Ready, steady, build!


Ready, steady, build!
Leading News & Views from the Building and Joinery Trades
FEB 10
Ready, steady, build!
A new system that promises to fasttrack New Zealand’s red-tape-ridden
building consent processes has just
come into effect. How does it work, and
how will it benefit the industry?
Long-winded, complicated, unnecessary
and very costly consent procedures
have long been the bane of Kiwi
builders’ lives.
In order to lighten the load on the
industry, the National Government has
now acted on its promise to cut through
the red tape, and so reduce compliance
costs and prevent building delays. The
‘knight in shining armour’ is a new socalled National Multiple-Use Approval
service (NMUAs), effective from 1
February this year. The service is part of
a package of initiatives that involves the
review of the Building Act from 2004.
Future-Proof Building
The Word at Carters.......................... P02
Money Matters................................... P03
Legal Matters.................................... P03
Advantage 2010................................. P04
Future-Proof Building....................... P13
Hook, Line and Sinker....................... P14
So what are NMUAs and what is their
purpose in life? Basically they work on
the principle that where the same design
will be used to build more than one
dwelling, you can get the design preapproved for Building Code compliance
with the Department of Building and
The time limit on an NMUA from the
time a builder applies for it until it is
approved is a reasonable 40 working
days. Better still, there aren’t any
‘geographic limits to NMUA-approved
designs, which means they can be
built several times over in any part of
the country.
Tip of the Month................................. P15
8 page special section
New legislation will allow the recycling of building consents.
Once a design has been approved for
replication, the builder then applies to
the local council’s Building Consent
Authority (BCA) for a building consent.
The BCA’s job is to then inspect the site
conditions, foundations and utilities
such as power and water, and to make
sure that any NMUA specs have been
followed. Provided all affairs are in
order, they have to then issue the consent
within 10 working days – that’s literally
half of the ‘conventional’ 20 days.
With the Building Code Compliance
having been established, the process
is now much simpler, and the BCA can
focus all their time on getting the site
inspections done and processing oneoff plans more quickly. That means
you’re not only saving time, but also
the extra expenses that builders – and
consumers – clock up due to building
consent delays.
Sounds like a godsend for the industry
but exactly who will benefit? At this
stage, ‘volume builders’ can apply for
NMUAs. Volume builders are those who
build kitset homes, group homes made
up of simple standardised one to two
storey buildings and semi-detached
houses, as well as builders of standalone garages, sheds, outbuildings
and large-scale buildings such as
retirement villages. In a nutshell, a volume
builder is someone who can replicate the
proposed design, if approved, at least 10
times in a two-year period.
Having a standard design pre-approved
not only saves the builder time and
money, it will also serve as a valuable
tool to market yourself as a builder.
According to the Minister for Building
and Housing, Hon Maurice Williamson;
“it will provide your customers with a
streamlined consenting process, it will
give you a marketing edge in these
challenging economic times.”
So how much does it cost to get
an NMUA? Based on Department
estimates, a NMUA for a simple oneor two-storey dwelling will cost about
$5,500 to $9,000. Some designs will
need specialist work, depending on
how complex the design is, and where
factors like fire protection and accessibility
have to be considered.
When applying for an NMUA, it’s also
compulsory to include all the Code
compliant changes you are planning
to make to your standard design. This
enables the Department to consider
each variation at the same time as
the design, and as part of its overall
approval process. Again, it’s all in the
name of saving money and time!
Not surprisingly, it appears many Kiwi
builders strongly support the new system,
too. In a 2009 survey of New Zealand
volume builders, many of the participants
gave the system the thumbs up, and
showed interest in filing an application.
Timaru-based McRaeway Homes, who
have 40 years’ worth of home building
Cont page 2
The word at Carters
On the go for 2010!
Welcome back, hope you enjoyed
some time away from the site over the
holidays, and have returned to work
rested and revived. It’s hard to believe
we are in a new decade and it will take
a few months to get used to putting 10
on the end instead of 09.
Here at Carters, we’re rested up and
excited about some of the great things
we have organised this year for you.
The Carters Advantage team have put
together great trips this year, first to
Barefoot Fiji in June, then heading to
Melbourne for Boots ‘n’ All Bledisloe
in July and Footloose New York in
We’re expecting a big turnout and are
sure there will be some stories of ‘the
one that got away’ told!
Some of the features to look at this
month are Money Matters ‘Balancing
the books’ on page 3, 8 pages of great
product offers and the Future-Proof
Building article “Housing Trends for
the next decade” on page 13.
And at last for the rugby fans, Super
14 kicks off this month, so we’re back
into the rugby season. Check out our
Carters GIB Aqualine® offer and get
behind your team!
Hammer on for 2010!
New Paint Job?
In December, most Auckland stores
were transformed into art studios
as celebrities decorated playhouses
onsite. This change from business as
usual had many customers stopping
to have a chat and find out how they
could get their hands on a playhouse
for their kids!
The playhouse decoration came about
as part of our 150 year celebrations.
Carters felt it was a good time to give
something back to the community
that had helped us reach this
Fifteen playhouses were built by
Carters and painted by Kiwi celebrities
including Sally Ridge, Shane Cameron,
the Warriors, Peter Urlich, and Cocksy’s
family. These playhouses then went up
for auction on to raise
funds for KidsCan StandTall.
KidsCan provides the basics like
shoes, raincoats and food for underprivileged Kiwi kids so they can thrive
at school. Carters also supported
KidsCan earlier in the year by building
a house which was auctioned off as
part of the Big Night In telethon.
The auctions closed just in time for the
playhouses to arrive at the winners’
homes for Christmas. Carters raised
over $9000, with all proceeds going to
the charity. Thanks to the suppliers that
came onboard to support this initiative
including CHH Woodproducts, Wattyl
Taubmans and Paint Aids Ltd.
End of this month is the Carters Beach
and Boat competition at the new location
– Marsden Cove Marina, Ruakaka.
Frank and friends on last year’s Boots’N’All Bledisloe Cup trip.
Sally Ridge and daughter Jamie’s schoolhouse creation.
Continued from cover
expertise under their belt, are one
company that supports and welcomes
this new initiative. Says General
Manager Matt Tipa: “This scheme will
provide opportunities to submit standard
plans that have a national approval for
construction anywhere in New Zealand,
without the current interpretational
differences of the Building Code. I see
this scheme opening up opportunities
for innovative thinking over time,
provided it gets a ‘buy in’ from the
building officials at the BCAs. There are
real positives for this scheme, which has
to be beneficial for all parties and
especially the customer.”
