Spiritual Fruits or Religious Nuts
Spiritual Fruits or Religious Nuts
SPIRITUAL FRUITS OR RELIGIOUS NUTS? DWAYNE CONYERS POWERHOUSE PUBLICATIONS 2005 Copyright © 2005 by Dwayne Conyers. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Powerhouse Publications New York, Beverly Hills, Washington DC Printed in the United States of America Scripture quotations marked (AMP) taken from THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE, Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright © 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Second Edition For Reverend Kenneth E. Cox Contents PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 “EVERYBODY TALKIN’ ‘BOUT HEAVEN AIN’T GOIN’ THERE” .............................................................................. 1 WHO AIN’T GOIN’ THERE?.................................................................................................................................. 1 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE SANCTIFIED KIND................................................................................................ 3 WORKS WITHOUT FAITH ARE DEAD ................................................................................................................. 4 WALK YOUR TALK... DON’T TALK YOUR WALK ................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 7 SACRIFICE AND COMMITMENT ........................................................................................................................... 7 SOWING AND REAPING ...................................................................................................................................... 7 SHEEP VS. GOATS ............................................................................................................................................... 8 LOW VOLTAGE? HIGH VOLTAGE? ..................................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 1 CHURCHIANITY ..................................................................................................................... 11 LACK OF LOVE ................................................................................................................................................. 11 THE GREAT SATAN .......................................................................................................................................... 13 WORKS WITHOUT FAITH ................................................................................................................................. 13 I AM OF PAUL... I AM OF APOLLOS..................................................................................................................... 14 DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES? .............................................................................................................................. 14 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ‘‘LORD?”................................................................................................................ 15 CHAPTER 2 THE SHEEP AND THE GOATS........................................................................................... 17 THE SHEEP ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 THE GOATS ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER 3 GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT ........................................................................................................... 21 PROOF POSITIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 22 DIVERSITIES OF GIFTS ..................................................................................................................................... 22 COUNTERFEIT GIFTS ....................................................................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 4 FRUIT OF THE FLESH ......................................................................................................... 25 LAW AND ORDER ............................................................................................................................................. 25 THE ROTTEN FRUIT FARM ............................................................................................................................... 26 DID SOMEBODY SAY, “OUCH” ???.................................................................................................................... 29 PRUNE JUICE .................................................................................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 5 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT ......................................................................................................... 31 THE SPIRITUAL FRUIT FARM ............................................................................................................................ 31 NO FOOLIN’..................................................................................................................................................... 33 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 35 Preface “Everybody talkin’ ‘bout heaven ain’t goin’ there” 21Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? 23And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].(A) 24So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a [a]sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock. (Matthew 7:21-24) Matthew 7:21-24 is a scripture most Christians are familiar with. You may hear people use it as a weapon aimed at people referred to as “hypocrites.” I remember as a child hearing people speaking derisively about hypocrites. The reasoning is that hypocrites are worse than “full blown” sinners. I heard people say things like, “Well, I may drink a little liquor... but at least I ain’t no hypocrite.” Granted, Jesus says (in the book of Revelation1) that He would prefer His church to be either hot or cold. A lukewarm believer makes Him sick to His stomach2. In light of that scripture, it would be better for a person to either be hot (on fire for Jesus) or cold (sleeping through the sermon on those Sundays they choose to show up for church) than to be lukewarm. Who ain’t goin’ there? Who exactly are those individuals that talk about heaven and yet have no hope of going there? Are those the people we call hypocrites? 