Italian, unknown artist, Cain killing Abel, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 27. Box 186, folder 28 Box 239, folder 27 Canaletto, undated Canaletto, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 28. Box Box Box Box 186, 186, 186, 239, folder folder folder folder 29 30 31 28 Italian: various, undated Raphael, undated Battoni, Pompeo, undated Battoni, Pompeo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color slide from Box 186, F. 31. Box 186, folder 32 di Credi, Lorenzo, undated Scope and Content Note Madonna and St. John adoring the Christ Child. Box 239, folder 29 di Credi, Lorenzo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph and 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 32. Box 186, folder 33 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Italian: various, undated 910004 450 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239, folder 30 Italian: a landscape painting, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency. Box 186, folder 34 Box 186, folder 35 Box 239, folder 31 Tintoretto, undated Giordano, Luca, undated Giordano, Luca, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 35. Box 239, folder 32 Raphael, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 186, folder 36 Box 239, folder 33 Titian, undated Titian, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 36. Box 186, folder 37 Box 239, folder 34 Dyck, Anthony van, undated Dyck, Anthony van, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 37. Box 186, folder 38 Box 239, folder 35 Perugino, Pietro, undated Perugino, Pietro, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 38. Box 186, folder 39 Box 239, folder 36 Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 39. Box 186, folder 40 Box 239, folder 37 Muttoni, Pietro, (della Vecchia), undated Muttoni, Pietro, (della Vecchia), undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 40. Box 186, folder 41 Box 239, folder 38 Bassante, Bartolomeo, undated Bassante, Bartolomeo, undated Scope and Content Note 1 b&w negative from Box 186, F. 41. Box 186, folder 42 Box 239, folder 39 Giordano, Luca, undated Giordano, Luca, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs and 5 stripes of color negatives from Box 186, F. 42. Box 186, folder 43 Box 239, folder 40 Italian: unidentified, undated Italian, unidentified, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 43. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 451 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 186, folder 44 Box 239, folder 41 Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs. Box 239, folder 42 Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 6 color photographs. Box Box Box Box Box 186, 186, 186, 186, 239, folder folder folder folder folder 45 46 47 48 43 Tura, Cosimo, 1976, undated Tintoretto, undated Italian: various, undated Giordano, Luca, undated Giordano, Luca, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 186, F. 48. Box 186, folder 49 Box 239, folder 44 Sirani, Elisabetta, 1976, undated Sirani, Elisabetta, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 186, F.49. Box 186, folder 50 Box 186, folder 51 Box 239, folder 45 17th cent. Flemish?, undated Portrait of Giuseppina Grassini, undated Portrait of Giuseppina Grassini, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph and 1 color transparency from Box 186, F. 51. Box Box Box Box Box Box 187 187, 187, 187, 187, 239, folder folder folder folder folder Offers to Heim, rejected: paintings, drawings, Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Italian, undated 1 2 3 4 46 Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph. Box 187, folder 5 Box 239, folder 47 Sagrestani, Giovanni Camillo, 1979 Sagrestani, Giovanni Camillo, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 187, F. 5. Box 187, folder 6 Box 187, folder 7 Tintoretto, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note Various drawings, including Bibiena (Ferdinando Galli). Box Box Box Box 187, 187, 187, 239, folder folder folder folder 8 9 10 48 Italian: Italian: Italian: Italian: various, various, various, various, undated undated undated undated Scope and Content Note 9 color photographs, 2 color transparencies. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 452 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 187, folder 11 Box 239, folder 49 Spadaro, Micco, 1971 Spadaro, Micco, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 11. Box 187, folder 12 Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 2 photographs, including 1 in color. Box 239, folder 50 Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 12. Box 187, folder 13 Box 239, folder 51 Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 13. Box Box Box Box 187, 187, 187, 239, folder folder folder folder 14 15 16 52 Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Teotocopuli, Domenicus, undated Teotocopuli, Domenicus, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 16. Box Box Box Box 187, 187, 187, 239, folder folder folder folder 17 18 19 53 Bassano, Jacopo, after, undated Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Italian: various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 19. Box 187, folder 20 Various, undated Scope and Content Note Jacopo Carrucci da Pontormo, Justus Sustermans, Anthony van Dyck, Meindert Hobbema. Box 187, folder 21 Italian: various Box 187, folder 22 Box 239, folder 54 Perugino, Pietro, after, undated Perugino, Pietro, after, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 22. Box 187, folder 23 Box 239, folder 55 Hayez, Francesco, undated Hayez, Francesco, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 23. Box 187, folder 24 Box 239, folder 56 Various, undated Various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 197, F. 24. Box 187, folder 25 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Ribera, Jose de, undated 910004 453 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 187, folder 26 Various still-life paintings, undated Scope and Content Note Two still-life paintings, and a watercolor signed “Georges Scott.” Box 187, folder 27 Box 187, folder 28 Box 239, folder 57 Del Pò, Antonio, 1980 Labors of Hercules, undated Labors of Hercules, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 28. Box 239, folder 58 Unidentified 19th cent. painting, undated Scope and Content Note A bucolic scene with two figures with a flute. 