As for the future of NMUAs, the plan is
to include light commercial buildings
like petrol stations and, according to
the Department’s Dave Kelly, Deputy
Chief Executive, Building Quality “any
highly standardised building, such as a
restaurant chain.”
For more information on how to apply
for an NMUA, email nmua@dbh.govt.
nz, or fill in the on-line survey on
Or you can contact the Registered
Master Builders’ Federation or Certified
Builders’ Association of New Zealand, if
you’re a member.
The Edge Morning Crew’s playhouse.
upcoming events
The following branches are hosting Carters Kids Gone Fishin’ with special guest Graeme
Sinclair. Entry is free but you need to register so get down to the branch or contact them
for further information.
• 20th February - Foxton
• 7th March - Auckland - North Shore
• 13th March - Blenheim • 14th March - Christchurch
• 21st March - Auckland • 27th March - Napier
Carters Beach and Boat Fishing
Competition 2010!
Held from 26th – 27th February at new location for 2010 –
Marsden Cove Marina! Get your ticket from any Carters store
or head online to
DISCLAIMER: The editorial information and other articles contained in this publication is of a general nature only. All such information has been checked for accuracy and published in good faith. However Carters accepts no responsibility on any grounds whatsoever, including liability in negligence, for the
accuracy or the use or misuse of the articles and other information contained in this publication. Any opinions on legal or accounting matters are not intended to be comprehensive statements of the law or accounting on that topic, and should not be relied upon for that purpose. If actual advice is required
on such topics it should be sought on a formal professional basis. Carter Holt Harvey Limited trading as Carters excludes liability to the extent possible at law for loss suffered by any person resulting in any way from the use of or reliance on material in this publication.
Copyright: This reference material is entitled to the full protection given by the Copyright Act 1994 to Carters. Reproduction of any substantial passage from the material except for the educational purposes specified in that Act is a breach of that copyright. This copyright extends to all forms of photocopying
and any storing of material in any kind of information retrieval systems.
money mAtteRs
the BooKs
about the longer-term goals that you
have set.
• Identify areas within your business
where you could improve processes
and better utilise the assets to improve
by Glenn Beuvink
Money Matters is recognised by the
Department of Building and Housing
as contributing towards the Licensed
Building Practitioner scheme for
skills maintenance. So if you are a
Carpentry, Site 1 or 2 licence holder,
by reading this article you will get
1 point towards your skills maintenance.
Budgeting is a word that usually brings
out a groan in people as soon as it is
mentioned, yet it is something that should
be present in both your personal life as
well as your working life. Understanding
and coming to terms with the intricacies
of the budgeting process is something
that can greatly enhance your personal
finances but more particularly your
business finances.
Budgeting is an important part of any
business in that the budget itself is a
plan that you have developed to reach
the goals and objectives that have been
set. This is even more relevant in tough
economic conditions where money is
tight and every penny counts, so keeping
track of your cash flow and planning in
advance, takes on a whole new level of
The advantages of proper budgeting can
have positive effects on almost all aspects
of your business. Budgets can:
• Assist in communicating your plan
for the future through your entire
• Help you as an owner and the people
you employ to think about and plan for
the future. It is too easy to get bogged
down in the day to day issues and forget
• G i v e y o u b e t t e r c o n t ro l a n d
accountability within your business.
Employees will be more accountable
as they will have budgetary measures
in place and will need to be able to
explain any variances from the budget.
• If done correctly, should give you a
better picture of how your business
performs throughout the year, the
highs and lows, associated bottlenecks
and cash flow issues that may arise.
By identifying these early, it will
enable you to put in place measures
to take advantage of the good months
and conversely it can forewarn you
of a downturn, thereby enabling you
minimise to any adverse effects.
Taking into account these advantages,
the success of any budget will hinge
largely on the way in which the budget
is developed. In particular for a budget
to have any chance of being successful
there needs to be employee “buy in”. This
effectively means that your employees
need to believe in the budget and have
a sense of ownership over the budget
itself. This is usually through involving
employees in the budgeting process and
letting employees/managers participate
in preparing the budget.
Budgets can be a good holiday project
for owners as it allows you to start off
the year with a fresh new approach.
Got a money question?
Email it to:
Glenn Beuvink’s company BBR
Ltd provides tailored business
and financial solutions that meet
the specific needs of businesses,
individuals, trusts and families.
Contact: (09) 309 0388.
LegAL mAtteRs
the Value oF personal propertY
The primary area of property it does not
apply to is a security over an interest in
land which has a separate regime.
by Edmund Lawler
Legal Matters is recognised by the
Department of Building and Housing
as contributing towards the Licensed
Building Practitioner scheme for skills
maintenance. So if you are a Carpentry,
Site 1 and 2 building participant by
reading this article you will get 1 point
towards your skills maintenance.
The Personal Property Securities Act
1999, and the new securities register
created pursuant to it, has now been
in operation for 10 years. It enables
the granting and registration of
securities over most forms
of property securing the payment of
money and/or the performance
of obligations.
Most commonly it will be used
by suppliers in terms of trade to
customers protecting the value of
goods supplied until payment has been
received. It might also be commonly
used as a security over shares or over
a particular item of equipment or
valuable intellectual property.
A security interest must be granted in
some form of writing. It will typically
be incorporated into Terms of Sale and
become binding when the customer
signs the Account Application Form
containing the terms.
What assets the security interest is
secured against depends upon both the
wording when the security interest is
granted and the collateral description
used in registering the security interest
on the PPSR (Personal Property
Security Register). It provides both a
security over those goods whilst not
paid for, unless legitimately sold in
the ordinary course of business, and
a potential interest in the proceeds of
sale and/or any debt arising from the
Rights of Recovery
Exercising rights under the security
interest in practice will depend upon
whether the goods are still held by
the customer, whether they have been
mixed with other goods which might
create difficulties and whether they are
worth recovering - do they have any
ongoing value, are they resaleable.
Some creditors such as banks or
owners of companies or businesses
may take a general security over all
present and future property acquired
by the business entity securing monies
advanced and owing. This will provide
such a holder with an umbrella
security. However a subsequent holder
of a security interest in the form of a
‘purchase money security interest’ will
take priority provided it is registered on
the PPSR within 30 days of the security
interest being granted. Therefore if
used properly a supplier of goods to a
customer can gain priority of recovery
against those goods ahead of prior
registered security holders. Liquidators
and receivers must also have regard to
registered security interests.