1 2 Revelation 3:15-17 Revelation 3:16 The etymology of the word “hypocrite” describes actors who would wear a mask on stage to portray a different character. This is most literally a wolf in sheep’s clothing, someone who only pretends to be a Christian but really isn’t. What kind of person would go out of their way to pretend to be a child of God? There are men and women who come to churches and only pretend to be saved because their true motive is to sabotage churches. You have people pretend to speak in tongues but rather than praying in the spirit they are calling demons to come and attack the ministry. There are young women who will go to a pastor for counseling and then rip her own clothing and scream “rape” in order to discredit the man of God. This behavior typifies the definition of a hypocrite, a false actor pretending. A pastor in California noted a situation where a talented musician joined his church and appeared to be serious about using his talent for the Lord. After becoming firmly entrenched with this church body, the guy called each musician in the church and asked to borrow a musical instrument – ostensibly for some evangelical outreach. After collecting instruments valued in the thousands of dollars, this man disappeared and was never heard from again. He was a hypocrite, a false actor pretending. Money is a strong motivator for individuals to pretend to be a Christian under false pretense. Many pretend to be called to ministry in order to collect an offering plate full of money. It is nauseating to see men and women stand before congregations tickling ears with what the people want to hear. In many churches, a minister is judged not on his ability to rightly divide the word of God but, rather, on his oratorical skills. The preacher who can rhythmically deliver his message in dulcet tones that rise and fall... hypnotizing the congregation into shouts of “Amen” and “Preach it!” can be guaranteed a nice financial reward for his or her efforts. Now, I am not saying that the tradition of “call and response” is wrong in and of itself. You can shout and scream or you can speak in a John Houseman styled monotone – that isn’t the point. The point is, whether you are truly ministering to the body (even if what the Lord wants declared will mash a few toes) or whether you are providing entertainment with the objective of receiving remuneration? It would be wise for believers to follow Jesus’ admonition to be as wise as serpents yet harmless as doves. This attitude doesn’t only exist in the pulpit. Many charitable arms of the church are bombarded by individuals who will put on the most pious countenance in order to walk away with a nice handout. Even your garden variety panhandler will straighten up and put on some air of respect when begging in front of the house of God. The leader of one such ministry encountered a woman who came to the church with her young children, peppering her pleas for financial assistance with “God bless you” and “Lord have mercy.” This leader was wise enough to check with a few other churches before giving this 2 woman anything. She discovered that this woman had been going from church to church with the same story. When confronted with this revelation, the woman changed her attitude and her “God bless you” suddenly became “God $#@! you.” How does one discern between a true Christian and a hypocrite (false actor pretending)? Let’s take a closer look at Matthew 7:21-24: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:” (Matthew 7:21-24) There are a few characteristics of those who talk about heaven but aren’t going there. They have “do’s” and they also have “don’t do’s.” Do’s 1. They do say “Lord, Lord.” 2. They do many wonderful works. Don’ts 1. They don’t do the will of the Father. 2. They don’t do what Jesus said. On the surface, it would appear that these hypocrites (false actors pretending) were saved. They say, “Lord, Lord.” But it is one thing to say and another thing to believe. How many people remember George Harrison’s song, “My Sweet Lord.” It seemed like a perfect church hymn until George switched “Hallelujah” to “Hari Krishna.” Close Encounters of the Sanctified Kind Simply saying “Lord, Lord” won’t get you anywhere with God. You can say “Lord, Lord” until your tongue wears out... if the words are empty with nothing to back them, they won’t get you anywhere. 3 For instance, a person can stand in front of the White House and say, “George W. Bush, George W. Bush” until they turn blue in the face. That won’t get them invited into the Oval Office. It might, however, get that person arrested and locked up for psychiatric evaluation. There has to be a position – a relationship – to get you invited into Bush’s presence. Laura Bush can get in. Barb and Jenna can get in. Mom and Pop Bush can get in. But unless you have been granted a position that affords access, just saying it will only give your jaw a little exercise and not much else. The same is true with God. You have to do more than say, “Lord, Lord.” You have to know Him for yourself. You have to have a close encounter of the sanctified kind. You must make the quality decision to invite Jesus into your heart as Savior and Lord; then (and only then) will you receive eternal life. Works Without Faith Are Dead Secondly, the hypocrites (false actors pretending) told Jesus that they did many wonderful works. Not just a few wonderful works... but many. And how wonderful were these works? What specific works did they perform? They prophesied. They cast out devils. They did many wonderful works. While faith without works is dead3, works without faith would appear to be equally empty – and according to Matthew 7 yield devastating results. Telltale signs of their spiritual poverty include the fact that they don’t do the will of the Father. The word of God lays out the Father’s prerequisites... to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God4. How one behaves on Sunday morning is not important. How one lives the rest of the week is. Walk Your Talk... Don’t Talk Your Walk Finally, these people hear the words that Jesus said, yet they seem to feel no compunction to actually do those things. When Peter declared that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, Jesus declared that statement to be the Rock on which He would build His church5. Building your house on the Rock means to base your life and the foundation of your salvation upon the 3 James 2:17 Micah 6:8 5 Matthew 16:18 4 4 Lordship of Jesus Christ. Believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth6 is the key to receiving eternal life (salvation). The action of the mouth (“Lord, Lord”) must confirm the condition of the heart. Otherwise, they might hear those fateful words on that great and terrible day... Many will say, “Lord, Lord” But I never knew them They’ll say, “I’ve worked so hard” But I never knew them They are motivated to get selfish gain They want men to praise them and lift up their name But they’ve already got their reward No, they won’t get nothing when they see the Lord Many will say, “Lord, Lord” But I never knew them They’ll say, “I’ve worked so hard” But I never knew them How it breaks My heart to know how they will end Oh, My Spirit calls them to make Me their Friend But they won’t hear Me; they are deaf and blind And when I return they will be left behind Many will say, “Lord, Lord” But I never knew them They’ll say, “I’ve worked so hard” But I never knew them Search your heart, My servant for a good report Are you confident that you do know the Lord? A crown is waiting if you don’t faint And My arms are open at the pearly gates Many will say, “Lord, Lord” But I never knew them They’ll say, “I’ve worked so hard” But I never knew them 6 Romans 10:10 5 “Everybody talkin’ ‘bout heaven ain’t goin’ there.” Will you be one who simply talks the talk, or will you determine in your heart to walk the walk? 6 Introduction The inspiration from this book came from a lifetime of attending a variety of churches in different parts of the United States, Europe, and Asia. One common thread seems consistent – the flawed nature of human beings in the conduct of God’s business. That is, of course, unavoidable. Given that there are no perfect people, therefore there can be no perfect churches. Still, there are those who are sold out to God and filled with enough of the Holy Spirit to bear spiritual fruits that evidence their Christianity. The majority of others, it would appear, bear no spiritual fruit but display the characteristics of “religious nuts.” Sacrifice and Commitment The late Keith Green once said, ‘‘Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger.’’ Interesting way of putting things, isn’t it? Lots of people are willing to walk into McDonalds to see what they might receive... but how many people are willing to get chopped, ground and fried? Okay, I’m sorry... that was a bit graphic, wasn’t it? But it does get the point across. One has to have a high level of commitment to actually become a hamburger. Once you have made that step, there is no turning back. The same is true about being a Christian. When you decide to follow Jesus there is, as the songwriter7 sang, “no turning back, no turning back.” Sowing and Reaping So many people go to church to get something. Most everyone wants to get a blessing. The sick want to get healed. The poor want to get prosperity. The single want to get a good husband or wife. Some go to hear good music. Others go to get absolution for their guilty consciences. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to receive something, it is more blessed8 to go to church with a readiness to give. 7 8 “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” (Public Domain) Acts 20:35b Two of the constants in our world are seedtime and harvest9. If you want apples, you plant an apple seed into fertile soil. If you want to bear spiritual fruit, you must plant the word of God in your heart (assuming you have broken up the fallow ground10 in your life). That is a huge assumption, considering how so many people have acquired the religion of self-righteousness – putting your needs and desires above others and showing little regard for anyone other than yourself and your immediate family. Sheep vs. Goats This is the dilemma that Jesus illustrated when He told the parable of the sheep and the goats11. The sheep were granted eternal life while the goats were told to depart into everlasting fire. The sheep seemed a bit surprised to receive their commendation from the Lord. It was as if their good deeds came so natural to them that they didn’t realize they were doing anything special. The goats, on the other hand, were so assured of their right standing that they couldn’t imagine the Lord saying, “Depart from Me.” Yet, unlike the sheep, the goats never thought to reach out and bless those who were hungry, naked, sick or in prison. Perhaps the goats were consumed with the practice of the “Gifts of the Spirit.” They might have thought that the Lord was impressed with their shouting and dancing and talking tongues – only to realize too late that their priorities were 100% off the mark. Low Voltage? High Voltage? A wise man12 once said that it takes more power to illuminate a light bulb than to wire a doorbell. You can make noise in the house on a low voltage circuit, yet in order to light the house you need high voltage of power. There are many churches that make lots of noise (music, shouting, hand-clapping, etc.) but how many truly let the light of Jesus shine forth into their communities and to the world? The fruit of the flesh can be likened to low voltage. No schools are needed to teach people how to be selfish, mean or nasty. When a man or woman is born again, however, the fruits 9 Genesis 8:22 Jeremiah 4:3 and Hosea 10:12 11 Matthew 25:31-56 12 The late Rev. Dr. David Durham, Mount Sinai Baptist Church, Washington DC 10 8 change from those of the flesh to the fruit of the Spirit. Once you begin to bear good fruit, God will prune your spiritual tree to ensure that it continues to produce high-quality fruit. If you are being pruned, God is cutting away things that will hinder your ability to bear fruit. As you examine yourself, do you find that you pass the test? Are you a sheep, or are you a goat? 9 10 Chapter 1 Churchianity America is considered by many to be a Christian nation. Others might argue that America is a country that just has a lot of Christians in it. The presidential election of 2004 was considered by many to be the challenge of Christians against the heathen. Churches rejoiced in their perceived victory while non-Christians commiserated over the perceived threat to their freedom. Statistics show that many Americans are churchgoers to some degree (even if that only means Christmas and Easter service attendance). However, keep in mind those words of wisdom from Keith Green. Going to church doesn’t make one a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes one a hamburger. Church in and of itself is a positive thing. It is good to fellowship with others, study God’s word and get involved in community outreaches. In fact, those things are essential for spiritual growth (and, when done right, can be a lot of fun). The problem arises when the church becomes barren of spiritual fruit and becomes filled with religious nuts. Lack of Love Interestingly, many churchgoers seem to believe that the church is the sole property and exclusive territory of Christians. Sinners (that is, those who don’t fit their preconceived notions of what a Christian is) are often unwelcome. Churchgoers like this maintain a “holier than thou” attitude that justifies their need to look down their noses upon those who they interpret as less than or beneath them. What these people seem to overlook is that the church needs to serve as a “way station” for sinners to come and receive salvation. No church should ever shut its doors in the face of one who is seeking God. The unfortunate reality is that people are routinely asked to leave a church if, for some reason, they don’t seem to fit in. The wrong appearance, behavior or demeanor – even the “wrong” skin color – and an army of ushers will descend upon that person and drag them away. Example #1 – Wrong Attire I first witnessed this as a teenager. A mechanic from a local garage was working on a church member’s car. She accidentally left her house keys in the vehicle and the mechanic was conscientious enough to come to church to give the keys to her. The presence of this man in greasy overalls drew a hostile reaction from the prim and proper head of the usher board. He was given a brusque send-off without even the consideration of inquiring about the condition of his soul or even inviting him to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Example #2 – Wrong Skin Color A husband and wife transferred to a rural Southern town after a tour of duty in Hawaii. They found a church that appeared to be of the same denomination they had gotten saved and called to minister in. Imagine their surprise when they were told that they were not welcome in the church because they were of a certain ethnicity and this church preferred a homogeneous congregation. Example #3 – Wrong Nationality During my year of expatriation in Singapore, I enrolled in a seminary semester with Dr. Gary Gregor from Los Angeles. During one evening session, Dr. Gregor asked us to pair up and pray with each other. The woman seated next to me, who was an indigenous Singaporean, refused to pray with an American. Fortunately, this embarrassing situation was resolved when a husband and wife offered to split up and trade places. The wife prayed with the woman and the husband prayed with me. Example #4 – Wrong Agenda A pastor in the mid-Atlantic region was hired to lead a congregation following the death of his predecessor. This pastor had a strong desire to place stronger emphasis on the word of God. He cancelled