abkc champion diezel
abkc champion diezel
BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE, LLC INSTAGRAM / SNAPCHAT: BULLYGIRLMAG OWNER / FOUNDER LeVar D. Carter OWNER / VP of SOCIAL MEDIA Jennifer M. Carter VP of CLOTHING DESIGN Gwendolyn M. Carter PHOTOGRAPHERS LeVar D. Carter WRITERS LeVar D. Carter Megan Moore MAKE-UP ARTISTS Michele Hernandez HAIR STYLIST Michele Hernandez MODEL RECRUITERS Kinte Smith PRINTING & PRODUCTION Tim & Ray Fryer SPONSORS American Bully Kennel Club www.theabkcdogs.org FORD Motor Company Smithtown, New York First State Bulliez Industry 21 Magazine, LLC http://industry21magazine.com YoungsTown Bullyz http://youngstownbullyz.com Bully Max Supplements http://vitaminsforpitbulls.com 2 3 What’s Inside? 06 12 16 28 54 4 THE ABKC An exclusive one-on-one interview with Deanna Smith, at the ABKC Headquarters. ABKC BULLY SHOW Event photos from the NJ Bully Jumpoff 5, in Woodstown, NJ. STUDS & BITCHES Photos & Information on some of the baddest dogs in the bully breed community. ABKC BULLY SHOW Event photos from the Allentown Bully Extravaganza 6, in Allentown, PA. CONTEST WINNERS BGM Bully Breed Photo Contest Winning Photos. 5 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 THE ABKC THE ABKC rescue, and follow them though the process of whatever dog they are rescuing at that time. THE AMERICAN BULLY KENNEL CLUB Tell our readers about the ABKC Wounded Warrior Program. We began the ABKC Wounded Warrior program to promote and honor veterans. Every year at ABKC Nationals we honor a veteran. The veteran gets a beautiful trophy, a ringside booth at the event, and we honor them for everything that they have done for our country. FREDERICKSBURG, VA Take our readers through a typical work day at the ABKC office. I typically get in around 8 o’clock, and set the girls up with the days work. I take most of the problem cases, and any overflow work, show stuff and emails, which I start early in the morning. Emily and Kelly come in around 9am and we typically start our day. Kelly has most of the international stuff on her desk because she’s a specialist at doing that. Emily is very good at customer service, and assisting people with show stuff, questions about points, or problems that they might have. So they both are great assets to the ABKC. HISTORY OF THE ABKC AND THE AMERICAN BULLY BREED The American Bully Kennel Club, or A.B.K.C. for short, is the official registry worldwide for the American Bully. The American Bully breed was created in 1990 and gained recognition and establishment in 2004, per the inception of the A.B.K.C. The American Bully breed has been selectively bred to give America’s breed a new direction and outlet. Like with the American Staffordshire Terrier, all the positive characteristics of the breed’s ancestry were kept like loyalty, stability with humans and other physical attributes; but traits of dog aggression and gameness were bred out of the breed because the breed had no future and purpose for those traits. What differentiates this breed from the American Staffordshire Terrier is the physical appearance. This breed is built with heavier bone structure and a “Bullier” build. A reinvented breed was formed with the purpose of being the ultimate companion breed, and this breed is the “American Bully.” The A.B.K.C. was not only created for the American Bully, it was created 6 to bring people together in unity and diversity and to allow people to come together with the common bond or enjoying their companions. The A.B.K.C. is not limited to the American Bully breed alone. The A.B.K.C. is now a multi breed registry specializing in Bully breeds. The events and shows hosted by the A.B.K.C. are to help fanciers learn to show their dogs and positively promote breeds. These events are helping to educate the public and promote the positive nature of the American Bully breed. The goal of the A.B.K.C. is to bring people together for their love of the breed and to help break down negative stereotype of both the breed and people. Please support the registry created for you and the breed. The A.B.K.C. is the only official registry for the American Bully breed worldwide. The main office in Fredericksburg, VA is normally super busy. The phones are constantly ringing. It can get out of control at times. We often get calls from around the world everyday. The people are definitely interesting when they try to communicate with us in their language, or they try to speak english, and translate the words incorrectly. So we do have a good time in the office at times. Sometimes they make us laugh, and sometimes they are frustrating, but typically our day goes pretty good. BGM