Cell structure, organels, cell types
Cell structure, organels, cell types
Cell structure, organels, cell types BST 2 Cells The smallest particles of protoplasm able the independent existence Prokaryotic cell (nucleoid) Bacteria (0,1 till 15μm). The smallest are bacteria Mycoplasma (and Ureaplasma) with cell diameter approximatelly 0,1–0,3 μm (they have not cellular wall). The biggest known bacteria is Thiomargarita namibiensis (0,75 mm). Archea (0,1-15 μm) Cell Eukaryotic cell (nucleus) – protozoa, plants, fungi and animal Man: 10-20μm (5-150μm) Membrane (we use also term biological membrane, or membrane unit) Function: selective barrier, maintance of gradients, transfer of exitation, cell recognition, communication with enviroment, receptors Thickness: 7,5 – 10 nm ! Membrane specialization (apical, basal, lateral) Membrane: Bilayer of phospholipids, proteins Phospholipids - outside phosphatidyl-choline and sfingomyeline inside phosphatidylserine a phosphatidylethanolamine Cholesterol Proteins (glycoproteins) – integral, superficial, associated with membrane Nucleus Shape according to the cell shape or specific (neutrophil) Nuclear envelope – two membranes and perinuclear space (cisterna) (40-70nm), nuclear pores 70 nm Karyoplasm (DNA, proteins) - euchromatin, heterochromatin + nuclear veil Bazophilic (stainable by haematoxylin) and electron-dense → (heterochromatin) Sex chromatin – Barr body Nuclear lamina Lamins – under the nuclear envelope – maintan shape Progerie – mutation of gene for lamin A – defect of nuclear envelope and skelet (defect of the nuclear shape and mitosis) Nuclear pore Allow the contact between karyoplasm and cytoplasm Nuclear basket – nucleoporins8 proteins 8 filaments extend into the cytoplasm Importins, exportins 3000-4000 pores per mammals nucleus Nucleolus Place for r-RNA synthesis 1 µm Acrocentric chromosomes – NOR Pars amorpha – fibrilar centrum (Fc) Dense fibrilar component (Dfc) Pars granulosa Cytoplasm Organels – membranous structures Cell similar – mitochondria and chloroplast – two membranes Superficial cell derived - endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, granules and vacuoles Cytoskelet Inclusion Other structures - ribosomes, proteasomes Functional systems of eukaryotic cells System for communication – membrane, receptors, signal molecules, intercellular contacts System for production – proteosynthesis: ribosomes, ER, Golgi System for the energy gain – mitochondrie System for degradation - lysosomes, proteosomes System for protection: stress proteins, peroxisomes, DNA repair System for movement – Cytoskeleton: microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments and molecular motors Organels – centriol, flagella, cilia Systems for communication Membrane Free penetrable for small molecules – O2, NO, CO2, small nonpolar molecules Unpenetrable for big nonpolar and all polar molecules Ion channels and pumps Transporters Receptors Enzymes Adhesive molecules System for production – proteosynthesis Ribosomes RER (Nissl substance, ergastoplasm) Golgi complex System for production Ribosomes – rRNA and proteins, 20x30nm, Ribo+m RNA= polyribosomes RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum (membrane connected with nuclear envelope), segregation of proteins for export, also posttranslation modification GA, Golgi complex cisternae and transport vesicules and condensation vacuoles . GA polarized: cis- (convex, near to RER), trans(concave, surface of maturation) Proteosynthesis Start of synthesis on ribosomes, signal sequence + SRP (signal recognition particle)→ SRP receptor on RER (transmembranous protein) – allows peptid entrance into cisterna After splitting off the signal peptide – release into the cisterna – folding, glycosylation Membrane peptides stay connected in membrane of RER Proteosynthesis Golgi complex – transport, storage and posttranslation modification + protein direction Package and addressing of proteins - vesicles or secretion granules Lipid synthesis: SER (Mitochondria with tubular crests) RER and Golgi lipoproteins Lipid droplets Multi-lamellar granules (surfactant) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Synthesis of lipids Degradation of glycogen Detoxication of xenobiotics Sarcoplasmic reticulum – tubules and cisternae – storage Ca++ Movement Microfilaments (6nm) actin – myofibriles, cellular cortex, attachment into adhesive junctions (zonula adherens and focal adhesion) , contractile ring (cytokinesis)- (faloidin,cytochalazine) Intermediate (12nm): cytokeratines, desmin, vimentin, neurofilaments, glial fibrilar protein – typical for specific cellular types – used as marker Microtubules (25nm) - MTOC, subunit A and B tubulin 13 fibrils– 9x2 + 2 – kinocilia, 9x3 centrioles (colchicin, taxanes) Cellular cortex Actin- globular G actin polymerized to fibrilar F actin Myosin – molecular motor – ATP breaking gives energy for movement Movement of cells – diapedesis Cohesion Microtubules 13 fibriles Alfa and beta tubulin Dynamic instability Kinesin+ Dynein Centrosome: centriol, centrosphere and astrosphere. Pair of centrioles perpendicular to each other (diplosome) Mitotic spindle Kinocilia Energetic Mitochondria Beta oxidation of fatty acids Citric cycle Respiratory chain Oxidative phosphorylation ATP Degradation Lysosomes size 0,05 – 0,5um Intracellular digestion (hydrolysis) of the content that is transported by endosomes primary, secondary, rezidual bodies (pigment from wearing lipofuscin) (2 protection again autodigestion: membrane and low pH are necessary for activity of hydrolytic enzymes) Arise from GA Peroxisomes, 0,2 – 1um, sferic, bodies sourrounded by membrane, contain oxidases for degradation of fatty acid, arise of H2O2 (degrad. catalase) for detoxication of some xenobiotics, for example ethanol Lysosomes Hydrolytic enzymes- active in acid pH Acid phosphatase, RNAse, DNAse, protease, lipase sulphatase, β-glucuronidase Frequent in cells that are able to phagocytosis (neutrophiles, macrophages) In cells living long time – destruction of damaged organels – undigested rest- lipofuscin (in neurones, kardiomyocytes) Protection Peroxisomes – contain aminooxidases, peroxidase – break down hydrogen peroxide in water and oxygen (liquidation of ROS) HSP (chaperones) Proteasome - ubiquitin Microsomes - SER and cytochrome P450 (hepatocytes, kidney) Inclusion Reserve – lipid droplets (adipocytes) -glycogen – storage of glucose – granules in hepatocytes and mucsles Pigments: melanin, lipofuscin Reparation and renewing systems Stem cells – part of reparation systems Limited reparation – postmitotic cells – in G0 phase– cardiac and skeletal muscle, neurones, cells of cartilage Stem cells Totipotent – zygota and blastomeres Pluripotent – embryoblast Multipotent – also in adult (haemopoetic cells) Unipotent – progenitor cells Precursor – it is not self-renewing Types of eukaryotic cells Epitheliocytes: cytokeratines, neurofilaments – epithelial cells and neural cells – intercellular contacts Mechanocytes: vimentin, desmin – connective tissue and muscle – intercellular tissue and attachment to it are important Amebocytes – free movable cells – lysosomes (blood cells) Gametes Cell cycle Length of cell cycle in man Blastomeres (6-8 hours) Enterocyte (5-7 hours) Spermiogenesis (64 days- meiosis) Keratinocytes of epidermis (15 -30 days) Erythrocyte (120 days) Hepatocyte (1 year) Oocyte (up to 40 years)
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