some of the chicken dinners and social events and called for the leadership of this church to give stronger focus to studying God’s word. This led to a number of heated exchanges, exchanges of gossip, and even requests to have the local police department bar the pastor from entering the building. Eventually, the pastor was voted out by the members of the congregation. Analysis Considering that the foundation of the church is love, these examples seem totally out of step for any Christian congregation. Yet, it is an absolute reality in many churches across the United States and other part of the world. The scriptures declare that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek... no bond nor free... no male nor female. It is sad, then, that Churches define themselves by “black and white” or 12 “English and Spanish” and greet anyone who is different with rude stares, whispers, upturned noses or even a stern admonition to leave. The Great Satan An evangelist who has had opportunities to preach in Moslem countries (and had face-to face meetings with the late Yasser Arafat and certain top Al-Qaeda leaders) said that even Moslem extremists have respect for men and women who are willing to die for their faith in Christ. One criticism against the church is that we have gotten away from the book. We rally around traditions and doctrines that have no scriptural foundation, yet we fail in even the simplest tenets of Christian love. Remember the cries from the Arab world that America was the “great satan?” Part of the rationale for that belief was that while the United States claims to be a Christian nation, it exports billions of dollars in tobacco, alcohol and pornography around the world. That blatant hypocrisy engenders wrath from the extremists and jihads who desire to wipe America off the face of the planet. Even those who claim to be believers don’t uphold the basic tenets of the faith... how can we be so surprised regarding how we are viewed by the Islamic world? Works Without Faith Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger. Likewise, doing “church-like” acts doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in front of a camera will earn you an Academy Award. I attended a church in San Antonio, Texas where the pastor proudly proclaimed to the congregation that he had never ever partaken in alcoholic beverages. He had never even tasted a non-alcoholic beer (known by some as “near beer”). That reminds me of a statement made by the late Dr. David Durham. He said, “If all you do to secure your salvation is quit drinking... all that means is that you’ll go to hell sober instead of going there drunk.’’ Humorous, yet true. Salvation is not based upon what we do... it is solely a matter of what Jesus did on the cross. Imagine those who say, “Lord, Lord... I quit smoking. Lord, Lord... I quit drinking. Lord, Lord... I gave up fornicating.” Granted, it is good to give up those things that would damage your body and decrease your quality of life. 13 Acts of austerity, in and of themselves, are not Christian acts. There are plenty of satan worshipers who are vegan non-smoker teetotalers. That doesn’t get them into heaven, does it? They just go to a non-smoker, sober, vegetarian section of hell... if there were such a place. The bottom line is that we can’t rely upon our behavior, our lifestyle, our political affiliation, our economic status, or our own personal worth for salvation. Salvation is in Christ alone through His shed blood. I am of Paul... I am of Apollos... I have heard it said that the only way to be saved is by attending a Baptist church. Others have said that you had to be in a tongue-talking Pentecostal church in order to be saved. That is wrong13. A friend of mine once told me her church had mandated that drinking coffee and eating chocolate were sins. This made her a sinner and gave her guilt and condemnation every time she gave into her craving for a Hershey bar. That is wrong14. No where in the Bible does it say that a specific sect or practice or food will save or condemn you. Salvation is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ – PERIOD. Don’t try to tack anything onto it or take anything away from it. Desperate Housewives? The church is the bride of Christ. There are some things that are expected of a bride, particularly in the middle-eastern culture of the Bible. When a woman married a man, she was expected to do a little something known as being faithful. Of course, even in today’s culture an “open marriage” is seen as an anomaly – it is expected that when someone vows “till death do us part” that should be more than just empty words. Still, we see marriages fall apart every day – and often for the most selfish of reasons. There was a prophet in the Old Testament, Hosea, who had an interesting commandment from the Lord. In order to illustrate the unfaithfulness of Israel, Hosea was commanded to marry a prostitute. Here is the man of God married to a woman whose lifestyle is to go out and sell her body... and had little desire to change. 2When the Lord first spoke with and through Hosea, the Lord said to him, Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotry and have children of [her] harlotry, for the land commits great whoredom by departing from the Lord. 13 14 1st Corinthians 1:11-13 and 1st Corinthians 3:4 Acts 10:15 14 3So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim, and she became pregnant and bore him a son. 4And the Lord said to him, Call his name Jezreel or God-sows, for yet a little while and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel and visit the punishment for it upon the house of Jehu, and I will put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel15. (Hosea 1:2-4) Hosea’s wife would slip out and go to the brothel to ply her trade. Time after time, Hosea would go and get her out of there and bring her back home. This was an illustration of God’s faithfulness to accept us when we sin against Him time after time after time after time after time. There comes a time, however, when a person’s heart can become so hard that they have no desire to return home to the Lord. That is an extremely dangerous state. When the Lord comes and drags you out of your situation and back to His kingdom, make a renewed commitment to serve Him with all the love in your heart, soul and mind. Make a commitment in your heart to be a good and faithful bride to the Bridegroom. What is the meaning of ‘‘Lord?” Those who stand before Jesus and say “Lord, Lord” are told that He never knew them. The Christian walk is one of intimacy. If Jesus is truly the Lord of your life, then He is Lord over every area of your life. Early in my Christian walk, I had difficulty singing the hymn, “I Surrender All.” In all honesty, I didn’t want to surrender all. I could surrender some. I thought that in time I could reach the point where I could surrender most. But surrendering all? I didn’t think so. The bride cannot expect her marriage to grow and solidify if she doesn’t give all. It is a classic premise when a wife holds back from giving her husband intimacy or physical affection in order to “punish” her husband or because she is upset with him over something. “I’ll teach him to not take the trash out when I ask him,” she might think to herself. Meanwhile, the husband’s secretary is flirting with him every day, wearing low cut blouses that expose her cleavage and short dresses that have him leaning over her desk and, like Moses, looking into the promised land and desiring to enter in. If this situation continues to persist, an affair is often inevitable. The logical conclusion is the dissolution of the marriage. This happens so often, and yet people still fall into those same 15 2nd Kings 10:11 15 old traps. That is why the scripture urges husbands and wives to give all to each other to prevent temptation16. Selling out to Jesus keeps you out of trouble. It is that intimate walk with Him that sanctifies us and leads us away from those things that would trip us up spiritually. Does the Lord know you? Get to know Him. Draw near to God & He will draw near to you17. 