In summary the PPSR is a useful way of
protecting monies owing or obligations
to be performed. It is readily searchable
by the public in respect of an owner of
certain property to identify whether
personal property is already subject to
security interests.
Warning: The information in this article is by
way of commentary only and is not intended
to constitute legal advice to or by any person.
Got a legal question?
Email it to:
Edmund Lawler & Associates
Specialise in commercial work,
building contracts and disputes
and litigation. Contact: 09 528 5512
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Spend $2950
on Pink Batts
and score a few
home comforts
Nothing makes a home more comfortable than Pink�� Batts�.
And nothing will make you more comfortable than these
great home comforts from Breville!
Just spend $2950 excl GST or more on Pink�� Batts�
standard, Pink�� Batts� Silencer�� or Pink�� Batts�� Ultra�� to
score your kettle, sandwich press and electric wok from
Breville, an appliance package worth over $400 RRP!
Terms and conditions: Purchases must be made between 1st February and 31st March 2010. Standard Pink�� Batts��: R1.8 Wall, R2.2 Wall, R2.4 Wall, R1.8 Ceiling, R2.2 Ceiling, R2.6 Ceiling, R3.2 Ceiling, R3.6 Ceiling.
PinkFit�� installations of equivalent bale amounts are included, apart from those taking up the Energywise™ ‘Be Snug’ offer. Entry is automatic on invoices raised for trade account holders only. One each of the Breville
Nova Cordless Kettle, 4 Slice Sandwich Press and Healthsmart Wok per qualifying customer. Distributed in April.
Purchase any Westinghouse Ove
n during February
and receive a FREE Electrolux Ergorapido
detachable vacuum cle
Stainless Steel Built-In Electric Ovens
Westinghouse POP667S
Stainless Steel 5 function
Built In Wall Oven
Westinghouse POP668S
Stainless Steel 8 Function
Built In Wall Oven
• 80L gross oven capacity
• “A” class energy efficient
(to EN50304)
• Quiet operation
• Single multifunction oven
• Fingerprint resistant stainless steel
• 5 cooking functions
• Touch control programmable clock/timer
• 3 layer door
• Single multifunction oven
• 80L gross capacity oven
• “A” class energy efficiency
(to EN50304)
• fingerprint resistant stainless steel
• 8 cooking functions
• Side & rear catalytic liners
• Telescopic slides
• Touch control programmable clock/timer
• 3 layer door
Westinghouse POPS668S
Stainless Steel Side Opening
Built In Wall Oven
Westinghouse POP883S
Stainless Steel 10 function,
Touch Control, Pyrolytic
Built In Oven
• Single multifunctional oven
• “A” class energy efficiency (to EN50304)
• Quiet operation
• Telescopic racks
• Catalytic liners
• 80L gross oven capacity
• 8 cooking functions
• Side opening door (reversible at installation)*
• Triple glazed oven door
• Electronic programmable clock/timer
• Fingerprint resistant stainless steel
Purchases must be made between 1st - 28th February 2010.
Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only.
Limit to one vacuum per customer, while stocks last.
Qualifying customers will be notified in March and
vacuum distributed.
Westinghouse PHP790S
Duo 1.5 Stainless Steel
8 Function Built In
Wall Oven
• Full size multifunction and
compact multifunction ovens
• “A” class energy efficiency
(to EN50304)
• Fingerprint resistant
stainless steel
• Quiet operations
Main Oven
• 80L gross oven capacity
• 8 cooking functions
• Catalytic liners
• Triple glazed oven door
• Touch controls electronic
programmable clock/timer
Second Oven
• 46L gross oven capacity
• 5 cooking functions
• Catalytic liners
• Triple glazed oven door
• 10 function oven
• 2 pyrolytic cleaning programs
• Electronic oven control
• Touch on glass controls
• Digital clock
• Programmable timer
• Countdown timer
• Fingerprint resistant stainless steel
• Quadruple glazed door
• Full glass door inner
• “A” class energy efficiency
See in-store for pricing.
Purchase any of these packages during
February and receive a FREE microwave!
RRP $299
Purchases must be made between 1st - 28th February 2010. Microwave will be distributed with packages.
Value appliance pack
Premium appliance pack
Trieste Built In Oven 60cm Stainless Steel 7 Function Fan Forced Auto HAETRFM37KIX
Trieste Canopy Rangehood 60cm Stainless Steel with Slide Controls HAETTRCAMINO60
Indesit Electric HAETPI604IX or Gas HAETPI640IX Cooktop 60cm Stainless Steel 4 Element
Trieste Dishwasher 60cm Stainless Steel Free Standing 5 Programme HAETDL0607SS
GST Excluded
Indesit Built In Oven 60cm Stainless Steel 7 Function Self Clean Liners HAETFIE73KIX
Trieste Canopy Rangehood 90cm Stainless Steel with Slide Controls HAETTRCAMINO90
Indesit Electric 60cm Touch Control F/less HAETVRA640C or Gas HAETIP641SIX
Trieste Dishwasher 60cm Stainless Steel Free Standing Electronic 6 Programme HAETWQP129235W
GST Excluded
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Back the ute up - It’s
Plus FREE Cordless Impact
Driver WH18DLNN worth $334RRP
Plus FREE Hitachi
42 Piece Driver Bit Kit
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th February 2010, while stocks last.
Free WH18DLNN driver distributed with the goods at point
of purchase.
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th February 2010, while stocks last. Free
Driver Bit Kit distributed with the goods at point of purchase.
Hitachi DS18DFL
18 Volt Li-ion Cordless Drill
• 22 stage adjustable clutch for maximum versatility
• 2 speed gearbox with VSR
• 41Nm max torque
• Supplied with 2 x 1.5Ah Li-ion batteries
• 13mm keyless chuck
• 30 minute fast charge
GST Excluded
Hitachi KC18DBL 4 Piece 18V Cordless Combo Kit
• Consists of: DV18DL 13mm Cordless Impact Drill, CR18DL 100mm
Cordless Sabre Saw, C18DL 165mm Cordless Circular Saw,
UB18DL Fluoro Worklamp, 2 Li-ion 3.0Ah batteries, 45 minute
Fast Charger, Heavy Duty Tool Bag
Plus FREE Irwin Blade Pouch
Kit GST Excluded
Makita 5740NB 185mm Circular Saw
• 1050 watt motor
• 64mm depth of cut
• Thin kerf blade cuts through all grades of timber
• Calibrated aluminium base for increased accuracy
Plus FREE 305mm Demolition
Blade Set (3 pack B-10637)
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th
February 2010, while stocks
last. Free Irwin Blade Pouch
distributed with the goods at
point of purchase.