2 color photographs, 3 color slides. Box 239, folder 59 Unidentified painting, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color polaroid, stationary of dealer. Box 187, folder 29 Unidentified painting, undated Scope and Content Note On offer from Galerie Carroll, Munich. Box 239, folder 60 Unidentified painting, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs from Box 187, F. 29. Box 187, folder 30 Box 239, folder 61 Cranach, Lucas, undated Cranach, Lucas, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 30. Box 187, folder 31 Box 239, folder 62 On offer 1987/1988, various, undated On offer 1987/1988, various, undated Scope and Content Note 8 color photographs, 1 color transparency, 1 note. Box 187, folder 32 Box 187, folder 33 Box 239, folder 63 On offer 1987/1988: Coster, Adam de, undated On offer 1987/1988: Liss, Johann, undated On offer 1987/1988: Liss, Johann, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color polaroids from Box 187, F. 33. Box 239, folder 64 On offer 1987/1988: portrait of Cardinal Stefano Borgia, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs, 2 notes. Box 187, folder 34 Box 239, folder 65 On offer 1987/1988: unidentified 17th cent. Dutch artist, undated On offer 1987/1988: unidentified 17th cent. Dutch artist, unknown Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 187, F. 34. Box 187, folder 35 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 On offer 1987/1988: Coecke, Peter de, 1986 910004 454 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239, folder 66 On offer 1987/1988: Coecke, Peter de, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 187, F. 35. Box 187, folder 36 Box 187, folder 37 Box 239, folder 67 On offer 1987/1988: Mengs, Anton Raphael, undated On offer 1987/1988: Dürer, Albrecht, undated On offer 1987/1988: Dürer, Albrecht, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 37. Box 187, folder 38 Box 239, folder 68 Italian on offer 1987-1990, various, undated Italian, on offer 1987-1990, various, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color photographs, 1 color transparency. Box 187, folder 39 Box 187, folder 40 Box 239, folder 69 Italian, on offer 1987-1990: Bottani, Giuseppe, 1986, undated Italian, on offer 1987-1990: unidentified painting, undated Italian, on offer 1987-1990: unidentified painting, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 40. Box 187, folder 41 Box 239, folder 70 Italian, on offer 1987-1990: Ceccarini, Sebastiano, undated Italian, on offer 1987-1990: Ceccarini, Sebastiano, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 187, F. 41. Box Box Box Box Box Box 188 188, folder 1 188, folder 2 188, folder 3 188, folder 4 239A, folder 1 Offers, rejected: paintings, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Box 188, folder 5 Box 188, folder 6 Box 239A, folder 2 Various, undated Various: a Saint [Mark the Evangelist?], undated Various: a Saint [Mark the Evangelist?], undated Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies from Box 188, F. 6. Box 188, folder 7 Box 239A, folder 3 Various, undated Various, undated Scope and Content Note 4 color photographs, 2 color polaroids, 1 color transparency. Box 188, folder 8 Box 188, folder 9 Box 188, folder 10 Various, undated Various, undated Various, 1951-1980, undated Scope and Content Note Notes, letters received (L. Burchard, Muriel B. Rosenthal). Letter by Burchard concerns a Rubens sketch. Box 188, folder 11 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Willem van Herp, undated 910004 455 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239A, folder 4 Willem van Herp, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 188, F. 11. Box 188, folder 12 Joshua Reynolds, undated Scope and Content Note The Holy Family with the Infant St. John. Box 188, folder 13 Box 239A, folder 5 Hobbema, Pontormo, Sustermans, Van Dyck, 1977 Hobbema, Pontormo, Sustermans, Van Dyck, undated Scope and Content Note Letter recieved from John D. Schapiro. 4 color photographs from Box 188, F. 13. Box 188, folder 14 Boucher, Vernet, Challe, Van der Weyden, 1977, undated Scope and Content Note Includes 1 letter received from Galerie Trianon. Box 188, folder 15 Box 188, folder 16 Box 239A, folder 6 Gillemans, undated Franz Xavier Winterhalter, undated Franz Xavier Winterhalter, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 16. Box Box Box Box Box 188, folder 17 188, folder 18 188, folder 19 188, folder 20 239A, folder 7 Georges Stubbs, undated Antonio von Maron, undated Józef Chelmonski, undated Franz Snyders, undated Franz Snyders, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color transparencies from Box 188, F. 20. Box 188, folder 21 Box 239A, folder 8 Various, undated Various, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs, 10 color polaroids. Box 188, folder 22 Various, undated Scope and Content Note Letter received from Warren & Wignall. Box 239A, folder 9 Various, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 188, F. 22. Box 188, folder 23 Box 239A, folder 10 Anton [Anthony] Schoonjans, undated Anton [Anthony] Schoonjans, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph, with enclosure from Box 188, F. 23. Box 188, folder 24 Ary Scheffer, 1982, undated Scope and Content Note Includes 1 letter received from Université de Nimègue. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 456 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239A, folder 11 Ary Scheffer, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 188, F. 24. Box 188, folder 25 Box 239A, folder 12 Dieric Bouts, undated Franz Pourbus the Younger, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph with note. Box 239A, folder 13 A female portrait, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph with a note. Box 188, folder 26 Jean sans Peur [Jean Ier de Bourgogne], 1984, undated Scope and Content Note Includes 1 letter sent to Count E. de Limburg Stirum. Box 188, folder 27 Box 239A, folder 14 Polish painting (20th cent.?), undated Polish painting (20th cent.?), undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 27. Box 188, folder 28 Box 239A, folder 15 Jan Polack, undated Jan Polack, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color slides from Box 188, F. 28. Box 239A, folder 16 Peter Paul Rubens, undated Scope and Content Note The Garden of Love. 10 color photographs, with a note. Box 188, folder 29 Box 239, folder 17 Various, undated A still life, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 29. Box 239, folder 18 Spanish, medieval, undated Scope and Content Note 3 color transparencies. Box 188, folder 30 Thomas Lawrence, undated Scope and Content Note Portrait of Cardinal Consalvi. Notes and printed matter. Box 188, folder 31 Théodore Gérard, undated Scope and Content Note Notes, illustrated matter. Box 188, folder 32 Box 239A, folder 19 Joshua Reynolds, undated Joshua Reynolds, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs and 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 32. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 457 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 188, folder 33 Box 188, folder 34 Box 239A, folder 20 Various religious topics, undated E. W. Hawthorne, undated Joos van Cleve, undated Scope and Content Note Portrait of François I. 3 color photographs, 1 note. Box 188, folder 35 17th-18th cent. portrait of a noble man in armor, undated Scope and Content Note Includes a note from Rosewood Investments Limited. Box 188, folder 36 Box 239A, folder 21 Gerard Seghers, undated Gerard Seghers, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188, F. 36. Box 188, folder 37 Box 239A, folder 22 École de Fontainebleau [Pieter Candid?], undated École de Fontainebleau [Pieter Candid?], undated Scope and Content Note 1 color photograph from Box 188, F. 37. Box 239A, folder 23 Box 239A, folder 24 Jusepe de Ribera (follower of), undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs, 1 note. 17th-18th cent.portrait of a noble woman with child, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs. Annotated "Duchesse d'Orleans", "Koller." Box 188, folder 38 Box 239B, folder 2 Various, offer from Zagowski?, undated Various, offer from Zagowski?, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 188, F. 38. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 25 188A 188A, 188A, 188A, 188A, 188A, 188A, 239A, folder folder folder folder folder folder folder Offers, rejected: French paintings and drawings, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Various, undated Nicolas Colombel, undated Nicolas Colombel, undated 1 2 3 4 5 6 Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 6. Box 188A, folder 7 Box 239A, folder 26 Jean Baptiste Monnoyer, undated Jean Baptiste Monnoyer, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 7. Box 188A, folder 8 Various, undated Scope and Content Note Typescripts and printed and illustrated matter. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 458 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239A, folder 27 Various, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency, 3 color photographs, 1 negative. Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 28 188A, folder 9 188A, folder Various, undated Various, undated 188A, folder Various, undated 188A, folder Various, undated 188A, folder Gérome, undated 239A, folder Gérome, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 13. Box 188A, folder 14 Box 239A, folder 29 Box 239A, folder 30 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 31 A unidentified neoclassical painting, undated A unidentified neoclassical painting, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 14. Various, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs, 2 color polaroids. 188A, folder Various, undated 188A, folder Mathieu Le Nain, undated 188A, folder Delaroche, undated 239A, folder Delaroche, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 17. Box 188A, folder 18 Box 188A, folder 19 Box 239A, folder 32 Box 239A, folder 33 Box 188A, folder 20 Box 188A, folder 21 Circle of Bourdon, undated Valentin de Boulogne, undated Valentin de Boulogne, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency from Box 188A, F. 19. Various, undated Scope and Content Note 11 color photographs, 1 color polaroid, 1 color transparency. Various, undated Scope and Content Note Notes, printed and illustrated matter, correspondence. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Various, undated 910004 459 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 239A, folder 34 Various, undated Scope and Content Note 7 color photographs. Box 188A, folder 22 Box 188A, folder 23 Box 188A, folder 24 Box 188A, folder 25 Box 188A, folder 26 Box 27 Box 28 Box 29 Box 30 Box 31 Box 35 Clément Belle, undated Unidentified, undated Various, 1978 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received from Erkki J. Jokinen. Clouet, undated Scope and Content Note 1 photograph of a female portrait. Annotated in Polish on verso. Head of a Turkish man, 1980, undated Scope and Content Note 1 letter received, and photograph of the painting. 188A, folder Greuze, undated 188A, folder Various potraits, undated 188A, folder Jan de Bray?, undated 188A, folder Portrait of Mme. d'Estonteville, undated 188A, folder Guérin, undated 239A, folder Guérin, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color transparency and 1 color slide from Box 188A, F. 31. Box 188A, folder 32 Box 239A, folder 36 Box 33 Box 34 Box 35 Box 37 Pierre Mignard, undated Pierre Mignard, undated Scope and Content Note 2 color photographs from Box 188A, F. 32. 188A, folder Various, undated 188A, folder Nicolas Poussin, undated 188A, folder Manet, undated 239A, folder Manet, undated Scope and Content Note 1 color slide from Box 188A, F. 35. Box 188A, folder 36 Box 188A, folder 37 Box 189 Louis Dorigny, undated Charles Joseph Natoire, undated Sculpture brochures (unsold), A-R, + recently sold sculpture brochures INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 460 Series IV. Research files, 1966-1991 , undated Box 190 Box 191 Box 192 Sold brochures A-B Sold brochures C Sold brochures D-E Box Box Box Box Box Sold Sold Sold Sold Sold 193 194 195 196 197 Box 198 brochures brochures brochures brochures brochures Ferrucci - Grueze Gre - Le Brun Le Comte - Murillo N-R S-Z Brochures for Paris paintings A-Z Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Physical Description: 11.6 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Series comprises financial records for the gallery under its various names (Heim, Old Masters, and Swiftdone). There are two subseries: A. Stockbooks, cash books, commission books and ledgers, and B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets. Invoices include those sent for the sale of art works and those issued for services rendered, such as evaluating works for owners. Notable clients with significant numbers of invoices include Arthur Sackler, Ian Ross, the J. Paul Getty Museum (filed under Malibu), and the Huntington Library and Art Gallery (filed under San Marino). In addition to paid bills, shipping receipts, and balance sheets, the series includes papers covering VAT and one wage book. Financial records do not appear to be complete. Series V.A. Stockbooks, cash books, commission books and ledgers, 1966-1991 Physical Description: 8 boxes Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically. Box 199 Box 200 Box 201 Box 201 Box 201 Stockbook 1970-1974 Physical Description: 1 vol Stockbooks 1974-1977, 1978-1983 Physical Description: 2 vols Stockbook 1975-1976 Physical Description: 1 vol Stockbook 1977-1978 Physical Description: 1 vol Stockbook 1984-1985 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202 Box 202, Folder 1 Stockbooks and Commission books, 1966-1991 Stockbook 1966-1967,1969-1970 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202, Folder 2 Stockbook - Heim/Swiftdone 1979-1980, 1983-1984, 1986-1987 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202, Folder 3 Stockbook - Old Masters 1986-1987, 1990-1991 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202, Folder 4 Commission book - Heim 1966-1970 Physical Description: 1 vol INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 461 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.A. Stockbooks, cash books, commission books and ledgers, 1966-1991 Box 202, Folder 5 Commission book - Old Masters 1985-1991 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202, Folder 6 Commission book - Heim 1970-1985 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 202, Folder 7 Commission book - Swiftdone 1985-1987 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 203 Box 203 Box 203 Box 204 Box 204 Box 204 Box 205 Box 205 Box 205 Box 205 Box 206 Box 206 Box 206 Nominal ledgers, 1966-1985 Physical Description: 2 vols. Nominal ledger, 1966-1970 Nominal ledger, 1970-1985 Cash books, 1965-1975 Physical Description: 2 vols. Cash book, 1965-1971 Physical Description: 1 vol Cash book 1971-1975 Physical Description: 1 vol Cash books, Nov 1975 - Oct 1983 Physical Description: 3 vols. Cash book Nov 1975 - Feb 1978(?) Physical Description: 1 vol Cash book Feb 1978 - Feb 1980 Physical Description: 1 vol Cash book Feb 1980 - Oct 1983 Physical Description: 1 vol Cash books, Oct 1983 - Feb 1989 Cash book Oct 1983 - Sep 1985 Physical Description: 1 vol Cash book Oct 1985 - Feb 1989 Physical Description: 1 vol INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 462 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Physical Description: 7 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Invoices files (also called sales files) are arranged alphabetically (museums are listed by city in which they are located; individuals, dealers, and galleries by name) and chronologically. Invoices are typically from Heim to buyers, and are often annotated with name and description of art work, buyer name and address, price, sometimes provenance information and other sales details, plus date of sale, shipment and date of payment. A few of the invoices are for services the gallery provided, such as assessing art work for clients. Other records include paid bills, import entry forms, records of VAT sales, shipping files, balance sheets, and a wage book. Paid bills are arranged chronologically by year and month of date the bill was paid. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 207 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Invoices, 1966-1975 Invoices: A, 1967-1970 Invoices: B, 1966-1971 Invoices: C, 1966-1970 Invoices: D, 1966-1971 Invoices: E, F, 1966-1971 Invoices: G, 1966-1971 Invoices: H, 1967-1971 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scope and Content Note Includes Galerie Heim, Paris. Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 207, Folder 8 207, Folder 9 207, Folder Invoices: I, J, 1967-1971 Invoices: K, 1968-1970 Invoices: L, 1966-1971 207, Folder Invoices: M, 1966-190 207, Folder Invoices: N, 1966-1971 207, Folder Invoices: O, 1966-1969 207, Folder Invoices: P, 1968-1971 207, Folder Invoices: Q, R, 1967-1970 Scope and Content Note Includes Ian Ross. Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 207, Folder Invoices: S, 1966-1971 207, Folder Invoices: T, 1967-1971 207, Folder Invoices: U, V, 1967-1969 207, Folder Invoices: W, 1966-1971 207, Folder Lists of invoice numbers, clients and dates, 1973-1988 Scope and Content Note 28 page list, serves as index to invoices for these years. Box 207, Folder 21 Box 207, Folder 22 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Invoices: A, 1971-1978 Invoices: B, 1971-1975 910004 463 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box 23 Box 24 Box 25 Box 26 Box 27 207, Folder Invoices: C, 1971-1975 207, Folder Invoices: D, 1971-1975 207, Folder Invoices: E, F, 1971-1975 207, Folder Invoices: G, H 1971-1975 207, Folder Invoices: I, K, L, 1971-1975 Box 208 Box 208, Folder 1 Invoices, 1971-1980 Invoices: M, 1971-1975 Scope and Content Note Includes J.P. Getty Museum, Malibu. Box 208, Folder 2 Box 208, Folder 3 Box 208, Folder 4 Invoices: N, O, 1971-1975 Invoices: P, 1971-1975 Invoices: R, 1971-1975 Scope and Content Note Includes Ian Ross. Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 208, 208, 208, 208, 208, 208, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 5 6 7 8 9 Invoices: Invoices: Invoices: Invoices: Invoices: Invoices: S, 1971-1975 T, 1971-1975 U, V, W, 1972-1975 Y, Z, 1974 A, 1976-1980 B, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: C, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: D, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: E, F, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: G, H, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: J, 1976-1979 208, Folder Invoices: K, L, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: M, 1976-1981 Scope and Content Note Includes J. P. Getty Museum in Malibu. Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Box 21 208, Folder Invoices: N, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: O, 1978 208, Folder Invoices: P, 1976-1981 208, Folder Invoices: R, 1976-1981 Scope and Content Note Includes Ian Ross. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 464 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box 208, Folder 22 Invoices: S, 1976-1981 Scope and Content Note Includes Arthur Sacker. Box 208, Folder 23 Box 208, Folder 24 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 Box 16 Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 209 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Invoices: T, 1976-1981 Invoices: V, W, Z, 1976-1981 Invoices, 1982-1986 Invoices: A, 1982-1985 Invoices: B, 1982-1986 Invoices: C, 1982-1986 Invoices: D, 1983-1985 Invoices: E, 1982-1986 Invoices: F, 1983-1986 Invoices: G, 1982-1986 Invoices: H, J, 1982-1986 Invoices: K, 1983-1985 Invoices: L, 1982-1986 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 209, Folder Invoices: M, 1982-1986 209, Folder Invoices: N, O, 1982-1986 209, Folder Invoices: P, 1982-1986 209, Folder Invoices: R, 1982-1985 209, Folder Invoices: S, 1982-1986 209, Folder Invoices: T, 1982-1985 209, Folder Invoices: U, V, 1983-1985 209, Folder Invoices: W, X, 1982-1986 209, Folder Old Masters, Swiftdene, and some Heim, invoices to various, A - Z, 1986-1990 Physical Description: ca. 150 items Scope and Content Note Included is a typed list of museum directors in the U.S. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 210 210, 210, 210, 210, 210, 210, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 210, 210, 210, 210, Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 210, Folder Box 210, Folder 12 INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Paid Bills, 1976-1978 Paid bills, Dec 1976 Paid bills, Jan 1977 Paid bills, Mar 1977 Paid bills, Apr 1977 Paid bills, Jun 1977 Paid bills, Jul 1977 Paid Paid Paid Paid bills, bills, bills, bills, Aug 1977 Sep 1977 Oct 1977 Nov 1977 Paid bills, Dec 1977 Paid bills, Jan 1978 910004 465 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box 210, Folder 13 Box 210, Folder 14 Box 210, Folder 15 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 Box 14 Box 15 211 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 211, 212 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 213 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, 213, Paid bills, Feb 1978 Paid bills Mar 1978 Paid bills, Apr 1978 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Paid bills 1978 Paid bills, May 1978 Paid bills, Jun 1978 Paid bills, Jul 1978 Paid bills, Aug 1978 Paid bills, Sep 1978 Paid bills, Oct 1978 Paid bills, Nov 1978 Paid bills, Dec 1978 Paid bills 1978, undated Paid bills 1979 Paid bills, Jan 1979 Paid bills, Feb 1979 Paid bills, Mar 1979 Paid bills, Apr 1979 Paid bills, May 1979 Paid bills, Jun 1979 Paid bills, Jul 1979 Paid bills, Oct 1979 Paid bills 1979, undated Paid bills, 1979, 1980 Paid bills, Jan 1979 Paid bills, May 1979 Paid bills, Jun 1979 Paid bills, Jul 1979 Paid bills, Aug 1979 Paid bills, Sep 1979 Paid bills, Oct 1979 Paid bills, Nov 1979 Paid bills, Dec 1979 Paid bills, Jan, Feb, Mar 1980 213, Folder Paid bills, Apr 1980 213, Folder Paid bills, Jun 1980 213, Folder Paid bills, Jul 1980 213, Folder Paid bills, Aug 1980 213, Folder Paid bills, Sep 1980 Box 213, Folder 16 Paid bills, Oct 1980 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 214 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paid bills, 1980 Paid bills, Jan 1980 Paid bills, Feb 1980 Paid bills, Mar 1980 Paid bills, Apr 1980 Paid bills, May 1980 Paid bills, Jun 1980 Box 214, Folder 7 Paid bills, Sep 1980 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 466 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box 214, Folder 8 Box 214, Folder 9 Box 214, Folder 10 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 216 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 