16 17 1st Corinthians 7:2-4 James 4:8 16 Chapter 2 The Sheep and the Goats In Matthew 25, Jesus describes the separation of the nations before His throne of judgment. Those who are sheep (approved and blessed) are made to stand on His right hand (the place of honor). Those who are goats (disapproved and cursed) are made to stand on His left hand (the place of dishonor). 31When the Son of Man comes in His glory (His majesty and splendor), and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32All nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them [the people] from one another as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats18; 33And He will cause the sheep to stand at His right hand, but the goats at His left. (Matthew 25:31-33) Once the nations are separated to stand into their designated positions, King Jesus will address each group separately. First, He turns to those who were made to stand on His right hand. In the scriptures, the right hand is the best place to be. You can tell that from what Jesus has to say to His sheep: The Sheep 34Then the King will say to those at His right hand, Come, you blessed of My Father favored of God and appointed to eternal salvation], inherit (receive as your own) the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you20 brought Me together with yourselves and welcomed and entertained and21 lodged Me, [you19 18 Ezekiel 34:17 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon. 20 Literal meaning. 21 William Tyndale, The Tyndale Bible. 19 36I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me22 with help and ministering care, I was in prison and you came to see Me23. (Matthew 25:34-36) The sheep learn why they are in that right hand position. It is not because they went to church every Sunday. It is not because they wore austere clothing. It is not because they ate fish on Friday or because they abstained from chocolate or coffee. So then, why are they in this position of being blessed? The Lord tells them that they are blessed because of how they treated other people. They gave Him food when He was hungry. They gave Him drink when He was thirsty. They welcomed Him when He was a stranger. They clothed Him when He was naked. When He was sick and in prison, they visited Him. But wait a minute? When was Jesus every hungry, thirsty, sick, imprisoned or any of these things? 37Then the just and upright will answer Him, Lord, when did we see You hungry and gave You food, or thirsty and gave You something to drink? 38And when did we see You a stranger and welcomed and entertained You, or naked and clothed You? 39And when did we see You sick or in prison and came to visit You? 40And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least [in the estimation of men24] of these My brethren, you did it for Me25. (Matthew 25:37-40) It is imperative that we comprehend exactly what Jesus was saying. If you do something to the least of His brethren, you have done it unto Him. Who are the least of His brethren? Well, let’s say that if you are giving to someone who has the capacity to give something even better to you, you are not giving to the least of these. If you are giving to your pastor in front of the entire congregation, you are not giving to the least of these. 22 Kenneth Wuest, Word Studies. Isaiah 58:7 24 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon. 25 Proverbs 19:17 23 18 Sometimes, people give for selfish reasons. People give things to others because they want the recipient to owe us something. You offer someone a ride to church in your Volkswagen hoping they will offer you a ride in their Mercedes Benz. Sometimes, people give to be seen by others. If there is a family in your church that lost their home and possessions due to a fire or some other catastrophic event, it is not necessary to announce to the entire world that you are helping them. Jesus’ sheep gave the way that Jesus would give. They gave out of Christian hearts of compassion. They did not take into consideration the status of the recipient. Nor did they wait until someone saw them make the gift. This type of giving is a thing that the Lord rewards. How are you giving? Do you bestow gifts, goods or services upon others out of Christian love, or do you do it out of selfishness or out of a need to obligate that person? Are you giving as a sheep, or as a goat? Let’s consider what the Lord says to the goats standing on His left hand. The Goats 41Then He will say to those at His left hand, Begone from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels! 42For I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me and entertain Me, I was naked and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me with help and ministering care26. (Matthew 25:41-43) It is immediately obvious that the goats did not do as the sheep did. And, for their selfish lifestyles, Jesus condemns them to leave His presence. For while the least of His brethren were in need, those goats did nothing to help them. Like the sheep, the goats are also caught off guard by Jesus’ pronouncement. 44Then they also [in their turn] will answer, Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You? 45And He will reply to them, Solemnly I declare to you, in so far as you failed to do it for the least [in the estimation of men27] of these, you failed to do it for Me28. 26 27 Kenneth Wuest, Word Studies. Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon. 19 46Then they will go away into eternal punishment, but those who are just and upright and in right standing with God into eternal life29. (Matthew 25:44-46) The goats probably attended every church service. They may have served on the usher board, sang on the choir or maybe even held some office or position. Interesting that none of that mattered. The only important thing was whether or not they showed love and compassion to the least of Jesus’ brethren. Are you a sheep or are you a goat? 28 29 Proverbs 14:31; 17:5 Daniel 12:2 20 Chapter 3 Gifts of the Spirit “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:” (Matthew 7:21-24) For those who are told by the Lord to “depart,” we see an interesting level of piety. Or, at least, acts that appear to be pious. The question then comes asking whether or not these individuals were truly operating in manifestations of the Holy Spirit? It seems difficult to believe that someone who was baptized in the Holy Spirit could be rejected by Christ. After all, if we are baptized in the Spirit then it seems logical that we are in Christ. Consider, however, that satan has a history of impersonating the things of God. Remember when God told Moses30 to cast down his rod and it became a serpent? The Egyptian sorcerers were also able to make a rod become a serpent. A person can stand up in church and utter incoherent syllables and appear to be speaking in tongues as an evidence of the operation of the Holy Spirit. But what if that person is actually under the influence of a satanic spirit and is speaking curses against the church and its leadership? Many charismatic churches openly welcome such manifestations without realizing that spiritual discernment is necessary to validate such expressions. There is another qualifier that is vital in discerning who is a sheep and who is a goat – that is the fruit that they are bearing. 