READ Newsletter - Crawford County READ Program
READ Newsletter - Crawford County READ Program
Crawford County READ Program Open a new world Crawford County Literacy Council, Inc. Mark your Calendars! Orientation Take the first step to become an adult learner by attending an Orientation Session. Dates and Locations are listed below. Meadville Site: 1-4 pm January 14, February 11, March 11, April 15, May 13, June 10 Office: (814) 337-7323 Titusville Site: 2-5 pm January 5, February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1 Office: (814) 827-0212 Spring GED Diploma Classes East End Elementary School Day Time Class: Room 107 Registration: February 11, 2015, 1-4 pm Class Times: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 am-12 pm Wednesday: 9 am-3 pm Class Starts: February 23, 2015 Class Ends: May 7, 2015 Contact: Jodie Deane at (814) 337-7323 January 2015 Color Guard, Veterans Post 2006 present special Flag program to the GED/Fall Diploma Class VFW Post 2006 is very special to the Crawford County READ Program: the Testing Center is a joint venture between them. This 15-station authorized Pearson VUE® national testing site is one of the largest in the area. This year, however, the Post added a second dimension to this relationship when the Color Guard made a presentation November 6th to the Fall GED®/Diploma class. The VFW Post Color Guard told the exciting story of our American Flag with a focus on Flag Etiquette as outlined in the Flag Code. An historical account was given about the Flag tracing its beginnings until now. After the presentation, the Color Guard joined Mrs. Jodie Deane and the GED®/Diploma instructors in congratulating the class, who then received certificates and best wishes for success. At the end of the program, Mrs. Kathy Baker, Special Programs Director, remarked, “The students didn’t want the Color Guard to leave; they respected them and were captivated by their love for our country!” Evening Class: Room 117 Registration: January 20, 2015, 6-9 pm Class Times: Monday-Thursday, 6-9 pm Class Starts: January 21, 2015 Class Ends: April 27, 2015 Contact: Mike Swick (814) 336-1121 x123 Titusville High School, Room 110 Registration: January 12, 2015 Class Times Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-9 pm Class Starts: January 13, 2015 Class Ends: May 5, 2015 Contact: Doug Gifford at (814) 827-0537 Left to right: Ed Stevenson, Color Guard Commander; John Deegan, Color Guard Treasurer and Secretary; Dave Lippert, Color Guard member; Ethan Falvey, Color Guard member; Pat Malley, Color Guard President Our Flag - an opportunity to learn, to understand, to appreciate... David Lippert narrates the story of Old Glory with a focus on Flag Etiquette. Ed Stevenson looks on as John Deegan shows the proper display of the flag. On November 6, 2014, the VFW Post 2006 Color Guard told the exciting story of our American Flag to the Fall GED/Diploma students who had just completed the class. They then joined in the celebration for students who had completed the fall class. These are some highlights in pictures of the event. Left to right: Pat Malley, Ethan Foley and John Deegan begin folding the flag. The folding of Old Glory is now complete. Ed Stevenson congratulates Taryne Stevenson, his granddaughter, who was among the honorees. Mrs. Jodie Deane, GED/Diploma Coordinator and Instructor, presents certificates to students who completed the fall class. Back row from left to right: Ed Stevenson, Taryne Stevenson, Sophia Profitt, John Deegan, Dave Lippert, Ethan Falvey, Pat Malley, Zimale Wade, Rachel Jackson, Luke Mandeville, and Preston Williams. Front row from left to right: Devyn, Aberts, Mason Brown, Ramon Gonzales, and Kayley Jones. Create a partnership with READ! Our Mission The mission of the READ Program is to improve adult literacy and family literacy by ensuring that county residents improve their functional reading, writing, math, listening and speaking competencies so they may better meet and cope with adult responsibilities. Our Vision Form more partnerships with businesses and industries. Provide on-site instructors for employees. Assist more learners in gaining access to post-secondary education. Build relationships with colleges, universities and technical schools. Expand Our Family Literacy Program with increased childcare available for parents who enroll in classes. Own or subcontract for vans/buses that will go into remote areas of Crawford County and bring in learners who do not have transportation. Increase adult and family literacy rate by 50% in Crawford County. $5000 awarded to READ as the Palmiero Toyota 2014 Give Back Program customer selected winner On December 17th the READ Program was presented with a $2,500 check from the Palmiero Toyota 2014 Give Back Program. This amount will be matched by Toyota Corporate through their Toyota Match Program since the READ Program is a 501c organization. READ Program students were actively involved in the Give Back Program by planning winning strategies. They advertised the importance of the contest because it would help students who needed transportation to get to their READ classes and would help provide scholarships