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th February 2010, while stocks last. Free Demolition
Blade Set distributed with the goods at point of purchase.
GST Excluded
Plus FREE 125mm
Diamond Wheel
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th February 2010, while stocks last. Free
Diamond Wheel distributed with the goods at point of purchase.
Makita JR3070CT Reciprocating Saw
Makita 9554NBK 115mm Angle Grinder
• Dust proof bearings with zigzag varnish & resin coatings
on motor for improved durability
• Gear housing can be rotated to suit most grinding and
cutting applications
• Ideally suited for deburring, rust removal, sanding or
• Comes in carry case
Hitachi G13SR3 125mm Angle Grinder 730w
with Case
• Heat resistant
• High-powered motor
• Strong alloy gearbox
• Spindle lock
• Ergonomically angled side handle
• Supplied in robust carry case
• Fitted with Makita’s AVT (Anti Vibration Technology) seriously reduces
vibration thus reducing operator fatigue
• 4 orbital settings
• Variable speed 0-2800spm with electronics maintaining constant speed
under operational load
• Torque limiter protects gear mechanism and operator against accidental
blade lock-up
• Push in lock system for fast tool-less blade changing
• 5 position tool-less shoe adjustment
• Cuts pipe up to 130mm in diameter and timber up 255mm thick
• Comes in carry case
Irwin 11 Piece WeldTecTM
Reciprocating Saw Blade Set
• Foldable pouch
• Compact and portable
• Bi metal blades
• Great flexibility without blade breakage
• Includes 4 types of popular nail-embedded and metal
cutting blades (11 blades in total)
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Set GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Plus FREE soft case
Offer is valid from 1st – 28th February 2010, while stocks last.
Free soft case distributed with the goods at point of purchase.
Irwin 13 Piece
Speedbor Set
Carters No.DD13M
Dial A Drill Set of 13 Drills
Set GST Excluded
Carters Evacut No.E2M
HSS Drill Set of 19 Metric Drills
Set GST Excluded
Set GST Excluded
Irwin ProTouch MS500 Bevel Edge with Striking
Cap Chisel 3 Piece Set 13mm - 25mm
Set GST Excluded
a tool frenzy!
• Hi impact
• Tough industrial plastic
• Moulded rubber grip to eliminate slipping
• Coated blade to resist damage from abrasion
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Bahco 94 Piece Socket and Spanner Set
Stanley Chalk Line Set
Set GST Excluded
• Comes with carry case
Stabila ST96-2-1800
Extra Heavy Duty
Craftsman Level 1800mm
Stabila ST96-2-1200
Craftsman Level 1200mm
GST Excluded
• 20oz curved claw carpenters hammer
• Special shock reduction grip
Estwing E320C
Carpenters Nail Hammer
Carters Index 8m x 25mm Tape Measure
$ 95
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Stanley Utility Knife
Retract Blade
Fuller Pro 3lb Club Hammer with Fibre Shaft
Bahco 8m Stainless Steel Measuring Tape
GST Excluded
Stanley Contractor Grade
3 Piece Nail Punch Set
GST Excluded
Stanley Screwdriver Set
Set GST Excluded
Irwin Combo Kit with Mach6 High Performance
Chalk Reel and 4oz Blue Chalk
Stanley Combination Square Metric
Set GST Excluded
• 6:1 gear ratio rewinds line 6 times faster than traditional
chalk reel
• Chalk chopper spool eliminates clogging
• Easy access door allows for quick line changes and cleaning
• 100’ nylon/polyester line is 2 times stronger. Resists fraying and breaking
• Durable aluminium housing provides greater impact resistance
• Metal drive gear increases durability of gear system and resists gear failure under heavy load
• Durable steel handle and larger centre clutch increases durability and strength
Stanley 10”
Groove Joint Pliers
GST Excluded
Stanley Long
Nose Pliers
Bahco 550mm Handsaw
GST Excluded
Irwin ProTouch Retractable Knife
GST Excluded
Stanley 7” Diagonal
Cut Pliers
Fisco 4 Fold Carpenters Rule Bevel Edge
• Bevel edged for greater accuracy
Dogyu Carpenters Nail Bar 300mm
• Made from high carbon steel
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Wallboard Saw
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Install quality. Solasafe is backed
Purchase over $1000 of
with a Lifetime Warranty.
Solasafe Polycarbonate
Roofing or Clearfix Fasteners
in February and
receive an iPOD
Touch Free!
Purchases must be made between 1st - 28th February 2010. Entry is automatic on invoices raised.
Trade account holders only. Limit to one iPod per customer, while stocks last.
Qualifying customers will be notified in March and Ipod distributed.
• 150kg load rating
• Lightweight and compact
yet sturdy
• ‘Safety Yellow’
Powdercoated handrail
• Rear bracing to prevent misuse
• Convenient maintenance ladder
• Double riveted
• Safe reach height 2.5m
ALCO Super Buddy 2
GST Excluded
ALCO Buddy 2 Workhorse
• 150kg load rating
• Lightweight and sturdy
• Multi-purpose
• Extra wide work surface
• 750mm x 180mm working surface
• Access from both sides
• Double riveted
Not an Advantage member? Talk to your local Carters
branch manager or sales rep to find out more.
GST Excluded
ALCO Buddy 3 Workhorse
ALCO Super Buddy 3
• 150kg load rating
• Lightweight and compact
yet sturdy
• ‘Safety Yellow’
Powdercoated handrail
• Rear bracing to prevent misuse
• Convenient maintenance ladder
• Double riveted
• Safe reach height 2.7m
• 150kg load rating
• Lightweight and sturdy
• Multi-purpose
• Extra wide work surface
• 750mm x 180mm working surface
• Access from both sides
• Double riveted
*As per terms and conditions of the Advantage programme. Points as per promotional price.
