APStats 2.1-2.2 Quiz Answers
APStats 2.1-2.2 Quiz Answers
AP Statistics Quiz2.lA Name: a midwesternelementaryschooltook a "self-concept"testthat themselves.Higherscoresindicatemorepositiveself-concepts.A histogramand somesurnmarystatisticsfrom Minitab for thesestudents'self-conceptscoresaregiven below. of 78 third-gade n Iro a o '5 t * ir".-; DescriptiveStatistics: SelfConcept Variable SelfConc N 78 Variable SelfConc Minimum Maximum 20.00 80.00 Median 59.50 TrMean 57.81 Q1 51.00 Q3 65.25 iltp"i--.. SE Mean 1.41 1. Draw an appropriatedensitycurvefor summarizingthe histogramon the graphabove. How would you describethe shapeof this densitycurve? A)\trA,sL U-4-L 2. Onestudentin the grouphad a self-conceptscoreof 62. Thirty-four studentshad self-concept scoreshigherthan 62. Describethe locationof this valuewithin the distributionusingraw data, percentiles,andstandardizedvalues(z-scores). t/ttvt L-- oJ ( tL' 4Ll F , 5b.4 h .An. &=5(a,4h\yWcyft,q bL - qlo.qv tz.Ll I -+ a4ou^L p.Ll l S}1,r( ".o{ 6rl-tv1' a,boq I1^,L nt-tt,vy "1lrwS Whatis a "typical" self-conceptscorefor a third-graderin this group? Justify your answer. 51.5 + Chapter2 gSt 4W rvu}-t'a,a,4 ^ 6?U.lee(oL,'sl-,r,W-aa h Al4sr,tr\a+1q cn&,r bru*sa ,l ;s rtt-oy4 y"c8t6+a*t *o u-WLnq. obs/ yyufivns Quiz2.lA Quiz2.2A AP Statistics Name: 1. A studyof elite distancenulnersfound a meanbody weight of 63.1 kilograms(kg), with a standard deviationof 4.8 kg. (a) Assumingthat the distribution of weightsis Normal,makean accuratesketchof the weight distibution with the horizontalaxis markedin kilograms. rt(os.l ,,t.r) (b) Usethe 68-95-99.7rule to find theproportionof nrnnerswhosebody weightis between48.7 and67.9kg. Showyour method. .1) tl.5 ?,551' -9 -(t2.5*2.b5) = t3.86% 10t.1 tl (c) Calculateandinterpretthe 45th percentileof the runners'body weight distribution. 15n (v, er,-t,lt : L= L- Y- ll f -0, l3 X'- bZ,q1AVq, d t.-{,.+ lfr^rLtr.l-u'5 _o.(3= *-Q?.1 'l'V 2. UseTableA to find the proportionof observationsfrom a standardNormal distributionthat satisfies-1.51 < Z < 0.84. SketchtheNormalcurveandshadethe areaunderthe curvethat is the answerto the question. ru 0,-1q15- g,ob# = AJ3,to - l,Sl o 0-Y'l Give anexampleof a quantitativevariablethatdoesnothavea Normaldishibution. Justiff your answer. .-/ttrn'a y; eu- *h-euu( r,4lrd t) Chapter2 Quiz2.2A
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