to pay for the GED® test for those who could not afford it. They designed flyers, inviting all their friends and neighbors to vote in the contest and every day they went to vote. When they learned they had won, students designed a creative thank you card that was signed by them and their instructors and presented to the dealership. More good news! In November, the READ Program received the Harry C. Winslow Foundation grant for $2,600 to purchase 40 RCA Pro10.1” Touchscreen Tablets PC featuring the Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) Operating System with USB Keyboard. These tablets will provide a means for adult basic education students to complete individualized assignments that will help them build technological skills that are critical for the 21st century. ************************************************ Congratulations to Fall GED®/Diploma Day Class On November 6th, fall GED®/Diploma Class completed their course work. This is a fast-moving class of students who assessed at a 9th grade or above reading level prior to admission into the class. Students were taught how to reason through Language Arts, mathematics, science and social studies. They learn complex multiple cognitive skills that will enable them to complete a high school equivalency. Students who have agreed to the Crawford Central Graduation requirements will do extended work and be graded accordingly. Upon completion of course work, they take the GED® test. Test results indicate potential for career paths that will lead to employment sustainability, technical school, college or career development. Students who complete Crawford Central graduation requirements will receive their diploma during a special ceremony held in June and will be joined by students who participated in other evening and day classes during the year. 2014-2015 GED/Diploma Graduation Ceremonies Crawford Central School District Titusville School District Meadville Area Middle School Titusville High School Wednesday, June 10, at 7:00 pm Friday, June 5, at 5:00 pm Up close and personal… behind check the headlines New READa great community… it out! at READ Board of Directors Joyce Parker, President Dawn Fronce, Vice President Pat Campbell, Secretary Bob McMunigle, Treasurer Chris Ferry, Solicitor Directors: Linda Bennett, Lisa Brightman, Doug Gifford, Terry Mahoney, Tom Mailliard Crawford County READ Program Staff Dr. Armendia P. Dixon, Executive Director Mrs. Kelli Davis, Titusville Coordinator Mrs. Mary Ammann, Fiscal Administrator Mrs. Kathy Baker, Early Childhood Educator Ms. Miranda Bean, Early Childhood Aide Mrs. Jodie Deane, GED/Diploma Instructor Test Center Administrator Mrs. Meg Hallgren, ABE Instructor Mrs. Ann Knott, Tutor Coordinator/Staff Developer Mrs. Chelsea Lane, Family Literacy Coordinator Mrs. Patricia Schutz, GED/Diploma Instructor Ms. Jessica Fuller, GED/Diploma Instructor Mrs. Kimberly Maloney, GED/Diploma Instructor “Hooked on Books” - making a difference Hooked on Books for Kids is an all-volunteer group in Washington DC devoted to literacy, the love of reading and to life-long learning among children and youth at promise. In October, our Family Literacy Program received 1000 brand new books from Hooked on Books for Kids of Erie and we are excited about the possibilities! These books fit perfectly into our program’s many interactive activities: parents learn how to read to their children while encouraging their children to respond to the reading. Once this activity is completed, the child is accompanied by the parent to shop for a book to take home and include it the home library. Family literacy is a unique program that eliminates barriers for adult learners who would not be able to attend the READ Program because they must stay home to care for their children 8 years old or younger. In this program, adult learners and their children come to school together. “It is so beautiful to see the eyes of children light up as they scan many Disney/ Hyperion books searching for the one they want to read and even more so when parents read to their children, their children to them, or they read together. We are very thankful for the volunteers in Hooked on Books of Erie, Pennsylvania,” said Dr. Armendia Dixon, Executive Director. ********************************************* 25 Ways to Wellness Amy Carabello from AmeriHealth Caritas hosted a lunch series at the Crawford County READ Program. All the learners and staff in the READ Program participated in the program. AmeriHealth Caritas is a national leader in removing barriers to care for the underserved. They collaborate with local health care providers to provide breakthrough care programs. By partnering with the READ Program, they open the doors to healthy changes. The first class they provided was Heart Health. This program was designed to help us make healthy heart changes. The class on October 21st focused on 25 Ways to Wellness. Learners and staff alike identified 25 ways to promote easy and healthy lifestyle choices. Following the discussion, everyone shared a community lunch. The class on November 18th was on Medication Safety. Amy explained the high rate of prescription drug abuse in this