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
SAVE $50
Splashback SB1200
• Exclusively fitted to the ST9000W Workstation only
GST Excluded
SAVE $200
Supertub ST7000
SAVE $300
ST9000W Workstation
• Three giant storage drawers with compartments
• Bench space for wash preparation and handyman jobs
• Splashback accessory (sold separately) to prevent water damage to laundry walls
• Internal plumbing allows washing machine to
empty when the tub is full
• Single lever mixer tap for fingertip control of
water flow and temperature
GST Excluded
• Two spacious storage
drawers with brushed
stainless steel handles
• Large tub for soaking
and scrubbing
• Hidden internal connections
supply washing machine with
hot and cold water
• Internal plumbing allows washing
machine to empty when the tub is full
• Single lever mixer tap for fingertip control
of water flow and temperature
SAVE $200
Supertub ST7000SLIM Slim Line
• Space-saving tub with double
drawer storage
• Compact 24 litre stainless steel bowl
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Purchase any Selleys product
in February and March and go
into the draw to win one of
10 Samsung B2100
Rugged Mobiles
worth $399!
Offer valid from 1st February - 31st March 2010. Entry is automatic for account holders. Cash buyers will
need to fill out an entry form and attach an invoice copy. Only one entry per invoice number and each
entry must have a separate invoice number. Prize winners will be notified in April and phone distributed.
Selleys Pro Series Adhesive
+ Sealant 410g
GST Excluded
Selleys Pro Series MS 25 LM 400g
GST Excluded
Selleys Liquid Nails
Direct Stick 14kg
Easily find and cut
switch box holes
without measuring
• Never a missed switch box hole
• A perfect sized hole every time
• Perfection in less than half of the
time of any conventional method
• Saves time and labour costs
• Enjoyable and easy to use
• The only system of this type available in New Zealand.
• Kit includes 1 x saw, 4 x targets, 1 x locator
Kit GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Offer valid 1st - 28th February 2010. Tiedowns will be inside the carry bag
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
1. Switch box ready.
4. Using the Switch Saw cut out
the switch box.
2. Place the ‘Target’ in the
switch box making sure it is
the right way up. Then fix the
plasterboard into place.
5. Perfect cut.
6. To complete remove
the target.
Switch Mark Target
$ 81
GST Excluded
FREE Carry Bag!
With every Tie Down
2 pack!
GST Excluded
Selleys Liquid Nails Platinum 390g
3. Hold the ‘Locator’ 3-4mm above
the plasterboard and move
around until you feel the pull
of the target. Let the ‘Locator’
go and it will snap into position
directly above the target. Draw
around the ‘Locator’.
Switch Mark Locator
$ 81
It is a two part system for marking and cutting out
switch boxes in plasterboard, without measuring.
Switch Mark Saw Kit
Selleys Liquid Nails
VBS 3.6Ltr
Selleys Pro Series Sealant
Multipurpose 400g
SAVE 50%
Gardena Classic Ultra Hose 12mm x 30m
Hose and Fittings - G8473
• Fittings included
GST Excluded
Gardena Premium Metal water spray gun - G8101
Aerofast LC37-06 37mm x 6m
Light Commercial Tie Down (Pack of 2)
• 1400kg break strength
GST Excluded
• Trade quality
• Robust metal/non slip abs plastic design
• 15 year guarantee
• High quality reinforced
GST Excluded
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Carters can now offer you a
complete central vacuum system.
Add value and appeal to your
next build.
US studies have shown a BEAM central vacuum system can reduce allergy symptons
by: Nasal: 47%, Non Nasal: 48%, Eye: 61%, Sleep related ailments: 44%.
FREE upgrade
to Switched Hose
worth over $100.
Offer valid 1st - 28th February 2010.
Central Vacuum Beam Wall Inlet Installation*
“Green” by Electrolux central vacuum (Bagless)
• Leading edge envionmental technology, manufactured by Electrolux in USA
• 75% of the unit and packaging is made from recycled materials,
including 93% of plastic
• 77% of the vacuum and packaging can be recycled and the end of it’s life cycle
• 590 airwatts of power (averaging 1500W)
• Suited with up to 6 inlets and approx 700m2 of floor area
• Self cleaning patented Gore filter
• Comes with standard hose and accessories (switched hose $94 extra)
• Quiet 67dB(a) average operation noise (conversation level)
• 1 year hose/accessories, 5 year motor, and lifetile air-flow piping gaurantee
• 90 day unconditional satisfaction guarantee
GST Excluded
Central Vacuum Beam Vac-Pan
Inlet Installation*
GST Excluded
*Installations more than 30km from stores may incur travel charges. Pricing based on new construction, “retro-fit” to existing homes may incur additional charges.
EXAMPLE: “Green” by Electrolux with 2 wall inlets and one vac pan (fully installed*): $2150 + GST
GST Excluded
Ensure quality is behind you
Late in 2009, The Laminex Group signed an exclusive supply
agreement with Juken for Strandboard, strengthening their already
comprehensive product offering to the NZ market.
Tasman Tip 7 x 4 “Utility” Trailer
• Internal size 1280 x 2100mm
• GVM 750kg
• Payload 500kg
• 165/R13 wheels
• 5 x 110mm stud pattern
• 1 7/8” lever action coupling
• Tie down rails
• Jockey wheel standard
The new Laminex Group flooring offer will be branded Strandfloor.
This will replace Pynefloor over time as stocks of the existing product
run out.
New Product!
GST Excluded
Thanks to the agreement with Juken, The Laminex Group is pleased
to announce the addition of new products to its particleboard offer.
Strandfloor H3.1 carries the H3.1 treatment designation, meaning
Councils will allow its use in wet areas.
In combination with Strandboard, Lakepine MDF and Superfine
Particleboard, The Laminex Group will continue to develop new
and exciting products to add to their complete portfolio of product
Tasman 8 x 5 “Boss” Tandem Axle Trailer
• 8 x 5 tandem trailer
• Internal size 2400 x 1500mm
• GVM 1500kg
• Payload 1200kg
• 165/R13 wheels
• Hot dip galvanised
• 5 x 110mm stud pattern
• 1 7/8” lever action coupling
• Tie down rails
• Jockey wheel standard
• LTSA compliant
GST Excluded
Keep an eye out at your local Carters branch for dates of the
upcoming Strandfloor launch.
Purchase a MIKROFYN Laser during February and
receive FREE a Leica Aluminium Tripod & Leica
5M Telescopic Level Staff worth RRP $332.80!
Purchases must be made between 1st - 28th February 2010. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only. Qualifying customers will be notified in March and Tripod/ level staff distributed.
Limit to one tripod and staff per customer, while stocks last.
All Mikrofyn lasers are:
• Market leading 3 year knockdown warranty as standard
• European designed and manufactured
• Automatic self-levelling
• 300m working range (dia.)