1NOW ABOUT the spiritual gifts (the special endowments of supernatural energy), brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed. 30 Exodus 7:8-12 (1st Corinthians 12:1) The Apostle Paul wanted to give the church at Corinth instruction about spiritual gifts. Like today, it was obviously a matter that could potentially be rife with conflict and confusion. The rest of this chapter addresses those issues in great detail. Proof Positive The gift of tongues is one of the more prominent and controversial manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Given that it operates beyond the realm of human understanding, it is conceivable that satan could counterfeit this gift and use it against the body of Christ. Greater evidence would be words spoken by a person in their native language. Specifically, do a person’s words indicate that they are for or against Jesus Christ? Take a look at what Paul says in the next two verses. 2You know that when you were heathen, you were led off after idols that could not speak [habitually] as impulse directed and whenever the occasion might arise. 3Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking under the power and influence of the [Holy] Spirit of God can [ever] say, Jesus be cursed! And no one can [really] say, Jesus is [my] Lord, except by and under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. (1st Corinthians 12:2-3) If you want evidence of a person’s faith, don’t focus on whether they speak in an unknown tongue. Instead, focus on whether their confession is Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Diversities of Gifts Paul goes on to discuss how there are a variety of different gifts. Of course, every person is different – and groups of people have differing characteristics. Even churches have different methods of worship. The manifestations of the Spirit vary to meet any and all situation(s). 4Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit31) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same. 5And there are distinctive varieties of service and ministration, but it is the same Lord [Who is served]. 31 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon. 22 6And there are distinctive varieties of operation [of working to accomplish things], but it is the same God Who inspires and energizes them all in all. (1st Corinthians 12:4-6) In the next few verses, Paul gives us a detailed delineation of the manifestations of spiritual gifts. 7But to each one is given the manifestation of the [Holy] Spirit [the evidence, the spiritual illumination of the Spirit] for good and profit. 8To one is given in and through the [Holy] Spirit [the power to speak] a message of wisdom, and to another [the power to express] a word of knowledge and understanding according to the same [Holy] Spirit; 9To another [wonder-working32] faith by the same [Holy] Spirit, to another the extraordinary powers of healing by the one Spirit; 10To another the working of miracles, to another prophetic insight (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose33); to another the ability to discern and distinguish between [the utterances of true] spirits [and false ones], to another various kinds of [unknown] tongues, to another the ability to interpret [such] tongues. 11All these [gifts, achievements, abilities] are inspired and brought to pass by one and the same [Holy] Spirit, Who apportions to each person individually [exactly] as He chooses. (1st Corinthians 12:7-11) All true gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as He chooses. One problem occurs when some people try to operate in a gift that they were never intended to receive. Counterfeit Gifts Remember those guys who would hold phony healing services with people planted in the audience or someone feeding them information about people’s ailments over an earpiece? This is another example of how some religious nuts use counterfeit gifts to pretend to be something they are not. You may not be able to tell when they speak in another tongue... are they speaking under influence of the Holy Spirit or are they merely babbling? Watch closely when they transition back into English. 32 33 Marvin Vincent, Word Studies. G. Abbott-Smith, Manual Greek Lexicon. 23 But certain individuals have missed the mark on this very matter [and] have wandered away into vain arguments and discussions and purposeless talk. (1st Timothy 1:6) Spiritual fruits manifest in walking the walk and talking the talk. inconsistency, beware. You may just be a religious nut... 24 If there is any Chapter 4 Fruit of the Flesh 17For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do. (Galatians 5:17) There are spiritual fruits and there are carnal fruits. Carnal fruits – or, fruit of the flesh – are those fleshly desires that oppose spiritual growth. Typically, people hear the term “flesh” or “carnal” and assume this is referring to some sort of illicit sexuality. While that may be the case in some instances, there is more to the flesh than our sexuality. The flesh, according to the Apostle Paul in the above scripture, is that which is diametrically opposed to the things of God. Where God is love, the flesh propagates hatred. Where God is truth, the flesh propagates lies. Where God is giving, the flesh propagates greed. Where God is selfless, the flesh propagates selfishness. What fruits are you bearing? Are they spiritual fruits, or are you simply a religious nut? Law and Order 18But if you are guided (led) by the [Holy] Spirit, you are not subject to the Law. (Galatians 5:18) The law was given to Moses when Israel left Egypt. From the Ten Commandments to the hundreds of statutes that followed, the law became something that was difficult (at best) to follow. The coming of the Holy Spirit gives us something better than the Law. The Spirit gives us the ability to live as Christ lived because Christ (the Anointing) dwells inside of us. Religious nuts tend to practice legalism. They are not led by the Spirit of God because, in most cases, they are not even filled with the Spirit of God. They wouldn’t know Jesus if He sat down next to them on Sunday morning. The dangerous thing is... Jesus doesn’t know them either34. It is sad that someone will spend their life practicing strict adherence to religious rules and not even know the True and Living One. If your desire is to go to hell, go there from the saloon or from the brothel. Don’t go there from the pew. The Rotten Fruit Farm Paul goes on to delineate what the fruit of the flesh consists of. Let’s take a look at the next three verses in this chapter’s text: 19Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, 20Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), 21Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:17-21) Note that these fruit of the flesh are things that people practice. It is not like one day you stub your toe and cuss and