area and ways we as consumers can prevent it. She also helped us understand how and when to take the correct dosage. Again a community lunch followed a question and answer period. Additional classes will begin in the spring. Roundtable Update Our Vision To create a safe and supporting learning environment that will lead to a pathway for success for all. Our Mission Establish a network of services and programs that will build relationships and eliminate barriers in order to create a community of 21st Century Learners. Communication Exhibit writing, speaking and computer skills Develop strong partnerships with stakeholders in Crawford County and appropriate other areas Organize focus groups representative of clients/ employees Research And Analysis Know avenues of research regarding the workforce, especially in Crawford County Know how to analyze data from the research Know how to apply research to the implementation plan Be proficient in computer skills Design Understand and use the available technology to create a suitable media platform for promoting accessibility to jobs in Crawford County Exhibit writing, speaking, and computer skills Understand grant writing Funding Sources The Crawford County Roundtable Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development published a report in 2013 indicating that our education system is not doing enough to help adults compete in the global market place. These findings, in particular, shine a spotlight on a part of our population that has historically been overlooked and underserved: the large number of adults with low basic skills. Adults who have trouble reading, solving problems, doing math, reading, and using technology, will find the doors of the 21st century workforce closed to them. In response to this report, the Crawford County Literacy Council, Inc. created the Roundtable Committee. Our mission will be to establish a network of services and programs that will build relationships and eliminate barriers to create a community of 21 st Century learners. This network will include business, industry, education, agency and government collaborators who bridge the “disconnect” between the skills people have and the skills the economy needs. We plan to identify already existing programs and training opportunities, collaborate on making them available to individuals who need them, strengthen and expand partnerships with community groups and organizations, and then gather a team of people - representing non-profit organizations, government agencies, faith-based groups, educators, and business and industry employers, as well as other interested persons in our community to work towards the implementation of an action plan. The future is now - let’s get started! Action Teams have begun their work in both Meadville and Titusville. These Action Teams will work together for six months looking at communication, research, data analysis and design following the action plan presented by the roundtable. In a time of very intense economic global competition and increasing income inequality at home, we must find innovative and cost-effective ways to help adults gain the education and credentials they need to participate fully in our economy and society. If you would like to help us explore the possibilities and find solutions, we invite you to join us as work together to create an action plan that will make a difference! Questions? Contact the Crawford County READ Program, PO Box 1165, Meadville, PA 16335 or call 814-337-7323 Crawford County Literacy Council, Inc. PO Box 1165 Meadville, PA 16335 Editor, Joy Link Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Paid Meadville, PA Permit No. 212 Return Service Requested In this newsletter you will find 5th Annual Chocoholic Frolic coming in February - save the date! Close up: Fall GED®/Diploma Class plus 2015 Class graduation schedule “Hooked on Books” - making a difference AmeriHealth Caritas hosts series of “good health” lunches READ Mission and Vision: how you can help Insert: Membership Application Insert: Crawford County Literacy Council Roundtable Update Insert: Pictures tell the story - VFW Flag Presentation Check it out! Help us make our Vision a reality! Be a supporter! Washer and dryer for Early Childhood Program; toys for the Early Childhood classroom; boy and girl clothes for infant through 8 years old. Be a partner! Are you a business, industry, college, university, or technical school? Join us as we tackle the challenges facing us in our efforts to increase literacy in Crawford County. Be a tutor! Help another adult develop skills - simple budgeting, improvement of job skills, preparation for driver’s permit exam, GED® or LPN exams - and that’s just for starters! Want to know more? Contact Ann Knott, Tutor Coordinator, at 814-337-7323 or email Be a 2014-2015 member! Share in the mission and vision of the READ Program by investing in the future of our adult students - the future of Crawford County! Check out the Membership Application enclosed in this newsletter! Good things are happening at the READ Program! With your support, we will continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our adult learners!