• Accurate to 1.5mm at 30m
• Designed to withstand a 2m drop
• Are IP68 100% dust and water protected to
submersion up to 3m
• Have an alarm function if disturbed
• Up to 20 hours work time per battery
• All models supplied with laser receiver, rechargeable
battery, 1 hour fast charger and shock proof carry case
SAVE $60
Mikrofyn ML-13LD
Dual Grade Laser
with Case
Mikrofyn ML-11X
Single Grade Laser
with Case
• Allows single grade of 0 – 10%
• Ideal for general site leveling plus pipe laying, drainage,
carports, driveways etc
GST Excluded
GemRed 600mm Digital Level without laser
• 500m working range (dia.)
• Allows dual grades of 0 – 10% in X or Y direction or both
• Vertical as well as horizontal operation
• Plumb beam/split beam 90°degree operation
• Ideal for for general site levelling such as foundations,
floors, set outs, partitions, tilt slab construction,
concrete pads, driveways, paths, squaring
framing and specialist long
range applications
GST Excluded
Mikrofyn ML-14I Exterior/Interior
Dual Grade Laser with case
Mikrofyn ML-13X
Dual Grade Laser
with Case
Mikrofyn ML-10X
Self Levelling Laser
with Case
• Ideal for general site levelling
such as foundations, floors,
interior leveling and
landscaping etc
GST Excluded
• Allows dual grades of 0 – 10% in X or Y direction or both
• Vertical as well as horizontal operation
• Plumb beam/split beam 90°operation
• Ideal for general site levelling plus setouts,
tilt slab construction, partitions,
squaring framing etc
GST Excluded
• Allows dual grades of
0 – 10% in X or Y direction or both
• Vertical as well as horizontal
• Plumb beam/split beam 90°degree operation
• Variable heads
• Scan function
• Supplied with a remote control, wall mounting
bracket and glasses
• Ideal for general site levelling such plus set outs, suspended
ceilings, interior
lighting setout, squaring etc
• Includes carry bag
GST Excluded
SAVE $60
GemRed 600mm Digital Level with laser
• Includes carry bag
GST Excluded
SAVE $60
GemRed Angle Finder
• Measures up to +/- 225 degrees
• Lock the moving blade at any angle
• 12 month warranty
GST Excluded
GST Excluded
Enhance your project with a Reboss canopy
Ideal for both residential and commercial projects.
Reboss canopies can be installed onto wood, brick or concrete. They enhance
the look of your property and provide protection from the elements.
Leesun Board
A clear, strong, lightweight enhanced polycarbonate plastic designed to
withstand the most extreme weather conditions. Leesun available in grey
and clear tint.
Aluminium Composite Board
A durable aluminium composite board which provides maximum shade and
superior aesthetics.
Reboss M and N Series Canopies
Aluminium or Leesun Board
1200 x 1000mm
• Category 12 typhoon resistant
• UV resistant
• Chemical and fire resistant
• Impact resistance
GST Excluded
Airtightness... The essential element to ensure thermal insulation is perfect,
resulting in warmer, drier, healthier homes - all year round. Now available from Carters
• High-performance airtightness membrane pro clima INTELLO
• Multi-purpose Adhesive Tape TESCON VANA
• Multi-purpose Joint Adhesive ORCON
• Installation Box INSTAABOX
Maintain the same indoor temperature and save energy
and heating costs.
Airtight building insulation ensures that warmth is kept in
the house, rather than being wasted by escaping into the
Learn about AIRTIGHTNESS –
attend a presentation near you!
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
FREE Pacific Bath with every
Sierra Shower Package!
Promotion period from 1st - 28th February 2010. Purchases must be on
one purchase order. Complete shower package must be purchased in
one transaction to be eligible. Shower packages include sure seal tray,
door set, flat or moulded wall lining and easy clean waste. Tapware not
included. Purchasers of qualifying Flat Sierra shower will receive a free
pacfic bath and upgrade to Moulded wall. Pacific bath distributed with the
showers. Branch will make contact with the qualifying customer when the
bath arrives instore. Showers purchased on contract pricing are excluded
from this promotion.
PLUS FREE upgrade to
Moulded Wall
Sierra Shower Package - Flat or Moulded
From $
GST Excluded
FREE Bolle Sunglasses with
every Cashmere Vanity!
Promotion period from 1st - 28th February 2010. Purchases must be on one purchase order. Purchases of Cashmere Floorstanding Vanity
will receive Bolle Sunglasses free and free colour upgrade. Bolle sunglasses will be distributed with the vanities. Vanities purchased on
contract pricing are excluded from this promotion.
FREE colour upgrade!
FREE colour upgrade!
Cashmere Classic Floor Standing Vanities (Acrylic Top)
Madrid Vanities
• Available sizes 750mm, 900mm,
1200mm, 1200mm double bowl and 1500mm double bowl
• Available in Dark Oak, Charred Oak, Silva Strata, Pavement, Fossil and White
• Tapware not included
From $
From $
GST Excluded
Woodgrain Look
Dark Oak
• Available in Dark Oak, Charred Oak, Silva Strata, Pavement,
Fossil and White
• Floor standing and wall hung options
• Glass door option available on wall hung model
• Tapware not included
Charred Oak
Melamine Finish
Silva Strata
Gloss Diamond Seal
Purchase $1000 (excl GST) of James Hardie internal
linings; HardieGlaze , Horizon , Villaboard , or
HardieGroove Linings, and receive $100 worth of
Hunting & Fishing vouchers FREE.
Purchase over $3000 (excl GST) and receive
an X-Box 360 512MB console package.
Purchases must be made between 1st - 28th February. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Promotion available to
Trade account holders and cash sales. Cash sales will need to complete a redemption form. One redemption item
per customer (either vouchers or X-Box). Qualifying customers will be notified in March and vouchers/ X-Box distributed.
Hunting and Fishing vouchers cannot be used to purchase guns, ammo & licenses.
GST Excluded
Insulated Sectional Garage Doors
SmartDoor Insulated Garage Doors...
Now the garage doesn’t have to be the coldest room in the house!
Affordable Comfort
• Thermal insulation
• Energy efficient
• Ultra quiet operation
• Reduce outdoor noise
• Safety rebound system
Affordable Style
• Painted lined interior
• 9 standard colours
• ‘Smart’ door openers
• Range of modern styles
See instore for a highly competitive price.
Housing trends for the next decade
The last 10-15 years have seen massive
changes in the way we design and
build residential property and there is
no reason to think that this trend won’t
continue with both quality and fashion
trends changing significantly over time.