217 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 218 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 219 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 219, 219, 219, 219, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder Paid bills, Oct 1980 Paid bills, Nov 1980 Paid bills, Dec 1980 Paid bills, 1981 Paid bills, Jan 1981 Paid bills, Feb 1981 Paid bills, Mar 1981 Paid bills, Apr 1981 Paid bills, May 1981 Paid bills, Jun 1981 Paid bills, Jul 1981 Paid bills, Aug 1981 Paid bills, 1981, 1982 Paid bills, Sep 1981 Paid bills, Oct 1981 Paid bills, Nov 1981 Paid bills, Dec 1981 Paid bills 1981, undated Paid bills, Jan 1982 Paid bills, Feb 1982 Paid bills, Mar 1982 Paid bills, Apr 1982 Paid bills, May 1982 Paid bills, 1982 Paid bills, Jun 1982 Paid bills, Jul 1982 Paid bills, Aug 1982 Paid bills, Sep 1982 Paid bills, Oct 1982 Paid bills, Nov 1982 Paid bills, Dec 1982 Paid bills 1982, undated Paid bills, 1983 Paid bills, Jan 1983 Paid bills, Feb 1983 Paid bills, Mar 1983 Paid bills, Apr 1983 Paid bills, May 1983 Paid bills, Jun 1983 Paid Paid Paid Paid bills, bills, bills, bills, Jul 1983 Aug 1983 Sep 1983 Oct 1983 219, Folder Paid bills, Nov 1983 Box 219, Folder 12 Box 219, Folder 13 Paid bills, Dec 1983 Box Box Box Box Box 220 220, 220, 220, 220, Paid bills 1983, undated 1 2 3 4 Paid bills, 1984 Paid bills, Jan 1984 Paid bills, Feb 1984 Paid bills, Mar 1984 Paid bills, Apr 1984 Box 220, Folder 5 Paid bills, May 1984 Folder Folder Folder Folder INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 467 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 Box 11 Box 12 Box 13 221 222 223 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, 223, Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 224 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 225 225, 225, 225, 225, Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 226 226, Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 6 7 8 9 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid bills, bills, bills, bills, bills, Jun 1984 Jul 1984 Aug 1984 Sep 1984 Oct 1984 220, Folder Paid bills, Dec 1984 220, Folder Paid bills 1984, undated Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Import Entry Forms, 1968-1980 Import Entry Forms, 1980-1988 Proforma approvals and declarations, 1966-1984 1966-1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975-1976 1977-1978 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 223, Folder 1979-1980 223, Folder 1981-1982 223, Folder 1983-1984 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 5 Folder Folder Folder Folder 1 2 3 4 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 5 6 7 8 9 VAT Sales 1973-1977 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Shipping instructions, 1976-1984 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Balance sheets, Wage book Statements of account for years ended 1965-1977 Folder 1 25 May 1965 - 30 Sept 1966 Physical Description: 1 report 30 Sept 1967 - 30 Sept 1977 Physical Description: 11 reports Box 226, Folder 2 Statements of account for years ended 1978-1981, 1983, 1985 Physical Description: 6 reports INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 468 Series V. Financial, 1965-1991, undated Series V.B. Invoices, bills paid, shipping receipts, balance sheets, 1965-1988 Box 226, Folder 3 Statements of account Old Masters, Ltd. for years ended 1985-1988 Physical Description: 4 reports Box 226, Folder 4 Statements of accounts Swiftdene, Ltd. for years ended 30 Sep 1986, 1987-1988 Box 226, Folder 5 Employee wages book 1965-1987 Physical Description: 1 vol Box 226, Folder 6 Shipping file Old Masters, Ltd. 1987-1988 Series VI. Gallery publicity, undated Physical Description: 6.3 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note Publicity generated for gallery exhibits, catalogues, and other public activities is indicated through clippings (generally from newspapers). One box contains guest books, and there are also photographs showing Ciechanowiecki with notable guests at gallery exhibits. One photograph documents the Queen of England's visit to the gallery. Box 227 Box 228 Box 229 Box 232* Press clippings about Heim Gallery and documentary photographs, exhibits Physical Description: 1 bound vol., 4 folders Press clippings about Heim gallery, exhibits Guest books Physical Description: 4 vols Photographs of exhibit openings, Scope and Content Note 2 frames: one with 3 photos of Andrew Ciechanowiecki and ?, another frame with 4 photos showing an opening, with two of the photographs showing Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Box 233* Photographs of exhibit openings Scope and Content Note 2 frames: 1 frame with 3 photos of the Queen of England with Andrew Ciechanowiecki at a Heim gallery opening; another frame with 4 photographs shows distinguished guests at an opening. Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Physical Description: 1.6 lin. ft. Scope and Content Note This series consists mainly of correspondence marked by Ciechanowiecki as a personal business matter, some of it is in Polish. Also included are items documenting his frequent travel, mainly to Italy, such as correspondence with embassies, restaurant receipts, hotel bills, airline tickets, and numerous notes with names and addresses of people he met. Some items relate to maintenance of Ciechanowiecki's home and gallery's space. A small group of legal documents concerns his personal property. The most substantial group constitutes correspondence with the British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Also included is personal business correspondence with banks and insurance agencies. A separate group form letters received by Ciechanowiecki from institutions and individual clients in response to his announcement about the sale of the Heim Gallery. This series also includes a frame with three photographs of Pope John Paul II. Box 230 Box 230, Folder 1 Alitalia Airlines - Kosciuszko Foundation, 1966-1990 Alitalia Airlines, 1969 Physical Description: 5 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 469 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230, Folder 2 American Consulate -General (London), 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 230, Folder 3 Apollo Magazine, 1968 Physical Description: 1 receipt Box 230, Folder 4 Argyle, Robert, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Box 230, Folder 5 Arte Illustrata, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 230, Folder 6 Association of Art Historians, 1974 Physical Description: 2 items (printed matter) Box 230, Folder 7 Austria: travel, 1969 Physical Description: 1 note Box 230, Folder 8 Aveline, G., 1968-1975 Physical Description: 7 items Box 230, Folder 9 Azema, Daniel, 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 230, Folder 10 Box 230, Folder 11 Box 230, Folder 12 Box 230, Folder 13 Box 230, Folder 14 Box 230, Folder 15 Box 230, Folder 16 Box 230, Folder 17 Box 230, Folder 18 Box 230, Folder 19 Belgium: travel, undated Physical Description: 1 receipt Bensande, Madame, 1967 Physical Description: 1 note Birger-Christensen, P., 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent University of Birmingham, 1970-1971 Physical Description: 15 items Bridgeman, Harriet, 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1972-1975 