Overview of the automotive industry in Curitiba Metropolitan
Overview of the automotive industry in Curitiba Metropolitan
Overview of the automotive industry in Curitiba Metropolitan Area Establishment of car assembly plants in Brazil Paraná share 3 Total of car assembly plants until 2016: 28 factories should produce cars in Brazil until 2016 (excluding those which are yet to be announced) Fonte: Jornal do Carro – O Estado de São Paulo, October 6, 2013 4 Car brands operating until 2016 Source: IG Carros 5 PRODUCTION BY STATE - Cars Source: Anfavea – Anuário Estatístico, 2014 PRODUCTION BY STATE – Agricultural Machinery Source: Anfavea – Anuário Estatístico, 2014 Brazilian production 2013 and forecast 2014 Source: Anfavea - Desempenho da Indústria Automobilística Brasileira, Jan. 2014 Production forecast from Sindipeças Forecast Group Number of buses, trucks, automobiles and light commercial vehicles Total Buses Trucks 4 760 235 4 562 083 Light Commercial Vehicles 4 346 050 Automobiles 4 060 371 3 640 315 3 802 630 54 161 53 370 48 651 181 278 657 786 2 752 600 2013 51 055 189 277 665 898 2 896 400 2014 206 771 196 310 756 391 3 054 300 2015 868 718 3 216 400 2016 55 396 216 189 915 898 56 509 228 363 967 263 3 374 600 3 508 100 2017 2018 9 Source: Sindipeças Forecast Group Liaison with the Automotive Sector Scenarios for Curitiba's Automotive Industry 2020 Main goal: ü To contribute to the strengthening of the Automotive Sector in Curitiba's Metropolitan Area and to the creation of opportunities in the global level. Specific goals: ü To carry out prospective studies, to monitor information, scenarios and trends and to formulate strategies for the development of productive sectors. ü To identify business opportunities for the productive sector. ü To promote the formulation, institution and assessment of the instruments of industrial policies and of the institutional actions of the Industry System. 1º Steering Committee of the Prospective Study for Curitiba's Automotive Industry 2020 2º Scenarios for Curitiba's Automotive Industry 2020 3º Consolidation of the Process of Liaison with the Automotive Sector in Curitiba's Metropolitan Area Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Work Group - Supply Chain in Curitiba's Automotive Sector Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Work Group - Supply Chain in Curitiba's Automotive Sector Steering Committee Participants: Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Prospective and Sector Studies Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Biweekly newsletter 150 issues / 600+ readers Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Automotive news Blog 1300+ posts http://www.fiepr.org.br/observatorios/automotivo/ Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring HR Technical Committee Participants HR Technical Committee ü 37 meetings held (monthly meetings) ü Automotive Engineering undergraduate course - Federal University of Paraná - 40 places on the first 2 years, 80 places from the 3rd year on - Duration: 5 years / 4000 hours (approx.) - Entrance exam: 2014 / First students: 2015 ü HR Management for Production Leaders – 126 hours ü Management (HR Management for Production Leaders) - 205 hours ü Diversity and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Course HR Technical Committee ü Automotive Engineering Specialization Course ü 2010/2012/2013 ü Benchmarking and discussions about disabilities and gender issues (Visits to Volvo, Kraft, Renault, Spaipa, Garoto) ü Research Women in Leadership Roles ü Inclusion Internship ü Ongoing debate: Gender relationships ü Next topics of interest: Affirmative action, sign language, law on disabilities Liaison with the Automotive Sector Curitiba's Metropolitan Area 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steering Committee Prospective and sector studies Biweekly newsletter Automotive news Blog HR Technical Committee Scenarios monitoring Theme: Automotive Industry Variable 8: Supply Chain Hypothesis: Slight increase of the supply chain compared to the current structure (higher technological specialization) - CONFIRMED 2009 ê Crisis causes decline in the investments of the car parts industry 2010 é Keiper opens new factory in São Paulo 2011 é • SKF opens a factory of second generation roll bearings for ABS • Car parts industry prepares for higher demand 2012 é • New GM motor factory to be opened in Brazil by the end of 2012 • Addition to KYB do Brasil in Fazenda Rio Grande 2013 è Instability related to the proposal of Inovar-Peças, and difficulties to compete with the international market Articulação do Setor Automotivo Observatórios SESI/SENAI/IEL Sistema Fiep +55 41 3271-7443 observatorios.setorautomotivo@fiepr.org.br