If the past 10 years has taught us
anything, it is that the inherent quality
of a building is paramount, and the
challenges over the past have meant
that our consumers are more and
more aware of construction methods,
products and results than perhaps they
have been in the past.
Changing housing requirements and
population spread will drive much of
the changing face of New Zealand’s
housing needs through to 2020. Some
of the key areas to look for include:
It’s no secret that the baby boomers are
getting older: 30% of New Zealand’s
population will be aged 60 and over
by 2030.
This is having a significant effect on
housing needs with more smaller, more
energy efficient homes and controllable
heating and water heating solutions
being implemented into homes. Look
online at to
see an outline of these changing housing
needs including; space for lifts, wider
hallways and fewer stairs in homes.
New Zealand homes are the third largest
in the world, at 193 square metres
on average last year; smartsizing or
downsizing intelligently will become a
The rising cost of resources
If you have noticed an increase in the
power bill over the past year or so, get used
to it – our resource costs will skyrocket
over the next few years. Power and gas
will need to be used more efficiently to
reduce cost and, as water is the most
expensive of the basic commodities to
get to our home, we can expect more cost
there too. Buyers will start to prioritise
efficient homes: already EECA research
suggests that energy efficiency is high on
list of what buyers are looking for.
stacker doors, outdoor lighting and sound
systems all becoming tools in creating
the outdoor lounge! Our lifestyle
increasingly requires a home that
incorporates outdoor space into the
overall space of the house. Particularly
as we downsize some homes, creating
outdoor living that feels like part of the
home will increase the perception of
living space for the property.
Who knows what other trends will
develop and change the face of
residential housing? What is undeniable
is that housing will continue to evolve and
Future-Proof Building will continue to
educate and showcase important trends
and information to New Zealanders. To
find building guides and information from
60 of our industry leading companies
Green goes mainstream
Environmentally friendly construction
practices, products, and waste
management systems are becoming a
mainstream activity. Previously, green
building was seen as a selling point. Now
we are seeing it become an expectation
in consumers’ minds. The green wash
marketing practices of the last few years
will give way to mainstream practices that
will reduce our environmental impact.
Indoor/Outdoor Flow
Such a cliché, but it is also a reality and
a highly desirable feature of homes that
sell for a premium. During the last
decade we have seen outdoor fires,
Innovation in indoor/outdoor flow is becoming the norm.
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Those beautiful birds of the winged and
feathered variety have been my angling
saviour over the past few months.
Where there is bird action there are fish
to be caught and on top of the angling
indicator heap are the gannets. Diving
gannets have hauled some initially quiet
days into the sensational category.
We have been testing a range of new
soft baits, the Gladiators, and have been
heaving them under the flocks of diving
gannets with devastating effect. To get
the baits below the kahawai and down to
the snapper I have been using a four or
five ounce ball sinker and a worm hook.
Conventional jig heads, even the two
ounce version, are just too slow especially
when you are fishing in 40 metres of
water. The kahawai devour them long
before they are in the snapper zone.
I was recently in the Bay of Islands over
the full moon, not my favourite time to
fish, and all was quiet until a few gannets
started to dive. We hauled in the sea
anchor, positioned in behind the action
and instantly had everyone hooked up.
It is always interesting to watch how other
boats work the flocks of diving birds. Far
too many skippers charge in to the middle
of the action and push the bait back down
and cause the birds to disperse.
Some workups are over very quickly
while others linger. Whatever you do
don’t hasten the end of the most exciting
fishing option of the summer. Spend a
little time working out which way the
flock is moving and ‘get in behind’…
close behind.
Drop your jigs, soft baits or conventional
baits, hook up, get the first lot of fish in
and repeat the process. It always pays to
stay put with a second drop before
moving as often there will still be fish
underneath you. The best results in
these situations often require a bit of
team work.
If workups are of short duration I stay on
the helm and focus on the sounder and
GPS making sure that when we drift off
the action I know where they have moved
to. My crew get ready for the next ambush
and as soon as we hit the sign I get them
to drop. In that way we have enjoyed great
success where others have missed out.
Fishing is like hunting on land with one
significant difference; identifying your
target does not guarantee a haul of fish.
You either have to wait for the bite time or
find a way to get fish to bite. That’s where
taking advantage of a good workup is
so important, that and having plenty of
options at your disposal.
1. Boil frankfurters until skin starts to
2. Slice open buns and lay frankfurters
3. Cover at least 1cm deep with mustard
and tomato sauce
7 pitches
Instant BBQ packs
Just add Jumbo Sizzler 36F with 4 tube burners, stainless steel cabinet, doubleskinned doors & 240V rotisserie.
Human saliva has a boiling point
3 times
5. Eat
(Source: Zoo Weekly magazine)
the number of golf balls sitting on
the moon.
(Source: Zoo Weekly magazine)
The can opener was invented
48 years
after cans were introduced.
Warm summer days, blue clear water
and great fishing - that is what summer
is all about.
that of regular water.
A couple of days ago I came back to
Auckland to get a few things in order
before I go back north again and last night
the water temperature did a little jump. A
finger of the warm stuff had moved in.
Sure enough last night I got the call to
say that the fishing had just turned
on and that means a couple of weeks
of crazy kingfish and snapper action.
Chances are that like any good hunt the
mornings and evenings will be the best
but at other times I will be hunting down
those beautiful birds, the gannets and
getting right amongst the workups.
is the average life span of a major
league baseball.
4. Peel and dice onions, lightly fry then
heap on top
6. Suck on 1 breath mint per quarter
hour for the rest of the day
I have just had a phone call from a
friend based in Paihia. For the past
two weeks I have been looking at
great snapper sign in several Bay of
Islands locations but they were just not
hungry. The water was cold and the fish
American-Style Ultimate Stats
Hot Dog Recipe
You’ll need; 2 x hot dog buns,
2 x frankfurters, 2 x large onions,
mustard, tomato sauce, 1 x packet
breath mints
Who says birds are bad luck on boats?
Did you know...
• Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled that the game
was for; ‘Gentlemen Only... Ladies Forbidden’. And thus, the word ‘GOLF’ entered
into the English language.
• The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and
Wilma Flintstone.
• Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S. Treasury. That is, until
Ben Bernanke took over as Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve and
fired up his printing presses!
• Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or
handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to
get some service. ‘Wet your whistle’ is the phrase inspired by this practice.