lose your salvation. But it is important to be spiritually alert when any of these things appear in our lives. It is the little foxes that destroy the vines... and the appearance of any of the aforementioned fruits could be a warning sign for us to check our walk. Rotten Fruit: Immorality Religious nuts can be immoral. They can be impure. They can be indecent. Of course, they’re all “goodie goodie” on Sunday morning, but when they think God isn’t looking, look out for the dirty jokes. Watch out for the sexual innuendo. Who is tip-toeing out of whose apartment at 3 a.m.? 34 Matthew 7:21-24 26 On Sunday morning, they may appear to be the holiest thing since Swiss Cheese, but from the benediction until the following Sunday, you may not recognize them as being the same person. Are you bearing rotten fruit? Are you a religious nut? Rotten Fruit: Idolatry Religious nuts can be idolaters. Idolatry once referred to people who built idols and bowed down to them. But while you may not have a golden Ba’al in your home, is there any material thing that you put above your devotion to God? I remember as a child being warned not to touch or get near our neighbor’s car. This elderly man spent his entire day sitting by the window, watching his sky blue Oldsmobile. Occasionally, he would amble outside and wipe it down with a cloth. That car was his idol. Sadly, when he died, he could not take it with him. One of his children inherited the vehicle and it was wrecked and salvaged in less than a week. If God moves on your heart to bless someone with something, can you cheerfully give it away, or do you have to fast and hold onto the horns of the altar for 21 days in order to let go of it? Do you make idols out of your possessions? Rotten Fruit: Sorcery Sorcery isn’t a big thing in our modern society. Granted, many people practice Wicca and the “Black Arts,” many others get involved in an off-shoot of that practice, use of hallucinogenic substances (e.g., drug users). Rotten Fruit: Mistreating Others There are a number of fruits which involve treating others wrongly. Enmity is the act or practice of causing strife between people. This is one of those things that God absolutely hates35. During my freshman year of college, a member of our Bible study group gave me a nasty look and said, “How could you?” I was confused. How could I what? I later found out someone had started a rumor that I had written some obscene words on somebody’s door. Interestingly, the door in question had nothing written on it. Unfortunately, this didn’t stop my brother from accepting this lie and condemning me without a trial or any evidence. 35 Proverbs 6:16-19 27 A true Christian will not spread or believe rumors, nor would they do other things to engender enmity or strife. In fact, the bearer of spiritual fruits will have a difficult time speaking even if they know something to be true, but the revelation of that fact would cause division. The person who started that rumor was trying to stir up some strife. Why? It is hard to say – since the culprit was never identified. But could it have been because of Jealousy? Jealousy and envy can cause people to kill, steal and destroy. It was the motivator that caused Cain to murder his brother Abel. If someone is blessed or doing well in their life, the true Christian will rejoice with that person for their time of being blessed. Religious nuts stew in their jealousy of others. Anger – ill temper – can be manifest in many ways. One is road rage. Do you drive the way Jesus would drive? Do you allow someone to merge into traffic or do you cut them off, honk your horn and flip them the finger? Religious nuts explode with anger like Mount Vesuvius exploding with deadly magma and lava. Selfishness is another carnal fruit. It is the opposite of the Christ-like spirit of giving. A true believer will give even if they have little for themselves. A religious nut will get all they can, can all they get, and then sit on the can. Divisions occur when people are intractable and refuse to make room for the opinions or needs of others. This is also true for those who have the Party Spirit – not those who like the party like the roof is on fire, but those who divide into factions, sects, and heresies. These are the ones who strongly imply that a “true” church member will vote for a particular political party. These are the ones who plot to kick a pastor out because he wants less emphasis on cake bakes and chicken dinners and greater emphasis on prayer and Bible study. These are the ones who will teach something that the Bible clearly does not say, yet justify it by saying, “Well, we just believe it that way.” Rotten Fruit: Drunkenness A religious nut might not get drunk from alcohol or drugs, but they have no difficulty with getting drunk at the dinner table or in the cafeteria line. They will go to a restaurant and trample anyone who gets in their way. They will eat until their buttons pop and fall into a drunken slumber, only to be awakened by the gurgling of acid reflux caused by their piggish behavior. Oh, I’m sorry; did I step on your toes? 28 But isn’t drunkenness simply drinking alcoholic beverages? No36. Alcohol can enslave and destroy a person,37 but is neither good nor evil in and of itself. It is the excessive and habitual misuse of the substance – whether that substance is wine, oil or bread. Drunkenness is changing your state. You can change your state by drinking, snorting, injecting, popping or smoking substances. You can change your state by eating. You can even change your state through activity. For instance, exercise generates endorphins that change your state. As children, we learn that spinning around in circles will make us dizzy and stagger like we were drink (due to the agitation of the fluids in our inner ears). One might argue that changing state is a natural human behavior. That argument would be correct. There is, however, a difference between drinking and drunkenness... just as there is a difference between eating and gluttony. Most religious nuts will simply condemn a substance while not addressing the true problem. You may not drink beer but if you eat a gallon of Haagen-Dazs, isn’t that essentially the same thing? God is not the God of asceticism. He is, however, the God of temperance or self-control. The truth is, anyone who changes their state through any substance – be it alcohol, sugar, fat or bacon grease, is bearing rotten fruit of the flesh. Did Somebody Say, “Ouch” ??? Now I can hear you saying, “Now wait brother, nobody is perfect.” And that is true. No one is perfect (except, of course, for God). Everyone slips into fleshly behaviors every now and then. What Paul is telling us is that we must not be given to the habitual practice of any of the aforementioned fruits. If you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit will convict you whenever you begin to stray into the realm of the flesh. If you are a religious nut, however, you will just go on as if nothing is wrong... singing in the choir on Sunday morning and sleeping with your neighbor’s spouse that night. 36 37 Psalm 104:15 Proverbs 20:1 and Nehemiah 8:10 29 Prune Juice Prune Juice is something that people drink when they have difficulty eliminating waste from their bodies. Spiritually, we often need to eliminate the works of the flesh from our lives. To make a homonymous analogy, in horticulture, a gardener will prune (cut away trimming) a tree so that it can bear better fruit. God will spiritually prune a believer’s life so that he or she may bear good spiritual fruit. 