Physical Description: ca. 30 items British Embassy (Warsaw), 1972 Physical Description: 6 items Buccleuch, Duchess of, 1966 Physical Description: 1 letter sent S. A. Bullrich Y Cia, Ltda. (Buenos Aires), 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (Austria), 1975 Physical Description: 3 letters 910004 470 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230, Folder 20 Box 230, Folder 21 Box 230, Folder 22 Box 230, Folder 23 Cables (various), 1974-1975 Physical Description: 14 items Camara Minicipal de Braga, 1972 Physical Description: 3 items Carr, Raymond, 1971-1972 Physical Description: 9 letters Cassell Arenz & Co., 1970 Physical Description: 7 items Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Box 230, Folder 24 Box 230, Folder 25 Box 230, Folder 26 Box 230, Folder 27 Box 230, Folder 28 Box 230, Folder 29 Costa, Dominique, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received His Excellency The High Commissioner for Cyprus, 1970 Physical Description: 4 letters Czarkowski, John, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Czartoryski, Adam, 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Royal Danish Embassy, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Davison, Kensington, undated Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Typescript. Box 230, Folder 30 Box 230, Folder 31 Box 230, Folder 32 Dennys, R. O., 1970 Physical Description: 2 letters Duncan, Andrew, 1974 Physical Description: 7 letters Edwards, E., 1974 Physical Description: 2 letters Box 230, Folder 33 Elliston, Geoffrey A., 1965-1968 Physical Description: 4 items Box 230, Folder 34 Box 230, Folder 35 Enton Hall, 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters received, 1 envelope Express Photo Service, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 471 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230, Folder 36 Farrer & Co., 1975 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 230, Folder 37 Box 230, Folder 38 Box 230, Folder 39 Box 230, Folder 40 Box 230, Folder 41 Box 230, Folder 42 Box 230, Folder 43 Box 230, Folder 44 Box 230, Folder 45 Box 230, Folder 46 Box 230, Folder 47 Box 230, Folder 48 Box 230, Folder 49 Box 230, Folder 50 First National City Bank, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 10 items First National Insurance Brokers, Ltd., 1973 Physical Description: 2 items Fletcher, Jock, 1968 Physical Description: 2 letters Foxell, Nigel, 1968 Physical Description: 3 items France: travel, 1967-1974 Physical Description: 26 items Franklin, George S., 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters Fremont-Felix, Madame, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters sent French Consulate General (London), 1966 Physical Description: 2 letters sent The Friends of Covent Garden, 1968 Physical Description: 1 letter received Gasiewicz, Zbigniew (Metropolitan Water Board), 1973 Physical Description: 1 billing statement German Embassy (London), 1968-1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Germany: travel, 1969 Physical Description: 3 items Ghana: Ambassador, 1967 Physical Description: 3 items Giura, Giovanni di, 1975 Physical Description: 6 letters sent Box 230, Folder 51 Gliwa, Stanislaw, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 230, Folder 52 Box 230, Folder 53 Glover, H. (Royal Mint), 1973 Physical Description: 2 letters The Goldsmiths Company, 1973 Physical Description: 1 item INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 472 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230, Folder 54 Goldsmiths' Hall, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 12 items Box 230, Folder 55 Box 230, Folder 56 Box 230, Folder 57 Pezzana Capranica del Grillo, 1975 Physical Description: 7 items Grocholoski, S., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group, 1970 Physical Description: 1 item Scope and Content Note Regarding Cambrian Insurance Company Limited. Box 230, Folder 58 Box 230, Folder 59 Box 230, Folder 60 Box 230, Folder 61 Box 230, Folder 62 Box 230, Folder 63 Box 230, Folder 64 Gwyn, Quintin Jermy, 1975 Physical Description: 2 letters sent Haigh, Valerie, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Harstang, Gerhard, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Hayward Gallery, 1969 Physical Description: 2 items Heim Gallery, 1967 Physical Description: 3 items Henderson, N. 1969 Physical Description: 4 letters Herbert, Robert (Yale University), 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Scope and Content Note Herbert's correspondence with Alfred Bader. Box 230, Folder 65 Box 230, Folder 66 Box 230, Folder 67 Box 230, Folder 68 Box 230, Folder 69 Box 230, Folder 70 Hohenlohe Schillingfürst, François Josef Prince, 1969 Physical Description: 2 letters Holand: travel, 1968 Physical Description: 2 items Hulton, Edward, 1972 Physical Description: 2 letters Israel Museum Jerusalem, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Italian Consulate General (London), 1965-1966 Physical Description: 2 items INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 Italy: travel, 1967-1973 Physical Description: ca. 50 items 910004 473 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230, Folder 71 Box 230, Folder 72 Box 230, Folder 73 Kamieniecki, Andrzej, 1971-1973 Kaplan, Louis, 1973 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Kawalec, Antoni, 1971 Physical Description: 5 items Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Thompson & Morgan and Carters Tested Seeds Ltd. Box 230, Folder 74 Box 230, Folder 75 Kennedy, W. K. (Farrer & Co.), 1975 Physical Description: 7 letters Kosciuszko Foundation, 1971 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 230A Box 230A, Folder 1 The Ladies' Association - Georges Zezos, 1966-1990 The Ladies' Association, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter received Box 230A, Folder 2 Lalaing, Suzanne de, 1974 Box 230A, Folder 3 Lindsay, Thomas, 1971 Box 230A, Folder 4 Lipkowski, Jean de, 1972 Box 230A, Folder 5 Lisi Marullo, Salvatore de, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 6 Livingstone-Learmouth, Miss, 1973 Box 230A, Folder 7 Lloyds Bank Limited, 1972-1975 Box 230A, Folder 8 London Library, undated Box 230A, Folder 9 Lorenzo, Achille di, 1975 Physical Description: 3 items Physical Description: 1 item Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 3 letters sent Physical Description: 3 letters, 1 receipt Physical Description: 2 items Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 230A, Folder 10 Lypacewicz, Krzysztof, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 230A, Folder 11 Maasdijk, J. G. van, 1967 Box 230A, Folder 12 Martin & Nicholson, 1972-1974 Physical Description: 2 items Physical Description: 7 letters INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 474 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230A, Folder 13 Alister Mathews Old Master Drawings, 1973 Physical Description: 1 item Box 230A, Folder 14 Mayes, C. (Old Etonian Association), 1968 Box 230A, Folder 15 Medals (interest incollecting), 1970, undated Box 230A, Folder 16 Milner, J. G., 1975 Box 230A, Folder 17 Mirrlees de la Lanne, J. R., 1975 Box 230A, Folder 18 Montenac, M. de, 1966 Box 230A, Folder 19 Naessens (Bank de Paris et des Pays-Bas), 1969 Box 230A, Folder 20 Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, 1970-1971 Box 230A, Folder 21 Herbert Oppenheimer, Nathan & Vandyk, 1968-1972 Box 230A, Folder 22 Orbis Books (London), 1972 Box 230A, Folder 23 Der Fürst-Grossprior von Österreich, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 24 Pallavicini, Hubert Le Ven Bailli Fra, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 25 Pirie, E. (Leeds City Museum), 1973 Box 230A, Folder 26 Portugal: travel, 1968-1974 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: ca. 20 items Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 2 letters sent Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 11 letters Physical Description: 24 items Physical Description: 1 receipt Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 4 notes Scope and Content Note Regarding Antonio Szczerbinski. Box 230A, Folder 27 Potocka, Countess, 1968 Box 230A, Folder 28 Pucinali, 1967 Box 230A, Folder 29 Puerto Rico, 1968 Physical Description: 1 note Physical Description: 1 item Physical Description: 1 cable Scope and Content Note Regarding a shipment from Ponce. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 475 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230A, Folder 30 H. M. Queen Elizabeth, 1970-1972 Box 230A, Folder 31 Rabbia, Maria Luisa, 1974 Box 230A, Folder 32 Radio Free Europe (Jan Nowak), 1973-1974 Physical Description: 3 items Physical Description: 4 letters Physical Description: 3 letters Scope and Content Note Regarding Maksymilian Gierymski. Box 230A, Folder 33 Rau, Gustav, 1973 Box 230A, Folder 34 Romano, Fabio, 1973-1974 Box 230A, Folder 35 C. G. Rosenberg & Co., 1975 Box 230A, Folder 36 Rottermund, Andrzej, 1974-1975 Box 230A, Folder 37 Royal Academy of Arts, 1967-1969 Box 230A, Folder 38 Royal College of Nursing, 1974 Box 230A, Folder 39 A. G. Sayers, Seaton & Butterworth, 1971-1975 Box 230A, Folder 40 Scroffa, Ugoccione, 1971-1975 Box 230A, Folder 41 Senegalese Embassy (London), 1971 Box 230A, Folder 42 Skalnik, Kurt, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 43 Skapski, 1967 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 4 letters Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 5 letters sent Physical Description: 9 items Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 10 items Physical Description: 3 letters Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 1 note Box 230A, Folder 44 Skene, D., 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Box 230A, Folder 45 Sommer, François, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 46 George Spencer Decorations, 1971 Physical Description: 2 items Physical Description: 1 receipt INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 476 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230A, Folder 47 Spink, D. F., 1986 Physical Description: 8 letters Box 230A, Folder 48 Springfield Library and Museums Assoc., undated Box 230A, Folder 49 Studium Polski Podziemnej, 1969 Box 230A, Folder 50 Sun Life of Canada, 1970-1971 Box 230A, Folder 51 The Sunday Telegraph, 1970 Box 230A, Folder 52 Swaine Adeney Brigg & Sons, Ltd., 1970 Box 230A, Folder 53 Swiss Embassy, 1974-1975 Box 230A, Folder 54 Szablowski, Jerzy (Panstwowe Zbiory Sztuki na Wawelu), 1967-1972 Box 230A, Folder 55 Tansini, Laura, 1971 Box 230A, Folder 56 Tarrant, Harold A. (Old Etonian Association), 1968 Box 230A, Folder 57 Thatcher, R. E. (Art Associates Partnership), 1972 Box 230A, Folder 58 Tom Stacey Limited, undated Box 230A, Folder 59 Tonkin, D. (H.M. Embassy, Warsaw), 1968 Box 230A, Folder 60 Tops TV Ltd., 1972 Physical Description: 1 receipt Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 9 letters Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 2 letters sent Physical Description: 6 items Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 2 letters Physical Description: 1 letter Physical Description: 2 items Physical Description: 2 letters sent Physical Description: 2 items Box 230A, Folder 61 Transac Services Ltd., 1970 Physical Description: 1 item Box 230A, Folder 62 The Transatlantic Review, undated Box 230A, Folder 63 Twickenham Travel Limited, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 1 printed matter INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 477 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230A, Folder 64 The Under-Secretary of State, Home office, Aliens Department, 1969 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Scope and Content Note Regarding W. Bartoszewski. Box 230A, Folder 65 Unidentified (various), 1967-1974 Box 230A, Folder 66 United States: travel, 1969-1974 Box 230A, Folder 67 Valantin (Ambassador), 1968 Box 230A, Folder 68 Various, 1971-1975 Box 230A, Folder 69 Veritas Foundation (London), 1969 Box 230A, Folder 70 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1968 Box 230A, Folder 71 Wahideddin, Mohamed, 1975 Box 230A, Folder 72 Warde, Mary, 1969 Box 230A, Folder 73 Weygand, Bertrand, undated Box 230A, Folder 74 Wildenstein, Daniel, 1969 Box 230A, Folder 75 Wilks, C. N. J., 1970 Box 230A, Folder 76 William Whelan Ltd., 1973 Box 230A, Folder 77 Wright, Deen & Co. Ltd., 1971-1972 Physical Description: 8 items Physical Description: 4 items Physical Description: 1 note Physical Description: ca. 40 items Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 1 cable Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 1 letter received Physical Description: 1 note Physical Description: 3 letters Physical Description: 1 letter sent Physical Description: 1 receipt Physical Description: 10 items Zeisel, E. M., 1974 Box 230A, Folder 78 Physical Description: 4 letters Box 230A, Folder 79 Box 230B Box 230B, folder 1 Zezos, Georges, 1972 Physical Description: 1 letter sent Letters received regarding the sale of the Heim Gallery, 1986-1987 Ackland Art Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 478 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 2 Thos. Agnew & Sons, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 3 Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. 1 printed matter. Box 230B, folder 4 The Antique Collector, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 5 Apostolic Nunciature (London) Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 6 Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 7 Bellanger, Patrice, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 8 Böhler, Julius, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 9 British Embassy, Mexico City, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 10 Box 230B, folder 11 Box 230B, folder 12 Box 230B, folder 13 Box 230B, folder 14 The British Library, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1postcard received. den Broeder, Fred, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Brook, Anthea, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Bruton Gallery, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. di Capua, Vittorio, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 479 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 15 Box 230B, folder 16 Box 230B, folder 17 Box 230B, folder 18 Box 230B, folder 19 Box 230B, folder 20 Box 230B, folder 21 Box 230B, folder 22 Box 230B, folder 23 Box 230B, folder 24 Box 230B, folder 25 Box 230B, folder 26 Box 230B, folder 27 Carondale?, Gianni, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. David