Introducing Sisalation
Over the past couple of months you will have noticed the appearance of
Sisalation® branded building underlays and foils. Marketed by Tasman
Insulation New Zealand Limited, the Sisalation range replaces the
Pink® Batts® Barriers® range of products.
To reduce confusion around what is the best product for a particular
situation; the Sisalation range has been conveniently broken into
application categories; ROOF, WALL, FLOOR and BUILDING FOIL. A simple
colour code defines the category:
To make the changeover easier please refer to the comparison chart:
For more information pick up a brochure or have a chat to your local
Carters branch; alternatively visit
We’ve got you covered with over 50 stores nationwide
KAITAIA Dunn Street, Ph: (09) 408 6170
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
KERIKERI Kahikatearoa Lane and SH10, Waipapa, Ph: (09) 407 6609
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
PAIHIA Opua Estate, SH11, Main Road, Paihia, Ph: (09) 402 7331
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
DARGAVILLE Normanby Street, Ph: (09) 439 3099
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
WHANGAREI 32 Commerce Street, Ph: (09) 438 3659
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
MANGAWHAI Moir Street, Ph: (09) 431 4060
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
WARKWORTH Main Road, Ph: (09) 425 7879
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
MAUNGATUROTO 186 Hurndall Street, Ph: (09) 431 8575
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
WELLSFORD Main Road South, Ph: (09) 423 8914
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
SUPPORT OFFICE Private Bag 94027,
Manukau, 2241, Ph: (09) 272 7200
WHANGAPARAOA 35 Karepiro Drive, Ph: (09) 424 6300
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
ALBANY 10 Tawa Drive, Ph: (09) 415 7171
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
GLENFIELD 66 Diana Drive, Ph: (09) 441 2333
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
HENDERSON 141 Central Park Drive, Ph: (09) 837 8796
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
ST LUKES 14 Taylors Road, Ph: (09) 815 5726
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)
ONEHUNGA Cnr Neilson Street & Galway Street, Ph: (09) 634 0579
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
EAST TAMAKI 95 Harris Road, Ph: (09) 274 5755
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
PANMURE 130 Jellicoe Road, Ph: (09) 570 0650
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
PAPAKURA 12 Walters Road, Ph: (09) 299 9081
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
PUKEKOHE 60 Manukau Road, Ph: (09) 238 6836
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
ROUNDWOOD DRURY 280 Great South Road, Ph: (09) 294 8497
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 4.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm) (Stockists of Roundwood
and Outdoor Treated products only, excluded from most national advertising promotions.)
Central North Island
HAMILTON 1052 Te Rapa Straight, Ph: (07) 849 6042
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)
CAMBRIDGE 41-45 Albert Street, Ph: (07) 827 6460
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
THAMES State Highway 26, Kopu, Ph: (07) 868 7047
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WHITIANGA 12 Moewai Rd, Ph: (07) 866 2489
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WHANGAMATA 103 Lindsay Rd, Ph: (07) 865 8590
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
TAURANGA Birch Avenue, Judea, Ph: (07) 578 9099
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)
MT MAUNGANUI Owens Place, Bayfair, Ph: (07) 575 6821
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
ROTORUA Cnr Te Ngae & Sala Street, Ph: (07) 347 3201
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
TAUPO Cnr Spa Road & Totara Street, Ph: (07) 378 2776
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
NAPIER Dunlop Road, Onekawa, Ph: (06) 843 5877
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
HASTINGS Caroline Road, Ph: (06) 878 6109
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WAIPUKURAU Herbert Street, Ph: (06) 858 9050
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
GISBORNE 342 Gladstone Road, Ph: (06) 868 8099
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WAIROA McDonald Street, Ph: (06) 838 7339
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm)
NEW PLYMOUTH 24 Egmont Road, Ph: (06) 759 5460
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WANGANUI 95 Wilson Street, Ph: (06) 348 1750
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
Lower North Island
PALMERSTON NORTH 69 Railway Road, Ph: (06) 351 0810
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
CARTERTON 37-53 High Street, Ph: (06) 379 6866
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
MASTERTON 134-138 Lincoln Road, Ph: (06) 370 9750
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
KAPITI 14 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu, Ph: (04) 298 8129
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
PETONE 22-30 Annie Huggan Grove, Ph: (04) 576 0600
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
PORIRUA Kenepuru Drive, Ph: (04) 237 9069
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WELLINGTON 176 Hutt Road, Kaiwharawhara, Ph: (04) 472 1521
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)
South Island
NELSON Nayland Road, Ph: (03) 547 7700
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
BLENHEIM New Renwick Road, Ph: (03) 577 5344
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
RANGIORA 642 Lineside Road, Ph: (03) 313 7104
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
BURNSIDE 567 Wairakei Road, Ph: (03) 358 5006
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
CHRISTCHURCH CITY 379 Madras Street, Ph: (03) 379 0520
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
WESTPORT Robertson Street, Ph: (03) 788 8206
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
QUEENSTOWN 131 Gorge Road, Ph: (03) 442 7620
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
DUNEDIN 9 Orari Street, Ph: (03) 455 6139
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
INVERCARGILL 7-29 Forth Street, Ph: (03) 214 4459
(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)
All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 February 2010 to 28 February 2010 unless otherwise stated.
*Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.
Line up for a
supporter’s jersey!
Purchase over $1500 (excl GST)
of GIB Aqualine� in February and
March and you’ll get an adidas
Rebel Sport Super 14 Replica
Home Jersey worth $170 RRP!
GIB Aqualine� – it’s the safe option for builders with high
standards and the professional’s choice for wet area
Its special water resistant wax polymer core is specifically
designed to help protect wet areas against damaging
steam, condensation, leaks and splashes. Fibreglass
reinforcing helps make GIB Aqualine� a solid and reliable
tile substrate too.
Benefits to you
• Cost effective.
• Easy to install, cut and achieve a quality paint finish.
No packing out required.
• Uses conventional jointing – no special jambs required.
• Suitable for residential and non-residential
• May be used in GIB�� Bracing,
GIB�� Fire Rated and
GIB� Noise Control� Systems.
• Less chance of call backs!
Purchases must be made between 1st February - 31st March
2010. Total amount GST exclusive. Entry is automatic on invoices
raised. Trade account holders only. Limit to one Rugby Jersey
per customer. Qualifiers will be notified in April to select their NZ
Super 14 Rugby Jersey (Sizes S - 3XL available, stock size and
shirt preference dependant on stock availability).