INTERVIEW WITH DEANNA SMITH: Who are some of the main role players involved with the ABKC? Well, we have a great team that works inside the office, and we also have a great team that works outside of the office. Regina Goins, being one of the main people that helps the office, show goer’s, and assists people in What is the ABKC and when was it started? The ABKC was started in 2004, as a predominantly American Bully Registry, and now it has grown into a multi-bully breed registry. many ways. She answers probably as many emails as we do every week. She also does a lot of international stuff. We also have a great team in Spain, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina, Mexico, and of course all over the U.S. there are many great show hosts. All of these people make the ABKC what it is today. ABKC Strong! What types of dogs are allowed to register within the ABKC, and what dogs are not? We do accept most bull breeds. They are all listed on our website. Occasionally there are dogs that are denied, if they do not fit the American Bully Standard. The standard is posted on our website. That is why we require front and side photos. If we see a dogs that is severly disfigured, or not fitting what the American Bully standard should be, those dogs are denied, and they are refunded with their paperwork sent back. Does the ABKC involve itself with dog rescues at all? ABKC does involve a lot with dog rescues. It’s one of my passions. We do have a class called “Save a Bully”, for people that rescue dogs, so they can show their dogs. It really hasn’t grown the way I want it to. I really hoped it would take off and more people would show in “Save a Bully”. However, it is still there and I encourage people to show the dogs, and rescue dogs. We typically go on social media, and we choose a special story, every other week, and we donate a nice amount to that Has anyone ever been banned from shows by the ABKC, and what exactly does it take to get banned by the ABKC? One individual was, I wouldn’t say banned, but not allowed to attend shows for a six month period after we were provided with a police report from an incident at a show. This has since been removed and we have not had a problem with either individual since then. To get banned from a show you would have to do something that ends up with the authorities getting involved such as physical altercations. As for DNA type things, not going with a DNA challenge or profile could result in you being banned within the ABKC. What is the most common mistake people make when they send in the ABKC registration paperwork? The most common mistakes most people make when submitting they ABKC paperwork are not writing clearly, forgetting the pedigree, and forgetting the payment. All of the instructions are actually listed on the very top of the page in bold writing. So if you print out the application and just refer back to the instructions as you complete it, you should be fine. Do you have any dogs running around at the ABKC office? We currently have a female ABKC office mascot “The Great White Polar Bear”. She comes typically comes to the office with us everyday and hangs out. Fedex loves her. UPS loves her. She’s just a great asset to the office and to the American Bully breed as a whole. She’s also a perfect companion dog. We all love her at the office. 7 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 KENNELS MASTERMIND BULLYZ BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 KENNELS “Make sure you breed healthy dogs. It’s not all about the look. Breed for the complete package.” - Instagram: @mastermindbullyz State your name, and where your kennel is located. My name is Joseph Peralta, CEO and founder of Mastermind Bullyz, located in Queens, New York. What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed? I breed exotic American Bully’s and English Bulldogs. I have always been a fan of good looking, healthy dogs. So once I saw this breed it inspired me to get into it, and do it myself. What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year? I like to keep my dogs on a raw diet, mixed in with some supplements to keep their nutrition healthy and balanced. What is your favorite bloodline? My favorite bloodlines would be Miagi and Bullseye, for the distinct looks and acharacteristics that those two bloodlines produce. Do you currently show, any of your dogs? I haven’t shown any of my dogs yet. However, I will be coming to a show near you very soon. What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders? My advice would for anyone interested in breeding these types of dogs would be to make sure you breed healthy dogs. It’s not all about the look. Breed for the comnplete package. How do you think people can overcome the stereotyping of this breed? We have to show people that this breed is going to be 8 here for a long time, not just for looks or money, like a lot of people do it. Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why? There’s a lot of good breeders out there. A few people that I looked up to when I started out were: Marco Suarez, and also Garden State Bulliez. They have been producing some really nice dogs. Describe how you would want things, in the bully commuity to be 10 years from now. Ten years from now I would love to see everyone in the bully game sticking together, to help bring this breed towards a positive future. What separates your kennel from the competition? What separates my kennel from the competition is that we stay out of other peoples business. We do what we think is best, and we are always here with a smile and open doors for anyone who would like to get to know us. What other hobbies or interests do you take part in? Besides the dogs, I like to play pool, go out to good restaurants, and enjoy life. What motto do you live by? The motto that I live by is “Honesty and Respect, No matter what!” What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? Bully Girl is a magazine that has been around for a long time. I trust this magazine. I would like to thank the whole crew for allowing me to bless this issue with my dog, “Dona Pepa”, on the front cover. 9 10 11 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 NJ BULLY JUMPOFF 5 12 - ABKC SHOW WOODSTOWN, NJ 13 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 NJ BULLY JUMPOFF 5 14 - ABKC SHOW WOODSTOWN, NJ 15 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 STUDS & BITCHES MASTERMIND BULLYZ DOÑA PEPA GENDER: FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH: 08/19/2015 BLOODLINE: MIAGI STUD FEE: N/A LOCATION: QUEENS, NY TEL: (347) 825-0939 PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER 16 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 STUDS & BITCHES GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 11/10/2012 BLOODLINE: GOTTILINE / MIAGI STUD FEE: $1500 LOCATION: NEWARK, NJ PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER KAHLER’S 1ST BULLY KENNEL ABKC CHAMPION DIEZEL GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 06/27/2013 BLOODLINE: ROCK -N- RUBY / RAZORS EDGE STUD FEE: CALL LOCATION: GLOUCESTER, VA TEL: (757) 344-0765 PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER 17 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 STUDS & BITCHES AWB / DESIGNER MILITIA BULLIES SERGEANT MAJOR GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 07/21/2014 BLOODLINE: KURUPT / CONCRETE STUD FEE: $1000 LOCATION: SPRINGFIELD, MA TEL: (203) 676-9023 PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER 18 19 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 CELEBRITIES Tell our readers who you are, and what you do. This is your boy Chris Culliver, and I’m cornerback in the NFL, for the Washington Redskins. Where are you originally from? I’m originally from Philadelphia. Tell our readers about your dogs. Today we shot with King Kobe for Bully Girl. I also have another bully dog, Trina. They are family to me. What type of diet do you keep your dogs on? I keep my dogs on “Taste of the Wild”. To me, it’s a very good dog food that I believe gives them the nutrition that they need. I also give them plenty of excercise throughout the day. How hard is it to take care of a dog, being a traveling professional athlete? It’s very hard to take care of dogs, being a traveling pro athlete, but I have systems in place to help me monitor my dogs, as far as what’s going on with them, and to make sure they stay on their healthy regimen. What do you think of about the stereotypes that people give bully breed dogs? I think that the stereotypes given to bully breed dogs aren’t good. A lot of people say that they are agressive, but that’s basically not the case. These dogs are really smart and loving. I love my dogs. Tell our readers about some of the organizations you have worked with, to help spread positivity for the breed. Some of the organizations I’ve worked with are the Humane Society, and PETA. I also have my own foundation, called the Chris Culliver foundation. I’m an advocate of rightful animals, mainly bully breed dogs. I definitely bring a lot of positivity to the community. I’m just trying to show people how great these dogs really are. How long have you been playing professional football, and what inspired you to begin playing? I’ve been playing in the NFL for 6 years now. What inspired me to begin playing is just me being me, and 20 CHRIS CULLIVER “One of my greatest accomplishments has been working with this breed, and partnering with all of the organizations to spread positivity.” that high level of competition is just something that I enjoy. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a great football player? I believe you have to have heart, leadership capabilities, and competitive nature to be great in this sport. What was one of your greatest accomplishments, in your career so far? One of my greatest accomplishments has been working with this breed, and partnering with all of the organizations to spread positivity. What was the best advice you were ever given, and who did it come from? The best advice I was ever given, came from my mom. She told me to work hard, and continue to strive to be great! What advice can you offer a young up and coming athlete, who aspires to play pro football? If you’re a young up and coming athlete, you just have to stay focused, work hard, and definitely get a good education. Your education is the most important. What other hobbies or interests do you have, outside of football? Some of my other hobbies and interests outside of football are hanging with my dogs, riding dirtbikes, and I love my old school cars. What motto do you live by? The motto that I live by is “Work hard, and Never give up”. I believe that solves all problems. How was your photoshoot with Bully Girl Magazine? My photoshoot with Bully Girl Magazine was dope. My dogs and I had a great time. You guys are awesome, and I really appreciate this opportunity. BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 INTERVIEWS INTERVIEWS around since the beginning, and some are just starting out. All of them have the same vision of preserving the quality and integrity of The American Bully. They have all graciously held me under their wings to help me learn the most important aspects of the breed. Truly wonderful, caring, and amazing people. CANINE MIND AND BODY SPOTSYLVANIA, VA Tell us about one of your most memorable moments in 2015. I purchased my first bully pup! Pi has been a wonderful addition to our kennel! She will be bred to Demon Boy this fall and we are more than excited! Cover Girl), whom we purchased from Tommy Sealock from Sealock Bullies in San Antonio, TX. They are trained in agility, obedience, service dog, sledding, fishing, swimming, climbing, pulling, extreme jumping, as well as other fun parlor tricks! At this time we also have a few dogs here for our in house training, including a 4 month old Mr. Europe puppy, owned by Dave Wilson and his son. What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year? I feed primal freeze dried with organic goats milk, and fresh wild meats as they are available. State your name, and tell our readers about yourself, and your business. My name is Erin Gossman and I am the owner of Canine Mind and Body. I provide all breed grooming, training, and behavior modification services. I am a dog behavior specialist. I started training horses and dogs when I was very young and my love of animals has grown ever since. I have studied and researched dog behavior for more than 20 years. I have shown and raised a variety of breeds including- German Shepherds, Great Pyranees, Standard Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Clumber Spaniels, Great Danes, Pekingese, and Czech Shepherds as well as many others. I was a vet tech and surgery/ anesthesia tech for the Central Texas Humane Society and was the director of one of the largest Boarding/Grooming and Training facilities on the east coast for over 10 years. What type of dogs do you train, and what inspired you to get involved in dog training? I train all breeds of dogs, but I specialize in agility, obedience, and behavior training for The American Bully. I became involved with the 22 American Bully a few years ago, when a close friend, Dave Wilson gave us an American Bully puppy. It was at that time that I had decided I wanted to incorporate my experiences with dog training to this up and coming breed. I saw that they were shown and primarily family pets and I wanted to educate the bully world and show them that regular show or pet American bully CAN be agile, obedient, service dogs, sled dogs, go swimming and fishing, run obstacle courses and improve their overall stamina, heat tolerance, muscle mass, and strength. My training and agility obstacle courses are designed to promote these things in a home environment instead of competition. It creates a more overall balanced dog no matter what their primary purpose is for their owner. How many dogs do you currently have? Tell