1I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. 3You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the word which I have given you [the teachings I have discussed with you]. 2Any (John 15:1-3) As you walk closely with God, the Holy Spirit will bring things to your attention. Maybe you need to break of certain friendships. Maybe you need to turn off certain television programs. Maybe you need to turn down your plate and fast for a period of time. Whatever Spirit of God leads you to do, just do it. Remember that it is for your good. God doesn’t arbitrarily slap you for no reason. Rather, he prunes your life so that you may bear better quality fruit. If you belong to Christ, lay the spiritual axe to the root of the carnal tree and bring it down for once and for all. Crucify your flesh (daily38) and seek that close walk with God that produces spiritual fruits. If you are a religious nut, you will grow more and more full of manure and will sprout mushrooms and other fungi, but you will not bear fruits that are indicative of a crucified life. 38 Luke 9:23 30 Chapter 5 Fruit of the Spirit 22But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, 23Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge39]. (Galatians 5:22-23) The Spiritual Fruit Farm In Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul gives us a comprehensive listing of the Fruit of the Spirit. These fruits represent things that the Christian desires to see manifest in his or her life. They come not by effort or personal strength, but by the Holy Spirit40. Because Fruit of the Spirit comes only by the Spirit of God, they are impossible to counterfeit. You may see people with counterfeit gifts, but there are no imitation fruit of the Spirit. Thus, a “fruit inspection” is a clear method of identifying religious nuts. Spiritual Fruit: Love There is a saying the cleanliness is next to Godliness. That is not in the Bible. What is in the Bible is that God is love41. Love, the Bible tells us, is the bond of perfection42. Jesus said that love is what will let the world know that we are His disciples43. A religious nut doesn’t have much capacity to love others. A religious nut may not even love him or herself. 39 Marvin Vincent, Word Studies. Zechariah 4:6 41 st 1 John 4:8, 16 42 Colossians 3:14 43 John 13:34-35 40 Spiritual Fruit: Joy The Joy of the Lord is our strength44. Religious nuts constantly ask others to “pray my strength.” They haven’t realized the spiritual truth that they have more strength available to them that they need. They just need to rejoice in the Lord always45. Spiritual Fruit: Peace True Christians are in perfect peace because their minds are steadfast on the Lord46. The religious nut is under the power of fear – they have to take pills to get to sleep and pills to get out of bed. Spiritual Fruit: Patience True Christians are patient. They understand that the enemy works through other people and, rather than retaliate against that person, they stand against the devil in prayer and return that person’s negative behavior with God’s love. Spiritual Fruit: Kindness That is what kindness is all about. God’s kindness is what leads us to repentance47. As we live lives of kindness, we can lead others to Christ. We don’t beat people over the head with our Bibles and call them sinners. Rather, it is with kindness and gentleness that we show them the kindness and gentleness of our Heavenly Father. Spiritual Fruit: Faithfulness True Christians are faithful. If they say they will be there at 10:00, they are there no later than 10:00. They don’t wander in at 10:30 or 11:00. You can trust the word of a true Christian. A religious nut will say one thing and do another. Spiritual Fruit: Self Control True Christians have self-control. They know when to shut their mouths and not say what is on their mind. They know when to push away from the table when they have had enough to eat – despite how good that dessert looks. The religious nut is like a car driving all over the road, disregarding the lines painted in the road and banging into the guardrails. The religious nut can 44 Nehemiah 8:10 Philippians 4:4 46 Isaiah 26:3 47 Romans 2:4 45 32 paint on a phony smile and shake someone’s hand. They can give someone a dollar and say, “God bless you.” They can even shout, speak in tongues, fall on the floor and roll all over the carpet. All it takes is a little practice to make your act look convincing to the members of your congregation. Just remember that God doesn’t see the way that man sees. appearance, but God sees what is on the inside48. Man sees the outward Spiritual Fruit: Dead Flesh If you belong to Christ, lay the spiritual axe to the root of the carnal tree and bring it down for once and for all. Crucify your flesh (daily49) and seek that close walk with God that produces spiritual fruits. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires. 25If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit50 we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line51, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.] 26Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another. (Galatians 5:24-26) No Foolin’ The religious nut will try to think up ways to make it look like he or she is bearing good fruit. However, it is difficult to fool a believer walking in spiritual discernment. And, where you may be good enough to fool a few people, you can never fool God. The true Christian will be prompted by the Holy Spirit to inspect him or herself. That is one benefit of taking Holy Communion. A believer is instructed to inspect himself52 and seek repentance and a walk that pleases God. The true believer will seek God’s face and, as a result, see God’s hand moving in his or her life. 48 1st Samuel 16:7 Luke 9:23 50 Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible with A Commentary. 51 Marvin Vincent, Word Studies. 52 st 1 Corinthians 11:28 49 33 34 Chapter 8 Conclusion Let a man examine himself and determine whether he is bearing spiritual fruits, of if he is just a religious nut. If there are areas in your life that fall short, you can do one of two things. You can (1) bear the spiritual fruit of repentance and set your heart to seeking an upright walk before God, or you can (2) be a religious nut and live a life of spiritual insensitivity, condemning others for a splinter in their eye while ignoring the 2-by-4 in your own eye53. Even if you have failed miserably, just keep in mind that this is an open-book test. If you failed in any area... just open the book (the Bible). If the Spirit of God has identified areas in your life that fall short of the standard, you can repent and receive forgiveness at this very moment. Don’t wait another second. Go before God in prayer. Make your confession, seek His help to bear Spiritual fruits, and then do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. If you are in Christ, you should know that you are not condemned. You have the promise that if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive your sins54. If you need prayer, send us your request by e-mail. web: http://powerhouse-ministry.org e-mail: powerhouse@minister.com write: Dwayne Conyers 9595 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 900 (Penthouse) Beverly Hills CA 90212 53 54 Matthew 7:3-5 1st John 1:9