Carritt Limited, 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 letters received. ,Christies International (London), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. (London and New York), 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 lettersreceived. The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 letters received. Colnaghi, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Denver Art Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Detroit Institute of Arts, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Duke of Portland, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Fabry?, E., 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 postcard received. Falkinger, Richard, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Fitzwilliam Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 480 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 28 French Embassy (London), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 29 Box 230B, folder 30 Box 230B, folder 31 Box 230B, folder 32 Box 230B, folder 33 Box 230B, folder 34 Box 230B, folder 35 Box 230B, folder 36 Box 230B, folder 37 Box 230B, folder 38 Box 230B, folder 39 Box 230B, folder 40 Fusco, Peter, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Garlick, Kenneth, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Gilbey, Mark, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. W. R. Grace & Co., 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Gregori, Mina, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Harris, Jonathan, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Hartnoll, Julian, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Henry & Graz, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Heredia, Marquis de, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Hermitage, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Humphris, Cyril, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 481 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 41 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 42 Box 230B, folder 43 Box 230B, folder 44 Box 230B, folder 45 Box 230B, folder 46 Box 230B, folder 47 Interstate Securities Corporation, undated Scope and Content Note 1 business card. Joppien, Rüdiger, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Joslyn Art Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Kimbell Art Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 3 letters received. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, 1987 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Kunsthistorisches Museum Sammlung für Plastik und Kunstgewerbe (Vienna), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 48 Box 230B, folder 49 Box 230B, folder 50 Box 230B, folder 51 Box 230B, folder 52 Box 230B, folder 53 Lankheit, Klaus, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Le Sage, Patricia, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Musée des beaux-arts (Lille), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Lord, Rupert, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Lord Chamberlain's Office, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Musée du Louvre, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 482 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 54 Marlboro Fine Art (London), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1printed matter (exhibition of Victor Newsome). Box 230B, folder 55 Box 230B, folder 56 Box 230B, folder 57 Box 230B, folder 58 Box 230B, folder 59 Box 230B, folder 60 Box 230B, folder 61 Box 230B, folder 62 Box 230B, folder 63 Box 230B, folder 64 Box 230B, folder 65 Box 230B, folder 66 Methol ?, Raoul, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986 Scope and Content Note 3 letters received. Mieczkowski, Zbigniew, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Moore, John D. J., 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Morgan Bank, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Mullins, Edwin, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Museum of Fine Arts Boston, 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 letters received. Natale, Mauro, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. National Gallery of Art, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. National Gallery of Ireland, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 483 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 67 National Portrait Gallery, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 68 Box 230B, folder 69 Box 230B, folder 70 Box 230B, folder 71 Box 230B, folder 72 Box 230B, folder 73 Box 230B, folder 74 Box 230B, folder 75 Box 230B, folder 76 Box 230B, folder 77 Box 230B, folder 78 Box 230B, folder 79 Owsley, David T., 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Page, A. F., 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Museo del Prado, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Preston House (John Sainsbury), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 letters received. Rothschild, Jacob, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Sainty, Guy Stair, undated Scope and Content Note Printed matter. Scarisbrick, Peter (Mrs.), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 card received. Schönberger, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Shaw, James Bryan, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Smith College (Northampton, Ma.), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 484 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 80 Souchel, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 81 Box 230B, folder 82 Box 230B, folder 83 Box 230B, folder 84 Box 230B, folder 85 Box 230B, folder 86 Box 230B, folder 87 Box 230B, folder 88 Box 230B, folder 89 Box 230B, folder 90 Box 230B, folder 91 Box 230B, folder 92 Sotheby's (London), 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. St. John-Stevas, Norman, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Sunday Telegraph, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Thorvaldsens Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. The Toldeo Museum of Art, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Udine, Italy: Comune di Udine, Civici Musei e Gallerie di storia e Arte, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Unidentified, 1986 Scope and Content Note 2 letters received, various. University of California Santa Barbara, University Art Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. University of Durham, Dept. of History, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received from J.M.J. Register. The Lady Vaizey, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 card received. Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 485 Series VII. Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki personal files, 1966-1990, undated Box 230B, folder 93 Wheaton College, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 230B, folder 94 Box 230B, folder 95 The Whitworth Art Gallery, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Zabert, Gilberto, 1986 Scope and Content Note 1 letter received. Box 231*, folder 3 Photographs of the Pope John Paul II, undated Scope and Content Note 3 photographs in one frame. INVENTORY OF THE HEIM GALLERY RECORDS, 1965-1991 910004 486