our readers a little bit about them. We currently have 2 American bullies. We have Razors Edge Lexko, a 2-year old male (Razors Edge BabyFace Nelson x Razors Edge Blueberry) who we aquired from Dave Wilson. Razors Edge American Pi, an 8 month old bitch (Cool Whip [DoeBoy] x What is your favorite breed to work with? The American Bully of course! These goofy, boisterous lugs are also very intelligent, have great stamina and drive, and are a wonderfully unique, diverse, all-around dog! In your opinion, is obedience and agility training good for any dog, or just a few specific breeds? All dogs and all breeds need a purpose. Whether that be rescuing people from burning buildings, standing pretty for the judge, providing companionship, or tagging along for fishing trips. This list goes on. So for many of these dogs, they don’t have a job yet. Owners can become frustrated because their dogs are displaying unwanted behaviors, such as barking, aggression, fear, destruction of property, anxiety, or house training issues. Many of these things can be resolved by giving your dog more physical and mental stimulation. Agility and obedience is a wonderful way for dogs and owners to learn to communicate with each other, and reduce or eliminate improper behaviors. How long does it take for you to train a dog to become good at agility work? This all depends on the dog, the owner, and of course a dog’s natural drive. It takes consistency, patience, and proper communication to teach your dog to accept new things. So it really can vary as to the length of time it takes to become “good” at anything! Remember, practice makes perfect! What advice do you have for anyone looking to begin obedience or agility training with their dog? Do your homework first! Research obedience and obstacles, and agility training. Find someone knowledgeable to help you start out correctly! What do you think, is the most difficult trait for a dog to overcome when learning agility training? Heat sensitivity. Hands down! Heat sensitive dogs must work up slowly to increase their tolerance. Provide many breaks, fresh cool water, and shade in between each lesson. As a trainer, what normally works for you to break a dog out of that specific trait? Teaching the owner how to communicate with their dog to provide a more balanced relationship. That is the bottom line. Who do you look up to in the bully breed world, and why? Dave Wilson, Shawn Jackson of VA Powerhouse Bullies, Ja’faar Johnson of Bastrop bullies, and Tommy Sealock of Sealock Bullies. All of these people are in different stages and ages of their bully career. Some have been What separates your Canine Mind and Body from other dog training facilities? We provide individual instruction as well as group training for all people, all breeds, againprimarily the American Bully. We also offer a way to educate, promote, communicate, and help people bring out the best in their bullies with a fun twist on training! Tell our readers about the Wounded Warrior Appreciation Award you guys received from the American Bully Kennel Club. My fiance is a wounded warrior, a retired Army Sargent First Class in the Army. He was medically discharged after receiving a traumatic brain injury while serving in the military. After many surgeries, a long time in a coma, and a new skull, he began the treacherous task of learning how to be a human all over again. It was during this time that Dave Wilson, and the ABKC reached out to him. There started his love for the American Bully. He was awarded the very first ABKC Wounded Warrior Award for serving our country. What other hobbies or interests do you take part in? Horses and dogs have always been my primary interest. I love working on my parents farm gardening, raising and breeding horses, and helping those in need. (Human or animal) I have 6 beautifully spirited children that are also avid animal lovers. What motto do you live by? Educating humans... One dog at a time. What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? I love that Bully Girl captivates their audience by being involved in the bully community. Whether it’s showing, breeding, training, pets, kids, they look at the bully world as a whole. All dogs, all people, with one love - The American Bully. 23 YES! I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE TITLE______ FIRST NAME___________________________ LAST NAME ______________________________________ COMPANY________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________________ STATE_______________ ZIP CODE____________________ TELEPHONE (__________) - __________________________ EMAIL___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS ( $49.99 - 6 ISSUES ) ___CREDIT CARD ___CHECK ___MONEY ORDER *I AUTHORIZE BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE, LLC TO CHARGE MY: CREDIT CARD TYPE: ( VISA / MASTERCARD / AMEX ) CARDHOLDER FULL NAME: _____________________ ___________________________________________ CARD#: _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ EXP. 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MAIL THIS ORDER FORM TO: BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE, LLC PO BOX 1006 SMITHTOWN, NY 11787 A PAYMENT OF $49.99 MAY ALSO BE MADE STRAIGHT TO OUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT AT: BULLYGIRLMAGAZINE@GMAIL.COM. 24 25 26 27 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 ALLENTOWN BULLY EXTRAVAGANZA 6 28 - ABKC SHOW ALLENTOWN, PA 29 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 ALLENTOWN BULLY EXTRAVAGANZA 6 30 - ABKC SHOW ALLENTOWN, PA 31 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 ALLENTOWN BULLY EXTRAVAGANZA 6 32 - ABKC SHOW ALLENTOWN, PA 33 Author: Barbara Freeman Omaha Nebraska retired educator, now children’s author, Barbara Freeman- who touched our hearts with Sugar A Princess Pit Bull Finds Her Family has now released Super Smart Sugar. This book recognizes Sugar, an American Pit Bull Terrier as an; intelligent, humorous, and a cleaver dog. Sugar’s talent and skills are easily identified in real life scenarios. Readers are encouraged to identify their own dogs’ smart traits and compare them to Sugars. Many readers will find that their dogs are intelligent, witty, and loving. They learn that all dogs have some charm. Super Smart Sugar has a quiz that children can use to check their own dogs intelligence. It also has a professional Dog Intelligence Ranking Scale. This book has earned Readers Favorite “5” star professional review in February 2015. Super Smart Sugar is currently available at Laredo Publishing Company, Amazon.com and can be purchased or ordered at Barnes and Noble stores. Thanks to all of you. We hope you will enjoy this unique educational book!!! Check Barbara Freeman out on Facebook and Pinterest. www.facebook.com/barbarafreeman www.pinterest.com/pin/39680 www.Amazon.com Customer Quotes 5 star review by Janice Gilmore August 6, 34 2015 “Great Book for Children” I love Barbara Freeman’s book “Super Smart Sugar.” It definitely in a very subtle way attacks stereotypes by showing the kind and loving side of a pit bull. Pit Bulls are often seen in a very bad light, but Sugar is seen in a fun and delightful light. This shows that dogs react to the love and positive attention that are shown at home. She engages children to take a look at their dogs in a different way and actually interact with them more. Barbara has a very kind way of engaging children. It is a good read for them and keeps their interest. 5 Star Review By Kelsie Smith “Add Fun to Reading Time” This book by Barbara Freeman is one of a kind. I read this book with kids. I watched and they got to pick out smart qualities that their puppy has. This really teaches kids to recognize those great characteristics in not only animals but in themselves and their peers. I would recommend this to any family looking to add some fun into reading time! 5 Star Review by Knolan Tyrell Hudson “Best Book Ever” Love this book; I believe that this book is appropriate for all ages. I’ve learned so much about my dog and about pit bulls! 5 Star Review by Ashley Sims “What an Awesome Read” What an awesome read!!! I was able to read this book with my daughters as well as our new puppy. We found it intriguing, as we were able to identify many of the “Smart” characteristics in our own dog. 35 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BGM WAREHOUSE www.bgmwarehouse.com www.bgmwarehouse.com BGM WAREHOUSE 01. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Black w/ Camo Brim - $25.00. 02. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Camo w/ Green Brim - $25.00. 03. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Grey w/ Yellow Brim - $25.00. 04. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Black on Black Leather - $25.00. 05. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White on White $25.00. 06. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White w/ Leopard Brim - $25.00. 07. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White w/ Pink Brim - $25.00. 02 03 04 05 06 07 $19.99 36 $19.99 $19.99 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 Love Me Hate Me Hoodie w/ Camo BGM Bully Snapback - (See Website for Pricing) 37 38 39 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 BGM WAREHOUSE 40 - WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM - BGM WAREHOUSE 41 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 02 www.bgmwarehouse.com www.bgmwarehouse.com 01. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Heather Green - $20.00. BGM WAREHOUSE BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 03 02. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Pink - $20.00. 03. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Yellow - $20.00. 04. Bully Girl Ladies Fitness Racerback Tank Neon Heather Green $25.00. 05. Bully Girl Ladies Fitness Racerback Tank Light Orange - $25.00. 06. Official Bully Girl Racerback Burnout Tank Available in Banana and Neon Pink - $25.00. 04 42 05 BGM WAREHOUSE 06 Bully Dog Love - Ladies Tee - (See Website for Pricing) 43 44 45 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 BGM WAREHOUSE 46 - WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM - BGM WAREHOUSE 47 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BGM WAREHOUSE 02 01. BGM Men’s Bully ZipUp Hoodie - Athletic Gray $35.00. 02. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Red / Gray - $30.00. 03. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Black / Gray - $30.00. 04. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Blue / Gray - $30.00. 05. BGM American Bully Hoodie - Black - $30.00. 06. BGM American Bully Hoodie - Red - $30.00. 07. Bully Girl Love Sueded V-Neck Hooded Sweatshirt - Neon Pink. $35.00. 08. Bully Girl Love Sueded V-Neck Hooded Sweatshirt - Turqberry. $35.00. 03 48 04 BGM WAREHOUSE www.bgmwarehouse.com 05 06 07 08 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 www.bgmwarehouse.com 49 50 51 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 63 BGM WAREHOUSE 52 - WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM WWW.BGMWAREHOUSE.COM - BGM WAREHOUSE 53 BGM BULLY BREED PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS Every month, Bully Girl Magazine will be hosting Bully Breed Photo Contest on our website. So make sure to log on daily so you can join each contest the second that it starts. The top 20 dogs, with the most votes, will be published inside the magazine each month. Good Luck !!! CHAPARRITA LYDIA, NC PRETTY BOII JA HAZELTON, PA PR.BIGGIE APONTE HAZELTON, PA CSK’S MZ. OHH LALA OF MBHK BURNSVILLE, NC RAZENKANE’S MZ. CANDY CRUSH OF MB BURNSVILLE, NC TROUBLE SOMERSET, NJ www.bullygirlmagazine.com #33 RAZORS EDGE AMERICAN PI SPOTSYLVANIA, VA 54 RAZORS EDGE AMERICAN PI SPOTSYLVANIA, VA 55 56 NITRO COLORADO SPRINGS, CO KHLOE SOMERSET, NJ NIGHTMARE DETROIT, MI ZANE MONTGOMERY, TX KOVU KING OF PRUSSIA, NY TYGA BRYN MAWR, NJ ZELDA MONTGOMERY, TX CELEBRITY KENNELS KOBE SINKING SPRINGS, PA RUGER ALLENTOWN, PA GIZMO MARIE FRITTER ASHBURN, VA NAYLA BALTIMORE, PA CSK’S “KAM” WILMINGTON, CA 57 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 63 MOVIES MOVIES CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE THE CONJURING 2 WARCRAFT NOW YOU SEE ME 2 Synopsis: Mild-mannered accountant Calvin (Kevin Hart) is stunned when he runs into an old high-school classmate named Bob (Dwayne Johnson) -- once an overweight and frequently bullied teen, Bob is now a CIA agent who’s in perfect shape. However, their reignited friendship turns dangerous when Bob asks for Calvin’s help with a crucial mission involving the hacking of U.S. spy satellites. Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber (We’re the Millers). Synopsis: Husband-and-wife paranormal investigators Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) help a single mother living in 1977 London, who claims that she and her children are being terrorized by supernatural forces. Frances O’Connor, Franka Potente, and Simon McBurney co-star. This horror sequel was penned by sibling screenwriting duo Chad and Carey Hayes, and directed by James Wan. Synopsis: Humans and orcs clash in this film adaptation of the popular video-game series. Directed by Duncan Jones (Moon), Warcraft stars Ben Foster (The Messenger), Paula Patton (Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol), and Dominic Cooper (Captain America: The First Avenger). Synopsis: In this sequel, the illusionists known as the Four Horsemen (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Lizzy Caplan, and Dave Franco) return to perform a spectacular stunt in the hopes of clearing their names and exposing the unscrupulous behavior of a tech mogul named Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe). However, Mabry soon turns the tables, and forces the group to steal a revolutionary decrypting device for him. Directed by Jon M. Chu (G.I. Joe: Retaliation). 58 59
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